#freya mikaelson pack
Edward Cullen & Elijah Mikaelson/// Crown of Tears
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Anonymous request: Can you do where Elijah breaks up with you since Esther turned them into vampire but he later moves on but you leave and you move to forks where you met Edward
You have been with Elijah Mikaelson for a while, surprising his Parents Esther and Mikael love you they think you’re good enough for their son. everyone in the family seems to love you which makes you happy to know that
But you have noticed that Elijah and his siblings have been very distant from you making you feel upset since you don’t know what you did for them to be so distant their parents would talk to you their aunt would talk to you too but not anymore since she left
Ever since Dahlia left, you haven’t seen Freya in a while, but you hope that she’s doing okay wherever she is today you decided to talk to Elijah to see what’s going on with him and his siblings
“Elijah, can we talk about why your siblings and you have been ignoring me?” You asked
He looked at you “what are you going here? You can’t be here.”
You crossed your arms “what do you mean that I can’t be here? I’m here to talk.”
“Y/n now it’s not the time.” He tells you
“When it’s the right time? You always tell me that.” You added, “when is the day? that we can talk without you telling me it’s not the time to talk?”
“You're right we have to talk besides I need to.” He hesitated but you need it to know the truth “tell you something,”
You saw that he was nervous making you concerned “What do you need to tell me”?
He sat down on the couch “it’s best if you sat down.”
“Okay.” You sat down next to him
He grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “as you know that my mother is a powerful witch just like her sister, my aunt.”
You nodded “okay and?”
“Well, I don’t know why she did it but she cursed my siblings and me. What do I mean by that? She turned us into vampires.” He looked at you as tears were falling down “it’s best we ended the relationship.”
You grabbed his face, “I don’t care if you’re a vampire I love you for who you are, please don’t break my heart.”
“I’m sorry Y/n, we have to end the relationship. I know you love me, but you deserve someone that’s going to give you a family, and that’s going to do all the things that a vampire can’t do.” He wipes your tears off
You try to hold down your tears, but you can't. “I care if I don’t get a family, at least I’m going to have you the love of my life. You still can do all of the things that a vampire can do.”
“Y/n don’t make this hard it’s hard for me I don’t know what I’ll do to myself if I hurt you I’ll never forget myself for it you’re an angel while I’m a monster.” He cried
“I don’t care, I just want to be with you. I know you’ll never hurt me.” You snivelled
"Please understand that I can hurt you I’m a vampire I might not end up controlling myself because of it I can hurt you or even kill you." he sniffled
“Please don’t break my heart." you pleased with tears
"I’m sorry but you will find someone who will do all of those things with you and who will love you. I’m sorry." he comforts you
“Brother You think that was the right choice to do?” Rebekah asks concerned for you since you left crying
“Yes, I can’t bear if anything would to happen to Y/n while she was still dating me. I love her. It hurts me to do it but it’s for her safety, I know that she will move on.”
“Wel, I hope you don’t regret it later on.”
It’s been weeks since the break you heard that Elijah moved on with someone else it hurt you knowing that he moved on from you that quickly, but you also heard that his mother wasn’t happy that he broke up with you and that he was dating someone else that fast
You decided to leave Mystic Falls you were done suffering and done with the Mikaelson family you were already to move on as you were packing and ready to leave Mystic Falls for Forks, Washington
“Edward, you will get your soulmate to just be patient.” Alice replied annoyed since he keeps bothering her about when his soulmate is coming “I think she’s a human.”
He laughs, “I won’t get one I suck at love if a vampire doesn’t like me why would a human would?”
“Eddy be positive, your soulmate would like you for who you are, she wouldn’t care if you’re a vampire.” She reassure him
“How come you haven’t seen her? if I supposedly have a soulmate?” He asked curious
Alice shrugs her shoulders “She’s either dating someone or she’s barely moving here.”
“If I'm her soulmate? why would she be dating someone else?" he asks confused since if she's his soulmate she should be dating him instead or be married to him
"Maybe because she doesn’t have any clue about soulmates or maybe she thinks they're not real." she pulls her hands up, "I don't know."
"Are you sure that I have a soulmate? because you keep telling me that it doesn’t work out.” he remembers all the girls he broke since his sister saw no future with one of them
"I’m sure you do have one. I'm sorry that you had it to break the hearts of girls that you met." she remembers them too
“Yeah, because of that they hate me.” He crossed his arms
“Well I didn’t like Bella, she was annoying.” Rosalie growls
“You never like no one and you think everyone is annoying,” Emmett laughs
“See Edward didn’t end up with one of them.” She smiles, “Yeah, well I bet that soulmate is going to be amazing and she won’t be annoying,”
“What if she’s annoying?” Jasper asks
“Well I won’t like her. I'll try to be nice but just for Edward. " She lied since she might be rude
“You're rude.” Jasper tells her
“It's not my fault that their personality doesn't fit with mine.” She crossed her arms with a smile
As You passed the sign of ‘welcome to Mystic Falls you looked at it and you said “bye forever.” Since you put your phone on silent mode you didn't hear it ranging
You smiled as you noticed that you were in Forks, Washington you got off from the car to grab your phone and stuff when you saw your phone you saw lots of missed calls and missed messages from the Mikaelson family for expect Elijah, Freya and their aunt Dahlia
You shook your head and blocked them “no more you guys are from my past.” You put your phone away in your pocket. “It needs to stay like that.”
You turned around not realizing that a person was behind you and watching over your movement of you “do you need help?” a voice asked
You turned back to look at the person and you glared at him since he scared you “who said that I need your help?”
He shrugged his shoulders with a smile, “I saw that you were struggling so I was just offering you help, that’s all,”
You rolled your eyes “well I don’t need it you can go now.”
He stills gives you a smile making you mad “what’s your name?”
You crossed your arms “my name is none of your business.”
He laughs at your attitude “since you don’t want to tell me your name I’ll tell you mine.”
“You don’t need to tell me because I don’t care what is your name or anything about you. " You tell him angrily
“I know but I’ll still tell you My name is Edward Cullen.” He grins
Alice smiled when she saw it making the Cullen understand that she saw something exciting
“Alice what did you see?”
“Edward’s soulmate.” She looks at them smiling “And she’s here.”
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
The Things I’d Do For You
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Older Mikaelson sister reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Hope distances herself away from you and everyone so you go to her school, and comfort her through a breakdown about your dead family members and her fears and guilt and everything
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing
A/n: very fluffy but angst at the same time i think? And of course had to incorporate Alaric bashing. Currently working on more hope content!!!!!!
Some would think with the mass age difference of six hundred between you and your younger sister, Hope, that the two of you wouldn’t be that close. But it’s the total opposite. Ever since Hope met you and you guys have bonded, you’ve been closer with each other than anybody else. 
You may have different mothers, both are dead, but you still feel close to one another either if you were half sister like now or full sisters. 
Your mother abandoned you when you were very young, and even when she was there, she wasn’t ever the best mother anyways. You crossed paths with your father, the original Klaus Mikaelson, when you were in England in 1492 after you were turned almost a century prier from being killed by ironically, a vampire, when you were 19. He was on his journey to just about complete the sacrifice with Katerina Petrova in some little days when you showed up. He automatically could tell you were connected to him in the first couple minutes of talking. Something about you seemed so similar. 
That’s when he got you to open up about your past that you both put together what had happened. Starting when your mother and him had a long relationship until she ran away one day with no trace to follow. Like she evaporated out of existence, fell off the face of the Earth. She was pregnant with you, their daughter and obviously hadn’t wanted Klaus to find out about you and tried to do everything in her power to get rid of you, not knowing you’d be a first born Mikaelson witch-tribrid when you were born. 
It was the first time in a while that Klaus had openly showed affection with anyone, but with you, he didn’t skip a heart beat. After meeting for the first time and connecting with your father, you guys had went your separate ways, Klaus not wanting Mikael to find out about you. 
You had kept in touch with each other, meeting all your aunts and uncles, besides from Finn until Mystic Falls in 2010 and Freya later on after you came back to New Orleans because a call from your uncle Elijah about something he shouldn’t tell you over the phone. After that, you quickly packed your things and left Mystic Falls after saying goodbye to your friends, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, and Damon. 
After everything that had went down over the years when Hope was growing up and learning how you were her sister and about your past. She always made it clear that she looked up to you and wanted to be like you, someone who’d drop everything to help her family. You didn’t know how to feel about that when she first told you after you read her a bed time story when she was six, but after that, you knew how special you are to her. Even your dad and Hayley pulled you aside to say how grateful they were to have you stay in Hope’s life even though you had every right to not want to. 
She had started sneaking into your room at night when she was supposed to be asleep when she was seven. It woke you up straight away when you heard the doorknob turn, but after a while you knew how to tell it was her. You’d always welcome her into your arms and let her cuddle you to her hearts contents. 
It slowed down for a couple years when she was entering her teenage years, thinking that she was too old for it, but caved a couple times. 
It picked up greatly after your guys’ dad and uncle Elijah died, plus her mom, Hayley, who you were starting to consider a mother figure yourself. And it hadn’t stopped or slowed down, not that your complaining though, it’s just when she was younger she’d always tell you when somethings wrong or if she just wanted cuddles. Now, she barely opens up, and when she does, it’s when she’s on the brink of a meltdown and you calmly pull her out of it. 
Like right now, you’re really worried about your baby sister. She hasn’t phoned or texted you for a couple days now since going back to the boarding school after winter break. You’re getting anxious about what might happen, considering everything that happened with the boy that she was dating and he had died the previous year. 
You’re pacing back and forth in your room at the abattoir when you feel a presence in the doorway. “What are you doing here Marcel?” You stop your pacing and turn over to look at the younger vampire. 
“I just wanted to check in on you, I haven’t seen you out in a couple days” he says and comes into the room, standing in front of you. 
“I’m just worries about Hope, I haven’t heard anything from her in almost a week and she hasn’t been answering my phone calls or texts. I’m trying to figure out if I did something to make her mad at me, or if I forgot about something and she’s mad about that” you rant to him. 
“Hey, take a deep breath, I’m sure everything is fine. How about you go visit her, and if your nervous, you have friends there that can also give you a helping hand about it, right?”
“Yeah, thanks Marcel” you guys quickly hug before he leaves and you start packing a bag. 
Once you get to Mystic Falls, you were about to turn around from the school and just go over to see Damon, but before you can, you get a phone call from an unknown caller. Sighing, you answer it, not having any reason not to. 
A voice quickly starts speaking, “Hey Y/n, I’m Lizzie, Hope’s friend- kinda friend? from school. I know from what Hope had told me about you that you dont like to be disturbed, but I think you might want to know about this.”
“What happened, is hope alright?” you ask concerned. 
“I don’t know, she hasn’t left her room besides for necessaties and won’t talk to any of us. I was wondering how fast you can get here, I know it’s far from New Orleans but I’m worried about her. It’s as if she’s turned off her emotions even though she hasn’t activated her vampire part” Lizzie quickly tells you, worry evident in the girl’s voice. 
“Hey, hey, sweetie, calm down, it’s going to be okay. Believe it or not, I was just on my way to the school, I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?” You soften your tone. 
“Okay, thanks” she says, clear that she’s taking deep breathes before hanging up. 
You put your phone down and immediately step on the gas, breaking more than one speed limit getting to the boarding school in record time. As you step into the school, you see a tall blond girl leaning against a wall, waiting anxiously. 
You walk over to her, and place your hand on her shoulder. “You must be Lizzie, right?” You say.
“Yeah, sorry about the panicked phone call, I didn’t know who else to phone” she murmured, calming from your gentle touch.
“It’s alright, I know you’re worried, is Hope in her room?” You asked, already knowing the answer. “Um, yeah. The last time she came out was to take a shower last night” she tells you. 
“Okay, thanks Lizzie. I’ll see you later” you smile and squeeze the siphoner’s shoulder before making your way to your sister’s room. 
You knock on her door, not getting an answer, but you know she’s in there from her breathing and heart beat. You memorized how they sound when she was younger in case anything happened. 
Unlocking the door with your magic, you walk into her room. Her back is facing the now closed door and you, “I thought I made it clear I didn’t want you Lizzie” Hope sternly says, not noticing it’s you and not her blond friend. 
“Good thing I’m not Lizzie then” you tell her, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Hope immediately freezes, realizing who is in her room. It’s definitely not her frenemy, but her big sister. The same sister who she’s been ignoring for almost a week. The same sister who she knows was worried the second she made her phone calls go to voicemail.
She doesn’t know what to do, but she does turn around, which she doesn’t know if it’s a smart move or not, seeing the stern and worrisome look you have. 
“Y/n” she mumbles. 
“Hey Hope, I want you to know that I’m not mad at you” you tell her, slowly making your way over to her. She lets out a breath of air she didn’t even know she was holding in. 
“All I want to know is why you’ve been pushing everyone who cares about you away” you crouch down in front of where she’s sitting on her bed. 
She shakes her head, trying to avoid eye contact with you. 
You look over to her nightstand and see pictures and small trinkets laid out in a haphazard manner. Looking closer, you notice the pictures are the ones you printed for her when she was 12. They’re some of her, you, your guys’ family, both of you in selfies from when she was really young. 
You reach over and pick a handful of them up. “I remember this day, I took you to the zoo and you wouldn’t leave the lion exhibit because you were waiting for Simba to come over to you and have a conversation with him. I’m pretty sure Hayley despised me for allowing you to watch Lion King all those times, she said one day you’d drive her crazy with how much you sang the songs” you hand Hope the photo. 
She chuckled, tears forming in her eyes. “I remember, I kept begging mom to go back to the zoo with you after. I was committed to try talking to a lion” she looked back up at you with a sad smile, remembering the day more clearly. 
You see the emotion in her face, you smile knowing you’re getting somewhere. Digging another one out of the pile. “Oh, this was a fun day. Dad took us to the ice cream place and allowed us to get whatever we wanted. By the end of the day you had, I swear, the biggest sugar high ever.” 
Hope took the photo handed to her, it shows a picture that you’re taking with your phone with your guys’ dad across the table and her beside you with ice cream all around her mouth. “Mom yelled at dad the second she saw me” Hope’s smile widened. 
“Yeah, boy did he get a talking to. But even through all that, you still somehow fell asleep in my arms, and ironically it was during the loudest part of it” you say, making you both chuckle. 
You sort through the pictures in your hands, pausing after seeing a specifically worn out one with light yellow aging on the outline.  
“Hm, now where’d you get this one?” You say with a risen eyebrow, lifting a picture of you from the 1840s. You’ve been looking for it in your room at the abattoir but you had a hunch of where it went, and it seems you were right. 
Hope pauses for a second, realizing she got caught with something. “...I may have taken it from your room. It was after m-mom died and I couldn’t find you, but I saw this on your dresser. And I thought you looked to so pretty in it, I took it because... I don’t know really. I guess I was scared that you were going to leave too and maybe having something close to you from your history made me think that it help with my paranoia.” your younger sister slowly explained, thinking back to when she took it. 
“You were really scared, weren’t you?” You softly say more than ask.
“Mhm, I thought you’d be next. But then it was Dad and Uncle Elijah. I’m so scared you’re gonna leave me too” Hope sobbed, finally breaking after not talking for so long about it. 
You immediately put the pictures down and lean forward from where you’re still crouching and pull her into your arms. One of your hands lay on the back of her head, rubbing your finger tips in slow circles. It’s something you used to do when she’d come to you with nightmares. 
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry you’ve felt this way. You don’t have to worry, I’m not going anywhere, I won’t let anyone make me leave you ever again” you tell her and kiss her forehead. 
You wrap your arm tightly and securely around Hope’s lower back. After a second, you stand up, carrying her. Her legs automatically wrap around your torso and she clings to you tighter than before, letting her emotions out as she cries into your neck. 
“E-everyone around me d-dies. I th-thought if I distanced myself from everyone then n-no one else would die” she explains her actions to you through her sobs. 
You start walking around the room and slightly bouncing her as if she were a baby. Some may find it weird that you’re doing this with a fifteen year old but it’s starting to calm her down, so screw what other people may think weird about it. 
 “Baby, that would seem like the best choice at the moment, but after a while you’ll feel so alone until you don’t feel at all. Think of it as a human humanity switch. No one, especially me, wants you to go through it, it’s horrible” you tell her, your own eyes starting to water from how your sister has been feeling. 
She clings to you, her arms wrapped around your neck, like a koala. She doesn’t want anyone else she loves to die. “I want them to come back” she whimpers through her crying. 
“Me too, me too. If I could just wave my hand and have them appear, I would.” You go back over to her bed and sit down on it with Hope now sitting on your lap, not wanting to let you go.
“I-I miss Mommy and Dadddy and uncle ‘Lijah” she mumbles, trying to blink her tears away. 
"Oh I know you do, I know sweet girl" you comfort her, rubbing your hand in circles on her back. You feel horrible for not realizing it sooner, how she felt on the inside about all of this. But who can blame her, she's only fifteen and lost so many important people in her life, and now scares that by getting close to anyone will send them to their death beds aswell.
She nuzzles further into your chest and scrunches up fistfuls of your shirt in her hands. Looking to the side, you see the simba stuffed animal you got Hope for christmas when she was eight in front of her pillows.
You unwrap one of your arms from the fifteen year old and grab the stuffed animal. Kissing Hope's forehead, you slowly start to move a couple inches away from her, earning you a whine of protest. Before she crashes back into you, you press the stuffed animal to her chest.
"You still have this" you say softly. She looks down and slowly unwraps her arms from you, noticing what you're talking about.
She picks Simba up into her arms and snuggles him after a couple back and forth glance between you and the stuffed animal. "Would never get rid of him, you gave it to me" she pouts at how you dare would've thought that, behind the lion's head.
“Well now I know where all my things are going” you softly chuckled, noticing the reason why the sweater Hope is wearing looks so familiar, it’s yours.
"You're clothes are just comfier" she mumbles into your chest, the lion held tight in her left arm.
"Is that right?" You ask with a teasing smile on your face. "Mhm."
"You're not gonna leave. Right?" She looks up at you with widened puppy eyes. "I'm not going to leave, I promise" you brushed the hair out of her face. You get an approving nod, before laying back into her big sister.
"I think it's time I move back into our old house" you say and she looks up at you with confusion. "Oh, right you've never been there, have you?" You ask. She shakes her head.
"Well, our dad built-actually got hybrids to build it, but that's whatever, a mansion just outside of town, and I'm pretty sure everything's still there. All I have to do is pack some things and get the keys to it from New Orleans before moving back in. I can't believe Alaric never told you about it- actuay I do believe that, he's an ass" you tell her.
"Wanna know a secret?" She whispers into your ear like she's seven again. "Of course" you whisper back.
"I think he's an ass too" she smiles, getting an affirming smile and nod from you. "Now you're speaking my language" you kiss the top of her head.
"I love you, y/n/n" she tells you.
"I love you too, little sis."
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
Hello! Ive really been liking your mikaelson works. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a continuation of the kol and finn sharing a gf headcanons? Maybe their gf is a werewolf and how their siblings react to finn and kol dating the same person. Sorry if youre not taking requests at the moment feel free to disregard this. Thank you for doing our requests and sharing your writing with us!
Let's do more headcannons
Warnings: Fluff, Protective Finn and Kol, Klaus being Klaus
Soft shy werewolf with two powerful dangerous vampires
You are the softest wolf out of Hayley's pack, to the point where she keeps out of pack meetings
Finn and Kol make it a point that they hate how Hayley treats you like a child
Finn bought you an apartment since you aren't welcomed in the pack
Elijah is the first to notice how Finn and Kol would leave the Mikaelson home
"What are you two up to?" "Don't worry about it 'Lijah."
Elijah followed the two to your apartment and was surprised
You are too sweet for this world making Elijah want to protect you
"I am keeping your relationship a secret from Niklaus." "Why?" "That wolf is too sweet."
It was a pure accident that you met Rebekah
You were working at a bakery when Rebekah came in
The blonde becomes your best friend and steal you away from your lovers all the time
"Rebekah give back our wolf." "Sorry Kol she needs a girl day."
Freya met you when she was looking for Finn
Freya is the most confused out of the siblings and questions Elijah
"She is not the first lover to be shared between two Originals." "What?!"
Freya helping Finn find you in the morning after your full moon
Freya is often covering for Kol and Finn when Klaus is looking for them
Freya and Rebekah taking you out for girls night
Klaus learning about you after a full moon
This man is angry and Elijah is stepping in to protect you and his brothers
"Choosing a wolf over family." "Funny, Kol and I was never treated like family."
Kol and Finn are hiding out at your apartment after the big fight with Klaus
You feel guilty about it all but your lovers are quick to make you feel better
Klaus apologized after awhile because Rebekah and Freya made him feel guilty
You moved into the Abattoir after being attacked by a coven of witches
It was Klaus's idea for you to move in
Klaus teaching you to paint so you could make Kol and Finn a painting
Elijah reading with you and Finn
Rebekah joking that the family would have to invest in ear plugs
Finn and Kol has you sleeping between them or else they fight over who sleeps in your bed
Elijah and Freya teaching you to cook Finn's and Kol's favorite childhood dishes
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andreal831 · 6 months
Do you think Hayley, Klaus, and Elijah could’ve given hope a better life had they ran away with her at the end of season 1? Or would life on the run be worse for her? Would their lives be happier if they decided to run?
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I would love to say they would have a nice quiet life raising Hope if they had run after season 1, but knowing the Mikaelsons it isn't likely. The Mikaelsons were constantly unable to get out of their own ways, making enemies everywhere they went.
I never truly understood why they stayed. I get Hayley felt some duty to her pack and the Mikaelsons wanted to protect their "home." But in reality they had all been living there less than a year. If it was a choice between staying with your newborn child or fighting a war in a place you hardly lived, I would think one would choose the child.
I get Klaus wanting to stay. He wanted an empire and an heir more than anything. He was more concerned about power. Elijah was ready to run, yet Hayley was the one that stopped them. It would make sense if she had immediately gone to take care of her pack, but she didn't. Instead of doing what they said they would and fighting to take back their city, they wallowed in their grief. Which I get, but again, why didn't they just run in the first place if they had no desire to actually fight for the city. I know they were waiting to find where all of the rings were located, but they didn't seem to have much of a plan outside of that.
Now if they had run, we have to remember there would be consequences. The wolves still had the rings that were tied to Klaus and Dahlia was still going to come for them. While they likely would have run to Rebekah and tried to stay hidden, it was only going to last so long before one of their enemies found them. We are never told which witch was hiding Rebekah and Hope, but if Esther was able to get through it, then Dahlia likely would be able to as well. I do actually think Dahlia is less so of a threat if they had run simply because all they had to do was outlast her for a year. I love to picture Dahlia at the airport attempting to follow the Mikaelsons. I always think of the scenes from Hocus Pocus where the witches are stunned by all of the modern technology. Although it likely would have delayed Freya finding her family.
I personally don't think Klaus would like a quiet life in the countryside if their enemies never found them. He would constantly be looking for trouble. Hayley would be able to throw herself in raising her daughter, but even she would get bored eventually. I think only Elijah would like living in hiding.
Eventually, they would return to New Orleans and still have a mess to clean up. Just maybe without Dahlia as a threat.
Thanks for the ask!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 1 month
Day 28: bloody nose / medic / abandoned
Day 28 for @augustofwhump.
sorry for being late got distracted starting a quilt.
NEW AU (when will I stop?)
Second Chances-  a attempt to break the Crescent curse goes wrong in an unexpected way, leaving the oldest three Mikaelson siblings waking in a different time.
Time Travel.
Mostly all grown from the seed @theotherworld97 planted.
It was a strange feeling, the sound of both her younger brothers calling her name in concern, something she had never thought to ever have, heartwarming and yet at the same time in this current moment, it was irritating.
She can feel her nose bleed, taste the iron in the back of her throat, but she can almost reach their ancestors powers, the whole reason she had started this. With Elijah to act as her anchor and Finn the additional power she should be able to collect enough power that she would be able to break Dahlia’s curse on the crescent pack and give her niece her mother back.
“I know.” she snapped, as she found what she was looking for “Almost there,”
“This isn’t worth your life.” Finn complained, but she ignored it as she finally managed to connect to their bloodline’s past magic. 
“Something’s wrong.” Elijah’s quieter voice managed to make her open her eyes in concern, her eyes widened in shock as discovered Elijah red blood from his nose and eyes stark against his paler than normal skin.
Before she could call him she felt something grasp at her heart and pull.
Her brother's gasps of shock matched hers before everything went dark.
She woke to fallen leaves in her face, bird calls in the air and opened her eyes to find herself on the ground in the middle of some chilly woods and not in one of the upstairs rooms of the compound.
She pushed herself up to look around but all question on how and where they were; vanished as she found herself looking as Finn, her brother in his original body physical as the leaf litter mover as he pushed himself up in front of her. Given the way he was looking at his hands he was just as surprised but he still caught her when she threw herself at him in a hug
“You're alive.” she breathed as she reached out to cup his face, solid and living under her fingers.
“In a way.” he sighed, his hand coming up to rest on hers. She worked out that meant he had returned to his vampire state but she couldn’t care about that, she could understand his hatred of living like that but he was alive that was by far the most important part to her.
 “What happened?” Finn asked after a moment taking in the wilderness around them, she let him go to look around her herself but before she could do anything more a voice called out.
“I was thinking the same.” a far too young voice replied they twisted around at the same time, Finn trying to push her behind as he did.
A boy around 10 was staring at them, dark brown hair and brown eyes leaning heavily on a tree. There was something about him that was familiar to Freya but she couldn’t place it.
“Elijah.” Finn answered for her, her eyes widened as she retook in the boy to memorise the little brother she had missed growing into the man she knew, “How?”
“No idea, “ he shrugged, stepping away from the tree towards them swaying slightly as he did, “I felt myself being torn from my body.”
“Are you ok?” she asked, pulling herself from Finn’s hand to kneel in front of him, he was so small like this she thought as she reached to check him, she couldn’t help it even as she was trying to work out how this had happened.
What could have caused this change to her brother, from vampire back to young witch-
She remembered the state of him before the spell had gone wrong, or before she had noticed, somehow their ancestral magic had reached back and targeted the anchor to pull them away.
She hissed as she realised her mistake, it was their blood, the magic of their blood, she had thought with Elijah no longer a witch, as a vampire he wouldn’t have been affected by it but it seemed even after being turned into a vampire the magic of their blood still called to itself.
She wasn’t sure how that had ended with them in a woods somewhere or why Elijah returned to such a young age, if it wanted to return him to his human state surely it would have been easier to just return him to just before Esther had changed them.
And why hadn’t Finn similarly been transformed.
Her eyes widened as she noticed a second flicker of magic within Elijah, another soul but unlike when she had first met Finn in the other body, this one wasn’t asleep and this one was almost a match with Elijah.
“Your not alone in-” she started,
“This body.” he finished for her, wincing slightly “no, my younger self was looking after the babies when I woke here.”
“Your younger- time travel? That’s not possible.” Finn cut in as Freya’s mind spun.
She had been calling to the magic in their blood, their ancestors, but that had ended with them, they were the last generation for a thousand years so instead of granting her the power, the magic had sent them back to the last witches of their line.
“Time Travel or Parallel Universe, it’s one of them,” Elijah replied sharply, glaring up at Finn over her shoulder as he allowed her to place her hand on his forehead “as this Elijah’s memories are identical to mine from around this time until now. Or do you have another reason I'm stuck as a child?”
“I don't, why just you and not Freya or I?” Finn snapped back.
“I was the one casting the spell with your power, the magic must have viewed us both as witches but Elijah, you had the blood of their line but you weren't so- the magic brought us to the magic we were seeking and returned you the way it saw you should be.” he theorised aloud, swallowing back her comments about how adorable Elijah was this age even glaring at Finn.
Now was not the time, but she was going to treasure the chance she got to see sight of any of her siblings that were stolen from her. 
“So this is our ancestors' answer to correcting that and giving us the power you asked for?” Elijah asked dryly with a slight frown, and Freya had to stop herself from reaching out to pull him into a hug, the impression of looking more like a pout than the look she knew he was aiming for.
She had missed out on all of this, her siblings looking sweet and innocent, unhardened by time. 
“Can we fix this?” he asked again, to call her from her thoughts
“I need time to recover and to find out how you're connected.” she explained, she had to know how and where they had ended up and to ensure she didn’t harm the younger Elijah in any attempt, it would require a delicate touch and power. The second she would have time to recover, the first would take more work.
“ELIJAH!” a shout came suddenly from the woods around them, making her and Elijah jump, she turned to Finn to find him staring in one direction likely listening to whoever it was with supernatural hearing.
“I don't think we have time.” Elijah said, one of his hands moving to clutch his tunic in an uncharacteristic show of nerves, he seemed to notice as his other hand moved to cover it.
“Whose that?” she asked, it sounded like a child, so not one of their parents, she was slightly relieved unsure how she would react to either of them.
“Finn,” Elijah answered, “I was- he- this body was looking after the others before I woke up here, they would have noticed me vanishing.”
“I’M HERE!” Elijah suddenly shouted before his own hand came up to cover his mouth, Freya quickly worked out the cause as she caught the surprise in his eyes shifted to annoyance.
“Elijah!” Finn hissed.
“Wasn’t me,” he snapped back glaring back up at Finn, she looked between them and realised if she wasn’t between them the venom and tension would likely be worse, and here she had thought Klaus and Elijah over the last few months had been bad.
“My younger self is up here.” Elijah told them two fingers tapping at his head. “Besides, do you have another way to deal with this, I'm- this body is going to be missed.”
Finn was silent as they all realised the truth in the statement, Elijah would need to return and play the role of his younger self until they were ready.
Something in Freya’s chest ached at the idea of somewhere beyond the trees were all her younger siblings, Klaus and Rebekah, even Kol who she had just missed out on meeting, too busy relearning the world after another century sleep to know she was losing her time with him and tiny Henrik, the one she had never thought she would get a chance to meet.
He had been dead by the first time she had learnt he ever existed. 
“ELIJAH!” The shout came much closer this time along the sound of frantic steps, she twisted slightly to the sound of it to catch the moment the owner of the voice came into view and saw them.
“Get away from him!” was shouted moments later and suddenly Elijah was pulled from her arms and pushed behind the boy.
Finn, a few years older than Elijah, fourteen perhaps, hair a darker brown making the season nearer winter than summer. Elijah looked somewhat surprised at young Finn’s action looking up at him from his new place at his side with a confused look.
“I wasn’t hurting him.” she offered showing both her hands to him to show her harmlessness, Finn moving behind her to scowl didn’t help her motives.
“Stay away from him, you can’t take him.” young Finn repeated, pulling a knife to keep them back.
She could almost feel her Finn wince behind her as he no doubt realised the same thing as her. A sibling stolen away by a witch, a reminder of Finn’s worst memory.
They were all silent for a moment before Eijah spoke, voice strangely soft and quiet, she wondered if the younger Elijah had managed to take over.
“It’s okay, Finn.” Elijah muttered his hand reaching out to grab Finn’s coat making Freya suddenly realise Elijah was out in the autumn cold in just a tunic, while she was cold, dressed for New Orleans heat, Elijah’s body was just a child it would suffer the effect sooner.
“He’s getting cold.” she said, getting a suspicious glare from Finn before he stepped backwards from them keeping Elijah behind him as he did so, once there was a distance between them he put the knife away and slipped off his coat to push onto Elijah. “Finn- i can’t- you’ll-” Elijah started as he struggled to hold the coat in his arms.
“Eylaugr.” Finn warned and Elijah sighed pulling the coat over him, the size difference meant it covered most of him, sleeves covering his hands and going past his knees and Elijah failed to hide the way he sighed at the sudden warmth.
She frowned at her own failing to notice he was cold when he had been under her reach.
“We’re going.” Young Finn told them before he started to walk away with Elijah under his arm, Elijah managed to send them a nod before he left.
For a moment she can enjoying getting to see the picture she had dreamed of in her first years with Dahlia, her little brothers together. Finn’s arm over Elijah’s shoulder to lead him away from the apparent threat.
Then she catches the words between them.
“Father’s furious,” the young Finn snapped but unlike the older Finn the concern in his voice was clear as was it in the arm still over Elijah’s shoulder holding him tight at his side, almost as if he expected Elijah to still be snatched form him. “you abandoned the little ones alone.”
“What’s the punishment?” Elijah asked with resignation in his words even as their voices faded from her hearing.
“I convinced him to let me find you but-” she caught before it faded completely, leaving her to watch as the pair of her little brothers vanished into the woods.
Punishment, because Freya’s spell had called the child from his task, because her spell had left Elijah in a body that was vulnerable and still under the care of a man that had grown cruel in her loss and a woman that bartered her first child away.
“Finn, we need to follow them.” she told him with sudden urgency, he frowned at her.
“What? Freya, why?” he asked, clearly his attention split between her and the distant sound of his younger self and Elijah.
“We came here together, we can't just abandon.” she explained.
“He’ll be fine.” Finn told her to reinsure her but the flat frown and the way he kept glancing from her to where they had vanished made her doubt it.
What’s the punishment? Elijah had asked unsurprised by it and little Finn hadn’t bothered to deny it.
“I want to see them.” She said, trying from a different angle, “I want to see the family I was taken from, the little siblings we should have got to look after together.”
Finn sighed but gave him, he really hadn’t changed much from her few most precious memories, he had given in back then too.
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Yet another Originals tangent coming y’all’s way:
I am TIRED. TIRED. Of people centering the abusers in the conversations about the people they abused. (I am a childhood domestic violence and sexual assault survivor, for context).
Like Hayley, when she tried to run with Hope. But it’s never about the trauma Hayley endured being forced to give birth, being murdered, having her newborn taken away, the way Klaus abused her, the way Elijah manipulated her, no. It’s never about any of that, it’s only ever about Klaus’s feelings. Or Elijah’s feelings.
Or Rebekah, who literally suffered at the hands of her brothers. The fact she was never allowed be in love and happy, but was never allowed to? No one wants to talk about the trauma of watching anyone she dared to love be murdered by Klaus. The brother she tried to kill Mikael for TWICE. But it’s never about her, is it? Nope. It’s only ever about Klaus’s feelings about her life and wanting love, or Elijah’s obsession with Klaus’s redemption that her happiness somehow “got in the way of”.
Or Caroline, who was assaulted by Damon. Murdered by Katherine. Abused by Klaus. But no. She forgave them so it’s okay, it’s never about her. Ever. Just because she may have been better as a vamp doesn’t mean it was okay? Just because Klaus “fancied” her disgustingly in the moment doesn’t mean the fact he tried killing her twice was okay?
Even Bonnie, who was abused by Kai. And people are mad she didn’t want to forgive him? After all the abuse that he put her through? No abuser is ever owed forgiveness. Or the fact that everyone is somehow okay with Damon being her bestie, even though HE WAS A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER WHO WAS ACTIVELY HARMING HER FRIENDS WHEN THEY MET? But nooo, it’s always about Kai and Damon and never about the harm she went through.
Or Stefan. Who was assaulted by Katherine? Somehow her running from Klaus is more important?
Tyler (I can’t believe I forgot him)? Who literally had his mother and uncle murdered, was forced by Klaus to be a hybrid? But his feelings and trauma just don’t matter because it’s Klaus?
Marcel, who was abused by the Mikaelson men? His whip wounds mocked, the plantation he was raised in being lived in by the people who took him in, killed by someone he once viewed as a father figure? But somehow him being mad is the problem because it hurt Klaus and Elijah’s feelings?
Davina? Who was literally raised in what was essentially a no choice cult, groomed for death, who watched all her friends get murdered? Was murdered more than once. She’s the problem, even though Klaus poisoned her, killed her boyfriend like she was another Rebekah, held her hostage? Or it’s always about Freya because “family”, even though she was TOLD NOT TO TOUCH DAVINA. But no, she hated the Mikaelson’s how DARE SHE!
Jackson? Who literally did nothing but love Hayley unconditionally, took her in pregnant when he absolutely did not have to. He loved loved her and Hope until his last breath. But somehow Elijah’s feelings were more important, not all the good that Jackson did and how much shit the Mikaelson’s put him and the pack through.
Cami, my god poor Cami. No one wants to talk about how much Klaus made her suffer, because somehow that doesn’t matter in the end? She was spiraling, in pain, but Klaus loved her so that makes it alllll okay? The poor girl.
Quit. Centering. The. Feelings. Of. The. Abusers. In. The. Conversations. About. The. Victims. Of. Their. Abuse.
It’s. Disgusting.
And survivors see exactly what you’re saying.
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Freya Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Could I please have imagine where the reader is a vampire/witch hybrid Klaus turned around the 15th century. She becomes his closest friend and he considers her family. He brings her in (season 3ish) to protect Hope. She connects with everyone, but is especially drawn towards the eldest Mikaelson sister Freya. Freya feels the same but is afraid to admit so. The others set them up together. 
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Read on AO3
Klaus watched you closely as you talked with Freya. She was leaning over Hope, helping her pull her hair out of her face so the ends didn’t dip into the paint you’d set out with her. He had been a little nervous leaving you alone to watch over Hope. But now he was certain that asking you and Freya to watch her together was one of the better ideas he’d had in a while.
Both of you looked contentedly happy spending time with each other. He’d known that there was something between you both for a while. Though now he was watching you closely he realised that neither you nor Freya were aware of how you felt about each other. Hope looked up while you and Freya talked and smiled at her father. There was an understanding between them and she jerked a head in your direction. Klaus put a finger over his lips and vanished making her grin. It would be a lot easier to help the two of you fall for each other with her father’s help.
Klaus made sure to explain that something was going on and he needed both of you to take care of Hope for him. You agreed but mostly because he leaned on the centuries of friendship that the two of you had. Despite it being a tumultuous friendship. You found yourself enjoying spending time with Freya. She seemed to warm up to you. It had been clear that while there was something deeper between the two of you it had yet to be explored. The two of you had been polite for Hope’s sake and done your best to get along. At the same time, she and her father devised plans to encourage the two of you to spend more and more time together.
“We have to move.” You said firmly.
“My magic will hold.” Freya insisted. You stared at her and she stared at you. Folding your arms you sighed and let out a slow huff.
“If it doesn’t we’re stuck in here. I’m good but I’m not good enough to get all of us out of here if those people get in here and try to take Hope.” You snapped. Freya stared you down but you didn’t move. There was a heavyweight in the air as she stepped closer to you. She looked deep into your eyes and went to say something before yearning on her heels and storming off. Hope giggled as you slowly turned to her.
“What?” You asked. She hummed to herself as she mixed a new paint colour.
“You and Aunt Freya.” She said slyly. You gave her a discerning look.
“You wouldn’t happen to know about all the time I’ve been spending with Freya and this sudden influx of enemies?” You asked as you sat at the table with her. She grinned, dabbing her paintbrush into the and making several careful swipes across the page.
“At first it wasn’t anything serious but now it is. Dad wanted the two of you to spend time together.” She admitted. You weren’t surprised and nodded slowly. 
“But now there really are bad guys?” You asked her. She nodded quickly. You smiled and helped her clean off her brushes as she mixed a new colour.
“Why are you packing up? We found the spell.” Kol said as he hurried into the room Freya was in. She was meticulously packing up her spell workings and muttering to herself.
“We have to leave.” She snapped. Kol stared at her then shook his head.
“Why would we leave? You have the spell to hold anyone off and (Y/N) and I are powerful. We'll be fine.” He insisted but saw that Freya was reluctant to listen to him. He sighed and watched her packing hoping that she would talk to him.
“(Y/N) has good instincts. If she thinks that we need to go we should.” Freya said in an oddly affectionate tone. Kol gave her a knowing look and decided that he would help her pack up. He wasn’t going to interfere in her relationship when she might possibly need to fight off supernatural attackers. He’d like to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. When they were done they moved on to pack up for Hope until everything was ready. You went out to the car to help Freya ward the car with protection spells while Kol watched Hope.
“You aren’t going to believe what I found out.” You said after a long awkward silence between the two of you.
“What?” She asked. Her tone was harder than she meant as she focused on a spot in the door that bent and caved into a rune beneath her hand.
“Hope says that she and Klaus have been working together to make sure we spend more time together.” You muttered. For the first time since Klaus had informed the two of you that you would be solely responsible for Hope’s safety after a recent attack on the Quarter, Freya looked up at you with a soft affection that you had caught glimpses of when you were first introduced.
“They wanted us to spend time together.” She commented. You nodded and leaned against the car, moving when you felt the outside burning your vampiric skin.
“I think. Perhaps. I would enjoy spending more time with you. When we’re not arguing over how to keep a magic baby alive.” You joked. She smiled and both of you heard a cry of ‘not a baby!’ from within the building behind you both. 
“I think I would like that too.”
Freya tags:
@gillybear17 @ravennoore14 @the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @evattude @kaitieskidmore1
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
48 - Not The Only Broken One
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Part 49
Family is More than Blood
Raelyn’s Pov 
Entering the apartment building that Cami lived in I found her apartment opening the door until I smacked into a barrier spell. “The hell?” Placing a hand on my forehead. 
“Sony Rae, I got a new landlord when my last one left the city.” Cami came around the corner. 
I raised a brow. “Who's your landlord now?” 
“Me. Hi Raelyn.” Davina came to stand beside her. “Come in.” 
I nodded, stepping over the threshold of her apartment doorway. Moving into the living room with the two other woman I came into contact with Freya who I wasn't expecting to see. “What are you doing here?” 
“Cami isn't a witch. So she felt we needed to come and offer our assistance.” She answered me. 
Crossing my arms over my chest. “Assistance of convincing me to not give up my magic right?” 
“Raelyn..” Cami trailed off. 
Holding a hand up I didn't want to hear anymore of this nonsense. “No, I'm done hearing about this. My magic has brought me nothing but heartache these past few weeks and I can't take it anymore.” 
“Will you just hear us out first. Without you and your heretic power I would be dead.” Cami responded. 
Freya sat her drink glass down on the table beside the couch. “Hayley told me what you did for her to become a hybrid. And what you did for her entire pack.” 
“When we met you showed me you didn't have to be a monster just because you had so much power at your fingertips.” Davina gave me a smile. “Why would you want to destroy a part of yourself that has created so much good?”
“Yes, Raelyn. I'd like to know your response too.” The four of us all turned our heads around seeing my husband standing outside the doorway. 
I sent him a glare. “What are you doing here, Klaus!” 
“Following your trail since you haven't been yourself lately. Now where in the bloody hell is the hunting knife containing your magic?” He spat back to me. 
Freya rose from her chair creating it out of thin air. “Cami gave it to me for safe keeping for your information brother.” 
“See, it's fine. Now you can go back and watch our youngest kids.” I snapped at the hybrid male. 
Klaus huffed. “Rae, I won't entertain this tone from you for much longer. You need to realize that my intentions are only trying to help you.” 
“I don’t recall asking for you to come here. In fact you are supposed to be at the school since the first headmistress isn’t there. They need a headmaster there if something goes wrong. So head back to Mystic Falls please.” I sent him a glare not wanting him to be here. His paranoid mind never bothered me until this moment. He normally had good reasons to be paranoid sometimes except right now. 
The hybrid steps forward smacking into the barrier, hands gripping the doorway. “Camille invite me inside right now!” 
“I don’t have to follow your commands, Klaus. Raelyn is my sire.” Cami snapped at the Mikaelson hybrid. 
Freya raised her hand waving it in the air. “Okay, I think we should take this conversation somewhere else. Before we all end up fighting and things get violent like most Mikaelson conversations tend to happen.” 
“Raelyn, just talk to me for a minute.” Klaus shifts his blue orbs onto my gaze in a begging tone. 
I briefly paused before answering him. “Fine, let’s go.” He stepped away from the doorway and I moved forward stepping over the threshold vamping down the hallway. Klaus vamped after me leaving the others not to be able to hear our conversation. 
Klaus and I were strolling the streets of Chicago since he had decided that this would be the first place he would take me to. He was holding my hand in his and he could hear my heart calmy beating in my chest since this was before I had turned into a vampire. “So tell me again why you decided Chicago first over New Orleans?” 
“New Orleans is my favorite city, you are right on that. But I once found this city more beautiful before I ever discovered it.” He responded to me, squeezing my hand in his. 
I made a face at the hybrid. “Okay so what do you want to show me?” 
“There’s some great things about this city. But I want to spoil you. That is my goal for this trip.” He sent me that signature smile of his so brightly. 
Shaking my head the hybrid i still wasn’t used to his romantic gestures towards me. It wasn’t as if I had the option of calling up my mother or father for dating advice since then that would only stir up trouble, finding me. Especially Uncle Joshua. Klaus walked closely beside me while I was window shopping the stores we walked past. “You’ve been staring at that dress for the last five minutes. So we’re getting it.” 
“Klaus, no. Just because I look at it for long doesn’t mean I’ll like it.” Whipping my head around I stopped him before he started to go inside the store. The dress that we had been referring to was a dark green with short sleeves and a slit on the right side. The length only reached to the manachens knees. 
Klaus didn’t bother and held open the door for me so I went inside to the dress with a woman who worked there coming over. “Can I help you, ma’am?” 
“Yes. Uh do you have this dress in a six?” I asked her softly. 
She replied. “Yes we do.”
“We’ll take it.” Klaus fired out an answer before I could get a response from my own mouth. The woman walked away when he gave her his card leaving us alone briefly. Crossing my arms over my chest I sent him a half glare. “Don’t give me that look, Rae. I already have ordered some lunch from that chicken place you like too.” 
I sniped back at my boyfriend. “You went through my food delivery receipts. What’s next buying me 50 pairs or new shoes?” 
“If that’s what you wish then yes.” He shrugged his shoulders not fazed by how creepy that might come off as to outsiders. 
Placing my hands over my face I throw my head back failing to hold in my laughter. “Nik, how am I ever going to handle being with you?” 
“You’ll learn to love me in time, siphon queen.” He snags me forward, grabbing the belt loops of my jeans and tugging me against his chest, smiling. 
Draping my arms over his shoulders I booped my nose with his leaning up on my toes. “If you’ll lucky you just might get me forever.” 
“I’d do anything to have always and forever with you, Raelyn.” He brought my lips up to meet his in a gentle and slow kiss until the woman with my dress came back and we headed to pick up his lunch order. 
Standing out on the balcony of the old Mikaelson compound that allowed anyone to look out over the city of New Orleans. My hands rested on the metal railing knowing Elijah would leave us alone since he was the only member who still lived here full time. “You know the point of you agreeing to talk to me implies that you would say something.” 
“Yes I agreed to speak with you. But that didn’t mean I would begin the conversation since you will just cut me off and tell me the same thing you’ve repeatedly told me about how I should take my magic back.” I throw my head back feeling his eyes burning in the back of my head. 
He was leaning in the doorway arms beginning his back simply just watching me in the bright glow of the sunlight and how the wind threw my hair around yet even when it was a knotted ess cause of it he would see nothing but beauty from me. “I am only speaking the truth, love. You shouldn’t have to hide the other part of yourself like I was forced to by my mother a thousand years ago.”
“You still don’t understand it. I choose to give up my magic whereas your mother forced the Hybrid Curse upon you.” Stomping up to my husband I got up in his face. “My brother hates me now because I refuse to use dark magic to let him and Hayley have more babies.”
Klaus natches the knife hanging off the belt loop of my jeans. “Jacob, can’t truly hate you. I don’t think that mate has a hateful bone in his body. Now please I am begging you take it back. Not to please me, not for Jacob or Hayley, but for yourself because I know you.”
“Nik, I am not ready. The Hollow got inside my mind and made me see a version of myself that I didn’t even know existed inside of my brain.” 
“Fructose Ispiritus. Say it Raelyn!” He raised his tone at me. 
The veins and fangs began appearing where I shoved him against the wall with vamp speed baring my teeth. “I said no, Niklaus! And you want to know why look into my mind and see.” 
“Raelyn..” He trails off. 
I shout back at him. “Do it!” 
Once the brightness disappeared I opened my eyes all the way to see a mirror image of myself. The figure of me had my hair loose but the ends were dead in black. The rest of my clothing was almost all black too. “The Hollow isn't fully gone. Her power and soul is now inside you.” 
“You’re me…what do you want?” I blinked my eyes a couple of times feeling my mind was betraying me. 
The dark version of me smirked. “I want you to stop hiding behind this weaker version of yourself. You’ve proven that you are stronger than anyone thought you’d be. Stop hiding who you truly are."
“That’s what this is truly about. You want me to be a bad person after I’ve told my kids to not appear as monsters.” I bite my tongue at the thought.
Dark Raelyn flipped her hair at me. “Just consider how much more Klaus would love you if you let him see the darker parts of you.” 
My husband gasped, holding my face in his hands just scanning over my features. For once in his life Klaus Mikaelson was at a loss for words. He knew he was broken by some degree, yet it baffled the thousand year immortal to see a much darker side of the women he loved. Raelyn has darkness; he knew that when she flipped her humanity switch. Except this other vision of her was the witch side of her that he hadn’t come into contact with. “Rae…I…I’m sorry I didn’t know.”
“She’s why I refuse to take my siphon magic back.” I croaked through heavy tears that cascaded down my face, nails clutching onto his forearms for dear life. “I…I thought I wasn’t broken anymore. Nik, what….what do I do!”
Klaus tilted his head, wiping away the tears that he could. He buried my head into his chest and wrapped his arms around my shaking form.  “Rae Rae, you have nothing to fear as long as I am here. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again that you are not broken  Alina - this better be life or death because your mother needs my support at this moment.”
“Sorry, dad. The problem is that Landon somehow got sent and trapped in a prison world.” Our second oldest werewitch daughter explained through his cell phone once answering her. 
Lifting my head up slightly from his black henley shirt my husband growled. “Bloody hell.”
“Alina, what else is going on?” I questioned her through some sniffles
“Hope is determined to get him back and now she’s looking for the Ascendent. I’d suggest you guys get here before she nearly burns the school down to rescue him.” 
Separating from my husband I take the phone from his hand. “We’ll be on our way in a few. If things start to go sideways I give you permission to use your powers by any means necessary.” Hanging up the phone I scooped Josette’s hunting knife off the ground, sliding it back down into the pocket of my jeans. Klaus moved towards the doorway clasping my hand in his heading back home. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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northsalpha · 7 months
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the  children  of  ansel    (    in  birth  order    )    as  written  about  in  a  journal  kept  by  ansel’s  bedside.
eleanor  tomlinson  as  merewina    (    merrie    )    dragenson  nee  anseldottir. 
and  though  she  came  first,  she  never  stood  with  superiority.  her  mother’s  daughter  through    &    through,  merrie  became  the  heart  of  the  pack;    beloved  sister,  cherished  friend.  it  was  she  who  would  heal  the  wounded  and  feed  the  hungry.  she  who  would  teach  the  children  how  to  read.  though  born  a  wolf,  merrie  rarely  turned  and  yet,  inner  wolf  was  never  clearer  in  the  fierce  loyalty  she  displayed  everyday.  the  same  loyalty  that  saw  her  die  at  mikael’s  hand,  shielding  families  from  his  onslaught.
joseph  morgan  as  niklaus    (    klaus    )    mikaelson.
each  full  moon  drew  me  closer  to  klaus.  it  was  undeniable;    a  strong,  stubborn  bond  that  i  could  not  shake,  no  matter  how  much  esther  insisted  i  must.  the  call  of  my  own  was  loud    &    i  yearned  to  be  near  him,  to  raise  him,  to  teach  him.  i  waited  for  the  day  he  would  trigger  his  curse    &    need  me,  but  that  day  never  came.  the  pack  was  never  complete  without  him.  i  was  never  complete  without  him.  i  should’ve  done  more.      this  insert  includes  many  hand  -  drawn  pictures  of  a  young  niklaus,  sketched  by  ansel’s  own  hands.
eysteinn  sigurdarson  as  cadman  anselson.
born  two  minutes    &    seven  seconds  before  his  twin  sister,  and  rest  assured,  he  never  let  goldiva  forget.  cadman  stood  with  the  confidence  of  an  alpha  before  he  could  even  truly  understand  the  meaning  of  the  word.  i  watch  him  lead  warriors  into  victory  after  victory,  and  he  did  so  with  a  valiance  not  even  i  myself  possess.  he  did  not  marry  nor  have  children,  and  he  believed  that  made  him  a  stronger  leader  for  it  gave  him  nothing  to  lose.  perhaps  he  was  right.  though  nothing  like  his  namesake,  i  feel  in  my  bones  father  caedmon  would’ve  felt  honour  in  knowing  my  son  fought  with  his  legacy.  
thea  soie  loch  naess  as  goldiva  anseldottir.
and  should  anyone  ever  doubt  goldiva’s  place  on  the  battlefield,  they  certainly  never  lived  to  make  that  mistake  twice.  my  daughter  was  born  with  fire  in  her  eyes    &    a  wolf  in  her  heart    /    claws  already  sharpened  for  war.  she  embraced  the  change  on  her  eighteenth  birthday,  underneath  the  blood  moon  and  standing  side  by  side  cadman,  neither  ever  truly  apart  from  the  day  they  arrived  together.  i  fear  cadman  struggled  without  her  when  she  died  at  mikael’s  hand  and  he  did  not.  it  turns  out  he  did  have  something  to  lose  after  all.
harrison  osterfield  as  ricmann    (    ric    )    anselson.
ricmann  was  a  quiet  child  and  he  remained  so  throughout  life.  the  boy  seemed  more  interested  in  nature  than  people,  whispering  words  to  the  injured  birds  while  nursing  their  broken  wing.  he  would  spend  hours  with  the  plants,  tending  to  vegetables.  though  his  name  meant  the  power  to  rule,  he  grew  up  a  gentle  soul,  burdened  by  the  weight  of  the  moon  in  the  sky.  i  could  see  the  pressure  he  felt  to  follow  in  his  sibling’s  footsteps.  i  hope  he  knew  i  would’ve  loved  him  regardless.  it  was  a  conversation  we  never  got  the  chance  to  share  before  mikael  slew  us  both.
freya  allen  as  hildegyth  anseldottir.
the  youngest  girl  of  a  large  family.  i  think  it  bothered  her  sometimes;    too  often  mistaken  for  a  child  when  she  was  so  desperate  to  grow  up  as  fast  as  possible.  she  became  the  perfect  combination  of  us  all,  carrying  herself  with  the  softness  found  in  ricmann's  heart,  but  fighting  with  cadman’s  spirit  if  ever  required.  overcame  obstacles  with  determination  that  could  only  be  learnt  from  goldiva,  yet  in  turn,  won  many  villager’s  admiration  with  that  same  ability  to  love  i  saw  in  merrie.  it  was  as  if  we  took  the  best  parts  of  us  and  gave  them  to  her.  she  wasn’t  just  a  wolf.  she  was  a  force  and  those  that  underestimated  her,  soon  realised  the  error  of  their  ways.  hildegyth  survived  mikael  and  i  watched  over  her  as  she  raised  merewina’s  daughter  as  her  own.  because  of  her,  our  legacy  lives  on.  
unseen  in  this  gifset  as  beowulf  anselson.
our  littlest  wolf.  beowulf  came  to  us  as  a  miraculous  surprise,  born  on  a  cold  winter’s  morning,  with  sif  clutching  my  hand.  we  loved  him  dearly  in  the  short  time  we  had  together  as  a  family,  and  though  i  know  he  struggled  to  remember  us  as  i  watched  him  grow  from  the  other  side,  i  do  not  regret  dying  to  ensure  his  survival.  my  approach  distracted  mikael  long  enough  for  brida  to  run,  beowulf  tucked  safely  in  her  arms.  i  died  knowing  he  was  in  safe  hands.
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sterek-ao3feed · 3 months
For The ones We Love Part 1
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56990740
by MaraladyofDarknessandwonder01
Diffrent timelines So Basicly the Teen wolf universe and the tvdu are different Univeses The Mikealson family is 5,000 years old not 1,000 years old Major changes the first seasons of both shows line up with each other I have an Ibea of how this is going to go I'm bad at sumarrys
Words: 3086, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Tw & Tvd going back and saving it all
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), The Originals (TV), tvdu universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Stiles Stilinski, Klaus Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Derek Hale's Pack Members, Mikael (Vampire Diaries), Esther Mikaelson, Mikaelson Family (Vampire Diaries), Katherine Pierce
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Hayley Marshall/Klaus Mikaelson, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard/Rebekah Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson/Sage (Vampire Diaries TV), Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Keelin Malraux/Freya Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Multiple Universes Colliding, Mental Health Issues, Emotional Baggage, Past Abuse, Emotional Roller Coaster, Trust Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Warfare, Stiles Stilinski is a Mikaelson, Secrets, screw the time line, Dark Magic, Explicit Language, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents, Bad Parent Mikael (Vampire Diaries), Bad Parent Esther Mikaelson
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iamahobbitbean · 11 months
Lets talk about Hope Mikaelson
Hope Andrea Mikealson. The miracle child. The one and only Tribrid. Lets just say that I love Hope Mikealson a lot. She is one of my favorite characters.
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For all you guys who don't know who Hope Mikaelson is. Here's a quick summary of her. Hope is a character form the TVDU. She was born on May 2, 2012. To werewolf Haley Marshall and original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson or
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(I know you can hear this photo if you have watched the show as many times as I have. ) Hope family is basically the whole reason for the TVD. Her grandmother Esther Mikaelson. Created vampires. Doing a spell to turn her children into the Original vampires.
Her father is also the earths first hybrid. (werewolf and vampries) His wolf side is why Hope is in alive. The miracle baby. Hopes mom. Haley Marshall passed on her werewolf side to her daughter. Both being a part of the crescent wolf pack. The bloodline of the first ever werewolf.
So her family being a long line of witches, dad vampire side and mothers werewolf side. Made Hope a tribrid. The only one of her kind. Which is why she had people after her. Even before her brith.
She had a hard begging. Hope was ripped from her mothers arms at her brith and almost killed. This was just the begging of her trauma.
But now that you know a little about Hope. Let me talk about why I love her
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Hope is so Selfless
Hope said it herself "My name is Hope Mikaelson. I come from a long line of villains."
Her father is known as 'the great evil' He was feared and had so much darkness inside of him. Klaus put his siblings to sleep by putting daggers in them. Making them miss years or not even decades. Klaus also gave Elena Gilbert a lot a trauma, killing her aunt is one of them.
Hope could have inherited this angry. But she didn't. Hope put herself on the line constantly. Even becoming a full Tribrid to save the world from Malivore.
Hope would do anything and everything to save the people she loves. Sure she does make mistakes. Like hope turning Lizzie Salesman into a vampire is one. But she had her humanity off and regretted it.
Overall Hope is always the hero.
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What Hope did for her family
"this was our hope our family's hope" This was said by Elijah Mikaelson. He told this to Klaus after he thought they lost hope, that later became name. She was her families Hope.
The Mikaelson's protected Hope with everything. It is pretty clear they loved her. All of them.
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Rebekah took Hope away from danger when it was too dangerous for her to stay in New Orleans. Raised her or seven months. Later on Rebekah took on part of the Hallows soul to protect Hope. Hope made her feel human.
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Hope to Elijah was everything. He once said "I would violate everything sacred under the sun in the name of recusing my niece." Elijah even gave Hope her name. Thinking it was his job to keep her safe. He did that even dying for her.
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Kol and Hopes relationship is rarely seen in the shows. But I can tell Kol is like the fun uncle. Having taking a piece of the Hallows soul in him to save Hope. He seemed to me to be the only one to keep in contact with Hope, understanding her upset of not having her family together.
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Freya is like Hopes second mother. Being there for almost Hopes entire life. Freya taught Hope spells and magic. Hope to Freya is like her daughter. Hope trusted her enough to let Freya stop her heart.
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Marcel might not be a Mikaelson by blood. But he is a Mikaelson. Hope and him are brother and sister. Marcel never harmed Hope and kept her safe. Loved their bond.
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What Hope did for Klaus
It safe to say the Klaus loved Hope more than anything. His littlest wolf. Hope changed Klaus for the better. There wasn't anything that Klaus would haven't done for his daughter. He in the end died to protect Hope.
Before Hope Klaus was well a monster. But Hope brought out a softer side of Hope, with her Klaus experienced Unconditionally Love.
"My dearest Hope. My littlest wolf. My miracle child. What a gift to be able to leave you one last message. So please carry it with you in the years to come. I want you to know this. You will make mistakes in your life. That comes with being a Mikaelson. You will go through hard times. For no one with your power always knows how to use it properly. You will find love and you will lose it. For such is the burden of immortality. But the most important thing about your life is that you live it. Because you are my Peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much. Always and forever."
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I could list so many more reason I love Hope. But let me leave it here. Hope has been through a lot in her life. I miss her. At least she got her happy ending.
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moonunbound · 4 months
☆゚.*・ ◞ candice patton / cis female / african-american / she/her ——— is that KEELIN MIKAELSON (NEE TAYLOR) on bourbon street ? the 40 / 40 year old WEREWOLF who stay in the CENTRAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN ? i heard they are MARRIED/SEPARATED (DUE TO KEELIN'S DEATH) to FREYA MIKAELSON. they are notoriously known for being UNDERSTANDING AND KIND but also STUBBORN AND IMPULSIVE. which is probably why they are considered THE CENTRE PIERCE around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough.
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Before we meet Keelin, she was a normal girl (for a werewolf). Keelin Malraux was raised by older parents, Thomas (Tom) and Bethany (Betty). Her mother having already made the chose to step away from her pack and marry a human and live a 'normal' life with him before Keelin was born.
Keelin was 14 when she triggered her werewolf gene when she accidentally killed someone at a Halloween party. She handed another child a chocolate bar that had nuts in it and the person has an allergic reaction and died, triggering Keelin's werewolf gene. Her parents helped her through it, and she made peace with what had happened, deciding that she was going to become a doctor and try and help people.
Keelin had just finished high school when Lucien tracked down their family in 2009. Her grandmother managing to get a call to them before she was killed. Keelin and her parents and brother went into hiding, changing their last names to Taylor and disappearing from their old lives. Keelin lived like this, unwilling to connect with people knowing they wouldn't understand, until she met Freya in 2015.
Freya turned up, looking for Keelin's family, needing her werewolf venom to save her own family. And when Keelin's brother called to say Lucien's people/hunters tasked with ending the Malraux bloodline had found him - Freya came with Keelin and they saved her brother from being killed. (Just going to headcanon that in the canon version Keelin lost her brother and parents because she wouldn't met Freya/Hayley for another few years). After this; Keelin agreed to help Freya in return and woke up the rest of the Mikaelsons and saved Klaus.
The two ended up hitting it off and started dating shortly after, staying where Keelin lived in Austin, Texas while Keelin was still in med school. The two got married before they relocated to New Orleans, so that Freya could open the Mikaelson Boarding School in 2020.
In New Orleans Keelin and Freya lived in a pent house apartment in the central district neighbourhood (see here) that they brought and had always planned to move out of when their family grew, but ended up raising their kids there. They also relocated Keelin's parents to New Orleans and they lived in the same building as Freya and Keelin (who passed away recently from old age). Freya and Keelin adopted/their own biological children using IVF with the help of Keelin's brother as a donor (some suggest names can be found here). Keelin worked at the New Orleans hospital and on the side at the Mikaelson Boarding School, till 10 years ago (in 2030 after Freya and Keelin had been together for 15 years) when someone came into the hospital with a knife and Keelin was killed when on shift, leaving her family alone.
Keelin will be just back from the dead and looking to work out her life.
give this a like and i’ll send you a message and we can plot! but keelin would love to plot with all her family and just those from the local community. as well as keelin would also love her brother if you are looking for a new character!
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wolfmikaelson · 4 months
☆゚.*・ ◞ joseph morgan / cis male / white / he/him ——— is that KLAUS MIKAELSON on bourbon street ? the 25 / 1000+  year old WEREWOLF/ ORIGINAL VAMPIRE HYBRID who stay in the FRENCH QUAURTER ? i heard they are MARRIED to CAROLINE FORBES. they are notoriously known for being DEDICATED AND PASSIONATE but also PARANOID AND VIOLENT. which is probably why they are considered THE ALPHA around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough
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The Klaus we know and love but honestly got much better luck. He got the girl (Caroline) and he never got separated from his daughter, Hope. And he didn't die! Yay for him. Klaus was the prisoner of Marcel for a very small time (like a few months if that) before his family freed him. At which point he reconnected with Caroline and they started their love affair (without the travelling given they both had kids). They got married and starting a family. Klaus after what happened with Lucien is hellbent on being the best father he could be and with Caroline at his side, he chilled out ALOT. Like Caroline says no dead bodies in the house, there are no dead bodies in the house. Caroline said get a job and stop stalking the kids to school and watching them from over the fence, so Klaus got a job.
Klaus got into his painting and art completely. Klaus gave the Compound to Caroline, Freya and Alaric to open the Mikaelson Boarding School. He and Caroline brought a new house (find here) in the French Quarter where they raised their kids along side Alaric and Hayley (suggestions for names for the kids can be found here).
He teachers an upper level art class at the Mikaelson Boarding School and also at the local college. While the lower floor of the home they have, art studio where Klaus shows of art work (some of his, some of his families and some of students) which can be brought. And as much as he likes to be involved in things, took a he step back from 'ruling' New Orleans because he doesn't really know how to do that in a peaceful time and he doesn't want any risks to befall his kids. However he still part of the faction just in case. He keeps an eye out on other wolves (his bio father's pack most of all), and support Hayley with keeping the pack happy with whatever they are doing.
Most recently with their kids grown, Klaus and Caroline have been on a year long trip around the world, Klaus wanting to show Caroline all the places he loves. They have just stopped home to catch up on some things before they go the next location.
give this a like and i’ll send you a message and we can plot! klaus is up for all the drama and fun and feelings. hoping chilled married happy klaus will be fun for everyone! but yes, would love him to know all his nieces and nephews and have formed a connection with them all through some like random passion he wants to support them with.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Hi can I request a Male!reader where M!reader is like a father figure to the Mikaelson and he’s around from his late 30’s to early 40’s and they take Hope to meet him 
Yes and yes I love this idea
Warnings: Fluff, soft dad!Reader, cute Hope, just all of the softness
A/N: I was listening to a rock when writing this so we got ex Rockstar dad. The song is 'I see fire'
It was decided that the family needed a break and Kol had the idea to visit their dad which Hayley panicked but Elijah calmed her.
"Don't worry it isn't Mikael." Elijah says packing up the car with Hope getting excited. Hayley didn't know much about this father from what Elijah told her so she asked Rebekah about him.
"Papa is bit of a softly and has a heart of gold." Rebekah said smiling but Hayley was still confused.
You were on your porch playing a few cords on your guitar when you heard the sounds of a car engine being turned off. You smiled see the smiling faces of your 'kids'. You had place your guitar down just in time for Rebekah to throw her arms around you. Hayley stood by the car holding Hope with Freya watching the others.
You were a lean muscle man from what Hayley could see, dressed like a lumberjack and had a scruffy beard. You had dark hair and eyes with tattoos up your arms. You looked to be in your early 40s and tired as the siblings hugged you. Hayley looked around seeing trees everywhere and looked back at the two story log cabin.
"We came to see you papa." Rebekah said smiling brightly at you while Hayley saw how you looked softly at Rebekah happy to see the siblings.
"Had me worried for a moment. Heard what happened in New Orleans." You said your voice deep rough smokey. You let everyone inside happy to see your kids again.
"Loretta not here?" Elijah asked watching you head into the kitchen. Hayley looked around the cabin's first floor, there was a fireplace and large windows. Staircase leading up to the second floor next to the entrance to the large kitchen. Hope ran to flop onto the comfortable couch with Kol.
"She left. We had an argument about me not wanting to leave for New Orleans." You said carrying a tray of hot tea and cocoa for Hope placing on the coffee table. You sat in your chair noticing their frowns.
"She wanted you to move? Why?" Rebekah asked frowning since you were set in your ways and there was no way you would leave your cabin.
"Wanted me to get back to music, saying that older rock singers have been singing again." You answered sipping your drink eyes glance over to Kol who was showing Hope your guitars.
"Silly of her trying to get you out of retirement." Klaus joked kind of agreeing with Loretta. You let our a bark of a laugh eyes glimmering with joy.
"No one wants to hear a old fool sing."
"Father, you aren't that old." Klaus says sitting down making you laugh again shaking your head.
"To the world I am."
Hayley stopped hearing playing of a guitar and looked seeing Hope sitting with you. And that's when Hayley heard you singing and was impressed then again Elijah had told her you had been a infamous rock singer. Hope had bonded with you pretty quickly, following you around the cabin and wanting to learn guitar like you.
"Calling out father Oh. Hold fast and we will watch the flames burn auburn on the mountain side. Desolation comes upon the sky." You sang with Hope who began to sing along. Hayley noticed the Mikaelsons watching you with Hope.
"Now I see fire. Inside the mountain. And I see fire, burning the trees. And I see fire, hollowing souls. And I see fire, blood in the breeze and I hope that you remember me." You sang smiling as Hope sang with you. It warmed Klaus seeing Hope get along with you, a man he saw as a father figure.
"And if the night is burning, I will cover my eyes. For if the dark returns, then my brothers will die. And as the sky is falling down, it crashed into this lonely town. And with that shadow upon the ground. I hear my people screaming out."
Hayley watched Hope sing louder as you encouraged her to sing with you. There was a twinkle in your eyes that the Mikaelsons hadn't seen in a long time. You felt yourself smile really glad that Hope begged for you to sing with her.
"Now I see fire, inside the mountain. I see fire burning the trees. I see fire hollowing souls. I see fire blood in the breeze." You sang really letting go unaware of the audience that you and Hope had.
"I see fire...Oh you know I saw a city burning out. And I see fire, feel the heat upon my skin, yeah. And I see fire. And I see fire burn on and on the mountain side." You finished playing the last cord before hearing Rebekah's excited clapping.
"We haven't heard you play in forever." Rebekah says as your cheeks flushed and Hope grinning.
"Play another pop pop. Please." Hope asked gripping your arm as she and Rebekah gave puppy dog faces.
"Alright Alright, stop with your adorable faces." You say starting up another song and the others joined you three.
It didn't take Kol long to find old tapes of your music with Hope's help since Hope wanted to see what you were like before meeting the siblings. Hayley raised an eyebrow seeing them carrying the boxes to the living room where you were.
"I thought I hid those up in the attic?" You questioned looking over your glasses, cleaning one of your guitars.
"Not good enough pops." Kol says pulling out the tapes and Finn looked over his baby brother's shoulder.
"Found father's videos?" Klaus asked moving down next to Hope taking out a tape from when you were 15. The others came in noticing the boxes.
"They found them?"
"Yes. I need a better spot." You answered Elijah lifting Hope into your lap when she came over to you.
"Can we play one pop pop?" Hope asked looking up at you with sweet eyes making you side feeling soft.
"Fine but just one." You say let Hope pick one, you blinked it was one when you were getting into your 30s and the Originals were already living with you. You weren't doing the hard core rock any more moving into rock that was easier in your thoat.
"Pop pop sounds different. You sound really raspy." Hope says watching the video as the camera panned out to a huge crowd.
"I was losing my voice at the time. Doing too much screaming." You say leaning back in your chair.
"When did you first start out?" Hayley asked looking from the screen and to you.
"I got my start at 15. My uncle had an old recording studio." You say not caring that Hope put in a new tape of you at 16. Hayley looked at the t.v. seeing a baby face 16 year old doing his first real concert.
"I can feel the teenage angst roll off of you father." Klaus joked making you laugh as you watched.
"Yeah well me and Zen were angry teens at the time. Our parents never really cared only our uncle." You say pointing out your brother to Hope who was on bass.
"Pop pop, you were really good." Hope says pulling a chuckle from you. You watched a younger you sing.
"Where is your brother?" Hayley asked you watching you sigh.
"Still touring with our band and some young new lead singer." You say a little annoyed since the new lead had done interviews saying how much better he was.
"We saw. A few interviews had made Niklaus and Kol angry." Elijah says noticing how a small smirk came on your face.
"How about we have dinner and finish watching these later." Rebekah says as everyone agreed and enjoyed the rest of the night watching your old videos.
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andreal831 · 7 months
Hello, just a fellow The Originals fan here. Do you think Jackson could have been a better character if the writers decided to make him part of Hayley's biological family, instead of a love interest?
I think as a brother, or even as a cousin, he would have worked better. He being so protective of her as a wolf in season 1 would make more sense, he would want to protect his long lost sister and unborn niece, instead of following her just because she's his fiancée.
Jackson would care more for Hope as he did her stepfather, maybe seeing her as a second chance, after not being able to protect Hayley in the past. Having lost his entire family as a child, he would relate to Hayley losing her child in some kind of way and definitly would not abandon her. After Hope's return, I could see him working with Elijah to make the wolves of the bayou their personal army (to avoid the wedding plot, maybe Davina o Freya could find a loophole and resolve the situation as such).
So... Sorry for possible grammar mistakes, this is not my first language, and... well, I'm waiting for your response
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Hi love! Thanks for asking!
I absolutely wish we could have seen Hayley have actual family. She searched her whole life for her family and even sacrificed 12 of her friends for their location. Only to find them and essentially be rejected by them, except for when she has something to offer. I love found families, which is why I love her connection to the Mikaelsons, but I would have loved for her to build that connection with her pack. She began to have it with Eve, but after Eve was killed, we don't really see her build that bond with anyone else.
This is where the show failed to develop a love triangle. I don't like love triangles, but especially this one. Even when I don't like both ships, I can usually see why people are torn. But in order to make the audience torn, you have to make the character torn as well. We don't really see that from Hayley. She isn't torn between two men, rather torn between a man she loves and the simple life she wants. She likes the idea of marrying Jackson because he represents the life she could have had if her parents hadn't been murdered. And this is only after she is forced to even consider it in order to save her daughter. They didn't have to completely remove him as a love interest to make them have a better relationship. They simply needed to invest in the character/ relationship.
We can compare this to the other love triangle in this fandom. I liked early Stelena and can't stand Delena, but I can see why people ship them. People were shipping Delena since season 1, even when it seemed that Stelena was endgame. This is a successful love triangle. But people shipped them because we saw moments between Delena where he was vulnerable and she felt like she was the only one who could fix him. We could see them begin to develop feelings, even just familial ones. We don't get scenes like that with Jayley.
Every moment of vulnerability we see from Hayley is with Elijah or even Klaus. For Jayley to be a competitive ship, I needed to see moments where Hayley was opening up or Jackson was being vulnerable. I needed to see some connection between them other than just being from the same pack or being betrothed. I also needed to see Jackson understand that Hayley wasn't Andrea. He was so busy trying to "save" her from the Mikaelsons that he never realized how similar to them she was. They could have had her tell him about how she helped get 12 wolves killed and have him have to process/understand that, understand who she became because his grandfather killed her parents. They had a complex history and really could have been a complex ship. But we never get to see them share anything personal and develop that complexity.
Which brings me to your point. If Jackson had been related, it would have really changed the dynamic. Hayley would still feel torn between her family and the Mikaelsons but it wouldn't have been so difficult. We don't really see Hayley taking Jackson's romantic interest in her into consideration in season 1 at all. She really only mentions it to push Elijah to act. Other than that, we don't see any romantic connection. They basically were just family. But the real shift would be the hierarchy of the pack.
One thing I've mentioned that I hate about the Crescent pack is the confusing hierarchy. Part of this is due to the fact that the pack actually split in two and developed two different "royal" families. My other issue is the monarchy aspect. Packs are meant to be led by the strongest members, members who are chosen or earn it, it doesn't matter what family they come from. This is something they seemed to ignore in TO because they wanted to position Hayley and Klaus and King and Queen. I hated this. Hayley was always referred to as a queen, even having the pack kneel for her (ew), while Jackson is referred to as the alpha, not the king.
If they were related, theoretically, one of them would have a better claim to the pack rather than being from rival families. To me, Hayley or Aiden should have been alpha. We don't see Jackson ever step up for the pack the way we see Aiden and Hayley. In a normal pack, if the alpha runs off and someone else steps up, they would challenge that position. But here, Jackson just comes back and resumes his position. I would have liked to see a challenge. This is why monarchies are bad. They are allowed to rule no matter what they do, they don't have to improve or even try.
You're definitely right about the protective as a wolf thing though. I was always confused by what level of understanding the pack had as wolves. We are told in TVD that the wolves don't remember when they turn and don't have control. This is what makes hybrids different. But the Crescent Wolves seemed to remember their time as wolves and even control it. Maybe this is due to the curse or just one of many plot holes, who knows. But we already know that the wolves naturally are drawn to family. Ansel was drawn to Klaus as a child and then to Hope in his wolf form. That would have made sense for Jackson to be drawn to Hayley as his family and his wolf being protective. I don't think it would make sense to say his wolf was protective simply because of an arranged marriage.
It also would have shifted Jackson's motivations. To me, it felt like every interaction between Jackson and Hayley was motivated by Jackson's desire to fulfil his childhood dream of marrying his lost Andrea. It broke my heart for Hayley that the first chance she gets to meet her family, Jackson tells her he is disappointed by it and the rest of her family just ignores her. I would have loved Jackson to hold off on the obligations and just get to know Hayley. Maybe ask how she's feeling about being pregnant or offer her some stories about her (their) family. If he was biologically related to her, this would have been more of her focus. And to your point, he would have been more interested in the baby since it was his family. It would have been more impactful to see them bond over losing their family, of being forced out of their homes. They really did have a lot they could have bonded over but the show just didn't let them.
It would have made him take Hayley more seriously as a political leader of the pack, rather than just a potential wife. The pack was terrible at politics and part of this could have been because they lived most of their lives as wolves. They should have welcomed Hayley's experience and intelligence and even her connection to the Mikaelsons. Ironically, the pack had the arranged marriage because they understood it could help create peace between the warring packs. You would think they would understand Hayley's connection to the Mikaelsons could do the same thing. Hayley even bonds with Davina and could have gotten the witches on their side. They could have worked with the Mikaelsons and even the witches to come up with a better solution.
Another issue I have is that the unification ceremony gives the pack the power of the alphas, but why wouldn't Hayley just taking over the pack and them swearing their allegiance to her give them her power? The magic just felt so forced. There seemed to be a lot of better options.
Essentially, he didn't need another story line to be a better character. He needed better writing or more time.
Sorry this was so long but I hope I answered it all!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 3 days
Future Fics to come
A glimpse of the fics I hope to start posting for before the end of the year.(and of course I'll be returning to the others.)
The Hogwarts Sabbatical.
The Mikaelson siblings wake up, human age thirteen on a train to a magical school in 1993, while the magical world frets over escaped Azkaban prisoner Sirius Black, the siblings are stuck dealing with a return to humanity, youth and a new magic while trying to uncover how none of them remember how it come to be or what they were doing before they arrived.
And do they really want to fix it?
Karma’s a bitch as is Aunt Dahlia.
Dahlia in revenge for Klaus' betrayal, before her death, manages to undo Esther's spell and make Rebekah and Elijah human, so Klaus has to face a future where his siblings would leave him like Esther had her.
Nobody noticed, nobody cared?
Aurora works out a plan to get into the middle of the Mikaelson siblings and convinces Tristan to help.
She didn’t expect it to work as well as it did, or she would get attached to those in Elijah's life or get insulted on Elijah’s behalf. Elijah however faces a crash course in dealing with her demons.
Adoption the wolf way.
Mikael goes to far during training leaving Finn to make a choice for his little brothers survival.
Ansel sees the bruises on his son matching his brother, far beyond what training their ages should ever risk and doesn't even need to ask his pack.
Daughters are a light.
Following the lost of Freya, Mikael and Esther were gifted with four more daughters before the birth of their youngest and second son Henrik.
After Henrik's death and their parents reaction to it, Finn is left managing his little sisters in a world where woman are commonly seen closer to property than people.
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