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andreal831 · 3 months ago
If the Mikaelsons’ & Co. raised Hope, what do you think her relationships would be like with each of them?
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I adore thinking about Hope being raised by the Mikaelsons. They are such a dysfunctional family but they all truly loved that little girl.
I think Hope would have been a different character than we saw in Season 5 if she had been raised by her family. Likely more entitled and spoiled despite Hayley's attempts to ground her.
Hayley and Hope would still have the closest relationship out of all of them. Throughout her life, Hayley was always her constant. This would never change. Even when the whole family was around, we often saw Hayley still the one looking after Hope (or Elijah honestly). Hope would also lean on her when the codependency and the toxic Mikaelsons got to be too much. I can see her swooping Hope up and going on weekend trips just the two of them. When Hope was sad that the kids at school were mean to her, she would run straight into Hayley's arms. She will always be Hope's biggest comfort and biggest cheerleader.
Hope has always been said to be a "daddy's girl" and would have still been that way with her whole family around. Although, I do think a big part of Klaus' appeal to Hope is that he was this fantasy. All she knew about him were stories she was told so he couldn't mess up. When they did interact, he scared her and hurt her. I think they definitely would have had more ups and downs had they been around each other longer. They both have tempers and can be hot headed. They would have gone through a lot of the typically fighting. Klaus would have tried to control her as she got older and she would have rebelled. But he always had a soft spot for her. His temper would flare up but all it would take is one sad look from Hope to straighten him out. He would spoil her making it up to her. He would always go overboard, often times even Hope would tell him it was too much.
Hope would rely on Elijah to settle Klaus down and often go to him for advice on how to handle Klaus and his tantrum. Elijah would offer her guidance and be her rock in the hectic family. He would teach her to play different musical instruments and cook and just generally help her with her studies. She would have fond memories of sitting on his lap and reading with him as she grew up. She would get excited anytime she found a new book she loved and instantly text Elijah about it. He would dutifully read it and they would get together to discuss.
Kol would be the uncle she went to when she didn't want to understand her dad. She just wanted to be upset. He would tell her all about the chaos he caused (leaving out some of the more gruesome details). He would give her ideas on how to annoy the rest of the family. He would also be able to relate to her when Hope was feeling left out of the "always and forever." They would come up with their own thing to say and not allow anyone else to be a part of it.
I want to say Rebekah and Hope would be close but canon really fights me on that. Rebekah would be the fun aunt that every time she's around they have the best time. Rebekah would spoil Hope, taking her on extravagant trips around the world and sending her gifts from her own travels. She would be the person Hope calls to talk about dating and fashion. She would adore Rebekah and want to be just like her.
Freya is basically Hope's second mother. She would teach Hope everything she knew about magic, giving Hope the teacher she always wished she had. They would have a special bond due to their shared magic. Also do to the fact that they were humans surrounded by vampires. Freya and Hayley would be able to handle all of the human concerns the Originals were all too old to remember. Freya would know all of Hope's secrets because Hope would go to her first. Freya would help keep Hope level headed, reminding her of the dangers in the world while the rest of the family attempted to completely shield her.
I don't necessarily see a sibling bond between Marcel and Hope because of the age difference and the marriage to her aunt, but they would be super close. Marcel would understand Hope better than nearly anyone. He would be the first person she called anytime she got in trouble. He would pick her up and take her out to get some food, letting her explain her side of the story. He would never judge her but would offer his wisdom when needed.
Davina would be more like a sister than any of them because she would be closer in age than the rest of them. She remembered what it was like to be a teenage, New Orleans witch. She would love to help Hope with her magic and would always warn her to be careful with the New Orleans coven. Davina and Kol would often be away on their travels, but they would bring Hope along at least once a year. Always returning for her birthday and the holidays. Davina would plop down on her bed and demand Hope fill her in on all of the New Orleans drama.
Keelin and Hope would have a very quiet relationship. They would just be comfortable in each other's presence and not talk much. Growing up, Hope would often drag her board games or coloring books into the room Keelin was studying in and just work quietly, liking the company. Keelin would take breaks to color with Hope, letting Hope have the peace and quiet she needed in the hectic household. As Hope got older, Keelin would be the person Hope went to when she needed a break from the chaos. Keelin would bring her to work, joking that the ER in a hospital was less hectic than their household. She would teach Hope to love science and get excited to study. Hope would borrow Keelin's white jacket growing up and pretend she was a doctor.
And of course Hope would go to Cami with all of her big feelings she was learning to process. Hope would struggle with her temper having the werewolf gene and Cami would be more than ready to handle it. She would teach Hope coping techniques to deal with the family. Cami would have her own office in the house and unlike Keelin's study area, it was anything but quiet. Cami would often have music on and she and Hope would have dance breaks when the day was just too stressful. Cami would teach Hope to bake and they would drive Elijah crazy, always moving his things in the kitchen.
I love this family so much.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 3 months ago
How do you think the show/plot would’ve changed if Hayley didn’t wake up in transition at the church at the end of season 1? How to you think this would’ve impacted the characters/family?
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I don't even want to think about Hayley not surviving. I would have been devastated. I first watched a few episodes of Legacies before TO and I knew Hayley (and everyone) would die. So at the end of Season 1, I truly thought she had died for good. Legacies made Hope seem like she'd been an orphan since she was a small child.
But Hope's life would have been drastically different without Hayley. I think the Mikaelsons would have fled New Orleans. Elijah wanted to but Hayley wanted Hope to have a home. Klaus ended up agreeing with Hayley, but I think Elijah could have easily convinced him to leave without Hayley there. They would have left and met up with Rebekah. Elijah would have vowed to do anything to protect Hope, not only because she was his niece but because it's what Hayley would have wanted.
I could see them settling somewhere quiet at first. Raising Hope in the countryside. At this point, they wouldn't have met Freya yet. But I think Freya would have found them. They wouldn't have a witch to hide them either so she likely would have found them quickly. Hopefully quicker than Dahlia. I've made this point before, but neither Dahlia nor Freya would know how to work technology. It would be interesting to see them try and track Hope down and then travel there. At this point, Esther, Ansel, Mikael, Kol, and Finn would all just be in New Orleans. With nothing to do... That would be amusing to watch. I want to say Esther would come after them but I never really understood her motivation in TO Season 2. In TVD she wants them dead but in TO she protects them from Dahlia? She also is fine torturing Elijah and even threatening Kol. All of that to say, their problems wouldn't just end when they leave New Orleans. They would follow them.
One thing I love about TO is that it shows the Mikaelsons that they need more than just each other. The reason they win so many of their hard battles is plot armor because they can rely on their friends/found family. Something they wouldn't create without Hayley. They would spiral back into isolationist. I could even see Klaus taking Hope and running. He's been known to work with witches and keep them on his roster. I could see him finding a powerful witch to protect him and Hope or just forcing Freya to do it if she managed to find them. Elijah and Rebekah would stay behind to keep their enemies away, leading them away from Hope and Klaus like Elijah did in the 1920s.
But Hope's life would always be a life on the run. Always looking over her shoulder. Klaus likely would have the witches train her and he would train her to fight. She would end up more as a soldier than a teenager. She would also likely be spoiled and entitled because of Klaus. She would grow to be a mini version of Klaus, which is not a good thing. That is if they were even able to avoid Dahlia for the year.
But a lot of their enemies would remain gone. The Strix couldn't unlink the sirelines because they needed Hayley's heart so they couldn't kill their sires. The Hollow would never rise because Vincent wouldn't destroy the ancestral land. Klaus would easily dispatch someone like Greta. Hell, even Hope would have with her training. Klaus would raise her to create an army of hybrids to protect their family. Instead of being the light that pulled Klaus to find some "redemption" she would be the excuse he uses to slip into even more darkness in order to protect her.
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Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 4 months ago
Idk if you’ve ever spoke about this but in a world where Hope was raised by her family, how do you think she would’ve turned out as opposed to how she is in canon? Also what issues do you think she’d have - because no child raised by Klaus Mikaelson , let alone the rest of their family - would be without issues?
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I've talked about this briefly, but never in depth.
But this brings up a nature v. nurture debate in me. I do think a lot of Hope is just who she is. But we can't deny how her life shapes her.
The first time in canon we ever get a sense of Hope's personality is when we meet her as a seven year old, who is being raised by Hayley alone. Hope is a gentle, sensitive, and caring girl. I do think that is the baseline for Hope.
However, if she had been raised with all of the Mikaelsons, I can't help but feel that she would be corrupted slightly. We met Marcel briefly as a child and he was also a sweet and caring child. However, the Mikaelsons made him like them. Marcel was still caring, but there was an edge to it. He was willing to starve and imprison his best friend for betraying him. He was willing to lock Davina, a child, up for his own gain. He was willing to unleash a horde of vampires on New Orleans to defeat his enemies (the Mikaelsons). He was willing to hurt those he claimed to love for power. Marcel became a Mikaelson through and through. The same thing would have happened to Hope.
Legacies, from what I've seen, loves to talk about Hope being Klaus' daughter, but in reality, canon Hope is Freya and Hayley's daughter. And not even the Freya we first met, but the Freya they turned her into after they killed Cami off. Being raised by them and feeling abandoned by the rest of her family really shaped who she became. For better or worse.
I also have trouble with this question because it depends what version of Klaus stuck around. We saw various different versions of Klaus as a father, but one thing was consistent is that he wasn't a very good father. He wanted to be, but let his fear and quest for power interfere. Even when he was around for Hope's life, we see him often handing Hope off to Freya or Elijah or Jackson and Hayley or just vaguely to the bayou.
But, for arguments sake, let's say he was actively invovled in raising Hope. He would spoil her and teach Hope that the world owed her everything. We would have seen a much more entitled Hope. She would still be caring underneath, but like Marcel would feel that she was owed more than she was given and do questionable things to get there.
I do think Elijah would try to temper this more, he saw what his hands off approach did to Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah. Elijah and Hayley would have had to be the disciplinarians, constantly fighting Klaus and his inability to actually parent. I would hope that we would still see Elijah realizing that the pressure he put on Hope as a baby was too much and he would be able to tell her that earlier than he did in canon.
We also wouldn't see Hope feeling the pressure the way she did because their wouldn't be the sacrifices. Hope's point system she kept was because she felt like she had to make the Mikaelsons' sacrifice worth it. That she had to be worth it. No sacrifice, no pressure. Even if Elijah didn't realize his mistake, there would be nothing telling Hope that it was her job to "save" Klaus.
This is good, but also would just feed into the entitlement with nothing to temper her out. Rebekah and Kol would also spoil her, encouraging her problematic behavior. Freya, even in canon, often viewed Hope as an adult rather than a child, letting her make decisions that she was too young to be making.
But the saving graces would be the in-laws and Hayley. We see Hayley really mature as a mother. Part of this is likely because she was doing it on her own, but I think she would still have this growth with the Mikaelsons, encouraging them to have their own growth. Cami would have forced Klaus to confront his issues that made him a questionable father and showed him how problematic his techniques of parenting were. Davina would have been one of Hope's biggest advocates, knowing how much pressure was on Hope. Same with Marcel. He knew how much the Mikaelsons broke him and he wouldn't let them do that to Hope. Keelin would also have pointed out all of their problematic behavior, never letting them get away with it.
Hope would have been similar to the Rebekah we met in TVD. Kind of a bratty teenager who has a good heart underneath it all. She would grow and mature and hopefully find her own footing outside of the Mikaelsons. She would also be less afraid of the "darkness" inside of her because there wouldn't be the lingering ghost of the Mikaelsons hanging over her. They would just be her family. Instead of learning of them from books and people who hated them, she would be able to form her own opinions. She would learn to embrace all parts of herself as she got older.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 6 months ago
how do you think the relationship between klaus and hope would have been different if she had been a boy?
I thought I had discussed this before, but it doesn't appear I have. So thanks for the ask!
We already saw what Klaus was like with a son. He viewed Marcel as more of a friend than a child, waiting for the day that Marcel was old enough to indulge in all of their vices. Now there are always debates on why Klaus viewed Marcel differently than Hope, whether it's race, biology, gender, etc. I personally think it was a combination of reasons.
Hope being a girl was very purposefully done. The show thrived on the trope of "innocent white woman saving terrible bad-boy." And Hope was no different. The show even goes out of there way to point out that Hope saved Klaus when Marcel couldn't. While boy-Hope would have the advantage over Marcel of being biologically related to Klaus, we can't discredit how the gender would play a role. Namely because he would see himself in a boy more and his competitive nature would come out. When Klaus saw Marcel succeeding and essentially becoming like him, he viewed Marcel as a rival. When he sees the power Hope wields, he is proud of her.
We already see how different Klaus is with his sisters than with his brothers. He treats Rebekah like a child most of the time even though she's close in age to Kol, who Klaus treats more as a friend. He is even more gentle with Freya than he is with any of his brothers, after he starts to trust her. But Klaus is not above using violence against women. Yet he didn't want Hope to see that side of him. To the point that he cut off contact with her after she did.
When confronted with an issue, Klaus resorts to violence. We see him do this with Marcel as he gets older. Even when Marcel was a human and the power dynamic was vastly different. There are only a couple of people Klaus' first instinct isn't violence and Hope is one of them. Klaus raising Marcel was more like raising a soldier. Klaus taught him to sword fight but didn't seem interested in his other interest, like piano or reading. While Klaus bonds with Hope over painting. Potentially if boy-Hope had been artistic, they could of still had that bond, however, I think it's likely that Klaus would still have attempted to bond with the boy in more "masculine" pursuits. But again, it would likely still backfire and create a rival.
Klaus and boy-Hope would have had an even more complicated relationship and Klaus would struggle to have a father-son bond, often letting his paranoia and jealousy complicate his love. Klaus would also do less to be a better person as he wouldn't be as concerned with a son behaving like him as he was with Hope. He would likely have had a similar relationship to boy-Hope as he did with Marcel.
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andreal831 · 6 months ago
I've been wondering about Hope's sire bonds and specifically Hayley's because they never address it in-show. we know Hope's sire bonds work like Klaus' (ie they dont require love/obsession like vampire/vampire ones ex - Damon/Elena) in that whoever her blood turns is immediately loyal to her until they break it. during the gap between s1 and s2 of TO, it's said that hayley spent a lot of time as wolf roaming around the bayou grieving and i like to think with Hayley's previous work breaking hybrids' sire bonds with Klaus, she knew how to break her own and that's when it happened.
on the topic of Hayley and werewolf transitions, it's such a shame they'd killed her already when they had Hope transition as Hayley being the one to talk her through it would make so much more sense than Klaus (also i wanted to see Klaus' wolf form with wolf!Hope, would've been cute) as we'd seen Hayley with the girl in s3 during the road trip and she was always much more in touch with her wolf side than Klaus was. Klaus never seemed like he cared about being a wolf, just what it represented (the power that was stolen from him by Esther & Mikael).
totally random but Legacies deciding that post tribrid transition, Hope could magic herself clothes after turning human from wolf form was so funny to me. it just felt so dumb.
I like your theory about Hayley breaking the sirebond. I think she definitely would have needed to break it being so far away from Hope. She was already missing her the normal amount a mother would be after sending her newborn child away. But with the sirebond on top of it, it would have driven her mad. It would make sense that was what she was doing in the bayou. But I fear you have spent more time thinking about it than the writers. Much like the Damon/Elena sirebond. They wrote it in for a very specific purpose and then just pretended it didn't exist anymore.
I also hated how the writers changed the different bonds to fit the plot. Why would Klaus' sirebond operate any differently than a typical sirebond which requires preexisting feelings. Purely for plot device.
I absolutely hated that they centered Hope transitioning for the first time around Klaus. The man didn't even transition once after he broke the curse. He felt nearly no connection to wolves and didn't understand or try to understand pack life. It should have been Hayley with Hope. Hayley understood being a wolf on a deep level, and as you pointed out, helped people in the past. It was such an unnecessary dig at Hayley to kill her as a vampire. They stripped her of the thing that made her feel most her and then killed her.
I also agree that Klaus didn't care about being a wolf. He cared about power. He needed to be the most powerful, including next to his siblings. TO Season 1 kind of teases Klaus being interested in his wolf side but then it is completely dropped. Except for Klaus shouting about being a hybrid every five seconds.
I feel like all of Legacies was just one big joke honestly. They twisted the rules and laws of the world they spent nearly a decade establishing because they were lazy.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 5 months ago
hi! i just discovered your blog! firstly i want to say i love your writing! the great war has me hooked! i’m a ghost reader (i must admit) but i love it sm 🫶🏽
anyway, my question for you is: do you think klaus dying in the season 5 finale was out of character for him? everyone i ever come in contact with always talks bout how dying for hope was his character development but it felt so simultaneously out of character for him. there’s no way klaus would leave hope alone in the world— he knew what that felt like. and she had just lost her mother like— *sigh*
i know joseph wanted to leave and killing klaus was the only way to make sure that the character couldn’t come back but it just. made. no. sense
what are your thoughts? (also sorry if you’ve already answered this some kind of way 😩)
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Hi! First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories! That means so much to me! <3
I've talked about this a little before at the very end of my post about Klaus being a good father. I think him dying at the end of Season 5 was semi-in-character for Season 2 Klaus, but not where Klaus should have been in Season 5. People love to make it this great sacrifice, but in reality it was him running away from responsibility. A main character flaw for Klaus was that he wanted a lot of things without putting in the work. He wanted to be king of New Orleans, without having to do the political work necessary. He wanted the love of his siblings without being a good brother. He wanted the honor of being Hope's father without the responsibility of being her father.
We even see glimpses of this in Season 4. He spends all of his time spoiling Hope while Hayley does the work. I would have loved to see even one scene of Klaus doing Hope's hair or preparing her food (not compelling it) or disciplining her. Anything to show he was a father and not just a glorified babysitter.
We see the most improvement for Klaus when he takes the Hollow and separates from his family. I find it more impressive that he separated from Elijah and Rebekah more so than Hope. It seemed like every chance Klaus could "sacrifice" himself and be away from Hope, he did. I'm by no means saying he didn't love Hope. It's clear he did. But I think he allowed his fear of Hope seeing him for what he was to stop him from being a good father.
So in Season 5, when Hope has just lost her mother, he decided to orphan her rather than let Elijah die for her. Like you said, a lot of this was just due to JP setting up Legacies and Joseph not wanting to continue. They really couldn't set up Legacies with Klaus being alive without making Klaus look terrible. But honestly, at that point, he had already abandoned her for years, what's a few more? Him staying away is the same thing as him killing himself unnecessarily for her. She was still left alone. At least if he had been alive, he could check in with the family and keep pressure on them to raise his child.
But being dead was easier and Klaus tended to take the easy ways out.
As I said, this was a character regression. What would have actually been character development would be Klaus sticking around, without Elijah to clean up his mess or Hayley to raise his child or Cami to constantly set him on a better path. Hope needed Klaus to put her first and he didn't. He put his own fears above what Hope needed. Hope had to lose both parents in the span of a week because of him. Because there was another option. Elijah was willing and ready. When Elijah told him he had the Hollow too and would die by his side, Klaus should have let Elijah take it all and die alone. Elijah would have felt better leaving Klaus alive and Hope would have at least had one parent.
Klaus was good at showing up and doing the grand gestures for Hope. But he could never bring himself to do the day to day things that a child needs from her father. So, while I do think most of Klaus' behavior was OOC in Season 5, especially when the show was trying to pretend he had this great character development, it wasn't completely out of character for some of the earlier versions of Klaus.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 8 months ago
Honestly, if I had to be honest, I could never get myself to like Hayley even after all she went through. Like I believe in karma and the very fact that she tried to build a family with Klaus after they both mutually destroyed Tyler's life - and they could never end up being the proper family they wanted with Hope in the end. Same could also be said about her betraying the hybrids yet going to NOLA where the Crescent Pack - cursed to be wolves every day except for one night - with members that have either betrayed her or got killed fighting battles not theirs for the sake of "loyalty" (I will also mention the Crescent Curse meant they were isolated from the werewolf grapevine outside of NOLA, so Hayley arrived with a blank slate). We - or I - still don't even have outright confirmation that she knew Oliver was the one who killed Eve, her only surviving relative. So even if it wasn't just Tyler, karma was always at Hayley's heel when her actions led to something horrific that she had to pay for.
But I think the reason why I dislike her is for Hope's sake. Yes, Hayley protected her and put her first first - but I think she was still selfish about it. We hear nothing about the years Hope was growing up on the road, like was she always stuck in a safehouse or did she interact with normal people. And on that note, we never got a clear reason why Hayley just packed up and left and didn't bring any Crescent members - who have the abilities of a hybrid (which is a joke when they got slaughtered easily) - even if Mary vouched for them. That doesn't make sense unless what I mentioned above about the Crescents being isolated comes into play and Hayley was worried about hypothetical pack members learning about what she's done before coming to NOLA and didn't want to chance anything (another thing, Tyler was still living while Hayley was looking for pack venom, so his possible influence with North America packs would have been an interesting hindrance to see).
So, if I'm not being clear, for going to a new state with virtually no one knowing her past misdeeds and those who did either being dead (I believe Jackson knew via truth ritual) or indisposed (the Mikaelsons), Hayley had to have struggled getting help because of being in relations with the Mikaelsons, the mother of Klaus's daughter, and an old friend-turned-enemy they stupidly left alive knowing he knew enough information to have packs turning her away. And how does this relate to Hope? Because if Hayley and Klaus have zero love in the werewolf community and know the truth, why would they trust Hope? I imagine the open invitation from the community by just being werewolf-affiliated or having the curse doesn't fall on Hope because her parents' treatment with werewolves...and that's if you had decent writing and proper consequences at work.
Also, in a previous ask, you said sending Hope to Salvatore made no sense..but it actually does if you wanna wager that the School Pack being made up of werewolves that either had no idea of their werewolf curse until triggered or lost their pack early in life would have no idea who Hope was or what her family is to werewolf current history, so like Hayley and the Crescents, Hope has a clean break at gaining the trust of werewolves who don't have anything to affiliate her with. And sending Hope to Salvatore also makes sense if you wanna also add in the fact perhaps certain Crescents may have felt bitter towards Hayley and it could have gone down to Hope. It probably did get better with time if Hope left to eat crawfish with them, but there's probably some distance given everything that happened. And then following how Hope used Henry - a fellow Crescent - by helping him become a hybrid and didn't do what was necessary like break the sirebond or help him gain control, and when that wasn't enough, kidnapping Hayley - the only parent in her life - just to get Klaus's attention, which led to the mess in S5...
Then, yes, I can't have it in myself care about Hayley. Just, she's a mom who's gonna do whatever it takes to do right by Hope but there's so many underlying things that sabotage her efforts. I get Hayley wanted to give her child a mom that always forgives her, but she dealt with Klaus's BS for years - so she should have doubled down on this behavior as soon as it was evidentiary. And furthering back, she's only acting out - and using people, as Mikaelsons do - because of Klaus. Klaus Mikaelson, who we watched for 3 seasons have several people reassure his relationship with Hope was solid and he could be a good dad only to foil it when Hope got a glimpse of the man everyone hated - and the one to even inspire Hope to love him to begin with was Hayley, so she looks like an idiot because Hope's 7 years of wanting his attention is technically on her because she encouraged this when Hope only had her to rely on. If Hayley's only redeeming quality was being a good mom to Hope, she would have: said "screw The Hollow", got Rebekah to track Klaus down, got on the first plane and dragged him back to Hope to explain himself because as bad as her child being possessed by her evil ancestors is, making her child feel unloved and unwanted (the very things Hayley promised her she wouldn't feel on the day she was born) was even worse and should have taken more precedence.
And if I had to warrant it, this is what got Hayley killed: If not staying by the Mikaelsons side and fighting for them, it's by half-assing things with Hope so badly - not being truthful about the real world, not preparing her for the consequences of Klaus's and her actions, kicking Klaus's ass in gear sooner - that the kid had to act like a Mikaelson, running her own childhood, and Hayley's head got put on the cutting board as a result.
(I'm so sorry, this came out harsher than I intended - I edited a lot but still came out this way. I care for Hope, but have responsibility where it lies, but if I had to blame anyone for orchestrating how Hope of S5 came to be, I blame Hayley - and Freya because I think she might have been undermining her parenting behind her back.)
Hi love, I know this is an old ask. Sorry, I'm just now responding. I know we discussed it a little already but I wanted to make sure I responded fully!
I personally don't believe in karma, especially in the context of TVDU. If anyone had karma coming for them, Hayley honestly wouldn't be high on the list. We are dealing with people who have been serial killers for decades/centuries/millennium. Yes, Hayley did some truly terrible things, but she learned and grew. I don't blame Tyler for his hatred to Hayley and Klaus and even how he went after them. But if we are saying that Hayley's karma is why she couldn't have a proper family in the end, why did Damon get one? Why did Caroline? Why did Kol get to get married to Davina? Or Rebekah and Marcel? They have all done equally (mostly worse) than Hayley. Why didn't Bonnie get her happy ending? Or Jenna? Or Cami? Or Eve? Karma can't play a role in TVDU because we are dealing with terrible people as the 'heroes' where the innocents are sacrificed as plot devices.
I think the only reason Hayley didn't bring anyone with her when she ran was because she had to get out of there quickly. She also never wanted her pack to sacrifice their lives for her. Jackson had just been killed because of his attachment to her. She wasn't going to risk anyone else for her. I wish the show would have gone more into the pack politics because I can't believe Oliver was the only pack member who had issues with Hayley's relationships with the Mikaelsons. This also could have played a part in it. She knew she would spend the next few years of her life doing anything to get the Mikaelsons back. This probably wouldn't be super popular with the pack.
The pack wouldn't have cared about her past. Let's be honest, they were not the most noble pack. They were ready to turn on each other and any one else for power. I don't think they would have cared that she got 12 random wolves killed to find them when they were willing to kill each other over moon rings.
We don't know what was happening during the time jump, but we can assume they didn't have much interaction with the outside world. This is something we know Hayley feels badly about since she argues with Klaus about keeping her isolated in New Orleans. Hayley understands what it is to grow up alone and never wanted that for Hope. But even more than that, she wants Hope safe. If we look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the first two bases of the pyramid are physiological needs (food and shelter) and safety. These come before social needs. I wish we could have seen more of this time and seen the conflicts she may have run into while trying to bring the Mikaelsons back. As you said, Tyler could have played a role or even just Hayley's reputation with the Mikaelsons.
You say that Hayley had no love from the wolves, but that isn't true. Hayley was still very respected with the packs that she ran with when she was young. We see this in season 3 when she and Klaus run into them. It would have been nice to see Hayley go back to them during the time jump and reconnect with her werewolf side as well as having Hope around other wolves. The Crescent Pack also still respects Hayley which is why she can come back after five years and still rebuild leading up to season 5.
Yes, Hayley got 12 wolves killed. But this is not going to destroy her relationship with the packs even if they all know. She isn't the only wolf to do this. We see Tyler get wolves killed when he sides with the MF Gang. Or the fact that when we are first introduced to wolves, Jules and her pack are willing to throw Tyler under the bus in order to get the moonstone. The wolves have zero loyalty to other wolves and have wavering loyalty to their own packs. It's no wonder Hayley behaved the way she did.
Now, the pack trusting Hope is interesting. I haven't watched Legacies but I've seen enough edits to know Hope does go back to NOLA and interact with the wolves. And they don't trust her. I think she even beheads one of them (and we are supposed to think it's badass or something??). Hope basically has to tell them that they shouldn't want a monarchy or even a hierarchy of alphas. But to your point, most of the Crescent fighting was generational because of this hierarchy. Hope didn't need to earn their respect because they operated as a monarchy -- which is the problem with monarchies.
I still hold that sending Hope to the Salvator School made no sense. You point out that it gives her a fresh start with the wolves, but when she was there initially, I don't think they even knew she was a wolf. She was Hope Marshall, a normal, average witch. In the few episodes I watched of Legacies, she doesn't seem to be forming any connections with the wolves. We never see any sign that the Crescents feel bitter towards Hope or Hayley until Hope turns one of them into a hybrid. Which is something that could have been prevented if Hope had been raised in New Orleans and learned about the faction issues. She would have had a better understanding of the Crescent Wolves. It also would have set her up better if she did want to be Alpha one day.
Hayley was a young mom put into an impossible situation. It was only made worse by every other member of Hope's family. You are placing the blame of Hope's behavior because of Klaus' neglect on Hayley. Kids misbehave. It's inevitable. Especially ones with werewolf tempers and absentee fathers. If you agree that sending Hope to the Salvator School was the right option, we really should be blaming Alaric for not being more aware or even Caroline who was at the school in season 5. If anything, I blame Hayley for sending Hope to the school. She would have never let Hope behave the way Alaric did. As soon as she heard, she went straight to the school and pulled Hope home. She made sure Hope knew it was wrong, but still felt supported and loved. Hayley also immediately began attempting to clean up her 15 year old's mess, as any good mom would do.
Hayley also never encouraged Klaus to stay away. She constantly wrote to him and even sent Caroline after him to make him listen. She is not his keeper. It was his choice to stay away. It was not her job to make a deadbeat dad be a parent. She tried to make Hope feel her father's love through stories and reinforcing always and forever, but she couldn't jeopardize Hope's safety. But to your statement, she can't win. Her telling Hope Klaus loved her only served to encourage Hope to fight for a relationship with her dad. But if she had poisoned Hope against Klaus so that Hope wouldn't even care that he abandoned her, that would be problematic too. Hayley didn't even know why Klaus stopped talking to Hope. He just disappeared one day. And when Klaus wants to stay gone, he does. But no, sorry, Hope's emotions were not more important than her life. Which is why every single Mikaelsons agreed to separate in order to protect Hope's safety.
You put the entirety of the Mikaelson burden on Hayley. Hayley was an excellent mother and gave Hope a chance to be a child. Klaus is the reason Hope felt unloved. Klaus is the reason Hope kidnapped Hayley and Hayley ended up dead. He couldn't cope with being a father and abandoned Hope, leaving Hayley to be a single mother with only the support of Freya. If anyone is to blame for season 5, it is Klaus. Which is the theme of the show. The Mikaelsons are their own undoing and anyone who gets caught up with them pays the price.
Sure, Hayley could have raised Hope to be a warrior. Trapped her in a house and raised her to train and fight and be ready for all of Klaus' enemies. But how would she be any different than Mikael? Mikael wanted to raise warriors so he neglected and abused his children. Or how Klaus 'raised' Marcel. All of these children grew up to resent their upbringing. Hayley wasn't going to do that. Hope deserved a childhood. Every child does. Children should not pay the price for their parents. This is shown in season 4 when Hayley stops Freya from torturing Keelin. We see numerous times that Klaus supports this. He also wants to protect Hope's innocents. Which is why he gets mad at Freya for helping with the Chambre in season 5 or when Freya tries to help suppress her wolf side. At the end of the day, Klaus and Hayley are Hope's parents and they are on the same page. They wanted their child to have the life they didn't.
And all of this would have worked out great had Klaus not abandoned Hope. If Klaus had stayed in contact with Hope and continued to try and find a solution for the Hollow, Hope could have had a safe and happy childhood. At the end of the day, Klaus was the problem and Hayley was just working with what she had to give her daughter the best possible life. Something Hope appreciated and loved Hayley for.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
Is Klaus a good father?
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I've been holding this one back for a while and if you are in this fandom, I'm sure you can imagine why. But recently on tik tok someone told me that I just "didn't understand" Klaus' character. But I promise you I do. Which is why I struggle to like him for most of the show.
Because for 90% of the show Klaus is a terrible brother and father.
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We can't talk about Klaus and fatherhood without first talking about Marcel. Klaus took Marcel in with the pretense of adopting him. But he allowed his own jealousy to rob Marcel of having any kind of typical childhood. Elijah wanted to educate Marcel and we see they bonded pretty quickly when Marcel first comes to live with them. And most parents would be thrilled to see a child who has lost his mother and experienced so much trauma was still able to connect with someone and be excited about learning. Instead, he is jealous and releases Kol. He allows Kol to completely go off the rails in the same house where a very mortal child is living.
We don't see any more of their relationship until he is older and we see Klaus interfere with Marcel and Rebekah. Again, some people say it's to protect Marcel, but it wasn't. It followed the same pattern of abuse against Rebekah that we've seen before. He continues to rob Marcel of his choices, with joining the war, with dating Rebekah, and then later by trying to steal the city Marcel had worked over 200 years to solidify. Klaus does not take Marcel in because he wants to be a father, he takes him in because he wants a warrior friend. Which is why he released Kol when he felt Elijah "stole" Marcel from him. He never truly wanted family, he had that. He wanted someone who would go along with his debauchery.
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And then Klaus finds out about Hope.
Klaus' first reaction to finding out of Hope's existence was to tell the witches to kill Hayley and the baby. Which I don't fully hold against him since he didn't trust it was his and was scared. But even after he accepts the baby is his and Elijah brings Hayley back to the house, Klaus shows almost no interest in Hayley or the baby. Rather, he is on a power quest to take over New Orleans from his first child.
The first time we get any sense Klaus cares whether the baby lives or dies is when he nearly chokes Hayley to death. I'm sorry, but that is not a sweet moment. It is abuse.
Throughout season 1 we see Elijah and Hayley grow close while Klaus is absent for most of the pregnancy. Klaus even leaves a pregnant Hayley in the woods alone with Elijah while he is suffering from his wolf venom. Elijah could have killed Hayley and Hope, and very nearly did if it wasn't for Eve. Klaus showed no regard for their safety because he got his feelings hurt that his brother doubted his intentions. Intentions that should have been questioned. Elijah had seen Klaus seek power over family for a thousand years and the last thing he heard from Klaus about the baby was he wanted a legacy, not a baby. Yes, there are a couple of moments where we see he cares or is afraid, but he does very little to actually help Hayley throughout her pregnancy. In fact, he kidnaps her and lets his brother watch over her instead of him.
Then Hope is born. Yes, Klaus clearly cares for her. I'm not denying that. But Klaus is a textbook narcissist and they historically do not make the best parents. We see a moment of selflessness when he agrees to send Hope off with Rebekah and clean up the mess he's made in New Orleans. But again, he relies on Elijah to clean it up while he mopes and isn't concerned about the mother of his child until Elijah forces him to.
Again, we have a sweet scene with Hayley and Klaus reuniting with Hope, but it makes no sense that they left her with Elijah. Elijah who was still struggling to control himself after being mentally and physically tortured. The only protection Hope has is Cami who would not be able to protect Hope if Elijah lost control.
Another moment people think is cute, but I find incredibly manipulative, is when Klaus has Cami and Elijah bring Hope back to New Orleans. The city is still unsafe. In fact she had just been attacked by Finn and Freya was on the loose, someone they didn't trust, Rebekah was missing. It was not the time to bring her back. But Klaus wanted to make sure he had his werewolf army, which Hayley went through with the wedding. A good parent would put their child's safety over anything. Hope should have stayed out of New Orleans until he was sure they could protect her. But Klaus continuously puts his own wants over even Hope's safety.
We don't see much of Hope and Klaus' interactions in the month they all live together. In fact, we see Jackson with Hope more. And that's still limited. Hope is sent out to the bayou repeatedly. A lot of this is because Klaus was busy dealing with all of the threats from his family. Again, it was not safe to bring Hope back yet.
When Dahlia shows up, Klaus goes off the rails. People love to say he was a master manipulator, but he really was just going with the flow and picking the most chaotic option available to him. He admitted to killing a friend of the wolves, effectively losing the army he worked so hard to ensure and causing doubt amongst his whole family about his trustworthiness. Again, instead of putting Hope's safety first, he lets his paranoia lead him and he puts Hope in more danger. Dahlia only finds Hope because he hands over his blood. Instead of working with his siblings to defeat Dahlia while Hayley runs with Hope, he betrays everyone and then curses Hayley. Once again, because he's a narcissist and thinks he is the only one who can protect Hope. This is in direct contradiction to the fact that he's seen his family and Hayley fight to the death for Hope already.
For perspective, I think we need a timeline of Hope's life so far: Hope was born and her mother was murdered while holding her mere second after her birth. Then within a few days sent away from her mother. Mothers bonding with babies in the first few days is so important for development. Rebekah raises her for 6 months or so and then she gets to see her mom for a night and her dad for a couple of hours. Cami and Elijah take care of her for a few weeks and then she's in New Orleans living with Hayley, Klaus, and Jackson (people this 7 month only baby really doesn't even know) for a month. Then after adjusting for a month, she loses Hayley and Jackson for 6 more months. Hope is surrounded by Klaus, Freya, and Elijah -- again, people she doesn't really know. The first year of her life is full of upheaval and she is not able to create a secure attachment with anyone. Klaus only makes this worse by taking Hayley away for six months.
And before you say, 'he did it to save her life.' He made absolutely no effort to help save her and even objected to Elijah bringing Hope out to the bayou. It was a punishment for Hayley believing she knew what was best for Hope even though he was behaving in the exact same way. He also apologizes for it and says he was wrong later. He even agrees he shouldn't have done it.
This is where I get frustrated with Klaus stans. People always want to say he has the best character development, but when I call him out for his early behavior, they get upset. It's because of his early behavior we were able to see any growth.
And we do see growth. To me, the most growth is at the end of season 3. Throughout season 3, we also don't see Klaus interact with Hope very much. Hope is mostly just with Hayley or out in the bayou, basically unprotected. But at the end, he finally realizes what it means to be a father. He tells Hayley to take Hope and run. He puts Hope above his own desires. This is the most selfless we ever see Klaus. And it does cost him. He misses out on five years of Hope's life.
When he wakes up, he is still in that same headspace (thank you Cami). The family decides to leave New Orleans alone and abandon the fight with Marcel. This is shocking behavior for Klaus. But he wants to raise his daughter in peace. I love the couple of episodes we get here with them. But then the Hollow happens and they have to go back to New Orleans. Where Klaus imprisons his first child, Marcel. I'm sorry, but no matter what Hope did, Klaus would never treat her the way he treated Marcel. Whether it's racist, sexist, or based on him not being blood, you decide.
Klaus is only in Hope's life for about a week until he has to leave because of the Hollow. Again, this is peek Klaus parenting in this one week. But then while he's gone, he goes off the deep end. He claims it is to keep Elijah safe, but in reality, it is because he has nothing tethering him. Once Hope sees him, he completely cuts her off. He never actually learned to be an everyday father. He only knew how to make the big gestures. He doesn't know how to sit down with her and explain or even how to reach out to Hayley and have an adult conversation. He abandons his daughter to the point that she kidnaps her own mother to get his attention. He falls back into his old habits, putting his comfort over his daughter. Because it's easier to ignore her than to face the harsh reality of dealing with the terrible things he's done and trying to be an actual better person for Hope.
We don't see Klaus act as a parent for another 7 years. And this whole season was just a mess. I do understand he can't be close to her. But they have magic and phones, he could have contacted her better. He should have been more involved. If you follow me on tik tok, you already know how ridiculous I think Hayley's death episode was.
Hayley's death would have been the hardest thing Hope has ever gone through. I hate season 5 for making her bounce back so quickly. Hayley was the one constant in Hope's life. I know everyone wants to act like Klaus' death should have impacted her more, but she didn't really know him. He was more of an idea to her than an actual person.
Hope was falling apart for most of season 5, so Klaus gets the bright idea to kill himself less than a week after Hope loses her mother. This is portrayed as the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter, but it was incredibly selfish. Elijah was willing and able to die by himself, but because Klaus didn't want another man to die for his daughter, Hope had to lose both her parents in the span of a week. Not only that, but feel responsible for their deaths. I will be the first to admit, season 5 was just bad writing because the showrunners were ready to move on to Legacies. But it's all we have.
All of the development we see with Klaus is destroyed in season 5. I am hard on Klaus' character because this fandom loves to let him get away with everything. But I do genuinely like aspects of his character. And, as I said, I do love the one week of his relationship with Hope, but it's not enough to overshadow the danger and hurt he put her through. 
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
Do you think Hayley, Klaus, and Elijah could’ve given hope a better life had they ran away with her at the end of season 1? Or would life on the run be worse for her? Would their lives be happier if they decided to run?
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I would love to say they would have a nice quiet life raising Hope if they had run after season 1, but knowing the Mikaelsons it isn't likely. The Mikaelsons were constantly unable to get out of their own ways, making enemies everywhere they went.
I never truly understood why they stayed. I get Hayley felt some duty to her pack and the Mikaelsons wanted to protect their "home." But in reality they had all been living there less than a year. If it was a choice between staying with your newborn child or fighting a war in a place you hardly lived, I would think one would choose the child.
I get Klaus wanting to stay. He wanted an empire and an heir more than anything. He was more concerned about power. Elijah was ready to run, yet Hayley was the one that stopped them. It would make sense if she had immediately gone to take care of her pack, but she didn't. Instead of doing what they said they would and fighting to take back their city, they wallowed in their grief. Which I get, but again, why didn't they just run in the first place if they had no desire to actually fight for the city. I know they were waiting to find where all of the rings were located, but they didn't seem to have much of a plan outside of that.
Now if they had run, we have to remember there would be consequences. The wolves still had the rings that were tied to Klaus and Dahlia was still going to come for them. While they likely would have run to Rebekah and tried to stay hidden, it was only going to last so long before one of their enemies found them. We are never told which witch was hiding Rebekah and Hope, but if Esther was able to get through it, then Dahlia likely would be able to as well. I do actually think Dahlia is less so of a threat if they had run simply because all they had to do was outlast her for a year. I love to picture Dahlia at the airport attempting to follow the Mikaelsons. I always think of the scenes from Hocus Pocus where the witches are stunned by all of the modern technology. Although it likely would have delayed Freya finding her family.
I personally don't think Klaus would like a quiet life in the countryside if their enemies never found them. He would constantly be looking for trouble. Hayley would be able to throw herself in raising her daughter, but even she would get bored eventually. I think only Elijah would like living in hiding.
Eventually, they would return to New Orleans and still have a mess to clean up. Just maybe without Dahlia as a threat.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 11 months ago
Follow up to the ‘what if the Mikaelson’s had run with Hope’ ask,
What do you think would have happened with the Mikaelson’s if the hollow didn’t show up?
Like, Marcel boots them out of New Orleans and they go to Hayley’s farm. Klaus seemed ready to be a dad but I have to agree with you that he wouldn’t have liked settling down.
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Klaus was in a completely different headspace at the beginning of season 4 and the end of season 1. The end of season 3 and beginning of season 4 are actually the only times I actually like Klaus as a character. He needed to be humbled and, for the first time in is life, he actually seemed to learn from his mistakes.
At this point, he had missed out on the majority of Hope's life. He missed the first 6 months, was only around her for less than a year, and then missed five more years. Unlike at the end of season 1, he truly knew what it meant to miss out on his daughter's life. He was ready to give up on his fight for power in New Orleans and run. He also had a lot of PTSD from his time in the dungeons, he was still mourning Cami, mourning his relationship with Marcel, mourning the loss of New Orleans, etc. A nice quiet life in the countryside would have been good for them.
They wouldn't stay at the house Hayley had found. It was too close to New Orleans. I could see them moving to a completely new country, putting an ocean between them and Marcel. I don't think Marcel would go after them as long as they didn't attempt to make a move against him. Rebekah and Kol would likely still leave like they did in Season 4, leaving Elijah, Klaus, Hayley, Freya, and Hope.
Hope would become restless before anyone else. It would be hard for her to be on her own with just her family. Especially as she became a teenager. She would want to make friends.
Elijah, would once again, just love a quiet life where ever they settled. He and Freya would love to tutor Hope in history, music, magic, and whatever else she enjoyed studying. Hayley would enjoy having support and protection after being on her own for so long. She would just be happy to settle somewhere and be able to stay. To have a place to call her home.
Now Klaus would love it at first. He would love the big open yard after being trapped in the dungeon for so many years. He would love watching Hope grow up. He would appreciate ever moment he had because he finally understood how precious his family was. Kol and Rebekah would randomly come back to visit and the four of them would still go on some vacations, although I can see Klaus being paranoid about leaving their home. I can definitely see Hope becoming rebellious against the strict rules of staying out of sight and not attracting attention. Klaus would be paranoid to lose her after he had lost so much. Hope would call Rebekah back to talk some sense into him. Rebekah would be the only one Klaus would trust to show Hope the world since he knows Marcel would never harm Rebekah or Hope.
All in all, they would have had a fairly happy life being away from the faction wars and violence of their past. For the first time, they would actually just be happy.
I made a tik tok a while back that kind of felt like what their life would be like, you can watch it here.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 4 months ago
the mechanics of killing klaus/the hollow in s5 are nonsense. ignoring the white oak stake they pulled out of their ass, in s4 Davina says that only Labonairs can harm the Hollow (ie Hayley and Hope) and whenever a body the Hollow possesses dies, she just body hops. so in s5 Klaus staking himself made no sense. If we follow logic, the Hollow would just find a new body. The only way this could've made logistical sense to me was either
Hayley takes the Hollow and dies for Hope
Hope is the one to stake Klaus if Hayley's still dead in this s5
In situation 2, a Labonair is still the one to kill the Hollow/it's host which follows s4 rules.
you know what, i wish option 2 had happened
also sidetone on the mechanics of Klaus dying, why pull the white oak stake out of your ass when Marcel's venom is still around. Just say Klaus has a vial he keeps around for nefarious purposes. that would make sense and wouldn't make me want to bang my head against a wall
sorry for this, i was watching Friendly Space Ninja's video on TO and he mentioned the Labonair stuff and how Klaus' death didn't make sense.
whoever wrote how they killed Klaus was an idiot and forgot several bits of lore.
also, i finished the Great War and man i loved it! Cami marrying Klaus to link herself to him? genius. i didnt see Jackson and Hayley divorcing and the scene where she asks Klaus to compel her feelings for Elijah away genuinely made me emotional (and also want to strangle Jackson). Rebekah and baby Henry was unexpected yet delightful. yay for Freelin not having a cursed beginning (why does this universe love giving weird/messy couples happy endings but not the healthy ones). very excited for the sequel.
First of all, thank you for reading TGW! I love hearing feedback and I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. I really wanted to give the characters more closure and happier (if not just as angsty) storylines. I can't wait to start posting the sequel!
But yes, Season 5 was an absolute mess for so many reasons, but mainly because the writing was just so bad. I know they lost their main producer and JP had to take over. I don't think she cared to follow the show's own lore. She just wanted to end it quickly and dramatically. If you read my story, Don't It Just Break Your Heart, I don't fully resolve all of the issues, but I do discuss how it wouldn't make sense for Klaus and Elijah to die with the Hollow. We saw other characters get killed with the Hollow inside and she just comes back, it doesn't kill her. They completely dropped the Labonair connection in Season 5 which was such a pivotal point in Season 4. Simply killing her on the one plane didn't solve anything as she just ended up back on the ancestral plane and come back.
Also, yes, where did that stake come from? Freya searched for any trace of the white oak in season 3 and only came up with the one bullet. How did she not find the one that Klaus kept hidden? Why would Klaus keep a stake that could kill him and his family hidden? None of that made sense. Like you pointed out, there was still a way to kill him, Marcel's venom. It would be kind of iconic for Klaus to be killed by both of his children -- Hope doing it to kill the Hollow but using Marcel's venom.
Very little about Season 5 made any sense. It was all just for rating and to launch Legacies.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
I don’t absolutely despise klaroline, although I definitely do not like them either, but one of the most stupid things in the entirety of the originals is Klaus flirting with Caroline while Hayley and hope is abducted. Would you consider this to be a writing mistake or just Klaus being Klaus? I’ve always wondered if he focused more on finding them if he’d of been able to save Hayley in time.
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I've made an entire tik tok about this because I despised this episode since the first time I saw it. I laid out all of the dumb decisions Klaus made in the episode in the tik tok as well as a lengthy caption. You can see that here.
Klaus in Season 5 is terribly written. He may not be my favorite character and I don't like klaroline but everything about him and them in Season 5 was wrong.
Starting with Rebekah calling Caroline to go find Klaus. That made no sense. Why wouldn't Freya or Marcel go find him. They are his family. Marcel has known him for 200 years. It's not like Rebekah thought he wouldn't harm her, he had nearly killed Caroline multiple times. Marcel was upgraded, he would have been the best choice to go and talk some sense into Klaus. Or Freya who could have gone and yelled at him for abandoning Hope.
Just the fact that Klaus was ignoring Hope for five years made no sense to me. I get he was terrified that she would hate him after what she saw, but the end of Season 3 and through Season 4, we began to see a version of Klaus that was actually putting Hope's needs first. This abandonment was a complete regression back to his Season 2 narcissism. Also, Hope not continuing to astral project to find him made no sense. She is a powerful witch, if Caroline could track him down, so could Hope.
Now onto the day of the event.
My biggest gripe is that they are literally driving everywhere. Klaus is the fastest being, why is he taking an SUV that can go max 180 mph? Why did they stop at a rest stop to get coffee? Exhaustion doesn't affect them that way. They are literally flirting and joking around as Hope and Hayley are missing. Sure at this point they may not have realized how serious it was, but Klaus would never have allowed himself to be distracted like that. It was bad writing purely for ratings.
Klaus would rip apart the world to save both Hayley and Hope. Showing him doing anything less is a disservice to his character.
Good writing, writing that is true to Klaus' character would have shown him turning into a wolf to track Hope down. Ansel tells Klaus in Season 2 that he was drawn to Klaus as a child and even to Hope because wolves are drawn to their family. It would have been so satisfying to finally watch Klaus at one with his wolf side in order to find Hope.
It also was so out of character to see Klaus walking slowly to the house. Hayley was actively having her wolf side suppressed and fighting Greta. Klaus would have heard this from miles away and sped as fast as possible to the house. Instead we see him walking at a slow human speed. Caroline is also easily snuck up on by Elijah and Klaus doesn't immediately snap his neck? True-to-character Klaus would have ripped out Elijah's heart to save Hope and Hayley. After all, Elijah would have been fine.
Very little of Season 5 was not just poor writing. There were scenes and plot points that directly contradict established canon. The reason the writing was so bad is because the writers were killing Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus off no matter what. Hayley's death was 1000% preventable. Hayley was a hybrid and a member of the strongest family but was somehow killed by a 100 year old vamp? Say what you will about Klaus, but Klaus definitely would have saved her no matter what. She never should have died but Julie wanted Legacies to have an orphaned Hope and didn't care to make the writing good.
Shameless plug: If you want to read how I would rewrite Season 5 to make more sense, check out my story, Don't It Just Break Your Heart, on AO3 and Wattpad.
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andreal831 · 6 months ago
Okay this is kind of a random ask but if Elijah, Hayley & Klaus - and maybe Cami idk tho - survived (because I refuse to see s5/4 as canon idc) and teen!hope brought a partner home to meet the family how do you think it’d go?
Also if a partner went to Klaus for permission to propose how do you think he’d react?
Btw I love all of your metas<3
First of all, thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoy my posts!
Second, I'm right there with you. I tend to ignore most of Season 4 and 5. Hence all my rewrites. People will bring up things that happened in 4 and 5, and I don't even remember because I hardly rewatch.
I've talked about how Klaus would react to Hope brining home a girl before, here. I mostly just talk about generally how Klaus would react. It's been like 9 months since I wrote it and I still think it's true. It depends on so much. But in this scenario, I'm imagining Cami and him being together. Oddly enough, I think this would make him worse than if Cami had died. When Cami died, he, for the first time, truly understood what it was like to lose love. Which is why he is resistant to the idea of doing the same to his siblings. This is a big shift in his character. So if that hadn't happened, I could see him reverting back to his old ways and being possessive over Hope, not wanting her to fall in love and being angry if someone asked his permission for her hand.
The good thing in this scenario is that all of the people that can put Klaus in his place would be right there, waiting for the moment they are needed. Hope would calm him down, Hayley would put him in his place, Elijah would counsel him, and Cami would make him see reason.
It would also help if their family had spent years living in peace together. He wouldn't feel like he had so much to lose. He would feel more settled with his family. Hope was so important to him because it was the first time he felt like he had unconditional love, despite always having it from his siblings. Having his siblings and Cami around for so long would help convince him that he didn't need to hold onto Hope in a death grip to keep her. Cami, of course, would remind him what happened to his relationship with his siblings when he held on too tight.
I would love a scene of someone asking for Hope's hand and Hope storming into the room, yelling about feminism and how no one owes her. Klaus would just sit back proudly, watching his daughter tear into them. But I like to imagine, if Klaus approved, he would find an important piece of jewelry his family had held onto over the years and give it to the partner to propose.
People always focus on Klaus in these scenarios, but poor Hope and Hope's partner have to deal with all of the Mikaelsons. Elijah would be a formidable force since he doesn't warm up to people quickly. He would take a great deal of joy in making them feel uncomfortable every time they came over. Cami of course would try to overcorrect this and be overly welcoming. Hayley would completely depend on the person. If she liked them, she would be friendly and treat them like family. If she didn't, they wouldn't stand a chance.
I'm just picturing Hope and her partner awkwardly sitting on the couch, Klaus glaring at the teen, Elijah pretending to absentmindedly clean whatever weapon looks scariest, Hayley trying to get to know them through an interrogation, and Cami just offering refreshments and chatter.
We really missed out on a lot when they killed everyone off.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
I do think he is more distrusting of men (chalking it up to his sexism) so I do think a potential gf for hope would be a lot less likely to be murdered than a potential groom. Intersting concept though!
See I actually disagree.
If we look at Klaus' past, he has been hurt worse by the women in his life. His first big betrayal wasn't Mikael's abuse, but Esther's lies. Klaus has been raised his whole life to learn how to cope with physical pain but has been unable to deal with his emotional pain. The first thing he does when he has more power is to go after his mother, not his father.
The 'betrayal' by Aurora and Esther plagued him his entire life. When he talks about why he is the way he is, he doesn't often blame Mikael, rather he blames what happened with Aurora and what Esther did to him. He can tolerate Elijah's harsh words and physical attacks better than he can handle Rebekah's potential to leave him.
Don't get me wrong, Klaus isn't afraid to lay hands on a woman, but he doesn't know how to protect himself from that sort of pain. I also don't think he would physically harm Hope's partner because then he would have to deal with Hope.
In his head, he views women as more likely to betray him. He struggles to trust nearly every woman in his life. We see this with Rebekah, Hayley, Genevive (rightly so), Aurora, etc. But then Lucien shows back up and Klaus lets him in, even to the point of arguing with Cami about him.
Klaus thinks he is the smartest, most powerful being so he has nothing to fear from those who would physically challenge him. Rather women emotionally challenge him.
And you're right, it is all based on Klaus' sexist views of how women and men operate differently.
So I could see him being more at ease with her dating a man because he could threaten the man, but he might struggle more with a woman because he might think they are more likely to betray Hope and hurt her emotionally.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! It was really interesting to think this through!
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
What if Hope was a lesbian? Would her dating life be as under Klaus' thumb as Rebekah's was still?
Hope's sexuality wouldn't impact the amount of control Klaus exerted over her dating life. To me, all of the Mikaelsons seemed very accepting of all types of relationships. For Klaus, it was never about worrying over Rebekah specifically with men, but rather worrying about Rebekah abandoning him for love.
People often confuse "possessive" and "protective" with Klaus. He wasn't protective of Rebekah, he was possessive. I like to think he began to realize this with Hope and potentially learned his lesson, although a lot of her life he remains both protective and possessive.
So it really depends on which version of Klaus we are talking about. Klaus by the end of Season 5 knew he was going to die and leave Hope alone. He was relieved to see her dance with Landon because that meant she wouldn't be completely alone. He knew from Cami how important love was at that point.
If he hadn't been on the verge of dying, he would have been much more of a bully to Landon, or any partner Hope decided to pursue (see how he treated Brody or Brady or whatever that man's name was). He would struggle with the idea of his little girl leaving him for love. Hope was introduced into his life as his "redemption" and this person that would give him "unconditional love." She was meant to be the one person that wouldn't leave him. A romantic partner for Hope would threaten everything he had built his idea of redemption on.
Klaus didn't like Hope to see him angry or lose control, he did try to not be Mikael to Hope. But he would go off the rails in the background, likely needing Hayley or Elijah to talk him down before doing something that would harm Hope emotionally.
I know people get mad when I criticize Klaus' parenting, but I do realize how much he loved her. He would try his hardest to put his love over his own fears, but as we see in Season 4/5, he doesn't do this well.
Any version of Klaus before season 4 would likely try to lock Hope up in a tower the moment she started showing romantic interest to anyone.
I also think it would depend on who was still alive at the time Hope started dating. Cami, Elijah, and Hayley would be the best people to even Klaus' temper out and help him deal with Hope's dating. Especially if Cami was there because he wouldn't feel so alone. And yes, I do find it problematic the pressure Klaus puts on his familial relationships to fill in for his lack of romantic partners.
If they were all dead, it would fall on Freya and Rebekah and maybe Kol. But again, if this is Legacies Mikaelsons, they may all disappear and not help. I like to think Rebekah would be very helpful as she has been through it all with Klaus. Freya and Davina would try to make him back off but Klaus doesn't have a good history of listening to them.
It would really come down to Hope having strong enough feelings to tell him to back off herself. And Hope would definitely do this. Hope has a strong personality that she got from literally everyone in her family. But she has the added bonus of not being afraid of Klaus and not having to fear him hurting her. I don't think it would take Klaus doing much for her to stand up to him. Since Klaus never wants Hope to see him as anything but her hero, he would begrudgingly listen to her. Although he would definitely be sulking in the background and throwing menacing looks to her partner until he learned to like them enough.
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Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 7 months ago
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I've had a few asks that I wanted to refer to old posts and had trouble finding them, so I went through and added tags to all of my metas and thought I would share if anyone wants to find specific metas I've done:
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Anything Related to my stories has this tag: #long live the mikaelsons
My Ongoing Stories: #haylijah in every episode #elijah ships song series
Essentially if you are looking for something I've posted, put my tag and then what you're looking for.
Hope this helps!
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