super-firepaw119 · 2 months
I don't keep the closest track on political stuff, so when they say that KOSA is dead, do they mean it as in the bill itself has been erased, meaning that a new bill with a new name will take its place, or that it's been "reset" as in it'll have to pass the Senate again in order for the House to address it?
Honestly, I’m not sure either.
I would think it has to pass the Senate again, but I’m not familiar on the workings of bills.
Still, I would advise to not let your guard down completely imo.
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Was reading through some of these posts, cause I find this AU very interesting and I love it, and the one post where the Star tugs hunt down the reader got me thinking. Is it possible to even injure a tug? I ask cause I was lowkey waiting for Hercules to come out and try and injure Warrior for protecting what, to them, is food, especially since Top Hat already pulled a move. (I would think not, but you're not exactly in your right mind when you're starving.)
Even though their hides are super durable, they're not, I think, completely invulnerable. I know a weak point for sharks is the eyes for example, so.. like.. is it possible if that story went down a darker path?
Tw for death and injury under the cut.
It is possible for a tug to be inured yes. They have their vulnerable spots: the face and under the hull or the underbelly.
Hercules can easily seriously injure a tug Warrior's size, if not kill a tug that size. Sure their hides are tough, but their claws are stronger.
If the story went down a much darker path, it's likely Warrior would've been seriously injured or worse. The reader would have no chance of surviving if Hercules showed up.
Hope that answers your question!
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sonicasura · 1 year
*looks at @frenchie-sottises Knack designs: this, this, and this*
The idea of Knack being an entity powered by relics than made from them sounds so interesting. Everything about relics is already a huge mystery other than they can be found in structures that are usually guarded by Guardians and can power various machinery. The Hidden Land in the first game raises even more questions.
My own iteration on this idea would share some similarities to Spectrobes. The collectible creatures, who also share the same name, actually start as fossils. You have to excavate them first and awaken the sleeping Spectrobe with your voice.
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Doctor Vargas finds a fossilized Knack on the pedestal. His chest orb is dormant but flashes when the younger scientist reaches out as if accepting to be taken. It takes a few years for Knack to awaken since energy is still needed than just a vocal command. His body is similar to living stone like with the trolls from Trollhunters so he is quite durable.
Relic energy affects his growth and can be gathered by touching relics. Dispersing it or taking too much damage will make Knack shrink. He's still mute when little as his vocal cords aren't developed enough for usage. Knack can grunt or roar though but not talk.
When I do draw my own version, there will be added details than just his normal canon design. Knack gains fur and thick spikes once he surpasses 10 ft. He'll have a tail that becomes similar to an ankylosaurus. Knack also has a scaly hide which is a mix between beetle chitin, fish and reptile scales.
Can't forget hooked claws since he tends to climb a lot. Basically a chimera version of Godzilla that can become a full blown Kaiju. As for the element and gem transformations, they are adaptations than armor. Each shifts temporarily shifts his form to suit the item in question. It's easy to see what material Knack used as it is more prominent.
Simplified Examples
Ice: Thick blue fur and clusters of ice on his back
Wood: Grassy mane with wooden quills
Metal: Prickly metallic hide paired alongside serrated blades
Stealth: Chameleon hide coated in reflective scales
Guardian: Humanoid with all inhuman traits as tribal armor
Dark, Brittle, Sunstone, Massive, Diamond, Vampire, Speed, Power, Saber and Shooting would operate a bit differently. They are more like enhancements similar to weapon parts from Spectrobes. Boost some stats and weaken others with physical changes such as Harumitey with its defensive Lazos part here. 👇
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There is a bit more worldbuilding but I'll save that for another post. What do you think so far?
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ask-wretched · 2 years
He probably won't let anyone do it, which I completely get, but I wonder how he would feel about the idea of someone fixing Squish? Like fixing it up all good and new again so it'll stay with him longer.
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     Because of how important Squish is to him, there would need to be layers of established trust before he would even willingly allow anyone to know about its existence, let alone touch it. If he did get to that point with someone, though, he would be extremely grateful if they offered.       Just be prepared to have him hover over you like a hawk as you’re fixing it. He will not ever separate from Squish for more than a few moments.
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kazachi69 · 1 year
Ayo, loving the new Springtrap voice.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Artists, writers, and assorted friends (alphabetical, not exhaustive alas):
Any link will just take you to my blog with the tag searched.
an0n-1o1 - One joke post about how Knack interacts with a goblin in the second game.
ari-draws-things - Several art pieces. Ohh I can't pinpoint my favorite thing, but if I look at them too long, I fear I will die. The shapes? and the style is so cute? I see lots of drawings of Gundahar, Rothari, Knack and Lucas being adorable.
at7outof10 - One post of digital art of Little Knack, along with some non-KNACK characters. And apparently, one post where they made a Knack Mii, like from the Wii?
bestbuybathroom - Shared a one-shot fic I really like, and made some image macros, jokes, and opinion posts. I like their sense of humor, but it is perhaps not for kids heheh.
bm13 - so far, a page of Little Knacks. So cute!
celiasvalley - I see an opinion post and possibly a joke.
chibifox2002 - Adorable digital art! This person has an AU and sometimes posts sibling shenanigans involving Knack, Lucas, and an OC named Penny.
chrisophur - Some screenshots of the ps4 game and I think of the sadly-discontinued Knack's Quest.
creamsodathe1st - So far, a cute digital piece of Robo Knack, aka Player 2 of KNACK 1, petting a beetle. Also some of their OCs.
crimmy10 - Super cute sketches and colored pieces! I'm noticing lots of art of Knack romantically paired with an OC.
dbnogaming-blog - One screenshot of Abominable Knack, aka Ice Knack.
deequeen1512 - No posts of her own yet, but prompts chibifox2002 about their AU or asks questions through the ask box.
discoknack - it me! I'm a chatterbox who rambles and complains a lot. Sometimes art.
doubleleaf - One drawing of Viktor propped up by one of his robots. Very technique; me gusta. Seems to be an art blog.
emmatheward - Probably one of the most ambitious pieces I've seen so far of Giant Knack's upper torso and right shoulder in meticulous detail.
frenchie-sottises - So far I've shared a post of theirs where Knack has a dinosaur tail, scales and also a bellybutton. So cool! And in full color, too.
gummiscr1bblez - Two art posts about their escapades playing the games.
hervygervy - looks like discord screenshots and memes mainly.
indoobs - One photo of a little crochet plush of Knack made as a present.
kyledahl - An animation cycle of Lucas skipping. This seems to be one of the creators, but I reblogged it on purpose because they deleted the original post and I'm under the impression they won't get notifications.
littlebomba - Uh oops, this person mentioned working at PlayStation,, Plus they shared what looks like a promotional image or poster or wallpaper of some kind, which I have reblogged. Also several more adverts which I have not. I hope they don't look in this direction O_o
thelivingrelic - I have in the queue what looks like a very old roleplay invitation that was never responded to? And the blog itself used to be an RP blog. Sadly this person seems to have deactivated, but I can occasionally find posts from deactivated users if someone still around had reblogged it.
majorpepperidge - some screenshots and cute sketches!
munchiemooz - one GIF of Knack in the trailer for KNACK 1 assembling for the first time.
mypunkpansexualtwin - shared some screenshots of Knack in a character appreciation post.
n-jay79 - Drew one very nice colorful sketchy Doctor Vargas and shared some in-game screenshots. Haven't seen any more KNACK stuff, but this person does draw other middle-aged men on the reg if that's your thing.
pepperishstudio-blog - One "warmup doodle" of Little Knack.
pit--rat - One short text post. If I say more about it I'll spoil it.
playstation - oh shit, the actual PlayStation? and not a fanblog pretending to be playstation? I may be stupid.
robertamew - Several posts of screenshots of Iron Knack, Metal Knack, however you'd like to call him. Also an art piece of Knack, and another of an OC.
sbb-thumbnails - SuperBeardBros apparently did a playthrough series and this person makes the channel's thumbnails.
sonicasura - Crossovers! Some art, mainly talk? I think they're neat, but I am not familiar with the other works being crossed with. A lot of idea stuff.
speedartist-skyliner - Drew two pieces of their version of Knack; one of him small and one of him around six-and-a-half feet tall.
stealthknack - Ugh such a cute but short-lived blog! Shared edited screenshots of the game.
totally-jammin-bridget - Shared some things on a post about how they liked Knack 2. They go by a different name now, so I'll update it soon.
thewizardlywyrm - Two (I think?) super cute digital pieces and one celebratory post about Knack 2.
woodenplankstudios - one comic about Knack, about 7 feet tall or so, breaking into the "mascot lounge" and being obnoxious for four panels. I have to admit, the art is well done.
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greendreamer · 4 years
Hello. I wanna ask 19 as well, but for the TUGS fandom since you've seemed to have dabbled in it with some of the art you've made. (Awesome art btw.)
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
(≧∇≦)ノ thank you
Oh, this is an easy one, The Star Tugs Trust (I don’t think they go by that name any more but who cares) I know, I have talked about them before
For anyone who doesn’t know, these people actually own a majority of the props used on TUGS. Thanks to a some eBay listing back in 2012(?). Making them the SiF of the TUGS fandom. Now probably there’s a whole potential debate regreding the Trust and how they care for the props (especially compared how some of the Thomas props have been cared for)
But that’s not important right now. What a lot of TUGS fans hate them for (same thing with SiF) is that during the years they have been able to get in contact with people who actually worked on TUGS, creating good relationships with them. So when these crew members end finding behind-the-scenes TUGS stuff, they end up giving to the Trust. 
However, the Trust doesn’t often share these finds. Well, they’ve shared a few pictures here and there. But most of the time they keep this stuff to themselves. Only showing this content at pay-for-only-events, where no video or pictures can be taken. Plus giving poor excuses to why they can’t openly share this stuff.
Like did you know Star Tugs Trusts own scripts, the sizzle reel of TUGS and 20 mins version of some of the 15 min long episodes?
It’s like a big company going nope, we wont release anyone more content of [show] even though there’s A) a demand and B) content sat there waiting for release
The only way we knew this stuff even still existed was when fans spoke out earlier this year, revealing any picture/information they had! Like we only have the audio from the sizzle reel available online.
(but seriously TUGS is such an iceberg)
Salty Ask List
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lewhux · 4 years
Gosh, this blog is still active?? I thought it died. Glad to see it's still up!
This blog DEAD DEAD I only came back to it every once in a while LMAO
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merciresolution · 4 years
I mainly wanna know 12 for the shipping thing.
Shipping Asks
12. What drives you away from a ship?
I can’t immediately recall any examples of me being driven away from a ship, but to answer this...
Probably fandom discourse (if it’s not a ship I’m super invested in) or personal connections. Say a friend does something involving a ship that really rubs me the wrong way, I’d probably be driven away from that ship entirely.
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super-firepaw119 · 2 months
Mind giving me the rundown for that New York Times post? Shit wants me to make an account, but not even my most miscellaneous email is worth a site I rarely ever go to.
My educated guess is that there’s one side arguing that this bill is dangerous & shouldn’t become a law (As they should!), while the other side will basically argue “Fuck the LGBTQ+ & them kids.”
Again, just a guess.
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I just.. had a hilarious thought: The tugs dealing with a super oblivious person.
From the person's perspective, free scritches for everyone! They love the tugs so much that there's zero fear present. From the tugs' perspective? Some of them would definitely freak out. Warrior. Like- why are you here?? Not all of us are friendly! Just stay here in my sight and- WHERE'D YOU GO?! And that person is halfway to petting Zak or some other more dangerous tug.
Bonus if the more dangerous tugs don't take this person as an easy meal cause of the lack of fear/charm doing its magic on them. Just nothing but pure hilarity.
Okay, but that is actually pretty funny. You know.. imma write a drabble. Fic under the cut.
The harbor tug watches you with uncertainty as he tries to explain the dangers of the port to you. Warrior has become a bit mother hen around you, worrying that you might get snatched up by a Zed-Stack or at the very least, seriously injured.
"Not all of us are like me, y'know. Some are a bit more, er, aggressive, than others, as some harbor workers say it. Just stay in my sight an-" Warrior says as he looks down at you, only to see you're gone. Worry turns to panic as he sees you on Zak's deck, gently scratching just under his wheel house, prompting a rough sounding purr from the fearsome Zed-Stack.
Zak is a little puzzled about you, considering you have no fear of him whatsoever. However, he isn't complaining, as evident by his faint smile and rough purrs as he feels you give him some much needed scritches. He looks at Warrior at the corner for his eye, who seems to be on the verge on panic seeing you on Zak's deck. However, Zak has no intentions has harming you in any shape or form. Seems your lack of fear has made him take a liking to you. He could get used to this kind of treatment. He hopes your planning on staying here, as he knows you'd be eager to meet the others.
Besides, nothing wrong with being a little soft now and then, right?
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lindseynicole1999 · 4 years
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TW 2
Scenes #2 from the tugs fanfic: Stargazing by @frenchie-sottises
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ask-wretched · 1 year
*stumbles into the cave* Hey, hi, here, I remembered you love sugar cane. I farm too much of this shit to know what to do with, so have a whole chest of it.
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“I’ll give ya a head start, since you jus’ happened ‘ta get your timin’ perfect.”
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arandomvelociraptor · 4 years
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today is @frenchie-sottises birthday, so i drew her persona, angele!!! happy birthday, frenchie!!!!
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jeweledstone · 5 years
Twenty One Questions
I was tagged by @magic-can
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag (21) people you want to know better.
Nicknames: Kota, Jewel
Zodiac: Aquarius, Year of the Dragon
Height: 5’5 last time I checked
Hogwarts House: probably Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Last Thing I Googled: surreal horror stories
Favorite Musicians: DAGames, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, aaand a bit of Panic! At the Disco
Song Stuck in My Head Right Now: Come Get Her by Rae Sremmurd
Following: 892
Followers: 380
Do I Get Asks?: mostly just from that one pokemon retype anon, other than that I’m alone :(
Amount of Sleep: not enough
Lucky Number: 54
What Am I Wearing?: TBOI T-shirt and black leggings
Dream Job: animator or game dev, whichever comes first
Dream Trip: NYC or (what’s left of) The Amazon Rainforest
Instruments: I did violin and piano in middle school, but not anymore
Languages: English, Spanish, and bits and pieces of other languages
Favorite Song: So many of em... can’t list them all
Random Fact: When I was in middle school, I befriended a bumblebee and named it Roseli
Aesthetic: Rubberhose cartoons, shiny crystals, and Halloween stuff
I Tag: @fuzzyfoe @ilovethetalkingclock @snapzone @the-valiant-valkyrie @frenchie-sottises aaaaand @hoodieimp
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