#french riveria
travelbinge · 24 days
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By Ewout.Pahud
Menton, Côte D’azur, France
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hotelsociety · 1 year
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Want Grace Kelly's favourite Côte d’Azur villa? No problem it is up for sale for just $12.9M. I've seen what people pay for $12 million in Toronto, and this seems way better. Plus, it's a former mill dating from the 17th century and some from the 14th century with 6,500 square feet. Via Spaces
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myownvalentine · 3 months
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bye nice, sad u rained eveyday
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belle-femme-enjoyer · 2 years
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beautiful Alix
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Just a goofy little thing that’s been on my mind the last couple of days.
Steddie The Dating Game style!
Steve is the one asking questions and they have given him three choices: Tommy the Prep, Billy the Punk, and Eddie the Metalhead.
The first question Steve asks is if they were trying to impress him on their first date, what would they do?
Tommy: I’d pick you up in my Jag, fly you out to the French Riveria and have champagne on the terrace watching the sun set.
Billy: I’d pick you up in my Camero, drive you to the fanciest restaurant in town, taking you to a five star hotel and fuck you into the mattress.
Eddie is looking over at these assholes like WTF: I’d find out your favorite places to go, start with making you breakfast in bed, take you out for a picnic of all your favorite foods, then do something fun like the roller rink or mini-golf. And then take you star gazing to finish the day.
Steve is stunned by all their answers, but Eddie’s the most.
As it goes on, Tommy’s answers get more and more extravagant and Billy’s gets more and more lewd. Eddie is trying to stay out of the pissing contest the other two seem to be engaging in.
Even Steve is getting tired of it. So he asks an offbeat question designed to throw Billy off and get him to shut up.
Steve: How do you feel about male lingerie?
Billy is confused and asks what that even is.
The host explains that it’s men’s underwear designed and made of the same materials that is found in women’s lingerie, but made to fit the broad shoulders, flat chest, and dick of men.
Billy frowns: For you or for me?
Steve rolls his eyes. He knows better than to say Billy: Me.
Billy smirks: You’d wear it once, Babe, and then I would rip it of you and fuck you until screamed my name.
It was exactly as disgusting as Steve thought it would be. 
Eddie leans into the microphone even though it wasn’t his question: If that’s what you liked, I would buy as many as you wanted in all the best colors. Black of course. Red for sure. Maybe even a little pink one for kicks (cue Steve turning pink). I’d even do a little photo shoot for you in your favorites and then lovingly removed to make love with you.
Steve who had already been leaning toward Eddie for the sheer fact he wasn’t an ass like the other two, is smitten.
After he picks Eddie and they are getting ready for their date, he confesses that the question was meant to throw Billy, but after Eddie’s answer, he almost wants to try it. With Eddie.
Come to find out, Eddie was just as rich as the other two, he just wanted to make sure Steve had fun and not just throw money at him.
They quickly become the show’s biggest success story.
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samynnad102687 · 5 months
Growing Old
April 16 Prompt: Growing Old | 1216 words | Jegulus
James was lying in the bed at their rented villa on the French Riveria with his now-husband. He still couldn't believe that Regulus agreed to date him let alone marry him. They had just spent the last month touring different countries in Europe and it was their last day before they had to go back home to London and back to real life. James was not ready to give up this little bubble they had created.
James looked over to find Regulus still sleeping, curled up into James' side with his head on his chest. James couldn't help but smile down at him. He raised one hand slightly to card his fingers through his hair. Regulus hummed in his sleep as he crowded James even more. James tried not to laugh but it came out anyway.
"Jamie," Regulus mumbled into his chest.
"Yeah, Starlight?"
"Go back to sleep."
"I'd love to but you know me, once I'm up, I'm up."
Regulus peeked up at him from under his lashes with a slight glare but both of them knew it didn't mean anything.
"Why did I marry you?"
"Because you love me and you want to grow old with me," James beamed at his husband.
"Oh, yeah. That," Regulus replied sleepily. "Well, stop moving so I can go back to sleep."
"We go home today, love."
"Nope, we're gonna freeze time and stay here forever," Regulus declared as he gripped James' waist tighter.
"Is that so?"
James was okay with that plan.
James was running around the house trying to get everything ready for Harry's first day of reception. Regulus was in Harry's room getting him dressed. Regulus and James got the honour of dropping him off with Luna while Lily and Pandora got to pick him up after school since he was spending the night with them while James and Regulus went out for the night. In the last ten years, they tried to keep a weekly date night so they didn't get burnt out with work and parenthood.
"Are you ready, James?" Regulus called from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah. Just need to grab his jacket and then everything is set," James replied as he whirled around to look for the jacket he just had in his hand and now wasn't.
"You mean this jacket?" Regulus chuckled as he held up Harry's Spiderman jacket that Pandora got him for Christmas last year.
"I swear it was just in my hand," James laughed as he kissed his husband on the lips.
"I'm sure it was, Mon Soleil."
Regulus shook his head before he helped Harry into his jacket.
"All ready, Haz?" James asked the obviously excited five-year-old.
"Yeah. Is Luna gonna be in my class?"
"Yes, she is," Regulus confirmed.
Harry and Luna were only a few months apart, so they have been inseparable since birth. James and Regulus loaded Harry up into the car and made sure his buckle was secured before James pulled out of the drive. The drive to the school wasn't long but James could already feel the nerves about having his child start school and not being home all day anymore. They arrived and Harry was practically bouncing in his booster seat.
"Do you need help, Haz?" Regulus asked after he opened the back door.
"No. I got it."
Harry unbuckled himself and James handed him his backpack before the three of them walked up to the school and into his classroom.
James never wanted to end up in a hospital's waiting room again. He had just dropped Harry off with the Weasleys for the night when he got a call from the hospital. Regulus was in a car accident, so here he was sitting antsy as fuck and waiting to hear how his husband was doing. The receptionist refused to tell him anything aside from he was still in surgery.
Two hours later, the doctor finally came out to talk to him. By that time, James had called Lily, Pandora and Sirius. He hadn't told Harry yet. Mainly because he wanted to wait and find out how bad it was. James was listening to the doctor but the only thing that came through his cloudy mind was 'Regulus is going to be just fine.' James could have dropped to his knees right then and there in relief if Sirius wasn't holding him up.
After James got his bearings again, he followed the doctor back to the recovery room where Regulus was. Regulus had his leg elevated and in a cast as well as some scrapes and bruises along the side of his neck and chest. James hated that he was injured and mentally cursed whoever hit him.
"It's not as bad as it looks, love," Regulus chuckled lightly as he reached out for James' hand.
"It looks pretty bad, Reg," James whispered as he took his husband's hand. "What happened?"
"Somebody ran a red light and t-boned my passenger side. The doctor said if there was anybody else in the car, they wouldn't have survived and I'm lucky to only have a broken leg and some bruising," Regulus replied as he squeezed James' hand in reassurance. "Everything is going to be okay. Where's Harry?"
"At Ron's. I didn't want to worry him so I didn't tell him anything yet," James replied absentmindedly as he looked at Regulus' injuries.
"Probably a good idea," Regulus mused.
"Haz, hurry up before you're late for your own graduation," James shouted up the stairs.
"I'm coming, Dad. Don't get your knickers in a twist."
Regulus was sitting on the couch laughing quietly and James spun around to glare at him.
"I don't want to hear it," James pointed at him but had no bite to his tone.
"If I remember correctly, you were almost late to your own graduation too, so I wouldn't give him so much grief. He does take after his father after all."
"He's your son too, you know," James remarked before he kissed Regulus on the forehead. "Maybe, he'll come down quicker for you."
Regulus shrugged and stood up before he walked to the stairs and called for Harry, "Haz, it's time to go."
"Be right down, Papa," Harry replied and was on the landing within the next minute.
Regulus turned towards James and smirked.
The summer night air was a little sticky after the rain storm but it didn't stop the great-grandkids from playing in the puddles and the mud, no matter how much James and Regulus told them not to. James couldn't help the love that swelled in his heart as he watched them.
James and Regulus were sitting on their wrap-around porch watching them chase each other around the garden. The older two were making sure that the younger three were included instead of ignoring them like most teenagers would do. They weren't on their phones either which James appreciated.
"Can you believe we get to watch our great-grandkids run around like this?" Regulus asked as he cuddled closer to James on the porch swing.
"I told you we would," James replied as he kissed his forehead gently.
"Yeah, you did." Regulus smiled up at him before he continued, "I love you, Mon Soleil."
"I love you too, Mon étoile."
Also posted on Ao3: As Time Passes
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eulogybaby · 1 month
keke loves coca-cola. just came across yet another picture where he's sitting at a nice restaurant in what looks like the fucking french riveria and he has a fucking coke in what looks like a shot glass(??) idc i love my pookie even when the coke begins to eat at his stomach lining like battery acid and his back molars are probably rotted thru. he's so lana del rey americana my pussy tastes like pepsi (cola)
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sassyfrassboss · 7 months
What do you think of the brand name/ do you think it’s going to be big like goop — I’m just not sure what the POV is of an “American riveria orchard”
This is the French Riviera:
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This is an archard:
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I see absolutely nothing in common. Whatsoever.
I have never seen nor heard of an orchard on the water or near the beach.
The "American Riviera" is supposedly Santa Barbara.
So she is going with that due to her location and then threw in "Orchard" for her "jams"?
Apparently its going to be cooking right now. Which I figured because she was really trying for a cooking segment on the morning shows years ago using Corey's recipes.
All she can sell house designer wise is basic beige and forgive me but I doubt there is a person on this planet who wants to smell a candle that smells like her hooha.
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racingcore · 6 months
besides from not being funny, Danny ric going "southern french riveria vibe that he puts out" about Charles..... my guy literally was born and grew up there, thats his home. monaco. its literally there on the fucking map along the lines.
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biillyhargroves · 4 months
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snippet of my current wip, + vibes & tunes
its a whimsigoth werewolf dark fantasy set in the french riveria, loosely inspired by maurauders-era wolfstar. you can follow progress on instagram!! if you want.
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
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Reblogs > Likes
@waterhashiras , @ask-liam-and-co , @cupid-beatricereden , @gmilfwhore
Main Blog: @wishxmexwell
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2001, June 30th, 22 years of age
The Mainland, Riveria.
Italian & Scottish
He/She , Bigender
Gaelic, English & French
Known as ‘Trip’. Or ‘Tripwire’.
‘Tripwire’ , ‘Trip’ , ‘The Devil Himself’.
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Hazelnut / Chestnut Brown
Long brown hair which goes down to his shoulders, typically not tied up.
Slim, athletic, muscular, broad shoulders, strong grip, ‘piano’ fingers, calloused hands.
A scar that goes down his spine all the way to his mid-lower back, a stubble of a beard on his face, sleeves are usually rolled up his arms, scars along his hands and arms.
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physical disorders & physical health
ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Minor Depression, ODD.
Well, very in shape, eats healthy, goes for runs, does exercise daily, drinks a lot of water and takes care of himself.
positive traits
Kind and caring, always aware of situations, sympathetic, understanding and honest.
negative traits
Oblivious nature, hot-headed, overthinks, easily stressed and not very understanding towards peoples tones of voices.
personality synopsis. 
Trip is a very kind and ambitious individual. He’s rather smart and very intelligent in the areas of engineering. He’s rather understanding and sympathetic, as well as comforting. He knows between right and wrong and knows when it’s the right time. He’s also very stealthy and tends to be rather chaotic, causing trouble for everyone. However, due to this factor and this factor alone, 4 years ago he was cast out of the Mainland, however, he promised to come back and quote: Bring Hell with him. This is exactly what he did. He came back after 4 years and got his revenge on all those who wronged him. He’s very feared amongst most and will not hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who opposes him. Most Mainlanders know to stay away from this man as quoted: He will curse you with his ‘evil’. However, this is far from the truth. He’s not like most Mainlanders and instead, he’s rather determined and easily motivated and will never back down from a fight. To most Mainlanders he’s known as; ‘The Devil Himself’.
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Liam, Rouge, airships, blimps, engineering, studying, researching, weaponry, telling stories.
Those who have wronged him.
Overstating the simple things, using dramatic hand motions, referring to himself as; ‘The Devil You Forgot’.
Researching, engineering, weapon making, sketching out new ideas, writing, literature.
Engineering, literature, intelligence
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Mental Health:
Somewhere in the middle, not fully mentally well, but also not super mentally ill.
Engineer, Weapon Smith
Lower/Working Classed
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Johnson was born in Mainland, Riveria on June 30th of 2001. He was brought up and raised by his older sister, Lilith who was unfortunately killed on April 15th of 2006 by a group of armed bandits. This event had caused Johnson to become an orphan. He lived in an orphanage up until the age of 18. At the age of 18, he ended up lashing out, causing him to use an ability he never knew he had. The ability to stop time. This caused the whole town of Riveria to stop for a few moments before he unfroze everyone. This also caused all Hell to break loose. For two days straight he was the talk of the town, until the mayor of Riveria had decided to cast the man out forever. However, he was not going out with a fight, he promised to come back with the devil by his side, and he did just that. 4 years later and he returns, it’s now 2023, there’s a new ruler of the Mainland, his name is Liam. When Johnson came back to the town of Riveria, he came up with a plan to kill the mayor of the town, which he did. The mayor was a black magic preacher who was killed by being strung up by a rope. Johnson then gained the nickname; Tripwire, or Trip for short, due to him tripping over tripwire and setting off a bomb the first week he came back to the Mainland. Regardless of these factors, he was very feared and clearly not the kind of man you would want to mess with. He was known as ‘The Devil Himself’ from that point onwards.
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Faceclaim: Luke Pasqualino
Based heavily around the song: Hell's Comin' With Me.
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Menton en ses jardins : Serre de la Madone, Palais de Carnolès, villa Maria Serena... de la villégiature à la botanique... #jardinsdelacotedazur #menton #jardinsremarquables #agrumes #serredelamadone #mariaserena #carnolès #jardinbotanique #botanique (à Menton, Ville des Citrons, Côte D'azur, French Riveria) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClK3990jmlD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smytherines · 2 months
Writing something that takes place in the French Riveria and is cozy, and I just had the overwhelming urge to listen to La Vie En Rose. I suppressed it for three days, like no don't do that it's so cliche. Anyways I check spotify this morning, and well well well if it isn't my old friend Jo Stafford
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myownvalentine · 3 months
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nice ur so nice
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dorianbluee · 6 months
Ok no one tagged me in this but it looked fun
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kalabandhejblog · 8 months
French Riveria GajiSilk Pastel Bandhani Dupatta
GajiSilk Pastel Bandhani Dupatta Pattern : Chandra Kala Chandrakhani ; Bandhej : White and Yellow if Applicable ; PALAV : Lagdi Patto Nm Gold Zari | Gold Boder ; Fabric  : Pure Gaji Silk ; Mfg : By Kala Bandhej 64 Gms Fabric ; Measurements : 2.5 Mtr. ; For Further Customization USE ORDER NOTE ; GajiSilk Pastel Bandhani Dupatta Embracing Fashion with Tradition Of Kutch Multi Color Dupatta Pure…
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