#freeze is becoming unresponsive to the threat
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Someone walk with me here. Johnny, Dally, and Pony as the three main stress responses.
Dally as fight
Pony as flight
Johnny as freeze
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skydaemon · 11 months ago
Okay I’m awake again and something that really stood out to me with TSC was how different jean and neil are as protagonists. I expected they would be, but the thing I really noticed was how distinct their reactions were.
So, these books are HEAVY. There are many many traumatic events and the characters spend a lot of time in high-stress situations. Even when they’re not being attacked or threatened or XYZ, they’re often in a state of heightened physiological arousal (their sympathetic nervous system is going haywire). As a psychologist, the thing I find really interesting is that we see very different reactions that are all aligned with different adrenal responses, and I wanted to talk about it.
As a baseline, when your sympathetic nervous system is activated, you typically experience what some psychologists call the four Fs. Fight, flight, freeze, and/or fawn (some people use another word here but I don’t like it and think it’s less accurate to the situation). These can occur simultaneously or alone. And of the four characters who are most showing this response are the ones who are consistently in the highest stress situations, but who are also traumatised in such a way that even when they’re not actively in danger their sympathetic nervous system is overreactive and heightened.
So first off, we have Neil. He’s pretty clearly shown to have two responses: flight and fight. For his entire childhood, he’s been fleeing from danger and in the earlier parts of AFTG, we see this response - he tries to run as far as he can possibly get from anything that might be a risk. As a side point, this is pretty clearly a learned response from his mother. As Neil begins to feel more secure and his flight response is impeded (he can’t run away) we see the emergence of his other primary adrenal response - fight. I don’t feel like I need to explain this one, tbh, we’ve all seen how he runs his mouth. Fight is also typically shown when you believe you can defeat whatever’s threatening you, so I love what this says about how his confidence develops across the trilogy.
Then you have Andrew. He’s not a POV protagonist but I feel like his response might be the most obvious. His primary responses are fight and freeze (Andrew Minyard runs from/fawns for no man). Fight is pretty obvious - he’s a very violent person - but I feel like the most clear example of this is stopping Riko from attacking Neil. Andrew is obviously wired and his instinctive response is to protect. I love that for him. His other primary response, unfortunately, is freeze. Based on the most obvious time we see it (during Drake's attack), this is probably a response he developed as a child, before he felt strong/safe enough to fight back. God, these books make me sad sometimes.
Next is Kevin. He has a slightly more varied response - i can see the argument for him freezing, although i wouldnt say it's a primary response - but his main two responses are fight and fawn. Fight isn't necessarily literal, btw - the most obvious example is covering his tattoo. His fawn response is slightly more expanded on in TSC (mild spoilers if you haven't read that yet) when we see him responding to Riko's attack by begging first Riko and then Jean to intercede and stop the violence. he's trying to appeal to their affection for him, which is absolutely heartbreaking. Kevin i love you.
And finally, we have Jean, whose primary responses are only really made clear in TSC, although they are backed up by his appearances in the trilogy - freeze and fawn. We see freezing in Jean's response to sympathetic nervous system arousal, often from hearing about or recalling upsetting events/information. He closes in on himself and becomes unresponsive. Fawn is slightly more complicated, as we see it somewhat throughout AFTG. when he's loyal to riko and doing things he thinks riko will like in hopes of reducing any potential pain/threat he will experience, i'd call that fawning. an example at usc is him getting on his knees and handing coach rhemann his racket - he's not just submitting to punishment, he's trying to be helpful and well-behaved in hopes of lessening it. it's honestly a really strong response from him and it absolutely breaks my heart. jean in tsc is really struggling and i hope the last book brings him some peace. i also find it really painful that he's the only one of these boys without a fight response - he's never felt capable of winning against his abusers. i really hope the trojans and bee are able to help change that.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 8 months ago
So we sometimes talk about Killer “malfunctioning” or “ceasing to function” but what might something like that actually mean, what might it look like.
For Killer, a "malfunction" or "ceasing to function" would likely be as unsettling for everyone around him as it is for himself.
Killer could experience intense confusion and disorientation. Struggling to process his surroundings and may have difficulty distinguishing between reality and hallucinations.
Sudden gaps in memory occur, making it hard for him to remember recent events or recognize familiar faces.
He might find himself in places without any recollection of how he got there, such as being in the dining room with Nightmare only to suddenly come to in the dungeons with no recollection of how he got there, why he’s there, or even how long it has been.
Erratic behavior becomes more pronounced. Killer might switch rapidly between his various stages without clear triggers, leading to unpredictable and dangerous actions.
Visible signs of distress such as tremors, a flickering or dimming of his eye lights, and a general sense of physical instability. He might collapse or have difficulty moving properly.
In Stage 1, if he’s still able to access this Stage at all, he might experience emotional overload.
Overwhelmed by guilt and fear, Killer might become paralyzed by indecision, unable to carry out any commands from Nightmare or the Chara in his head. He could experience panic attacks, hyperventilation, or bouts of uncontrollable crying.
Intense feelings of worthlessness and despair dominate his thoughts, making it hard for him to muster the energy to act.
He might isolate himself, withdrawing from any interaction and refusing to engage with his environment.
In Stage 2, he may increasingly lose control of himself and his body even further, his facade of control deteriorating.
The playful, violent facade crumbles, revealing deep-seated instability. He might lash out uncontrollably, harming himself or others without clear intention.
He may display erratic speech and behavior, where he shifts between manic laughter and bouts of anger or fear, confusing those around him.
Killer might speak incoherently, mixing up names, events, and his understanding of reality. His actions become disjointed and nonsensical. He might express conflicting emotions rapidly, making it hard for anyone to predict his next move, until he just succumbs to complete apathy.
He stops trying to engage with anyone, doesn’t speak as often. Any sense of personality dissolves and hes similar to an empty husk who doesn’t care to even engage in banter or engage in strategic planning. His body running on autopilot during missions, and his mind is obviously constantly somewhere else.
In Stage 3, incoherent rage might lead to intense anger flares up without clear targets or reasons. Killer might destroy objects or attack anyone nearby indiscriminately. His speech, if there is any other than uncomprehending growling and hissing, is filled with threats and curses, but his eyes reveal deep confusion and fear.
He becomes obsessed with trying to regain control, fixating on repetitive actions or commands from Nightmare or even the Chara in his head, even if they make no sense in context.
He might exhibit OCD-like behavior, such as counting, arranging objects, or repeating phrases to ground himself.
In Stage 4 is when he might experience something like a systemic shutdown.
Killer’s actions become mechanical and devoid of purpose, almost like a machine running on low power. He might freeze in place, staring blankly without responding to stimuli. He could exhibit catatonia, remaining motionless and unresponsive for extended periods.
The clear, determined purpose of Stage 4 becomes muddled. Killer might question his existence, his purpose, and the commands he’s received.
He might express confusion about his identity, alternating between referring to himself as Killer and Sans, displaying signs of a “split personality.”
Which shows even more confusion if paired with my HC that Stage 4 doesn’t use Killer in the way a name would be used. Only as “the killer,” “a killer,” “this killer,” “their killer.”
Friends or foes observe Killer acting unpredictably, switching between his various stages rapidly, and expressing a wide range of emotions in a short time.
His attacks become less coordinated and more frenzied, making him both more dangerous and more vulnerable.
Killer’s physical appearance deteriorates. His eye lights might flicker or go out entirely, and his movements could become jerky or lethargic. Observers might notice him talking to himself, reacting to unseen entities or voices, and displaying signs of severe distress.
Attempts to communicate with Killer result in confusing or nonsensical responses. He might babble incoherently, repeat phrases, or respond inappropriately to questions or commands. His usual cunning and manipulative abilities falter, making him appear more pitiable and less threatening.
Those who witness or are affected by Killer’s malfunctions might become wary of him, unsure when he might break down again. Allies could distance themselves, fearing for their safety, while enemies might see opportunities to exploit his vulnerabilities.
Entities like Nightmare or any other controlling figure might tighten their grip on Killer, trying to prevent further malfunctions through stricter commands or more invasive control mechanisms.
Killer might be subjected to more resets or modifications to stabilize him, further eroding his sense of self.
Each malfunction leaves a scar on Killer’s psyche, deepening his sense of helplessness and reinforcing his learned helplessness; reinforces the idea that he can’t trust himself, that he needs someone to keep him functioning and stable.
The lines between his stages blur further, making it harder for him to function coherently or find any sense of stability. And if there isn’t an immediate way to stabilize him, Nightmare can of course just replace him.
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x-candy-guts-x · 2 years ago
Yautja x human ft worm on a string
I had some more thoughts :)
•It’s really interesting to me how humans are at their core a prey species. You can argue that forwards facing eyes are a trait of predators however it’s seen in basically all monkeys and apes and they are primarily vegetarians. They eat small prey like insects or small mammals but aren’t on the scale of say k-9’s, felines, and other obligatory carnivores. I believe it’s primarily a trait derived from our deeply social species. Our eyes are a huge part of our kinds communication wether we are looking at something or someone. We follow the direction of peoples eyes when talking. It’s been a great tool in our development.
•that being said I feel like predatory species like the yautja would find it fascinating to watch a human go from prey species to brutal predator in a matter of moments due to any given circumstances. Our instincts to danger are typically the five F’s. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn and faint. (For those of you who don’t know freeze is when you become unresponsive much like a deer in the headlight. Fawn is when you try to essentially suck up to the threat and get them to calm down and no longer be a threat. This is usually seen in abusive relationships where people will try to appease their abusor by avoiding conflict or doing whatever they can to get the abusor in a good mood again even at their own detriment. And faint is well.. faint lol.)
•Humans developed carrion stomachs due to our tendency to go after the largest strongest prey possible. We had so much meat we couldn’t eat it all and it would spoil. Our stomachs developed strong acids to kill bacteria in meat that has been sitting.
•humans are one of the only species on the planet to actively hunt the largest and strongest of any animal in a given herd/group. Which I think is something the yautja relate too.
•for humans this was out of necessity. The biggest animal provided the most food for our large social groups. We needed to provide the most food for our people. And our ability to kill from a distance and out do our prey in endurance allowed us to not have to worry about energy expenditure like big cats who hunt alone and need to conserve as much as possible thus hunting whatever is the easiest.
•we did this for so long that we developed predatory instincts. However at our core we still have prey instincts. Your yautja finds that cute. :)
•he is much larger, stronger and deadlier than you without armor and weapons. Sharp teeth and claws with a scaled hide and muscle structure that could knock over a bus is nothing to sneeze at. He absolutely adores the difference between the two of you. Your much smaller form with soft skin and tiny blunt teeth and nails is endearing. But this also makes him extra worried for you when you go hunting. He has to remember that humans are fine predators but only when they have someone else to rely on.
•humans are NOT meant to be alone. In virtually anything. Todays society will have you believe in toxic ideals like pulling yourself up by your boot straps and not needing to rely on anyone. But humans at their very core are meant to be in large deeply socially bonded groups. It takes a village to raise 1 human properly. And our society has forgotten that. Your yautja finds it deeply unsettling when he finds out that your culture is not as social as it seems from the outside looking in. With everyone living so close together and there being so many people in such small areas you’d think everyone would know everybody. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. Single parents and fear stricken neighbors run rampant in most of the cities. So when he sees you pack bonding with a roomba he takes it upon himself to be your best friend.
•that’s another thing. Humans are so social we pack bond with virtually anything. We crave intimacy so badly (not like that you pervs) that we will pack bond with ANYTHING. You name it. A dog? So common. A car? Strange to him but not uncommon for one to become at least a little attached to something important like that. A fuzzy noodle with googly eyes attached? It’s a worm on a string? Ok we’re getting you some help.
•your getting dragged to an oomanologist and he prescribes you a pet.
•your pet ate the worm on a string
•there were tears
•he’s secretly happy about it
•he actually tried to get rid of it several times. Garbage shoot? You walked in on him mid act. Burn it? The bastard wouldn’t even reach the fire because the string kept getting tangled to twigs and branches that hovered above it. A tall shelf? Well he found you sitting on top of the fridge like a gargoyle once so that was out of the question.
•your yautja regularly has to remember that he’s a lot bigger than you and you are so smol. His voice alone can startle you if your not expecting it! There goes the prey instincts again. Loud noises are not your friend that’s for sure.
•did you know that in alien vs predator they used tiger roar sound effects for the yautja roars? They actually do this in a lot of movies and it pisses me off especially when they attach it to things like mountain lions who literally can’t roar but that’s besides the point- anyway tiger roars are actually capable of STUNNING their prey. There’s something about the volume and frequency that actually temporarily stubs other creatures. If the yautja canonically roar similar to tigers and he accidentally stuns you OmG.
•so much purring
•he’s on his knees hugging you trying to make himself small.
•this dude cannot navigate your human home.
•he broke a dining room chair sitting in it
• he’s too big for the hallways without ducking and turning sideways partially sometimes.
•hand holding is so cute. Ur hands are just so tiny compared to his
•he does research on monkeys and sees how grooming is a very important social que and he connects this to humans. Unfortunately he didn’t think that humans were so prudish around nudity so when he just picked you up and threw you into a big tub he was NOT ready for those hands.
•predator instincts activate 🔫
•he almost drowned
•mildly scared of you
•your so small how are you that strong
•when y’all do get comfortable enough though he loves bath time :)
•scratches your little head with his claws (lightly) a lot
•plays with your hair a lot especially in the tub
•your self care routine becomes his care for human routine
•honestly? He fucking prides himself on how well taken care of you are. He flaunts you like you have a pedigree
• “my ooman is better than yours”
•que fight
•you become friends with the other human and while they’re fighting, you guys are sitting in the dirt playing games.
•they come back like ?? Hello? Did you not see us? WERE U EVEN WATCHING?
•you get mad at him? He went and got you new worms
•all the colors
•he has a worm for his ships dash. He chills. Sometimes you catch him playing with it
•I had more ideas but I forgot
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What happens during wills panic attacks, if that makes sense? Like what happens to him if that makes sense
I totally hear you!!
Will's panic attacks tend to follow a simple path.
Anxiety - Will has a trigger (such as someone commenting on his weight or attractiveness, a loud noise like an explosion, firework, or someone shouting, being touched unexpectedly, etc) or his thoughts start spiraling for no apparent reason. His thoughts go in circles, he starts to get tunnel vision, and he begins to feel shaky. He may also throw up or get a nosebleed from his powers activating against a nonexistent threat.
Flashback - If there is a trigger, a flashback will ensure after the anxiety stage. This will entail that he thinks he is back in a past traumatic moment, confusion, and fight-or-flight (he may be afraid enough that he either freezes and becomes unresponsive, tries to fight by screaming at people and hitting at nearby people, or running away from his environment.)
Panic - After the original anxiety and the flashback (if it occurs), Will experiences shortness of breath, spiraling thoughts, dizziness, a racing heart with chest pain, and an inability to function. He will almost certainly have a nosebleed at this point and will be noticeably upset. He will also experience hot flashes, chills, and sweating.
Tapering down - After getting away from the trigger or waiting it out (20-60 minutes, usually), the symptoms slowly start to ramp down. During this time, Will frequently draws or goes for a walk to get fresh air and space to calm down.
Finished - The panic and racing thoughts have slowed, though still better than during the panic and tapering down. He will still experience shakiness, temperature swings, racing thoughts and heart, and may vomit if he is still upset afterwards, but it is rare.
Thanks for the ask!! Hope this answers your question!
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laptoprepairsaus · 19 days ago
When Your PC Freezes Mid-Project: Immediate Actions to Take
You’re deep into an important project, hitting your stride, when suddenly, your PC freezes. The screen locks up, your mouse becomes unresponsive, and you’re left staring at an immovable display. It’s frustrating, stressful, and can jeopardise hours of hard work. However, knowing what steps to take can make all the difference.
This guide explains the immediate actions to handle a frozen PC and prevent future disruptions. If the problem persists, remember that PC repairs in Adelaide provide reliable, professional support to restore your system.
Why Does a PC Freeze?
PC freezes can happen for various reasons, from minor glitches to serious hardware failures. Common causes include:
Overloaded system resources: Running too many programs can overwhelm your CPU or RAM.
Software conflicts: Outdated applications or drivers can cause compatibility issues.
Malware or viruses: Harmful software can disrupt system performance.
Overheating: Dust buildup or poor ventilation can lead to excessive heat, forcing the system to freeze.
Steps to Take When Your PC Freezes
1. Assess the Situation Calmly
The first step is to resist the urge to panic. Take a moment to evaluate what might have triggered the freeze. Were you using a specific application, or was the system running multiple resource-heavy tasks? Identifying the probable cause can guide your next steps.
2. Disconnect Peripheral Devices
External devices like USB drives, printers, or headphones sometimes cause conflicts. Unplug these peripherals and check if your system responds.
3. Open Task Manager
Use Ctrl + Shift + Esc to access the Task Manager. This tool lets you identify and close any unresponsive applications. Look for programs consuming excessive CPU or memory and select “End Task” to shut them down.
4. Perform a Safe Restart
To restart a frozen PC:
Hold the power button for 5–10 seconds until the system shuts off.
Wait a few moments before powering it back on.
Once restarted, check for updates or run diagnostics to ensure everything functions correctly.
5. Run a Malware Scan
If your PC frequently freezes, malware might be the culprit. Use reliable antivirus software to scan and remove potential threats. For more comprehensive diagnostics and solutions, seeking help from computer repairs in Adelaide can be invaluable.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Freezing
While knowing how to troubleshoot is important, prevention is even better. Here’s how to keep your PC running smoothly:
1. Regularly Update Your System
Outdated software and drivers are a common cause of system instability. Enable automatic updates or routinely check for updates to your operating system, drivers, and key applications.
2. Manage Storage and Memory
Ensure you have sufficient free storage on your hard drive, as a full disk can slow down your PC. Uninstall unused programs and delete unnecessary files. Upgrading your RAM can also help if you frequently use resource-intensive software.
3. Ensure Proper Ventilation
Overheating is a leading cause of freezing. Regularly clean your PC’s vents and fans to prevent dust buildup. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area to maintain optimal airflow.
4. Use Reliable Antivirus Software
A strong antivirus program protects your system from malware and ensures smoother performance. Schedule regular scans to detect and eliminate potential threats before they cause problems.
When to Seek Professional Help
If your PC freezes repeatedly despite following these steps, it may indicate a deeper hardware or software issue. Professional technicians can diagnose the root cause and provide tailored solutions. Computer repair experts in Adelaide have the tools and knowledge to address everything from hardware malfunctions to software conflicts.
A frozen PC can be a frustrating roadblock, especially during critical tasks. You can often resolve the issue quickly and efficiently by staying calm and following these steps. Preventive measures like regular updates, malware scans, and proper ventilation will help you avoid similar situations in the future.
When the problem goes beyond your expertise, trust the specialists in computer repairs in Adelaide to get your system back on track. With their professional assistance, you’ll spend less time troubleshooting and focusing more on what matters most.
Source: When Your PC Freezes Mid-Project: Immediate Actions to Take
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marketingagencys-posts · 1 month ago
Top Signs You Need Professional Laptop Repair Services in Dubai
In today's fast-paced digital world, laptops and computers have become integral parts of our daily lives. From work to entertainment, these devices serve multiple purposes. But what happens when your trusted device starts acting up? Knowing the signs that your laptop needs professional repair can save you from costly replacements and lost productivity. If you’re in need of laptop repair Dubai or computer repair Dubai, look no further than DataLife, your one-stop destination for all your IT repair needs.
Slow Performance
Is your laptop taking forever to load applications or websites? Slow performance is one of the most common issues users face. This could be due to outdated hardware, insufficient RAM, or malware infections. Instead of trying random fixes, trust professionals in laptop repair Dubai to diagnose and resolve the issue effectively.
Frequent Crashes and Freezes
Does your computer freeze without warning or shut down on its own? If it is experiencing frequent crashes, it could be a sign of deeper hardware or software issues. From a failing hard drive to corrupted system files, computer repair Dubai services at DataLife can diagnose the root cause and get your device running at its best.
Overheating Issues
Overheating is a significant issue that permanently damages your laptop. Dusting, faulty fans, or deterioration of thermal paste are common reasons for overheating. DataLife expert technicians provide effective laptop repair in Dubai services and keep your gadget cool and active.
 Fast Battery Draining
If your laptop's battery doesn't last as long as it used to, then you need professional help. The natural degradation of batteries over time can sometimes be caused by software or charging systems. A faulty battery shouldn't disrupt your work; seek computer repair Dubai experts to diagnose and fix the problem.
Unresponsive Keyboard or Trackpad
You must experience that some keys on your keyboard do not work, or that your trackpad is not responding. All these computer hardware faults require professional services. DataLife offers specialized laptop repair Dubai services to solve such problems efficiently.
Unusual Noises
Hearing unusual sounds from your laptop or computer? This may be a sign of a failing fan, hard drive, or other internal parts. Ignoring these sounds may lead to bigger issues. Get your computer checked by computer repair Dubai experts at DataLife.
Screen Issues
A cracked screen, flickering display, or dead pixels might make using your laptop frustrating. Whether it's a hardware replacement or software calibration, the team at DataLife is well-equipped to handle any laptop repair Dubai needs.
Virus or Malware Infections
Viruses and malware can compromise your data and system performance. If you suspect your laptop or computer is infected, act fast. The experienced technicians at computer repair Dubai services provided by DataLife can remove the threats and install reliable security solutions.
Why Choose DataLife?
At DataLife, we understand the importance of keeping your devices in top condition. Our certified professionals provide:
Comprehensive diagnostics and repair services
Fast turnaround times
Affordable pricing
Reliable solutions for hardware and software problems
For laptop repair Dubai or computer repair Dubai, DataLife is the trusted option for people and companies.
Don't ignore warning signs when your laptop or computer starts acting up. Timely professional repairs will save you the time, money, and hassle of dealing with more serious problems down the line. Call DataLife today for expert laptop repair Dubai and computer repair Dubai services you can count on.
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makcity09 · 1 year ago
MacBook Air A1932 13" Retina Liquid Damage Service
Chronicles of Resilience MacBook Air A1932's Battle Against Liquid Threats:~~
The chronicles of resilience unfold as the MacBook Air A1932 13" Retina faces liquid threats head-on. Whether it's an accidental spill, a sudden downpour, or an unforeseen mishap, the device engages in a battle where every component plays a crucial role.
The first line of defense is often the sealed enclosure, designed to shield the internal components from liquid intrusion. As liquid attempts to breach this fortress, the MacBook Air A1932 activates its intricate mechanisms, strategically diverting and resisting the encroaching threat.Choose MacBook Air A1932 13" Liquid Damage Repair for a device that stands resilient in the face of liquid challenges, ready to conquer new horizons.
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Warning Signs that Liquid May Have Breached Your MacBook Air A1932:~~
Unresponsive Keyboard: If your MacBook Air A1932's keyboard is acting erratic, with keys sticking or not responding, it could be a sign of liquid damage
Trackpad Issues: Liquid damage may cause the trackpad to become unresponsive or exhibit erratic behavior, making precise navigation challenging.
Flickering Screen: A display that flickers or shows distorted visuals might indicate liquid intrusion affecting the internal components.
Strange Noises: Unusual sounds emanating from your MacBook Air A1932, such as hissing or crackling, could be a result of liquid affecting internal components.
Overheating: Liquid damage may compromise the cooling system, leading to overheating issues as the MacBook struggles to regulate temperature.
Battery Draining Quickly: If the battery life suddenly diminishes, it could be a sign of liquid damage affecting the MacBook's power-related components.
System Crashes or Freezing: Frequent system crashes or instances of the MacBook freezing unexpectedly may be indicative of underlying liquid damage.
Unusual Smells: A distinct odor, especially if it's an unusual or burnt smell, could suggest components within your MacBook Air A1932 are affected by liquid damage.
Inconsistent Performance: General performance issues, such as slow response times, application lag, or overall sluggishness, may be linked to liquid damage.
Distorted Audio Output: Liquid damage can impact the MacBook's audio components, leading to distorted or muffled sound during audio playback.
Port Malfunctions: USB ports, Thunderbolt ports, or other connectors may malfunction or fail to recognize connected devices due to liquid exposure.
Visible Liquid Traces: If you notice any visible traces of liquid around the edges of the MacBook or on the keyboard, it's a clear indicator of a potential spill or exposure.
How Our Expert Handling of MacBook Air A1932 Liquid Damage:~~
Immediate Assessment:
Swiftly assessing the extent of liquid damage is crucial. Our technicians promptly evaluate the affected areas, including internal components, to gauge the severity of the situation.
Disassembly and Inspection:
Careful disassembly of the MacBook Air A1932 allows for a thorough inspection of individual components. We meticulously examine the logic board, keyboard, trackpad, connectors, and other critical elements for signs of corrosion or damage.
Advanced Diagnostics:
Our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools aid in pinpointing specific issues caused by liquid exposure. This step ensures a precise understanding of the damage, enabling us to formulate a targeted and effective repair strategy.
Corrosion Mitigation:
Corrosion is a common consequence of liquid damage. Our experts employ advanced techniques to mitigate corrosion, preventing further deterioration of vital components and restoring conductivity.
Component Repair and Replacement:
Damaged components undergo meticulous repair or replacement to ensure the MacBook Air A1932 returns to optimal functionality. This may involve soldering, reflowing, or replacing affected parts with high-quality components.
Thorough Cleaning:
A thorough cleaning process removes any residue left by liquids, preventing long-term damage and ensuring a clean and safe internal environment for your MacBook Air A1932.
Precision Reassembly:
After repairs, each component is meticulously reassembled with precision and attention to detail. Our technicians adhere to industry standards, ensuring the MacBook Air A1932 is restored to its original state.
Functional Testing:
Rigorous functional testing is conducted to ensure that all repaired components work seamlessly together. This step involves checking the keyboard, trackpad, display, ports, and other functionalities to guarantee a comprehensive repair.
Quality Assurance:
Our commitment to quality extends beyond the repair process. Each MacBook Air A1932 undergoes stringent quality assurance checks to ensure that it meets our high standards before being returned to the customer.
Educational Guidance:
As part of our service, we provide guidance on best practices to prevent future liquid damage. This includes tips on handling spills, using protective accessories, and maintaining a liquid-free environment for your MacBook Air A1932.
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thisisntsustainable · 2 years ago
The trauma theory of structural dissociation (Van der Hart, Nijenhuis & Steele, 2006) describes how the brain’s structure of specialised hemispheres facilitates disconnection in times of overwhelm, allowing the left brain to take over control and perform the tasks of daily life. The left brain hemisphere is able to stay focussed, remain positive and function in a logical, task-oriented way, whilst much of the function of the right hemisphere is suppressed, remaining in survival mode, braced for danger or frozen with fear (Fischer, 2017). The functions of the fragmented parts are often disowned and experienced as ‘not me’. This compartmentalisation allows people to be informed about climate change whilst staying emotionally undisturbed and unresponsive. The more reality is systematically fragmented in this way, the more anxiety builds up unconsciously and the need for further distortion increases. In a traumatised culture, only a certain aspect of society is free to develop, whereas parts of the culture remain frozen, fragmented or hyper-activated and reactive (Huebl, 2019). The fight-flight-freeze response is a neurological reaction that leads to hormonal and physiological changes in the face of threat. Post traumatic trauma occurs when heightened stress and fear become chronic (Levine, 1997). Life is lived on high alert in constant survival mode. The flight response is linked to anxiety, panic and hypervigilance, the freeze response shows in numbing and dissociation and the fight response can lead to increased aggression, violence and reactivity. On a collective level different pockets of society will have different coping strategies depending on their resilience and support levels, but a chronically traumatised community is more likely to be reactive rather than responsive. Defense mechanisms provide protection from overwhelm and are therefore relatively stable and immune to change. Traumatised individuals or collectives are often unable to change their responses according to rational will, even if this lack of response leads to greater suffering (Van der Kolk, 2014; Levine 1997). Chronic trauma cannot be resolved with logic, pressure, demands, advice or pleas. It is therefore highly unlikely that climate information and statistics can mobilise the frozen or irrational parts of society. Only if we apply a trauma lens, can we see that what looks like a lack of care, may in fact be an unconscious adjustment to chronic overwhelm.
Climate change, fragmentation and collective trauma. Bridging the divided stories we live by
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laocommunity · 2 years ago
The Shocking Truth Behind This Innocent-looking Link That Can Instantly Crash WhatsApp for Android
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The Shocking Truth Behind This Innocent-looking Link That Can Instantly Crash WhatsApp for Android The Shocking Truth Behind This Innocent-Looking Link That Can Instantly Crash WhatsApp for Android Have you heard about the innocent-looking link that can instantly crash WhatsApp for Android? This link has been circulating around the internet, and it has the potential to create chaos and wreak havoc on your WhatsApp experience. What is the Link and Why is it Dangerous? The link in question is a short URL that is being shared across different platforms, including WhatsApp. The link appears to be a typical URL, but upon clicking it, WhatsApp instantly crashes. The link is dangerous because it can crash not only the user's WhatsApp but also the recipient's. Upon opening the message, the recipient's WhatsApp app will freeze and become unresponsive, rendering them unable to access their messages. How Does the Link Work? The link functions by exploiting a bug in WhatsApp. The bug causes the app to overload and crash when processing a certain combination of characters. As a result, the app becomes unresponsive and ultimately crashes. What is alarming is that the link is not only crashing WhatsApp on Android but also on iPhones. It is a universal threat and can cause chaos for millions of users worldwide. How can you Protect Yourself from This Link? The best way to protect yourself from this link is to avoid clicking on any unknown URLs shared on WhatsApp. Be cautious if you receive messages from unknown numbers and be wary of messages that seem suspicious. It is also important to be vigilant about your app updates. Developers always release new updates to patch security gaps, so make sure to keep your WhatsApp app up to date. What to do if Your WhatsApp Has Crashed? If your WhatsApp has crashed after clicking on this link, the best thing to do is to restart your phone. When you restart your phone, your WhatsApp should be back to normal, and you will be able to access your messages. If your app continues to crash even after restarting your phone, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Remember to back up your chats before uninstalling the app to ensure that you don't lose any data. Conclusion The innocent-looking link that can instantly crash WhatsApp for Android is a dangerous threat that users need to be cautious of. It can cause chaos and create problems for millions of users worldwide. To protect yourself, it is crucial to be vigilant about unknown URLs shared on WhatsApp and to keep your app updated. If your WhatsApp has already crashed, the best thing to do is to restart your phone or reinstall the app. Stay safe, and be cautious of any suspicious links that you may receive on WhatsApp. #TECH Read the full article
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blzzrdstryr · 4 years ago
Hey I see your requests are open so can I ask how would yan Childe react to his darling being very sensitive to cold weather? So when he ki- I mean took her to Snezhnaya, she is constantly relying on him to give her warmth??For example she is constantly asking for cuddles, asking him to give her his jacket/sweater that he is currently wearing, and requiring his body warmth all the time?
Fortunately, most if not all Snezhnayan houses have built-in furnaces and heating systems to combat harsh northern climate, so you don’t need to worry about constantly freezing.
It’s not like Snezhnayans are some sort of superhumans who can withstand severe colds absolutely naked and Childe is no exception to that, preferring to have his home cozy and warm. He won’t purposefully turn the heating off in the middle of the winter to have you cuddling in his arms, even if you are very frigid and unresponsive towards his advances.
However, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be safe from general cold related punishments. Spite Tartaglia enough times and you will find yourself locked outside with nothing but the clothes you were in, be it a comfortable home wear or a frilly nightgown. Maybe he will also pour some water over you, if he feels extra livid and sadistic.
You will start to shake in mere seconds, cold burning and scorching your skin akin to a fire, a white steamy clouds escaping with each rise of your chest. Within the minutes your breathing will become weaker and slower, as a full body shiver overtakes your form. You will fall, legs no longer strong enough to keep you upright.
Childe will eventually take you in, carrying your trembling form back to the warmth. He will tightly snuggle you in the various blankets and have you near the lit fireplace, as he orders servants to make some hot soup for you, and then he will spoon feed you.
He will become ten times more obnoxious during this time, cooing at how cute you are - even the slightest breeze can make you shiver, not to mention full blown Snezhnayan winter. By the end of your feeding session, when you finally got warmer, he will lean in to you and say in a low whisper that the next time you decide to disobey he will pour freezing water over you and force you to stay outside twice the time you did now.
It’s not likely that he will follow through with his threats - he doesn’t want you to have hypothermia or frostbite, but this intimidation tactic is a great tool to keep you in line. Every time you have an urge to mouth him off or slap the cheeky grin you remember the cold and how inescapable it was.
You stay at your best behaviour until the end of winter.
Remember how I said that he won’t turn off the heating during the winter? That rule applies during the winter only, fall and spring will have you slightly shaking.
Ajax will answer all your complaints and demands to heat the place up again with a simple statement that it’s not that cold outside, you’re just being a sensitive baby. He will also spread his arms while saying that, as if inviting you for a tight hug. Whether you throw away your dignity or not for a chance of temporary warmth is up to you.
I don’t know does Snezhnaya has Kupala night or epiphany bathing like real life slavic countries do, but if it does, then Childe is definitely forcing you to have a dip with him, just to see how your face will distort once you’re submerged in a cold water.
I also don’t know if Snezhnaya has banyas (eastern slavic saunas), but if it does, then Childe is also pouring that cold bucket over you once he has finished lashing you with a special banya venik(If you have no idea what I am talking about look up banya rituals, they actually a very long history).
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coiled-dragon · 9 months ago
There's actually more than just Fight or Flight! There's Fight, Flight, Fawn, Freeze, and Flop as a response to trauma:
Fight: To face any perceived threat aggressively Flight: To run away from danger or threat Fawn: To please someone to avoid conflict Freeze: Inability to move or act against a threat Flop: To collapse, become unresponsive, or faint
Its just that Fight and Flight are the general responses associated with the response to danger, but they're not the only ones <3 I tend to lean into Fawn and Freeze a lot...
Fight or flight is so stupid cuz like what if I just stand and stare
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imagineslashers · 4 years ago
First Words Soulmate AU
okay so i love this au, and i’m not sure if it’ve done it before, but i’m doing it now so enjoy! essentially, the first words you ever speak to your soulmate are imprinted on you somewhere and same for them, if you aren’t familiar with this au! x
WARNING for violence and death and swearing!
also sorry this is long yikes-
To be perfectly honest, you had lost all hope of ever meeting your soulmate, if going only by the words on your wrist - or rather, the lack of words. All you have imprinted on your skin is a dash, a wobbly line, and nothing else. From day one, you had merely accepted the fact that your soulmate was likely dead, or going to die, before you’d ever have the chance to meet them.
Your trip to an old camping ground was purely as an escape, to break away from all your friends who were happily in love and all met their soulmates. It was overwhelming, the joy they were suffocating your lonely self with, so you needed to get away.
Hiking through the cool afternoon air, your heart lays heavy in your chest, proving that even distance and ignorance can’t shield you from the pain. Anxiously, your fingers rub at your exposed wrist, and the crooked line across it. An owl hoots in the distant treetops, reminding you of your isolation.
You pause, taking a minute to breathe in deeply, stretching your sore muscles, and peering at the glimpse of the lake through the distant tree trunks. A slight sound distracts you, a brief snapping of a twig, and all the birds stop singing. A deer, perhaps? Your head turns slowly, taking in the surroundings. Even the insects seem to be holding their breath, the forest blanketed by a harsh silence.
The hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you exhale shakily, deciding to push on and try to reach a clearing where you may feel less trapped. It doesn’t help. The more steps you take, the more aware you become of the sensation, constantly looking over your shoulder. 
When your nerves are entirely fried, the sudden flight of a startled crow sends you into a fully fledged panic, bolting through the trees. The quiet snapping of twigs becomes a heavy thudding, trembling the ground and you no longer waste time by looking back, powering through the forest.
There’s a looming shadow that falls over you and your voice escapes in a shriek, realising the inevitable. You’re not fast enough. The world spins as your shirt is grabbed, yanking you backwards and throwing you off your feet. Rolling across the dirt for a few seconds, you’re finally stopped staring up at the hulking masked figure. There’s a machete in his left hand, and a shred of your shirt in his right. He steps over you, feet either side of your hips and pulls back his arm.
You instinctively lift your hands to defend yourself, turning your head away and gasping for breath. “P-please!” You whimper, heart racing like a hummingbird. “Please don’t!”
He freezes, pulls back, and blinks at you from behind his mask. After a few painfully slow moments, he rotates his arm holding the machete, and you’re able to glimpse three words inscribed down his arm. They’re the words you spoke.
It all clicks and you realise he doesn’t, or can’t, speak. You shakily lift your wrist to show him your mark. He appears bewildered, stunned at the thought of having a real soulmate as much as you, then finally extends a wary hand. You take it.
The road trip was a stupid idea, you said that from the start. However, you had been dragged along by your friends to celebrate a few milestones in your lives, and so succumbed to their pleading. Now, you sit rigidly in the back of their car, waiting anxiously. How long does it take to pay for fuel?
Your mind is racing, it’s been nearly half an hour and you haven’t heard anything. You elected to stay behind to keep an eye on the car while they went inside to get snacks, but that shouldn’t take too long, right?
A light flickers in the back of the old gas station, and with it the sound of a machine, perhaps a chainsaw or similar tool. You try to shrug it off. It’s a dilapidated country station, they’re probably fixing something or working at the back.
However, you can’t ignore the screaming, or the sudden bursting open of the door. Your friend’s boyfriend comes streaking out, face ashen, bolting past you. You lean out of the window, eyes wide, calling his name but he ignores you. A whoosh of air rushes past your head and an axe lands squarely in the back of his head. You scream, jerking yourself back into the car before kicking the door open and almost falling out. 
You don’t have the keys, but running is obviously pointless. Instead, you bolt for the gas station, hoping to find a phone or a weapon or something! You don’t make it that far before the axe thrower steps out into the light, breathing heavily. He’s hard to make out, but you recognise the bloody apron and odd looking mask as immediately a threat, if you hadn’t already witnessed what he’d just done.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
Shocked by his appearance, you find your feet are sluggish and unresponsive. He notices you but doesn’t charge, instead making cautious steps towards you, dragging a large chainsaw. He mumbles something, just a string of sounds, as if trying to soothe you like an injured deer. It takes hearing more screaming for you to start stepping backwards quickly, unwilling to take your eyes off of him. Your back thuds into something solid and your hair is twisted into an iron grip, making you cry out.
“Got ‘em! Hurry up and finish it so we can go home already.” The man behind you reeks of blood and sweat, his accent almost masking his words. The one with the chainsaw makes a muffled noise of distress, closing the distance between you and shoves the one holding you backwards, releasing the grip on your hair.
“The hell, Bubba?” He growls, but the much taller male hisses, grabbing your arm and pulling you back with him. This captor, Bubba, starts desperately pulling up his pant leg, seemingly having forgotten where his mark is, but finally twists around to see the back of his calf. Your words in shaky handwriting are scrawled across his flesh.
Shocked, you pull down your shirt and try to inspect the nonsensical letters along your collarbone. Bubba makes a slight squeal, pulling you against his chest, delighted to finally have his soulmate! Still in shock, you allow him to lead you to their truck, your heart swelling but your head spinning. Oh well, not like you have much choice anyway!
Bad dream would probably be an understatement, that’s what you think as you find yourself sprinting painfully slowly through a boiler room, steam burning your skin as you pass. Laughter rings out, bouncing off the walls and startling you. Bitterness creeps into your heart, a sour taste in your mouth as you try not to fall into the sick games you know are going to begin.
“Where are you, you prick?!” You yell, hands balled into fists, stomping your foot for effect. You’re terrified, naturally, but not going to die looking like a wimp or giving him the satisfaction. You know all about him from the teens in your neighbourhood.
Freddy comes bounding around a corner, looking expectantly gleeful and sadistic, his gloved hand dragging along the wall. His face breaks into a grin, but you recognise the flash of panic in his face, which confuses you all the more. Why would he be scared?
You step back, ready to throw yourself into a fight or flight, but he just looks at you dumbly, huffing, amusement fading. “What did you say?” Something clicks in his mind and he stalks towards you. “Say it again.”
You’re ready to tell him where he can shove his request when you understand the significance of his words. His first words to you. 
“Oh, shit, no way!” Your words leave you a breathless rush and it makes him laugh. He’s so badly burnt that your words have been essentially destroyed from his wrist, but he’d never forget what they said. You carefully roll up your shorts and expose the slanted writing wrapped around your thigh. Freddy looks a little stunned, and annoyed, but he finally sighs dramatically in defeat.
“Okay, guess you’re mine then, baby!” He resigns himself to it like a child having to do chores, grabbing your hand in his exposed one, pulling you with him.
Halloween is arguably one of the best holidays, but you don’t agree with that statement anymore as you’re creeping through the dark streets, trying not to be noticed. The news headlines were that the killer was on a streak, getting more creative with every victim, and you’re determined not to be the next one.
Unfortunately, you live in his neighbourhood, so you didn’t have any options when the television at your work lit up with a warning to stay home. And your car broke down, so you’re now stuck walking home, jumping at the sound of every meow and car horn. Pulling your coat tighter around your frame, you hurry down the street, passing under a streetlamp which illuminates your white knuckles wrapped tightly around your bag.
There’s a siren in the distance and that assures you, just a little, that perhaps the killer is being brought down right now. With that in mind, you let out a breath which escapes you in a puff of smoke in the cold air. Clinging tightly to your reassurances, you speed up a little, having reached your street. Relief washes through you, as well as embarrassment at how terrified you’d been.
You chuckle to yourself, rounding the corner to your house when you see him. A huge black shadow, stepping out from the neighbouring house, his knife stained crimson. You both stand in silence, staring at one another, before you decide to try your luck at running. 
You turn around and sprint the way you’d come, biting your lip so hard it draws blood. Your breath comes in short puffs as your body is pushed beyond the limits. He may have the advantage of being quicker, but you know this area. Ducking down an alleyway, you launch yourself onto a wooden fence, scrambling to get over. You’re just about to when a cold hand wraps around your ankle and yanks you back down.
The force of it knocks the wind from your lungs as you lay on your back, gasping. The stranger crouches over you, pressing the tip of his blade to the hollow of your throat. You squeeze your eyes shut. “Just do it!” You manage to force out.
The blade pulls away and you risk peeking one eye open to see the white mask. Your killer is shocked, looking almost like a stone figure, unable to move or breathe. He never wanted a soulmate, didn’t believe in it, but now you’re laying under him and he can’t kill you.
Angrily, he slams his fist into the concrete by your head and you flinch, eyes wide open now as he stares back at you. There’s a quiet word he mutters, just loud enough for you to catch it. “Fuck.”
You barely have time to question him, recognising that one word from the one that’s imprinted on your shoulder blade, before he’s hauling you up and carrying you off bridal style, one hand still tightly clutching his knife.
The motel room is kinda dingy- well, it’s very dingy if you’re honest, but you’re so exhausted you can’t bring yourself to do more than collapse on the bed. You’d been travelling for a few days on your way to a new town to start up your new career, passing through this idyllic little town. It’s cute, very homey, but the motel is pretty old.
Whatever, you just need to sleep. Rolling onto your stomach, you pull out your phone and check your messages. The television starts playing. Sitting up, you strain your ears but hear only some corny romance film. Rolling your eyes, you decide that you’re leaving as soon as the sun rises, but begrudgingly force yourself to walk into the living area to turn off the television.
Once you do, you put the remote on the coffee table, making sure it can’t fall or turn itself on again. Turning around, you start walking back to the bed when it turns on, louder this time. Your brows furrow in annoyance as you return and turn it off, smacking the side of the set for good measure. 
After staring at the black screen for a few seconds, you decide it’s done being irritating and once again try to walk back to bed. You’ve just collapsed on your side when it turns on again.
Gritting your teeth, you rub your eyes and contemplate how much effort it would be to walk back to reception to ask for a new room. You’ve just decided on getting up when you feel the bed dip behind you, fingertips tracing your arm. Your heart nearly bursts in terror.
“You don’t like this movie?” The words come out dripping in sarcasm and amusement from the stranger behind you. Immediately, your body reacts defensively and you leap from the bed, whirling around to punch the intruder. He yelps in surprise, hand over his nose.
“You asshole! Get out of my room!” You yell, barely able to contain your emotions, completely glazing over the realisation that those words are on your lower back. However, the intruder does notice and sits up excitably, eyeing you like a prize. You’re not sure where to look first, the green hair or the dirty striped suit.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting to find you in a motel room, but hey, can’t complain!” He grins, his expression resembling that of a wolf. He pops the buttons on his shirt and you’re stuck standing in confusion as you read back the words you just yelled at him, imprinted on his collar.
“No.” You point at him, then the door. “Not happening. Go away and come back at a decent hour.” He laughs, but then realises you’re serious, whining as he pulls himself from the bed. 
“You’re mean. I like it. See you in the morning!” He disappears in a hazy cloud of purple smoke, leaving you coughing and wondering if you hallucinated.
Billy & Stu
School sucks. Not only because of the obvious; preppy kids, bullies, annoying teachers, homework. No, you’re annoyed because everyone is falling madly in love with their soulmates, throwing it in your face. You’re a freak to most, because you don’t have your soulmate mark. You have two.
Wearing long sleeves is how you conceal it, but everyone knows you’re different, the rumours started as soon as you walked in the door. Irritable, you resign yourself to having to deal with not only the first day at a new shitty school, but also being the object of much taunting on said first day.
You manage to sail through most of your classes by ignoring everyone else, but by lunch time, you can’t avoid it. Your feet carry you to an empty table where you hope to just have a quiet meal. That, of course, can never happen for you.
Two rather imposing looking teens slink over to you, and you recognise them as the school’s bad boys, popular kids if a little weird, Billy and Stu. You look down and continue picking at a sandwich, hoping that if you pretend they don’t exist, they’ll do the same for you and move onto someone else.
Once again, that doesn’t happen for you. “Hello, gorgeous.” Billy sits in the seat next to you and Stu sidles up on the opposite one, both of them grinning. “Why are you sat alone, baby?” Stu purrs. You’ve had enough of being taunted today and you stand up, causing your chair to scream in protest against the tacky floors.
“Can everyone just leave me the hell alone?” You scowl, grabbing your bag and missing the look that the boys exchange in surprise. Billy nods, and Stu grabs your arm. 
“Hey!” You try to pull it back, but Billy takes your other one and they both pull up your sleeves. Sure enough, the words they just greeted you with are on your arms, one of each. Your cheeks burn with humiliation, and relief, at finding your soulmates.
Stu lets go first, practically bouncing on the spot as he lifts his shirt to show you what you said written angrily across his ribs. Billy’s next, he has the same words but wrapped around his ankle.
You’re in a state of shock when they coax you back into your seat, one hanging one each of your arms. There’s no way you’re getting away now, especially not with the way they’re looking at you like you’re their favourite toy.
The Man
The night was finally quietening down when you decided to sit on the porch for a bit, a hot drink cupped in your hands, listening to the crickets.
Your decision to live in a wooded area is probably one of the best you’ve made, or at least that’s what you believe as you enjoy the blissful peace of your surroundings. Blowing on your drink, you almost don’t notice the figure in the corner of your eye.
Expecting one of the neighbours checking in about something, you aren’t immediately alarmed, sitting up a bit straighter to try and make them out in the shadows. The stranger doesn’t speak, so neither do you, but the longer you both stare at one another, the worse the feeling in your gut becomes. Something isn’t quite right.
You’ve just decided to go back inside when he starts approaching. Coming nearer to your porch lights, you can finally see that he’s wearing a mask, and across his back he’s carrying a crossbow. Adrenaline shoots into your veins and you leap up, your mug smashing. The display of alertness doesn’t concern him, he continues approaching at a leisurely pace, dragging his hand across the side of your car as he comes up the driveway.
You walk backwards to the front door, making sure you can keep him in your sights at all times, your hand fumbling for the handle. He waves at you, and you sense he’s smiling under his mask, judging by the delighted, predatorial glint in his eyes. You simply scowl in response, attempting to hide the way your body trembles as you finally get the door open and jump backwards, slamming it shut.
He leaps up the porch steps and stands outside the door, his shadow spilling in from under the door. You step back, holding your breath. The shadow retreats with the sound of boots, leaving you frozen to the spot listening for him.
The silence becomes so painful that when he finally does make a noise, it startles you. Tracking it down, you find him stood outside your kitchen by the large window, head tilted as he peers inside at you, still jovial and content to be terrifying you. 
Unwilling to show him your fear any further, you point at the alarm system, indicating you can set it off to alert authorities. Yelling to be heard through the glass, your words get his attention easily.
“You better leave, or I’m going to make sure they haul your sorry ass to prison!”
He steps back, much to your surprise, and then lifts his mask. You’re taken aback by his face - attractive - and don’t notice him pulling up his hoodie. There in cursive along his hip is your handwriting, and the threat you just gave him. His face breaks out into a grin as he jumps back to his position right up against the glass.
“Show me yours!” His voice is elevated by his delight and you step away, warily lifting your arm to reveal his demand written along your outer forearm. Like a kid given candy, he knocks excitably against the glass. “Let me in! You’re so mine!”
The Blissfield Butcher
What a shitty day. You missed the bus trying to get home from work, and then it started raining. By the time you’d made it to the next operating bus stop, your clothes had been successfully drenched, leaving you shivering under the meagre shelter provided.
Cursing your boss for lecturing you and in turn making you late to leave, you hug your arms around yourself. A ping goes off from your pocket, then another, and another, until you give up on trying to warm yourself and fish around in your pockets to find the source. Your phone lights up your face in the darkness. An amber alert prompts all residents to stay home if they can, following a string of murders.
You exhale sharply, trying to centre your thoughts on anything other than the anxiety creeping into the back of your mind. Your gaze lifts from the screen and is immediately drawn to a passing shadow, which halts the second you look at it. Unsure if you’re seeing things, you put your phone away and squint through the rain, attempting to distinguish whether it’s someone you know.
Likely just a passer-by, you resume huddling under the shelter. The shadow moves away, and your anxiety with it. However, you can’t shake the feeling of being watched. After a few minutes, the shadow reappears and you realise it’s circling you from a distance. The reality sets in and you curse, chancing up your options. Glancing over your shoulder, you can see your workplace still lit up a few blocks down. You could run there, but you’re not sure how fast the figure is.
When you tear your eyes away from your distant workplace, you realise that looking away had been a mistake, the shadow significantly closer and now more obviously a male. A very tall male, in a mask. You curse under your breath and decide to risk it, your aching legs once again forced into action. The bitterly cold rain makes running harder, and it’s worse trying to see where you’re going as it starts to come down heavier, masking the sounds of your stalker.
You shoot a quick look over your shoulder, your heart jumping at how close he is, within reaching distance. Your mind makes a quick decision and you jerk to the side so his grab misses you, whilst you run down another street onto a local sports field, now dark and silent.
The wet grass clings to your feet, slowing you down, but you don’t have time to reflect on this mistake because your shoved from behind. The force of your momentum and the power behind the shove sends you skidding on your front, grazing your cheek. 
He’s on you before you can blink, pushing you onto your back, straddling your hips. His eyes are wild behind the mask as he uses one hand to keep your shoulder down, the other gripping a butcher’s knife. Your efforts at squirming are denied by his sheer weight and the force of his thighs trapping your lower half. Seeing no other option, you start to panic and gasp, the rain still soaking you both.
“Wait, please, don’t!” Your tears mix into the rain as your hands desperately push against him, one accidentally knocking his mask off. He’s distracted by this and you continue, your hands instead lowering to protect your face. “I know a lot of cops, I-I-” the excuse tumbles from your mouth, but cuts off when you notice the black writing on his neck. “Oh.” Your voice is reduced to a whimper, reading back what you’ve said to him.
He sighs, stabbing the grass and sitting back, looking at you expectantly. “Um, are you not going to kill me?” You curse the way your words shake as you look up at him. The ghost of a smile touches his lips and he grips your wrist, pulling you up. He doesn’t stop there, throwing you over his shoulder and stooping to pick up his knife. “I’m not gonna kill what’s mine.” He growls the words, sending a chill through you as those familiar words are etched onto your arm.
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thesolarrealms · 3 years ago
Codependency as a silent disease
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Do you know someone who’s constantly in abusive and toxic relationships? Codependency is over-using a person or activity to cope with emotional pain despite its negative consequences. Physically it can cause issues: they don’t sleep well, or eat well, they have high levels of cortisol from stress. They have so much anxiety that they’re going to be abandoned, they feel depressed and angry that they can’t control the other person. Cognitively, from this constant negative mood state, they have problem solving issues, they’re hyper vigilant and see everything as ‘glass half empty’. They’re always having power struggles with the person they’re “rescuing”. They’re so afraid to let it go.
Ultimately that child did not get their emotional needs met, and they’re in distress as adults - completely overwhelmed by their emotions. Caregiver didn’t have a good model, or that model parent handled stress terribly themselves. Low self esteem and feelings of worthlessness may show up: they make themselves “lovable” with what they DO, they don’t actually feel valuable. Their home was highly critical when they were younger. They do not HAVE secure attachment. They have insecure attachment from inconsistent parenting. Most parents work long hours and this happens accidentally (not maliciously). Being there and RESPONSIVENESS is imperative, the parent has to give attention to the child, listen to them, be there WHEN they feel distressed. Showing them you value them as people. Not because you have to, but you want to. Most parents simply put food on the table, anything more is a burden, thus the child doesn’t feel validated.
Or the child says, “I feel sad…” and the parents says no. Or denies it. This takes it up a notch - to pure gaslighting, which IS a reality for many: parents who were there but completely unresponsive or gaslit them constantly. They get ridiculed and develop very low self esteem. Maybe the parent was exhausted or drunk, the child eventually learns they cannot trust them. They develop into people who HOPE to one day be loved or lovable. They eventually want to become useful to others. They deeply feel unworthy. They don’t feel they deserve to have opinions. They put others on pedestals. They shower the caregiver with praise, to get any attention. And develop into adults with no boundaries who put up with narcissistic behaviors from their partners or friends.
They have a lot of abandonment anxiety. They’re agitated and controlling often. They get scared and flee - passive aggressively. They fawn too: they do whatever the other persons wants so they don’t get left behind. They can also just shut down and go numb. (Freeze response). They long for that parental figure they never had. Their relationships become their primary focus. It’s an addiction. They deny the toxicity of their relationships (or minimize or blame). It’s simply cognitive reaction to threat. Nobody helped them develop their communication skills, or emotional intelligence. Nobody validated them. They have so much difficulty even putting into words what they’re experiencing. Addiction numbs their feelings for years and heals nothing.
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gc-genshin · 4 years ago
Chapter One: Acatalepsy
Acatalepsy (noun): The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything. 
Pairing: Various x female reader
Summary: You and Xiao have a nice chat.
Warnings: Explicit language
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Since so many people wanted this series to continue, here’s officially Chapter One! Happy reading!
      Prologue          Chapter Two         
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You're still having a hard time believing what you're seeing. 
In front of you sat Xiao, one of your favorite characters from Genshin Impact, glaring daggers at your seated form. A small table, no bigger than three feet wide, separated you from him. 
And there you sat across from him, shaking in your metaphorical boots under his intense gaze. 
Let's recap, shall we?
“Hi, my name’s [Name] [Last Name] and I'm from a world where you're a fictional character in a video game. It's nice to finally meet you, Guardian Yaksha Xiao.”
As soon as his name slipped from your lips, your neck was met with the end of his polearm. Though you somewhat expected this kind of reaction, you swore your soul had never left your body so fast. 
“How do you know my name?” Xiao really did growl at you this time. His amber eyes pierced into your now soulless body, looking downright murderous. 
“How do you know that about me? That I was apart of the Yaksha?” If you didn't know any better, you'd say Xiao was getting frantic. You did know better. But you were also a dumbass. 
“Would you believe that I'm twenty-two now?” You managed to choke out. The polearm nearly breaking the skin on your neck was your only answer. “OKAY, OKAY, I’M SORRY! Please give me a chance to explain myself! I’ll tell you everything, just please don't turn my head into a shish-kabob!” You pleaded while closing your eyes. Wow, this is the second time today that I've danced with death, you thought humorously. 
Xiao stared. And stared. Then stared some more. You were starting to sweat from his unresponsiveness. Peeking an eye open, you saw Xiao contemplate whether or not to believe you. You watched his beautiful amber irises flicker across your face, looking for any sign of deceit. 
When he found none, he pulled his polearm away. Not completely, he was still on high alert, but enough so that you could breathe. You nearly wept real Jesus tears when he did. But that almost changed when he roughly grabbed your upper arm and transported you to his room at the Wangshu Inn. 
The moment you both rematerialized he let go of your arm. Having been caught off guard from teleporting, you fell to the floor dizzy while trying to keep the vomit that crept up your esophagus down. 
Xiao stared blankly at you, “What? Have never experienced teleporting before?”
Looking up at him from the floor, you take a deep breath before responding to him. “No, teleportation is nothing but a pipe dream from my world.” You then slowly sat up and gave him a tired, lopsided smile, “I’d be long dead before it's ever invented.”
Xiao once again just stares at you. You were such an odd human. He had never experienced someone with your type of personality. 
Focusing on the task at hand, Xiao walked over towards a small table and proceeded to sit down on one side of it. He then pointed to the side in front of him and uttered a simple word. 
And so you did. 
You explained everything to him. Like how you were currently a medical student, studying to be an ER doctor. You explained to him how he was a part of a video game you played in your downtime when you weren't studying. How you knew his background. That you knew what was going to happen in the future. 
You explained it all. 
“So… in your world you're actually twenty-two?” Xiao asked slowly, trying to fully comprehend what you had told him. 
“And your occupation was a healer?” 
“Well I was still studying to become one, but essentially yes.”
“And I am considered a fictional character from a video game that you played.” 
“And you know everything that's going to happen in the future?” He pressed. 
“Well not everything, only up to a certain point. Which leads me to ask this…” You prop your elbows on the table, interlacing your fingers then resting your chin on them. “Have you seen boy around my ‘age’,” you put air quotations around age, “ with long, braided blonde hair and dressed in all black?” You asked. “He would also have a floating companion that talks a little too much.” 
Xiao shook his head. “No, I have not come across anyone that fits your description.”
Looking off to the side, you thought to yourself. Good. So he hasn’t been to Liyue yet.
Xiao raised an eyebrow at you. “How is that good?”
Startled, you whip your head to Xiao. Shit, I guess I said that out loud. 
You give a hefty sigh. “Because it gives me a good idea of where I am in the storyline.” You say, looking back to him. “If he hasn’t shown up in Liyue yet that could mean I'm near the beginning of the game. Hell, he might not have even come yet.” You raise a finger to your chin. Then what would be the point of me being here? Would that make me the next traveler then? You looked towards Xiao. Well whatever the reason is, I'm here now. And it's important I found out why. I'll figure out the Aether situation when I get there. 
Xiao looked at you confused. “Who are you talking about?”
You snapped out of your thoughts. Hesitating to answer Xiao, you wondered if it was a good idea to tell him about our main protagonist and antagonist just yet. 
You give him a apprehensive smile. “I don't know if I should tell you just yet.  I don't unknowingly want to start a butterfly effect. I'm sorry.” 
Xiao then sighed and put his head in his hands, seemingly at a loss as to what's going on. 
I think this is the most emotion I've ever seen from him. 
You had half the mind to reach over the table and pet his head to try and calm him down. But then again, you quite liked having your arm, so you decided against it. 
You gently spoke to him, “Trust me, I don't know what the hell’s going on either hun. If I knew more then I would tell you in a heartbeat.” You freeze, catching your little mishap. Xiao slowly lifted his head from his hands, looking at you quizzically. No anger, no vexation. Just pure confusion.
“Hun?” You feel your face start to heat up in embarrassment, hearing him say it. It was a bad habit that you had, calling your friends pet names; mainly just friends that you trusted. And you trusted Xiao. 
“I'm sorry! It's a really bad habit of mine. I usually call all of my friends a term of endearment. Hun is short for honey, but I swear to God I didn't mean to call you that, it just slipped out!” You quickly explained to him, shaking your hands in front of you.
Xiao stared at you. You noticed he did that a lot. He's probably just trying to understand your weird mannerisms. “It's fine… I guess.” He said, finally looking away from you. 
One… Two… Three… Four…
Ah, the silence is awkward now, say something [Name]!
As soon as you were about to open your mouth, Xiao beat you to it. “So what's your plan now?” He asked, now looking back at you. 
You blinked at him for a few seconds, processing what he said. You then looked up to the ceiling, deep in thought. What is my plan now? What am I going to do? I obviously can't stay with Xiao, with him being an adeptus, and leech off of him. Maybe I could go to the Adventures’ Guild? Earn some commissions, maybe be homeless for a bit? But I don't even know how to use a sword. No, that wouldn't work–
Cutting your thoughts off, you responded to him with the only answer you could think of. 
“I don't know, haven't thought that far ahead.”
Xiao should be used to this already. He really should. But he couldn't help but send the odd girl an unconvinced look.
“You haven't thought of a plan?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Hey! Need I remind you that you were there from the very beginning? I haven't really had the time nor the mental capacity to think of a plan for the future!” You huffed at him indignantly. This guy. You shake your head, clearing any annoyance you had with him. Getting irritated isn't going to help your situation [Name], relax. Taking a deep breath, you looked at Xiao. He seemed to be in deep thought, so you decided to not bother him. 
Crossing your arms on the table, you finally felt exhaustion catching up to you since the adrenaline of everything was wearing off. You laid your head in your arms and sighed, trying your best to ward off sleep. 
Xiao looked over at you. Seeing the state you're in, he decided you weren't fit to travel anymore. He then stood up, having made up his mind. 
Noticing the abrupt movement from across the table, you see Xiao stand up and walk towards the door. 
“Wh… where're you going?” You mumbled to him, too tired to raise your voice. Xiao looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “You're not fit to travel any more today. I'm going to talk to the receptionist about getting you a room here at the Inn.” He then opened the door and left. 
You stared at the spot he was in for a few seconds. Huh, maybe he isn't such an asshole. You then put your head back into your arms, smiling softly. “Though I knew that already. Thank you Xiao.” That was the last thing you said before finally succumbing to sleep. 
While walking down the flights of steps to talk to Verr Goldet about your accommodations, Xiao felt a shiver going up his spine. A whisper of his name in your voice flew through the breeze and into his ears. He paused in his steps, contemplating whether he should go back or not. You said you knew what  happens when you called his name, yet why would you say it right after he left the room? Xiao suddenly felt nervous for reasons he did not know and teleported back to his room, polearm at the ready to strike any threats that appeared before you or him.
When he only saw you slouched over the table asleep, he relaxed. That was strange. I could have sworn I heard her beckon me. Glancing at you once more, he decided to ask you about it later. He then left the room and teleported right in front of the front desk, scaring Verr Goldet and the Inn’s cat out of their wits. 
“Archons, Xiao! A little warning next time would be nice!” Verr Goldet exclaimed, a hand over heart hoping it wouldn't burst out of her chest. Xiao proceeded to ignore her. 
“I need a vacant room.” Xiao stated. 
Always straight to the point, thought Verr Goldet. “I'm sorry Xiao, but we don't have any vacant rooms. We're all booked for this years Lantern Rite Festival.” She tells Xiao. The young adeptus deadpanned at Verr Goldet. “Don't look at me like that. Why do you even need another room?” Verr Goldet wondered. 
Xiao sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It's a complicated situation. Let's just say I have an unwelcome guest with me right now.” 
Although curious, Verr Goldet just shrugged knowing he wouldn’t outright tell her. “Well either they stay with you or you kick them out. We don't have any rooms for them to stay in unfortunately, so the choice is yours.”
The young adeptus sighed once more. 
How troublesome. 
Appearing back in his room, Xiao looked at you. You were still hunched over the table, in what looked like an uncomfortable position, yet you were still asleep. Xiao weighed his options. On one hand, if you stayed with him he didn't know if you would leave, which would cause problems for the both of them. On the other hand, he could wake you up and kick you to the streets but deal with gnawing guilt that would eat at him if you were ever harmed because of his decisions. 
Making up his mind, he walked over to your sleeping form. He then crouched next to you and gently scooped into his arms, doing his best not to wake you. However it seems that you were a deep sleeper and didn't stir in the slightest to being moved. You did, however, snuggle in closer to his chest seeking the warmth it gave off. 
Xiao froze, waiting for you to stop moving before moving you over to his bed. Settling you on the bed, you immediately started reaching for blankets craving the protection they gave you from the cold. Xiao only shook his head and rolled his eyes at you, handing you the blankets you oh-so-desperately needed. Is she really twenty-two? Because she acts like a child. Xiao watched as you pulled the blankets up to your chin and snuggled into his pillow, [h/l] [h/c] hair draping over it. 
Not needing sleep, the young adeptus decided to sit next to you and watch over you. Not in a creepy way, but in more of a way of trying to understand you. You might have been the strangest human he's ever met, but you were charming. In your own, unique way. 
While watching you, Xiao was trying to figure out what to do with you. As far as he knew, you were defenseless, didn't know how to protect yourself, and had a sharp tongue that would most definitely get you into trouble. 
In other words, Xiao hadn't thought that far ahead. 
There she is! Chapter One! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!  As always, feel free to leave any suggestions and constructive criticism and if you wish to be on the taglist, please let me know!
Thank you for reading!
@craptainlou​ @lucys-art​ @dilucsz​ @i-put-the-dying-in-studying​  @softyakult @lumi-ying​ @fraeppuccino​ @ayachii​ @cher7ybear @simping-4-fictional-men
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serosgirl · 4 years ago
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✧˖*°࿐ goodbyes ❛ i’m no good at goodbyes ❜
i cried while writing this, so i will not be reviewing for mistakes </3
warnings: angst, vague description of injury, death
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abrupt recollection prompted deku to still his steps. imagery frolicked about his frenzied cranium, startling memory reiterating itself with colorful illustration depicting previous years. “i hate goodbyes.” the chime of her voice caused izuku to erect in earnest. planted upon shambles towered by rubble were his frozen heels, shoes glued onto the pavement as he listened diligently to the echo of her voice.
“i hate goodbyes.” her berate of common curtesy acquired perplex expressions of her peers due to impending curiosity. midoriya rapidly pinned his gape of awe upon the lax figure of his classmate who comfortably reclined against the backrest of her metal desk. [yn] grudgingly kicked at the tiles under her feet, chewing the inside of her mouth as if musing her previous claim.
deku fervently extended his arm, thrashing the extremity towards the girl who paid no mind to his commotion. with a desperate cry of her name, izuku hysterically conducted attempts to encounter her envisioned silhouette, but his futile efforts wrenched a furious exhale of contempt when he presently couldn’t will the energy to move. he was subjected to the loom of his lurid memory, heart briskly thumping away as the depiction continued to enact before his widened lids.
his transfixion, contemporary constrain and suppression, ascribed to his rapture fathomed with will induced from transpiring portrayal. the first-person perspective narrated by izuku’s nostalgia maintained its spellbound accomplishment. hero of hosu city, deku, had become frigid; unresponsive to the present world. inapt reminisce prevailed within midoriya’s disarranged conscious.
commencing further conversion of the topic, izuku parts his lips. “how so?” fabricated from his reputative curiosity, midoriya queried his classmate in regards to her statement.
deku was keen to the pitch of his voice. octaves heavy in tone, smooth baritones glissading the surface of his pinna which signified the scene before him was truly vision of past memory, his reddened eyes descended upon the blue gowns that his peers embellished, caps signifying their approaching diversion from yuuei; graduation imminently announcing an awaiting climax.
adjusting the tight cap that was fitted to the measurement of her crown, [yn] indifferently met the ardent gaze of her friend who desired to freeze time where he stood. she dejectedly folded her arms across her chest, an endearing pout weighing the junction of her nude colored lips. “goodbye incorporates possibilities of never seeing that person again,” [yn] sheepishly adverted her stare and fiddled with her thumbs. “departure shouldn’t end in adieu because we aren’t going to suddenly vanish. our class has an inseparable bond, and i’ll never give that up. therefore, i refuse to mention goodbye because i’ll always be where i’m needed most.”
say, midoriya,” the way in which she utilized her feathery soft voice to catch his attention could have him at her every beck and call, ready to grant each and every wish she had of him. “you won’t leave me, right? forever is an eternity i wish to spend with you. i won’t say goodbye since i have no intention of leaving. my place here is with you.” child-like gleam accompanied sweet naivety harbored by the wishful girl. [ec] pools of crystalline solution were glossed in a coat of bliss. brushing plump hills of her cheeks were silken lashes of [hc], each strand slothfully stroking her skin in soft tickles. her flesh had been coated in morning glaze, bright yellow hues painting her delicate figure in a gorgeous frosting of boundless beauty. such sight enraptured midoriya until he was rendered victim of his enthrallment.
izuku hardly required time to ponder a favorable answer. he was aware as to what his evolving desire pertained to. “of course, i won’t.” he bashfully stammered amongst his confession, freckled cheeks flushing as [yn] gifted him sight of her elated countenance, a toothy, cheshire grin depicting her glee. with a smile that rivaled that of the gleaming daystar, [yn] beckoned him closer, impelling the beat of his heart to spike whenever she met his infatuated gape; furthermore inciting a gentle flutter of his beating organ before it rocketed in pounding against his ribcage and hammering his insides.
“then, you must promise me izuku!” gingerly raising a pinky, she outstretched her elbow to meet his quivering appendage; a habit he had yet to overcome but endearing nonetheless. “we’ll seal our promise like this, so you can’t go against your word.” demonstrating how to conclude their vow, [yn] intertwined her lone finger with his own, curving their touch until their thumbs brushed with a cheeky kiss. midoriya overheats at the tender visual of her doe eyes and the meaningful caress of her soft fingertips, melting into a state of undeniable adulation.
“cross my heart.” falsity laced not a letter of his sentence. genuine with his oath, he oozed confidence that contradicted his earlier composure. “i’ll make sure to uphold our promise, and i’ll carry it to my grave.” oppositely, choice lies not within the hands of mortals.
luck, serendipity, and fate do not require provision as all are consequence of historic action. destiny is bound to transpire regardless of will; circumstance will arise of its own accord whereas luck is spontaneous; an unforeseen coincidence that plays in favor of the user. happenings do not transpire as consequence of fabricated arrangement. a mere promise held no weight pertaining to flow of céleste. destiny intended to forsake the hero of his pledged proclamation. mercy was naught of midoriya izuku. bestowed upon him as a curse of a mythical entity, the obligation of conducting such a claim as his was not a duty that befell his shoulders but his companion.
similar to the dancing flicker of a flame, sharp cognizance returned the hero to the cruel reality of his present setting.
wind fiercely nipped and bit the delicate skin of his ears, sharp pressure assalting the sensitive flesh of his red nose and rosy cheeks. his consciousness awoke to his numbing position, fingers tense and reaching for a figure who no longer remained where he last scouted her visage.
his head gyrated furiously across the landscape, eyes panically darting along the ruins of a demolished city. howling gales sung at infrequent consistencies of pitches that squealed into his ears. he was swift in covering his ears, clenching his lid into a compressed squeeze as if it were to alleviate the harsh throb of his skull.
he was oblivious to his predicament, victim to the villain who manipulated his bewildered state and gamboled about his mind. voices overwhelmed his sense, submerging the hero into a fury of resounds that excruciatingly wailed into the drum of his ear. images stunned midoriya into an immoveable state, his meek plea for the dizzying motion of memories to cease inaudible.
he frantically thrashed his head about, even resorting to knocking his own head as to prevent the vigilante from further obstructing his thoughts. his fingers roughly fumbled with the roots of his hair. antagonized and subject of interest, izuku was devoid of perseverance. proper alternatives had yet to be created due to his inability to formulate coherent thought, but an inception of an adored recollection paused the whirring and performed an act before his eyes.
“if you’re obligating yourself to save others, who is going to protect you?” the question was far from anticipated. [yn]’s spontaneous and random query left izuku rambling under his breath, attempting to generate a logical response. his distracted yet engrossed expression of concentration erected a hearty laugh from [yn]’s gut. “don’t worry,” she peered at him through her fluttering lashes and prudently held his hand. “i’ll make sure you’re safe. that will always be my first priority, so don’t worry too much, okay?” she gifted his hand a reassuring squeeze and lead him towards his established headquarters.
the recollection brought a serene smile to his face, even more so whenever the shrill ache to his ears dulled at the perception of [yn]’s voice. she had been one to put his safety before his own, and while her action would continue to be interpreted as thoughtful, izuku would resent her efforts. she had no responsibly to selflessly sacrifice her life for his own. deku remained as reckless as he were in childhood, encountering death more times than he had his birthday. [yn] subjecting herself for his brash action was a calamity midoriya swore to prevent. if it were to require his last breath in place of hers, he would readily spare each fiber of his anatomy. he swore it; he swore to be dead before a wound be placed upon her skin, so how come his troth had been trampled?
ruin; his life had fallen to shambles just as deku began to reach the peak of euphoria. blemish; bruises of all shape and color indent her skin in concerning increments. urgency; izuku abandoned current threat as he rushed to [yn]’s area of impact, finding her battered figure abused and broken. explode; engulfing the male until he was erupting with overwhelming vexation.
timidly scooping her into his arms, izuku saddened at her dwindling complexion. “hold on, [yn]! bear with it just a little longer. paramedics should arrive any time now.”
she huffed a short giggle and drowsily blinked. “i’m not going to need them, izuku.” she rested her eyelids in contemplation, obviously musing over thought of her predicament, immobile extremities contorted in variations she could not identify. her chest awfully caved into her ribcage, belated breaths labored and much more harder to acquire.
“yes,” refusing to agree, midoriya argued with sense and continued to refute against her given claim. “you do need them, [yn]. once they arrive, they’ll take great care of you.”
the wounded woman hummed, not entirely bothering with bantering in opposition to the number one hero. “you want to know something funny, izu?” she utilized a nickname that hadn’t been brought up since elementary. the thought caused izuku’s heart to swell in accumulated grief.
he wanted to reprimand her. demand that she use the name whenever she’s healed and safe within his presence. “what is it, baby?” midoriya severed their professionalism and delicately brushed soothing stripes among her discolored cheeks.
[yn] smiled at the name, beaming an appreciative twinkle that still flickered with her harbored fondness. “my perception as to bidding farewell still hasn’t changed. i hate saying goodbye,” bitterly laughing at her circumstance, [yn] cracked a crooked smile, teeth bathed in scarlet blood but still possessing her undeniable charm. her jest of pity quickly turned sour whenever her sight involuntarily whisked into splotches of blurs, obscuring the male from her sight. her cheesy grin faltered into a wavering frown, her voice trembling as tears gathered in the wells of her eyes. “but, i think i have to.”
whimpers shook her shoulders and she weakly wiggled her fingers in an eager attempt to hold onto izuku; hold onto something to ground her to reality. was it selfish of her to make such a wish? express her truehearted desire? she longed for a few moments more, willing the black in her vision to subside for a chance to talk to her lover just a second more.
izuku cradled her slumped position in the crevice of his arms, brushing a thumb beneath her eyes as to wipe away her current sorrow. “if you hate it so much, don’t,” years intended to build midoriya into the hero he was today could not have prepared him for a scene such as this in thousands of centuries to come. he was a hero for fucks sake! his job was to defend and protect, but yet you could no longer muster the strength to weakly cling onto the sleeve of his costume. “don’t say goodbye. stay here with me, please, [yn]. you’ve made it this far, baby; achieved goals you formally thought impossible. your presence has generated sanction within the lives of people you hardly know. you’re so strong, [yn]. you’re brave and courageous. children look up to you and aspire to follow in your steps.
there’s so much of your life left to live. who says your journey has to conclude right now?” the fingers that previously clutched onto his emerald collar had steadily laxed from their coil, her drooping limb motioning to fall onto her lap. deku hastily grasped her wrist, bringing the cooling flesh of her palm against the firey hot beds of his cheeks. leaning into her vacant caress, the boy cried, “don’t leave me, [yn]. there’s so much more,” unresponsive to his outburst, [yn]’s soft gaze continued to peer upon izuku’s tear-filled optics. a lone droplet parted the corner of her glass eyes, obtaining midoriya’s desperate search for signs of persisting life. with a shudder he continued on, “there’s so much more i wish to do with you.”
he miserably searched for small ministrations; a twitch or quiver, perhaps the fluttering of her tear-swollen eyelids, but he received only the inanimate stare of [yn]’s dull hues. she had departed; left izuku to continue his journey alone. their vow splintered into fragments, falling to shards that clattered and emphasized the hero’s current state: heartache prompted by desolation.
spitefully, deku tightened his hold around her limp shoulders as he exclaimed frustrations to a sky who could not hear his snivels. “forever, right?” contradictory as to the pledge sealed by their past, eternity concluded far soon than anticipated. a pitiful disruption of izuku’s voice initiated angry sobs that vigorously dug his knees into the crumbled debris. “you promised me! you promised me, [yn]!” he screamed to the heavens as if he would summon you from the throne of clouds. “did our promise mean nothing? your place here is with me!”
deku beat upon his chest whenever his lungs began to constrict, depriving him of air to supplement his wheezing cry. hot tears wept his tormented figure. the droplets descended the hills of his cheek and splattered upon the lifeless complexion of his companion. “i promised to take our vow to the grave so why,” attacks of breathless inhales prompted an intermission as izuku’s sniffles dared to throttle his composure. “why are you the one to go first?”
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