eritvita · 10 months
continued from x ;
His clothing is in tatters, soaked in blood and seamfully torn at the stomach and at the back of one of Roland's knees: the Templar, that silvered Sword what hast clamored of apostasy and heresy and that bursting vein of a run-away, and a trail of seeping blood is left to dry o'er that crusting line to the front of the Darktown's Clinic's forever-open door.
He lies in repose, sodden and sullen as he stares in wincing, furrowed pain to the splintered ceiling; smelling the smells of his own wounds and the cacophony of potions and settled sawdust, wet hay, mold upon clothes and the creaking corners saddled so close to the edge of the Waking Sea, breezing its salty air through those opened balconies. Bits of slices and broken dust and stone cleave to Roland's loosened hair, his fleeing panic having undone that softened braid, and, with the deepest marks within his gut and knee, those razor-thin cuts to his face begin to be blessedly borne undone, healing slowly.
"That is a relief," breathes Roland, as he attempts, too soon, to rise upon his elbows. He winces fantastically and pitches a smothered whine, and lays back down again 'pon that comforting, shoddy cot.
Friendly persuasion hast him to answer promptly; trauma induces him to pause.
But, yea: thus is magick, and the Healer is a mage, forsooth. "Templars," says Roland simply, and opens his palms at his side to say: ah, well. "Illegality hast its swiftness of Foot, as were I borne for that sacred Ground what keeps mine forever bare." And he snorts, and touches gingerly at the pinkening skin of his covered, tunic-torn abdomen.
"Hast thou been Healer long, prithee?"
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scriptorxfabularum · 10 months
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     SHE HAD BEEN SO SURE that she had traveled far enough to the east that there was NO POSSIBILITY of running into anyone that could know her. Most mages at the Tower weren’t allowed to travel this far, and those who were would not be looking for her themselves. The templars might have been looking for her if they didn’t still think she was with the Warden. And her parents didn’t LIKE traveling this far. So she had felt at least somewhat safe.
     So when she had stepped into the local brothel - she had learned one very valuable survival skill from someone she had encountered on the road, and that was to stay in a brothel if you have a choice, for the people who stayed there knew the value of discretion - she had frozen in place as her gaze had slowly moved across the faces of those already there and had fallen onto one familiar.
     The moment of panic and the urge to turn and run passed fairly quickly though, when she realized this person was MOST DEFINITELY not a pursuer. In fact, she was FAIRLY CERTAIN that this person was in the exact same boat as she was; attempting to stay ahead of the Chantry and their Templars.
     Still moving carefully, eyes flitting left and right to make sure that there wasn’t anyone else who WOULD want to drag her back kicking and screaming, she walked up to the man. “Anders?” Her voice was low, attempting not to draw any attention to herself and the other mage. “Is that really you?”
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savingthrcw · 11 months
@freedcmscall continuing from this
"Hey, could've been worse. You could've been the idiot who supported the Circle and the Templars like Yours Truly here did." Served them well that she had become so influential after severing her bond with them.
But she was glad she could always have a laugh with Anders - after walking away from most of her friends, after losing her magic, Neria had been distant. Her actions were, of course, still always aimed to help, and she was there for others if they needed a hand, but she wasn't as ready to have conversations, or let them be there for her. Her only explanation for not having magic had been 'I lost it, it's gone' and then having a few drinks with Oghren to deal. And then there was Anders. Anders, and moments like this, that made her want to leave her shell for a little.
"Okay... I'm so sorry for what's about to happen, Anders, truly, but... I'm going to have to be serious with you for a minute, no jokes, no evading. And I suck at it, so let's try to make this quick and painless, alright? I'll just say the thing and move on."
She took a deep breath, and then actually put a hand over Anders' shoulder to face him and let him see that she meant her words: "I am going to find your phylactery, and I'm going to destroy it. But before that happens, and after that happens... you are a Warden. So you are never, ever, going back to the Circle. We are not going to betray our own. And when I die, Alistair will be the one in charge, and he feels the exact same way. If they try to take you by force they know damn well it will mean war with the Grey Wardens, but considering that I helped everyone I met ever since I left the Circle, and people know this, and hundreds have watched me kill an Archdemon and still hail me when I walk into any Ferelden city... I don't think they can afford that anymore. Now, feel free to insult the Chantry and this whole stupid system as much as you want... but I want to hear it from me, at least once, that I am never going to give you up and you don't need to be afraid you'll actually go back. You are one of us, you are not a Circle mage anymore. And they can choke on that." Had they not been so busy running around over this new threat, she'd have already pulled a Duncan and walked into the Circle Tower to demand the blood. "Understood?"
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justwanderingmuses · 11 months
did the thing. promo to be posted once i make it lmao. also blog to be finished later also. but yeah. freedcmscall
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scriptorxfabularum · 9 months
Update on threads
// I am just going to list all my threads here, tag all my partners and y'all let me know if something needs to change here. Please let me know if there's a thread on here you'd like to drop. And also if there's a thread on here that I dropped that you would like to keep.
If there is a thread missing, that's not listed under any of the three headings, let me know. I might have forgotten to add it to my tracker.
Up first, threads that will be dropped off my tracker. They are not deleted, just archived. So if you'd prefer to keep the thread, let me know, and I'll just move it back.
@colorscanvas: [x] [x] [x] [x]
@boywebbed: [x] [x]
@higheverlost: [x]
@tymptir: [x] [x]
@heroiisms: [x]
@xradiant: [x]
@camerasutra: [x] [x]
@mostlylows: [x]
@hopeslastchxnce: [x]
@qceensofkings: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@pcraspcra: [x] [x] [x]
@imprvdente: [x]
My turn:
@imprvdente: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@hvbris: [x]
@ofthclight: [x]
@imafirefly: [x]
@fatedtragedie: [x] [x]
@caracarnn: [x] [x]
@hrhenryfox: [x]
@freedcmscall: [x]
My partner's turn:
@ofthclight: [x] [x]
@imafirefly: [x]
@starscaping: [x]
@seesgood: [x]
@imprvdente: [x] [x] [x] [x]
@hvbris: [x]
@altuspavus: [x]
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savingthrcw · 10 months
Archetypes Quiz - Neria
42% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
32% Advocate
The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
26% Caregiver
Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
stolen from @freedcmscall
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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