scriptorxfabularum · 10 months
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     SHE HAD BEEN SO SURE that she had traveled far enough to the east that there was NO POSSIBILITY of running into anyone that could know her. Most mages at the Tower weren’t allowed to travel this far, and those who were would not be looking for her themselves. The templars might have been looking for her if they didn’t still think she was with the Warden. And her parents didn’t LIKE traveling this far. So she had felt at least somewhat safe.
     So when she had stepped into the local brothel - she had learned one very valuable survival skill from someone she had encountered on the road, and that was to stay in a brothel if you have a choice, for the people who stayed there knew the value of discretion - she had frozen in place as her gaze had slowly moved across the faces of those already there and had fallen onto one familiar.
     The moment of panic and the urge to turn and run passed fairly quickly though, when she realized this person was MOST DEFINITELY not a pursuer. In fact, she was FAIRLY CERTAIN that this person was in the exact same boat as she was; attempting to stay ahead of the Chantry and their Templars.
     Still moving carefully, eyes flitting left and right to make sure that there wasn’t anyone else who WOULD want to drag her back kicking and screaming, she walked up to the man. “Anders?” Her voice was low, attempting not to draw any attention to herself and the other mage. “Is that really you?”
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