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danoisebeats · 2 years
Rap Type Beat 2023 Free - 84 BRICKS - Freestyle Rap Beat Instrumental
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This beat is perfect for any rapper who wants to bring their lyrics to life with an amazing production.
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jokeringcutio · 4 months
Can you make another one of the albert Shaw, but can it be a continuation from the neighbour when he meets her?
AN: Sure ♡ Enjoy :)
Drabble: Albert’s pretty neighbor - part 2
Fandom: The Black Phone (2022), Pairing: (AFAB) Reader x Albert Shaw/The Grabber Ratings: Mature Warnings: Older man x younger woman, attractive neighbor, giving you a free life hack in this, mutual attraction but neither dare act on it, crushing on a villain/the bad guy, thigh clenching, Reader likes Albert’s dog Samson.
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The sun was beating down on your exposed skin. You were pulling weeds, dirty nails clawing at the earth, when you heard a soft whimper. Glancing up, you saw Samson, Albert’s hulking cane corso, watching you with those soulful eyes from the other side of the flowerbed. He was separated only from you by your neighbor’s fence, but looked like he would have jumped upon you if it hadn’t been there.
"Hey there, big guy," you cooed, wiping sweat from your brow, the sun a relentless predator above.
"Seems like Samson has taken a liking to you," came a deep, gravelly voice. Albert stood a few feet away, his chestnut hair tousled, grey-blue eyes gleaming under the falling sunlight.
"Does he now?" You chuckled, standing and brushing off your hands on your thighs. You edged closer to the fence, fingers lingering on the wooden slats. Samson's tail wagged, a slow thump against the ground.
"He's usually wary of strangers," Albert confessed, taking a step forward. His gaze never left you. "But you're different."
"Perhaps I'm attracted to the dangerous types,” you teased. The way Albert's eyes darkened, just for a second, made your skin tingle.
Had you said something wrong? Or right? "Or perhaps he senses kinship. He wants to be a good boy, I want to be a good girl," you quickly said, feeling a flutter in your stomach. "Perhaps," he murmured, almost to himself. He cleared his throat, shaking off whatever thought had gripped him. "How’s the garden coming along?"
"Slowly but surely," you sighed, glancing back at the tangled mess of plants. "Seems like every time I make progress, these weeds pop up."
"Gardening is a battle," he said softly, a strange warmth in his voice. His hands, rough and calloused, gripped the top of the fence. "But it's worth it. Beauty for all that effort."
"Yes, exactly." You smiled, feeling a connection, something unnamed sparking between you both. His presence was magnetic, drawing you in despite the age gap, despite the unknown shadows in his eyes.
"Need any help?" he offered, tilting his head, a lock of greying hair slipping over his forehead. He looked almost boyish, and you couldn't help but imagine what his touch might feel like, strong yet tender.
"That's kind of you, Albert, but…" you began, but he cut you off with a raised hand.
"Please. It's no trouble. Neighbors should help each other out." His voice was firm, authoritative, but there was an underlying softness that made you relent.
"All right then," you agreed, heart pounding as he slipped through the gate into your yard. Samson followed, a silent shadow at his master's heel.
"Let’s start over there," Albert suggested, pointing to a particularly stubborn patch of weeds. You nodded, feeling the heat of his body as he moved past you, close enough that you could smell the faint scent of cologne mixed with sweat.
"Thanks, Albert. You're very kind,” you said, kneeling down beside him. His smile was warm, but his eyes, those piercing eyes, held secrets. You wished you knew what thoughts made them darken with desire. Was it you? Your presence?
You suppressed a slight shiver. Having him near, smelling his scent, and feeling his hot skin next to your own was enticing.
"Just being neighborly," he replied, his tone light. But you couldn't shake the feeling that beneath the surface, something darker lurked. Something dangerous.
"Well, I appreciate it," you whispered, more to yourself than to him. As you worked side by side, the distance between you seemed to shrink, the air thick with unspoken words and hidden desires.
"Anytime," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but wonder what lay behind that charming facade, what shadows hid within his heart.
But for now, you let the moment linger, enjoying the rare closeness, the fleeting connection. Even if it was built on a foundation of lies and darkness.
"Anytime," he repeated, almost like a promise. And you couldn't help but hope he'd keep it.
A sudden, sharp clatter came from within Albert's house. You both froze, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes instantly flicked to the side. Samson was there, wagging his tale, happily circling around the two of you as you worked on the flowerbed side by side.
So it wasn’t him. But Albert lived on his own, right?
A burglar?
"Did you hear that?" you asked, instantly rising from your knees.
The sound seemed to have come from his basement. A tiny window that you hadn’t noticed before, situated behind the back, lay at the source of the sound.
"Probably just Samson knocking something over," Albert said quickly, standing up and brushing off his hands. His smile was tight, eyes flickering with an uneasy light.
“Samson’s right here,” you reasoned, trying to peer through his basement window. "It sounded like it came from downstairs." Your heart pounded harder against your ribs, curiosity mingling with unease.
"Must have been the ironing plank,” Albert pressed, blocking your way before you could peer through the bars of the tiny window located slightly above the grass line. You would need to go on your hands and knees for that, but Albert prevented you from doing that, holding out a reassuring hand to signal everything was all right.
And he must be right. If he wasn’t worried, why should you be? A burglar? Unlikely. Nothing as exciting as that had happened in Denver for ages. You were scaring yourself now for no reason.
“Did some of my ironing there earlier today,” he explained in such a calm voice that you felt the tenseness leave your muscles. You slowly started to relax, noticing the delighted spark in Albert’s eyes as he watched you visibly getting less tense.
“It probably fell over. Might not have set it against the wall properly," he insisted, his tone firmer now.
"How about coming inside for a drink? It's awfully hot out here."
You considered for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?"
Albert led the way into his house, his demeanor shifting from tense to overly casual. You followed, eyes darting around, taking in the neatness of his home. He clearly lived here on his own. No signs of belongings of anyone else. Not that you expected it. You knew he was a bachelor in his fifties, working an ordinary job and living an ordinary life.
Plus, you had seen his home before. He often invited you over for a drink. You figured it made him feel less lonely, that it was nice for him to talk to someone. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be near him. You took every opportunity to be by his side – to hear more about him, listen to that deep and dark voice, watch those bright blue eyes roam over your body, and fantasize that there could be more between you.
Yet… Everything is in its place, but too perfect. Too controlled.
Samson padded behind you, tail still waggling with delight. You flashed him a small smile before looking back at Albert who had come to a halt and was waiting for you to catch up.
"Make yourself comfortable," he said, gesturing to the living room. He disappeared into the kitchen, returning moments later with two cans of soda. He handed you one, fingers grazing yours for just a second longer than necessary.
"Thanks," you murmured, taking a sip. His kitchen lacked a certain variety, you mused silently.  
You watched him how his eyes darkened, unreadable, as he took a long sip.
"So? Ironing eh?" you said. “Share?”
"Not much to tell," he replied with a shrug, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of something deeper. "Did the laundry.”
“You don’t seem to wear anything that needs ironing. Not a lot anyway,” you said, feeling the heat rush through you as you realized you were looking him up and down. His pants perhaps, you thought.
“I wear shirts,” he said in his defense, to which you sputtered and stifled a laugh.
“Hang them to dry on a clothes hanger. No ironing needed, guaranteed.”
The thoughtful expression on Albert’s face made you laugh openly now.
“What? You never thought of that before?”
“Not yet, no,” he reluctantly admitted, but with that small curl of his lips that indicated he enjoyed this banter. His fingers curled tighter around the can he was holding. The fact you noticed this betrayed how you fixated on him.
“I’m just an average guy, trying to get by," he murmured, voice low and not average at all. Not with the way he made the heat rush between your legs, squeezing them together and silently wishing he hadn’t noticed. You clung a little tighter to your own soda can as well, hoping the coolness of the can would cool you down as well.
"Somehow, I don't believe that," you teased, leaning forward slightly. "Everyone has their secrets."
"Maybe," he said softly, his gaze locking onto yours. "But some things are better left buried."
"Is that what you think?" you challenged, feeling a thrill run through you.
"Absolutely," he replied, voice dropping to a whisper.
A silence fell as you tried to think of something clever to say. Your eyes rested upon him, curious, filled with want. You wanted to know more about him, wanted to know why he seemed to have this dangerous edge to him when all he had shown you to be was a nice and helpful neighbor. Attractive too.
Was it all just in your mind?
That was when you noticed Albert sat frozen. His lips parted, his fingers twitching. And only then did you realize that Albert's hand hovered above your knee, fingertips trembling. The air between you thickened, charged with unspoken desire. Your breath hitched, heart pounding like a wild drum.
You wanted him to touch you, needed it.
But just like that… he pulled back, eyes flickering with restraint. He didn’t allow you the time to interpret what it was that you had seen in his eyes, for he turned away from you, twisting his torso as he set his can aside. His gaze shifted, catching on the clock on the wall.
"Damn," he hissed, low and urgent. "I have to go."
"Work?" you asked, voice tinged with regret.
"Yes," he said, standing abruptly. The spell shattered, reality rushing back in.
You knew he had traded a shift with one of his colleagues. He had told you earlier when you were both working in your garden. So, for him to announce he had to leave shouldn’t have come as a surprise.
You followed him to the door, each step heavy with unmet longing. You watched as he picked up his vest on the way, throwing it on, grabbing a bag he must have prepared earlier with… dinner?
Then he pushed the door open, holding it for you. He turned, his usual charm slipping back into place. “Ladies first,” he gallantly said, making you smile.
You accepted the gesture and stepped outside, instantly feeling the hot summer sun beat down on you.
"Have a good day at work," you said, smiling.
"Thank you," he said, smiling softly in turn. It was as if your smile had been infectious. His eyes twinkled with something. Mirth? "Take care of yourself."
"Always," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
"And how could I forget you!” You almost exclaimed, leaning over to signal Samson to come closer. The dog padded over, tail wagging. You felt Albert’s burning gaze. Was he studying you?
“I’m gonna miss you,” you mewled. “Be a good boy, okay?” You petted his back, then rose again and nodded once more to Albert – a silent sign saying ‘thank you’.
He returned the nod. “We’ll have to do this again, sometime,” he said. And was that a rasp in his voice?
You couldn’t help but smile brightly, excited at the promise of being close to him again. “Of course,” he hadn’t even needed to suggest it. You’d take any excuse to hang out with him.
His eyes locked with yours, dark and swirling with a silent storm – all sorts of emotions you had difficulty naming.
"See you soon." Albert murmured, patting the dog's head. But his eyes were fixed on you, sending a delightful shiver down your spine.
"Yeah, see you soon," you said, stepping away from his porch. The door closed behind you, and you heard the click of the lock. With another wave, Albert made his way to his van. You watched as he drove away and finally let out a deep sigh.
Then you turned away, walking back to your own garden, the memory of his hovering hand burning in your mind.
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sykloni2 · 9 months
When I was going through the drafts on my main blog I found this AU idea (from 2022). I don't think I am going to actually use it, so I want to throw it out there in case it inspires someone else :)
We have AUs where Sam or Tucker becomes a halfa instead of Danny and AUs where they are all in the portal when it turns on, and they all become halfas (or just straight up die). But what about an AU where they fuse into one ghost? I have tried to look for it, but nothing I found was quite what I had in mind.
So Fusion Phantom AU.
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In my mind it's an AU where Sam and Tucker want to check out the portal with Danny, and they are all in the portal when someone accidentally hits the button, but instead of all three coming out of the portal in a ghost from only one ghost stumbles out.
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Basically the idea is that Danny, Sam and Tucker all half-died in the portal the same time and instead of each forming their own ghosts they accidentally merge together. The ghost that comes out is a fusion of all of them, but pretty quickly they turn back to human and after the transformation they are separate people again. At first, they all just kind of brush it off and decide that whatever it was -it was temporary, but eventually they figure out that it was not and something really changed.
In this AU, they wouldn't have separate ghost forms at all (at least not until someone manages to separate them) so they need to be together to transform, but they do still have some ghost powers as "humans". They just don't have all the powers their ghost form has. There are also differences with the basic powers (flying comes naturally to Danny, but he is terrible at phasing though things, etc.).
Going ghost and beating up the other ghost is not possible unless they all manage to get to the ghost fight. They have to learn to manage with the powers they each have access to without transforming. There is also always a lot of shenanigans involved when they really need to all get out of class to fight a ghost or when they all need to sneak out in the middle of the night.
I like to think that usually this type of merge is permanent and cannot be undone, but maybe Frostbite would help to study if there's a possibility to separate them since their soul merge is not fully complete. (~It can't be, since their human bodies/minds can't merge together like full ghosts.) This could lead to them having talks about if they even want to be separated and break this new connection -but also lead to them struggling to be individuals, and acting out because of that. They could feel afraid to disappear into Phantom. At the same time, Phantom is none of them but also all of them. It's weird. They have memories from their time as Phantom, but after turning back to human there is clear difference what are Phantom's memories and what are their own. The memories are theirs, but also not.
But anyway, this idea is free to adopt, change, come up with a better name etc.! (I'm not planning to use it myself, but I don't want to just throw it away.)
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justforbooks · 4 months
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Dr Michael Mosley
Popular celebrity medic who offered health advice to millions through his TV and radio roles, most notably on fasting
Dr Michael Mosley, who has died aged 67 on the Greek island of Symi, explored health and fitness issues of interest to big audiences. He was a versatile communicator, whether as a television diet guru, newspaper columnist or podcaster.
He became a household name for diet books promoting calorie reduction and fasting, including The Fast Diet (2013), written with the journalist Mimi Spencer. His work gained in popularity from his self-experimentation, which included swallowing tapeworms, magic mushrooms, internal cameras and – most famously – fasting to cure his own type 2 diabetes, diagnosed in 2012. He became a well known TV and radio celebrity medic, regularly appearing on The One Show for the BBC and This Morning for ITV. On BBC Radio 4’s Just One Thing podcast he offered health tips to the nation, from the benefits of daily spoonfuls of olive oil to the usefulness of the plank position.
Yet his own medical career was brief. Mosley, who studied philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) at New College, Oxford, trained in medicine at the Royal Free hospital, north London, after two years of working as a banker. He wanted to become a psychiatrist, saying that he found people more interesting than finance, but was disappointed to find that “there were severe limitations to what you could do”, he told the British Medical Journal in 2004.
He opted instead to exert influence through the medium of television, joining the BBC training scheme as an assistant producer in 1985, and going on to produce documentaries based mostly in science, mathematics and history.
His most glorious moment arguably came with the Horizon programme Ulcer Wars, which he made in 1994 about the work of Barry Marshall of the University of Western Australia, who was convinced that the bacteria he had identified called Helicobacter pylori was responsible for most gastric cancers and ulcers.
The story appealed to Mosley and inspired his own self-experimentation: Marshall had drunk a solution of H pylori from a beaker in the 1980s and his stomach had been colonised by the bacteria, which disappeared when he took antibiotics.
Marshall was right and later, with his colleague Robin Warren, won a Nobel prize. Mosley received more than 20,000 letters from people cured of their ulcer pain by antibiotics. The film brought him awards. “I probably did, in a funny way, more good with that one programme than if I had stayed in medicine for 30 years,” said Mosley in the BMJ.
In 2002, Mosley was nominated for an Emmy as executive producer on the documentary featuring John Cleese, The Human Face. In 2013, he began to host the series Trust Me, I’m a Doctor for the BBC. His most recent TV series were for Channel 4: Who Made Britain Fat? (2022) and Secrets of Your Big Shop (2024).
The Fast Diet book, which launched the 5:2 diet, also came out of a Horizon documentary. Eat, Fast and Live Longer (2012) was inspired by Mosley’s own diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, which is linked to excess weight. The disease ran in the family. His father, Bill, had died of the complications at the age of 74. Mosley came across the American neuroscientist Mark Mattson’s work on intermittent fasting, and adopted the pattern he advocated of normal eating for five days and consumption of just 500-600 calories on the other two.
He claimed to have lost 20lbs and reversed his own type 2 diabetes. Mattson appeared in the documentary, which is credited with popularising the 5:2 diet. In 2021, Mosley published The Fast 800 Keto, which combines fasting with a ketogenic diet, high in fat and low in carbohydrates, but in its later stages allows carbohydrates back in.
Mosley’s diet work was controversial because of its focus on calorie reduction to lose weight. In 2021, the eating disorder charity Beat said of his Channel 4 series Lose a Stone in 21 Days that “the programme caused enough stress and anxiety to our beneficiaries that we extended our helpline hours to support anyone affected and received 51% more contact during that time”.
He said he had suffered from chronic insomnia from his late 30s. That became the subject of another BBC documentary and also a book published in 2019, called Fast Asleep.
Born in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, Michael was the son of a banker, Bill Mosley, and his wife, Joan. At the age of seven he was sent to boarding school in Britain. Mosley said in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald that his mother was heartbroken to send him away to school, but that his father worked in Hong Kong and the Philippines, wanted Michael and his other son, John, to become bankers as he had, and that sending children to boarding school back in Britain was part of the culture of that time.
His maternal grandfather was an Anglican bishop. Mosley said he came from a long line of missionaries, but “the closest I get to religion is incorporating fasting in my diet”.
Mosley met Clare Bailey at the Royal Free hospital medical school, now part of UCL medical school, and they married in 1987. Bailey, who became a GP, was an active partner in Mosley’s dietary work and wrote recipe books for people embarking on the Fast 800 diet as well as newspaper columns in her own right. She told interviewers that she did not fast, because she had never needed to lose weight, and that she would hide chocolate from Mosley, who had a sweet tooth.
She survives him, along with their three sons, Alex, Jack and Daniel, and a daughter, Kate.
🔔 Michael Mosley, doctor, writer and broadcaster, born 22 March 1957; found dead 9 June 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
Soobin Is Leading TOMORROW X TOGETHER with Positivity
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The leader of TXT opens up about the group's current chapter
This week, in compliment with our TOMORROW X TOGETHER cover story, we’ll be rolling out individual spotlights on each member of the K-pop act. Today, we spend some time with the group’s leader, Soobin. Don’t forget to get your copy of the limited edition magazine collector’s box featuring six exclusive TXT covers and more at the Consequence Shop.
Soobin, the leader of TOMORROW X TOGETHER, is a very tall young man. Most of the members of the group tower over their peers in the K-pop world — three of the band members clear six feet — and Soobin has them all beat.
Sitting in a hotel room in Osaka, Japan, it’s almost as if Soobin, cozy in black sweatpants and a matching T-shirt, is unaware of this fact. With his stature, he could presumably be intimidating if he wanted to be; instead, he’s unfailingly polite and remarkably sweet. He bows to shake my hand as he sits down, offering an off-the-record recommendation for an anime on Netflix as we get comfortable. Soobin is soft-spoken enough that the interpreter in the room with us sometimes has to lean in to catch his responses. He dips his head again when he gets up at the end of our conversation.
“I’m not usually the talkative type,” he says, smiling shyly. “I don’t know how to make things flowery and eloquent.”
According to his bandmates, though, Soobin’s leadership strength isn’t dependent on locution. “Soobin is in charge of communications, and we can look into each other’s eyes when we are rehearsing and tell just from that how we’re feeling,” fellow TXT member Taehyun explains. For the group, the concept of communication extends beyond public-facing comments and speaking responsibilities.
At 22 years old, Soobin is not the oldest member of the group — that would be 23-year-old Yeonjun — but when TXT debuted in 2019, he was introduced to the world as the leader nonetheless. This is not uncommon in K-pop, as this title and its responsibilities often have more to do with personality than age. Soobin seems to be a generally agreeable person who is comfortable with taking a backseat a lot of the time, as he does when his bandmates are in the room the day we all meet.
That laid back attitude extends to his downtime, as well. In the past, a day off for Soobin would involve a lot of “watching animation lying down.” Recently, though, free time means spending the day with friends, catching up on movies, or going swimming. He’s also trying to become a better cook; one of his more recent endeavors was dakbokkeumtang, a Korean dish of braised spicy chicken.
He strives for improvement onstage as well, growing more confident in areas he used to find more challenging. Particularly after completing TXT’s first world tour (2022’s “ACT: LOVE SICK”), Soobin says he’s noticeably refined his public speaking: “I feel so grateful to our fans and I feel so happy during the tour, but I always get nervous at the end when I’m talking,” he notes. “But, recently, I realized my words and speeches became more organized.” He laughs. “I think I became kind of cool.”
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With his bandmates, however, coolness also means knowing when to hold things back. Despite the closeness between the members of TXT, Soobin reveals that he tries not to add more pressure on the members than is absolutely necessary. “There are actually things that I cannot tell my members because they’re my members,” he explains. “Being the leader, I sometimes worry about things that could make them feel pressured, and with such things, I tend to open up to my other friends.”
That includes adding to the weight of their upcoming headlining slot at Lollapalooza; but, rather than focus on the immensity of the stage, he’s reveling in the excitement these days. Soobin happily recalls that when he first told his songwriter and producer friends about their 2022 appearance at the festival, “They said, ‘I’m so jealous, it’s driving me crazy… But it was a cute jealousy. This time, when we heard the news that we were headlining, I couldn’t wait to tell them.”
As effortless as Soobin may appear as a performer, there’s no doubt he and the TXT team have put in the hard work to earn that Lollapalooza billing. Beyond detailed rehearsals, all the members are involved behind the scenes of the group’s ever-evolving musical direction, too. Soobin has a songwriting credit on the group’s most recent album, the bouncy, bright “Happy Fools” featuring Coi Leray, while “Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)” and “Farewell, Neverland” are described by the members as group efforts thematically. The band’s longtime studio collaborator, HYBE producer Slow Rabbit, calls Soobin and his bandmates “pioneers for the next generation of artists and fans, especially for Gen Z.”
To Soobin, his ability to connect with people stems from the fact that he grew up a K-pop fan long before becoming a K-pop idol. That sentiment allows him to relate to TXT’s fans, known as MOA, and it’s a connection Soobin doesn’t take lightly. “Being a fan turned me into a positive person, and I only experienced positive changes as a K-pop fan,” he explains. “So to our fans, and the people who like me, I want only positive things to happen to them. I hope that they can experience positive changes.”
It’s only been four years since TXT debuted, and the group has already achieved headliner status at a major American music festival. If he were to chat with Soobin of 2019, back when TOMORROW X TOGETHER were freshly debuted, he says that he wouldn’t want to change a thing about their story so far: “I did the best I could at that time,” he recalls. “I wouldn’t want to do anything that would affect present me, because I’m so satisfied with present me. I just hope past Soobin walks the path that I walked, exactly the way I did.”
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catmansquad · 1 year
The Thirst
Vampire Miguel AU? Why not. I will inevitably add this as a proper chapter in The Looking Glass, but this is the X Reader version. Typing on mobile is hard...
Earth 9962 (Iteration: 300)
The Unorthodox, London, 2022
The club had once been an old church, now it served another order of service altogether; aglow in vibrant neons, heaving with the pulse of music and life. Dancers lost in the beat on the shining floor, couples lost in each other on plush sofas on the upper levels and at least one or two strangers passed out in each other's arms somewhere in the shadows.
'The regular tonight, Mike?' The bartender spoke up to be heard over the pounding beat of the music, addressing the figure seated before him; Slicked dark hair, brown eyes, always mumbled when he spoke, always with a strange hunger about him, yet the guy couldn't be lacking in cash, for the pricy clothes he always strutted up in.
'Yeah, just the usual...' He took the crinkled note that was slid across the counter in response and replaced it with the strongest whiskey the house could offer. The whiskey would not soothe the ache in him, Miguel knew that, but this scene served two purposes: the first reminded him of what it meant to be human, to do things mortals did- like breathing, and drinking. For certain he could still eat and drink, hell he could even still get drunk if enough of a vast quantity passed his lips, but these were just simple pleasures, nothing would truly sate him. Then came the second reason; the club itself, the heaving bodies, the pulse of life. He could hear the heartbeats over the music, practically smell the liquor laced blood thundering through excited veins. He glimpsed at his watch, marking the time and raised the glass in a silent toast before taking a hefty sip. Here was to five-hundred years. Five hundred years since that night in old Mexica where his life had been stolen and his death denied.
It had been a long journey, of tragedies and wars, and loss. Eventually he had grown numb to it all, mortals did as they did, and eventually they slipped away and the next generation made the same mistakes. He had made mistakes, too. A frantic and young Fledgling who assumed he ruled and had quickly learned humility, of failed romances, of the fleeting fatherhood stolen by plague, of so many broken hearts. Even an Elder felt that kind of pain still. It was a blessing and a curse both, to be untouched by time, disease and death.
'What a nice surprise...' The scent of sweet perfume, the ghost of a hand across his shoulder, the beautiful vision in silken crimson cooed by his ear, her free hand clutching her bag tight.
'Another sweet night, my darling...?' Her voice was soft as silk in his ear, he merely took another sip from his glass, placing it back on the counter. If only the sheep knew there were now two wolves prowling incognito among them.
'Entertain yourself elsewhere, Christina, I am not in the mood for your games.' His response was curt, uncaring. Her charms would not work on him. Christina's smile was unfaltering, her icy blue eyes found his own inevitably. Once she had been a model, an actress of considerable skill, destined for stardom. Now she was barely half a century into her darker existence and had adapted far better than most. Miguel did not know who had Turned her, but the rare few who shared these streets with him knew one thing; this was his city, first and foremost.
'Aww, always a pleasure, sweetheart..' She purred with a playful wink, heels clicking on the floor as she weaved between the crowds, effortlessly drawing longing stares from man and woman alike, someone would find themselves going home with her tonight. Miguel shouldn't have looked, should have returned to his drink, but his eyes lingered as the crowds parted briefly, that was when he saw you.
High on life and booze, you had found yourself on the dancefloor, limbs twirling, uncaring for anything else as you and a friend lost all awareness for the outside world. It was only when the beautiful woman in red passed did you briefly falter, like the mere sight of her had hooked something into your skull. Then she passed by and the spell broke.
'You've got an admirer!' Your friend called out over the deafening thrum, and repeated themselves louder still as you held up a hand to your ear. You followed their pointing across the room to the bar; the tall, broad man sat half in shadow as if the light refused to cling to him, the feeling of hungry eyes upon you. Perhaps you'd get lucky tonight after all...
Miguel had drained the glass, uncaring for its burn down his throat and plotted his next move with patience. He could be very, very patient. You were aware of him, and he of you. He was content to wait, to see if you would make the next move. It would be so easy for him, just a touch of vampiric charm, a slight crook of a finger to beckon and you would be in his lap in moments, mind wrapped around his little finger. No. That would be far too easy.
He felt the atmosphere shift, something inside him bristled at the new presence; full of swagger, a young man had entered the club, dressed for a night out, for someone who desperately wanted attention. The eyes of every mortal on him, finding him irresistible. All Miguel saw was a troublesome Fledgling who needed to be put in their place.
He smothered the Fledgeling's charm with a strong arm across his shoulder, steering him away from the dancefloor- away from you, no sooner did they find a relatively quiet spot, did the troublesome new one find himself slammed against the wall with a hand at his throat.
'There are now three of us here. That is too much trouble to keep quiet. I also do not appreciate you so brazenly strutting in like a preening rooster, there is an art in charm and seduction that you wield with all the grace of a sledgehammer.'
The Fledgeling hissed at him, fangs bared, trying to amp up his intimidation through vampiric willpower. It was almost cute. Still easily keeping him pinned, Miguel stepped closer and returned the favour, fangs bared in a snarl, eyes ablaze crimson, letting the newly Turned vampire feel the full weight of an Elder's presence. He briefly relished the fear that followed realisation in those eyes, watched how he tried to shrink into himself, knees trembling.
'I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry..!' His blubbering was an inelegant as his charms had been.
'Get. Out. Do not make me regret what mercy I show you now...' He kept his voice low, but those sensitive ears would pick it up all the same. Miguel could just as easily break a man's mind as his body. Satisfied that the message had been received, he released his crushing grip, and watched the terrified Fledgeling hurry to the exit, sparing horrified glances over his shoulder. He blinked, eyes losing their furious crimson lustre as he scoured the crowds once more, ensuring you were still there.
'So many hot people here tonight, god!' Your friend called out, but you did not look, barely paying attention, eyes firmly on the man who regarded you still; tall, broad, stylish, and looking right back at you. When did it get so hot in here? He took his hands from his coat pockets, glancing at his watch before giving you a charming smile and beckoning softly with one curled finger.
You would come to him, he had almost grown fond of you. He would look after you, keep you safe from the hungry Fledgelings. Tonight, you knew you had gotten lucky. Little did you know you would feel the bliss of his aching kiss.
Part 2
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: December 2022 ~  
🎆 Happy 2023!!! 🥂
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! (previous breakdowns)
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 Oh! My Assistant - December 1st (South Korea)
🌟 609 Bedtime Story - December 2nd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 My School President - December 2nd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Si Andy, Si Lauren o Si Peng? - December 3rd (Philippines)
🌟 Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (international release on GagaOOlala) - December 8th (Japan) 
🌟 Semantic Error: The Movie (international release) - December 9th (South Korea)
🌟 The Warp Effect (BL sidestory) - December 12th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Never Let Me Go - December 13th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Director Who Buys Me Dinner - December 15th (South Korea)
🌟 Ameiro Paradox - December 15th (Japan)
🌟 Coffee Melody Special Episode (PlengDuean) - December 18th (Thailand)
🌟 The New Employee - December 21st (South Korea)
🌟 Coffee Melody Special Episode (NueaJeen) - December 25th (Thailand)
🌟 HIStory5: Love in the Future - December 28th (Taiwan)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ The Warp Effect - I’m not gonna lie I knew exactly that this show would have me in a chokehold from the moment they released the pilot trailer and I was right lmao. It’s phenomenal. It’s fun, it’s chaos, it’s spicy. exactly the kind of anarchy I was craving jdhfgk. New is doing a very good job at portraying Alex, which is surprising because he was part of the reason I was hesitant about the show as I’m not his biggest fan. But I’m so fond of Alex and also him and Fah as Jean have an A+ chemistry. Army is my bitch lmao I love him so much and the 3 of them contribute a great deal to the vibe that makes the show work. The side couples are also very interesting and mostly props to Sing for giving his all in this type of plot because that shit requires some courage lmao. It’s a textbook Jojo series and his signature way of not beating around the bush is very visible here. Some people said they find the hyper-focus on the sexual themes juvenile but I disagree. The exaggeration of the plot is a great way of pointing a finger at these themes and breaking a stigma; especially at GMMTV. I love it. 10/10 so far. 
👎🏻 Remember Me - This show has taken a very disappointing turn about halfway through. The stories all had a very sweet and interesting start and I liked the slow pacing at first but now it’s just draggy and annoying. Everything has become 80% slower and the scenes are repetitive and tedious. At this point I'm only watching the GunGolf story and even that has parts that I can’t help but skip. Their breakup was very strange and unnecessary to me and I have no idea how they plan to fix it in the remaining 2 episodes. What a shame. 3/10. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 The Last Time - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Unintentional Love Story - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Born To Be Y - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Love At First Paint (TikTok series) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Y Universe (starring KaownahTurbo & others) - Coming August 2023 (Thailand)
🎥 Personal Manager (produced by MFlow) - Date & Cast TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Tin Tam Jai (produced by MFlow) - Coming February 27th 2023 (Thailand) 
🎥 Time (produced by MFlow) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Love in the Big City (novel adaption) - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Pit Babe - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 My Dear - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Check Out (Movie version) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Mystique in the Mirror - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Our Dating Sim - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Death Kaleidoscope (novel adaption; possibly bromance) - Date TBA (China) 
🎥 Bokura no Shokutaku (manga adaption) - Date TBA (Japan)
🎥 Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Eccentric Romance - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Wuju’s Bakery - Date TBA (South Korea) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The following BL actors won at this year’s GQ Men of the Year Awards 2022: 
Bright Vachirawit: Actor of the Year 
Apo Nattawin & Mile Pakphoom: Breakthrough Actors 
Mew Suppasit: Top Trender
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s สุดสัปดาห์ Y Awards 2022: 
YinWar: Star Duo of the Year 
Bite Me Series: Best Inspiring Series 
PP Krit: All Time Popular & Favorite Social Media Star 
BillkinPP: Best Original Soundtrack
Not Me: Best Series Based on Books, Best Screenplay, Best Director 
Cutie Pie: Y Series of the Year
Zee Pruk: Actor of the Year 
Nunew Chawarin: Actor of the Year 
ZeeNunew: Rising Star Duo of the Year
❗️ JaFirst were confirmed as the leads in the upcoming BL Be Mine SuperStar. Other cast members are Benjamin Brasier (2Moons2), Bosston Suphadach (Between Us), Kokliang Parinya (TharnType) and others. 
❗️ Following the success of Manner of Death and Triage, the novel “Euthanasia” by Sammon will be adapted into a series titled Spare Me Your Mercy and will be produced by One31. BibleBuild (KinnPorsche) are rumored as the leads. 
❗️ Golf Tanwarin (director of The Eclipse & 609 BS) announced that SmartJames (Don’t Say No) will be part of the upcoming BL movie Moments of Love. Other cast members are Fort T. (Love in the Air) & more. 
❗️ Triage won “Best BL series” and “Best BL scene” at this year’s CBLO awards. 
❗️ The Domundi 2023 Lineup Event was held on December 13th. The following BLs were announced:
Bed Friend Series (starring NetJames)
Middleman’s Love (starring TutorYim)
Naughty Babe (Starring MaxNat)
Love Upon a Time (starring NetJames)
The Next Prince (starring ZeeNunew)
Cutie Pie 2 You (4 episodes) - airing January 6th
2 Worlds (starring MaxNat)
Punk Spy (starring Tommy S. & others)
Our Winter (Korean collaboration, starring TutorYim)  
Unknown movie (starring ZeeNunew)
❗️ The production company Be On Cloud will hold their 2023 lineup event on January 18th. 
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s Thailand Digital Awards:
The Eclipse: Best Y Series 
JoongDunk: Couple of the Year 
Job Thuchapon: Outstanding Actor in a Y Series 
Mean Phiravich: Best Male Rising Star Award 
Danny Bandit (2Moons3): New Rising Star Award 
Ultimate Troop Co Ltd (Remember Me): Best Creative Production of a Y Series
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s Y Universe Awards:
LoveMechanics: Best Y Series 
Cutie Pie: 7 awards 
YoonTon (Unforgotten Night): Best Leading Role 
Sing Harit (Not Me): Best Baddy
❗️ Nutt Witsarut (SCOY) and Boat YongYut (My Secret Love) have been confirmed as the leads in the upcoming BL Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung, which is an adaption from Jamie's novel with the same title.
❗️ TVThunder released posters for a still unknown series with Prom Ratchaphat, Mark Siwat and Plan Rathavit as the leads. Name, date & genre is still unknown. 
❗️ Actors Toptap Jirakit, Puimek Napasorn and Gunsmile Chanagun have officially left GMMTV. 
❗️ The upcoming BL Love Syndrome will air on March 4th. 
Upcoming series & movies for January
☝🏻 Oh! My Assistant (Movie version) - January 2nd (South Korea) 
☝🏻 Beautiful Scars - January 2nd (Philippines) 
☝🏻 Cutie Pie 2 You - January 6th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 EarthMix Space Season 2 - January 17th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Individual Circumstances - January 19th (South Korea) 
☝🏻 Hit Bite Love - January 21st (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Suki Suki Wan Wan! (possibly bromance) - January 24th (Japan) 
☝🏻 Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (The End of the World With You) - January 29th (Japan) 
☝🏻 The Luminous Solution - January TBA (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Future - January TBA (Thailand) 
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my wips
i wanted to organise and share my wips and i am actually sorry to whomever has ever tagged me in a tag game, i actually just don't know how to do them✨ if anyone is curious about any of these please do drop me an ask because i do love the sound of my own voice/sight of my own words and will provide detail 😌
okay so we have britcedes (rip to them ig) to start off, rn trying to figure out how the actual fuck i will write lewis' move to ferrari into them:
End Game: okay so a/b/o au where lewis is coparenting his son with his ex (teammate and boyfriend, buy 1 get 1 free) nico rosberg. lewis might have a lot on his plate but he finds himself attracted to his new teammate (he has a bit of a type) and against his better judgement they start up a "thing". what lewis doesn't realise george is absolutely head over heels in love with him and has been for YEARS. but george tries to play it cool, he fails, shit happens, gax happens (yes okay i don't want to fumble with this, max is incredibly complex in this but i still love him in it) but yes they get their end game of course.
Chasing Silver: set in canon universe, starting from the 2021 season. honestly like yeah that's it. i think this fic is just an excuse to ramble about their racing and ever shifting dynamics.
My Girl: OH THIS FIC. its absolutely one of my favourites if not the favourite. so lesbian britcedes, lady louise hamilton is the first black and female driver to make it to f1 and she is the champion of the sport. its 2022, she has won 7 wdcs and is looking for one more but it is just not clicking, neither is her personal life really. love left her a long time ago, walked away on 6 inch red stilettos. but enter george russell (yes her name is george and no it is NOT short for georgia and yes she will correct you on that every single time) louise's new teammate alex albon's race engineer. all george ever wanted was everything and being louise's girl might just give it to her or maybe it will be what takes it it all?
then there is gax my beloveds, i adore writing them, gax nation will always have my loyalty, i really want them to give me more this season:
Lovely: this is a/b/o, childhood sweethearts, non-driver george, son of toto wolff au i have shared snippets of before. writing this fic feels never ending and i am slowly losing my mind haha but its still! my! baby! and! i! won't! abandon! it!
Mad Max's Princess: this is pure self indulgent fluff. girl george who is once again is casted as alex albon's race engineer in this fic. her (mostly) loving boyfriend of 10 years is none other than rival team red bull racing's star and the reigning world champion. the guy they have to beat to get her driver and team to the top. oh when the love of your life is your biggest fan and your biggest hater. this is gax, of course hijinks ensue.
Fire & Blood: medieval fantasy/game of thrones (a song of ice and fire for the ones who know) au with a/b/o dynamics. mercedes are the rulers of the land and their dragons' fire melted the gold in their crowns and the moulded their iron throne. but a dragon can die and a dragon can be killed. a dragon can be shot from the sky and brought down to earth or a dragon can be trapped in a dungeon till it can fly no more. a dragon's neck can be pierced by a lion's teeth.
galex because okay who am i to argue against true love and george's russell's wishes:
Hell is a Teenager: this is a pretty dark fic where i actually do some social commentary on the a/b/o universe. so george and alex are neighbours and the best of friends who are just on the edge of more. at 14 george presents as an omega and is shipped off to an all-omega private boarding school. alex doesn't hear from him till their final year of high school and all of a sudden george is back in town. he is not the same boy that cried in alex's arms the night before he left begging for him to love him. george has changed even if no one else can tell, what happened in there? why is he back? why does alex's heart still give a stutter when he looks into those blue eyes? even if those eyes no longer sparkle. *sigh* yeah this is a toughie
lastly there is my landoscar wip, they write themselves into ffs not us:
The Only Exception: another a/b/o au (one hit wonder i know), basically its the good boy/play boy trope. lando can't get his shit together and oscar is too oblivious for his own good. it would be angst if they weren't so incredibly adorable and down bad for each other.
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mingkist · 1 year
cassiopeia | kprofiles
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Cassiopeia (카시오피아) is a five member South Korean girl group under SM Entertainment. The group consists of Minho, Sage, Yn, Orion and Sook. They debuted on July 08, 2018 with the digital single “Athena.”
Official greeting: “All in one! Hi, we are Cassiopeia!”
Fandom name: Naiad (나이아드)
Fandom Colors: Ecru
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smrookies sage cassiopeia sage
Stage Name: Sage (세이지)
Birth Name: Park Eun-ae (박 은애)
Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Birthday: April 13, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Hamster 🐹
Insta: @/ps_sage
��� Sage facts
She moved to AUS for university where she auditioned for SM after losing a bet to her friend, she moved back to Korea after being accepted as a trainee.
Her stage name Sage was given by the company to fit into the group's concept, a sage, in classical philosophy, is someone who has attained wisdom.
She shares her room with her other member, Minho.
On January first, 2020 Dispatch reveals her relationship with Seventeen’s Mingyu. On January second, 2020 both companies confirmed their relationship.
While Minho, Yn, and Orion were abroad for their solo schedules, she and Sook released a unit song called ‘Daylight’ where they took part in the song writing process.
Sage’s ideal type: someone sweet, caring, respectful.
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smrookies minho cassiopeia minho
Stage Name: Minho (민호)
Birth Name: Park Minho (박 민호)
Position: Visual, Main Rapper, Face of the group
Birthday: March 20, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Cake 🍰
Insta: @/m.minho
⇒ Minho facts
Minho is the oldest member of Cassiopeia.
She was a huge Revuluv and was scouted at a Red velvet fan sign.
Was in talk to be a brand ambassador for Miu Miu but ended up becoming an ambassador for Chanel instead.
Is roommates with Sage.
Co-parents a pet cat named Cole slaw with Orion.
She and Yn are part of SM’s project girl group, GOT the beat.
Enjoys cooking and shares recipe with Ateez’s Wooyoung, and more recently, Seventeen’s Mingyu.
Minho’s ideal type: someone who is smart and kind.
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smrookies yn cassiopeia yn
Stage Name: Yn
Birth Name: Ln Yn
Position: Main vocalist, Lead dancer, Center
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac Sign: Unknown
MBTI Type: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Official Symbol: Four leaf clover 🍀/ Tulip 🌷
Insta: @/everywhere.yn
⇒ Yn facts
Became a trainee after passing through a global audition.
Is good friends with many NCT and Aespa members, said to have trained together.
Is close friends to Ateez, says that Hongjoong is one of her best friend.
It was rumored that she and NCT Wayv’s Xiaojun were together.
On January first, 2022 Dispatch reveals her relationship with Ateez’s Yunho. A few hours later both KQ Ent. & SM Ent. confirmed their relationship.
She and Minho are part of SM’s project girl group, GOT the beat.
Has a pet rabbit named Cobb salad.
Had her acting debut in Netflix’s original ‘Girlhood’ where she played the lead actress.
Yn’s ideal type: someone who understands that she doesn’t mean any harm when she teases them.
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smrookies orion cassiopeia orion
Stage Name: Orion (오리온)
Birth Name: Lee Sooyoung (이 수영)
Position: Main dancer, Lead vocalist, Center
Birthday: July 13, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: American
Official Symbol: Bear 🐻 / Onion 🧅
Insta: @/orion.sbelt
⇒ Orion facts
Was born and raised in Boston, and had followed a staff member into an audition because they offered her a free croissant at the SM cafe.
She chose the stage name Orion based off of the constellation and the hunter in greek mythology.
Was in talk to be a brand ambassador for Chanel but ended up as an ambassador for Miu Miu.
Co-parents a cat named Cole slaw with Minho.
Orion’s ideal type: someone energetic and fun, can make her laugh.
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smrookies sook cassiopeia sook
Stage Name: Sook (숙)
Birth Name: Min Sook (민 숙)
Position: Visual, Lead vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: June 16, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Tiger 🐯
Insta: @/signedbysook
⇒ Sook facts
She was scouted at her school's talent show where she joined because she wanted a participant badge.
Is known to be a social butterfly who knows everyone from her trainee years.
Is closest with NCT's 00 liners (the dreamies to be specific), Jongho and Skz 00 liners.
Was rumoured to be dating both NCT Dream’s Jeno and Ateez’s Jongho at the same time. Both were proven false.
Took part in creating a concept for Sage & Sook’s unit song ‘Daylight’.
Sook’s ideal type: someone who the opposite of her to balance her out, someone calm, quick witted
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one-sided love
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pairing: Kim Namjoon x Female Reader word count: 2022 warnings: angst AO3 A/N: Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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It hurt so much more than it should've.
You were staying at your friend Namjoon's house, something that was supposed to be a temporary stay in the beginning.
The two of you had been friends for a while now, almost four years if you remember correctly, your meeting was a complete accident solely dependent on the fact both of you were clumsy.
That day was one of few occasions where the both of you happen to be free, him being an amazing lawyer that had yet to lose a case and you simply working in the local library.
Compared to him, your job was extremely plain and less stressful but you still loved what you did, not only it offered you a chance to read countless books during the times it was slower but also a chance to improve your own writing - you also felt a little bit of pride whenever you helped someone find a specific book.
But as much as you loved your job, it wasn't exactly high pay, it was just something you loved to do…
Which was why the situation you found yourself in was so incredibly frustrating. Your rent and bills were too expensive and you could barely afford it before. You paid the bills from January in February, the ones from February in March, and so on.
You were always late on payment and after a while, your landlord came to you and said that enough was enough, either you paid on time or he would have to evict you. You understood where he was coming from but you couldn't help what you were feeling.
Not only that but after doing some research during free-time you found that the prices from the apartments close to the library were out of your reach and the ones you could afford were far away, like three buses and a train type of away.
As selfish as it sounds, you didn't want to move to a new city. After years of living in Seoul, you grew attached, not only to the various shops but also the people, especially your friends. The idea of having to start from scratch just wasn't sitting well with you, mostly because of your socially anxious behavior.
These thoughts and feelings were something you expressed to Namjoon as you both walked around in a nearby park, which one with a coffee on hand. He remained silent as you went on, venting about everything and eventually finishing it with a sigh.
You just had to admit that you would have to leave your job and everyone behind.
Being the sweet and understandable person that he was Namjoon immediately offered to help pay your rent, claiming that he had way more money than he knew what to do with it, which you declined just as fast.
It wasn't so much out of a sense of pride but more of the fact that you knew you would never be able to repay him - it felt like taking advantage of his generosity.
But he seemed insistent on the idea of helping you, reaching for your wrist and making you stop in your tracks and look at him.
You'll never forget his next words, the ones that were said with such confidence, and later you'd find that they were laced with nervousness and a rapidly beating heart, and the whole reason for the heartbreaking mess that would happen.
"Move in with me."
You were so surprised by his words that you seemed to lose your own, which Namjoon took as his cue to try and persuade you - how the apartment where was big enough for the both of you; how it would be nice to have a roommate in such a big house; how you could help take care of his plants and Monie when he had to spend long nights at the office; to help him out in the kitchen and so on.
It still didn't sit right with you but every time you tried to dissuade him, he just kept finding another reason for you to say yes. And after much convincing on his part, you did but making it abundantly clear that it would only be until you found a place of your own.
In the beginning, it was a little awkward, to say the least. It wasn't the first time you had been at his apartment or even your first time staying over but it was different that time, you weren't there for a couple of hours and then would leave, now it was permanent.
His home was filled with a black and white aesthetic, shelves filled with books and figurines, various pots and plants strung throughout the rooms - everything just screamed Namjoon. Which was why you were so nervous about coming and disrupting it all.
But he helped you, and little by little you started to feel more comfortable.
During the day the two of you would be in the kitchen preparing breakfast and lunch before leaving for your respective jobs but after making sure everything was taken care of. During the night you would be making dinner, as you had the least workload on your shoulders, as he took a moment to relax before going to help you. On days when he had to stay overtime, you would drop by his office and give him a homemade meal so he wouldn't rely so much on takeout, other times the two of you would have a little dinner date in there.
Days off would be spent sometimes with each one reading its own book while basking in the silent comfort of the other presence, other times he would catch up on work while you worked on your writing - when you found yourself with writers' block or conflicted about a certain part Namjoon would help you by bouncing ideas of each other.
You would also sometimes watch movies which would normally end up with the both of you falling asleep cuddled up to each other.
Overall, everything was going great, and slowly, the need to have a place of your own began to disappear. But much like a rollercoaster, eventually, you have to get through the drop.
It happened almost a month ago, you were home alone, Monie was sleeping next to you on the couch and your laptop in front of you with a blank word document, as you tried to come up with something to write when the sudden ring of the doorbell pulled you out of your thoughts.
Opening the door revealed Yoongi, Namjoon's best friend who you had met a couple of times while living with him. You still couldn't get an exact reading on him but the look on his face was so serious that it made you nervous that something bad had happened.
Letting him inside you informed him that his friend was still working but that he was welcome to stay and wait. The anxious feeling inside of you rising when he said that he actually wanted to talk to you.
During your few meetings you grew to love Yoongi's sense of cutting through the chase but nothing could've prepared you for his next words.
"Namjoon's in love with you."
As you stood there in shock by his revelation he kept on going, explain everything of how it started of as a small and harmless crush that had grown into something more as your friendship with the taller man continued, becoming even worse when the two of you started living together.
Yoongi made it clear that he wasn't telling all of this because he wanted to force you to be in a relationship with Namjoon but as a friend who was worried about what would happen if your roommate kept his feelings buried deep inside while you remained ignorant of what your actions were causing.
Before leaving he informed you that he and the others were planning on taking Namjoon to a bar after work. Once the door closed tears began to run down your face as your brain processed every new bit of information that had been dumped on you.
How could've you been so blind?
Every time his stare or touch would linger on you a little longer than what would be normal; How dismissive he would act whenever you mention his single status or him bringing a girl home; How heartbroken he looked the morning after you had met a guy at the bar and had your way with him; The jealous look he would get whenever one of his friends touched you; The shy look when the two of you got teased for acting like a couple; The hurt look when you joked that you would never date him;
All of the pieces were falling into place but you had been too stupid to realize the full picture.
You must've cried yourself to sleep because the next time you opened your eyes the room around you was pitch black, but you could see the silhouettes stumbling through the door.
You remained still and quiet on your lying position on the couch as the drunk couple made its way to the owner's bedroom and fresh tears started to form in your eyes, as everything came rushing back to you with force full and the thought that Namjoon was only bringing a girl home because he wanted to forget his feelings towards you.
You didn't want to be the cause of his heartbreak anymore.
As the apartment filled with noises, you did the only thing that, in your mind, would make everything right once more.
The next morning, long after the other woman had left, you couldn't look at him without being reminded of every instance where you had shattered his heart. He noticed your red eyes but you were quick to say that it happened due to frustration on writers' block. He didn't believe you but decided to drop the subject for the time being.
At work, the first thing you did upon arriving was informing your boss, a kind woman in her early sixties, that due to financial problems you would have to quit your job and move somewhere else. You explained everything, leaving out the actual reason for the sudden departure, and although sad to see you go after so many years together, she was completely understanding of the situation - going as far as to offer help.
You declined but she insisted that you should at least borrow her car to help with the move, to which you agreed after some thinking and persuasion on her part.
Luck seemed to be on your side as Namjoon was extremely busy with a new case to notice your things slowly disappearing from his apartment. All for the better, in your eyes, you didn't want to explain anything.
Two weeks later and here you were, the majority of your stuff at your new apartment and a new job waiting for you. You took one last look around the place you had once home, making sure all of his plants and pet were taken care of until he came back, before grabbing your suitcase filled with clothes and a bag filled with things to entertain you during your train ride to your new place and leaving, putting the key he gave you underneath the potted plant by his door.
Your former boss insisted on dropping you off at the train station and waiting for said train with you so that you had someone to see you off, which you appreciated.
After a tearful goodbye, you took a seat next to the window so that you could have goodbye to the woman that had almost been like a mother figure for you as the train began to leave.
You kept telling yourself that this was for the better - both for you and for Namjoon.
With a heavy sigh, you opened a writer app on your phone and began typing, a sick twisted sense of irony filling you as you had finally found the inspiration to get out of your writers' block.
But as the saying goes: write what you know.
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adarlingmess · 2 years
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Shadow Pairs - Fantasy Edition (Part 1)
Darling’s Daily Drawing | November 12, 2022
I’ve been reading up on MBTI stuff and made D&D/fantasy OCs out of the 16 Personalities avatars. I also read about shadow types/pairs/partners. Had the urge to draw how they’d interact. Anyway, sleep-deprived OC lore drop ahead.
ENFJ is a human knight (well, technically he’s an Oath of Redepmtion Paladin) who falls in love with INFP, the runaway high elven princess he’s supposed to bring back. INFP would rather spend her time in the woods and practice druidic magic as opposed to running a kingdom; she was a free spirit who marches to the beat of her own drum. On the contrary, ENFJ is heavily invested in the community, and the kingdom. It takes some time for them to warm up to each other because of this. At some point, INFP finally gives in and comes back with ENFJ, only to find out that her father died and her stepmother had taken over. In the end, ENFJ ends up rescuing her, and they run away together to start their own kingdom, deep in the woods.
ESFP is a dancer (well, a College of Glamour bard and an archfey warlock to be exact) who somehow gets involved with an aasimar cleric of Ilmater, ISFJ. She was on the way to a performance one day when he fell out of the sky. Weirdness and a lot of flirting ensued, leaving ISFJ flustered most of the time. In contrast to the carefree ESFP, ISFJ is straightlaced and bound to his religious duty, and the desire to know her better conflicts with that. I’m still working on their dynamic and how their story will play out.
ESTJ is a sapphire dragon disguised as an aristocratic elf, and she hired ISTP, an artificer, to be her bodyguard for mysterious reasons. Militaristic and warlike, folks are fearful that ESTJ will wage war. It doesn’t help that her stepdaughter, the princess, had gone missing, and her husband, the king, mysteriously died shortly after. Rumor has is that ISTP is more than a mere grunt; he’s building weapons for her private militia, and he was responsible for the death of the king. ESTJ and ISTP’s relationship in public seems businesslike and professional, but there are rumors that their relationship goes beyond that because of how close they are to each other.
ENTP is a Glasya tiefling and INTJ is a shadar-kai/shadow fey. Both are rogues, but their methods differ wildly. INTJ is a mastermind who prefers planning big heists ahead of time, ENTP is an arcane trickster who uses magic to sow chaos and create opportunities for larceny. They are also both multiclassers; ENTP is a College of Eloquence bard, INTJ is a warlock serving the Raven Queen. They often bicker like an old married couple and no one knows why they’re partners in crime. Neither will admit that they have a soft spot for each other. INTJ will never say it out loud, but ENTP is he only person she truly trusts, and ENTP would rather eat a boot than admitting INTJ is the only person he ever respected.
Hopefully I can work on the other eight soon ugh I need sleep
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adorpheus · 1 month
Taking a Chest of Drawers I Rescued from the trash and making it rainbow!!
Hello, tumblr family. Below is a repost of an article originally posted on adorpheus.com, and is being shared here for archival purposes. Original post date: July 23, 2022.
Several years ago, I think it was 2014, I was driving around my hometown and I came across a chest of drawers someone had left on the curb for trash day, apparently throwing it out. At the time I was in need of a dresser pretty much exactly like that - my bedroom was small and I was hoping to get a chest of drawers that was taller than it was wide so it wouldn't take up too much room.
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Bless this mess, lol
Originally, the dresser was a blonde wood color with blue knobs. It was also pretty beat up - the back of it was scuffed and it was missing a knob. Even still, I jumped at the chance to get the chest of drawers I was looking for FREE, have fun repainting it, and get to upcycle some trash at the same time.
When I first got it, all I did was spray paint it white. I had ideas for things I wanted to do with it, but that was the first step in getting it ready to paint. Then I didn't do anything with it for like 7 years or something, lol. Then this year, since I have been re-doing my room anyway, I realized it was time to finally get this project finished.
I love pastel rainbows, so I decided to go with that for my theme. For the paint, I went to home depot and after looking over all the paint chips, I picked out some colors I wanted and got paint samples for all of the different shades. I used matte for the drawers and semi-gloss for the white part (the spray paint job was not very good to begin with, so repainting the white base was a must). All the paint is samples of the type of paint you would use on a wall. 
After I finished painting, I felt the drawers needed an extra glaze of some kind to give them a bit of sparkle. The matte was a cool idea in theory but I wanted it to pop a bit more. I had a bottle of craft glitter clear glaze lying around so I decided to go with that. The bottle was half empty, so there wasn't much glitter left in it (plus a bunch of it chose to clump into an unusable blob at the bottom because the bottle was like 15 years old lol) but it did the job well enough. I love when I get to use up craft supplies I've had sitting around for a while.
Once the painting was complete, the last step was to figure out the knobs. Aside from the fact that I hated the original spherical knobs anyways because they were hella awkward to grab, the dresser was missing a knob sooo new knobs were an absolute must.
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My original plan was to use rose shaped knobs, but the reviews I saw for those kind said the rose knobs were a bit sharp on the edges. I truly hate when things randomly have sharp edges, and last thing I need is getting pricked in the hand every time I need to grab a pair of socks. So those were ruled out.
After spending way way way too long looking at knobs, I decided on these crystal knobs (above) on amazon and decided to get them. I actually originally wanted a fancier, more expensive set, but those got sold out before I got a chance to buy them so I went with the cheaper set above. The photos didn't look quite as pretty as the ones I originally had my eyes on, but I had already spent so much time obsessing over fricking KNOBS I decided to just go with them. I'm actually really happy I went with these. The pictures don't begin to do them justice, they are way prettier in real life.
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To protect the surface, I used my sewing machine to create this lavender lace altar cloth / runner type thing for the top. 
Although the drawers are a little sticky sometimes (which they were to begin with, lol) I'm pretty happy with this furniture flip!! The exact kind of dresser I was looking for fell into my lap and I was able to make it cute.
Some other happenings in the adorpheus multiverse...
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I recently became a Twitch affiliate after years of trying!!! Emotes coming soon, feel free to follow me on Twitch to see when I go live! This month I'll be playing the new cat game STRAY along with some other fun titles!
Speaking of cats..!
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I also adopted a new cat!! It's MEOW time!! Say hello to Artemis aka Arty for short! She is best friends with my sisters cat Luna!! I am sharing photos and videos of her and Luna on my instagram and they also have their own tiktok!!
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I hope everyone is having an amazing non-binary hot gurl summer!! Have fun and stay hydrated!!!
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bunnytalksf1 · 4 months
a rundown of the 2026 regulations
whilst i wait for free practice one in Canada, going to type this out. Please note I am not in any way an engineer, and I'm repeating what I've seen more knowledgeable people than me say! :)
The main thing is that these cars are lighter, and smaller. Lighter by 30kg, shorter by 20cm (from 3600mm to 3400mm at the wheelbase) and narrower by 10cm (from 2000mm to 1900mm). On the FIA generated graphics, the front wing in particular seems very reminiscient of the early 2000s regulations. I've seen side-by-sides of it with the 2006 front wing, and they do look similar.
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otherwise, this car is reminiscient of the pre-2022 regulations with a reduced ground effect (due to the new floor being partially flat and diffuser size being rduced) compared to current regulations, and active aerodynamics, which is the main change! The ride height is also higher, which makes me breathe out a little since both Hamilton and Norris have spoken before about this set of regs bing brutal on the back. The active aero is to compensate for the weaker engine which runs on more battery power. The other change is 100% sustainable fuels, which is backing up F1's commitment to net zero by 2030.
So the active aero isn't for better overtaking, as much as I've seen that said. There's three modes of active aero, seemingly:
Z-Mode, for cornering. This mode is to increase downforce, with a closed rear wing and the front wing in a more upwards position.
X-Mode, for the straights. To reduce drag to increase top speeds given the needs of the weaker engine. A bit like DRS, with a flat/open front wing, and the front wing in a much flatter position to reduce drag also.
Manual Override Mode, a push-to-pass like system, which deploys extra energy to overtake, only useable within the one-second time window of the driver in front.
I'm a little sceptical about the overtaking being improved since it seems (?) to indicate that drivers will ALWAYS have x-mode on the straights which could easily make overtaking much harder since the car in front will ALWAYS have decreased drag on the straights down to the braking zones. Given the feedback coming from the drivers who HAVE driven the 26 cars, I'm still slightly terrified of these new regulations in terms of driveability. Fans have long been calling for the cars to be lighter and more agile since that is percieved as the issue for overtaking (dirty air, however, also plays a massive role).
There's also been comments from Verstappen talking about how it feels like Mario Kart, and George Russell concerned about the safety side since apparently the top speeds will be higher at 360-370km/h.
all this to say is that I'm not sure the overtaking or the overall closeness of the racing will be greatly improved by this regulation change, sadly. But I will be happy to be proved wrong.
So, who's in the best position to capitalise?
Red Bull. They're still the ones to beat, aerodynamically, and they've held onto Wache and Balbo, despite losing Newey. The Ford power unit is a huge unknown, but it's been in the works for a while. Also, they have Max Verstappen.
McLaren. Mercedes power unit is rumoured to be very good, and McLaren have already made great strides in 23 and 24. Their team seems to be going from strength to strength under Andrea Stella, who does NOT get enough credit for the job he's done. Piastri and Norris are both immensely strong, and Piastri is continuing to improve and has somewhat better one lap pace than Norris (in the dry).
Ferrari. Fred Vasseur has poached a BUNCH of top Mercedes engineers in the last little while, and with the reduced ground effect cars, we could be seeing a team that is strong at designing this particular type of car. They, too, have made huge amounts of progress from the beginning of 23, and seem to have largely recovered after Binotto's damage was done to the team in 2022 and early 23 (with the car designed around Sainz). Hamilton and Leclerc are also an incredibly strong pairing, and will likely be widely considered the strongest in 25, and depending on Hamilton's form, likely will be in 26, too.
I also think Williams and AM are well-positioned to make progress, especially if AM signs Binotto in a CTO-esque position (he was an awful TP, but a great engineer in the Schumacher years).
If Ferrari continue to make progress, it will also be likely that Haas will remain strong.
Alpine and Mercedes make me nervous because of the brain drain out of those teams, and the lack of driver talent coming in (Antonelli feels incredibly rushed to me) and Audi is obviously a complete unknown.
Ultimately, what will likely happen is another two years of dominance from one team, before the others catch up. I think it depends how 25 goes as to what team that will be, but it will likely be RBR, McL, or Ferrari.
Happy Canada week, let's hope for some dry running!
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sloshed-cinema · 2 years
Tár (2022)
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If Mahler stated that a symphony should be the world, then Lydia Tár’s professional symphony is crumbling around her.  This is a story of grooming and professional corruption, about using power to take advantage of others and exploit them for what you desire.  Yet Todd Field resisted the urge to make a simple Harvey Weinstein type story, opting instead to use the incredibly specific and incredibly dense palette of classical music and the orchestral industry as his palette.  The movie doesn’t hold the viewer’s hand in the least; from moment one, references and nods are flying fast and loose, calling out everyone from Furtwängler and Karajan to Marin Alsop and Michael Tilson Thomas.  Hildur Guðnadóttir plays a clever double-role, mentioned by name alongside peers such as Jennifer Higdon but also furnishing elements of the diegetic and non-diegetic soundscape.  Extended rehearsal sequences in Tár’s pidgin German play out free of subtitles.  The minutiae of orchestral union proceedings are debated time and again.  All of these references, all of this time, all of this vocabulary is necessary to establish the zealous obsession that surrounds the craft for Tár.  She has crafted her whole identity around being the next soothsayer of the Western canon, the protégée of Bernstein himself.  More importantly, it’s a veneer of legitimacy.  It’s clear from the start that the maestro is less than “politically correct”: a dressing-down of a Juilliard student regarding his opinions on contemporary art music and views on Bach steps beyond the pale of a misguided tough love approach and more into the territory of personal attack.  But this is a pattern.  Fields approaches the everyday administrative details of Tár’s life with the same meticulousness.  Insidious little instances begin to float to the surface, indicating a predatory tendency that others notice and become increasingly intolerant toward.  The camera lingers on Lydia’s assistant Francesca as she lip-syncs her boss’s plaudits during a public interview, casts furtive glances or begins to wonder why she’s being asked certain things.  Even the matter of handing over a laptop becomes a dangerous prospect.  And the conductor’s wife and colleague, concertmaster Sharon Goodnow, becomes increasingly disillusioned with Tár’s actions as a new affair begins to become apparent in newcomer cellist Olga.  In this sense, the deliberate and clinical handling of camera in many scenes begins to build a case against the maestro, feeling in beats almost akin to The Assistant.  A specific event involving a fellow for a program Tár started for women conductors lingers in the shadows, eluded to but never fully elucidated.  Krista Taylor had no prospects in the field after Tár torpedoed her career.  The maestro insists this was due to Taylor’s mental instability, but other evidence suggests that there was a revenge aspect to this.  The fantasy life of private jets and book talks can be ripped away so quickly.
And yet the fantasy of it all does have its place in the tapestry of this narrative.  As with music, there is room for ambiguity here, space to interpret.  Especially in the back half of the film, Field calls into question Tár’s state of mind through her troubled dreams and strange nocturnal discoveries.  Distorted images of the women in her life haunt her, intertwined with moments in the Amazon recalling her past ethnomusicological work.  Yet as things begin to unravel and Tár loses the thread, the nature of objective reality becomes more tenuous.  As with the scandal reveal, it’s subtle at first.  In her rehearsal home, the maestro is haunted by a persistent doorbell sound, which heartbreakingly later turns out to be the elderly woman next door in distress.  The legacy of Krista Taylor’s fallout and eventual suicide comes in the form of labyrinthine drawings which appear in gift book inscriptions, metronome faces, or formed in clay in her adoptive daughter’s room.  Just where these come from or who makes them is never made explicit, but that doesn’t make them any less haunting for Tár.  As she courts Olga, or seduces her, the cellist becomes ever more disillusioned with Tár just as she becomes more elusive.  At one point, Tár chases Olga into the seemingly abandoned building where she perhaps resides, only to find the cellist vanished, seemingly a figment of her imagination.  Descending into the basement, she instead finds a fox or a wolf, her predatory nature turning back on her.  Ghosts haunt the periphery. By the time it has all fallen away, she rushes onto the stage mid-performance, attacking her impostor, claiming the score for herself.  It’s her work, she alone can interpret it.  Utterly fallen from grace, the final sequences play out like a sort of bizarro-world fantasy.  New York is no longer a place of glamour, but an ugly outer borough rail station, everything drab and grey and muddy.  Her final gig is the coup de grace.  She is engaged to perform a Japanese work for a Southeast Asian concert hall.  The final shot is a bitterly funny punch in the gut: she’s at the bottom of the barrel, performing video game music for a rapt audience of cosplayers.  Goodbye haughty, lofty concert halls.  
Noémie Merlant, Nina Hoss, and Sophie Kauer all turn in strong, nuanced performances.  But Cate Blanchett is the obvious powerhouse here.  She’s fun as the haughty, dismissive maestro who knows just how it’s all done.  This makes her fall all the more pathetic, not even able to see her daughter.  It’s a late scene which cements just how hard this has all hit her, and a brilliant piece of acting from Blanchett.  Sitting alone at her old family home in New York with a childhood field hockey medal around her neck, Tár watches a recording of one of Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts where he describes how music can be used to communicate ideas words cannot.  Her face says it all: this is her whole world still, but now she no longer can access it, by her own hand.  She controlled time with her baton, but she cannot control others in the same fashion.
Select either MAHLER FIVE or the ELGAR CELLO CONCERTO and sip whenever that work is mentioned.
Someone name-drops a composer or conductor.
The narrative transitions to a new city.
Lydia calls someone a robot.
A scene contains a language other than English spoken in dialogue.
A labyrinth is drawn on something.
Tár cuts off the orchestra during rehearsal.
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hms-tardimpala · 4 months
Years ago, I went to an elementary school that was legit run by a museum. Like, they would display collections at our school when it wasn't on display at the museum and we learned a lot of weird and random things through hands-on projects. The one that always gets a big reaction is our 1st grade science project had us mummify a duck.
Anyway, one of the things we learned to do was very basic bookbinding, but it was taught to us sort of as a historical, people don't bind books like this anymore, type of thing. I stumbled upon some dead blogs last year showing finished, bound fics and I was so excited to learn that, no, this is still A Thing That People Do
Now, I've been pointed to you as someone active in the craft and your work is lovely. I particularly loved your binding of A Complete Kingdom by absolute legend Komodobits. It was so clean and the colors were lovely and your lighthouse motif was spot-on.
I want to learn bookbinding, too, but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice? How did you get started? What tools or materials do you wish you'd invested more in sooner? What did you wish you'd known before you got started? I would appreciate your insight and perspective.
First of all, thank you so much for reaching out. I apologize for the time it took me to answer you: I was overwhelmed. I didn't know I'd really been noticed. Thank you for your lovely compliments, they filled me with joy <3
I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability, even though I still see myself as a beginner (I started in july 2022).
I started by stumbling upon this video. It served as an introduction to some basic bookbinding steps and gestures, and the stitch shown here to sew the spine is still the one I use to this day. It will only show you how to repurpose an existing cover to bind a fic in, however.
Wanting to make the whole book myself, I looked for another way to learn and found this book. And it's so good that I haven't needed to find another source of information since then. At the time I bought it, it was easy to find and not to expensive in my country, but I don't know what its situation is today where you are.
I know others learned through youtube tutorials like Sea Lemon's or DAS bookbinding's, but I didn't go that way, so I don't have recommendations.
What I can recommend is checking out ArmoredSuperHeavy's blog (their pinned post contains a link to the free bookbinding manual they made, which seems to contain the same things I learned from my book). They created the Renegade Bindery discord server. It's a wealth of knowledge and a very welcoming place (I tried it but left because I'm not good at navigating big servers, but that's just me). That's the beating heart of the bookbinding community, in my opinion.
You can get started with very rough tools, if you're not sure you want to invest right away. There are perfectly decent bookbinding kits online that will generally contain a plastic bone folder, an awl, needles and thread, and that's enough to get started. A simple cotton or linen thread waxed by pulling across a candle works great. I bought pieces of pleather made for home decor to start with, and I'm glad I did because you're always gonna make mistakes when you start, and ruining good fabric feels terrible. But now fabric is the thing I invest in the most. I buy my bookbinding cloth from Schmedt (warning: it's expensive, and may not be the most practical for you depending on where you are in the world) and I'm slowly gathering a collection of varied colors.
If you buy good tools and good fabric from the start, don't be disappointed when your first creations don't look as good as the ones you see on tumblr. You'll have to learn and get good in order to use your tools and materials to their full potential.
The great thing about bookbinding is that you learn at least one new thing every book.
I'm thinking about your questions. There's not really something I wish I'd known before I started, I think I elvolved in the most organic way as a bookbinder. As dumb as it sounds, my best advice is: try stuff, and make plenty of mistakes. Mistakes are the most efficient and fastest teachers.
Don't waste money on a small shitty guillotine if you think you're gonna buy a real one in the future (my ream cutter cost 100€, it's very good, I needn't have bothered with a 50€ one before), you're under no obligation to trim your books.
You're under no obligation to buy a Cricut to make your books look like those you see on tumblr, with vinyll titles.
I don't quite know what to add. I hope this was at least a little helpful, and not just useless rambling. Thank you againg for your lovely message, and I hope you have lots of fun <3
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seerofmike · 2 years
something im starting this year is a very self-indulgent, "my year in review" thing where i list 7 video games i enjoyed this year + 7 movies from this year that i liked because as time goes on i feel like i'm getting worse and worse at determining what i did and when i did them so this is basically just a place for me to journal the things i enjoyed this year for future reference.
all the movies are 2022 releases but since i'm hardly ever on top of current video game releases. my games list is gonna be all over the place. im mixing them up. feel free to read if you want yippee it's meant for me but since its being posted publicly ill write em all up as little recommendations. going in no particular order other than alphabetical and alternating between a movie and a video game i liked this year. also why 7 of each ? because 7 is my favorite number fuck you
The Batman
-hmmm. thoughts. congratulations to our second gay batman, robert pattinson. ok this is only half a joke. i love the riddler being a twitch streamer terrorist i like when media modernizes older characters it's funny. gotham truly felt like a shithole in this movie. soundtrack fucked. can't fight city halloween was on my spotify 100 wrapped
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Inscryption (2021)
-i fucking suck at this game, i still have not beaten the trapper and as i understand theres like 2 whole other parts of the game to go or something??? so no i have not beaten it yet. but i have also sunk an unholy amount of time TRYING to beat it and i didn't get sick of it. it's a very dark but very entertaining card game and it has a free demo. even if you don't like card builder games i think you should try. it has a very unique atmosphere and premise
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Bullet Train
-yes i liked the cringe brad pitt action movie. fun fact this was actually specifically tailor-made for me in a factory! it has a large cast of assholes trying to kill each other and it's funny and wacky and i love the directing. that sounds so fucking nerdy to say but i want to be a film director so im gonna say it. the directing of the action sequences especially was really impressive to me because there's only so much space/movement your camera can (believably) achieve when filming in a small, rectangular, ever-moving box like a train and i think mr david leitch did it very well. also tangerine and lemon funniest characters in an action comedy ever
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Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk (2020)
-i kind of don't want to say much about this on the off chance someone reads this and also decides to play a game on this list but. listen. play it. it's like a dollar. it's very short, it's about a girl dealing with mental illness, and that's all i'll say about it.
Glass Onion
-mr benoit blanc u are so fruity. but ohg this was fun. it was fun! and it was especially more fun to rewatch it and see all that i missed and the small moments that they weren't really trying to hide from you. i enjoy the concept of being gaslit by a movie. also janelle monae is always so fun to see act
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Paradise Killer (2020)
-honestly, there is so much i hate about this game. the sprites are awkward. the voice acting is bad. the platforming is abysmal. yet it's still here because i think its world is genuinely insane and unique and it knows the exact type of vibe its going for with all these terrible people in a vaporwave reality and it achieves it and also its a murder mystery and i like those. give it a try
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Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
-yeah we all know her pussy slaps. there really isn't anything new for me to add. it's funny. it's got good action. michelle yeoh best actress award NOW!!!!!
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Pathologic Classic HD (2015)
-yea this one is kinda cheating. i started it last year and got like 2 hours into it and gave up and then did a bunch of other things but i finally figured out how to get my controller hooked up to my laptop this year and i played it. 100%'d it. its proudly displayed on my steam profile.
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look at that. awful. horrible terrible plague walking simulator 0/10 am playing again
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-i love jordan peele. i love keke palmer. i love daniel kaluuya. this movie was made FOR MEEEEEEE it was very slow and tense and i know a lot of people complained about the slow pace of it but the build-up made (SPOILER) reveal all the more terrifying. speaking of terrifying, the scene where everyone (SPOILER) is the scariest thing ive seen in years and i think i have claustrophobia now :) also akira homage <3
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A Short Hike (2019)
-this one was soso cute and relaxing :) it was very funny and had a cute artstyle and i beat it in like 1 hour. not a very big commitment but its charming enough to want to come back to
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish
-ummm. so. puss in boots??? that shit slapped????????? it had NO reason to be that good. like obviously the animation has been spiderverse'd which SLAPS but the they put their whole puss(y) into this movie and they didn't have to. it's good. all the characters were SO fun, literally all of them. i love the stupid little dog. he is my scrimblo. go check it out if you haven't it is NOT the soulless cash grab i thought it would be
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Slime Rancher (2017)
-so like, conceptually, this game is weird as fuck. a first person shooter where you suck up little jellies and feed them and harvest their poop. its insane. its also very relaxing but also very ...management-y, like the way stardew valley is where its technically very relaxing but you are doing SO much to maximize ur profit for the day. i love that shit. look at those things. theyre adorable
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2
-ohg. knumckles
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SOMA (2015)
-ok so i don't actually get scared that often BUT here is a mike secret. ocean shit SCARES me i do not like anything set under the ocean and the fact that this game takes place underwater freaks me the fuck out. i dropped my 3 hour save file to switch to little baby for bitches mode after 3 hours not because the monsters themselves are scary but because emotionally i cannot handle monsters on top of a deep sea setting. also the story was really good you should play it
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