#free seoks ass!!!!
multi-kpop-fanfics · 10 months
Cats and Coffee for Two
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pairing: photgrapher/barista!Wonwoo x barista fem!reader (ft. other sebongs)
genre: fluff, comedy, coworkers to lovers!AU, mutual pining, smut - minors dni.
warnings: mentions of food, alcohol and cat hairs, mentions of headaches and insecurities
smut warnings: oral sex (f rec), unprotected sex (contraception is mentioned but wrap it), creampie, praise, use of petnames, body worship, semi-public sex, manhandling, marking, making out, aftercare
word count: 12.2k
summary: Job hunting is a tough sport and Wonwoo has experienced it to its core. One fine autumn day comes where he's finally free from the shackles of unemployment, but he will soon find himself in the shackles of coffee, tea and cat hairs, But most importantly, he will have to share these shackles with you.
Author's note: this is my entry for the fall-ing for you collab hosted by @svthub! another long piece written by yours truly lmao
p.s.: huge thank you to @bitchlessdino, @gyuwoncheol, @wongyuseokie, @onlymingyus, @wonwussy, @horanghater and @shuadotcom for helping me out with the fic in more ways than one💕
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2023. No reposting allowed. No translations allowed without permission.
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“....We received your CV and cover letter. While your educational details are impressive, the lack of working experience does not make you a suitable candidate for the work position in our company. 
We thank you for your time and effort, and we wish you the best of luck.”
“Well fuck off, autogenerated e-mail response.” Wonwoo grumbles and sends the mail straight to the trash bin with an annoyed huff.
Another job opportunity flushed down the drain, to the point where another headache punches its way into his skull. 
He’s tired. He’s tired, drained and disappointed as fuck. He knew job hunting is a tough sport, but he didn’t expect to be kicked to the curb for such a long time. He was hoping to get a chance for an interview, but not even that? 
It makes him wonder if the years he spent in college were worth it after all. 
Wonwoo’s headache gets stronger, to the point he’s struggling to keep his eyes open. He closes his laptop and gets up from his seat, making a beeline to the cupboard where he stores his medical supplies.
He swallows a painkiller, followed by a generous gulp of water from a bottle, hoping it will soothe the pain soon enough.
He walks over to the couch, plopping down unceremoniously. His energy levels have dropped to absolute zero and the maroon colored couch pillow suddenly seems like a gift sent by the Heavens. He takes off his glasses and lays his head on the pillow, eyes closing shut within a few seconds.
Two hours later, his sweet slumber is disrupted by the familiar ringtone of his phone, but the noise doesn’t make him any less terrified. 
“Hi loser, it’s me, your professional emotional and mental support!” A bright voice echoes from the other end of the line.
Wonwoo checks the ID of the caller and groans when he sees Seokmin’s name.
“What is wrong with you, Seokmin?”
“Bold of you to ask that question.”
“I am serious, Seok. Haven’t you heard of afternoon naps?”
“Dude, it’s eight o’clock.”
Wonwoo checks his watch and sighs in disappointment. “Fuck, I overslept, damnit.”
“Just how long were you asleep for?”
“Doesn’t matter anymore. Why did you call me?”
“Oh I don’t know, because you’re my friend and I want to check up on you because you’ve been in a slump lately?”
“Damn, way to call me out, I guess.”
“If I don’t call you out, then who will?!”
“....Fair point.”
“Anyways, I’m planning to grab some drinks with Minghao in an hour.”
“Oh nice, hope you have fun.”
“And you’re coming with us.”
“Oh come on! It won’t be anything wild, just the three of us drinking some alcohol!” Seokmin whines. “Please? Just this once?”
Wonwoo ponders over his friend’s request and grumbles from his end.
“Fine, if it means to make you hop off my ass, I guess.”
“What ass?”
“You know what, I changed my mi-”
“I’m just kidding!”
“You better be.”
“Okay okay, no need to get your claws out!” 
“Anyways, I’ll see you guys in an hour.” 
“Nice! Make sure to shower before getting out of the house.”
“Fuck you, Seokmin.”
Wonwoo ends the phone call and gets up from the couch, stretching his arms above his head. He takes a whiff from his shirt and he scrunches his eyes in disappointment.
“He’s right, I should take a shower.”
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Wonwoo is glad he accepted Seokmin’s invitation, because he had no idea how much he needed this. Not that he would ever admit it.
“You seem less tense than earlier.” Minghao comments.
“It’s all thanks to the alcohol.” 
“And the good company!” Seokmin butts in with his soju glass. “It’s okay to admit I was right.”
“And let it get to your head? No thank you.”
“Wonwoo is right, it will get to your head.” 
“I hate you both!” Seokmin whines and downs his shot.
“Now that’s a lie and you know it.” The younger man deadpans.
Wonwoo watches the bickering between his friends, the rim of the soju glass resting on his bottom lip. But his mind is wicked enough to slip back into his own worries, his face frowning once more.
“Wonwoo? Are you okay?”
Minghao’s voice snaps him out of his trance.
“Hm? Yeah, all good.”
“Buddy, with all due respect, you were looking like your pet cat died or something.” Seokmin narrows his eyes.
“Fuck off, Salem is perfectly fine!” Wonwoo shivers.
“Are you still worried about finding a job?” Minghao asks, hitting the nail on the head.
“Well, how can I not be? I have been struggling ever since I graduated and all I’ve managed to do is photoshoots for stupid influencers!”
He realizes his voice was louder than it was supposed to be, judging from the side-eyeing glares he earned from other customers.
“Damn, you really had to stoop so low?” Seokmin scratches his head.
“Money makes the world go around, or something like that.”
“Then what’s the problem?” Minghao asks again.
“I don’t have enough work experience, let alone serious one, which means my CV doesn’t look very professional right now.”
“I may have a solution to your problem.”
Wonwoo’s eyes go wide, his irises filling with hope.
“Do you remember Joshua? From the Social Relations department?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“He’s currently working at SVT Cat Cafe, he manages the paperwork and stuff. He could put in a few words for you, if you don’t mind.” Minghao sips the last of his soju.
“You should take the offer, Wonwoo! The cafe is really cute and you will love the kitties!” Seokmin grins excitedly.
“It’s…It sounds really good, to be honest. Almost too good to be true.” Wonwoo lets out a breath he was holding all this time.
“You can always check out their website and send your CV in their email address. They are still hiring people, so it’s a good chance.” 
“Hao, I don’t know what to say, seriously.” Wonwoo laughs nervously.
“People usually say thank you.” Seokmin jokes.
“One more word and I’ll shove the entire soju bottle in your mouth, I swear.”
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The view through the window is nothing short of idyllic, almost like the aesthetic images you see on Pinterest and Instagram. Maple leaves are dancing to the rhythm of the November winds, adding color to the dull concrete of the pavement, even if you know they won’t stay there for long.
You can’t say you’ve gotten used to the chilly weather, especially after your late vacation in Greece - it’s always too warm there, as you were warned beforehand. But you’re definitely glad you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee with cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles before the opening.
You hear tiny meows behind the mahogany counter and you walk in front of it, letting out a sigh when you pinpoint the source of the noises.
“Tofu, I swear to God.” You put the cup down and pick the white kitty in your arms. “I know you like roaming around but your cat hairs are invisible and I don’t want them in the beverages.”
The feline just tilts her head sideways and purrs in your arms, her green eyes staring at you, as if she is the most innocent creature in the universe (she is, most of the time).
“Your boba eyes aren’t working on me, missy. I know your true nature.”
Tofu responds with another meow, as if she’s asking you ‘who, me?’.
You go back and forth with the cat’s meows and purrs, utterly unaware of the presence of two men just a few feet away.
“Does that happen on a daily basis?” Wonwoo asks with a hushed voice.
“Yeah, with almost every single cat.” Joshua responds. “Although Tofu is her favorite.”
“I think I can see that.” 
You hear a couple of whispers behind you and you turn your attention to the two men.
“Oh, Joshua! You’re early today.” You comment. “And who is the gentleman next to you?”
“U-Uh, hi. I’m Jeon Wonwoo.” The man fixes his glasses nervously.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N.” You stretch your arm, waiting for a handshake. 
“L-Likewise.” Wonwoo hesitantly shakes your hand.
“Wonwoo will be the photographer for our social media accounts and official website, starting today.” Joshua adds.
“Oh, that’s great news!” You exclaim. “I promise you’ll have a wonderful time working here, Wonwoo.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Well, I’m afraid I have to take my leave now, business is calling.” Joshua announces after checking his watch. “Do not worry, Wonwoo. I’m leaving you in great hands. And paws.”
“See you later, Shua!” You bid your coworker farewell.
Tofu walks around Wonwoo’s legs and rubs herself all over him.
“I think she likes you.”
“You think so?” Wonwoo asks as he bends down to pet the cat, a fond smile on his face as the feline leans into his hand.
“She’s pretty picky with people, so seeing her so warm towards someone she has never seen before is pretty much a miracle.” You chuckle.
“Well, I should feel honored then.” He responds with a small smile.
“Would you like to order something? I could fix you a cup before the opening.”
“Um, could I have an iced americano then?”
“Wow, you’re brave.” You laugh in disbelief.
“What makes you say that?”
“You just ordered iced coffee in the middle of autumn. Does your throat have a death wish?” You put a few ice cubes in a plastic cup.
“Force of habit, I guess.” Wonwoo replies.
“That sounded very…moody.”
“Sorry, it wasn’t my intention…” He laces his fingers together and purses his lips together.
“You aren’t quite the extroverted one, are you?” You place the cup with the bitter liquid in front of him.
“Not really.” 
“It’s okay! You will be able to overcome it with time.” You try to reassure him.
“If you say so.” Wonwoo takes a sip of his coffee. “I’ll go check out the rest of the cafe, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, feel free to explore a bit!” You smile at him while you wrap your apron around your waist.
“The coffee is really good, by the way.” 
“Thank you! It’s my job, after all.”
Wonwoo searches for his wallet in his backpack, but you stop him before he finds it.
“It’s on the house, no need to pay for it.”
“Good luck today, Wonwoo.”
“T-Thanks. You too, Y/N.”
He looks at you one last time before he goes to the open space of the cafe to familiarize himself with his surroundings.
The day progresses without any problems - if anything, the regular customers have already started gossiping about Wonwoo, although most of it revolves around his God-like facial features.
You kinda wish you were serving the coffee instead of making it behind the counter. At least you would have been able to see Wonwoo up close in action with his camera. But you can’t say you haven’t been stealing glances through the window that separates the two spaces of the cafe.
“Eyeing the new guy, are we now?” One of your coworkers leans on the counter in an attempt to gossip.
“Oh, shut up, Chan.”
“What? I’m just asking!”
“Define asking?”
“For someone who claims to be the sunshine type in this business, you’re pretty snappy right now.” The ashen-haired man snickers.
“I’m not snappy! It’s rush hour and I’m trying to focus on my job.” You defend yourself.
“It’s rush hour for everyone here, you’re not special, Y/N.”
“Either way, you’re not getting anything out of me, Chan.” You place two porcelain cups filled with hot chocolate. “Now get these to table four.”
“Vibe killer.” Chan grumbles under his breath as he places the cups on the disk.
“I heard that, shortie!” 
“No cupcakes for you tomorrow!” He mocks you before disappearing into the outer space of the cafe.
You let out an exasperated sigh, followed by a short laugh and you return to the coffee machine, checking the orders you have received and start making them one by one.
While the cafe hasn’t been operating for long, you’ve been part of it since day one. You feel glad to be finally putting your barista working license to work and do something that you love dearly - blame your undying love for coffee and cats.
Chan was also one of the first employees who joined the team, but he’s on the service part and he’s damn good at it (even if he did break a couple of glasses on his first week). The regular patrons know him by name and he never fails to make them swoon over with just a single smile of his.
Chan is a sweetheart, but also a little shit when it comes to teasing you. Although he never once overstepped with teasing. But he always goes overboard with the treats he gets you from the bakery across the street. You still remember the six pieces of cinnamon rolls he got you two weeks ago and how persistent he was for you to eat them all (you ate them all eventually).
Late in the afternoon, your shift comes to an end and you hang your apron, starting to pack up your stuff. Wonwoo walks into the main area and starts dismantling his camera to put it back in its box.
“So, how did the first day go?” You attempt to strike conversation.
“It was….interesting, I suppose.” He shrugs.
“You sound a bit tired….”
“My social battery died about halfway through the shift, to be honest.” He admits with a heavy sigh. “At least the cats are sociable enough to let me pet them.”
“I think you should go home and get some rest.” You give him some advice.
“I don’t think rest is going to happen anytime soon, but thanks.” He zips up his bag and throws it over his shoulder. “Goodnight and see you tomorrow, Y/N.” He bids you farewell and disappears through the doors of the cafe.
Shame, he’s cute but so uptight, you think. It’s not like there’s anything else you can do right now, so you leave the cafe, locking it shut and you walk towards the bus station to catch your ride back home.
A while later, you’re laying in your bed under the covers and decide to scroll through your socials for a while before falling asleep. You open Instagram and check your notifications, your eyes zooming on the purple circle around the profile picture of the cat cafe.
You click on it and a smile creeps on your face when you see Wonwoo’s picture on one of the Instagram stories, tagging Wonwoo’s account and welcoming him to the team. Curiosity gets the better of you and you click on the tag, leading you to his personal account. You frown a bit when you notice it’s private, but you don’t hesitate to send him a following request.
You hope he won’t think you’re a creep or something. I mean, he can definitely recognize you from your profile picture, right?
To your luck, a notification pops up on the top part of your screen and you squeal when you realize that Wonwoo has followed you back.
You waste zero time to check the pictures he has posted over the years and you quickly understand that he’s not the type to show off his face. But the one thing that’s prominent in his account is the astronomical amount of breathtaking pictures from the places he has visited throughout his life. You break into a giggling fit when you click on a post with his cat and you read a few comments from his friends, lovingly making fun of his ‘cat dad’ tendencies. Your heart swells when you see more photos of him playing with a black cat and petting him until said cat slaps his hands away.
Now you know why Tofu liked him at first sight.
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One week later.
Today is an off day for you and you plan to sleep until midday. But your boss has other plans.
You want to cuss at everything around you within a radius of ten kilometers when your phone rings and you rub your eyes to forcefully wake yourself up and answer the call.
“Good morning, Boss.” 
“Good morning, Y/N. I’m sorry for calling you so early, but you need to come as soon as you can at the cafe.”
“Why is that? I mean, it’s my day off today.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t an emergency.”
“Did something happen?”
“Yoona just called me from the hospital, she had an accident yesterday.”
“What?!” You nearly jump out of the bed. “Is she okay?!”
“She’s out of harm's way, but her arm has suffered a fracture and she won’t be able to work for the next two months.”
“Oh my God….”
“We really need you here, Y/N.”
“Yes, yes of course. I’ll be there in half an hour.” You say and end the call. 
You grumble and get out of the bed, your feet taking you to the bathroom to wash your face and fix your hair. Once you’re out, you go back to the bedroom and pick a hoodie with jeans to put on.
You walk out of your apartment and fasten your jacket around you, jogging to the bus station to catch your ride to work.
Twenty minutes later, you arrive at the cafe and you’re welcomed with a literal mess in the barista bench and a yelling Chan and a frustrated Wonwoo. 
“This isn’t how you’re supposed to turn it!”
“And what do you know about coffee machines?!”
“All corks are manufactured to fasten towards a certain direction!.”
“You’re just a photographer, not an engineer!”
“And you’re just a waiter, not a barista!”
“Whoa, whoa! Both of you, get away from the machines!” You yell at them and shoo them away to get to work. “Jesus, what the hell did you do here?!”
“We were just trying to make the orders!” Chan defends himself.
“You could have just told the customers that coffee won’t be served until the barista is here!”
“That’s what I suggested as well, but he said ‘he knows better’.” Wonwoo shrugs.
“Yeah, that’s because I’ve been here longer than you!” The shorter man retorts.
“Sometimes, it’s productive to listen to other people’s ideas, they might help you in ways you could never imagine.” You sigh as your hands fiddle with the machine and check the orders one by one.
“Finally, someone with common sense.” Wonwoo points towards you. “At least some people know how to think in here.” He walks away and picks up his camera again, resuming his initial tasks.
“I can’t believe you took his side!” Chan complains to you.
“I didn’t take his side, our opinions just happened to collide!” 
“Oh my God, you’re so into him, it actually sickens me.” The man fake gags.
“Can you stop bringing that up?! What if he listens?!” You whip your head around and glare at your friend.
“So you admit it! You have a crush on him!”
“Yeah I do. You can get your ‘detective of the year’ honorary badge now.” You groan.
“I- Ugh, whatever.”
“Look, Chan, I wasn’t even supposed to be here today. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.” 
 Chan lets out a deep breath to calm down as he picks up the serving disk.
“I know, Y/N. I hope the remaining apple pie in the box will lighten up your mood and fill in your empty stomach. It’s freshly baked.” 
“......You idiot.”
“I love you too, work wife.” He flashes you a grin and runs back to the customers.
You take a peek in the pastry box and the aroma of cinnamon and apples hits your nostrils like the early morning sunlight enters a cold room.
Your fingers don’t hesitate to dip in the box and pick a bite from the dessert, putting it in your mouth to eat it. You hum in approval when the sweet warmth envelopes your taste buds, giving you a much needed energy boost.
You return to your work at hand, completely unaware of Wonwoo’s eyes watching you like a hawk, an unreadable expression overcoming his features. The tuxedo cat jumping on the shelf next to his head snaps him out of it, letting out a cranky meow at him.
“What is it, Taro?” He raises his hand to pet her fur.
Taro meows back as she flops down on the surface to stretch herself out for more pets.
“Jealous of not giving you enough attention?”
She meows even louder this time, as if she’s saying yes.
“I’m sorry, your Highness.” Wonwoo ruffles her belly. “A man has to work to get by.”
Taro narrows her eyes, as if she’s doubting his words.
“Okay fine, I was looking at her! What are you gonna do about it?”
The cat raises her front paws in the air and Wonwoo lets out an airy laugh, positioning his camera towards the long-haired feline to capture her in a few poses.
“Hope those pictures will be enough for you to stop blackmailing me.”
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Two weeks later.
God, these double shifts are fucking killing me, you mentally groan while sitting in one of the tables next to the cat trees. But it’s nice working early, since you get to come here and chill with the cats before opening time.
One of the resident cats jumps next to you, rubbing himself on your thigh.
“Good morning to you too, Dino Nugget. Did you sleep well?”
The orange cat jumps in your lap and sits in a loaf position without even asking you.
“Wow sir, it’s not even free real estate.” You laugh and run your hand over his fur.
He turns around and starts pawing at your hand, as if it’s a toy. He then opens his jaw to nibble at your finger, his teeth grazing your skin a bit harsher than usual.
“Ow, dude! That’s my hand, not your chew toy!” You yelp lightly.
You hear the clicking sound of a camera not far away from you and you snap your head to the source of the sound, your eyes falling on Wonwoo.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you-”
“No no, it’s okay! You were just doing your job.” You wave your hand.
“Do you….mind if I sit with you?” He asks sheepishly.
“Of course not! I was about to ask you, actually.” You smile.
Wonwoo makes himself comfortable next to you, smiling towards the orange cat.
“You seem to have loosened up a bit.”
“Yeah. But moments like those are also nice.” He says. “It can get….hectic sometimes and I don’t always deal well with pressure.”
“That’s exactly why the kitties are here! They have this magic ability to take away the negativity from you.” 
“Including this one?” He points towards Dino Nugget.
“Yeah. But he will try to bite you, no matter what.”
“Well, he’s an orange cat. What did you expect?” Wonwoo deadpans and you look at him with a shocked expression.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t want to-”
You cut him off with a laughter loud enough to scare Dino Nugget off your lap.
“You’re so serious about cats, it’s actually funny!” You admit between laughs.
“Of course I’m serious about them! And you aren’t?”
“I am! I just didn’t expect that random orange cat fact, y’know.”
“Oh, okay.” Wonwoo purses his lips.
Silence befalls the outer space.
“Great, now I made things awkward again.” He sighs in defeat.
“No, you didn’t! It was just…. well…”
“Awkward behaviour.”
“.....Yeah, actually.”
“God, Seokmin is so fucking right.” Wonwoo curses at himself.
“Who’s Seokmin?”
“One of my best friends and the bane of my existence. He has been pestering me about my lack of social skills and stuff like that.”
“I would say he sounds almost like Chan.”
“Seokmin doesn’t buy me pastries every day.”
“Did you just emit jealousy, Wonwoo?”
“No, I’m just stating the facts. I’m 100% sure he will show up today with another box of fresh desserts.”
“You can always get a bite from them.” You nudge his shoulder.
“I don’t think he would like that.”
“Why are you so negative about Chan?”
“I’m not negative! He’s just… you guys seem really close with each other, that’s all.”
“Wonwoo, we’re just friends! The work husband and wife thing is just for funsies!” You reassure him and his features soften almost immediately.
“If you say so.”
“Wonwoo, I’m being serious.”
“I know. I don’t mean to call you a liar or something.”
“Okay…” You trail off with an uncertain look written over your face.
Another moment of silence passes until Wonwoo speaks up again.
“How are you handling the double shifts?”
“Terribly. My sleep schedule has been fucked up and I don’t think I’ll be able to fix it any time soon.” You slouch in your seat.
“Any updates about the recruitment?”
“Absolutely nothing so far. Unless a miracle happens.” You scoff.
“Can you teach me how to make coffee then?” Wonwoo asks you and your eyes shoot up in surprise.
“I- Uhm, yeah I can, but why?”
“I want to help you.”
“With making coffee?!”
“Yes. What’s so weird about it?” 
“N-Nothing! I just didn’t expect you to offer to help me.”
“The truth is that I haven’t been the best towards you, while you’ve been very warm and welcoming towards me since day one.” He admits while averting your gaze.
“But giving you extra work outside of your expertise is outrageous!”
“But I’m the one asking for it!” 
A loud chirping sound comes from behind you and you notice Henry shooting a death glare at you for disrupting his beauty sleep.
“Go to sleep, Henry.” You roll your eyes at the tabby cat and the feline yawns before stretching his hind legs.
“So? What do you think?” Wonwoo asks you again.
You look at him and you can see a fire being ignited in his eyes, as if he really wants to do that.
You check your watch and look between Wonwoo and the inner space of the cafe, solidifying your decision.
“Get up.” You pat his back.
“Does that mean yes?”
“It means that you need to pay a lot of attention and catch up quickly. We have less than an hour and a half until the cafe opens.” You walk into the cafe and towards the barista counter.
Wonwoo goes towards the cat trees, smiling brightly towards the felines.
“Watch me learn how to brew coffee and win her over, okay?”
Two sharp knocks on the window wall snap him back to reality and he looks at you furiously waving at him to come inside.
Wonwoo jogs back in the cafe, joining you behind the counter.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You put your hands on your waist.
“Uh, to watch you make coffee?”
“Rule number one: Never enter the barista area without lint-rolling your clothes first.” You point towards a shelf away from the counter, where a couple of lint rollers are.
“When did you even clean yourself up?” Wonwoo asks while running the roller over his hoodie and jeans.
“When you were talking to the cats.” You deadpan.
“Okay, my clothes are clean. Now what?”
“Rule number two: Always wear a barista apron while working behind your counter. We hang them right next to the window wall.”
He picks one of the aprons and puts the top strap around his neck, tying the lower one around his waist. You don’t miss the double loop and you wonder how slim his waist must be and how you hands would-
“What is rule number three?” His question cuts your train of thoughts and you try to get yourself together.
“Wash your hands thoroughly, of course.”
“Yes ma’am.”
The first steps of Wonwoo’s barista adventures go rather smoothly - he realizes he’s good at memorizing the various coffee blends. Handling the machine isn’t that much difficult, but it’s definitely not as easy as assembling his camera.
His eyes never leave your skilled hands, effortlessly maneuvering a glass under the machine, clicking the proper buttons to make a serve of espresso. 
“That looked so easy, but something tells me it won’t be as easy as I think it is.” Wonwoo laughs awkwardly.
“It’s actually not very hard. You just have to be careful with the amount of coffee you will put in the portafilter.” 
“Can I try now?”
“Don’t be impatient. You need to throw away the used shot and then purge the machine with water first.” You explain with a smile.
“Hm, okay. I think I can do that.” 
He takes out the portafilter and disposes of the used espresso shot. He cleans the portafilter separately while running the machine with only water. 
“Good job! It was smart to clean the portafilter during the machine run.” 
“Thought it would save me time.”
“And you thought well. This can be really useful during rush hour.”
“What’s next?”
“You dry the filter and fill it in with the desired amount of espresso. But remember, it needs to be even!”
“Got that.” He grabs the bag of ground coffee and takes a few spoonfuls of the blend and puts it in the clean filter, tapping it on the counter to flatten the surface. 
“Use the tamper to tamp it down and make it compact enough.” You remind him of the next step.
He wordlessly follows your tip and does exactly as you told him, locking the portafilter in the machine. He grabs a demitasse glass and places it under the machine and presses the button, watching the dark brown liquid flow into the cup.
“Congratulations, you just made your first cup of espresso!” You give him tiny claps and he smiles sheepishly. 
“Moment of truth.” He breathes out and hands you over the glass to taste the coffee he made. You take a sip and allow your taste buds to absorb the rich flavor.
“Not bad for the first time!” You hum in satisfaction.
“Thank God, I thought I would poison you or something.” Wonwoo lets out a heavy breath.
“Why are you so critical of yourself?”
“I have been classified as a kitchen hazard.”
“Well, this isn’t a kitchen, as you can see.” 
“But still-”
“No buts. You asked to learn how to make coffee and you have to accept that you’re going to make mistakes in the process.”
“I know, but it’s kinda scary.” 
“It was scary for you to work among so many people the first week, but you didn’t give up, did you?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“I am doing it for the cats, Y/N.”
“If that’s what makes your boat float, then who am I to disagree?” You laugh and clean the machine all over again.
The words die down in Wonwoo’s throat and he tries to find something to occupy himself with.
“You don’t have to do anything else around here now.” You tell him.
“Oh. Was that all?” His voice comes out almost disappointed.
“Only for now. It’s not like we have a lot of time left until customers start coming in and I would hate to throw you in the den of wolves right away. Besides, your friends seem to miss you already.” You turn your head to the window wall and Wonwoo follows suit, breaking out in laughter when he sees Dino Nugget scratching against the window.
“Oh my God, not him again.”
“Hey, don’t be mean to him!”
“Y/N, he literally bit you an hour ago.”
“He’s just an orange cat - or so you said. He’s also Chan’s fave.”
“Well too bad I already have a fave.” Wonwoo unties his apron and hangs it.
“Ooh, who is it?” You ask with curiosity.
“That’s my secret.”
“Okay mister secretive.” You scoff lightly.
Secretive. What a great word to describe me, Wonwoo thinks with a tight-lipped smile that fights to become a grin when he returns to the cafe cats, sitting down on one of the tables to fiddle with his camera.
He skims through the picture he has taken so far, stopping at the one where Dino Nugget is in your lap and you’re petting him with a loving smile on his face.
As if on cue, Tofu tip toes her way next to Wonwoo and puts her paw over his hand, raising her body on her hind legs.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” 
The feline purrs loudly and rubs her head on the back of his hand.
“Yeah, I think so too.”
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Hours later, at Joshua’s place.
“So you’re telling me that Wonwoo is smitten with Y/N?”
“Yeah! You have to trust me on this, Shua, I just know it!” Chan repeatedly taps his soju glass on the table.
“Okay, but why are you so pressed about it?”
“Because none of them are doing anything about it! And I hate mutual pining with a burning passion!”
“Sounds like you’re scared of losing your work wife to me.” Joshua smirks in his glass.
“I’m not scared! I just want to look out for her!”
“As her work husband?”
“And her bestie, duh!” 
“You’re so dramatic about this.”
“And you’re so nonchalant about this!”
“It’s their business, not mine, Chan!”
“And since when do you not care about gossip, Joshua?” The younger man raises his eyebrow.
“Don’t you see I’m making an effort to stay gossip-free?” Joshua whines in defeat. 
“And it’s failing miserably.”
The older man sighs and drinks a bit of his soju. “Yeah, it fucking did.”
“What, you know things I don’t?”
“Let’s just say that running the HR of an establishment grants you perks that someone like you doesn’t have.”
“Just tell me already! I wasn’t there today, come on!”
“Wonwoo and Y/N were both seen behind the barista counter today.”
“Okay….Maybe he was taking pics of her during the deed? Y’know, for promotion purposes?”
“You don’t understand - Y/N was showing him how to operate the coffee machine. He even managed to make a few batches of espresso.”
Chan chokes on alcohol and starts coughing loudly, smacking his chest.
“Whoa, whoa, breathe!” Joshua offers him a glass of water. “I didn’t mean to kill you!”
“Well - gah - I certainly felt like dying!” He gasps for breath. “But - How? When did things escalate so fast?!”
“From what I’ve heard, Wonwoo wanted to help Y/N until someone applies for the position and Boss agreed to it, as long as he’s under Y/N’s supervision.”
“Fuck this, I can help her too!”
“Bitch you don’t even know which way the corks turn!” Joshua laughs.
“Fuck you too, Hong!”
“You know, this could work in their favor. And yours, eventually.”
“They will get to spend more time together and grow closer, you idiot!”
“Well yeah, but that also depends on whether one of the two will fuck up the process or not!” Chan retorts.
“Just….have some faith, okay?” Joshua tries to convince him.
“If you say so, I guess.”
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Two months later.
“Did you have a secret glow up or something?” Seokmin scans Wonwoo from the top to the bottom.
“You can just admit you were checking me out.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
“As long as the right person isn’t checking you out, my eyes don’t matter, friend.”
“Oh my God, just say you want to talk about Y/N.”
“Yes I fucking do, because she’s clearly the reason you’ve changed!” Seokmin slams his hands on the table. “And for the better!”
“I don’t feel like I’ve undergone any drastic changes, though.” 
“That’s because you’re extremely harsh on yourself and refuse to see the truth!”
“And the truth is?”
Seokmin grunts in disappointment. “That you are head over heels for Y/N, you idiot.”
“And what if I am? I mean, she hasn’t really shown any real interest towards me.” Wonwoo shrugs.
“Dude, she has literally taken you under her wing and taught you how to make coffee! While she was swamped with work!”
“I just wanted to help her, she was doing double shifts for two weeks straight!”
“And I’m more than sure that she likes you even more because of that!”
“I was just trying to be nice, just like that.”
“Wonwoo, nobody is nice just like that. Everyone has their own agendas.” Seokmin smirks. “It all boils down to the benefits these agendas hold. And yours is going to benefit a lot of people.”
“Let’s say you’re right then. Why didn’t she just confess? She’s like, the definition of an extrovert.”
“Not everyone has the guts or lack of tact to just go to their crush and confess their feelings to them, you know.” 
“How can you be so sure that Y/N has a crush on me?”
“I’m going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them truthfully.” Seokmin puts his palms together.
“Yes, dear therapist.” Wonwoo crosses his arms in front of his chest and mocks his friend.
“Does she know your coffee order?”
“Yeah, but she knows the coffee order of most regulars, it’s her job.”
“Fair point, but does she make coffee for you during work and accompany it with a snack?”
Wonwoo racks his brain for instances that match Seokmin’s question and to his surprise, he recalls a lot of them.
“You don’t even have to say anything, I can see the answer written all over your face.”
“Is that even enough to count as proof?”
“I’m not done yet.” Seokmin takes a sip of water to clear his throat. “Moving on to my next question - does she ask you about your day, how did you sleep and stuff like that?”
“Yeah, but that’s basic human decency.”
“Ugh, whatever. Have you ever complimented her appearance? Like, ‘Hey, that color looks very pretty on you!’ or something like that?”
“.....No.” Wonwoo replies with an awkward expression.
Seokmin rolls his eyes and drags his palms over his face dramatically.
“Why are you acting like this?! I’m not ignoring her on purpose!”
“Then why aren’t you doing anything?!”
“How can I do something when she’s so pretty and popular and a fucking sunshine and I’m….this?” Wonwoo vaguely gestures at himself.
Seokmin sighs audibly and rests his elbows on the table. “Can you tell me what’s really going on? Because I am not buying the shit you’ve said so far.”
Wonwoo’s expression turns bitter the moment Seokmin calls him out.
“There’s a contender?”
“Yeah, that fucking dipshit called Chan. He never misses a chance to show off that stupid smile of his to everyone and call himself Y/N’s ‘work husband’. He has the audacity to buy her snacks whenever their shifts overlap!” 
“Oh my God.” Seokmin bursts out in laughter.
“I’m sharing my problems with you and you’re laughing?”
“I am laughing because you’re green with jealousy!”
“I- I’m not jealous! I’m just stating the facts here! Nothing more and nothing less.”
“Wonwoo, it’s just you and me here, you can be honest.”
“I- Fine, I am jealous of that short bitch and the relationship he has with Y/N.”
“And that’s fine! But you also need to keep in mind that Y/N probably knows this Chan guy longer than she knows you, so it’s kind of natural to have a closer relationship with him.”
“You are not helping right now, Seok.”
Silence befalls the two friends as they pick on the leftovers of their food, contemplating their discussion.
“Something just popped into my head.” Seokmin speaks up again.
“It better not be another brain fart of yours.” Wonwoo grimaces.
“You should go to work tomorrow with your motorbike!”
“Okay. And?” 
“And….You should dress up a tad bit fancier for once.”
“Why should I even-”
“Shhhhhhh, just… Just do as I say, okay? Now zip it, I wasn’t finished yet.” Seokmin shushes him. “Let me think…. a white button-up and those dark blue wide leg jeans you have?”
“What about those?”
“You’re wearing them tomorrow. No questions asked.”
“Seokmin, it’s the middle of November, I’m gonna freeze to death.”
“You’re gonna wear a heavy jacket on top, you idiot. Besides, it won’t be that cold tomorrow.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Ever heard of weather forecasts?”
“Fuck you.”
“I’m not the one you want to fuck, let’s be real here.” Seokmin smirks and Wonwoo throws a fried potato at him. 
“I swear to God, if I end up making a fool of myself or catching a cold, you won’t hear from me ever again.” 
“Cool, does that mean I get to adopt Salem after your death?”
“Keep your grimy hands off my cat, bitch.”
“I will, because you’ll be alive and Y/N will be in your arms within the span of….twenty four hours. Maybe less, if you play your cards right.” Seokmin winks.
“Has anyone ever told you that you look scary when you have something specific in mind?”
“You can just admit you like it when I look scary because it makes me even sexier.”
“You’re fucking gross.”
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Wonwoo wakes up at 7:30 sharp, as always. But today is different - today is the day he finally confesses to you. Blame Seokmin’s idea, blame Chan’s behavior towards you, blame his own cowardice - whatever the reason is, Wonwoo is dead set on achieving his goal today.
He opens his closet and skims through his clothes until he finds the ones Seokmin specifically told him to wear.
He’s worried he might catch a cold with just a white button down and jeans, but there’s always his trusty fuzzy jacket - the cold never passes through that and it definitely won’t pass now, no matter what he’s wearing underneath.
The thought of wearing this particular outfit to work in order to impress you makes him feel stupid and giddy at the same time, as if he’s the nerdy highschooler in love with the pretty girl of the class. 
“How damn cliché.” He chuckles to himself and takes out the clothes to hang them in front of the closet. He goes to the bathroom, jumping in the shower for a quick refreshment. It only takes him five minutes to wash his hair and body, wrapping a towel around his waist. He takes a quick look at himself in the mirror and nods in satisfaction. 
The gym has definitely paid off, he thinks and grabs the hair dryer to dry his hair. Once he’s done, he chooses to lightly run his fingers through them, not wanting to disrupt the curly form.
He returns to the bedroom to put on his clothes, humming in approval when he sees his reflection in the full body mirror. He spritzes his favorite perfume all over him and wears his horn-rimmed glasses to complete the look and wears his jacket on top to keep himself warm. 
He really doesn’t want to admit it, but Seokmin might be right on the money this time.
He’s about to leave when his eyes fall on the spare helmet he keeps in the corner of his closet and decides to take it with him - in case the plan works out, he wants to keep you safe while you’re riding with him on his bike.
He just hopes you aren’t afraid of motorbikes.
Salem walks in the bedroom and meows at Wonwoo to get his attention.
“Hi buddy. How do I look?”
The cat purrs loudly as he rubs himself on Wonwoo’s jeans.
“Thanks for the approval. I hope Y/N approves too.”
Salem meows again and paws on his dad’s leg.
“I’ll see you later, pal. Hopefully with some pretty company.”
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“So it’s official?” 
“Unfortunately, yes. Yoona has completed her rehab, but she has decided to move out of Seoul.” Your boss notifies you.
“I see…” You think and mixed feelings wash over you. You’re sad that Yoona is leaving so soon, but that also means you’ll get to spend even more time with Wonwoo behind the barista counter.
“But on the bright side, we managed to get a new employee!”
“W-What? When did that happen?”
“Just yesterday! I asked them if they could start soon and they will be here tomorrow morning.” Your boss grins widely. “Can I count on you to show them the ropes?”
“Oh, um, yeah, of course!” You form a fake smile.
“Great! You’ll get an extra this month for this, do not worry about that.”
“I appreciate it, Boss.” 
The lady walks away and your shoulders slouch in defeat, your dreams of watching Wonwoo’s forearms operate the coffee machine.
“A penny for your thoughts, wife?” Chan comes up to the counter.
“A penny might be too little for the amount of thoughts I have, Chan.”
“You don’t seem excited today.”
“Boss just told me that Yoona is leaving and we already have a replacement for her.” You frown.
“I know you’re sad you probably won’t see Yoona again, but at least you won’t have to work overtime again!” Chan tries to lift your mood.
“That’s not the only problem, Chan.”
“What is it then- Oh. Oh.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Well, I mean…It’s not like you won’t see him ever again.”
“But it’s not the same!” 
“Oh my God, can you just confess already?! I’m tired of this rom-com!” Chan whines.
“You know what?” Your mouth falls open. “I might do it today.”
“Finally! But why is your mouth hanging like that?”
You point towards the door and Wonwoo who walks inside, looking like the male lead of a k-drama.
“Can you please close your mouth? A fly could enter and you could choke.” He snickers and you slap his arm.
“Good morning!” Wonwoo greets the two of you with a bright smile.
“Good morning Wonwoo! You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“Yeah, you could say that. By the way, I bought you some honey cupcakes.” He puts the pastry box on the counter and he walks next to you to wear his apron.
“What?! They told me they had run out today!” Chan is flabbergasted.
“Well, you weren’t lucky enough to catch the fresh batch, Channie.” Wonwoo smirks and the younger man grimaces and almost slams the water glasses on his disk.
“Who are you and what have you done to the Wonwoo I know?” You narrow your eyes at him.
“I am him. Just a bit elevated.” He puffs out his chest ever so slightly.
“Does the elevation come with a brand new motorbike?”
“Oh that? I already had it, but it was under repair for a good chunk of time.”
“But now you can ride it again, right?”
“Of course! Otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.”
“It looks really cool by the way.” 
“The motorbike?”
“Everything, actually.”
“Everything?” He tilts his head sideways.
You clear your throat. “By the way, Boss told me we’re getting a new barista tomorrow.” 
“Oh, I see.” He replies with a monotonous voice. “So no more sessions?”
“Yeah, pretty much. But I’m sure you probably miss your camera.”
“It’s not like I wasn’t touching it at all. Besides, working with you is really fun.”
“Not anymore, since it’s the last day today.”
“Well then, we should make the most of it, right?” He looks at you with a swirling mix of warmth and seduction.
“B-Be careful with the cinnamon, you don’t want to overdo it.” You stammer over your words, turning your head away.
“Yes ma’am.” Wonwoo chuckles, not missing the light flush over your cheeks as he resumes his task.
As if your brains are connected to the same thinking bubble, they both repeat the same phrase over and over again.
This is going smoother than cream.
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“Is it legal to do this?” Wonwoo asks with uncertainty.
“Relax, we’re not gonna commit crimes. We can just say we stayed behind to clean up! Not that anyone will care that we made two cups of coffee.” You reassure him.
“But the machine isn’t on. How are you going to make coffee without it?”
You flash a warm smile. “This is exactly why I wanted it to be the two of us.”
You search under the counter for a few seconds and you pull out a black box that has been tightly sealed. You open it carefully and take out a coffee pot made of copper, a sealed bag of coffee blend and a mini gas heater.
“What is all this?” Wonwoo’s curiosity is piqued.
“This is something I learned during my vacation in Greece. I will show you how to make traditional Greek coffee.”
Wonwoo’s eyes widen and he finds himself walking behind the counter and right next to you.
You open the sealed bag and the rich aroma quickly spreads in the air, satisfied hums echoing in the silent cafe.
“You get it now, don’t you?”
“It smells so good.”
“Wait until you actually taste it.” You giggle. 
“Judging from the tools, it must be hard to make it.”
“You’re not entirely wrong.” You fill the coffee pot with cold water. “It requires a lot of technique and “meraki”, as the locals usually call it.”
“What does it mean?”
“It’s the love and passion poured in the coffee brewing process. Even if it’s served as a product to a customer, it’s always created with fine motions and the hope of conveying said effort to the customer through a cup of Greek coffee.”
“This sounds more like a confession of love to me.” Wonwoo comments and you are happy the lighting is dim enough to hide the creeping blush on your cheeks.
“Well, that’s one way to put it.” You set the coffee pot on the table and take out two small porcelain cups from the box.
“That’s really pretty.”
“Thanks. I got them as a souvenir from a local shop, along with the briki.”
“The what?”
“That’s the greek word for the coffee pot! They use this specific one because it’s the best at storing the heat in its walls and allowing the coffee to roast slowly.”
“I stand corrected. This is a ritual of love, not just a confession.” He chuckles at your excitement.
That’s why I’m doing it, you four-eyed hot bastard! You mentally scream but keep your smiley facade on.
“Why did you get only two of these?” He keeps asking you questions.
“The old lady at the shop had made only two of those.” You explain. “But she did think I was buying it for my boyfriend and myself.” You end your sentence with an awkward laugh.
“I think that’s adorable, Y/N.” He rests his hand on his palm, almost 
“It would be, if I had a real boyfriend.”
“Well, you can always share a cup with your work husband.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Are you jealous, Wonwoo?”
“Me? No, not at all.” He brushes it off. “I just mentioned Chan because you’re really close to him.”
“Hmm, if you say so.” You shrug.
A beat of awkward silence passes and Wonwoo attempts to shift the mood to his favor.
“Can you guide me? Making the coffee, I mean.” He almost stutters.
“O-Oh, of course I can!” You slide behind him and watch him tighten his apron around his slender waist. Since when did he have such a slender waist?!
He picks up a teaspoon and puts four spoonfuls in the water, turning on the heat.
“The heat should be medium to low. Stir it only at the beginning and then let it heat through.”
He gives the coffee a few stirs to evenly spread the blend in the water, until it starts heating up.
“Be careful not to stir the coffee all the time, while it is roasting. Give a little bit more love and attention to create the right amount of kaimaki.” You give him gentle directions and he follows them to the last detail.
“What is kaimaki?” 
“It’s the creamy foam that forms on top of the coffee after brewing it.”
“It’s dark brown because of the blend?”
“Exactly. You’re a fast learner, aren’t you?” You give him a sly smile.
“I have a great teacher.” He reciprocates the smile and your heart skips a bit for the umpteenth time today.
Watching him brew such a difficult type of coffee with his sleeves rolled up and his deft hands carefully looking at the kaimaki makes the butterflies in your stomach dance like a hurricane.
Everything feels so intimate - from the cafe itself to the set of porcelain cups you bought as a memento from Greece, the words of the old lady who thought you bought them for a lover echoing in your head once again.
“I am turning the gas off now.” Wonwoo announces and you nod affirmatively. He does as he said and picks up the briki, but he accidentally touches the side of it and almost burns his hand.
“Wonwoo!” You gasp and immediately grasp his hands, knocking down the coffee and spilling it over the counter. “Are your hands okay?!”
“I’m okay, but-”
“Oh shit.” You curse and grab a bunch of paper towels to wipe the spilled coffee before it seeps into the wood.
He notices the coffee reaching up to the base of the cups and he picks them up, putting them in the sink to wash them. He washes and dries them thoroughly, followed by the copper coffee pot.
Hurried movements and a curse of strings are heard through the glass wall, the eyes of multiple cats staring at the two of you trying to clean up the mess you made.
After a few minutes, the counter looks as good as new, but both of you look frustrated and even more tired than before.
“Well, this was an ordeal.” You let out a huff as you throw the wasted paper towels in the bin and hang your apron next to the others.
“Y/N, I am really sorry.” Wonwoo sulks, not daring to look you in the eyes.
“Wonu, it’s okay! It was just an accident, accidents happen all the time here.” You try to make him feel better.
“But you were looking forward to this-”
“Wonwoo.” You stop him from completing his sentence. “It’s okay. I am not mad at you.” You gingerly hold his face with your hands, the rate of your heart reaching Mach speed because of the heat on his skin.
You realize you’re too close for comfort and retract your hands, scared you might have overstepped his boundaries. 
Wonwoo holds your wrists with his hands and gently places them on his chest. He can feel your fingertips almost trembling, the tension skyrocketing. 
“Wonu, I don’t understand-”
He gently holds the side of your neck and kisses you with the desire he was holding for the past two months. He lets go of his uncertainty and embraces his feelings for you, expressing them through this kiss.
It feels like you’re in a fever dream, every fiber of your existence is standing on the edge of inferno and you don’t want it to stop. Yet his mouth feels like an oasis - and you won’t let anything separate you from it.
You let out a whine when Wonwoo breaks the kiss, but you shudder when he rips his glasses off his face and lifts you up to put you on top of the counter.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to feel your touch on me, Y/N.” He rasps. “You’ve been plaguing my thoughts ever since I met you and I just couldn’t-”
You cut him off by pulling the collar of his shirt and smash your lips on him again, seizing control this time. You wrap your legs around his waist and jerk his body forward, colliding with your chest.
Your hands are deeply rooted in his permed locks, raking your nails on his scalp. He’s no better than you, his palms glued to your thighs.
“I’ve been feeling the exact same way, Wonu.” You moan against his mouth.
“God, please don’t stop calling me that.” 
“I had no intention of stopping, Wonu.”
He breaks the kiss again and pushes you on your back, planting his hands on each side of your head. 
“Please tell me you want this.” He begs you. “I want, need to touch you, take care of you, fucking worship you.” 
“Do it. Please do it, Wonu, I need you so bad.” 
He lets out a shaky breath and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt and bunches up your sweater to reveal the hem of your jeans and unbutton it with the same dexterity he uses his camera. He pulls them down and lets the fabric pool in front of his feet, his hands caressing your naked legs.
“Pretty.” He fiddles with the lacey details of your panties.
“Me or my underwear?” 
“Smooth. But as much as I’d love you to sweet talk, I think you should do other things with your mouth.”
“Your wish is my command, sunshine.” 
Wonwoo puts your legs over his shoulders and tenderly traces his lips on your inner thighs, giving you a glance before sliding your panties to the side.
He gives your clit a quick peck and glides his tongue through your folds, all the way down to your entrance. And repeats the motion, again and again, speeding up with each drag of his wet muscle.
You drag your nails on the mahogany counter and bite your bottom lip to suppress your moans, but his mouth is being so kind and loving to your pussy that it makes you want to scream his name until the windows crash in tiny pieces from the volume of your voice.
He stops to take a breather, a glossy film coating his lips. “Best fucking pussy I’ve ever tasted.”
“Never thought the shy photographer slash barista would be cursing after eating pussy like a God.” You laugh breathlessly.
“I can do much more, if you let me.” He suggests with a gaze full of desire, lips parted again and ready to engulf your clit again.
“I will, but not here.” You put your hand in his hair to stop him. “I don’t want to risk being seen by bypassing people.”
“I don’t know about people, but there are a bunch of cats staring from the glass wall.” Wonwoo chuckles as he watches you gasp when you turn your head towards the window and you see thirteen pairs of glowing cat eyes staring at the two of you.
“I love them but they are fucking scaring me right now, can we please get out of here?” You ask him.
“My place or yours?” Wonwoo picks up your jeans and gives them to you to put them on.
“Mine is a twenty-minute ride with the bus from here.” You say.
“My place it is, then.” Wonwoo grins as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand. “Hope you aren’t scared of motorbikes.”
“Would you laugh if I said I’ve been thinking of being your backpack princess?”
“Would you believe me if I told you I brought an extra helmet just in case you wanted to be my backpack princess?”
“Who are you and what have you done to the cute and super shy Wonwoo?” You shoot him a playful glare.
“He’s still here. He just decided to act according to his desires and feelings.”
“I would like you to pass him my earnest thanks.”
“He accepts them with pleasure. Ready to go?” He offers you his hand.
“Yes sir.” You giggle and button your jeans, lacing your hand with his, as he guides you out of the cafe.
You make sure you turn off the lights and lock the doors before Wonwoo hands you over the extra helmet, checking up on whether you fastened it good enough. As soon as you settle on the bike behind him, he turns on the engine and grabs your arms, putting them around his waist, as if he’s telling you to hold on tight. You let out a squeal when he speeds away from the cafe, but the helmet around your head mutes your voice. Even though it’s your first time riding on a bike, you’re not scared at all. If anything, you find it very fun and kind of liberating.
Perhaps it’s the fact that Wonwoo reciprocated your feelings after two months of mutual pining.
You don’t even realize how fast the time passes when Wonwoo taps your hands to let go of him and get off the bike.
“W-We’re here already?” You ask dumbfounded as you take off the helmet.
“Baby, I wasn’t even speeding up.” He chuckles as he turns off the engine of the bike, taking off his own helmet. “But it’s for the better, I suppose.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because it means you’re looking forward to what will happen within that house.” He smirks in your face and you grab his hand, pulling him towards the entrance.
“You’re so eager.” He’s trying to fish out his keys from his bag.
“I wonder whose fault is that.” You tease him.
“I intend to make it up to you, sweetheart.” He reassures you and finds the keys after a bit of searching, sliding them in the keyhole to unlock the door.
As soon as both of you are inside his house, you pin him on the door and kiss him hungrily, your hands sliding off your coat first and his jacket second, aiming for his buttoned shirt next.
“Bedroom, please.” Wonwoo breaks the kiss and you nod in agreement. He lifts you up in his arms, his arms under your thighs keeping you safe. 
You’re certain he’s gonna pin you down on the bed, but you’re proven wrong when he pins you on the nearest bedroom wall, grinding his clothed bulge right on your crotch.
“Didn’t peg you for the needy type.” You grip his shoulders to hold onto him tighter.
“How can I not be needy when I have the girl of my dreams right where I want her?” He groans and lets down your legs, hands flying to the button of your jeans. “Can I?”
“Fuck yes, please throw them away if you can.” You breathe heavily.
He eagerly unbuttons your jeans and drags them down along with your panties, throwing them somewhere in the room. He then unbuttons his own jeans, dropping them down to his ankles with his boxers and kicking them away. He’s just one thrust away from entering you, but his mind goes blank.
“Wonwoo? What’s wrong?”
“I- Fuck, I don’t have any condoms.” He curses under his breath.
“It’s okay. I am clean and on the pill, you can go raw.” You reassure him.
“Y/N, I’m serious.”
“I’m serious too! Are you clean?” 
“Yeah, I got tested two weeks ago and haven’t slept with someone for God knows how long.” He blurts out, cheeks flushed a cute pink.
“You’re so cute.” You stifle a laugh.
“You and your pussy are cuter than me, darling.” He laughs and hooks his forearms under your thighs to pry them open and keep them locked closed to your chest. The wall is cold against your back, but the rest of your body feels on fire.
You let out a whiny moan when Wonwoo starts by pushing the tip of his cock, taking his time to ease himself inside you and not hurt you. When he finally manages to fit his shaft in your hole, he throws his head back and his mouth falls open, deep moans vibrating from his chest.
“You’re- Oh god, Wonwoo, it feels so full.” You dig your nails in his shoulder blades, bunching up the dress shirt.
“Fuuuuck, I know.” He groans and pulls his hips away until only his tip is inside you, pushing back with a fluid thrust. A gasp escapes your lips when the thrust makes your body jerk up against the wall.
“Ah- Please do that again.” You beg, giving him your best pleading eyes.
“Shit, with pleasure.” He licks his bottom lip and thrusts inside you the same way, his eyes glued on your face to study your expressions.
He gets the green light when you nod in agreement and repeats the same thrusting pattern, full-bodied yet slow thrusts that rub your molten walls deliciously.
None of you are able to form coherent sentences, you only express yourselves through wanton moans. You feel your skin getting sticky with sweat and your orgasm starting to build up dangerously close to the climax.
“Are you close, sunshine?” He asks you between pants and you nod furiously.
“Hold on tight.” He instructs you and you claw on him like a rescued cat as he lifts you from the wall and walks over to the bed, gently placing you on your back on the mattress. 
“W-Wonu, please, I need to cum!” You hiccup and try to wrap your legs around his waist.
“I know, baby, I know.” He puts one knee on the mattress and angles your hips upwards to hit it deeper. He bends his torso down to touch your chest, his lips hovering over yours as his breath mingles with yours.
“Wanna cum together, sunshine?”
“Yes, yes, please!” 
“Where do you want me to cum?”
“Inside, fuck, do it inside!”
Wonwoo gasps loudly and loses his balance, crumbling on you at the same time his orgasm crashes upon him. His back shudders while his cock paints your walls white and your lips are busy kissing and biting his neck to muffle your own orgasmic noises. Your walls clench around his cock and you milk him dry until he has nothing else to give, breathing against his neck rapidly.
Both of you take some time and remain still, your breaths slowly regaining their normal rhythms. You can feel your body complaining, legs growing limp and your torso being crushed by Wonwoo’s weight.
“Wonu, you’re heavy…”
“Fuck, sorry.” He gently lifts himself off you and his cock slips out of your pussy, the mixture of your cum and his nearly spilling on the sheets. He’s fast enough to catch it with his fingers and push it back inside you, enjoying the way you shudder for him/
“I couldn’t help it, sunshine. Not when you look so pretty.” He sucks his fingers clean. “And taste so damn good.”
“Can you just…clean me up?”
“You didn’t even have to tell me.” 
He picks you up in bridal style and carries you to the bathroom, letting you sit on the edge of the tub as he lets the water from the tap run warm.
“Do you mind if I fall asleep in the process?” You mumble tiredly.
“Not at all, sweetheart. I’ll take care of everything, you don’t have to worry.” He presses a kiss on your temple.
“Thank you, Wonu.”
You end up falling asleep halfway through the bath, but Wonwoo doesn’t mind. The lovesick grin on his face doesn’t falter until he’s done drying your hair and putting you in a pair of clean comfy clothes - his clothes.
As soon as you’re under the bedsheets, you cling onto him in your sleep, chest rising and falling peacefully in his arms.
Wonwoo can’t believe this is real, even if he can touch your face and hug you closer to his body. 
There is one thing coursing through his mind before drifting off to sleep - Seokmin was right after all.
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Your deep slumber is disturbed by the ringtone of your phone and you grumble in your sleep to find the strength and get up to search for your phone. You nearly fall down on your knees when you try to stand up, grabbing the edge of the bed at the last minute to stabilize yourself.
“Nngh……Baby? What are you doing?” Wonwoo asks with a scratchy voice, in a similar state as you.
“Someone is calling me and I don’t know where the hell my phone is!” You curse out loud as you keep searching under the pile of clothes.
Your phone stops ringing and you plop down on the floor dramatically. 
“Y/N, it was just a phone call.” Wonwoo tries to reassure you as he gets out of bed.
“But what if it was something important?”
“Then whoever it was, they will probably call again.”
Suddenly, it hits you.
“Wonwoo, what time is it?” You ask him with fear in your eyes.
“I don’t know, let me check real quick.” He walks back to his nightstand and opens the screen of his phone, a loud ‘fuck’ echoing from his mouth.
“I don’t want you to panic, but it’s 10AM.” He deadpans.
“Fuck, I knew it! We’re fucking late to work!” You spring up on your feet and pick up your clothes, making a beeline for the bathroom.
You splash water over your face and almost squeal when you notice the vibrant purple marks on your neck and collarbones, mortified at the thought of someone seeing them.
“Baby, are you good there?” Wonwoo yells from the bedroom.
“No! I need a fucking turtleneck!” You yell back and stomp your way back to the bedroom.
“Okay but why?” He peeks his head from the closet and takes a better look at your torso. “Yeah, forget I asked.” He purses his lips and picks a cream colored turtleneck, giving it to you.
“God, I love you so much.” You breathe a sigh of relief and immediately put it on, running back to the bathroom. The scent of cedar and peaches gives you a hard time to focus on making your hair look presentable, but you resist the urge to duck your nose under the soft fabric.
Wonwoo does a double take on himself and decides to go with a black turtleneck, his eyes shying away from the marks you left on him last night. However, part of him feels very smug about them, knowing he’s gonna be walking in the cafe with your marks of claim all over his body.
“Come on, stop dwindling, we’re gonna be even more late!” You appear in front of him again and pull on his sleeve repeatedly.
“Oh my God, stop pulling me!” He laughs at your desperation and follows you to the living room, picking up his coat from yesterday.
About half an hour after riding on Wonwoo’s motorbike and some annoying traffic, you both make it safely into the cafe. You’re welcomed by a very frustrated Chan and the new barista intern, struggling with the coffee machine.
“And here I thought you actually ditched work today.” He gives you a smile full of irony.
“I’m really sorry, Chan, I slept through my alarm clock. I swear it wasn’t on purpose!” You defend yourself with a lie while fastening your apron to get to work.
“Whatever you say.” He sighs. “Just…get to work, I’m so fucking done with this monstrosity.”
You quickly greet the new intern with a warm smile and turn your back on the two men to focus on the training at hand.
Wonwoo begins to put his camera together, checking his equipment. He can feel Chan’s scrutinizing gaze on him.
“For how long are you going to keep burning holes in my back?” The older man asks.
“Until you admit that you spent the night with Y/N.” Chan crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Wonwoo puts his camera down and straightens his back, now towering over the guy.
“Yeah, I did. Want me to tell you how exactly we spent our night?” 
“No need, I was able to put two and two together when I came here and cleaned up the entire place.” Chan pinches the bridge of his nose.
“My patience ran thin and so did hers, I guess you already know how things went down.” Wonwoo smirks.
“Well it was about fucking time, dude.” Chan pats Wonwoo’s shoulder. “You were blueballing the poor girl for two months now and I was starting to feel that way as well.” 
Chan goes to the outer space of the cafe, leaving Wonwoo utterly stunned. The younger man gets a few orders from the early customers and makes a beeline for the window seats of the cats, bypassing the table Joshua is sitting on.
“I am so sorry, darlings. I hope none of you were traumatized from whatever vulgarities you witnessed last night.” He pets them one by one, cooing at them as if they were his own kids.
“Why are you trying to console the cats?” The older man asks.
“If I were to tell you, you’d need consolation as well.” 
“Do I smell work gossip?”
“More like work porn.”
Joshua puts his hand over his mouth like a gossip girl, his eyes shining like those of an imp.
“Don’t tell me-”
“Yeah, they did.”
“Damn, I gotta give it to your intuition.”
“How about giving me a fucking break already?!” Chan whispers in frustration.
“What, you saw cum on the floor or something?” Joshua jokes, but the waiter’s expression is stone-cold.
“You cannot be serious.”
“Fucking try me, Shua.”
He turns his head around and watches you and Wonwoo giggling together, his face turning back to his friend.
“At least your work wife is happy now.”
Chan smiles gently as he leans against the wall.
“That she definitely is.”
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gyuswhore · 1 year
Hits Different (...'cause it's you) [teaser]
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«« I trace the evidence, make it make some sense Why the wound is still bleedin' »»
PAIRING: kim mingyu x reader
SYNOPSIS: Kim Mingyu was the first friend your brother had brought home for dinner. Fast forward a couple years, his toothy smile and pierced ears would wedge their way into a permanent place in your heart. Nail to a coffin, never to escape.
in which you get rejected by the only boy you've ever loved; a rejection you can't quite shake off.
GENRES: based off of 'Hits Different' by Taylor Swift, brother's best friend!au, brother!seokmin, fluff, angst, smut (none in teaser) [MINORS DNI], friends(?) to lovers, university!au.
PLAYLIST: right here!
WORD COUNT: est. 25k
WORD COUNT [teaser]: ~820
RELEASE DATE: est. october 2nd 2023
WARNINGS [!is subject to change upon publishing of the full fic!]: slowburn, mingyus a bit of an airhead and an ass, reader has a hard time managing her feelings, lots of frustrated tears, one sided pining, user toruro x minghao make an appearance, swearing, there's another woman (gasp,,,,,but shes cool so), Nayeon is a darling, Seungcheol is kinda annoying here but we love him, (smut tags in the full fic)
[A/N]: I worked rlly hard on the banner pls look at it ‼️ enjoy hehe also this is probably gonna be way more than 25k but I supposed its better than overshooting
teaser under the cut!
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It’s a black sedan that rolls up next to you, slower than what’s considered a normal speed on an empty street. It honks and you nearly halt, owing to the shake that passes through your knees. It honks again, and you can’t help but look to the side to find a window rolled down. 
Mingyu sits on the driver’s seat, leaning over to the empty passenger side to grab your attention. 
“The Uber’s free! So is the driver,” he yells out the window. “Hop in.”
“I’m alright. I kinda wanna walk.” You shift your weight between your feet, the distance adding an awkward feel. 
“Wasn’t asking. It’s the middle of the night, I’m not letting you walk alone.” As he speaks, another car passes from behind him, slowing down. You note the look the other driver is giving you through the window, and it’s enough to convince you to step into Mingyu’s car. 
“I think we’re way past the point of formalities, don’t know why you hesitated.” He chuckles as he motions for you to click on your seatbelt. You fumble with it for a moment, his own fingers coming to the rescue to latch it on. You retract your fingers before they can brush with his own any further. 
Settling into your seat, you choose to look forward as he picks up speed. “Uhm, just wanted to walk, it was nice outside.”
“Take someone with you next time, it’s nearly midnight,” he warns. 
There’s a twinge of annoyance that emerges in the back of your mind for some reason, despite knowing full well that he was right. You just didn’t want to hear it from him.
It’s silent for a bit as the radio plays an uncharacteristically upbeat tune, prompting you to wonder if it was just you who felt the atmosphere pressing in on your chest.
“Did you not bring your car today?” he asks out of the blue, eyes remaining on the road as you glance up at him. One look at his side profile and you’re turning your gaze away.
“No, it’s at the workshop. I came with Nayeon.” 
“Why didn’t you leave with her?”
“I…” You pause. “I told her I was gonna go with Seok.”
“Hm. That didn’t happen.”
“It’s like I said,” you mumble.
He hums again in response, dropping the subject.
“Listen, are you…are you okay?” he starts again and it has you looking back up at him. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You try to hide the bitterness in your tone but it proves difficult.
“I couldn’t help but overhear but I was sitting right there. Hao was talking to Mika about something she’d said to you, about…” He trails off. “I mean, you looked a little upset, I just wanted to ask if you were okay.”
You bit your tongue. Hard. 
He knew you were staring at him, he knew you weren’t over him. He knew you were still standing on the same square confinement from months ago. Never changed. 
“I’m fine,” you reply, snappier than you had intended. 
“Are you sure? I felt like I should’ve said something but Nayeon was right there so I thought…” He sounds unsure and when you see him look at you, with eyes filled with an emotion that makes you nearly gag, you almost lose it. You did not want him to pity you. Nor care for you; especially when it came from a place that nullifies your feelings. You didn’t want him to care for you for the sole reason that you were his best friend’s sister. 
“Mingyu, I think it’s best if you drop it.”
“Of course. But it might help if you wanna, you know, feel your feelings.” 
Fuck no, you weren’t crying in front of him. Not when you're sure he’s noticed the tear stains on your makeup.
“Mingyu, I said drop it. I don’t need your help, I don’t need to feel anything, I need you stop feeling like you’re obligated to care about me because you’re not.” The words come tumbling out before you can stop them, irritation laced in every snap and dent.
He says your name in an attempt to smooth you over. It only lands him in more trouble.
“No, listen, I get it. You’re uncomfortable about everything but you feel like you need to check up on me at the same time, and I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to worry about that. What happened, happened, and it’s my job to pick up the pieces because it’s my fault. You don’t need to meddle.” You’re breathing hard as you finish, finally settling back in your seat. 
He’s already pulling up to your building, heat still penetrating the silence. You unbuckle your seatbelt, mumbling a thanks for the ride. 
“Seok’s staying at Cheol’s tonight,” he calls out as you shuffle out the door. “Remember to lock the door.” 
You stand sheepishly holding the open door as you nod quietly. “I’ll see you tomorrow for the shoot.”
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aswaki · 6 months
after watching matthew making pancake live on instagram, i just thought abt having sex with him in the kitchen while you are cooking would be nxjskam&/&$&&
you're not alone, anon. oh that live is ingrained to my memory. it gave us so many points of view. his arms there were extra... yuMMy.... i wanted to BITE. whenever he moved his phone & gave us angles that were soo IDHDDJSJKS it made me weak.... ok tbh matthew would like the domestic vibe of you cooking. it felt so intimate. it'd give him a hard on to see you be focused and loving. you were as delicious as the food you prepared. you'd probably never get things done if you were together in the kitchen.
seok matthew x reader | flashfic | explicit (minors dni)
contains: fem!reader, kitchen sex, unprotected sex, backshots, slight strength kink, pet names ("baby", "pretty girl")
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you standing there in an apron and a dress shouldn’t have made matthew aroused and bothered but he was.
he was so aroused and bothered at the sight of you cooking in his kitchen, wearing his ‘kiss the cook!’ apron.
you even turned on music, humming and swaying your hips along with the beat. you were so gorgeous, especially in the morning light that made it look like you were glowing. a smile formed at his lips.
matthew approached you from behind, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist. he rested his chin on the top of your shoulder then turned his head a little to the side so he could kiss on your neck. he kissed you like what the silly apron suggested. you continued cooking as he does this like it was the most natural thing in the world. the only acknowledgement you gave him were soft giggles that made his heart race faster and blood rush to his dick.
matthew wrapped himself tighter on your waist. his hands started to rub over the spot it reached as if he was memorizing how you felt.
“you hungry?” you asked him as your hand came to touch his. your voice was quiet as if you were afraid to break the tranquility this time of the day brings.
“starving,” he mumbled into your ear before continuing, “you look so sexy, baby. let me have a taste.” his breath tickled you as he spoke.
one of his hands lowered down to your ass and gave it a firm squeeze.
you tried to act like this didn’t make you wet. (it did, though. matthew knew you couldn’t control yourself when it comes to him.)
“distracting the cook is a kitchen hazard, you know.” you replied, feigning indifference… which didn’t matter. not when his strong arms moved you from your spot over to the kitchen island. he pressed your face to its cool surface eliciting a gasp from your mouth.
he easily moved and bent you down. automatically, you arched your back and opened your legs a little after being put in this position. you felt your pussy getting wet because of his strength. oh, you were turned on.
matthew flipped your dress up, bunching the skirt to your waist, to see your smooth backside. “no panties? fuck, was my pretty girl expecting this?”
he ran his hands on it and then smacked your ass. you let out a moan that sounded like music to his ears. it was even better than the song you had playing at the moment.
matthew lowered his boxers. he was getting erect. he rubbed his cock up against you, instantly coating his length with your arousal. you spread your ass cheeks wider without even being told to which made him smirk. your cunt was so slick and inviting.
he then entered you which wiped your mind almost blank. you moaned even louder than before. he grabbed your wrists and held it with his hand behind your back. his free hand came to grip your hip.
matthew’s thrusts were slow and sensual, all hips and whispers. he was transfixed by the way your ass moved each time he pushed himself.
you lifted your head and looked back at him, “don't stop,” you pleaded.
 “i need more.”
those were the magic words. he groaned hearing you plead to him. matthew took your urgency to heart and strengthened his stroke. he set a harsh and fast pace that should be enough to give you what you need. this would surely bring you to your climax soon.
he could feel you tensing up, squeezing him as an orgasm threatened to come out of you.
“don’t be shy, pretty girl. cum on my cock,” with a few more strokes inside of you, your walls clenched harder around his length and you orgasmed.
your moans were suddenly mixed with the sounds of the fire alarm as the food you were cooking was left forgotten on the stove. your eyes widened at it. reality sunk down on you abruptly. shit. 
“oops,” he said while at the same time you looked back at him and breathed out, “told you. kitchen hazard,” 
you scrambled to detach yourself from him and turn off the stove.
“we’ll continue later,” he was insane if he thought you could wait for later. you didn’t get to savour your pleasure.
you went back to him and groped his hard wet cock.
“no. now,”
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
Matthew. I just know he’s addicted to hentai </3 he’s prob the type to buy you cat or maid lingeries just so he can fuck ‘you in ‘em
pairings: seok matthew x f! reader
warnings: pet play + hentai-esque dialogue + cum play + oral
💌: im going to eat my foot are you kidding me aghh youre right!!!!!!!! (im ripping my hair out)
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matthew’s a fan of maidgirl and petplay (also hybrid) hentai and is fucking ecstatic when you agree to try it out. picks out the cutest set of cat ears with a matching tail plug and the sluttiest little maid outfit for you. he doesnt bother prepping your ass for the plug, just flips your skirt up and spits on your hole and the toy before slipping it inside, kissing you roughly to muffle your cries.
after the toy is snug inside he makes his way in front of you, placing the cat ear headband on you before he forces his cock past your lips. you don’t even get a second to adjust to his thickness because matthew immediately sets a harsh pace, the tip hitting the back of your throat every time making you moan.
he pulls out before he orgasms, stroking his cock slowly as he addresses you, “say what i taught you, kitty,” he encourages. you avoid his gaze, too embarrassed to meet his eyes as you meekly whisper out, “please give me your dickmilk, master.”
your boyfriend squeezes his cock at your words, “louder, kitten.” he orders, voice stern.
youre forced to look at him when he grips your cheeks with his free hand, tears stinging your lashline as you repeat yourself louder, sniffling when he smirks. “good kitty” he praises, inserting himself in your mouth again.
it’s not long before he blows his load and the thick cum spurts down your throat, swallowing as much as you can before you have to pull away because the amount is too much for you. your actions make him grunt, bringing his hand to fist his cock over you, stroking and squeezing his length til his cock is spent, globs of semen painting your lips and tits.
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 as your classmates
genre: fluff, comedy
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: what i think zb1 would be like as a classmate
friendship vibes for most, some have romance, members that are classmates with each other are specified (regardless of age), inspired by a tweet i saw here, bullet points plot, lowercase intentional
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
everyone has a crush on jiwoong
even kids from other schools have a crush on jiwoong
but he's literally known to be unattainable
he always says that he likes someone else
you guys are so lowkey that no one knows that you two are in a relationship until the end of the school year
literally, the last subject of the last day
the teacher asked him to distribute the final graded tests to everyone in the class
the only reason people find out is bc as he's handing yours to you he accidentally says "congrats on the 99 babe"
you hear everyone in the room go "baBE????"
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
despite his quiet nature, hao is loved by a lot of people (teachers included!)
people trust him and they don't think he's capable of spilling any secrets
your friendship starts when he overhears you gossiping about some dumb relationship drama in the library
and hao interrupts you with a "no no no, THIS is what happened"
from then on you'd spend free period talking shit about people and gossiping about the drama that's currently circulating among the teacher crowd
he texts you sometimes with a "lol i just found something out, i'll tell you at school tom"
and you're always begging him to tell you now
but he insists that he doesn't want a digital footprint of it
you respond by sending him the dancing videos he has all over the internet
"digital footprint my ass, hao"
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
he wakes you up every time you fall asleep during class
he tries to do it discreetly but because he sits in front and you directly behind him, it's quite obvious what he's trying to do
ends up drawing attention to you anyways
5 out of 10 times the teacher gets mad
hanbin always makes an "oops im so sorry" face
he lends you his notes for the classes you do sleep through tho
starts bringing you coffees from his cafe
from then on you are so so so productive
hanbin jokes that your grades are thanks to him
you agree
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
never brings his own things to school ever
sometimes he shows up with just a water bottle
and you're like?? where are your books? your pen?
every time he needs a pencil or eraser he turns around and asks if he could borrow yours
you have gotten so used to it that you end up preparing two of everything anyways
so whenever the teacher says "pop quiz bring out a sheet of paper", you're already passing him one before he even asks
you always get a ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) from him which is "thank you" in matthew language
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
taerae is always humming in class
or like tapping his pencil against his desk
sometimes both
and it drives you insane
but every time you turn to your left to tell him to stfu
he kinda just smiles at you like ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
so you face front once again and mind your own business
taerae's humming ends up becoming your white noise
sometimes while studying at home, you find yourself missing it
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
he sits behind you so when he stretches his legs he sometimes accidentally kicks your chair or the things you have on the floor
you always turn around expecting him to ask you a question or smthn
but he just stares back at you in confusion??
one day you were brushing your hair during lunch break and you accidentally left your brush on his table instead of yours
you found him using it the next period before gently placing it back on your desk
he also says stuff like "you look dead today" and hands you a slightly tinted strawberry chapstick
matthew teases the both of you about your "indirect kiss" (chapstick sharing)
ricky tells him to grow up
but he's blushing lol
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
the both of you are literally always snickering
gunwook tells you guys to shut up at least 10 times a day
whenever he does that you both end up mocking his "be quiet" face
he drops things often too (calculators, books, his laptop - you name it!) and it makes a loud sound that resonates throughout the room
he also brings way too many snacks, his backpack is like 80% food and 20% school
he passes you notes when he's bored and it's usually dumb prompts like
"if you could turn all the people in this classroom into an animal, what would each person be and why?"
when you don't wanna respond he bribes you with a snack
you laugh at least once a day thanks to gyuvin
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
he's the class president and it's so annoying because he sits right next to you
you literally feel like you're being watched by a hawk 24/7
one time you forgot to do the homework and since there were only 2 minutes left til the bell rings, you think you're in the clear
but you see gunwook about to raise his hand and YOU JUST KNOW he's going to bring it up to the teacher
in an act of desperation you reach for his hand and hold it down chanting "gunwook no pls no pls no pls no pls" in your head
his mind short circuits and he doesn't know why you're holding his hand, but he just stares at it
that effectively distracts him until the bell rang
when class is over you remove your hands from his and go about your day
he's stuck thinking "so, what are we?" in his head
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
most peaceful deskmate ever
when he comes back from family trips he always has a souvenir for you
you help each other with homework often too
in fact you're partners with him in just about every project
invites you over to his house to work on said projects together
his mom makes snacks for you guys
one day gyuvin tags along and is like how come there's so much food??? there's never any food when i'm here???
yujin's mom likes you the most, therefore feeds you the most
A/N: i didn't go to a high school with boys so i really don't know what it's like lol
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist
✉︎ request
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urfav4lifer · 4 months
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Pairings: Seok Matthew x Female! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Nicknames: Baby boy, Good girl, Baby,
Summary: Matthew wanted to take you to workout with him. When he saw you in your tight sports bra and shorts that hugged your body oh so nicely, he just couldn't help himself.
A/N: If you know me please leave. I'm sorry if this is bad. If I missed anything please feel free to tell me. Love you! ❤
Matthew and you were working out. You were doing some squats while Matthew was using some machine that helped out his arms and chest. In a bit he came up behind you, he kept on staring at your ass and eventually put his hands on your hips and guided you back to his growing bulge. You raise up and lean into him. "What are you doing, Matthew?" He kisses the back of your head. "You look so fucking sexy in these shorts, it's killing me baby" You pull away from him and turn around. "Is my baby boy needy?" He whines and grabs your boobs. "Don't tease me" You grab his hands and try to pull them away. "Someone is going to see us" You look around to see if there is anyone around. "We will go somewhere private then" Matthew grabs your hand and heads farther into the gym and into the yoga rooms, shutting and locking the door. "What if there are cameras in here-" Matthew cuts you off by smashing his lips into yours. "𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙥" Matthew growls. Your eyes widen as you quickly pull away and start taking your clothes off while he palms at himself. "Good girl" Once your clothes are off, Matthew pushes you into one of the mirrored walls and picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Are you ready, baby?" Matthew looks into your eyes. "Yes, please Matthew" Once he heard you were ready, he plunges into you, causing you to scream out as he starts thrusting into you. "Shh baby, don't want anyone to hear us do you?" You quickly close your mouth as you try to be quiet. Matthew picks up his pace as he is now pounding into you. "Look at you, going dumb on my cock, such a slut" You start twitching in his grip, clenching harder on his cock. "Cum on my cock, baby" Matthew grits out and kisses you deeply, causing you to climax. He feels your hot walls convulse around him as he cums along with you. He slips out of you and watches as cum pours out of your hot pussy. He takes his fingers and shoves it back into you. "N-no more" You whimper. "Don't worry baby, I'll let you rest" All of sudden you hear a knock at the door with a voice following after, "Is anyone in there?" Your eyes widen at Matthew as he smirks.
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crayonfears · 5 months
Basic a** question but I have to know what you think about the ship between Chayoung? and Han Seok because let’s be fr I don’t really see anything between them and I really really REALLY hate the ship where it gives me the Ick when I hear it (don’t come at me I still have a live😃) like it doesn’t makes sense (for me) I can see the idea the writers had but NO. I‘m already happy what kind of answer you will give me bc I know it will be good 🫶🏻 by Al :3
hi there, al! always nice to see you in my inbox 🥰
now this is a fun question haha. personally I don't care much for cha young x han seok, but I won't judge the people who do ship them - that's their business and as long as they stay in their lane, I'll stay in mine. I'm sorry to hear the ship gives you a genuine ick - ik exactly how that feels, though for a different ship in a different fandom haha. ig the best thing you can do is just avoid them, block their tags and the people who post about them. out of sight, out of mind, yanno?
personally, i think they CAN make for a very interesting pair, they're both ruthless in their pursuit of their goals; they're both hardheaded alpha-type. that can be interesting to explore. what turns me away from them is how they're both treated in canon. cha young doing a 180 after her father died, and don't even get me started on how badly han seok's characterization was treated in the second half of the show. god, not the mention, the way cha young gets sidelined/benched a lot in favor of the showrunners' favorite boi vincenzo ;;
canon treated them both so badly that whatever romantic interest between them felt superficial. han seok was literally playing a character being an intern - who knows if his "crush" on her was real at all. she did not care for his intern ass lmao. there was no hot and cold, no push and pull between them, which is why that line he said showing his interest in her in the last episodes, during the kidnap, felt super out of place. nothing before that point really supported it. it's so hard to believe han seok had actual romantic interest in her - pure interest i can see, though, she was ruthless, corrupted just like him so maybe he felt kinship there, but romance? nah.
but again, if anyone wants to imagine something romantic between them, that's cool! good for them! they're doing more work than canon ever cared to 😂
(also you really don't have to censore yourself here on tumblr dot com. swear and curse all you want, my friend. free yourself from the clutch of tiktok and twitter's strict rules)
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tuberculosis-ridden · 7 months
I got up, I felt groggy like I was drugged or something. Everything was dark. I could feel a piece of cloth tied to my head covering my eyes. My hands were tied behind the chair that I was sitting on. I brushed my hand slightly on the rope, it was double knotted.
I shook my head trying to clear my mind
“hello?” I said, my voice sounding raspy. “are you serious this the third time this week, the whole kidnapping thing is getting old”
“where is Seok?” a voice asked
I am going to kill that idiot, how many people did he piss of?
“look dude, I don’t know what Seok did to piss you of but I have nothing to do with him. In fact I’d kill him myself” I said
“does that usually work?” he asked with a hint of laughter in his voice
“it was worth a shot alright” I said “what do you want? Revenge? Its not going to happen trust me. I haven’t seen him since he left without any explanation or warning.”
“ so, he’s actually missing?” he said
“yeah no shit. Hey if you see him beat his ass from my side will ya?” I said “now if you could please leave me, I have a test in like 20 minutes man and unfortunately a magical ancient being, being missing doesn’t stop it”
I could hear him stand up and walk towards me, I moved more back towards the chair with a million thoughts running around my head.
Slowly he pulled out the cloth from my eyes. Everything went hazy for awhile and my eyes finally adjusted to the light.
In front of me I saw a man, he looked , dare I say ethereal. But like Seok type of ethereal. 
Absolutely beautiful . His eyes , it shined like sunlight through a bottle of whiskey. I almost got lost in them for awhile.
“what are you staring at?” he asked raising his eyebrows
“Are you a vulpix?” I asked
“what the hell is a vulpix?”
“the creature that Seok is”
“well yes I am. How could you tell?” he asked
“you kinda look like him” I said tilting my head trying to picture Seok
“I look nothing like him” he snapped
“whoa there didn’t mean to hit a nerve, my bad.” I said “who even are you? I know most of the people who are trying to kill Seok but I can’t seem to recognize you”
“Why? Am I the only one not giving an evil monologue telling you who I am and why im trying to kill him?”
“yes actually, how did you know that?”
He scoffed and he looked at me. “why does he keep you around?”
“why did he keep me around, big difference also im the one asking questions here hello?”
He turned and looked at me, and I saw it. The scar. It didn’t take me long to put everything together
“no way, wow I thought you were a drunk man’s legend this whole time” I said
“what is that supposed to mean?” he asked sitting down.
“you are Sious. His brother, aren’t you?”
“I am not his brother” he snapped
“holy shit, he said you’d say that” I said with my eyes wide in amusement. I tried to get up when I realized my hands were still tied.
“uh, can you please help me out” I said tugging at the rope. I should really learn how to free myself.
He sighed and leaned down to untie me.
He smelled like pine.
No I did not sniff him. Maybe just a tad bit.
“another dead end” I heard him-or Sious-murmur.
“so you’re looking for him too huh? Any luck?” I asked
He glared at me “does it look like it?”
I blinked. Ha right.
I looked around the place I was. It was an apartment. Not going to lie I was kind of disappointed. I thought Sious would live in some old classic house, you know like how you’d think an immortal would live? With fancy old artifacts and wine on display.
That’s how Seok said he’d live.
I turned around to see Sious staring at me. He looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle.
“what?” I asked
“it looks like something”
“don’t you have a test?”
Realization struck “oh crap” I said running to gather my things. “crap, crap, crap”
“its just a test” he deadpanned
“I wish” I said hurrying. I took a sticky note and wrote down my number and stuck it on the fridge
“that’s my number. I know there is no reason for you to contact me or anything, but if you find anything about him please let me know.” I put on my shoe and opened the door  “And if you see him, tell him im going to beat the shit out of him.” I said as I ran out.
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
[14:46] • l.s.m.
Pairing: lee seokmin x afab!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), established relationship kind of ig hehehe
Warnings: possessiveness, jealousy, mean!seok but he's whipped kind of, slapping, WAP LMFAO, choking again but fr, a tiny bit of degradation, bulge kink, mentions of oral (male receiving), slight overstimulation, mentions of voyeurism but not really, he doesn't cum inside but reader wants him to fjskdjf, cum eating lort, kinda soft at the end... as usual just hmu if I missed smth
WC: tumblr mobile bby it's kinda short again?? Maybe?
A/N: another unplanned thing but a continuation of this because mean seok lives rent-free in all our brains esp mine on god 😭 i think he'd be mean solely if his buttons were pressed enough anyways i love procrastinating on the wips I'm creating. God don't come for me AT ALL YO I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING 😭 ACTUALLY THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FAULT IT'S YOURS!!!
Seokmin's even crueler once he bottoms out.
Soft little kisses dotting your neck turn to harsh sucks and bites with the intent to have you lean the back of your head on his shoulder. Which you do, surrendering your entire body to his brutal assault.
His fingers pinch and pull at your nipples before he slaps your tits lightly to watch them bounce from the impact paired with a sharp thrust as his hips snap away and then back up into your warm cunt. Where it belongs.
He doesn't like being mean. Really.
But fury surges in his veins once more when he recalls the way the bartender tried to flirt with you. Leering like a creep at your curves. The frisky clubgoers letting their hands linger a little too long on your ass for his liking. Squishing unnaturally against the front of your body, casual talking as if it's not an excuse to get a sneaky look down your cleavage.
You're gorgeous, he knows that. Well aware of your allure. He fell for it. Hard.
But it's not like you're alone. His arm had been wrapped around your waist all night, shooting challenging glares in every direction because you are his.
Seokmin growls lowly in your ear and your pussy can't help but flutter helplessly around him.
He smirks. It's his dick your soaking cunt is speared on, his hands running up and down your body, his tongue tangling with yours when you tilt your head and kiss along his jawline until he leans down to meet your lips.
Your wetness that he usually likes to drown in, but instead merely played with earlier, leaks down both of your thighs. Every shallow thrust causes more to drip from your hole with a filthy squelch.
Absolutely messy.
He loves it.
"Feel good, baby? No one can fuck you like I do, right?"
"Mhm, yeah... so good. So full. Love it."
"Tell me what you like about me." Your eyelashes flutter as you struggle to focus and comprehend his question. "What made you choose me out of any bastard that would die to have you in his arms? Hm? What made this tight pussy want to swallow up my dick?"
Seokmin's been insecure ever since the first time you met him despite the fact later that night you were sucking him off in the bathroom of the club. Who knows. You'll never fully get it. But he always fucks the brains out of you whenever he's worried you may slip away from his grasp.
You know you'll be sore and have bruises for days. Delicious.
"L-love your smile."
"You're so... so kind."
"That so?" A hand returns to wrap around your neck although he doesn't squeeze like earlier. "I'm nice to you baby?"
"Ah, so nice... so sweet," you assure although a lazy smirk is on your lips as your eyes roll to the back of your head in delirium. "So lovely."
He chuckles darkly. "I adore how highly you flatter me but I'm not sure you'll think I'm so kind after this. So tell me, sweetheart. Why do you really like me."
"I — "
Seokmin cuts you off with a real squeeze to your throat, temporarily blocking your airflow. If you weren't feeling lightheaded before, you definitely are now. Floating in that happy little bubble you always find yourself in whenever he lets out his envious side.
When Seokmin snaps, the world pauses to watch him wreck you in awe.
Of course, no one's actually watching. To your knowledge. Although, he's fucking you stupid so who really can tell. But also, why would Seokmin ever divulge such a beautiful sight for anyone else's gaze?
You. Are. His. Alone.
"Or should I say what do you like about me?"
He releases his grip and trails his hand almost lovingly past your breasts and pauses just above your lower abdomen. Peeking over your shoulder, he groans at how he can see himself move within you as he grinds his hips, pelvis rubbing intimately across your ass.
"Huh, baby?" He rasps in your ears and you both moan in tandem when his hand brushes over the bump the tip of his dick causes and you clench impossibly tight. "Gonna answer me, beautiful?"
"L-love your dick in-inside me!"
"No one... No one can fuck you like me, Seokminie. No one h-has a dick so perfect l-like yours is."
"That's right." Your neck is attacked with kisses, nibbles, licks, and bites. "Don't you forget it."
"I would n-never."
"I won't let you. Won't let this pretty pussy forget. Carve my name into this sweet cunt of yours for years to come."
"Mhm, Seokmin..."
"You'd love that wouldn't you."
"Then cream on my cock, baby. Hm? Make me yours as well?"
His pace is brutal, speeding up as he eggs you on. You whine, reaching your arm around his neck to tug on his the tiny hairs on his nape as you feel the coil burning in your gut snap.
When Seokmin feels you let go, he bends you over doggy style. Hips slamming unforgivingly although his quiet whispers of assurance soothe you through the sensitivity that makes you clamp even harder around him. He can barely squeeze in but he makes it work, opting to slide his aching cock between your plush thighs.
You sob out though when you feel his release spurt out along your thighs. He usually makes sure to cum inside since you're on the pill and you're both safe. Slyly moving your hips, you try to slip his dick back inside to catch the last drops but Seokmin catches on with a click of his tongue.
"You're too sensitive for me, sweetheart." He flops down on his side, pulling you with him. Turning in his arms, you face him with a pout and he wrinkles his brow. "What?"
"I thought you wanted to stake your claim on me?"
His hand shoots down to wipe some of the cum off with a frown. "But I did?"
"You always do it inside."
"Well now everyone can see it clearly."
A hesitant kiss is placed on your nose. "Kidding. Just rest a bit now."
You roll your eyes, grabbing his hand. Keeping eye contact, you lick his fingers clean. His eyebrows are still furrowed, eyes darkening at each kitten swipe of your tongue and light sucking you do as if he's still on edge. But the way the corners of his mouth tilt up fails to hide the lovely smile you're fond of.
Running a hand through his bangs and then cupping his cheek, you smile as well when he leans into your touch.
"I love you, you know? You don't have to worry about anything, I'm yours and you're mine, right?"
Seokmin's eyes flash back open and he suddenly doesn't meet your gaze, shy as if he didn't fuck you crazy enough to see stars. But despite all of that, intimate post-sex moments like these make your heart beat the fastest.
"I know... I love you too."
You press a kiss against his lips, smiling. "But I won't be opposed to you going crazy like this again, maybe I'll still let guys flirt with me if this is how you'll act."
His arms tighten firmly around you as he whines your name in protest. "Don't you dare."
"I won't my sweet boy," you giggle. "I wasn't lying at all, though. Everything is true. You're the only one for me."
His voice is small when he thanks you, burying his head in your neck to hide his embarrassment. It's all so endearing, every side to him. No matter what, you wouldn't change or leave Seokmin ever.
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otterpopchan · 2 years
In the Night~ Lee Seokmin
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☆ Pairing: sub!seokmin and dom!reader (afab)
☆ Genre: Smut (MINORS DNI)
☆ Word count: 1.3k
☆Warnings: guided masterbation, degradation, orgasm denial,  seokmin being a whole ass whiny baby is a warning in itself
☆ Song listened to the most while writing this: Bills, Bills, Bills by Destiny’s Child (it has nothing to do with this fic, I just love this song)
☆ Authors Note: Not only is this inspired by @soonluv and her thoughts on sub!seokmin but it is also inspired by someone else (lowkey wrote this with them in mind as well)
 Seokmin missed you so much. Being on tour was not only physically draining on him, but it also was hard for him to be away from you. Every chance he gets he thinks about you; the way you look at him lovingly whenever he giggles, the way you always ask how his day was after he comes home from practice, or how beautiful you look even though you never think so. But the one thing he missed the most was cuddling with you and talking about miscellaneous things while laying in bed. After laying in his hotel bed for a while, he decides that he needs to call you just to hear your voice before going to bed.
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing, groaning as you squint, trying to see the time on your phone. The time reads 2:48 AM, confused as to who is calling you this late at night, you pick up the phone
    “Hello?” you say groggily, trying your hardest not to fall back asleep while on the phone
    “Hi baby, I just wanted to hear your voice before going to be- wait” Seokmin looks at the clock on his hotel nightstand, before speaking up again. “Shit (Y/N), I’m sorry I forgot about the timezones. Go back to sleep and I’ll call you when it’s morning for you”
    “Seok, it's fine. I’m awake now so we can talk now. How was your day my love?” Seokmin melts at your words. No matter how tired you are, you will always want to take care of him and make him the happiest man on Earth
    “My day was good ! The concert was so much fun, Seungkwan and Soonyoung busted their asses while they were chasing each other on stage. I wish you were here to have seen it, you would have died laughing. How was your day? Did your boss love the presentation you did?” Seokmin listens intensively as he hears you ramble on about your day.  Seokmin loved how passionate you were about your work. And he loved hearing you talk about it, even if he didn’t quite understand it. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he hears you groan;
    “Fuck! I didn’t call the customer back, I meant to do it before I got home from work” You let out an annoyed groan and whine at the thought of your boss chewing you out for not calling the customer back.
Seokmin lets out a small whine before putting his hand to his mouth, praying you didn’t hear him. Unfortunately for him, you heard him loud and clear.
    “Seokmin, did you call me because you missed me or did you call me just to get permission to get off?” Your voice is now raspier and Seokmin feels his cock twitch and face flush red. You smirk, not having to see him to know the effect you have over him.
    “I really did miss you, but the way you talk about work and how passionate you are about it is so hot” Seokmin feels his face flush a deeper red at his own words. He always gets flustered whenever he attempts to talk dirty, while you find it adorable.
    “Aww did Seokminnie get turned on because I was talking about my work? Do you need me to help you?” Seokmin nods, forgetting you’re on a phone call he lets out a whiny yes.
   “I’ll help you baby, Take off all of your clothes and sit in front of the mirror” You order and Seokmin hurriedly takes off all of his clothes, whimpering as his hard cock springs free from his restraining boxers
He sits down in the chair that’s facing the mirror, “I’m sitting in front of the mirror, now what do you want me to do ?” Seokmin asks excitedly
   “Open the back zipper of your suitcase. I put a small bullet vibrator in there for you because I knew how needy would be”
    “How did that even get past security?”
   “Doesn’t matter right now, just get it out of the suitcase before I hang up and leave you like this” 
Seokmin grabs the bullet vibrator and sits back down onto the chair, shuffling a bit before he’s satisfied.
“Good boy. I want you to put the vibrator on the highest setting and use it to pleasure yourself.” Seokmin whines at your words before turning on the vibrator to the highest setting and puts it to the tip of his aching cock, precum sticking to the vibrator. Seokmin whimpers are the stimulation, bucking his hips up in the air, feeling his orgasm fastly approach. You can tell he’s close just by the way his whines and whimpers grow louder. You feel your arousal drip onto your inner thighs but you will never let seokmin know, at least not right now. 
    “(Y/N), please I’m so close. Please I want to cum so bad” Seokmin manages to choke out, whimpering and moaning as the coil in his stomach continues to get stronger.
    “No, you can't cum yet. Pull it away” You say, sternly. Seokmin obeys, pulling the vibrator away from him as he whines at the loss of pleasure. You wait until Seokmins breathing regulates.
    “Do you know why I didn’t let you cum?” 
    “Because I woke you up in the middle of the night” 
    “Exactly. You know how important sleep is to me. Turn the vibrator on and put it on the base of your cock.”
“I’m sorry, I just missed you so much. I also missed you bossing me around and I got ahead of myself” Seokmin moans out, panting as he turns the vibrator on again and presses it to the base of his cock. Hips bucking as he whimpers out incoherent words. You shift your thighs together, feeling your arousal pooling onto the bed sheets. Seokmin feels his orgasam creep up once again, hoping this time you’ll finally let him cum
    “Please, I need to cum now I can’t hold it much longer” Seokmin breathily gasps out, hips thrusting against the vibrator
    “Will you promise me not to call me while I’m sleeping” 
    “God- Yes! I promise not to call you in the middle of the night. Fuck, please I’m not going to last long” 
   “Since you promised and asked nicely- go ahead baby”
Seokmin cries out as hot spurts of his cum covers his abdomen and his upper thighs, the vibrator still against the base of his cock. Seokmin whines at the overstimulation and waits for you to tell him to turn it off. “You did so good, baby. You can turn it off now.” Seokmin turns off the vibrator and sets it in the bathroom, as a reminder to clean it after he wakes up.
You both stay in comfortable silence until Seokmin gets comfortable in bed. “Do you know how much I love you? And I’m not just saying that because you let me cum” Seokmin says, smiling as he hears you giggling. “I know, I love you too. Even though I wish you were home, I’m glad that you are able to be on tour again” You pout out.
    “(Y/N), you should get some sleep baby. It’s still super late for you- wait, you didn’t cum yet. I was so focused on my own pleasure that I couldn’t even attend to your needs.” Seokmin rambles out, the panic in his voice evident. 
    “Seokminnie it’s okay, unlike you, I don't need permission to cum” Seokmin’s cheeks heat up once again at the reminder.
   “Well, you’re right but still get some sleep afterwards” You hum in acknowledgement “I will my dear, sleep well Seokminnie, you have a concert tomorrow” 
  “I love you (Y/N), more than you could never know” 
  “I love you more, my baby” 
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jboofan · 2 years
That's something wrong with Manager Kim part 9
“I don’t hate him.” YN looked at the still passed out Yoongi on the floor. "I just don't like him much either."
“Okayy.” Jin wouldn’t get anywhere by insulting her, he reminded himself.
“Honestly, Seok, I really need your help.”
She took a foot, and lightly nudged his ankle, but he didn't respond. She poked his ass cheek with the slipper but he was still out cold.
"Shouldn't we, I dunno, try and wake him?"
“Meh, he'll eventually wake up," he shooed the idea away, "but you need to tell what the heck is going on, and why you are desperate to get your wagon hitched to the world's palest idol. Tell me everything.”
So she did. And watched his eyes grow rounder as the story progressed.
“You lied about having a fiancée for career advancement?”
“You make it sound like that’s a bad thing. And in my defense I said someone." She shook her head at him.
“What were you thinking?” he scolded her.
“Obviously, I wasn’t. I wasn’t thinking they’d actually want to meet this man, anyway.”
She slammed the fridge door shut with her hip before cracking open a can of Coke.
“I cannot believe any company in this millennium thinks it’s okay to withhold promotions based on a person’s marital status.”
She shook her head. “It’s antiquated and wrong, and exactly what she would do."
Jin snatched the coke and emptied it into a glass, not before calling her an animal. "What are you thinking in the big old head of yours?"
She was clearly thinking deep legal thoughts. “The whole thing’s all but illegal. I could sue them?”
She looked so hopeful he almost laughed.
“No. You cannot sue your own parents. No matter how much you want the VP job.”
YN rolled her eyes at him.
“Why did I even bother asking you for your help you dumb llama.”
“I was hoping you might know a nice, unattached man, somebody smart and classy who would be good hubby-of-the-VP material. Who might enjoy coming out to a few business occasions and posing as my fiancée. Then, after I get the VP job, we’d quietly split.”
His face creased as though he’d tasted something bad; like pineapple in his rice.
“If I knew just how badly this situation has spiralled I’d—”
She put up her free hand to stop him from interrupting.
“Never mind. It was a long shot. That my own flesh and blood would help me. And right now I really don’t need a lecture, either. Let’s forget we had this conversation and I sincerely hope Jimin orders pineapple rice for you.”
Jin gasped dramatically, eyes like slits. "That was heinous."
"And you deserved it mummy's boy. Now, I must go and find someone else that will be able to solve my problems. She's cut me off. I can only use my cards for work things. How am I supposed to live?"
"You've got shit loads of money. Just use that," Jin suggested.
"I can't touch that trust fund for another year. I never thought I'd be in this situation, otherwise I would never have locked all that money away years ago."
Jin, against his better judgement watched her check Yoongi, who they'd placed on the sofa and then she decided to leave.
YN turned to head outside when his hand shot out and grabbed her arm.
She turned back, hoping he had grown some brotherly love for her.
“Believe it or not, I do know think Yoongi would be desperate enough to do this, if you help him in return.”
Jin nodded.
“His parents have been hounding him to settled down. But he's ignored it for years.”
“I don't really have him pegged as the husband type, but desperate times and all that.. It's just fake shit anyway.”
She felt sorry for his parents, when their son was such an asshole for most of his adult life.
"He's actually really sweet," Jin explained, "Maybe this could be the start of something good."
This time she laughed. Laughed hard with a tear in her eye when she listened to her brother.
"Are we talking about the same Miserable Min who, incase you've forgotten fainted when I asked him to be my fiancé? Had me iron his socks and his teddy covered underwear?? Had made me run the most stupid of errands all just to get me to quit. The man who has thirty three bullet points about food and drink, ten points about how he must be woken up in the mornings, not to mention what he will or will not do? That Min Yoongi?"
The more she thought about it, the more she talked herself out of it.
Both of them hadn't heard Yoongi stir, and come to, or that he had heard the last bits of their conversation.
"I'll do it and support you financially for the next year," they heard.
Both siblings turned to see that Yoongi had indeed risen from the dead, as he stood there disheveled.
"But I didn't even get to explain before you passed out. It's not all that straightforward, and the more I think about it? You know what, don't rush take your time and think about it."
"I made you faint, and you made me pass out. So we are even. But I have rules of my own."
YN felt like her world had suddenly transformed from a bleak black-and-white film into a bright, happy Technicolor K drama blockbuster.
Yoongi watched her.
Bang YN was bright, studious, a little shy, which was fine. She’d lived abroad her entire life, which suggested a level of sophistication. The way she could handle herself? Impeccable. How her body fit her outfits? Delicious. And the fact she could cook? The boys were going to wet themselves when they found out that she was all his. Well, not for real anyway.
YN smiled back at Yoongi. He had money, more than braincells and she thought she knew him inside out. The fact he was agreeing to fund her for the next year, and simultaneously save her from her mother?
Yoongi didn’t know it yet, but he’d just become her perfect fake fiancée.
"Like I said, maybe think about it."
It was almost as though she was trying to put him off.
"There's nothing to think about."
YN looked at him, sceptical. "I told you who I really am, you fainted when I told you my problem, and you say there is nothing to think about? There is ALOT to think about Yongo Bongo."
Yoongi looked at her blankly and it irked her that she couldn't get a read off him.
"I'm not manager Kim. I'm Chairman Bang. And you're okay with that?"
If he was honest, he wasn't sure what to think. His simple little brain only computed that YN had asked for help. Asked him for help. And if he helped her, she would stay here. Or, he doesn't and she leaves. Likely forever, and he wasn't sure how he could figure the rest out. And her keeping from him a secret as big as that? Yep, that was a conversation for another time. But one that would be had.
"I'm sure you had your reasons and we can talk about it."
Jin stared at her, shaking his head before he waved her bye, and turned his full attention back to his almost new brother in law.
Yoongi could imagine what his friend was thinking.
Yoongi was supposed to be the daredevil. He was the one who took risks. Definitely the one that did stupid things, like stupid ex girlfriends who went to press about the size of his dick and how he was a non stop rollercoaster ride. Things with the kind of consequences that could get you in real trouble.
YN on the other hand, was the levelheaded, calm, happy and orderly one. The kind of person who most certainly would never do this.
Yoongi appeared to be speechless as he stared back at him. And if Yoongi was speechless, things had to be headed in the wrong direction.
"Whatever you do, wherever this ends up going, or not going, remember that I'm the older brother in law you don't wanna piss off. Otherwise my golf club and pink slippers will be making a comeback."
The more he thought about it, the now reasons he could come up with that backed up the argument that this was not a good idea.
"You know what, on second thoughts I think I'll pass..sure my dad is on at me to settle down. But I'm not so desperate I need to marry her."
Yep, his ego was back with vengeance.
Shaking his head he glanced at the front door before walking off to his room. What was he even thinking, even for a second that he could be with her?
Jin smiled, clearing his throat and putting all those acting classes to good use. He grabbed his phone and made sure to speak really loudly to make sure Yoongi heard.
"Oh YNah, yeah I'm sorry Yoongi said thanks but no thanks."
Jin spied him in the back pretending to read a book, but forgetting to turn the pages.
"Where are you, I can hardly hear you?" Jin spoke louder, "a blind date? Really? You've been there ten minutes and you think he is the one? Wow jincha?! That's great. It's a good thing Yoongi said no then? It's a shame you say?! Well hopefully things will work out with this guy!"
Jin pretended to hang up before 'accidentally' noticing Yoongi was there.
"Omo Yoongi-ah I didn't see you there!"
"Well you were speaking so loudly no wonder you didn't notice me over here, trying to read."
"No worries, I'll let you read in peace. I'm off out to meet YN and her blind date."
"Blind date? Oh that's nice," he tried to sound uninterested.
"Yeah the guy her mom sent her on a blind date with is loaded, sweet and a natural born winner in life. She's asked me to come and meet him, tell her what I think. They'll probably move in together, who knows maybe it's the real deal."
"Move in together? But I thought she just needed a fake boyfriend?"
Jin pretended to be confused. "Noo, she needs a fiancé maybe even a husband. The guy had a penthouse apartment near N Tower, it's a one bed but I'm sure they'll figure it out."
"Yah yah, you're supposed to be her friend, how can you let her move into some guy's one bedroom, when she doesn't even know him?"
"Well, I guess that's why she asked you. Cos on some bizarre level she trusted you I guess. Maybe you were her first choice, maybe her only choice. Never mind, not everything works out right? Guess you dodged a bullet huh?" he patted Yoongi on the shoulder and walked off, ending it with a big dramatic sigh.
"Yeah, dodged a bullet I guess," Yoongi managed as the front door opened and the boys piled in with bags of food.
Why did it feel like dodging this bullet still felt like he had been shot?
Two days later
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Yoongi unloaded his bags from their rental and walked through security, posed for some pictures and met the guys in the dressing room for tonight's live event.
He'd travelled with Jin this week because unlike Jimin he was actually on time. They'd done shows in Daegu, up to Busan and after tonight's show were due to drive through the night to the airport and from there grab a flight for tomorrow's concert on Jeju Island.
"So how's it going with your roomie? You guys settled your differences?" Hobi asked as they waited to go through security having been briefed by Yoongi a little.
"Haven't spoken to her since I saw her last which is probably a good thing. And we are definitely not roomies, she will stay at mine and I'm still living in the dorm."
"Why is that a good thing?" Jin asked as they shuffled forward a little.
"Actually, I'm not even sure why I said I'd do this, come to think of it," he realised, shrugging his shoulders making Hobi laugh.
"You guys are like chalk and cheese, but you know what they say; opposites attract," he sang. "You sure you don't like her?"
"What YN? Don't make me laugh. We have a hate/hate relationship."
"There's a thin line between love and hate hyung."
"Nah, not with us there isn't. We just rub each other the wrong way. One minute we get on and the next-"
"You made her pass out?" Hobi smirked.
"Hey, I apologised! Besides she made me faint so it's not like it's one sided. Since then, we don't exactly see eye to eye, but it got better."
"Wow, and I thought my no love life was bad..most people talk about their feelings - y'all just make each other pass out."
YN smiled as she pulled her flip flops off and sat on the beach and looked at the waves. There are a few surfers sitting cowboy on their boards, waiting for the next set, and a few more walking barefoot in wet suits to join them.  She couldn't think of better breaks in Japan except Jodogahama Beach right now, and who could blame them when they lived so nearby, it's hard to resist. The kids ran around looking for shells, whilst others glided by on bikes, blades or running shoes.
YN knew she should have headed back to her hotel by now, the last few days had been very productive and she looked forward to the fruits of her labour.  She'd managed two meetings without breaks, and figured it was time to take one and try and somehow jump start her creative juices, and she'd ended up down by the shore.
She was just dusting her backside off and had an idea in her head she wanted to get down on paper when Jin rang. Having forgotten her sunglasses back in the car, she shielded her eyes as she picked up his call. He never called. Except when he ran out of toilet paper which made her laugh still. 
"Hello?" she said as she made her way back, heels in hand.
"YN? It's Yoongi."
"Who?" she asked, disorientated a moment.
He sighed, "Look, I don't have time for games," he said urgently. "It's important."
"So why are you calling me?" she looked in the car side mirror to fix her windswept hair, getting into the back, she ran her tongue cleanly against her teeth before pouring herself water.
"Look, I'm trying to be nice but you're not making it easy."
"What did I do? I'm just asking why you called."
"I need a favour."
"Then you're calling the wrong person."
"What? You said yes to our deal but still speak to me so rudely!"
"YN, please! Look, I've forgotten my passport at home, it must be in one of my drawers I need you to get it to me. I need it by tomorrow."
"Just have one of the managers courier it."
"No, I can't take the risk of it getting lost, I need you to come bring it to me."
YN sighed, he couldn't have been far so she grabbed a pen and paper and waited for him to give her the address.
"Ok, I'm at the Marriot hotel in downtown Busan."
"Busan?! That's like over 5 hours away by plane."
"Look, I don't have time to explain, everyone is going to Busan tonight and then I'm flying out—"
"What with the circus?" She couldn't help herself.
"With the boys," he took a deep breath to stop himself from biting the bait, "Please, I wouldn't ask if I had any other choice."
He couldn't believe he had to ask her, but what could he do? He was part of the main event, and if he didn't, or couldn't attend the shows he was booked for, paid for; then the fans would be upset. It wouldn't be much of a BTS show if only 6 turned up.
"What's in it for me?" she purred.
"If I don't perform, I don't get paid by you and then I guess I could always move back into the house with you, getting on your nerves, getting under your feet and you can't enjoy your 7 man free days."
"What??" she froze.
"If I can't stay at the dorm I guess I'll have to move back into my house..I'm supposed to be meeting you on Friday, so might as well move home with you too."
"Alright alright, I'll bring it, only cos I want to move in and be alone. I'm sure without you there, the place won't be so lame," she smirked.
"Ok so you'll bring it yeah? I need you to jump on a plane as soon as you can please, call me when you get to the airport and I'll come get you if I need to!"
"Yeah yeah, cool your pants kitty," she said, "And you'll pay for the flight, I ain't doing this out of the goodness of my heart."
"What?! Fine, Economy and that's it."
"Cattle class? I don't think so. Business class at least. Unless you wanna come home and someone else can perform tomorrow night instead of you?"
"Argh fine, then. You sneaky shit."
"Sneaky? Resourceful more like."
"Here I was, thinking you were stupid."
YN grinned to herself, "I can be smart when I need to be."
"Just get your ass on that plane and get here," he snapped before he hung up on her.
With only half an hour till Yoongi was due out to open the show they watched Jimin run in, red and out of breath clutching his luggage.
"Yo, did you cover for me with them?" Jimin said panting as he pulled off his trainers, referring to the staff.
"Er, yeah told him you had a dentist appointment. Dunno if he bought it though," Yoongi took out his ripped t-shirt, and pants, whilst Jimin was already down to his boxers and rummaging for his gear.
"Hey, what do you think of YN?" Yoongi asked when it was just them two left; Jin had gone to find Namjoon. Hobi, Jungkook and Tae had disappeared to the canteen.
What he wanted to know was if she was trustworthy, he still felt unsure about her when he over thought, and had to trust her to get his passport to him before he left for Jeju tomorrow.
"I thought you didn't care about what I thought after we stuck up for her with the garbage incident, the toilet roll incident, there's the time she set your PlayStation language to Russian..." he started counting off his fingers, "why do you care what we think now?"
"Cos I'm asking."
"Well I think she's great looking, smart and funny. Dude, straight up total wife material. At the very least she is a great housemate, according to all of us."
Yoongi nodded as he laced up. 
"Or she could be another one of your exes, all over again," Jimin said out loud. "You don't know unless you try."
Yoongi clicked his tongue and shook his head, checking his phone.
"I'll pretend you didn't say that."
"And I'll pretend you ain't waiting for her to text you back." Jimin peered over at his phone.
"I forgot my passport at home," he swore loudly. 
"Haha, looks like you're gonna have to be nice to her now."
"But she's just so, so irritating." Yoongi got up, rolled his shoulders and tossed his head from side to side as a runner knocked on the door and Jin called out to them as he jumped about energetically.
"Y'all ready to hit it?" Namjoon asked as the sound guy played a medley of their songs, signalling that the gates had opened for ticket holders.
"Ready to follow you, fearless leader," Yoongi chuckled.
YN smiled as she sat down in first class. She never could forget what it felt like to be under appreciated by Yoongi, until she was shown her seat; the window one and got all excited.
"I'll have a mimosa, thanks," she smiled at the flight attendant. It had to be drinking time somewhere in the world, as she got comfortable and waited for her flight to take off.
"So we finally gonna get to see YN, but it's not Manager it's Chairman? Ay ya ya!?" Jungkook smiled excitedly as they changed and waited for Yoongi so they could record a BTS soundbite.
"No, she's gonna gimme my passport then she has to go, she has work," he said, unsure as to why he didn't want her to meet them.
Probably because anyone would think they were all lunatics if she met Jungkook first; mind you, he thought, she's met accident prone Namjoon so it can't be the best introduction to BTS. Where was Hobi or charismatic Taehyung when he needed someone to convince her of the merits of his occupation?
"I'm surprised she said she would come and give it to you though bro," Hobi mentioned as he leaned back and closed his eyes as Yoongi urged their driver to speed along the freeway to their hotel.
"HA! She made me pay for the flight - first class before she agreed," Yoongi couldn't believe she'd got him to splurge on the flight but she'd had managed it, and even he had to admit that for a messy crazy woman she knew how to negotiate.
He endured one of his worst sleeps that night. Tossing and turning, angry at himself for having gone cities and not having remembered his passport. He'd never been this disorganised before, since she arrived in his life Yoongi had been on time for everything, and now he had to rely on the one person who spent more time scribbling things down on bits of napkins when she had an idea, to come to his rescue.
"She should have been here by now," he muttered to himself as he sat down to breakfast with the guys, and thought the same thing when they headed downtown to the arena to go practice.
"Maybe her flight got delayed," Jimin said to reassure him as they walked down the ramp in their workout gear to talk through the show.
It was midday by the time her flight had come in, and when Jin didn't answer his phone she decided to visit a shop or two whilst she waited for his reply. YN sipped her cappuccino by the time Jin finally rang, even though it was to shout at her for not having met him at the hotel.
"It's not my fault the flight was delayed, but I'm here now," she said trying to calm Jin down. 
"Ya, Yoongi is able to lose the rest of his hair. Palli wah!!"
YN heard the phone move hands and Yoongi spoke next.
"Ok, well just come to the show. I can meet you backstage?" he offered, desperate to get his hands on his passport. 
"Yeah I'm good. I'll just meet you afterwards," she said hanging up and ordering some food instead. By the time she'd eaten, and ordered dessert she had only killed an hour so walked around, winding up in the shopping district. It had been ages since she'd been here and she took in the sea air.
YN walked the Busan streets, taking in the people shopping, eating and enjoying themselves. Nearly all of them were wearing BTS shirts, so she found herself walking behind a few animated fans until she somehow, one way or another ended up in front of the arena; - and there in all his glory dressed in black military uniform, his hair out and glistening was a poster of Yoongi - her adversary, the most annoying man on earth, but what struck her as most intriguing was that there were fans; hundreds maybe thousands all waiting and chanting and excitedly recounting his songs that made her think maybe, there was someone in the world that could love him.
Yoongi felt nervous, almost about to vomit as he waited for his passport. The staff were asking him to confirm he had his passport, and management were breathing down his neck wanting confirmation that he would be travelling to Jeju tomorrow with the rest of them.
"Shit, she ain't coming is she?" asked Yoongi rhetorically to Jin as he waited and waited and she hadn't turned up.
"You left a friends and family ticket for her right?" Jin asked.
"Yeah, I did. They said it was picked up, but I can't get through to her."
"She's probably here bro, you know the reception in arenas is always next to nonexistent."
"Yeah but she should be here by now!" agitation vibrated in his voice. "She doesn't even need the ticket when she runs it all! How can she be so late??"
Jin blinked hard and smiled as Yoongi turned to see where he was looking, cos he sure as hell wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
YN walked backstage, and likened it to some sort of high end costumed Vegas bonanza. There were well dressed men as well as women, people with headsets on, barking orders, or reading through scripts as they rushed around.
She smiled, there was definitely an electrical charge, an excitement to be here that she hadn't yet experienced in a while. YN hadn't seen a BTS concert before, so knew not what to expect, but remembered standing in line to get to the ticket office and how the fans around her were talking, swapping and sharing stories. You'd think you were at the premiere of a Hollywood movie the way some were describing performances, blow by blow action replays. 
"Hi," she smiled at someone who was on their phone, sitting high up, perched on a metal audio container.
"Hey little lady," smiled the guy. 
"I'm looking for Yoongi?" she asked. "D'you know where I can find him maybe?"
"It's a big place backstage, how come you're looking for him?" asked the man inquisitively.
Not sure if she could trust him, she simply smiled. "I'm a courier, I have a package," she smiled.
The gentleman smiled, slid off the box and walked off, before turning back and waving her to him. "You coming?"
Yoongi turned to see who Yeonjun was speaking to, because his laughter was so loud that he could be heard across the hallway that Jin and Yoongi were hanging out in.
"Found someone for you," he smiled as Yoongi saw YN step out from behind him slowly, taking the whole place in.
She wore a tailored jacket, deep crimson lipstick and her hair looked like it had been styled perfectly. She wore cropped jeans which made her look even cuter and petite, and suddenly he was worried for her safety.
"Hey," she waved small, a little uncomfortable to be surrounded by people she didn't know.
"You made it then!" Yoongi sounded gruff, Jin raising an eyebrow at him.
"Yeonjun said he knew where to find you, and the reception in this place is rubbish," she declared.
"Oh ok, well," Yoongi said quietly clearing his voice, "it happens with arenas," he reassured her as Jin smirked. "Thanks for coming," he awkwardly looked at her, "and I can see you made use of your free time."
YN grinned holding a Gucci shopping bag. "Yeah well figured why not."
"You shouldn't have, but thanks," Yeonjun joked taking the bag off her and taking the designer bag out.
"Ok, I dunno if they make these in my size though.." he blushed deeply as YN laughed at the pale man holding up a Victoria's Secret bag. 
"I somehow don't think they carry your size," she grinned as he took the new bag out and modelled it. Yoongi watched Jin come back to stand beside her, as she handed him the bag.
"It's the first concert of yours I'm going to, so just a little present."
"Listen, lemme get you a shirt," Yeonjun smiled excitedly calling Soobin over. "Our leader is here somewhere. Soobin!" he called before looking back at her, "Can't believe this is your first show!"
"Yeah, I've been avoiding it for as along as I could, but when Yoongi orders you to get your ass on a plane and turn up you gotta listen to the man," she said sarcastically before looking around at them all. "Y'all going to Jeju tomorrow aren't you?! How cool!"
Hobi nodded, "always cool to entertain the masses, although I did hear that someone forgot their passport," he laughed. "Bet they must be feeling like a right pabo."
YN laughed with him whilst she faced Yoongi. "I know right?!"
Yoongi cleared his throat and looked elsewhere, forcing himself to count to five backwards for fear he might shake her or worse chase her out of the actual arena.
"What an idiot right?" joined Jin as Yoongi shot him with a dirty look, "as in whoever it is."
"Anyways, you stay put I'm gonna go grab a shirt for you, what are you a small?" Yeonjun's eyes wandered over her body briefly.
"Why would she be wearing a TXT shirt, it's gonna be a BTS one," Yoongi said pushing out his chest and moving towards her.
"C'mon hyung, I'm clearly the most charismatic one here," Yeonjun joked as Soobin walked over.
"Yeah, but pabo she and Yoongi live together," Jin decided to throw in, just as Huening had arrived and was too busy kissing her hand and welcoming her in German to hear.
"Nett, Sie kennenzulernen," she thanked him in German.
"Whaddaya say?" Hobi asked impressed.
"I was just saying nice to meet you too," she explained. "I'm YN Bang," she smiled to TXT.
"Heuning Kai. Maknae. Of TXT," he smiled. "Hyung's told us nothing at all about you."
"It would be nothing good I imagine. Don't believe him," she charmed the pants right off him, with her eyes and her smile and Yoongi was not impressed.
"Don't fall for her words," Yoongi interrupted as Yeonjun came back with a shirt for her.
"So you work for HYBE?" he asked.
"Yeah, I do indeed."
"Here," smiled Soobin as he presented her with it. "A token of appreciation for you, from TXT."
"That's so nice, my first concert t-shirt."
"She can't accept it though, is what's she's trying to say," Yoongi grabbed the shirt before she could take it. "Told you, she's a Yoongi girl."
"Far from it, I assure you. Where's Hobi? Seokjin? I like his shirt better," she chuckled as she called out for him, wherever he was.
"How was your flight?" Yoongi asked politely ignoring her comment.
"It was great thanks to you," she gave him her best smile and he did his best to not guffaw at her. She was taking the piss out of him again.
"Ok, well you wanna have me take you to your seat or would you like a quick tour?"
"What and pass up the opportunity to see some more backstage? Lead the way Agust D!"
He walked a little and stopped as Jin sniggered and Hobi pretended to suddenly find the floor interesting at her nickname for him.
"I am Suga around here," he turned around and tried to sound intimidating. "This is my playground," he pointed out to her, giving it his most dramatic tone.
"Yeah yeah, my dad named you after sugar cos you're so pale. Would it hurt you to sit in the sun a little and get some vitamin d Agust D?" she asked grabbing his cheeks and giving them a squeeze.
"If I could live without you in my life right now I would," he smiled at her.
"And how's that being nice to me Meow Meow?" she batted her eyelashes at him, with a sad pout.
"Blinking them fake lashes at me ain't gonna change anything princess."
"They aren't fake, but I'll take it as a compliment."
"It wasn't a compliment."
"I'm still taking it as one." She smiled as Yeonjun walked back up to her.
"Hey, if it gets boring with BTS you should come hang out with us instead," he flirted with her.
Yoongi wasn't sure he could hold back any longer, his vein was about to pop in his forehead, and he'd just about had enough of all this and just wanted his passport. 
"Unfortunately she can't, she's a BTS girl so it's a no. So unless you wanna go home instead of opening the show for us, you best back off."
"I'm sure the lady can speak for herself," Yeonjun smiled.
"I can—" 
"I'm speaking for her, and I'm telling you no—" Yoongi interrupted.
"I'm right here—"
Yoongi stood staring at Yeonjun, YN left standing confused in between them. "We gonna have a problem?" 
"Are we?" Yeonjun asked as Soobin pulled him back.
"You tell me. I'm here all night baby," Yoongi flexed.
"I'm a BTS Girl, a Suga, Yoongi, Agust D girl, sorry. Can't be fraternising with the enemy," she clarified, diplomatically answering as she witnessed Yoongi get all dramatic.
Yeonjun backed off and walked off cheekily smiling. 
"Ok, so dunno what that was all about but here's your passport, and can someone tell me where I can get a drink please?" she asked. "Wow, y'all drama queens and the cameras aren't even rolling yet.."
Yoongi stopped her taking out the passport from her handbag and instead grabbed her hand in his, taking the shopping bag for her with the other.
"C'mon, I'll show you around," he managed as Jin grabbed Hobi and they made their excuses before disappearing.
"You never said you were in Japan when I called," Yoongi finally asked, as Jin had filled him in on the reason for her delay was she had to go back to Seoul to collect his passport and then get back on a flight to Busan.
"You've never asked," she said following him just before a member of staff accidentally knocked into them, YN grabbing hold of Yoongi tightly to not fall.
Poker face or not, Yoongi needed to put some space between them when YN thanked him for his help.
Where the hell had this woman come from? Why was his heart thumping so loudly?
He stood up and took a few steps back and schooled his expression once again. Staying calm despite her smile that he just wasn't ready for.
"I'm really excited to be here now that I'm here. I'm really looking forward to seeing you perform actually," she unhanded him again with a smile.
Yoongi swallowed hard.
What was happening to his ordered world?
@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee
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pinkcherrybombs · 3 years
♡ ↳ ❝ [ tag game ] ¡! ❞ ♡
instructions ; If you had each member’s number in your phone, what would you save their name as?
kim namjoon: ‘Free tutoring🥸’
kim seokjin: ‘Super Tuna 🍣’
min yoongi: ‘ Cat Meow 🐈‍⬛’
jung hoseok: ‘Just Dance Revolution 🕺🏻’
park jimin: ‘Jimin Park that ass over here 🤧’
kim taehyung: ✨Picasso ✨/ Vape God 300 (could be both, depends on the mood)
jeon jungkook: ‘Entity 97 👾’
tagged by ; @introlxv ‘aka one of the cutest people to ever exist <3’
tagging : @sor-vette @bangtangalicious @99liners @googikoo @deepseavibez @themochiverse @seok-jinnie ~ and of course anyone else who wants to ~
65 notes · View notes
BTS Scenario: An omega arrives in your pack (Hyungline x alpha/beta fem!reader)
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Summary:  An omega joining a pack is a blessing - an unmated one is a miracle. So when the village elder came to you not with authority in her eyes but pity and pleading for understanding, you had no choice but to let him go.
Or, an omega joins the pack and you’re an alpha/beta in a relationship with another alpha. The community asks for your sacrifice. Warnings/Notes: Implied Smut, slight ass play, Angst, Drabble (no resolution... yet) I wanted to explore a different dynamic in the ABO Universe, since it’s usually Alpha BTS x Omega Reader but how about the Beta or even the Alpha reader? Hope you enjoy!  Word Count: 2k+ (500 per drabble) 
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(after he’s called to participate in the matching, and Jungkook is an unmated male omega who’s always had a crush on you) (though crush is a understatement)
He’s here for a final goodbye, you think as you allow him to push you back against the wall.
He kisses you with desperation, all teeth and tongue, as if he wants to devour you whole. He reeks of her but you push it at the back of your mind, together with your instinct to gain the upper hand.
If this is goodbye, let it be as soft as you two could be.
You close your eyes to blink back the tears and wrap your arms around his neck. You match his passion kiss after kiss until you both are panting, breathing in each other.
Seokjin slows it down and pulls at your shirt, slipping it off your head. His eyes are wan, and he hasn’t met your gaze the whole time. It feels wrong, but then again, everything is.
So you try to bring back some normalcy and let the urgency in your touch show. Your arms slid down his shoulder, pushing him back into your room, your strength easily matching his.
In the dark of the room, you tug at his shirt but Seokjin grasps your hand away from his chest. You thought he’s going to lead you to his cock just as he did many times before, but he pulls you closer until there’s no more space between your chest and his and leads your hand to his hole.
He’s dry as the dessert but her pushes your hand closer, until your fingers tap his puckered hole.
You can feel him force himself not to tense up, breathing deeply and dropping his head to your shoulder. His back is caved over you, like a tall child and he turns to graze his lips against your ear.
“I’ll let you fuck me too, if that’s what you want, jagi.”
Your eyes widen and you try to pull your hand away but he holds it still. Your other hand tries to push his chest away but his other arm wraps around your shoulder blades, unwilling to let go.
He keeps still in the crook of your neck, murmuring words you never imagined you’ll hear from the alpha, “I’ll moan like he did. Beg like he did.” His voice shakes, and you startle at the tears wetting your skin. It doesn’t even occur to you to wonder how he knew about Jungkook, and what had transpired the night before because here he is.
He’s crying. Your alpha is crying.
“Just please don’t leave me.”
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(Your love for Yoongi knows no bounds, you can give him this. In which your arranged marriage is thwarted.)
“It’s a good thing we’re not bonded yet, huh?”
You try not to wince at the relief in his voice and instead you laugh, hoping that the dark is enough to conceal the wobble on your lip.
You are both lying on your bed, exhausted by your hours long of… what do you call it again? Ah, he did call it his favorite recreational activity. He figured sexual compatibility is an important factor in arrange marriages earlier on your engagement.
And you, in love with him for more than half your life, said yes.
His fingers are playing with your hair, while his other hand lifts a lit cigarette to his lips. He glances down at you, his cat-like eyes half-lidded.
“You want a smoke?”
Pulling the blanket higher to your chest, relishing in the slight flicker of interest in his eyes, you shake your head. “Actually, can you not smoke on my bed tonight?”
Yoongi raises an eyebrow but says nothing and puts out his cigarette against the ash tray on your bedside table. Usually, you take up on his offer, and he’s not gonna lie and say that the image of your lips around a cigarette doesn’t stir his cock alive.
“Not feeling well?” He asks, the only time you refused his offer was whenever you’re feeling the drop after your activities. But usually, you’ll tell him outright, communication being as open as you both could.
You let a small smile touch your lips at his tone. He cares for you, you know, maybe not as much as you want him to, but it’s enough.
Or it used to be enough.
“Just a mild migraine,” you lie before pressing a kiss against his shoulder.
Yoongi smiles and kisses the crown of your head, “You know what cures migraines?”
Your smile grows wider as you look up to his grin, his hand already sliding down the small of your back under your blankets. “I think I have an idea.”
By the time he’s pulled out 3 more orgasms from you, the moon has started fading from the night sky. The brisk winter air entering your room by the open window, drawing goosebumps on your skin.
Beside you, Yoongi sits up and pulls his shirt over his head.
“You’re not staying the night?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “The trials start the day after tomorrow, I’ve got to get a head start.”
Your press your lips together, your hand sneaking down your belly. You imagine your child, the size of a pea, hoping they do not hear your breaking heart. “I thought you didn’t like being choices taken away from you.”
That was one of the major points of discussion when your parents arranged your marriage. It’s also a source of your many arguments at the start, before slowly becoming some sort of unwanted roommate in your makeshift relationship.
Yoongi pauses, there’s something in your voice that he can’t pinpoint. He turns to you, for once, you are unreadable. “This is different.”
“Oh,” you breathe. How so, you want to ask. How come a choice robbed by our secondary natures so much different than the ones robbed by our parents? How come it’s the lesser evil in your eyes?
How come I was never a palatable choice in the first place?
But you don’t. Instead, Yoongi presses on. “At least now, you know, if it turns out that it’s me, you’re free. You can go to university just like you want.”
“Yeah…” you chuckle dryly, “Well, good luck then.”
You don’t beg him to stay, you’re an alpha too and an alpha protects their pack. As your hand travels down to your belly again, you remember - you have your own to protect now too.
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(You’re just his best friend. What can you say?)
“She smells like lilacs! No, wait, honey! Honey and cream.” Hoseok sighs, all lovestruck on your couch over the new omega girl in town.
As part of the search party that found her, he hasn’t stopped talking about her for weeks. Giving you updates on her recovery in the beginning, and then her smile, her eyes, and the way she laughs as time went by.
At first, you didn’t mind. An omega joining the pack is a blessing, given their rarity. They symbolize fertility and bounty, and you are nothing if not loyal to the community. You foster the village children as their teacher, you teach them the ropes of the land - how to feed the cows, how to plant the seeds, and how to prepare for harvest - after all.
But as time went by, as Hoseok’s visits to her home frequent and his visits to yours lessen, it’s become harder and harder to keep the bitter thoughts away. Hoseok may still visit you, but when was the last time you two talked about anything other than her?
“The trials for her mate starts next week,” Hoseok starts, almost as if waiting for you to say something, “I’m thinking of participating.”
From the kitchen, you tighten your hold on the tray balancing your tea and snacks. Without a wobble, you inquire as you step back into your living room, “Oh?”
“Yeah,” he picks up one of your cookies, suddenly looking all bashful, “I’m unmated and I’m not getting younger so, might as well give it a shot you know?”
You frown behind your tea cup, “We’re barely past our mid-20s, Seok-ie, that hardly qualifies as old.”
Hoseok leans back and tilts his head on the back of your couch until it hangs in relaxation. “It’s different between you and I.”
It’s true, betas are not so pressured to reproduce early. After all, there’s nothing special to be had in your genes, you think bitterly.
“Besides,” he continues, “I think I like her. You know, maybe we should invite her next time we hang out! You can get to know her too!”
“I’d rather not.” It spills over your lips before you could control it, and Hoseok stiffens before turning his gaze to you.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re jealous.” Hoseok teases, unaware at how his words hit home.
You stiffen, biting your lip before the dam breaks. “Maybe I am.” you whisper.
He blinks in surprise at the feebleness of your tone, “B-but… you’re a beta.”
You know. You know your place, in this village and in his life but somehow it’s different hearing it from him. Standing, you  turn away to step back into your kitchen when a hand grasps your wrist.
“I don’t understand.” Hoseok whispers, trying to look up to your face but thwarted by your hair. He doesn’t need to see your watering eyes to know there are tears in them. He’s reeling from the sudden change of atmosphere, smelling your distress in the air.
Suddenly, you’re overwhelmed by the sense of inferiority and your heart caves into itself. With the last of your strength, you shake off his hold, pointing to the door.
“I think it’s best you leave.”
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(Namjoon has always been a man of duty, and though you are tough and strong, there are limits to what you can and will endure)
You pride yourself to be level-headed, calm, and objective unlike many of the alphas in the pack. You’ve never lost your control, or flown into fury even during your youth but at this very moment, you summon all your discipline to keep your lips from pulling back and snarling at the older alpha in front of you.
How dare she?
How dare they ask this of you?
“It is his duty.” She repeats and beside you, Namjoon is silent. Eyes straight ahead, back as rigid as the trees outside your home. The home that you two built for your children that will come after your wedding.
The wedding that’s supposed to be in a month.
But the longer Namjoon stays silent, the farther that future seems to be. By the time the elder leaves your home, you don’t even see a speck of it in your mind’s eye.
The silence continue as you clean up the cups and uneaten rice cakes. The silent clink of the utensils echoing in your quaint home.
As you wash the dishes, you feel like an outsider watching your body go through the motions. Scrubbing the plate clockwise, once, twice, three times, before running it under the faucet. Next, you pick up the cups, here, clockwise, once, twice —
“It is my duty,” you hear Namjoon, and oh, he’s beside you, hand on your wrist, pulling your hands away from the frigid waters, “you know that, right?”
As one of the strongest and wisest alphas this pack has ever seen in generations, your betrothal to Namjoon was tolerated at best. Alpha bondings are common nowadays, with the scarcity of omegas. So yes, your betrothal was tolerated - just tolerated, even with you being as strong and as wise as your betrothed - but now?
With that young omega in the picture?
They are making you feel as if you’ve committed a grave sin against the community, as if it’s not within your rights to rage against the unfairness of it all.
They’re asking you for your love.
And he’s so willing to be taken away. Your heart breaks but you nod quietly, “I know. I understand.”
Namjoon stupidly thought that was the end of it. That you knew he’ll always come back to you, omega or not.
Maybe he was naive, or he truly was selfish to ask it of you but when he gets home the week after the trials to a dark cold house the surprise knocks him to his knees and drops his heart to his stomach.
You left the kitchen untouched, his mug still next to yours but, Namjoon pauses at the threshold of your room. There, glinting under the moonlight, sits your ring and the last of your scent wafts away.
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END NOTES:  Hearts are appreciated but comments are gold. Let me know if this should have a second (or even third) part! :) 
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aswaki · 6 months
mile high club privilege [smt x reader]
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seok matthew x reader | 1.8k word count | explicit (minors dni)
“a flight attendant gets fucked at the airplane's bathroom”
contains: fem!reader, stewardess/flight attendant!reader, dom!matthew, unprotected sex, (airplane) bathroom sex, breath play (gagging), backshots, sir kink, slight strength kink, first meeting sex/strangers theme, mention of blow job & cunnilingus, pet names ("baby", "good girl")
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“did you mean it when you said ‘anything’?”
you turned around to see it was the man from the business class. he was attractive. he smiled at you charmingly that you clearly missed the mischievous glint his eyes held.
“yes, sir. it is my job to ensure your flight is as relaxing and pleasurable as possible.” you told him with a slight nod of your head.
he hummed in acknowledgement. while the stranger was hot, you had a job to do. you continued walking down the aisle to head to your station. as you went, you made sure the passengers were okay by checking in and giving professional greetings.
footsteps behind you could be heard. was he following you? you inhaled to keep your irritation at bay before facing him again. you were taught how to deal with vexing travelers.
“sir, i suggest you head back to your seat. you can’t stro-”
“ah, i actually need to go to the toilet. can you lead the way there, please?” he cut you off. he said that while slightly leaning forward towards you. his voice was oh so innocent that it made you none the wiser. you were completely missing what his intention was with you.
“apologies,” you started.
‘bathroom, of course, where else would he go? stress was probably clouding your judgement,’ you concluded in your mind.
this was your third international flight consecutively so exhaustion must be catching up to you. you just hoped you wouldn’t get a complaint for appearing rude but the stranger seemed nice.
“sure, sir. i’d be happy to assist you. follow me,” you continued, hiding your embarrassment well.
his soft brown eyes locked into yours before drifting down. he was appreciating how your uniform fit you like a glove. no curve left hidden in your two piece ensemble. you even had a little scarf tied around your neck. cute.
and he followed you like you suggested. you lead the way while his gaze was trained on your ass.
once reaching your destination, you opened your mouth to bid farewell. before you could, he pulled you inside the toilet with him. though not by much, international planes had larger toilets so you were both able to fit inside. not comfortably, but you could make do.
he backed you to the bathroom wall.
“anything, right?” he reminded you before smirking. without any precedent, he crashed his lips onto yours.
this stranger kissed like he was devouring you. he had the intensity of a man in hunger. when you gasped in disbelief, it made it easier for him to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
disbelief be damned, though; you melted into him, needing no prompting to follow his lead. he wasn’t the only one who was hungry. your tongue glided along his, not fighting for dominance but dancing with him. this was going to give you some relief.
everything he said up to this point occurred to you that he was flirting. you were so out of it. you weren’t even sure when your hands found its way to be tangled in his hair or when his hand found its way to be underneath your panties, fingers finding your wet cunt and also putting pressure on your throbbing clit. your eyes instinctively fluttered shut as he played with your clit. the ecstasy that hit you made your toes curl in your shoes. he knew how to work you to your arousal.
“so, how does one get a membership at the mile high club?” he asked, breaking off your kiss. a string of saliva connected your mouths. his free hand went to tug the scarf around your neck. this little action had you feeling crazy. you wished he would pull it tighter to choke you.
“it’s simple, sir.” you said, suddenly bolder. your eyes heavy lidded. the confidence in your voice made him raise his brows in surprise. he dared himself not to groan out loud. instead, he rubbed on your clit a little bit rougher which made you hold on to his shoulders. his muscles tensed under your touch. you relished that feeling.
calling him sir almost had him cumming. 
digging your finger in his shoulders, you shakily stood on your tiptoes to whisper seductively in his ear, “just get me to orgasm.”
taking that as a challenge, he twisted your bodies so he could push you to the counter. he bent you over there without warning. your stomach pressed onto the edge of the sink.
“s- sir,” you weren’t stingy with the moans you let out. he watched your beautiful face contort intently through the mirror above the sink countertop.
“shh, baby. not so loud.” he cooed while running his hands from your clothed ass to your thighs. he then put your scarf to good use. he unraveled it before stuffing it in your mouth.
“we don’t want to be caught.” he explained as he tied the ends of the scarf behind your head.
“yes, sir,” you mumbled through the makeshift gag. as he tightened the scarf, you thought about the consequences you would get if you were caught fucking with a passenger. you were so lost in your arousal that these thoughts flew out your mind as soon as it entered, however.
you cannot stop this. you were trained to serve. your body moved on its own having a different master to listen to.
the sound of a belt unbuckling could be heard. a deep pool of excitement brewed inside of you as you listened to the stranger pull his pants and boxers down his legs. his fingers hastily unzipped your skirt, making it fall. your panties and stockings soon followed the clothes bundling on the ground.
you extended your legs open for him so he can have easier access to you. still, he smacked your ass and spread your ass cheeks a bit wider. there was a sting that stayed on your ass from his slap which made whimpers bubble out of you.
he rubbed his erection against you. you could feel he was big. you wondered if you could handle him. he coated his cock with your arousal before lining himself up to your entrance. the buttons on your uniform blouse dug painfully itself to your stomach.
“be my good girl and take it, yeah?” his voice became low. how he said those words made your skin prickle with goosebumps.
you moaned as he entered you. his girth stretching you out. he didn’t waste a second to thrust in you harshly. you both knew you had occupied the bathroom long enough. someone was bound to come looking for either of you.
tears gathered in your eyes as he pounded in you, chasing your pleasures as fast as possible. it didn't help you were gagged at the mouth. you tried gasping for air, feeling a little light-headed as he gave it his all. the tip of his cock hitting your cervix with every hard thrust he did.
he lifted your head by grabbing your hair, “look at you being a mess, baby. you like being used?”
maybe you did like being used. in the deepest part of you, it was almost like you knew your body found pleasure in letting go and submitting. your enjoyment in being gagged was a testament to it.
in the mirror, you could see how your usually sleek hair was now untidy. your eyes were watery but the mascara was still intact. thank god for waterproof make up. though, your red lipstick was smudged. it was even on the face of this handsome stranger.
you checked him out as he thrusts in you, losing almost control over himself. he had a strong defined nose and jawline. his biceps strained against the sleeve of his shirt. his one hand holding your head steady so you could face the mirror.
his jawline clenched as he slammed his cock to you like a wild animal. you engulfed every little bit of him around your damp cunt walls. the breaths coming from the two of you, ragged and heavy. the clapping from behind were louder than your pants for air.
“holy shit,” he groaned through gritted teeth when you clenched around him. he can feel you were about to cum (and so was he). his cock pulsed while the familiar feeling of an oncoming climax built inside him.
“let’s cum together, baby.”
as if his words gave you permission to, you climaxed along with him. your sounds were being muffled by the scarf in your mouth. he wished he could hear your pretty moans.
his cock was being squeezed by your muscles as if you were milking him. the feeling of his warmth flooded your inner walls triggered more of your orgasm. your fluids mixed with one another. the both of you defiling the cramped space.
this was by far the most exciting thing that happened to you while on the job. it awoke your spirit. this was a different type of exhaustion that washed over you. it was a sinful kind that you found delectable. your body shook but his arm came to clutch around your torso to pull you up against his chest. his strength saving you both.
you writhed in his grip as you both rode out your orgasms. his arm took great pleasure in holding you. he held you as close to himself as possible.
when you went limp, he undid the scarf in your mouth. it joined to the pile by your feet.
you took a large breath, inhaling as much as you could after being gagged. your voice sounded hoarse from unuse as you told him, “it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the mile high club, sir.”
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“i hope you enjoyed your flight at in bloom airlines, gentlemen!” you told a group of nine men as they approached near the door. your perfectly lined red lips gave them a grin. customer service was your specialty.
they all replied to you various forms of thanks for the flight's smooth travel and your service. you locked eyes with the one who you got more acquainted than the rest. the one you snuck off to the toilet too many times for the span of your flight.
you entertained yourselves with your bodies. an exclusive amenity just for him. a mile high club privilege. anything he wanted— backshots, blow jobs, cunnilingus —you did all that but you didn't even get his name. he was just ‘sir’.
another kind of smile suddenly threatened to break out of your face; one that held a secret behind it.
he sent you a wink, “best i ever had.”
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a/n: inspired by zb1 traveling to hong kong for kcon!!! i hope you enjoyed reading this. i didn't get much fics as i wanted to last week so i hope i can post more for this one but i think i might get busier. not sure, though! i do enjoy being here— writing and interacting. thank you for sticking by and reading through!
divider credit: saradika-graphics
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theharrowing · 2 years
Serendipity | 10
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⋆ Jimin x Reader
⋆ word count: 1k + images of texts & tweets
⋆ yandere, college social media au, idiots to lovers, crack, smut, angst, fluff, slash, 18+
⋆ chapter warnings: discussion of sex, possessive behavior, past comes back to haunt you
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Jimin comes out of the shower and puts on the modest outfit that he wore to your place; tight black jeans, a plain black tee, and a blue and gold embroidered blazer. You feel a little bad for making Jimin think he couldn't wear anything he wanted to, but you're not sure you're ready for him to be in his ex's kitchen in a skin-tight mesh shirt mere months after their breakup. You decide to dress down as well, in tight black jeans and a pink long sleeve shirt that hugs your curves some, but not too much. You put some mascara on and apply matching gold eyeshadow to the corner of your and Jimin’s eyes before heading out into the cool spring night.
Seokjin's place is the same as always. Crowded, smoky, and loud. By the time you and Jimin show up, there are already a bunch of people, and you and Jimin make your way to the kitchen to pour some drinks for yourselves. Taehyung and Namjoon are standing near the counter laughing about something, and you hesitate forward at the sight, but Taehyung looks up and, with a shy smile, says hello, waving you into the space. You give a polite half-smile in return, then turn to Jimin, flashing him your biggest grin while you lead him to the countertop covered in booze.
The kitchen becomes exponentially louder as you prepare your and Jimin's drinks, and from the corner of your eye, you notice as Namjoon is bombarded by three of the hottest people on campus, one of whom stares at you. 
"Hey, Seok," you mutter as you turn to give Hoseok a half-hearted wave. 
Hoseok winks and waves, then turns to pull Namjoon into a hug, so you continue with your business by mixing soda water into cups of gin. From the other side of you, Jimin mutters, "Now who needs to be reminded of who is whose?"
"W-what?" you scoff, turning to Jimin. 
"You were mighty possessive earlier and I'm not even the one getting winked at."
You roll your eyes and set the bottle of soda water onto the counter, twisting the cap back onto it. Jimin is not going to ruin your vibe tonight after you two made up earlier.
"Hoseok is a thing of the past, Jimin." you respond under your voice. "Besides, we barely knew each other. You two had a whole ass relationship, and you cheated on him."
"With you!" Jimin exclaims, and you duck your head in embarrassment and hand Jimin his drink before passing him by and making your way out of the kitchen and away from people you know. 
"Hey, wait!" Jimin calls after you, and you spin on your heels at the entrance of the kitchen. 
"Jimin," you say sternly. "Stop causing a scene."
Jimin knits his eyebrows as if you've just accused him of some kind of crime. 
"I'm not," Jimin responds quietly. "I just don't appreciate the double standard. And besides, it’s loud in here."
You sigh and close the gap between you and Jimin, taking his free hand in yours. "Look, I just need some time to learn to trust you, is all."
"Trust me?" Jimin responds with a hurt expression. "We've been together for two months."
"And they've been two great months," you respond, "but we've also been buried in classwork and busy fucking, and we haven't had a chance to see friends. How do I know you're not questioning whether or not to get back with him? Or looking at any of the other guys here?"
Jimin bites the inside of his mouth and slams his drink before crushing the plastic cup in his hand and muttering that he's going to the bathroom. You sigh and make your way into the crowded living room, finding a place to sit on a surprisingly empty couch while classmates grind against each other to some downtempo track you've never heard before.
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You're not sure how Jimin managed to get so plastered in so little time. While Jimin reluctantly drinks a bottle of water, you finish the concoction he was working on, which tastes like a disgusting mixture of everything on the counter. With a bit of a clearer mind on his part and a foggier mind on yours, you and Jimin grind against the wall for a while, whispering apologies to one another and making promises to fix things in the morning while your heads spin with far too much booze in a short amount of time. 
The crowd thins out by the time you're leaning against the counter finishing your last drink, and you decide it's probably a good time to call it a night. You still have to stumble home.
"Alright, drunkie, let's get you home," you mutter as you tug on Jimin's arm. 
"Nooooo," Jimin whines, "it's spring break; we can stay up all night if we want to!" 
You roll your eyes, biting back a smirk. "We're adults, Jimin, we can stay up all night anyway."
Jimin's eyes light up as he leans into you and says, "we should fuck here!"
You shake your head. "Jimin, no. You and I both know Jungkook and his boys are most likely fucking here." 
You look around, not seeing them anywhere, and nod your head. Jimin hums in understanding, slowly nodding, as well. 
"We could watch them," Jimin mutters while staring wide-eyed off into space.
"Jimin, what the fuck," you respond with a chuckle, though you can’t deny that the idea of the four of them fucking does sound like a nice visual.
Jimin holds up his hands as if he's being held at gunpoint. "I didn't say we should join them. Okay. I was just—you know—if we just had an innocent little peeky peek, maybe it could be nice."
At this, you chuckle and tug on Jimin's arm, leading him to the exit. You've successfully partied, and now it's time to escort a very drunk Jimin back to your place so you can attempt to sleep.
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Tag list: @btsiguess-kpop​, @dasexydevitt13, @delicateslover, @giriiboyy, @jikooksgirl19, @moonleeai​, @mwitsmejk​ 💐⚡️✨💦🎢🎊 DM or comment to be added to the tag list!
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written text beta read by @neoneunnajimin​ 💖 banner by me
Serendipity is copyright 2022 Nabi Olive, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader! I love to hear from you!
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Becoming Mine (Vincenzo)
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Summary: Y/N is working with Vincenzo and a loyal ally from Italy. Han seok captures her and tortures her for information. She holds out longer than he hoped and wants her loyalty for himself.//SMUT WARNING, MINORS DNI
Jang Hanseok sent Ms. Choi to get her hands dirty and oversee the torture of Y/N for information. Y/N and Vincenzo grew up in the Mafia together. They taught each other everything.
He has asked Y/N for help with taking down Babel and she said yes without any questions asked. And now she has to suffer the consequences of loyalty.
First they started with electrocution. They tied her to a metal chair and put spark plugs on the back side of the chair. They would send a jolt, each longer than the last. "Go to hell!" She yells at Ms. Choi after the jolt that lasted 20 seconds.
Then they moved on to cutting with the thinnest daggers. Death by a thousand cuts, she always thought it was a cliche thing to use. But hey, to each their own torture method.
Her hair sticks to her forehead and the sides of her neck as he digs his knife across her collar bone. "Fuck!"
Ms. Choi walks into Hanseok's office with a grimace. "What's wrong?" "She's not breaking. She's a lot stronger than I thought." Ms. Choi says, linking her hands behind her back. Hanseok stands from his chair and rounds the desk.
"What tactics have you used?" He asks. "Electrocution, cutting, waterboarding, fire and even bludgeoning and she still tells me to go to hell." Choi rambles.
"I could use someone of her loyalty," Hanseok states. "I want to meet her," he adds. "With all due respect, sir, she'll never agree to that. She's endure days of torture for Vincenzo, she isn't going to give him up or betray him. She's willing to risk her life for him." "Will you risk your life for me?" He asks, searching her face for a response.
"I'll kill anyone you tell me to, sir," "That didn't answer my question. I still want to see her." He says. Ms. Choi drives him to the warehouse where they keep Y/N. She was currently unconscious from the pain she has endured. Hanseok's face grimaced and he says, "You took get your hands dirty a little too literally."
Y/N gasped as she regain consciousness and she groaned softly. She looked up to see Jang Hanseok and he smiles. "Who the hell are you?" She asked before spitting out some blood in her mouth. "Hopefully, I'll be your new boss." He says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "In your dreams, tough guy." She snarks.
A man punches her across the face and she looked at him with pure annihilation and vexation. That look gave Hanseok butterflies in his stomach. The feeling was beyond the norm and he had no idea what the origin was. She opened her mouth to say something else but Hanseok intercepted.
"Touch her again, and I'll have you thrown off a building." He threatens. Hanseok watched as the man stepped away from her. "You, cut her loose," He adds, pointing to another man.
"Sir, are you sure about this?" Choi asked and he didn't answer. She was cut free and the first thing Y/N grabs is the man's throat before breaking it.
Another man came at her and she ducked under the punch before punching him twice in his armpit before punching his throat. She limps over to the table where her weapons were and grabbed her smaller knives.
She tossed them in the air and within seconds, three men dropped dead with the knives in their skulls. Which only left Ms. Choi and Jang Hanseok.
She grabs a gun from one of the corpses and aimed it at them. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you both," "Do that and my men sets that entire plaza on fire with everyone inside."
"I'm calling your bluff lady, you're just trying to save your ass because you know that I'll put bullet in your head without blinking," she says as she cocks the gun and applies steady pressure on trigger.
"Wa-" she pulls the trigger and sends a bullet straight through Ms. Choi's head. Hanseok chuckles wryly before saying, "Now I'm in need of a new lawyer and strategist," he says, his hands still stuffed in his pockets.
"Who are you?" "The CEO of Babel," he answers nonchalantly. "So you're the one who started all this,"
"Well I can't take all the credit. She had her fair share," he says, referencing to Ms. Choi. Red dots appear on Y/N chest and she notices. "I have this place surrounded. One move to shoot me and you'll get shot to pieces. Just take the easy way and work for me. It'll be a lot of fun." "Right, like killing innocent people is fun,"
"It seems like you enjoy killing people." "Only those who deserve it," she snaps. "Regardless of your intentions, my guys wills drop you before you can fire. Question is, do you want to live and be treated like a queen?"
She doesn't respond and he adds, "Or I can kill both you and your mother. She loves to visit a little shop in.. Siena, right? What's it's called again?"
Her grip tightens on the gun before tossing it across the room. "Kill her and I promise to kill you and every single one of your sponsors," "Looks like you and I have more in common than we thought. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He walks out of the warehouse and she hesitantly follows.
You sigh softly as you stepping into the cold, crisp in contrast of the warm, misty air in bathroom. You had pulled your hair into a loose ponytail before you put on Hanseok's shorts and t-shirt. You hate to say it, but his clothes were extremely comfortable. He promised to take me out shopping tomorrow for clothes.
"I didn't know what you liked so I bought everything," he says, referencing to the various plates of food on the kitchen counter. Your eyes settle on kimchi jiagae and you make your way over to the table.
You a grab a few bowls to try some of the kimchi jiagae, bulgogi, dakdoritgang, dakgangjeong and mixed rice. You set them on the tray sit on the pillow he prepared for you.
"You like spicy food, huh?" He says and you nod. "Yeah, my brother likes spicy food too." You wait until he comes back with his tray of food to dig in. You hum lowly as you eat your bulgogi and you feel a hand touch my chin. You pull away and look at him with confused.
"What the hell are you doing?" "I'm sorry, I just.. you look.. you're beautiful," "If you think that you can someone convince me into sleeping with you, you have another thing coming,"
"What? I can't appreciate your beauty without something in return?" He asks innocently. "Hell no," you sneer. He chuckles before saying, "I'm going to have some fun with you."
Over the next few weeks, he has bought you a whole new wardrobe, shoes and jewelry. He's even made sure my hair and nails are done with complementary spa days.
He's been pampering you ever since you were a part of his life. You've been enjoying it but you've developed a sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
It also raises questions. Why did he choose you? How long will this pampering thing last? Is your mom still held hostage? What is he planning on doing with Vincenzo?
"Hey, kitten." You roll your eyes at his new pet name for you. You have no idea where he got it from because you are nothing like a kitten. You were playful or adventurous, but you were high maintenance.
"How many times do I have to tell.." you trail off as you see him in a light blue three piece suit with white leather shoes. His hair was combed to the side with gel and you could smell his cologne from where you sat.
"Why are you dressed like that?" "Do you like it?" He say, nearing you slowly. "No," you lie and he smiles at you. "You sure about that?" He leans his hands on either side of you and ducked his head to be at your eye level. "I bought you a matching dress. Get dressed, we leave in an hour."
He nudges his nose against yours before leaving the room and leaving you hot and bothered. Ever since you walked in on him lifting weights without his shirt, your mind came up with various, filthy scenarios that made your panties soaked.
You stand up from the chair and walked into the bedroom to see a goregous silk, light blue dress with diamond seam around the midrange of the stomach.
You take a shower and apply your favorite lotion and perfume before you slide on the dress. You latch on the sparkly, light blue heels. You put on your robe and sit down to apply some foundation, highlight and mascara on to your face.
You were just about to clip your hair up and leave a few curls out but you hear Hanseok say, "Leave your hair down." You look at him through the mirror to see him leaning his arm on the door frame, pulling his dress shirt taught around his solid biceps. He eyes you with a soft smile on his face. "You look beautiful," he says as he nears you once again.
"I know." You stand up and meet him half way across the room. "Shall we?" He says , offering you his arm. "Let's just get this night over with,"
You two return at one in the morning and you were infuriated. He spent the whole night flirting with random women at the gala. "You make no sense to me, Jang Hanseok." You say, taking off your earring and tossing them on the dresser.
"What makes you say that?" He asks, sitting on the bed to take off his shoes. "You pamper me with all these gifts, clothes, jewelry to convince me to stay in your life and then you spend the entire night flirting with every one you could lay your eyes on." You snap.
He takes off his vest with a sigh and loosens his tie. "I wanted to see if you cared. Cared about me and my attention." "Well, do you?" He adds. "If I didn't care, do you think I would have said anything?" You snap.
He grabs the back of your neck and pulls you inches away from his face. He tightens his grip and says through gritted teeth, "I've had enough of your attitude, just answer the question."
"I just did." His fingers dig into you neck enough to cause discomfort but not enough to break skin. "Do you care about me?" He asks. "Unfortunately, yes." "Why unfortunately?" "It only makes it harder to-" "
"To betray me?" You push his hand away and say, "What the hell makes you think of something like that? I was going to say it makes it harder to say no but you always think everyone is out to get you. It should be me asking the qu-"
He stops your rant by slamming his lips on yours. One hand rests on the back of your head and the other smooths over the dip of your back.
Your fingers work on unbuttoning his shirt as you walk him onto the bed. He sits on the edge and pulls you into his lap. You pull his shirt off his shoulder and leave kisses up his chest in it's wake.
He moans softly and you could feel his hard on press against your inner thigh. You tug the rest of his shirt off and push his back on the bed. You buck your hips against him and a soft whine leaves his lips.
You quiet him by tenderly biting down on his bottom lip. His lips latched onto yours and presses your core harder against him.
He pulls your hair gently to evade your attention from his lips. He rolls you on you stomach and stands. "Han seok, what are you-" he rips the dress open from the back, making you yell out in surprise.
"Damn it, I liked that dress." "There's plenty more where that came from kitten," he smooths his hands up the back of your legs and squeezes your ass.
You pull off the rest of your mangled dress, leaving you in your white lace set. "And don't you dare rip-" he rips the lace underwear in two and pulls you so your knees are on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to kill you, Han seok."
"I've been wanting to get a taste of you since I set my eyes on you." You let out a squeak when you feel his hot breath agaisnt your core.
You've never been in the position before so you have no idea what the expect. He licks up the stripe with slow, deep licks, each lick lasting longer on your clit. "Oh God," you grip the sheets with a white knuckle grip when he curls his tongue along the upper wall and caresses a g-spot. Your legs started to shake and loud moans leave your lips when he slips in two fingers and curled them hard.
You tried crawling away from him, feeling overwhelmed of the pleasure but he holds you back by your thighs. With a few more licks, you release yourself on his tongue and he hums with satisfaction.
"You taste a lot better than I thought, baby." Your body already started to twitch and you could tell that this was going to be a long night.
You roll onto your back and chills roll down your spine when you see him licking your juices off of his fingers. Pushing yourself backwards, he pulls you closer to him by your ankles. "Han seok, please. It's too much."
"You're doing great, kitten. Just relax and let it wash over you." He says softly, pecking your lips before settling himself between your legs once again.
He spreads your legs wide before he sucks on your clit harder and faster than the first time, sending shock waves through your body. "Fuck! Oh my God!"
Looking down at him, he locks eyes with you and he completely devours your bundle of folds. He alternate between licking side to side and up and down with a curl of his tongue.
Your back arches and stars cloud your vision as you come down from your second high. He pulls away from you with his lower face covered in your juices. "Come here," he lifts your trembling body and dropping it into his lap. He smooths his hands over your ass before unbuckling his dress pants.
He pulls down his boxers and his erection stands up tall, making your whimper. He's going to destroy you. "I'll be gentle," he whispers, lifting your chin to meet his gaze.
You nod your head in agreement and lines himself up at your entrance. Throwing your head back as your walls expand and contract around him. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his neck and he bounces you in his lap.
Time slows a few seconds when you meet his gaze. "Oh God," you chant as the knot intensified in your stomach. "I'm close, Han seok."
His lips locked with yours and your boys jolts forward when his thumb rubs hard circles on your clit. Your entire body spasms as he cums inside of you but he continued to rub circles until you came.
He stayed buried inside of you while you sat in his lap as you both catches your breaths. Resting his forehead against yours, he says, "I love you. You believe me what I say that, right?"
You nod and holds the sides of your face. "Say it," "I love you," "Good girl," he pulls out of you and slides you both under the covers.
You lay directly ontop of him with a thin sheet covering the both of you, sighing as he draws circles on your back.
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