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jboofan · 2 years ago
It's in our DNA
3. I kinda need your help
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Jungkook woke to find himself in his bed, pillow drool soaked, hung over and embarrassed.
He called for YN and got no answer. He messaged her but no reply.
"Fuck this."
Deciding she wasn't there, and swimming in a pool of self pity he turned over and fell back to sleep.
It took walking to the cafe door and getting confused by the plethora of coffees on offer for Jimin to wave her over to him.
"What took you so long?" he pouted playfully.
"Yeah we've been waiting half an hour for you to come update us on last night," Taehyung whispered excitedly.
"Last night?" she blew on the coffee, licking her foam moustache. "What you mean?"
"We mean Jungkook the drunk on Weverse."
"Oh. That."
She shrugged her shoulders.
"He'd actually fallen asleep so I had to ninja my way over to the lounge, watch his stream on my phone and turn his phone off without thousands of people noticing," she took a sip nonchalant.
"Oh god," Jimin sighed, "we are so sorry. He's just so emo these days."
"Any reason why?"
Taehyung stopped Jimin from going further.
"Wait, I've seen you before..Jimin look at her face, doesn't she look familiar?"
YN scoffed.
"Are you trying to say I look common? My parents are decent looking," she looked at them, scoffing, "it's not like I've been with the ugly stick, just because I'm not an idol y'all are harsh."
Jimin laughed out loud, "Not exactly short on confidence are we?"
YN sat up straight, "Not in every situation, but I'm working on it."
Jimin analysed her face, squashing it in his hand and turning it side to side.
"I'm not the greatest with names," he paused to look at her profile again, "but I'm great at not forgetting a face. Where are you from?"
"I was born here, but studied in the States."
"Born where? Seoul? Have we worked with you before?"
YN laughed. "I wish, if I had made just one music video for you guys, I'd be able to pick my work. But alas no."
Jungkook was surprised to slowly realise first hand how, well, nice YN was.
Without saying anything, she hung about when he did a Weverse live, although he had cried during the last one when Namjoon had logged on, commented and asked him to sing a song.
Now, again, several gulps of whiskey later, he had pulled his beanie hat off, gripped the karaoke microphone tightly and sang his little heart out. When he was starting to ramble, she came out of her room, sleepily shuffling her feet over to the rug where he sat and gestured it was time to end his fan meet.
Ten minutes later, still saying good bye to each comment, she'd just about had enough.
Jungkook watched her grow irritated and advance towards him. Quickly spouting off the last, final quickly goodbye Jungkook looked on, as she snapped his phone shut and threw it at him before trudging towards her room.
"Thanks," he called out, although he'd hesitated until she was nearly at her bedroom door.
"Go to sleep," she shouted back, but he carried on.
"I didn't realise it was so late."
"Drink less. You're always drinking," she looked at him, but he couldn't work out what the look was. "It just makes you look sad to them all."
"You watched?" he nudged the conversation along, although all she wanted to do was go back to bed.
"Jimin said you do lives, and lately have been all emo."
So she wasn't interested in watching me, he thought. It's only because of the others.
"Try being happy, talk about happy stuff. You're too depressing to watch," she admitted before shutting the door.
He didn't like to admit it, but having YN as a roommate wasn't that bad. The fact she was innocent enough to tell him what she thought without thinking much of it, he appreciated.
This went on for a few months, and they fell into a quiet way to live. YN did her best to stay out of his way, as promised but lately her schedule has changed and he was then suddenly seeing her around the apartment during the day too.
They fell into a comfortable routine around the house. YN usually left for work before Jungkook got up in the morning so they didn’t see each other before work, but she started coming home earlier for dinner in the evenings.
Suddenly they were awkward and having to find things to talk about with each other, and finding out more about eachother as the days went on.
It was amazing how she knew how to cook, and she even made enough for him if he walked in the door on the days she was at home.
Slowly conversation became less forced, he looked forward to the time he spent with YN at night after gym over dinner; liked talking to her and having someone at home to be with at the end of the day when he walked in.
What cemented their new found friendship was coming in late, finding the light left on for him and a plate warming in the oven for him.
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He'd begun leaving the gym earlier on the days she was home to join her for dinner, and tonight he joined her to watch TV after they ate.
After a few episodes, he would go into his room, leaving to try and call Jennie leaving her alone on the sofa. YN hated those evenings, because he never got hold of Jennie and would come out to rummage for a drink and a long night of making sure he doesn't make a fool of himself online would begin.
But they were beginning to get along, Jungkook never did anything rude or wrong and he'd even gone as far as saying that he would never tell her to leave. She was free to leave when she was ready, and that look such a weight off her shoulders that she began to quietly enjoy being able to relax at home more.
After falling comfortably into their newfound roomielife together, YN got up earlier than usual and entered the kitchen to find Jungkook standing there behind the center island, topless, drinking a protein shake.
He was still wearing his running shorts and sweaty t-shirt had been flung over his shoulder as he stood there having returned from his morning workout, all sweaty.
Still, he smiled at the unexpected sight of her.
“Morning, YN. What you doing up so early? I thought you would have slept in after being away."
YN didn't make eye contact, as he stood there chest out, tattoos glistening from his sweat.
"I um, slept well. When you work outdoors most of the year, you build up stamina and endurance."
She took an orange from the refrigerator and started to peel it, holding the garbage can open with one foot as she tossed the peels.
"Why don't you take a seat, and I'll treat you to the best scrambled eggs of your life," he reached for a frying pan and then the eggs.
When she was finished, she headed for the cloak cupboard to grab a light jacket.
"Wait," he jogged over to her. "You got a little something on your face," he pointed out.
YN's hand rushed to her face but he beat her to it. Suddenly feeling his fingers against the side of her lips had her suddenly scared to breathe.
"There was some orange from the white bit," he gave her a big smile before heading back to the kitchen.
"I'm just on my way out, thank you though," she smiled politely unable to make his gaze.
"Jimin invited me out for coffee and breakfast."
Jungkook's smile turned to a frown. “YN, I really like you but I don't want you to get your hopes up."
Now she was puzzled.
"Hopes up about what?" she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag.
"Jimin is a bit of a flirt, he'll try it on. I don't want things to get awkward."
He knew he shouldn't have said such a lie, but it was the first time she'd blown him off and he wasn't sure how to take it.
I can't believe she's leaving me and fluffy eggs for some fancy coffee with Jimin.
She really had no idea the magnitude of the effect her answer would have on him.
"Jimin isn't like that. We've gone out for coffee before and it's not like that, I assure you. I'm not trying to date your friends Jungkook. He bought coffee last time, so I wanted to repay the favour."
No longer wishing to hear what he was insinuating, she gave up on him and closed the door fast, unable to get that image of him out of her head.
Just because they ate a few meals together, shared the apartment and laughed at the same shows that didn't mean shit.
Besides, she wasn’t looking for anything. And he was way out of her league.
But damn, she wished she could get the image of him out of her mind everytime he turned up all sweaty and gorgeous. She only wished she would stop fantasizing about the man every time she saw him—and, for that matter, when he wasn’t around.
YN tried to ignore her physical reaction to him and figured it would go away eventually, but for now, the attraction was powerful and it wasn’t easy to put aside.
"I'm just a roomie, maybe a friend. Don't be stupid YN. It's just, a little crush."
When she found Jungkook in his gym clothes in the kitchen, hair damp and sweaty from his workout and those curls of hair edging their way to his lower neck, it was a lot more than she could handle.
How dare he try and look so boyishly handsome!
His T-shirt looked soft and comfortable as if it had been washed hundreds of times, and had well-worn, threadbare, see-through spots that gave more than a hint of the muscles underneath it when he wore it. Ashamed she wished to be that t-shirt as he flung it over his broad shoulders.
On other days, she's seen it on him, slightly damp from his workout so it clung to his abs, showing off the cut of each muscle on his stomach.
She felt like an idiot the instant the image popped into her head, and how for the love of God she still had a hard time looking at him as she spoke.
"He must think I'm so lame," she mumbled as she headed for the lift.
YN wasn’t an idiot. She knew Jungkook dated pretty things and had dated Jenni, on off for ages now. Although she was confident about her looks and knew she was attractive, she wasn’t that attractive. She saw herself as girl-next-door kind of cute—appealing in a sweet way. She didn't have time to show off her outdoors beach running skills or her killer tanned abs when she was a self professed workaholic.
Yep, he has a type. The hot, sexy, idol type; leggy-blonde-model sort of way, so Jungkook wouldn't be interested in her. She was sassy, gave lip and thought too much.
Besides, she reminded herself again, she didn’t want a relationship. The whole point of this living arrangement was for her to be able to work closer to the studios and write a script to offer to dinner of the stars she worked with. Get someone to want to act her script, get a budget, a director to make her vision come to life.
"Those that don't remember why they are here, working stupid hours will be doomed to repeat it," she scolded herself, as she punched the floor in and waited for the doors to close.
The last thing she wanted to do was let him see that she was over thinking their connection.
For a second I thought he was jealous. God I've such a vivid imagination. YN you are delusional.
Jungkook stared at the eggs, and returned them to the fridge. It wasn't the first time he'd realised she was nothing like the women he knew and dated in the past. Hell, Jennie would have taken what he offered and started running up tabs for clothes, jewellery and trips overseas…. Instead, here YN was getting up early to go buy Jimin coffee.
He didn't have much time to think about it any more, since Jennie had decided to finally pick up his call.
"Jennie!" he cleared his throat and gave his ex-girlfriend his attention.
He heard a muffle, the sound of people in the background before she spoke.
"Jungkook, why do you keep blowing up my phone?"
She huffed but he ignored that and carried on.
"Thanks for finally calling back, I know you're on your tour now," he perked up at the fact that she picked up in the first place.
"We broke up remember, so why do you keep saying you miss me? We're in Amsterdam right now and heading back to Paris tomorrow. I'm busy."
Things never worked out between them but he was a fool for her, and he hadn't fucked anyone since they broke up.
"When you back?"
"Another month."
"Wanna get dinner together? We could go to the place we always go to."
"You mean that Italian restaurant?"
"You always said you loved going there," he wasn't sure why she was sounding like this until she sighed.
"I only went there because I wanted to pretend to like what you liked. We were dating and I thought you would just go there the once but that's the only place you'd ever take me!"
"I thought you liked it when I did that? You didn't tell me you didn't like it when we went there."
He felt his energy begin to drain, as he recounted how tired this conversation was making him.
"Yeah well I didn't like it, so now you know. And I'm not free for dinner. You're so boring Jungkook. Call me when you get a new personality."
She cut the call before he could give a sassy reply, leaving him to swear loudly to himself.
YN smiled as she walked back to the apartment. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and there was hardly any traffic. She walked past a famous bakery, the sweet aroma pulled her in, and soon she was blowing an incredible amount on baked goods.
"YN!" came a shriek, that belonged to Luna.
"What you doing here?"
"Late for heading back to work after lunch. But I have great news!"
"What's that then?" YN stuffed a croissant into her mouth, the delicious buttery pastry melting on her tongue.
"Do you remember that cute guy I told you about?"
YN looked at her blankly trying to recall the conversation.
Luna sighed. "I literally messaged you this morning."
YN briefly recalled Jungkook, shirtless in the kitchen.
"Oh, you did? My bad."
"Well, anyway. There is a cute guy that works in my department and he saw you the other day at the office."
YN shook her head. "Luna no way am I dating someone from work. Just because we work on different networks doesn't mean it would always stay like that. What if it doesn't work out? Then it'll just gonna awkward."
"He's a history buff, knows a lot about the country and would love to take you on a tour of the city. Said he saw you and wanted to know if you're single."
YN shook her head immediately walking off.
"I don't have time," she lied.
"One date. You never know!" she pleaded with huge eyes until YN gave in.
"I dunno Luna.."
"Least have a look at his picture before you say no."
YN stood and left her room, planning to make another iced coffee when she heard the front door shut. She went to the hallway just in time to see Jungkook getting into his jacket. He looked up and caught her watching him. Because, of course he did. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks but she didn’t duck out of sight. She raised a hand and waved goodbye.
He winked at her, "I'm just out to the studio. I'll see you soon?"
YN tried not to melt.
"Sure, I'll see you soon."
YN stacked a few matching lacy sets of lingerie on her bed before deciding on a colour.
"It's not like anyone's gonna get to see them, but a little ego boost never hurt a woman," she smiled before deciding on an outfit.
YN opened the large closet, grabbing the heavy clothing she’d taken from the back of her closet to make room. Taking out a few of his jumpers, she began sorting them for a pile to be stored away.
She shoved the rest of Jungkook's things under the bed. He would probably scream to see her treating his cashmere sweaters like that, but that’s what he got for not putting his fall clothing away when the weather turned warmer. The man had a ridiculous amount of clothing.
Buffed and moisturised, she stepped out the shower, took a big gulp of her wine and into her confidence boosting outfit not realising Jungkook had already returned home.
An hour after, nipping into the kitchen for more wine to help her nerves and implant more Dutch courage, after final make up check she spied his keys in the bowl besides her.
"Jungkook?" she called loudly, finishing her wine and wiping her mouth carefully to not smudge her lipstick. "I'll catch you later."
No answer.
Then came a groan, which sounded odd.
Unsure if he had stepped on a plug or something else, she neared his door and knocked as another groan travelled through the door.
She knocked again, "Are you okay?"
Suddenly Jungkook called out clearly.
"Fuck, shit! Thank God you heard me YN! I need your help!" he pleaded as she came through the door.
YN had thought he needed help, and had never expected to see Jungkook like this; perhaps he lost his phone charger or an earring stud she thought, but hadn't banked on finding him naked in bed, his cock erect and a painful look on his face.
Jungkook never expected another human let alone YN to see him like this.
A painful erection that wouldn't go down, a half bottle of wine drunk straight out the fridge and him lying there unable to move.
"YN!" he grimaced against the bedsheet. "You're a girl."
YN averted her eyes and looked interestingly at the ceiling.
"That's very perceptive of you!" she edged forward till her knee hit the edge of his bed and grasping the bedsheet threw it at him. "At least cover up!"
Eyes closed she hiccuped.
"Ow ow ow!" he called out hissing in pain as the bedsheet hit his tent pole.
"Maybe we should call for help!" she turned the other way to ring Jimin.
"No! Don't call him please! Don't call anyone!" he whimpered in pain, making small noises.
"Then what the hell am I supposed to do when you call out for help and I find you, alone with your erection for company?!"
Her eyes opened, and forcing herself to not lower them she stared him in the eyes refusing to look anywhere else.
His eyes focussed in on YN, standing there hands on hips.
"Where you going?"
"I need to go out in a few minutes," she looked directly at his eyes.
"YN, please. Cancel. I need your help."
"I can't cancel this. I'll be in so much trouble if I cancel this one too."
"YN, please," he begged. "I need your help." He gulped, and winced as he tried to sit up. "I can't get it down. It's been nearly an hour. I thought a quick power wank and get on with my day, but it won't come down!"
"Who the fuck has a power wank?? I don't know how to help. Maybe you can just, massage it?"
Jungkook shook his head, "No please, everytime I try to go near it I feel like I've been shot. Can you rub it?"
"How the hell is that supposed to help?" she hiccuped again.
"How much did you drink?" he asked her between shaky breaths.
"A few, for the courage."
"I'm begging you YN. Please will you have sex with me. Just get on it and make it cum and then I swear I will never do it again."
YN knew she had heard him wrong. When he repeated it again, she had to blink as the warmth of the wine spread to her stomach and made her cheeks begin to warm up.
Jungkook watched her eyes blink one too many times, a slow rose tint to her cheeks.
"YN, please. I'm begging you to help."
YN simply blinked.
"Oh god, I've broken you and my dick. Jesus, YN I need your help," he hiccuped.
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jboofan · 2 years ago
It's in our DNA
2. Fool of a Kook
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The three men sat in awkward silence. After having lost a secret game of rock, paper, scissors Jimin groaned as he spoke up.
"Say, Jungkook," Jimin mentioned nonchalantly, "maybe you should go and check if she's okay?"
Jungkook rubbed his eyes, ignoring Jimin as he went on watching Taehyung throw popcorn expertly into his mouth.
"She must have been awfully scared when she thought someone had broken in."
"She nearly broke my Grammy award Jimin."
"..to protect herself! Dude that's what you're taking from this?"
"I'm going to bed," he clapped his hands. "I cannot be arsed to do anything right now."
YN stepped out of her room ill opportune, a long winter jacket on, suitcase in tow, catching a snippet of his response.
"Oh," Jimin saw her first, clearing his throat, Jungkook turning to see her standing there.
"You're leaving?"
He nudged Jungkook.
Jungkook peered over, YN checked her bag, pockets and fished out her phone.
"You're leaving then?" he repeated, making the other two want to slam their heads together.
"I have to leave..for work. I have your schedule so will make sure I don't disturb you on my return," she cleared her throat, pointing nervously at the front door.
"But it's quite late, where are you going?" Taehyung politely asked.
"This week? Busan."
"This week?" Jimin enquired. "What do you do?"
"I'm a writer," her gaze landed on Jungkook and it made her nervous. If she said where she worked, would he be suspicious and throw her out?
"I help to boost tourism?" she managed.
1 Night 2 days does go to different places, Running Man tends to stay around Seoul..so it's not like I'm lying.
"You don't sound so sure.." Jungkook eyed her suspiciously.
"Most weeks I travel across the country, help to advertise different regions."
"Well that's great," Taehyung gave her a warm smile. "Isn't it Jungkook?" he nudged, "helping our country, positively patriotic that is!"
"Uh, yeah sure. Great," Jungkook managed a half smile.
"I have to go, we have to be on set in a few hours," she rushed quickly to the door, as quickly as her feet could take her.
"Set?" even in a drowsy state, that last bit didn't make sense to Jungkook, he tapped her name into Naver.
"What's her surname?" he asked the two others.
"How are we supposed to know? We didn't even know you had someone living with you, till this afternoon," Jimin drained his can and grabbed his jacket to leave.
"Gotta say, never thought that it would be you of all people living with a girl that wasn't that yo yo girlfriend of yours," Taehyung cackled.
"Ah, here we go," Jimin spoke into his empty can.
"Cmon Jimin," Taehyung tried to stifle his own laugh. "They might make it work this time, seventeenth time is a charm right?"
"Jennie drives me fucking insane," Jungkook sighed.
"Well, you're still with crazy so.." mumbled Jimin out the corner of his mouth, to Taehyung who couldn't hold his laugh in anymore.
"What you say?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Jimin opposite.
"Nothing, just that something must have happened. And as your friends, albeit the only ones that put up with your shit, issues. Concerns. I meant concerns, we will listen and try and help," he smiled innocently, elbowing Taehyung in the ribs.
"Of course man," Taehyung grinned back, as he continued to pretend to listen to Jungkook's rant about Jennie and how her going off on tour with Blackpink was effecting their relationship. The whole group had been subjected to it for years now.
The two of them zoned out; Jimin finally finished off the pistachio nuts, whilst Taehyung and him posed for a few selfies. He'd even managed to go to the toilet and back by the time Jungkook had stopped to take a breath. 
"WELL," Taehyung yawned, "We're gonna head off."
"I gotta sleep man," Jimin stifled a yawn. "I got an appointment on the morning."
"And I just can't be bothered to listen to this again another night," Taehyung admitted.
"Dicks. Shut the door after you," Jungkook dragged his feet to his room, before falling asleep in a heap.
"Can we be friends with your new roomie?" they called after him as he slugged off to bed.
"We're having poker night here next week, don't forget again yeah! It's your turn to hold it!" Taehyung waved back, taking a groan from Jungkook as agreement.
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Jungkook woke up a little after sundown, same as always, noticing the curtains were closed, lights off and no one else home. Just the way he liked it.
He'd lost count of how many days YN had been away, but it didn't bother him. Whether she was there or not, it didn't make a difference to him.
Scratching his arm pits, the echo of his flip-flops against the cold marble floor, stomach rumbling he rummaged the fridge for any leftovers.
"What is she doing?" he wondered, not that Jennie seemed to care much about what he was doing. Sitting on the counter top, cross-legged he did the usual of scrolled through Jennie's social media, liking the last few posts, questioned his existence and then showered to hit the gym again.
YN smiled as the lift opened, appreciative for not having to climb several stairs to get to Jungkook's place.
She pulled out the schedule, and paranoid, scanned it's contents for the umpteenth time to ensure he was not home.
The image of shame and embarrassment the first time they met ran through her mind.
"Damn YN, you better hope he ain't in there," she hoped as she reached the door. She'd be lying if she didn't admit that she would have tried to not come home at all, praying the shoot would be delayed, at least until Jungkook went off to his next schedule.
YN opened the door, knowing that he would have left for the gym by now, as the lights were low, and assuming all the shoes out front were his, she confidently rolled her suitcase in, flicked off her sneakers and let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.
"His Highness will be at the gym, so I can breathe again—"
Five sets of eyes stared up in surprise, and a sixth set stood with a beer in hand and a dirty look on his face.
"Oh shi—"
YN froze, still gripping her suitcase handle, her knuckles white with panic.
"I can come back later," she offered, not that she had anywhere she could go. A library or cafe maybe?
"Jungkook, care to share what you've been up to?" laughed Hope loudly, as YN tried hard to not pee her pants.
Jungkook didn't get a chance to reply as Hobi, Namjoon and even Yoongi were quicker than usual, already crowding around YN with several questions. Awkwardly YN tried to dodge everyone and get across the living room to her room.
Jungkook watched her eager to get away, the way her eyes went wide in horror as Namjoon knocked into her expensive suitcases and they fell over, making Yoongi swear blue from getting hit and give Hobi a dirty look for laughing in every situation.
"Jungkook you hiding secrets again?" Namjoon chastised him. Even at 25 he was still being ordered about, even though it was him making most of the money now. Jungkook held his tongue and stood still.
YN walked into Jungkook's solid back, pushing out a hand upon it to steady herself. He gave a low grunt, one which only she seemed to hear as she stood instinctively behind him, slowing down to place herself more behind him after a few short strides, wary of the situation. She didn't know him, but she trusted him more than anyone else right this moment. 
"Why are you so skittish?" He looked ahead, but YN knew his words were for her.
"I thought you were supposed to keep to your schedule. But this is a damn party!" she hissed before shutting up, afraid to upset this man.
"Guys let her breathe for fuck sake," he sighed at having to expel energy, pulling her to one side.
"I thought you were out. It's 7, your schedule said you'd be at the gym."
"Don't be shy," he told her, as she came into view.
YN wouldn't look at him. She wouldn't speak. She’d taken to wringing her hands behind her back, which is now in his as he grabbed it roughly, her bottom lip slightly wobbling. 
“That's easy for you to say Jungkook-ssi,” she uttered it so softly, he almost thought it was only the two of them in the room now.
Why does my name sound sweet like honey when she says it?
Unable to think straight, it was too late when his name came tumbling out her mouth without control.
Why is he looking at me like that? Are his eyes glazed over??!
“I can’t just let you leave, I'd have a lot to answer for," he looked her in the eye. 
"Funny cos you've not exactly gone out your way to make me feel welcome have you. You're itching for me to leave," having him look her in the eye was too much as she looked away.
But annoyed again, she looked at him. Cross.
The way she assumed he would ask her to leave, pissed him off. This wasn't her fault. It was because his brother had made his own plans and no one had let him in on it. And perhaps he'd been taking that out on her.
YN felt a fool for saying what she really felt. She wouldn't have agreed to stay with Jungkook just because she could, she was staying with him because she was so close to her big break and needed to be nearer to the action, because she had no other choice but to. Careers were made or lost depending on your commitment, and she was committed to the end.
She would sell her work, and she was going to be a fucking great talent. Sought after. In demand. Respected.
Watering brown eyes. Sexy, wavy shiny sunkissed hair. Cheeks that had a glow to them from working outdoors. Poutiest fucking lips he'd ever seen on a woman.
His brother had a lot to answer for, but he would save that for when he saw the dumbass in person to ask his questions. He'd been acting like a cold bastard towards her, but he wasn't going to admit that any time soon.
She was everything he needed to keep the fuck away from. Happy, thoughtful and kind.
"Please don't be rude. Introduce us to your beautiful friend," Yoongi mumbles politely, like the others looked toward her with a warm smile.
The beauty in question pursed her full lips together and her cheeks were suddenly crimson.
It’s then that her brown eyes locked with his, flickering with emotion as though they were glowing. She’s pissed. Confused. Upset. Telling Jungkook with her eyes to be a man and say something.
Is she sassing me? 
She stood there, her eyes moving rapidly, impatient to hear what Jungkook had to say too. 
For a few short minutes, he'd enjoyed a rare moment of pleasure in his cold, hard life. Clearly, the time for pleasure had come and gone. Now, he was staring back at his bandmates trying to explain why he was holding the hand of a stranger in his home. 
"This is YN, and she's my... guest."
"Guest?" Namjoon repeated.
Jungkook gave a lazy nod.
"Your guest?" Namjoon repeated, looking between Jungkook and the others. "Is that like a euphemism for girlfriend or something? Because I don't remember reading about that in my social studies book."
"How many times have I told you, that you learn about people through talking to them, hanging out with people, not through books," Hobi reminded him.
Namjoon listened, before smiling back to her. "Please, join us!"
"It's okay, you seem like you're all enjoying yourself," she moved some steps back, not knowing Jungkook was fixed standing a short distance behind her. "Please enjoy your.. gambling?"
"Oh!" she turned to grab an arm to balance herself. "You and I need to have a chat tomorrow, please," her manners returning as she steadied herself upright.
Jungkook watched her wheel her things over to her room, the door shut quickly and the lock even faster.
"She's very pretty, glad you over Jennie," Hobi smiled, "how you guys meet? And why didn't you tell her to join us?"
"Just through my brother. Nothing fancy or special," he took a swig of beer and picked his cards back up, nestling back into his armchair.
"Right, who's go is it?"
Jimin laughed dramatically, "get ready to lose all your money maknae!"
YN was furious. She ripped up his schedule in a fit of anger, flinging the shreds into the air like confetti before stripping off and heading off to shower. The ensuite came complete with beautiful views, but it could do nothing to cool her anger down.
Scrubbing her skin violently raw, and rubbing too rough she couldn't believe her luck that they were all sitting there, like ducks in a row, the moment she walked in.
There goes being able to sit out on the sofas and enjoy dinner in front of the TV again like a normal person. She was sick of being stuck in her room like a prisoner on the rare one day a week she had off.
"Keeps to his fucking schedule my ass," she huffed as she patted her skin down with a fluffy towel before returning to her room to change.
Her thoughts were scattered as a ringtone; her ringtone sounded through them.
"Yeah?" she called out slowly, as she answered the unknown number against her better judgement.
When the caller used her name twice, she realised the call wasn't a mistake but deliberate.
"Who is it?"
"Oh! Sorry! It's me, Jimin."
"How do you have this number?"
She cursed inward for being so suspicious, but she was a practical person. Why would an idol hold onto her number of all people? She wasn't famous.
"Jungkook was being a bit of a dick, so I asked for your number. Thought we could be friends? Taehyung, Hobi and I are meeting for coffee tomorrow, you should join us!"
"Coffee? Me?...but why?"
Jimin laughed.
"Because any friend of Jungkook's is a friend of BTS!"
YN shook her head.
"Oh Jimin," she sighed.
"Sweet, naïve and innocent Jimin. Jungkook is not that nice. And I doubt he would give you my number. The first thing he did when he got my number was message me his schedule and tell me to stay out the way. So fess up."
"Damn, you are smart. Ok, we asked him for your number, that part is true. And so is the coffee. He's not exactly been nice since you moved in, and we noticed you were a little," he struggled to think of a word that shouldn't hurt her feelings.
"Stressed? Anxious? Worried?"
"Yep, all of those. So meet us for a coffee downstairs? 9 good for you?"
"Sounds good. Thank you. For being so nice," she bowed respectfully even on the phone.
"No worries at all, but can I ask a favour? As friends?"
YN frowned.
"Why do I get the feeling I'm not gonna like what you have to say?"
He laughed again.
"Nothing seems to get past you. You sure you're not a police officer?"
"I'm not great with confrontation, I get the feeling that might not quite work for me as an officer.."
"Ok well, Jungkook has fallen asleep drunk."
"I ain't putting him to bed. This ain't no drama Jimin."
"I wouldn't ask you to."
She sensed the hesitation in his voice.
"But he's left a Weverse live running, whilst he's fallen asleep. The phone is just aimed at a candle. And well, he's live and the candle is lit. So we're just a bit concerned."
"That idiot has done what?!"
Pulling on her tracksuit bottoms on haphazardly and a t-shirt, inside out in her rush to dress faster than Lewis Hamilton at a pit stop, she hung up to Jimin before flinging herself out her bedroom door.
Jungkook's gaze went to the door behind him several times as the night wore on.
Why did she always lock herself away when she got home? He'd worked out earlier so that he could say hello and welcome her but he'd forgotten about poker night again.
YN rang back into her room as quickly as she left it.
"You can't just go running out like that, what if you get seen on the camera?!"
YN searched his name and watched his Weverse live running as she tried to get an idea as to where his camera was pointed. Lucky for them, it was staring precariously at a candle and nothing else.
Taking a deep breath, phone in hand she tiptoed into the room and towards the lounge. She saw his feet first, sticking out to one side besides the coffee table, covered in fluffy white socks.
The snores were loud. Loud enough that she groaned before quickly covering her mouth and hoping none of his fans heard.
Scanning the comments to see if any sleuth Army fans had noticed, she continued as nothing was mentioned.
Scared to come into view, she stepped over him, and grabbed his fold phone from behind, snapping. The clamshell together loudly.
Jungkook stood, his torso between her legs as she leaned back over to stand upright, tucking his phone into the band of her tracksuit bottoms.
Rechecking her phone and seeing that his live transmission had ended, much to the disappointment of his millions of fans she sighed on relief as she sat him upright against the bottom of the sofa.
Jungkook felt soft fingers prop up his face, and was sure he was dreaming. The smell of freshly washed hair wafted up to his nostrils, a few stray damp ends tickled his nose until he sneezed.
Eyes opened to see YN standing way too close for comfort, a mixture of concern and annoyance painted upon her face.
Her big eyes blinked back, tipped to the side before reaching out to check his forehead.
"What?" she asked.
"What?" he snapped back.
"Are you sick?" He heard her say, "how much did you even drink tonight?"
Jungkook started back at her, still very much drunk.
It’s impossible for me to trust another woman.
Especially one like YN. Who looks like butter wouldn't melt.
She could be obsessed with my wealth, but my heart says otherwise.
Before he could object, he was being manhandled to his room; his thick jumper under which he was sweating removed, and forced to down a glass of water.
The last image seared to his memory was the image of YN turning the light off and leaving the door ajar.
"Don't go," he managed hoarsely. He'd been expecting her to be loyal, stay by his side as he slept; but instead YN looked back at him and laughed.
"Fool. I'm going to sleep. Try not to die yeah," and her door shut soon after.
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jboofan · 2 years ago
It's in our DNA
1. I think my brain fell out my head
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Jungkook's brother Junghyun waved to the bouncer as they walked straight in. Jungkook reluctantly followed him as they entered, the noise almost deafening. 
"Hyung I ain't feeling this," shaking his head at it all.
"Kook man, you live at the gym but what's the point of it all if you can't meet up with your brother for a drink.."
"I dunno man. Clubs ain't my scene unless it's a album release or something.." he looked up the stairs that Junghyun had all but climbed, up to a upper level which was more laid back and had a private bar.
"C'mon man, for a brother? Your older brother?" Junghyun smiled and tried to give him the charm.
"That's low man, you gonna play the brother card? You really are nervous about something huh?"
"Yeah I am, but let's get a drink first!"
"Ok spit it out will you?" Junghyun waved a finger and two whiskeys were promptly brought over.
"So, your sister in law has got a friend," he began.
"I only want Jennie."
"I ain't talking about her," he dismissed the subject immediately. They must have been off and on so many times, he'd lost count.
"Like I say," he repeated, "she got a friend and she's moving here and she needs a place to stay."
Jungkook took a sip.
"What's that gotta do with me?" Jungkook swirled his glass.
"She needs a place to stay," he repeated.
"Get her a hotel room or something. Why do I care?"
"She's family, I can't have her staying in a hotel. And you have a two bed apartment."
Junghyun noticed that he said nothing but gave a chuckle.
"Right, so it's not cos I'm reliable, it's because I've got the space. I wanted to convert it to a gym."
"Her name is YN. This girl, she is smart, looks, whole package." He thanked the waitress and turned back to Jungkook.
"How do you know her again?"
"She's like her cousin, here for work and you won't even notice she's there!"
Jungkook shook his head. "Nah bro. No."
"Why's that?"
"Cos now you're saying she's family and a cousin, how am I supposed to say no to helping you? You know I like my own space, I don't want some roommate."
"She's so busy that even I haven't seen her in years. She's a workaholic so you'll barely see her. Just do me a favour will you?" he looked over the balcony down below, scanning the crowd.
"I dunno man."
"Well you got five minutes to decide."
"Cmon stop messing. Five minutes?"
"Yeah," he replied seriously.
"What the hell hyung?!"
"She'll be there in five," he took a sip and announced it with a smile.
"She'll be there in five fucking minutes?"
"Well you took so long to get here, that you didn't leave me much of a buffer dude."
"I never said yes," Jungkook knocked back the whiskey feeling it burn down his throat.
His brother grinned, "but you never said no. Besides," he tried to convince him, with a slap on the back as he rose, "it's not like you're ever home. She's always working and so are you, so you will barely see her."
Jungkook sighed, he realised if Junghyun was asking then it was only after serious consideration.
"But I've only just got the place to myself since Jin left," he whined.
"You won't even notice her, I promise. Do this as a favour to me."
"What you thinking?" Luna asked, noticing YN go silent and stare at the front door.
"Just my new housemate. I'm just hoping I don't wake up in the middle of the night to find him staring down at me with a pair of scissors poised over my head."
"That was poetic see! Your writer's block is clearing already, and no, I don't think he will be trying to shank you in your sleep... Jungkook is a celebrity. Global icon, and he's also a really nice guy."
"Nice guys ain't going to cut it Luna, I don't know him."
"You guys just have to find common ground."
"Which should be easier if you hadn't told me that Junghyun is making him let me stay here. Now I feel bad that he's putting me up when he doesn't want to."
Luna made a guilty face and apologised instantly making YN feel bad.
"Don't. Junghyun said that Jungkook took very little persuasion. And you don't even have to pay rent."
"But that's not right either is it? I should at least pay something no? It's not right to get to stay in this great apartment for nothing."
Luna grabbed one of her bags as they got to the door.
"Just be your normal helpful self, be thankful and everything will be fine."
"Of course, I'll be the best housemate," YN told herself as she punched in the passcode and stepped in. "And I'm sure he's disgustingly lovely. All idols are right?"
"Well let's hope you find out," Luna said wiping her brow and helping move the last of the boxes inside the heavy front door. Almost all of YN's things were piling up in Luna and Junghyun's place but YN knew they were itching to get settled so she didn't want to take longer than necessary.
Luna had helped move her things to her new home and she appreciated the help, especially as she knew it would take ages to move her stuff by herself.
"Hyun gave Jungkook your number, and said he will message you."
"Oh, well that's nice of him," YN got the feeling that he was going to be cold. Mean. A typical celebrity she had been around too often.
She'd been impressed by the location, and secretly thankful that the rent wasn't going to be charged. She'd have been able to afford it, she thought proudly but she didn't want to have to use that money, not when it could be going to a better cause. Like her own place.
Soon as she realised she was alone, her phone vibrated in her back pocket, as though able to tell the future.
"No animals, if you break it you fix it and if you can't fix it buy another. No pink crap. I've got a schedule and I keep to it. Stay out my sight."
Downtown Hannam-dong is the heart and soul of the music scene in Seoul, and was just as nice as where she lived with Luna in Gangnam, but now she was definitely closer to its fine restaurants, fantastic shopping and the TV networks, her purse was going to suffer. She looked around the typically manly apartment and sneered at Jungkook's words.
"Pink crap. I'll give you pink crap," she frowned, thinking back to the message, as she switched on the lights, watching the whole apartment light up like Oxford Street at Christmas. The dark floorboards were so polished she could see her reflection, the living room was coloured distinctly in bright white, soft creams and industrial greys; modern and minimalist.
YN dumped her things in her room, which was huge. Every room looked bigger than the former, brand spanking new, with extraordinary views of downtown from the wall to wall windows. Her fingers slowly traced the back of the plush white sofa to the sparkling brown granite countertops and the hardly touched eight hob cooker. This place was a showroom. Luna hadn't been lying when she said he was hardly home.
YN made herself at home in the kitchen, the cupboards were bare and that gave her more than enough space to put her unused kitchen stuff away. She continued to frown and look at the dark colours of the room.
The devil probably has an aversion to light, she laughed to herself as the aroma of spiced thai curry filled the kitchen. She had to buy a rug or something just to lighten the place up. 
"Don't get excited. Just save as much as you can, save and get your own place. He isn't the devil, I'm sure my luck can't be that bad since I'm living with an idol," she tried to convince herself.
Her gaze fell naturally to his room which was right next to hers. Great. At least she had the headphones to block him out in the evenings if he made too much noise, or had some lady friend over. He was too good looking for his own good. The news constantly reported every little detail of his life that they could get hold off, including his failure to stay in a relationship for the last few years.
"He must still be pretty to look at," she admitted, seeing the trophies in the cabinet, magazine covers on decorative stands, before shaking her thoughts out her head. "Don't be stupid YN," she scolded herself. "Overworked writers don't do stupid things. Underpaid writers don't do stupid things."
But the bathroom had to be her favourite room in the entire apartment. The floor to ceiling windows that adorned one side of the room was one way glass so she could do a naked dance and no one would be able to see her. It allowed in the most wonderful natural light and acted as a wake up call of the gentlest nature.
A huge bath tub sat in the middle of the room, the centre of attention, twin sinks and a luxurious rainforest shower room stood to one side of the bathroom. The counter was dark brown, but wasn't so brash that it looked like it belonged in a night club. It looked like a bathroom you'd find at a luxurious, you can only get there by speedboat hotel. She took a peek at his toiletries and couldn't deny the brand's were expensive, sweet smelling and that she would definitely be trying them out.
YN nodded to herself as she took out her clothes and spent the rest of the evening filling her wardrobe up. She had to give it to Jungkook, his wardrobe must be humongous, and she'd already filled up her walk in closet and her drawers. She popped the radio on, having eventually figured out how to switch the shiny thing that sat next to a vinyl record player, and danced as she walked around the living room in her PJ's.
Maybe she could make this work. Having a roommate that is never home could be a good, she thought as she weighed up the positives. For one, she may feel like she's living on her own and wouldn't have to worry about someone always getting in her space especially as she was usually put to work at the crack of dawn, and often didn't return for a few days at a time.
She sat down and inhaled the silence; however, it can also be quite lonely having someone that is never around, she realised, especially if you planned on living together and were hoping to become friends with your roommate.
Who would she have wine o'clock with now that Luna and Junghyun were too busy dancing around trees declaring their love for one another? Luna was her bestie. No one can replace your bestie, right?
It didn't feel that way. They didn't get manicures together anymore, and Luna's weekends were always filled up with plans she had made with Junghyun. 
YN shuddered at the mere thought of having a friendship with idol Jungkook of BTS; she opened the fridge to see how this man lived.
He should count himself lucky for having the chance to share space she thought as she saw the bare fridge.
"This is gonna be interesting," she told herself, grabbing the half finished bottle of wine closest to her, tiptoed for a wine glass from a nearby kitchen cabinet and poured a generous amount.
Maybe she'd have better luck being his friend if he just didn't come home?
Jungkook didn't want to go home. 
This had been one hell of a month and this week had been eventful to say the least. The boys were back together doing a few events, whilst Jin enjoyed military life; his girlfriend was ignoring him and now some country bumpkin was living with him.
Their appearance on another US network had just been announced in line with Jin's release and he was riding the crest of a wave. When they stood, all seven of them; his brothers, they were whole again and it felt so right. 
"Ready to kick some ass?" Hope giggled, unable to keep still, Jungkook knocking his head side to side, trying to contain his excitement.
"Always. With you guys, always," he poured the water in his hair and waited for their music to play, as they moved through another gruelling dance practice. He danced harder, jumped higher eager to burn off the night's earlier whiskeys with his brother and all thoughts and worries about his new guest flittered away.
YN slept in her favourite checked sheets, troubled as she always was at night, walking in a cold sweat and shaking. The curtains to her room were closed but she could tell it was still dark. She yawned and sat up, reaching for the bedside table then realised her room didn't have one. One thing about working on variety shows was the ungodly hours at which she rose. The habitual habits of the last few years were hard to break.
Another thing to add to her list of things she needed, of what this perfectly designed, cold apartment needed, she told herself. Sighing she got up and wondered in the dark, blindly looking for the kitchen. The dark furniture coupled with the dark kitchen had her knocking into everything as she felt for the kitchen counter, swearing in the darkness.
He didn't come home that day. Or the rest of the week.
It was 2am when Jungkook eventually pulled up to his parking spot hungry. Rubbing a week's worth of sleep from his eyes he reversed haphazardly and swiped his card to get into the building. The boys followed and they joked their way to the lift.
One thing about being rich was being able to buy a whole complex, and the great thing about being filthy rich with your friends was that they all bought apartments in the same tower as you.
Dragging his sore feet and wanting nothing more than to sleep standing up, he pushed the front door open and let it close loudly with a snap. 
YN had just switched off her alarm when she's heard the door slam, and her heart jumped out of her chest. Clutching her blanket she scrunched up against her headboard. She heard a voice. No two voices. And then a muffled third.
Oh God, she whimpered.
She was going to get stabbed in her bed that she'd only slept in for a few weeks. Shaking, she felt for something to protect herself with; her room was the nearest of the two and it wouldn't be long before whoever was in the apartment would come through her door and kill her.
Jungkook threw his stuff into his room whilst Jimin returned for a customary beer with Taehyung.
"When did you start buying food Jungkook?" Jimin handed him a well deserved beer as he returned from his room freshly dressed before helping himself to a bowl of snacks.
"What you talkin bout?" 
"Woah!" managed Taehyung dropping his popcorn and putting his hands up as a woman with a gold trophy came out of her room.
"Who the hell are you?" asked Jimin confused.
"Who the hell are you?" she asked back. First she thought she was seeing things, but it was too late, when she realised that she really was seeing two BTS members. And getting comfortable eating snacks out of her favourite bowl and drinking the beers out the fridge was her landlord.
"Woah there!" came a voice she finally recognised.
Jungkook saw her standing there, feet apart lightly poised on the flat of her feet, in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt brandishing one of his prized trophies in their face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jungkook spat back, his mouth piercing moving as he blew out his breath.
She aimed the heavy metal lump at Jimin and Jungkook noticed how steady her hand was. No hesitation. He wasn't sure if he was scared or impressed.
And then she realised who she was speaking to.
"Jungkook-ssi?" her voice changed a little, relieved.
"They're my members, my hyungs, relax."
Her voice was piercingly clear, yet softly spoken, but afraid. Worried she would hurt herself, Jungkook moved forward, his hand reaching out to help lower her hand.
"It's okay," he saw the goosebumps on her arm as he undid her monster grip from around it's base, one finger at a time.
The others watched the two of them looking awkwardly at each other.
"Jungkook-ssi?" he repeated with a light chuckle. She sure was polite, this woman with the brightest smile he had ever seen. And no one has been that polite in how they addressed him in quite a while.
"That's who you are of course right?" she pointed to her finger at his face, lowering it with the other hand as soon as she realised she was being rude.
"What the hell happened to your face?" on instinct she moved towards him, concern filled her voice, seeing up close the welt marks across a cheek.
"My belt hit me in the face," he cleared his throat, embarrassed. "What are you even doing here?"
"You told me to move in whilst you were away."
Jungkook was confused and then he remembered that he had.
"Oh," his face fell. "I did?"
Her eyes went big, and because he was sleepy he couldn't tell if she was upset or not.
"Your words were no animals, if you break it you fix it and if you can't fix it buy another. Oh and my personal favourite - no pink crap. You said to move in whilst you were away," she repeated.
Oh god he's going to ask me to leave isn't he. She's forgotten that part of this arrangement. Sure, it was easy to move in, but it had escaped her that she didn't know how long she could stay.
"Yeah well what's with the trophy?"
"What's with sneaking in at three in the morning and scaring the shit outta me?" she countered.
"I didn't know you were here..why would I sneak around my own apartment?"
"How can you forget someone is living in your house?" she asked genuinely confused.
"That's your room mate?" Jimin asked, just as taken back as Taehyung. "You said she was ugly."
"Since when did you have someone living with you, you never told us that?" Taehyung was just as confused.
"Excuse you? I'm ugly? You didn't even know what I look like?!"
"I must have forgotten, I've got loads on my mind," he admitted, sitting down and even more annoyed that it had slipped his mind.
"Are, are you okay?" she padded over slowly to him with a glass of water. "There was a trophy in my room and I just picked it up because it was heavy and," she explained before feeling embarrassed for sharing the same air as him.
"Dude you okay?" Jimin raised an eyebrow as Jungkook kept blinking his eyes.
"I think my brain fell out my head. I can't think," he blinked blankly again.
"I'll um, speak to you in the morning. My apologies, I didn't mean to scare anyone. I was just scared someone had broken in," she retraced her steps to her room, quickly locking it after her before anyone got the chance to speak.
"Great YN," she sighed. "He's definitely not going to let you stay here now."
"That was.. interesting?" Jimin chuckled as a confused Jungkook lay back on the sofa with a big sigh.
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jboofan · 2 years ago
New Story coming:
It's in our DNA
When YN moved in with Jungkook, she soon realised that Jungkook saw her as nothing more than a friend. She was the cute sounding, helpful and understanding person he needed in his life. The one that would sneak him out the gym when saesungs hung about outside, or be the one to quietly turn off a broadcast where he'd fallen asleep from being drunk.
But he never thought they were destined to be more than friends..can YN make him see her as anything other than a friend?
Romance takes center stage when Jungkook steps out with none other than close friend YN. With his rollercoaster roadside accident of a relationship with Jennie Kim more off than on, he'll do just about anything to secure her affections again, even convince long term suffering friend YN to be his fake girlfriend to make Jennie jealous, and win her back.
YN helps Jungkook get what he wants; but what happens when he realises that's he's fighting an attraction to YN instead?
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jboofan · 2 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN part 29
I'm not a fan
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When the door swung open that evening, Yoongi wasn't prepared to see YN waltz into the lounge in a dress that should never have left her bedroom.
"What the—" he managed under his breath as Ari went off in search of more colouring paper.
"What are you doing here?"
"Where are you going like that?"
They both muted having asked each other simultaneously.
"Ari, be a good girl for Uncle Jin," she kissed her head, grabbed her handbag and headed off.
"Mama you didn't kiss Dad bye."
Yoongi chuckled at the little girl's words. He would definitely give her an allowance now. That's what you did with kids right?
YN looked at Ari, "Mama's kisses aren't for your Dad hun." She grabbed her phone.
"You look really um, wow" he said.
"Thanks...Bye Yoongo." She answered reluctantly as she disappeared shortly after, and they heard the front door close in the distance.
"Sweetie, where did your Mama go?"
Ari carried on drawing around Yoongi's hand. "Mama's gone out with Bambam."
"Bambam?" he asked. "Uncle Jackson's friend?"
"Interesting." He watched the front door for a moment.
YN laughed as she saw Bambam, covering her mouth.
"Hey" he said leaning on his car, sunglasses on trying to look cool. "How's it going?"
"Dork," she shook her head and they met with laughter. 
"How's Ari?" he asked as he drove through the courtyard and back out through the entrance.
"She's good. She's having pizza night with Jin and Yoongi probably."
"Yoongi?" he looked at her.
"What do you mean Yoongi?"
"Jackson said you were married to a guy, then when you went back with him you didn't mention his name, and I guess he's her dad?"
She looked him dead in the eye, "Yes."
Bambam tried to lighten the mood, "we love her all the same, she's definitely gone on her mom."
He gave her a smile and a wink.
Yoongi looked at Jin as they sat on the sofa Ari between them watching Frozen. 
"So YN and Bambam.." he asked.
"Yeah.." Jin chuckled, he knew where this was going, he threw some popcorn into his mouth.
"What's their deal?"
"They met out in New York. I remembered her saying he went to a fashion show of hers and at some point she was over in Thailand when he was performing there..they hit it off I suppose."
"So they're dating then?"
"OK it's awkward talking to you about her love life. Just ask her." Jin took a swig of his beer.
Yoongi didn't say anything for a bit, "He seems to know Ari well.."
"They've known each other a while." Jin waited for a response, hiding a smirk once he got a reaction out of him.
"Yeah, I'm not a fan," Yoongi huffed.
Yoongi lay in bed, tossing and turning as he lay awake thinking of YN.
He remembered her body, the taste of her lips, her skin; each etch and groove and he had never experienced anything like that union of two bodies ever again.
Their souls had fused together; his heart taken and he had never felt the same ever again. Until he saw her again.
He sighed, sitting up to hold his head. Yoongi hated this. He would miss her most nights, but especially the sleepless ones. He would lay there, knowing Ha-Na was in his life but that spark, it wasn't there unless he thought of YN. He refused to admit it, but on many occasions he had even fantasised about her.
Imagining the two of them walking down by the river, or impressing her with new music he had been working on.
Yoongi sighed deeply. Even after all this time he still wondered why he just couldn't move on.
YN had moved on, apparently with Bambam, and it ate him up inside. He growled loudly.
"I should have left after dropping Ari home," he rubbed his eyes, "should never have stayed long enough to see that damn dress," he mumbled to himself.
Knowing what she was wearing, how she did her hair or which lipstick was on her plump lips drove him insane. All he could think about was whether Bambam had kissed her or not, if he could make her happier.
He felt the dread creep into his heart, the anger start to boil. He stood breathing fast, he was jealous. Scratch that he was beyond jealous. He felt possessive.
This should have been his family set up, but now it was Bambam who would be there, and not him.
He looked up at the sky one last time, the moon shining so brightly through the frosty window, his eyes moist with tears. He couldn't believe that he had missed his chance, he refused to.
YN poured another glass of wine and sat out in the garden starring up at the night sky. Bambam made her smile, he was funny and adored Ari. She chuckled at the ways in which he had made her laugh tonight when they arrived back from their evening gala.
The laughs gave way to melancholy as she sighed and drank deeply from her glass. Seeing Yoongi was difficult, he had gotten even bigger which she had thought was impossible, stronger physically but the way his soul searched for hers hadn't changed.
He had tattooed himself to her heart the night they made Ari, and no matter how much she wanted to give herself, her heart to someone; anyone else.. no one could compare to him.
"That pasty good for nothing, with that - gorgeous long hair and sexy hands," she cursed out loud.
He'd branded her and it was permanent, he'd given her the most wonderful gift in Ari and for that alone she couldn't turn her back on him. She'd tried for 3 years but had failed miserably; no matter how hard she pushed away, the universe pulled her just as tightly back to where she left off.
She wiped a fallen tear, and looked at the moon, no matter how hard she tried, everything came back to him. "You ruined everything. I was doing fine. But now..."
Jimin sighed moving away from Yoongi's door and tiptoed quickly back to his room, closing the door silently.
"Jin hyung," he started, paranoid he was going to get caught for spying.
"Ya, why are you calling this late?"
"Why am I calling? You're the one that said we should help them get back together."
"Ok, well, couldn't this wait til the morning?"
"Hyung, every night he does this. He doesn't sleep, sits talking to the window and then looks so withdrawn during the day. It's so sad it breaks my heart."
"He's not drinking like before is he?" Jin padded down the stairs, spotting YN outside also nursing a drink.
"No, we'd know if he was back to that. I don't care what anyone says, YNnie leaving broke us all. But him, I feel bad the way we cut him out. But he wouldn't tell us why she left."
"I know," Jin admitted sadly, "But there's nothing we can do to change the past, but we can help them the best we can."
"He's been swearing about GOT7 soon as he got in, what's that about?"
Jin couldn't help but chuckle. "The shit is jealous of BamBam. He and YN went out to a gala thing, and I may have forgotten to tell him that there were lots of other people there.."
"Hyung!" Jimin scolded, "no wonder he is so upset!"
"Chill your pants. We'll think of something. Get the boys together." Jin hung up and joined her in the garden.
"YN," he looked around for a chair.
"Hmm?" she looked up at him. "Dude you need new PJ's. I swear you got some for Christmas."
Jin gave her a grin.
"I'm embarrassed for you."
Jin patted down his old but comfy shirt. "It's comfortable," he defended as he pointed a slipper at her. "Enough staring at the sky dramatically. It's late, go to bed."
YN tried to not take the piss when she could see he was trying to be brotherly.
"Fine," she finally lamented. "Let me just take the rubbish out. I keep forgetting."
Jin nodded, locking the garden doors. "Yeah you do that, it's your turn."
YN dragged the wheelie bin down the driveway and left it by the kerb. She looked down the street past a set of cars…and froze.
YN was absolutely sure that the car she had seen in the parking garage regularly, was now parked halfway down the block with a man sitting in it. As soon as he could, he pulled out and turned at the corner, moving away from her, but she was positive this time it was the same car and the same man.
"What is it?"
YN shook her head and sighed as she locked the front door.
"I know mom is happy we're both back here, but she's taking it too far."
"What you mean? What could she possibly do from home? The doctors said she needs to stay out the cold to get over the pnemonia," he said getting up from the bottom step.
"Seokjin, I swear she's having me followed. I remember there being someone ages ago. And lately whenever I get in the car, or wherever I am. I swear I've seen that same dark car following me."
"I'm sure it's nothing. But, I'll ask her tomorrow," he told her, squeezing her shoulder in reassurance.
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YN stormed into her mother's living room as the housekeeper disappeared after letting her in.
"YN what a pleasant surprise," Mrs Bang looked over her tea cup.
"Ma, I don't have time for niceties."
She set the cup down gently. "You didn't say much when you shouted down the phone about something, but I couldn't get discipher it."
Her mother held her hands in her lap and looked back at YN as she refused to sit, and stood.
"What have I done wrong this time?" Mrs Bang asked.
"We already apologised to Yoongi and I understand how awful I've been to the two of you before you left. But I'm so grateful you came back, and Ari too. I won't interfere again."
YN looked back at her cautiously.
"Your brother already explained how much you love him, and that Yoongi genuinely loves you both back. Who are we to stand in the way of your happiness," tears began to fall down her cheeks as she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.
YN was stunned as she watched her mother cry and couldn't help but feel guilty.
“I don’t know how things got this bad. There’s nothing I can say to make this right. But, I can see that you and Yoongi love each other,” she continued.
"I don't, I mean I do, but it's not that straightforward," YN mumbled.
"Well I caught your heart eyes for him when Ari mentioned she had spent time with him.. Jin also said that he's really quite the father."
YN burst with happiness inside when her mother spoke of YN’s love for him.
Now if only I could figure out if he means what he says for real.
More than anything, deep down she wanted to see if they could share a life together.
“It’s all right,” she started to say, but her mother cut her off.
“No, it’s not, YN,” she said firmly again, with a shake of her head. “I know that now. I want you to know I’m going to get help with this. I got so lost in my head when you stopped listening and didn't want to come back. That I’ve been angry and hateful ever since. It was like a poison washing over me. And I let it change the way I saw you and everyone around me. Jin and your fatherbtried to tell me so many times but I never listened. I never saw how much my hatred and anger was hurting all of you, because I never wanted to see it."
YN watched her cautiously while she continued, wishing to believe that she could have a mother that supported her just like how everyone else around her had one.
“I know it’s taken time to earn back your trust, and I won’t ever be able to make everything up to you, but I’m going to try.”
YN laughed and came around the table to hug her mother, and hoped that this truly was a genuine change for her and a chance for her to have her old mom back.
“But, I do expect invitations to dinner from time to time. And, Yoongi should come too. And Ari. I don’t see my own granddaughter often enough,” she insisted.
“Does this mean you’ll call off your private investigator? He's been following me and Yoongi for ages," YN asked and she laughed, relieved to be able to put all of this behind them.
Mrs Bang pulled out of her arms and looked at her quizzically. “I didn’t hire an investigator, dear,” she said.
@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng @juju-227592
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jboofan · 2 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN part 28
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YN poured out another whiskey, skipping the ice and felt it burn nicely down her throat.
She did her best to distract herself, but when it has been almost an hour and no movement she decided to go investigate.
YN knocked and swung open the door, watching as Yoongi stood nursing a bloody nose.
"For fuck sake Seokjin!" she headed straight for him. "I said don't do something stupid! You can't go beating up people," she shouted at him, grabbing tissues and pushing them at Yoongi.
She knew her brother would have thrown the first punch, because if it was her she probably would have done the same thing.
YN wiped the blood off her hands and tilted Yoongi's head up towards and felt the bridge of his nose. "It's not broken."
Yoongi blinked hard, as she walked into the room speaking, but his ears were muffled due to taking one too many hits.
Jim grabbed his cardigan nonchalantly as though their altercation had never happened. 
Yoongi felt her soft hands on his chin tilting it up toward her face. She lowered her gaze to his nose and pinched it all the way down. He did his best not to look down her top as she dipped down in front of him, but he was seeing double now. The sight of blood made most people sick; she didn't even bat an eyelid, and there was plenty of it.
"Why the hell did you follow him into here, hmm?" she mumbled, not that Yoongi could hear it over the ringing in his head.
"YN, you're here!" he gave her a gummy smile, reaching out his gloved hands and squishing her cheeks.
"How hard did you even hit him?" she managed, as Jin laughed at her looking like a puffer fish.
Jin just shrugged, pulling at the velcro with his teeth. YN felt for Yoongi's gloves but realised he had swayed and fallen to the ground in a heap.
"Jesus Seokjinna!"
Jin shook his head, "I didn't hit him that hard, how was I supposed to know you'd make him pass out again."
"Ya! You knocked him around the ring, it's not my fault if he happened to faint just after I walked in!"
Her brother shot her a look. "It is too!" he said loudly.
She moved away from Jin and looked over him, tired.
"Meh, give him a minute I'm sure he'll be okay, but what on earth is he doing here at this hour?"
"Drunk. Spilling the truth. It's too late to send him home anyway, especially in this state."
"What tea?"
"It's not my tea to spill," he explained cryptically.
"Well, I'm not running a hotel here, I had spare rooms but Uncle and Jackson have one each, Ari has her own and you stole my last one."
"I warned you if you came back I would live with you, stop acting like you don't like having your brother around," he argued.
"Fine, but stick him in your room," she waved him off, stepping over Yoongi and to go to bed.
Jin scoffed loudly, stepping over Yoongi too. "No way. You take him."
"He's your band member. You've known him longer," she argued back.
"Yeah, well he was your husband. And is your baby daddy."
"Listen we don't even know if the pabo is even going to do the right thing."
"Look I will be generous and help you take him into the house. And then I need some beauty sleep."
"Fine," she sulked, "help me get his ass upstairs."
YN dragged his heavy body to the landing outside her bedroom, struggling to keep him upright and simultaneously open the door.
Eventually pulling him in, she wanted more than anything to drop his ass to the ground.
"If you so much as fart in my room, you will not see the light of day," she threatened him as he mutely plopped onto the bed.
She owed him no niceties. YN threw his wallet and phone on the dresser, dumping a pair of large PJ's on the bed beside him.
"See ya," she waved him off after grabbing clothes.
"Wait," he called. YN turned around, and watched his eyes grow big, covering his mouth and run to the bathroom, and vomit loudly.
YN dry retched, just the sounds alone had her wanting to gag. She rubbed her eyes, sighing loudly.
"God I hate you," she berated him loudly, leaving her PJ's on the dresser. She padded slowly to the bathroom where he lay in a small figure, clutching his stomach.
"It serves you right," she looked at him in his pathetic state.
"I don't need a fucking lecture right now," he told her. "If you found out your fuck buddy had deleted all hopes of a reconciliation off your phone, you'd be just as drunk too."
She looked at him, her expression stony. "Sobered up all of a sudden?" God why did he make it so hard to be angry at him.
He lay, his head on the cold floor, hair smeared against his sweaty forehead, breathing erratic.
"I'm sorry. I genuinely thought you didn't want us. Want Ari," she corrected, "I should have tried harder."
Begrudgingly YN sat him up and rinsed a hand towel under warm water.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Don't say sorry. I never deserved you the first time. I would never say I didn't want you. I cried every night, and I couldn't talk to anyone cos I knew they all loved you and hated me for making you leave."
He clutched his stomach and crawled back to the toilet and puked again.
Trying hard to not vomit herself, YN helped him up as he sat on the edge of the bath.
"I'm sorry baby," he sniffed and looked down at the floor. She lifted his droopy head, rinsed the towel again and gently cleaned his face. Unable to give a witty comeback and feeling nauseous again Yoongi knew to just shut up.
YN silently peeled off him the now vomit ridden t-shirt off him and chucked it in straight into the waste bin without a second glance. Yoongi sat motionless as she wiped down his neck and chest and gave him a towel to hold.
"Do you need to vomit again?" she asked quietly, emotionless.
Unable to speak, he closed his eyes and shook his head. She placed a clean towel around his shoulders and helped him to the bed.
She shook out the bed clothes, indicating with snappy fingers which he understood. Yoongi raised his arms up, the areas wiped down early now cold with goosebumps as she pulled the T-shirt over his head roughly. She smoothed his hair back for him neatly, giving him a 90's curtain style judging him hard as he tried to look everywhere but at her.
YN was furious at him.
But he looked like a bag of hot garbage left out in the sun, and she told him so.
"You look like shit."
"We can't all look at pretty as you."
He just about dragged himself to the basin in time to vomit, even then most of it was over himself again, as his legs shook. Even she wasn't so heartless, that she would leave him in such a state.
YN sighed loudly, but still helped him stand again and he managed to pull clean pjs on. Embarrassed beyond words he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge the fact, as a grown man he had to be helped into his night clothes, because he had drank himself into oblivion and then allowed himself to be almost beaten to a pulp by her brother.
Now stomach empty of the alcohol, he shook with a cold sweat. YN put some socks on him, and sat him down, rubbing his back.
"Are you thirsty?" she asked.
He nodded, as she gave him a glass of water. Hands shaking he tried to drink it.
"For fuck sake" he growled.
YN swiftly took the glass off him and held his chin as she fed him the water slowly.
"Why are you even helping me after everything I have done to you?" he mumbled.
YN ignored the question, on the grounds she didn't know why, as Yoongi managed to get himself into bed.
"Lay on your side."
She helped him roll over and put another empty waste bin next to his bed. 
YN rubbed her head again and sat down on the end of the bed and waited for him to fall asleep. He groaned in pain as he lay there.
"Please don't go. Don't leave me," he held her hand tightly, refusing to let go. "Just stay, till I feel asleep. Please?"
"It's fine, I'm here" she repeated a few times. Sick of during awkwardly in a stool, she eventually have up and sat beside him.
She'd only closed her eyes a moment, the dim room was making her sleepy, as he almost climbed into her lap. Cradling his head YN, as though on autopilot stroked his hair until he fell asleep, much like she did for Ari. Eyes closing she yawned as her own head began to falter.
She'd ordered herself to make sure, when satisfied he wasn't going to puke anymore or choke trying, that she would leave him some more water by the bed, and let herself out.​​​​​​
Yoongi awoke groggy and seriously hungry.
With absolutely no idea where the hell he was.
He rose from the most comfortable bed ever and wondered around the bedroom.
"Did I check into a hotel?" he took in his dishevelled appearance as he tried to remember where he was. His eyes went to the dressing table, his wallet and it's contents seemed correct and his clothes were cleaned and on the nearby stool.
YN wiped the counter as Ari ate her breakfast with her uncles. Conversation naturally lulled as she turned to offer more eggs.
"Any one for any more," she called out, "then I'm gonna sit down." She paused as she felt something move behind her.
Yoongi's eyes locked onto hers.
"Decided to join us?" Jin asked, chewing his toast.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat as he tried to get her to look at him, but she expertly avoided him.
Eventually she looked up at him, "What?"
He kept staring at her and wouldn't stop, and it was starting to annoy her.
When she snapped her fingers in his face, he gave a slow smile, catching her snapping fingers in his, pulling her towards him to kiss them.
"Yah," she snatched her hand back.
He was looked at her, smitten causing YN to mumble expletives under her breath and move away.
Yoongi mumbled something about thanks and sleep and other things, but she couldn't understand what he was saying nor the order of his words.
God, just the sight of him is painful. Why is he here dragging out my pain?
Yoongi looked at her, at Ari at the table and then back to her. He shook his head, grabbed her hands again, removing the whisk and pulling her towards him.
His nerves kicked in again as she stood there staring back. Speechless.
Holding her hands in his he said, "I want you back. Please. I need you. Let me be a father to her."
"Let me explain it to her please. I don't want to startle her," she replied in hushed tones. "But we need to talk. You do not turn up at my house drunk."
"They don't make a medicine for my heartbreak. Wherever I went, I went looking for you. No one helped or told me where you went."
Unsure what to say, and almost choking on her own spit she looked back at him.
Yoongi dare not repeat it in front of innocent ears. "Can we spend some time alone? I need to tell you the truth."
"Later," she tried her best to cut the conversation off.
He took a seat at the table, Ari's eyes followed him like a hawk until he was sitting opposite her.
"Mama?" she nearly put the spoon down in the empty bowl.
"Yes baby?" YN came over with the last of the scrambled eggs and toast.
"Yoongha uncle having food with us?"
"Um, yes monkey he is," she avoided the looks around the table from Jackson and Jin.
"Who is he?" Ari blurted out, making Uncle Kim chuckle into his coffee.
She gripped her hands in her lap, anxious.
"Remember when you asked where Daddy was, and I said he was in a different country?"
She nodded.
"Well, this is the country he's in. Ari, this is your dad, Yoongi is your father."
No one was expecting to hear what YN said next.
"Are you sure Mama?"
Jin sniggered.
"Pretty sure sweetheart."
Suddenly she didn't have an appetite.
"I don't think that's right mama," the little girl slipped off her chair and walked around to Yoongi.
Ari took a few steps toward Yoongi. He got down on his knees to meet her eye level; she pierced his heart with her steely eyes.
That was the defining moment he became a father. He instantly recognised her as the second thing he has to protect for the rest of his life.
Ari looked to her mother for reassurance, YN nodded and turning Ari stood, analysing him.
"I don't think you're my Dad," she told him matter of fact. "If you were my Dad you would have been with us. Why didn't you stay with us?"
"I-im sorry," he managed. "I promise to do better."
"We don't make promises in this house. Mama says words don't mean anything mister."
Yoongi cleared his throat and looked at YN but she refused to meet his eyes.
"Your mama is right. And I will show you with my actions okay?"
She stared at him, "okay," she agreed, not believing him wholly, "I look forward to seeing that."
She shook his hand quickly before running back. 
YN looked apologetically to Yoongi as she ran past her.
"Do you have any other questions for me?" Yoongi asked Ari.
Ari looked at the bowl but nodded. 
"You can look at me sweetheart," he walked back around the table, he held his hands, palms up to her and she placed her small doll-like hand in his. 
"Go on sweetheart," YN encouraged her. "Ask whatever you want."
Ari looked at him closely. "Why are you in big trouble with Mama?" her American accent came through thick and clear. "She's angry because she isn't eating."
Jin and Jackson laughed.
"I will sit down with your mama and try and explain. Maybe then she won't be so angry okay?"
"Good luck," the little girl patted his shoulder in sympathy. She nodded her head quickly, "Jinny and Jackson samcho are my favourites," she touched his shoulder gently, "you could be my favourite as well."
"Can I?"
"Yep. But you have to earn it.. Ahjussi."
"You can call me daddy."
"No thanks."
"Damn girl. What's it gonna take?"
Ari stared hard, hand out.
"Credit card please."
"Sweetheart," Yoongi looked back at YN, "now where've I heard that before."
YN watched her daughter slowly open up to this stranger that had been placed in their lives.
Please God, don't let this backfire on them she prayed.
"I'm off out to the park with Ari," Jackson excited.
"I'm going to the office," Jin grabbed his jacket.
"I'll join you," Uncle Kim added, leaving the house empty.
Yoongi turned in his seat to face her fully.
"She has some sass, Jin wasn't joking."
"She's confident. That's how I've been raising her."
"I know," he conceded, "but I want to help, with raising her."
"We can figure it out," she acknowledged.
"Can we talk now? It looks like it's just us home now. Go to dinner with me," he ordered.
"What?" she squealed in surprise.
"Go to dinner with me, let's please talk."
"I think you should go home and think about what you want," she hadn't touched her food as she cooly went back to the kitchen.
It was Yoongi's turn for the wide eyes as he immediately ran after her, snapping her around sharply as soon as her hands were free.
"I want you."
The heat of his hand cradling mine makes me a little dizzy.
YN gulped hard.
God why have I missed touching her?
He leaned into her, rubbing his thumb along the side of her waist, as her blouse rode up slightly, walking her into the counter behind her.
"I have to go," YN tried to get out his grip but he pulled her forward, an arm between them as he hugged her hard.
"I'm begging you. I have no pride baby girl. You're mine. Princess. Only mine," he pulled her into him until their lips almost touched.
"I need to go finish getting ready, I need to leave for the office," she pleaded on deaf ears.
"You don't need it, you look amazing," he commented.
"I need to grab lipstick, my lips are dry and I'm outta here. You can see yourself out."
He spin her hard, hoping to make her dizzy enough to
"You-you kissed me?"
He snashed his lips to her again, "you said your lips were dry."
"Doesn't mean you kiss me!"
"Raise your voice and I'll do that again," he tightened his grip. "I just need a chance. Baby I fucking love you."
"You just love the idea of it. So did I before. Before this all happened. Things are different now."
"You left me. When you should have stayed."
"Well colour me surprised, it's not like you were that sad since you shacked up with your ex Yoongi."
"She never ever stayed over. I didn't let her."
"That's why she was always out with you? You hold hands with all your friends?"
"Did she keep me from drinking myself to my grave? Yes. Did I use her in public so I could keep people at arms length? Yes. Did I stay with her because I felt sorry for myself. I did."
YN looked the other way in disgust.
"But she wasn't you. A poor man's YN. But she wasn't you. And she went to such lengths to keep you from me."
"She's gonna pay, ain't no mistake about that," YN gritted her teeth. "She ruined Ari's life. And we had an agreement and it finished. Why would I stay and mooch off you?!"
"I would have let you. Hell, who else says to a woman they're about to marry you can have all my money? Damn it YN, I don't give a shit about the money if I ain't got you, who the hell am I gonna spend it on baby?"
"Baby?" she scoffed, "I don't care."
"Baby, I care. Don't say baby who cares, I know you care!"
He dodged a kick to the privates and nimble, jogged after her as she checked herself in the mirror one last time.
"Run all you like Princess, but I'm not going anywhere," he called out as she escaped his clutches and fled.
Yoongi stood watching her leave hurriedly, a small sigh came from behind him, as it tugged his t-shirt.
"Ya Ahjussi!"
Yoongi turned around and faced the little girl.
"Daddy? Or Papa or Dad. Choose one," he told her, "I'm not going anywhere. Here forever Ari. You and mama need to get used to it okay?"
"Fine," Ari folded her arms, "but first let's go toy shopping."
"What happened to the park with Jackson?"
"We should spend time together. Dad."
"You are just like your mother," he mumbled as he let the child lead him out.
"So how did it go with Yoongs.. Has he manned up to his responsibility?" Jin looked at her.
"Yes he has Seokjin. He's manned up," she replied dryly to his question as she reached for her seat belt.
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and a side hug. "I'm glad for you," he told her. "And my house is your house."
"You mean my house is your house. Bitch you live rent free and pay no bills!"
"True, but I support you. He can come around whenever. To see Ari, or maybe even see you," he whispered the last bit.
"For Ari, not me" she corrected him. "Ari is in need of him Seokjinna, not me."
Jin looked at her, damn her hearing was good.
"Even the great YN needs someone too."
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jboofan · 3 years ago
I know that literally none of them know exactly what Ha Na did and how she took advantage of him that night, but knowing that as a reader I felt really sad for him when they all started ganging up on him :(
I hope he gets support. It must be so hard mentally and emotionally to know that he has been constantly overlooked since YN left. She left a large impression on the group, close enough to be considered an honorary member, but Yoongi has had it tough, he's kept it locked away inside and no one to talk to about it. YN really was a gift that let him feel, but that became a curse when she left him. Let's see what happens next! Xx
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN Part 27
I know everything
Yoongi's phone rang. "YN.." he couldn't help but find himself smiling as he thought of her.
"YN?" he answered the phone, fumbling for his phone as he pulled up to her new home.
"Yoongi, are you nearly here?"
He jumped out the car as soon as he hit the brakes, not bothering to lock it, worried as he ran up to the front door.
The door opened as soon as he used the knocker and YN stood there waiting for him.
He couldn't help the lump in his throat forming as he remembered how it would feel to come home to YN, but now it was Jackson she came home to.
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"Are you okay? Is Ari okay?" he found himself worrying about that little girl.
"No we're not. Thanks for coming so quickly."
"Um, sure, it's okay. Do you need to go somewhere?"
"Can we stay here? Ari is asleep and I can't leave her."
"Of course, how stupid of me," he felt dumb trying to get her to leave the house. "Where's Jackson?"
He wished he hadn't knocked on the door so loudly now.
"Shh" she said as she motioned for him to enter. "She's sleeping."
"Sorry." He bit his tongue and shut the door after himself. She looked uneasy. 
"Is everything OK?" he worried and she was being cryptic.
"You tell me, I just want to know why you said no. I don't get it. And I was very surprised by your reply, it was cold and heartless."
Yoongi looked at her, how annoyed she looked standing there, arms folded with a raised eyebrow.
"Ok can you explain what you're talking about please? I still don't get why you had a go at me at the office before and I've never tried to be cold or heartless."
YN looked at him, eyebrow still raised, still waiting for an explanation. "Are you for real right now?"
"Yeah I am," he chuckled, "What is going on?" He removed his cap and shook out his dark hair.
"I called you when I landed in LA and I texted you and you told me to do what I wanted?" she looked at him. "I find it hard to believe, and then you act normal when you see us?"
YN took her phone off the table and scanned her messages.
"Three years ago Yoongi, you might have forgotten but I didn't. That night I texted you saying we need to talk. I then called you and you didn't pick up. I then left you messages explaining everything and you are telling me you have NO idea what I'm talking about?"
YN looked at him. "You've got no idea what I'm talking about do you? Are you telling the truth?"
He shook his head at her. "Do I get a clue or somethin'?"
"Shit." She rubbed her head.
"Sweetheart, you wanna let me in on the secret, cos I'm dying to know what I've done wrong?"
Yoongi's hand instinctively rose to touch hers as it rubbed her temple.
YN moved away, opened the french doors out onto the lawn, Yoongi following her. He sat down, but she preferred to stand.
"Two weeks after I went home I found out I was pregnant. I messaged you, told you I'm pregnant and you told me to stick it. I gave birth and stayed in the States. Ari is your daughter Yoongi."
Yoongi stared at her.
He looked like the light was on, but no one was home.
"Yoongo Bongo?" She waved her hand in his face.
Yoongi grabbed her wrist, yanking her hard, pulling her into his lap.
Still holding her waist he positioned the phone screen in front of him, eyes scanning over the words; the time stamp.
He was asleep at the time, he remembered drinking his sorrows away in a bar, sad, depressed and crying. Somehow he made it home, and Ha-Na was there in the morning telling him they'd slept together and she supported him. But he didn't have his phone next to him. It was Ha-Na, his phone was next to her the whole night. He didn't let her stay over ever again after that. It can't have been a coincidence. I don't believe in those.
Yoongi turned her till she was facing him, struggling out of his grip.
"When is her birthday?" How old is she?"
She was getting pissed off now.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" she slapped his arm hard, pulling away. "Have I lied to you?"
"You not telling me who you really were, that you are Jin's sister. You lied about," he tried to swallow but couldn't, "you said we would be married a year."
I thought I had at least a year with you.
"Well I'm not lying now. It gives me nothing to say that she's yours. But she is. She is 3 years old Yoongi. She was born 9 months after we slept together."
"But Ha-Na, my phone, the last few years," he was no longer looking at YN but simply talking to himself, trying to mumble his way through it all.
He couldn't take this in. He had to speak to Ha-Na.
"I have to speak to Ha-Na."
YN sighed and looked out into the distance, disappointed. Of course he would want to discuss it with her, his girlfriend, the love of his life.
"Um, does she know who I am?" he asked, dry mouthed. YN shook her head.
"So what have you told her? That her Dad doesn't love her?" he was getting angry.
"Don't get angry at me! I did what I needed to do for me and my daughter. Don't act like you all of a sudden love her," she shouted back, eyes shiny with unshed tears. "Don't you dare stand there and fucking judge me!"
Jackson knocked on the open door, YN looked at him apologetic, realising they were speaking too loudly. He spotted Yoongi standing there.
"Am I interrupting something?" he looked at YN to check if she was okay, who shook her head.
Yoongi squared up to him, who didn't seem to back down either.
"So you knew all along, and have been playing happy families with my daughter?" he pushed Jackson.
Jackson pushed him back.
"You need to back up Yoongi before you get hurt. You turned around and said you wanted no part in bringing her up. What kind of a man are you? What kind of a father are you?"
Yoongi looked furious. "What the fuck are you talking about? Is that why you got her thinking you're her Dad?" he looked across at YN. "So that's what's going on, you leave me and you shack up with Jackson and got my kid calling him Dad?" 
"Jackson is Ari's God Father you asshole. She calls him God-daddy because ironically she can't pronounce father."
She stared at him. "And you don't get to say anything to Jackson, he has done nothing but be supportive. You sure as hell don't get the chance to stand there and point fingers at me as to how I'm bringing up my daughter."
Jackson pushed him back. "I've been willing to step up and be her support, and I have done that as her Godfather.. YN is one of my closest friends, I wasn't going to leave her high and dry! And I've never given Ari the chance to feel she never had a strong and reliable father figure in her life; and I ain't gonna stop now just because you keep changing your mind."
"Stop this!" she tried to reason, getting between Yoongi and Jackson as she showed him the response she got back from his phone.
Yoongi shook his head, "YN I swear I didn't send that. If I'd known what you said, I would have spoken to you face to face, not send you a text to tell you no. That's my flesh and blood. I would have tried harder to keep you both."
No one heard the lounge door open.
"Mama?" she stood in the doorway. An angry Yoongi and Jackson turned to look at her, in surprise.
"Hey hunny," she scooped her up, moving her away from the scene. "Sorry sweetheart, did we wake you?" Ari rubbed her eyes. 
"I think you guys need to cool down," YN looked at them. Jackson left, which left Yoongi standing there.
Yoongi combed his hair back, and nervously smiled at her. She looked completely like YN, this beautiful little thing was meant to be my daughter?
"Sweetheart, do you remember Yoongi from before? He works with me."
Ari looked at him blankly trying to remember who he was. YN cleared her throat.
"Maybe you should think about what you want to do, and then let me know. Let me just put her to bed first."
Yoongi paced the room blankly waiting for her to return, replaying her words again and again until she walked back through the living room,and closed the door behind her.
She looked up, rubbing her neck from the stress.
"Who else knows?"
"I hoped you would have just left," she mumbled, he sure was nimble even in the too small for him slippers as he got to her in seconds, pinning her against the table.
"Really, you have the audacity to pin me to the table? Is that supposed to make me bat my eyelids at you?"
"What do you want from me sweetheart?" he asked her honestly.
"Yoongi move please," turning her head to the side to not look at him.
"No," he pushed his hips closer to hers, seeking her chin with the side of his jaw.
"Me? Nothing. I'm letting you know there is another life out there that you are partly responsible for," she gave him a dose of reality and he backed off, "you can either step up," she closed the French doors, "or step aside. Your choice, sweetheart."
"You're gonna wish you never left me," he shot her with a serious look.
"Please, you think I'm gonna make the same mistake twice? Bang YN is no one's fool. Besides," she confidently walked over to him. Stood so close he was beginning to lose his cool.
She smiled as he swallowed difficultly.
"I did what I had to do. What makes you think I need you? I don't go for sloppy seconds. Ha-Na? She's just a poor man's YN. Not the other way round..."
"We'll see about that," he threatened. "Let's see how long you can last without me."
How could she stand there, not an ounce of guilt for leaving my heart for dead?
"I did three years without you, what makes you think I can't do another thirty?" she raised an eyebrow, a confident smirk on her face.
"I'm going nowhere."
"All the guys say that. I'm not having this weird argument with you. See yourself out."
"Carefull YN, you're going to bring the demon out.." he snarled on exit.
"All talk."
YN crumbled to the floor as soon as she heard the front door close, clutching her chest as her heart beat out her ribs.
"God why did I come back.."
"And where have you been? You ran out the door so damn fast you didn't tell anyone," Hobi asked as soon as he stalked in a little later after midnight.
"Guys I need to tell you something," he cleared his throat and assembled everyone at the large modular couches to explain where he'd been.
Jimin sat with his mouth open for a couple of minutes.
"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin looked at him. "To be fair, we all kinda knew."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "this a joke?"
"I wish it was," Jin added, "You had a child with her, but are involved with someone else, didn't step up, and is basically going to watch Jackson bring up you insanely cute daughter as his own.. Yeah, if that ain't an episode off a drama I don't know what is.." he added sarcastically.
Namjoon kissed his teeth and thought deeply before speaking next.
"YN has never badmouthed you, never mentioned you after she went back. We always wondered what went wrong, especially since you guys always looked so, so happy. But whatever happened in Paris, was just a catalyst for change and heartbreak. You're our family, but so is YN," he said conflicted.
"If you choose to not step up, I think that's up to you. We can't make you, but we've spent time with Ari. She's a special little girl who deserves to have a father," Taehyung explained.
Yoongi looked at Jungkook, surprised he didn't say anything yet.
"Jungkook-ah what about you, you not got anything to add?"
Jungkook looked over. "I love Noona. She is caring, funny and loyal. From where I'm sitting, looks like she doesn't really need you to be honest. She has Jackson. We know him and GOT7, we know they are good guys, but from what he has mentioned and what we've seen; she's done fine without you up till now."
He looked at Yoongi's face and smiled, hoping to get a reaction. "And it looks like he's a father to her in everything but name. He's her god father, but he's there for that girl more than you have."
Yoongi looked at them and sighed. Conflicted.
"YN messaged me when she first found out, but Ha-Na deleted the messages and told her that I didn't care. I didn't know, I had no clue until this evening."
He rubbed his hands nervously, "She left me once," he explained, "I don't know what I'd do if YN left me again, and with my little girl."
Jin sighed, putting down the knife he'd been sharpening since Yoongi had run to YNs and approached him slowly.
"This is your chance Yoongi," he pointed the tip of the blade on his direction, "Ha-Na was never any good for you, and we're glad you've left her for good. But you have the chance here, to be happy. To be a Dad! Don't fuck it up. Most people don't get a second chance at happiness. If you can't be there for YN, then at least be there for Ari, Yoongi."
He paused and looked at him, "and if you decide you do want to do the right thing, we will support you. But you fuck up, I swear on my life I will gut you like a fish."
"I do, want to do the right thing. Not have you gut me.. I felt that I had to clarify that," Yoongi watched the knife go back in the drawer carefully, and Jin leaving to go out.
"How about we have a drink boys?" Jimin and Jungkook grinned pulling out the bottles.
"Best thing you've said all day," Yoongi blew out his breath as a bottle made it to his hand.
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It wasn't more than a few minutes of walking out the front door, down the driveway to the garbage collection, that YN turned a corner and sensed someone was behind. Calmly she walked, taking in the gravel under her trainers, the feel of a northeast breeze on the small of her back, until she stood still, ears perked, hearing the footsteps behind her also stop. 
The next day, a remorseful and hung over Yoongi would appreciate how she was able to flick up a nearby fallen branch for a makeshift bat.
"Can I get some - hiccup- help?"
YN lowered the branch, crossed her arms and looked at him with such a stare, it reminded him badly of his own mother, a look of patience wearing thin when he would often return home from school, with a new shiner for company.
"What? A big guy like you needs help?"
"I am Yoongi. I'm looking for my wife, but I have forgotten how to get into the house."
He stood up, his cap getting knocked off by a nearby low lying branch, before looking around clueless.
"Yoongi?" she murmured, and then she wanted to laugh. She'd never come across a drunk Yoongi, well not since their wedding night.
He looked so sheepish, embarrassed even as he waited for her to face him, his voice with its gravel tones was definitely, a hundred per cent sure drunk.
"YN," he tried to clear his throat but sounded like an asthmatic animal, "is so loving, so cute. Such a good person."
YN grew uncomfortable at such a sweet speech. "Stop now," she explained, "Let's talk when you're sober, let me call the others.."
"You know," hiccup "she overcame her troubles and took away the dark clouds in my life," he managed with a sad sigh.
He wobbled forward, slowly found his footing on the paved driveway and cleared his throat successfully, before pulling her close and snuggling into her neck.
She caught a heavy whiff of soju and wine. "Careful now. The fall from my pedestal is high and probably fatal. And you need to sober up buddy."
"What buddy? Who the fuck is her buddy," he swung around in a circle until he grew dizzy. "Only I can be her buddy," he mumbled, trying to find her face with a shaky finger poking her dimple like a doorbell. "I find it hard to believe she is really here.. YN? Where are you?" he shouted into the dark night, "the most caring woman I've ever met. She made me feel human."
YN steadied her gaze. "I did?"
"I don't want to screw this up," he sniffed, "I screwed up and she didn't talk to me for so long.." he grew restless trying to walk towards the house unaided.
"Whyyyyyy?????!!" he howled at the sky.
She raised an eyebrow, moving the subject expertly from herself neatly, watching his legs bow as he swayed.
"What did you do wrong?" she couldn't help but ask the drunk man. "Why are you here?"
"I said the wrong thing. Did the wrong thing. Didn't stop her. But I'm not kidding you, I'm gonna fix this."
Yoongi watched her chuckling to herself. 
"I don't think I said anything funny."
"You don't need to. Miserable Min. I know everything!"
"Then you gonna help me or not?" He sullenly replied, knowing that it wasn't beyond the realms of possibility that YN had shared much of their past life with this woman in a hoodie that came out her house. What had YN told this woman about him?
"If you know everything, then you will know that I'm not gonna go anywhere, you'll help me?"
She started walking away, and soon a disappointed Jin walked down the path, his cardigan flapping.
"You have to help me! I think I love her!" he called after him as he neared.
Jin stopped mid-step, mouth gasping as he turned to check if YN had heard, but she was too far away to hear anything.
"What did you just say?" he walked slowly towards him, "because it sounded like you said you love her."
"Beyond any doubt, I think I do. So. Will you help me?" he hiccuped, "Jin Hyung?" Yoongi shook his arms, "is that you??"
Jin wasn't listening as he stood there, his mind was already churning out a scenario, and several alternate endings. He saw Yoongi sway again, stood him up straight and went back to thinking.
Yoongi looked down, disappointed at his non-verbal response.
"I'm going inside, you coming?" he called out as Yoongi hurried after him, his voice pinging off the bricks.
The huge grin on his face made Jin chuckle as they walked, Yoongi was eager to explain his thoughts and somehow it felt good to share it with someone else. Someone that wasn't YN, yet was loved and respected by her, and therefore by extension by him.
"I need a sparring buddy, and I think you will do," he said pushing a pair of boxing gloves at him as they got to the gym by the garage.
"Oh I wasn't asking, I was telling you," getting into the ring he flexed his broad shoulders and moved menacingly towards him, smacking Yoongi in the stomach without any hesitation before he was ready.
"OK, I don't see how this is going to help me tell her that I love her," Yoongi was slowly sweating himself sober, as he pushed up his gloves as the two of them tapped the other in good sportsmanship, "and you got a hell of a jab on you there."
"I find myself quite suited to the sport," an experienced smile told him, "YN told me how great it feels to beat the shit out of things. She's been sparring with me lately. Helps with our stress."
"Jeez, no wonder you guys are siblings. You're equally nuts."
"I see she fell for your boyish charm," Jin quipped sarcastically, as the two of them circled each other and he threw another jab at him. "Besides, there's three points to this trident. You haven't yet met my niece."
"You thought YN has sass? I'll let you see that for yourself."
Jin threw a jab, pausing midway as Yoongi dodged him easily, not quite ready for the unseen left uppercut.
"I thought you were gonna help me?"he said falling to the ground.
"The way to her, is to break through her emotionally stunted heart, by declaring you love her and not giving her a choice."
"Not giving her a choice isn't the best thing surely?"
Jin smiled. "You wanted help, I just gave you the answer."
@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN Part 26
I'm so fucked up
YN took a deep breath, unsure how he was going to take this.
"I made contact with Ari's dad, three years ago. I'd landed in LA and had been feeling sick. I got tested and found out I was pregnant. I messaged him to tell him, but he said that he didn't want kids and didn't care what I did with it."
"Who is it, do I know him?" Jin asked standing up.
"We're not here to judge you YN. Just support you."
YN inhaled deeply. "If you hadn't come over it would have been even harder. But then Jackson had his world tour and it seemed a perfect excuse to live in a bubble for a little bit longer. But now, there's no avoiding it."
Jin held the bridge of his nose, looking up at the ceiling. "It's Yoongi isn't it?"
The words he knew, but dreaded to say out loud came true.
"Then you told me he has some on off girlfriend, the same woman I was sent to him because of, and he still went back to her," she scoffed in disgust.
"Even so, I can't believe he doesn't want to be a part of your lives," Jackson couldn't quite believe it.
Jin was picking up his jacket silently to leave when YN grabbed his arm.
"Seokjin don't do anything. Please," she saw the locked jaw and grew concerned. "Let me handle it."
Jin sighed deeply, "I ought to kick him out the fucking group, and then run him over and then back over him for good measure. Then rip him limb for limb."
"I'll get the shovel," Uncle Kim proclaimed.
"And I'm reporting for limb ripping," Jackson raised his hand.
"No one will be doing anything. No shovels, or breaking limbs," she warned them all, trying to not wake up the sleeping child next door.
"Fine," sulked Jin, "but if he provokes me then it's not my fault," he warned pulling on his jacket. "I need to go think."
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"Seokjin! You don't have to leave to go think," YN called back to him but he wasn't listening.
"I think he um, took it well?" she looked at Jackson nervously.
"Damn, hyung, he just needs some time to adjust," Jackson pulled her back, "Truthfully I think I need some time to let it sink in too."
"Do I need to give you space too?" she asked sarcastically.
"A whiskey will do for now," he said pointing at the bottle on the table. "I'm sorry that you had to keep this to yourself for so long."
Yoongi woke early, unable to sleep. His time keeping had become atrocious but he was going to try.
"Hey man," he smiled fist bumping Hobi and Jimin. "You okay?" Jimin asked, as Namjoon drank his coffee and they waited to go up for some recording sessions.
"Yeah, fine."
Jimin nodded, "That's good man. Just cause YN is back, we hope you and her can be civil." He waved off behind Yoongi.
"Hi!" he giggled in a kiddie voice. "I'll catch you in a minute bro," he dashed over to where YN and Jungkook were standing talking. His vision was soon filled with the little girl he caught a glimpse of yesterday.
Yoongi smiled, she was dressed cutely, like a little lady as she squealed in excitement as the boys were playing hide and seek with her.
"Whose that?" Yoongi asked.
"That's YN's kid. So cute she is, look at em, she looks just like her," Hobi looked over at them.
"Her husband not with her?" he looked to Hobi, who shrugged his shoulders. "Jackson? She never told us if they were together, and we never asked. We didn't want to assume anything, or be rude. It must be Jackson right?" he spotted him arriving holding a child's bag.
"The two of them are pretty close, actually when you look at her, she looks a bit like him if you squint," Hobi waved to YN, "C'mon let's go say hi."
Yoongi stood hesitantly by himself, looking over at them, but his feet were already walking towards them.
"Hey," he said to the group. 
"Hey Hyung," Jungkook smiled back.
"Am I your favourite now?" Jungkook asked.
Ari giggled, "no silly," as he pouted which made her laugh even more.
YN laughed nervously, as an oblivious Jungkook continued teasing Ari.
"Hey guys, who's this?" Yoongi finally smiled, lowering his mask.
YN caught Jackson's jaw tense up briefly. She looked at him, and they exchanged silent glances with each other.
"This is Ari. My daughter?" she looked a little confused.
What a dick. Here he was acting like he had no clue who she was.
"Hi, I'm Yoongi."
He shook her little hand. He noticed the bright hues of hazel in her eyes, the clearest eyes. Eyes that looked just like YN. She was definitely YN's daughter, her skin was a light tan, akin to his ex-wife.
"Hi," she said shyly, still staring at the man.
"Hey there Princess," Yoongi spoke with care.
YN wasn't happy with this little exchange, but didn't know what to say.
"Jackson, it's been a while," he reached out his hand politely to Jackson, who was caught off guard and could only nodd and shake it back. "How are you?"
He looked back at YN, suddenly it was like no one else was in the room.
"This is both yours daughter?" He asked a little surprised at his own question. He shouldn't have asked it, but somewhere deep down, somehow he hoped he was wrong.
"She's my princess," Jackson replied "Ain't you princess?" he gave her a snuggle and kiss.
Uncle Kim appeared, "The car is ready."
YN zipped Ari's coat up. 
"Let's go Mama." Ari held out her arms to YN. 
"Mama's coming sweetie, I just need a word with Yoongi here."
"Yoogha come too," Ari reached out to Yoongi demanding he pick her up.
Yoongi reached out but was cut off by YN who ushered her towards Jackson.
She waited for everyone to leave, snapping her head back.
"What the hell are you fucking playing at?" she growled quietly, pushing his chest with a finger.
Yoongi took a step back holding onto her wrist, in shock. "Woah woah what the hell did I do?"
"You know exactly what you didn't do. And then you come walking over like everything is fine? Do us a favour, keep away from me and my daughter. Only speak to me if it's about work."
"No I won't keep away from you. I ain't going no where Mrs Min."
YN took a moment to realise what he had called her. "I'm not your wife anymore."
She looked at him sad, as the shock of what he had spoken made him freeze and let go of her hand. Watching her storm off leaving him standing.
What the hell just happened?
What am I supposed to have done?
Why was Jackson being defensive with me? We got on well..there must have been a misunderstanding or something..
And why the fuck did I call her wife?
God I'm so fucked up.
Puzzled, he caught sight of her give him a disappointed look as she finally got into the car.
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She didn't reply back.
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@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
48 notes · View notes
jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN Part 25
Don't judge me
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"Are you sure you're okay?" Secretary Kim looked at YN, concerned.
YN felt the sick in her throat as she took a sip of water and tried to breathe slowly. He made her feel funny in her stomach, and it was a feeling that she no longer allowed to control her life.
She just wanted to go straight to her office, get her things and go home. She didn't care about anything else right now.
"Hey, is it OK if I leave for today?"
Kim looked at her, "I'll take you back. Just let me grab your things for you."
"It's fine, you have things to do, don't let me stop you. Just call Jin and see if he is free otherwise get the driver."
Yoongi kept his distance as YN exited the office and cautiously made her way to her floor, using another lift.
"She barely got out the other one and she's going back in?"
He saw her from the door having been left ajar, after ages finally summoning up his courage.
"Can I come in?" said a voice. YN looked up as Yoongi walked in.
"Hi, can I help you?" she said gripping her bag for dear life. How did he still look the same? Why did their interaction feel the same. She sure as hell didn't feel the same.
"I, needed to ask you something. Are you okay? Should you be working?" 
"Thanks for helping before. I'm fine," she tried to come across casual as she could. She felt the beads of sweat gathering on her head.
Yoongi stood, awkward.
"You came back?"
"So.." she pretended to look at him, confused.
"So, I've been looking for you, I kept calling you for days after you left. No one would tell me where in America you were. Jin threatened to leave the group if I ever literally spoke your name, and now you decided to return??" he eyed her suspiciously.
"It's been a couple years, I've lost count. If you'll excuse me I need to leave."
"It's been three years six months and eleven days, but yeah who's counting right?" he called after her as she opened the door and tied her coat tighter, anxiously.
"You have your life, and I have mine. So if you'll excuse me," she didn't wait to hear another word leaving him there and speed walking as quickly as she could away from him.
Jin waited anxiously in the car as Secretary Kim flagged her down and they got in.
"I thought you were going to stay longer?"
"I've decided to work from home," he smiled, tapping his laptop as she climbed in quick.
She hardly said a word the whole way back.
"You OK?" Secretary Kim asked her.
"Yeah I'm OK."
"You sure you are OK? Cos you don't look it." Jin asked looking at her, as he waited for Kim to open the door.
"There's something I need to tell you." She looked at them both.
"You may want to sit down."
Jin and Secretary Kim sat down and looked at her.
"I slept with Yoongi."
Jin looked confused. "Ok, gross I didn't need to know that."
"Almost three and a half years ago. When we first got married."
"I'm not sure what's going on here, and I thought I was the smart one," Kim replied.
YN rubbed her hands. "It's complicated."
Jin got up and hugged her. "Is that why you looked scared when you saw him as you fled to the car just now?"
She nodded.
"Why do I get the feeling there is more to this story?" he looked at her.
"I'm not ready yet. I promise as soon as I sort things out, we can sit down and have the rest of this conversation."
"Ok," Jin clapped with finality, you've got a day off now so what do you wanna do?"
"I need a big drink," she admitted. "That, and I need to set up the rest of her room for her."
"Wow you've not taken a break have you?" he looked around at the child's room, the bed and it's fixtures all ready for it's new occupant.
"I want everything to be perfect. She hasn't stopped talking about Uncle Jin and Grandpa Kim since we called her last night."
Jin smiled, "What can I say, I'm so cool. I'm gonna teach her how to rap."
"God help us," mumbled Uncle Kim under his breath at YN finally smiling, as they helped her finish off the room.
Yoongi sat in the garage of his empty home. He sifted through his marriage certificate and papers and pulled out any pictures in the crate. Right at the bottom was a frame that had been thrown in, without a care.
He hadn't packed away any of YNs things, but got the feeling Ha-Na may have.
Yoongi brushed the dust off it, and looked at it. It was of their wedding day, in the court house everyone happy.
He ignored the ping, dusting off his dirty knees to see what Jungkook had posted. A selfie of him and YN at the gym, entitled "Working out with the Boss Lady!"
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YN smiled as she made her way to her office, briefcase in hand. 
"Hey," Yoongi touched her arm. YN turned to face him just outside her office. How could she have missed seeing him as she came down the corridor?
"Have a good workout?" he tried to remain calm.
"None of your business," she shot back quick, "what can I do for you?" she turned away to hang up her coat, and unzipped her case and lifted out her laptop.
He stood. Waiting. God he still hated it when she didn't look at him. He waited, let out a big sigh til she finally looked up at him, through her long eyelashes.
Yoongi smiled, "So I went home last night and I found a picture of us."
"Excuse me?" she tilted her head. He took out his phone, YN got up and quickly shut the door and took his phone.
Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Oh god."
She closed her eyes and handed it back, and moved away.
"Why you walking around like you don't know me?"
"Because I don't know you. It was a fake marriage. A long long time ago. I don't want people knowing that I slept with you."
"You don't want anyone knowing you were with me? What's so wrong with sleeping with me? I don't think you had any complaints?" her last comment stung, and had got his back up.
"Bullshit, you know as well as I do that it was convenient and impulsive. The important things you should remember you don't, and you come up here all acting like everything is fine. I'm your boss, so no I don't need anyone knowing about that. Am I making myself clear?"
She was serious.
He threw his hands up in the air. "That's fine. I understand." He looked at her, "It's good to see you, after all these years. You're VP finally."
She smiled, "President," she corrected him. She sat back down and logged into her laptop.
Secretary Kim knocked on the door and opened it. That man had a problem of never waiting long enough to let her say come in.
"Sorry, am I disturbing?"
He knew he was but he wanted to know what the tea was.
YN shook her head, "No not at all, Min was just leaving."
Yoongi tried to smiled, "Please, sweetheart."
Kim watched him leave. "Everything OK?"
YN didn't make any eye contact and suddenly found the contents of her handbag very interesting.
Kim didn't buy it. "This is the second time I've noticed something between you and Yoongi. Tell me what's going on with you. And don't lie."
"It's nothing. We just remembered how much I've changed, and he hasn't," she planted a smile back on her face.
Kim looked at her.
"I don't believe you, but I won't force you to tell me either."
Yoongi kicked a trashcan in defeat, as he came out his studio several hours later.
"Hyung, come on let's get some food," Jimin, Tae and Namjoon begged him to come out for something to eat. Try to take his mind off the shock of seeing YN the way he did.
"Still doesn't make up for the fact you kept it a secret from me," he mumbled as he slowly made his way down to them.
"Mommy!" he heard someone scream just ahead of him in the distance. She was holding Jackson's hand, she looked tiny compared to him. He hoisted her in the air and she continued waving and pointing in his direction.
He turned sideways and watched as she waved and shouted out "Mommy!" again. The little girl let go of Jackson's hand and ran to YN who stood saying goodbye at the reception desk to her guests.
YN heard her voice, and knew. She spun around, scanning the wide foyer for that voice and saw the little girl waving her down.
She smiled, childishly tapping Secretary Kim's arm in excitement as she pulled away, who was also smiling and followed her.
Yoongi witnessed the beautiful smile on YN's face as she dashed across the floor in her heels, kneeling down and embracing the little girl tightly.
He watched her hold and kiss the child, and hugging Jackson Wang. He wasn't sure what he was witnessing but he couldn't pull his eyes away from them; watching her hug him, whatever she spoke evidently had him sporting a massive grin as she kissed him on the cheek.
He felt his stomach in knots, "wait, she's an eomma?" he asked himself, ignoring the feeling he turned to the others, dry mouthed.
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"I'm not hungry anymore. Who wants to go for a drink?"
Jackson laughed as he explained.
"We thought we would surprise you," he told her before she could say a word.
"I thought you guys were gonna come in this evening?"
Jackson grinned, "So we were having breakfast and someone was so excited to see her mom she rang Grandpa Kim."
"My princess wanted to see you even quicker so of course I obliged and changed their flights," he looked down at the little girl, and pinched her nose.
"She made them puppy dog eyes at me, and I was a goner, how could I not call uncle to help us?" laughed Jackson
YN couldn't stop smiling as she hugged him, "Thank you," she kissed his cheek and turned back to her daughter, "thank you for bringing her."
"One minute hyung," Jimin and the others jogged over to YN and Yoongi felt like it was some family reunion even his band members were a part of.
Except him.
"Hyung where you going?" Namjoon called to Yoongi.
"Back to work, I've lost my appetite," and ignoring the calls went back upstairs.
"Do you remember me?" Jimin asked, as a worried YN looked around for Yoongi, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"You can answer sweetie," YN rubbed her arm.
"Jimma samcho," she said quietly burrowing into Jackson's chest, shy.
"Yes, it's your Jimin Samchon, me and Taehyung Samchon and —" he spotted Namjoon jogging over, "And Namjoon Samchon came to see you a few months ago!"
"Do you have a favorite singer?" Jimin asked, holding her little hand, whilst she kept a firm grip on Jackson.
"My Jackson," she giggled pointing at him.
Tae feigned shock, "What! I thought it was me!" making her laugh.
YN smiled as Secretary Kim called her over, taking Ari with her.
"Ari is too cute man," Jimin smiled.
"Tell me about it. Such a good girl she is. Never any trouble," Jackson beamed.
They paused their conversation as Ari began to sleep on YN's shoulder, Jackson shook hands with the others beckoning the others to leave.
"Shall we go?" she asked him.
"I'm ready when you are." Jackson gently took Ari off YN and placed her comfortably in his arms. 
"You still coming around tomorrow yes?" YN pointed to the three guys.
"Yep, I'm bringing Hobi and Jin," YN waved them off and excitedly headed home with Ari.
"You got everything?" Jackson asked as she got in beside him, looking back at Ari in her car seat.
"Yeah," she smiled looking at Ari, content. 
Jackson said nothing but noticed how restless she looked the whole way home especially the way she gulped back a double shot of whiskey that evening.
"You never did like wine. Surely Korea had some good ones to offer you?" he half smiled as he watched her pour another. "So, you wanna tell me the rest of that story, that you said was complicated?"
"Oh it's a good one alright," she said sarcastically.
"Well you know me, I ain't exactly perfect myself. Try me. Have you told Jin and Uncle?"
As if by magic Jin and Uncle Kim walked in from the kitchen.
"How about you tell us what's going on?" Jin and Jackson asked.
YN let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 
"Please don't judge me.." she began.​
@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN Part 24
I hold the power
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YN waved off the last board member and stepped into the lift.
"I'll meet you in your office in five minutes," Secretary Kim told her before disappearing to run an errand.
Hungry and bored, YN lazily waved him off and waited patiently for the doors to close, hitting the floor 38 on the key pad.
The lift door closed and YN concentrated on the numbers moving from 12 to 13 to 14. She blinked, before her mouth began to frown.
The lift stopped moving.
Calmly she pressed number 38 again and waited. Nothing. The digital indicator was stuck on 14.
"Oh you have got to be shitting me right now," she groaned. She pressed the alarm button. "Hello?" static cackled and went dead.
"Don't panic," she waved her phone around trying to get some reception. One small bar appeared as she rang Secretary Kim but it wouldn't connect.
No reception.
Shaking her head she sat down on the floor leaning her back against the wall in silence, thankful she had gone to the bathroom before getting in the lift. She waved the phone in the air again, tried to call everyone in the office, every one of the boys until she hovered over his name.
Miserable Min. God, is this even his number any more?
The air conditioning suddenly cut off, for now it was bearable. "I don't want to call you, but it's that or die in here," she told no-one as she fanned herself in the heat.
Yoongi pushed his messy hair out his face, pushing the dorm door shut as he made his way back to his room for a well deserved shower.
He swore he needed to see a doctor soon. He was not sleeping well and he could no longer understand why he was in a relationship with Ha Na. He was only feeling sorry for himself, and the fact he called her YN on the way back from Namjoon's party by accident, well, she did not look happy at all.
He pulled a t-shirt out and pair of sweats. Deciding that today was a good morning to get back in the studio. He needed to get out of this place and get some music down. He'd been neglecting everything of importance in his life for too long and needed to start living. And he would finally call YN. That's if he could get her number from one of her fan club.
Yoongi had just sat down at the kitchen table to grab an orange for the road when his phone rang. 
He picked up anyway, making sure to press the speaker button.
"Hi, who is this?" He couldn't hear the caller's voice clearly enough to make out who it was.
"Really? You gave me your name and now I'm gone you've forgotten me? That hurts ex-husband," she replied sarcastically.
As soon as she said it he knew. He dropped the orange and it rolled onto the floor where an unassuming Namjoon rolled on it, slipping backwards, his juice landing all over his shirt and face.
YN tipped her head back and tried to breathe, finding it uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and huffed.
"YN?" he asked.
"Hard to breathe, it's really hot now."
YN leaned against the rail panting before sliding to the floor. "I don't-think-anyone-is-coming," she managed before crumbling into a heap.
"Where are you? Tell me??"
"The office. The lift," she managed, "help. Please."
She lay sweating in the metal box.
"Stay with me sweetheart," he managed to grab his keys, "YN stay with me," he begged.
The lights above flickered on and off until she heard a heard a ping and the lights went out, the fan quickened and it turned from uncomfortably hot to nice and cool.
Now she sat there in darkness, her mobile torch on, hugging her bare arms as it became chilly, turning the metal box essentially into a blast chiller.
She stood up and paced to try and keep warm.
"YN? Where are you? I'm coming!" He had no idea which lift she was in but maybe running in some sort of direction would at least feel productive; already running out the complex, and to the car.
"Ya! Why can't you run this fast during practice!" Namjoon ran behind him.
"Sweetheart where are you? I can't hear you!?" he strained to hear her.
"It's cold please come quick," she shuddered.
Another ten minutes later, and the lights came back on. YN sat staring at the door in the cold, until finally the speaker cracked to life and told her they were trying to get the doors open.
Wherever she was, she was in trouble. And she had called him. Showed trust in him; he wasn't going to let her down. He couldn't help it with her. There was an innate need to protect her, one he was finding it hard to shake at times.
Yoongi ran. Ran like his life depended on it, as he opened the door panting from having just blasted through the last three flights of stairs.
Dropping his phone just as quickly as he picked it up, he watched the engineer struggle to open the doors; Secretary Kim stood trying to shout through the doors.
Shoving the engineer out the way, he pushed it open with all his might, thankful he'd had breakfast that morning.
His heart was in his mouth now, and he knew a few more moments and he was going to puke. Without thinking, Yoongi held his hands out to her as he stood between the lift, the awkward gap in the floor and the actual floor.
The engineer moved out the way, as YN navigated the gap in the floor slowly. Yoongi gripped both her hands and pulled her into him, the pair of them tired. 
"What happened? Are you OK?" closing the distance between them in seconds; so fast that she didn't have enough time to use any self-control to move back and away from him when his hand rubbed her arm.
"I don't feel so good Yoongi," she said his name in fun, but she felt a sense of relief in telling someone the actual truth. 
Yoongi relaxed as she spoke and nodded. "Are you hurt? Princess answer me. Please?"
This time his free hand touched her cheek, trembling as it felt her for any injuries and she let the moment get to her, as she nodded her head a touch. 
A phone rang loudly interrupting the conversation.
"Whoever's phone that is, shut it up!"
Secretary Kim sprang forward to steady her, trying to tell her she was going to be okay.
Namjoon stood holding it up, "hyung, it's actually yours. It's Ha-Na."
Yoongi was too busy fussing over YN to hear anything. She always has a way of blinding him.
"Who?" he asked clueless.
Namjoon couldn't hide his smile as he watched Yoongi stare only at YN.
"Ha-Na," Namjoon repeated.
"I don't care," Yoongi moved forward back to YN. "YN talk to me please," he watched her not reply back.
"Follow my fingers," he instructed. "Are you hurt?" he repeated, slowly watching for the dilation of her eyes. They were heavy and bloodshot. 
YN closed her eyes and sighed, growing agitated; any patience she had was used up on her hello to the receptionist on her way in.
"Yes, my body is killing me. But I swear to God Min you best move your fingers from my face before I snap them off and stick them up your a—"
"God I missed you so much," he hugged her tightly, again, blindsiding her.
He watched her eyes, why hadn't he noticed that she looked like she had been crying.
Had she been crying?
Scared, all alone?
He was beginning to become enraged and wanted to know who had the audacity to make her feel less than happy. Yoongi, with blatant disregard for her staff gently lifted her right arm, swung it over his shoulders and began to walk her towards any open room.
"You didn't tell me you were back here," he tried to smile but his wet cheeks gave away his pain.
"Tadaa," she deadpanned before hoarsely coughing.
"Shh, don't talk, I got you sweetheart. It's ok."
Reluctantly he let go as Secretary Kim and several other assistants helped her to a room and shut the door after them.
Depleted of all his energy he stood, happy, sad and confused before realising that Namjoon was still with him.
"You owe me a new t-shirt," Namjoon grumbled to him.
Yoongi stared.
"What?" Namjoon asked cautiously.
"You bitches knew she was here didn't you.." his eyes darkened.
"Um, well you see—"
"I'll give you a headstart," Yoongi straightened up pointing to the corridor.
"Thank you," was all Namjoon managed as he sprinted full pelt for the nearest exit.
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@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim YN Part 23
Someone that I used to know
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Yoongi watched the guys excitedly make plans, noticing that once again they'd dropped in volume as soon as he'd walked in the room.
"What we up to today?" he asked Namjoon, the nearest to him in the kitchen.
"Not much," he shrugged, "go to the studio for a bit probably."
"Oh," he hid his disappointment, "I thought Ha-Na and I could take you out for dinner, it's your birthday tomorrow. "
"Sorry Yoongi, maybe another time?"
Before he had a chance to ask anyone else they'd wandered off out the door, off running their own schedules.
"I'll take that as a no then," he told the empty room.
Yoongi did his best but sometimes he felt it wasn't good enough. It has taken a long time for Jin to be normal with him again, but things still felt off. Everyone went out of their way to avoid him, well when Ha-Na came by.
Some nights he slept, other nights he was delirious and would remember how he never saw YN leave, like he was willing himself to remember his former self. Then there was the time there was a small electrical storm and the lights flickered, ever so slightly as the generators kicked in and he went Bat shit crazy with a capital B thinking about how YN was scared of the dark and of she had experienced the same thing.
He looked down at the floor, to not think about it.
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Yoongi walked into HYBE with Ha Na on his arm, greeted the other members and staff before a drink made its way to his hand.
"Hyung, thank you for making it," Namjoon squeezed his shoulder, before he waved at someone else, before the crowd swallowed him up and he was no where to be seen.
The music was loud, but low enough that you could still have a conversation and considering that Yoongi had arrived very late it was still very busy.
Jin waved at him from across the room before going back to his conversation with someone about the merits of fusion food, and he spied Jungkook and Tae at the bar choosing drinks.
Hobi was leading a dance class in a corner, big whoops could be heard as some of their regular dancers joined him for an impromptu session.
Jimin laughed as YN bought him a drink and they joined Taehyung and Jungkook at a private table in the corner, as they swapped stories of late.
"Do you think he's here yet?" Jimin asked the others as YN got up to say hi to another person she hadn't seen in years.
"He said he was going to come, but I'm yet to see him," Taehyung admitted. "I did ask but he was really vague about it. Couldn't get an answer."
"Why you guys look so down? Namjoon loved his surprise - me arriving at his birthday party looking stunning," she fanned her hair, sitting back downas the others grinned.
"Americans sure do dress different," Jimin chuckled as he sipped his drink, as YN rolled her eyes at him.
"That's not what you said when you guys came to visit. What was it again?" she tried to remember, "Ah, yeah it was, damn YN you Americans dress gooood, as he checked out the ladies as we drove back from the airport."
"In my defense," he couldn't stop the laughter, "they looked amazing."
YN suddenly felt a cold gush of wind as the front doors opened.
"You okay?" Jungkook tapped her hand as she stilled.
"Yeah, fine," she smiled, "just felt a draught from somewhere."
"Well if you bothered to wear some clothes you wouldn't feel so cold!" scolded Hobi as he joined them, "even if you do look amazing."
Jokes aside it really did feel different in here now. She looked over at the door, but there were so many people she couldn't make them out.
It didn't concern her who the guests were because everyone she had wanted to speak to was already here. But it was getting late, and she was still tired from her flight.
She posed for a picture, it's photographer Hobi promised to send it to her and then she was ready to bid goodbye. Jin hated these big social events, and she wasn't that keen on seeing him feel uncomfortable so she headed towards her brother.
Yoongi smiled into his drink, gave a wave to Jin as he looked to join him for conversation, but felt someone accidentally knock into his shoulder as they walked past.
He wasn't sure he heard it right, put it down to distortion caused by the music and simply nodded without paying attention to them - just as they hadn't paid attention to him.
By the time he reached Jin, he was already waving and handing a woman her coat.
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"Everything ok?" Ha Na reached for another drink before looking at Yoongi, who'd seem to have frozen.
"Yeah, fine," he managed, his mind convincing him how his eyes were playing tricks on him. "Just thought I saw someone that I used to know, that's all."
He tried to give her a reassuring smile but couldn't, as he looked back out, his eyes searching the crowd to no avail.
"Why you look so confused?" Jin asked as they waited outside as the car turned up.
"No reason," she shrugged, "just my eyes playing tricks on me," YN smiled tiredly as Jin let the conversation die and the two of them stared out the windows till they got home.
@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim YN Part 2
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It was Thursday. A normal Thursday like every other the last two and a half years.
She'd been in her office when Jin walked in, looking completely out of place.
"Seokjin? What are you doing here?"
"It's mother. She's sick."
That's all it took to pack up her life once again to move back to Seoul.
What happened in Seoul didn't stay in Seoul.
YN managed to balance her life again with keeping her title as the black sheep of the family, and her mother's disappointment in her at bay, until she decided to have a health scare and YN found herself guilted into coming home.
Jin was finally relieved that his free spirited sister had finally returned home from years away. He knew she still harboured feelings of resentment, but he once again hoped things would work out for her. He only wished for her happiness.
YN hoped, that she'd never have to see Yoongi again. But when she started her first day at her new job a few years later, there he was.
Yoongi wished he'd never remembered her, the only problem was, his heart replayed his loss and the fall out from that night all too well.
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@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim part 21
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YN scuttled to her room, pushing the door closed and managing several deep breaths before the phone rang again.
She felt bad at leaving Yoongi like that again, but this was important. This was going to be the happiest day of her life. She had to take a second to drink it all in.
"It's gonna be fine," she chanted, but why didn't she feel it?
"Chairman YN?"
She recognised the voice straight away. Mr Yung, chair to the board.
They made the usual chit chat, how the weather was in Paris, when she was returning until the conversation turned to the office.
"I wanted to give you a call. You're out of the office, so I thought it might help."
"Sure, that's fine. I understand," even though she didn't.
"So I wanted to not beat around the bush, you don't deserve it."
YN wasn't sure what was going on, but she sat down on the edge of the springy mattress and waited to hear the words she had longed to for so long.
Except she didn't hear them.
"Look YN. I'm sorry. They've decided not to appoint a vice president this year after all."
"What the hell?" she failed to keep the shock out of her voice as she sprang back up and paced furiously.
After everything I've fucking done? I even got a fake husband, ignited another war with my mother, worked my fingers to the bone to show them I'm capable..for what? A pat on the back? A golden sticker?
Her heart sank.
What more could I possibly have done?
Mr Yung commiserated with her. "I'm really sorry. Those that raised their concerns weren't sure if someone this young should be heading up a billion dollar company."
"With all offence Mr Yung, I run several business, several multi-billion dollar companies."
"We do want you for the VP job, but they want you to wait until the next financial year so stocks don't take a hit. Make no mistake, they want you as VP YN. Youve worked hard, you've made sacrifices."
"You guys have no idea what I've sacrificed."
What Yoongi and I both have.
"Look, how long will it be before I get the position? The next financial year is –"
"Next year, another 10 months time. Maybe another year."
"Forget it."
The anger had taken over, her backbone resurfaced.
"What do you mean?"
"Forget it. I'm tired of playing by your rules."
"YN don't do anything in anger."
"Do anything in anger? Anger? You have no idea what I'm feeling right now."
Yoongi stood facing his room door for several minutes, willing his feet to move.
A swift knock at the door and he propelled himself forward to answer it, YN stood with an unreadable face Jin beside her.
"What did they say?" he tried really hard to sound excited for her. "When do you start?" He reached for the champagne he had ordered as he began peeling back the golden foil.
"There's nothing to celebrate. I didn't get it."
Yoongi didn't understand. Jin stood just as disappointed as YN was.
"They want me to wait. Another year. A whole fucking year. Well that's never gonna happen."
"What are we, I mean you going to do then?"
"If I didn't own half the damn place I'd have gone to work for a competitor and ripped this place to pieces. But since that's not an option, I'm leaving."
Yoongi felt his legs begin to go floppy as he held onto a chair.
"I can't stay here another day. I just can't do it. I need to go home and regroup."
"You can do that in Seoul. You don't need to go to the states."
Jin agreed. "Look, we can work it out."
Yoongi was so upset he didn't even know what to say, "So you're just gonna leave me?"
"You don't need me anymore. You needed a fake fiancé but you got a wife instead. Your parents won't bother you for a while, and mine? Well, they won't bother me now for as long as I live cos I'm pissing off tonight."
YN's smile was sad but she went forward and hugged him tight.
"I can't leave you. I never had you in the first place. I just fell in love with the idea of it all. But you have a life, and so do I. And being a real couple just isn't part of that. All I did was use your money and your name. You're too good for me. And I'm sorry."
She grabbed Jin's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Good bye Yoongi, thank you for everything. I mean it."
Before he could say another word, she'd removed her rings and left them on the glass lined dressing table, his house keys along side it. The clink of the only symbol of their marriage sounded out, and the door closed, the saddest sound he had ever heard.
Jin returned to their shared dorm a few days later, annoyed and ready to take it out on anyone.
"Whatever it is, I don't want to know," he waved his hand at Jimin as he came skidding in, followed by an out of breath Taehyung.
"Can someone please, tell us what the hell is going on? YN left and Yoongi is back out to the clubs and you just got back from where?"
Jin shook his head disappointed. "Back to his old shit already?"
"What is going on? And where's YN?" Tae enquired.
Jungkook walked in, peeling a banana and sat down.
"Hyung must have done something stupid."
"Ok, gather everyone. I'm only gonna say this once," as Namjoon and Hobi entered, confused.
"Jin," Hobi tried for the upteenth time to get hold of Yoongi. "Why is it when I called YN, it goes straight to her answerphone?"
Jin tried his best to stay level headed.
"She got some bad news and decided to go to America for a bit, and Yoongi seems to not be taking it very well."
"By not very well, you mean pretending like she never existed?" asked Jimin holding up a picture of Yoongi in a club.
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"Great," sighed Jin holding the bridge of his nose, "Now she's definitely not gonna wanna come back."
"Yoongi won't tell me what happened just that he was happy things have gone back to normal," Hobi grabbed Jin before he got to his room. "Hyung what is going on?"
Jin gestured to his room as Hobi closed it quietly after him.
"She didn't get the title. Worked her ass off but they said another year. Yoongi the idiot didn't even tell her not to go. He didn't even say bye to her before she left the fucking house. Waste of skin."
"C'mon, we can't just sit here, we got to do something," Hobi said exasperated, "That idiot can't do anything right."
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"Stay in here," Jin ordered as YN sat up in bed, confused.
Yoongi banged harder on the door again, after rocking up to Jin's house the next day, to apologise, and instead was met by a punch to the face courtesy of his only hyung. He had deserved it, he couldn't believe the way in which he had treated YN, and the way in which he had disrespected her so brazenly, and in front of so many people, by getting himself drunk and kissing some random girls. But it hurt.
The idea she was going away hurt so bad like it was burning him from the inside out.
He'd been so embarrassed of his behaviour, he didn't have the courage to face her after turning up at Jin's house and being told to fuck off.
"She's not here," Jin barked at him, the second night he turned up, again drunk. "She's divorcing you," he spat as he shoved the paper to Yoongi's chest before attempting to slam the door on him.
Yoongi wondered what he would have said to her if he had seen her that day. In hindsight, if Jin had been telling the truth, and she was at home, he wouldn't have wanted to see himself either.
"But I love her," he hiccuped.
Jin laughed. "You? You don't love her. If you loved her would you have crawled out of clubs every morning? With a different woman each time? Instead of trying to comfort her over the biggest thing she had worked for and lost? You should have been here convincing her that you genuinely loved her and wanted to give it a real go. But you fucked that up too! And now she's gone!"
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YN wiped her eyes and sighed deeply as she got into her waiting car.
Her finger hovered over Yoongi's contact. She couldn't believe he didn't want this baby. Didn't want to give them a try.
"He said he didn't want kids, then that's fine. No need for him to have this one."
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Yoongi slept soundly, snoring gently. Ha-Na came out of the bathroom and got back in bed. She'd turned up at his house after following him from the bar, where she'd slipped him a powder making him drowsy.
Yoongi's phone vibrated, thoughtlessly she picked it up to look at the display. Using his finger to unlock the phone, she swiped the screen to read a message from Mrs Min.
Since when was he married?
Ha-Na stared at him a little longer before looking back at the message on the screen. Angrily she replied back. She read it again and quickly hit the Delete button. She held the phone, and ran a quick history check, deleting his call logs before getting in beside him again.
Part two of Yoongi x YN starts soon! And is based a few years into the future. Please do let me know what you thought of the story so far xx
@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim part 20
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1 month ago..
"Are you going to be home for dinner?"Yoongi called out to her as she headed off to work.
Looking back, YN wished she'd realised the signals.
It was the day before Jimin's infamous dentist appointment.
YN paused. "I don't know. If I come home early to eat dinner, I don't get to work."
"You make it out like it's a bad thing," Yoongi pointed at the kitchen behind him. "I can make us thai tonight, if you like?"
He noticed she hesitated. And he did not want to spend an evening alone again.
"I'll make prawn crackers too?" he offered.
Every evening since they got married had been like this.
"Sure," she managed, this time grabbing her handbag and making it to the door. She watched him smile at her, which was rather unexpected and YN wasn't sure what she should do about it.
She shook her head as she got into the waiting car. It was when she got to work that she realised she was going to have to do something about this routine they had fallen into.
It was too easy, too comfortable and too fake.
But hot damn, the man could cook.
Yoongi couldn't understand why he asked her every morning if she'd be home for dinner. YN had turned this night owl, who only knew the four walls of his studio, into a domesticated cat.
YN looked like someone who lived off coffee or celery juice, and he had to admit before he started cooking for her, that was her diet. But man did she look good, sitting on that bar stool, her work jacket slung across the back of it after she'd walked in every evening tired but still surprised when he has good food on the table waiting for her.
Ever since he met her, she had always eaten with such gusto it made him feel full just watching her finish the meal he put together for her.
Yoongi figured she owed her figure to the fact she never sat still, and burned it all off. But often to her own detriment. She didn't eat on time the rest of the day and Yoongi was pretty sure she simply consumed lattes all day long.
He'd promised himself that he would keep his distance from her, but since they slept together their wedding night she has become an obsession to him.
YN was a drug and he couldn't get it out of his system. But the more he failed to not want her, the more she kept talking to him like a co-worker or worse, someone that worked for her.
A frown appeared across YN forehead that lunch time.
"If you keep frowning, you're going to get wrinkles on your forehead," Secretary Kim sang.
The fact that Secretary Kim had to remind her of her important meeting with Zico that afternoon, she knew she was losing that laser focus that had made her an investor, built her wealth and her success.
YN wasn't someone that clock watched, wanting to go home on time, until she got her work done. But since marrying Yoongi, she was one distracted woman. A woman willing her day away, so she could go home and see the man waiting for her.
And for what? To go home and eat dinner with a man who either annoyed the hell out of her, or confused her in equal measure?
As YN went over her strategy to win over Zico, finance a new album, show appearances even a tour, she realised she was looking at this whole Yoongi situation wrong.
She'd been living in this country too long, where everyone was polite, always afraid to say what they meant and in her case, had been abiding to Yoongi's rules with such passiveness YN wondered where her backbone had disappeared to.
YN had grown too dependant on Yoongi; his house, his food and his money.
Rules were there to be broken, or bent until they suited her. That's how she made her billions, that's how she made her life work.
And what did YN do best on the world?
She analysed. She took risks. She invested and got as a result, a damn good return.
"I can do this. He is just another company," she recited.
She'd hope to drive home, and put her plan into action; she wasn't going to submit to his rules anymore. She was going to figure out how the hell she could fast forward this VP journey, get her title and get on with her life.
But instead she'd made the trip to the dentist to pick up Jimin and find out that Yoongi had skipped the office for lunch with his ex. Who apparently was getting married.
As Yoongi walked in, the day after, flustered and upset that she hadn't come home, her foolish heart had fluttered. It thought he was worried for her, but instead he refused to see why eating with his ex was the worst thing he could have done to her.
As YN stared at his face, she realised she had to do something about this problem of hers. He took one hell of a risk that afternoon in McDonald's and it wasn't a calculated one.
But before she could face that problem, he had marched into her office weeks later and demanded she come back to the house, or he would move into Jin's.
Her last safe place.
Things were going to change. And they were going to change now.
She agreed to model, but that's wasn't enough for her. It wasn't going to fix her issues. Speed dialling her father, she waited as the call connected and heard him answer rushed.
"Dad when am I getting this job?"
"What do you mean?"
"When am I getting the VP role. When is it being announced? You wanted me married, and now I am."
"I know you're eager to take over, but the next general meeting isn't until next month. Just do what you're doing, push hard and then we have something to go to the board with in a few weeks."
"Ok, that's fine. I can wait a few more weeks. I'm going to get Zico, I've got a fashion show and I'm trying to bring a new investor onboard for our new e-commerce platform," she explained.
"Well done," her father was proud and he told her so. "Smash all that out the park and the board will have no choice but to fast track you!"
No sooner had the call ended, that her thoughts went to Yoongi. She was on to him.
Only a pabo would continue to live that falsely domesticated dream. She worked all day, slept next to him at night and was lured home by his delicious food every evening.
Suddenly the man had no work to do, and wasn't going to let her do any either. Yoongi was sucking her into his world, and she wouldn't be able to survive if she doesn't try and do something about it.
He was feeding the wild animal until he tamed it, and locked it in his precious house.
YN's heart beat was speeding up and slowing down erratically as she saw Yoongi come backstage with the boys.
The worst part was, she knew she had bought it on herself. She needed his money, his house, his last name. She'd profited from him, and she knew in her heart it wasn't ethical nor was it something that should continue.
YN had no one else to blame but herself. He needed a fiancé and she'd turned up with his passport in Busan, and as an answer to his prayers. And now she was reaping what she had sown. She thought she'd get freedom if she married him, but the opposite seemed to have occured instead. He'd simply tamed her, and she let him.
She knew, the night she stared at the stars, and Yoongi had stared at her, ending with one hell of kiss that she had known.
YN had known as she gazed back onto his eyes, and felt something move inside of her heart, that she was in the deepest trouble of her life.
So she cut him off, and distanced herself from him. He was an employee, her employee and she had to stop playing the fool. That meant not turning up to their team dinners anymore. She wasn't their manager, and there was no valid reason for the chairman to be eating with the band.
There was also no valid reason to go with them to rehearsals, TV stations, promotions or photo shoots.
She distanced herself for a whole month. Moved to Jin's and then eventually, with her trusty secretary decided Korea was too small a place for her. It was time to hit the road, and when she realised Zico was embarking on a US tour, she jumped at the chance to go home - because no matter how much she dressed it up, Seoul was not home.
So she ran away, it was what she was good at, and back to LA. Back to her own people, her own business, and pulled a little of herself back together again. Then she'd chickened out about telling Yoongi how she was feeling in person, so tried to call him instead.
After being unable to get through to him for a few days, she gave up. Especially when he made no attempt either. Figuring he didn't need her anymore, it became easier to sit in her massive office, overlooking central New York and get on with work.
No distractions, no phone ringing because BTS still treated her as a manager instead of a chairman. No messages about having to drop what she was doing to accommodate a dentist appointment or collecting Namjoon from a museum he had gotten himself locked in, or having to actively avoid Yoongi in public, so the world didn't put two and two together, and realise she was married to him.
Yoongi had no idea how to function right now, or how to handle the situation he now found himself in. How was he supposed to act like she was his chairman for the cameras but pissed inside that his wife had all but disappeared for a month, to turn up at the same fashion show he found himself visiting?
At least she doesn't know I've been living like a drunk homeless guy for the last month.
He was ready to read her the riot act, demand she come home. Maybe tell her that he would support her to become VP and once she did, explain that he had real feelings for her. But suddenly he lost all resolve as he watched her.
Mutely, he listened to the boys agree to visit the bar by their hotel later that evening for some pool and beers.
"Smooth dude," Jin side glanced him as Yoongi dabbed his shirt with several tissues.
"Hey sweetheart," Jin grinned moving forward to wrap her in a tight hug, seeing that Yoongi was frozen and hadn't quite got his feet to move one in front of the other.
"Hey Seokjinna," she smiled hugging him back.
"What you been up to?" his eyes crinkled up at the sight of his sister.
"Stuff," she grinned.
"Stuff?" he smirked, "let's have a party to welcome you back, maybe you'll share more details," he wiggled his eyebrows at her.
Namjoon followed up with a hug after as the two of them exchanged quiet words in English.
"It's so good to have you back. He's been a lost cause without you," he smirked.
"I see," she sighed, albeit happily as she realised everyone had turned up today.
Yoongi moved towards her as fast as he could, but Jimin knocked past him unexpectedly running over and excitedly hugging YN. He couldn't help noticing how much happier Jimin was, the two of them had started talking animatedly about his teeth before Jungkook started hollering for her attention next.
"How's ma girl?!" he grinned holding out her hand delicately as they fist bumped. "Girl how you doing?!" he grinned, he couldn't help it.
"I'm good Kookie, you been taking care of yourself?" she fist bumped him. 
Hobi was next to greet her, showing an avid interest in the feathers that were adorning part of her last outfit, and wanted to check them out later when she had rested.
"OK me and you need to have a sit down about them feathers. What are they? Synthetic? Real? How you get those feathers so sharp, what is that a glue?" he bombarded her with question after question.
"Boring," Taehyung rolled her eyes at Hobi before smiling back at YN, "How long are you here for? When you coming back?" Taehyung seemed to ask the question on everyone's mind.
YN didn't get the chance to answer as Yoongi moved forward.
"Hey," he stammered.
"I'd say you look good, but someone needs a bib," she pointed to his now slightly damp shirt.
"It was the shock, can't think straight sometimes," he managed quietly enough for her to hear.
YN leaned on the chair beside him. "How've you been?"
God it felt good to take the weight off her feet.
"How do you think I've been?" he answered clipped, gone from angry to agitated. He was frustrated, upset, violated but she got that. She understood.
She'd spent the best part of a month feeling like shit, so God only knew how he felt.
"Hey! She's just being polite—" it didn't take much to wind up Jin these days as he snapped back loudly at Yoongi for his rudeness.
YN looked back at Yoongi and then Jin "Really? Can we just chill?" 
Jin sighed dramatically, but YN got it. She'd been a bad sister. Especially since he'd hurt his hand, and she'd not had the decency to check on him.
"Gimme half hour then we'll steal some wheels and can some air in our hair," she smirked and it raised half a smile out of Jin.
It pricked that she hadn't stopped to ask Yoongi how he was, if he had anything planned for the two of them; instead she was off making plans with her brother. Inadequacy reared his head, and before he knew it he was back to his skinny younger self, weak and scrawny. And Jin was the charming one, the one that got all the girls.
Yoongi was jealous. Plain and simple. The air in his lungs burned. He didn't need to be, but she'd blown in with the wind and been able to in a matter of minutes get everyone onside, but barely said more than just a few words to him. He'd struggled to have a conversation with his wife in the last four weeks, yet YN looked like she'd been able to accomplish all that with ease. 
"You don't mind if I steal YN for a bit?" Jim pleaded with Yoongi.
"Sure," he smiled moving back.
It's not like I've missed her.
"So you have one conversation with Taehyung and jump on a plane?" he murmured to himself. He didn't mean it to come out as cold as it did, but he couldn't help it.
"I was going to be working the show and Taehyung loves the brand. Besides, was planning on being back soon anyways.." her words fell on deaf ears. 
"Where's the rest of your bags," he cleared his throat, "I can grab them for you?" the polite but cold Yoongi was back.
"I didn't bring a whole lot. It's back at my place."
She has a place? It's the first I'm hearing about this.
He walked out the room before she had a chance to reply, Jin too excited to see his sister failed to notice.
"What's wrong with him?" YN looked at Jin clueless.
"What's up your ass?" Hobi smacked the ball into the top right pocket and looked around the pool table for his next shot on target.
"I'm thinking it's a YN shaped nothing boys," Namjoon joined in.
"What's up? She ain't given you a kiss yet?" Jungkook made smoochy noises as Jin walked in and helped himself to a drink.
"Our Genius Producer here is all whipped up for her," Hobi told everyone, as he missed the blue ball and waited for Yoongi to line up his shot.
"Shut up," Yoongi sighed as he missed a basic shot.
"Noona looked amazing! First our manager, then our boss and a model too? YN is living her best life!" Taehyung was crunching on peanuts loudly now. "I gotta ask her to show me her runway walk."
"Can you not talk about her appearance like that," it made him uneasy when people acknowledged her beauty and prompted his unwanted jealousy. "C'mon guys, she's just trying to do her job."
"You should chill," Namjoon told him, "But man you really getting jealous? Of what Tae just said? The same Tae that cries if you eat his food? The one that can't cook to save his life? Man, you're in a bad way. You ought to get that checked out."
Yoongi couldn't believe that even calm, passive Namjoon was joining in with the jokes at his expense. What happened to having each other's backs? Brothers to the end of the line.
Jimin laughed louder, "Yoongs is simping on main. He just wanted to be tied down for life."
"Hey ain't nothing wrong with that," Yoongi told them. "But it's not like that," he tried to downplay how she made him feel.
"Says the guy who's been waiting for his wife for weeks," Jin gave him a small smile.
Yoongi's thoughts bizarrely went back to how she looked, strutting across the road to their wedding, unashamed, confident and comfortable. Their wedding night made him blush hard, he gulped his beer quickly to hide his embarrassment.
"Can you, just stop talking please," he blushed again.
"Oh snap," Jungkook gasped, "he loves her. Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover, YN has stolen his heart. Yoongi hyung is in love, she's thawed his heart," he had the biggest grin on his face, no longer able to contain his hysterical laugher.
"Seriously?" Jin asked seriously, not that anyone noticed.
"Of course he does, otherwise why would he marry her?! He loves her obviously," Taehyung sipped his beer, wiping the foam mustache with his tongue.
"Mind you the size of her rock is massive," Namjoon added, "who knew you had such great taste in jewellery!"
"If your ring ain't gonna be big, you better be packing elsewhere," Hobi sang out.
"Really Hobiyah? That's not really tasteful is it?" he looked at him disappointed.
"What? I'm just sayin," Hobi cackled.
"Saying what?" YN asked, walking in.
"Nothing, just if hyung ain't gonna give you a big ass ring, bet he's offering something bigger," Taehyung automatically replied still trying to reach the foam nestled on his nose.
Taehyung saw everyone's deadpan faces, the sheer look of horror upon Yoongi's face, Jin could only making eye contact with the floor, Namjoon pretending to answer a phone call and Jungkook finding his water extremely interesting.
"Oh wow, you nasty," YN helped herself to a big handful of popcorn and couldn't wait to get out of there quick enough. "I ain't having this conversation with y'all."
"Shit we didn't mean it like that, we were just taking the piss outta Yoongi, it was just a joke," Jimin tried to explain.
"Yeah, anywhoo," she looked just as uncomfortable as Yoongi was and turned to leave.
"Baby they were just joking it didn't mean anything. Stay please?" the words tumbled out, as he snapped an arm out quickly to pull her hand back. "Actually let's go," he gave his cue to Jin hastily who waved his bandaged hand back at him confused at how he was supposed to play with one hand.
"It's fine, you don't need to explain anything," she was already half way out the door. There was no smile, no laughter, hell she wasn't even looking at him. The smile and jokes she had for everyone else suddenly weren't good enough for him, and he was becoming annoyed.
Even when he was out of line, she seemed to be the antidote to his stupidity.
"Can we talk? I've not had a minute to myself with you at all today," he touched her elbow to turn her around, "you spent all your time with the boys or Jin."
Her doe eyes looked up at him, "Jin hurt his hand and didn't tell me."
"Oh. Oh! OK, well I can come up and we can order something in. Just talk and stuff if you like? I'll tell the guys to keep it down."
"It's all cool. You don't have to," she smiled as the others tried to carry on the game and not make them feel awkward, which of course made them feel awkward.
He nodded disappointed of course, leaning in instinctively to kiss her, but she edged sideways as he caught her jawline, before she moved awkwardly away the closer he got.
He wasn't expecting her to move away from him like that, the awkwardness was almost unbearable, made worse because she wasn't even looking at him anymore.
"Hey hey hey," he wasn't letting go of her so easily, not when she had been away from him for so long already. "It's been over a month. Can we fix this?"
That smell.
Of jasmine and coconut.
He caught her scent and his brain turned to mush. What the hell was that? OK so he wasn't going to admit that he went into three different perfume shops and had them spray every single scent so he could figure out which one it was she used. He wanted to know that the scent, the attraction that he had to her was purely based on a manufactured bottle of crush and that whilst she was away it would wear off. But it didn't. His attraction to her only seemed to get worse.
Hobi looked on at the two of them and sighed.
"Man thinks it's just a crush."
Jin, in turn looked back at them pitifully. "He's clearly delusional if he thinks he's just got a crush. On his own wife."
Taehyung shook his head as he watched them, joining Jin to nudge him to take a shot at the pool table.
"Why are hyung and YN being weird?"
"None of your business. It's adult stuff," Jin shooed him away.
"Hey," he stood tall, flicking the hair out his eyes, "I am an adult."
"Says the dude who still has to give his wallet to Yoongi to look after when we go out."
"One time!" he stomped off.
YN looked away, smoothed down her t-shirt over full breasts, a flat stomach and a waist Yoongi just wanted to snack on.
Wherever she had been, it had made sure she was tanned and her hair was a rich brown caramel. Her cheeks were rosy pink from blushing, and he remembered how they were that colour after they had sex. Just the thought of it made him start to drool.
"Fine," she said distractedly as her held up her phone , "It's gonna have to wait, that's the Board of Directors," smiling excitedly she cleared her throat and answered as professionally as she could, once again leaving Yoongi standing there.
@craftymoonchaos @bbl3ssy @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim part 19
What up big boy
One normal conversation took days to complete.
She wasn't answering him anymore. The first few days she'd replied back that she was staying in the office late, and other days he was lucky if she even took a look at his messages.
He'd look around the lonely house, pray for her well-being wherever she was, before getting into a cold bed at night surrounded by shadows and memories of things that no longer were able to bring him comfort.
Yoongi would never openly admit to the others that he would leave her a recorded message about his day and send it, and by the morning he waited for a reply that never came.
If Jin mentioned what she was up to, it was usually the usual line. "She's been in and about. Sometimes I don't even hear from her. Which I don't like, but after a day or so she usually calls. It's usually rubbish reception though."
Yoongi was just relieved she was okay. If there was a documentary about his life, around now he would look it dead in the lens and say,
"Hi, I'm Yoongi. You're probably wondering how I ended up like this. Spilling champagne down my thousand dollar silk shirt in front of the whole world."
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Often Yoongi would busy himself with work and there was always so much studio stuff, that he didn't have to look far. Other times he would slowly fill his house with the furniture or an object that he thought YN would like, or he'd stare endlessly at a quickly written message on a post it by her, still stuck to the fridge.
He'd brought one of those tiny printers you connected to your phone and printed out this one picture of her when she was lying there thinking; the dusk streamed in through their bedroom window and everything was still, it was perfect, it was theirs.
She'd dragged a small coffee table to the glass window, parked a little chic lamp on it, switched the lights out and simply stared out the window, settling her breathing. It must have been a little after eleven when he'd made it home; he remembered working late with Hobi on one of his tracks for Jack in The Box and had forgotten to let her know here he was.
There had been a power cut, she had only settled in a week prior, and she was too scared to travel down to the garage to check where the fuse box was.
He'd found her asleep, the phone torch as she had clutched it for dear life.
"Hey," Taehyung patted Yoongi on the shoulder. "Where you zone out to?" he smiled watching Yoongi getting off Taehyung's bed and head to his own room.
"Nowhere," Yoongi swallowed. "I'm gonna head to sleep. That flight was dreadful," he lied.
"Night hyung," Taehyung waved, as he closed the door behind him, walking slowly to the elevator and then back to his empty room.
The silence was all consuming, confining and deafening. Yoongi grew tired of the waiting, anticipation and then the anti climax when he never heard from her or her phone rang out long distance. He wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at the possibility of her leaving for the States or simply not telling him that she had intended to.
Yoongi tried looking for YN, chastised Jin about it so many times, eventually deciding that he didn't know anything, because he didn't.
"Yoongi-ah, I'm telling the truth, I haven't heard from her."
"Do you know if anybody else has?"
"I don't know maybe she has spoken with the others? She has got lots of friends I'm sorry I just don't know, you know YN. She has been pulling out the stops to become VP. I can't get anything out of her secretary, he keeps the cards close to his chest."
Who could he talk to? Who besides her understood the expectations of others, mirroring those thrown upon him by himself as an artist?
Who besides YN got that it angered him when people don’t meet those expectations, and absolutely devastated him when he couldn't reach them himself?
Maybe it was a hint he failed to take?
Maybe what they had was fake, the words, their actions were due to their situation, or perhaps she didn't care for him how he now cared for her.
He looked across at the empty space next to him at night, imagining her lying there smiling back at him. Yoongi laid there, often talking to himself. He knew what she would say to him if she was there, but man he wished she was there to say it.
"Jeez Suga, must be exhausting trying to be a perfect producer all the time," her teasing voice would tell him. "If you wanna sleep at the studio don't let me stop you. Stop making so much noise when you get back."
He'd smiled in the dark, turning to face her.
"I'll make you coffee in the morning," he'd offered.
"I accept your compensation, but don't think just cos you make me coffee I accept this behaviour. Chairman Bang—"
"Min," he corrected her.
She sighed and gave in quickly due to her brain being half asleep at three on the morning, "Bang-Min," she conceded, "cannot be bribed. I have a public image to uphold. However," she explained to the ceiling as he turned his pillow over again.
"Are you listening?" she scolded. "You woke me up and now you're trying to sleep. The cheek!"
"Princess, I'm fucking tired. Next time I'll just sleep at the studio okay?"
Now she felt bad. "You don't have to, then the house will be," she paused thinking of the best word, "empty."
"I'll message next time. If you let me go to sleep, I'll make you the good coffee even," he begged.
"The drip coffee??" she asked excited. "Because you need to be specific when you talk coffee."
Coffee - most people were made of 60% water, but he was sure she was made up of 50% coffee and equal measures of sass.
"The expensive shit," it was fun to see her all awake and asking him questions.
"Clarification requested."
She sat up, "Monkey Min, you cannot end a conversation on coffee with 'The Expensive Shit'."
Yoongi yawned loudly as she shook him until he could no longer ignore her.
"Fine, fine. The Hawaiian one I saw in the cupboard." He dare not admit to her that he couldn't read English well, but had recognised the words Hawaiian and Coffee.
Yoongi was sure she squealed. Her fingers were wiggling in the dark as she tried to hide it and sound unaffected.
"I ran out of Hawaiian Kona Coffee. Approximately two weeks and four days ago though.."
"Did we? I thought I bought some more..." he teased her before admitting he had finally found a small bespoke coffee place miles away and bought their remaining supply.
"I'm so exited I can't sleep!"
Yoongi whacked her hard with a pillow, almost beheading her.
"Shut up and sleep. Or I won't make it for you in the morning."
YN lay back on her side of the bed. She turned to face him to ask one last question but he knew she just had to say one last thing: She never could let him have the last word.
"Princess. Shut the hell up before I put something in your mouth to make you."
She rolled her eyes. Of course he would still be able to produce a dick joke at 3am.
"You are just gross."
"Just come back," he sighed, staring a hole into the spotlight above him.
See in his mind, they were perfect for eachother; he was an insanely humble guy who can’t remotely begin to navigate a common social situation, and YN; a sarcastic girl who devotes all her time to protecting others, but won’t confront issues in her own personal relationships.
In his case, his extreme sensitivity could make him feel good about the aspects of himself that he somehow knew are good; his ability to sketch a decent picture, produce a hit song, or the ability to love this prickly and beautiful human being. 
But it also caused deep seated hatred of those traits he happened to loathe; not being able to help her if she needed him, bottling up his feelings, or the inability to say what he wanted to say. But she had this way of shining light through his darkest points and muscling her way into his life.
Needless to say, every day melted into the next until it was all one big blur, and after three weeks he heard nothing from her. Yoongi began leaving his phone away from him, not looking at it five thousand times a day. He also tried to not reread messages, or gaze at her pictures either. It was just too painful. The phase only ever lasted a few hours and then he was back to pining for her.
Head under the power shower, Yoongi stood, hand against the cold wall tiles as the 38°C temperature pummeled down his back, splashing against the fogged up shower screen. Gentle jazz music from his speaker resonated loud enough to drown out his own sighing. Which he did daily. A lot.
It was also too loud to hear a certain wife trying to call him for the first time in a long time. 
Tucking a towel around his low slung waist, forgetting about his phone and now turning on the TV,  Yoongi pulled out his clothes for the day, his hand wavered as he touched an item of her clothing.
It was technically his, a woolly cardigan she had adopted as her own, and even after this long it still held her scent. Albeit, barely but it was there. Hints of soft femininity, of jasmine lingered upon him as he held it closer for a quick deep breath before carefully placing it back on a hanger.
Sometimes it was hard to have enough courage to deal with any situation. He knew she wouldn't sit tight for long, and would be out there saving the world in one way or another; or having men drop at her feet, or maybe her mother had finally convinced her to divorce him; but that came with a price and he was worried that something had happened to her.
If it has would anyone know to tell him? What if she was trying to get home to him and she was trapped, or being tortured somewhere? How would he find her? 
Contact between them had slowed down to a silent halt, and when contact had become next to impossible due to incessant signal failures or time differences etc all he could do was wait and hope.
Whilst other people were able to garner a regular relationship, Yoongi simply hoped for meeting YN just once or even just speaking to her. That feeling of desperation to just see her was killing him but he knew he had to trust her on this. He often fantasized, and fell into the same daydream again about the moment he would set eyes on her after that long difficult wait. In his dreams he imagined getting all teary eyed and hugging her so tight to never let her go, and then carrying her off to bed to fuck her seven ways to Sunday till neither of them could walk.
But not all his thoughts were on physicality. There were other times where even whilst he rested with everyone else, he felt alone and disheartened. He tried to remain positive, and found himself often forcing himself to smile for the sake of it, sweep his thoughts under the rug and just get on with life. He clutched her cardigan to him and fell asleep.
The boys started their first full day in Paris, on the rooftop restaurant, overlooking the Eiffel Tower enjoying breakfast before a spot of sight seeing before the fashion show that afternoon.
Jin could tell straight away that Yoongi was agitated so he limited conversation knowing that's what happened when Yoongi was like this. It was rare but the man was still human, and whatever he was going through after YN left couldn't have been easy.
He had tried talking to him, but after a while Yoongi slowly returned to normal and Jin thought he was coping OK. But this morning was not one of these mornings.
"You cool Yoongi-ah?" Jin stopped stuffing his face and took a sip of coffee slowly instead.
"I'm fine, why does everyone keep asking me that?" he snapped.
"Yeah, you definitely sound happy," he replied sarcastically looking at him sideways.
"Why keep longing for something that clearly isn't going to happen?" Yoongi sighed a little too deeply.
Jin didn't know what to say to that. "You don't know that. You guys have been through some shit and she's away doing some work and then she'll be back."
"She could have done that here. I wasn't going to stop her from doing whatever she needs, I would have tried to help her."
"Maybe what she had to do you couldn't help her with. I dunno, maybe it was CEO type stuff??" Jin replied as Yoongi's phone continued to ring.
"Your phone's ringing dude."
"Doesn't matter," he dismissed as he got ready to leave.
"Well whoever it is, is definitely tryna get hold of you bro." Jin tried to get the attention of a waiter for more coffee.
The crackly line evened out as YN hunched down to buckle a shoe.
"Miserable Min," she called out as he replied with a hello, out came a voice so clear for once that she almost kissed her new phone for finally making a phone call that didn't cut out after one ring.
She'd tried in vain to call him so many times in the last week or so, and today it cut off due to the fact she was standing near the top of the Eiffel Tower in a tight dress and a pair of heels for Vogue Paris.
"You okay handsome? I'll see ya soon!"
It was the first thing that came out her mouth before hello, how are you, how have you been, are you sure you've been punished enough, Jin told me you've turned into a recluse? 
It was the only statement she made and then the call cut off.
"YN? Is that you? YN? Are you okay? It's me, Min Yoo—?!" he dumbly shouted back but it was too late.
YN stared at her phone in disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she swore at the phone as secretary Kim came running over.
YN handed the phone over to him in disgust, "I paid a thousand bucks for this phone, so it could simply cut out on me before I had the chance to annoy him! Now he thinks I think he's handsome!"
"But I thought they were all handsome, one might argue that they are all visuals," he countered.
"You need to stop reading internet articles, they usually chat shit Kim. And I was gonna tell him I'll be back in the country in the next coupla days."
"Shall I call him back? I must admit the reception is unsatisfactory, especially as the Eiffel Tower could be used as a cell tower."
"We got no time. After this, we need to go to the show for a run through. Never mind, I'll just call them after the show. Did they get the tickets?"
"Yes. Celine arranged for them to be here. But I don't know how many will be coming. I didn't get the opportunity to advise them of your presence. I forgot to tell —"
With no time to scold him for his miniscule hic up, YN waved the possible time bomb away, flicked her hair and went back to the shoot.
"I forgot to tell you, Mr Min would be here.. Maybe it's a good thing though," he told himself. "These two can finally sort things out."
Beyond pissed that he hasn't been able to tell her anything except his name Yoongi felt the world was magically made of candy canes and rainbows hearing her voice.
The entire world be damned, heck, let the world go to hell, she had called him and Yoongi had heard her words!
Jin was almost at the lift when he felt a flash of wind upside his neck and the words "move over" came blasting past him.
Yoongi was up to his room, smiling as he pulled out his clothes, grinning as he showered and so ecstatic that he kept forgetting to breathe. Coughing and spluttering he went through his day in a haze. 
She was coming home. And she called to tell him he was handsome. It meant she was alive. And thinking of him.
"Keep holding on" was the right phrase to describe that ever persistent feeling he held back. "She's coming home."
Celine Runway 5pm
"It's a bit loud isn't it?" Yoongi called out to Jin again. Nothing. It didn't even register with his friend.
"It's a fashion show, it's not like they're going to come out with no music on."
"It's not a concert, it doesn't have to be so loud! They're just walking literally in a straight line, ai don't understand the fascination."
"Well YN got us these invites, so if you can't say anything nice, just shut up and sit there," Jin snapped. "Put a damn smile on your face; there's cameras everywhere."
"It's OK," Taehyung clapped excitedly, "I managed to get hold of YN. That bad bitch is here!"
"In Paris?" Yoongi nearly choked.
"At the show!" Taehyung corrected him, as Yoongi craned his neck looking around the crowds.
"She is!?" he all but screamed as he was forced to sit still and watch several models walk out parading the new Summer Autumn collection.
Not that Yoongi cared. This was the last place he expected to be, and it was the last place on earth YN would ever think she would clap eyes on Min Yoongi.
As the guest model for today's show, no one was more shocked that Yoongi to see a woman stalk down the run way, in a glittering dress that followed for some distance, a twinkle in her eyes her snappy heels clickity clacking down the way.
Yoongi had heard that walk before. People would think he was crazy, but it was like explaining to someone that you could figure out who was running down your home's stairs by listening to the sound of their footsteps.
And he could definitely tell when the sassiest woman to ever exist snapped her heels right past him.
"I've been trying to call you pabos for ages," an excited voice said as it stopped by them.
Yoongi looked up from his champagne flute, the shock of it all making him spray the contents of it all down his top, narrowly missing those surrounding him.
"YN?" he choked out, she looked, well like YN but not as he knew or saw her. She looked like a damn hot super model.
"Hey big boy. Miss me?" she turned to meet his gaze, gave a wink before turning at a sharp angle and walking back to the curtains.
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jboofan · 3 years ago
There's something about Manager Kim Part 18
No limits
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The panic rose in Yoongi throat, and he was sure he was going to either puke or pass out.
"She never ignores my messages," he consoled himself, even if it was a snipey remark she always dished back what he threw at her. It was what they did.
But she wasn't even bothering. Like she'd just simply refused to acknowledge him anymore; and he had to admit it was a feeling he didn't like much.
He pressed in the dorm code and opened the door in haste, expecting to see her.
"Where is she?" he had no time for niceties as he scanned the room.
"Who?" Jimin asked, not looking up from his game.
"YN, who else?"
"We weren't sure if you were talking about YN or your bit on the side."
Yoongi breathed deep. "Boy I know you didn't just say that."
Jimin shrugged, turning back to his game, as Taehyung spoke up as he entered the lounge and took a seat next to him.
"Tae, where's YN?" he didn't have time for this bullshit.
"In her room," he replied, but offhandedly.
Yoongi didn't have to go anywhere because she walked in smiling with Jungkook about something as he joined the other two on the sofas and they restarted the game.
"Hey," she said, dead pan, making her way to the kitchen.
Staying calm worked right up to the point he saw her.
"Hey? HEY?" he stalked over to her. "You don't come home, and I just get a hey?"
People paused their game, put down the coffee or their phones and watched the two of them.
"What do you want me to say?" she shrugged.
"I don't know, how about Yoongi I'm staying with the boys tonight. You don't need to worry about where I am."
"Why would I tell you where I am?" she sat down on the armchair, watching the boys play some racing game.
"Because I'm your damn husband?!"
"I'm your damned wife; you say one thing and do another; I'm just doing what you're doing."
"You didn't even let me explain."
"You did what you did. There is nothing to explain."
"She wanted to give me a wedding invitation," he blurted out since she wasn't going to ask him any time soon.
"That's a shame, she should have just waited til I divorced your ass, then she could have you all to herself," YN said disappointed for him.
"D-divorce? Just because I had lunch with her, and my manager was there."
"Namjoon," she called out, "he wants to join my legal team," she explained to Yoongi with a smile as he came out, head in a book, glasses perched on the end of his nose.
"Grounds for divorce, separation certainly. You admit you had lunch with your ex girlfriend, her article to the press being the sole reason YN was assigned you. Yeah, totally not shady Yoongs."
Yoongi wondered if they'd all made a pact to annoy the fuck out of him, and convinced YN to join the cause.
"It was just McDonald's! I had a voucher, it's not like I paid for it!" he shouted not caring anymore. "It's not like I took her to some fancy restaurant. It was McDonald's, I was there with the manager and she turned up."
YN felt as though she were completely invisible and almost wished she was. They clearly had a relationship that, although toxic he couldn't step away from. Perhaps because his ex and him had that shared history, they had was more than just friendly, but YN felt she couldn’t hold a candle to this woman that Yoongi had almost risked it all for.
YN cleared her throat and looked at him.
"She just happened to be passing a McDonald's at the same time that you, renowned for never leaving his studio, decided to eat at?" even as she said it it sounded unbelievable.
"I know it sounds ridiculous —"
"That's because it is Min Yoongi. You had the audacity to tell me that I am not allowed to even breathe next to another man unless it's work related, and you felt it was cool to go do that?"
She couldn't believe he still didn't get it.
"I understand that this is just some dumb secret marriage, but did you really have to do that infront of my salad?"
She was laughing now, "well, since no one knows about it, let's end it."
Jin looked at the two of them, "YNah.." he knew she was angry and trying hard to keep a lid on it.
"What YNah? You never wanted him to be my husband in the first place, but do you know what? You were right. He's an asshole and isn't husband material. Not mine anyway."
YN squeezed the bridge of her nose, "I literally don't have time for this. I thought I could trust you. Today a meal, tomorrow I'll come home and find her sleeping in my bed, and the day after you'll be moving her in telling me that she gonna live with us."
"YN you can't be serious. She said she was getting married, invited me to her wedding. I had a fucking manager with me, I didn't do anything wrong! Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to let her sit with us, but I thought finally she's gonna be someone else's problem. She'll finally leave me alone."
She shook her head, "Hell to the no Yoongi. If I can't trust you, then I don't wanna be around you. Why would you ever think it was ok to be seen out with another woman??! What if my dad saw those pictures? Or worse—"
YN gulped the big stone that felt stuck in her throat, "She's calling me," Jin held up his phone.
"I'm not here, besides I had my secretary black out the media," she turned her attention to her husband. "And you," she could taste the bitterness of the situation, "you will suffer the consequences."
YN spied the time, grabbing her phone and replacing her slippers for shoes.
"I'm outta here. Some of us bitches have work to do."
"What do you think she meant? Suffer the consequences?" Taehyung asked around, Jin shook his head.
"I'm not a mind reader, I don't know how she's reacting to this. Why the fuck he couldn't just say no. No. NO." Jin shot Yoongi a dirty look. "Who knows that she'll do."
Hobi looked sad, as a disheartened Yoongi walked back in. "Poor thing probably feels betrayed. Why would you want a cheap chicken nugget when you have a fillet steak waiting for you at home?"
"I don't understand why people cheat. Is it the thrill? Or that just think they can have their cake and eat it too?" Namjoon sighed.
"Fuck sake, I didn't cheat!" Yoongi bellowed.
"You might as well have," a strange voice walked through the door, Secretary Kim. Jin went to grab her suit bag and handed it to him.
He tried to explain, "If I may; Chairman Bang would never do anything to jeopardise your relationship."
Kim looked over at Jimin. "She dropped an important meeting to pick up Mr Park because she didn't want it to look bad; even though he was asking for both of you. A client she has worked very hard to even get a meeting with. Chairman Bang even said she's okay. Maybe she is, but I'm sure she's very disappointed."
"Say what you really mean Secretary Kim," Yoongi sarcastically answered.
"I warned her against marrying you. Said it was a bad idea. Mr Jin agreed. But she seemed to have seen something in you, we failed to see. You let her down Mr Min. It may only seen like an innocent meal to you. But this person almost ruined your life; YN fixed you up and you just spat in her face."
Going as silently as he arrived, Kim nodded before closing the door after him.
"I spat in her face?" he questioned himself.
"He meant figuratively speaking," Namjoon explained. "Your exes set you on fire, but she put out the fires and fixed you up. You simply turned around and ran back to the very person that set you on fire, and sold you out."
"Fuck," he managed, wanting to run out the door but knowing she wouldn't want to see him.
"What do I do? She won't even look at me," he asked figuratively.
"I don't know how to help you," Jin admitted. "Perhaps time apart is what you need, for her to calm down."
"But she looked calm, she even laughed," Jungkook pointed.
"Even a killer will stab you calmly and walk away like nothing happened," Jin explained.
"YN isn't a killer," Yoongi scoffed, "why are you trying to make the situation worse? I just need to convince her that it's not true. I get you think I'm an asshole but I ain't going to let you talk her into a divorce."
Jin threw his glass off the table, flashing in anger as the glass flew up against a wall before shattering.
"You made the situation worse all by yourself."
"She was calm because she knows that I didn't do anything bad. Yeah I should, looking back not have done it but she knows it wasn't anything," now Yoongi was accusing everyone else.
"So if she jumps on a flight right now and has to work closely with another man, you'd be just as understanding?" Jin poked.
"Yah, stop coming up with shit. Why the hell she need to work with a guy. What guy? What's his name?" Yoongi demanded.
Hobi laughed. "How can you say it's no big deal for you to meet your ex, but she can't even stand next to another man unless it's us? How can you restrict her like that? And don't say cos you're her husband."
"It's ok for you to get jealous of someone sitting too close to her, but let me ask you this," Hobi looked at his friend, "if she'd met an ex instead of you and had a meal with him, you'd be ok with that?"
He didn't even need to think about it.
"Course not. But YN isn't stupid enough to do that and meet some nobody."
Everyone stood, waiting for the ball to drop. Watching his face contort from annoyance to realisation and then he was sprinting out the door again.
"That idiot," Jin exhaled, "does not deserve my sister."
"Is she going on a plane and working with some dude?" Namjoon asked, "Cos Yoongi is d-u-m-b and probably scared."
Jin shrugged, "Nah, she's in the office but it doesn't hurt to scare him into actually waking up."
Yoongi found himself appreciating the sheer amount of hours she put in at the office. Instead of staying in his studio where he couldn't tell if she had left the office or not, he waited in his car on the rainy days, or inside the lobby on the drier ones.
Today he watched as the torrential rain of June came down hard, as YN came out the front electronic doors and waited for her car to be bought around.
There must of been an issue with her car as Secretary Kim was back explaining something to her. Yoongi watched her nod, and he disappeared and she stood there, stretching out a hand to feel the rain.
Yoongi wondered how long she had been standing in the rain that night, whether anyone was going to stop and help her. What could have happened if he hadn't turned up. Would someone else be in his place?
He looked behind him where Hobi sat, chewing his gum and watching videos.
"Did my phone go off?" Yoongi looked over distracted. 
Hobi looked over, "No."
Yoongi watched her get back in the car, and drive away to Jin's apartment, before he went back to driving. He attended practise with the band, attended meetings with the band, more meetings with other managers working with him but no messages or calls from her.
He knew this because the next day, Hobi like the rest of the Hyung line has descended upon Jin's place for dinner, whilst the maknaes were at the office for their scheduled VLives that week.
And he had not been invited.
Despite how busy he was, all he could think about was how YN hadn't even said a word to him, simply carried on like he didn't exist.
He sat now, a further week later, perched over his keyboard, in his studio late one Thursday night tapping away absentmindedly.
"She could have called by now, so I can sorry," he told the screen. Flashbacks of her standing in the dorm, that last dirty look before she left. How she smiled at the security guys as she left the office, or how she thanked Secretary Kim for an umbrella.
Frustrated he leaned back in his chair and fell asleep. It was the dry mouth caused by the excessive drooling that woke him up, in search for a drink.
He'd returned home to an empty house, and fallen back to sleep on the sofa again.
Waking up and picking another black shirt from the twenty identical ones neatly hanging in a line he thought of her and why she hasn't called.
"You've made your point. You're smarter than me. You're beautiful. I daresay you work harder than me. But you've made your point."
Sitting in their waiting room, ready to go onto a live music show for the third time that day, he just wasn't interested. Se-Jin had arrived with an update on his schedule for the day, watched Yoongi look up from the boring sight of food in front of him and caught his eye. His eyebrows frowned and almost met in the middle.
"Have there been any messages for me?" Yoongi fished. He'd grown desperate once Jin refused to tell him, and Hobi had nothing new to report; he'd grown desperate and taken to trying to get their main manager to pull some strings.
"Has she called?"
"Who?" Se-Jin looked up from his tablet.
"No Yoongi."
"Has she called yet?"
"No Yoongi."
"Has she contacted you back yet?" he looked up from his makeup chair.
"Not yet."
Staring out the window as the rain fell at lunchtime, Se-Jin handed him his lunch, and joined him to see what was so interesting.
"Has she—"
Yoongi pursed his lips and went back to looking out at the rain. 
"Who did you think I was—"
A headache pounded his brain as he walked through the hallways, he closed his eyes as he came to a stop, inspecting the latest photos of the bands lining the walls.
"You didn't hear yet?" He didn't even bother looking at Se-Jin, who lowered his tablet and addressed him.
"Are you asking about Chairman Bang? No." He gave Hobi a look as to say you're turn with dealing with this and walked out the room.
Yoongi tried to hold in his exasperated sigh.
He'd had enough. If she wasn't going to come back home, then he would make her.
"Fine, I'll go pay her a visit then." He stood up, clapping his hands to attention.
"Sure," Hobi replied monotonously. "Wait what?"
Yoongi looked back pleased with his idea. "One should always go home to their wife at the end of the day."
"Uh, I guess? But what about our meeting with Se-Jin Hyung?"
"Just tell him I'll catch him later."
"Dude you gonna get in trouble with Se-Jin and with YN. Is it really worth it?"
Yoongi moved quickly to the door and Hobi chased after him as they made it to the lift.
"What are you doing?" Hobi hissed as Yoongi jumped into his car.
Hobi got into the passenger seat hastily and buckled up.
"I'm coming with you. What if you need help? She seems like she could beat you up, so we might need a witness for the police station later."
"Thanks Grandma, but I can go there by myself," he had a mad glint in his eye and Hobi wasn't so sure that leaving him on his own was the best thing.
"YN might be your wife, but she's my friend too. Someone needs to be able to say what happens after she kills you." Hobi didn't mention he too was more interested in finding out what was happening and reporting it back to the others.
"Fine. Stay in the car and don't do anything." 
Nervously he checked his tie in the mirror and got out to walk across the paved HYBE headquarters and up the stairs.
It was her laugh that he heard first before he saw her. Standing with a guy in casual jeans and jacket as they drank coffees and took in the rare clear skyline.
Yoongi's hand was already on his phone and had taken a picture and saved it before he realised what he'd done; standing still as he watched the two of them look happily as they nattered away.
He dialled for Hobi who picked up instantly.
"Hobiyah come pick me up in a bit. Go do something. Come back when I call you," he hung up before Hobi could question it, and counted to fifty, waiting for YN to bid goodbye to the other man and walk back into her room.
Now outside her office, where no one seemed to notice him, he pushed the door open to her office but it was locked.
"Where did she go?" he asked himself then to someone else in the office.
"Have you seen Chairman, um," he pointed to her door, hoping the guy would answer before he was forced to speak her name.
"She's here somewhere."
"How helpful," he sarcastically replied and walked back out to the lift to try and catch her.
He'd waited some twenty minutes and paced the corridors waiting for her and when she finally returned, she had her phone glued to her ear and didn't even notice him as YN walked past, talking in what he recognised to be English.
Shocked that she'd ignored him right before his very eyes he followed her through the double doors and into the open plan space with private offices lining the left hand side.
"YNah!" slipped out before he could cover his mouth and berate himself. 
YN stopped talking, phone still to her ear turning around and seeing him only two feet away from her. No longer invisible. It took the longest minute ever to realise it was Yoongi standing there calling her casually.
She shook her head stupidly. It's been a week idiot, why would he even here?
"What, um are you doing here?" she croaked, the conversation level went back to normal as people continued talking across desks at each other or in multiple languages on the phones.
Yoongi walked closely behind her into her office and stood statue still as she closed the door behind her.
"What are you doing here?" she repeated.
"Did you get my note?" He stood, hands in pockets making her feel uneasy. He hadn't sent one.
"What note?" she set her phone down and tapped away at her keyboard. 
He looked around for it.
"Where is what? Again, no idea what you are talking about. Please leave if there's nothing else, I'm busy."
"You win." 
"Excuse me?" 
He came around the back of her desk and now they were standing alarmingly close to one another.
"You win."
"I win? I win what? Cos I don't feel like a winner right now. Did I win a divorce?"
He waved off the note, and her comment too as he shook his head. 
"I shouldn't have done it."
"You gotta be more specific when you talk about what you did wrong, since it's always something."
"I'm talking about eating with her."
She looked confused. Did he seriously come all this way to disrupt my day with words about some other woman?
"I don't really care. You can spend your time doing whatever you want. Just keep me out of it."
"Look, Hobi and the others were right. But I didn't realise."
"I'm sure whatever Hobi said was right. You should go. Leave me alone please."
"C'mon princess."
Her demeanor seemed to shift after that.
"You're an asshole and I've nothing to add to this conversation."
"I said I'm sorry! You ignored me, and I've suffered.. We can call it even. Please?"
"I haven't ignored you. I've just been getting on with my life. I've got bigger things to worry about."
"So you not ignoring me, this you getting on with your life?" he asked her nicely. "What do you do if you really hate a guy?"
"What do you mean?" she tried to ignore him, walking away.
He eyed her suspiciously, "You seriously don't care about me? I said sorry!"
"I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not in the business of forgiving."
"I'm sorry! I pathetically can't live in that house alone." He moved away from her catching the edge of her heel as he did and she shrieked as she feel towards the ground face first. "Come back please."
Yoongi was quick to spin around and catch her by the waist, her arms coming up to protect herself as she held onto his chest.
Staring into each others eyes, realising who the other person was, they instantly repelled each other as he straightened her and moved away incredulously.
"You don't need to be jealous."
Red faced with embarrassment she gasped. "Jealous? Me? Jealous? You literally are with your ex, for everyone to see. What if people knew we were married. Do you know what that would do to my reputation? Fuck sake, just go please Yoongi!"
Yoongi wasn't going to have this. He straightened his jacket, hands behind his back and backed her into her desk, moving closer until she was almost looking up at him.
"Either you come home, let me make it up to you - or, I'll move in with you at Jin's," he threatened before leaving in a gust of wind and was already calling for Hobi to come pick him up by the time he exited the building.
Hobi shot out the car holding it open for Yoongi before shuffling to the nearside to get in after him.
"Well? How did it go?"
"God she is infuriating!"
"God please tell me you didn't make it worse! You were supposed to get her to forgive you," he asked frightened.
"That woman," Yoongi almost snarled. "If she doesn't move her ass back home by tonight, I'll just have to do it myself."
YN couldn't believe him. The idiot walked in and literally gave her an ultimatum. Is that how you apologise to someone?
She scoffed. "Yoongi you piece of shit. You want jealous? I'll give you jealous, let's see how you like it!"
YN pressed her finger into the intercom button hard as Secretary Kim appeared within moments.
"Yes Ma'am?"
"Is Celine still asking for a run way model?"
Kim brightened up, "yes, they've called several times today hoping you will reconsider the offer."
YN gave her best smile, "Well, I don't wish to disappoint my fans. Tell them we're coming."
"We are? I was sure you would tell them no again."
"I suddenly feel like strutting and shopping," she smiled pulling out Yoongi's credit card. "Yoongi's card has no limit, and suddenly I don't either."
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