#lee dokyeom smut
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the subtle art of stirring the pot —- l.sm
⭑.ᐟ pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader ⭑.ᐟ theme: coworkers to lovers, annoyances to lovers, sous chef!seokmin ⭑.ᐟ w/c: 9k ⭑.ᐟ warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of food, stressful work environment, insults, jealousy, switch!seokmin, switch!reader, semi public make outs, protected sex (that's a yes yes), marking, fingering, multiple orgasms, slight angst, miscommunications ⭑.ᐟ a/n: written as part of the Lonely Hearts Café collab put on by @camandemstudios - make sure to check out the full collab masterlist here send over some love! (haha get it) thanks a million to my lovely beta readers: @tomodachiii and @lovetaroandtaemin and a special shoutout to @seungkw1 for betaing and overall keeping me sane
Ring ring ring
The chaos of a kitchen is only aided by the sound of orders being put in. Saturdays are statistically the busiest days of the week, and being a restaurant in New York City, Quartz and Serenity is no exception. You had been frantically chopping carrots for the better part of an hour.
“Y/N!” The head chef called out to you, “Go get more mushrooms, chicken, and sherry for me please.” Without another word you jogged toward the walk in refrigerator to retrieve the ingredients. The last few years you’ve spent in this kitchen has allowed you to map it all out to a science, which in a way it was. You felt like a part of this well oiled machine and you handled the pressure with ease.
You piled the ingredients in your arms and pushed out of the walk in. You began to unpack the items on the counter next to the chef. He instructed you to take them out of their packages and begin chopping them for him. While the dinner service ran smoothly, there was an air of stress that always comes with being short staffed. You always pulled it off though, and tonight was no different.
The moment you crossed from the hallway into your apartment, you dropped your bag to the floor and kicked off your shoes. You smelled like grease and sweat. The apartment was bathed in the yellow light above your stove you left on this morning. There were dishes in the sink and cook books stacked up around the kitchen.
Sighing, you dragged yourself to the bathroom. You dropped your chef’s coat into the laundry pile and waited for the water to get warm. Once hot, the water ran over you, loosening your tight muscles. You stood in the stall staring at the wall for several minutes, mind wandering to what ingredients you had in your refrigerator and whether or not you should just order something.
The water sputtered and threatened to turn cold all too quickly. You rushed through your routine, savoring the last few drops of warm water. It went straight from warm to ice cold in seconds as you were rinsing your conditioner out of your hair.
Clad in pajamas, you stared into the boiling water on the stove. You dumped probably too much pasta into the water and turned to the other burner. You mixed together ingredients in a pan over the fire to make a sauce. This was a typical meal for you after manning the kitchen at Quartz and Serenity because it was easy and not on the menu.
No matter how much you enjoyed cooking, you always tended to get tired of the food that you worked around all day. Customer complaints and repetitive pressure did that to you. You wouldn’t change a thing though, this is what you loved.
“Everyone!” You heard the booming voice of the head chef call through the kitchen, “I have someone to introduce you to!” The staff and yourself meandered to the center of the kitchen where Chef Choi was standing with a man you didn’t recognize. He was around your age, maybe a bit older. His features were so striking, you almost missed the chef’s coat he was wearing.
“This is Chef Lee,” your boss smiled, clapping the man on the back, “He is our new sous chef!” You didn’t hear anything he said after that, you felt like the walls were closing in on you. You could feel eyes on you but you stared straight ahead. You could feel your jaw tighten as you bored a hole into Chef Lee’s stupid head with your eyes.
Once you were dismissed back to your stations to prepare for dinner service you saw him hovering near your station out of the corner of your eye.
“Can I help you?”
“Oh!” He smiled sheepishly. “I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone individually! You can call me Seokmin.” “Okay, can I get back to what I need to do, Chef Lee?” You looked back to your knife.
“Uh, sure…what is your name first?”
“Y/N.” You gestured to the nametag pinned to your coat. He nodded and wandered away towards the wait staff. You rolled your eyes.
Throughout the night you were tasked with showing your new coworker the way things run at Quartz and Serenity and much to your displeasure, he was very excited to be there. Every so often he gave you room to breathe by floating around the kitchen, observing everything. However, everytime he returned to your side you thought you might punch him.
Somehow you made it through the dinner service. It wasn’t your turn to clean up the kitchen tonight so you bolted to the bus station as fast as possible. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone, knowing that you might get sucked into doing something with your coworkers.
Once on the bus you check your class schedule on your phone, only to realize with horror that you have a test tomorrow. Your stomach turned with the dread of having to be up all night studying, again.
“Need any help with anything?” Seokmin’s sickly sweet voice offered at your side.
“No.” You were already on edge today, you made it through your test by the skin of your teeth and your professor made that abundantly clear. You had no time, or patience, for him right now.
“I saw you prep yesterday, I could do part of that for you,” he pushed.
“No thank you, Chef Lee.” You asserted through gritted teeth. “I would ask Chef Choi if I were you.” He slinked away like a kicked puppy while you continued chopping vegetables. It’s not your fault that he is completely out of his element and didn’t know what he was doing.
However, when orders came pouring in you noticed that his confidence seemed to double from last night. He was able to keep up with different elements, even without knowing the recipes very well yet.
The kitchen was louder than it had been in months, the new addition to your team taking it upon himself to fill the room with music, from his own mouth, to your dismay. You weren’t sure how much of his relentless optimism you could take, especially today. He floated around the kitchen with a carelessness that you would never be able to comprehend.
To your horror, at the end of the night Chef Choi announced that tonight was the most efficient night the restaurant has had in several weeks.
“You’re singing.” You deadpanned without looking up from the vegetables on your cutting board.
“Y/NNNNN” Seokmin mused, “How was your dayyy?”
“Don’t ask me how I’ve been.” You forced your knife through a carrot, “Just do your job, and stop singing.” There were exactly three seconds of silence before Seokmin moved from singing to humming. You slammed your knife down onto the cutting board. “I’m taking a five!” You huffed and turned toward the walk-in. Seokmin stopped humming.
The tears started as soon as the door closed behind you. Your back slid down the wall, the coldness biting through your clothes. It was stupid to cry, but you couldn’t help it; he was so infuriating. You had no idea what Chef Choi saw in him. The tears sliding down your cheeks smudged the swipe of mascara you put on this morning? Yesterday? Couldn’t have been more than two days ago…
The door opened.
“So, what’s up?” Seokmin asked softly, leaning against the wall next to you.
“Oh my god!” You cried, “Can’t you leave me alone for a single second?”
“I did,” he blinked at you, “If I had it my way, I would’ve followed right away.”
“I’m in here because of you!” Your voice cracked, a new bout of tears threatening to spill, “I would have loved it if you didn’t come in at all!”
“Well….technically, I’m…kind of your boss.”
“God, ew, no not really,” you scrunched your face in a look of disgust, “Chef Choi is our boss.”
“Y/N, what did I ever do to you?”
“The kitchen ran smoothly without you!” You informed him, “Everything was fine without you!”
“Now wait a minute,” there was an edge to his voice that you had never heard before, “I have never messed anything up.”
“No,” he cut you off, “Seriously, you may not like how I operate, that’s fine, but you aren’t going to sit here and tell me that I’m a problem in this kitchen.” His words were firm but it was hard to miss the tears swelling in his eyes.
“This is serious to me.” You hardened your gaze.
“And it isn’t to me?”
“Doesn’t seem like it.”
“God,” He sighed. “Y/N, maybe this can be a lesson for you. No one is ever going to do things exactly as you expect them to. That doesn’t mean they’re wrong.” He stood up to leave.
“You can’t just walk away after you talked down to me!” You shot to your feet. “You think I’m some dumb kid!” He turned to look at you, you chose to ignore the glimmer of a tear on his cheek. “I’m at the top of my class! I know what I’m doing!”
“What are you trying to prove?” His voice rose now too, “I never said you didn’t know what you were doing! Do you want me to?” You blinked at him. “You couldn’t even julienne the carrots today! Why? All because I was singing?” He wiped the tear away from his skin angrily. He moved toward you and crowded you against the wall. The proximity forced you to look up at him, his face was stone. “What’s your problem with me, Y/N?” He whispered, looking down his nose at you. The cold of the refrigerator made the warm breath fanning across your cheeks even harder to ignore.
“We have a kitchen to get back to…” You tried to avoid looking at his lips.
“You don’t think I’m serious about this,” he planted his hand on the wall next to your head, “So does it matter if I get back to that kitchen?”
“You said I didn’t know what I’m doing! So I guess the kitchen doesn’t need either of us at this point!” You jutted your chin up defiantly. He chuckled sarcastically.
“You’re being so ridiculous right now, are you like this with every new hire?”
“No, only the ones I find irritating,” and incredibly attractive, your thoughts wandered. Rookie mistake, your eyes flit to his lips before you had time to think. When your eyes returned to his he was looking at you, absolutely bewildered. Then, in one swift motion he smashed his lips to yours. The way he kissed you was just as angry as the way he was talking to you moments ago; his lips moved with a fervor that was almost malicious.
Your fingers found the front of his chef’s coat, you attempted to pull him closer. He whined into your mouth at the feeling of being wanted. The sound awakened something in you and heat settled in your stomach. You shifted your weight trying to ignore it. Seokmin nudged you with his knee until you parted your legs slightly for him to slot his thigh between. He was firm and muscular pressed against your core and it took everything in you to not rock against it.
With a jolt you remembered where you were and who you were with. You pushed against his chest until he moved away from you. Eyes wide and cheeks flushed, Seokmin seemed as though he realized the same thing.
“Come out when you're ready,” he nodded and left the walk-in without looking back. You tightened your ponytail and took a deep breath before following him out. You returned to your station and picked up the knife you abandoned before the ordeal. “Thin as matchsticks, Y/N.” Seokmin reminded you through kiss-bruised lips.
“Table 13 sends its compliments to the chef!” Soonyoung comes barreling into the kitchen carrying plates to deposit into the wash.
“That was the last table right?” Seokmin breathed a sigh of relief.
“Yup!” Soonyoung popped the “P” and punctuated the exclamation by dumping the dishes he was carrying into the sink. You had the day off and Seokmin felt the pressure of your absence throughout the entire day.
The encounter he had with you was heavy on his mind all day, the first day he’s spent in this kitchen without you by his side. He still couldn’t figure out what it was that he could have possibly done to you in the short time you’ve worked together.
“Hey Soonyoung?” He called without thinking. Soonyoung turned to him with a questioning look on his face. “You’ve been here a while right?” “Yeah, why?” Soonyoung reached around Seokmin and grabbed at the carrots, earning him a slap on the hand. He winced and pulled his hand to his chest.
“Can you think of any reason Y/N would dislike me?”
“Hm? Y/N?” Soonyoung mumbled, “Oh! The scary one. Yeah I try not to talk to her much.”
“Because she scares you?” “Because she scares me.” Soonyoung nodded.
“She wanted your job.” One of the waitresses, Jeongyeon, asserted from the doorway. Seokmin switched his attention to her, almost begging her to clarify. She sighed and adjusted her bag on her shoulder. “She’s about to graduate, the position was vacant for so long that she was under the impression that Chef Choi had decided to hold it for her.” Seokmin moved across the kitchen to beg her to tell him everything.
“Why would she assume that?” He pleaded.
“You have no idea how long your position was vacant, do you?” She turned to leave, “She was acting as unofficial sous chef for almost a year. In her opinion there’s no reason she shouldn’t have your job by now, diploma or not.” He looked down at the floor. "Oh, and stop looking at her with those puppy dog eyes, she'll chop your fingers off."
Eventually, Seokmin dragged himself home. His apartment felt too big, too empty. He wished he could stop thinking about you, if he was honest. He stared into his pantry and quickly decided he had no desire to actually cook. He popped an instant ramen into the microwave and went to go change his clothes.
The microwave was beeping four minutes later, he pulled the cup out and narrowly avoided burning his hand on the outside. He set the ramen on the counter and dug through the refrigerator in search of something to drink. There was not a lot to be found, besides a full pack of wine coolers he bought weeks ago in hopes he could invite some people from work over to celebrate working together, clearly that never happened.
About two hours later, Seokmin was crying to the credits of Dear Evan Hansen with five empty wine coolers on his coffee table and a sixth to his lips. Whether he was crying over the movie or something else entirely, he wasn’t sure.
He still couldn’t stop his mind from wandering to you, he had new information to mull over, but he still couldn’t understand why you hated him. He would’ve talked it over with you if you just came to him with the issue instead of giving him the silent treatment. Even worse, he couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of your lips on his.
Your lips and the warmth of your body against his had been running through his mind since it happened. He continued to sip from the bottle as he thought about you. He admired you in a way, so headstrong and willing to go after what you wanted, even if that got him yelled at. He didn’t really care, he realized you were pretty even when you were insulting him.
Soon the bottle was empty and Seokmin’s eyes were closed thinking about your mouth. He knew he would never live it down if you knew, but that didn’t stop him from delivering the soft initial touches over his shorts. Eventually pulling them down, letting his semi hard cock spring free, and pumping himself until he was stiff.
His voice surprised him, sounding foreign to his ears, whispering your name to his empty apartment. Everything became muffled as he heard the blood rushing in his ears, he felt his own hips sputter and he picked up his pace, fucking up into his hand. He thought about the pretty way you said his name with an edge to your voice and he was quickly undone.
You pushed the french fries around in the basket, the parchment paper soaking up the grease they left behind. You barely got three bites into your burger before you felt sick again and resorted to just pretending to eat. Maybe an entire bottle of wine to yourself last night and sleeping until 1 pm was not your best idea, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You checked the time, you have to be at work in a little over an hour, and you knew you had to eat something for your stomach to stop swirling. You sighed and picked up the burger again, and took a bite. Your body tried to protest but eventually you felt your stomach calming, thankful to have food. You laid your head back onto the back of the booth and closed your eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths.
“Rough night?” You cracked an eye open to see Seokmin standing over you, a basket matching yours in hand. “Me too,” he lifted his basket in a gesture of comradery. “May I sit?” You nodded, not having the energy to argue with him over it. You sat up and studied his face briefly. He had bags under his eyes like you, his hair was more askew than normal, and he was wearing the biggest hoodie you had ever seen.
“What got you so hung up?” You asked, selecting another fry from your basket.
“Oh,” he didn’t look at you, “I just have a lot on my mind, you?”
“You.” His eyes snapped to you, clearly surprised by your boldness.
“What?” He sputtered around a mouthful of his burger.
“I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve annoyed someone to the point of drowning in alcohol.”
“I mean, maybe,” he dropped the burger into the basket, “but no one has ever been so bold as to tell me outright…”
“Are you pouting right now?” Seokmin crossed his arms over his chest at your words, once again refusing to look at you. “See!” You scoff, “this is what I mean, you get everything you want and when someone calls you out on your bullshit you can’t handle it!” You pushed your food away from you with a huff.
“I get everything I want?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “You know I graduated from culinary school, just like you’re about to?” He leaned his elbows on the table, getting closer to you. “I worked hard to get where I am, and I was hired because I come highly complimented from previous bosses.”
“What is this? Your resume?”
“Let me show you, come to dinner with me on Thursday, we both have the day off”
“So you can brag?”
“No,” he cracked a smile. “So we can get to know each other better, and maybe put this behind us.”
You stared up at the facade of the restaurant. This building had been your dream for years, since you moved to the city. Now, because of Seokmin, you were able to dine here? It almost doesn't seem fair.
“Hey!” Seokmin’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “Sorry I’m late; I hope you weren’t waiting long!” You turned to him and shook your head. “Oh good, shall we?” He ushered you inside, lightly touching the small of your back. You tried to ignore the feeling in your stomach at the small gesture.
Once inside, he let his hand drop but stayed close to you. He leaned around you to speak to the man at the host stand. “Table for two, the name Lee should be on your list?” The man flipped through a few sheets of paper before stopping to read through a short list of names. Seokmin’s hand returned to your back, pushing you to follow the man through the restaurant.
The decor was almost enough to distract you from the warmth of Seokmin spreading through your body as he pressed his hand against you more firmly. The ornate light fixtures bathed the room in a soft light, making everything feel more dreamlike and romantic.
Seokmin pulled out your chair for you as the host was informing the two of you that a waiter would be with you soon. As Seokmin took his seat, you had a moment to take him in. You had never seen him wearing anything besides his chef’s coat. He had the sleeves of his collared shirt rolled up, showing off his watch and his toned arms.
“See anything you like?”
“What?” Your eyes widened, and a blush creeped up your cheeks. He pushes a menu towards you.
“Anything?” He smiles, choosing not to bring attention to your obvious staring. You shoved your face into the menu and began to study it intently. After a few minutes of silence the waiter provided glasses of water and a promise to return in a few minutes to take your orders. You laid your menu flat on the table and looked up at Seokmin.
“What do you like?” You asked sheepishly. He chuckled to himself and set his menu down.
“Well,” he pointed at the wine selection, “I was going to order us wine. Do you like white or red?”
“White, usually,”
“Okay, so,” he looked at you over his glasses, “you know enough about wine pairings to know what dishes a white wine rules out.” You nodded. “They have a lovely creamy pumpkin penne dish that pairs nicely with chardonnay, and we could share a brie sampler for an appetizer?”
“Honestly, that sounds wonderful,” you smile at him. You let him order everything for the two of you. He lets the silence linger for a few minutes while you wait for your wine. Once the glasses are poured, and he’s confident no one will bother you for a while, he breaks the silence he crafted.
“You’re much more shy outside of the kitchen,” he observed.
“I’m out of my depth,” you admitted quietly. He raised an eyebrow and took a sip of his wine, inviting you to go on. “I’ve been waiting to eat here since I moved to New York, and you just happen to have your name permanently on the list?”
“I know the chef,” he muttered into his wine.
“I know how highly qualified you are,” you informed him, “you’re experienced out of the ears and I’m just some kid in culinary school.”
“Well,” he tipped his glass forward to clink it with yours, “you can legally drink, so you’re not a kid.” He watched you smile, “And for what it’s worth, I think you’re really talented.”
“Oh don’t say stuff like that to me,” you rolled your eyes and picked up your wine glass, “You might get me to come around to you.”
“Oh God forbid, we can’t have that.”
“Where’s Y/N?” Seokmin was frantically moving through the kitchen. “Dinner service starts in 40 minutes, why aren’t any of you telling me where Y/N is?”
“She’s in the dining room, damn…”
Seokmin knew that you closed the restaurant last night, opened this morning, and the two of you were closing together tonight. So, when he found you asleep in a booth in the dining room, he wasn’t surprised. You often used the few hours Quartz and Serenity was closed between breakfast and dinner to catch up on studying.
Your head was resting on your arms, your ponytail was loose and strands of hair were falling in your face. He reached to brush them away from your eyes but stopped short when he read the papers under your hand. Application for Employment. He read it over and over with his hand hovering above your head. He felt his stomach drop so fast he was afraid it would fall out of his ass.
Taking a deep breath he let his hand settle on top of your head. He rubbed your hair softly with his thumb for a few moments, hoping that you would wake up. When you didn’t stir, he moved his hand to your shoulder and shook you lightly.
“Y/N,” he leaned closer to you. Your eyes opened slowly. “Hey,” he smiled, “dinner service starts in 30. I would let you sleep, but we need the table.” You jolted upright at his words, knocking his hand back to his side.
“In 30?!” You began to shuffle your papers back into the folder and snapped your book closed, “why didn’t anyone grab me sooner?” Seokmin didn’t have time to answer before you were breezing past him toward the kitchen. He watched you until you disappeared into the back room, agonizing over what he would do if you actually left Quartz and Serenity.
The entire dinner service was spent the same way, Seokmin becoming flustered when you assisted him. If he was being honest with himself, he would be impressed with how easily you were able to bounce back to routine. It was almost as if the hiccup from before didn’t even happen.
You moved through this kitchen like you’ve been in it your entire life, Seokmin truly could not imagine this place without you. He didn’t want to think about the fact that he didn’t want this kitchen to run without you. But you deserved to run a restaurant in his opinion. He wanted you to call the shots and to be successful, even if that meant he and Chef Choi would be competing against you after your graduation. Then it hit him; he also wanted to be selfish and hide you away for himself.
“Can’t you move any faster?” You shoved a soapy dish towards Seokmin. The two of you were the only people left in the building after a successful Sunday. You were eager to get home and sleep after the worst lineup of shifts. You picked up a shift from a coworker because you desperately needed the money, but you didn’t think ahead to how your bones would ache after it all.
“If you would rinse the soap off I could,” he sighed. He pulled the faucet head toward the dish in your hand, spraying you lightly with the water.
“Seokmin!” You squealed in annoyance. Grabbing the faucet back from him, you angled it towards him. The water rolled off his exposed forearms, his coat sleeves long pushed up over his elbows. He raised an eyebrow at you, almost like a challenge. He plunged his hands into the sink filled with soapy water and splashed it up onto your coat.
It wasn’t like you to sink to his level. Any other day, you would put a stop to this, get the dishes done, and go straight home. However, you’re not stupid and didn’t miss a single look in your direction through the entire day. Seokmin looked at you like a lovesick puppy everytime. Something about those looks lit a fire in your belly, and you didn’t care to find out if it was anger or interest.
So, you followed suit. You cupped your hands around a gaggle of bubbles, lifted it high above your head and smoothed the soap into his dark hair. He stood motionless for a moment, looking down at you in disbelief as his hair dripped onto the floor. Finally, he swiped his hands through his wet hair, slicking it back and exposing his forehead. Somehow it seemed like his features became more sharp and striking with his hair pushed away. Your eyes followed the sharp slope of his nose down to his lips and back to his dark eyes.
He moved toward you quietly. The tension hung thick in the air. He cupped your jaw with his wet hands, eventually moving to thread suds through your ponytail. Any part of him that thought he might kiss you was dampened by the water you suddenly hurled out of the sink at that exact moment. He yelped and moved away from you.
“We have dishes to finish, Chef Lee.” You smirked. The dishes in question were finished and dried in complete silence. The water and the clattering of the glass were the only sounds in the room.
“Let me take you home,” Seokmin broke the silence.
“What?” You gaped at him.
“No…” A blush creeped up his neck, “not like that. You take the bus, right?” You nodded at him. “You’re all wet, just let me drive you to your place.”
“You don’t have to do that…”
“I know,” he smiled sheepishly, “but I want to, please?”
Somehow, he convinced you. You were panicked, too panicked to even make fun of him for being the kind of person who lived in New York City and owned a car. He passed his phone over to you and instructed you to put your address into the maps app.
The ride was silent, your leg bounced as you watched the location get closer and closer. You nearly threw yourself out of the car when he parked in front of the building.
“Bye! See you Tuesday!” You blurted as you ran towards the lobby of the building. Seokmin waved, confused, at the back of your head.
“You need to stop telling people you live here.” The front desk attendant deadpanned.
“I know, Jane,” you ducked to spy out the window.
“Who is it this time? Bad date?” Jane was used to you showing up in her lobby every few weeks at this point. You were lucky that she loved to gossip or else she would have banned you from the building months ago.
“Ugh, no,” you watched Seokmin’s car pull away from the curb, “My coworker.”
“Why do you care if your coworker knows where you live?”
“Honestly?” You stood up and moved toward her desk, “I’m not sure…”
“Hm,” she holds out a lollipop to you, “might want to unpack that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you unwrap the candy and pop it into your mouth, “whatever.” You exit the building with a wave and begin the short walk to your actual apartment.
“Red wine this time.” Seokmin declared as you slid into your chair.
“Feeling bold today are we?”
“Well,” he chuckled, “It’s a steakhouse, so we have to pair correctly!” This was the second installment of what Seokmin had started calling Seokmin's Surely Spectacular Suggestions . You were starting to realize that he knows a lot more than you thought he did. He always seemed to know someone at every restaurant, if not multiple people.
“Oh my god!” A woman’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up and the waitress was smiling at Seokmin. “It is so nice to see you!”
“Oh!” Seokmin smiled widely at her, “I didn’t think you worked on Thursdays!”
“Ugh!” She put her hand on her hip, “I don’t usually! Dosie needed the day off and as a good friend I took the shift.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. You watched Seokmin’s face contort into a laugh. Something panged in your chest watching them laugh together. Suddenly, you were extremely interested in the menu in front of you as you tried not to think about what that could possibly mean. Seokmin and the waitress chatted for several more minutes before she bounced away. She never looked in your direction the entire time she was at the table.
“Ordered us wine, hope that’s okay.” Seokmin knocked on the table in front of you to get your attention. You hummed affirmatively. “What’s wrong? Have you decided you hate me again?”
“No,” You didn’t look at him. You felt him stare at you from across the table, you held strong and did not look up from the menu. It didn’t matter that you had read the words 8 oz wagyu beef steak and garlic potatoes six times, you couldn’t look at him.
The same waitress from earlier came back with your wine and a basket of bread. She placed everything down on the table and turned to Seokmin again.
“Are you ready to order?” She smiled.
“No, we need a few minutes.” You snapped before you had time to stop yourself. Seokmin shifted his gaze to you.
“Oh, uh…okay.” The waitress blinked at you and turned on her heel without a second look.
“What was that?” Seokmin was looking at you like you had grown a second head at some point in the last thirty seconds.
“Nothing, she was pushy.” You shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
“No she wasn’t.”
“She was!” You finally looked at him, he looked like a confused puppy, “You just didn’t see it because she was flirting with you.”
“What are you talking abo–” His face contorted into a smirk, “Are you jealous?” He dropped his voice to a whisper.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You declared, pushing out of your chair. You all but stomped all the way to the bathroom, mentally cursing yourself for being jealous in the first place. A hand encircled your wrist as you turned the corner to the hallway that housed the bathrooms. You turned to find Seokmin latched on to you. He pulled you into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. Looking him up and down he looked almost as shocked at his own actions as you felt.
“Were you jealous?” He whispered, “I have to know, because if you don’t tell me it’ll eat me alive for the rest of my life.” You couldn’t help but think he was being just a little dramatic. You slotted your hand into the hair on the back of his head and pulled his lips to yours anyway.
It took him a few moments to respond properly. When his brain caught up to what was happening he kissed you back hungrily. His lips moved roughly and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled you as close as possible and swiped his tongue along your bottom lip. You deepened the kiss and allowed him to explore further with his tongue.
Seokmin had a way of putting every emotion he was feeling into his actions, it was evident when he kissed you angrily weeks ago, and it was evident now. It felt like weeks of anger and bickering had melted off the two of you and now what was left was want and attraction that was left unsaid.
He detached himself from your mouth and moved to kiss over your pulse point. You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back to give him better access. Experimentally, he sucked gently on the skin below your ear, earning him a quiet moan. He did it again.
“Let’s go home,” he panted into your skin. “Please.”
“Seokmin we’ve only had wine,” you whispered
“I’ll make you pizza at home, I don’t care, I just need you.” He whined.
Seokmin fumbled with the key to his apartment, his thoughts were elsewhere at the moment. Finally, he unlocked the door and ushered you inside. You tried not to think about the fact that his apartment was about double the size of yours. He kissed you again once he had the door locked and you both inside. His hands found your hips and he pulled you closer as he was licking into your mouth. He tasted like wine, the same one you knew was on your lips as well.
“You owe me pizza, Chef Lee..” You whispered, breaking away from his desperate mouth.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” he groaned, “I can make pizza with my eyes closed.” His confidence was attractive, it was rare for him to be cocky like that.
“You didn’t buy me dinner, and I’m a lady.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes before grabbing and lifting you up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his trim waist. You yelped in surprise, you had no idea he could do that. He plopped you down on the kitchen island and moved to the other countertop. You watched as he rolled out pizza dough. His arm muscles bulged as he put in effort to flatten it. “Not even homemade dough?” You teased, “Some chef!”
He sent you a glare out of the corner of his eye, but the blush creeping up his neck gave him away. Suddenly it clicked, “oh my god, do you get turned on when I’m mean to you?” You smirked.
“Shut up…” Seokmin muttered while opening the pizza sauce.
“Well…better hurry that prep…” You smiled wickedly, spreading your legs. Seokmin glanced over at you and nearly moaned at the sight of your panties under your dress. He frantically pressed the buttons to preheat the oven. Once the pizzas were ready to be put in the oven he slotted himself between your legs and captured your lips once more.
You guided his hand to your breast and encouraged him to squeeze. He placed his other hand on your exposed thigh. He trailed his fingers slowly up and up towards your center until the oven beeped. He groaned and ran over to place the pans in the oven and set the timer.
“Take your pants off.” You stated simply when he turned back to you. He nodded and stumbled out of his jeans, the thin fabric of his briefs left little to the imagination as he was hard by this point. He moved toward you and you ran a hand over his clothed cock, he hissed at the contact.
“One second,” He blurted before disappearing down the hall. You contemplated touching yourself while he was gone, but he returned in a rush before you had the chance. He wiggled a small foil package in his fingers to show you why he left.
“Who said you could hit?”
“I–well I just figured…”
“I was about to start without you just now, I could still do that.” You could tell that Seokmin was weighing his options, knowing it would be so hot to see you get yourself off, but needing the feeling of being inside you.
“No, no!” He sputtered, “I got you!” You grabbed his wrist and moved his hand to your clothed cunt.
“Prove it.”
He started slowly, the pads of his fingers circling your clit through your panties. His lips attached to the sensitive skin below your ear. He kissed the skin slowly, letting his teeth graze your neck every so often. He hooked his thumbs under your underwear and pulled them off gingerly, letting them flutter to the floor.
He ran his fingers through your folds, savoring the wetness there just for him. Experimentally he slipped a finger inside, earning him an arch of your back and a sound so delicious it could be the only thing he heard for the rest of his life and he would be happy.
“C’mere,” he grunted, his voice deeper than you had ever heard it. He moved you to the edge of the counter and inserted a second finger. You couldn’t help but rock your hips against his ruminations. He reached that delicious spot inside of you and you felt yourself hurtling off the cliff. “You talk a big game, but you’re so desperate for me.” Seokmin snaked his free hand over his cock, teasing himself as he finger fucked you into an orgasm.
Once you came back to Earth he slowly removed his fingers. Before he had the chance to wash them off, you took his hand and guided his fingers into your mouth. He watched with wonder as your tongue swirled around his digits, cleaning them. You pulled them out, a string of saliva connecting you to him.
“Who’s desperate now?” You breathed watching him continue to tease himself over his briefs.
“Can I please fuck you?” He whined. You helped him out of his briefs, you watched his cock spring free, the tip red and angry. You leaned down and thumbed his leaking slit, earning you a delicious moan. You spread the mess down his shaft.
He opened the condom with his teeth, you watched as he rolled it down. He pulled you to the edge of the counter again and lined himself up with your entrance. He pushed himself inside of you slowly, allowing you time to adjust. The stretch was delicious. He slowly began to thrust, whining in the process.
“You’re so warm,” he cried. You felt every inch of him as he slid in and out of you. His hands anchored you to the countertop as you draped your arms across his back. Seokmin found his rhythm once you wrapped your legs around his waist, he felt so surrounded by you. He swore he could live with you wrapped around him for the rest of his life.
“Why didn’t you fuck me in the restaurant?” You breathed. His hips stuttered for a moment.
“In public?” He bit his lip.
“Yeah?” You swiped a hand through his hair and gave it a tug. He moaned into the crook of your neck.
“I uh-” He whined, “I didn’t think-I don’t know?” “Oh you really can’t think when your dick’s busy, huh?” He whined into your neck again, the vibrations and the warm air fanning against your skin left goosebumps behind. Seokmin’s hands trailed down from your hips to your thighs and he began to knead your soft skin with his nimble fingers.
You leaned your head back, enjoying the feeling of him all over you, inside of you. With better access to you he experimentally captured your skin between his teeth. Your sounds spurred him on and encouraged him to begin sucking and biting a bruise into your skin. With this your hips bucked up to meet his thrusts.
The idea of being marked by Seokmin would have appalled you just a few weeks ago, but now you couldn’t bring yourself to hate the idea of people knowing you have had him like this. Like that stupid waitress. “She wanted you.” You muttered between moans.
“What?” Seokmin breathed into your skin.
“That waitress, she wanted you.”
“Oh well.” Seokmin bit you again. He was marking you, even after you told him that another woman wanted him like this. The coil in your stomach threatened to snap at that alone. You could envision yourself falling off the edge soon. Seokmin was still massaging the underside of your thighs, pinning your legs around his waist. Suddenly everything was overwhelming, everything was him. You felt like fireworks were setting off inside you. He continued rolling his hips into you through your orgasm. Shortly after he was releasing into the condom, moans rattled your throat the entire time.
He pulled back to look at you, his eyelids were heavy over his eyes, his lips puffy. Before either of you had the chance to say anything the oven beeped. Seokmin’s eyes grew wide, both of you obviously forgot about the pizza.
“Get your dick out of me and turn that off!” You laughed. He nodded and slowly pulled out of you. You watched him slap the off button on the oven, trying not to laugh at him being naked from the waist down.
Once both of you were cleaned up and clothed, Seokmin cut the pizza and put it on plates. You were waiting on his couch, dressed head to toe in his clothes. To him you looked like a dream.
“Stay the night.” He handed you your plate and sat down next to you.
“No.” You stated simply, picking up a piece of pizza. After several seconds of silence you looked up at him, he was looking at you dumbfounded. “We have work tomorrow.”
“I’ll drive you!”
“And walk past Jeongyeon after showing up with you and smelling like sex? No thanks.”
“You can shower here, I’ll even walk in ten minutes later, please?” He looked like a puppy again.
“I don’t have my work clothes, and no yours won’t fit me.” You gestured towards his clothes that were far too big on you.
“There’s extras, you know that.”
“Fine…” You wouldn’t mind showering in a nice apartment for a change. “You walk in fifteen minutes after me, and you shower with me.” “You have a deal!”
Finals week was upon you. The only week out of the year that work came second to school, you were so close to graduation you just had to make it through a week of practical exams. You were confident in your ability to pass but your mind was elsewhere most of the time.
You wondered how the kitchen was fairing without you, how Seokmin was doing without you. As much as you hated to admit it, he did know what he was doing, but being absent was eating at you. You flipped through the pages of your textbook without reading a single word wishing you could pick up your phone and hear about the days you’ve missed.
Across town Seokmin was doing just about as well, he knew your name wasn’t on the schedule and he was dying to know where you were. He was chopping carrots to have for dinner service when he decided to go straight to your apartment tonight. He didn’t care if he had to get on his knees and beg the woman at the desk to tell him your apartment number.
He all but sprinted out to his car once the kitchen was clean for the following day. He parked on the curb in front of the building after the short drive. He practiced what he was going to say to the woman at the desk on his way into the lobby. He took a deep breath and approached her.
“Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for Y/F/N Y/L/N!” He blurted. “She hasn’t been to work in a few days, she isn’t scheduled but she didn’t tell me she wouldn’t be here and I wanted to make sure I didn’t do anything wrong and I–” The woman was laughing. Sure he went off script, but how would she know? He looked at her, confused.
“She doesn’t live here.” Now he wasn’t expecting that.
“I told her this would happen eventually, somebody would come looking for her and I would have to be the one to break it to them.” She sighed.
“She just…lies to people?”
“Yeah all the time.” She began digging in her desk for something. “You said you worked with her?” “Yeah, I dropped her off here after work once…so I just thought..” Seokmin rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
“Oh you’re the one she was weird about!” “What?” “What? Nothing.” She began scribbling something on a slip of paper. “Here, this is her address, tell her Jane sent you.” She handed him the paper and two lollipops.
A cautious knock rang through your apartment, which was confusing considering no one knew where you lived. You unfolded yourself from the couch and padded to the door. Seokmin was standing in the hallway and you almost slammed the door in his face.
“What are you doing here?” You almost shrieked. He held up two lollipops silently. “Fuck, okay, uh…come in.” You stepped to the side allowing him entrance. He shuffled past you, seeing another person standing in your tiny apartment was odd to say the least.
“Hi,” Seokmin offered quietly while you were intently staring at the ground. “It’s nice to see you.”
“I’m sorry my apartment is gross and cluttered and small.” You muttered. Seokmin looked around the apartment. The cookbooks in the kitchen were piled almost as high as the refrigerator, the pink throw blanket on the couch made him smile, seeing a softness that no one else gets to see. The living room was bathed in lamp light that made the shadows in the room look exaggerated and long. The apartment was uniquely you and he loved it.
“What?” He chuckled, “I don’t care what your apartment looks like, is this why you lied?” Your head snapped up at him calling you out so directly.
“I never lied, I told you to drop me off there, not that I lived there.” You pointed out. He gave you a look. “I didn’t lie.”
“Sure, maybe not,” he sighed.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, Seokmin had never seen you at a loss for words like this.
“Look,” he took your hand, “that’s not why I’m here, it doesn’t matter.” You led him to the couch, moving the open textbook so that he could sit down. Seeing him sitting on your couch was strange, seeing him here was not something you thought you would ever see. “Are you okay?” He blurted out.
“What?” You were taken aback, “of course, I’m fine.”
“You just haven’t been to work in a few days and after…the activities at my apartment I thought maybe you hated me, and–” “Woah!” You smiled, “why would I hate you? Seokmin, I took the week off to focus on finals week.”
“Oh.” He looked at you sheepishly. “Uh, well, how are they going?” You rolled your eyes.
“Fine, I’ll pass, I miss work though.” You shrugged.
“Just work?” “No, I miss the way Soonyoung runs out of the kitchen when he sees me.”
“Oh…” He dropped his gaze dejectedly. “Hey!” He exclaimed as your fist connected with his arm.
“I miss you, dumb ass.” “So you didn’t quit?” “No,” you looked at him, confused. “You know you could have asked literally anyone where I was, right?”
“No one was talking about it! I thought we were all super sad about you quitting! I don’t know!” He gestured wildly with his hands. “And…ugh, okay, you remember that one day like a month ago? When you were asleep in the dining room and I woke you up?”
“Yeah?” “I, uh, I saw what you were working on…the job applications.” He lowered his volume as if he was afraid you would explode. “I thought you might’ve just up and left, you never liked me anyway, so you didn’t really have any reason to let me know.”
“Oh,” you sighed. “I’m sorry…” “Tell me you’ve changed your mind, you’re not leaving us.” “Seokmin….”
“Is it because of me?”
“Maybe at first,” You started, you could see the tears well up in his eyes. “But now…if anything you’ve made it harder to leave.”
“Where are you going?” He met your eyes again. You reached out to swipe the tears that managed to escape.
“I have a few offers, I don’t know yet.”
“Of course you do,” he laughed sadly, took hold of your wrists,and rubbed the back of your hands with his thumbs. “You’re so talented any restaurant would be stupid to not offer you a job.”
“That’s not what you said a few months ago.” You pointed out.
“Well, you know how to julienne the carrots now.”
“Hey!” You tried to push him away but he held you in place. He glanced at your lips before leaning in to kiss you. He kissed you softly, his lips tasted vaguely of salt and honey chapstick. He let himself linger without deepening the kiss until he suddenly pulled back, looking panicked.
“Those offers are for sous chef positions right?”
“Of course they are, watch out, Chef Lee.”
Three years later
You stretch out on your couch after making the most of your day off. With your recent promotion to head chef at Diamond you haven’t had a lot of time to relax. With your new hectic schedule you were shocked that you were able to make it the entire day without getting a single call about the restaurant.
A hand squeezed your calf gently. You hummed at the contact.
“I’ll make dinner tonight, love.” Seokmin mumbled sleepily from the other end of the couch.
“No.” You stated simply.
“Um, why not?”
“‘The only thing worse than the tacky decor at Quartz and Serenity is the incompetence of the kitchen. If you’re looking for the exact opposite of what you asked for, this is the restaurant for you.’” You rattled off.
“What are you doing?” Seokmin sat up, knocking your legs off the couch.
“‘I would give them zero stars if I could!’” You stared at him, “‘I ordered a steak and it came out barely cooked at all! Will not be returning!’”
“Okay! In my defense on that one, she ordered a well done steak!” He threw his hands up. “Who does that?”
“MichelleJo1965, obviously.” You deadpanned.
“When did you have time to dig through our Yelp reviews?” Seokmin scoffed, “I didn’t realize dating the competition meant I would have to defend myself at home.”
“Step up your game, Head Chef Lee.” You shrugged. “But seriously? She ordered a well done steak?”
“She did! It’s not my fault she has no taste.” He shrugged. “By the way I have plenty of great reviews, and I seem to remember my girlfriend really liking my cooking.” “You’re alright, I guess.” You shrugged. “When are you going to ask me by the way?”
“What?” He tried to stay calm, you could be talking about anything, certainly not the ring that has been staring at him from under his underwear for the last six months.
“You really need to figure out where to hide things where I won’t find them” Wordlessly Seokmin got up from the couch and stomped into your shared bedroom. For a split second you thought you might have pushed too far until he returned with the small velvet box.
“I hope you at least left me one secret, you didn’t look at it did you?” He smiled sheepishly.
“No, Min, I have no idea what it looks like, swear.”
“Good,” to your surprise he sank down to one knee, right there in the living room. “You never were good at leaving well enough alone, I had a grander plan, but this seems much more our speed, huh?” You laughed. “Will you marry me, even if my Yelp reviews suck sometimes?” He popped the small box open to reveal a ring.
“Of course I will, you idiot.”
#lonelyheartscafecollab#diamond life network#lee seokmin x reader#lee seokmin fluff#lee seokmin smut#lee dokyeom x reader#lee dokyeom fluff#lee dokyeom smut#seventeen imagines#seventeen fics#seventeen scenarios#seventeen x reader#dk x reader#dk smut#dk imagines#seventeen hard thoughts#seventeen hard hours#lee seokmin imagines#lee dokyeom x you#lee seokmin x you#dk x you#seventeen smut#bennie’s works
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I ❤️ DILFS / GOOD GIRL (18+)

pairing: student!brother's bff!seokmin x student!good girl!reader
genre: college au, brother's best friend au, smut (MDNI), bit of crack, a small bit of angst but not nearly as much as most of my fics
description: when you head out for college, you incidentally end up at the one your bother's best friend has disappeared to 2 years prior. now, seokmin has promised your brother, vernon, to teach you and take care of you while you're away from home. unfortunately, it seems vernon should have been a bit more specific about what exactly seokmin was supposed to be teaching you.
warnings: vernon is ur overprotective brother, seokmin is not a dilf unfortunately, dirty talk, masturbation (male and female), fingering, slight restraint?, praise (f. receiving), pet names (good girl is so overused), teaching, innocence kink, corruption kink, oral (m. receiving), tiddie play, alcohol consumption, a bit of pining, shame on the readers part, she feels a bit like a slut for a moment, kinda brief mention of miscarriage? for like a metaphor lol, jeonghan is hot in this, giselle is ur bff and i almost gave up my mission and made this whole fic ab her shes so hot, ok i think thats it
quotes my creative director (@joshibambi): "just admit u wanna bang son", "o is for orgasm", "the urge to be the younger sibling for once"
wordcount: 15.9k
a/n: the way this fic took me years to write. i hav been busy :( thank u 2 every1 who liked girl code uve made my whole year :D hope u like this one 2!!
You preferred to remember Seokmin for how he was.
How he was small and young, how he had a swanky bowlcut and how he looked in his school uniform. How he and your big brother, Vernon, had bonded and watched movies together in your living room, and the countless dinners he’d stayed over for, always so respectful to your parents and you. He wasn’t your best friend, he was Vernon’s, and yet he made it so easy to feel comfortable, so easy to feel like you were the one he came over for.
You crushed on him back then, wrote countless diary entries about him and his stupid, beautiful smile. But it had been so forbidden, you remembered feeling that, because of how Vernon had groaned at you to leave every time you peaked your head through the living room door, masking your insistent eyes on Seokmin with simply wanting to “watch a grown up movie”. Sighing, you’d turn back to your princess pink room, and the boundary - the Vernon shaped boundary - that stood between you and Seokmin grew farther.
It had almost been a relief when Seokmin left for college. That was the most terrible thing, the relief you felt while your brother was grieving the sudden separation with his best friend. But your heart simply couldn’t help but let out a long sigh - years of yearning for him when he was so close by. You felt that cool wash of repose when that border between you and him had disappeared from your view. Years of watching it, wondering whether to pad closer or turn away from it, became a distant memory. For two years you were almost a normal girl and a good baby sister.
Then it was your turn to head off for college. The nearest, big college to you accepted your application and you still distinctly remember dinner with your parents and your brother, how’d they’d cheered and clinked glasses and looked at you adoringly, because you were growing up right before their eyes. Then under the faint light of the restaurant chandelier, your mom had said something that immediately sent you hurdling back to that old, distant boundary: “Maybe you’ll see Seokmin there!”
How had you forgotten? You supposed in that time you’d let yourself be more taken with the relief. It was the thought that he would be gone that had distracted you from exactly where to. And there you were with all your moving plans and your packed backs, and your glass raised and frozen in the air and your eyes wide.
Then came the reasoning: surely, you could avoid him? It was a big college, there were plenty of people. There was no logical reason you’d really have to see him. Except for Vernon, of course. Ever so oblivious, your brother had called up Seokmin to tell him the good news, and to tell him to take care of you and protect you. And Seokmin was so sweet, of course, he’d take care of his best friend’s baby sister.
And there you were at college. All grown up.
In your defense, you had avoided him skillfully. You’d turned down his request to help you with unpacking, turned down his tour of the school (that you’d actually desperately needed - why is room 240 not with all the other 40’s?!), and most of all, you’d turned down every single message inviting you to a party.
I guess to him that was a perk; partying with the older kids. He knew you after all. He knew that you were a quiet girl and you stayed within your neatly laid brick walls, and he knew you were shy, and he knew you needed help letting loose. He knew you were a good girl.
Which is why it wasn’t surprising at all that you turned down his offers - wanting to stay focused on school. At least, that’s what you told him. Truth was even being in his vicinity had put you much closer to that boundary you’d never dared cross. You were afraid even just seeing him would send you hurdling back, like a leaf in the wind. So you didn’t go.
For a while, at least.
“This is, like, a once in a lifetime opportunity!” Giselle whined and you shook your head adamantly. “Absolutely not.”
“Well, maybe not for you, but for me!” she argued. “I can’t believe you’re consistently being invited to parties with hot, sexy men, and you’re turning it down because of one guy!”
You were currently sitting in the library with your roommate, Giselle, and you’d made the unfortunate mistake of telling her about your predicament after receiving yet another invitation to a party tomorrow. Giselle was throwing a temper tantrum because she had never ever had anything as ridiculous.
You liked Giselle a lot. She was very different from you - she was hot. You weren’t - you were cute. Giselle held boys on leashes and made them do homework for her. She liked partying and sexy, black dresses. You were a fucking nerd, and cute was the highest compliment you had ever received for your looks. Even though you were different, Giselle had immediately taken a liking to you. You had initially feared she would think you were lame, but she was so nice - except for right now.
“Come on, Y/n, there are, like, no cute guys in our year!” she said pleadingly, clasping her hands together and pouting, but you shook your head.
“You don’t understand, Giselle,” you murmured solemnly, trying to regain your focus on the science textbook in front of you.
“I understand perfectly well,” she said and you eyed her suspiciously. “I understand that you’re a bitch!”
“Alright, that’s unnecessary,” you said, closing your book. You pinched the bridge of your nose, when she went on. “No, honestly, Y/n. You’re a virgin, right?”
You snapped your head towards her in shock. Your eyes darted around frantically, before you leaned over the table to whisper to her: “How do you know that?”
“Don’t embarrass yourself, honey,” she grinned, holding back laughter and you rolled your eyes, sighing. “And what about it, Giselle?”
“How are you ever gonna get yourself out there if you’re constantly caught up on this guy and trying to keep away your feelings for him? You’ll stay a virgin forever, girl. You need to look him in the eyes and realize you’re above that childish crush!”
You stayed quiet, slumped in on yourself with your book in your lap. Why was she making sense?
You’d never thought about it that way. That your infatuation with your brother’s best friend was somehow holding you back from exploring and evolving as a woman. That maybe having him in the back of your mind every time you’d shyly made out with guys in high school, had been the thing that stopped you in your tracks.
“I can see it on your face, you know I’m right,” Giselle smiled smugly from behind the screen of her laptop. “Unless you’re asexual. In that case, fierce, but if you’re not, like, get out there, queen. Sometimes you need to realize that you have to leave one dick for another dick because the other dick is so good.”
You furrowed your brows. “Is.. Is this still about me?”
“No,” Giselle shook her head.
“Okay, yeah, ‘cause- ‘cause that didn’t..”
“Yeah, I know. I was more so, uh, angling-”
“Angling the story to- to my current situation.”
“I get it, yep.”
There was a moment of silence. You pursed your lips and looked at the message on your phone. Then you started typing.
“Are you telling him you’re coming with your super sexy, hot friend?”
“Y/N, I LOVE YOU.” _____________________________
Regret was a nasty, old demon on your back and it had twisted and tugged at your guts, while you let Giselle get you party-ready. You’d sat on her bed, in her dress, and having her put her makeup on you, you’d sulked and tried to shrug off your back.
“You look so hot when you actually try,” she’d giggled, using a fluffy brush to spread the bake underneath your eyes.
“Thanks,” you’d mumbled, and she’d paused her movements, frowning.
“What’s wrong?” she’d asked, sitting back on her knees. You had sighed, reaching a hand up to run it through your hair, but pausing midway when you realized you would ruin the styling Giselle had worked so hard on. You lowered your hand again.
“I’m not sure about this,” you’d murmured and she frowned genuinely. “Y/n, I meant what I said. I know I talk a lot about boys and stuff, but you really shouldn’t let yourself be held back by him!”
Before you could speak again, Giselle had tugged you off the floor to stand in front of her mirror.
“Look at you,” she’d cooed, clapping your shoulders. “You look so pretty!”
You’d smiled a little shyly, looking at your form in the mirror abashedly. You were pretty. Not cute, not nerdy; pretty. Curves hugged tight by a sleek, black dress from Giselle’s closet, this was a version of you that could actually see having sex - seducing men, gaining from her looks.
“I guess you’re right,” you’d said sheepishly, and Giselle had smiled sincerely and you’d let her take you to the party down the streets in a nearby frat house, and you’d almost not wavered when you stood right in front of it, music blasting out of every crevice.
But then you were inside and he was right there. For the first time in two years, he was there, and he was so hot. He was wearing a white tee and a fucking silver chain, and, God, when did he start working out, because his arms were so big and so toned. And his hair was fluffy and dark brown, and his face was slim, and the tops of his cheekbones were shining under the kitchen lamp, where he was talking to some other guy, arm flexed, as he leaned against it on the counter.
If there was one thing about Seokmin that had stayed the same it was that smile. He wore it now, laughing, as he talked to some blonde guy about something, and you wanted to scream because, there it was. The boundary, the ledge, the line, whatever, it was right before you again, right there with him. And all the feelings that came with it, your heart, wet and red in your throat, a brew of anxiety in your stomach.
Without sparing even a second, you’d clasped onto Giselle’s wrist, tugging her into a herd of anonymous people, and just walking. Walking, walking, pulling her along (she countered only with a “hey!”) only for you to hit a wall or something, just as long as you were far, far away from him.
“What the hell?” she said, when you finally stopped walking because you’d entered the living room, which was apparently more exclusive, as only a few people populated it, including a couple that was making out on the far end of the couch.
“He was there,” you gasped dramatically, as if you’d seen a ghost. “I-I can’t do this, Giselle.”
“Relax, babe, it’ll be fine. You’re away from him now, aren’t you?” Although she was trying to be supportive, you could tell she was growing a little tired of your theatrics. You couldn’t care less though, you were panting, and peering over her shoulder to see if he was somehow coming towards; and, God forbid, smile at you with that angel grin.
Giselle followed your gaze and sighed, brows furrowing. “How about I get us some drinks? Then you can let loose a little.”
You nodded absently, following her lead when she pulled you to sit down on the couch. You clambered to the couch rest, when she walked away, swaying her hips to the music.
You might’ve looked different, but you were still you. The entire scene had you uncomfortable, and you were still the shy, unconfident and nerdy girl. You cursed yourself for letting Giselle’s reassurances fool you - you would never be this type of person, and you would surely never get over Seokmin. She’d been wrong about everything.
“You okay, darling?”
You jumped at the voice, eyes darting up to see who it was.
You didn’t know him. He was handsome, though, but you’re not even sure you’d call it that. He was pretty, and he had long, black hair and big eyes and he was giving you this teasing smile, that was doing nothing to ease your nerves.
“I’m good,” you squeaked, gaze moving to a nearby pair of shoes in the corner of the room. You heard him chuckle, before he dropped into a squat before you. One lean hand came up to your knee, giving it a squeeze. “You just look so nervous, pretty,” he sat down an anonymous cup of liquor. “I don’t think I know you. Can you tell me your name?”
The hand on your knee burned into you, thumb brushing back and forth over the skin and he was looking at you so intently, it had you sputtering. “Uhm, uh, Y/n.”
His thumb froze. You looked over at him curiously to find this dumbfounded expression on his face, devious grin spreading on his pretty features. He chuckled and cleared his throat, face dropping down before he moved it back to look at you again.
“You’re the girl Seokmin’s always inviting over here?”
You nodded shyly and he smiled at you. “I’m Jeonghan.”
A pause. Jeonghan squeezed your thigh, watching in delight at the way you screwed your eyes shut.
“You know, I just didn’t expect you to look like this,” he said finally and, sensing your confusion, he teasingly added: “The girl who’s always turning down parties to study.”
You blush deepened, cheeks furiously rosy, as you fiddled with your fingers in your lap. “I borrowed my friend's clothes,” you breathed, pursing your lips. “Ah!” Jeonghan gently patted the top of your thigh, nodding along exaggeratedly, “You borrowed your friend’s clothes! I see!”
He studied you while you giggled at his antics, still refusing to look him in the eye, really. He was almost suffocating, his hand on your thigh and his eyes boring into your face, and his cologne in a constant stream in and out of your nostrils. But suffocation, you decided, was almost better than being around Seokmin and having him parade his kind heart and his thick arms and his sweet smile, and just how off-limits he was.
Ripping you from your thoughts, Jeonghan stood up, placing both hands on the tops of your thighs and bending down to your face, so his nose was buried in your cheek.
“Look at me, darling,” he whispered, then pulled his face away from yours, just enough so you could gaze into his brown eyes. His hands were much higher now, squeezing hard at the plush of your thighs, dangerously close to your center and only separated by the thin fabric of Giselle’s dress.
“There she is,” Jeonghan smiled, voice a whisper. His lashes came over his eyes, when they flitted down to your lips. “Don’t you wanna come with me upstairs, and I can make you feel really, really goo-”
There’s a voice you know.
From across the room, Seokmin had burst through the mass of people, now power-posing with an extended finger in the direction of where Jeonghan was tilting over you, rubbing your thighs, as you sat innocently before him.
Jeonghan stood up, taking all of his heat and his suffocation and cologne with him, groaning and throwing his head back. “Seokmin!” he whined and he was suddenly no longer so suave and seductive.
“No, I won’t hear it, Jeonghan,” Seokmin said and, as much as you knew Seokmin to be sweet and tender and lovely, there was this crystal-clear anger in his voice. He walked over, one large hand pushing at Jeonghan. “Go get any other girl and sleep with her, just not her. Get your sorry ass out of here.”
Apparently Jeonghan sensed the same thing you did - a rare anger in Seokmin - because he didn’t put up much of a fight at all, only smiled at you apologetically (and then, when he was behind Seokmin, gave you a small, devious wink - he just couldn’t help himself).
You couldn’t focus much on Jeonghan at all though. Because Seokmin was standing in front of you, all muscle and huge fucking thighs by your head, and when you dared to tilt your gaze up to him, you saw how all that anger simply melted away.
“Hey,” he breathed, smiling softly.
Then his eyes darkened, if only for a moment, as they traveled over your figure, gift-wrapped in that tight, black dress. His jaw clenched and he looked around for a moment. When he looked at you once more, he was giving you that smile - the one you’d fallen in love with - and the chocolate in his eyes was melting.
“Come on,” he ushered gently, one hand carefully guiding you off the couch. “Let’s go to my room where there aren’t any scary, evil, mean men.”
Despite being so on edge, so jittery, as you followed him up some distant staircase, you couldn’t help but laugh at those words. He was talking exactly like he had when you were kids. That was how you preferred to remember him; all small and young and with a swanky bowl cut, and he’s the exact same way with you, hand warm in yours, as he guides you through the house.
“Why’re you laughing?” he smiled, and you suppressed your own, trying not to dwell too much on how fast your heart was beating. “It’s just like before,” you quipped and Seokmin’s hand squeezed yours in understanding.
He lumbered down the hallway and at its very end, preceded by rows of white oak doors, he opened his own with a twist and a turn of the brass-blend knob. When he closed it, the party became muffled around you, as if his room was filled with water, and now the rest of the world was a garbled mess, and you were drowning.
His room was clean. You supposed Seokmin had never been the messy type - not even when infected by the influence of Vernon. He had a half-open closet, where you spotted folded clothes, and a circle rug and purple and green lava-lamp plugged in on his nightstand.
Seokmin apparently did not think it was clean enough, because he swooped down gallantly to grab a tossed sweater, smiling at you sheepishly when he held in between his fingers. You stared at him.
You felt like a kid again. Felt like just a young girl, creeping through the crack in the living room door, and looking at his silhouette, outlined by some grotesque horror movie playing on the TV. His sharp nose, when he turned to Vernon and laughed, his hair, all poofed and tousled and scruffy, and his smile.
And you’d let yourself fall into this trap, maybe to some extent you’d even wanted it. Because now he was right in front of you, and so was that damned barrier, right by your outstretched fingertips, and you could almost envision yourself climbing over it - climbing into his lap and-
“I didn’t think you’d ever come,” Seokmin said gently, a permanent, small smile frozen on his lips. You coughed, unready. “Uh, yeah, my friend- my friend thought I should try and.. You know, get myself out there.”
Seokmin studied you, bemused and fond, fiddling with the baby blue sweater in his hands. You were looking back cautiously, as if assessing a threat, but the threat was the sweetest, kindest boy in the whole wide world.
“Yeah, well,” he cleared his throat suddenly, ripping his gaze from you to fold the sweater onto his desk chair. “I’m sorry about Jeonghan, he’s.. You shouldn’t, uh..” Now neatly folded, you saw him rubbing the sweater between his fingers. “You should stay away from him.”
“Why?” you asked, and it was genuine enough that Seokmin let out a sigh.
“You’re too much of a good girl to be with him. He’s no good.”
A whimper clawed its way up your throat, bubbled from the depths of your belly, but you tamed it and settled on a light hum. You felt your underwear becoming a little sticky, and you wanted to die, because God, this was your brother’s best friend. They still facetimed every Tuesday and still played Fortnite together over Discord every Saturday.
“College going good?” Seokmin asked, retreating from the sweater to sit down on his bed. He looked up at you brightly and patted the spot next to him. It felt like another trap, where the folds in the blanket curved down under his weight, and would eventually lead you into him. You sat down hesitantly.
“It’s okay,” you breathed, folding your hands and in your lap and tensing your shoulders. Seokmin, fully relaxed and slumped, noted your posture and slid his hand over the exposed skin of your back. “Hey,” he whispered, so intimate it hurt your heart, “hey, hey, relax, Y/n. It’s just me.”
His eyes were soft and full of concern when he spoke quietly again, his voice almost a backdrop to the muffled sounds of dancing college students: “You know, Vernon was really concerned about how you would do away from home.”
“I’m not doing bad!” you said quickly, dismissing it immediately. Seokmin stared at you. “I just- this isn’t really my scene.”
His hand felt searing hot on your back, where it slid up and down, almost coaxing you further into him. He hummed. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
Then: “I’m sorry if I made you feel like you had to come. Just figured you might want that street cred of being friends with the upperclassmen.”
You snorted and, cheeks rosy as ever, started giggling, eyes still cemented to the floor. Your hair was falling gently over your face, wisps of baby hair tickling your forehead.
“It’s okay,” you sighed away the laughter, “You were just trying to get me out of my shell. I appreciate it.”
Seokmin smiled at that. His hand dropped from your back and you both stared into the expanse of his room. A small window to let in the rain, the moonlight separated by the grid, and the curtain blowing in a solemn breeze. You and Seokmin sat, both very small suddenly, like kids, on the edge of the bed and became speckled in starlight, in diamond-dust.
Then Seokmin was doing it. He was letting you be comfortable, letting you slip into a dazed joy, intoxicated from his presence. He was asking about your teachers, exams, friends, experiences, and you were both laughing together, and once again you were forgetting that Seokmin was your brother’s best friend, and he was not with you for you, but he was simply talking to you out of courtesy to your brother. He let you forget.
“You going home for the break?” he asked then, room quieted down from all the laughter. The fall break, starting tomorrow, you remembered. You’d thought about going home, but had opted to text your parents that you were staying, wanting honestly to stay in your dorm room and work on assignments and organization and just lull in bed, instead of being taken up, down and everywhere in your hometown. You shook your head.
“Really? Me neither,” he said, brows raised. “Won’t you get lonely?”
You giggled shyly. “Maybe a little.”
“We could hang out,” he breathed, and at that you tasted the boundary between you, felt it firm under your fingertips, because you couldn’t discern whether he was protecting his friend’s baby sister or if he actually liked talking to you, and your heart beat and yearned and hoped for the latter.
“Yeah, okay,” you nodded, melting when you saw his smile reach his eyes.
“Didn’t you always like, uh, Mario Kart? You always wanted to play with me and Vern,” Seokmin said, but he was looking distantly into the window. You almost wanted to cry because he remembered you, remembered things that you liked. “I got it on my Playstation, we can play tomorrow.”
“I’d like that,” you said.
Then Seokmin was loaning you his hoodie, and, bathed in his warm, tender smell, he followed you home under the moon, glaring at Jeonghan on his way out.
“Keep the hoodie,” he’d said, smiling sheepishly when you stood in front of your dorm door. “It’s cute.”
He patted your head and left, thankfully before he could see how red your face was, and how you were absolutely about to blow up from unfiltered joy. You shuffled into your dorm room and tried to soothe the basking butterflies in your stomach and your burning heart.
Was he standing right across from you on that line, waiting to cross? _____________________________
Giselle woke up just early enough to catch you switching between different button-up dresses, throwing one on, looking in the mirror, and deciding to try another. She was groggy and tired and somewhat hungover, and needed to catch a train, so she could get back home.
“What are you doing?” she cried, rubbing her eyes. You scurried back and forth trying on another dress, considering white tights, then white socks, then adjusting the tone and volume of your blush.
“I’m-” you gasped in between your hard labor, “I’m seeing a boy!”
This caught Giselle’s attention. She shot straight up in her bed and looked at you with huge eyes. “No way!”
“Yeah way!” you giggled deviously. You turned around to face her. “What do you think of this outfit?”
“You look cute!” Giselle praised, nodding to your red strawberry dress and your knee-highs. You slumped. There it was again - cute. Not hot, not pretty, but cute. That was what you were; like a child, like the kid Seokmin knew years ago, like his best friend’s baby sister. Nothing more.
“Who is this mystery guy?” Apparently Giselle was too busy rubbing sleep out of her eyes to see how her compliment had deflated you.
“It’s Seokmin. My-”
“Your brother’s best friend?!” She gasped. It was one shock after another from you that morning. “I wanna say I’m disappointed in you, but.. If you pull this off you’re way freakier than me.”
“We’re not gonna have sex!” you groaned, pouting as you hastily shoved on your shoes. “We’re gonna play Mario Kart.”
“Right, this cute guy just invited you over for Mario Kart and nothing else, I get it,” Giselle said sarcastically.
“You don’t know him,” you mumbled defensively, shoes on and now staring at yourself in the mirror once more. “Cute,” the mirror spat at you.
“All men are the same,” Giselle rolled her eyes and threw herself back on the bed. You snorted and began to walk out the door.
“Y/n, wait!”
Halfway out the door, a tote bag slung over your shoulder and ready to step into the sunlight, you peered back into the room. Giselle, in her sweats and hair fussed, stumbled blindly towards the door. She reached into her pocket and produced a-
“A condom?!” you shrieked, outraged. And not just any condom: a condom in white packaging with the lettering “I ❤️ DILFS”. You truly did not understand how Giselle managed to be a caricature of herself time after time.
“You need to wear protection, he’s in a frat, right?” she shrugged. You glared at her. “I’m not bringing a condom.”
“Alright, I guess,-” Giselle pretended to think, “I guess, you’ll just have to get chlamydia.”
You stared at her for a moment, bristling. Then you snatched it out of her outstretched hand.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“You’re a prude.”
“Goodbye, Giselle!”
The condom slipped into your tote with ease to lay snug with all your other items and then you were out the door and heading towards Seokmin’s frat house. The sun was dulled by a few clouds, but it was still shining. Leaves were turning brown and red and yellow and were falling from trees to crunch underfoot - everything was lovely.
But the expanse, in your head, was much different. In your head you were traveling the soft dunes of a desert, spotting in the brown and red and yellow horizon a cleft in the sand. When you reached it, wide and long, seemingly endless to each side of you, you were standing right in front of Seokmin’s house.
You weren’t sure how long you stood there, knuckles white where you grasped your tote, and eyes big and heart pounding. What if Giselle was right? Did you want her to be right? Would you even be able to please him if she was? Half-heartedly you tried to push away the images of Seokmin pushing into you, arms flexing on either side of your head, that spawned alongside the thought. Maybe you straddling him, his hands on your ass, his head buried in your chest, or-
You jumped, clutching your bag tight, when you snapped your head up to the voice. It was Seokmin and he was waving at you from his upstairs-window, smiling so brightly you swore the sun reflected off of his teeth.
“What are you standing there for, come inside! Door’s unlocked!” he yelled, body disappearing in the window. You stared at the window for a moment, his presence now absent, before you nodded to yourself in reassurance. You could do this, right? Just Mario Kart and small talk.
Truth was, you couldn’t do this. Not even in the slightest. You and Seokmin sat cross-legged on his bed, TV on the wall before it, drinking soda and crunching on chips. Seokmin was drenched in a green, fuzzy sweater, collarbones peeking over the rounded neck, and fingers peeking through the sleeves, where he held his controller, and God forbid, his hair was all soft and fluffy, and he was wearing fucking puppy socks.
And he was competitive, too. He was leaned forward, eyes narrowed as he sped through the course. You huffed when he blue-shelled you, and you tried to refocus.
“I thought you said you were good?” he teased, eyes leaving the screen for only a second to look at you - you, dress bunched up to your thighs and tongue peeking through your pretty, subtly red lips. A second was all that was necessary.
Suddenly, his character (baby Daisy) swerved off-course, falling into the pit below and he screeched, seemingly genuinely sad, as your character (Toadette) overtook him, the little gold badge popping up in the corner to tell you that you were number one.
“What were you saying?” you giggled cockily when you finished the last round, Seokmin unable to quite catch up to you in the last stretch. He threw himself back on the bed in defeat, groaning into his hand.
“I can’t believe I let you win,” he cried.
“Let me?” you repeated in disbelief. You scoffed and put down the controller, pretending that Seokmin lying all angelic on his bed sheets wasn’t making your stomach pinch with static. “Pretty sure that was just pure skill on my part. Don’t blame me because you’re bad at Mario Kart.”
A blow to his talents in Mario Kart was a blow to him. He snapped his head up to look at you, playfully angry. “Oh, oh wow, really? I’m bad at Mario Kart now?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, smiling cheekily at him. Seokmin studied you for a moment, before he shuffled into a sitting position. His gaze almost made you shy. Did he want to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him?
Seokmin shuffled closer to you and you almost stopped breathing: “Don’t I remember you being ticklish?”
You were almost so caught up in your fantasy to realize what he said. Your eyes widened in realization and you most immediately tried to twist your body away: a punishment was upon you.
“No- NO!-” You cried out but it was too late. Seokmin wrestled his body into yours, fingers dancing and prodding into your sides. Drowning in laughter, your face twisted into tortured pleasure, as you tried to bat his hands away. Your attempts were futile - each time you shuffled away, he followed right with you, fingers unrelenting as your torso twisted and turned.
"Hehehehehehe- NO, PLEASE!- hehehehehehe!”
Your knees pushed with all their might and you were almost able to drag yourself to the edge of the bed. There, you could gain distance and talk him down from beyond his desk. But Seokmin was smart. He sensed your escape plan when you squirmed away, and without much thought, he pulled his body on top of yours, weight pinning you down.
You were still giggling and squirming, when his fingers finally let up. You were both panting from the excitement, Seokmin smiling down at you adoringly. Then, both of your smiles dropped.
It was like it took a few moments to realize; he was straddling you. Hips pushed into yours, all his weight rested on your crotch - your crotch, which was now pulsating. To make matters worse, the skirt of your dress had ridden up and most of your plush thighs were now visible to him, and your chest was halfway out of your dress, and your cheeks were flushed and your hair was spread out on the sheets beneath you. Seokmin seemed unsure of where to put his hands, while you both stared at each other, breathing in the thick, heavy silence.
“I’m sorry-”
“It’s okay, I-”
“I really- I don’t know what-”
“Don’t worry-”
You were pulling down your dress again, cheeks literally flaming red and bottom lip caught between your teeth. Silence swallowed you both whole.
You wanted him back on your hips so bad. It hurt. You were aching in quick pulses, but you couldn’t even look at him. Surely, you thought, surely, he’d seen that look on your face, how your eyes clouded over with lust. Maybe he felt disgusted.
“I better-” you hiccupped, voice small, “I better go.”
Seokmin, eyes peeking at you through his lashes, feared he made you uncomfortable.
“Yeah, of course,” he mumbled.
You gathered your things and ran out of there, wetness gushing out of you. You tried to run, tried to create distance, but this time, in your mind’s eye, you ran in place, staying completely still by the cleft separating you and Seokmin. You fiddled with the edge, sand cascading into the empty, endless dark.
There was no way you could make that jump.
That night you wished Giselle was by your side. You wrote an assignment, trying to ward off the embarrassment that stormed in your brain, when you got a message, that plunged you into rock bottom:
Lee Seokmin: hey you forgot smth at my house lol
Lee Seokmin: *Image Attached*
This was it. You were going to jump off a bridge (or a cleft in a dry, sandy wasteland).
As if your life couldn’t get anymore embarrassing: it was the condom. The white condom with “I ❤️ DILFS” on it. You damned that woman for ever making you bring it. What must he have thought of you? His best friend’s little sister trying to get in his pants? Your cheeks were burning and you threw your head into your pillow and screeched. Your life was over. It had simply ended now. There was no coming back from this. You huffed and removed yourself from its plushness.
Maybe you could salvage it? Thinking on your feet, you replied:
You: OMG i’m so sorry!!!! i think that’s my roommate’s, she must’ve put it in my bag… :/
You: I’ll come pick it up ASAP :((((
You stared at your phone at the blatant. It was not a far stretch from the truth, but being caught with your hand in the cookie jar - or maybe more so the I ❤️ DILFS condom in your tote bag - it seemed like an irrationally shitty cover up.
You gnawed at your lip when the three dots popped up next to his picture, and bit it to pieces waiting for his reply. You almost jumped when your phone buzzed:
Lee Seokmin: hahahahaha
Lee Seokmin: you can come pick it up tomorrow if u want? theres no rush
You glared at the message. Laughter? Surely he hadn’t bought it. He was just trying to be nice, just trying to avoid you any embarrassment. The thought made you wanna throw up, how he felt this obligation to be nice to you when you had permanently scarred him (were you being dramatic?).
You: ok. im rlly sorry again!! i’ll pick it up tomorrow _____________________________
Tomorrow came much faster than you had hoped. No amount of tossing and turning could slow down the passage of time, and by the time you received Seokmin’s promised “I’m awake”-message, the embarrassment hadn’t faded one bit.
Every discouraged moment of getting ready was haunted by your current situation, and you stopped to cringe every five seconds, causing an honest and diligent self-hatred to bubble within you. When you knocked on Seokmin’s door, you’d honestly never felt less confident in your life.
“Y/n!” he said enthusiastically.
“Seokmin,” you said, less enthusiastic.
He smiled at you sweetly, almost as sympathetically, before stepping aside. You furrowed your brow, not really understanding why he couldn’t just hand it to you at the door, but stepping inside nonetheless. “It’s in my room,” he offered, but could he not just have brought it with him? Did he have to prolong the shame even further? You followed him to his room.
In that moment you hated Seokmin for being who he was; for being sweet, gentle, caring, and gentlemanly. You would feel less pathetic if he yelled at you, if he was genuinely disgusted and wanted nothing to do with you. But there he was all smiling and supportive, and he wasn’t touching you at all, but he still felt like pillars on your back, soothing you and holding you up.
“It was your roommate’s?” he asked absently as you traversed the halls. “Uh, yeah,” you answered sheepishly.
“I can tell,” he threw his head back to you, and there was a huge grin on his face. A little bit of hope blossomed in your chest. “Yeah, I saw her at that party, you know? I think she slept with, uh, my friend, Minghao.”
“That’ll be her,” you were smiling now too, and a huge wave of relief washed over you, as he at least let you believe that he thought it wasn’t your perversion bringing along that condom.
Finally stumbling into his room, he did indeed pick it up from his desk, handing it back to you. You looked at it in his outstretched hand and blushed sheepishly. “Thanks,” you squeaked.
Seokmin nodded in response. For a moment the two of you stood, uncertain of what to do and caught in the web of a terribly awkward silence. Seokmin’s eyes darted to the window and yours to the floor.
“Hey, uh,” he giggled a little, scratching the back of his head. “I feel really bad for losing that Mario Kart game-”
You scoffed in response, but the facade of being peeved was falling apart, as you beamed up at him.
“Maybe we could do, like, a quick rematch?”
You shrugged, trying to be nonchalant with an ever-heavy flush in your cheeks: “I don’t back away from a challenge.”
Seokmin won the rematch. This only spurred on another rematch, and suddenly there was no end to the madness. This time there was no awkwardness, no lingering silences. You were just giggling and strategizing, and throwing heat in the direction of your opponents.
That uncomfortable, clamoring feeling left you, slowly. It became easy to forget it. That feeling that he was only there with you because of Vernon, that there was always some sort of demand, a twisting hand, forcing him upon you, and that you became a sort of burden on him. That was the thing about Seokmin, though, his ability to make you feel like his best friend; his ability to make him feel like he was there for you, even when he wasn’t.
It was only after an hour and a half or so, when Seokmin paused the game.
“What the hell, Lee? I was just about to beat you!” you whined, crossing your arms. He nodded along, pushing himself off the bed. “Yes, I agree, which is why I’ve assessed that I need a refreshment.”
“Oh, you’ve assessed?”
“Yeah, I’ve assessed that I need a fresh, cooling drink in my gullet.”
You both laughed a little and slumped back, dropping the controller. Seokmin smiled at you, eyes twinkling. “You want one?”
“What are you getting?”
“A beer,” Seokmin said. Rationally, you knew you shouldn’t accept. You were bad with alcohol, and everytime you drank just a little, a little easily became a lot. That was why you took yourself by surprise when your voice left your mouth, chipper and grand: “Sure!”
One beer turned into another, and Mario Kart turned into talking on his bed, slumped into his fortress of pillows and giggling at his stories. You were a little tipsy, halfway into your second beer and your face was flushed and Seokmin was lying on his side, hand propped up under his head, as he made you laugh again.
“Your kind of partying sounds… Extreme,” you murmured, rim of the bottle pushed against your lips where your words slightly slurred. Mario Kart and alcohol had gotten you a little out of your shell, and now you and Seomin were talking like friends - as if your brother didn’t even exist. You basked in the alcoholic buzz and in this reality, this hideout, where your lovely brother didn’t exist and the faint ache in your legs at Seokmin’s godly face in the bedside lamp wasn’t so utterly misplaced.
“I think anything’s more extreme than your partying,” Seokmin mused teasingly. You huffed, putting down your beer and smoothing over your skirt. Everything was so lovely and artificially yellow and his body beside yours radiated pleasant heat. He was beautiful, you thought, looking at how the sweaters pooled on his torso and how his brown hair looked so soft and messy. You almost felt the absence of ground beneath you, when you imagined yourself at the cleft again.
“You don’t know about my kind of partying,” you joked and he chuckled softly. “You’re right, I shouldn’t make assumptions.”
You looked at him and he was suddenly serious. The smiley, gooey Seokmin was gone and his eyes, although not threatening at all, were prodding at you. Your smile fell. The alcohol at this time felt misplaced and wrong, the lightness felt wrong.
“Were you gonna, you know, go with Jeonghan at the party?” he whispered. The world was suddenly very quiet, as if it were following Seokmin’s tact. You grimaced a little. “No. No, not really.”
He studied you. You couldn’t bear to meet his eyes, opting to look at your hands in your lap. “Why not?”
A pause.
You began to pick at your own fingertips, nails digging into the cuticles. Seokmin’s eyes dragged from your face to your hands, and he scooted closer to you, only to cover your hand with his, stopping your movements immediately. Suddenly so close, his voice was whispered right in your ear, so soft and so gentle, it felt like a kiss: “Don’t do that.”
You sucked in a breath, hands ripping to your sides to lay stiff. “I’m, uh, I’m not that experienced, so I..”
Your eyes flicked up to gauge his reaction. In your worst nightmares, you imagined a laugh breaking onto his face, maybe disgust, but you felt yourself melting. He looked at you so softly, like you were the most precious, fragile thing and his hand had stilled in the air after you pushed it off, as if, like the most enchanting artwork at a museum, he fought desperately not to reach out and touch you.
It was unbearable - how still the air had become, how heavy you felt, how your chest struggled to expand. You talked again, if only to fill the air with your babbling: “I’ve not had.. I mean, I can hardly get myself off… So. I probably. Couldn’t. Get him off.”
You realized about halfway through your sentence that you should not have said that. That last half of your sentence was a breathy mess, as your voice became shaky with humiliation. His gaze, a delicate constant, was not helping either. You felt tears welling up in your eyes suddenly and maybe that was the worst part.
“You have trouble getting yourself off?” he repeated, as if to make sure. “Like masturba-”
“Yeah, that,” you squeezed your eyes shut. You couldn’t tell if you wanted him to shut up forever, so you’d never have to know his reaction, or if you wanted him to talk and be able to sense how this information changed his perception of you. His voice came, in spite of whatever you had hoped.
“I figured you were a virgin,” he mumbled, voice half muted by the palm of his hand, “but I thought you at least masturbated-”
“I do!” you defended yourself, voice much louder than his and brows furrowing and tears threatening to spill over your eyes. “I’m just- I’m not that good at it.”
“Hey,” he said softly, hand landing on your arm. You immediately shut up, lip trembling when you struggled to meet his eyes. “Relax, Y/n. It’s okay. I’m not judging you.”
You nodded half-heartedly, still incredibly uneasy.
“If you want…” Seokmin’s voice trailed off. His eyes ventured over your form briefly, licking his lips. “You know, if you want, I could teach you.”
You looked at him silently. He seemed to snap out of whatever loopy trance he had been sucked into, because he was suddenly very jittery and scrambling through the bedsheets. “Uh, I mean- you don’t- God, I’m sorry- it was only if-”
“Yes,” you said. His scrambling stilled immediately. His eyes were teacups.
“You sure?”
You nodded, not trusting your own voice.
Seokmin squeezed his eyes shut, gulping as he sat back against the bed. His legs spread apart. “Come here,” he patted his thighs.
You felt terribly sober. All that buzz and butterflies and blaze and blossom was gone and you felt like a doll, moving each limb individually, as you climbed into his lap, back to him. You were unable to think, unable to truly process what was happening, what it meant, as you felt his form engulf yours.
His hands found purchase on your hips and his breath was warm on your neck, as you felt every ridge of his abdomen on your back. His thumbs rubbed against your hip bone.
“Okay, now show me how you usually do it,” his voice was a warm hum, a twinge of nervousness laced in it. Your face was lit ablaze and you squirmed in his hold, when one hand left your hip to gently push your legs apart. You sat, all open and held against him, dress keeping you covered.
“It’s embarrassing,” you huffed, being very serious, but Seokmin smiled and nosed your hair gently.
“We can stop whenever you want, seriously, if you get uncomfortable, we stop” he reassured.
“It’s just me.”
It was. It was just Seokmin, your brothers best friend, the sweetest boy in the world, who used to have a swanky bowl cut and dorky school uniform and who was always Vernon’s most respectful friend, but he was hot and whispering into your ear and one hand was massaging the outside of your thigh.
“Should I take my dress off?” you breathed, face turned halfway back to him. His hands squeezed at you in response and you could faintly make out his tongue sliding over his lips.
“Only if you want, angel,” he whispered back, rubbing your sides tenderly. “We’re not doing anything you don’t want. Whatever makes you feel good. ‘M just here to help.”
You nodded, and although the answer was maybe made to make you keep your dress on - a reassurance that there was no need to discard it - you removed yourself from his grasp, hands coming to tug your dress off. You felt a small boost of confidence when you heard Seokmin breathe out: “Shit.”
Only in your bra and panties (terribly mismatched, your bra was black and your panties were pink), you leaned back into his hold, and you noted how Seokmin’s warm hands were much more careful now, splaying out on your bare skin.
“Are you comfortable now?” he asked quietly. You nodded. He propped his head up on your shoulder, eyes cast down your almost-nude body, chest rising and falling. Your legs were closed again, he noticed, and his veiny hand reached down to open them again. “Show me how you do it, baby, so I can help you improve.”
You gummed your lip, breathing in one last time, before your nervous fingers began dancing their way to your panties. They disappeared under the fabric for only a moment, before Seokmin spoke again.
“Sweetheart,” he tutted, hand wrapping around your wrist to stop its track. “Don’t just dive right in, you need to get yourself all hot first.”
Your brows furrowed and some of the embarrassment you felt from being this exposed and pressed into Seokmin evaporated into genuine confusion.
“What? What do you mean?” you said, somewhat outraged, and Seokmin couldn’t help the laughter blooming in his chest at that. He vibrated against your back, hands smoothing down your arm. You pouted: “Don’t laugh at me, Minnie.”
He stopped, still smiling as he nosed your temple. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your head, that had your heart beating out of your chest. “You’re just so cute.”
Cute. You remembered your disdain for that word, but somehow, when it came from his lips, it made you beam. Everywhere he touched left behind a hot, burning ghost on your skin.
“You just have to touch your body, sweetheart,” he said sweetly. You thrashed in defiance, crying out quietly with red cheeks. Wiggling your body angrily, you felt his dick half-hard in his pants against your lower back.
“Can’t you do it?” you whined, wanting nothing more than for him to take over and make you feel good. He sucked in a harsh breath behind you, fingers wrapping around your hands to soothe you still. He seemed to debate your proposal, but eventually he kissed your shoulder and spoke: “Okay, baby, but you have to show me you understand, alright?” you nodded feverishly. “We’re trying to get you to learn.”
The whole thing had you dizzy, warm and gooey in his hands, and grounding yourself on his solid torso. You had tunnel vision, unable to focus on anything but his warm hands and sweet voice, and how fucking hard he was. You leaned your head up to look at him pleadingly. Even upside-down he was pretty. He giggled at your starstruck expression.
“Look at my hands, pretty,” he tapped your nose and you scrunched it, turning down to your own body, where he sat his hands on your waist. “You do it like this.”
His hands started dragging over your skin, creating constellations of ghosts on your skin. One dragged across your stomach and down your leg, squeezing it along the way, and the other brushed over your bra-covered chest, landing on your shoulder and collarbones. Then they moved oppositely, then diverged from their chosen paths, and you started breathing heavily. Pressure built up in your stomach and your panties, and you felt how slick started leaking out of you.
“Feel good?” Seokmin grinned against your neck, listening to the melody of your panted gasps. You nodded earnestly, moaning softly. Seokmin furrowed his brows at that noise, pressing kisses to your neck appreciatively. “Good girl. Such pretty sounds.”
Both of Seokmin’s hands dragged up to your ribs. There, they paused. “Can I touch your chest, baby?”
“Please,” you whimpered, and earned another sloppy kiss to the cheek. His hands immediately grabbed ahold of your chest, softly rubbing it over your bra.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered. You hesitated for a moment. “Um, I don’t feel much, honestly.”
You’d expect him to be a little angry or defensive, but Seokmin only hummed and nustled himself into your hair. “Good girl. Good girl, being so honest with me. So pretty.”
You whined at his praise and Seokmin smiled smugly, taking notice of how heated you got from his words.
“The- the fabric is in the way..” you whimpered meekly, and Seokmin nodded in understanding, stroking your sides soothingly.
“You want to take off your bra?” he hummed, truly as if it would not expose you to him, as if it weren’t a lewd and depraved scenario, but something as simple as the weather. You nodded, removing yourself from the harbor of his arms once more to remove it. You unclipped it and threw it God knows where, before settling back into him. Seokmin peeked over your shoulder at your now bare breasts, groaning a little and covering it up with a cough. This was about you.
Seokmin placed his hands on your tits again, massaging and rubbing the soft skin, before he brushed his thumbs over your hardened nipples.
You moaned - for the first time it was a clear moan, seething from your throat and puffing into the air. “Sound so pretty,” he muttered in your ear. “You really like that, hm?”
He pinched your nipples between his fingers, your back arching into his warm hands. Then, as soon as the pleasure had begun, it stopped, when his hands came to rest on the bed. You whined, twisting your head towards his, only to be stopped by fingers on your chin, turning you back forward. “Show me you can do it now, baby. You’re learning,” he reminded you.
“But, Minnie, I want your hands,” you whined and he tutted softly in your ear. “I know, baby, but I need to know that you’re understanding this in that pretty little head of yours. Need to know you’re focusing. Come on, show me now.”
Huffing, you placed your own hands (they somehow felt more foreign than his now) on your stomach and began to mimic his movements. You smoothed them up and down on your body, squeezing, then placed them on your chest, rubbing and pinching your nipples.
“There you go,” he praised, and his hands had traveled to your shoulders, massaging them gently. You whimpered and turned your head to him again.
“Can you teach me how to touch my…” you trailed off.
“Your pussy?” he offered, as if it was nothing, as if it wasn’t vulgar or lewd. You nodded vigorously. Feeling him gulp a little, his hands became a little unsteady as they came to hold your waist again. “Can I hear you say it? Baby?” he asked and suddenly his voice was a little shaky, a little breathless.
“Can you touch my pussy now, Minnie?” you asked, and any shame had been clouded over with lust. You’d never been this burningly bothered in your life, you needed him to touch you. He groaned, and this time he was unable to cover it up. You felt how his hard cock strained against his sweatpants, how it pressed into your back, and you wanted to touch it so bad.
“Alright, baby, want your panties off?” His sharp nose was pressed into your hair. You shook your head. “Want them on.”
He nodded. “Alright, jus’ tell me if you wanna stop, okay? I’m gonna touch you now.”
His hand slipped under the waistband of your panties, disappearing under the pink fabric. As if they were always meant to be there, his fingers slipped through your folds, coming down to circle your slit in impossibly light figurations.
“Shit,” he panted, grip on your waist suddenly bruising, as he tried to steady himself. “You’re so wet, baby, you like Seokminnie that much?”
“Yeah, I do,” you nodded blindly, your own hands coming to grip onto his thighs. His middle finger danced upwards and pressed against your clit, and you immediately squeaked and shut your legs around his hand.
“No, no, baby, don’t do that,” he frowned, hand that wasn’t buried in your pussy spreading your legs again. You felt how his legs, pressed against you, came to hook onto yours, forcing your legs apart with his own strength. He hummed in content.
His finger pressed onto your clit again, and he felt how your legs tensed, straining against his to close. Your back arched and you moaned, eyes squeezed shut. He began rubbing it, and it was so intimate, how close you were to him, how his hand navigated your sopping wet pussy, fingers just rubbing you gently, and how bare you were, his eyes training over your bouncing tits when you thrashed.
His fingers moved downwards again, gathering the wetness that was gushing out of you. Then, one long middle finger pushed into you. Canting into his hand, you moaned loudly and turned your head into his neck. Nosing the tan skin and inhaling his faint cologne, you began mindlessly kitten-licking the skin. His Adam's apple bopped under your tongue.
“You’re so tight,” he rasped, beginning to slowly push his finger in and out of you. His other hand had come to wrap around your waist in an attempt to calm the sudden bucking of your hips against his hand.
His hand moved faster, obscene, wet sounds coming from your ruined underwear, where he worked diligently into your pussy. He slipped another finger in, and you cried from the stretch. It was becoming hard to contain you, thrashing and writhing against his hold, stuck between wanting to move closer and to move away entirely. His fingers tied a knot in your stomach.
“That’s right, pretty, tell me how good Minnie’s fingers feel,” he whispered hoarsely above your ear. You could almost only whine and moan, nipping at his neck a little. “Tell me or I’ll stop,” he warned.
“Feels so good!” you whined immediately, because if he stopped now, you figured you might start crying. “Feel so, so, so good, fuck, Seokmin, I’m-”
“I know, baby, I know, but I’m teaching you, right?”
Though your mind was fuzzy, you sensed what these words meant and panicked, hand coming down to grip his wrist in an attempt to hold him in place. “Please, please, please, Seokmin, don’t stop, please, don’t stop!”
“Don’t talk back to me, sweetheart. I won’t stop, just talk to me. Tell me what you feel me doing,” pushing your head up again, Seokmin pressed his face against your cheek, so hard, you felt his humid pants against it.
Your mind was so hazy, so transfixed on the feeling in your stomach and his finger in your pussy, you could hardly respond.
“Tell me or I’ll stop, baby,” he reminded you again, and you scrambled frantically to focus.
“Nngh! You’re- pushing in and out-” your voice broke, hips stuttering against his hand, that was continuing its remorseless pace.
“Yeah, and?”
You furrowed your brows, lips trembling. “You’re- you’re curling them- A-ah!”
“That’s right. Such a good girl. So smart and clever for me,” Seokmin whispered happily, his other hand slipping down your stomach to circle your clit. Both his hands working pleasure into your pussy, you cried out loudly, head pushed back into his chest.
“Just let go, baby, I can feel you clenching on me so hard. Wan’ me to stay in your pussy forever, hm? Just let go, cum whenever you want, wanna see your pretty face so bad,” somehow Seokmin was just as intoxicated off of lust as you, despite staying, hard and untouched, in his pants. But he babbled mindless praise to you, and you came to his sweet voice whispering in your ear.
Your orgasm sent you hurdling over the edge - the edge, the one you’d been standing at hopelessly for years. You flew across it and landed on Seokmin’s territory; in his arms.
“Seokmin, a-ah!” you cried, releasing all over his fingers, coating them in your cum. Your entire body arched upwards, as you moaned into the night. Seokmin rode you through your high, pressing sweet kisses into your hair.
You fell limp against his body, worn out, when he finally retracted his fingers from your pussy. You snuggled into his sweater with a content hum.
Seokmin smiled down at you, eyes brimming with fondness, as his cum-slicked hands wrapped around your torso in a hug, holding you into him. “You did so well,” he whispered genuinely.
You looked up at him with a tired smile. “Thank you, Seokmin.”
He held himself back from saying he would do that a thousand times over, in fact, he wouldn’t mind never pulling out - he could live with only one hand. Instead, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and whispered: “Of course, darling.”
Your brows furrowed and you pulled yourself away from him a little, eyeing the tent in his pants worriedly. “Do you want me to-”
“No,” he shook his head decidedly. “No, I’ll take care of it.”
You looked at him with big, innocent eyes, that only furthered the throbbing of his cock. Partially, he wanted to give in so badly. The thought of your hand around his cock, all pouty and innocent and confused, and how heavy it would be in your small hand, had made him cum more times than he’d like to admit. But, he reminded himself, this was about you. This was a favor. “Are you sure?” you asked softly.
“Yes, baby, go to bed. I’m gonna go get you some fresh clothes.”
You snuggled into bed while Seokmin scurried away to fetch a shirt and some boxers, and when he came back you cooperated limply in taking off your panties, and putting on what he’d given you. You fell asleep in his bed, cuddling his duvet, and surrounded by his scent.
Seokmin watched you in adoration. How peaceful you looked, chest rising and falling, and a little pout on your lips.
He wandered through the house, trying simultaneously to get as far from you as possible, and also trying to decide which of his housemates he currently hated the most. He landed on Jeonghan, slipping into his empty room and settling himself on the bed.
There, he fisted his solid fucking cock and bucked into his own hand, eyes squeezed shut to remember how you looked under his hands, how you begged for him, how well you listened, what a good girl you were for him. His moans were trembling and muffled by his own hand, and when he came, he felt momentarily smug, looking at how it dripped over Jeonghan’s sheets (served him right). Then, post-nut clarity sank in, as he reentered his own room and cuddled into you on the bed.
He felt almost despicable. He felt gross and evil and perverted and lewd, not because of you, but because, as if it were his first time realizing it, he remembered that you were Vernon’s sister. He remembered that he had promised to protect you from manipulative guys and always watch over you, and help you if you needed help, and report to Vernon if you were acting weird. Yet here he was, letting you cum on his hand and groping your tits, as if he was still that teenage boy with that swanky bowl cut.
After an hour of chewing on his lips and frowning, Seokmin let your sweet perfume lull him to sleep. He dreamt of you. _____________________________
There’s a blissful instant that morning when you wake up, curled into Seokmin’s arms, head nuzzled in his chest. There’s a blissful instant when you tilt your head, staring at his sleeping face, and he’s so beautiful, features all soft and breathing rhythmically. There’s a blissful instant where you see him, and your heart weeps in your chest because he’s so gorgeous.
Then it’s gone.
A panic button is pressed in your head, and your nerve-endings, each one resting on him, begin burning. What had you done? Yesterday feels like a faraway dream, but he’s still wearing that sweater and it grounds you in the reality of what had happened.
You’re lost. What did this mean for the two of you? Was Seokmin just lusting after you? But that couldn’t be right, you thought, because he’d insisted on only helping you, refused your offers to help him, which now was making you rot in his arms with guilt. Was this genuinely an attempt to help you? To be diligently by your side at the request of your brother? But surely this had been outside of the realm of what was acceptable to help your best friend’s baby sister with? Did that mean he liked you?
Seokmin awakened from your sudden squirming, as if, with enough shaking and turning, that feelings and thoughts would just fall out of you. They didn’t, they stayed right where they were, and all you were given in return was Seokmin’s eyes fluttering open.
You watched him go through that same process; the bliss came first and then the panic. Seokmin’s eyes went from adoring to wide and grave and suddenly he was shuffling away from you on the bed, creating a cool distance between you on the landscape of his mattress. You didn’t miss the pink dusting his cheeks.
“Uh- good morning,” he mumbled, and he could only look at his hands. Your throat was unbelievably dry. “Morning.”
You’re not sure how you both managed, but you went through that morning without mentioning the previous night even once. The air was thick with tension, fleeting glances, and shaky hands, while Seokmin made you both bowls of oatmeal. You stood on the other side of the counter in his shirt and his boxers.
You ate in his bed. It was silent and heavy and each clink of spoons against the bowl-rims had you both wincing. He put on a TV-show and you sat across from one another, chewing wordlessly to some drama in the background. Your belly was pooling with tension and light cascaded onto you, revealing your pores and flaws. Were you a bad person?
Finally, finally, Seokmin put down his spoon with yet another clink, fingers catching the bridge of his nose and eyes squeezing shut. He huffed into the palm of his hand, swallowing the oatmeal hard.
“Uh-” he began and his voice cracked, “Y/n. About last night-”
But you cut him off, and he couldn’t ever, even in his wildest dreams, have imagined that these words would come out of your mouth:
“I want to return the favor.”
The words were almost spat and discarded, as if they’d been sitting on the tip of your tongue all morning with a foul taste, and you’d only now been able to rid yourself of it. Seokmin snapped his head towards you, a genuine surprise on his face, but he soon wished he hadn’t looked at all.
You were so pretty, sitting cross legged in his shirt and a blush creeping up your neck and cheeks all shiny in the morning sun. And there was this innocence to your eyes, big lashes shadowing it only a little; this earnestness that told him you really, really wanted to do this for him.
“I-” he chuckled a little, heart clenching at your sweetness, “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Well, it’s good that I’m asking you then,” you said, and though the comment was witty, when Seokmin looked at you again, he saw how careful you looked, and how unsure you were of yourself.
“Listen, N/n,” he reached out to grab your hand, and it was burning into yours, each area of adjoined skin screaming at you with reminders of last night. “You don’t have to do that. I just wanted to make you feel good, I was happy to just be of service to you-”
“But I want to make you feel good,” you pouted, almost brattily. Seokmin’s gentle expression and tone faded into something darker, as his eyes flitted down to your exposed legs and your heaving chest. He swallowed, putting away his bowl of oatmeal and collecting himself.
“Are you sure? You need to be absolutely 100% sure-”
“I’m sure, Minnie. I want to-” you broke off your own words with a squeak, face becoming bright red. You leaned in self-consciously, as if to tell him a secret: “I want to suck your dick.”
Your whispered admittance had him groaning, groaning at how sweet and innocent your voice was, how you couldn’t even say it loudly, you had to whisper the dirty word to him. He wanted you so badly, wanted to be the one to take away your innocence, to make you all dirty and beg for him, to make you thrash and whine and to teach you how to really feel good. He wanted you.
It’s like a switch had flipped, when Seokmin put his hand on the back of your head, and suddenly you were kissing again. The tension from before was replaced with something wholly different, something hot, something laced in the eye contact he gave you, before he leaned it again.
And Seokmin was kissing you with a fervor that you recognized from yourself - you both wanted to forget. Wanted to forget Vernon, who, although a great brother and friend, had become a heavy strain on your relationship with Seokmin. So you kissed him and let his tongue in your mouth when it swiped over your bottom lip, and you sucked on it, and you let him and yourself get lost in each other.
The sound of smacking lips and saliva was so lewd too, especially when Seokmin’s hand pulled you from your spot on the bed and into his lap, hands roaming your body, while you tangled into his hair. He was half-moaning into your mouth by the time he pulled away, face flushed and eyes darker and lower and lips swollen red.
“You gonna let me use that pretty mouth, baby?” he whispered against your lips, one hand palming over his cock through his boxers. You nodded, almost desperately, one hand reaching out to his in his lap. “Can I touch it?”
Seokmin smiled fondly, looking down at where your small hand was outstretched towards his cock. “Yeah, baby, go ahead.”
You were a bit clumsy at first, but soon enough you found its outline in his black boxers and you squeezed it a little. Seokmin crooked over, groaning into your shoulder. You felt him get harder and harder against your palm, a small smile at the desperate noises he was making.
Seokmin had laid his cheek on your shoulder, neck twisting to stare up at you, while you focused solely on touching him, and he hated himself for getting even harder because it was you - you, who he had wanted for so long, who he was hugged into and lying on, while you touched his warm cock.
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, breathing heavily, and then smiling brightly when you became all sheepish, smiling and looking away, so that you had to pause your actions. He nosed into your neck, regaining some semblance of control over the situation, now that you weren’t touching him, and his breath was warm and humid on your skin. He pressed small kisses up to your jawline, nose flattening against you.
“So, so pretty. Fuck, imagining you with my cock in your mouth, all drooling and shit. Fuck, baby, you gonna let me fuck your mouth?” he rambled, hands finding home on your tits again. You whined and nodded, trying to pry him off of you. Immediately (forever struggling with a little concern that you might’ve changed your mind) he pulls away, looking up at you worriedly.
“Don’t- don’t touch me, I don’t wanna get.. All hot,” you whispered those words that he had said last night, biting your lip in worry. “I want to do it now.”
Seokmin melted completely, and in a complete inability to contain his adoration, brushed hair out of your face and pressed a million kisses to your cheeks and your nose. “Okay,” he said in between kisses, and you felt his smile on your skin, “okay, baby. But if it gets too much, tap my thigh three times, okay? If you need anything, if you feel uncomfortable.”
“Yes, yes,” you huffed, pushing yourself away from him and hopping onto the floor, sinking to your knees before the bed.
It felt completely unreal - to both of you. How you were suddenly on your knees and how he settled in front of you, bare, thick thighs on either side of your head. Everything was all light and all the places he’d kissed and touched had become holy and glowing on your body. He shimmed his boxers off and you gaped at the sudden exposure of his dick.
He was hard. Apparently the kissing and groping had been enough, because it slapped against his sweater, leaking silky white liquid from the tip. And he was big - you didn’t exactly have a good point of reference, but you vaguely sensed from Giselle’s words that this was quite a feat.
And actually seeing it brought a wave of uncertainty on you, not as to whether or not you wanted to do it, but how. So, you blinked up at him with a small frown, voice small when you spoke: “Seokmin.. How- how do I do it?”
Seokmin practically glowed with adoration, when he petted your head and rubbed your cheek, seemingly so comfortable despite being totally bare. “You just put your lips around it and suck, baby, it’s easy,” he said softly, then added, a little panicked: “And be mindful of your teeth.”
“But it’s so big,” you marveled, eyes trained on it, and he almost groaned at it, because you sounded so genuinely amazed, so disbelieving.
“Just put your hands around the parts you can’t reach. I’ll be gentle, baby, don’t worry,” he said. You nodded hesitantly, leaning forward towards it, but his hand in your hair suddenly clenched and pulled you back. You looked up at him and saw his eyes brimming with worry. “You do want this, right?”
“Yes, please, stop being so- so gentle with me and let me suck your dick!” You whined, fed up with being treated like glass, and tugged his hand out of your hair. Seokmin visibly relaxed at your insistence, nodding.
Finally, fingers grabbing the base of it, you wrapped your mouth around the tip. You were met immediately with the taste of his pre-cum, licking over where it leaked curiously. Seokmin’s hand found your hair again, gripping it tight to steady himself, as he groaned loudly. You slowly sank down, basking in the whimpers you ripped from his mouth.
“Fuck- you’re- you’re doing so good, baby,” he cried, face twisted in pleasure and head thrown back. You looked up at him and he was so pretty and glowing, panting into the air.
You sank down as far as you could, feeling the tip sit snug against the back of your mouth, and your hands wrapped around the base of his dick. You looked up at him, experimentally squeezing, and pursing your lips around his dick to suck it carefully.
“A-ah! Fuck!” Seokmin cried, hand that wasn’t in your hair squeezing the edge of his mattress. His thighs were flexing on either side of your head. “You’re- you’re so good at this, sweetheart. Good girl, fuck, such a pretty girl for me, letting me use you like this.”
You whined at his words, squeezing your thighs together. Seokmin’s hips bucked upwards at the vibrations, hitting the back of your throat. The sudden intrusion was unexpected and you let out a garbled moan around his cock. He panted regretfully: “S-Sorry, baby, d-didn’t mean to do that, you just feel so good. Can- can you bob your head up and down it for me?”
You did, started moving your head up and down his shaft, and breathing hard through your nose, while your hands squeezed the base of his cock. Looking up at Seokmin, you felt confidence that you were doing something right. He was in heaven, face all scrunched up and breathing as if he’d just ran a marathon.
And when he peeked his down to you, he could’ve cum immediately. Your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, head bopping with tears in your eyes from the pressure in your throat, and how curious and sparkling they were, gauging his reaction. The groan that clawed its way up from his heart, through his throat and out into his room quickly turned to a whimper.
“I’m- I’m gonna cum, sweet pea, can I-” he swallowed hard, because even the thought had him close to release. “Can I cum down your throat, pretty?”
You nodded, a little too preoccupied to answer, but Seokmin got it, and with just a couple more bobs, and the feeling of your wet tongue pressing against the underside of his cock, he spurted into your mouth in long ropes of white, whining at the top of his lungs, and pulling hair from the roots.
It was, admittedly, a little gross and sticky in your mouth, but it was also hot and you felt proud you’d made him feel good. He was panting, trying to recover, when you pulled off his dick, a satisfied smile on your face. His hand wandered to your face, caressing your cheekbone, before moving down to your puffy lips.
“Can I-” he was almost embarrassed, “Can I see baby? Can you open your mouth for me?”
A little confused, you did as told and opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue that was still covered in his sticky release.
“Fuck,” he groaned at the sight, squeezing his eyes shut and willing himself not to get hard again. “C-Can you swallow it for me, beautiful?”
Still confused, you nodded and gulped it down, trying not to look like it felt as gross as it did. If Seokmin noticed, he didn’t remark it, because he only groaned again, and pulled you by your face into a sloppy, heated kiss.
“So, so, so good for me,” he whispered, not letting you out of the kiss, even when saliva dripped down your chin. “Such a good girl, letting me use her mouth, such an obedient, good girl.”
You whined into his mouth at those words, bothered by the aching in your core that his moans and his blissed out face had caused, and now those words repeated over and over: Good girl.
He grinned into your mouth. “Yeah? You like being my good girl, right? Like doing your best for Seokminnie?”
“Yes,” you murmured breathlessly, too lost in the feeling of his mouth and his hands rubbing your waist to come up with anything better.
Seokmin pulled away with a warm smile, both hands coming up to cup your cheeks. “You did well,” was all he said, and you could genuinely cry, because that was it - you just wanted to know you did well.
“I’m gonna go clean up, okay?” he said, waiting for you to nod in response before he pushed himself off the bed, snatching a new pair of boxers from a drawer on his way out of the door.
You threw yourself on the bed, closing your eyes contentedly.
He liked you. You were sure of it now, when you thought back to how his eyes had balked at you so wonderfully, how careful and attentive he’d been. You were certain, and your heart smiled and you smiled and your hair was sprawled out on his sheets and for the first time, that desert wasteland in your head welcomed you and took you in, and you were right where you were supposed to be.
Until your phone started buzzing.
It was dancing across the sheets violently at someone's call and you peeked open one eye tiredly to pick it up. And when you did, the desert turned on you. Caught in a sandstorm, you held your phone between your fingers and felt your heart drop, lowered into the acid bath of your stomach.
It was Vernon.
Vernon, who was Seokmin’s best friend. Vernon, who was your brother. Vernon, who had always yelled at you to leave his room whenever he had Seokmin over. Vernon, who didn’t like when you talked to any guys at all, who had recruited his best friend to watch over you and take care of you. Vernon, whose best friend had just had his dick in your mouth.
You heard the shower running distantly when you clicked accept, hoping to God that you didn’t look too disheveled.
“Hi, N/n!” Vernon cheered immediately on the other end. His face popped up on your screen, a bright smile on his face. You smiled too - you missed your brother - but it was half faded, and Vernon noticed immediately.
“Hi, Vern,” you said softly. His brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”
Of course, he could read you like a book. Of course, he knew that you were distant and nervous. You sighed heavily, trying desperately to collect yourself, to remember how you usually behaved, but for some reason, that you was far gone, and you had to be splayed on his screen, like a person replaced by something peregrine.
“I’m a little stressed out,” you mumbled. “Got a lot of papers and stuff, that’s why I’m not home.”
“Come home next break, okay? We miss you and you need to get out of that place every once in a while.”
You nodded.
Vernon’s eyes narrowed suddenly, and you saw him lean closer to the screen (which would have been funny, were you not suddenly wondering if there was leftover cum on your face). “Hey, where are you right now?”
“My friend,” you said quickly - too quickly. “Her name’s Yunjin, we’re working together in chem.”
Vernon hummed, seemingly content with your answer. “Your friend has the same bed sheets as Seokmin.”
Shit, yeah, they facetimed every week, you remembered, cringing at yourself for not thinking of it earlier. You tried to play it cool, shrugging: “Weird.”
“Yeah, anyway-”
Vernon rambled on and on about something or other, but you were unable to focus, watching the door to Seokmin’s room with a worried frown.
Moreover, you felt like a whore. Realistically, you hadn’t even lost your virginity. But sleeping with your brother’s best friend suddenly felt way more real now that you were talking to said brother, now that you were lying to his face, and you felt dirty and gross and you wished you could stand before Vernon, as the same baby sister that you had been before. But you weren’t. You were disgusting.
“Vernon, I gotta go,” you cut him off, and you hadn’t heard a word. Vernon’s excited expression dropped and he furrowed his brows.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and you thanked the pixels for concealing at least a bit of the worry on his face.
“Yeah, I just- I really need to get going,” you said. “Bye, Vernon!”
You disconnected the call and gathered your things, put your own clothes back on. Throwing Seokmin’s clothes onto his floor felt like shedding a second skin - a skin that had made you ugly and greedy and lustful. You only kept his boxers on, lumping the dress over your shoulders to drape over you in an unsightly and unorganized way.
You spared a glance at the wrapped condom on his bedside table, long lost and forgotten by now. You could leave it. You could leave it and have a reason to come back, a reason to slip across that ledge again and fall into his arms and his mouth and his warmth. You almost did. Almost left it right there, where it begged to belong. But you snatched it off the counter, ignoring the way your heart clenched when you did, and slipped it into your tote bag. And you left, jumping across the border that separated you and back into your own wasteland. And it was so cold and so empty. You were alone again.
Seokmin came out of the shower, expecting to see you cuddled up in his bed, all soft and beautiful. But you weren’t there. Seokmin understood immediately. The condom was gone and so were you, only the perfume in his sheets remained, willing him to remember. And he cried. He sobbed into his own hands, because what had he done?
You did not see each other the rest of that day. Or the next day. _____________________________
Seokmin wanted to let you disappear. He wanted you to slip away and he wanted to forget it had even happened - like a burning star dies out and leaves only a faint warmth behind, lasting years. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t let you go, couldn’t bear knowing he’d never hold you in his arms again, never see you laugh again, never see you cum again. And he couldn’t bear knowing that maybe he’d read it wrong; maybe he’d made you uncomfortable, maybe you’d felt obligated.
So he texted you. For two days his texts came in sporadically and unsuccessfully. Questioning and pleading, he wanted to know it wasn’t true.
Lee Seokmin: why’d you leave?
Lee Seokmin: can we talk??
Lee Seokmin: i miss u
Lee Seokmin: i need to know i didnt hurt you
Lee Seokmin: can you please answer?
Each text came more painful than the last. Each text came more pleading. You sat alone in your room, in the dark, having only his one sided chats to light up your tear-streaked face.
Eventually they stopped coming. You thought they would. You thought, you knew, eventually he’d give up. But what hurt the most was knowing he wanted you too; knowing he liked you as much as you liked him. You’d seen it in his eyes, when his hand slipped between your legs, and you’d seen it when he came staring down at you.
But you preferred to remember Seokmin for how he was.
How he was small and young, how he had a swanky bowlcut and how he looked in his school uniform. How he and your big brother, Vernon, had bonded and watched movies together in your living room, and the countless dinners he’d stayed over for, always so respectful to your parents and you. You preferred to remember when he didn’t love you back.
The pain that had been tethered to your youth and to him, back when he was unreachable, just a figure you could marvel at, was so much duller compared to this pain, the one pulsed in your heart now: the pain of him loving you back, but still being off-limits. Something that could be, but was destined to die out. And it did, when he stopped texting you, you felt that unborn child’s soul leave your own. Alone again.
And then suddenly, you weren’t.
A stern knock on your door. You flinched at the sound, fearing the worst. You were in your bed, in your sweatpants and your sweater and that condom was on the bedside table, watching the door with you.
Another knock.
“Y/n, I know you’re in there!”
Seokmin. Of course, it was Seokmin. No one else would come for you. But it was all too painful. You feared the worst - feared that seeing him, you would collapse into him again, and that this time you wouldn’t be able to find your way back.
“Open the door, Y/n,” his voice was serious.
“Go away, Seokmin!” you yelled, voice breaking halfway.
A pause. When Seokmin spoke again, he was not angry anymore; he was vulnerable.
“Y/n. I-I know you don’t want to talk to me, but-” he paused, wincing at himself and you knew there was tears in his eyes. “But I need to know that I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
You thought that you could handle the self-blame Seokmin omitted - maybe that’s just because it was words on a screen. But hearing him crying outside your door, and how real he was when his hand knocked vigorously, it tore down each and every one of your last defenses.
“I need- I need to hear that you’re okay and that I-”
“I’m opening the door,” you interrupted him, and sure enough you padded to the door and swiftly unlocked it.
And then you were standing before one another. It was like time stopped, how the air stilled around you, and how the world quieted down. He was all crumpled paper hearts, all deflated and broken, and his hair was messy and his eyes were dark, but they sparkled again, just at the sight of you, and yours at him.
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered, breaking the enchantment cast upon you. The real world came crashing down, the people in the streets and birds in the trees and wind coursing through the leaves. The light that you’d shut out with a firm tug to the curtains was dancing on your linoleum floor. “It’s my fault. It’s- I talked to Vernon and I- I feel like shit, Seokmin. I feel like a slut.”
“You’re a virgin!” Seokmin scoffed, but it did nothing to calm you.
“It felt wrong! Because I- because you’re Vernon’s friend. Because Vernon never likes when I date guys, and because now I’ve been fooling around with his best friend,” you defended yourself, biting your lip when tears stung your eyes. Seokmin softened. “I just felt guilty. And gross.”
“You’re not gross, you’re in love,” he said softly, and your eyes locked. Everything about him was pleading - he was just short of literally falling to his knees, begging for you to hear him out. “And- and with me, of all people!”
“And I’m in love with you too,” his voice was an urgent whisper, not daring to let you speak again, to let you try and steer him away.
“Of all people,” you mumbled, a small smile finding your lips. Seokmin smiled too.
“So.. I’m tired of hearing you talk about yourself like this. I’m tired of Vernon being the one keeping us apart. I want- I want you to know that Vernon would understand.”
You shook your head dismissively. He wouldn’t.
“I know him too! You know? Maybe better than you,” he pouted a little, and it made you laugh, and everything was becoming lighter, and for better or worse you really did want to jump into his arms again. “He shouldn’t be the thing stopping you from dating me- or- or anyone, really. But especially me.”
You giggled again, and Seokmin’s heart palpitated in his chest at that sound - and at being the source of it. Then the laughter trailed off and your smile tightened and your heart tightened: “I just don’t want to sneak around-”
“Okay! Say no more!” Seokmin interrupted, hand held out as if to calm a mighty beast. He casually pulled out his phone, tongue in his cheek, as he called your brother. Vernon.
It rang for a few seconds, put on speaker. You couldn’t help the nervousness. Couldn’t help the pinch in your nerves, building up from your stomach and into your heart. Then he answered.
“Hey, dude, what’s up?” Vernon’s voice glitched on the other end of the line, utterly oblivious (as always). Seokmin spoke, hand on his hip: “Hey, just curious, how would you feel if me and your sister started dating?”
There was a moment of silence. On Vernon’s end, you imagined it was simply puzzled, but on your end, you stood with your heart all big and floaty, like a balloon in your hand, waiting for him to say that he’d hate it, that he’d kill him, and pop your heart with a simple word to prick. That wasn’t what he said though. Vernon said:
“I mean, yeah, man, I’d prefer you over any of those other college douchebags. I at least know you’d take care of her for real, man, not like that Jeonghan guy you were going on about.”
Your heart balloon took off, and the boundary between you and Seokmin filled itself with sand. Had it been imaginary? This whole time? You couldn’t help the wheeze you left you, overwhelmed with relief and joy.
“I know, man, Jeonghan’s the worst,” Seokmin said casually, but he was grinning from ear to ear at your reaction. You’d buckled over in silent laughter, unable to contain the glee. It seemed to dramatic now
“The worst,” Vernon repeated. Then he pursed his lips and spoke again: “So you’re dating my sister?”
“Uh, you know, I think we’re making it official in a second, yeah,” Seokmin said and even Vernon could hear the smile in his voice.
“Cool, man, yeah, I kind of figured, she facetimed me with your ugly ass bed sheets in the background, and I thought, no way, a girl would buy those bed sheets.”
“Lay off my sheets, man.”
Both of the men laughed and you did too, crying laughing and covering your mouth to contain. Your chest was fluttering with butterflies and light and love.
“Hey, man, for real, if you hurt her, I know where you live, bro,” Vernon was suddenly serious.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, man,” Seokmin responded, equally as serious now. He eyed you, then spoke into the phone again: “Hey, I gotta go make sweet love to your sister.”
“Ew, dude, don’t say tha-”
And the phone was hung up and Seokmin was laughing with you, eyes crescent and smile wide and toothy, and cheeks all red and shiny, he doubled over and took your hands in his. “I told you, didn’t I?”
“Shut up, Lee,” you said, pulling him by the hand and letting him kiss you. Letting yourself kiss him. Letting yourself back into his arms, and this time Seokmin had crossed the border, and had fallen into you, and you stood there together and you were in love.
So, so in love, your lips entangled and danced together, and your hands dragged up the back of his neck and his up your waist.
And you realized, his tongue in your mouth, this was how you preferred to remember Seokmin; completely and utterly in love with you, and dancing with you in your room, and smiling into the kiss, and hands running up your body. You preferred to remember him as yours, and yourself as his.
Seokmin guided you to your bed, pulling your body into his lap. Then he pulled away, completely out of breath, and smiling at you like a twinkling star.
“Think we can finally break open that condom now?”
“Fuck yes,” you said.
And then you did.
#dk x reader#svt dk x reader#lee dokyeom x reader#lee seokmin x reader#seokmin x reader#dk smut#seokmin smut#dokyeom smut#lee seokmin smut#lee dokyeom smut#svt smut#svt x reader#seventeen smut#seventeen x reader#svt angst#seventeen angst
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svt fic recs list <3 - lee seokmin/dk b'day edition - sfw & nsfw ver.
summary: for seokmin's birthday, 7 sfw & nsfw dk reader insert fics:)
contains: 18+ nsfw (mdni!!) majority is afab reader
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
✩ sfw section ✩
❥ meaning of pet names w/ lee seokmin - @babyleostuff
AND IF I SCREAMED CRIED AND SOBBED?!?!! if i got to be called sunshine by dk?? dead. you can't revive me cuz i love that pet name so muchhh. to be his baby??? YEEEET MEE
❥ boyfriend material - @ylangelegy
❥ seokmin x pitching instructor!reader - @xinganhao
I FULLY BURST OUT LAUGHING AT THE "there's baseballs on the floor" PART JKDFGB dk is soooooooo cutee and simp!dk is so fucking funny to me vkjrfbvfvrjk
BRO YOU CAN POKE MY CHEEKS AS MUCH AS YOU WANT GO FOR IT (i would cry if he did kjvfkb) NAUR BUT DK WOULD BE THE CUTEST FUCKING BF EVERRRRRRRR reenacting book scenes is so him?? like, he would get fucking IMMERSED into his role kgjrvfbk
✩ nsfw section ✩
❥ seokmin + under the desk - @hoshifighting
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT HE'S SO NASTY (
❥ seokmin fingering reader - @sluttywonwoo
ahahahhhahhHAAHHAHAHA *screeches into pillow* this...this is too much for me why am i blushign!?!? ekjhfbvd
❥ angel eyes - @monamipencil
hdfkbjndf kgfb dk gjfkbd ogm jkfdvbk sgljkfdvn kkfgj dewjfgkbd words not computing whgerubjfdk
ames note: HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYY BIRTHDAYY MY HAPPY VIRUSSS!! thank you for bringing me so my joy with your infectious smile and an absolute sweetheart self. i love you sooo muchhhhh~ i hope everyone enjoys theseee
#buntanteen fic recs#lee seokmin x reader#seventeen smut#lee dokyeom x reader#dokyeom x reader#seokmin x reader#svt x reader#seventeen x reader#svt smut#dk x reader#lee seokmin smut#lee dokyeom smut#dk smut#lee seokmin fluff#lee dokyeom fluff#dk fluff#seventeen imagines#seventeen headcanons#seventeen drabbles#seventeen fanfic#seventeen scenarios#svt fanfic#seventeen dokyeom#seventeen lee seokmin#seventeen dk#svt imagines#lee seokmin#lee dokyeom#dk#pls kindly let me know if there are any issues!!
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break your heart right back ○ lee dokyeom
tags. lovers to exes mingyu. rough sex. model! mingyu. cheating. baseball player! dokyeom. penetrative sex. gentle sex. body worship. oral sex (fem receiving). overstimulation. fem reader.
synopsis. when your boyfriend decides it's a good idea to fuck you over, you decided to do the prettiest thing you could think of and if it ends up landing you a boyfriend? Well, you aren't complaining.

You barely get a chance to open your mouth before Mingyu's lips are on yours, it’s a blur of hurried hands after that, your shirt dropping to the floor, his large hands groping your breasts as he moves, the two of you stumbling and falling on to the bed.
Mingyu towers over you, large form caging you in and eyes zeroed in on the way your chest heaves as you desperately try to fill your lungs with air, get rid of whatever burn there is in your lung before Mingyu’s lips are back onto yours.
It’s a little strange today, him━ his demeanour. It’s too rough, too intense, too silent. When the air wasn’t filled with your soft moans and whines, it would usually hold Mingyu’s words, tone soft and warm and as sweet as his hold on you, whispers of sweet nothings and praises making your mind fuzzy.
And yet, it’s quiet, the room filled with the sound of your harsh pants and his sharp gaze on you as he waits for you to catch your breath.
When he notices the rise and fall of your lungs isn’t as harsh as before, he leans down, lips slotting against yours, tongue licking your mouth open and tracing it, sucking on yours as his hands wander to take off your pants along with your underwear. His fingers work to spread your folds, spreading the wetness and pressing against your cilt making your body arch as you moan into his mouth.
You feel his mouth curve against yours and your mind pauses, stepping back from the pleasure to realise that it was the first time you had felt your boyfriend be himself.
“Focus on me,” Mingyu orders, noticing your distracted self, punctuating his words by pushing two fingers into your sopping hole, your breath hitching at the sudden stretch. You swallow a moan, lifting your head slightly to kiss him again as he works you with his fingers.
It doesn’t take you long before your thighs are shaking, tightening around his waist as you feel a coil in your lower stomach that grows tighter and tighter by the second and━
Your eyes snap open as you look at Mingyu, a small whine falling from your lips and you feel the coil loosen, your impending orgasm slowly disappearing from reach.
“In due time baby,” Mingyu mutters against your lips before he pulls away to take off his pants, the item of clothing dropping to the floor along with his underwear. You take a minute to appreciate his form, bulging muscles, sculpted stomach and thighs you can sink your teeth into. God he was gorgeous, you knew he was, with his work as a model and all but fuck, some days you were left wondering how you had him at all.
He notices you staring, a small smirk curling into his lips and━
It had you a bit confused, knowing that your blatant eyeing of his body usually resulted in flushed cheeks and a light stutter, the lisp of his that you adore coming off strong but hey, you won’t complain if your boyfriend feels confident.
Mingyu’s over you in a blink, eyes searching for something in yours before he shakes his head and in one smooth motion bottoms out into you.
You can’t help but moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he starts moving, thrusting into you hard and fast, hands all hurried and rough and kiss all teeth and tounge as if you were nothing but his toy to enjoy.
His pace is brutal, the room filling with the sound of skin slapping against skin. Tears sting your eyes by the end of it, your nails digging into his back, leaving behind harsh red lines that you knew would scar as his body collapses onto your, his cock painting your insides white.
“You okay?” Mingyu’s voice is soft in your ears, arms holding you as you nod.
“‘m fine,” You mumble, curling into him and letting out a tired yawn, “just spent.”
“Sleep,” Mingyu said, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’m here.”
You nod and drift off.
(What you don’t realise that as soon as your body sags against his, Mingyu moves away, leaving your shared apartment.)

“He won’t pick up?”
You look up from your phone, chewing on your lips as you shake your head at your manager’s question. There was a nagging feeling in your chest, something not sitting right with you about Mingyu. In all the years two of you had been together you had never felt this way━ never about him.
It had started after that night, with you waking up to an empty bed and his side cold as if there was no one there all night. There was no cutely written note on the fridge explaining his absence or a text from him telling you where he was.
“No,” You mutter, running a hand through your hair as you look back at your phone’s screen, a frown drawing on your lips at the unseen text. It wasn’t like him to be so distant, not when your relationship was built on constant communication, not when it was you who usually found themselves bombarded with unanswered texts that were filled with mindless thoughts and random questions Mingyu thought of while at a shoot.
“Well,” Your eyes snapped up at the direction of your producer who had remained quite up until now, “I think I might know why.”

It was petty of you, you knew that.
It had started like this, one and a half bottles of wine, far too many tears shed for a bastard and a text to your manager.
Then it had been you meeting him, his presence something grander than in the huge billboards. Lee Seokmin━ South Korea’s Golden Boy and the baseball world’s sweetheart.
More importantly, the man Mingyu seemed to love more than he loved himself.
He was pretty, big nose, full lips, jaw line straight and sharp enough to cut glass, ears big in a way that was far too endearing and moles littered all over his face━ sharp and strong features that somehow worked together to form a face that deserved to be on billboard.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lee Sokmin-ssi,” you had said with a smile━ that, for the first time in weeks, felt genuine━ using the little you know about the Korean culture from Mingyu to land in the man’s good graces. You had to if you were going to go through what you wanted to.
“Just Seokmin is fine,” He gives you the same blinding smile, one that feels like it hold the sun, all bright and warm and light in a way that has you flushing, “If you can’t tell from the way I’m shaking, I’m a huge fan.”
The flush in your cheeks darkens and you can’t help but let out a soft laugh, lips stuck in a smile as your manager calls for you to pose before you wish him luck on the game.
And then, you find yourself in his bed, his hands on your skin gentle━ reverent as he slowly peels away the layers of clothing, his lips on your skin leaving behind a trail of kisses, working delicately on each part of you, kissing and licking and biting and leaving behind blooms of reds and you can feel your heart pound in your ears, skin flushed and your chest heaving as your fingers weave into his curls, gripping at the roots and trying to move him to where you need him oh so desperately.
“I’m with my dream girl,” Seokmin breathes against your skin when you whine again, a small laugh falling from his lips. He moves up, his hand cradling you jaw as he presses a kiss to your lips, soft and gentle like the rest of him. “Let me worship you.”
You flush, this time for an entirely different reason.
You bite your lips, eyes wide as you nod and let him have his way with you and he does.
He picks you apart layer by layer, his lips soft and reverent as he traces your skin, kisses your breasts then down to your stomach, thighs, inner thigh and by the time he licks against your fold, your whole body is shaking.
You let out a moan so loud you fear your neighbours will hear you when he sucks at your cilt, one finger hooking inside you. And he keeps doing it, filling you up and stretching you out in a way you hadn’t ever been━ and even if you had, the memory of it is long gone.
“Se-Seokmin,” you let out a broken moan as you come down from your second orgasm, thighs squeezing his head as he licks you clean, fingers still going at it and you can feel the coil in your stomach start to grow tighter and tighter, hints of pain mixing with the pleasure, a sign of you being far too overstimulated but fuck does it feel good.
Your body feels like putty, your limbs jelly and you’re unable to control them with the way pleasure has made your mind hazy.
“Still there, sweet girl?” Seokmin whispers, his eyes gentle as you blink away the haze.
You nod, taking in a shaky breath to steady your mind. “Yes, just too much.”
Seokmin presses a kiss to your lips and starts to move away when you grip his arm, thick and strong and fuck, you wonder what they would feel like wrapped around your holding, holding you tight in a way that made it impossible to move as he fucked you from behind and━
“Don’t,” you clear your throat, blinking as you move past your thought. Another time, you tell yourself as you focus on Seokmin. “Need you to fuck me, please.”
Seokmin pauses for a second, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” You nod, your voice sounding stronger than before, “Absolutely.”
Seokmin stares at you for a second before his lips are on yours, this time hungrier━ taking more than they are giving. You feel his hands part your legs as he shifts, positioning his thick cock against your soppy hole.
You feel the air get knocked out of your lungs at the stretch of him, despite your three orgasms and the way he stretched you out with his fingers for hours━ it wasn’t enough. Your vision whites out, mouth falling open in a silent moan as your body twitches in his hold.
“‘M fine,” you choke out when you feel him pause, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” you sound delirious at this point from the pleasure, “Seok, please.” You add when he remains still.
“Tell me when it gets too much,” Seokmin whispers against your lips, pressing a kiss to your lips and then pulling out until it was just his head that remained in you and━
You let out a loud moan as he slams back in, repeating the motion until you’re left nothing but a drooling mess, mouth open and eyes closed as Seokmin fucks you dumb, his hips snapping at yours with a gentle pace but fuck, fuck, fuck does it feel so so good.
It doesn’t take long until your walls are squeezing against his cock, your orgasm washing over you as he presses his thumb against your swelled cilt, tears gathering in your eyes from the force of your orgasm. He keeps moving, chasing his own high.
It takes a few snaps of his hips, your nails digging into his broad shoulders as he empties himself into the condom, his chest heaving as he clings to you for a beat afterwards. You blink away the tears, mind still hazy but just clear enough to feel him pull out and move, taking off the condom and tying the ends of it before throwing it away.
Through the whole thing, your eyes are stuck on his form, heart pounding in your chest when you realise you could get used to this.
This didn’t feel like a rebound, not at all.

note. been a hot minute since i posted so have both my favourite boys as an apology. It feels a little all over the place but I am a little rusty bc I haven't written in months
#dokyeom smut#dokyeom x you#lee seokmin smut#lee seokmin x reader#lee seokmin x you#lee dokyeom x you#lee dokyeom x reader#seventeen smut#lee dokyeom smut#dokyeom x reader#kim mingyu smut#mingyu smut
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ash and cinders • l.s.m.
Pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader Genres: smut (minors dni!), angst, royalty!au, fantasy!au, gods/goddesses!au Warnings: magic, mentions of blood, war, cruelty, tyranny - all that good stuff, mentions of religion (au-specific), violence (i.e. suggestion of murder), (death) threats, and possible gaslighting 💃🏻 which just means a minor power play between them at first okay 😬 i promise it's not that bad lmao i'm just paranoid, lots of making out, oral (fem. receiving), lil bit of temp play tbh, little bit of choking, uh I wrote this so long ago and just finished it so lmk if i forgot anything?? it's just basically me attempting to write prettily uwu WC: 4.24k A/N: soooo, this has been rotting in my drafts FOREVER!!! but yeah seokmin is my most darling, favorite boy i've ever stanned anyways ofc i couldn't help but use his elle magazine photos (yes that's how long this has been ROTTING) ahhhhh - ahem anyways this goes hand-in-hand with Mischief Maker so definitely recommend checking that one out too! heheh <3
He only stayed during the night.
When the blanket of darkness covered even the moon with a hazy layer of clouds, leaving tiny twinkling stars for a traveler’s guide. The fire once dancing in the hearth dwindled down to scarlet embers barely emitting enough heat to fill the large quarters.
Not that it mattered.
Even as you lay naked amidst the silken sheets strewn upon the grand bed, the thought of your lover’s return alone was enough to engulf your body in a flame of burning anticipation that settles and simmers between your legs.
He had been gone far too long. A lengthy patrol around the surrounding territories had taken him away from your embrace. Although every morning the sun’s rays tickled your face as a sweet greeting and bathed you in a radiant light through the day, nights without him were by far the worst.
On usual accounts, it was a grievous crime to keep the queen waiting. But you would forgive him for anything, wouldn’t you? It’s exemplified in the way he bursts through the doors without so much as a courteous knock that even your most trusted servants must abide by, water droplets dripping from his auburn bangs.
Despite the eagerness to see you as soon as possible, he refused to step foot into your chambers when reeking of blood after fierce combat and soiled with dirt from travel. You always protested. The gilded throne you reigned from, the heavy crown upon your head, and even the bed you shared — all were built upon those very foundations. But your lover insisted on only showcasing the glorious side of things to you.
The gold.
The diamonds.
The luxuries.
All which adorned you by day. Glowing, glistening, and shining. Gems and jewels, fabrics woven from the highest quality quickly reduced to layers that only became a hindrance once it came time for his descent upon you. For you were absolutely beautiful clothed — this he very well knew — but when your whole body was bared naked for him and him alone? You were truly the definition of divine.
Those who dared to speak ill of you tried to foster ridiculous claims. Critical of the wealth in your possession. Mocked what they presumed was a lack of ambition. Wailed that you were a witch. A young monarch on an undeniable downfall to tyranny, one that would lead them all to hellfire and ruin.
Anything to validate that you were not worthy of the royal seal emblazoned across the lands in honor of a valiant leader with a royal bloodline still running through your veins.
Hypocrisy at its finest when you were the reason that they were bestowed or able to retain property linked to their names, money in their pockets, and a legacy to live by under your prosperous reign. Arrogant to cast down the very thing that elevated them to their current standing. But their greed would eventually come back to bite them. One day.
Even the religious sect whispered lowly, hidden in the shadows of the grand temples. Doubts that the king actually held a shred of affection for his partner — if the seldom visits seen visiting your chambers only when night falls were of any substantial evidence to go by. That he only lay with you out of duty, shackled and bound to an imposter who was never a faithful servant to the gods like they were.
Because not one of them truly believed that a god could ever favor, let alone love, a human.
You knew you were a savior to as many as you were also an enemy. A hindrance and a threat. A bold refusal to control or be controlled. There was nothing more to do other than lead your people as fairly as you judged.
All the preposterous assumptions infuriated him — your devoted knight, unorthodox husband, and scandalous lover. But he manages to temper his fiery rage out of respect for you. Behind your ruthless, steely intent is a righteous and kind heart that always calls out for him, now fully vocalized and embellished by the sweet voice he's missed hearing dearly.
“Seokmin,” you murmur, grasping his warm hand once he's within reach.
An entity of many epithets with an existence worth a millennium beyond comprehension and full of worship. Yet his favorite phonetic combination he'd ever heard was the one that fell breathlessly from your lips. The closest the human tongue could get to a god’s true name. And his second favorite would be yours, the syllables rumbling in his chest like a song and you smiled in contentment.
He was back, he was home, and he was yours.
Even in the darkness, Seokmin glowed. The ethereal radiance surrounding the broad expanse of sinewy muscles easily proved his lofty status as the great god of the sun. But it was also his eyes, flickering with the unmistakable presence as one of many deities. The kind of power that has managed to refrain from turning you into ash and cinders.
Whether it's attributed to your resilience, a ruler born to stand out and lead, or an entirely different reason — or a mixture of all — Seokmin isn't really sure. He's not the first to appear in a human vessel nor the last, with at least twelve of his known brothers wandering the mortal world for various reasons.
He wonders if he's the first to bow his head willingly, though, holding back his more devious and destructive tendencies. To pay back tenfold the worship he's received since the beginning of time all to you — a mere human — yet nonetheless, his queen.
The event of swearing his undying fealty feels like it was yesterday. For a being that persists forever, it may as well have been that short ago. Every memory he etches and sears into his mind for eternity consists of you, and only you.
How could he forget? How was he supposed to bury away the confident smirk that graced your lovely lips? Would he ever not recall the first time he bent the knee in such desperation? Not for a trick or as a dark seduction that tumbles into a dreadful demise, a conquest for carnage, and an abuse of his powers. But instead for the good of humanity — however short of an era it may be.
And maybe… for more. One that his heart fears to admit, for it does not beat within his chest, but in a plane beyond the reach of mortals.
"Would you kill for me?"
"For you, anything," the god affirms. "I have laid waste to kingdoms, countries, empires, and even continents themselves. There is nothing I'm incapable of."
"And if I asked you to behead the entire entourage that has traveled with you?"
"… If it is what you will, then it is simply my command to follow. For you, I am a lone knight at your disposal."
Silken skirts flare out as does your anger when you turn away from the large windows in the tower's tiny excuse of a throne room — hardly fit for the heir — showcasing a brief flash of the lethal dagger strapped to your thigh. "Do you wish for my downfall before I've even risen to the throne? You expect me to be a tyrant, despised by the people I am meant to save? To lead?"
"Do you think I, a god, care what thoughts others conjure up in their silly little minds? I am to act on your behalf, get my hands dirty in lieu of you. No matter how morbid your desires may be."
Stepping closer, you lift his chin with the tip of a dull sword intended to be ornamental. But it may be even deadlier than the one hung at his side, metaphorically sharpened and honed by a rebel princess's innate rage.
His little show of bowing means little with the way he stares straight at you without a shred of respect in those galaxy-filled irises. However, it is the mighty sun god who is taken aback by the hellfire burning in your gaze, hungry and powerful enough to rival his own as you scoff.
"I will show you what kind of queen this land needs, the methods we will follow, and the morals I wish to uphold. You will learn in order to understand them and enforce my will. Not only to help guide the vision I desire but to keep me accountable lest I stray. A critical misstep such as that is when I'll ask you to cut me down. Will you swear to do that for me?"
"… You dare question a god of what he can do? Your tiny, impudent human mind couldn't fathom a sliver of my capability."
"I dare to question what you can't or won't do."
"I told you, there is not a thing beyond my realm of —"
"… Your Highness?"
Painted lips curl in a snarl at the first address of your proper title since his arrival. "Begone, I said! Return when you feel like acting like the god you are, not simply a tool to be harnessed and used at will. Until then, I have no need for you."
Seokmin's jaw drops as you seat yourself back on the throne with a sneer and flick of your wrist for the guard to usher him out.
A challenge.
He's been abandoned many times. Discarded and tossed to the side once his usefulness has been expended. He's left before betrayal can even be thought of — for no one points a blade at a god's back — but never has he been rejected.
It was only the beginning of how you would become many of his 'firsts' and all of his 'lasts'.
Seokmin is lost deep in the memory even with the feeling of your lips curling in a gentle smile against his — a stark contrast to your initial meeting. A nail grazes his chin, digging lightly into the skin to fully bring the god back to the present.
You'd be offended by the habitual spacing out if he hadn't admitted to only getting lost in thoughts of you. Something he'd picked up during the routine patrols away. Though you strive to bring the god out of dwelling in the past when you're sitting right in front of him — the present — and deepen the kiss.
Yet he pulls away to tilt his head. "Do you remember what you offered to me?"
"Have I not offered you my all, my king?"
Charcoal lying dormant in the hearth flares back to life, emitting playful sparks when he chuckles. "After I returned to pledge my loyalty to you."
"Ah, even though I had you wait outside the gates for five days."
"Unfathomable for a god to hang around at the whim of a meager human, isn't it?"
"To me? Yes."
His warm exhale of amusement feels just like the breeze that fondly brushes your cheeks every morning despite the eternal humidity. It may very well be him because no matter how far away physically from you he is, Seokmin's essence radiates in every sunray that stretches across the grand skies and below.
He is everywhere and everything all the time. But he is here with you tonight once again, kissing the palm you'd placed on his cheek. With mischief flickering like a teasing flame in his eyes, the god brings your hand to his throat, encouraging you to splay your fingers across his Adam's apple.
You free yourself from his light grasp to run them ticklishly up and down the bumps of his vocal cords. The movements of swallowing ripples beneath the light scratch of your nails until he halts you by replacing a veined hand over yours and murmurs, "Squeeze."
"Ah — but I…"
He repeats it again louder when you fail to do as asked, not even daring to move a muscle. Simply staring in almost awe-filled hesitation until he guides you to tentatively do exactly as he states, "You would have done anything to strangle me back then, what has changed?"
"… You know what."
"Tell me," he says it like it's a command, eyes brightening and swirling with an authoritative amber hue though it's all in jest. "Tell me what it is, my queen."
Never one to be deterred, only Seokmin could render you motionless for so long. You do as you're instructed, the gentle pressure applied by your hand around his throat causes auburn eyelashes to flutter. The slight restriction to an airflow that isn't all that necessary for a god's survival has his eyes rolling back before they re-focus on you, half-hidden by hooded eyelids.
"Love," you murmur. For it is the answer to everything, is it not?
"Love," is echoed with a resounding voice that doesn't fully come from the tongue of the man beneath you, but bellows out from an otherworldly essence that surrounds the entire world and beyond. And at the same time, he speaks it so fondly because ultimately, he's addressing it as a title for you.
The god of the sun, as immortal as he might be, has died before. Mortal vessels manage to persevere for a fixed number of years and a feeble human body can only endure so much wear and tear. Yet Seokmin's soul still shines steadily onwards despite the memory of death over and over again lingering… and he unsurprisingly realizes that he wouldn't mind dying like this — by your hand.
Was that love?
But the amount of power, energy, and time, along with the unpredictable wiles of the creator would never guarantee him returning to you. Preservation of this human shell was of the utmost importance, the first time he's ever handled a vessel with care before.
Perhaps that was love.
Rather than be swept up in unpleasantries, he entertains the amusing thought of how much fragility you exercise with him. Having already released your grip far too quickly and instead, fiddle with the untied laces on his loose shirt.
"Love," he repeats, this time as a call in a raspy drawl of his own voice.
"Hm. Or maybe it was… pity."
An eyebrow raises and the corners of Seokmin's mouth twitch upward. "Only my queen would dare to pity a god."
"It was for what you were. And who you weren't. I despise those uppity, repetitive displays of unwavering loyalty that either party can easily discard."
"Like the former king's imperial court."
Your angered hiss is exactly the same as the first time you informed him of your plans to take down your father and his cult. The disgust and rage have barely ebbed even after all the progress made for a better future and as many years that have passed.
Seokmin scans your expressions. He's always admired your spitfire that could rival his own flames. But in times when it burns long enough to possibly exhaust or hurt you, he worries. You're strong — he knows that — so many times he simply becomes the safe space where you can seethe aloud without interruption.
"Would you rather grow dull and be poisoned because someone is not even worth keeping an eye on or the thrill of unpredictability? A constant sword dance that keeps each other on their toes, never deviating gazes from one another."
He smirks. "That sounds familiar."
You think back to earlier days with him. A stubborn royal and an even more stubborn deity. When did the challenging, pointed glares at one another change to simmering looks of desire?
Instead of your swords tangling together in an angry clash over a small matter, it was your tongues after a heated sparring session. How condescension switched to respect to something more passionate… more primal… more intimate.
"Perhaps so. But look at you now — look at how you shine."
His skin indeed glows a bit brighter as he melts further into the soft touch of your palm returning to his cheek. Thumb tracing constellations between the pair of moles on his cheek while your other finger follows the nearly invisible scar below his eye.
"Little blemishes," he had once told you, "even the body of a god bears its flaws after fighting on a battlefield."
You thought they only made him all the more perfect.
"And look at how I've fallen."
As if to demonstrate his murmured words, Seokmin moves at the speed of light — his normal pace — to lie on his back, umber strands of hair spread out like flames of fire against the grandiose bed's silken sheets.
Somehow, he'd positioned you on top of him. Much accustomed to the tiny displays of omnipotence here and there, you remain unbothered. Affectionately, you brush back his bangs. Fiery wisps of hair that seemingly move on their own accord with the amount of power that ripples through their thin fibers.
He might just be the most powerful among his fellow deities and you could wield all of that as your own because he sits obediently in the palm of your hand. Lays dociley among your silken sheets. What he's trying to prove to you — the hold you have over him — immediately enthralled under your spell as you play with his locks and softly whisper, "You're Seokmin. My Seokmin."
Despite your bare chest quite literally in his face, the god waits. Fully clothed in soft linens where he can feel every tempting pulse thundering in your precious mortal body on top of his.
And still, he waits.
His hands don't even reach out as you unlace his shirt. Though he has wrecked and ruined your body in a thrillingly sensual, blistering, and passionate heat of love-making before, tonight he gives himself over to you. Vulnerable and all yours for the taking, watching with faint amusement as you impatiently urge him to shed the rest of his garments.
"My queen."
"My king."
"There is no rush. We have all of eternity."
"Do we?" you breathe out and look him in the eyes as your fingers dance along his inner thigh. "Or is it only you, divine ruler of the everlasting dawn and never-ending night?"
"My graceful moon," Seokmin sighs and distracts you from grasping his weeping shaft, urging you to straddle his legs. You follow his will despite the object of your desires lying neglected between your bodies, coating your stomach in the molten saltiness that drips from it.
"My stars, my sky, my galaxy, my universe." Each title of affection is seared into your skin with a burning kiss to brand your body. Your cheek, your ear, your neck, your shoulder, and your hand. "Without you in it, the world ceases to exist."
"My sun, my warrior, my knight, my shield, and my sword." You repeat a version of your own display of worship and what he means to you — mimicking the same actions across his lithe body. "My love, it would do you good to live in the present with me. Must you think of a dire future so soon?"
"Each inhale of life thus returns an exhale of death. I dread every moment that brings me closer to your end."
"Such morbid thoughts you carry, my darling. Where is the fearless god that took a poisoned arrow to the heart and pulled it out without so much as a flinch?"
"You think me weak when I'd take the blow of any weapon as long as it does not harm you."
The irony when you'd both been struck by invisible, non-lethal darts fired from the god of love's feathered bow. But the terrifying memory of Seokmin taking the assassination attempt in your place causes a rare, but true, fear twisting in your gut. The flash of life before your eyes changed the trajectory of your tactics and your relationship with the god. And as always he reassures you with what he knows to be the truth — for the most part.
"Nothing can hurt me as long as you're alright."
"Then make me your goddess in return so that I will be invincible enough to protect you from harm's wrath too."
"But that… you know I can't," he whimpers, "no matter how much I long to."
A tear trickles down his cheek, crystallizing when it falls. Like many before and well after, all bodily fluids of the god will be found transformed as various tiny diamonds and gems. Tangled within the bedsheets the following morning as they always are and stored away in the queen's treasury.
Seokmin cries, not just at his frustrations, but at how you gingerly hold his hot and hardened length. Heavy in your palm that rubs and strokes it lovingly before sinking down with practiced ease, having already stretched yourself out earlier while waiting. Undulating your hips in slow, controlled circles that make him dizzy with desire. Your words pierce his chest, paining him like no sword that sliced him open could ever compare.
"If fate will not let it happen, then bury me in the ground so I can thrive beneath your warm rays that whisper sweet nothings. Let me smile up at you after winter passes while I bloom brilliantly through spring and long into the heated days of summer. Weave my soul among the stars so I may greet you in the morning and kiss you goodnight every evening. Scatter my ashes into the windy gusts of the north and down the silver rivers flowing south so I may laugh and dance in the skies alongside your sunbeams."
He sobs at the poignant emotional tug of your words, every poetry waxed by your breathy voice punctuated by a tantalizing undulation of your hips. You reassuringly clench around him, foreheads and bodies pressed together, hands clasped tightly in each other's grasp.
The god's chest heaves and the mountains on the eastern border shift to the left. Sometimes the air cools when this occurs but tonight, it shimmers and glistens as if straining against his commands. A hot wave that threatens to distort the very seam of reality itself.
"I will always be yours," you kiss the corner of his trembling lips, "and you mine, my darling god."
"My sweet goddess, my everything… my love."
Seokmin's hips buck up anxiously and you let him lead the pace. Wild thrusts take over as he chases that high, wanting and needing to take you over that peak with him. Your body lays prone against him, along for the jostling ride as the god seeks his own pleasure through and with you. Praises and worship fall from his lips, never failing to be in awe of how your cunt molds and works his cock like a blacksmith shapes an iron rod yet he can bully it as he wants to fit him. Only him.
You were made for the god of the sun.
Golden ichor thrums through his veins, lighting his skin in flashes like the sparks of embers. He's beautiful. Otherworldly. Your lips capture each glowing pulse of godliness that erupts beneath his flesh with a tender peck. He's all yours.
And he was made for you.
When Seokmin plunges into your welcoming warmth that is his alone to claim before he finally succumbs, it's blinding. On the other side of the earth, the sun shines a little brighter. A harsh glint that already emits a sweltering heat from its fiery nature flares even hotter in the blue sky. A blessed priestess looks up in contemplation, waving away the worried maidens who tend to her every need.
You feel his large hands — one presses in a bruising hold between your shoulders, the other on your lower back. Keeping you flush against him, holding your body to his while you welcome inside the scorching spurts of his seed within your womb that feel like lava. Your walls flutter around him and he basks in the feeling of them pulsating as you jerk your hips
"Come," he begs out. It's loud and resounding. More of an instinctual command if anything and your body almost obeys unwittingly, unaware of his intent before he lifts you up with inhuman strength and clarifies, "Up here," and sits you on your rightful throne — his face, "where you deserve, the queen of queens. My queen. My love. My goddess."
He laps at you like a dehydrated dog. Both cleaning you up and creating an even bigger mess. Your thighs squeeze tightly around the sides of Seokmin's head, one hand tugging harshly at his hair and the other mercilessly wrinkling the silk bed sheets. His moans are sweet songs of praise but muffled as he sucks his release out of your cunt only to push it back inside with his tongue. The addition of globs of spit accompanying the still-hot, smeared mess causes your own sounds to grow much louder, writhing on top of him from the sloppy sensations.
Back and forth he repeats this a couple of times, the firm point of his nose stimulating your sore clit in his efforts. And finally, you come undone — spasming on top of Seokmin's chin and suffocating him just like he likes. Breathing and drowning in your essence, the very elixir of life.
"I shall make you mine," he whispers later, dutifully laying your deliciously aching but clean body onto freshened sheets. Your lover is ever so attentive, rarely nearly needing the same amount of aftercare he showers upon you.
For he is a god from the heavens to bestow blessings upon his desired mortal.
"I am already yours."
"But for all of eternity, it shall be so."
Satiated and content, you reach for him. He lovingly takes your hand and presses a kiss to the tip of each of your fingers. "How?"
"The Mother. She's the closest thing we have to the Creator and might be older than the universe itself. There's nothing she doesn't know so I'm sure she'll have the answers I seek."
"Must you leave so soon?"
Seokmin smiles as he pulls the sheets over your shoulders. "The sun never fails to rise, my dear. I will be back before you know it bringing with me tidings of great news."
"I'll be waiting."
Your shared kiss is soft and gentle. Sweet and full of sentiment. Indeed, you always wait for him and the sun god leaves with a full heart of hope. Little does he know, and little do you suspect, the true one lying in wait was the shadowed figure holding a poisoned dagger beneath their cloak.
And so, with the death of a queen so loved by the god of the sun… the prophecy begins.
onlyseokmins: September 2024 ©
#ez.creates#svthub#svt.smut#dokyeom smut#seokmin smut#dk smut#lee seokmin smut#lee dokyeom smut#smut#svt smut#seventeen smut#kpop smut
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do you have any thots lately? nothing big, just a little prompt if that’s all you can muster 😊 kaili always has the best brain rot
seok in nana has had me 😵💫 for weeks atp so ahem…
“i need you right fucking now.”
seokmin’s eyes widen and he gulps before looking around frantically to see if anyone could have overheard you— luckily, all of his friends are still in the pool, playing some game with a beach ball, completely oblivious to the conversation he’s having with his girlfriend.
he looks back to you, eyebrows raised. “what, now?”
“yes, right now,” you whine, taking his hand and putting it between your legs so that he can feel you over your swimsuit.
seokmin hisses and yanks his hand back as if it’s been burned. “baby, there are people around!”
“they’re not paying attention,” you assure him. “let’s go inside real quick, they won’t even notice we’re gone.”
“yes they will,” he sighs.
“you wanna do it right here then?”
“why are you torturing me?” he whines as he watches you toy with the ties of your bikini, tempting him even further.
“because you’ve been torturing me!”
“what?! i haven’t even done anything!”
you make a face and cross your arms over your chest. “you’re kidding, right? your arms are out, your thighs are out— and you’ve been wearing that stupid backwards baseball cap all day!”
“that’s what’s got you so horny? me just… wearing clothes?”
“like you don’t get horny for the same reasons,” you scoff and he knows you have a point. “please, baby, i’m aching for it.”
seokmin sighs again, this time because he knows you’ve got him. you had been really wet when he felt you over your swimsuit and now he was rock fucking hard as a result. “fine, but we have to be quick.”
“you’re the best boyfriend ever!” you gush, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the house. “i love you so much. we’ll be so fast, i promise.”
it’s a promise he knows you can’t keep. but he can’t bring himself to mind because he knows once he starts, he won’t want to stop either.
#answered#anon#seventeen smut#svt smut#dk smut#dokyeom smut#lee dokyeom smut#seokmin smut#lee seokmin smut
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opening night | backstage series | l.sm
“Just play along,” he said softly, his lips curving into a playful smile as he leaned his head to kiss you deeply in front of everyone who, until that night, thought you were heartbroken for someone else.
♡︎ pairing: lee seokmin x afab!reader ♡︎ genre: smut. 18+ mdni you'll get blocked ♡︎ word count: 9.3k ♡︎ aus: theatre performer!seokmin, fake dating with benefits
₊🎧: love me a little – shownu x hyungwon
₊ nsfw tags under the cut
♡︎ a/n: i am only posting this for fun, but do let me know if you like it pls pls pls. thought of this idea while doing the dishes, quite literally.
♡︎ warnings: swearing, alcohol use, minor mentions of drugs, pet names: baby, noodle (hers), smut with plot, soft dom seokmin, big dick seokmin, seokmin is kind of a simp, teasing, making out, sexual tension, unprotected sex, couch sex, creampie, hand kink, fingering (f), oral sex (f), reader is quite dramatic, might contain some minor spelling or grammar mistakes and for that i'm sorry.

part 1
Nothing could compare to opening night jitters. There were some shows in which you didn't feel this nervous, small shows, small audiences or those times you had to act in front of other colleagues. It always made you jittery in some way. Tonight, the feeling of not being able to breathe was worse.
It was as if a bubble of air got trapped in your chest, and no matter how much you breathed in and out, nothing could get rid of it.
And not to mention the inescapable tunnel vision. It was something you suspected that it only happened to you, though. You could not focus on anything at all. Food? Not hungry. Thirsty? Maybe. But those were things that you could tend to once the first show is over.
"Shit. I think I forgot my lines," you blurt out with a shaky sigh.
The script was lying on the single chair propped in front of the vanity mirror. But the dressing room was so crowded with people getting ready that you just didn't see the chance of reading out some of it again.
"You know," someone started behind you, "for someone who has been doing this for years, you certainly can't control your pre-show emotions."
You didn't have to turn to know whose voice it was. "Sorry," you reply shortly. "I haven't done this in a short while."
"Well, put yourself together. We begin in five." Minghao told you. He was just finishing dressing the supporting cast, so he gave you a look.
"What?" you say, and look down at what you were wearing, thinking that somehow you had managed to ruin your dress that he carefully confected for your role.
Minghao grabbed you by the shoulders, a soft smile began to show on his lips and he said. "You're going to do alright. Just breathe, and show them what you're worth. It'll be over in two hours."
And with that, you released a long sigh. "Thank you."
"Anytime," he nodded, patting you on the head. "Is that Soonyoung's vest?" He said suddenly, snatching the vest from a chair and exiting your dressing room. "Soonyoung, come here you little rascal!"
It has been about five months since you stepped on a stage. So, there were a few things you need to get a hold on before the show begun. You used to have a pre-show ritual, which consisted in getting into character as much as possible.
However, things changed when you had to take a break after you and your ex called it quits. Now, you don't feel as connected to that ritual anymore. Besides, you haven't had a lead role in a play since your final year at uni.
It usually got really quiet backstage when the show was about to start. Everyone was aware that voices carry all the way to the audience, so movements were quiet, and noises kept at minimal. You closed your eyes for a moment before going to the stage and play your part.
Opening nights were always a challenge. Despite rigorous rehearsals, you were faced with doubt, often believing you could spot the smallest flaws and exaggerating them to fix them.
But this opening night was sort of different. You felt at ease. Exhilarated, even. Once the play was over and you finished bowing to the audience, you went back to the dressing rooms to get rid of your dress and make up.
You changed into something more comfortable. And as you were cleaning your face, you listened to the other girls in the dressing room gush about the people they saw at the seats. Apparently some more renowned actors had come to see the play, as well as some journalists.
That made you think that you didn't invite someone to come see you. You did your part to promote the play in social media, but nothing more.
However, you did see some familiar faces as you made your way out of the dressing room. Seokmin and Seungkwan were bantering loudly about something unbeknownst to you, their voices and laughter were so sounding that you were quick to locate them.
Seungkwan had Seokmin on a playful chokehold when they both saw you. Before you could ask, Seungkwan snapped his head at you. "We're settling a matter like men. Be there with you in a sec," at the same time that Seokmin blurted through his teeth: "Help."
"Ah, they're at it again," you turned to see Soonyoung who was throwing a backpack over his shoulder. "Seokmin has been teasing Kwannie a lot these days."
"What else is new?" you hummed.
You two watched for a brief moment, only to Soonyoung turn to you and chirp. "Anyway, want to leave these two behind and go buy some booze? 'S on me."
You watched his cheeks grow fuller as he pursed his lips. He had one thumb raised, pointing towards the exit.
"That sounds great," you say, grabbing him by the arm.
You turned to the exit, leaving your two other friends fight over yet another stupid thing.
The cold air of autumn hit your face as soon as Soonyoung pushed the door open.
"So," Soonyoung begun and suddenly you knew what was coming, "how you've been?"
The question was simple. But you knew what he meant.
"I've been doing okay, Hoshi," you replied shortly. "You don't need to worry about me."
He hummed. "You can talk to me anytime. You know that, right?"
You two arrived at the liquor store. It was friday night, so there was a couple of people buying alcohol for the night.
"You have done enough for me," you gave him a reassuring smile. "Letting me crash in your apartment for months until I found something for my own is something I will always be grateful for."
He sighed. "You don't have to do that. And you don't owe me anything, you dumbass."
"Do what?" you objected.
"You're avoiding it," he shrugged. "But hey, you don't wanna talk about it, fine. I'll wait."
You smiled and slapped the front of his cap down. "Come on, Soonyoung. Don't get all sappy on me. This is supposed to be a fun night."
He finally smirked, fixing his cap. "Right. Soju."
When Seungkwan and Seokmin finally got to the liquor store, they were sweaty and panting, they probably had to run to catch up with you and Soonyoung. But they were laughing about something as you reunited with them on the sidewalk outside the store.
"Hi there, noodle," Seokmin raised his hand and patted your head at the same time that his other hand reached for the six pack of beer you were holding to carry it himself.
You cringed at the name he used to call you. Which was born after a professor called you only by noodle arms in a dance class you four had to take at uni.
"Dk, it's been ages since you called me that," you whined, but as soon as he propped his arm around your shoulders you couldn't help but smile in his familiar warmth.
"Well, I've suddenly forgotten your name. You're Noodle now," he spoke in an old man's tone. But broke in a laugh as you poked his rib with your finger. "Sorry."
You walked in pairs towards the fancy apartment building down the street.
"Were you in the audience?" you asked.
"Yeah, obviously. Soonyoung wouldn't shut up about the play for weeks," he pressed his lips into a smile. "Besides, it's your first lead role in a while, I wouldn't have missed it."
"Did you like it?"
Seungkwan turned, and you understood he could listen on everything you and Seokmin were saying. "He fell asleep. Obviously," he sassed.
"I dozed off for two minutes!" Seokmin bellowed, but a wide smile formed on his face. "I did get to see your parts, though. And Soonyoung's."
"Thanks for coming, guys."
"No problem," Seokmin smiled briefly. "Hey, I heard that you moved out of Soonyoung's. Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped."
Just five months ago, your world turned upside down when you found out your ex had been cheating on you for weeks. To make matters worse, it was with that one girl he told you not to worry about.
You had to move out of the apartment you shared with your ex, leaving behind many things you couldn't take with you. That is when Soonyoung came to your rescue and offered his place for you to crash for a while.
"Well, I didn't need much help anyways. It was just a few boxes, really."
"I was still sad you didn't call though. You haven't even shared your new address," he pouted as he spoke, and you could tell he was joking. "It made me contemplate the whole meaning of our friendship, you know."
You snorted. "Not you too," you exclaimed. "First, Hoshi gets all corny with me and now you."
He showed a downturned smile. "You know I'm only playing with you. Soonyoung, however, thinks you're still a ticking time bomb."
You glanced at your friends, who were walking some steps ahead of you. Soonyoung was showing Seungkwan some TikToks he recorded for the company's official account, so you were out of their earshot.
"And you don't?" you asked.
He shrugged, looking at the floor as you made your way towards the tall building's lobby. "I think you're doing alright. Better than any of us would in your position. Honestly."
You let out a long sigh. "I just wish that people would stop asking me about it. I'm tired of it, the pity treatment, the tiptoeing around the subject."
"Well, you can't just expect us to not worry," he said softly.
"I know," you coincided.
You were still walking together, since Seokmin had his arm in your shoulders. Lately he did it often, and you didn't mind. You liked the the warmth with which he always treated you.
"I sometimes think that I was emotionally checked out from the relationship some time before I found out," you say, and felt that you could've dropped a bomb with that confession.
"So that's why you don't want to talk about it," he reasoned, his brow furrowed, deep in thought.
"I think so," you shrugged. "But I'm being honest when I say that I'm okay."
"And I believe you," he assented, pulling you closer for a brief moment and then dropped his arm from your shoulders. "I won't bring it up again."
The four of you entered the elevator that took you to the large apartment of the show's director, who was a young man you knew from your early days at uni. He had suddenly found his way through and had started to direct full plays in local theatres. His name was Yoon Jeonghan. And he hosted a party for every opening night.
It was your first time in that apartment. You knew the director in person, however, the three guys riding with you in the elevator knew him better, as they have had more roles than you these past few months.
You feel a slight tug to your side. "You know he's most likely going to be there, right?" Seungkwan said quietly, eyeing you with caution.
"I know," you mumbled. "'M going to be alright."
Now, why would you go to a place where you probably would encounter you cheating ex? Some part within you was deeply uninterested to see him again. And the other part was just enraged that he somehow mattered in your life still.
The opening night after party was almost like a tradition now, at least for most of the people who were close to Jeonghan.
The apartment was crowded, and you could tell it was set up to avoid bothering the neighbours. It had cushioned, soundproof walls, shaded windows, speakers kept at a reasonable volume, and many guests were congregating on the spacious terrace.
Jeonghan was a great host. He was kind of shy, but eager to meet everyone personally. He welcomed you with a warm smile, however he did hug the boys as they stepped into his large apartment.
You were quickly left to your own devices as your three friends were absorbed into the group of partygoers. Then you remembered how popular they have been since you met them.
The trio kind of took you in from that point forward because you were the one who organized university projects and stayed on top of schoolwork. But short after that, you found a close group of friends who were always there for you.
You decided that the only way you were going to get through the night was with some alcohol in your system. You weren't either an introvert or extrovert, you always thought you were in some middle point.
But your ex was there, sitting outside in the terrace with a girl beside him. You never knew the girl he cheated on you personally, but you knew it was her.
You snorted.
Suddenly, you felt a hand at your back. Seokmin looked at you, wariness in his eyes that dissipated quickly. "Want something to drink?"
"Yeah," you nodded.
"I feel like a bad influence," he simulated a shudder. "It's exciting."
You two downed your first glass of soju.
A few moments, the one glass of soju turned into the whole bottle. You drank while singing karaoke with strangers or with your friends. You drank while meeting new people and getting to know those who were part of your cast.
As you said, you were alright.
You just finished singing a song in the karaoke with Seokmin, who could hold his liquor a lot better than you. Both of you laughed at the way you couldn't keep up with the lyrics anymore and became a slurry mess.
"Never again," you say as the karaoke score marked a 10% on the screen.
"Remind me to never let you do this again," he agreed, teary eyed and red on the face from laughing with you.
The microphones were passed to other people, and soon after that, the party settled for just music.
Your chest still hurt from laughing.
"I'll go get some air," you announced a bit breathlessly as you made your way to the terrace.
Suddenly, Seokmin's hand made its way to your waist again and you glanced at him, his face had hardened.
And then you understood why.
As you were heading outside, your ex was leaving the terrace with his new girlfriend causing an awkward encounter. Your ex gave you a casual nod as if you were friends still, and his new girlfriend shot you a sly smirk as your arms brushed past each other.
"Hey, y/n," your ex goaded as they made their way inside the apartment.
You didn't reply.
Within this awkward exchange, you don't know how Seokmin's hand ended up intertwined with yours.
The air on the terrace smelled like a mixture of weed, vape and cigarettes. But it was cruelly cold enough to cool your body.
Seokmin mumbled something under his breath. And you noticed he was glancing at the back of your ex's neck with a scowl on his face.
You squeezed his hand, still not knowing how he grabbed you.
"How drunk are you?" he asked, his face was still serious.
"A bit. I think I'm beginning to sober up."
"Good," he breathed, pushing his bangs from his forehead and with them his furrowed brow. "Can you do something for me, noodle?"
You hit him in the shoulder. "Don't call me that," you smiled. "What do you want?"
"How about," he begun, not letting go of your hand, "I pretend to be your date for the night? Make the bastard realize he has no room in your life anymore."
"What," you blurt out and blinked feeling a bit perplexed at his offer. "You've finally lost it, Seokmin."
"I'm sorry. I know I said I wouldn't bring it up again. But I hate the way he thinks you still give a shit about him."
"I don't," you blinked.
"Then why would he go out of his way to even speak to you?" he countered.
"Seokmin, are you angry?" you gasped.
You could count on the fingers of your hand the number of times you'd seen Seokmin angry. And the other times it didn't matter because he was more the sulky type when something was bothering him. But at that moment, he was pissed off.
"A bit, yeah," he admitted with a sigh, but immediately flashed a sincere smile, almost as if his anger was a little embarrassing to him. He raised his brow. "But my offer still stands, though."
"D'you think it will work?" you mused.
"It might tell your ex a thing or two about leaving you alone. And as a plus, everyone else will also stop asking you about what happened between you and him." Seokmin added, almost casually.
You glanced towards the other end of the terrace briefly, and realized that Seungkwan was eyeing you too, a worried look on his eye as you caught him.
Licking his lips, he grabbed you by the shoulders. "What do you say?" He seemed relaxed, even focused; he tilted his head slightly as he looked into your eyes.
You held his gaze, listening to his words. Realizing that they were very much real and that Seokmin was dead serious about it.
Then, you realize how close you were to his body. His hands slid from your shoulders to your arms, where he traced soft lines with his fingers.
"Just for tonight," you murmured, but it came out sounding like a question.
"As long as you want," he offered. One hand found your chin, his fingers pressing softly on your hot skin.
You looked at his dark brown eyes. The relaxed look on his face was almost unsettling. As if he knew your answer already.
"Deal," you breathed.
His fingers angled your face towards him. "Just play along." He said softly, his lips curving into a playful smile as he leaned his head to kiss you deeply in front of everyone who, until that night, thought you were heartbroken for someone else.
Your hands found the back of his head, burying your fingers in his soft copper hair. You couldn't ignore that it had been a long while since your body felt so ablaze. Maybe it was the remaining alcohol on your system doing its part.
But even before you and your ex split, you felt kind of longing for the touch of someone. Something real. And although Seokmin was playing a role as he did on stage, kissing him felt different. It felt good.
As the kiss deepened, his tongue brushed your lower lip almost hungrily and you thought your knees might buckle under the shudder. A moan was quickly supressed in his mouth when his hand moved from your face to the back of your hair, his fingers tangling in a soft fist.
"I never imagined you'd be this good of a kisser," you confess.
Your chests were now pressed together, so you felt him chuckle. "Well, you know now," his demeanour had changed completely.
You wanted to look if anyone had seen you. But Seokmin was quick to read your intentions. He grabbed your chin again softly, forcing you to keep looking at him.
"Act normal," he ordered quietly with a look of endearment on his face, as if he were saying something sweet to you.
"I've never done this before," you sighed.
"I can tell," he smiled sweetly.
"Don't tell me you've done this before!"
He removed his hands from you, and made a gesture with his head, pointing towards the couch on the terrace. "Come with me."
You sat next to him, and as you did so, you saw Seungkwan's face, he was looking over at you both with an expression on his face that clearly read, 'what the fuck?' to you.
Seokmin scooted close to you on the couch, and placed one hand on you thigh and his other hand rested on his own thigh.
"I haven't done this before either," he confessed. "But you're an actress, and I'm an actor. We can act this out."
You snorted. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Lee Seokmin," you said drily.
Seokmin was smiling sweetly at you. Your shoulders were pressed together and your thighs were also so close that you might as well just sit on his lap. You fought against the thought.
"Then, act like you're my girl," he said idly, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek.
An exhilarating feeling roused deep within you. You fixated on how comfortable his hand on your thigh looked, and the ease to which Seokmin took your face with his other hand and captured your lips with his.
Your hand met the one that was holding the side of your face.
"Afraid to put on a little show?" he coaxed.
A smirk crept on your lips, almost involuntarily you find yourself saying. "What do you want me to do?"
He blinked slowly, almost as if he was a little startled by your new demeanour. "Just relax." he put in softly. "And if you don't like something, tell me. Okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
His thumb caressed your jawline softly, before pressing his lips with yours. What started as a sweet kiss, slowly evolved to a enticing one. His mouth explored yours, biting softly at your lower lip, and his tongue lapping yours, testing what made you whimper or what made your hand clasp his.
You rested your forehead against his for a bit, catching your breath. "I hate that you are so good at this."
He laughed, taking one strand of hair and tucking it behind your ear. "Why is that?" he asked quietly.
"Dunno. I never thought of you as anything other than my friend."
His eyebrows shot up. "You never thought of me doing this?" he asked almost amazed.
"You did?" you quipped with half a smile.
Then you thought of doing something with your hands, since they were laying flat on your thighs. You pushed some strands of hair from Seokmin's forehead, and brushed the hair that you had messed up when you kissed.
His eyelids fluttered briefly. "I mean, I did wondered."
You pointed a finger to his face. "Don't lie, Seokmin."
He smiled sheepishly. "I just wondered what you'd be like. Honest."
"And?" you ask.
Seokmin shrugged. "You're not terrible."
The tingling sensation in the lower pit your stomach only intensified. Almost as if Seokmin had just challenged you. You laughed at his words, seeing his chapped lips smile at your reaction.
You locked your lips with his again, but this time more confidently, and your slipped your tongue to meet his. Your hands grabbed his face, and travelled to the sides of his neck, earning a small moan from him.
Feeling embarrassed, you broke away to breathe. If Seokmin noticed that you were getting all worked up, he said nothing about it. Yeah, you were both actors and have known each other for years, but you were human. And somehow Seokmin knew where to put his hands and how to kiss you perfectly.
You pulled out your phone from your pocket and opened your camera. Seokmin understood immediately and took your phone from your hands and angled it to capture you both for a few photos.
He took photos of you leaning your head on his shoulder, one in which you kiss him on his cheek and he smiles, and another one of him kissing the top of your head.
The photos would be kept in your album, as you didn't intend on actually posting them. Not yet anyway.
You tried not to think too hard about how crazy this all was. A part of you didn't feel awkward, as if the familiarity of his body near yours was meant to be this way anyway.
Testing your own boundaries, you turned to him, grabbing his chin to kiss him again, and you realized just how much you liked his lips on yours. But you didn't think it was anything else.
You nuzzled to his side softly. "D'you think that was enough of a show?" you mumbled to his ear, feeling embarrassed that you were so breathless from kissing.
You felt Seokmin smile again as if you had just spoken sweet nothings to his ear. "I think. Wanna get out of here?"
"Sounds good to me."
You stood up from the couch at the same time as Seokmin. He promptly grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers in his. As you made your way out of there, you and Seokmin waved at your friends goodbye. Making a show that you were leaving hand in hand with Seokmin.
As soon as you stepped on the elevator, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Before you saw the screen, you knew what you were about to read.
[10:39 PM] boo: hello ??? [10:39 PM] boo: wtf are you doing? [10:40 PM] you: wdym? [10:40 PM] boo: with dk ?? [10:40 PM] boo: since when ?
"We have to come up with a story," you tell Seokmin, who was leaning his back against the wall of the elevator.
He was looking at his own phone. And you couldn't help but eye at his lithe fingers. You sighed, pushing your thoughts away.
"I agree," he said and showed you his screen. Messages from Seungkwan and Soonyoung were popping on the screen so urgently that you couldn't read any.
You buried your hands in your pockets along with your phone. "I think we did stir up some waters," you muttered.
Seokmin pressed his lips into a content smile. "Hopefully they stop nagging you with questions of your ex."
"They're going to ask questions about you now," you countered with a smile. "Though I rather talk about you than that jerk."
"That is the plan," Seokmin smirked.
"Why, though?" you find yourself asking.
Seokmin eyed you for a second. "At first it was because I really despise your ex," he confessed. "But I think I'm obligated to tell you that I really liked it. The attention."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"Promise?" you insist.
He came to a full stop on the sidewalk and you were force to stop too. Seokmin held out one pinky finger towards you wordlessly.
You breathed out with a smile. "This is not necessary." You say, linking your finger with his.
It wasn't just a pinky promise. It was something your group of friends took too seriously. You didn't lie to each other, and promising it with your pinkies could very well serve as an oath.
It was childish. But your friend group liked it that way.
Seokmin walked you to your apartment building, which also served as a way to show him where you lived now.
"Talk to you tomorrow," Seokmin said as he pull you into a bear hug and patted your head affectionately.
"Sure," you said.
He watched as you entered the building, and waved at you goodbye before disappearing behind the elevator doors.
Someone peeked over your shoulder to look at your phone screen to the point where you can feel their breath on your neck.
That someone was Boo Seungkwan.
You've been typing nonstop for five minutes, your fingernails snapping at the screen in a frenzy.
"Stop snooping," you tried to tell him while typing.
The coffee shop where you both work part-time has been quiet, as it's almost 9 p.m. and you're both about to clock out. There have only been a couple of passing customers during the last hour of your shift, so your attention has been diverted elsewhere.
You hear a sigh and then, "So you're not going to tell me what happened yesterday?"
"'Bout what?" you said absentmindedly.
"About what happened with Seokmin," he answered pointedly.
"What about it? We just kissed."
You heard him scoff. "You two did not just kissed, you made out on a dirty couch. And then you both disappeared for the rest of the night. Yeah, you're not fucking fooling me."
You didn't find it strange to hear him curse. He's been your friend for years, ever since you met at university. But he's lately been expressing his annoyance with you for your decisions, so you hear him cursing a lot more lately.
That is what pulled your gaze from the phone screen. "Don't put it like that. The couch was decent."
He rolled his eyes, and cursed some more. "Now, you're trying to be coy. The couch doesn't matter. What matters is that you kissed with your friend, our friend!"
"And? We're two consenting adults," you shrugged while trying to keep a straight face. But you couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.
"Are you guys a thing then?"
You stared at him, racking your brain to come up with an answer.
A customer entered the shop at the same time you opened your mouth to tell Seungkwan everything that happened last night. Somehow, you didn't see far up ahead your actions and didn't think Seungkwan would react like this. So you feel secretly grateful that the customer drove you away from that conversation.
"Listen," Seungkwan said as soon as you two finished closing up. "I really don't care what you two are, I just hate it when you keep me in the dark on important stuff like this. Before last night, I though you were still broken over Youngho."
You two usually walked home together whenever you had to close the shop. Seungkwan lived a couple of blocks away from you so you kept each other company.
You contemplated sharing with him that what happened with Seokmin was improvised on the spot. That you were just as surprised with the turn of events as he was. But, telling him would just trump the deal you had struck with Seokmin.
And you were a bit too greedy to let that happen.
"I'm sorry, Seungkwan. I know it was shitty of me to not mention anything," you found yourself saying with a small shrug.
"That and playing dumb," he said, shooting a resentful glance at you.
"Yeah, and playing dumb or whatever," you said, rolling your eyes but couldn't help but smile. "How can I make it up to you?"
"Can you cover me on monday morning?" he answered a bit too quickly.
You snorted. "Sure. But only if you promise to stop berating me."
"I am not berating you."
You continued walking to the apartment complex in silence. For a short bit, though. You knew what was coming.
"So you two are a thing or not?"
"Sorta," you shrugged again.
"Sorta," he parroted.
You stopped at the door of the building where you live.
The weather was cold, to the point that Seungkwan's breath could be seen as he sighed with a weak smile.
"Well, just don't fuck this up, okay?" he said, raising his eyebrows. "I know that you are a big girl and can take care of yourself but, just don't do something stupid just because you can't move on."
"I got it, Kwannie," you tried to brush off with a hand gesture. "I promise not to fuck it up, okay?"
"See you tomorrow." He turned around and walked towards two buildings down the street, where he lived with his roommate Vernon.
"See ya!"
In the elevator, you scrambled for your keys, which were in the pocket of your jacket. You tried to play it cool with Seungkwan, however couldn't help but feel anxiety pulsating on your stomach as the elevator doors opened with a ding noise.
Seokmin lifted his head to the sound, he was leaning back next to your apartment door, phone in his hand. "Hi there," he said with a soft smile that reached his eyes.
"Hi. Have you been waiting long?"
He stood up straight and pocketed his phone as you walked to the door and opened it. You glanced sideways at him, he was wearing the oversized hoodie from last night, but instead of jeans he was now wearing grey sweat shorts.
"Nope. Just ten minutes."
"I couldn't shake off Seungkwan's prying," you informed, as you both entered your apartment.
You closed the door behind you two, removing your boots at the entrance. Seokmin followed suit and removed his Nike's, carefully placing them next to your boots.
"I imagined as much," he hummed. He still had a content smile on his face.
You two held each others gaze for a moment. Only to realize that you hadn't even turned on the lights, or fully invited him to your apartment.
"Make yourself at home," you chimed, turning on the lights of the living space. It was empty except for the lone large sofa, a TV screen perilously propped up on a plastic table, and a pile of boxes from when you moved out of your ex's apartment.
Seokmin smirked.
"I haven't had the chance to unpack yet... or buy more furniture," you murmured briefly.
He noticed the pillow and the pile of blankets that were tossed in the couch. "I assume that you don't have a bed yet, either."
"I just have the bed frame," you reply as you remove the pillow out of the way and fold the blankets in half. "It's still packaged, though."
"Hey, don't think I'm judging you," he raised the palms of his hands innocently. "I use to sleep on the floor at a friend's place when I got to this city, remember?"
Seokmin was a great friend. If you could describe him succinctly, it would be that. A great friend. You knew he wasn't judging you, since the curiosity in his smiling eyes didn't fade as he sat on the couch and eyed the piles of boxes that were labelled with your name in your ex's handwriting.
You also knew that Seokmin sleeping on the floor when he moved to the city to study was not the same as being kicked out of you and your ex's apartment after he cheated on you. But you were glad that his mind didn't go there, evidently.
"Can I offer you anything?" you sighed heavily. "I may not have furniture yet, but my fridge is full and the rent is paid."
"Well, that is what matters as far as I'm aware. I'm fine, thank you," he pressed his lips. He then scooped to the side and patted next to him on the couch.
"So..." you breathed, sitting down next to him. "You wanted to talk."
You were now sitting next to each other. Being so close to him sparked something deep within you, something that last night made you feel alive.
Then, you knew that you were in trouble. It was alarming the fact that you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You were aware of every gesture, every movement Seokmin made. You gulped.
Seokmin sat with his knees spread slightly apart, his hands resting comfortably between his thighs. "About last night," he begun.
"I, uh-"
"If we're going to do this, we need some ground rules," he declared.
"Wait. Seriously?" you blurted out.
"Wha- what did you think I was going to say?" He looked up to catch your gaze.
"I thought you were going to back out."
"Oh, you want to call it off?" Seokmin retorted, his eyes searching your face.
"No. Not really. Last night was..."
His eyes lit up along with a playful smile. "Fun?"
"Yeah, exactly," you matched his smile. "Well, I don't enjoy lying to Seungkwan, but at least I didn't get the pity treatment, for once."
"Wait. What did you say to him?"
"That we are sort of a thing," you mumbled.
His eyebrows pushed up. "And he believed that?" Seokmin laughed, brushing his hair hastily with his lithe fingers.
"He seemed to," you shrugged. "He stopped questioning me after that."
"Well, that is what you wanted, isn't it?" he shifted beside you, so that he was facing your body. Then he took that same hand to fix his watch on his other wrist.
You mirrored his movements, and now the two of you sat facing each other on the couch. You leaned your head on your hand, with your elbow resting on the couch's headrest.
"So what happens next?" you asked.
Seokmin shrugged slightly, a relaxed look on his face. "Whatever you want, I told you."
You bit your lip for a second, aware of the fact that Seokmin was gazing at your mouth and your eyes, silently waiting for your response.
"I'm still thinking of last night," you confessed, the act of being that blunt made your cheeks heat up.
"Me too. I couldn't think of anything else," he smirked. Your eyes lingered a bit on his lips too.
He toyed a bit with the sleeves of his black hoodie, and pulled them up to his elbows, then crossed his arms across his chest. You swallowed at the sight of how veiny his forearms looked.
"D'you think that we could talk about the ground rules later?" you asked sheepishly.
Seokmin couldn't help but notice the way you inclined towards him slightly. And you couldn't help but notice him swallow hard. "What do you want to do?"
"I really want you to kiss me again," you mumbled, feeling something rouse within you.
His eyes twinkled with excitement. "Oh, yeah?" he hummed.
He seemed as if he were waiting for you to say something inviting, you noticed the moment he smiled when you nodded a bit too eagerly with your head.
He lifted his hands to grab you by the sides of your head. "C'mere," he whispered, his lips quickly finding yours in a soft kiss.
You felt his breath on your neck as he pulled away slightly. "Again?" you sighed.
His mouth was smiling as his lips found yours again, and as the soft kisses turned more demanding, you couldn't ignore how your body responded.
This felt different from the make out session of the night prior. It was entirely carnal, at least, Seokmin kissed you with more eagerness, unafraid of being seen and judged. You heard his breath catch in a gasp and his lips smack. You both were not acting.
You broke away from him, all thoughts in your head quieted down when in a sudden movement, you moved in the couch to sit on his lap, straddling him. Seokmin said nothing either, and you silently thanked him, as his hands returned to the sides of your face to kiss you deeply.
The sizzling feeling at the lower pit of your stomach, the warmth all over your skin when one of his hands slipped from your face to the back of your head and fisted your hair softly, sending chills down your spine and making you moan in response.
"Yeah, I thought you liked that last night," Seokmin mumbled gruffly.
"Shut up," you smiled.
"Make me," he whispered back.
You leaned in to kiss him again, a rush of adrenaline filled you as his hands that were on the sides of your head moved to your back to press your body against his. Fingertips trailed softly on the sides of his neck, you felt him shudder as you made your way to his collarbones where you shyly touched his skin like never before.
Seokmin left a trail of kisses from your lips, to your jaw and ended on your neck. You gasped when he found a sweet spot effortlessly, and made something flutter in your stomach. Hearing your reaction, Seokmin sucked on the spot gently, eliciting a moan from you.
It had been a while since you felt like this. Even with your ex, you felt that the last few times you were together like this were more of a obligatory act from both of you.
So, being close to Seokmin like this was like unearthing feelings that your body had long forgotten. And it was really hard to control.
You let your hips sit fully on his lap and started grinding on him suggestively. Seokmin groaned in your mouth and broke away.
"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice sounded raspy.
"Oh, fuck—sorry. You don't like that?" you whimpered and made a gesture to move out of his lap.
But Seokmin grabbed you tightly to his body effortlessly, since his hands were still on your back. "No, it's not that," he put in briefly.
You stared at him, puzzled. "What is it then?"
"What do you want?" he countered.
He watched you swallow hard. "I want you," you muttered, hoping that the emphasis you put in the word was enough for him.
A few strands of hair had stuck to your wet lips, and Seokmin pulled them away with gentle fingers as he asked: "How do you want me?"
You couldn't help but smile. "Don't tease me like that."
Seokmin just shrugged calmly, but his eyes were burning with lust. "I won't do anything unless you tell me."
You planted a soft kiss on his jaw, then one on his lower lip. "I want you to fuck me, Seokmin," you whispered into his lips.
He reciprocated the slow, wet kiss. And groaned again when you grinded your hips one more time. "I didn't bring any condoms," he mumbled.
"Really?" your voice sounded obnoxiously high.
"I just came here to talk," Seokmin laughed. "It never crossed my mind that we'd fuck."
"Really. I didn't think you'd be this needy," he started laughing when you landed a playful smack to one of his shoulders.
You rolled your eyes at him. "I'm on the pill."
His hand grabbed your chin and he pulled away to look at you in the eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"
You both understood what this meant for your friendship. Seokmin didn't seem concerned at all about you being on his lap, or that you were practically begging him to fuck you right there and then. He seemed willing, but like the good gentleman he was, he needed you to say what you wanted.
You nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure."
Seokmin's lips parted briefly as he scanned your face with his eyes one last time. "Fuck," he groaned, and pulled you to his mouth again.
Your lips latched onto his, hungrily, teeth grazing, tongues clashing. You could feel the wetness from his saliva beneath your mouth as the kiss turned sloppy and more fervent.
His hands casually made their way from your back to your hips, where they rested comfortably before giving you a gentle squeeze.
"Take these off," he murmured in your lips, his fingers pinched at the fabric of your jeans.
You stood from his lap to take your jeans off, aware that Seokmin had his eyes on you. He rest his head on the back of the sofa, his hungry eyes watched your body up and down. His hand grabbed yours and tugged you his way to gesture you to straddle him again.
Your lips explore his neck, licking the spot below his ear, and he breathed out a moan. His fingertips dug slightly on your hips, and then he cupped your ass when you left wet kisses and sucked in the spot again.
Seokmin pressed your body back and forth, rubbing your clothed pussy against his hard cock. You moaned and hid your face in the crook of his neck and grinded some more on him.
"Let me see you," he muttered in your ear.
Your lips searched his tentatively, kissing him with haste as his hands moved from your backside to underneath your top. You broke the kiss again, and let him remove your shirt entirely.
Seokmin revelled at the sight of your half naked body, his fingers trailing softly from your collarbone, to your sternum, all the way to your bellybutton.
"Pretty," he mumbled when his fingers tugged at the band of your pink panties.
He looked at you, as if asking for permission. But he quietly trailed his fingers to your clothed core, and there he found that your panties were already soaked. You could feel yourself grow more aroused at the mere act of him feeling you without breaking eye contact.
You shuddered a sigh when he pushed the soaked fabric aside and had to bite your lip from moaning loudly when his fingers found your wet core.
Seokmin sighed. "You're so fucking wet," he smiled softly.
"God, Seokmin–," you breathed and your eyes fluttered close when he slowly moved one of his fingers inside you. And then, he pushed another finger in.
He bent his head and planted a kiss on your shoulder. "Ride my hand, baby," he said hoarsely.
A shiver went down your spine at hearing what Seokmin called you. You started moving on his hand almost immediately grinding on his fingers the same way you had done on his lap.
Your forehead found his, a tingling sensation travelled your body when you his breath caressed your face. "Seokmin."
His lips were formed into a smile when he pressed his lips on yours in a chaste kiss. "Mmyeah, that's my name, baby."
His other hand unclasped your bra expertly, and you helped him with the straps and threw it somewhere on the floor. You felt his breath on your skin and your nipples grow hard.
It was almost embarrassing to you to hear the squelching sounds you were making against the hand between your legs. But you could barely pay some thoughts to it, all you could think of was the way he moved his hands on your body. And that you wanted more.
He rubbed his thumb around your nipples, and you watch him do it, watched the hand buried in your pussy as you grinded on him, close to your release. Then, his hand rested on your neck for a bit and you shuddered when his thumb caressed your skin and curved around your throat.
"You like them?" he asked peering at your face. "My hands? I've seen the way you look at them."
"Yeah," you breathed. "I wondered what they would look like on me."
"Oh, yeah?" he smiled. Then pulled out his fingers from your core, just about when you were about to cum. You blinked at him, confused.
"Lie down," he muttered, pointing to the sofa. You did as he said, and moved your back to the sofa, your knees pulled up.
"I knew you'd be bossy," you confessed, feeling hot on your face.
Seokmin's eyebrows raised a bit. "Been thinking about me a lot, huh?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. And then his hands reached up to the collar of his hoodie, he threw it over his body in one swift motion and tossed it aside.
His bare chest was the first thing you saw, it was wide and lean. You also got a good look at his strong thighs when he undid his shorts, and step out of them.
A shiver shot up inside you when you saw the outline of his hard cock pressing against the tight fabric of his black underwear.
His toned arms as they came to the sides of your head to lean and kiss you fervently. "Stop looking at me like that," he groaned softly in your mouth.
He placed his knees on the sofa and patted you on one of your knees gently. "Spread your legs for me," he placed himself in between your legs as soon as you did what he ordered.
Seokmin left a trail of open mouthed kisses from your neck, to your collarbones as he palmed and squeezed your breasts with his hands. Your fingers tangled in his soft hair and moaned his name again when he sucked one of your nipples gently as his fingers pinched the other one.
He stood on his knees, hooking his fingers on your panties and dragged them along your legs, and dropped them to the side of the sofa.
Seokmin held your legs with his hands, as he placed kisses on the inner side of your thighs, sucking and licking softly on your skin. He gave you a glance one time before lowering his mouth to your core.
A whine reverberated on your chest quite loudly as your back arched almost involuntarily. Feeling his tongue lapping on your core, licking almost hungrily but patiently too, as if he wanted to take his time pleasuring you.
Seokmin revelled in your taste, in the sounds you made. He groaned when your fingers tugged at his soft hair again, he groaned when you whimpered his name as you neared your orgasm.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered with eyes shut. Just as when you thought you couldn't feel any closer, Seokmin slid his two fingers inside you, pumping in and out. Your hips rutted desperately against his face and he was quick to hold them down with his free hand.
"Be still," he said softly, before dipping his head down on you again.
"Sorry," you replied breathlessly.
He hummed in response, and you could tell that he was amused at the desperate mess he made of you. But all you could think of was his mouth on your clit, as he had quickly found out how you liked to be stimulated, eliciting moans and half pleas.
You heard him moan with you when you reached your climax, as if he enjoyed the noises that you made, along with his name. Seokmin pulled his fingers out and placed sweet kisses on your clit.
You watched him lick his lips and fingers clean, and you could see that the tip of his nose was slightly wet with your arousal, making you grin at the sight of it. You cleaned it with your fingers as you brought his mouth to yours to kiss him fiercely.
"You taste so good," he muttered lazily on your lips and you could taste yourself in them.
You started tugging at the band of his underwear, pulling it down as best as the position of your bodies let you. Seokmin sighed, and you noticed that he was smiling.
"Be patient," he groaned, his demeanour seemed elated still. But he stood up from the sofa, and quickly got rid of his underwear, revealing his large cock.
You gulped almost involuntarily. "You have a pretty cock," you mumbled once he was between your legs again.
That took him off guard. He gave you a breathy chuckle. "Well, that's a first," he confessed.
Yeah, you were quite sure he didn't get the word 'pretty' as often as 'big'.
He gave you a small peck on your lips, pulling you out of your trance. "You're ready?" he asked.
You winced in anticipation the moment you felt his cockhead align with your entrance. Your fingers cradled his face as he watched you nod.
"I need to hear you, baby," he crooned, placing another sweet kiss on your lip.
"I'm ready."
He held one of your legs angled for him as he eased himself inside you painfully slow. You grabbed at his shoulders, letting your fingertips dig at his skin.
"F-fuck," you whispered, releasing the air that caught between your teeth and Seokmin sighed deeply too as he stretched your pussy slowly.
It had been a while since you last had sex, so the feeling of having someone, let alone someone as big as Seokmin took a bit more from you than expected.
"Good girl," he muttered through gritted teeth when your hips met fully. You felt your walls flutter a bit around his cock, easing from the sting at having him stretch you open.
His eyes searched your face briefly, but wasted no time and started moving slowly and with shallow thrusts until you both adjusted to each other's bodies. Then he effortlessly picked up his pace and his thrusts started coming and going deeply inside you.
He kissed your moans with wet lips and released your leg from his grip. "Wrap your legs around me," you did as he said, also wrapping your arms around his neck as he kissed your lips again.
His hands buried in your hair, closing in a tight first and his forehead leaned on yours. "You feel so fucking good, baby," he gritted his teeth. His hips buckled once before taking a faster and harder pace on you.
"Fuck! Right there," you moaned on his mouth. And gripped him tighter with you hands.
The grip on your hair tightened and he turned your head to the side slightly to make way for his lips on your neck where he had found a sweet spot.
When you opened your eyes, you found yourself on the reflection of the tv screen. You hadn't noticed it before when you were so busy staring at Seokmin, but now, you could see your face wild with lust, and your body entangled with Seokmin's; as his hips rammed against yours.
You almost fell in love at the image of him fucking you, passionately, hard and fast. Just seeing your bodies melted like this made your body quiver almost sending you to the edge.
He lifted his head and found you staring at both your reflections, he smiled at you and cooed. "Look at you, so flustered and pretty."
His thrusts quickened, but they didn't relent on their depth. And it was exactly what you needed. Your hands travelled down his back and dug your nails in his ass, earning a throaty moan from the man above you.
You were panting, feeling all sanity lip out your mind and you could hear yourself call his name in whispers, but couldn't make out another word.
Soft, wet kisses trailed down your neck to your mouth as the lewd noises you made filled the room.
"Are you going to cum again, baby?"
"'m so close," you whimpered. You closed your eyes, savouring the feeling as you reached your second orgasm.
"Look at me, baby," you heard him whisper and opened your eyes to find his.
"God. Seokmin. Don't stop, please," you cried as your body trembled with hot waves of pleasure.
A long moan escaped your mouth but was quickly supressed by a wet kiss. "I know baby," he whispered as you came on his cock, whimpering and twitching uncontrollably under his body.
Then he sat back down on his knees, grabbing you by your hips with a tight grip, and the change in position made you moan lazily. You didn't think you could keep going, but the sight of Seokmin's face riddled with pleasure made want to chase after a third orgasm.
Seokmin threw his head back before letting out a deep moan with his eyelids shut, his lips parted and twitching slightly once. You could feel your body tremble again at the thought of his cum inside you, and moaned at the same time he did, his thrusts on you not relenting until your cream started dripping at the base of his cock, mixing with his cum.
As his hips came to a stop on top of you, he glanced down to where your bodies remained connected and sighed in pleasure at the sight.
You also could feel yourself get lost at the sight of him for a bit. His heavy breathing made his chest and shoulders move up and down in a languid manner, a light layer of sweat covered his neck and collarbones.
He moved to rest his head on your chest for a moment, without saying a word. You knew he could hear your heartbeat, as you could feel his own heart stuttering against your body.
His forehead also glistened with seat, his hot breath caressed your breasts and even though you could see his relaxed features, you noticed that he was lost in thought.
You pushed his wet bangs from his face, drawing his attention to you. "We're still friends, right?" you asked jokingly.
His lips rose in a lazy smile and nodded. "Still friends."
♡︎ Final notes: I haven't posted fanfic for years sooo... well, if you liked it please show it some love, a reblog or leave a comment, i'm all eyes. click here for part 2 ( · ❛ ֊ ❛)
#lee dokyeom smut#dk smut#lee seokmin smut#dk x reader#svt smut#seventeen smut#lee dokyeom x reader#seventeen fanfic#lee dokyeom fanfic#seventeen x reader#seventeen fic#seventeen imagines#svt fic#svt fic series#lee seokmin x reader#hannieween#svt dk x reader#ff:backstage#lee seokmin fanfic
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you and Seokmin have a weekly routine — watching crappy movies together, cuddling and pining after each other. of course, neither of you have the guts to make the first move. that is until you decide to deepthroat a popsicle during movie night l, teasing Seokmin until he loses all self control; which essentially is your ultimate goal.
☼ word count: 3k ☼ pairing: dk x fem reader ☼ genre: smut, fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining, roommate!au ☼ warnings: food play, degradation, praise kink, oral (f receiving), fingering, use of pet names. lmk if i missed anything
m.list | ☕️ | feedback | minors dni | if you read it & enjoy it, reblog it
You know exactly how to rile your roommate, Seokmin, up and you’re always doing it on purpose. He knows it, you know it and, you love every second of it.
He usually plays along with you, but you never goes past just flirting.
Admittedly, you want more, a part of you wants him to give you what you want, yet all he does is tease back to frustrate you. You crave more, you need more — so you figure what better way to shoot your shot than during movie night when you’re all cuddled up?
Seokmin comes back from the kitchen, handing you a popsicle and a bowl of popcorn before taking a seat right next to you.
“What movie did you pick?”
“Troll 2,” you reply, silently thanking him for the snacks you specifically asked for as he scoots closer to you, pushing his own popsicle into his mouth.
He smiles with a happy hum as the cherry flavor melts into his mouth before getting comfy on the couch, and putting a blanket on you.
You try to ignore the electricity pulsing in your body when he slides a hand under your shirt and rubs small, soothing circles into your skin, causing sparks to erupt all over your skin. Seokmin always has his way of doing this to you — effortlessly making your heart flutter and hammer in your chest when he’s not even trying to. Electricity and such desire you just can’t to turn a blind eye to no matter how hard you seem to try.
Not even minutes later, you catch yourself staring up at the pretty boy beside you instead of paying attention to the movie. You’re too busy stealing glances at him and it doesn’t calm your heart when you catch him doing the same to you, his eyes lingering for moments longer than they shouldn’t have. You immediately look away and gaze ahead at the screen, pretending to watch the movie.
A soft chuckle leaves Seokmin’s lips and you look up at him, confused. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he beams, lightly shaking his head. “You’re just cute.”
You raise a perfectly arched eyebrow at his words, a mischievous smile on your lips a few seconds after. Sure, you love it when he calls you cute but it’s not what you want to hear right now. You want him so deep in your guts and you want him to think you’re hot, sexy, tempting.
Unbeknownst to you, the feelings are very mutual.
Of course you don’t know how huge of crush Seokmin has on you or how attracted he is to you. But, you do know he has an oral fixation as he always seems to stare at your mouth when he thinks you’re not aware; you intend to take advantage of that.
The only thing on your mind right now is to see how far you can take teasing him before he (hopefully) decides to fuck your brains out.
Smirking to yourself, you begin slurping on your popsicle, innocently, but enough to make him look as you continue to ‘focus’ on the movie.
You can feel his heated eyes on you. In all honesty, you’re sure you look tempting; you’re even more sure when you feel shifting in his seat and his hand slowly tracing its way down to your hips. His eyes are inevitably drawn down to mouth, burning with something. And, you know what they say: eyes never lie.
You continue your sinful actions, paying him no mind, and he intensely watches the ice pop slide into your mouth and then out, as it is his dick.
Your lips envelop the cherry flavored popsicle, red and lustrous as you push it further into your waiting mouth. You suck at it chastely before getting a bit sloppy, even letting some drops fall on your exposed cleavage and, Seokmin can’t help but lick his lips — wanting so badly to lick the drops from your skin.
“My eyes are up here you know,” you tease, and before he can respond, you pull the popsicle in and out of your mouth a few times, a long trail of melted flavored cherry, and saliva following.
Your roommate blinks once. Twice. “W-what?” he asks, taken by surprise.
“You’re staring, Seokmin,” you quip between popsicle licks.
“What’s the matter, baby? You’re blushing and stuttering,” you coo, nonchalantly pulling the popsicle out of your mouth with a pop. Seokmin feels his cock twitch when he’s sees the spit string. It’s almost downright obscene and he can’t help but bite his lip. There’s just no way you’re not aware of what you’re doing to him and, it takes everything in Seokmin’s willpower to not pin you down on the couch and, have his way with you.
He hums absentmindedly, still carelessly staring at your mouth and pouty lips. You have a straight up filthy look in your eyes, and Seokmin can feel himself getting lightheaded as the blood from his brain rushes to his dick.
He swallows a large lump in his throat before speaking, “I can’t help it,” he says, his voice gravelly. “Fuck. Stop that.”
Staring into his eyes, you have to stop the overwhelming urge to lean in for kiss. “You don’t like it?”
“Stupid question. Of course I do,” he scoffs. It’s so easy to rile him up. “You look so sexy sucking on that but it’s not good for my heart. If you keep teasing me like this, I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
Every time your tongue darts out to lick at the treat, he feels his cock twitch and his heart swell. All he wants is to grab that popsicle and replace it with his cock; fuck your face as his dick slips past those pretty soft, little lips so fucking badly.
“If you’re horny, just tell me.”
He sucks in a breath. “I am. Wanna fuck?”
“Says the one deepthroating an ice pop,” he scoffs.
“I’m not,” you retort, as you give another lick to your popsicle, considering your next move. “Let me show you how deepthroating is really done.”
You don’t have to contemplate for long as you take the whole thing in your mouth, red tinted, wet lips wrapped around it. You begin deepthroating it, imagining it’s his cock as you moan around the ice pop.
You stop for a moment, licking your lips, and open your mouth to say, “Come on, Seok, use your words and tell me what you want.”
“You,” he finally replies like it’s so obvious, sending even more electric shocks to your center. “I want you.”
“Hmm,” you tease with a smirk. “I gotta say, I really wish I had something better to lick than this popsicle.”
“Yeah? Wanna suck my cock the same way?” he purrs.
You nod your head, continuing your ministrations.
“What a fucking whore,” he groans as he cups your cheek and lets his thumb run across it slowly. “You planned this, didn’t you? Are you that desperate for my cock?”
“I’ve always wanted to climb you like a tree since the first day, so yes, definitely.”
Seokmin traces your lips with his thumb, teasing you a little before finally replacing the ice pop with one of his long fingers, and then another, sliding them in your mouth.
“I bet you’d love me to fuck that pretty face of yours,” he rasps. “You’d take it like the little whore you know you are, wouldn’t you, angel?”
You nod vigorously as you begin sucking on his digits, gently hollowing your cheeks.
He lets out a groan, his eyes darkening with lust as he watches you drool all over his fingers. “Fuck, I’m going to ruin you.”
You have to swallow back your whimper.
“God, you’re so—” he starts, his moist fingers gently running over your wet, parted lips, your cheeks, down your neck, pausing to hold your throat, “so fucking perfect. You have no idea how much I want to kiss you,” he groans before placing a gentle kiss on your cheek, officially stalling your little brain. “I wanted to fuck you since the first time I met you.”
One of his fingers traces down the side of your face, making your eyelids flutter. The gentle, sweet touch to your skin instantly makes your cheeks heat up — his words, though, sends shivers down your spine and you feel a tinge of heat in your core.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair, he yanks your head back before swooping in to lick a long stripe up your neck. Your only response is a moan.
“What, cat got your tongue?” he teases as he places open mouthed kisses to your neck, making sure to leave hickeys. “You were acting like such a brat with all that teasing. Not so brave now, hmm?”
You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out, your brain going all mushy. Seokmin finally kisses you and you feel yourself get dizzy and completely lost in him, not able to bring yourself to process his words in time to react properly as he bites on your bottom lip lightly.
Once he pulls away, you’re the same color as your half eaten popsicle, cherry red.
It only take a couple seconds before Seokmin stops fighting the urge to push you down on the couch, and pin your hands above your head as his frame hovers above you. His lips melts against yours in yet another kiss as he kisses you sloppily, the taste of cherry lingering in your mouths, both your popsicles and the movie long forgotten.
He breaks the kiss not long after, trailing soft, loving kisses from the corner of your lips to your cheek, before asking, “Are you sure about this?” His voice changes drastically to a soft tone, fondness and pure love showing in his actions.
You whine some sort of yes, finding yourself chasing his lips and Seokmin can’t help but beam in delight.
“Good, because I’ve never want to fuck you more than I do now.”
He pulls you in for a kiss and you try your best to regulate your breathing, but when he groans into the kiss and sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, all you see is red. You roll your hips into him and Seokmin lets out a grunt as his grip strengthens on your hip in response.
He lets his body grind down hard against you as he surges forward to kiss you harder with greedy lips, almost bruising. The kiss is messy, urgent, and intimate in a way you just can’t explain. It is way too eager and desperate for being a first kiss between the two of you, but, in Seokmin’s eyes it was bound to happen. He’s been anticipating this ever since he first laid eyes on you.
You feel his erection straining against his boxers as he guides your hips to align against his own, grinding against you. You feel yourself yourself growing with want.
“Seokmin,” you whine, your voice breathy as you give him that delectable bambi eyed look. “Touch me.”
He looks down, meeting your hazy and glossy eyes that spell nothing but intense desire and want. “Can I?”
You think your knees may give out as you squirm against his hold. “Please. I want you so bad.”
You feel his long fingers run across your inner thigh, dipping so close to your sensitive heat, where you most need him, and you can’t help but push your hips forward for more. Seokmin huffs a brief chuckle, gently tracing his fingers across your covered, twitching clit before finally pushing your panties to the side and pushing one finger in, then another.
He can’t help but groan at the fact that you’re already so wet, and so ready for him that he almost snaps. “Fuck, baby, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
A loud gasp leaves your mouth, making Seokmin smile.
“Like that, huh?” he teases lightly as he skilfully curls his digits, adding a third finger whilst he whispers words of encouragement and praises you. “Does it feel good?”
You moan and Seokmin feels his cock twitch in his boxers at the little, soft noises escaping you and the way your toes curl. “S-so good. Please, don’t stop.”
“Such a desperate little slut, aren’t you?” he tsks. “Look at you, already pushing back against my fingers. How fucking pathetic.”
You arch your back and let out a whine when he slaps your swollen clit with his fingers, once, then twice before beginning to pump his fingers with more force, curling them. “Aw, my pretty baby’s already whining? I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
Teasing you like this has always been on Seokmin’s mind, but never did he didn’t think you would want to take it this far. God, how he wishes he can take a mental image of this moment.
He starts leaving wet kisses down to your collarbone and between your breasts, his scent and airy tone invading every inch of your shaky frame. You feel his free hand travelling around your body to unhook your bra so that your breasts are exposed to his lustful gaze.
Seokmin cups your breast with his free hand, grazing his thumb over the nub which earns him a needy whine. As he moves his fingers around your walls, his fingertips grazing your g-spot, you can’t help but wonder if you’re dreaming. You feel like you’re on cloud nine. It feels too good to be a true, and if this is a dream, you don’t ever wanna wake up.
Moving his lips downwards, he takes one nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking until you’re putty in his hands. Then he shifts his attention to the other breast, loving the way your fingers run through his hair, tugging gently whenever he hits a particularly sensitive spot.
You moan in delight as your back arches off the couch, wanting more. “S-Seokmin, please, I want more.”
Hearing you ask so nicely makes him smirk. “You’re so fucking cute when you’re needy.”
He presses a gentle kiss on your lips before scooting down your body and settling between your legs. His warm hands run up your thigh and hikes your skirt up to your waist, placing one of your legs on his shoulder. You can’t help but cover your face in embarrassment.
“No no, I want to see you, baby, don’t cover your face,” he says, his voice holding a certain degree of authority that makes you stop in your tracks. He places gentle, soft kisses on your inner thigh, before cooing, “I promise I’ll make you feel good.”
You don’t need to hear it. You already know he will.
Seokmin reaches to pull your underwear down, discarding it somewhere over his shoulder before reaching for the half-melted popsicle. He slowly runs it along your thigh to start, not wanting to startle you too much as praises you with soothing licks.
“You’re so beautiful…” he praises, his voice impossibly deep, almost a growl as he disappears between your legs. “All flushed and spread out like this. Just for me… Let me see those pretty eyes.”
You bite your lip harshly, trying your best to stop yourself from screaming when you feel his mouth on your clit. The combination of Seokmin’s warm tongue and the cold popsicle is unlike anything you’re experienced and your hips can’t help but buck off the couch, but Seokmin pins you down with his hand.
“You taste like fucking candy,” he groans against your heat. “I could eat you out all day and night.”
He continues licking and kissing your wet folds, pressing the popsicle against your clit as his fingers curl in search of your sweet spot. He knows he has found it when you begin spasming underneath him, your legs shaking uncontrollably as your wetness easily coats his fingers, only encouraging him to move faster.
As he pushes his face further into your cunt, he tries his best to gain some sort of control, ignoring the intrusive thoughts of his cock inside you, filling you up just right.
“S-seok, fuck, right there,” you nearly scream, Seokmin revelling in your noises as he pairs his curling fingers with the popsicle, wrapping his lips around your clit.
“Feels good? You sound so prettily.”
Each lick and each thrust of his fingers causes you to lose track of time and space and you can’t help but feel the tears pooling in your eyes. “God, yes, it feel s-so good. Keep going just like t-that.”
Seokmin eagerly obliges, his entire arm pumping as he presses his fingers harder and faster into your g-spot whilst he sucks harshly on your clit with his skilled tongue, slurping up the melted popsicle juice mixed with your arousal.
“Don’t cum yet, baby.”
You cry out in pleasure and start to babble incoherently, turning into a crying mess as he sucks on your clit like a lollipop, until you begin to shake, quivering uncontrollably as you scream his name like a mantra. You’re immensely grateful for the grip he has on you as your knees are on the verge of giving out.
“You’re doing so good, baby girl, you look so pretty for me. Just keep going like this, okay angel?” he whispers breathily, his fingers and tongue begins to match the pace of your rocking hips.
“S-Seok, nngh fuck,” you cry, twitching as he leaves bite marks alongside the many other bruises that litter your body from his mouth. “Please, please, please, can I cum?” you whimper, not caring how pathetic you must sound; the only thing that’s on your mind right now is your release. “I-I want to, fuck, cum s-so bad.”
“Then cum,” he says and that’s all it takes, your orgasm hitting you so hard as you let out a broken moan.
Seokmin helps you ride out your intense orgasm, and he moans, huskily at that, against your heat upon seeing your tear stained face. “Yeah, that’s it, baby, just like that.”
He doesn’t stop though, continuing to suck and lick your sensitive nub and devouring you faster until you’re practically shaking. Your back arches as Seokmin draws out your orgasm for as long as he can until you come for a second time.
Then he gazes up at up, a mixture of your arousal and his spit glistening on his chin and dripping down his defined jaw as he removes his fingers and cleans the them with his mouth, groaning at your sweet taste.
“My turn?” he asks teasingly.
And, who are you to deny such a heartfelt request. “Your wish is my command.”
#seventeen smut#svt smut#dk smut#dokyeom smut#lee dokyeom smut#seokmin smut#lee seokmin smut#dk scenarios#dk imagines#seventeen scenarios#seventeen x reader#seventeen x you#seventeen x y/n#dk x reader#dk x you#dk x y/n#seventeen fluff#svt fluff#seventeen hard hours
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another request because ofc!!! reader finds out seokmin is a virgin and wants to change that 🤭 bonus points if it starts out of pity because they actually don’t like each other but turns into actual desire 💃🏼 mwah
Pairing: virgin!seokmin x afab!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2.6k
tags: mention of alcohol, manhandling, oral (reader giving), pet names for seokmin, dry humping, heavy dirty talk, unprotected sex, swallowing
author note: hi mitchieeee, i hope you enjoy hehe
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @6969lilithcat @wonuhour @camisun93 @emmmui @toruro @jeonride @novalpha
“Wait, you’re a what?”
“Please don’t make a big deal out of this,” Seokmin whines seeing how hard you try to hold back your laughter.
“I can’t believe you’re a virgin. Wow, at your grown age.” You wipe away your unshed tears before setting a hand on his shoulder in a kinly manner. “Oh baby boy Minnie, you cannot just lay this on me and expect me not to do anything.”
“In my defense, I wasn’t trying to let you know.”
“Well, we’re going out tonight.”
You hadn’t known Seokmin for long, but as far as you can tell, he’s as good as these guys can get. It shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did, but it was very hard to believe considering what a good guy he is. He’s such a textbook good guy that you had a hard time believing it. No one was that nice. He had you convinced he was two-faced at one point, but nope. Seokmin is merely just Seokmin. And maybe that was his problem.
“How about her?” you ask subtly nodding at a girl from across the bar.
“Are we really doing this?”
You tsk at the young man before asking sizing the girl up. Acting no better than a man, you pick apart mentally why she’d be a potential candidate. Eventually, you shake your head the moment you see she is being tended to by what looks to be a girlfriend of her own before you move on to the next available person with a heartbeat.
“Oh my god, wait, her! She’s perfect.” You clap to yourself momentarily and push him in her direction, reminding him what you’ve taught him. “Go, go. Compliment her shoes, or ask what she’s drinking!”
A look of discomfort is apparent on his face but he goes off in that direction anyway, stalking the target as you leisurely sipped your cosmo. It seemed to go well for a while–watching a smile on her face as they talk–but that mood takes a turn when she gets up to leave and not alongside Seokmin. When he returns to you, he’s unsure what went wrong but you reassure him the night is still young and there are plenty of opportunities for him to make a connection.
Encounter after encounter, drink after drink, none have stuck around and in the end, he retreats back to you all the same. You expel an exaggerated sigh as you cross your arms seeing him strike out a sixth time in a row. Even after all the rejection, he doesn’t seem too offended by it, leisurely sipping his watered-down cocktail. You narrow your eyes back at him, seeing him blink back like a lost lamb. “You’re not trying, are you?”
“I don’t want to even be here.”
You shake your head, pinching the skin between your eyebrows as you took a deep sigh. “I thought you wanted to know what it felt like.”
“Of course I do, but this isn’t it.” He pulls his stool from underneath him closer to you. He set his finished drink aside for the bartender to take and slouches his shoulders. “Let’s just go home. This is no way to do this.”
And like that, a lightbulb flickered in your head until it bursts with endless luminosity. “We should go home. Because you’re gonna do it with me.”
You drag him by the wrist and immediately go hail a taxi, flailing your arms like a psychopath until one was desperate enough for cash to take you.
“Are you drunk?” Seokmin asks in bemusement. “Why the hell would we of all people do that?”
“Why the hell not? I’m flexible. I can take my leg all the way up to my shoulder.”
Seokmin’s jaw slightly drops upon hearing that, picturing that, before shaking out the words from his head and realizing too late he’s joining you in a cab. “Not the point. Why are you willing to help me by going that far?”
You look at him with a stern face before shushing him with your free hand and turning to the driver with your address. You finally arrive back at your apartment, paying the driver before getting out of the car and dragging him up the flights of stairs.
“You still haven’t answered me,” his voice echoes in the building fixtures, booming louder than usual. “And slow down, will you?”
“Walk faster.”
Entering your apartment, you realize this is the first time he’s been in here. You realize it’s the first time anyone’s been in here. You toss your keys aside and offer Seokmin a drink. He sounds off a decline and takes in the gravity of this situation as he’s scanning your residence. “Your place is nice.”
You grin, tugging him to your side again, and drag him to the couch to immediately straddle his lap abruptly. “Thank you. I like to think I’m settled in by now.”
“Are we actually doing this?”
You smooth your pal over his shoulders, your smile picking up from one side. “You don’t seem entirely against it.” You press down on the grown erection under you, a soft groan leaving his lips.
“Of course not, little Seokmin barely has a mind of his own—“
You squint. “You call him little Seokmin—“
“Besides the point, don’t listen to him. He’s only thinking of one thing.”
“Sounds like me and him are on the same page, now all we need is you. Tell me why we shouldn’t, Seokmin,” You say as you start grinding down on his toned, firm thigh. You watch his face contort in interest, submission, succumbing to your advances. Your hand trails over his cheek, noting how his breath hitches when your fingertips tap against his neck. “While I give every reason why we should.”
He shakes his head, almost in disbelief. “Y/n—shit, this is such a b-bad idea.”
“That’s not a reason, Seokmin.”
“I could do something wrong.”
“Which is why I’d teach you, baby.”
He blinks back at you frantically, his cock straining in his pants until it hurts. He looks so pliable and pretty, it takes everything in you to keep the pace slow. At a moment’s notice, your hand thread through his hair and pulls his head back. He softly whimpers, eyes struggling to stay on you as your lips made their way down his jaw, then his neck, before closing your lips around his adam’s apple.
Seokmin holds down his pants to keep from poking you, and uses his shallows breath to distract him from your lewd gestures. He realizes how ineffective as your hips dip into his, pushing against his cock, and a groan leaves his lips like live pornography. It physically moves you to the point you’re determined to hear more.
“Tell me, Seok. What can I do to convince you?”
“Apparently, not much,” he mumbles with a harsh blush against his cheeks and ears, struggling underneath you, “Why do you want this?”
“Me?” You push his head back up to meet his eyes. “I just had a sudden hankering for virgin pretty boys. Is that a good enough reason?”
“...Ok, I-I think so–” and your lips meet his, pressing into his body and letting it naturally melt around him.
His hands claim home reluctantly around your body, feeling the soft texture of your back over your shirt before caressing it tenderly. His other arm loops around your hips, discovering how perfectly it hugs your body close to his as follows your languid movement in the kiss. It scratches a part of his brain to hear you moan the way you did, he feels himself kissing you deeper, needier.
Seokmin’s body slouches underneath yours, gripping your thighs until he was squished at his waist and gradually his hips move on their own against you. His cock bumps against your throbbing cunt repeatedly until he’s practically drilling against you. Your voice, sultry yet delicate, burns in his ears, turning them a vibrant scarlet and suddenly he’s lifting you with your body tightly wound to him and pushed into the cushions of the couch.
You let out a startled gasp, not having predicted such action and his body is relentlessly against yours against you, digging into you, taunting you, ruining you. “You, t-tease.”
Seokmin acts as if he doesn’t hear, as if he can only focus on how good it feels for his cock to rub against you right now. His body rolls against you enough that you can feel the friction of the zipper on your clit, making you writhe underneath him. His kisses grow hungrier, tongue traveling inside you like he’s starved for every morsel. It’s pure animal instinct. So pure and primal, he’s convinced he’ll cum right then and there, but practices self-restraint. If he’s learned one thing from satisfying his own urges, it’s patience.
Your legs wrap around him, pushing him closer, the sensual noises you make only make him fall deeper, making him weaker.
“Put it in me…” you cry, “I want your cock fuck so deep inside me. Please, Seokmin…”
Seokmin finds the word “no” to be impossible at this point, but he can’t help but still feel anxious at the idea of it happening. “Hold on.” He procures his wallet from his back pocket before taking out the condom you planted earlier in there for him and sets it aside on the coffee table. “I’m sure you want your clothes off, yeah?”
His hand comes at the hem of his long sleeve before it over and off his body, revealing a body you’ve only ever seen in sports catalogs. You’re so stunned at the clear concaves and curves of his abs and pecs, you barely grasp that he’s helping you with your shirt off. His hand smooths over your frame as he’s kissing over your chest, moving against you again to distract you from your request moments ago.
He slips your pants between your bodies, hearing it hit the ground, and replicates that movement with his own pants, now only the barrier of your underwear stopping you. He swallows noticing the giant stain right where the center of your core is. “It’s so…wet.”
“Yeah, it’s what you’ve been doing to me.”
He ravels you like it's a delicate process, slipping down the sides of your panties until over your legs and off your body to have your bare pussy, glossy from all the arousal, twitching at the sight. It fuels something in him. “Shit…”
“Do it…put it in me…”
He swallows again, knowing his little Seokmin badly wants what you want, so what is he stalling for? He shut his eyes, taking in deep breaths. “Okay…”
“Don’t be scared…I’ll only bite if you want me to. Take out your cock for me.”
Just as slowly as he has done you, his briefs come down achingly slow, but reveal the perfectly big cock ready for the taking it. You marvel at it, drool forming at the corner of your lips, your clench and unclench your fist before darting for his girth. However, you are prevented from doing so by Seokmin himself, feeling the tremble in his hands. “I-I’ll do it. I just–”
“You don’t have to be nervous, Seokmin. It’s just me.”
“That’s exactly why I am nervous.”
“But why–ah, ah, shit.”
You feel him ease into you, the stretch of his cock was deafening with every mouth-watering inch. He takes light strokes as a test, plunging his fat cock into you like nothing while you bite your bottom lip, eyes flicking to the back of your skull.
“Wait, shit, the condom.”
You shake your head. “Don’t bother. I rather we didn’t anyway. Fuck, you’re so big.”
“Am I?” He asks pumping in you in a concise rhythm. “That feel good? Am I doing it right?”
You softly moan, clenching around him as you absorb the soft, careful tone in his words. “Yes, Minnie, but deep for me, please. Do what feels natural. Use me like your toy.”
He takes your advice and down pushes in deeper, groaning at the sensation as he picks up the speed. “Fuck…”
“Shit, that’s unreal.” You whine, “Faster, Seok. I said to use me.”
He listens as he’s fucking you faster, harder. He clutches the flesh of your ass cheeks, spreading you open. Your body stiffens, hands over his knuckles as you follow him. “Yes, like that. Fuck.”
He’s barely comprehensible in his grunts, truly seeing you as a thing to fuck that he just knows will make him insufferable. “Your. Pussy’s. So. Good.”
“Yeah, you like that Minnie? You like splitting my raw pussy open with your fat fucking cock?”
He nods gingerly.“Yes. I. Do. Shit. Pussy’s. So. Wet. Good. Around. Cock.” He folds into you, pressing his chest against yours and kissing your lips to swallow your moans. “That. Feel. Good?”
“So good, baby. Give it to me more, baby.”
“More? More?”
He pounds you harder, biting your lips as his hand roams down to find your clit. You moan like a stupid slut at that but take a moment of bemusement to wonder where the hell that came from. “W-where? How?”
He makes it so that you can move even an inch away from him, feeling your sweat mixes into each other until you don’t know where you start or he ends. He rubs your moisture around your clit while his thrusts remain an enigma, once so timid and careful, now leaving you breathless with every generous jerk every waking second.
Eager to experiment more, Seokmin pulls you up from the couch and pressed your chest against the cool wooden coffee table, pulling your ass in the air. His cock reenters you from behind, now the sound of your ass slapping against his lap is so delectably wet and delicious, that everything else feels numb.
You grip the edge of the table, legs elevated with curled toes. “Yes, fill me up please…you fuck me so fucking good…oh, Seokmin…a fucking natural…”
He finds your clit once more, going at it for what feels like forever, and enjoys you as if it's the last. He revels in your entirety contracting against him and he knows his patience can only take so much at this point.
“Seok, I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Just like that, please.”
He knows it's the beginning of the end the moment you open that dirty mouth of yours. He holds himself together, letting you come apart around him before he’s announcing he’s close with much trepidation. You nod back knowingly, a wide smile breaking out on your face. “Pull out, and put it in my mouth.”
He quickly obliges, seeing you getting on your knees and grasping at his shaft. You angle him at your lips, the slick force from your fingers milk every built-up tension from his cock and bursting it in your mouth in milky white. He memorializes how it hits your tongue, how big your smile is before you lick up every bit of it and suck his cock clean, and how much relief and pleasure he’s gotten from the whole ordeal. He’s overcome with a sense of gratitude.
“That was good. The student learns fast.”
“That was good,” he repeats.
“Amazing, actually.”
“Okay.” At this point, it was understandable to his brain had become mush, but he never knew it come to this extent.
You chuckle. “Your first time good?”
“Good, now I’m gonna teach you a little thing about aftercare. Lords knows how many guys go out fucking without knowing what is.”
Before you begin getting up he pushes you back down, a fierce look of determination from his eyes. “Can I eat you out first?”
Your eyes shoot open in pleasant surprise, quickly maneuvering yourself to sit back on the coffee table with spread legs. “Looks like someone’s been doing his homework.”
That night you learn he wasn’t only natural with his dick he was a natural with his mouth too. it helped to have his pretty nose.
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╰┈➤ open wide

pairings: dk x gn!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2,063 words
warnings: public sex/bathroom sex, reader is wearing revealing clothes, degradation, choking, unprotected sex, and a good amount of curse words.
synopsis: It's been months the last time you've been with your boyfriend since he's been on tour with the members, or in other words — it's been months since the last time you’ve gotten off with your boyfriend. Finally, after such a hectic time for your boyfriend, he takes you out for a date. You haven't even gotten out of your house yet you were already fighting unwanted thoughts upon seeing how your boyfriend was dressed. A pair of jorts that perfectly hugs his muscular pair of thighs and a polo shirt with its sleeves rolled up, accentuating his vein-covered arms. You try your best to avert your gaze and survive this date. However, your efforts will soon be in vain as your boyfriend drags you to the nearest comfort room to stuff you with something else other than food.
a/n: idk why this took me forever but here it is in all its glory, jkjk. Anyway, for anyone wondering what happened to that Jun incubus fic i teased, i'm still working on it dw! I'm thinking of creating a taglist for when I release it but idk, let me know yall
You pick a rather revealing pair of shorts from your closet, slipping them on and looking at yourself in front of your full-length mirror. You trace your fingers along the skin on your thigh, slowly making its way to the waistband of your shorts. As you play with the fabric of your shorts you try to shake away the feeling of lust your body was craving for these past few weeks, months even. You were snapped out of your thoughts with your boyfriend coming out from his room, his phone and a wallet in his hand – ready for your date. Fuck… you thought. How were you going to get through a date with your boyfriend when the lingering feeling of horniness was eating you alive. To make matters worse, you notice the clothes that your boyfriend were wearing: a loose polo with its sleeve slightly rolled up, just enough for you to see the veins that were bulging on his arms and hands, and a pair of shorts that were not doing a good job of hiding how muscular and well-built his thighs were. “That’s what you’re wearing?” you asked him. “Yeah, ‘s there something wrong with it?” he pouted. “Ah..nothing let’s just go” you say as you grab his arm and smile at him before you two make your way out of the door and to the restaurant that Seokmin reserved a table in.
The ride to your date was rather quiet, both your hands holding onto your knees as you try your best to compose yourself. Feeling the uncomfortable silence get to him, your boyfriend finally asks. "Hey, what's wrong? You look a little tense." You let out a slight gasp when you felt Seokmin's hand on your thigh, his way of expressing concern. Hearing you gasp only made Seokmin more concerned, "Do you maybe not want to go on a date?" He asks as he glances at you beside him. "No!.." you say a little too loud, "I'm just feeling a little…hungry". Wow, what a lame excuse. "You sure?" He asks again and you nod in response.It took a little more convincing that you really were ‘just hungry’ before your boyfriend drove again at the same speed as you two finally arrived in front of the restaurant.
As you two enter the restaurant, you were met by the receptionist asking for credentials and the like. After an exchange of a few more words, Seokmin brought you to the table he reserved for the two of you, pulling one of the chairs back inviting you to sit down. After you two finally sat down, Seokmin raised one of his arms to call for a waiter and ask for a menu; and you swear that he was doing this on purpose – seeing how his arms slightly flex from the action he was doing only added more fuel to the fire that was already burning long before you two went out. You shift on your seat, trying to hide the arousal that was forming under your shorts. Noticing your odd behavior as Seokmin hands back the menu to the waiter, he asks: “Hey, you really okay?” concern laced in his voice. “Yeah” you say, flashing a smile at him. “Hmm alright. Anyway, I just ordered your favorite – Garli-” “Garlic Shrimp Pasta yeah” you cut him off enthusiastically as he smiles at you.
Sitting in comfortable silence as you both wait for your orders, which for some reason, is taking forever; consequently, your mind wanders off due to the freedom from distractions that you have. Feeling the gears turning in your head, a lightbulb finally lit up when you’ve had a (not so good) idea. Swaying the tablecloth open, you peek under the table. You wiggle your foot to take off your shoe. Now, with a sock covered foot, you start to make your way to your boyfriend’s legs under the table. Startling your boyfriend with the sudden contact, he turns his attention away from his phone and back to you as he sends you a gaze that says the words: “What are you doing?”. Knowing that you got his attention now, you continue your teasing by starting to brush the soft fabric of your sock from his leg up to his thigh, all in one slow and mocking motion. Finally, words come out from his mouth – “Babe what are y-” but are soon cut off when you suddenly rest your foot on top of his crotch. With the sole of your foot now on top of his shorts, just right above his clothed cock, your once faint brushes against his thighs turn into your attempt to feel your boyfriend's cock with a few layers of fabric standing in between. Seokmin feels something finally snap inside of him when he’s had enough of your teasing. His once soft and endearing gaze turned into a death stare at you as he slammed his hands on the table, pushing himself and his seat away from the table. Standing up, he blatantly tugs you by the wrist as he drags you to the comfort room in a few swift motions, which he was able to do due to his familiarity with this restaurant.
Slamming the door behind him, he pushes you further into the bathroom inside a cubicle. He soon enters the cubicle with you, flicking the lock of the door behind him. If you didn’t think it could get more suffocating than it already is, it only gets more suffocating when he closes the remaining distance in between you inside such a small space. “You know I went all out my way just to be able to bring you to a date and this is how you thank me?” He said in a tone that sent shivers down your spine. “I didn’t know I dated such a brat,” he added “if that’s how you like it, then so be it”. As soon as his words leave his mouth he has you pinned against the cubicle door, your back facing him and his arm pressing your head against the door. You shamefully close your eyes, feeling aroused from the rough demeanor your boyfriend is displaying at the moment.
"Dokyeom-ah… please…" the words slip from your mouth. "Please what?" He asked. “want you…” you mewled out of desperation. As you hear the sound of Seokmin’s belt unbuckle behind you, he commands: “Face me and kneel”. Without a second thought you do as he says, facing him and kneeling down, now leveled with his cock that was angrily poking behind the fabric of his boxers. One of your hands tried to reach out for the waistband of his boxers but soon enough it was back down when Seokmin commanded again, “No touching”. All you could do was whine, not from the treatment he was giving you, but from how aroused you were right now. With a few more whines coming out of you, your boyfriend finally pulls down his boxers. Seokmin was never one to be too bossy or dominant, he always had that warm feeling to him, like a really tight and warm hug. Though, the only thing warm right now is the blood that rushed up to your cheeks, a telltale sign of how turned on you were right now by this new side of Seokmin that he’s never shown.
His cock sprung out of his boxers, the pinkish tip hitting his abdomen. “Open wide” he says, bringing a hand on top of your head, waiting for you to do so.
Feeling nothing but a glint of embarrassment, you comply with what he commanded you to do nonetheless. Hesitantly opening your mouth wide – like he said, unsure of what's to come, you close your eyes shut. Just as you were met by darkness, you feel your boyfriend's cock hit the back of your throat. Just as it hit the back of your throat, his long girth was back out. The sudden action overstimulated your senses, tears welling up on your eyes as you were choking back a sob from the pain that was inflicted by your boyfriend's eagerness to tame a brat. But soon enough pain turned into pleasure.
The sobs you were choking back were soon turned into muffled moans. Now, you're back to facing the door behind you, Seokmin's hand on your mouth — holding back whatever noise was going to come out of you, due to the fact that somebody else entered the bathroom. Even if your noises of pleasure were put to a halt, your boyfriend still continued to have his way with you. His unoccupied hand that was on your shoulder soon made its way to the waistband of your shorts that was soon pulled down in one quick motion, earning a muffled gasp from you. With the faint sound of the fabric falling down on the floor, Seokmin inches closer to you, he whispers: "Shh… don't wanna get caught, do you?". The tears that were welling up on your eyes threatened to fall as you nod in response to Seokmin. “Good.” was the last thing he said before he lined up himself on your entrance. Feeling the cold air hit your exposed rear, your hole clenches around nothing, craving for the feeling of being full — you were hungry.
You close your eyes again as you feel the warm tip of his cock brush against the cold skin on your entrance. Slowly, he lined up himself in front of you, one of his hands on your hip, and the other still on your mouth, keeping you quiet. Or so you thought before he suddenly pushes his length all the way inside you, not giving you any time to adjust to the size. No matter how many times you've done it with Seokmin, you still were unable to get used to how big dicked he was, it’s undeniable. Consequently, this sudden pain you've felt made you yelp out, even with a hand on your mouth shutting you up. Efforts were wasted because you were sure you got heard by the man who just entered the bathroom (mind you, it's the gents' bathroom you both were in). "Anyone there?" The man asks outside the cubicle, silence is all the man receives for an answer before you both hear the sound of the door opening and closing, signifying that the man has probably left the bathroom, leaving you both alone in the bathroom again.
Seokmin’s hand on your mouth finally loosened as he felt the need to stay quiet was not needed anymore. “Let me hear you baby” he coos, “please…move” you said, almost exasperated of the feeling of pleasure you were longing for. Seokmin couldn’t tease you anymore as he also felt the desire to reach his high with you intensify. He slowly picked up his pace, the sounds of your shared pleasure were soon overpowered with the sound of skin slapping skin. After a few more groans whispered into your ear and thrusts hitting you in the right spots, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten as your boyfriend continues to pleasure you and himself. “ ‘m close…kyeommie” you said, out of breath. “Me too angel” he grunts, the feeling of each other’s climax getting closer. With one last thrust you feel something snap inside of you as you finally reach your long awaited climax. A string of curses and high pitched moans erupt from your mouth as you ride through your high. Just a few seconds more and you feel your boyfriend tremble behind you as he releases his love liquid inside you, filling you up nicely.
Seokmin finally pulls out from you, letting you both catch your breaths. All in comfortable silence, your boyfriend grabs a bunch of tissue paper from the dispenser and cleans up the both of you before you two slip on your clothes. He opens the cubicle door for you, letting you come out first before he follows. You two finally step out of the bathroom, the warm ambiance of the bustling restaurant greeting you two once more. Both of you make your way back to your table with intertwined hands. Your boyfriend’s face lit up as he said “Oh! Dinner’s here!”. He looks at you smiling with both his lips and eyes before you finally said,
“Oh…I’m quite full”
#dk x reader#svt dk x reader#lee dokyeom#lee dokyeom x reader#lee seokmin#lee seokmin x reader#seokmin x reader#seokmin smut#dk smut#dokyeom smut#lee seokmin smut#lee dokyeom smut#svt x reader#svt smut#seventeen x reader
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hashtag black heart —- l.sm

𖦹 pairing: lee seokmin x f!reader 𖦹 theme: camboy!seokmin, roommates to lovers 𖦹 w/c: 2.8k 𖦹 warnings: 18+ MDNI, online dynamics, oral sex [f. receiving], pet names, praise kink, lots of whining, embarrassing moments, one awful date (not with seokmin), unprotected sex (that's a no no) 𖦹 a/n: shout out to that anon that pitched something similar to me a while back but i lost the ask ;-; huge thanks to @lovetaroandtaemin for jumping at the opportunity to beta this monstrosity for me 𖦹 tags: @gyubakeries, @seungkw1, @myhimbomingi
You should really stop letting your friends convince you to do things. The decisions they talk you into are questionable at best. Like that time Soonyoung convinced you that it would be easy to raid your parents’ liquor cabinet and go on a “bender” before walking across the stage at graduation. The problem with this plan was that your older brother had already tried it and replaced the alcohol with apple juice successfully. This didn’t stop Soonyoung from swearing he was drunk and embarrassing himself in front of your entire class and their families while taking his diploma from your principal an hour after sipping warm apple juice from the mouth of a whiskey bottle.
Soonyoung (and his girlfriend, Jenna) was once again the driving force behind your poor decision today as well. He knew this “great guy” from one of his dance classes in college and seemed to think the two of you would really hit it off. After confirming this with Jenna, who agreed that he was a nice guy with similar interests to you, you hesitantly agreed to go on a date with him.
That’s how you ended up in the most awkward situation you have ever encountered. After almost an hour of disappointing heavy petting, he came in his pants and drove you home. He told you to call him, as if that would ever happen. You slid your keys into the lock and did a quick check of your apartment to see if your roommate (another person Soonyoung introduced you to) was home.
Once you had confirmed that he was not home, you slipped into your room and locked the door behind you. Quietly, like you were keeping a secret from even yourself, you settled under your covers and unlocked your phone. You click on the folder with a little black heart beneath it and swipe past three pages of apps before you get to the one you’re looking for. The page loads quickly and you scroll through the homepage, full of cam boys on full display until one in particular catches your eye.
He wasn’t live, you never seem to catch him as he kept a strange schedule. You didn’t mind, it somehow felt less shameful to watch the recordings of his live streams than actually getting off to someone touching themselves on the other side of a screen in real time. The page was active recently, the newest video having an indicator saying that it was streamed three hours ago, while you were out on your terrible date.
You tap the video and your screen is filled with the view of his toned abs. The other thing you like about this one in particular is that he remains completely anonymous. His face is always out of frame, apart from a few videos where you caught a glimpse of his lips, these were your favorite ones.
You watched the screen intently as he lifted his hand and trailed it down the sea of tan skin in the frame, moving lower and lower. His long fingers wrapped around his stiff cock lightly, and you hear his breath hitch behind the camera as he begins to stroke himself slowly. The sounds of his pleasure went straight to your core, you could feel the heat begin to pool in your stomach. The man on your phone began to swipe the precum from his weeping slit and work it down his shaft.
You placed a hand over your own breast and tweaked your nipple over your shirt. The cam boy on your screen whined breathily as you both worked yourselves up. You watched him as he sped up his strokes, and your mouth went dry as the arousal dripped in your panties. Your fingers trailed down your own body, just as the man’s did a few minutes ago, painfully slowly. Your fingers dipped into your underwear. More noises were coming from your phone now, and you’ve watched this man enough to know that he was getting close.
His hands were so pretty, so gentle and slender, you just knew he would be able to reach places inside of you that you couldn’t. You inserted two fingers into yourself and sighed. Pumping slowly, still working yourself towards your high, you looked back at your screen. He was fucking up into his fist now, sloppily chasing his high. At the visual you all but threw your phone on your bed in favor of using that hand to stimulate your own clit. You could still hear the sound of his skin and his breathless moans from your phone speaker, and at this point, that was enough.
You began to lose control and buck your hips to the rhythm. The coil in your stomach was tightening and threatening to snap. Your own moans bounced off the walls of your bedroom as you rock yourself against your fingers and circle the bundle of nerves. The coil snaps as your sounds mix with his, your vision explodes into fireworks as your orgasm ripples through your body. You ride your fingers through the pleasure.
After a few minutes of this you grab for your phone to exit out of the video, but not before looking at the man on the screen, spent and covered in his own cum. The visual is almost enough to make you want to go again, but you forced yourself to close out and go get cleaned up.
You returned to your room a few minutes later and began to scroll through your food delivery apps, since you could not be bothered with cooking tonight. The problem was that absolutely nothing you could order sounded appetizing right now. You let out a frustrated sigh and flopped back on your bed. You stared at your ceiling for several minutes.
A series of knocks on your bedroom startled you.
“Y/N!” Your roommate called. “I’m making dinner, want in?” You scrambled up and unlocked the door. His hand was still raised from when he knocked.
“I very much want in.”
“Okay,” he laughed. You have lived with him for the last six months, before that you lived with Soonyoung. When he and Jenna got serious she asked him to move in and he practically jumped at the opportunity. He was a considerate roommate and an even better friend, so he stayed until it was time to renew the lease. You were worried about affording the apartment by yourself, so he came up with a solution for that too. The solution was named Seokmin, and you had no idea who he was.
Luckily for Seokmin, you tend to just go along with things Soonyoung suggests, and you had no other friends needing a place to live. So, Seokmin it was. He was a good roommate. He mostly kept to himself, but there are some days where he invited you to dinner in the living room.
“What are we having?” You ask, leaning against the counter.
“We have a frozen pizza.” He shrugged.
“Perfect!” You exclaimed sarcastically and moved to preheat the oven.
“Sure, pick whatever.” You rifle through the fridge, “Beer?”
“You read my mind,” he called from the small living room. You grabbed one for each of you. He was sitting on the couch flipping through movies on Netflix. Plopping down next to him you held the bottle out to him. You watched him wrap his fingers around the neck of the bottle, the grip looked familiar. Almost as if you saw those fingers around something else just an hour ago—
“Oh my God!” You gasped.
“What?” He turned to you frantically, “What happened?”
“I–” you sputtered, “The Queen of England died.”
“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow at you, “Like three years ago.”
“Yeah,” you scrambled up off the couch, “Crazy! I’ll be right back!” You didn’t give him time to respond before you were practically running to the bathroom. You threw on the sink and splashed water in your face. Okay, so, you just touched yourself to a video of your roommate, a video that he uploaded online, one of many. Your shy, considerate, admittedly cute roommate is a camboy, your favorite camboy.
You avoided Seokmin for the next week. You could not look at him, now that you knew what he sounded like when he came. When you did catch glimpses of him, before hurrying away to your room, you were more and more sure of the fact that it was him. His gorgeous lips were burned into your memory from the first time you saw them. You’re honestly surprised you didn’t put two and two together earlier. The fact that you knew he only ever went live when you weren’t home, that didn’t help his case.
You pulled your knees to your chest and opened that folder with the black heart. Against your better judgement you went straight to his page, something you hadn’t done since that day. You scrolled through all of the streams, his body looking delicious in each one. You squeezed your thighs together, you cannot be doing this right now, or ever again. The sound of a key turning in the front door of your apartment made you throw your phone to the other end of the couch as if it was hot to the touch. Seokmin spotted you before you had the chance to run from him this time.
“Hey!” He exclaimed and scrambled to close the door as you attempted, once again, to escape him. “Wait!” You turned back to him slightly, hearing his pleading tone. When you caught a glimpse of him, the look on his face matched his tone. “Did…did I do something wrong?” He wrung his hands together.
“No, not at all.” You assured him, barely above a whisper.
“Then why have you been avoiding me?” He looked as if he might stomp his foot, like a petulant child. “I just felt like we were really starting to get used to each other, and maybe even…maybe we were friends. Then you found out the Queen died, and you’ve been weird!”
“I know,” you mumbled looking at your feet on the carpet.
“You know that you’ve been weird?” He took a step toward you.
“No, Seokmin, I know,” you unlocked your phone and held it out to him. His eyes widened to a size you had never seen as he took in the sight of his own body on your phone screen. You watched him scroll for a few seconds, making sure this was really him, before he looked up at you.
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he clutched your phone in his hands and you had to stop your thoughts from wandering. “You let me move in without knowing me, and I brought this into your home.” You shook your head as he continued, “No seriously, this was so disrespectful of me and if you want me to move out—wait…” You could almost see the gears turning in his head, “How do you know about this?”
“I—” Your mouth felt dry, you wanted to run away.
“Do you watch my videos?” He tried to sound confident but the scarlet blush creeping up his cheeks gave him away.
“I, uh, may have seen one or two…”
“When was the last time,” his confidence was rising now.
“Um..the day I ‘found out’ the Queen died…” You muttered. “Right before you got home…” You whispered, the heat rose in your cheeks. He blinked at you for a moment before crossing the room over to you.
“Did you finish?” His eyes turned dark and his voice lowered. You nodded up at him, you weren’t sure how he got this information out of you when just a moment ago both of you were too embarrassed to even look at each other. It didn’t matter, though, not with the way he looked down at you, and how three words made you wet.
His nimble fingers wrapped around your wrist, and he dragged you back to the couch. He sat you down gently and sank to his knees in front of you. You spread your legs for him to shuffle closer to your clothed core. “I started this whole thing to gain confidence, you know?”
“You..you seem pretty confident now..” You were distracted by the vision in your head of him parting your folds with his tongue.
“Well,” he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of your shorts and underwear, “my roommate I’ve been crushing on since I moved in has seen me get myself off, and she liked it.”
“Mhmm,” you pressed your thighs together, “and?”
“Well,” he began to slowly pull your clothes down your thighs, “if I would have known the times I heard her trying to keep quiet were already because of me, I would have offered to help her out.” You didn’t even have time to be embarrassed about him hearing you before he had your bottoms off and fluttering to the floor.
He spread your legs apart and settled on the floor between them. He leveled himself with your dripping cunt and licked the first fat stripe. A gasp ripped from your throat at the contact. Your vision from a few seconds ago became a reality as he ran his tongue slowly through your folds. Your hands found his hair, and he hummed contentedly into your heat. HIs arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you closer to him, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. The new closeness brought his sharp nose into contact with your clit, eliciting a lewd moan from you.
He dipped his tongue in your entrance experimentally as his nose continued to stimulate the bundle of nerves. You felt like you might explode. Everything was Seokmin, his mouth, his fingers gripping the plush of your thighs, the way his moans into your cunt mixed with your own. You felt like you were about to break. He could tell. You bucked your hips to meet his face, chasing your high.
You came undone as Seokmin was tasting you. He would drink it all up if he could. Reluctantly, he tore himself away. You swore you almost came again at the beauty of his mouth and nose covered in the essence of you. His pupils were blown out, almost covering the brown of his irises. You leaned forward and kissed him, deep and hard, you didn’t even care that you could taste yourself on his lips. He whimpered against you.
“Let me take care of you, Min,” you whispered.
“No.” He shook his head. You pulled back and looked at him, confused. “Use me.” He begged. This man was on his knees in front of you, begging.
“What do you want?”
“Make me your toy,” he said breathlessly, “use me like you do when you watch me, please?” His eyes were big and round. You nodded and pushed him onto his back on the floor. You climb onto him and straddle his hips. He was overwhelmed already, looking up at you. You ground your hips down onto his hard cock and he let out another whimper. Leaning forward you trapped his hands above his head.
“Leave those there while I undress you, pretty boy,” he nodded eagerly and you moved to remove his pants and boxers. Once free, you took in the sight of his pretty cock in person for the first time. Seokmin’s hands were big, so you never realized just how big he was elsewhere as well. You swiped some of the precum that was drowning the bulbous head and worked it down his shaft. “Ready?”
He nodded again, you were half convinced that he couldn’t form words. You lined yourself up above him and slowly sank down on his cock.
“F-fuck…” There was his voice. He took the word right out of your mouth. The stretch was delicious, he fit inside of you perfectly. You gave yourself a second to adjust before he was whining and begging you to move. You rocked your hips experimentally, and he felt better inside of you than originally thought. He was already thrusting up to meet you.
“Eager,” you remarked. You moved up and down, feeling each delicious drag against your walls. Seokmin, ever eager to please, left his hands above his head as he was told. “You can touch me.” You breathed. His hands flew to your hips and began to guide your rocking on his cock. “You’re such a good boy, waiting for permission.” He whimpered at your praise. You could feel the telltale signs of your orgasm approaching.
“Baby ‘m gonna cum,” he sighs. The familiar sounding sighs sent you hurtling toward your own high. His thrusts from under you became sloppy and quick. Your second orgasm washed over you in waves, and you felt like you were floating. Quickly after yours began, Seokmin came undone, and he released hot white ropes inside of your spent cunt.
He pulls you into a kiss and lays you down on his chest. The apartment is quiet as the two of you come down from your highs. After a few minutes Seokmin breaks the carefully crafted silence, “Baby?”
“Mmmm?” You hum.
“You knew that the Queen was dead, didn’t you?”
#svthub#diamond life network#seventeen x reader#lee seokmin x reader#seventeen smut#lee dokyeom x reader#lee seokmin imagines#seventeen imagines#lee seokmin smut#seventeen fics#seventeen scenarios#dk x you#dk x reader#dk smut#seokmin smut#seokmin x reader#lee dokyeom x you#lee dokyeom smut#seventeen hard thoughts#seventeen hard hours#bennie’s works
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patience is a virtue [m]
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 seventeen : lee seokmin x reader (vagina, fem!pronouns)
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Seokmin considers himself a patient person, but lately, your busy work schedule has him wondering how long he can hold out. The answer, it seems, is not that long.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 smut (minors dni), fluff, established relationship, a brief moment of embarrassment, pillow humping/male masturbation, video mention, no plot (sorry), leaving everyone involved on a cliffhanger/abrupt ending, cross-posted on ao3 | 1.4k words
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 the way this idea has been weighing on my mind lately...something about seokmin's surprised reactions makes me want to tease him, and y/n got caught in the crossfire
The apartment is empty. That's the first thing you notice as you kick your shoes off at the door. Seokmin is still home, though—his shoes are all accounted for, and his keys still rest in the bowl by the door. You toss your keys in beside his, the metal loud against ceramic.
You trod inside. The living room TV is paused on some Netflix show, probably the one he was talking about yesterday, and in the center of the room, a pile of unfolded laundry sits next to an upturned basket. You pick up a fallen throw pillow and toss it back onto the couch before calling out Seokmin's name hesitantly. He's not in the kitchen either. Your home feels strangely frozen in time.
You rummage around the pantry for a snack, noting that everything's been restocked and put away nicely, and you should really thank Seokmin for taking care of your home while you've been busy. You've done your share of the chores, of course: taking out the trash, sweeping every other day, doing the dishes after he cooks. But with you going all-in on your latest team project, you can confidently say that your boyfriend is the only reason your home still feels like a home and not somewhere you rest your eyes for a few hours a day. Case in point, you open the fridge to find a wrapped sandwich with your name and a heart on a note.
Cute, you smile to yourself and put the sandwich on the kitchen counter for later. Comfortable pajamas come first. In fact, it's all you've been thinking about since you started driving home—comfy clothes, warm food, and a funny show to wrap up your afternoon. Hopefully snuggled into Seokmin's side all the while.
You perk up when you notice the cracked bedroom door.
"Hey, Seok, did you want to watch—"
You can't help the gasp that escapes you, hand flying from the handle to cover your mouth. Seokmin's head whips around to look at you over his shoulder, expression a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and horror.
"What are you doing home right now?" he screeches, scrambling to cover himself with the blanket. Your eyes fly around the room, taking in the pants on the floor, the boxers pooled around his exposed ankles, and the stack of pillows on the bed. You're still reeling from the after-image of him humping them, lip caught between his teeth. "I thought you were working until dinnertime!"
"I got off work early! I texted you," you say, gesturing to the nightstand where his phone sits charging, "but I guess you were, um, busy?"
You stare at him, and he stares back. The silence is mortifying, but now that the blood rushing in your ears has subsided, you finally hear the faint noise coming from his phone.
"Is that...me?" you ask, gaping at the whimpering gasps that sound familiar. It's the video you recorded for him to use on a business trip last month. While you thought the file was a sexy gift when you sent it, hearing you chase your orgasm in the middle of the afternoon has you wanting to sink into the ground.
"Yeah, it is. I mean, I'm allowed to use it, right?" he squeaks, face still flushed. "I thought I could. I've been using it since I got it. M'sorry if I wasn't supposed to?"
"No, no, you're definitely allowed to. I'm just..." You bark a laugh, fanning yourself with a hand. "Sorry! I don't know why I'm like this right now. We do this sort of thing all the time. It just caught me off guard. Did you want me to leave so you can finish?" you ask, choking on the last word.
"You can, if you want, but if you're free, um," he hesitates, fingers picking at the blanket over his bulge, "it'd be nice if you could stay?"
Right then, the video approaches its end, and you hear yourself cum with a loud, breathy moan that has your ears burning. If you weren't watching Seokmin with rapt attention, you would've missed the shiver that he tries to tamper down.
You swallow, and he traces that action down the column of your throat, gaze flicking down the rest of your body with appreciation. You could drown in his wide-blown pupils.
You find yourself saying, "I'll stay."
Seokmin considers himself very lucky to have such an attractive partner, even if you get shy and swat his arm whenever he reminds himself of it aloud, but these days, with your busy work schedule, it feels like a curse in disguise. He's been patient for a long time now, knowing that you come home exhausted every evening and that you spend all your free time trying to get ahead with work. Just a little more, you murmur to your reflection as you get ready in the morning, and he wishes that he could do something to take the load off your shoulders.
So in addition to taking up more of the housework, he tries not to bother you with his needs, making do with cold showers and his hand and that blessed video...until today.
He spent all morning working himself up, thinking that he'd have the whole afternoon to get himself off, but the universe must be tired of giving him lucky breaks because the day he caves and decides to try something new is the same day you come home early.
Or maybe this is a favorable turn of events?
He cards a hand through his hair. Now that the jump scare is over and his heart is beating properly again, he remembers the predicament he's in, dick still hard. You walk closer and perch on the edge of the bed, keeping your eyes firmly on his face.
"Can you show me what you were doing earlier?" you ask lowly, unbuttoning the top of your dress shirt.
Oh, when you ask like that, he'll do anything you want. As you reach over to silence his phone—no need for the video when the real thing is right here—he settle back over the pillows. Bracing himself on his forearms, he lightly drags his tip across the wet stain he left earlier, hissing at the friction of a few shallow thrusts.
"Look at the mess you're making," you murmur, gaze heavy. His cock is throbbing. "Baby, is that enough for you?"
"No," he whimpers. He folds the pillow over, tightening it with one hand as he thrusts deeper. He draws his lip between his teeth. "S'not tight enough. A-ah, want it to be you."
Seokmin keeps going, eyes focused on the way the pillow swallows him whole, heart stuttering as he thinks of burying himself in you. You're always so receptive to his pace, always so sensitive to his touch. He loves the way your legs would curl around his waist as he pushes into you, your insides fluttering as you adjusted to his size. The pillow is plush, but it's not you.
His thoughts splinter when you sigh, and when he looks up, he can't help the guttural Fuck that tumbles from his mouth. Your shirt is completely unbuttoned, your pencil skirt is bunched around your hips, and your panties—the baby blue lace set, he feels like he's won the lottery—barely conceal anything. He can't believe you wore those in public.
His hands come up to grab your thighs, but you tsk, pushing your toes into his shoulders, and he freezes in place.
"You asked me to stay," you remind him. "You didn't ask to touch."
This is pure torture. Your hold on him is feather light, but he's straining against the ropes of self control.
"Please. Just a taste, baby, I'll make you feel good," he says, words coming out in a rush. He's on the verge of whining, but he doesn't care. He can see your arousal, can smell it heavy in the air, and his cock twitches in anticipation despite the shake of your head. "I promise, I promise it'll feel so good. Let me use my tongue on you."
He tilts his head and rests a cheek on your ankle, trying to implore you with warm eyes. You pretend to consider it, drawing out your thoughtful hum until seconds feel like hours. Then you shimmy out of your underwear, and that's all the confirmation he needs.
#seventeen smut#svt smut#lee seokmin smut#seokmin smut#svt seokmin smut#lee dokyeom smut#dokyeom smut#dk smut#svt dokyeom smut#a3risbaby.kpop#a3risbaby.writing
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he's so sweet wtf 😭 I need him so bad pls
Best Neighbor of All Time Award | Lee Seokmin (M)

✦pairing: neighbor!Seokmin x fem!reader
✦genre: fluffy? before the SMUT (minors DNI)
✦wc: ~6.4 and some change (most likely, still pending a deep proofread)
✦summary: Seokmin is the best neighbor you've ever had, making it impossible not to fall for his charms.
NSFW warnings under the cut, minors do not read, 18+ only
✦warnings: no specific pronouns used, but reader has female anatomy & wears a skirt; pet names (sweetheart); switch!Seokmin; switch!reader; mention of masturbation; unprotected sex (pls be safe and wrap it before u tap it friends); fingering; oral (male receiving); creampie; some choking? some degradation? some humiliation? some orgasm denial? some overstim? hello? am i ok?
✦a/n: hi this was created from this lovely ask here. thank you thank you thank you for sending that in kind anon. tbh, this was originally a fic for jun, but when i got this ask I felt inspired to rewrite this about DK. (i'm really hoping to get more fics out about more members, but my mind went haywire from this request)
If such an award existed, you’d grant Lee Seokmin the Best Neighbor of All Time Award. Living next to Seokmin proved to be one of your most symbiotic relationships, even if he was just a trustworthy neighbor before becoming a good friend of yours.
You had first met him when a package of yours was delivered to his apartment rather than yours, signing for the delivery without even checking the addressee and tearing into the box without hesitation. Only then did he realize the package was filled with clothing he couldn’t quite remember ordering, reevaluating the packing slip, and panicking when he realized the delivery was addressed to the person next door.
Flustered, Seokmin appeared at your doorstep, ears tinted an endearing shade of red as he knocked at your front door and nervously held the opened package to his chest. When you cracked the door open with a soft, polite smile adorning your very pretty features, Seokmin could have sworn he felt the blush spread from his ears like rapid fire throughout his chest and face, as he hadn’t expected someone around his age (and notably attractive) to live right next door to him. He felt even more like a fool with your package in his hand, which he had so blatantly ripped into, and felt like he had invaded your privacy before ever meeting you.
However, Seokmin felt more at ease when you greeted him without hesitation, the door opening wider as your smile broadened, “oh, I recognize you. You live right next door, right? I’m Y/N, sorry I haven’t had the chance to introduce myself yet, I just moved in about a week or so ago.”
Admittedly, Seokmin felt a bit silly that he hadn’t recognized you when you had clearly recognized him, but he didn’t bask in it as he introduced himself, “I’m Seokmin, but my friends call me DK,” you watched as he nervously ruffled his hair, eyes flickering to the package held tightly in his other hand, “and I am so sorry, but I was delivered your package and opened it myself.”
You let out the most saccharine laugh he’s sworn he’s ever heard, graciously accepting the package, and further easing Seokmin’s nerves from how pleasant you seemed. “No worries,” your expression jokingly shifted to one that was skeptical, “you didn’t see anything incriminating or suggestive in here, did you?”
You found it charming how the tall, handsome man seemed to stutter at your question, noting how easy it was to make him flustered. With a giggle, you let him off the hook as he struggled to find his words, “Just kidding, thank you for dropping this off. I’ll see you around then, DK?”
Seokmin let out a little laugh alongside you, cursing himself for acting so out of character around you, but he blames it on the unfortunate circumstances of how he had to meet his new neighbor. “Yeah, see you around,” he gives you a little wave as you tuck behind your door, closing it gently as you wave back, “nice to meet you, Y/N.”
He can hear a little “you too!” escape from the crack of your door as you shut it, finally allowing him to breathe out in relief as he heads back to his apartment. Little did he know, you were pressed up against your door, a hand gently slapping your cheek in embarrassment that you asked him if he came across anything incriminating or suggestive, unbelieving that you had asked him such a thing upon first meeting him.
Your neighborly friendship with Seokmin only blossomed from there, the next interaction you had with him being in the elevator a few days later. You had both made small talk and exchanged numbers, Seokmin letting you know that you shouldn’t ever hesitate to give him a call if you ever need anything.
Seokmin didn’t expect you to take him up so quickly on the offer though, phone buzzing later that same night with your name appearing on his screen. He couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto his face at seeing your name, quickly picking up your call and ready to tease you for calling him so soon. However, he especially wasn’t expecting to hear your frantic tone, barely able to make out your words as you spoke quickly into the phone.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Seokmin interrupted you finally, “you need to slow down, Y/N. I’m walking over now.” He was already out the front door of his apartment, about to knock at your door as you finally let out a coherent sentence.
“The door is unlocked,” you cried out, “just let yourself in.”
With that, Seokmin burst into your apartment without further hesitation, hanging up the phone to find you standing atop your counters with a broom in hand. He began to approach you, further confused by the situation, but only wanting to offer consolation.
“Stop!” You squealed, halting his movements mid-step, and pointing down at the ground directly in front of you. Seokmin’s gaze followed in the direction you were pointing; your quiet whimpers were suddenly drowned out by his own shouts as he realizes what you were afraid of. An extremely large spider stood in the middle of your kitchen, eerily standing still as you both panicked.
Seokmin embarrassingly enough found himself crouched up on one of your barstools, reaching for the broom in your hand as he continued to let out shouts of terror himself. He frantically batted at the spider, attempting to crush the damned arachnid with your weapon of choice, only for you to interrupt him mid-swat.
“No,” you wailed out in despair, “don’t kill it.”
“What do you want me to do,” Seokmin was unbelieving, saucer-like eyes staring into yours as he watched the spider scurry across the floor towards him.
You handed him the dustpan, panic clear in your tone, “I don’t know, sweep it up into this and throw him out the window.”
Seokmin obliged, trying not to make himself look like any more of a coward in front of you as he hopped down from the stool and swiftly swept the spider up into the dustpan, hauling across the kitchen to shake the spider out of your open window. Of course, all of this was done with consistent hoots and hollers on his end.
After all was said and done, Seokmin found himself breathlessly leaning against your window, absolutely taxed from the whole event. Seokmin only came back to reality upon hearing your melodious laugh, turning around to see you still on your countertops, curled into a little ball as you uncontrollably laughed.
“Hey,” Seokmin shouted, approaching you with his finger pointed in your direction, and he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips as well. In false seriousness, gently poking at you as you held onto your side to contain your laughter, “are you laughing at my demise? Who’s the one who called me in sheer panic?”
“I’m sorry,” you managed to squeak out in between laughs, “but this whole thing was just too funny in hindsight.” Your cheeks hurt from laughing so hard, only laughing more as Seokmin joins you, but still seeming a bit embarrassed as he shoves your broom into a corner of your apartment.
You feel bad for laughing, so you slide off your countertop and walk towards him with your arms out, a cheesy smile on your face. “C’mon, bring it in, big guy.”
Hesitantly, Seokmin accepts your hug, an awkward hand patting your shoulder as you embrace his much larger frame. He’s stiff and he’s not sure why; eyes still wide when you pull away and lift his hand up to high-five your own. Honestly, you’re not sure why you went in for a hug, only trying to offer some consolation, but your already pounding heart seemed to only get worse.
“Thanks for coming over and helping,” you suddenly feel a bit sheepish, but still try to make ease of it all, “even though you seem a bit scared of bugs as well. I appreciate it, I owe you one, neighbor.”
Seokmin relaxes a bit, noticing you’re a bit embarrassed yourself, “no problem, Y/N. I told you to give me a call anytime.” He’s ready to dismiss himself, ready to head back to his own apartment. Why must every interaction with you be slightly embarrassing for him?
“You better watch what you offer out,” you joke, earning a chuckle from Seokmin as he exits your apartment.
“Goodnight, Y/N. Good luck getting sleep tonight after knowing that was in your house.”
You giggle a bit, bidding Seokmin a goodnight as well as you watch him shut your door, heart still pounding erratically in your chest. You were done for; you absolutely knew it. How could you get so lucky, having an extremely handsome neighbor who is just the right amount sweet and chaotic? You refused to fantasize about any relationship with him though, knowing it was extremely premature of you and you didn’t want to get carried away with a crush on someone right next door.
You did everything to suppress your excitement when you’d see Seokmin within the halls of your apartment complex, when he’d send you texts informing you of local events, or when you could slightly hear him singing to himself through the thin wall that divided your apartments.
Once you had made yourself a bit too large of a batch of brownies, deciding to bring a tray over to Seokmin’s as a treat for being so welcoming and helpful to you. You won’t ever forget how his eyes lit up upon opening the door to you, excitedly exclaiming what a delightful surprise it was to see you and inviting you inside with your tray of brownies. You especially won’t forget the way his smile extended to his eyes when he took a bite of the treat, letting you know that these were the best brownies he’s ever had in his life.
He made you feel like a high schooler all over again, feeling giddy from his praise as he continued to snack on the chocolate treat. You took this time to look around his apartment, the space being just as comforting and warm as he was. Seokmin offered you a glass of wine that night, asking if you’d like to try some of the new bottle of red wine that he had started sipping on. You obliged when he claimed that it was the least he could do after you brought over the brownies, but you would have agreed regardless to spend more time with him.
You weren’t sure if it was the wine or Seokmin that made you feel tingly that night, mirroring Seokmin’s smile when he asked if you liked the wine, “I like it a lot,” you claimed. I like you a lot, you thought.
After that, Seokmin had gifted you wine occasionally, handing it to you with that signature smile of his, and always including a handwritten note tied around the neck of the bottle. Sometimes he’d come over with a six-pack of beer. Sometimes you’d invite him in to join you on you couch; you both would end up drinking the entire six-pack, bent over in laughter after making fun of whatever stupid rom com you had been watching. Sometimes you’d find yourself getting a little too drunk, tears spilling out over nothing as Seokmin held you to his chest, hushing and consoling you even though he’s not sure why you are crying in the first place. Sometimes you’d both end up dancing to the credit scene music, laughing and talking the night away. Nothing ever came of these nights though, other than your budding friendship, and your burgeoning one-sided crush on him.
One morning you had seen Seokmin in passing, the usually lively man looking sickly and bundled up, still sending a smile your way to greet you. You had asked him what was wrong, and he claimed he just had a simple cold. You couldn’t help but feel guilty every time you heard his cough from the other side of the wall.
Later that evening, you were sure to bring over some homemade chicken noodle soup, herbal tea, and medicine for him. You had texted him prior to bringing the remedy over, making sure he wasn’t sleeping, and he let you know just to let yourself in. You found yourself keeping him company all night, even if it meant you risked getting sick yourself, claiming that these were part of your neighborly duties and that he’d do the same for you. Seokmin was a bit skeptical, but he sure did enjoy having you around (and he would do the same for you).
All these events and more have led to an undeniable friendship, both of you living symbiotically and constantly being there for one another. It was hard to suppress any emotions you felt for him at this point, and you found yourself reading into his actions a bit too much. You were even guilty of inviting dates over purely in hopes that he would overhear you conversing with them through the walls and become jealous. You’d always end up unsuccessful, booting them from your apartment before they ever had the chance with you.
You’d become shameless when you’d find yourself in bed later at night, touching yourself to the thoughts of Seokmin, crying out his name upon your release. This was the only time you ever wished Seokmin couldn’t hear you, cheeks heating up in embarrassment after realizing how loud you may have been from just a little fantasy and feeling a bit dishonorable.
It had now been months into your friendship, consistently being good neighbors to one another, and you were excited to say you were learning all the small things about Seokmin, as he was about you. He had become your movie and tv-series watching partner, wine and beer-drinking partner, shoulder to cry on, and overall hype man.
You were the same for him, being sure to cheer him on even when it hurt deep down. Even when he showed up at your door with a bouquet of roses, nervously chewing at his bottom lip, you did everything to contain your excitement. Which quickly died down when he asked if he looked okay, letting you know he had a date tonight and wasn’t sure if he was overdressed.
Trying not to sound dejected, you put on your best smile and gave him a thumbs up. “You look absolutely handsome, Seokmin, they are extremely lucky whoever they are.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” he’d smile the widest you’d ever seen him smile, hand slipping behind your head to pull you in for a quick forehead kiss. “Don’t forget I’m having some people over tomorrow for a party, you’re invited, I want you to meet all my friends.”
All of this made your stomach erupt in butterflies, the spot on your forehead where his lips had pressed against tingled uncomfortably and the thought of being introduced to his friends made your cheeks heat up even more. You were sure they’d all be just like him, and you weren’t sure you could handle it. “I’ll be there, don’t you worry. Have fun tonight, Seok!”
You’d watch him disappear into the elevator after he bid you goodnight, jokingly scolding you for not having something fun planned for a Friday night, but you weren’t sure you’d be able to enjoy it anyways knowing he was out on a date. It’s not something you're proud of, but that night you prayed that the date went horribly, attempting to stay up to hear if he had brought his date home, but your heavy eyelids betrayed you before you could ever find out.
The next day, you found yourself preparing in advance for Seokmin’s party, taking your time in the shower, and performing a whole self-care routine. You were someone who always thought to hell with the male gaze, so why did you care so much about what you looked like tonight, you only ever dressed or got ready for yourself. Seokmin has also seen you at your worst; bedhead, matted Hello-Kitty robe, wine-stained teeth, and all.
Maybe you were a bit overdressed for a simple apartment party. Maybe the leather skirt, tights, and boots were a bit of an overkill if you were being honest, but you could argue that Seokmin’s outfit for his date last night was a bit of an overkill, especially with those roses. Maybe you were being a bit petty, and you should reconsider your outfit for your own self-preservation. However, the skirt and tights were already on, and it was an achievement in itself to not rip the nylon fabric.
The music next door for Seokmin’s party had already begun, hearing the celebratory cheers in the hall as his friends seemingly began to arrive. It all made you extremely nervous, even though you consider yourself friendly and sociable you were still shy in nature. The loud chatter through the walls only made you anxious, taking a shot of the untouched vodka that had been in the back of your freezer in hope that you’d gain some confidence. Grabbing the rack of beers that you had purchased in advance for the party, you had finally mustered up enough courage to march over to Seokmin’s apartment, not wanting to arrive too fashionably late.
To your surprise, an incredibly handsome man that was not Seokmin opened the door. He was tall, with sharp canines that made his pretty smile even more charming. The man quickly noticed the rack of beers in your hand, the heavy case making you a bit unbalanced as you anxiously stand at the front door.
“Y/N?” The man asks, his soft voice surprising you, and you feverishly nod as he reaches to grab the case of beers from your hand, noticing your struggle. “I’m Mingyu, come on in. DK can’t stop talking about how he can’t wait for us to meet you.”
You shuffle in behind him, muttering a thank you as he turns to the rest of the crew in the apartment, holding the rack of beers up victoriously as he announces your presence. Seokmin is quick to dash over to you upon noticing your arrival, excusing himself from the group that he was in the corner of his kitchen and making his way over to you.
An arm of his snakes around your waist prior to introducing you to all his friends. “All, this is Y/N, my neighbor who I seriously don’t know what I’d do without,” he chuckles, and you feel extremely self-conscious under the gaze of his unexpectedly large group of friends. Still, you can’t hold back the smile as he tugs you a bit closer to him, seeming to notice your discomfort.
“Nice to meet you all,” you smile, feeling more at ease as the group welcomes you in, introducing themselves one at a time as Mingyu slips a chilled beer into your hands.
You quickly feel comfortable, the group of friends being delightful as you had suspected, all of them being as funny and charming as Seokmin is. You’re also quick to pick up on some of their dynamics, especially after the one named Soonyoung, who made it clear that he really goes by Hoshi, seems to spill a bit too much information about the group to you.
“That’s Jeonghan,” he slurs as you follow his gaze, remembering him as the overtly sweet boy with a cute chuckle, “he seems all innocent, but be sure to keep an eye on him when you play any games tonight. Then, that is Seungcheol and his girlfriend. He acts all tough, but he’s an absolute simp.”
Hoshi continues dishing all the gossip as you sip down your first beer. It’s quite enjoyable, laughing at all his jokes as he shares all their little nuances. Seokmin finds himself watching you most of the night, unable to hold back his smile as he watches you bond with his friends.
As if Mingyu could sense you had finished your first drink, he appears at your side and hands you a fresh beer, sitting closely next to you. The feeling of his thigh on yours is enough to make your body heat up feverishly. Not that you notice, but Seokmin is sure to take note of how close his friend has gotten to you, as well as the painstakingly pretty blush on your cheeks.
“Ah,” Hoshi unexpectedly raises his voice, making both you and Mingyu jump a bit in shock. “That’s Mingyu, he’s fun to pick on. Anyways, what do you want to know about DK, Y/N?”
Both you and Mingyu chuckle at Hoshi’s antics, and you hum in thought, “hmm, what is something you think I don’t know about him?”
Hoshi chuckles evilly, “well, you should know that –,” and as if Mingyu knows what he is going to say before the tipsy boy can even utter another word, he reaches across your body to cover his mouth and pull him away from you.
Finally noticing Seokmin’s attention on you from across the room as Mingyu pulls Hoshi away, you make your way over to him as he watches you intently, sipping on the beer in hand.
“What was that about?” Seokmin chuckles, feeling slightly nervous about the interaction and still a bit unsettled by Mingyu’s not-so-sly advances.
You laugh, leaning against the counter with Seokmin, head subconsciously resting on his shoulder as you watch his friends mingle amongst each other. “Your friend Hoshi is a hoot; you should hear all the tea he was spilling about you guys. He may be my favorite other than you.”
Seokmin’s heart warms at your last statement, but he can’t hide the little green-eyed monster that burns inside of him. “What about Mingyu?”
You seem confused by his question, head turning from his shoulder to look up at him with starry eyes and pouty lips. “What do you mean?”
Seokmin feels the fire within him burn a bit hotter, feeling lost for words when you look up at him like that. “Nothing,” he mutters, realizing there is nothing for him to worry about at this moment. He takes this chance to dip his lips down towards your ear, brushing your hair back gently as he whispers to you, “you look very pretty tonight, Y/N.”
His fingers burn into the back of your neck, goosebumps littering your skin from his touch and the way his hot breath feels as he whispers in your ear. You’re suddenly shy again, muttering out a bleak "thank you" as your freehand grips his forearm, arousal pooling at your core from the way his dark eyes bore into yours. Something has finally shifted, and you both can feel it.
When he pulls away, you’re taunted by that smile of his, and you know he feels accomplished by his effect on you. This ignites something in you, scanning the room to see what state of mind his friends are in, and taking note that they are all irreparably drunk and in their own world.
It’s your turn to whisper in his ear now, standing on your tippy toes as you ask him a simple question, “I’ve never seen your bedroom before, Seokmin. Care to show me it?”
No time is wasted as Seokmin wraps his fingers through yours, guiding you hastily to his room at the end of the hall, exactly like the layout of your apartment. You feel a bit embarrassed, realizing that his bedroom is indeed opposite of yours, remembering all the nights you’ve coaxed yourself to orgasm just from thoughts of him.
Your disappearance seems to go unnoticed, the music and lively conversations continuing in Seokmin’s living room. Not that it even matters, the sound dying out the second Seokmin slams his lips against yours. Your ears are ringing from the contact, the absolute bliss of feeling his soft lips on yours wracking your entire body with delight, hungrily kissing him back as you wrap your hands around his neck and press your torso closer to his.
His kisses are so rough, yet careful, long, and desperate as his hands begin to roam your body, playfully squeezing at your hips and ass. You keen into him, nose nudging his as your tongue begs for entry, teeth biting at his bottom lip. Seokmin lets you lead, drinking you in for the first time, loving how sweet you still tasted after drinking beer all night with his friends.
Seokmin’s surprised when your lips move down his neck, letting out a gasp as you nibble at his skin. He’s holding onto your waist as if you’d disappear on him, hands pulling out the shirt tucked into your skirt, and slipping the top off you as you suckle on his neck. He’s thankful for the brief loss of contact, the feeling of you on his skin becoming all too intoxicating for him. You’re swift to reattach to him though, plush lips roaming his jaw and neck before reattaching to his lips.
Seokmin is desperate to keep kissing you, needy hands roaming your back before unclasping your bra expertly and enjoying the way you moan into the kiss as he pulls the garment off your chest. You don’t hesitate to guide his hands towards your breasts, encouraging him to touch you, and he takes your cue. He massages at the soft mounds, the kiss between you two becoming hotter as your lower half grinds against his, his fingers tweaking your nipples and making you cry out pathetically.
You can’t wait any longer, detaching your lips from Seokmin’s to drop down to your knees, shaky hands working at his belt as you watch him from under your eyelids. Seokmin swears he could cum right then and there, loving the darkness in your typically bright eyes, and losing it over how swollen your lips are already from just kissing you. It’s sinful how you look beneath him, with no top or bra on, just in your skirt and tights as you desperately pull his pants down. He’s a whiny mess, hand finding itself in your hair as he waits in anticipation.
“Is this okay, Seok?” You ask, voice like honey as you palm at his erection through his boxers. Oh, you can already tell he’s big, his cock feeling hot through the thin fabric, and holding back the temptation to lick the bit of precum that has leaked through.
“Fuck,” he’s groaning out lowly, “this is more than okay, sweetheart.”
Your heart flutters at the endearing pet name, never usually liking that sort of stuff, but when it’s him, it works for you. You pull his boxers down finally, his length hot and heavy exactly like you expected it to be, precum leaking out of the tip and making you hyper-aware of how wet you are yourself.
You take your time licking up his shaft, the man above you shuttering in bliss as you slowly wrap your lips around his tip. You’re completely in control, loving the way he shakes at your touch as he pleads for you to take him in completely. Your eyes flicker back up to his, a darkness in them that you’ve never seen before, and Seokmin’s hips buck into your mouth uncontrollably.
He’s quick to pull you off him, shocked by his own reflexes, and muttering out apologies. However, this only turned you on more, taking him back into your mouth and wasting no time to start messily sucking his cock. He’s groaning out, hand tangling itself even more in your hair as he refrains from bucking into your mouth.
Your hands are clawing at his hips, trying to keep him from fucking your mouth too roughly, but you love it. You didn’t think Seokmin had it in him honestly. Moaning around his length, your tongue works at the veins of his shaft as you hollow your cheeks out. He’s painfully hard, you can tell, and if you could, you’d mutter out praises as he does a good job at not thrusting into your mouth.
You can feel the saliva spilling from the sides of your mouth, Seokmin loves how much of a mess you look below him, tears forming in your eyes at the way the tip of his cock the back of your throat occasionally. He loves how you continue to moan around his cock, watching as your hips desperately grind against nothing as your fingertips dig crescent moons into his hips. He groans as your moans get more and more wonton, loving the way the vibrations feel as you needily suck and lick at his length.
You finally find yourself wrapping a hand around him, the lubrication from your spit providing more than enough glide as you work at his shaft. You can feel him pulsing in your mouth and hand, his groans and whimpers becoming more frequent as he uncontrollably thrusts into your mouth. “Shit,” he’s groaning out, heavily breathing as you continue to jerk and suck him off, “so fucking messy, sweetheart.”
“Be a good boy, Seok,” you finally pull away, noticing how his length is throbbing and how his thrusts are getting more desperate. He’s trying his best to refrain and listen, but your mouth just feels too fucking good and you look so fucking sexy.
He’s crying out softly, nodding as you take him back in, spitting on his cock lewdly as you continue your ministrations. Humming against in cock in praise does not help him one bit, immediately disobeying you, and you pull away to remind him who is in control.
“I’ll be good,” he’s groaning, his erection feeling almost painful at this point from how overstimulated he felt. “Fuck, I promise.”
You tsk out, feeling confident from your effect on Seokmin, and you continue to work at his shaft with your hands, lips shiny and swollen, driving Seokmin deeper into oblivion. He feels so close to his orgasm, hoping you’ll let him finish just this once, swearing internally that he’ll make it up to you.
“You’re not being so good, Seok, you keep fucking my hands and mouth. Are you that needy?” You’re pouting out, hand tightening at the base of his cock and making something in him snap.
Much to your surprise, Seokmin is lifting you from where you’re kneeling on the ground and throwing you face down onto the bed. He’s quick to unzip your boots, roughly tugging your skirt and tights down before running a finger over your sopping cunt.
You’re pushing back into him, the feeling of his fingers over your heat making you chase his hand as he teasingly gathers your essence before rubbing your clit briefly. His fingers gently slap your folds, making you moan out in shock.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Seokmin is bent over you, cock heavy against your ass as he whispers in your ear. “Be a good sweetheart for me now.”
Gasping out, you’re nearly crying when he dips two fingers in between your folds, and your walls immediately take them in. He’s chuckling lowly, fingers scissoring in and out of you as you squirm against his sheets, unable to take back control when his other hand is quick to hold your hips down. He’s much stronger than you ever expected, shocked, and further turned on by how quickly he switched roles on you.
“Who would have thought the sweetheart next door would be creaming all over my fingers,” he coos out, loving the squelching sound of your pussy as he continues to curl his fingers inside of you, denying you of your orgasm when you inevitably clamp even tighter around his fingers. You can feel his smile against your back, teeth and lips working against your skin as he leans over you, no longer applying enough pressure to your clit and making you feel empty again upon removing his fingers. “See how that feels, Y/N? Doesn’t feel so good when you’re on the other side, hm?”
“Seok,” you’re whining out, grinding your hips back into his, and you feel a bit of satisfaction when you feel him keen into you, hot breath running down your spine. “Please, no more games. Just fuck me already. I’m tested and on the pill.”
He no longer has any self-control, but he makes sure he keeps his dominance as his tip prods at your center, fighting the way your tight walls try to suck him in. It proves to be difficult as Seokmin shallowly thrusts inside of you, hot, slick walls clamping around his cock as he bottoms out.
It all feels so dirty, Seokmin thrusting into you, loving the way your walls flutter around his cock as he teasingly pulls in and out. The distant sound of music and his friends in the background, only remembering their presence when he hears a celebratory cheer from the group, assumingly from the intense drinking game taking place in the living room.
You’re a whimpering mess beneath him, crying out about how good he feels inside of you, how big he is, and how full you feel. This only makes him fuck you harder, loving how vulgar and lewd you are in his grasp, pulling out to only slam his hips into your ass, his tip hitting deep inside you exactly where you need him most.
Seokmin shamelessly watched the way your ass bounced against him, hands finding purchase in your hair as he pulls you back up against his chest. He whispers in your ear like he did earlier, mercilessly fucking into you as he says, “you look so fucking pretty tonight, Y/N. All dressed up for me, weren’t you?”
Your head lolls back onto his shoulder, his hand loosening its grip on your hair as they make its way around your throat. He’s still gentle, long fingers wrapping around your neck to hold you in place as he nips at your ear, waiting for your response. “Yes,” you gasp out, feeling him repeatedly hit the spongey spot inside of you, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable as the coil inside of you tightens. “All for you, Seok.”
You’re holding onto his forearms, bouncing against him as you feel his pace start to become a bit sloppy, and you’re only tightening around him even more, loving how carnal he is when his grip tightens around your neck, pulling your lips against him. You feel so breathless, so consumed by him in all ways possible.
“Are you close, sweetheart?” He’s mumbling against your lips, and you can tell he’s close himself, feeling him throbbing inside of you as you rock back into him to meet his thrusts. You’re nodding desperately, enjoying how his fingernails dig into the delicate skin of your neck, teeth pulling at your bottom lip as you moan into his own. One hand makes its way down to your clit, thumb working circles at the bud and almost making you collapse. “I want to hear you cry out my name then, sweetheart, just like I hear you do through those walls.”
Just like that, you’re spasming around him, pleasure taking you over like pure ecstasy as you cry out his name, slightly humiliated but beyond sated as you feel yourself gush around him. “Seokmin,” you still cry out, feeling overstimulated, but needing him to fill you. “Inside me, Seok, please.”
“Fuck, anything since you’ve been so good for me, sweetheart,” and with that he is painting your walls, hot cum spilling deep inside of you as he pulls you in for one more harsh kiss. You continue to slowly grind back on him, getting off on how he shakes behind you and groans into the kiss. “So, so good,” he is mumbling against your lips, slowly pushing you off him and you cry out a bit from the loss of warmth and fullness.
Seokmin begins to take care of you but allows himself to watch as his cum drips from your folds, down your thigh. He comes to when you giggle a bit, shaking your hips at him to remind him that he’s supposed to be cleaning up. Seokmin lets out a puff of laughter, helping to clean you up before assisting you in getting dressed. Slowly, Seokmin pulls your tights back up your legs, leaving a trail of kisses as he gently pulls the fabric up, ensuring not to ruin the integrity of the delicate nylon.
You feel love drunk, soaking in the way he treats you so well after fucking you so roughly. You giggle uncontrollably when he nuzzles his nose into your neck, blowing affectionate raspberries into the skin before kissing your cheek.
He can see all the stars in your eyes like this, staring into them between each peppered kiss as he praises you for being so good for him, whispering sweet nothings of how lucky he is to have met you.
You’re overwhelmed by it all, pulling him into a deep kiss again, but Seokmin, unfortunately, pulls away. “Y/N, please don’t get me worked up again, all my friends are out there. We have so much time to do this again.”
“You’re right,” your lips betray you, pulling him in for another kiss. You feel giddy at him mentioning doing this all again. He gives you a serious look that molds into one of endearment. “Okay, okay. No, you’re right.”
Finally, sitting up, you both compose and fully dress yourselves, sneaking kisses every so often.
“Your friends are going to hate me, Seok,” you chuckle when he pulls you in for one last embrace, pulling you close to him after spinning you around, taking in how beautiful you look.
“Nope,” he smiles, knowing that you’ve already bonded enough with his friends, and he’s sure they all have had an inkling he was obsessed with you from how much he’s spoken about you, “you’ve absolutely won them over just like you’ve won me over.”
Seokmin was right, the group soon would become some of your closest friends. Other than cringing at how sickeningly you and Seokmin were in love, his group of friends was thankful he’d found you. Similarly, you were thankful you found Seokmin. You’ve never felt so at home and loved, all thanks to moving in next to Seokmin.
Really, if such a thing existed, you’d grant Lee Seokmin the Best Neighbor of All Time Award. Never mind that title, instead, you’d now grant Lee Seokmin the Best Boyfriend of All Time Award.
#seventeen#smut#seventeen smut#lee seokmin smut#seokmin smut#dk smut#dokyeom smut#lee dokyeom smut#svt smut#seventeen fic#svt fic
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svt fic recs list <3 - ot13 individual sections - sfw & nsfw ver.
summary: 13 sfw & 13 nsfw ot13 svt with individual member sections reader insert fics :)
contains: 18+ nsfw (mdni!!) majority is afab reader
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
✩ sfw section ✩
❥ levels of romance - @soonyoungs
❥ seventeeners' random habits <3 - @shuacore
❥ seventeen x groveling - @boofeine
❥ svt when reader journals about them. - @xinganhao
❥ them helping their s/o relax after work - @hannieehaee
❥ clingy around s/o - @wheeboo
❥ randomly kissing svt’s hands - @lovingseventeen
❥ seventeen's reaction when you prank them by wiping your lips after they kiss you - @etherealyoungk
❥ svt - when you forgot to kiss them - @wooahaes
❥ i will really live the rest of my life repaying you. - @ylangelegy
❥ how seventeen get cuteness aggression for their s/o - @fairyhaos
❥ clingy with s/o - @babyleostuff
✩ nsfw section ✩
❥ things that get svt vocal in bed - @boofeine
❥ SVT ; ! most likely to be a submissive - @nsfwhao
❥ cock warming with seventeen - @hoshifighting
❥ seventeen reaction at you trying to dom them - @hannieehaee
❥ cumming too fast - @sluttywonwoo
❥ yandere!poly!bandmates!svt x gn!14thmember!you - @yiichan
❥ ass or boobs - @svtswhorehouse
❥ svt bust hands free/in their pants - @hoshifighting
❥ things you do that make svt bust quick - @pochaccoups
❥ kinky things that make seventeen members more aroused during sex - @boofeine
❥ asking to place lipstick marks on 'it' - @cxffecoupx
❥ cumming untouched - @sluttywonwoo
❥ riding seventeen until they cant physically cum anymore (getting milked dry) - @hoshifighting
ames note: no commentary cuz i just wanted to get a fic rec post out since i haven't done one in nearly 2 weeks. i hope y'all enjoy and give the authors some love!! i hope everyone is as excited for howoo as i ammmm <3
#buntanteen fic recs#seventeen x reader#scoups x reader#jeonghan x reader#joshua x reader#junhui x reader#hoshi x reader#wonwoo x reader#woozi x reader#minghao x reader#mingyu x reader#dokyeom x reader#seungkwan x reader#vernon x reader#dino x reader#lee chan x reader#seventeen headcanons#seventeen drabbles#seventeen fanfic#svt fanfic#svt x reader#svt imagines#seventeen fluff#seventeen smut#seungcheol smut#jeonghan smut#mingyu smut#pls kindly let me know if there are any issues!!
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pov ○ lee dokyeom
tags. voyeurism (?). mirror sex. oral (f receiving, m receiving). fingering. size kink. belly bulge. penetrative sex (vaginal). darcyphillia. overstimulation. afab reader. orgasm denial. dom/sub undertones.
synopsis. you get filthy with a mirror basically
You tick an eyebrow as you step into the room and note the newest addition. An amused smile curls on your lips as you look at Seokmin through the reflective surface. It isn’t lost on you, the way the placement of the mirror made it so that the bed was completely visible through it.
A tingle runs up your spine as you recall the conversation a few weeks ago.
“So?” Seokmin mumbles, his chest pressed to your back, his fingers digging into your hips as his mouth works along the hinge of your jaw and neck, nipping and licking and leaving behind splotches of red that’ll bloom into shades of purples and blue by the morning.
“So.” You repeat, head tilting up and to the left, eyes focused on the reflection of Seokmin in the mirror, his teeth and tongue moving across the expanse of your neck.
His fingers trail up from your hip, working at the buttons of your shirt to give himself access to more of your skin, “Thoughts?”
“Just about what you’ll do,” You tell him, biting your lip to hold back a whimper when his teeth sink into your shoulders. “About what your plan is.”
“Nothing much,” Seokmin pulls away from your shoulder as he stares ahead, looking you in the eye through the mirror, “Just want you to see what it looks like when I ruin you.”
Your breath hitches at the tone of his voice, something dark and heavy, a juxtaposition to his usual soft and sweet voice and you want to burrow yourself in it. There is a dull throb between your legs as you swallow the lump in your throat.
“Want anything specific, love?” Seokmin’s voice is softer now, his breath warm against your ear.
“Do whatever you want,” You say, feeling his smile against your skin, “I’ll let you know if it gets too much.”
“Don’t look away from the mirror,” Seokmin’s voice is stern when he says this, the syllables sharp and you know that if you were to disobey, it would not be kind for you and so you nod, eyes focused on his form in the mirror.
“Good girl,” Seokmin presses a kiss against your cheek as his hands move to take your shirt off of you completely, and unhooks your bra before moving to your pants, the fabric pooling at your feet. You bite back a moan at the praise, the throb between your legs increasing as heat pools in your stomach when you catch yourself in the mirror━ only in your panties, chest heaving and eyes wide.
“Such a pretty little slut,” Seokmin mumbles against your skin, one of his hands on your tits, playing with the numb while the other digs into your hip, painful to the degree where it shoots pleasure up your spine. “Keep looking at yourself, sweetheart..”
He continues leaving kisses against you, the hand on your hip lowering until he slips a finger into your wet hole, fucking into you before slipping another one in, moving them and scissoring them, completely ignoring your aching clit.
“Seok━” You pant out, leaning your weight completely against him, your legs are shaky, unable to hold your weight and it feels as if you would crumple to the floor if not for his hold on you. “Seok, please need more.”
You watch him smile, slipping another finger in and finally, finally pressing against your cilt, making a low drawn-out moan fall from your lips as you completely collapse against him. He lets out a breathy laugh at your reaction, working on your clits while stretching your whole, fucking into you with his fingers.
It isn’t long before you feel the build-up of pressure, the muscles of your stomach and thighs tightening and tightening until━
Your body sags against his, pleasure washing over you as you come with his name on your lips but Seokmin keeps going, his thumb circling and pressing against your cilt and the pleasure mixes with hints of pain, your body spasming as tears start to gather in your eyes, overstimulation making itself home. But your hands stay firmly on your side, knowing that if you wanted him to stop, a snap or two taps would have him do so.
“Seok━ Seokmin, baby I━” Your breath hitches as another orgasm washes upon you, your third one since he started and you can feel your mind growing hazy. You can feel him move you, a plushness against your legs. You blink and Seokmin’s face in front of you, lips downturned and eyes worried.
“We had rules love,” Seokmin’s voice is soft as he speaks, “Why didn’t you tell me to stop?”
“I didn’t want you to.” You say, the confusion clear on his tone.
“You blacked out for a bit”
“Oh,” You breathe out, “I’m fine, I promise.” You sigh at the raised eyebrow he sends your way. Leaning down, you press your lips to his, “I promise.”
Seokmin nods, slotting his lips to yours, his tongue finding its way to your mouth as his hands settle on your hips, his thumb brushing against bare skin, making you shiver into the heat of his mouth.
Slowly, his mouth trails down, your lips to your neck to your tits, leaving a wake of red splotches. His hands move from your hips to your thighs, squeezing the tender flesh as he parts your legs, his mouth attaching itself to your core.
“Keep looking at yourself sweetheart,” Seokmin says, mouth a breath away from your clit, the vibrations making you moan. You swallow and nod, forcing yourself to keep your eyes open and on the mirror, taking in the sight of you looking like a mess, with tear-stained cheeks, chest heaving, mouth open wide and eyes almost a shade of black.
His mouth works on you, sucking at the bundle of nerves, fingers moving in and out of your whole and the pressure starts to build up, moans and whines falling from your lips as your eyes flutter close and body arches and━
A whine falls from your lips as he pulls away, eyes opening to look down at Seokmin and━ oh.
Oh shit.
“One rule, sweetheart,” Seokmin moves from between your legs to crouching in front of you so that he is now at eye level. His fingers weave into your hair, curling at the roots and he pulls your head forward, pain shooting up your skull and heat pooling in your stomach at the act. “Just one”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry won’t cut it.”
“On your knees,” He orders and you immediately follow, sliding off the bed and on your knees in front of him. “Now, make up for it. Show me that you're a good girl that listens.”
“Yes sir,” the words slip from your mouth before you can think through them, your mind too preoccupied with opening the zipper of his pants, lowing it just enough to get to his boxers and taking out his cock before taking him in your mouth to hear the low sound he makes from the back of his throat, his fingers making home in your hair.
You swallow around his length, tongue tracing the shape of his head as you swallow the salty taste. You hear him moan, head thrown back and mouth open as you swallow around him, your hands on the rest of his cock that you couldn’t take in.
You work at his length, licking and kissing and tracing the veins and ridges of his thick girth, taking him in your mouth, bobbing up and down his shaft as he tugs at your hair, shallowly fucking into your mouth.
“It’s like you're made for his,” Seokming moans out when you hollow your cheek, sucking him further in, “My pretty little toy.”
You moan around his cock, your core throbbing at his words. You continue to do what you were. You ignore the burn in your jaw and the ache in your knees as you work your way through him at an almost reverent pace until you can feel him tensing around you.
“Stop.” Seokmin orders and you immediately do, taking him out of your mouth as you look up at him. You have to blink a few times to get the tears off of your lashes, taking lungfuls of air as you wait for him to tell you what to do next.
“Up,” Seokmin says and you stand up, your knees shaky and breath still coming out short. He pulls you to his lap, his cock pressing against your back as he takes hold of your jaw, making you look in the mirror.
Your skin burns red as you take in the sight of you━ dishevelled hair, red-rimmed eyes, tear-stained cheeks and a mix of drool and precum trailing down your mouth, glistening in the low light of the room. You look like a mess, like you were used and passed around and it’s humiliating and it makes your cilt throat, pleasure curling in your stomach.
“Such a pretty little slut,” Seokmin says, kissing along your jaw, “my pretty little slut.”
You moan, knees shuffling as you try to get some sort o pressure against your throbbing bundle of nerves and Seokmin seems to have noticed it, a low laugh falling from his lips as he smirks at you through the mirror.
“You filthy whore,” Seokmin almost growls out, holding you in place and you let out a pathetic mix of a moan and a whimper. One of his hands disappears behind you and━ oh.
A choked moan falls from your lips as he lifts you and sets you on his cock, your spongy walls pulling him in. Your eyes close, your head falls back and against his chest as you are stretched to your limits.
Seokmin lets out a groan and you open your eyes to see him staring at your stomach, more specifically━ oh fuck, you stare at the curve of your stomach, eyes wide and mouth open. You knew Seokmin was big, a delicious mix of thick and long that left you aching for days after but to see this, see the physical presentation of it━ fuck, you felt light-headed.
“Seok,” You pant out, staring at him through the mirror. “Seok, baby let me move, please” You beg him when you notice him staying still, eyes on the bulge in your stomach.
Seokmin swallows and nods, his grip on your hips loosening slightly for you to lift yourself up and sink down on him again, Seokmin meeting each of your movements with a thrust of his own. Your eyes are settled in the mirror, particularly on your stomach as it curves with each of his thrusts.
It’s not long before you lose all strength in your body, making Seokmin the one to do all the work as you collapse against him, letting him use your body however he wishes. He plays with your cilt as he fucks into you, leaving you a drooling and moaning mess and soon enough, you can feel the pressure build-up, each of his movements adding and adding and adding until━
“Seokmin!” You shout as your orgasm washes over you, you chest heaving as Sokmin continues to fuck into you, chasing his own release and it takes a few more thrusts until he paints your hole white with his orgasm.
When you’re both cleaned up and settled in the bed, you curl into him. You feel his arms settle on your waist
“Love the mirror.”
Seokmin laughs.
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fighting • l.s.m.
Pairing: lee seokmin x afab!reader Genres: smut (minors dni!), boxer!au, kind of e2l Warnings: idrk shit about boxing so i threw in some illegal stuff i suppose fjskdjf, swearing, fighting/sparring/boxing obviously, they're a little mean to each other but down bad and thirsty, mentions of blood/broken bones, marking/bruising, slapping, hand job, nasty oral (male receiving - you're welcome deekay), kissing eheh, humiliation kink... look - seokmin's cocky but melts for reader WC: 4k A/N: spur of the moment collab (enforcer of evilness): in your corner by @onlymingyus can't believe she encourages me like this 😭 ❤️ side note: seokmin is wayyyy too pretty to be a boxer imho haha anyways, my fingers slipped and i'm a lil nervous abt this one but i hope you enjoy it hehe
"Lee Seokmin!"
Your shout echoes menacingly in the almost empty training gym. A straggler who had been spending a little too long looking at their phone by the exit doors quickly scurries out as the vengeful air that surrounds you luckily heads in the opposite direction.
The man in question — whose name is bitter upon your tongue — looks up as you approach. Your stride is purposeful, not faltering even as his dark brown eyes remain steadily trained on you all the way up to pausing in front of him. Putting one hand on your hip and the other on the punching bag that he is very much not using like it's supposed to be.
"Strange how only you and my family will be the ones to know me by that."
"Yes, what do they call you? DK, Lee Dokyeom, the Black Jaguar… a man whose uppercut to his opponents is as sharp as his jawline."
He dares to show off that very same feature with long fingers tilting up his chin smugly and a smirk on his face. "Someone's been reading up on me."
"It's my responsibility to make sure you have good publicity. Which will all go right down the drain if this is how you act after one win. Your first win. And the only you'll ever have again."
"Harsh, Coach. Finally paying attention just to scold me, breaks my heart!" Seokmin says it with light ease though, the megawatt smile that's gaining popularity brightening at your dark scowl that just makes you look cuter to him.
Which in theory, is dangerous. You're not someone to be messed with. There's a reason you're his trainer. A strong purpose as to why you don't fight in the ring anymore and choose to stay on the sidelines. Behind the scenes. Giving young and raw talent the tools they need to dominate the matches under your strict tutelage.
"Don't worry, I was paying great attention when you sparred with Jace."
"Yeah? And?"
"Just 'cause you ran with the big dogs for a little bit and won means nothing. You're no alpha and this isn't a playground. It's — "
" — a battleground. Your battleground. Where everything begins and the only reputation on the line that matters is yours. I know, you've said it over and over — "
"Then why are you just throwing this bag around like it's a child on a swing?" The glare after getting a familiar lecture repeated back to you is directed to survey his body. Upper body muscles clearly visible through the unnecessarily large arm holes of a gray muscle tee. Lean legs shown off by black shorts had every other person in the gym side-eyeing out of jealousy. "You're going to lose everything you've worked so hard to gain."
"Worried 'bout me?"
"Yes. Your footwork was horrible, which isn't like you. Something's up."
A large hand thumps against the heavy bag just a bit above yours. Auburn bangs threaten to tickle your forehead when he leans on the back of his palm to get close. Very close. Probably too close. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Not really," you admit, never one to back down or away and meet his cocky stare straight-on, "but if I'm to keep my star fighter up to standard, there are things that need to be done." Tilting your head toward the right, you narrow your eyes. "Get on the mat."
The minute he steps back to obey, you're free to turn and head there yourself. Seokmin lags a step behind. Unusual, but his whole entire behavior has been more than strange today so you ignore it. Luckily also missing the discreet way his gaze skims your body from behind and licks his lips.
"Don't treat this like a therapy session," you instruct once he's in position across from you. "We'll do a couple of drills and you can share what's on your mind. I'll kindly listen."
"How sweet."
"Don't patronize me."
"Isn't that what you're doing to me?"
"I'm helping like I always do. On the balls of your feet — good, now you know this one."
"You try to hit my legs, I avoid and dodge, and vice versa."
A scoff escapes your lips. "Trying to hit you? Please. Whatever, keep your heels up!"
Seokmin lunges forward, aiming for your bare inner thigh. You're quicker though. Eagle-eyed and experienced. Also used to his movements after observing him tirelessly for months. He always aims for what he wants first. You dodge before he can even get close enough and dart behind his figure. Pleased when he side steps away from the hand going for the back of his calf and spins around to face you again.
"Nice. Why didn't you do that earlier?"
"Sparring with Jace is boring."
"So you're just going to give up."
"Sure, if it gives me the chance to spar with you instead." He attempts for your knee this time and you pick it up at the right second to spring out of reach with the power of your other foot. "I learn more and do better."
"That's the nature of the game but you're doing a good deed by helping train and encourage some of the newbies in my place. They admire you."
Rolling his eyes and ducking away from your next strike, he spits out, "Not as much as they worship you."
"Hah, you wanna be worshiped, Seokmin? Then do better. Even the most mundane fights keep you active and on your guard. Complacency is a fool's move, a complete loss, and an admission of pathetic defeat."
"How am I supposed to improve when you won't pay attention to me anymore?"
You block the hand that shoots out way too high above your waist. Irritation gnaws at your gut the same time as you bite your lip, taking a moment to adjust your sports bra before deciding the next move. Elastic snaps against your skin and he gulps. "Hands below the belt, Lee!"
"Sorry, Coach."
"No, you're not! Your head isn't staying in the ring. Why? Because I only spend two hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday training you rather than five every day like before? My apologies for dedicating so little of my already busy time to you."
"That's not what… I thought we had something okay!"
He suddenly stops moving and you end up delivering a much harsher slap than intended where he had aimed at you originally — the inner side of his thigh. Seokmin grunts and you seethe, straightening to your full height. "Honestly, is this a joke to you?"
"No, I — "
"It's not that I don't think you wouldn't have gotten anywhere because your talent is obvious. But you got there a lot faster because I saw what no one else did at the time." You dig a pointer finger accusingly into his chest. "And you're throwing it all away, spitting in everyone's face that supported you for such a petty reason? You and I both know you should've been able to avoid that slap!"
And for the first instance since you'd met him all that time ago at the street fights, Seokmin gets angry. Even when he was betrayed and abandoned in the dangerous underground boxing rings by people he considered friends, after losing round after round repetitively because he was initially too afraid to hurt others in order to survive, mocked and jeered while being cheated out of what should have been his first win a month ago — he simply smiled and moved on.
But now his face hardens, the gentle light snuffed out in his eyes, lips curled downwards, and eyebrows furrowed. He takes a menacing step toward you with fists clenched. And as expected, you don't even flinch.
"Petty? Hah, you accuse me of being petty when this is the first time we've actually had a chance to talk 'cause you've avoided me ever since that ring girl kissed me!"
Heat burns in your cheek. Anger or shame, you're not quite sure. "So?"
"So tell me. Talk to me. Goddammit, even fight me!"
"You wanna fight, Seok?" you growl, "and then what?"
"Winner gets a wish granted."
"How cliché. Arms up, then!" Yours raise to match his stance, eyeing the veins that ripple with tension across his forearms. "Anything's fair game?"
"Anything is fair game."
"Then you'd better be ready to fight for your life."
There's a certain thrill to sparring with him. He's right. Jace is boring. Seokmin isn't just some kid that wanted to pick up boxing as a hobby. This man entered the ring because everything rides on him winning. Succeeding. Excelling.
And he's threatening to throw it away like it doesn't matter. Give away everything he'd put blood, sweat, and tears into. What you and his loved ones had sacrificed for his growth. Why? Because of you? Because of feelings? Believing in something so wholesome amidst this crummy world? Your blood boils, fierce glare set as his rather mean smile gets even crueler.
"Talk with your fists," you had once informed him during a training session. Ever since, you'd dutifully read every one of his punches, getting a clearer intent of the message he's sending with each swing. Encouraging aggression. Gaining control. Demanding respect. Elevating his status. Shooting for the top. The best of the best.
Now, you can only see hot red annoyance. All of it aimed at you. It's reflected back right back though. Adrenaline surges through your veins, easily blocking the jabs, hooks, and cross punches he throws and parrying them back with solid hits. Hits that land hard. A sharp kick to his shin has him stumbling back against the heavy ropes of the ring with a curse and hitting them out of frustration.
"Done already?"
"As if."
A pleased sneer lifts your lips upwards. Seokmin probably thinks you're goading him further, and even though you aren't intending to, it works. His movements gain momentum, striking at you harder. But they also get sloppier.
You frown. "Sometimes I just want to… "
"Punch me in the face?" He dodges the strike to his shoulder and returns with one to your ribs that's too easy to evade. "Haven't you done that enough to satisfy yourself?"
"Hardly. Now stop leaving yourself open!"
A roundhouse kick doesn't even come near his face and he knows it won't, letting it whack his shoulder. After a couple of rounds of bruising his cheeks in the early days of training, you never did it again. Not when he'd arrived at your doorstep one night — absolutely beaten bloody during a vicious scuffle. You'd nursed his wounds while berating him with well-intentioned advice on how to not let that happen ever again.
You might've also let slip that he's too pretty for his face to get messed up. Must've gone to his head a little.
Here's the thing. You're the undisputed, reigning champion of the boxing world. Both professional and underground. Even the so-called king of the illegal matches acknowledges your prowess. It's inevitable for someone who was the fastest to stake their name on the brilliant TV screen and scribbled on loaded betting cards.
Seokmin knows he can't beat you. Ever. But you actually have more faith in him, satisfied when he manages to catch your fist in his hand. Rules don't exist when you two spar. Familiar with underhanded techniques, he uses them to his advantage. Still holding onto your fist, he takes your feet out from under you with a side sweep to your ankles and throws you to the ground.
You're pinned beneath him, all his weight holding you down. Trapping your arms behind your back with one hand and the other slamming against the mat near your head. You feel his hot breath brush your ear as he whispers with an edge to his voice, "Done now?"
Rather than respond, you relax your muscles. Lulling him into a false sense of security. The minute you feel him release some of the pressure, you're kicking his thighs back and rolling over before his body weight can crush you again. Maneuvering your core as you push against his unbalanced shoulder and scramble on top of him. Knee to his chest, forearm against his throat, and free hand securing his wrists.
"As if."
He sighs. "I could never beat you anyways."
"Not exactly true. If I was simply pro, you would certainly have the upper hand."
"But you're aware I could never hurt you so what do you want? Me to leave you alone?"
You study his features in silence. It's unnerving enough for Seokmin to want to divert his eyes. But where? He blinks rapidly instead and your eyes are drawn to where his tongue peeks out to nervously moisten his lips. His wrists twitch when your grip turns lax and he unintentionally slips out of it to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"I've been in that very position far too many times that it's as easy as breathing to get out of. I can teach you the technique."
"Well, I'll definitely be feeling it in the morning."
"Are you hurt badly?" you reposition your lower body to straddle him, feeling at his sides. "Where?"
"Don't worry 'bout it, what's your wish?"
You mull it over. Tonguing at your cheek and hands stilling to play with the threads hanging from the bottom of his shirt's armholes. "Normally, winners get a congratulatory kiss."
"Do you say that to all the guys you body slam to the floor?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
Seokmin leans up on his forearms so his nose brushes yours. "Yeah."
The words, "Maybe just you," are interrupted by a gasp that's swallowed by his mouth when it slams against yours. It's a ferocious kiss that brings his head back down on the mat, cushioned by your arms as your body follows.
Electrifying. The same surge of energy that fills you when fighting him but in a much different manner. Thrillingly.
When you lean back, biting his bottom lip as you go, he groans. Fingers splayed against the bare skin of your back prevent you from moving too far and you have no choice but to feel the hardness stirring within his gym shorts.
"You know that kiss… that kiss meant nothing."
"The one with Aeyong?"
"Was that her name? And of course, most certainly you didn't mean ours." He pulls you back down to mold his lips to yours again. "Or that one." Placing a smooch on your nose. "Or that one!"
It takes everything within you to not giggle at his silliness. But nothing can stop the tender smile gracing your lips as you cup his chin, angling his head this and that way to cover his face in kisses, especially where you recall landing a blow to.
Seokmin has no trouble hiding his giddiness, happy chuckles turning to pleasured sighs when you start nibbling on his earlobe. "I hope you know these kisses though… they mean everything."
He's spent far too long denying his attraction to you that it's impossible to hold back now. You answer him with another kiss so he can feel your returned smile against his lips, threading fingers through his hair. Then you're yanking at the silky strands so his neck is exposed and the moan he lets out has your cunt automatically clenching while you suck a bruise to darken his skin.
"Want to cash in my wish now."
It takes a few moments for him to blink back to reality and register what you said. "Didn't you already?"
"Kisses are obligatory, not what I wished for." You choose to swivel your hips, slow and methodical, down against his. "You would deny me?"
"N-no, 'course not. What… do you want?"
"To suck you off."
"… Really?"
You're already sliding down his body and playing with the band of his shorts when you hum in confirmation. Tugging them down the second his hips lift instinctively, cock almost slapping you in the cheek when you do. You don't complain, simply wrapping a hand around its thick and heavy girth to steady it. Rough calluses from years of fighting rub pleasurably at the gentle foreskin.
"So pretty," you murmur. Of course, it would be as lovely as he is — red and leaking to match flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. "Too pretty for such a dirty boy who likes getting his dick sucked for anyone to see." When it twitches in your grip, you grin wickedly. "Always knew you had a thing for humiliation."
"Says the one who enjoys destroying and taunting me. Think I didn't notice how you squeeze your thighs together after giving me shit on my form?"
"You're cute. When you get all huffy," you make another mark on the inside of his thigh, licking at the sting smarting right below his mole, "it makes me want to ruin you more."
"Gonna be the death of me."
"Did you think I hadn't noticed you checking me out, Seok?"
"Was hoping you wouldn't."
"Silly," you deliver a light slap to the thigh you hadn't hit earlier and he tries to hide a whine despite his legs betraying him with telltale tremors, "and cute."
You and everyone else that comes to your gym are able to wear skimpy clothing that allows for easier movement simply because any perverts trying to touch or get a sneaky peek are swiftly kicked (out). But you enjoyed Seokmin's eyes on you and you know he enjoyed yours on him as well. So you let it be. Maybe all for this moment.
Covering the muscular ridges of his thighs in bite marks, hickeys, and shiny saliva trails while he begs for more of them, whimpering out an admission of, "Show everyone I'm yours so not a single ring girl even thinks to kiss me."
"I quite like that idea." You sincerely do though you probably like the blemishes left on his honey golden skin even more. "But you have to win again for one of them to consider it."
"I'll win."
"Yeah? Promise?"
"Pr-promise," he stutters out as you creep higher and higher to nuzzle at his heavy balls. Licking in between them teasingly before your tongue traces the prominent vein running along the underside of his cock, all the way up to the tip. "Win 'em all in your favor."
You hesitate briefly then stick your fingers inside tight spandex shorts and past your tiny thong to lather them in the wetness pooling from your pussy that's threatening to seep through and ruin the layers of fabric. Retracting before you're tempted to finger yourself right then and there, you reach for Seokmin only to jolt when he tugs at your wrist and puts them in his mouth, moaning greedily.
His tongue swirls around each finger, cleaning them of your essence thoroughly, and coating them with his spit instead. He wiggles his eyebrows as you watch — flabbergasted — and releases them with a pop once satisfied.
"I hope you weren't planning on doing that right in front of me without at least letting me have a taste."
You fix him with a serious stare. "You're going to have to train harder than anything and prove to me that you won for yourself. Not me, not anyone else. All for you."
"And then what?"
"Maybe I'll let you fuck me."
He wants to complain for various reasons but you don't give him time to think, wrapping your slick hand around his now slicker cock. Rubbing your thumb across the slit of its tip and spreading the excess of precum up and down his shaft, your mouth replaces your hands that choose to press down on his thighs and prevent him from thrusting up.
There's nothing to grip or grab at out here in the open on the boxing ring mat with anyone able to walk in on the two of you making a different kind of sweaty mess upon it despite how unlikely that happening is. You find that you don't even care — it might even excite you — empty cunt getting spongier and wetter, already addicted to Seokmin's salty taste. Noticing how his fingernails dig into the canvas, you guide them on top of your head. Giving him permission to set the pace if he so chooses to.
And he does. Alternating between slow bobs that let you kitten lick and pay attention to every single inch of his long cock versus harsh, fast up and down motions where you happily gag around his length. Whimpering and soft moans, breathless praises that make no sense as he listens to your pretty noises.
"Always wanted… like this. Imagined you getting on your knees… every time… you pushed me harder."
It's funny. Seokmin almost had his nose broken during a match yet he hadn't winced a single bit while you fussed over him and gave the opponent a tongue-lashing lecture because of the illegal fake-out move he'd conducted. Maybe if it had been a fight in the dungeons you'd let it go but on the professional mat that led to your star spilling blood — vengeance was your middle name.
But now with your mouth on him, he's significantly weaker, vulnerable, and soft — so hard yet so soft. And no matter how strong you want him to be to succeed, maybe the sick part of you really likes how you alone can reduce him to a state like this.
"Always been you, no one else." His sincere tone is slurred with lust, simultaneously trying to hurtle towards that sweet climax but also delay it as much as possible. Afraid for the moment to end but longing for release. "My anchor."
And he treats you like one, holding your head down firmly. Nose pressing into his pelvis as he gives into the rush of endorphins. Your throat constricts and swallows around his length that throbs and spurts an endless load of cum.
When he lets you go, you gulp the extra remnants left on your tongue and wipe your lips. Grateful and proud of having one less thing to clean up. Seokmin squints at you, panting wildly as you politely tuck his softening cock back into his shorts and stand up.
"Wh-what… what about you?" He won't lie and say he's not a bit hopeful you're going to sit on his face. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"Of course not," you rasp, cracking your jaw and neck as a point. Then you stick out your hand, a familiar indication that you'll help him up. "Let me show you how to do that move."
He blinks and cocks his head. "I don't mind being under you. But I was thinking… in a different way?"
"You just were underneath me."
"C'mon Coach, you know what I mean!"
"How about this — we wait for your dick to get hard while you learn this move. But you have to promise I'll be able to walk tomorrow. And no marks. Now, on your knees."
"That's not fair!" Seokmin pouts and refuses to budge. "You underestimate me and won't let me be possessive. I wasn't lying when I said they worship you. Jace is so into you it's annoying."
You laugh. "So that's why you think he's boring. I'm surprised you didn't beat his ass then."
"That's too easy," he smirks, "it wouldn't just end with that so I'd rather spend my energy getting your undivided attention. I know how you like to dote more on the injured rather than the victor."
The need to admit that you only do it for him is strong but the urge to roll your eyes is stronger. But he knows what you're thinking. Just like everything. You might be able to read his fists like an expert but he can read your innermost thoughts better than you can imagine.
"Fine, master this move in ten minutes and I'll let you eat me out in the office."
Seokmin has never gotten down on his hands and knees faster and he looks so good doing it, you might have to save that for future ideas in the bedroom later. After he proves himself first, of course.
Or at least that's what you tell yourself.
onlyseokmins: February 2023 ©
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