#free radical scavenger
thebingomaster · 2 months
The Benefits of Supplementing with Melatonin: Your Guide to Better Sleep and Beyond
Melatonin, often referred to as the “sleep hormone,” is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, making it a popular supplement for those struggling with sleep issues. However, the benefits of melatonin supplementation extend beyond just improving sleep. In this article, we'll explore the various ways melatonin can enhance your health and well-being.
Improved Sleep Quality
The most well-known benefit of melatonin is its ability to promote better sleep. Melatonin helps regulate your body’s internal clock, signalling to your brain that it’s time to sleep. For individuals with insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, such as shift workers or those experiencing jet lag, melatonin supplementation can be particularly effective.
Studies have shown that melatonin can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, increase total sleep duration, and improve sleep quality (Ferracioli-Oda et al., 2013).
Alleviation of Jet Lag
Jet lag occurs when your internal clock is out of sync with the time zone you’re in, often resulting in sleep disturbances, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Melatonin can help realign your circadian rhythm with the new time zone, reducing the symptoms of jet lag. Taking melatonin at the appropriate time before your flight and during your trip can make the transition smoother and help you adapt more quickly to the new time zone.
Support for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at certain times of the year, usually in the winter when daylight hours are shorter. Melatonin levels can be affected by the reduced exposure to natural light, contributing to the symptoms of SAD. Supplementing with melatonin can help regulate these levels and improve mood, making it a useful tool in managing SAD (Lewy et al., 2006).
Antioxidant Properties
Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, which means it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases such as cancer. Melatonin’s antioxidant properties can help neutralize these harmful molecules, reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases (Reiter et al., 2000).
Immune System Support
Research suggests that melatonin can also support the immune system. It helps regulate immune responses and has been shown to enhance the activity of various immune cells, including T cells and natural killer cells. This immune-boosting effect can help your body better defend itself against infections and diseases (Carrillo-Vico et al., 2013).
Potential Benefits for Eye Health
Melatonin may play a role in protecting eye health. It has been found to have protective effects against conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma. Its antioxidant properties help reduce oxidative damage in the eyes, which can contribute to these conditions (Siu et al., 2016).
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Heavy Metal Detox, Charging Cells and Humic Acid
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cursedvida · 4 months
The idea that Noa was just an ordinary ape who used to hang out with his friends, living a peaceful life in his village with no other aspirations than to live the life he had seen the adults around him live, would change radically just because one day Mae decided to steal food, is something that lives rent-free in my head all the time. One day you find a scavenger stealing your sustenance, and before you know it, everything you thought about the world is absolutely a lie, and that scavenger turns out to be an intelligent being whom, for some reason, you can't stop looking at for even a single moment, and nothing makes any damn sense anymore. Simply poetic.
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angrygonk · 8 months
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Many artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology lie in the golden sands of Herrika. Across the unending deserts of this planet are scattered multiple husks of a bygone era, sprawling networks of corridors and pipes, rotting from the inside, as they are infested by creatures discovered to be descendents of a preexisting human civilisation, now turned cannibalistic abominations, adapted to live in the long forgotten bunkers. The greatest gifts may lie in the steel veins of the planet, but mere inches beneath the scorching sand, buried there by the winds, unending deposits of archeotech just wait to be dug up by the followers of the Omnissiah. Many expeditions attempted to cleanse and reclaim the network beneath the surface, but none were successful so far. As such the main task of the Herrican techpriests is currently sifting through the sand, using fleets of tracked machines equipped with nets burying themselves in the sand, in search of forgotten technology. 
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Herrikan history is one of adaptation and survival. The forgeworld started as a simple expedition by a group of 17 radical techpriests from a range of different forge worlds. Everything seemed fine, until they lost contact with the rest of expedition fleet in orbit, as they have been ordered by the administratum to leave everything in order to serve as a force multiplier in a nearby rebellion over the tithe of a hive city. The 17 founders, now left stranded on this desert wasteland decided that the only way they can survive is to prove their worth to the Omnissiah by venturing into the depths of the planet, reclaiming what has been lost over the ages. They found more than they could ever hope for, machines of war and peace, technology of the Dark Age, and an artifact that became the reason for a schism within the 17. 6 of them wanted to use their discovery to establish their own empire, create the new civilisation of the Followers of machine, while the rest came to a conclusion that such a drastic action would just mark the end of their stories, dooming them to be executed as hereteks. Tensions were high but with not enough people or resources for a civil war the thirst of blood eventually ended with the official declaration of creation of the Herrikan forgeworld, led by 17 arch-scavengers, each carrying their vows of steel wrapped on their right hands.
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Now, 4 thousand years after the first artifact has been discovered on Herrika, it has grown to be a small, but influential forge world, trading in unique archeotech, establishing multiple client forgeworlds like the radicals of Titanis Arx or the voidfaring Nefirran Fleet and solidifying itself as one of the biggest sources of archeotech in segmentum tempestus.
If anyone has any more questions about the lore and stuff feel free to ask, also if anyone wants to use this forgeworld in any art, story, minis or anything feel free, just tag me.
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healthfullysol · 12 days
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eat the rainbow! 🌈 reaching a total of 4-1/2 cups of colorful fruits and vegetable a day is the goal for a powerful plate.
🍓🍒🍎 red: rich in the carotenoid lycopene, a potent scavenger of gene-damaging free radicals that seems to protect against prostate cancer as well as heart and lung disease.
🍊🍌🍍 orange and yellow: provide beta cryptothanxin, which supports intracellular communication and may help prevent heart disease.
🥝🍏🥦 green: rich in cancer-blocking chemicals like sulforaphane, isothiocyanates, and indoles, which inhibit the action of carcinogens
🫐🍆🍇 blue and purple: have powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins believed to delay cellular aging and help the heart by blocking the formation of blood clots.
🥔🧄🧅 white and brown: contains allicin, which has anti-tumor properties. other foods in this group contain antioxidant flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol.
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thevindicativevordan · 2 months
Thoughts on the new announcements on absolute comics
Anonymous asked: Hello! How are you feeling? What do you think of the new creative teams DC announced for October?
Anonymous asked: So ! What are your thoughts on the All In initiative and the new creative teams for the existing books like Action ?
txtmasterblast asked: On a scale of 0 to 10, how much are you looking forward to the upcoming Absolute Universe line?
Thought I'd save this for SDCC since there are still some rumored books that are yet to be confirmed, but I can save my thoughts for when those are officially announced. Short version is that this is extremely exciting.
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Dawn of DC was DC playing it safe, and they botched the initiative because of how they spammed low quality events like Knight Terrors. Now they're stepping up to the plate and trying to tap into the energy created by Marvel's Ultimate Universe and the Energon Universe. They're trying to take a big swing and hit a home run. After multiple attempts by Didio to create something like this, it's downright ironic that Snyder finally is the one to do it given the two of them clashed at the end of their tenures. Once again Snyder seems to be trying to infuse the DCU with the essence of Metal, and at least this version appears to revolve less around Batman. I won't lie, hearing Snyder name drop Doomsday Clock and talk about "Darkseid Energy" in the promo video made me cringe.
The success of Hickman's Ultimate Universe and the Energon Universe came because they broke free of the usual shared universe comic nonsense. The Maker is an evil Reed Richards who eliminated all the heroes who couldn't be turned in order to build his perfect world. Energon was a reboot with no prior knowledge required. Simple! If the Absolute Universe requires me to know about the "Metaverse", throw it the trash because it's doomed. If the first issues of these books are not able to be read standalone with zero prior knowledge required, it's going to fail. The All-In one shot should tell us why this universe exists, what the pitch is, but it needs to be free from the kind of esoteric meta commentary which has poisoned DC for the last decade or so. Darkseid meddles with an Earth in order to understand his foes better is an easy concept to grasp. Don't make it any more complicated than that.
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Absolute Batman by Scott Snyder & Nick Dragotta - Least exciting of the bunch. Unless Snyder is going to radically change up his writing style, we know how his Bruce sounds. Even without the wealth Batman usually has, I expect this will feel very familiar. Since I've dropped all the other Bat books however, I plan on getting this and two others for my Bat fix. Snyder has teased that Scarecrow and Bane are the two Bat villains he wished he could've done more with during his first run. Scarecrow is my favorite Batman villain and the thugs in the ashcan look like thugs of his to me. I think this Batman will be juicing himself with Venom, explains why he's huge, which is a much better justification for why Bane seeks this Batman out than anything they've come up with elsewhere. That logo sucks but I assume it's because this Batman has to make use with whatever he can scavenge, maybe that is a literal bulletproof plate to guard his chest which he shaped to look like a Bat as best as he could.
Absolute Wonder Woman by Kelly Thompson & Hayden Sherman - Thompson was a fan of the Azz/Chiang New 52 Wondy up until the reveal about the Amazons being rapists. Between the reuse of the silver/red color combo for this Wondy's armor, and how she doesn't have access to Paradise Island or other Amazons, I'm getting very similar vibes. I was a fan of Azz's run even though I acknowledge he "broke" her in several ways, I'm up for a second stab at a Wondy like that with Thompson. Tattoos show Hecate's symbol from Historia, perhaps this Wondy got her powers from Hecate only? My theory is Hippolyta went with her Bana sisters to war, and was never Queen of Themyscira. When she had Diana then, it was in Man's World. If this is dark urban fantasy Wondy, that would make for a good contrast with King's current political thriller run.
Absolute Superman by Jason Aaron & Rafa Sandoval - Bizarro arc was great, Sandoval is one of the best artists in DC's roster, I'm all in (hehe). No Fortress is a shame but since Bats and Wondy don't have their bases either I accept it. No family and no home is particularly intriguing. Seen a lot of speculation about what that entails, from this Superman being raised in an orphanage like the Action #1 origin, to Kal being sent from Krypton when he was old enough to remember it. If it's the latter then Absolute Kara will likely be dead, since she would overlap too much with this Superman. I love the design, grey suit with Morrison's first All-Star shield that Quietly only drew for one panel is a peak look. Hairstyle reminds me of Corenswet's "Clark" hair only longer, also reminds me of Anakin/Luke Skywalker which might be exactly the intention. His "cape" appears to be made of solar energy, perhaps this Superman has trouble controlling his powers? His solar battery biology might work differently here, with him "leaking". Or perhaps he even has a different powerset entirely? Seems like he can channel power into his arms/fists, if we get heat/ice fists instead of vision/breath, that would be the kind of silliness I love. Don't think this Superman will be paired with Lois, which frankly is a good thing. All the other major Superman projects focus on the Clois romance, for this to stand out I believe Absolute Superman needs to be dating other people. Since he seems to be a drifter, Aaron might eventually have him travel to other planets, where we could get Maxima or someone entirely new.
Other books have leaked and are probably right considering Bleeding Cool accurately called the Trinity, but I'll wait until they get revealed officially - likely at SDCC - before giving my thoughts.
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For the mainline universe:
Justice League - Superman is apparently building a new JL that will be going after Darkseid and reshaping the cosmic hierarchy of the DCU. If DC had any brains left in their collective heads they would give this book to PKJ, but he's denied being on JL. Ram V still has a book to announce, maybe it's him? I would've said Waid but without Mora I don't think he'd take the job. Aaron is a possibility albeit not one I'd want. Seen some people say Lemire, and he did write the JL crossover with his Black Hammer verse. Please let it not be Taylor.
Superman - Mora joining the book took me by surprise, that is sure to have generated major fuming from certain corners. Doomsday arc is going to be a joy to look at
Action Comics - Waid and Henry are finally announced. Action going weekly was unexpected however. Only question I have is, does this mean Waid is staying on past that one arc? Not clear but since he will have more issues that the previous three Superstars I would assume so. Bitter as I am over PKJ getting kicked off before he could tell the Aethyr story he was building up to, Waid bringing in Morrison's Phantom King does make me happy.
Detective Comics - Taylor taking over made me breathe a sigh of relief. For now he remains quarantined to the Batbooks and Elseworlds.
Nightwing - Watters and Soy are going to finally give us the epic run Nightwing deserves. Watters deserves to be a "big writer" and with any luck this will be what elevates him to that level.
Batman & Robin - Damnit PKJ, you really going to make me read a mainline Bat book? Fine but you better continue the Olgrun plotline through this somehow. In all seriousness with Zdarsky and Taylor being on the other books I expect this will be the best mainline Batman book on the stands. Every previous time PKJ has written Batman has been enjoyable, and I trust him of all writers to do something different with Batman. Let this be the book that gets the general DC audience to take notice of how good he's been elsewhere.
Titans - Nah.
Green Arrow - Wish Montos luck, he deserves to be one of DC's A-List artists, but not interested in Green Arrow.
Exciting shake-ups are on the way, going to have to start trimming my pull again. Anything that doesn't wow me is getting dropped because I need the cash for all those Absolute books, which appear to be stacked creatively.
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
The Therapeutic Benefits of Vervain: A Phytochemical Perspective
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As you stroll along the roadsides during these hot summer days, you might notice clusters of small plants adorned with beautiful purple flowers gathered in an inflorescence.
This charming plant is Verbena officinalis known for its medicinal properties and widespread use in herbal remedies. However, it’s important to remember not to harvest these plants from potentially contaminated urban areas. Instead, use this as an opportunity to learn how to recognize Verbena in various environments.
Introduction to Vervain
Verbena, commonly referred to as vervain, belongs to the Verbenaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries across different cultures. The most commonly utilized species include Verbena officinalis and Verbena hastata. These plants are renowned for their therapeutic potential, attributed to a rich array of phytochemicals.
Phytochemical Composition
Verbena is a treasure trove of bioactive compounds. The primary phytochemicals contributing to its medicinal properties include:
1. Iridoid Glycosides
These are one of the most significant groups of compounds found in Verbena. Verbenalin and hastatoside are notable iridoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sedative properties.
2. Flavonoids
Compounds like luteolin, apigenin, and their glycosides are abundant in Verbena. Flavonoids are well-known for their antioxidant activity, which helps in reducing oxidative stress and preventing chronic diseases.
3. Phenylpropanoids
Verbascoside is a prominent phenylpropanoid glycoside in Verbena. It has demonstrated antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities.
4. Triterpenoids
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoids present in Verbena, contributing to its anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects.
Therapeutic Benefits
1. Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects
The iridoid glycosides and triterpenoids in Verbena significantly reduce inflammation and pain. This makes Verbena a useful remedy for conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
2. Antioxidant Properties
The flavonoids and phenylpropanoids in Verbena scavenge free radicals, protecting the body from oxidative damage. This action is crucial in preventing diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular ailments.
3. Antimicrobial Activity
Verbena exhibits antimicrobial properties against a range of pathogens. This is primarily due to verbascoside and flavonoids, which inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, making Verbena beneficial for treating infections.
4. Sedative and Anxiolytic Effects
Iridoid glycosides, especially verbenalin, have been shown to possess mild sedative and anxiolytic effects. This makes Verbena helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
5. Hepatoprotective Action
The triterpenoids in Verbena contribute to its hepatoprotective effects, safeguarding the liver from damage and improving its function.
Verbena is more than just a roadside attraction; it is a plant rich in bioactive compounds that offer a plethora of health benefits.
Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and sedative properties make it a valuable addition to herbal medicine.
However, caution must be exercised when harvesting this plant to avoid contamination. Proper identification and sourcing from clean environments ensure that Verbena can be safely used to harness its therapeutic potential.
- Nightbunny
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 months
Golden eagles are one of the largest raptors in North America, and their numbers are declining due to an unlikely poison: lead ammunition left behind by game hunters. Eagles scavenge on animal remains contaminated by lead bullets, so conservationists are proposing a radical solution: getting hunters to go lead-free.
When hunters use lead ammunition, their bullets can fragment into hundreds of tiny pieces upon impact. These fragments are then left behind in gut pits that scavengers like golden eagles, California condors, and bald eagles feed on. Over time, the lead weakens their bones and interrupts nerve function, causing the eagles to lose coordination, become paralyzed, or eventually die.
That’s where Sporting Lead-Free comes in. Their mission: build a grassroots movement to educate hunters about lead-free alternatives like copper bullets, bringing the community back to their roots as conservationists. Through ballistics demonstrations, x-ray scans, and global ambassadors, this is an issue where every individual truly can choose to make a difference.
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acti-veg · 8 months
I've got an ethics question I'd value your opinion on! I live in a country where rock doves are not native, however, like much of the world, many cities are populated by feral pigeons. I'd love to one day take in a pigeon or two, as them being on the streets is the equivalent to a stray dog or cat, and I would love to be able to give them a healthier, safer, happier life. That being said, domestic pigeons mate for life and form very strong bonds with others of their species. Is it unethical to rescue feral pigeons from the streets knowing you may be ripping them from their loved ones? Obviously I'd be providing them with adequate emotional, mental, and social stimulation in this scenario, and being housed would be better for them physically, but I'm torn on whether the improvements to their life would justify hurting them emotionally. What right do I even have to decide whether what I think is a better life for this theoretical pigeon truly is the better alternative to the conditions they have to face living on the streets? I dunno just something I've been stuck on for years that I'd appreciate hearing some other perspectives on.
I think that this is a thorny issue ethically, and I'm in two minds as well. You could argue you'll give them a higher quality of life and they certainly live longer, but there is really no way to know what their preference would be, or what the impact on them would be from such a radical change of circumstances and lifestyle, especially if they're bonded.
There are practical and legal issues to consider, too. For example, all wild birds and their eggs in the UK are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act since 1981. Feral pigeons are also suceptible to disease which can spread to other animals and even humans, some estimates place that as high as 49% disease rate in the general population.
It would also depend on what that setup would look like, since an outdoor aviary for pigeons who are still allowed to roam would be a significant improvement on conditions either way. If you can, creating a space for feral pigeons to make use of, and providing them with more nutritious food than they'd be able to scavenge, would also be a good way to improve their quality of life without taking anything away.
I think that this is an issue that can be side-stepped, by adopting a pigeon through a reputable rescue centre or creating spaces for free-roaming birds to rest, nest and eat in safety. Most rescue birds will have had time to climatise to a captive environment, they will have been treated for any disease or infections, and most will not be able to be released and they need a home. That would represent the best of both worlds.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Green tea is one of the oldest tricks in the book, as in, it’s ancient. Fun fact: It’s also one of the world’s most awesome happy accidents, or so they say. Legend has it that back around 2737 B.C. Chinese Emperor Shennong accidentally drank a cup of hot water with a dead leaf in it. At first, he just liked the refreshing taste; now centuries later, we’ve discovered green tea has a whole list of health benefits.It’s been found that at the right doses green tea has the ability to rid your skin of reactive oxygen species aka free radicals caused by urban pollution. There were a lot of sciency words in there, but what it really means is that green tea has been proven to fight the signs of aging by scavenging the stuff that gives you dark spots or makes your skin look dull and saggy.
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thebingomaster · 2 months
Where to buy Melatonin in the UK?
Melatonin can be purchased from here or click on the links below for specific dosages
Now Melatonin 3mg x 180 Capsules
Now Melatonin 5mg x 180 Capsules
Now Melatonin 10mg x 100 Capsules
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The Raw Pine Pollen Superfood
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lightphieric · 1 year
Virtue's Last Record: Numbers
Summary: Sigma tries to convince himself that Zero is an idiot. Title from the Omori OST. CWs: Okay, I feel like I have to explain myself a little bit here. I am Jewish and headcanon Sigma as being Jewish as well, and that kind of resulted in this chapter having some sideways references to the Holocaust. To be clear, this is not me trying to equate the silly fictional Nonary Game with a real life atrocity - these are just the connections I imagine a Jewish person who was actually in this situation (i.e. Sigma) would inevitably draw. So take care, and hopefully it doesn't come off as too tasteless.
“The Nonary Game” was a stupid name.
In between being an overall superstar and completely carrying every team he was on through the escape rooms, Sigma worked on his list of petty grievances against Zero Sr. His rabbit was annoying and mean, the lions were a creepy point of obsession, and even the name of his sick deathtrap could use some work.
He knew what “nonary” meant, of course. Of or pertaining to the number nine. But what significance did nine really have in this game? Nine points were needed to escape, which seemed arbitrary, and there were nine participants, which just seemed convenient. Quark was probably around nine years old, but honestly, if this whole game somehow turned out to all be about him, Sigma would laugh.
There were cool things about the number nine, for sure, like how the digits of any of its multiples always added right back up to nine. And it didn’t seem like it would be hard to exploit that in this kind of game. Every participant could have been assigned a number one through nine, maybe (Sigma thought he might be “five,” for whatever reason). The solos and pairs could have matched up with each other based on multiples, and certain multiples would open certain doors. The Ambidex Game could factor in at some point, too, he figured, although in all honesty that felt a little like a hat-on-a-hat at that point. Maybe it would be simpler to make the game a scavenger hunt for the one numbered door that all the participants could all open together…
Well, shit. Now he was thinking like Zero. And he really didn’t like that look for himself.
Thinking about this didn’t make Sigma a maniacal kidnapper. These were just plans for a fun board game. Yeah, a board game. He’d design it once he was free. A bestselling board game, based on his trauma. Ugh.
The truth was, Sigma needed to think nasty things about Zero Sr. and tear apart his grand ideas. He needed to pretend he could outsmart this guy, just to distract him from how sinister this whole game might have been. He’d heard the theories from the others that this was a Radical-6 quarantine facility. That the Nonary Game might have been a guilt-free way to get the infected to exterminate themselves. That this wasn’t the only one of these… facilities.
Sigma had been taught all his life that he couldn’t allow a mass extermination like this to happen again. Never again could people be sequestered with numbers printed menacingly on their wrists, watched over like hawks by some sadistic game master before ultimately dying by poison. Preventing shit like this was basically one of the tenets of his religion, and, well… Sigma didn’t know what he could have done to stop this, but dammit, being a part of this sure made him feel like he’d failed somehow.
Like he himself, through inaction, was responsible for unleashing a monster like Zero III onto the world.
He’d heard once that the best and only way to overcome someone like that once they already had power was to clown on them. He wasn’t so sure that was true, but in this moment, it felt like it was in his best interests to regard Zero as the incompetent clown he was sure he wasn’t.
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Perfect for Entire Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧✨
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dryingzangel · 2 years
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As a doctor, I am seeing an upward trend of infectious diseases as we resume our normal lives. Therefore I believe In supplementing my diet using Bio-Life Nat B Fizzy Vitamin B Complex & Vitamin C 1000mg, to boost my nutrition and immunity. Nat B Fizzy contains high strength of vitamin Bs and C that replenish the daily nutrient requirement in effervescent form. This helps to support our metabolism, make new red blood cells, collagen and to scavenge free radicals in the body. Nat B Fizzy also contains calcium and magnesium which is essential for strong bones and teeth. I recommend anyone aged 15 years old and above as well as those who have a busy and stressful lifestyle individual to try it out. Buy one free one at Watsons now! More information visit page @biolifemy #natbfizzy #1000mgvitaminc #biolife #energyimmunity (at Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower Official)) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEBvQyS-d8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quality-herb · 1 year
What is the Health Benefits of Resveratrol & Some precautions
Resveratrol has been shown to scavenge free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause oxidative damage to cells and DNA. This suggests that resveratrol may protect against diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.Resveratrol has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a natural response by the body to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can contribute to the development of various diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and cancer.
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