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Many artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology lie in the golden sands of Herrika. Across the unending deserts of this planet are scattered multiple husks of a bygone era, sprawling networks of corridors and pipes, rotting from the inside, as they are infested by creatures discovered to be descendents of a preexisting human civilisation, now turned cannibalistic abominations, adapted to live in the long forgotten bunkers. The greatest gifts may lie in the steel veins of the planet, but mere inches beneath the scorching sand, buried there by the winds, unending deposits of archeotech just wait to be dug up by the followers of the Omnissiah. Many expeditions attempted to cleanse and reclaim the network beneath the surface, but none were successful so far. As such the main task of the Herrican techpriests is currently sifting through the sand, using fleets of tracked machines equipped with nets burying themselves in the sand, in search of forgotten technology.
Herrikan history is one of adaptation and survival. The forgeworld started as a simple expedition by a group of 17 radical techpriests from a range of different forge worlds. Everything seemed fine, until they lost contact with the rest of expedition fleet in orbit, as they have been ordered by the administratum to leave everything in order to serve as a force multiplier in a nearby rebellion over the tithe of a hive city. The 17 founders, now left stranded on this desert wasteland decided that the only way they can survive is to prove their worth to the Omnissiah by venturing into the depths of the planet, reclaiming what has been lost over the ages. They found more than they could ever hope for, machines of war and peace, technology of the Dark Age, and an artifact that became the reason for a schism within the 17. 6 of them wanted to use their discovery to establish their own empire, create the new civilisation of the Followers of machine, while the rest came to a conclusion that such a drastic action would just mark the end of their stories, dooming them to be executed as hereteks. Tensions were high but with not enough people or resources for a civil war the thirst of blood eventually ended with the official declaration of creation of the Herrikan forgeworld, led by 17 arch-scavengers, each carrying their vows of steel wrapped on their right hands.
Now, 4 thousand years after the first artifact has been discovered on Herrika, it has grown to be a small, but influential forge world, trading in unique archeotech, establishing multiple client forgeworlds like the radicals of Titanis Arx or the voidfaring Nefirran Fleet and solidifying itself as one of the biggest sources of archeotech in segmentum tempestus.
If anyone has any more questions about the lore and stuff feel free to ask, also if anyone wants to use this forgeworld in any art, story, minis or anything feel free, just tag me.
#warhammer 40k#adeptus mechanicus#admech#oc art#warhammer#warhammer art#skitarii#forge world#gonk's forge world collection#herrika#oc forgeworld
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Hey, i do that! Don't ask Varnent Alphetix about Titanis Arx, whatever he tells you is lies, Herrika does not possess combat capabilities they are mearly expeditionary forces :3.
The Omnissiah's most legitimate and trustworthy forge master who will do no commercial crimes.
Kalanis is so slept on by me poor guy is absolutely neglected but I still love them they should never be in a position of power
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@euskalirratiak : @SportsEduc @Irulegiko Herrika gazte talde batek euskararen alde antolatu lasterketa. Atzo egin zena Xiberutik Baxe Nafarrorat. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/euskalirratiak/status/1404390028940296192)
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Character Template For Chester White “The Watchman” -Using Flint Dille & John Zuur Platten - The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design + Concept ART
Chester White “The Watchman”
Story Purpose
Main Character
Gameplay Purpose
Main character
He’s lost his family and friends when his village was destroyed 10 years ago from ancient beast known as “The Watcher”. He’s spent the last 10 years training and adapting his skills to slay the ancient beast, he’s learnt numerous skills along the way.
Special Abilities
Using Fire Essence to create fire balls.
Education/ Intelligence
Was head’s watchmen, and head of the training for the village’s swordsmanship and hunting survival skills in a forest.
A young son (age 5 when died) and a Wife (Age 25 when died).
Slaying the beast and restoring his village to make peace with the past. He also wants to restore life to cities such as Aniopia.
To Mushmen caps, these are rare highs you gain from eating Mushmen’s hats, this will also kill the Mushmen in process, or can be obtained when they die. The Cap is a drug used among many and is usually used as a pain killer or anti-depressant. The drug is hard to obtain due to Mushmen’s lethal attacks and rarity. Mushmen hide in dark locations, normally near caves or huge shadows. Weakened by light.
Occupation and attitude towards it (good or bad)
Former Watchmen, hunter and trainer, it was his dream Jobs. Now he is a Beast Hunter.
Killing The ancient beast and uncovering the truth.
What does this character want?
Redemption for his “sins”. He sees his village getting destroyed, his family and friends getting killed as his fault this is why he seeks redemption from his mistakes.
Who or what do they love?
His family, his wife and son.
What are they afraid of?
Failing, not being strong enough to beat the beast. He is also afraid of moving on with his life, he is afraid of finding a new settlement and it all happening again. He’s afraid finding new love, and having his family be disappointed by him in the afterlife therefore being cast away to the underworld.
Why are they involved in this situation?
The ancient beast attacked the night Chester was out on a hunting trip on a nearby mountain by himself. The beast is quite and has unbelievable power, thus killing the village.
Other roles and identities?
A good drinking buddy with a light-hearted sense of humour.
Single adjective to describe this character
Survival skills, his swordsmanship and his use of Fire Essence.
Reports/ Answers to?
Himself, Sprits of the dead he sometimes sees.
Who reports to this character?
Nothing. Not even monsters dare to talk to him
Trademark Object
He has nothing but the blade that forges he forged long ago, the blade he forged now forges his way into the future.
Common emotions
Chester fights his past in everyday life and doesn’t want to move into the future leaving him conflicted between leaving in the past and wanting to kill the beast. Chester is a courageous man due to him being the only one ever in history challenging the beast to a fight.
Chester is also intelligent, a quick learner that makes him good against new opponents. Lastly, he is demoralized because he pulls through with his plan of killing the beast he fears judgement day, the day he dies, when it’s time to face his sins and atone for what he has done.
Signature move or Tic
Fire Essence weaver
White male
Vakian (Va-kian)Vakian is an ancient religion followed by many, however numbers of worshipers have dropped after “Insight Day” where a portal was opened to another world (Earth) 2 years ago.
Favourite Food
How does this character dress?
Leather armour, likes to wear light clothes, due to his old age his speed has dwindled therefore wearing light clothes make him able to move around the way he used to in heavier armour.
Locations where this character is mostly likely to ‘blend in’
In a village.
Where was the character born?
In the Ellikan continent called Jokoro, country Herrika. Five thousand miles away from the “Insight” portal.
Where has the character been?
He was originally trained by mountain monks at a young age but later on left to live in a village and became head trainer due to his unique style of fighting and impeccable swordsmanship
Where does the character live?
He is Nomadic as for now.
Where will (did) he or she die? And how?
He will die after defeating the beats.
Objects the character wears on his or her body
He believes his skin is a temple due to his religion (Vakian) so therefore has no intentional marks on it. He also doesn’t wear any Jewellery due it being lost when the village getting destroyed.
Dichotomy of character (inner conflict in the character)
He doesn’t want to move on, yet he still does, this creates conflict in his mental mind.
Character reaction to different events in the game (walk through a few beats)
He is clever but yet still attacks stupid in moments due to his over confidence, this leads to him getting injured. He also picks his prey carefully, he waits till the right moment to attack at times.
What would you think if you saw this character on the street?
I would think the man is part of the old huntsman of that was founded in Aniopia's temples, which are now ruins.
What was your character doing 3 days before the start of the narrative?
Preparing for the fight, training and resting up, collecting resources.
How did your character lose his or her virginity?
He had sex with his wife and thus had a son.
Morality: Moral choices the character makes in the game. Does this affect how the player should play him/her?
The character makes quite moral choices, however also quite bad choices at times, this is shown on how he approaches the monster. This does not affect the player so they shouldn’t worry on playing the character differently.
Emotional Stability
The character sometimes sees “beings” the beings do no attack, or interact with the player, the player can slay theses “beings” but nothing happens. The main character also constantly reminds himself of the past therefore always being upset with himself making him unable in cope with simple emotions such as joy.
What do they do to comfort themselves?
Eat Mushmen Caps, this helps him calm down due to the drug being an anti-depressant.
Monophobia, fear of not being accepted into Vahallen (Heaven) due to not being able to safe his family, and the fear of moving on and meeting a new lover.
His sword skills and his blade, the way he was able to survive by himself so long and finally being able to face the monster. That he has made it so far.
Epitaph: what will go on the characters tomb stone?
Nothing because he wont be getting one as no one will know that he died.
Age and health
He is 46 years old, his old age slowing him down a bit, this is also due to all the battle injuries he has acquired over the years, but otherwise healthy.
14 stone
Body Type
Wide shoulders muscles with a heavily trained body and massive muscles on arms and legs.
long grey hair as it represents the character's maturity, indifference, immoral personality and his old age.
Eye Colour
He has white eyes due to his heavy intake of Mushmen Caps, this is a side effect they give out, however do not blind the person in anyway
Facial Hair
He has a beard to represent that he hasn’t lived within a civilization in a long time and not needing to shave. This also shows of his old age.
Why Did I use this?
I used this character Template because I am familiar with it and the content is easy to lay out with the questions. It goes into detail without making you, it also makes you think about the questions, creating lore easier and making the character seem more alive. I also like how you can skip questions if you do not need them, there is more than necessary questions meaning that I do not need to fill them all out and then later cut them out as I have done.
This Template also made me think about how I can make the world seem more real, how I can make a magical fantasy world have issues that we have in a modern world into a medieval world. This made me think of drug abuse and alcoholics. I put these problems in with the Mushmen, although they’re dangerous people are still craving the anti depressants they get from them. The main character is using these to stay “Sane” in a way however he won’T be needing them in game, or eating them.
The template was really useful and I am glad I used it. It really allowed me to progress the world of Ellika and make it seem just ta little more real with more continent and countries, background stories and tales.
Concept Art
This is my concept art for the main character, This is how I would like him to look, rather casual I know and not really a “Warrior Look” but he is in leather armor and I am not that great of a drawer. This is why I made him like this. I used “FireAlpaca” to make this drawing. I have also drawn him in a sketch book to get a different version of him and explore the possibilities of what he could look like. I have drawn him without a berard in this because I wanted to see how he looked without one.
This is my concept of him with an axe and a eye patch, this is more leaning to my final concept that I had of him and made him look a lot more badass, I didnt really like the eye patch so I got rid of it. The necklace was going to be a theme of the game series because in the game “Ellika Flyers” (my previous game) the main character wore a necklace too. However I decided not to have that. I wanted the theme to be “overcoming your fears” this goes into both games and will continue in the games.
This is the main character’s final concept as you see I have made the pixel art for it, I used a template character from Heartbeast who has given me it in one of his videos. I like the way the sprite turned out, the process of taking ideas from 2 different concepts really helped me for it allowed me to use more of a variant ideas. I also will try to continue to do this in the future.
Dille, F. (2007). The ultimate guide to video game writing and design. 1st ed. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, pp.128-169.
[Beginner Tutorial] Make an RPG in GameMaker [P3] Variables and Character Sprites. (2015). [video] HeartBeast.
Dropbox. (2017). RPG Sprites.zip. [online] Available at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s4gky4st9biym5m/RPG%20Sprites.zip?dl=0 [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017].
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Forgot i made it and remembered only when looking through my blender files, herrikan 3d model that i'll most likely never use but i think it's still cool?
#adeptus mechanicus#admech#skitarii#warhammer 40k#oc art#warhammer#warhammer art#low poly#blender#3d model#3d art#art#herrika
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@euskalirratiak : Herrika Donibane Garazin! Ederra! Aupa gazteria! Gora Eukara! @Irulegiko #herrika https://t.co/7elSL4sUHN (via Twitter http://twitter.com/euskalirratiak/status/1404044653905784832)
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I love it!!!!
Do they get into conflicts at all, or are they more peaceful? Also, was there ever a power struggle between the 17 over who should hold control of Herrika?
Many artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology lie in the golden sands of Herrika. Across the unending deserts of this planet are scattered multiple husks of a bygone era, sprawling networks of corridors and pipes, rotting from the inside, as they are infested by creatures discovered to be descendents of a preexisting human civilisation, now turned cannibalistic abominations, adapted to live in the long forgotten bunkers. The greatest gifts may lie in the steel veins of the planet, but mere inches beneath the scorching sand, buried there by the winds, unending deposits of archeotech just wait to be dug up by the followers of the Omnissiah. Many expeditions attempted to cleanse and reclaim the network beneath the surface, but none were successful so far. As such the main task of the Herrican techpriests is currently sifting through the sand, using fleets of tracked machines equipped with nets burying themselves in the sand, in search of forgotten technology.
Herrikan history is one of adaptation and survival. The forgeworld started as a simple expedition by a group of 17 radical techpriests from a range of different forge worlds. Everything seemed fine, until they lost contact with the rest of expedition fleet in orbit, as they have been ordered by the administratum to leave everything in order to serve as a force multiplier in a nearby rebellion over the tithe of a hive city. The 17 founders, now left stranded on this desert wasteland decided that the only way they can survive is to prove their worth to the Omnissiah by venturing into the depths of the planet, reclaiming what has been lost over the ages. They found more than they could ever hope for, machines of war and peace, technology of the Dark Age, and an artifact that became the reason for a schism within the 17. 6 of them wanted to use their discovery to establish their own empire, create the new civilisation of the Followers of machine, while the rest came to a conclusion that such a drastic action would just mark the end of their stories, dooming them to be executed as hereteks. Tensions were high but with not enough people or resources for a civil war the thirst of blood eventually ended with the official declaration of creation of the Herrikan forgeworld, led by 17 arch-scavengers, each carrying their vows of steel wrapped on their right hands.
Now, 4 thousand years after the first artifact has been discovered on Herrika, it has grown to be a small, but influential forge world, trading in unique archeotech, establishing multiple client forgeworlds like the radicals of Titanis Arx or the voidfaring Nefirran Fleet and solidifying itself as one of the biggest sources of archeotech in segmentum tempestus.
If anyone has any more questions about the lore and stuff feel free to ask, also if anyone wants to use this forgeworld in any art, story, minis or anything feel free, just tag me.
#gonk's forge world collection#forge world#warhammer 40k#adeptus mechanicus#THIS IS SO GOOD AAAAA#I love ittttttt#reminds me i really need to write up the lore for my forge world
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Despite the fact they try to be staying in the sidelines most of the time, they are very much willing to engage in conflicts if they see anything they could get out of it. Usually not directly tho, more often by supplying their preferred side with tech and even if they engage they don't really have a concept of "honorable fighting" instead relying on bombs and partisan warfare.
And there were a few murder attempts and almost a civil war after they declared Herrika as an independent forgeworld, but the arch-scavengers managed to resolve the conflict before it even really started by organising the world not in the usual martian way but instead by creating a council of 17 that leads the forge. Political murders still happen tho, despite the fact the vow of steel directly forbids killing other children of Herrika.
Many artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology lie in the golden sands of Herrika. Across the unending deserts of this planet are scattered multiple husks of a bygone era, sprawling networks of corridors and pipes, rotting from the inside, as they are infested by creatures discovered to be descendents of a preexisting human civilisation, now turned cannibalistic abominations, adapted to live in the long forgotten bunkers. The greatest gifts may lie in the steel veins of the planet, but mere inches beneath the scorching sand, buried there by the winds, unending deposits of archeotech just wait to be dug up by the followers of the Omnissiah. Many expeditions attempted to cleanse and reclaim the network beneath the surface, but none were successful so far. As such the main task of the Herrican techpriests is currently sifting through the sand, using fleets of tracked machines equipped with nets burying themselves in the sand, in search of forgotten technology.
Herrikan history is one of adaptation and survival. The forgeworld started as a simple expedition by a group of 17 radical techpriests from a range of different forge worlds. Everything seemed fine, until they lost contact with the rest of expedition fleet in orbit, as they have been ordered by the administratum to leave everything in order to serve as a force multiplier in a nearby rebellion over the tithe of a hive city. The 17 founders, now left stranded on this desert wasteland decided that the only way they can survive is to prove their worth to the Omnissiah by venturing into the depths of the planet, reclaiming what has been lost over the ages. They found more than they could ever hope for, machines of war and peace, technology of the Dark Age, and an artifact that became the reason for a schism within the 17. 6 of them wanted to use their discovery to establish their own empire, create the new civilisation of the Followers of machine, while the rest came to a conclusion that such a drastic action would just mark the end of their stories, dooming them to be executed as hereteks. Tensions were high but with not enough people or resources for a civil war the thirst of blood eventually ended with the official declaration of creation of the Herrikan forgeworld, led by 17 arch-scavengers, each carrying their vows of steel wrapped on their right hands.
Now, 4 thousand years after the first artifact has been discovered on Herrika, it has grown to be a small, but influential forge world, trading in unique archeotech, establishing multiple client forgeworlds like the radicals of Titanis Arx or the voidfaring Nefirran Fleet and solidifying itself as one of the biggest sources of archeotech in segmentum tempestus.
If anyone has any more questions about the lore and stuff feel free to ask, also if anyone wants to use this forgeworld in any art, story, minis or anything feel free, just tag me.
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