#free jaggi
yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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So he’s my lockscreen now.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
On the reaction to Trip's design compared to Classic Espio, it probably comes down to simplicity more than anything. Espio looks like a typical Sonic character by having two colors covering him, with the slight variation of his crest, tail, tail, and spines being enough to tell what he is. Trip having four different colors in jaggy patterns plus her spikes make her look a bit too busy, which only the Metals and mechs can do in 3d. Chameleons are also more well known and easy to translate
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I don't think she's that much more complicated in design than the other Classic characters. Same goes for her colour scheme, as it remains consistent throughout.
This justification also doesn't really hold up when characters who are legitimately overdesigned, like certain IDW and many Archie characters, are given a free pass by these same people. Not to mention that since they want Trip to look more overtly dragon-esque, that would require adding more unnecessary detail, which goes against the implication that her design is criticised for not being simplistic enough.
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syntaxaero · 6 months
so glad every hunter has the Great Jaggi Screech rent-free in their heads
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unclekow · 2 years
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so i heard yall liked Venevolance
process notes under cut
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i've been getting really into "jaggies" lately, both as a mindset and as something to strive for
done almost entirely with a 3pt brush i've affectionately named "PIXELFUCKER," mmmmmostly off the dome proportions-wise apart from a few glances at Posemaniacs for ideas. been doing a lot of gesture drawing in my free time so i guess that's paying off
something worth noting, i tag most of ven's art as Cruelty Squad since it's a huge stylistic inspiration (and i like to play around with the textures) but i don't consider ven themself an OC in that setting. at some point i should put more thought into what kind of world they inhabit beyond "everything is flesh" and "maybe there's elder gods or something"
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chenziee · 1 year
@lawluevents - Day 6: Conqueror's haki/Hand holding
@onepiece-bingo: Sound of Drums
Alternate summary: 1044 because of course it is :)
Alternate summary 2: write Nika Luffy without him turning into a giggly murdering maniac challenge
[ Read on AO3 | series ]
Luffy never thought about losing. He refused to think about losing. There was too much on the line in Wano and if he lost to Kaido, then all of it was going to be destroyed. He promised he would win and smash the night to pieces—to Momo, to Tama, to Yamato, to Kin, to his crew, to Torao. He promised to win no matter what. 
And more than that, he himself couldn’t forgive Kaido.
He couldn’t afford losing to this man.
And so, when he did lose…
He was shocked to find out that he wasn’t upset, disappointed… or even angry.
No; instead, he was happy. Who knew losing would be so much fun? 
A giggle bubbling out of his chest, Luffy got to his knees. There was blood dripping off his face and staining the ground under him but he couldn’t feel any pain. He felt too giddy, too excited to get back to fighting.
What was that DOOM-DUT-DA-DA rhythm resounding all around him? A drum? Sure sounded like one… but that didn’t feel right. Oh, was that his heart beating?
“Okay, that’s funny!”
A new wave of giggles overcame him as he finally got to his feet; he felt so light now, like some invisible restraints had been lifted, giving him all the freedom he ever wanted. He was sure he could do everything he wanted to right now.
Looking at his hands, Luffy clenched and unclenched his fist a few times, testing. What if I make it bigger, bigger than Gear Third?
He barely finished the thought before his fist blew up into giant proportions—big enough to make it seem like he could just reach out and grab the moon off the sky, and big enough to make Luffy himself stumble at the sudden shift in his centre of gravity. Quickly shrinking his hand back to normal size, Luffy grinned.
“This is amazing!” he laughed happily, jumping up and down. He didn’t even notice until now but did his clothes turn white? That was so weird! “I really can do anything!! I can totally fight a bit longer like this! This is my peak. This is Gear Five!!”
Taking a deep breath, Luffy focused on his surroundings. He could feel countless people down below him, scrambling around as the battle went on. There were several strong Voices—Kaido’s was the strongest but he could hear Sanji, Yamato, Jaggy, Momo a bit further away… Zoro’s voice was weak but also there, just like several of the Akazaya samurai.
If at all possible, Luffy’s smile widened even more when he found his Torao.
He knew he and Jaggy would win. Torao was strong, after all; much stronger than stupid Big Mom.
His presence was comforting; hearing his Voice was grounding, keeping Luffy’s mind from getting off-track. He really was the last one to wrap up his fight, huh? That wouldn’t do! He couldn’t keep everyone waiting like this!
Luffy snickered, cracking the knuckles of both his hands before pulling his right arm back. “Here I go, Kaido!” Luffy called to no one in particular, letting his haki flow—
—only to startle at how effortlessly it came to him. Has his Conqueror’s haki always been this powerful? Did it always so free, so light, was it always so easy for him to control?
This form, this Gear Five… It was just so fun!
A grin on his lips, Luffy thrust his hand forward, letting it grow into the arm of a giant to easily bust a hole in the Skull Dome’s ceiling, grabbing for Kaido. He laughed at how tiny the dragon’s body seemed in his hold. Like a simple rope, just ready to be tossed around.
This was where the real battle started.
“Huh?” Luffy blinked, pausing with where he was stuffing his mouth with meat to stare at Torao.
He was pacing all over the room in the Shogun’s castle that Momo let Luffy use while he recovered, his hair dishevelled from how he had been running his hands through it in frustration. He wasn’t looking at Luffy, only muttering something to himself about ‘reckless morons who never stop to think’.
“What did I do?!” Luffy asked, instead of doing something stupid like laughing. The sight that Law’s stress made might have been very funny, but Luffy also didn’t have a death wish.
Law clicked his tongue, his head snapping up to glare at Luffy. “Take a fucking guess,” he hissed angrilly.
Tilting his head to the side, Luffy thought hard about what might have caused Law to act like this but he was drawing a blank. “You wanted to eat this meat?” Luffy tried, offering him the half-eaten drumstick in his hand.
“No. Try again.”
Luffy studied Law’s face, taking note of how Law’s eyes flickered away from Luffy’s face to dart all over Luffy’s body—over his injuries—and suddenly, Luffy understood. And he couldn’t keep the warm, happy smile off his face as much as he tried. “Torao~” he sang easily.
That only earned him another glare and he had to bite on his lower lip to stop himself from giggling as he shook his head. Torao could be so cute sometimes.
“Torao, I’m fine,” Luffy said, trying to sound reassuring but he wasn’t sure how good a job he was doing with the way his voice shook. He was just so happy his Torao was so worried; it made him feel all warm and fuzzy in ways he didn’t bother deciphering. He simply basked in the feelings, and in the pissed off, adorable look on Law’s face.
“You died,” Law said flatly.
“Did not!” Luffy cried in his defence.
Clicking his tongue again, Torao sighed deeply. “You’re impossible.”
Unable to keep it in any longer, Luffy snickered—while ignoring the frustrated noise Law let out in response. Discarding his meat on the provided plate, Luffy quickly wiped his hands before he turned back to Law and stretched out one of his arms to grab Law’s elbow, forcing him to come closer to where Luffy was sitting on his futon.
Surprisingly, Law didn’t protest; he let Luffy drag him over to himself, only turning his eyes away so that he wasn’t looking at him. Embarrassed, and unwilling to show it, and Luffy grinned.
So damn cute.
Letting go of Law’s elbow, Luffy let his fingers slide down Law's arm until he found his hand, taking it in his own. Slowly, he brought Law’s hand to his lips, pressing a small kiss to the inside of his wrist—right at the edge of his soulmark—before lacing their fingers together.
“Torao, I love you,” he said in a teasing voice, making Law freeze.
He didn’t say anything for a long while, only standing there completely tense… until he clicked his tongue and finally deflated. Luffy wasn’t surprised when a moment later, Law flicked his forehead—armament haki and all—before he heaved a sigh and replied, “Don’t I-love-you me in this situation.”
“But it’s working!” Luffy said cheekily, sticking out his tongue.
Law narrowed his eyes. “How about I cut your dick off and toss it into the hole with Kaido. It’s not like you’re using it anyway.”
“You wouldn’t!!” Luffy gasped.
“Fucking try me,” Law growled back and Luffy gulped.
Maybe he shouldn’t be pushing Torao much further… Oh well!
“I’ll still love you though,” Luffy said defiantly, squeezing Law’s hand for good measure.
Law didn’t say anything to that… but when he squeezed Luffy’s hand back, that was all the answer Luffy needed.
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swampstew · 2 years
Oh shit I can make requests outside from the event? Oh golly okay uh first HAPPY 200 CONGRATS!! You deserve each and everyone of them and more because I'm sure those 200 people are so happy to your blog name on their notifications like I am
But yeah um 👉🏽👈🏽 am in love with your Kid and I want to see more of him so if you like the SOUND of this feel free to give it a try, you know how Kid's like is music? Usually this lead to uh metal band Kid pirates? Yeah cool I love it BUT Kid with a partner with Auralism(me. It's me I have an auralism kink) but just imagine the possibilities!
(I am so high while writing this so sorry if it was rambly lmao)
Hiii @sluttyseaslug ~ thank you so much, that's so sweet to say<3<3<3 I'm in love with him too<3 also I see what you did there, lmao. I am high writing this so I hope I hit those notes you were listening for, or else Kid says I'm in treble (jfc i'm so sorry) :)
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WC: 686. Spicy - M!n0rs DNI YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, A Kid Pirate metal concert, Kid being a little shit, CW: suggestive, auralism.
You never thought you would ever see the sight before you and yet here you were, standing in the crowd of your crewmates as you all watched your Captain, Vice-Captain, and a handful of pirates performing a show on the deck of the Victoria Punk.
You knew that Killer played drums. You knew that Kid liked to listen to music but you never knew he liked to sing too! And damn did he sing.
Belting out lyrics song after song made you feel like time had stopped entirely. An alternate reality where all there was, was him singing. His voice was jaggy, rough, like metal screeching when it was attracted to his body and molded around him on his whims; it made your blood rush, your heart race, and your brain reduce to goo.
They queued up the next song and Kid's bright, golden eyes found yours in the crowd. You offer him an excited smile and thumbs up and he winked at you!
"Oh fuck," you whisper to yourself, suddenly feeling hot and bothered. Your pants now suddenly feeling restrictive and...damp.
Here I lay Still and breathless Just like always Still, I want some more
Time was an illusion, Kid was hardly moving and yet you felt like he was everywhere all at once: on the stage, right in front of you, behind you and surrounding you as if he was singling you out with his performance. Was he? He had a mischievous look in his eyes, that bastard.
You adjusted your clothes and posture, cheeks blushing as you try to play it cool. His voice and the music were absolutely not making you aroused. Not in the middle of all your friends and crewmates. He winked at you again. Suddenly, you're too hot. Spreading from below and engulfing you.
How did he sound husky and angelic at the same time? The way his voice fluidly transitioned from breathy, raspy to sounding almost otherworldly. Was he really a punk rock sex god? A deity of sound sent to...you shake the thought. This isn't about me, you mutter to yourself. Trying to shake the horniness from your system.
Let the whole world look in Who cares who sees what tonight? Roll these misty windows Down to catch my breath and then Go and go and go just Drive me home and back again
The way the music flowed with striking notes and mellow tones, the sudden intrusion of high, sharp chords making your breath hitch, throat dry as a desert. The way he wailed the chorus vocals had you grabbing at your neck, trying to ground yourself. Desperately trying to stay in control of your emotions, your whoremones, and losing miserably. Was your Captain always this hot?
His eyes met yours again, and this time he licked his lips and then his upper teeth as he eyed you up and down. A leer suddenly on his face and your face is burning. Dumbly swiveling your head around to see if anyone else was seeing this or maybe he was eye fucking and teasing someone else? Nope, its just for you, cool cool cool cool cool.
Don't let me Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Take me to the edge
Each go making your sex pulse and chest heave. He barely whispers the last lyric as he begins headbanging to the heavy guitars and rushed melody, making your adrenaline rush.
He leaps down from the stage as the instrumentals fade out and he struts right up to you, placing a large, hot hand on your shoulder. A shit-eating grin on his face as he takes in your flushed reaction. He knows, that bastard knows.
"You down to fuck?" Not letting your flustered and "civilian-caught-in-his-direct-path" reaction stop him, he throws you over his shoulder and marches to his cabin. Dropping you down on the bed, grin still on his handsome, asshole face.
"Yeah or?"
"Yeah," you pout, arms crossed over your still rapidly beating chest. He laughed at you, stepping back to strip off his clothes. You forgot he wasn't a gracious or kind god.
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demondaydreamer · 11 months
Monster Hunter Stories concept:
Ok so I never write anything down on this site but I wanted to jot an idea I had for the (superior) mh stories series.
Since the concept of befriending monsters is such a recent game spinoff, (don't know how "new" it is in the monster hunter universe) but it would be so cool if you could revisit old game locations with monsties as a way to breathe new life into the next mh stories game and also appeasing old fans.
I've got a few examples from the old games (at least ones that I myself have played, feel free to drop your own ideas in if you've played any others, that'd be really cool) but imagine revisiting Moga Village from mh3u and introducing the scared, mistrustful folk of Moga to your Lagiacrus monstie, teaching people not to fear monsters but to respect them and that they can be befriended as helpful companions.
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Another example is to revisit old characters that you could breathe new life into by pairing their characters with suiting monsties. Such as the mh4u quest maiden with Brachydios, as OGs will remember her having a special quest where she admired Brachy.... "Admired".
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Like even if it seems weird because it "feels" like such a long time ago, since it's an older game, they could just fix this with the introduced rider being their child/grandchild. They've done a similar thing in mh Rise with the Sunbreak smithy being an ode to the mh4u Smith girl you have with your caravan team.
Another NPC/monstie duo I thought would be cool would be Julius (Ace Commander from Mh4u) with Kushala Daora, since his Master had to retire due to an attack from one, it could have such enemies-to-friends character ark potential!
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Anyway, other than the potential for unearthing old locations and characters for older MH fans, there's potential for new game mechanics, story concepts and side quests by letting other people in the MH universe be taught/discover monstie bonding/riders, rather than keeping it exclusive to one tiny tribe in the middle of no where. You could have villages, towns and cities coexisting with monsties in order to help them in their lives and with their occupations, examples:
Royal ludroth coast guard
Lagiacrus with a fishing company
Mizutsune soap shop
Glavenus sushi bar
Basarios/Gravios helping a mining company
Kulu chicken farm??
Pukei insect exterminator
Great Jaggi (or any dog wyvern ig) school tour guide (and the kids could be on jaggias dude that would be so cute)
Qurupeco for finding endangered species using their calls
Zamtrios/jade barroth/gammoth for travelling in and clearing snow on roads and the like
Diablos/uragaan for bulldozing or agriculture
Generally loads more ideas, any of the flying monsters could be used from things like search and rescue to postal service. I guess anything you can think of that we do with animals you could incorporate into the stories universe with monsties. This includes all the bad stuff too! Like animal pitting, or breeding for rare colours/traits at the expense of health, or weaponising for war n selfish ideals, which I know has already been done in the first Stories but yeah.
Anyway those are my thoughts, I might draw these concepts, might not. Let me know if there are any monster hunter fans that have any thoughts, that'd be cool :)
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WIP Wednesday but it’s Thursday
This was written for @phosphoricbomb and we call this Crimson Valstrax Catrapta AU
yes you read that right
Catra and Scorpia tied ropes to the Tetranadon’s carcass, multiple long cuts across its body. Catra rushed to complete the task as fast as possible, and Scorpia took her time, careful to not snip the ropes with her claws.  Catra was still soaked in water from the battle. Gross!
Tetranadon was not their first rodeo. It had been a long week.
First, a kulu yaku had made its nest in the middle of the food supply route, and they had to repel it. Then, a Great jagras AMBUSHED the food supply route, and they had to kill it and free Kyle from its stomach. Then they had to divert a herd of Rhenoplos which were going to run straight over town. And, THEN, this Tetranadon had the AUDACITY to attack, and now catra was covered in goo and going to scream. At least Scorpia seemed to be having a good time.
Catra was thirsty for the BIG hunts. Tetranadon? Small game, infuriating. But she needed to take on these small quests. She couldn't afford to wait - She NEEDED to beat Adora. She needed to reach Master Rank first!
Catra finished her work and laid flat on her back. Scorpia smiled and sat next to her, offering her some water. Catra waved her away. She closed her eyes and listened to the sweet song of the woods, pushing back her blood rage. And then, AND THEN, she heard some annoying squawkings, and a Jaggia jumped on top of her, knocking her out of her rest.
"Ugh." Catra picked up her dual blades.
Scorpia took out her book, accidentally ripping out a page, then quickly trying to put it back in as if nothing happened. "Uhh... Oh yeah, their behaviour!" She pointed to the jaggi, which were hopping around. "They seem to be more skittish than usual! Do you think there's a predator nearby?"
Catra rolled her eyes and picked up her twin swords. The small monsters surrounded her, but she knew they were no match for her superior reflexes.
As one jumped for her back, her ear twitched, and she turned to strike---
Before Catra knew it, the Jaggia had been knocked out of the sky.
And then another fell. And then another.
Arrow fire.
Her gaze dashed towards the woods, and there, sure enough, stood Bow the marksman. He gave a happy wave.
Adora and Glimmer were close behind him, hauling... no... A zinogre!!! Blast it! While she had been hunting small game, Adora had taken the opportunity to hunt a true monster! She had been one-upped again.
"Hi Catra", said Adora, bashfully. Catra gave a glare to her mortal rival.
"Guess you always have to get the final word in, huh, Adora?" Catra crossed her arms.
Before Adora could bite back, Glimmer let out a chuckle. "No, it's okay, you're welcome for us saving your life AND the village again!"
Catra hissed. She prepared herself for a catfight with the hot headed gunlance user, while Adora, Bow, and Scorpia mentally prepared for holding them back.
But then.... a DEEP RUMBLE came from the woods. Catra's shackles raised and everyone turned to the woods. There was a smell of burning fire.... and then, it REVEALED itself....
"Oh snap", said Scorpia. "This must be the predator that the jaggia were running from. I'm right! Right? Catra?"
With a great jump, an ANJANATH tore across the clearing raining fire and death, and Bow jumped out of the way of its initial attack. Everyone readied for action, Scorpia reaching for her lance. Bow raising his bow, Catra licking her lips as she grabbed her favourite swords.
"An Anjanath?" She laughed. "I could eat that for breakfast!" She lowered her torso, swords at her side, moving one leg back and preparing to jump---- DOOOF! Shit!! She slipped on the tetranadon water, scrambling for purchase, but her swords were in her hands and she fell forward, arms sprawled to her side.
Anjanath was racing directly towards her, drawn in by the dead monster. It breathed in, smoke coming from its mouth.
"Catra!" yelled Adora. "Wildcat!" yelled Scorpia. They raced to reach her--
Catra heard it first, the unmistakeable hum of a perfect engine. It accelerated and raised in pitch, still so quiet, but high enough that now Glimmer turned her head to look up too.
Oh no.
Adora dived out of the way just in time, the crimson comet DESTROYING everything in sight. Her head vibrated from the sound. The first thing she could see through the smoke was the red streaks... and then... the dust cleared, and revealed - picking at the neck of the destroyed anjanath - was a great dark dragon. Its wings were rimmed with fire.
She had seen it in the books.
"Catra, WATCH OUT!" she yelled, immediately jumping back in to protect her feline friend. "It's a Crimson Glow Valstrax, an incredibly dangerous elder dragon--"
"What the hell!" shouts Catra, pushing Adora out of the way. "What did I say about interfering with my hunts? I HAD this!" The valstrax made little noises and turned its head as Catra continued berating it for.. whatever it just did.
Adora, Glimmer, and Bow stared, completely perplexed. "Is she arguing with it?" started Bow. "Oh no! Is Catra hallucinating?" He plucked his tranquilizer arrow at the ready.
"Who cares?" roared Glimmer. "It's a big monster, and wer'e hunters, so let's kill it! RWWAAAAAARRRR---"
At that moment, Valstrax perked up its head, and bit Glimmer's gunlance by the stick. It picked her up and tried to wag her off like a fly. "HEY!!" yells Glimmer, holding on desperately to her favourite explodey weapon. After seven seconds of sheer grit and determination she is no hope for Valstrax's stamina and is forced to let go, sliding across the floor into a tree. "Holy shit!" She pouted at the monster. "You stole my weapon! That's not fair!"
Catra rolled her eyes for the sixteenth time as the Valstrax started fiddling with the gunlance, poking its trigger with its giant claws, and huffing when nothing happened.
Adora raises her greatsword.
"I'll get it back", she says, with the sheer determination of someone who MUST succeed at their goal. "For you, Glimmer! RAAAAAAAAAAA---"
Catra burst into mad laughter, falling onto the floor.
"Y-You're laughing", said Bow, voice breaking. "A Valstrax is going to eat all our friends and you're LAUGHING!"
"Oh, she's harmless", said Scorpia.
"She?" said Glimmer.
Suddenly the valstrax stops fiddling with the gunlance, and picks it up with its valstrax teeth, and hovers over Glimmer. Somehow, its eyes are filled with expectation and eagerness.
Glimmer, confused, extracts the weapon from Valstrax's teeth and wastes no time reloading it. Valstrax does a happy loud yelp that makes everyone jump and sits there watching again.
“Well go on”, said Scorpia. “Fire it!”
Glimmer aims the gunlance at Valstrax. Before Catra can say anything, she fires, but instead of being dead on the floor, Valstrax is two metres away, covered in gunpowder. It blinks, dazed, and yelps happily again.
“Wh... how.....”
“Yeah that weapon isn't going to do shit”, said Catra, “she just wanted to see how it worked.”
“See-- See how it worked?” squeaks Adora.
“Catra, can you explain what is happening here?” says Glimmer, very done with the situation.
“Oh that's Entrapta”, says Scorpia. “She's Catra's hunting partner!”
“She is NOT my--”
“You gave it a NAME?”
“Catra has a hunting partner??”
“Why does she hate my sword?!!!”
Catra sighed. “Entrapta hoards weapons and RAIDS my hunts”, she said sharply, “but she doesn't know how to USE any of the weapons, because she's a giant dragon. So she forces me to show her and periodically HIJACKS my hard earned victories.”
Catra glares at Entrapta the Valstrax, who gave her a dopey innocent look and was totally not trying to sniff her way into Catra's bag to steal her sushifish.
“So.... you've been cheating?” said Adora.
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beachy--head · 2 years
for the drabbles, i don't know if you'd be up for it, but just in case: jackson being with april, but having a sibling-like relationship with maggie. i feel like it would have been fun for the three of them to react to catherine & richard's antics instead of the horror we got
Who knew writing Jackson and Maggie would be fun? I guess life is full of surprises.
This is taking place in a blessed universe where japril got back together way quicker and that jaggie nonsense never happened.
"Jackson! I need to talk to you for a minute."
"Sure, what's up?"
"You guys are going to Ohio for Thanksgiving this year, right?"
"Yeah, we do. Plane tickets are bought, Hattie has her dress, and apparently April's parents have prep–"
"Yeah, great, I'm going to need you not to go."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sure April's parents are great and all, it's just that Catherine just told me that since she was all alone for Thanksgiving this year after almost dying – don't roll your eyes –, she wanted to throw a dinner party where all the guests had to do speeches about what they're grateful for this year."
"And I'm one of the guests, and I'm pretty sure she expects us all to say we're thankful for her. You guys have to be there for support."
"Maggie, you don't know what you're asking. April's mom cooks for weeks before Thanksgiving. And we can't leave until we eat everything that's on the table. It's like, the best day of the year. And you want us to give this up so we can praise my mother? Publicly? Nope."
"She's your mother, Jackson."
"I don't think I've emphasized how much food I'm talking about. Pies. Of every kind. All day long."
"Your mom's having this catered, I'm sure the food will be good."
"But she doesn't have a farm with horses that Harriet can pet and ride. And when she's in Ohio, April is always wearing these plaid shirts and braids, that whole farm girl look, and it is hot. I'm not letting you take that away from me."
"So you're letting me and Richard endure a day of praises by ourselves?"
"Hey, Richard married her. Knowingly. He asked for it."
"I didn't!"
"Well, you're collateral damage, sorry."
"Yeah, that makes me feel so much better."
"Hey, I've done it for more than 30 years. I deserve a year off."
"Fine! Go, enjoy the farm and your pies and whatever. Just so you know, I'll make sure to tell her that the three of you are completely free on Christmas and Christmas Eve."
"You wouldn't dare. Maggie, you wouldn't dare, right?"
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winxwiki · 1 year
Girls of Olympus is so bad, how did it take 10 years to air
Fans who've been waiting for the Girls of Olympus cartoon since 2011 are in for a rude awakening. Apparently the english dub has been quietly released on some online platform. It released in italian a while ago on Rai Gulp and it's available for free on Rai Play.
The story of the first book has been stretched across 26 episodes.
The book's story is already aimed at kids, so it's quick and easy to read, even a little naive if you're beyond the target audience. Many meaningless scenes were added out of the blue for the cartoon just to fill the runtime that were not in the original story.
As a result there's so many dead moments where nothing happens. Just characters looking at each other with no dialogue. Characters doing the smallest mundane things for sooo long, just to fill the runtime. All with terrible animation and stilted dialogue.
These are not moments of introspections. Characters walking back and forth in a room. Characters observing items. Characters daydreaming out of nowhere. All in silence adding nothing to the scene. Multiple times in an episode.
It takes them 3 and a half episodes to transform and fight their first enemy. For a magical girl show, taking more than 2 episodes to introduce your main characters, transformations, actions and villains is a death sentence.
I was too mean to Winx's puppet animation. This is so much worse. Movements are painfully stilt and automated like some old flash cartoon.
No, actually, even Angel's Friends has better animation, despite its low budget, because there was some decent storyboard action behind it. Girls of Olympus needs to be redone from scratch to be salvaged.
Here's how they animated Luce's shirt getting stained with chocolate. There are no frames cut, it was recorded as is.
Look how long it takes for the action to take. Look at their awkward movements. In the book, it's barely a phrase, it happens quickly, Luce immediately goes to get her cursed shirt. It shouldn't be this dramatic and long. Again, it's obvious it's to fill runtime. This series loves wasting the watcher's time.
Bonus: the puppet rigs have zigzagged, jaggy lineart.
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These are not low quality screenshots! This is what it looks like in HD!
Winx season 5-8 are 10 times more watchable that this. The fact that it took them almost 10 years to release is appalling and suspicious. There is very little info on the animation studio behind it. Surely something happened in development if these are the results.
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valkblue · 2 years
I have to ask. Canderous Ordo, aka Mandalore the Motherfucker. 👁 👁
Oh, Anon… Thank you for asking that. 🥰 Now I can go feral on main.
My favorite line
His whole tale about riding his basilisk. I love it. Or maybe "Don’t pretend to understand us – we, Mandalorians, are a breed apart". Or even all his banter with Jolee, in the first game. It's hard to choose just one.
My favorite moment
In the first game, it would be his negociations with Revan to infiltrate the Sith base on Taris, but I also like a lot of his general banter when he's not storytelling his past victories and defeats. And in KotOr II, when he and his men breach the Ravager and he's edgewalking through the flames in full armor. 👌
My favorite strength
As Kreia would put it, he's a loyal beast. So yeah, his loyalty to his men as Mandalore, to this new code he's crafting for all the scattered Mandos and reunite the clans, to Revan…
My favorite weakness
At first, we meet a hot-headed merc, always up for a fight and ready to headbutt anyone bold enough to question his honor or having quarrels with anything or anyone Mandalorian… And then, the whole Jaggi-thing happened and he reconsidered a lot about himself, his life, the Mando-lifestyle in general, everything.
Then, we find him again years later on Dxun, more cool-headed, in control, and Mandalore. At this point, his weakness is more that he's somewhat 'responsible' for a whole bunch of Mandos looking up to him the way himself used to look up to the previous Mandalore, that he cares…
His men are his weakness, his whole clan, because "Clan Ordo still lives!" And it means a lot to him.
Now, he has to bring all these men home alive, and can't just find it an acceptable option to let a few die to save the many like he did back then. Even though he and his men all know that there are fatalities in battle, and that it's the Mandalorian life they chose. Caring isn't a weakness so to speak here, it's more about how it changed the way he makes decisions and gives orders. And yet we had a glimpse of how he was already marshalling his men around to spare them death-by-rakghouls in the lower levels of Taris.
My favorite personal headcanon
When caught by the Leviathan and he tells Revan that the best course of action to free them is to let him get chared by an incendiary grenade and be sent to the medbay where he'd wake up unsupervised, I'd say it's not the first time he thought of (and used!) a fucked up tactic like that one.
This guy has no chill. ✌️
18 notes · View notes
snowboyclarkov · 2 years
MetalBurst Project - Season 2: Beyblade Burst Evolution
Includes the basics (bladers, beyblades, battles, events, debuts). Specific scores of individual matches not included. Also, some teams are from different nations to adhere to a 1 team/nation rule (except for Catalonia).
Note: the times when some bladers meet their bey Spirits for the first time are what count as that spirit's debut.
Each opening would have different scenes from the original, but while I can draw I can't animate whatsoever, nor do I have time to draw an entire opening. So use your minds to imagine alternate scenes for the opening.
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 1-35): Evolution
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 36-52): Made For This
[Japanese] Opening Theme (3 versions - Ep. 1-24, Ep. 25-35 + Ep. 36-52): Evolution Burst!
Note: Motif, and avatar/spirit, is according to the Beyblade Wiki and by me.
Bladers (Beyblades - Motifs) - MOVES:
Alexander Shakadera (Surge Xcalius 1 Iron - Holy Sword of England) - DUAL SABERS, TRIPLE SABER
Boa Alcazaba (Arc Balkesh 2Bump Atomic - God Dragon) - FINAL GUARD, FINAL CRASH
Clio Delon (Deep Caynox 4Flow Bearing - Primordial Void) - LEVITATION LAUNCH
Count Nightfell (Duo Aether 7Star Unite - Sun-Moon Combination) - ECLIPSE LAUNCH
Cuza Ackermann (Alter Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God) - TIGHTROPE DIVE, WARP LAUNCH, ETERNITY LAUNCH, SPINNING MOON DIVE
Daigo Kurogami (Krusher Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper) - DOUBLE STRIKE, HUNT LAUNCH
Esmeralda Petersburg (Smite Amaterios 0Bump Anchor - Sun Goddess) - SMITE SPIN
Free de la Hoya (Drain Fafnir 8 Nothing - Golden Dragon) - DRAIN SPIN, NOTHING BREAK
Ghasem Madal (Maximum Garudas 8Flow Flugel - King of Birds) - METEOR STRIKE
Joshua Burns (Blast Jinnius 5Glaive Guard - Genie) - CYCLONE WALL, CYCLONE COUNTER
Ken Midori (Guardian Kerbeus 7 Nothing - Underworld Guardian) - GUARDIAN LAUNCH, NOTHING COUNTER
Kurt Baratier (Boom Khalzar 7Under Hunter - Hurricane Bird God) - SKYSCRAPER BOOST, THUNDER ATTACK, BOLT ATTACK
Lui Shirosagi (Nightmare Lúinor Destroy - Ice Dragon of Ruin) - DRAGON CRASH, NIGHTMARE BOOST
Norman Tarver (Twin Noctemis 3Hit Jaggy - Anger God) - UPPER CRASH, COLOSSUS HAMMER
Rantaro Kiyama (Berserk Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon) - ROKTAVOR ZONE, STAMINA LAUNCH
Raul Comas (Genesis/Strike Valtryek Mugen - Battle Goddess) - INFINITY LAUNCH, GENESIS WHIP
Ren Wu Sun (Shelter Regulus 5Star Tower - Lion) - SHELTER DEFENCE, FANG ATTACK
Silas Karlisle (Kinetic Satomb 2Glaive Loop - Devil) - ROLLER DRIFT, ROLLER DEFENCE, CYCLONE LOOP
Suki Ryushima (Shining Orichalcum Outer Octa - Mountain Metal) - SHINING COUNTER, SHINING BREAK, OMEGA ATTACK
Tess Dileva (Shadow Orichalcum Aero Bite - Mountain Metal) - LUNAR COUNTER, SHADOW BREAK, LUNAR SONATA
Toko Aoi (Spiral Treptune 8Bump Wedge - Three-Pronged Spear) - SPIRAL COUNTER
Wakiya Murasaki (Tempest Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern) - SUPER TEMPEST ATTACK, TEMPEST SHIELD, HYPER SHIELD CRASH
Zachary Kaneguro (Galaxy Zeutron 4Meteor Planet - Thunder God) - GALAXY BOOST, GRAND LIGHTNING*, PLANET BREAK
Pablo (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Paul Orlando (Storm Spryzn Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Mark Strong (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Calli/Kahli (Dual Diomedes Triple Accel - Hero King)
Ivan (Beast Betromoth Infinity Press - Beast)
Rickson Clay (Jumbo Jormuntor Jerk Unite - World Serpent)
Shasa Guten (Giga Gaianon Vertical Cycle - Primordial of Earth)
Stan Hamburg (Psychic Phantazus Polish Weight - Phantom)
Django del Toro (Quill Quetziko Quarter Hold - Wind & Learning God)
Rodrick (Storm Spryzen Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Spark Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Sara Sanchez (Raging Roktavor Limited Press - Winged Demon)
Xavier Kappa (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Ruck Mar (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Allan Renoir (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Arthur Lawrence (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
George Star (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Jorge Ortega (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Richard Yello (Shadow Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon)
Black Eye (Shadow Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper)
Grey Eye (Shadow Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God)
Azure Eye (Shadow Valtryek 6Vortex Reboot - Battle Goddess)
Violet Eye (Shadow Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern)
Dylan Summers (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Dolph Henson (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Lionel Mecca (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Thiago Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Leone Balone (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Javier (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Ana Mark (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Carlos Thunder (Omni Odax Gravity Needle - War God)
Ramon Martinez (Dark Doomscizor Knuckle Unite - Grim Reaper)
Sergio Lopez (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Anton (King Kerbeus Gravity Revolve - Underworld Guardian)
Jeff Peterson (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Ataru Okinaka (Storm Spryzen Mugen - Protector Giant)
*Galaxy Zeutron having a move called Grand Lightning in this fan-made season is a homage to Dynamis and Jade Jupiter.
Teams (Known bladers only if available, at time of World League):
Sol (Spain) = Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, Zachary Kaneguro, Silas Karlisle, Cuza Ackermann, Suki Ryushima, Rickson Clay, Shasa Guten
Sunbat United (Catalonia) = Wakiya Murasaki, Ken Midori, Django del Toro, Ataru Okinaka
Top Wand (Germany) = Heinrich, Rodrick
Galleon (Portugal) = Xavier Kappa, Sara Sanchez, Spark Torres
Gallus (France) = Daigo Kurogami, Allan Renoir, Ruck Mar
Nord (Sweden) = Unknown bladers
Royals (England) = Arthur Lawrence, George Star, Ghasem Madal, Jeff Peterson, Pax Forsythe [Retired due to injury]
Raging Bulls (America) = Joshua Burns, Free de la Hoya, Tess Dileva, Richard Yello, Dylan Summers, Guy Spear, Dust Rukane
Lago (Mexico) = Jorge Ortega, Ramon Martinez, Sergio Lopez
Rios (Brazil) = Alexander Shakadera, Ren Wu Sun, Javier, Ana Mark Carlos Thunder, Stan Hamburg
Rocks (Australia) = Dolph Henson
Tango Rhythms (Argentina) = Lionel Mecca, Thiago Torres, Leone Balone
Key -> SOLvSUU = Sol vs. Sunbat United, EL = European League, SOLvTOW = Sol vs. Top Wand, SOLvNOR = Sol vs. Nord, SOLvGLO = Sol vs. Galleon, SOLvGAL = Sol vs. Gallus, SOLvROY = Sol vs. Royals, NAL = North American League, RABvLAG = Raging Bulls vs. Lago, WL = World League, RABvROC = Raging Bulls vs. Rocks, SOLvTAR = Sol vs. Tango Rhythms, RIOvLAG = Rios vs. Lago, ROYvSOL = Royals vs. Sol, RIOvSUU = Rios vs. Sunbat United, GALvGLO = Gallus vs. Galleon, RABvTOW = Raging Bulls vs. Top Wand, RIOvSOL = Rios vs. Sol, RABvGAL = Raging Bulls vs. Gallus, SOLvRAB = Sol vs. Raging Bulls, IBC = International Bladers Cup
Main Protagonists = Valt Aoi, Free de la Hoya (IBC)
Main Antagonists = Theodore Glass, Spryzen, Tess Dileva
Disc 1 Antagonists (Pre-IBC) = Shu Kurenai, Free de la Hoya
Disc 1 Antagonists (IBC) = Kurt Baratier, Norman Tarver
Episodes -> (Battles [Events]) -> {Other}:
01 - To The World! Genesis Valtryek! -> (Pablo defeats Ken, Silas defeats Pablo, Valt loses to Silas, Valt defeats Silas) -> {Silas/Kit/Pablo/Raul debut, Valt/Ken make their Evolution debut, Satomb cracks Valtryek, Victory Valtryek is evolved into Genesis Valtryek, King Kerbeus is evolved into Guardian Kerbeus}
02 - Fighting Spirit! Berserk Roktavor! -> (Rantaro defeats Paul, Valt defeats Mark, Rantaro defeats Calli/Kahli, Valt defeats Suki, Rantaro defeats Zachary, Valt defeats Tess, Valt defeats Rantaro) -> {Kristina/Trad/Free debut, Rantaro/Tess/Zachary/Suki make their Evolution debut, Berserk Roktavor is created, Valt/Rantaro/Zachary/Tess/Suki are accepted into Sol}
03 - Shock! Drain Fafnir! -> (Free defeats Valt, Free defeats Rantaro, Free defeats Ivan, Free defeats Rickson, Free defeats Shasa, Free defeats Ken, Free defeats Esmeralda) -> {Ataru/Honey/Shasa/Ange/Senor Hanami/Ivan/Rickson/Django debut, Wakiya/Esmeralda/Stan make their Evolution debut, Esmeralda/Stan are revealed to be part of Sol, Wakiya/Silas are revealed to be part of Sunbat United, Sunbat United challenge Sol to a battle}
04 - Whirlwind! Tempest Wyvron! -> (Wakiya defeats Rantaro [SOLvSUU], Wakiya loses to Valt [SOLvSUU continued]) -> {Theodore debuts, Valt removes Valtryek's Vortex frame}
05 - Devil Assault! Kinetic Satomb! -> (Valt loses to Silas [SOLvSUU], Free defeats Silas [SOLvSUU continued])
06 - Severe Earthquake! Sol! -> (Rantaro defeats Wakiya [SOLvSUU: SOL 4-2 SUU], Rickson defeats Calli/Kahli, Stan defeats Suki, Ivan defeats Esmeralda, Shasa defeats Tess, Django loses to Valt, Django loses to Silas, Silas defeats Rantaro) -> {Rantaro removes Roktavor's Cross frame, Valt reattaches Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas leaves Sunbat United & is accepted into Sol, Django leaves Sol after demotion to the B-Team causing tension between Stan & Valt, Esmeralda vindictively forces Tess to leave Sol after the latter tried to screw up her secret plan to leave Sol herself}
07 - Reach It! Journey To The Top! -> (Rickson defeats Stan, Shasa vs. Ivan interuppted, Valt draws with Rantaro, Esmeralda defeats Calli/Kahli, Rickson draws with Ivan, Valt defeats Stan, Silas loses to Rantaro) -> {Rantaro reattaches Roktavor's Cross frame, Stan blames Valt for Django leaving Sol}
08 - Season Opener! European League! -> (Free defeats Heinrich [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt loses to Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW continued]) -> {Cuza/Carl/Rodrick debut, Heinrich/Cuza are revealed to be part of Top Wand, Theodore starts trying to convince Free to join Raging Bulls}
09 - Temporal Troupe! Alter Cognite! -> (Rantaro loses to Rodrick [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Free defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOL 3-2 TOW]) -> {Theodore continues scouting Free}
10 - Free To Launch! Valt and Free! -> (Ivan draws with Rickson, Stan draws with Shasa, Rantaro vs Suki interrupted, Valt loses to Free) -> {Silas confronts Kristina and Trad about not being chosen for the team more but Trad tells him to swallow his pride, Valt's/Rantaro's rankings move up alongside Sol's causing tension between them and the rest of the team, Valt/Rantaro are revealed to have tried contacting Shu but he has not gotten back to them, Alexander is revealed to be in Brazil, Free leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Free allows Valt access to his secret forest stadium}
11 - The Collapse! A Team Divided! -> (Zachary loses to Tess [EL Round 2: SOL 0-3 NOR], Valt vs Rantaro interrupted, Silas defeats 5 random bladers at once, Silas defeats Wakiya, Rantaro loses to Spark [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Suki loses to Sara [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Valt loses to Xavier K. [EL Round 3: SOL 0-3 GLO]) -> {Tess is revealed to have gained a new bey from an unknown place called Shadow Orichalcum, Zachary's humiliation at causes an increase in aggressiveness and an exodus of unfaithful fans, Tess is revealed to have joined Nord, the crushing defeat to Nord causes further friction within Sol, Silas leaves refusing to be held back by Valt any longer but Wakiya convinces him to return to which he says he just needed fresh air, Ivan leaves Sol to achieve his dream of becoming a BeyTrainer, Esmeralda leaves Sol to become the bodyguard for an enigmatic new client even though her employers [apprenticeship-type thing] never assigned her one raising heavy suspicion from Trad}
12 - Second Coming! The Return Of Doomscizor! -> (Rantaro loses to Rickson, Rantaro loses to Silas, Valt loses to Daigo, Rantaro loses to Daigo, Rantaro draws with Ruck, Valt defeats Shasa) -> {Allan/Ruck/Marie debut, Daigo makes his Evolution debut, Daigo is revealed to be part of Gallus, Dark Doomscizor is revealed to have been evolved into Krusher Doomscizor, Daigo fails to convince Valt/Rantaro to join him in France but his attempt make Sol think the two do plan to leave and they are removed from the eligible bladers list, Shasa gives up her place for Valt after she realises he is telling the truth about not leaving, Zachary quickly recovers with help from Kristina and decides to take back his place in stardom as an idol with backing from the faithful fans who stick around regardless of the result, Zillion Zeutron is evolved into Galaxy Zeutron}
13 - Beyond The Sunrise! Galaxy Zeutron! -> (Valt loses to Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Ruck [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Silas loses to Allan [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Valt defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOL 3-2 GAL]) -> {Ghasem/Arthur L./George debut, Ghasem watches the match between Silas and Allan, Daigo's role in improving Gallus is revealed}
14 - Attack! Shining Orichalcum! -> (Silas defeats Ken, Suki defeats Silas, Silas defeats Ghasem [Flashback], George loses to Arthur L., Silas loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY]) -> {Valt is named leader of Sol, it is revealed that Ghasem holds a grudge against Silas for destroying his old bey, Suki creates Shining Orichalcum out of Salvo Surtr having naturally watched Tess' demolition of Zachary as part of Sol}
15 - Maximus Garuda! The Airborne Bey! -> (Suki defeats Arthur L. [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Zachary draws with Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Rantaro defeats George [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Valt loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Silas defeats Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOL 3-2 ROY]) -> {It is revealed that Ghasem recieved Garuda from Arthur L., victory over Royals mean Sol qualify for the World League, Wakiya tells Valt/Rantaro that Shu is missing}
16 - The Search For Shu! Legend Spryzen! -> (Shu defeats Jorge [NAL Round 5: RAB 3-0 LAG], Valt loses to Red Eye) -> {Jorge debuts, Valt/Rantaro/Daigo/Wakiya/Suki travel to Mexico to search for Shu and meet Cuza along the way, Zachary opts to remain at Sol, the crew learn about Snake Pit and discover its HQ, the crew meet a boy called Red Eye who has supposedly stolen Shu's Spryzen for himself}
17 - Shadow Magic! The Snake Pit! -> (Rantaro loses to Yellow Eye) -> {Gold Eye/Boa/Black Eye/Violet Eye/Grey Eye/Yellow Eye/Azure Eye debut, Silver Eye makes her Evolution debut, the crew learn more about Snake Pit and discover the Shadow Bladers, Rantaro is almost kicked out of the Snake Pit but the crew save him}
18 - Into The Labyrinth! Underground Maze! -> (Daigo defeats Black Eye, Cuza defeats Grey Eye, Valt vs. Azure Eye continued) -> {Black Eye/Grey Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit}
19 - Secret Fire! Red And Silver! -> (Valt defeats Azure Eye, Wakiya vs. Violet Eye [interrupted by Red Eye] -> Wakiya vs. Violet Eye vs. Red Eye [Battle Royale results: Red Eye > Wakiya > Violet Eye], Valt/Daigo/Cuza vs. Red Eye [interrupted by Suki/Silver Eye] -> Valt/Daigo/Cuza/Suki lose to Red Eye/Silver Eye) -> {Azure Eye is kicked out of Snake Pit, Wakiya/Violet Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to have gained Shadow Orichalcum from Ashtem, Valt/Suki/Rantaro/Daigo/Cuza are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to be Silver Eye, Boa guides the crew through the jungle to safety}
20 - New Teammates! New Rivals! -> (Cuza draws with Silas, Kristina loses to Free [Flashback], Valt loses to Cuza, Valt defeats Stan) -> {Cuza leaves Top Wand to join Sol, Trad leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Stan leaves Sol and heads to Brazil, the members of Sol discover Free's secret forest stadium and that he gave Valt permission to use it, Free is revealed to have entrusted Valt with leading the team in his absence}
21 - A-List! Joshua Burns! -> (Joshua defeats Cuza) -> {Joshua/Deborah/Terry debut, Joshua invites Sol to star in his latest movie, Joshua declines Wakiya's invitation to join Sunbat United}
22 - Blast Jinnius! Caller of Storms! -> (Rantaro loses to Joshua, Wakiya loses to Joshua) -> {The movie finishes, Wakiya challenges Joshua intent on making him join Sunbat United if he loses, Joshua reveals Jinnius' true power, Theodore convinces Joshua to become the captain of Raging Bulls}
23 - Infinity Stadium! Raul's Challenge! -> (Joshua defeats Richard, Valt loses to Shasa, Valt loses to Raul, Silas loses to Raul) -> {Yellow Eye is revealed to have left Snake Pit to focus on Raging Bulls, Yellow Eye's identity is revealed as Richard Yello, Kristina's grandad Jinbei is revealed to be a legendary blader of the past and the creator of the first ever beyblades, Jinbei & Raul are revealed to have been rivals, Sol receive a new stadium, Kristina confides in Suki about her doubts about being a good manager for Sol, Suki slowly convinces Kristina to continue her way of managing the team citing her own increase in confidence/willingness to interact with her teammates as proof, Kristina admits her doubts haven't gone away but resolves to persist past them}
24 - World League! Setting The Stage! -> (Joshua defeats Dylan, Valt draws with Rantaro, Joshua loses to Free, Joshua defeats Dolph [WL Round 1: RAB 3-0 ROC], Valt vs. Lionel continued [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR]) -> {Lionel/Thiago/Leone/Karina/Dylan debut, Joshua attempts to connect with Free & eventually succeeds, Free & Valt reminisce about when Free left Sol, Kristina reveals to Valt that Free thought he would make Sol a better team in his absence which Valt acknowledges, Red Eye leaves Snake Pit to find his own path after hearing that two bladers defeated several Snake Pit members including Tess, the World League begins}
25 - Sword Fighting! Surge Xcalius! -> (Valt defeats Lionel [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Silas defeats Thiago [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Cuza defeats Leone [WL Round 1: SOL 3-0 TAR], Alexander defeats 100 unknown bladers in a row [Flashback], Alexander defeats Javier/Ana/Carlos [Flashback], Alexander defeats Stan [Flashback], Ren Wu defeats Ramon [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Stan defeats Sergio [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Alexander defeats Jorge [WL Round 1: RIO 3-0 LAG]) -> {Ren Wu/Ramon/Sergio/Horikawa/Marco/Javier/Carlos/Ana/Banner debut, Alexander makes his Evolution debut, Alexander is revealed to have forged Surge Xcalius as an evolution of Xeno Xcalius and travelled to Brazil where he re-united with old martial artist rival Ren Wu, Alexander is revealed to have passed the 100 Blader Test to join Rios and to have received a new launcher from Banner after his launcher broke during the test, Stan joins Rios, Rick tells Valt/Rantaro/Suki/Zachary that he moved to Sol from Rios, Rick reveals to Sol that his dad Banner is the manager/founder of Rios}
26 - Explode! Genesis Reboot! -> (Rantaro loses to Raul, Shasa loses to Raul, Rickson defeats Anton, Valt loses to Rickson x3, Valt defeats Rickson, Ghasem defeats Silas [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Arthur L. loses to Cuza [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Jeff loses to Suki [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Ghasem loses to Valt [WL Quarter-Final: ROY 1-3 SOL]) -> {Rickson helps Valt master Genesis Reboot, Ivan is revealed to have become the BeyTrainer of Royals}
27 - Worlds Collide! Home Turf! -> (Valt vs. Rantaro vs. Wakiya vs. Alexander vs. Ataru [Battle Royale results order: Valt > Alexander > Wakiya > Rantaro > Ataru], Suki draws with Zachary, Wakiya defeats Toko, Stan defeats Django [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Ana defeats Ataru [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Carlos loses to Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Alexander defeats Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIO 3-1 SUU]) -> {Guy/Dust debut, Chiharu/Toko/Nika/Hoji/Quon/Ukio/Yugo make their Evolution debut, Sol travel to Japan to watch Rios vs. Sunbat United, Valt/Rantaro/Wakiya/Zachary/Suki introduce the rest of Sol to their old friends/rivals, Toko is revealed to have created Spiral Treptune, Ken/Django are revealed to have joined Sunbat United, Boa is scarred across the nose during Snake Pit trials, Boa obtains Arc Balkesh, Boa is tasked by Ashtem to track down & surpass Red Eye}
28 - The Vampire! Deep Caynox! -> (Cuza loses to Clio, Daigo defeats Spark [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Ruck defeats Sara [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Clio defeats Xavier K. [WL Quarter-Final: GAL 3-0 GLO], Joshua defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Free defeats Rodrick [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Tess defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RAB 3-0 TOW], Red Eye defeats Ghasem) -> {Clio debuts, Sol/Wakiya/Ataru travel to France to watch Gallus vs. Galleon, Cuza is revealed to have been traumatized by one of Clio's magic tricks in the past, Valt & Zachary help Cuza get over his fear of Clio, Tess decides to drop being Silver Eye and leaves Snake Pit to join Raging Bulls, Maximus Garuda is crushed by the machinery of Big Ben in the Elizabeth Tower}
29 - The Fortress! Shelter Regulus! -> (Valt/Rantaro/Cuza lose to Ren Wu, Valt defeats 95 unknown bladers in a row, Alexander vs Silas continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Sol travel to Brazil to see the BeyCarnival, Cuza's acrobatics accidentally ruin the parade causing general anger towards Sol by the Brazilians present, Ren Wu decides to settle things with a bey battle, Valt's lacklustre performance against Ren Wu results in him letting Alexander down, Valt takes on the 100 Blader Challenge to redeem himself in Alexander's eyes & completes 95 before he tires out & Rickson collects him}
30 - Collision Course! To The Finals! -> (Alexander defeats Silas [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Joshua defeats Ruck [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Stan loses to Rickson [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Clio defeats Daigo [Flashback], Dylan loses to Clio, Ren Wu vs. Cuza continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Clio is revealed to be an actual vampire, Suki decides it's a good time to tell Kristina of the true reason behind Tess' departure, Kristina decides to enforce a ban on Esmeralda ever returning to Sol, Suki tells a grateful Kristina that she wants to repay her help in becoming more confident by showing Tess that Sol are as exemplary as their reputation suggests, Kristina advises Suki to train with Valt knowing due to previous scouting of bladers that he's the one who convinced her to break out of her shell}
31 - The Big 5's Wall! Breaking Through! -> (Ren Wu defeats Cuza [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Daigo loses to Free [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Ren Wu loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Tess vs. Daigo continued [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL]) -> {Tess visits Sol to talk with Valt about the ins and outs of being a leader and being serious about their roles, Valt ruminates with Rantaro about his conversation with Tess and what it truly means to be a captain, Rantaro convinces Valt to make an effort to not be a captain in name only, Valt agrees to help personally train Suki}
32 - Peerless! Triple Saber! -> (Tess defeats Daigo [WL Semi-Final: RAB 3-1 GAL], Alexander loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIO 2-3 SOL]) -> {Alexander realises Valtryek has more stages to evolve to, Raul is revealed to be working on something called Genesis Special}
33 - The Finals! Spain vs. America! -> (Lui defeats 7 unknown bladers, Red Eye defeats Alexander, Boa defeats Ren Wu, Valt loses to Raul, Valt loses to Free, Rantaro defeats Richard [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Cuza loses to Joshua [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui makes his Evolution debut, Lui completes a long period of intense training, Lui is revealed to have evolved Lost Lúinor into Nightmare Lúinor, Boa successfully tracks down and shows his power to Red Eye}
34 - Reassurance! Omega Attack! -> (Silas loses to Free [Flashback], Silas loses to Free [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Suki defeats Tess [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Silas vs. Joshua continued [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui appears to watch the World League Final, Tess being as mostly serious as ever ignores her own former Rideout teammate, Tess/Suki briefly discuss Esmeralda being vindictive and forcing her to leave after threatening to expose her own plans for departure to Kristina, Suki tells Tess she wants to prove her own development to herself a Suki creates a new move called Omega Attack to overcome Tess, Tess commends Suki for her increase in confidence since the National Tournament and Sol for becoming a team worth their lustrous reputation, Free silently agrees with Tess' judgement of his former team, Silas requests to replace Zachary and go out for match 5 claiming he needs it, Joshua forcefully takes Free's place in match 5 much to Free's displeasure, Free secretly hopes Silas can win the tournament for Sol partially to humble Joshua and partially to prove they don't need to rely on him}
35 - To The Podium! That's A Wrap! -> (Silas defeats Joshua [WL Final: SOL 3-2 RAB], Lui vs. Red Eye continued) -> [Silas temporarily switches out Satomb's Glaive frame for Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas claims his moment of glory and wins the final, Sol win the World League, Free departs Raging Bulls to return to Sol]
36 - Duel! Lúinor vs. Spryzen! -> (Lui defeats Shu, Valt loses to Lui, Shu loses to Free [Flashback]) -> {Spryzen debuts, the power from Lúinor's Dragon Crash cleaves Red Eye's mask in half revealing Red Eye to be Shu Kurenai, Lui turns out to have known this the entire time, Shu pushes away Valt's attempts at reconnection, Lui berates Valt for not truly knowing his friend, Shu is revealed to have become Red Eye after losing to Free, Shu abandons Legend Spryzen, Boa revokes his role in disgust as Shu's apprentice and vows to surpass who he now sees as a massive disappointment, Theodore puts Shu through the Requiem Project, Shu meets Spryzen in person for the first time}
37 - Blading Deities! Challenge of Champions! -> (Free loses to Lui, Valt loses to Raul, Valt draws with Zachary, Nightfell defeats Boa) -> {Nightfell makes his Evolution debut, Free suffers his first ever defeat, The International Bladers Cup is announced, Alexander/Clio/Cuza/Daigo/Esmeralda/Free/Ghasem/Joshua/Ken/Lui/Nightfell/Rantaro/Ren Wu/Shu/Silas/Suki/Tess/Toko/Valt/Wakiya/Zachary/3 mystery bladers are announced as the participants, Esmeralda is replaced by another mystery blader due to not turning up for reasons related to when she left Sol, Free re-joins Sol, Nightfell ponders stealing Balkesh but uncharacteristically decides not to for unknown reasons, Free thanks Valt in his own way for leading Sol in his absence}
38 - Requiem Project! Spryzen Unleashed! -> (Valt loses to Free, Shu defeats Hologram Lui, Shu defeats Hologram Alexander, Shu defeats Hologram Tess, Shu defeats Hologram Joshua, Shu defeats Hologram Free, Shasa loses to Free) -> {Shasa/Valt teach Free to shake hands with an opponent after a battle, Shasa finally accepts Free back into Sol, Free reprises his role as leader of Sol, Spryzen subtly convinces Shu that they are one and the same, Shu obtains Spryzen Requiem, Spryzen possesses Shu with the intention of ruthlessly destroying anyone who gets in the way of taking Shu/itself to the top of the blading world, Nightfell creates Duo Apollo and Duo Artemis before merging them to create Duo Aether, Spryzen begins altering Shu to be the blader/master it desires, Spryzen is revealed to have a serious vendetta against Lui for beating it so many times and scarring Shu's eye}
39 - Bow Down! Boom Khalzar! -> (Kurt defeats 5 members of his gang, Rantaro loses to Kurt, Shu defeats 5 members of Kurt's gang, Valt loses to Kurt) -> {Kurt debuts, the International Bladers Cup begins, Boa/Kurt/Norman/Raul are revealed to be the mystery participants, Norman is revealed to be Esmeralda's replacement in the International Bladers Cup, Boa is revealed to have replaced a blader called Pax Forsythe who had to retire from the tournament due to injury-induced disability caused by a freak accident, the International Bladers Cup is divided into 4 groups consisting of Group A: Cuza/Free/Kurt/Joshua/Silas/Zachary - Group B: Shu/Ken/Daigo/Norman/Clio/Toko - Group C: Tess/Ren Wu/Rantaro/Lui/Nightfell/Alexander - Group D: Valt/Ghasem/Boa/Wakiya/Raul/Suki, Khalzar cracks Roktavor, Valt stops Kurt's gang from stealing Roktavor, Arthur L. repairs Garuda for Ghasem, Tess tells Boa that she only ever joined Snake Pit in the first place as part of a covert attempt to save Shu from Theodore, Kurt is revealed to be the former world number 1 blader and to have never lost a battle}
40 - The Tyrant! Spryzen Requiem! -> (Cuza defeats Shasa, Valt defeats Rickson, Valt loses to Rantaro, Silas loses to Alexander [Flashback], Cuza defeats Clio, Free defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD1], Ken loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD1], Ren Wu loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD1], Ghasem loses to Valt [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul repairs Roktavor after it was cracked by Khalzar, Kurt with his gang confront Shu about his visit to Kurt's underground blading kingdom, Kurt notices fury in Shu's eyes and compliments his power, Tess rips into Valt for allowing Shu to get into the state that he's in and accuses him of not really caring for his friends, Norman tells Valt to lay off attempting to beat Shu declaring that honour to be reserved for himself, Norman is revealed to be Gold Eye and the former top blader of Snake Pit before Red Eye, Theodore is revealed to be Ashtem, Boa is revealed to have left Snake Pit realizing Theodore was using him, Boa tries to convince Norman to leave Snake Pit for that reason to which Norman responds that he isn't loyal to Theodore, Norman declares his intent to beat Shu and take back his crown to Boa while Boa declares his intent to beat Shu and surpass him to Norman at the same time, Tess declares her intent to beat Valt for being a terrible friend toward Shu to Norman and Boa, Shu rips Besu causing Ken much distress}
41 - Colossus Hammer! Twin Noctemis! -> (Kurt defeats Zachary [IBC: Group A MD1], Daigo defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD1], Rantaro loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD1], Boa loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD1], Ken defeats Cuza, Shu loses to Lui [Flashback], Cuza loses to Suki, Joshua loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD1], Norman defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD1], Lui defeats Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD1], Wakiya loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul tells Kristina he wanted to experience the bladers of this era in action for himself, fans across the stadium go nuts at the prospect of the former legend Raul re-entering the blading scene one last time, Kurt tries to crush Zeutron's main layer underneath his foot}
42 - Lunar Prime! Tess Dileva! -> (Kurt defeats Joshua [IBC: Group A MD2], Daigo loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD2], Rantaro loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD2], Boa defeats Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD2], Wakiya loses to Silas [Flashback], Tess defeats Esmeralda [Flashback], Zachary defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD2], Toko loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD2], Alexander loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD2], Suki defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD2]) -> {Wakiya tells Kristina of his suspicions that Snake Pit are meddling in the tournament, Valtryek finally becomes ready for Raul's Genesis Special despite its defeat, Tess dismisses Alexander as being too unruly and careless, Shu finds out that Tess was Silver Eye, Boa harshly tells Valt that his overly positive attitude contributed to Shu turning to the Snake Pit, Valt ruminates on the verbal hammerings Tess & Boa dished out and realises that he's failed Shu by not truly looking out for his wellbeing, Theodore finds out that Tess is trying to find a way to free Shu from his grasp but is unphased by this discovery}
43 - The Eclipse! Duo Aether! -> (Free defeats Silas [IBC: Group A MD2], Ken defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD2], Ren Wu loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD2], Ghasem loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD2], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Zachary loses to Joshua [IBC: Group A MD3], Toko loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD3], Alexander loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD3], Suki loses to Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Nightfell makes a public declaration that he won't steal the beys of any blader he beats until the tournament ends which is why he didn't steal Balkesh before, Kristina & Raul speculate about Ashtem and his potential goals}
44 - Epic Evolution! Legacy of Valtryek! -> (Valt loses to Cuza, Free defeats Kurt [IBC: Group A MD3], Ken loses to Daigo [IBC: Group B MD3], Ren Wu defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD3], Ghasem loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD3], Cuza loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD3], Shu defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD3], Tess loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD3], Valt defeats Raul [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Kurt suffers his first ever defeat, Raul gives Valt the Genesis Special allowing Genesis Valtryek to upgrade to Strike Valtryek, Valt comes into his own as Raul's spiritual successor}
45 - Scorcher! Blading Miracles! -> (Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Silas loses to Valt, Joshua defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD4], Norman defeats Shu [IBC: Group B MD4], Lui loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD4], Wakiya defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD4], Silas loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD4], Clio defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD4], Nightfell defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD4], Raul loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD4]) -> {Spryzen cracks Noctemis but despite this Noctemis pulls off a win, Norman takes back his crown as Snake Pit's best ever blader, Lui suffers his first ever defeat but due to his arrogance he dismisses it as a fluke, Tess verbally berates Lui over him calling her victory a fluke, Lui/Tess almost break into an all-out brawl before the referee forcefully splits them up, Norman repairs Twin Noctemis after it was cracked during his victory over Shu/Spryzen}
46 - Beyond The Limit! Valt vs. Shu! -> (Zachary loses to Free [IBC: Group A MD4], Toko defeats Ken [IBC: Group B MD4], Alexander defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD4], Suki loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD4], Valt loses to Shu) -> {Spryzen shatters Valtryek's Reboot performance tip, Valt learns on his own that Shu's failure to live up to Valt's hopes and Tess replacing him as a Supreme Four member as well as losing to Free in a humiliating way all contributed to Theodore being able to manipulate Shu into taking up the Red Eye mantle, Valt considers confronting Free/Tess about their inadvertent role in allowing Shu to become possessed but Kristina/Rantaro/Daigo/Ken/Wakiya/Toko/Nika convince him not to, Kristina helps Valt accept the reality that his own excessive positivity has contributed the most to Shu's current issues}
47 - Full Force! Towards The Ultimate! -> (Silas loses to Zachary [IBC: Group A MD5], Clio defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD5], Nightfell loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD5], Raul loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD5], Cuza loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD5], Shu defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD5], Tess defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD5], Valt defeats Boa [IBC: MD5], Joshua defeats Free [IBC: Group A MD5], Norman loses to Ken [IBC: Group B MD5], Lui defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD5], Wakiya loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD5], Valt vs. Boa vs. Suki [IBC: Group D tiebreaker -> Valt = Boa > Suki]) -> {Raul creates the Ultimate Reboot performance tip for Valtryek, Valt discovers Free's training regimen of dragging/lifting boulders, Free teaches Valt about the importance of finding one's own path, Nightfell fails at getting payback against Alexander for shattering Balderov in the National Tournament, Spryzen shatters Doomscizor, Trad helps Joshua with a strategy to defeat Free and it works causing the biggest upset of the tournament, Ken fully masters Guardian Kerbeus, after Boa's crushing defeat to Shu and loss to Valt the latter stops a despairing Boa from abandoning Balkesh, Boa meets Balkesh for the first time who tells him it won't let him give up so soon, Boa creates a new move called Final Crash and gets one back on Suki who he lost to previously in the tournament, Free/Tess get into an argument over Free accusing Tess of being self-righteous in regards to her hostilities against Valt, Valt/Kristina witness the argument between Free and Tess, Free/Kurt/Shu/Norman/Tess/Lui/Valt/Boa qualify for the quarter-finals, the battle system for the quarter-finals is announced with 2 4-blader battle royales with 3 matches each and 2 points for every burst along with 1 point for every ring-out or survivor finish}
48 - Decisive Battle! The Quarter-Finals! -> (Free vs. Shu. vs. Lui vs. Boa [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Free (6) = Shu (6) > Lui (5) > Boa (2)]**) -> {Lúinor debuts, Boa tells Valt that Theodore is Ashtem and that the tournament was made to perfect Spryzen Requiem in order to eventually sell it and Shu off as a living weapon to a mysterious partner from a bey club called Inferno (its Arthur Peregrine [OOC: this is foreshadowing]), Boa reminisces about how he made it past being an ordinary Snake Pit background member to one of the world's best through sheer willpower, Lúinor ringing out Fafnir in the first round of the 3-round battle causes Lui to start becoming overconfident, Boa/Balkesh manage the previously unthinkable to burst Spryzen in the first round, Free remembers his previous defeat to Lui which made him decide to take training seriously again, Free uses his full power for the first time but begins to show signs of pushing himself too hard, Free creates a new move called Nothing Break, Free gets his revenge on Lui and reclaims his title of world's best blader, Spryzen shatters Lúinor, Spryzen takes revenge on behalf of Shu for all those times Lui wiped the floor with him including when he gave Shu his eye scar, Lui is left all but humbled by the battle's end and especially by his loss to a Spryzen-possessed Shu, Free/Shu qualify for the semi-finals, Lui meets Lúinor for the first time though Lúinor is bisected, Lui discovers how fun battling an opponent on his level is, Lúinor shares one of Lui's iconic laughs before finally dying, Lui tells Lúinor that he's proud of it for how bravely and hard it fought, Shu insults Lui's skill ticking him off and prompting him to swear to give Shu the beating Lui believes he deserves}
49 - The Fierce Four! Battle of Destiny! -> (Norman defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui loses to Tess [Flashback], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Kurt vs. Norman vs. Tess vs. Valt [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Valt (5) > Kurt (4) > Norman (3) = Tess (3)]***) -> {Kurt rallies his followers to support his charge to prove that he is still the greatest blader, Tess saves Norman from Theodore's wrath, Norman ponders why Tess/Valt get under his skin so much, the mental shells of Kurt/Tess both begin to crack after the first round, Kurt uses his full power for the first time during the second round, Kurt throws Valtryek's performance tip to Valt instead of trying to crush it signalling a moral change for the better after the second round, Kurt declares that Valt has earned his full attention and respect as the former world champion, seeing even the formerly stone-cold Kurt develop a soft spot for Valt makes Tess seriously rethink her stance on him, Tess realises Valt is a genuine friend to Shu and the others during the third round and accepts that she isn't always right, Valtryek reaches its ultimate potential against Orichalcum in the third round, Valt and Tess reconcile with Tess telling Valt that he's the only one who can help Shu save himself, Norman remembers when Boa left Snake Pit and resolves to do the same, Tess leaves Raging Bulls, Valt/Kurt qualify for the semi-finals, Kurt tells Valt/Tess that they and any current/future friends are welcome in his underground base at any time, Free handpicks Valt to be his semi-final opponent}
50 - Breaking Point! Bursting Through! -> (Shu defeats Kurt [IBC: Semi-Final]) -> {Khalzar debuts, Raul tells Sol that Kurt is likely the best blader in terms of sheer power at this point, Shu is forced to resort to strategy to overcome Kurt, Kurt meets Khalzar for the first time, Spryzen fails to shatter Khalzar which Kurt happily mocks him for, Kurt fully commits to changing his ways and re-entering the blading world}
51 - One's Own Path! Fafnir vs. Valtryek! -> (Free loses to Valt by default [IBC: Semi-Final -> Score at time of forfeit: DFA 2-2 SVA], Valt vs. Shu continued [IBC: Final]) -> {Fafnir debuts, Gabe/Naoki/Jin/Orochi/Akira/Ben/Hoji make their Evolution debut, Free meets Fafnir for the first time, Free is convinced by Kristina to forfeit with over-exertion injuries and has to be carried off on a stretcher, Free thanks Valt while on the stretcher for pushing him to use his full power and admits that he now sees blading as fun, Beigoma Academy and Valt's family arrive to cheer him on and help him train, Free realises his teammates genuinely care about him as if he were a family member, Free apologises to Sol for pushing himself too hard and entrusts Valt with defeating Shu, Theodore finds out that Spryzen has completely possessed Shu's body and is exuberant that the Requiem Project has gone better than he ever hoped}
52 - Enter The Final! A Champion Is Crowned! -> (Valt defeats Shu [IBC: Final], Valt defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Shu defeats Norman) -> {Fubuki debuts, all the IBC/Beigoma bladers and Valt's mother/siblings come to watch the final, Valt meets Spryzen, Valt realises mid-battle that Spryzen has possessed Shu, Valt wins the International Bladers Cup and becomes the new world champion, Shu briefly takes back control of his body/mind and finally admits that he would never be able to forgive himself if he ever lost to Valt, Shu takes the chance Valt gave him and frees himself from Spryzen's possession, Shu leaves Snake Pit, Valt/Shu become friends again, Shu finds out that Norman was Gold Eye, Norman requests a rematch with Shu to see what he is truly like now that both are out of the Snake Pit, Theodore admits defeat and revokes his plans but warns Kristina that he will return, Shu becomes Fubuki's mentor, Valt's time as main protagonist ends}
**First battle: Lúinor ringed out Fafnir, Balkesh burst Spryzen, Lúinor burst Balkesh [B = 2, F = 0, L = 3, S = 0] -> Second battle: Fafnir ringed out Balkesh, Lúinor burst Spryzen, Fafnir burst Lúinor [B = 2, F = 4, L = 5, S = 0] -> Third battle: Spryzen burst Balkesh, Spryzen shattered Lúinor, Spryzen & Fafnir burst each other [B = 2, F = 6, L = 5, S = 6]
***First battle: Orichalcum ringed out Khalzar, Noctemis burst Orichalcum, Valtryek burst Noctemis [K =0 , N = 2, T = 1 , V = 2] -> Second battle: Orichalcum ringed out Valtryek, Khalzar burst Noctemis & Orichalcum at once [K = 4, N = 2, T = 2, V = 2] -> Third battle: Noctemis ringed out Khalzar, Orichalcum ringed out Noctemis, Valtryek and Orichalcum burst each other but Orichalcum burst first [K = 4, N = 3, T = 3, V = 5]
Blader rankings at end of season:
Free de la Hoya
Valt Aoi
Shu Kurenai
Kurt Baratier
Tess Dileva
Lui Shirosagi
Norman Tarver
Boa Alcazaba
Silas Karlisle
Suki Ryushima
Joshua Burns
Zachary Kaneguro
Alexander Shakadera
Ken Midori
Esmeralda Petersburg
Count Nightfell
Raul Comas
Clio Delon
Daigo Kurogami
Wakiya Murasaki
Ren Wu Sun
Cuza Ackermann
Toko Aoi
Ghasem Madal
Rantaro Kiyama
International Bladers Cup Participants (A.U. version):
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MetalBurst Project - Season 1:
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar (introduced in later season), the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton (introduced in later season) & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov Sahaidachny/Furutani, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
8 notes · View notes
mach-speed-spin · 1 year
Since Burst has finally ended for both TT and Hasbro (I had this sitting in my drafts ever since we speculated Sparking was the last season), and Hasbro’s been bad since Turbo, I decided to do a “what if?” Specifically, “what if Hasbro exclusives were released by TT and had gimmicks?” (note this is the irl equivalent of headcanons and nothing I say is factually true)
Putting the rest under the cut because it’s long (it’s every Hasbro-exclusive in all of Burst plus images)
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Diomedes D2 Triple Accel: Dire Diomedes Triple Accel. Triple and Accel are parts TT has already released and the only exclusive part is the layer. Other than using a semi-transparent green (like with Kerbeus or Yggdrasil), TT’s version is basically unchanged since it’s a dual layer
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Hyrus H2 Yell Needle: Horn Hyrus Yell Needle. Again, the disc and driver already exist. Being a dual layer, it doesn’t have many changes made to it other than the center being transparent (like all TT dual layers minus Xcalibur). The green parts that stick out are metal, meant to add weight to the layer like Lost Longinus
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Istros I2 Upper Survive: Island Istros Upper Survive. The layer layer only has slight color changes (like all dual layers). Like most dual layers, it doesn’t have a complex gimmick that Hasbro would remove (plus Hasbro didn’t really change the dual layers). Upper and Survive already exist in TT
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Orpheus O2 Armed Defense: Orchestra Orpheus Armed Defense has 2 circles on the bottom corners that are rollers (like Kreis Satan but their positioning is different)
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Surtr S2 Spread Quake: Scorch Surtr Spread Quake. It doesn’t have a gimmick (other than Quake) so the only other changes are to the coloring, like the flames being gradients instead of solid colors
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Tyros T2 Infinity Zephyr: Thunder Tyros Infinity Zephyr has slightly different coloring. Like most dual layers, no major changes
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Asteroid Zeutron Z3 4Meteor Revolve: Asteroid Zeus 4Meteor Revolve. The 3 dots in the center are metal (being a Cho-Z bey). The level chip slot is in one of the black triangles. TT keeps the rest of the parts the same. Other than that, slight coloring changes
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Tide Treptune T3 8Bump Edge: Tide Trident 8Bump Edge (alliterative names didn’t go away after dual layers, like Judgement Joker). The gimmick is virtually the same as Screw Trident and the level chip slot is at the hilt of the trident. Being a Cho-Z bey, it has metal on the trident (specifically the red middle part)
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Balar B4 6 Spiral-S: Rush Balar 6 Spiral features metal on the silver horns (not the ram face in the center). The rest of the parts stay the same (other than it using a regular Spiral’ instead of Spiral-S)
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Cyclops C4 5 Flugel-S: Savage Cyclops 5 Flugel. The gold on the outer section is metal (but the gold on the face isn’t)
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Dullahan D4 7 Tower-S: Riding Dullahan 7 Tower’ features metal on the 4 blades (where Hasbro used metallic paint)
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Gargoyle G4 8 Massive-S: Demon Gargoyle 8 Massive features metal on both silver wings and on the central G
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Kraken K4 11 Prevail-S: Ocean Kraken 11 Prevail has metal on the 2 anchors on the layer. The driver is unique though, as it is the first Hasbro-exclusive part in this post to not be a layer. The Prevail driver is a free-spinning sharp tip (akin to Gyro) with a free-spinning ring around it (like Never or Destroy). Essentially, it’s 2 free-spinning parts in one. The whole driver is similar to Universe, but sharp instead of round and with a smaller ring
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Morrigna M4 2 Loop-S: Night Morrigna 2 Loop has metal on the layer. Specifically, the silver crow in the center
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Ogre O4 1 Jaggy-S: Cave Ogre 1 Jaggy’ has metal on the silver parts of the layer
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Rudr R4 12 Fusion-S: Arrow Rudr 12 Fusion’ features metal on the layer, as well as a bound gimmick. Each of the arrows is on top of a blue wings is metal. Each blue wing is spring-loaded and will be pushed back when hit, cushioning the attack
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Sphinx S2 6 Accel-S: Desert Sphinx 6 Accel’ features metal on the layer and an expanding gimmick similar to Shelter Regulus. At high speeds, the wings pop out like in the image, but when its spin starts to lower, they retract slightly revealing the metal contact points
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Typhon T4 4 Defense-S: Deep Typhon 4 Defense features metal on the layer and a partial free-spin gimmick. The outer ring can rotate 90 degrees in each direction, giving it a total of 180 degrees of movement. This allows for it to act like a free-spinning layer at parts of the match, and like a solid layer at other points
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Poison Cyclops C5 Knuckle Guardian-H: Poison Cyclops Knuckle Guard Zan uses the poison base from Poison Cobra (with the rubber shock-absorption gimmick). The Cyclops chip has average teeth
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Viper Hydrax H5 Python Coil-H: Viper Typhon Python Coil Ten is an evolution to Deep Typhon (Hasbro confirmed it was originally meant to be Viper Typhon). This bey features several gimmicks. The Typhon chip is left-spin. The Viper base has rubber on 2 of its blades (the ones without the gold). The rubber allows it to spin steal or act like offensive blades (akin to Judgement) depending on the opponent’s spin direction. The blades with gold are plastic, but the gold itself is metal. The Python disc features a metal center, with a rubber coating and the rubber is surrounded by plastic. This allows for shock absorption like Screw Trident or the Poison base. The Coil driver is spring-loaded, just like Nothing and Absorb, albeit with a ball shape. However, it also had a spring-loaded outer ring, like Kick
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Shield Kerbeus K5 Infinity Linear-H: Shield Kerbeus Infinity Liner’ Ten has metal on the base (the chains) and a bound gimmick. The bound gimmick is in the green plastic blades between the fixed metal chains, and each blade can be pushed inwards like Hazard Kerbeus’s chains. The Kerbeus chip has the same teeth as the Kaiser Kerbeus layer. The Infinity disc, Liner driver, and Ten weight are all reused parts (but Liner now has a stronger spring)
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Cosmic Kraken K5 Lore Valor-H: Cosmo Kraken Lore Valor Ten uses the standard Cosmo base and Ten weight. The Kraken chip has teeth comparable to that of Ashura. The Lore disc features a mode change like Convert. In 6 blade mode the weight is evenly distributed amongst 6 points. In 2 blade mode, the 6 points are shifted so 3 are stacked together, causing the weight to be evenly distributed amongst 2 points. The Valor driver is a free-spinning flat tip, of similar size to Blow
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Tact Leviathan L5 7 Zephyrus-H: Tact Leviathan 7 Zephyr’ Sou. The only Hasbro-exclusive part is the Leviathan chip, which has similar teeth to Achilles but is left spin
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Monster Ogre O5 Outer Octave-H: Monster Ogre Outer Octa Retsu features metal on the chip (the red ogres) and rubber on the base (the green parts)
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Inferno Salamander S5 Wing Jagged-H: Infernal Salamander Wing Jaggy’ Sou. Infernal (because Inferno Ifrit already exists) has metal and can switch from 5 to 10 blades just like Hell Salamander. The Salamander chip’s teeth are the same as on the Hell Salamander layer
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Solar Sphinx S5 6 Jagged-H: Solar Sphinx 6 Jaggy’ Zan features a gimmick similar to Cho-Z Valkyrie and Tempest Dragon. When hard launched, the wings extend, increasing attack power. When the wings are hit, they can retract giving it a more defensive shape. The Sphinx chip has teeth similar to Diabolos I
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Morrigna M5 11 Banshee-H: Night Morrigna 11 Banshee is a Cho-Z bey released during the GT series, featuring a new driver (like Naked Diabolos having Wave). The Banshee driver is a small rubber ball tip, of a similar size to Defense. It’s like a smaller, non free-spinning Keep
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Spear Dullahan D6 Boost Fusional-SP: Spear Dullahan Fusion’ 1A features metal on the ring (the 4 metallic-painted blades). The Dullahan chip has a metal chip core
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Gilded Balderov B7 Diaqron-Q Zephyr-Q+Press-G08: Gilded Baldur Diaqron High Press’-6’. The Baldur core has similar teeth to Fafnir. The Gilded blade has metal on the silver portions to add weight. The 6’ armor is a slightly modified version of 6, which distributes weight similarly, but is slightly heavier. Diaqron has a similar shape to Variant Lucifer’s layer. High Press’ is self explanatory. It’s Press but taller and with a stronger spring
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Magma Ifritor I7 Ciquex-Q Jaggy-Q+Wave-G03: Magma Ifrit Ciquex High Wave’-12. Everything except the armor and driver are the same as in the anime. Since the anime Magma Ifrit is a QD bey (instead of TT’s DB system), the anime gives it a QD driver. The closest a TT driver gets to it is High Wave (it uses the Wave attachment but because it’s QD it’s taller). It uses High Wave’ instead of just High Wave because Wave was already mediocre and without being dash the driver would be pointless. The 12 armor has a shape similar to 10, but with more points
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Berserk Linwyrm L7 Fq-Q Fusion-Q+Hunter-G05: Berserk Linwyrm Fyquor Hunter’-2’. For differences in the TT version, mainly just more detail on the core and blade. The disc is less hollowed out while keeping the same shape and 2’is a slightly modified 2. The Linwyrm core has teeth similar to Belial I
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Wrath Cobra C7 Aquilon-Q Spiral-Q+Defense-G07: Wrath Hydra Aquilon Defense Metal’-12’ is a left spin defense type, being the only bey since Left Apollos to completely switch spin direction from its predecessor (in this case, Poison Hydra) The silver parts on the Wrath blade are metal. Aquillon keeps its square shape but is thicker and heavier. 12’ is a modified version of 12. Defense Metal’ has the shape of defense, but with a metal ball and a dash spring
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Stone Nemesis N7 Ciquex-Q Needle-Q+A03-G06: Stone Nemesis Ciquex Blow’-3’. The Stone blade has a mode change, allowing it to be in either attack mode (shown in the picture), or stamina mode (the blade has 2 oval layers, in stamina mode they’re perpendicular to each other, like Flash Saggitario from MFB). 3’ is a slightly modified 3
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Katana Muramasa M7 Qq-Q Mobius-Q+Rise-G12: Katana Muramasa Quacchu Metal Rise-10’. The Katana Blade has metal on the swords, giving it outward weight distribution and better stamina. The Quacchu disc is similar to Tapered, but heavier and less smooth, improving weight at the cost of LAD
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Ambush Nyddhog N8 Tapered-Q Eternal-Q+D08-7: Ambush Nidhogg Tapered Rumble-7 is a dual spin defense type. The Ambush blade consists of 6 spring-loaded sections that can be pushed in (like Hazard Kerbeus). The Rumble driver is like Eternal but with rubber instead of POM. This sacrifices stamina for defense
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Hydra Poseidon P8 Nexus-Q Bite-Q+B06-G05: Hydro Poseidon Nexus Billow-2’ is a right spin balance type. The core has metal on the tip of the trident, making it unbalanced. It also has a bound ability like Dragon. The Hydro blade is coated entirely in rubber, and has 2 individual bound sections, one on each side (like Gatling). The Billow driver features a spring-loaded ring like Kick, but the tip is round instead of sharp
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Fierce Bazilisk B8 Qq-Q TA25-Q+S08-G03: Fierce Basilisk Quacchu Flap-12 is a left spin stamina type. The green wings flail out slightly, like Ragnaruk’s stamina wings. The Basilisk core features a small amount of metal towards its center. The Flap driver is a sharp plastic tip surrounded by a free-spinning plate, giving it a similar shape to Rise
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Lightning Pandora Endless P8 Tq-Q Fusion-Q+S10-G16: Lightning Pandora Twist Still-7’. The Lightning blade has rollers similar to the Satan beys, and the pointier edges expand outwards at high speed like Archer Hercules. 7’ is just a slightly modified 7. The Twist disc is very similar to Infinity, but compatible with DB low mode. Still is a free-spinning sharp tip. It’s essentially a cross between Gyro and Just
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Tidal Pandora Epic P8 Nexus-Q Just-Q+A10-G08: Tidal Pandora Nexus Stormy-6’ is a right spin attack type. The Tidal blade has rubber on the blades. The Stormy driver is a rubber driver with a similar shape to Jaggy
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Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Qq-Q Edge-Q+D08-G03: Twister Pandora Quacchu Rumble-12 is a right spin defense type. The Twister blade has a downforce gimmick similar to Wind
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Flame Pandora Everlasting P8 Aquilon-Q Jolt-Q+B10-G12: Flame Pandora Aquilon Flexible-10′. The Flame blade has a bound ability similar to Tempest on its 4 wings, but they do not lock in place (so they have no awakened state like Tempest). The Flexible driver is like a reverse Unite, having a sharp rubber tip coming out of a flat plastic tip
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Ruin Pandemonium P8 Karma-Q Spiral-Q+Lucent-4′: Ruin Pandemonium Karma Lucent-4’. The Pandemonium core has a burst stopper that extends at high speeds and retracts when the bey slows down (similar to Orichalcum). The Ruin blade has metal on the underside (not unlike Guilty). Lucent is a reverse Ultimate Reboot, being a flat rubber driver that transitions into a plastic sharp when it loses spin
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axlestuck · 1 year
I am curious, how do you do your ministrifes? I was wondering if you had a tutorial or anything because I absolutely love how you do them and I wanna learn!
I'm sorry this took over a month! I've been away from home, and busy, and struggling with other issues. But I have been working on it and I am finally delivering it to you now today!
This is going to be very long, so I placed it under a cut with image descriptions within the post text for clarity.
First of all, for any type of sprite- it's extremely helpful to know pixel art basics. There's tons of tutorials online and on YouTube if you go looking for them! You don't need to know everything, though. The things I'd personally recommend learning about are jaggies, doing curves, and conserving colors.
However, I also encourage you to just jump in and see what works for you! There's no wrong way to do pixel art, or any kind of art for that matter, and making something imperfect is still better than making nothing.
Anything with a pixel brush will work as a program. Some free pixel art oriented programs you can use are Piskel and Libresprite. If you don't mind paying, I've heard good things about Asesprite. Personally, I use Paint Tool Sai 2. You can also just use MS Paint, especially with the layers add on that was released recently.
Here's some process descriptions for both original sprites and swap edits.
Character swap edits:
Using an indigo Dave and Dirk I did for a request as an example, but much of them are made in the same way as this.
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[ID: Two process images of Dave and Dirk's home stuck mini strife sprites being turned into indigo blooded trolls. Both characters' original sprites appear, followed by a recolored version with blue lineart, skin, and symbol, and with black hair. Dave has horns and Dirk has sea dweller fins but no horns. End ID]
I start with color correction and adding easy troll features. I pull skin and lineart tones from other sprites and adjust for any value differences. I often use a lighter color for indigo trolls because the base tone gives me eyestrain. Dave's horns got pulled from a different sprite as a base, but this was the first troll Dirk I did so I did his horns with his hair in the next section.
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[ID: The first two sprites in these images are Dave and Dirk being given different outfits. Dave has a dress outlined over him and then colored in to be a light blue. Dirk's shirt is lengthened and turned white while his pants are turned blue. Both of them have troll signs.
The second two have Dave with a pony tail and larger horns. Dirk is given horns that curl in as well as thicker hair. End ID]
I outline an outfit before coloring it in if I'm making significant changes. If I'm not I just move parts around with selection and move tools. The signs always look a little funny on such a tiny scale.
For the hair, I try to keep something of the original silhouette while changing it enough to be distinct. It's a hard balance to strike. Usually there's a lot of minor tweaks and adjustments, especially if I'm changing the entire hairstyle like I have before.
If I'm changing existing horns I do about the same thing I do with the hair. For creating new horns, I mostly blob out a shape and tweak it till I'm satisfied.
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[ID: Both finished sprites of Dave and Dirk. Dave and Dirk have both been given blue glasses. End ID]
Final touches, which can include color alterations or changes to small accessories or additions of new accessories entirely.
The intent behind my swaps specifically are to communicate an altered personality from the original, while still keeping the character recognizable enough. It's a hard balance to strike and some sprites are more successful than others. Best of luck if you try to do swaps of your own :)
Completely original sprites:
For this, I'm going to walk you through two character sprites I've made recently. This is more complicated than the other one, so it'll be longer.
These ones are for a fantroll I posted recently (Citral Mimali), and a fan kid request between Jade and Karkat (Kari Harley-Vantas).
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[ID: Two process images of Home stuck mini strife sprites being made. The first image, of a character named Citral, starts with several abstract blocks of color and the second image, of a character named Kari, starts with a loose sketch. End ID]
For these sprites, I started them in two distinct ways- with blobbing out abstract colors and a sketch. Abstract colors can be helpful for keeping a lot of parts distinct from each other, while sketching is helpful for having a decent idea of what the finished product looks like from the get go. Other options include shrinking down a pre-made sketch and drawing over it, and just winging it.
(Post making Citral's sprite, and far too late to correct, I realize I didn't do the abstract color method correctly. You want to block out everything at once usually with the colors you'll be using in the finished product. But I'll keep it in anyway, because the method I did might still be helpful to someone. It's not normally what I do so I wasn't super experienced with doing it.)
When making a pose for a sprite, you want to make sure you center the character's personality first and foremost. For Citral, I wanted to make it look like she was smirking, almost jeering at someone else, while Kari is supposed to look confident and friendly. The silhouette matters a lot too, you want to be thinking about how the future parts you'll add will interact with the pose.
I also usually start with having other sprites on the canvas both for size reference and pose inspiration. I sprite the head first, it helps me lay out the proportion for the rest of the sprite. You can see I change the arms in both poses- I never get the arms right the first time.
In my non-Homestuck ministrife sprites I often play with the proportions and style a lot. I'd recommend it! It's fun and expands your sprite capabilities. You absolutely don't need to feel held to a specific style.
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[ID: Two images of process sprites. The first is of Citral. It starts out with a bright purple hair outline into a finished hair sprite, two long pig tails. The second is of Kari. It has a couple vague shapes into a ponytail with a hairband and small horns. End ID]
For me, the hair always takes the longest. Citral's hair was more complicated, as it interacts with her silhouette more, so I had different processes for both of them.
For Citral, I started with a sketch outline then blocked it out into colors. I took the right pigtail, flipped, rotated, and tweaked it to save myself the work of doing it twice and keep the hair consistent. Doing a hairline is easy- you follow around the outline of the head further down.
I was making up Kari's design as I spirited her, so her hair started out with shapes that I enjoyed the look of and I expanded from there. Her horns and hairband were added as I made her hair as they don't change the silhouette.
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[ID: Four process sprites of Citral showing the creation of the character's horns. It starts with a vague shape and is refined into a complete horn, then copied and flipped to create the other horn. End ID]
Horns are done in much the same way as hair, but smaller, and easily flippable. Blocked them out, refined them, colored em in, took one and flipped it to the other side.
I forgot to do so immediately, but you want to make sure with horns you're taking the tilt of the head into account. Her right horn should be one pixel lower than her left one. Blending them into the hair can make a big difference too.
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[ID: Two process images. The first is of Citral and has four sprites showing the character being colored in with a skin tone, being given facial details and a pin in her hair, an outfit outline, and a colored in dress. The second shows a mostly finished sprite of Kari with an offwhite skin tone, gray shirt, and black pants. End ID]
Here's where I started focusing on the body and outfit of the sprites. I colored them both in with their respective skin tones and added other details like Kari's glasses and Citral's freckles, hair pin, and makeup.
Citral's outfit got an outline first because it broke her existing silhouette, but Kari's outfit was done in one go because it was just adding some inner outlines and colors. Citral's dress is colored in a lighter outline because it's darker than her outline color. Usually ministrifes use the outline color as black, as you can see with Kari's pants, but using a lighter outline keeps darker colors distinct, and using the outline color would have made Citral's sprite muddy.
Make sure clothes look like they're wrapping around the body- adding slight curves to the necklines or the bottom of a skirt or shirt can make it blend much more.
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[ID: Three sprites of Citral showing her dress being finished, given three necklaces, and the legs and shoes being colored in. End ID]
Coloring the rest in, and adding small details. The sign never looks perfect, it just needs to be vaguely comprehensible.
A word of caution: don't make your sprites too detailed. These are tiny- less than 100x100 pixels. Putting too much detail in will make your sprites read as noisy or muddy, especially if you use a lot of colors.
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[ID: Two images. The first is of Citral and has two sprites, one having an outline of a tail and the other one having it colored in along with many other touchups. The second image is of Kari's finished sprite with an alien on her shirt and gray shoes. End ID]
I remembered Citral's tail last. But I did remember it! You may notice I made her ponytails darker in this so her tail is visible.
Kari's final sprite is not much different from her last one- I added her symbol, an alien ship, and made her shoes gray, and touched up the body some. This sprite actually differs slightly from the ones I've posted as I've edited her sprites slightly more afterward.
After you're done you want to probably look at it a couple times the day or so after, to catch all of the little things you won't have noticed while making the sprites- this is when a lot of little tweaks happen, like all of the little changes on Citral's final sprite (blending and moving her horn, adding her hairline, lengthening her sleeve, etc) or Kari's body pose changes.
For me I do ministrife sprites because they're a lot of fun to use for simplifying design exercises and to communicate personality in posing where a normal full-styled panel sprite won't. Plus they're so small that I find them nice and easy to work on compared to a full sprite. Of course, the absolute top thing to do is to have fun with it :)
That's all I've got for now, but if anyone has any more specific questions please don't hesitate to let me know!
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madhattersez · 2 years
Model Kit Build: "Mrs. Loheng-Rinko" by Bandai
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Yesssss! I've been wanting to build this kit the moment I saw the box the first time years ago.
If you squint real hard, you may see a traditional anime-style space battleship, and that's just what they were going for! It's a battleship, but also... a gorgeous Captain lady.
What it is is amazing, I tell ya.
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This was the first thing my eyes darted to when I opened the box. Welp, that's creepy as hell. Haha.
This is the first model I've built that had... eye and eyebrow sockets. The eyes are like this because there are a ton of different-looking options you can swap out.
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Funny enough, this isn't even the eye option I was going for, but I didn't realize it until I had already solidly placed the first eye down and I thought it looked really cute anyway, so I went ahead with the matching one.
Obligatory torso shot, seeing as how I apparently include one in every build post. It's just a great checkpoint, I suppose.
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Decision time - Plastic butt or rubber butt?
This is the first model I've ever built that had rubber pieces! Only her skirt is rubber, and I guess that's to make sure it keeps shape no matter which way she's bending.
The plastic butt is what I need, though, because it's a necessity to put her on the included base(kind of like a seat) in the pose I'm aiming for. The front of the skirt will still be rubber, though.
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I didn't take a ton of progress pics because this model was super easy and I just kind of forgot to pause now and then.
Here's a shot of her with all of the battleship gear on - I'm pretty impressed she can balance with all this shit on, honestly, haha.
She has a more "human" looking option that includes loafers for shoes, no turrets in the knees, and, you know, no spaceship parts. But where's the fun in that?
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Let's get right to it - Fully built and posed on the included stand! I have her somewhat in the same position as on the box, because again, I really dug it at first site.
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I'm blown away - She's incredible!
I also tried a new technique rather than the "clumsy gaijin nipping parts directly from the sprues" technique I have used up to this point. I now clip the branches around the part (like professional builders do) and then do a quick twist to set the parts free.
I had almost zero jaggies or stretch marks. It took longer, but it was so, so worth it. Cleanest build I've ever done, by far.
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A back and side shot so you can see all of the battleship equipment on her. What a dope design!
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And here are the rest of the peepers that will sit lonely on this sheet, maybe forever.
I was originally going to use 3 and 4. Ah well.
The ones on the right look like some Sonic the Hedgehog shit.
Welp, that's all for this one! The next one I'm putting together is probably the silliest and girliest one yet. And that's saying something! Stay tuned.
For more of my model kit builds on Tumblr, click here:
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Since I briefly mentioned my headcanon on Ponyhead eventually having a child, I figured I may as well share the names of my personal next generation of heirs in Mewni (I choose to ignore the ending of the series even in more “canon compliant” fanfic timelines so the Butterfly family are still royals). Exact details and certain aspects of their characters change depending on the AU, but the names and basic characterization stay the same.
Lyra Butterfly
Amelia Spiderbite
Chelsea Kelpbottom
Jax of the Jaggy Mountains
Philip Pigeon
Morgana Lucitor 
Forest Johansen
Luke Ponyhead
I’ll eventually actually write stuff about them, but if anyone wants to know anything, feel free to ask. 
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