#free guest posting sites list 2024
hugecount · 8 months
700+ Free Guest Posting Sites List for 2024 | HugeCount
In the online world, guest blogging is like making friends with other websites. You get to write an article for them, and they share it with their readers. It’s a win-win! But finding these places can be tricky. That’s why we’ve put together a huge list of over 700 websites where you can share your articles for free in 2024. Whether you’re into tech, health, finance, or anything else, you’ll find a spot for your writing on this list. What Are Guest Blogging Sites? Guest blogging sites are places where you can write articles for someone else’s website. It’s like […]
Source: https://hugecount.com/tech/700-free-guest-posting-sites-list-for-2024/
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Day 30 in the Gravy Basket; Cast & Crew Lovely Letters; Resources; Starfury Convention; Astrodglide Fic/Pic Week 18+; New Watchparties; People of Earth; Wrecked; SchadenFreude; Coyote Vs Acme; Articles; Morale; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Day 30 in the Gravy Basket. (FYI Long Post is LOOONG today was a very busy and long day) Well we made it folks, we made it to one month since Max cancelled OFMD and we're still going strong. Some CRAZY stuff has happened since then and some of our crew put together some fun lists of what's happened.
Thank you to @gheyandwoke on twitter for these memes:
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And that's not even everything that happened! So just remember, when it feels like it's been way too damn long, A LOT has happened
== Cast & Crew Lovely Letters ==
For Valentine's Day we've set up a Kudos board for our cast & crew of OFMD! (it's on an unlimited version so make as many posts as you'd like!) You can send pictures, gifs, videos, or just text, and we'll be sharing it to them on valentine's day across as many platforms as we can.
== Resources ==
One of our crew members, Lady Penni, aka @Pellington21 on twitter was kind enough to send in a HUGE list of Positive Critic Quotes to the Repo today and they got added in. Speaking of Resources, do you have images/gifs/infographics/text you want to share with the crew? Please feel free to send them to our contact form over at the repo. @quirkysubject as well as some other crew members are being kind enough to help me get it filled in and up to date (as well as updating the accessibility) and we want to make sure if you want to share your resources you can! Let us know what name you'd like to be credited by and we'll get things uploaded! Repo Contact Form
= Starfury OFMD Fandom Convention =
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So as a heads up, the first Our Flag Means Death specific event has been anounced by Starfury for Heathrow, UK 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2024. Details at www.starfury.co.uk I would like to point out as it's been brought up QUITE A BIT that it would be good to hold off buying tickets for now. Apparently Starfury is NOTORIOUS for saying certain guests will be there, when they haven't been confirmed yet (and they did that today with Rhys Darby) so it may be good to wait a bit before purchasing. This did cause some "Come to my convention" clowning for various people on twitter, which produced some fun stuff.
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= Watch Parties/Events! =
= Astroglide Fic/Art Week 18+ =
You heard that right. 02/09/2024 - 02/25/2024 is Fic/Art Week
Please feel free to @Astroglide on twitter, or even here on tumblr @astroglideofficial and use the tags: #LubeAsACrew #SaveOFMD
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= New Watch Parties! =
Thank you @iamadequate1 for getting these all in one place! Twitter Thread
Feb 12 - Feb 16: People of Earth S1
People of Earth is no longer on any streaming platform, but it is available for digital purchase (ex, on Amazon). If access is an issue, DM @gentlebeardsbarngrill
Season 1 watch next week from February 12th to February 16th.
Skipping the week after in case people want to participate in the n next Palestine strike.
Season 2 watch from February 26th to March 1st
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each.
Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1
Wrecked is no longer on any streaming platform, and it is not available digitally on US sites. (Apparently, it is available on German Amazon?) There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @gentlebeardsbarngrill
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th.
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th.
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd.
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each.
Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
== SchadenFreude / Coyote Vs. Acme ==
So some crazy stuff happened today. Apparently Zaslav made a decision to not only remove Coyote Vs. Acme from Max but to shelve it so no one else could purchase it.
Wanna learn more? The Final Days of ‘Coyote vs. Acme’: Offers, Rejections and a Roadrunner Race Against Time | Exclusive
Coyote vs. Acme's Fate Might Have Been Sealed by Real Judge Doom David Zaslav
Now what does that have to do with Our Flag Means Death? Well, just like we've been seeing for weeks now the WBD stock has PLUMMETED like crazy since The Wrap article came out this morning.
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It sent the following trends all over twitter: (Thank you Mich for capturing these!)
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Wanna help out Coyote Vs. Acme? Please sign their petition to get it saved: Petition
Seeing this much negative press for WBD is great and shows it's not just OFMD they're cancelling, they're making crappy decisions left and right. The term "Zaslovian Blunder" was also coined today on the @saveofmdcrewmates tumblr:
*Zaslovian (adjective): to make a decision that is unanimously deemed absurd, that almost seems to purposefully damage one's reputation, company, self, and others.
== Articles ==
5 TV weddings to celebrate the 20th anniversary of same-sex marriage in San Francisco
Peak TV Is Officially Over: FX Tallies 14 Percent Drop in Scripted Series for 2023
== Morale ==
In honor of 85k signatures, our friend @lucyrosebutler on twitter shared the rest of her Cameo with Rhys. (We'll see if it explodes this post, please don't I will cry)
Full video clips on twitter.
== Morale Cont'd ==
Hey Lovelies. 30 days is a LONG time. I get that. I'm feeling it in my bones too. I want you to know it's totally normal if you are feeling frustrated, and exhausted, and just over all of this effort to get our show back.
It's okay to feel that way.
You don't need to be positive all the time, you're allowed to feel grief. I know we've grieved several times since the original announcement, but just like progress, grief isn't linear either.
It's going to come up again in waves, and hopefully those waves get smaller each time, but they will keep coming until we get our show back.
I say UNTIL WE GET OUR SHOW BACK, because despite my own frustrations, I don't really have any doubt that it will happen at this point, it's just a matter of when.
What makes me feel that way?
Chaos Dad's silence
The fact he hasn't told us to just stop cause there's no way it's gonna happen
The whole "everybody is ready to go" in Aotearoa we heard from Wee John Wondays
Rhys' continuous pile of support
The Cast and Crew being more active on social media again
The continuous positive press
and so many other little things that continue to happen that keep making it feel like we're inching forward.
I'm not an expert, I just have a feeling, based on staring at every happening that's happened over the past 30 days.
So if you need to, go grieve lovelies! Get mad, get frustrated, scream, cry, it's normal and it's healthy. You deserve to let feelings those out.
You are human, and you are wonderful, and you can't be a ray of sunshine all the time (nor should you have to be).
And for those of you who aren't grieving, and instead feeling renewed excitement, that's absolutely wonderful too. Don't feel like you have to grieve if that's not where you're at! Every one of us has a personal journey through all of this, and not one of us will share the exact same experience, so remember not to judge your progress based on everyone else.
Anyway, I'm rambling now, so on to the love notes:
== Love Notes ==
YOU are beautiful.
YOU are doing so damn well.
You are trying your best at whatever you're dealing with in your life, and you're kicking ass, no matter how much it doesn't feel like it some of the days.
You are a glorious piece of stardust, and whether you're shining bright or dim today, you are radiant.
Remember to breathe, and drink some water, and get some rest so you can keep shining.
Love you crew, hope wherever/whenever you are on this big blue marble you're doing well.
=Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
In honor of the Love Birds Watch Party I'm including it in tonight's theme. Idk about the Taika one, they seemed to match, or I'm just tired.
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worldburnrp · 6 months
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MARCH 2ND, 2024
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ― George Orwell
About an hour after the guest’s arrival, the auction finally starts. Some come to share the money they have no other use for — others, to establish some sort of status, seek connections, or simply watch this odd species in its natural habitat.
While politicians lay the groundwork for a successful campaign, the law and the media follow closely behind, all with goals of their own. Weaving into the crowd also, are those with influence in the underworld. If you think they don’t have something to gain by blending in — you’re sorely mistaken. 
PART TWO. There is no need to wrap or drop Part One threads.
WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO PLOT with your fellow players what your characters will be up to during the event, as well as any plots and/or conflicts that may happen. For heavy conflicts, please do make sure to message the main about it first. <3
As always, should there be any questions or need of assistance with any plots, please feel free to contact the admins and we’ll be happy to help you!
THE AUCTION HAS STARTED, and it will be carried through a sideblog. Please follow @wbauction and keep an eye out as items are posted.
You will be awarded 200 points for each:
OPEN STARTER [THE REMIX]: Write an open starter utilizing a location (within the event site) that hasn't been used in previous starters yet! 
THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY: Interact, on dash, with at least three characters you/your characters have never interacted with before this event. If you do more, it will be multiplied by each time it’s completed.
You will be awarded 300 points for each:
WIN AN AUCTION: What says on the tin! Score the highest bid and take an item home.
WAR OF WORDS: Spark a political debate with another character.
BIG SPENDER: Bid on 5 or more auction items.
RUMOR HAS IT: Start a rumor about any character.
COME TO THE DARK SIDE*: Try to convince an enemy to jump ship and join your crew instead. (This can be across different political parties, different gangs, or anything you can think of.) * [1/3 CLAIMED.] Please message the main page before using it!
Please post completed challenges to our #point-depository channel so the admins can tally your points.
To claim a slot, please message the main with your choice.
ARIA BOUGHTON and [MEDIA CHARACTER B] are in conflict with each other. [PUBLIC FIGURE 1] has conceded to an interview, but to one person only. This isn’t an opportunity to pass up — and both will fight hard for it.
[GANG CHARACTER A] overhears [ENEMY A] and [ENEMY B] speaking of gang plans — and quickly passes the info onto FELIX SECADA.
ANAÏS MURAD approaches EVA MOVSKA about a potential hefty donation to their party. However, ANAÏS MURAD has a list of demands that need be met first, in order for the donation to be made.
ARCHER BROOKS makes the rounds to ensure that there is no bad PR that could possibly come from this. Targets include LEV MOVSKA and ZED MOVSKA, who look like the type to start trouble.
[MEDIA CHARACTER C] has their hands full tonight, what with so much fact-checking to be made for all articles breaking tomorrow. Naturally, they approach [CHARACTER D] to run through the details with. (Read: trying to catch them in a lie.)
[CHARACTER E] had been hoping to shake hands with someone involved in the government tonight, and ALAN DIETRICH fits the bill. If they can just gauge out all government strategy and how it impacts their business, then it’s time well spent. Of course, [CHARACTER E] has their own agenda also.
[LAW CHARACTER A] had heard through a rumor that DAMIEN TOUSSAINT, while not a criminal themselves, knows more than your average civilian. If they enough questions, maybe some will get answers. 
[CHARACTER H] lets it slip that they know some hacking, and it peaks the interest of CALEB MORENO. Hey — knowing what their opponents are doing could be useful, that’s all.
[GANG CHARACTER C] has been avoiding EMILIO CARRASCO, until they cross paths. There’s an inkling or knowledge of their involvement with crime, and tensions rise.
MATHIAS CAIN gets a little too drunk and reveals a secret they weren't supposed to, and to the worst person possible: CLARK CAIN. What now?
KRISTEN PARRISH finds AVA M HOLLIS and VIA D’ANGELO talking in a room — and they want in on the secret.
[CHARACTER M] has their eye on a certain item up for auction, and they're determined to have it — the only problem is, [CHARACTER N] feels the same. Who will win the battle of paper and words?
IZARA LEVINE catches [CHARACTER P] stashing hors-d'œuvres in their pockets. Are they saving it for later, or are they up to something? Time will tell.
AXEL REYES and [ENEMY C] enter conflict. But they have to find a way to settle it without things getting violent — any slips, and they might just blow the cover of their entire operation.
While we don’t usually do them during events, here’s a list of approved ask memes that you’re free to reblog and use during this event, if you wish to! We ask that you only stick to this selection, and as always, be mindful of any spamming. <3
House of Cards sentence starters
Breaking Bad sentence starters 1 + Breaking Bad sentence starters 2 + Breaking Bad sentence starters 3
Newsroom season 1 + Newsroom season 2 sentence starters
The Blacklist sentence starters
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hyeahgaku · 1 year
> Greetings. I'm Soy (they/them), and I thank you for stumbling on this page and/or following me here. This blog is dedicated to Yūto Suzuki’s incredible masterpiece called “SAKAMOTO DAYS”. Support Suzuki-sensei by reading the manga on the official site: Read here!
> In an effort to make this blog resourceful for all Sakadays fans, i try my utmost best to post everything associated with Sakadays here; articles, news, interviews, poll results, draft sketches, mangaka's comments, magazines extras, etc.
> I have X/twitter so you can consider followin me there. I make an effort to post everyday especially when new chapter are released.
> Most importantly: This blog is absolutely not spoiler-free.
> Second most importantly: If you use any of my translated works, please credit me. You can attach the hyperlink to my original post, or just credit my username "hyeahgaku" it's that simple.
> I read both the EN & JP versions of Sakadays and I do JP->EN translations sometimes but it's all self-learn. I am by no means a certified professional translator. Moreover, English isn't my best language so I'm not 100% fluent in both languages (MEGA LOL). So my translations aren't 100% accurate and are subjected to changes when the official versions drop. Pardon me for any grammatical, spelling and translation mistakes that you may encounter.
My Translated Works.
Suzuki-sensei illustrations & extra pages
SAKAMOTO DAYS Jump Festa 2024:
Q&A Special with Yūto Suzuki-sensei
SAKAMOTO DAYS Special Stage, featuring guests commentaries
Interviews or Q&As with Yūto Suzuki-sensei:
Exclusive Interview with Yūto Suzuki-sensei (Jump GIGA Winter 2023 extra)
WSJ Magazine Extra - Character Profiles:
Tarō Sakamoto
Shin Asakura
Heisuke Mashimo
Slur / Kei Uzuki
Lu Shaotang
Natsuki Seba
Aoi Sakamoto
Hana Sakamoto
Lu Wutang
SAKAMOTO DAYS Bonus Omake *Unofficial translations by me:
Vol. 4 Bonus omake (featuring Natsuki & Tanaka-san)
Vol. 7 Bonus omake (featuring Slur, Kashima, Uda & Gaku)
Vol. 9 Bonus omake (featuring the casts for 1st Popularity Poll)
SAKAMOTO DAYS Popularity Polls:
"No. 1 Spread Campaign Poll" Results - Top 20!
1st Character Popularity Poll Results - Top 10!
1st Character Popularity Poll Results (full list with all names)!
1st Character Popularity Poll Top 10 Characters + Yūto Suzuki-sensei comments!
/note: These are mere fan-translations. All titles, synopsis and descriptions are subjected to changes in the official version.
Official Volume Extras
Japanese version:
Vol. 1 • Vol. 2 • Vol. 3 • Vol. 4 • Vol. 5 • Vol. 6 • Vol. 7 • Vol. 8 • Vol. 9 • Vol. 10 • Vol. 11 • Vol. 12 • Vol. 13 • Vol. 14 • Vol. 15 • Vol. 16 • Vol. 17 • Vol. 18
English version by VIZ Media:
Vol. 1 • Vol. 2 • Vol. 3 • Vol. 4 • Vol. 5 • Vol. 6 • Vol. 7 • Vol. 8 • Vol. 9 • Vol. 10 • Vol. 11 • Vol. 12
Other SakaDays-related Materials
Sakadays Movie References
Sakadays Trivia
Suzuki-sensei's Weekly Comments
Suzuki-sensei's Oneshots
Compilation of all Sakadays Volume Covers & Info
Compilation of all Sakadays Colour Pages from WSJ Magazine
Compilation of Sakadays Featured on WSJ Magazine Covers
Sakadays Official Lockscreen Wallpapers
About this blog
My replies to your asks
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banqanas · 8 months
Comparison for KidPheno, TJBB, WHH pre-opening FC site vs Fantastics FC
- The 3 newest exile tribe groups has finally opened their own Fanclub and currently it is open for Free Membership registration
- all you need is to sign up to Exile Tribe Family ID
- Screenshots below is their list of contents that they currently offer/will offer in their FC website
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▶️ Currently available content:
-KidPheno & TJBB currently only have blog contents available in their FC page (Kidpheno blog & Diary
- (not much different from their regular blog posts on Exile Tribe mobile)
- meanwhile WHH has "good wolf morning" where they have good morning audio messages from members <- i really like this
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▶️ Future addition:
- Present & Invitation: usually presents such as autograph/polaroid photograph etc. Invitation refers to physical/on site invitation for any events related to the group. Also includes invitation for studio tv guest
- Wallpaper: monthly wallpapers for mobile & desktop
- Special: Usually videos or voice audio
▶️ Comparison to an established exile tribe fanclub (Fantastics)
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Most of the things are similar where it has monthly contents (fanta does not have monthly wallpapers, they have monthly special videos) and invitation for on site/online FC events
- Fanta FC only additional contents:
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- This month's forgotten things <- my initial reason for joining fanta FC
Basically anytime fanta members left something in their dressing room and managers found it -> the item is to be given to fanclub members via lottery. items that have been given away before include Sekai's charger, Yusei's bucket hat among other things.
tho fanta kids have pretty much learnt their lessons and stopped forgetting things 🤣🤣 they haven't updated the forgotten things since july 2023
tl;dr: Please consider checking out Kid Phenomenon, The Jet Boy Bangerz and Wolf Howl Harmony's fanclubs! 💜🖤🧡
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lawyerbd · 7 months
Boost Your SEO: High-Quality Backlinking Sites ( Google Drive Link )
In the competitive world of SEO, backlinks reign supreme. They act as votes of confidence from other websites, telling search engines like Google that your content is valuable and deserves to be seen. But building a strong backlink profile can be expensive, leaving many websites struggling to compete. Fear not, budget-conscious SEO warriors! This article unveils a treasure trove of high-quality backlinking sites that won't cost you a dime.
2024's Guide to High-Quality Dofollow Backlink Sites
Top Free Backlink Building Sites in 2024
Top Profile Creation Site List for Backlinks in 2024
Top Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites List (2024)
Top Free Guest Posting Websites in 2024
Disclaimer: While these sites offer free backlinks, remember, quality matters more than quantity. Focus on building relevant, contextual links from websites with good domain authority. Spammy tactics can actually harm your SEO, so proceed with caution and prioritize quality over sheer number.
Unleash the Power of Directories:
Industry-Specific Directories: List your website in relevant online directories within your niche. These directories often offer free basic listings, providing a valuable backlink and increased visibility within your target audience.
Local Directories: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing, along with other local directories like Yelp and Bing Places. Local SEO is crucial, and these platforms offer free listings to boost your local search ranking.
Content is King (and Can Earn You Backlinks):
Guest Blogging: Contribute high-quality articles to established blogs in your niche. This not only builds backlinks but also positions you as an expert and drives targeted traffic to your website.
Forum Engagement: Actively participate in relevant online forums and communities. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and link back to your website where appropriate. Remember, genuine engagement is key, not just spamming links.
Get Creative with Social Media:
Share Engaging Content: Regularly share informative, visually appealing content on social media platforms. Encourage users to share and link back to your website, organically building backlinks.
Run Social Media Contests: Host contests and giveaways that require participants to share your content or link back to your website. This can be a fun and effective way to generate buzz and backlinks.
Embrace the Power of User-Generated Content:
Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Display positive reviews and testimonials on your website, and encourage satisfied customers to share them on other platforms. This can lead to organic backlinks from review sites and social media.
Run User-Generated Content Contests: Encourage users to create content related to your brand or niche, offering rewards for the best submissions. This can generate backlinks from user profiles and social media shares.
Remember: Building a strong backlink profile takes time and effort. Utilize these free resources strategically, focusing on quality and relevance. With patience, persistence, and a dash of creativity, you can achieve SEO success without breaking the bank!
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Bonus Tip: Utilize free backlink analysis tools like Ahrefs Backlink Checker or Moz Open Site Explorer to monitor your backlink profile and identify potential opportunities.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the websites mentioned in this article. Please do your own research before submitting your website to any directory or platform.
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writerjuliegomes · 5 days
Quality Guest Post List In 2024 - High DA & FREE Websites
Find high DA, free guest posting opportunities to boost your SEO and increase website visibility easily. Explore the best quality guest post sites in 2024!
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0 notes
innovistahoster · 30 days
Free Guest Posting Sites List PDF 2024
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Guest posting remains one of the most effective ways to build backlinks, increase brand visibility, and drive targeted traffic to your website. Whether you are a seasoned digital entrepreneur or just starting your online business journey, leveraging free guest posting sites can be a game-changer.
we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of free guest posting sites in PDF format for 2024, and offer insights on how to use these platforms to maximize your online business potential.
Introduction to Guest Posting
Writing and posting content on another website or blog is known as guest posting.. This not only helps in building your brand authority but also plays a crucial role in SEO by generating high-quality backlinks.
These backlinks can improve your search engine rankings, making your site more visible to potential customers.
In 2024, guest posting remains a vital part of any digital marketing strategy, especially for those involved in online businesses, digital entrepreneurship, and e-commerce. By using free guest posting sites, you can achieve these benefits without incurring additional costs.
Benefits of Guest Posting for Online Businesses
Guest posting offers numerous advantages for online entrepreneurs:
Enhanced Brand Awareness: By contributing valuable content to established sites, you introduce your brand to a new audience.
Improved SEO: Quality backlinks from reputable sites can significantly boost your site’s search engine ranking.
Increased Traffic: Direct traffic from guest posts can lead to more conversions and sales.
Networking Opportunities: Guest posting helps in building relationships with other bloggers and industry leaders.
For online businesses, these benefits translate to more visibility, credibility, and ultimately, revenue.
How to Identify a Profitable Online Business Idea
Before diving into guest posting, it’s crucial to have a clear online business idea. Here’s how to identify a profitable one:
Research Market Demand: Use tools like Google Trends, Keyword Planner, and social media platforms to gauge demand for your product or service.
Identify Gaps in the Market: Look for areas where customer needs are unmet or where competitors are lacking.
Leverage Your Skills and Passion: Consider starting a business that aligns with your expertise and interests.
Validate Your Idea: Use surveys, focus groups, and pre-launch landing pages to test your idea’s viability.
Successful online businesses start with a solid idea that meets market demand and leverages the entrepreneur’s strengths.
Building Your Online Presence 
Your online presence is your digital storefront. Here’s how to build it effectively:
Create a Professional Website: Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimized for search engines.
Start a Blog: Regularly publish high-quality content related to your niche to attract and engage your target audience.
Leverage Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to connect with your audience and promote your content.
Use Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters to keep your audience engaged.
A strong online presence is essential for attracting and retaining customers in the digital space.
Choosing the Right Tools for Your Online Business
Running an online business requires the right set of tools. Here are some essential ones:
Website Builders: Tools like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace help you create professional websites without coding.
SEO Tools: Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Yoast SEO to optimize your site for search engines.
Email Marketing Platforms: Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and AWeber are popular choices for managing email campaigns.
E-commerce Platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce are excellent for setting up online stores.
Selecting the right tools can streamline your business processes and enhance productivity.
Developing a Marketing Strategy
A well-thought-out marketing strategy is vital for the success of your online business. Here’s how to create one:
Define Your Target Audience: Understand who your ideal customers are and tailor your marketing efforts to meet their needs.
Set Clear Goals: Whether it’s increasing traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales, your marketing strategy should be goal-oriented.
Content Marketing: Create and distribute valuable content to attract and engage your audience.
Social Media Marketing: Utilize social media platforms to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to your website.
Paid Advertising: Consider using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or influencer marketing to reach your target audience more quickly.
A robust marketing strategy will help you attract, convert, and retain customers.
Monetizing Your Online Business
Any online business’s ultimate goal is to monetize. Here are a few methods to follow:
Selling Products or Services: Whether it’s physical products, digital downloads, or consulting services, ensure you have a clear sales strategy.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote other companies’ products and earn a commission on each sale made through your referral links.
Advertising Revenue: If you have a blog with substantial traffic, consider monetizing it with ads through platforms like Google AdSense.
Subscription Models: Offer premium content, tools, or services on a subscription basis.
Choose the monetization strategy that aligns with your business model and audience.
Free Guest Posting Sites List in PDF 2024
Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for—a curated list of free guest posting sites for 2024, available in PDF format.
This list includes sites from various niches and countries, including the USA and Pakistan, making it easier for you to find platforms that match your business needs.
Download Free Guest Posting Sites List PDF 2024
Highlights from the list:
USA Sites: Includes top-ranking blogs and websites in the United States that accept guest posts.
Pakistan Sites: A selection of popular blogs from Pakistan that offer guest posting opportunities.
Niche-Specific Sites: Whether you’re in tech, fashion, health, or finance, there’s a site for you.
High DA Sites: The list focuses on sites with high Domain Authority (DA) for maximum SEO benefit.
Using these sites, you can effectively build your online presence and drive traffic to your business.
Guest posting is a powerful tool for growing your online business, and with the right strategy, it can lead to significant success.
By utilizing the free guest posting sites list provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to improving your SEO, increasing your brand visibility, and driving more traffic to your site.
Remember, starting an online business requires careful planning, from identifying a profitable idea to building an online presence and choosing the right tools.
With actionable tips and the right resources, you can navigate the challenges of digital entrepreneurship and achieve your business goals.
By following the steps outlined in this article, and using the free guest posting sites list, you’re setting your online business up for success in 2024.
How to Start Freelancing in 30 Days with No Experience
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passiveincomemoney · 5 months
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25 Overlooked Traffic Sources for Your Website
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, capturing the attention of your target audience can seem as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack. With numerous websites vying for visibility, it's crucial to explore every avenue for generating traffic. While many marketers focus on traditional methods such as SEO, social media, and paid advertising, several overlooked channels could lead potential customers straight to your online platform. Here are 25 underrated traffic sources that could potentially drive a wave of visitors to your website.
Podcast Interviews: Share your expertise on relevant podcasts and tap into their loyal listener base.
One of the critical components of a successful podcast is the quality of its interviews, which can be greatly enhanced by the right set of tools. As of 2024, there are many standout options that podcasters can utilize to ensure their interviews are as engaging and high-quality as possible.
For remote recording, Iris has emerged as a top choice, offering HD video recording, separate audio tracks, team member features, and more. Its built-in chat, dark mode, and automatic uploads streamline the podcasting process, making it easier for hosts and guests alike.
Squadcast is another excellent platform that prioritizes audio quality and user experience. With features like a “green room” for pre-interview preparation and the ability to record up to four people in one session, it's no wonder companies like Spotify and Shopify trust Squadcast for their podcasting needs.
For those looking for software solutions, Adobe Audition remains a premium option for recording high-quality audio, while Logic Pro X offers comprehensive audio recording capabilities. Audacity and GarageBand provide free alternatives that still deliver professional results.
Guest Blogging: Contribute valuable content to popular blogs in your niche to reach a wider audience. For those looking to get started, platforms like Pepper Content and Smart Blogger offer comprehensive guides and lists of guest blogging sites that cater to various niches. Additionally, Bloggers Passion and Designs Valley provide extensive lists of guest posting opportunities, including free and paid options.
Webinar Collaborations: Partner with other businesses to co-host webinars, expanding your reach.
Online Communities: Engage with niche communities on platforms like Reddit and Quora to drive interested visitors.
Influencer Partnerships: Leverage the followings of micro-influencers who resonate with your brand.
Industry Forums: Participate in discussions and share insights on forums related to your field.
Content Syndication: Republish your content on larger platforms to gain more exposure.
Email Signature: Utilize your daily emails to promote your website subtly.
Press Releases: Announce significant milestones or product launches through online press release services.
Browser Extensions: Create a useful browser extension that promotes your website or service.
E-Book Distribution: Write and distribute an informative e-book on platforms like Amazon Kindle.
Online Courses: Offer a free or paid course that includes references to your website.
Public Speaking: Speak at events and conferences to establish authority and direct attendees to your site.
Offline Promotion: Use traditional marketing methods like flyers and business cards with QR codes.
QR Codes in Public Spaces: Place QR codes strategically to direct smartphone users to your site.
Local Business Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses to cross-promote each other online.
Alumni Networks: Tap into your alma mater's network for potential traffic and collaborations.
API Integrations: Offer an API that integrates with other services, bringing in users who need your solution.
Physical Products: Include your website on any physical products or packaging.
Virtual Summits: Host or participate in virtual summits within your industry.
SlideShare Presentations: Create informative presentations and upload them to SlideShare.
RSS Directories: Submit your blog's RSS feed to directories for increased discoverability.
Mobile App Marketplaces: If applicable, list a mobile app on various app stores with links back to your site.
Print Publications: Write articles or advertisements for print media with a call to action directing to your website.
Accessibility Features: Ensure your website is accessible to all users, which can improve SEO and user experience.
Expanding the avenues through which your website attracts visitors enhances its visibility and establishes numerous points of contact for potential customers to encounter your brand. It's crucial to recognize that not all traffic holds the same value; the objective is to draw in individuals genuinely interested in your offerings. Thus, focus your efforts on channels that resonate most with your target demographic and business goals.
For those keen on delving deeper into the nuances of web traffic generation, resources like AdScienceLab's comprehensive guide furnish valuable insights into the digital realm. Moreover, for practical advice on harnessing free traffic channels, Niche Pursuits presents a curated list of 20 proven methods.
In summary, the digital landscape is ever-evolving, demanding continuous innovation and exploration. By integrating these 25 traffic sources into your strategy, you expand your outreach and pave the path for sustainable growth. Keep in mind, that the most successful marketers are those who transcend conventional wisdom and embrace unexplored territories. Enjoy the journey of discovery!
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shopiaus · 5 months
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shoutnaustralia · 5 months
Free Guest Posting Sites Where Can Submit Guest Posts
In 2024, there will be a distinctive method to make your imprint online. It's called "guest posting," and it's the equivalent of putting your opinions on someone else's lavish website. It's a wise decision because it helps the website and you. You get to demonstrate your expertise, attract additional visitors to your website, and network with new people. The website owner acquires interesting information and improves their website. However, not all websites are created equal. You want to write for those that are both significant and well-liked. We’re going to teach you about some of these significant websites in this guide, where you can express yourself in 2024. Let us now dive into the list of websites with high authority that accept guest posts.
Understanding the Concept of Guest Blogging
Writing and publishing articles on blogs or websites related to other companies or sectors is a strategy used by individuals or companies in content marketing. We call this kind of writing "guest blogging." This collaborative approach benefits all parties involved. Guest bloggers provide the hosting firm a chance to share their knowledge with a new audience, but they also benefit from the inclusion of great, original content that might increase the site's popularity. Guest blogging promotes networking, promotes opinion leadership for a specific industry or topic, and enhances search engine optimisation (SEO) by generating backlinks. By posting engaging material across a variety of websites, guest blogging is a powerful tool for expanding your online presence and interacting with new audiences.
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Sponsored List of Guest Blogging
The Best Guest Posting Websites (Per Niche) for Backlinks
For Lifestyle & Entertainment Niche
Huffpost | https://www.huffpost.com/ | 94
Makezine | https://makezine.com/ | 86
Life Hacker | https://lifehacker.com/ | 91
PRCouture | https://www.prcouture.com/ | 48
Love My Dress | https://www.lovemydress.net/ | 58 
Milwaukee Magazine | https://www.milwaukeemag.com/ | 64
Blogherald | https://www.blogherald.com/ | 66
ContactMusic.com | https://www.contactmusic.com/ 78
Live Write Thrive | http://www.livewritethrive.com/ | 41
Middle Earth Consulting | https://middleearth.nu/ | 32
For Business, Finance & General Marketing Guest
Forbes | https://www.forbes.com/ | 95
Bigger Pockets | https://www.biggerpockets.com/ | 80
Modest Money | https://www.modestmoney.com/ | 56
Money Crashers | https://www.moneycrashers.com/ | 74
GoDaddy | https://www.godaddy.com/ | 93 
SoGoSurvey | https://www.sogolytics.com/ | 53
Convert.com | https://www.convert.com/ | 52 
HubSpot | https://blog.hubspot.com/ | 93
MarketingTech | https://www.marketingtechnews.net/ | 58
Cloudways | https://www.cloudways.com/ | 76
For SEO, Digital Marketing, & Social Media
TechWyse | https://www.techwyse.com/ | 50
SEOBlog.com | https://www.seoblog.com/ | 40 
RankWatch | https://www.rankwatch.com/ | 45
Search Engine Land | https://searchengineland.com/ | 91
Martech | https://martech.org/ | 56
MarketingProfs | https://www.marketingprofs.com/ 82 
MediaPost | https://www.mediapost.com/ | 83
Copyblogger | https://copyblogger.com/ | 83
Social Media Today | https://www.socialmediatoday.com/ | 83
Contently | https://contently.com/ | 84
For Technology, Web Design & Web Development
iTechCode | https://www.itechcode.com/ | 34
All Tech Buzz | https://www.alltechbuzz.net/ | 62 
Technology Networks | https://www.technologynetworks.com/ | 65
Jungleworks | https://jungleworks.com/ | 47
Smashing Magazine | https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ | 90
Fitbit | https://www.fatbit.com/ | 56
Webflow | https://webflow.com/ | 81
WebAlive | https://www.webalive.com.au/ | 38 
Creative Nerds | https://creativenerds.co.uk/ | 62 
Quertime | https://www.quertime.com/ | 53
For Health & Travel
Idea Fit | https://www.ideafit.com/ | 72
Natural News | https://www.naturalnews.com/ | 82
Healthline | https://www.healthline.com/ | 87
Lifehacker | https://lifehacker.com/ | 91
Go Abroad | https://www.goabroad.com/ | 64
Sheswanderful | https://sheswanderful.com/ | 48
HostelWorld | https://hwhelp.hostelworldgroup.com/ | 50
Global Grasshopper | https://globalgrasshopper.com/ | 57
Lifeyet | https://www.lifeyet.com/ | 55
Benefits of Guest Blogging
Through guest blogging, you may use the viewership of the blog or website that is hosting you to reach a wider audience. It gives you the chance to impart your wisdom and viewpoints to a fresh audience in the hopes of attracting new clients or customers.
By publishing worthwhile material on trustworthy sites, you may establish your brand and credibility in your industry and establish yourself or your company as an expert.
By guest blogging, you may obtain backlinks from reliable websites, increasing the search engine exposure of your website, growing your online profile, and drawing in natural search traffic.
Guest blogging offers networking possibilities that can result in successful partnerships and collaborations with industry experts and influencers, hence cultivating commercial relationships.
Using guest blogging to showcase your knowledge from several perspectives and reach a variety of audiences might help you diversify your content marketing approach.
Positive reviews on your guest articles might increase visits to your blog or website as well as the number of leads or consumers it receives.
A larger audience might become aware of your company's name or products thanks to guest blogging, which may improve brand recognition.
Guest posts provide a wealth of engagement options that let you communicate with readers, get their input, and improve your concepts and writing.
Writing for a variety of platforms requires you to modify your approach and style, which will help you advance as a writer and communicator on a personal and professional level.
A call-to-action (CTA) that drives readers to your website or landing pages may turn guest blogging into a powerful tool for generating leads.
Long after they are first published, well-written guest articles may still generate traffic and offer advantages, making them a durable marketing strategy.
By guest blogging, you may cultivate connections with editors and readers of hosting sites that may lead to future chances for visibility and cooperation.
How to Find Guest Post Sites
Use a search engine such as Google to begin your search. Incorporate phrases like "write for us," "submit a guest post," or "guest blogging opportunities" together with relevant keywords related to your company or area of expertise.  This approach can help you discover websites actively seeking guest writers within your industry.
Here are additional search strings you can experiment with to unearth guest post opportunities:
Keyword + "guest blog"
Keyword + "guest blogger"
Keyword + "guest column"
Keyword + "guest poster wanted"
Keyword + inurl: contributors
Keyword + "become a contributor"
Keyword + "guest article"
Keyword + "submit your article"
Keyword + "guest post opportunities"
Keyword + "accepting guest posts"
Keyword + "contributing writer"
Keyword + "guest post guidelines"
Keyword + "suggest a post"
Allintitle: Keyword + guest post
Allintitle: Keyword + submit a blog post
Keyword + "contributor guidelines"
Keyword + "write for us"
Keyword + "write for me"
Keyword + "become an author"
Keyword + "looking for guest posts"
Keyword + "submit guest post"
Keyword + "guest posts wanted"
Keyword + "submit content"
Keyword + "contribute to our site"
Keyword + "contribute to this site"
Keyword + "submit blog post"
Keyword + inurl: category/guest
Keyword + "become a guest blogger"
Allintitle: Keyword + write for us
Keyword + "submit blog post"
Final Words 
Content producers and marketers have a great opportunity in 2024 to identify quality guest blogging sites. With this chance, we may increase our search engine ranks, reach a wider audience, and demonstrate our subject-matter knowledge. Following the guidance outlined in this blog can greatly improve our guest posting endeavours. It emphasizes the importance of selecting appropriate websites and crafting high-quality content. Remember, the primary goal isn't just to acquire links; it's also about cultivating relationships with readers and fellow bloggers to bolster our online presence. Therefore, for continued success in the online sphere, it's crucial to stay curious and engaged in guest posting activities.
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digitalseolife · 7 months
1300+ Guest Posting Sites List 2024
We’ve put together a list of over 1300+ guest posting sites for backlinks. These sites cover a variety of topics like finance, health, travel, and business. As an SEO professional, you won’t need to spend time searching the internet for instant approval guest post blogging sites in 2024. We’ve selected free guest posting sites with high Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), and Moz rank to…
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View On WordPress
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profitgrowup123 · 8 months
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Free Guest Posting Sites: A Quick Way to Rank Your Website
Guest posting, the practice of creating and publishing content on someone else's website, has emerged as a vital strategy in the realm of digital marketing. Its importance lies in the manifold benefits it brings to both the guest contributor and the hosting site. Firstly, Free Guest Posting Sites provide an opportunity for individuals or businesses to showcase their expertise and knowledge in a particular niche, thereby establishing credibility and authority within the industry. Moreover, it allows contributors to tap into new audiences and expand their reach, fostering brand awareness and recognition. On the flip side, hosting sites benefit from fresh and diverse content that keeps their audience engaged and attracts new visitors. Additionally, guest posts contribute to building a sense of community and collaboration within a given industry. Search engines also tend to favor websites with a variety of high-quality content, which can positively impact the overall SEO of both the guest contributor and the hosting site. In essence, the importance of guest posting lies in its ability to forge mutually beneficial relationships, enhance online visibility, and elevate the status of both contributors and hosts in the digital landscape. Click here to get a Unique and Free Guest Posting Sites List for 100% Instant Approval of Your Website.
Read More: Profile Creation Sites List for SEO in 2024: Dofollow & High DA
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infowindtech09 · 10 months
Exploring the Best Food & Restaurant Apps in 2024
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Is your restaurant in search of the top online Food app? We have looked at the best meal delivery apps, their capabilities, and the pros and cons of using each. After reading the reviews, you may find the software that meets all your requirements. Discover together; It is not just about talking anymore; most people’s everyday routines, from shopping to grocery shopping to meal delivery, are now online. This implies that in the modern day, digital innovation is essential to the success of any restaurant.
⦁ Swiggy Swiggy, one of India’s most popular food delivery apps, connects users with various eateries and provides lightning-fast deliveries. Users may pick from a broad choice of cuisines and foods, with the additional convenience of doorstep delivery. Swiggy has built a dedicated client following because of its prompt delivery and varied menu selections. Swiggy’s primary purpose is to act as a delivery service. Users may order for delivery from a variety of nearby restaurants offering a variety of cuisines. Users may locate eateries in their immediate vicinity, check out their menus, and get feedback from other diners before deciding where to eat. When an order is made on Swiggy Food delivery app, the user may check its progress until it arrives at their door. Users may also plan for delivery using this feature. This function helps organize meals, particularly when entertaining guests or working long hours.
⦁ Zomato Initially launched in 2008 as “Foodiebay,” Zomato is now an online platform for finding and ordering food from restaurants. The Indian firm succeeded so well on the home front that Uber Eats sold all their operations in India for $400 million. Zomato is now available in over ten thousand cities in twenty-four different countries. In 2021, the platform’s prosperity reached new heights with a USD 46 billion IPO, oversubscribed by a factor of 39.
⦁ Foodiv SaaS-based Foodiv Foodive is today’s most well-known commercial software for the restaurant and food service business. Its broad features and functions complete the system for any restaurant and café. This system may be customized to meet the demands of any meal-prep company, ghost kitchen, restaurant, bar, café, pizzeria, burger shop, or new food-delivery venture. Foodiv lets you purchase bespoke software for your restaurant, café, fast food chain, or bar. This software might be anything from a cloud kitchen ordering system to an alcohol delivery system.
⦁ FoodPanda Software that allows you to order meals online, FoodPanda, is used in 41 countries. The Berlin-based company partners with 39,000 eateries around the city to ensure timely deliveries.
⦁ Deliveroo Food delivery business Deliveroo was founded in London and now operates in over 200 locations worldwide. It’s the most downloaded app in Europe, and it lets users place orders from well-known eateries and more unique spots. The eateries pay a commission in addition to the user fees.
⦁ ChowNow  By making it easy for customers to navigate the menu, businesses may increase the likelihood that they will return. They can retain customers owing to the information acquired.
⦁ Postmates More than 90 U.S. communities now have access to the Postmates delivery app. Postmates is a delivery app like many others; it only delivers groceries and other items.
⦁ HappyCow Vegans and vegetarians may find all the global restaurants that serve only plant-based foods on HappyCow. Vegetarians and vegans may use the site to find restaurants that don’t serve meat, check out user ratings, and post their listings. Worldwide vegan, vegetarian, and vegan-friendly restaurants may be found in HappyCow’s extensive database. Meat-free restaurants in the user’s area or around the globe may be quickly located. The app includes ratings and reviews from actual customers, so you can learn more about the food and service you may expect. To simplify users’ identification of acceptable eating alternatives, the app features powerful search tools, such as the ability to filter restaurants based on location, cuisine, price range, and other parameters. The software also provides customized suggestions based on individual tastes.
⦁ Mixology Users may rate and review cocktails on Mixology, giving others an idea of how well or poorly each drink is received and helping others makes their cocktails to ensure they have everything they need. Mixology has quickly become the premier destination for cocktail connoisseurs and budding bartenders seeking a comprehensive database of cocktail recipes and bartending guides. Celebrity chefs’ cooking workshops are available in real-time and on-demand at Food Network Kitchen. To improve one’s culinary abilities, users have access to many recipes, cooking hints, and methods. The app’s interactive elements, such as shopping lists, timings, and video-playing controls, make meal preparation a snap. It has an enormous variety of dishes from many culinary traditions. Users may access recipes for different meals, events, and dietary preferences. Chefs and food experts from Food Network are leading interactive cooking sessions in this app. Users may participate in real-time or archived lessons to improve their culinary skills. Watching a Food Network chef demonstrate a dish or technique live on TV is like having a personal chef in your kitchen. The app makes making excellent meals simple by providing extensive, systematic cooking instructions and videos for each recipe. Nutritional data is provided with recipes on Food Network Kitchen so that consumers may make healthy decisions. The software helps users recreate restaurant-quality meals by detailing the tools and supplies needed to make each dish.
⦁ Food Network Kitchen The Food Network Kitchen Restaurant app has quickly become an indispensable resource for amateur chefs and foodies. It provides a comprehensive learning environment where they may follow the lead of some of the network’s most celebrated chefs.
Conclusion These best food and drink mobile apps have revolutionized the dining experience in today’s fast-paced world, providing unprecedented ease of use and intriguing new options for foodies everywhere. These applications make discovering new restaurants, preparing gourmet meals at home, and sipping delicious drinks a joyful and streamlined experience, catering to various tastes and preferences. We may anticipate functions that are even more cutting-edge and experiences from these applications in the future, elevating our digital-age appreciation of food and drink.
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lawyerbd · 7 months
Free Backlink Building Sites 2024
In the ever-evolving SEO landscape, backlinks remain the currency of authority. But acquiring high-quality backlinks can be a daunting task. Fear not, budget-conscious website owners! This guide unveils the top free backlink building sites in 2024, empowering you to boost your domain authority and climb the search engine ranks.
2024's Guide to High-Quality Dofollow Backlink Sites
Top Free Backlink Building Sites in 2024
Top Profile Creation Site List for Backlinks in 2024
Top Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites List (2024)
Top Free Guest Posting Websites in 2024
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Understanding Backlinks:
Before diving in, let's revisit the basics. Backlinks are links from other websites pointing to yours, acting as votes of confidence in your content's value. Search engines like Google view these endorsements favorably, boosting your website's visibility and ranking potential.
Free Backlink Building: Strategies and Sites:
1. Content is King (and Queen):
Guest Blogging: Share your expertise on relevant, high-authority blogs. Platforms like HARO and MyBlogGuest connect you with potential hosts.
Article Directories: Submit well-written articles to directories like EzineArticles and HubPages, earning backlinks and traffic.
Forum Engagement: Actively participate in relevant forums, providing valuable insights and linking naturally to your site.
2. Leverage Social Proof:
Social Bookmarking: Submit your content to platforms like StumbleUpon and Delicious, increasing visibility and potential backlinks.
Social Media Sharing: Share your content across your social media channels, encouraging engagement and organic backlinks.
Press Releases: Announce newsworthy events or updates through press release distribution services, potentially generating backlinks from media outlets.
3. Get Creative and Collaborative:
Image Sharing: Publish high-quality images on platforms like Flickr and Unsplash, allowing others to embed them with backlinks.
Infographics and Slide Decks: Create visually appealing content that others can share and link back to.
Broken Link Building: Find broken links on relevant websites and offer your content as a replacement, earning a valuable backlink.
Bonus Tip: Monitor your backlink profile regularly using tools like Ahrefs or Moz to track progress and identify potential spammy links.
Quality over Quantity: Focus on acquiring backlinks from relevant, high-authority websites.
Natural Link Building: Avoid manipulative tactics like link exchanges or comment spam.
Content is Key: Create valuable, shareable content that attracts backlinks naturally.
By implementing these strategies and leveraging the free backlink building sites mentioned above, you can supercharge your SEO efforts and watch your website rise in the search engine ranks.
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ultrainfinitepit · 4 years
About and FAQ
Hi I’m Ultra aka. Skystreak, she/her, old and boring (30-ish).
Here’s my:
Linktree with other social media sites and my shop newsletter
personal blog where you can find lots of #angels I like
List of charities I like
Charity pin donations
2022 Pride Angels: I II III IV V VI VII
2024 Pride Angels: part I, part II, part III
Pins I am in search of 🔍
Pin Catalog (every pin I have made or produced): I II
Looking for guest artist pins? Check out the Guest Artist Spotlights.
My profile pic is by @gavalaa.
Where I sell
Shopify and Etsy - my main shops. Shopify has lower prices due to lower fees. Etsy is recommended for EU/UK customers. I package and ship everything myself, and keep only my latest designs in stock. If you’re looking for older designs, check out my stockists (below).
Gumroad - free digital downloads, including lineart for personal use such as tattoos.
Redbubble - print-on-demand items featuring my designs.
Mercari - where I sell pins second-hand from my personal collection.   
Faire - wholesale storefront, if you are a retailer you can purchase my products here in bulk at a discount.
These are independent retailers selling my items. They handle all the fulfillment for me, so if you have any issues with orders from these stockists, please contact them directly.
SJMade - based in San Jose, California. My items are available for purchase online or in the physical MOMENT JTown storefront. They offer US shipping only.
BizBaz Club - based in San Diego, California. My items are available for purchase online or in their San Diego boba shop. They offer US and international shipping.
Mushroomy - based in Melbourne, Australia. My items are available for purchase online. They offer US and international shipping. If you’re in Australia, feel free to send me an ask with requests for merch to ship to Mushroomy and it’ll be included in my next shipment. If you purchase from them you’ll save a ton on shipping!
Gamelandia Palo Alto - based in Palo Alto, California. In-person and online shopping. A small selection of my pins are available for purchase.  They offer US shipping only.
Big Whale Consignment - based in Seattle, Washington. My items are available in-person at their Greenwood storefront on Aurora Ave; and online as well. They offer US and international shipping.
Pinconvention (Seasonal) - based in Hamburg, Germany, with in-person or online shopping. They are only open a few days a year and there’s no guarantee I’ll be accepted as a vendor. You can follow them on social media for updates and more information. Pinconvention offers much cheaper shipping with no VAT to EU/UK destinations.
⭐I am looking for stockists in Canada, Europe, and Asia; if you have a promising lead please let me know!
Can I use your art for a tattoo/profile pic/inspiration/etc?
Feel free to use my designs or illustrations for personal, non-commercial use! I have some art readily available on Gumroad such as for tattoos. You may use other artwork as well. However if it’s a commission or request from someone I’d prefer you don’t use those.
If you happen to get a tattoo or make something of my art and post it somewhere, I’d love to be tagged to see how it turned out! And If you’re a tattoo artist or other creator posting your take on my art, I would kindly ask that you credit me as the designer or inspiration. Additionally, I do not allow tattoo artists to use my designs in their flash sheets.
Since the art is online for free anyway, I don’t expect you to pay me for it. But if you’d like to support me financially, do check out my shops, donate when you download the art from Gumroad, or consider a donation to one of the charities I like.
What is personal, non-commercial use?
This means you are free to use my designs as long as you do not profit off them. You may not provide them to another maker to be made into products that they will profit off of. If you are an artist using exact parts of my art (such as traced portions) or your take on my art (such as, a very specific character design that you are using for your own), you may not profit off these pieces. Only I am allowed to profit off my art.
What is your pin grading policy?
I sell pins as "standard" or "seconds" grade.
Standard grade pins may have one or two tiny imperfections. These would be considered A grade. My general rule is, if a pin can be held at half-arm's length and I cannot see the flaw, it is considered small enough for standard grade. Pins are handmade products so please do not expect a flawless item.
Seconds grade pins have more noticeable flaws, including but not limited to: smudges, specks or bubbles in the enamel, under-filled or over-filled enamel, chips or dents in metal and metal-plating, heavy tarnish, missing or mis-colored enamel, loose pin posts, fused metal, missing metal, missing varnish, uneven linework, bends, and/or scratches. Moving pins that are tough to move are considered seconds grade: for example, a spinning pin with a spinner component that does not spin freely. Seconds pins may not come with backing cards. These pins would be considered B/C grade.
I do not sell or guarantee collector's grade (S grade) pins! Do not purchase from me if you would not be satisfied with an A grade pin.
My stockists may sell mixed grade pins for certain listings: a mix of standard and seconds grade, so A/B/C grade. Or they may sell only seconds grade pins. Please read the listing descriptions carefully.
Rainbow anodized plating is unique for every pin - no two are alike with differing metal colors. The plating may appear different than the example images shown in the listing.
Anodized and chrome plating is unique for every pin. Texture and variation in plating should be expected. The plating may appear slightly different than the example images shown in the listing, for example it may be slightly lighter or darker. White or pale enamel on this plating may be tinted, this will not be considered a flaw.
Soft enamel with epoxy pins may have minor blemishes, bubbles, or specks in the epoxy. Small areas may not have epoxy. The surface may have variation, texture, or bumps, unlike hard enamel. There may be bits of glitter in non-glitter portions of the pin. Transparent enamel may also have these traits. Since these are unavoidable they will not be considered flaws for the purposes of grading. Epoxy overflow will not be considered a flaw as well since this is also unavoidable in some cases.
Some designs with screenprint may have printing that goes onto the edges of the pin or metal areas, this is unavoidable in some cases and will not be considered a flaw.
Certain plating is prone to tarnish, especially copper, silver, and rose gold plating. I will try my best to sort heavily-tarnished pins as seconds grade, but please note some tarnish may be unavoidable or develop over time if the pin is exposed to moisture and in these cases will be considered standard grade. This tarnish can be removed by gentle polishing with a jewelry cloth.
Can you draw X for the Pride Angels series?
Please check that your request is not already complete!
You can find the 2022 Pride Angels here: I II III IV V
You can find the 2024 Pride Angels here: part I and part II
You can also search my Pride Angels tag for even more designs.
Design Requests from the Pride Angels campaign
My Pride Angels series is now complete, at this time no new designs will be added. Instead you may inquire with these featured artists to commission a design.
Why didn't you make Pride Angels merch for my flag? Sad emoji!
If it was not requested during the campaign, or did not get a sufficient number of orders to be funded as merch, it is not financially feasible for me to make merch of it. Consider commissioning a featured artist or buying merch from them instead.
Can I draw a Pride Angel too?
Of course, I don't own angels or Pride flags! If I inspired you I would love to be tagged to see and share your design.
I’m a pin campaign backer and I’m wondering where my pins are; or I have another question about my pledge.
Please read the latest updates on the campaign page for more information. If you have an issue with your shipment or a question about your pledge, please message me on the crowdfunding platform. Please do not message me on social media, if you do this I may miss your message.
I missed the latest crowdfunding campaign! Can I still get the pins?
If it's just after the campaign ended, check the campaign page for a link to the Backerkit preorder store. If the preorder store is closed, you will have to wait until leftovers are available in my shops. Please read the campaign page for more details.
Do you ship internationally?
My Shopify and Etsy shops have international shipping, as do some of my stockists (more details above).
Why is shipping to Germany and France unavailable?
Shipping to Germany and France is unavailable due to LUCID and EPR packaging laws respectively. Please check my stockists for shipping availability, or help me find a stockist in your country so I can ship to you!
Why is an item on Etsy unavailable in the UK?
Etsy sometimes blacklists my items for shipping to the UK due to word filters. If you are in the UK and an item is unavailable for this reason, please message me on Etsy.
How can I get cheaper international shipping?
Regarding international shipping prices, they are determined by Shopify and Etsy and I have no control over them. If the shipping price is an issue for you, please check with my stockists. Depending on your location they may have cheaper shipping. I am looking for stockists in Canada, Europe, and Asia; if you have a promising lead please let me know!
I have a problem with my order!
Please do not message me on social media, if you do this I may miss your message.
Redbubble - please contact Redbubble customer service. I don’t produce any of the products in my Redbubble store, only the designs.
Shopify - please use the Contact form or reply to your order confirmation email.
Etsy - please message me via Etsy Messages.
Stockists - please contact the stockist via their “Contact Us” page or email. If they are slow to respond via email, I recommend contacting them on Instagram. I don’t handle fulfillment for these storefronts and cannot help you with orders, they handle fulfillment for me.
Can I reserve items from your shop to purchase later?
No, I do not take requests to reserve items.
Do you take commissions?
Not at the moment, but you can check here or my newsletter or social media for updates in the future.
What program/tablet/brushes do you use?
I use Clip Studio Paint. I highly recommend it for any digital artist, it’s well worth the price and it goes on sale often.
For pin lineart I use G-pen on a vector layer, with the stabilization really high, like 30 or so. Lately I've been really loving the Textured Pen with stabilization 0-8 for everything else.
My tablet of choice is the Wacom Intuos.
Can you add X to your Redbubble shop?
Sure, feel free to send an ask or message me with your request.
X is sold out, will you be restocking it?
If an item has just sold out in my shop, wait a day or so and if I have any extras I will update the listing. You can also message me on the shop platform to inquire about any extras.
Next, please check my stockists (above) to see if the item you want is available with any of them. Many older designs are available through these retailers.
Etsy and Shopify do not alert me if variations of an item are sold out, so feel free to message me there to inquire if more are available.
If a pin has sold out: if I have any seconds of that pin I may make a separate listing for those sometime after the standards sell out.
If an item is completely sold out, my new policy is no restocks. However if a design is popular enough, I will consider a new variant of it.
If you really want something restocked, you may submit a restock request here. You may also suggest pin variants at this link. You can find a catalog of all the pins I have made or produced here.
Do you have X guest artist item?
If you are looking for a guest artist item I have produced, please message the guest artist to inquire about the item. Once I send the items to the guest artist, they are out of my hands forevermore!
Will you send X to your stockists?
Yes. I send a few of every item including new pins to each of my stockists. You may have to wait a few months while the items are sent and the listings are prepared, but rest assured you'll see most things available with my stockists eventually.
I want to purchase a charity pin from one of your stockists, will that count towards the donation amount?
No, only pins I sell directly through Etsy or Shopify count towards the donation. This is because I can only track the number of pins sold on Etsy and Shopify; and my stockists take a large cut of the profits. If you like the designs I hope that's enough to purchase them from my stockists, but if you wanted to donate through them I'd recommend doing that directly yourself.
When does your shop update?
Once a month, usually the first week of the month but sometimes later. In the future this pace may slow down. When an update is live I’ll make a post about it. You can follow the shop newsletter or favorite my shop on Etsy be notified as well.
Seraphim, cherubim, and ophanim are plural, not singular.
Thank you for thinking of me and letting me know! I get this correction a lot. You may have seen some older pieces mislabeled in this way. Rest assured, I have been keeping this in mind going forward.
Your “biblically accurate” angels are not biblically accurate!
That’s just a tag I use. All my work is based on my original characters or artistic interpretations of favorite mythology, including angelology. If you are looking for accurate or informative depictions, I would recommend consulting with academic sources.
I want to make enamel pins too! How do I get started?
When I started out I followed this amazing guide by Pinlord. You can also watch this video by Mualcaina. And I recommend you join Pin Maker Resource on Facebook. The group is visible and open for applications only the first week of every month.
What manufacturer do you use for X?
You can view my manufacturer for each product on that product’s page. For pins I use a few different ones which I prefer to keep confidential for now, while I am working on writing up comprehensive reviews for them. But in the meantime you can find my reviews and more by joining Pin Maker Resource.
What is Angeltober or Ultrangeltober?
It is my annual October art challenge themed after angels. You can find the prompts here: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Feel free to follow along with your own creations! They do not have to be angels or angel-themed, the prompts are simply here to inspire you to create - there are no rules. You can pick and choose the prompts you like and do whatever you want with them. If you post your work I’d love to be tagged to see it: 
@ultrainfinitepit​ here on Tumblr
ultra.infinite on Instagram
ultra_infinite on Twitter
Can I make merch using my Angeltober pieces or otherwise profit off them?
Of course! Your art is your own, the prompts are just there to inspire you. You are welcome to credit my prompt list but it's not required.
What is Town of Puddle?
It is my original character universe. I am slowly writing up some updated posts about it, you can find those here.
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