#free affiliate articles
pathologising · 11 months
hey y'all! if you're interested in supporting some palestinian artists, a small art publication i work with put together a list of palestinian artists and designers you can support. Purchasing from most of these artists goes towards the Palestinian Children Relief Fund (PCRF). also wanted to note the publication doesnt profit off this article through affiliate links or whatever. feel free to check it out!
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle tonight are lambasting the Biden administration for not getting Congressional approval before moving ahead with military strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen.[...]
“The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. That is Article I of the Constitution. I will stand up for that regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House,” posted California Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna on X, just as news was breaking that the strikes were in progress. Some 30 minutes earlier, there were reports that Congressional leaders were given a heads up that the strikes were a go.
“Only Congress has the power to declare war,” posted Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie. “I have to give credit to @RepRoKhanna here for sticking to his principles, as very few are willing to make this statement while their party is in the White House.”[...]
“@POTUS is violating Article I of the Constitution by carrying out airstrikes in Yemen without congressional approval,” charged Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib. “The American people are tired of endless war.” Democratic Reps. Cori Bush, Val Hoyle, Mark Pocan, and Pramila Jayapal weighed in similarly as of 9 p.m. tonight.
On the Republican side, Sen. Mike Lee, who has often crossed the aisle on war powers issues, also gave Khanna a boost. “The Constitution matters, regardless of party affiliation.”
"The Constitution is clear, only Congress has the power to declare war. President Biden must come to Congress and ask us to authorize this act of war," posted Florida Republican Rep. Anna Luna.[...]
“These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” Biden said. “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
The Houthis have said they would continue the attacks until “crimes in Gaza stop and food, medicines and fuel are allowed to reach its besieged population.” The Biden administration, which has not supported a ceasefire in Gaza, said it would hit back hard if the Houthis did not stand down. After a particularly heavy volley of drones and rockets on Tuesday, the administration made its move.
This has a lot of analysts worried about escalation — something the Biden administration said it didn't want. "If the objective is to stop Houthi attacks without escalating matters toward a full war, then bombing them has proven quite inefficient in the past. Just ask the the Saudis," said the Quincy Institute's Trita Parsi, on X, referring to the Yemen civil war in which the Houthis gained major victories despite routine missile bombardments from U.S.-backed Saudi Arabia.
"Moreover, bombing them very likely will escalate matters, which means that not only will the attacks not be stopped, but the broader war that Biden [allegedly] seeks to prevent will likely become a reality."
12 Jan 24
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this isn't linguistics-specific, but it is very important and deserves to be known:
you don't have to have an institutional affiliation to use @jstor.
there is a free option that lets you read up to 100 articles/month online - which is a lot!! and even the individual subscription is only $19.50/month or $199/year as of july 2024, which is leagues better than having to purchase (or in many cases, "rent") articles individually from the publishers.
the only downside to the free account is that it doesn't allow downloads, which is tragic for those of us who enjoy hoarding pdves, but not necessarily a dealbreaker.
i've seen simply too much lamenting about jstor accessibility for non-affiliates. it's there to use!! go forth and inhabit your research rabbit holes!
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makingqueerhistory · 6 months
Do you have any recommendations of books/ studies/ articles about the representation of queer people in media? Thank you for all the work you do!
Yes absolutely, I would be happy to share. Any discussion like this needs to mention The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo. Making Queer History does have a set of articles about this as well, with Queen Christina, Queer Codes, and Queer Coding and Different from the Others.
Some more modern books that I can vouch for are:
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The Male Gazed: On Hunks, Heartthrobs, and What Pop Culture Taught Me about (Desiring) Men
Manuel Betancourt
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It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror
Joe Vallese
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Gays on Broadway
Ethan Mordden
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Hi Honey, I'm Homo!: Sitcoms, Specials, and the Queering of American Culture
Matt Baume
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We See Each Other: A Black, Trans Journey Through TV and Film
Tre'vell Anderson
(Affiliate links above)
This is just what I have read though, so other's are free to add on!
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
today's completely random opinion that No One asked for: sex toys are morally neutral and important accessibility aids for a lot of disabilities, but in the age of articles about "something something Empowering Women's Sexuality" that have 29 affiliate links in them, we gotta take some steps to protect the sanctity of masturbation as one of the last remaining activities that you don't need to Buy Product to do. the clitoris is free and the most important body safe sex toy is the human hand
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jstor · 1 year
What is JSTOR??
We’re glad you asked 🤩
JSTOR is a digital library for the intellectually curious. We provide access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources across 75 disciplines to facilitate research and teaching—working with the academic community to make important content discoverable.
Students and alumni at participating institutions may be able to access our content through their school library. But don’t worry! In addition to free, Open Access materials, we provide those without institutional affiliations up to 100 free articles per month OR an individual JPASS subscription.
You can visit our about page for more about our mission and initiatives. Thanks for the ask, stay curious! 🤓
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middle-earth-press · 2 months
A breakdown of Tirion's newspapers & political affiliations btw:
The Tirion Chronicle. Oldest of them all, connected with the library and archives. Tries to be neutral, starts off mildly pro-Fëanorian, switches to mildly pro-Nolofinwëan after Fëanor begins to grow markedly more difficult. Not harsh on the Valar, but allows itself to criticise them. Information from all venues of life, most of it very day-to-day, because Valinor.
Fëanorian Quarter Courier. What it says on the tin, I guess, although it's not as bellicose as one might suspect, just has a Fëanorian slant.
The Eight-pointed Star. If the Courier is Fëanorian... then the Star is far-Fëanorian. Its most involved readers would protest at the paper being described as aggressive, but that word is a pretty mild one for it. Everyone suspects Morgoth submitted something anonymously at least once and it's a bit disconcerting that no one can agree which article of many it could be. (He might have submitted things anywhere else tbh, but the Star was always more belligerent than the others, so it's the one people suspect most. For what it's worth it was also most welcoming of people outside its editorial office writing things for it)
Tirion Review. The name doesn't give it away, but it's markedly pro-Nolofinwëan. Often engages in dramatic back-and-forths with the two above that can last for years.
Journal of the Student Association. A serious publication remarkable for being written and redacted entirely by minors. The Free Journal of Noldorin Youth splits off from it once tensions grow unbearable, and what remains acquires a Nolofinwëan bias.
Independent Monthly. Popularly (and unfairly) known as 'Independent Complaints' because it's main position seems to be "Please stop fighting. Can't we get on with eachother?". Finarfin is rumoured to be a contributor.
Not counting the dozens of scientific journals which probably have a wider readership lol.
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mckitterick · 1 year
The End Is Near: "News" organizations using AI to create content, firing human writers
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an example "story" now comes with this warning:
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A new byline showed up Wednesday on io9: “Gizmodo Bot.” The site’s editorial staff had no input or advance notice of the new AI-generator, snuck in by parent company G/O Media.
G/O Media’s AI-generated articles are riddled with errors and outdated information, and block reader comments.
“As you may have seen today, an AI-generated article appeared on io9,” James Whitbrook, deputy editor at io9 and Gizmodo, tweeted. “I was informed approximately 10 minutes beforehand, and no one at io9 played a part in its editing or publication.”
Whitbrook sent a statement to G/O Media along with “a lengthy list of corrections.” In part, his statement said, “The article published on io9 today rejects the very standards this team holds itself to on a daily basis as critics and as reporters. It is shoddily written, it is riddled with basic errors; in closing the comments section off, it denies our readers, the lifeblood of this network, the chance to publicly hold us accountable, and to call this work exactly what it is: embarrassing, unpublishable, disrespectful of both the audience and the people who work here, and a blow to our authority and integrity.”
He continued, “It is shameful that this work has been put to our audience and to our peers in the industry as a window to G/O’s future, and it is shameful that we as a team have had to spend an egregious amount of time away from our actual work to make it clear to you the unacceptable errors made in publishing this piece.”
According to the Gizmodo Media Group Union, affiliated with WGA East, the AI effort has “been pushed by” G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller, recently hired editorial director Merrill Brown, and deputy editorial director Lea Goldman.
In 2019, Spanfeller and private-equity firm Great Hill Partners acquired Gizmodo Media Group (previously Gawker Media) and The Onion.
The Writers Guild of America issued a blistering condemnation of G/O Media’s use of artificial intelligence to generate content.
“These AI-generated posts are only the beginning. Such articles represent an existential threat to journalism. Our members are professionally harmed by G/O Media’s supposed ‘test’ of AI-generated articles.”
WGA added, “But this fight is not only about members in online media. This is the same fight happening in broadcast newsrooms throughout our union. This is the same fight our film, television, and streaming colleagues are waging against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) in their strike.”
The union, in its statement, said it “demands an immediate end of AI-generated articles on G/O Media sites,” which include The A.V. Club, Deadspin, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, The Onion, Quartz, The Root, and The Takeout.
but wait, there's more:
Just weeks after news broke that tech site CNET was secretly using artificial intelligence to produce articles, the company is doing extensive layoffs that include several longtime employees, according to multiple people with knowledge of the situation. The layoffs total 10 percent of the public masthead.
Greedy corporate sleazeballs using artificial intelligence are replacing humans with cost-free machines to barf out garbage content.
This is what end-stage capitalism looks like: An ouroborus of machines feeding machines in a downward spiral, with no room for humans between the teeth of their hungry gears.
Anyone who cares about human life, let alone wants to be a writer, should be getting out the EMP tools and burning down capitalist infrastructure right now before it's too late.
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skrrts · 2 months
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Heart's Contradiction Series * Choi San (mature!)
✧ afab!reader x choi san ✧ reader is a journalist, san is CEO of a construction company, both in their late 20s ✧ genre: non-idol, soulmates, villains, romance, business drama, angst ✧ word count: 12,6k ✧ warnings: adult language, rude coworkers, insults, threats, injuries, eating/food, mention of the death of a family member, aggressive violent crowd, suggestive moment, mention of corrupt politics, pressure, she/her use for reader by others ✧ inspired by this playlist ; track: neon lights - pim stones
in a world where finding your soulmate is everyone's highest goal, there is more at stake than just finding love. your soulmate is meant to change your life forever, for better or worse. what will you do when, after searching for so long, you come to realize that your soulmate is seen as the villain in somebody else's story, maybe even your own? choi san is the ceo of "mountain rise constructors", the number one in your country. it's no secret that his firm threatened and forced many neighborhoods to sell their homes for the sake of building new cityscapes. you are a journalist dreaming of writing about deep stories and dread being picked for a dull interview with mister choi. the least you expected was for, after all this time of waiting for your soulmate, to find out that it's no other than the infamous "villain of the common citizens". suddenly, you are dealing with not only him but also what it means to be fated to be with somebody all those around you seem to reject.
         everything is strictly fictional! no connection to any real people!
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a/n: welcome to the first of three one-shots to the theme "villain and soulmates". for san, i decided to go with a corruptive CEO genre but it's not too detailed. the focus is on dealing with how the public sees your soulmate and how you decide in the end, if you care more for that or him. i put lots of work into this so, hope you like it 🫶
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Everyone had a soulmate somewhere out there, but not everyone was chosen to find them.
It seemed ironic that a man of wealth and power was denied the promise of love. So many looked at him in envy for having it all, except for that one thing everyone longed for the most. The every day people found it so quickly, yet here he was, slowly approaching his 30s, still missing that one thing.
No money in the world could give him that, not until his one would somehow find their way into his life. It was cruel because fate needed to bring you together. It required a touch, one that only needed to be brief, for the mark of souls to finally appear on top of your hand, showing you the person who would finally complete you.
Every soul was quietly longing for its counterpart, even the soul of a man like Choi San.
Maybe even more so him, a man constantly surrounded by those who hated him, those who only wanted his money and others seeking success.
A brief knock forced his gaze to withdraw from the large window front showing the stunning new city center his company had built over the past two and a half years, a gift to the mayor in favor of Mountain Rise Constructors.
His assistant bowed as she placed a file on his desk.
“Mister Choi, I have completed the selection of magazines and newspapers that would be suited for your interview intentions. They are unrelated to our company and affiliates but likely see great benefit in cooperating with us. I have already prepared a request indicating that you will support free speech and include the thoughts of the citizens. You only need to choose one.”
Recently, voices had been loud about how all the newspaper articles in favor of the company were somehow connected to them, and while San did not necessarily care, he was willing to play along a little.
He flipped through the selection and pulled out one.
For a moment, his gaze lingered on the photo of the interviewer his assistant suggested. She really cared for even the smallest details, including who likely wouldn’t dare to be too nosy.
“Let’s go with this one,” he forced his gaze away.
“Schedule it for tomorrow evening; it should not interfere with my flight to New York.”
San turned around again, looking back out of the window, ignoring how the woman bowed.
“As you wish, I will prepare everything.”
The door closed, and San’s thumb brushed over the spot where his soul mark was still missing.
“What the fuck? She didn’t invite you because you haven’t found your soulmate yet? What a bitch!” Mingi blared out, causing the closer tables to look at yours.
Yunho was quick to tug on his best friend’s jacket. “Shh, don’t be so loud!”
The younger one huffed.
“What about it? Let them look! It’s so rude. We should all support each other in finding our soulmates, not act like we’re better just because we were desperate and touched every hand until it came out positive!”
Jongho furrowed his brows slightly as he sipped on his drink. “I don’t even see why anyone would be disappointed not to get an invitation. As for myself, I am quite delighted I can spend a wonderful weekend all relaxed and by myself.”
You watched in amusement as your friends discussed the situation. It helped not to think too deeply about it. All of you worked for a local newspaper — not the biggest, but it was doing okay.
Your boss's favorite journalist recently found her soulmate and now was throwing a big wedding party, inviting almost everyone except those who had yet to find their soulmates, leaving only you and Jongho.
You were a little envious of how relaxed he was, in no rush, believing that waiting was just part of the journey for him.
“It’s okay, she never liked me, and I think that wouldn’t have been any different even if I’d found mine,” you shrugged casually.
Yunho sighed before smiling: “I’m sure it’s all part of the picture. Just wait, she’ll be so jealous by the time you find the one. No doubt, they will be as great as you.”
Mingi gave the older one a small shove, chuckling. “Always big with the words, Mister 'Found Mine at Age Seventeen.'” Yunho blushed, but all of you ended up laughing.
“Anyway, I have to get back. Thanks for hanging out with me. I’m looking forward to reading your concert feedback.”
You waved them goodbye and headed back to your office together with Jongho, who returned to his own desk. You had barely sat down when your boss looked out of his office, seemingly annoyed, glaring at you.
Why was it that everything about newspaper jobs only picked up the bad clichés from movies but not a single cool one? This was never how you imagined it to go after graduating from journalism school. You wanted to travel, see the world, and report on real stories, not changes in the neighborhood nobody cared about.
He hinted for you to close the door to his office. You didn’t hide your displeasure at being interrupted like that after lunch, especially when you had only had a meeting right before that.
“Minjae will take over the news story about the struggles with the local stray cats. I’ve got something else for you.”
You made a face. After almost begging not to get another one of those stories and being told to remind yourself how every story mattered, now he just wanted to take it away?
“But I’m as good as done! I’ve written the draft, I even prepared the photos!”
Your complaint was ignored, and he threw a file toward you.
“You should thank me! If you do well with this, it might be your way to switch departments!” His voice was more angry than supportive, making you doubtful.
As you opened the file and read over it, you were sure he really must hate you. This was punishment more than anything.
“You can’t be serious! You want me to run an interview with THE Choi San from construction company? First, why the fuck would he want to work with us? And second, did you see what happened to the last journalists who interviewed him? They either lost any respect because they were practically begging on their knees for his attention or were roasted by him so badly that everyone doubted they were cut out for the job!”
You pointed at the paper.
“And tomorrow? This isn’t even twenty-four hours to prepare! It would take days!”
The man was clicking on his computer, typing letters that never formed real words. He was obviously trying to get rid of you.
“Consider it a challenge. If you master this, everyone will respect you, and you’ll be able to pick the stories you want to write about. That’s all. You may go.”
You stared at him, imagining how a hole would open and he’d disappear inside. But when nothing changed, you growled and left, making your way home where you’d have some time to sit down and whine about the cruelty of the world.
Fate was cruel, it made your job horrible and allowed everyone to mock you for not having a soulmate — someone to comfort and support you.
At least you had Sandeoki. The grey cat was the only soulmate you needed; she didn’t make any stupid requests and certainly supported your single existence.
It was the cliché story: the small family business turning into one of the largest and most successful construction companies in the entire world throughout three generations, not only active in one but several countries with ties to the political world.
Choi San’s father was the one who made big changes, and his son successfully adapted to the modern world, understanding the balance required to deal with changing demands. It was one perfect story if one ignored how hundreds of families were forcefully chased away from their generational homes to replace them with modern buildings with rents only the upper class could afford.
It was no surprise how most were far too terrified to write sincere articles about this man, not when he had so much influence that he could make sure you lost your job within a blink and likely shut down an entire magazine in less than a day if he wasn’t pleased with your choice of words.
The article was meant to summarize the reconstruction of the city center, highly praised by architects and the press alike but rejected by everyday citizens. A local park, which had been there for more than fifteen years, had been erased in favor of a massive fountain, food stalls, and modern sitting areas. Your boss wanted to get into this man’s good graces; it would be beneficial for the newspaper to be blessed by Choi San.
How was it that you couldn’t entirely deny that there was at least a hint of fear? You worked too hard to get here and endured too many awful stories to lose all chances of ever becoming the journalist you wanted to be. The feisty ten-year-old who played reporter every day after school was long gone.
You tried to excuse yourself with the reminder that you wanted to tell stories, not interview rich men with too much money, asking for a report on their work to boost their ego.
It seemed a little disrespectful that the interview was located in the VIP section of the airport, which was locked off just for this man. You were told he had to leave for an important business trip right after.
Tch, rich prick.
You refused to dress up, instead wearing a pair of jeans, a casual blouse, and your hair tied up, with a pair of glasses balanced at the end of your nose as you read your notes for a final time. It was your way of rebelling when he decided to act like that.
A woman walked in, dressed in a skirt and blouse, with no doubt that her shoes cost more than your entire outfit.
“Thank you for waiting. Mister Choi is now ready for the interview. You have thirty minutes; there will be no time to extend it as he has a flight to catch. We have reviewed your questions, and they have been accepted. We expect the draft of the interview before publishing by the end of the week.”
You were a little surprised to hear they actually did not reject the spicier ones you included but weren’t sure you would dare to actually ask.
The woman stepped aside, tilting her head: “Mister Choi.”
The moment he walked in, you couldn’t deny the presence and authority he portrayed. It wasn’t just the perfectly tailored suit or the styled-back black hair but also something in his eyes. The coat indicated he was about to travel, but the fact he wore black leather clothes seemed a little strange in the middle of summer.
He offered you a gloved hand. Oh great, did he think you were some bacteria? You squeezed it briefly.
“You must be Y/N. I appreciate you were able to make it here.”
You cleared your throat, trying to ignore that weird smile on his lips. There was nothing wrong with it, but maybe you were too biased now, trying to find him unpleasant.
“Thank you for choosing our newspaper for the article. We appreciate your time,” you kept it casual, staring down at your notes as it seemed he was looking at your face.
“The construction of the new city center has only recently been completed, and there will be a large celebration in its honor in a few weeks. What was your inspiration for going with this design?”
You didn’t care about the answer. He likely had been asked this several times before.
His gaze was glued to you, staring like he was trying to read your thoughts.
No, you would not be one of those reporters who got intimidated by him! Not after less than ten minutes in his presence. To think he could make you feel that way just by staring.
“The face of the city is ever-changing, and all buildings around it have long been replaced by cityscapes. We can pride ourselves on some of the best constructions in the world for a capital. Not only is our design one that will not be unpleasant in ten years, but we also have incorporated natural materials and created around seven hundred new workplaces, which have all been maintained. Now, the center is in harmony with its surroundings.”
Yunho always said, if you felt intimidated, just imagine the other person in a silly outfit.
He was too fucking hot to do that.
He did look a bit like your cat though. The thought made you cough, and he furrowed his brows for a moment.
“Excuse me… The harmony between the new center and the surrounding buildings cannot be denied. However, it came at the cost of the park, a beloved spot for families for almost fifteen years. The new construction only has limited plants, and there is no place for families. How do you deal with that feedback?”
He still smiled.
God, you wanted to poke his cheek to see if he would stop smiling like that! It was what you did when your cat would glare at you for denying her a second dinner.
“Our design was one of many, and the mayor had the final say in the selection. She has done so in the best interest of the city. As with every construction, it is impossible to please everyone, but the truth is also that families have long since moved to more comfortable parts of the city, and we are currently working to build a new park double the size not too far from the old one. The trees, in fact, were all secured and will be relocated.”
He talked too smoothly, everything was aligned. Maybe it was because he knew very well he had already won; people would eventually shut up, and nothing would change.
The rich always won. This was why you never wanted to be a reporter; those stories made no change, only frustration.
“Your company’s growth has been impressive. You recently opened another center in Japan. What would you say is your secret to success?”
Here, butter yourself with compliments, Sannie Cat! He would look cute with cat ears though. Urgh Please!
“I still think of us as a family business. Trust in those we work with—without knowledgeable people and experts, it wouldn’t have been doable.”
As if, the success came with the money!
The next question slipped out before you even thought it through because it was not on the list you had to hand in prior.
“You are one of the most successful men in the world, your career is truly admirable, but you have yet to find the one thing everyone is looking for: your soulmate. Would you say this affects your projects, or does your business benefit from your full attention?”
You raised your brow and felt way too cool just because you could read the surprise on his face.
Surely, nobody ever dared to call him out like that, but to this man’s demise, it was public knowledge that he did not have a soulmate
Mister Choi actually needed a moment before his demeanor was collected again, and for a second, you felt as if he was even amused.
“I admit, this is a unique question I have not considered before. My company is my pride and the center of my life; my attention is fully dedicated to it. But looking at my parents, my friends, their soulmates always added to their lives rather than asking for sacrifices. I am sure that mine won’t be different.”
You scratched your left hand; it kept itching. Maybe it was the stress.
“A little bit of a romantic then, hoping for somebody who will just close their eyes.”
You were digging your own grave here; you were just too proud now to go back or maybe it was too late.
“Maybe somebody bold to challenge me instead, keeping me engaged” he offered.
“The time is up,” the assistant stepped in, and you were about to complain that it had not been thirty minutes, but he rose, and there was nothing you could do.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I admit, I am curious about your report,” while polite, you could sense that slight mock in his voice. You barely had enough to write about what you came for.
He only gave you a slight bow before walking off; you could only stare after him before hissing.
“Prick! Pft, thinking how I dared to think he looks like my precious kitten!”
“I am very sorry, Mister Choi. I did not expect her to be so feisty. I have taken a careful look, and based on my research, she is known for always sticking to the script,” the woman apologized, but San did not care too much.
He relaxed back into the seat of his private jet, pulling off the gloves from his hands.
“It’s alright. I do enjoy a little change now and then. It grows boring if they only try to get my favor. It’s punishment enough that it will barely make enough for an article. Let's leave it there.”
San shrugged out of his cloak and picked up his phone while the pilot was preparing for the flight. He’d have preferred to wear something more comfortable, but there were just too many schedules waiting for him — another sleepless night surrounded by people seeking his support or, more so, his money.
It was tiring, but he could barely act like he wasn’t used to it. Maybe it was how the lines all blurred, how nothing really seemed threatening anymore, nor did he understand why the public complained when he only did his job, hired by those they voted for.
He scratched his hand thoughtfully; it had been itching for the past half hour.
“Is everything alright, Sir?” his assistant asked.
Could she never just give him some peace?
“Yes, it’s nothing,” he replied and looked at his hand.
On the back of his right hand, a symbol appeared: a small moon surrounded by what seemed to be thorns.
For a moment, all San could do was stare at it.
As a boy, he had spent hours holding his mother’s hand, looking at her soul mark, asking why it looked the way it did. She would tell him that it always resembled the personalities of the soulmates, perfectly in sync even if not always clear in sight.
His head shot up, his heart beating loud enough to ring in his ears as he desperately went through every person he had encountered in the past two hours since putting on his gloves.
It was silly because he knew the answer; only a single person had squeezed his hand.
“Stop the flight!” His voice rolled like thunder through the airplane, and he only bothered to grab his phone and coat.
The staff of the jet and his assistant could only stare in confusion as Choi San rushed out.
He had finally found his soulmate.
You weren’t what he had expected, but it wouldn’t matter.
No, San had made that decision a long time ago.
He trusted fate. This person was his fate.
He would take his soulmate as their way, because surely they would do the same for him. Wasn't that why nature creatured this type of bond to begin with?
To find comfort and security, love, in a world that was anything but kind.
There was no way he’d let you go now that you had finally arrived.
“I am waiting for my wink of fate,” you sighed into the phone, Jongho listening calmly as you reported about the interview.
It seemed a little unfair: in movies, now was the time when the life of the protagonist turned around. Suddenly, there would be a real job opportunity, and a wink of fate would reveal the best friend to be the true love of their life, previously overlooked, after some big asshole ruined the day.
However, in those fictional worlds, people chose their lovers, which wasn’t how it went here. Sure, those without soulmates had affairs and desires that needed to be fed, but it was not the same. Nothing could live up to the completeness your soulmate made you feel. At least, that was what everyone said, from your parents to your friends.
“You worry too much. As for the interview, I can write you a decent intro and we’ll just sell it as a documentary story. Don’t stress about it,” Jongho reassured you on the other side of the line.
“You are the best, did I tell you that?” you sighed, thankful for his support, even though you knew you brought this on yourself by being the most unprofessional you had ever been.
You were leaning against your car in front of the airport when a figure started to appear in the distance. You paid attention because, as a journalist, you learned to look out for details that did not fit, and the way this person moved indicated they were looking for something in a great rush.
As you stared, you kept scratching your hand, listening to Jongho, who was telling you something about your boss after you left the office yesterday.
It took you a moment to realize that the figure rushing toward you was none other than Choi San.
“Fuck,” the word slipped out before you thought about it, and Jongho grew silent.
“What happened?” Jongho sounded alarmed.
“The fucking CEO… he’s walking towards me. Shit, I swear he was in a rush and I did not provoke him that much. Ah, I better get going! Talk to you later.”
“If I don’t hear from you by the evening, I’ll call the police,” you heard Jongho say as you threw your bag on the passenger seat and slipped into the driver’s seat.
The moment your door closed, there he was. You could see a mixture of relief and concern on his face when he found you. You stared in disbelief as the fancy-dressed man, whose hair now seemed a little messed up like he had run his hands through it too often, placed himself right in front of your car.
“I need to talk to you. Now.” His voice struggled between a dominant approach, likely from shouting commands to his staff, and attempting to be… soft?
What the hell was this all about?
“Get out of my way,” you said, your hand indicating for him to move, but instead, he leaned forward, getting comfortable on your bonnet like a bartender relaxing against his bar while talking to a customer.
At this point, you realized that he was likely doing his very best to force you out of the car. Now your thoughts were running wild, trying to remember if you ever heard a story of this guy going after interviewers, but no, he was too good for that. He just used other people to wash out the dirt.
You exhaled and finally decided to get your bravery back and got out of the car.
“Mister Choi, if you’re suddenly freaking out about that interview, there is no reason to. While I let my professionalism slip for a moment, I have no intentions to write about your personal life…”
He made it to your side by the time you prepared a speech and found yourself pinned against the car. Suddenly, this guy seemed much taller than he did half an hour ago.
“What are you… doing?”
His breath tickled your skin, and for a moment, he was looking at your face before, more tenderly than you expected, reaching out for your left hand.
“I knew it.”
You swallowed thickly, feeling strange. The way your body suddenly reacted to him was odd, and your eyes lowered a little.
“I don’t… what are you talking about?”
San’s face turned, and he looked at you, turning your hand around.
After all this time, years of forcing yourself not to shake any hand just with the hope of finding your soulmate like that anymore, you stopped to stare at the spot that was meant to carry it.
How did you not notice that a mark appeared?!
The man entwined his fingers with yours and turned them around so you could comfortably see how his matched with yours: a moon surrounded by thorns.
Science had failed to explain soulmates, the marks, or the way how every pair was affected differently by it. It was only certain that they all shared a deep bond of trust, which could be challenging when the people affected were more distrustful in their general nature.
“You… are my soulmate?”
Oh great, you should not have joked about waiting for your protagonist moment. Nobody told you that getting the villain was a possibility.
“Let’s go.”
San simply skipped your reply, and before you knew it, a firm hand held you and pulled you along. You were glad now to be one of those silly people who always carried their phone around their body because otherwise, you’d be gone without anything.
“Hold on, what are you doing? Mister Choi! You cannot just drag me away!”
To your surprise, he stopped and turned around.
“San. There is no reason for us to bother with titles and surnames,” he simply replied.
So this man, one of the richest in the world, just figured out you were his soulmate, and it was just okay… you would have expected somebody like him to be disappointed, maybe judge a little.
You almost would have preferred it because it would have made fighting back easier.
“Mis… San, can we like slow down for a moment? You realized we are soulmates and just ditched that flight that was so important just an hour ago?”
You tried to phrase words that would distract you from the loud heartbeat in your chest.
“Nothing is more important than you now. I have waited patiently for you to finally show. Business meetings can be rescheduled, but I need to first take care of you. I do not see where the issue is. As it is custom in our society, two soulmates naturally belong to one another. We are fated, so there should be no concern for you. We will move on and return home, we can discuss everything else there.”
He was already back on the move when the words slowly sunk in. San really just took the hardcore route of the soulmate system and considered you went from zero to one hundred within less than five minutes too.
“Home? Please, hold on!”
This time, your tug was firmer, and a frustrated growl left his lips as he stopped again and fully turned to you, yet his hand almost felt desperate like you could vanish should he let go.
“I do not understand why you would reject it! Did you not wait for me? Have you not yearned to finally be completed too?”
His words hit you, and for a moment, you just stared.
Of course, you did, you always wanted to get home and have somebody waiting for you, who would kiss you and hold you, love only you just the way you were, and you had forced yourself to act like it was fine, that you could live without it while everyone around you got just that.
But was this how you wanted it to go?
“Of course I waited, all the time! I just… need a moment to let this settle. You just rushed here, yelled at me that this is it, and now you are kidnapping me.”
The word made him frown; he was obviously confused by your reaction, but before he could speak up again, a fancy car appeared.
The door opened, and from the backseat, a very handsome man about the same age stepped out, his long hair tied in a bun with a suit matching it perfectly, though he wore a shirt rather than a button-up.
“Wooyoung,” San sighed, his body relaxed a little, but he was still holding your hand.
“My my, you made quite a fuss. What kind of security guard am I if you just run away like that? Tell me,” he chuckled and looked at you, his dark eyes scanning over your appearance before he smiled.
“Miss Y/N, it is my pleasure to meet you,” he bowed playfully. “I am Jung Wooyoung, head of security for the Choi family. We have waited for you for quite some time, but please relax and know we are already making preparations to find the most suitable arrangements for you.”
Oh great, everyone around you had turned insane now.
“She doesn’t want me!”
You didn’t expect San to sound so pitiful when he looked away, Wooyoung looked in confusion, blinking before chuckling.
“Ah, I see. I’m starting to get an idea of how this went,” he looked from the CEO back to you.
“You might not think it, but San and I grew up together. He can be a little… direct. Please, let me apologize on his behalf. May I make a suggestion? Let me drive the both of you to that restaurant which is quite popular right now. We’ll arrange for some privacy, and you two can talk properly.”
At least one man was mature… you looked up at San, who seemed tense, awaiting your answer.
“Fine, let’s do that. I did not reject him, I merely disagree with being kidnapped.”
"I didn't want to kidnap you, I was taking you to my place. How can a soulmate kidnap his partner?!"
San was about to further counter, but Wooyoung already opened the car, indicating for you to get in.
“I won’t let go of your hand,” San replied, looking away.
You sighed, shaking your head: “Fine then.”
Without hesitation, you pulled him along, and you found yourself sitting inside the most luxurious car you had ever seen.
You swallowed hard as the vehicle moved, leaving your own car and the airport behind, with a hand suddenly clinging desperately to you.
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The drive felt like an eternity. San was staring out of the window without letting go of your hand for even a second. It was as if he hoped to find an answer there, a way of clearing his confusion about why you were so resistant to the bond.
Years ago, when he still hadn't found his soulmate, he made a pact with himself to be accepting of his, no matter who it was. He simply had to believe fate would choose somebody right for him and in return, he’d be acceptable.
No, he held no intentions of asking you to change. San did not want you to dress or act differently. If anything, his words during the interview had been sincere. He liked the idea of his soulmate not just giving in to everything he said but having an opinion of their own.
As playful and cheeky as Wooyoung was, by the time they arrived, everything was perfectly planned and prepared. He’d have to give his best friend a quiet thanks later. While it was true that they came from very different backgrounds, the younger always had been his companion, understanding of San’s nature but never too shy to put him back in place if needed.
San was hesitant to let go of your hand by the time the two of you made it to the table but gave in, taking off his coat as he finally attempted to fix his hair.
He watched you carefully, as it seemed this was the first time you had been taken to such a place. If not for his worry about being rejected by you, he’d have enjoyed how endearing you looked.
“I recommend the truffle-infused chicken breast with wild mushroom risotto. It pairs nicely with a glass of Château Margaux,” he cleared his throat.
You looked at him for a moment before laughing. His cheeks heated up when he saw how you tried to hide it. It was strange; he was seemingly rushing through emotions he had never experienced before like this.
“I've never been to a place like this before. I think the fanciest I ever have been was some American grill Dad took us to after being promoted at his bank job. Only the higher ranks at the newspapers go to places like this.”
San paid close attention to every little detail you were willing to share with him.
“I only understood half of it but yes, it sounds lovely. I’ll take that.”
The waiter interrupted, and San decided to order the same for the two of you. He poured you a glass of water before doing so himself, leading it to his lips. Patience was difficult when it came to everything truly important to him.
You, on the other hand, seemed very different. You were quick and bold but without a rush. San’s gaze met yours; it was hard not to constantly look at you.
“So, how do you imagine this going? I move into your place, quit my job, and become your spouse? I’m not sure if I am made to be the one on the side of one of the world’s most successful businessmen. I know nothing about those things. I always cared more for heart-moving stories than money and such…”
As much as you tried to make it sound like a joke, San was able to read on your face that there was a hint of worry this might be accurate.
“Well, yes. My penthouse, as well as our other properties, are large enough for you to have your own rooms. That way we can comfortably get to know each other while still maintaining some privacy. There will be no rush to get married. I believe once the both of us enter the age of thirty, it will be an excellent timing.”
There was a brief pause as the wine was served and he nodded.
“There is no need for you to know our business. If you desire to learn, I will teach you but I will consider you my adviser either way. However, you are my soulmate, not my slave. I won’t ask you to quit your job or to stop doing things that bring you joy.”
He swallowed the commentary on how the newspapers you worked at were garbage and at least, you should let him help you to find a better one.
San took a sip as you seemed to contemplate everything he just told you.
“Did you really think I would demand you give up your entire life to fulfill the role of my spouse?” he placed the glass on the table.
You were blushing now, trying to find your words. It was really interesting how your personality often seemed so counterproductive to your occupation as a journalist.
“Maybe? I’m not sure… I guess, I just expected that you would tell me I cannot do it anymore, that I had to change everything.”
Ah, he had always been prepared for this kind of scenario as well. He knew what kind of picture was painted of him in the media but San could not entirely deny that parts of it were true, maybe more than his soulmate would like.
“Well, there will be some changes. For one, you will be given a security guard of your own. Wooyoung will choose somebody together with you, that way it is someone you trust and feel comfortable with. Once the public learns of you being my soulmate, it would be too dangerous to be without one. You will become a target for those who wish for me to be gone.”
It was a strange moment to watch your expression slip while the food was served and slowly, it seemed to settle in what it would really mean to be with him. San wished he could just take your hand and promise you that everything would be alright.
“Y/N, nobody will ever harm you. I swear that by all I have achieved and my own life. I was sincere when I said, you are now the most important part of my life and I will see it through that you are safe and happy, no matter the cost.”
His words made you feel safe but also confused. So far, you only dealt with the imagination of what it would be like to become Mrs. Choi, from the sudden wealth to the general public position. But you did not think about the possibility that anyone would try to harm you. Was San’s business really so threatening that people would go to the lengths of trying to kill… you?
For a moment, you recalled something you had stumbled over. Officially, the previous Miss Choi was said to have died of sudden illness but there was a story of how she was killed to get to her husband and shortly after her death, San's father indeed withdrew from the business. You decided this was not the time and place to ask such personal questions.
The food smelled delicious and under other circumstances, this would have been like heaven but the topic was too heavy to find your appetite.
“So let’s say I agree. I move in with you and we choose a guard that maybe could be more low-key. You’d still let me spend time with my friends and go to work every day?”
It was hard to tell if San forced himself to eat just to keep himself busy or if he tried to give you a feeling of normality while you discussed the rest of your life. Everything was so sudden, from believing you would likely never find your soulmate to facing the truth that now you did, your life would drastically change.
Unlike San, you weren’t ready just to act like you had been together for ages.
He was handsome, there was no doubt. It made you wonder what he would look like in the morning, without products in his hair, all sleepy, and just loose clothes clinging to his muscular body.
Ugh, you should not have looked at all those photos last night. It had been easy to ignore it when it was just some interview you prepared for, but to imagine now that the same guy intended to marry and spend the rest of his life with you was a very different story.
Suddenly, you wanted to see him smile. If you thought about it, you didn’t see him smile a single time. There had been an amused chuckle but that had been it. Maybe that was it? You needed to see him just being himself, without the worries and facade of the CEO of a construction empire.
You placed the fork down and stood up, taking a big gulp from the wine before you moved over. He watched you with interest which quickly turned into confusion when suddenly, you dropped down onto his lap.
“What are you doing?” he tilted his head like a curious cat and suddenly, you thought maybe it had been telling that he did remind you of your cat. Pets knew best.
“You know, you look like my cat. You even share a name, well partly anyway.” Your arms curled around his neck and you saw him blink in confusion, cheeks taking a deeper red.
“Like your cat?”
“Mhm, she’s the cutest. Also my soulmate, you will have to share but I feel, you might win her over. You just have to meow at her.”
San was trying to figure out if you were serious, yet his arms had curled around your figure to ensure you would be safe and not fall off him.
You chuckled and gave his cheek a gentle poke: “I am joking but I believe, you will be okay.”
There was a sigh but finally, a small smile. Something softer without that serious expression he carried all the time.
“You really are something, Y/N.”
San was holding still when your hands rested against his cheek, carefully brushing over his warm skin and you allowed yourself to admire him for a moment, giving him the chance to do the same.
There was a quiet longing to kiss, you really wanted to but the door to the room opened again and dessert was brought in.
The two of you looked a little shy, trying to ignore the curious glance of the waiter as you returned to your seat and finished eating. San asked you casual questions: why you decided to work for the newspaper, how it had been your desire in the first place, and where you would like to travel someday.
In return, he gave you small answers, while seemingly, for a man who portrayed such confidence around strangers, did not enjoy talking about himself.
“I will give you two a moment,” Wooyoung winked. “I will see you tomorrow, Miss Y/N. I think I have a good idea of who would be a perfect fit for you. In the morning, we will send a more… toned-down car to get you to work. I know this is a big change but please cooperate with us. I promise, we soon will find a more comfortable solution.”
You bowed: “Thank you, I appreciate your efforts! Oh and, just call me by my name. I’d prefer that.”
The head of security grinned and gave his boss a small glare. San suddenly seemed a little shy as he walked you to your door.
“I will have to deal with my business partners but I should be free the day after tomorrow. Maybe we can go out… somewhere more… to your taste. You have my number, text me any time and call if you wish… I’d like that.”
You nodded again, thinking how it was cute.
“Mh, I will come up with something fun! Get some sleep, yeah? You look tired.”
For a moment, you leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek but when he was so close, looking fondly at you, something inside of you finally gave in.
Instead, your arms curled around his neck once more and this time, it was a real kiss. San was almost tense but slowly, returned it with the same curiosity. A soft gasp left your lips when they parted.
“Goodnight,” you whispered, smiling.
As you unlocked the door and stepped in, he finally gave you another smile.
“Sleep well,” he bowed and turned around. You watched him take down the stairs, looking around before getting inside of the car and after a moment, they were gone.
“I had the wildest day!” you called out but your beloved pet was nowhere to be seen.
“Oh, c’mon! You can’t be pouty, your dinner comes automatically out of this overpriced machine I bought.”
You mumbled and changed into another pair of clothes when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
When you opened it, you made a mental note to remind yourself not to do it so recklessly considering you were about to get a bodyguard, something that still sounded insane.
You blinked, surprised to see Jongho standing there together with two police officers.
Shit, you totally forgot about that.
“You really are the best friend ever,” you mumbled as Jongho frowned and you bowed, apologizing for the misunderstanding.
You explained to Jongho what happened, and as always, he proved not only to be the best friend but also the wisest. It made sense not to go into details about just who your soulmate was towards others, and he even sighed, agreeing that he could see why San was worried about your safety.
At work, there were whispers about how you finally found somebody. Some couldn't mind their own manners, making jokes about how it must be quite a disappointment if you refused to show them a photo, unlike everyone else who just met the person belonging to their soul. Mingi was a little pouty about being refused details as well, but you promised all of them you would explain it soon enough. It felt more difficult to hide it from your parents, who seemed to have given up on their child’s love life.
Wooyoung kept his promise and found somebody that really suited your personality: Seonghwa was considerably new in the business, and he didn’t look like a security guard, but maybe that was why he was perfect. You grew fond of him quickly; he was sweet and funny, taking your worries sincerely and seemingly enjoying his ‘undercover job’ at the newspaper as an editor.
You were surprised when he dropped you off at the zoo, handed you a ticket, and told you to go to the lions. The small wink indicated this was another one of San’s sudden dates. There had been a few in the past two weeks, but most of them were too short. A small dinner here, a trip to the museum after closing hours there. He always was in a rush because of his business, and the two of you started to struggle with the separation. At least, you quite felt so when he hugged you for a moment longer than intended you stared until his car wasn't to be seen anymore.
It was odd just how fast you adapted to him, how much you yearned to be close, but you remained stubborn. For some reason, you read that ten dates make a good number before anything should be serious, and while it wasn’t like you weren’t made for each other, you just wanted to do something like everyone else before you moved into his penthouse and lived the rest of your life under the public’s watchful eyes.
San looked different today, quite so. He wore a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a loose shirt, his hair falling in soft waves around his features. Ever since you told him how you’d like to see it like that, he put effort into keeping it natural around you.
He was pretty as he stood there, waiting for you, looking at the giant cats.
Everything seemed perfect, but there was this glooming feeling in your stomach how it just went too smoothly. Just a few weeks ago, you had a low opinion of this man, and now you were here, like a lovesick puppy, waiting for him to notice you.
Was it the magic of the soulmate bond that changed it? Did you start to see what else there was besides the harsh businessman that still came through when he thought you weren’t there yet, or were you simply prejudiced before you learned who he would be in your life?
San turned around and your gazes met, his lips quickly turning into a smile. He walked over to you and reached for your hands, placing a kiss on them. So old-fashioned, but you liked it.
“I worried you wouldn’t come. You look lovely. The new haircut suits you well.” He was eager to compliment you and you exhaled, smiling.
“Well, that sounds more like a description meant for you. I almost didn’t recognize you,” you winked, and he glared a little, looking away for a moment.
“Well, so far our dates always have been off from the public… I guessed it would be nice to take you out like this, but people would recognize me too quickly. This way, I hope they will not.”
He took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Shall we walk a little? I was not sure what animals you might like.”
You liked how much thought he was putting into it, taking your wishes and preferences into consideration. You squeezed his hand back, smiling.
“I haven’t been here since I was twelve, so maybe we can just walk around without any specific destination?”
San nodded, and the two of you began your walk. If anyone had asked you, the zoo would not have been a place you’d have picked for a date, but it was quite enjoyable. Families, school classes, and other couples went by as you took the time to watch animals you knew and some that seemed to be a more recent addition.
After a while, you got tired and San told you to sit down, leaving you for a moment to get ice cream.
As you sat there and waited, you heard noises not too far away — angry shouts and a small crowd gathering. You were confused; this was not exactly a place where you would expect something like that to happen.
As you walked closer, you realized they had gathered around San, who was picking up his wallet, ice cream crashed on the floor.
“I can’t believe that somebody like him would dare to come to a place like this!” an elderly woman yelled, pointing at him.
“Do you intend to also take this away from our children? Maybe you want to build another one of your damned city towers here?!”
Some agreed, mainly older people; some teenagers were giggling, smartphones up to film it. San seemed awfully calm as he took out his own phone until somebody threw a full plastic bottle. Your soulmate managed to dodge it, but it led to the crack of his phone's display, and finally, you could see something within his cool broke.
“You stand here, whining and yelling. If you want some change, how about you start and do something yourself?” he asked, his voice lacking any emotion.
“How dare you?! My brother worked day and night to afford the little house, put his health and money into making something his children later could have, but then you decided you needed to tear it down to place apartments on top nobody can afford!”
San hissed, a hint of amusement on his lips.
“I did. Yet, all of them accepted money, and the majority received more than this old piece of land was even worth.”
The anger grew louder as they felt provoked by his words: “My sister showed me the letter! When she refused, the living circumstances became unbearable. Electricity kept disappearing, cut off from the phone and even water! We all have seen the reports on that one news channel not scared of you; people confessed they did it because they were paid to! Do you deny it?”
You exhaled because you remembered it. A year ago, it was in the news for some time, just on the smaller channels, shortly after the election, but like all news, it vanished. People were always quick to move on until something reminded them.
“I do not deny it,” San said: "I set the changes in motion you all blame me for and maybe, not all went the way it should have. But how instead of blaming those who barely only do their job, you look at yourself? Each and every building set up, the city council decided over and the city council is the one that hires my company. We design and establish it but we are not the owner. YOU all are the ones who voted for those who gave orders to chase your families away. So before you start so cowardly to act out of envy and hate, you should look at yourself, question what you did when you made your choice of who is on top of the city. It's on you."
It was the moment that your gazes met and he froze. You could see the pain and regret about his admission, but somehow you knew it wasn’t just because he openly admitted it, but because it led to people looking at you.
If it came to tearing others down, humans were quick. San was not wearing his usual gloves today and neither mark was covered.
“I can’t believe it, this monster really has found his soulmate?!” Now people were staring at you and you felt panic rising inside of you, trying to figure out if you should withdraw or move towards him.
“Isn’t that one of those newspaper bitches? She just wrote one of those praising articles about him!”
People drew closer to you, their hate and anger for San shifting to you, but finally, you felt an arm curling around you, harshly pulling you away.
“Why did you come here?! You should have waited on the bench!” San asked coldly as he started to protectively lean over you, trying to get away, but the crowd was following now.
More things flew towards the two of you, but he protected you from each. You remembered his sincere face during that first dinner together: how he told you that he’d never let any harm come to you.
“San… I am sorry!” you whispered, but his gaze was cold and he stared forward. It felt like an eternity when the now familiar collection of men dressed in suits and one with casual clothes rushed towards you.
“San, Y/N! Are you okay?!” Wooyoung was by your side as the other members of security began to take care of the mob.
“Take her and get her out of here,” San shoved you towards Seonghwa.
“Hold on, San!” You could see there was a small bruise on his forehead, but when you tried to reach him, Seonghwa was already pulling you away.
“Let’s get you out,” his voice was soft but his grip on your arm only relaxed when you showed no sign of resistance. All you could do was watch how the people yelled and San vanished behind Wooyoung.
It was one thing to write a silly line for an article calling a man “the villain of the general citizen” and another to experience it.
“Staying with your family tonight will be best,” Seonghwa replied, trying to get you to talk, but all you did was stare out of the window, even when you parked in front of the house you grew up in. Your personal security refused to talk about what just happened, and San was not answering his phone.
“I will check on your cat, and tomorrow, we will sit down together and decide on the next steps,” Seonghwa continued. When you still weren’t moving, his hand reached out to take yours, and you finally turned around.
“It will be alright. Spend some time with your loved ones, and we’ll figure it out slowly.”
You didn’t feel like that, but there wasn’t much else you could do, and you didn’t want to add to the stress Seonghwa likely had because he wasn’t there with you when it happened, putting you both at risk. So you simply nodded.
“Thanks for driving me,” you mumbled, getting out of the car and pulling your bag up a little. It was obvious how the events were hard on you, it was so unlike you not to even wave goodbye to a friend. You didn’t even use the bell, pulling out the key from the secret spot to unlock the door.
In your mind, you longed for a hug from your mom, who would ask you what happened and then just curse people for being stupid, the same way she did when you got rejected from the newspapers of your dreams because they didn’t like your writing style.
The scene that awaited you was very different, though. Your mother was sitting on the couch, her eyes puffy from crying. To your surprise, your grandparents and father were also there. Seonghwa had given them a call to let them know you were coming, but he left out that something had happened, so this was odd.
“What are you all doing here?” you tried to sound casual, a small smile on your lips, but your mother looked at you like she had just been told her child was a criminal.
“Y/N,” your father started, his voice so serious that you froze in the doorway. Then finally, your gaze went to the news channel running on the TV.
It showed a TikTok video of the scenes from the zoo, and you slowly understood what was going on.
“You saw that… Ah, I guess I have to explain a few things,” you began, but were promptly interrupted.
“You have to step in front of the press and announce that it was a moment of shock. Tell them how it shatters your heart to have learned your soulmate is a cruel man and that you will not support him, his company, or his doings.”
Now, you were staring at your father: “What?”
“Your uncle, he was one of those people who had to sell their homes to this company so they could put that ugly tower on top of it!” your grandfather said angrily.
“My love, these people cannot be stopped; their money is endless, but you have been given a voice and power. As a journalist and member of society, if you officially reject him, his own soulmate, his reputation is done. The most precious bond in the world — it will move even those who wish to ignore the truth about how the rich simply do whatever they want with all of us..”
For years, your parents had been supportive when you did not find your soulmate and told you not to worry, but as you grew older, you could see the embarrassment. Eventually, you all simply stopped talking about it.
While you did not expect them to celebrate the one fate chose for you, this certainly wasn’t what you thought you’d find.
“What happened to my uncle is awful, but you cannot seriously ask me to go in front of the press and tell them I reject my soulmate.”
Your mother started to cry again, and the entire scene felt bizarre.
“You are supporting this man’s schemes? What happened to my child who wanted to tell stories of truth?” Your father stared at you.
“You are asking me to simply give up all chances of love and happiness before I even talked to him about any of this.”
“It’s the only thing to do,” he said, and you bit your lip.
“Or what?”
The silence in the room was an answer of its own. You never thought that finding your soulmate would mean that the world decided to hate you just because of something you had no choice over — the world chose him for you. But this moment was a choice you were given.
“As a journalist, here’s some advice: every story has several perspectives. Listen to them before you simply throw everything away based on one."
You said, somehow managing to regain your composure. As you walked out and closed the door, you suddenly wished your only problem was the one where your boss only gave you stories nobody cared for. You were so immature for once thinking how cruel the world was just because of such a silly matter.
You didn’t know where to go other than home. Maybe looking so miserable, and with a hoodie now on your body, people just didn’t recognize you. Still, there was this creeping paranoid feeling. In your mind, everyone on the train around you surely was looking at that doomed video, but maybe it was for the better. Thinking about that meant no time to deal with reality. Losing family and what felt like freedom in a single day was tough.
God, you wanted to crawl inside your bed and cry. When was the last time you felt this way? Never, because you had always been selfishly spoiled. As much as you whined about your job, being on your own for so long, or not getting invitations to weddings you didn’t even want to go to, there had always been people to support and love you.
No doubt, your friends still would. Jongho had already called several times, but you felt it would be unfair to pull him into this until you spoke with San.
What were you meant to say?
The closer you walked to your apartment complex, the more you considered your own words. You told your father how you needed to speak with San about it, but what exactly?
You had known the entire time what man he was. When the reports came out, you did not care. When you were preparing for the interview, you only worried he could ruin your career by being displeased, about how he was an asshole with too much money. But not once did you really think if he was a cruel person because he did the things he did. You simply blindly took up the opinions of others because, in that moment, it felt more beneficial to deal with your dumb complaints.
It was worse because as much as a part of your mind wanted to agree with your parents, it just would not work.
Maybe you had always been a villain, together with all the other people closing their eyes from the truth they knew, but you couldn’t deny that San had been right.
The rich were rich because too often, we gave them our money and we voted for people who made promises we all knew they’d never keep but we were desperate to believe.
When you unlocked the door, you called out for your cat, and this once, she walked by quietly, rubbing her head against yours.
“Mh, my one and only. I am sorry, I have been so absent lately,” you kissed her, but before you knew it, she slipped away, walking to the kitchen.
“It’s not dinner time yet, Sannie.”
“Did you eat anything today yet?”
San’s voice tore you out of your trance and you stared at him. How did he get in here?
He was sitting at the table, looking as he did the first day you met, suit and coat, but he was looking down at the mark on his hand.
“What are you doing here?”
“Seonghwa stayed close to your parents' house. He told me that you left, he followed you quietly. Do not blame him, he acted on my order. He will continue doing so.”
Why was his voice so firm?
You tried to find words but he already continued, placing an envelope on the table.
“You being here, I take it your family was not too pleased with fate. Thus, I have prepared everything further for you.”
“What are you talking about?”
Why wasn’t he even looking at you? As no answers came, you stepped over to the table, taking it, shaking as you opened the envelope.
Inside was a file: a one-way ticket to New York, photos of an apartment that looked lovely, and a job advertisement for a position at a New York newspaper.
“A friend of mine is the publisher, I did not pay him for it. He read some of your articles and they are looking for somebody to write about local events. Your style is something new and refreshing. It starts low but you can work yourself up. The VISA is already completed and I will fully cover all of your expenses. Nobody there will care what happened here. You can move abroad for as long as you wish, it will add beneficially to your portfolio and support your wishes to write about the things you want to in the future. I will pay for this one too, so you can return in a year if you prefer. Of course, your pet is going with you, together with Seonghwa who will keep an eye on you... just in case.”
When he suddenly stood up, you dropped it.
“You are sending me away?”
“It’s the safest for you to move abroad. For the time being, consider it an investment in your future, and by the time you return here, you will be able to comfortably start anew. Nobody will care about a TikTok by then. My lawyers are already working to take down every dirty post about you.”
Suddenly, you were terrified, your mark aching like you were burying it in thorns. Then you understood. Marks changed sometimes. There were thorns around your moon because something heavy surrounded the two of you.
“Where are you in all of this?” your voice was a whisper and he looked down before turning around to head towards the door.
“There have been many people who lost their soulmate in a way. Many of them found love, actually quite a few did, because once they no longer felt like they had to wait, they could fully embrace it. There is no reason why you should live your life in fear, tied down by a cruel soulmate.”
He was pushing you away. You knew it because as well prepared as every step was, San did not manage to look you in the eyes. Was it because he couldn’t hide his pain or because he knew he was breaking your heart?
Why did something you never asked for hurt so much? Why was the thought of being separated harder than the fear for your life? What fucked up mood were the gods in on the day they decided soulmates would be a great idea?
“Is it because of your mother? Are you scared somebody could try and do something?”
San winced, it seemed you were right. As you tried to step closer, he pulled away.
“San, listen!”
He hissed: “If you know, then you will go! It is not like you wanted to be with me to begin with, Y/N. Just go and live your life!”
Oh yes, you easily could see behind that. He was trying to chase you away with pain.
“What about your life, huh? You just continue like that on your own?”
“I’m not going to risk your life. Just go, we both can move beyond this.” His voice was like a clap of thunder but there they were, when you finally grabbed his arm and forced him to face you properly, the tears at the edge of his eyes.
You really were selfish. When you wanted to find your soulmate just because it was how life was supposed to go, mostly longing for it in silly little moments when you were upset, San had waited desperately because he had created himself to be a villain, one who never could be sure if his friends were real or if those he cared for were at risk like his parent.
He waited for the person who would love and take him just the way he was, no matter title or money.
“San,” you said softer, shaking your head. “I am not going anywhere. I don’t give a fuck what you think or say, that’s not how this goes. Our bond will not just disappear because I move across the ocean, nor will we stop longing for each other. Why would I try and find somebody else if I have my soulmate here?”
As you rested your hand against his cheek, brushing away his tears, it seemed as if he was trying to find anything in your features: hatred, rejection, regret. He knew that you were right but he also had sworn to protect you, even if it meant breaking his own heart.
“If you stay with me, now that this has occurred, there’s no way just to go back to your life… And you understand that I am who I am, I did things and I cannot go back … where I am now, the person I became, the kind of life people like I lead…” he finally said.
It was as if he needed one last push, a final confirmation you really understood what it meant.
“Urgh, disgusting being so sappy but yeah. Fate chose my soulmate but I decide to stay with you.”
Lips crushed against yours and you lost balance but San was there to pick you up, holding you in a tight embrace. You gasped, your body shivered.
As you forced your eyes open, you could see a glimpse of possession in his eyes, mixed with love. It made a strange combination but you couldn’t deny how much you enjoyed it.
Somebody who chose you because they wanted to, not only because of a mark. And unlike the world, San never asked you to change, to do something you did not want to. How strange that the so-called “good people” did just that without even giving you a chance to speak.
San picked you up and placed you on top of the table as he started to shrug off his coat, dropping it carelessly on the floor followed by his tie. His lips met yours once more, trailing down your neck.
“Stay,” he whispered in your ear, his soft fingertips brushing over your sides.
“I will,” you promised, baring your neck when you felt San leaving a mark, taking soft skin between his lips, sucking and biting.
Your breaths adjusted, hearts slowly beating in a matching rhythm.
“I love you,” he finally said and you felt your heart swell in an emotion you failed to find a word for, even as a writer.
San moved back, your faces close to one another now as your hands rested against his cheeks.
“I love you too,” you whispered and for the first time, he really, truly smiled.
Just for you.
The kiss he placed on your forehead was most gentle and you sighed in relief.
“Let’s go home,” you finally said because you were ready but San grinned at you.
“Soon, I will take you home and never let you go but first, I will make sure you know just how much I crave and adore you.”
San picked you up onto his arms like you were a feather and slowly headed over to the room he knew was your bedroom.
And while he walked, his gaze never left yours and you comfortably allowed yourself to fall into the excitement, to leave behind the past few hours and maybe even years as the door closed shut behind the two of you.
The end of the first chapter of your life.
It was stupid, reckless, and a little insane, but it seemed that was just how your villain-turned-protagonist life had turned out to be.
He had never loved his home as much as he did the moment you walked in, spending ten minutes talking to your cat, who seemed a little displeased about being dragged out of her territory.
San kept his distance as you walked through his penthouse, seemingly amazed by how it wasn’t what you had expected: the colors were warm, the furniture was a mixture of brown and marine blune, and plants in many corners trying to add warmth that had been missing for so long. Personal belongings were scattered around to show that when the doors closed, as rare as it was, a simple person lived there.
“My rooms are all on this side of the penthouse. If you take the floor down, there used to be a guest room and a second office. I already emptied it for you, so we can bring your furniture here, and you can make yourself at home. The bathroom attached to it has a stunning view.”
He talked, but now you were staring at him. Returning after your first night together, San looked a little messy, his hair no longer fixed, and he had changed into a black long-sleeve. The way your gaze pierced him made him shiver again.
San did not withdraw when you curled your arms around him. If anything, his heartbeat increased, and he did the same.
“I’ll take up the offer for the office, but I think we won’t need a second bedroom. Maybe we can turn it into one for the cat instead.”
You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips before stepping back, taking his hand.
Ah, this was new — you managed to get all those emotions out of him.
San was smiling, pure happiness that you wished to be with him. The bond was no longer rejected, and the decision was made to stand against all odds, even the world if necessary. Yet, right now, he did not want to care about any of this. The world was going nowhere, and he had someone to cherish and love.
As he led you to his bedroom, there was no reason to bother moving pillows or blankets because it was comfort the two of you were seeking after this terrible day. San curled his arms tightly around you, allowing your head to rest against his chest as his hand gently brushed over your arm. The two of you looked at the view outside, the night long having swallowed the last bits of sun.
There were many things you’d need to talk about, but they all could wait.
San finally accepted that his soulmate was nothing like his mother, who had always been soft and reserved. No, you were noisy and stubborn, just like he was. And no matter what happened, you’d manage to get through it together.
San closed his eyes, gently rubbing his face against your hair and placing a few kisses on it.
He’d never let you go again, and as he thought about it, he could feel your embrace tighten around him too, just like you agreed in silence to always be together.
A few months later ...
"I can't believe they sent us all the way to Paris to report about the living conditions of the Olympian athletes," you sighed deeply, but Jongho just flashed you a grin.
"I thought the story with the cardboard beds was quite amusing. I already have a great intro for the draft of our report."
You chuckled: "I'm looking forward to that."
A handsome man appeared, and a few passengers stopped to give him a glance. He looked stunning in just suit pants and matching shoes, paired with a slightly opened button-up shirt, offering just a little cleavage, his hair free to play with the wind and a pair of matching sunglasses.
As he made it to you, his arms curled around your waist and pulled you into a kiss.
"Ewh, this is my call to go," Jongho joked, waving. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't try and steal any jewels."
Your best friend walked off, and you just looked after him.
"That sounds like a fun idea," San teased with a lazy grin, "but I've got some other plans for us."
You tilted your head slightly.
"Is that so? Did you lock down that giant metal tower everyone's into just for us?"
You never really got the whole hype around it, and Paris had been a little disappointing with most parts being locked for the event.
"Mh, something like that. Let's say other visitors will be a little jealous we get a certain place just for us — no annoying heads in the way as we take photos."
"That sounds very interesting, Mister Choi. Quite an evil act, being a VIP tourist."
He stepped back and took your hand, squeezing it gently: "What can I do? I'm a villain by nature."
"One that looks awfully soft right now," you smiled, stealing his sunglasses and placing them on your own nose.
"Love hits even the bad guys really hard."
You both chuckled, it seemed turning sappy also was part of a soulmate's fate.
His thumb brushed gently over your soul mark: it was a full moon now, adorned by stars. Never meant to be alone again, shining together.
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closing note: if you have read until here, thank you so much. i tried to capture the idea of how the public affects the view of a person and the question of what you'd choose if forced to. mc is okay to pick his side, not only because it seemed everyone already judged mc anyway but also because deep down, mc always knew who san was and admitted to not caring until other people demanded it. i apologize if the start was a little too long but i hope it was still somewhat of an enjoyable read 🫶 thoughts and feedback is always appreciated.
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antiquarianfics · 3 months
Making Waves
Bucky gives you a pep talk when life’s beating down on you a little too hard.
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a/n: unedited as always. this is also just a comfort fic. just bucky making you feel better. this can be read romantic or platonic. whatever floats your boat.
warnings: sexist themes, profanity
note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy, repost, or translate my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and/or reblog.
“I thought I might find you out here.”
You sigh as you tilt your head up in acknowledgment of your intrusion, unsure if it’s welcome or not. In fact, you’re not sure how you feel about much at the moment. Your mind is swimming in uncertainties and insecurities that you feel a personal obligation to figure out or overcome. Nevertheless, you don’t protest the welcome/unwelcome (pick one, dammit!) company as it sits down next to you, providing a little warmth against the night’s cold to your right.
Your company had found you sitting alone on the beach, right at the shore, knees pulled to your chest, arms wrapped around your legs and holding them close, fingers anxiously fiddling with a ring on your finger, and staring at the waves as they crashed against the shore over and over again. The sea, you’d found, is calming. The repetitive nature of the ocean crashing against the shore and retreating back into itself feels honest to you. You may lie to yourself, the world may lie to you, but the sea? The sea will always find a way to reveal to you a hidden treasure you never knew you were looking for.
“That predictable?” You finally ask, responding to your newfound company.
You turn your head and make eye contact with your friend who’d come searching for you. You’re met with concerned eyes the color you’re certain the sea would be if it weren’t dark—the only light coming from the moon reflecting upon the water.
Your friend gives you a look, raising an eyebrow and pursing his lips. He’d found out the beach had become your favorite spot to run off to early on in your friendship, but he also knew you only ran for the beach when something was troubling you.
“You seemed upset,” is all he says.
“Bucky, I…” You trail off, not really sure what you meant to even say to him. What do you even want to say to him? That you’re upset by some media rumors about you? That you got your feelings hurt because a stupid clickbait article claims you’re dating a man you hate? That you feel like a failure as an Avenger, or a hero, or whatever the fuck you’re supposed to be anymore if all your worth to the public is tied up in who they think you have in your bed? You don’t finish your thought and return your gaze to the ocean.
Bucky is silent for a long while, just sitting and watching the waves with you. He is absolutely no stranger to needing to sit and sift through feelings, and he is also no stranger to unwanted media attention messing with his sanity. So, he lets you sit for a minute, but he also knows the longer that anger and frustration cook up inside you, the worse off you’ll be. You taught him that.
“Doll, you’ve gotta talk about it or it’s gonna eat you alive. You know that,” Bucky says softly. Empathetically.
“Bucky,” you whine, tired and still unwilling to talk.
“Okay, don’t talk. I will,” he says, swallowing nervously. He’s obviously out of his comfort zone, and you can’t help but look at him.
You let your eyes rest on your friend once more, and you take in his worried demeanor. His stormy blue eyes are set on the ocean, watching the waves as he gathers his thoughts. You realize, then, that he isn’t comfortable with what he’s doing—he’d much rather be listening to you talk. He’d much rather offer a small piece of advice after you talk, or maybe give you a hug and hope that fixes you. But he cares about you, and he’s trying to do the same thing you’ve done for him countless times: voice your observations about what might be upsetting your friend so that the problem is out and a solution can be found.
“You’re upset,” Bucky starts hesitantly, “because of a gossip piece that’s circulating the internet right now.”
You don’t argue with him, and Bucky takes that as confirmation.
“The gossip piece claims that you’re dating John Walker and dubs you the new “it” couple even though you hate the guy and punched him the face the last time you saw him.”
You laugh humorlessly.
“Then, that video clip from Walker’s interview started circulations where he all but confirms the rumors.”
You clench your fist in annoyance.
“That about right?”
“Yeah, that’s about it,” you say.
“I’d be angry, too,” he says.
“It’s just…” You trail off, closing your eyes tight trying to fight off tears. “It’s just that it doesn’t matter to them that I was an Avenger! It doesn’t matter that I helped defeat Loki, or Ultron, or Thanos. I’ve done so much for this city, and they don’t care. Not because they don’t care that New York was saved by the Avengers, but because the boy heroes are just better. I’m turned into an unwilling superhero eye candy, and, despite all my accomplishments, they can’t bring up my name without attaching it to a man’s. One of the articles doesn’t even mention my name! The article is really just titled ‘Mrs. Captain America?’ Like, really? I want to hit something.”
Bucky frowns, nodding as you rant and waiting patiently for you to finish. When you do, you’re breathing heavily, obviously worked up.
“You’re more than just ‘unwilling superhero eye candy,’” Bucky says, nose scrunching in disgust as he repeats your words. You can’t help it, but you laugh. The words sound so silly coming from his mouth. He smiles.
“You’re right. It’s really messed up that the public isn’t acknowledging all you’ve actually done to protect them, but you know that you’re more than that. That’s what matters. Because as long as you remember who you are, what you stand for, and what you do, then that person and her accomplishments are going to be noticed by the people who need to notice them. Do you know how many little girls probably saw you and Natasha fighting in all those fights and realized they could do that, too? When I was growing up, my sister didn’t have anyone like you to look up to. I wish she had.”
Bucky reaches up and wipes away the tears that are silently streaming down your cheeks. You reach up and haphazardly wipe away what he missed with the back of your hand. You hadn’t realized you were crying.
“Thank you, Buck,” you say. “I needed that.”
“I mean it, Doll.” He leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead.
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transgenderer · 6 months
good article on cat colony behavior. highlights under the cut
Cats recognize colony members vs. non-colony members. Aggression is exhibited by most or all colony members toward unfamiliar cats that are not members of the colony. Thus, as is typical with most social species, non-group members are not allowed to casually approach and enter the group. If non-colony members are persistent in attempts to join the colony, they may eventually be integrated into the group, but only by a gradual process that involves many interactions (Macdonald et al., 1987; Wolfe, 2001). Within the group, a number of affiliative behaviors are exhibited, particularly between cats that are preferred associates. Preferred associates are cats that can be found close together (e.g. less than 1 m) more frequently than they are found with other members of the colony. Preferred associates can be found together in a variety of contexts and locations: they do not simply go to preferred resources at the same time of day, but come together because of the social bond that exists between them (Wolfe, 2001).
In addition to the active social behaviors described above, cats engage in the affiliative social interaction of simply lying together in physical contact. One cat may use another as a ‘pillow’, with the ‘pillow’ readily allowing the position (Fig. 6). This behavior occurs even in conditions of extreme heat, indicating that it occurs as a consequence of social bonding, rather than for thermoregulation.
Affiliative and contact behavior between females and males is not exclusive to the breeding situation. Intact and neutered females and males may be preferred associates, engaging in a variety of affiliative behaviors (Wolfe, 2001). When a female and male are familiar with each other, mating may involve substantial courtship behavior, including allogrooming between the queen and the tom, lying side by side, and rubbing of each other occurring between copulations (Fig. 8). Mating is polygamous. Females mate with multiple males and males mate with multiple females. Yamane et al. (1996) found that, while the largest males had the greatest mating success overall, males that were members of a colony had the greatest mating success within that colony, even if they were small. Thus, social attachments between males and females affect mating success of males.
The critical role of the queen in teaching her kittens hunting techniques has long been recognized. Among free-living cats, the mother starts bringing her kittens prey when they are about 4 weeks of age (Baerends-van Roon and Baerends, 1979). At first she brings them dead prey, and later they are brought live prey. The mother will release the live prey at the nest, providing the kittens with an opportunity to develop their hunting and killing techniques. In the early stages of this learning opportunity, the queen will often demonstrate hunting techniques to the kittens. Both kittens and adult cats are excellent observational learners. They can learn arbitrary tasks that are not species typical behaviors simply by observing another cat engaging in the behavior (e.g. Chesler, 1969). This ability has likely been selected for because rapid learning of critical hunting skills is essential to survival. While the cat is socially gregarious, hunting is conducted in a solitary fashion as a consequence of the typical prey of the cat. The majority of the hunted diet of free-living cats is small rodents, and it requires several small rodents a day to sustain a single cat. Sharing the kill, such as happens with species that hunt large game, is impractical.
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yawnderu · 5 months
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Name: Jiang Zhi (蒋 智) Alias(es): K-9 Rank: Combat Medical Technician Age: 32 (as of 2024) Sexuality: Heterosexual  Native Language(s): Cantonese Other spoken language(s): English Nationality: British Eye color: Dark brown  Hair color: Black Height: 1.73CM Weight: 65KG Body Type: Lean Blood Type: O Marks: Small beauty mark beneath her left eye, a tattoo with the quote ‘’In Arduis Fidelis’’ on her left arm that runs above her elbow, a bullet wound scar on the right side of her body, above the iliac crest.
British Army 
Royal Army Medical Corps 
Task Force 141
Welcomed to the world in 1991 by Chunhua Jiang and Junjie Zhao, Jiang grew up with nothing but pure admiration and respect for her parents, a couple consisting of an anesthesiologist and a medical translator. Despite her parents never engraving their professions into her head, Jiang displayed a keen interest in life sciences from a young age, oftentimes stealing their medical articles and documents to read in her free time. 
Wanting better life opportunities for a freshly graduated Jiang Zhi, Chunhua and Junjie made the decision to move around the United Kingdom in early 2008 before eventually settling in Hereford, England. In awe of living fairly close to one of the SAS bases and armed with a newfound interest in the Army, a then 17-year-old Jiang spent months preparing for the selection process, passing with flying colors and officially becoming part of the British Army in 2009.
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From fieldcraft to how to handle a rifle, Jiang took on the challenge, eventually using her background in medicine to start her training as a Combat Medical Technician for 22 weeks, traveling around the world with a lot more maturity and interest in saving lives, aware of how crucial timing is.  
While faced with countless injuries during her service, Jiang showed utmost determination to recover and keep serving, never being one to stay still for extended periods of time, not when the sense of responsibility over her mates has been weighing her down ever since she joined the Army. 
Once the policy changes that allowed women to become members of the SAS were announced in 2018, an eager Jiang all but begged her superiors to put in a good word for her, eventually being contacted by a recruiter after anxiously applying. Despite her 9 years of experience in the Army and plenty of determination, Jiang found herself challenged by a system set up to only allow the best of the best to pass, close to giving up mid-way, she found strength to move forward in the name of the fallen soldiers she had an oath to protect. 
Despite the extensive and exhausting selection process, Jiang made history as one of the three women who have completed the six-month course, celebrated in 2019 by her parents and the extensive group of soldiers she managed to befriend during her time serving. Interrupted by a ringing phone, Jiang heard of the name John Price for the first time, called for what would be her first mission with the SAS after a number of multiple terrorist attacks in Central London.
Working along Kyle ‘’Gaz’’ Garrick and John Price, Jiang proved herself to the war-hardened Captain by providing cover and patching up injured hostages and soldiers, eventually being hand-picked by Price himself a month later, once Task Force 141 formed. 
“Y’can’t heal others if you’re falling apart yourself.” Within the 141, Jiang found someone who could always tell how hard she was on herself, how much harder she worked to ensure no one would ever die at her hands again, oftentimes only being able to sleep after working her fingers to the bone.
Her relationship with Simon was surprising to even herself, oftentimes finding the quiet man in her office doing his own paperwork or offering to get her a cuppa whenever she seemed stressed, despite knowing her preference for coffee. 
Despite how witty she can be, her relationship with the 141 was based on mutual trust and shared understanding despite it all, knowing that every single member is needed to keep each other alive and make things work. 
In late November, Jiang’s skills and knowledge were put to test as a gravely injured John ‘’Soap’’ MacTavish was brought to her, panic quickly setting in the moment she saw the bullet wound leaking out blood from his head like a broken faucet, quickly rushing into surgery and defying the odds against them, managing to save his life as the base of his brain and spinal cord being completely untouched by Makarov’s bullet, allowing him to be part of the 10% of people who have survived a headshot after a 12-hour-long surgery. Jiang’s body collapsed the moment Johnny was stabilized, a build-up of stress and disappearing adrenaline quickly catching up to her, only being held up by Simon, who was present during surgery and helping her with minor medical assistance for his injured mate.
Her first sexual encounter with Simon happens the day after, an extremely stressed and tired Jiang asking him to lay with her when he comes to check up on her, his resolve tested the moment he accepts her offer and feels her cuddle up to him, acting like a painfully fitting piece against his body. Clothes were discarded not even minutes later, hungry lips meeting as their hands desperately grasped for anything they could touch, quickly escalating into Jiang sitting on Simon’s face while he masturbated, the first sexual contact in years for both of them, yet a memorable one at that. 
Lines were blurred after the events of that day, eventually starting a not so secret relationship with the Lieutenant.
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Clothing style: Long pencil skirts, turtlenecks, sweatpants, Simon’s shirts. Favourite song: Bauhaus - Passion of Lovers  Favourite book: The Woman in Black - Susan Hill Favourite smell: Latex Favourite drink: Black coffee
Jiang renounced her Chinese citizenship at 22 years old, as the Chinese government does not allow dual citizenship. 
The tattoo ‘’In Arduis Fidelis’’ translates to ‘’Faithful in Adversity’’ and it comes from the motto of the Royal Army Medical Corps, remaining as a permanent placeholder of a Medic armband, and being a representation of her commitment to being a Medic.
Jiang never had an interest in dating, only briefly accepting someone’s proposal in high school to see what it was like— and quickly realizing it wasn’t for her. Due to this and her close relationship with her best friend, her parents thought she was a lesbian until she brought Simon home.
Jiang smokes a lot, easily running through a pack of Marlboro Gold within a day and a half. 
She’s surprisingly good at picking up accents, usually heard speaking in a painfully thick Birmingham accent, much to the dismay of the entire 141.
She has a pet octopus named 親愛的 (chān oi dik), meaning ''darling'' in Cantonese.
Despite not being extremely religious, Jiang and her family are Catholics.
She’s usually seen with a pair of black half frame reading glasses.
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serpenttailedangel · 1 year
I'm back in "reading scholarly articles by people advocating for major policy and education program change" mode and, subsequently, back in "disgusted by the amount of mask-off shit people just straight up say that you get called a conspiracy theorist for repeating to people who don't read this garbage even though these fuckers publish their insanity" mode. Presumably, these people expect that no one outside of their circles reads their stuff, so they can put it in ink. Although I guess it also helps that they use a lot of deceptive language and contradictions to try and snag people who aren't thinking too hard about what they read.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has a book available for free digital download in which they argue for some pretty insane shit (claiming to support academic freedom while also mentioning they want certain research subjects suppressed, wanting more politicized disciplines to have equal input to things like chemistry and biology in medical research, and new ranking for schools based on how well they comply with this guideline rather than the quality of their research or how good they are at teaching.) I tried telling someone about it IRL and they told me that whoever I heard about it from must have been lying. When I told them I was specifically citing UNESCO's official publication on their website, this person concluded that the only logical explanation was that the UN was hacked and someone wrote and posted a 100 page hoax paper for nebulous false flag reasons, and the UN has been unable to take the fake paper down and unwilling to release a statement saying it's fake for a year now.
But. like, in defense of the people who haven't read this stuff and also don't believe it when you talk about it, I've checked four different times to make sure that the author of Drag Pedagogy is an actual person affiliated with Drag Queen Story Hour events and not some intern Ted Cruz paid to write a false flag article. Sometimes shit gets so mask-off that I struggle to believe my own eyes.
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Calgary’s city hall was the site for a pair of rallies from citizens supporting the Israeli and Palestinian sides of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Monday.
The rallies come on the same day Israel increased airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and sealed it off from food, fuel and other supplies Monday in retaliation for a bloody incursion by Hamas militants, as the war’s death toll rose to nearly 1,600 on both sides. Hamas also escalated, pledging to kill captured Israelis if attacks targeted civilians without warnings.
At noon, dozens of Israel supporters draped in the white and blue flags of that country gathered in the municipal plaza to place photos, light candles and listen to speakers.
Two hours later, the red, white, black and green flags of Palestine lined Macleod Trail in front of city hall, amid chants of “Free Palestine.”
One person who police believe was not affiliated to either group was taken into custody Monday afternoon after apparently trying to goad the pro-Palestine supporters, calling them “scum.” Police continue investigating the incident and have not announced any charges. [...]
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Note from the poster @el-shab-hussein: As with prior articles, this article seems to obfuscate the number of protestors. It doesn't want to state the number of pro-Palestine protests, but makes it clear that dozens of zionists showed up to show their support for the occupation. Also the article later on tries to paint the victims of a Hamas operation in a zionist settlement supposedly called "Be'eri". It is important to note that this kibbutz, was formed as part of the ethnic cleansing initiatives that were ramping up in the 1940's against Palestinians under the British Mandate. Here's a list of all the Palestinian villages that were ethnically cleansed in 1947-1949. Be'eri wouldn't exist without the bloodshed of my people.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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acocktailmoment · 2 months
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Sgroppino !
100g Remeo Lemon Sorbet 
25ml chilled vodka (1 shot)
25ml chilled prosecco (1 shot)
1. Get a small 150ml coupe or martini glass and a small wide-ish jug. Scoop the lemon sorbet into the jug.
2. Pour over the vodka, followed by the prosecco. Mix swiftly but gently with a couple of forks, pulling the sorbet apart and into the liquid rather than beating the ingredients together.
3. When you have a lump-free cohesive mixture resembling a cloud of frosty froth, pour into the prepared glass.
4. Raise to your lips and prepare to be transported!
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
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jstor · 11 months
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