#fred and george gif
imaginestuffs · 1 year
"You, Of Course"- Fred Weasley x Reader
word count:10,705
warnings: very slight angst, some fluff, maybe a little ooc Fred.
summary: Fred asks Angelina to the ball, and so you decide to say yes to the one person you know you shouldn't have said yes to.
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(gif not mine!)
You never knew that morning when you woke up that you would be asked to the Yule ball. You had no idea it would be a Ravenclaw to ask you either. Waking up that day you just expected another 24 hours of waiting helplessly to be asked by the one person you so desperately wanted to be asked by. His name was Fred Weasley, and he was one of your best friends, if not your best friend. You had met him and his brother George on the train at the beginning of your first year. Now here you were after having ever-so-clumsily fallen in love with Fred, hoping that maybe he’d fallen in love with you too. Perhaps he’d ask you to be his date to the Yule ball, and things would fall into place just as perfectly as you had imagined time and time again. 
Now back to the Ravenclaw boy, his name was Alexander Gray. He was in the same year as you and just so happened to be a pretentious asshole.
You walked into the Great Hall that morning with no other intention than to eat breakfast and head on to your Herbology lesson. Not having slept well the night before you were not looking forward to the day. Though, you knew that the boys would likely try to keep you for as long as they could without making you too late for class. 
You took your spot next to Fred and sighed heavily while gathering all of the things you needed for your usual breakfast. Fred and George had noticed you sit down and waited for your usual good morning, but it never came. 
“Well, good morning to you too darling. Why so chipper?” Fred questioned teasingly. You turned to look at him and gave your best smile. “You, of course,” you teased back and he grinned broadly. “I thought so, I mean I am your only reason to smile,” he said and you nodded meekly. If only he knew how right he was. He was the reason you smiled so much, if it wasn’t for him you’d probably be the most miserable person ever. He noticed just how feeble you were being and a look of worry replaced his bright grin. 
Before he could speak up, his brother did. “(y/n), are you alright? You don’t seem like your usual self, did something happen?” George asked. You quickly shook your head, “No, no everything is just fine, just didn’t sleep very well last night,” you tried to reassure them. They both looked at you with uncertainty. “Are you sure?” Fred asked and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Of course,” you nodded as firmly as you could with the best smile you could muster. Fred being the reason you didn’t sleep was something you decided to keep to yourself. You could tell that Fred didn’t believe you and neither did George but they left it for the time being. 
You went through breakfast quickly and said your goodbyes. 
“I’ll see you guys later ok, don’t miss me too much,” you smiled before giving George a kiss on the head as per usual, not doing the same with Fred. (you see he had stopped his usual affections a few weeks ago and you just thought he had gotten sick of you so you stopped) Turning to leave you felt someone grab your wrist softly, and you turned back around. “Hey, (y/n), have you got a date to the ball yet?” Fred asked, and your heart skipped a beat. Was this it? Was he finally going to ask you? 
“No, actually I don’t, why?” you asked softly. At that moment your hopes were so high. 
“Just thought I’d ask, and let you know that I’m going with Angelina, so when you get a date maybe we can all go together,” he said and immediately your heart fell. You could feel your smile falter for a few seconds before coming back up. You had to hide your feelings, you felt the need to bury them as far as you could. You took your hand from his grip and nodded your head. “Ok,” you spoke before walking away from the table. 
If you had looked back you would’ve seen the concern and confusion cloud his eyes as you walked away from him.  “What did you do?” George asked as all of your friends watched you walk away. “I’m not sure,” he said with confusion written across his face. “I’ve never seen her walk away like that,” Ginny spoke up. “Should I go after her?” Fred questioned and Hermione stepped in this time. “No, I think we should give her some space, she doesn’t seem like she wants anyone around right now,” 
“Yeah I guess you’re right, we’ll see her in Potions, I’m sure she’ll be ok Freddie,” George spoke to him and clapped a hand on his shoulder. Fred ignored that his brother called him Freddie despite you being the only one to call him that. He just glanced back over his shoulder and you were gone. 
Tears blurred your vision as you tried to quicken your pace. Your heart broke, of course, he would ask Angelina, she was perfect, her skin, her hair, her personality, everything. She was everything that you weren’t and so much more. Well, at least that’s what you thought. 
Despite the state you were in you could feel someone watching you. So immediately you wiped your eyes and looked up from where you were watching your feet. You caught the gaze of Alexander as he watched you walk by with a grin. Before you could get past him he stepped up next to you, “Good morning (y/n), would it be alright if I walked you to class?” he asked.  Nodding you gave him a  wary smile. “Sure,” you said warily and pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“You know, I know the ball is coming up soon, do you have anyone you’re going with?” He asked you. Your heart sunk even lower. “No, I don’t have anyone, no one’s asked me,” you sounded the slightest bit hurt and he could tell but obviously didn’t care. “Well, I wanted to know if you’d like to go with me?” he asked and your eyes widened. “What?” you asked softly as you looked at him. “Would you like to be my date to the Yule ball?” he asked once again. Your eyes fluttered as you looked at him in a fluster. “I um- Yeah, I’ll go with you, Alexander,” you smiled at him and he gently lifted your hand to place a kiss on the back of it just as you stopped next to your class. 
“I hope to see you again soon pretty girl,” he smiled at you before opening the door for you to enter the classroom.  You blushed softly and thanked him before walking to your seat and watching the door close. 
Having a class with Angelina and being her partner after what happened was a bit awkward but you knew you couldn’t let it show. You had always loved her, and she was one of your good friends, but at the moment you just couldn’t bring yourself to smile so genuinely at her. Did you blame her? No, absolutely not. You would’ve said yes too. It didn’t stop your heart from hurting though. 
“Hey, (y/n/n), are you ok?” she asked as you walked out of class that day. Sending her a smile you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m alright, just a bit tired that’s all,”  you told her the same excuse you had used that morning.  “You sure?” she questioned and placed a hand on your arm to get you to look at her. “I’m sure, I just had a long night. I’ll see you later ok?” you said and gave her arm a squeeze before waving at her as you walked away. 
On the walk to your Potions class, you tried to calm yourself as best you could. You knew you were going to be sitting next to Fred, and so you needed to collect yourself. Taking slow steps in order to drag out your journey, you tried to take deep breaths. Before you could get there you noticed someone fall into step with you. Knowing those shoes anywhere you felt your heart stop for a moment. Of course, he had to find you before class started. 
“Hello love, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” he asked and nudged your shoulder. Trying to get a positive reaction from you. “ Not too long,” you said and kept your eyes straight ahead, not wanting to face Fred right now. “But you missed me right?” he questioned again and you huffed out a laugh. “Sure did,” you said. “I missed you too, you know,” he told you and you couldn’t help but want to roll your eyes. “Did you really?” you asked and took a quick glance at him. “Of course, I did. The fact that you thought I wouldn’t, wounds me (y/n),” he said and placed a hand over his heart in mock offense. 
When you didn’t respond his shoulders fell. “What’s wrong (y/n)? Have I done something?” he stopped you from walking and made you face him. You looked away from him again, “No, you haven’t done anything, Fred,” you told him. “Has someone else done something?” he questioned a little louder this time. “No one has done anything, I’m just tired that’s all ok. Let’s get to class before we get detention please,” you said, and for the second time that day, you walked away from him.  He sighed and watched you get further from him. 
You didn’t want to feel the way you did, but you couldn’t help it. “C’mon Fred, we’ll be late,” you called back to him and heard his steps get closer. You could tell he was upset, “Sorry Freddie just not a very good day,” you said softly before squeezing his arm reassuringly. “S’ok just want to make sure you’re ok, I mean you’re my best friend,” he said and you sighed before nodding your head. “Right, you too Freddie,” you said as you opened the classroom door. He held it for you as you stepped inside and made your way to your shared desk. 
You hardly noticed that George was already there, and almost everyone else was too. Luckily you had gotten there before the bell rang, so no points were taken off. 
The class ended and you sighed heavily lucky enough to have gotten out with no new essays. You walked out of the class flanked by your favorite twins.  “I didn’t fall asleep this time,” George says almost astounded with himself. You chuckled, “I’m proud of you Georgie,” you said and looped your arm through his. You had your next class with him, but Fred’s fortunately for you was Herbology which you had already had that day. 
“We’ll meet you in the Great Hall for lunch Fred, have fun in Herbology,” George spoke to his brother as he reluctantly walked in the opposite direction. Looking back and wondering why you could act so casual and affectionate with his brother but not him. He didn’t know what was happening but he had to figure it out soon or he would go crazy. 
You leaned your head against George’s shoulder as you walked, and he looked down at you. “What happened this morning?” he asked and you sighed. “What did he say?” he asked again. “He told me that he was going to the ball with Angelina and that when I find a date we should all go together,” you let out a breath. He let go of your arm and wrapped his around your shoulders. “I’m sorry (y/n),” He said and tugged you closer to him. You knew that he knew you had feelings for Fred. “I would ask you but I’m going with Alicia…” he trailed off, he really did feel bad. “You don’t have to be sorry, someone’s already asked me. I said I’d go…” you told him and felt your shoulders sag just a bit. His eyes widened as he looked down at you. “Who asked you then?” he questioned in excited curiosity. 
“Alexander Gray,” you answered him softly. He huffed out a laugh, “You have to be joking, you know how he is (y/n). I can’t believe you said yes to him,” he said in disbelief. It was common knowledge that Alexander was quite fond of leading girls on for a few months and then breaking their hearts. You just said yes because he was the first person to ask, and it was only true that you wanted to go to the ball. You wanted that experience, you wanted that experience with Fred, but that wasn’t an option anymore so you set your expectations a little lower. Meaning you said yes to a jerk in the middle of being in a vulnerable state. 
“We all know no one else would ask me George, and I want to go to the ball and not alone. I want someone to dance with, and even just for a while enjoy the night despite it not being with who I wanted,” you told him. It was his turn to sigh. 
“I know for a fact that there are so many people here who would’ve loved to go with you. You just don’t value yourself enough. You’re worth a lot more than you think,” he told you and squeezed you tightly in a side hug. 
“Thanks, Georgie,” you said and leaned into him. 
The class had flown by and soon enough you were seated in the Great Hall for lunch. 
Sitting next to Fred and George as usual, you stayed pretty quiet throughout the meal. You worked on some homework so you wouldn’t have to that night. 
“Well, (y/n) here has got herself a date for the ball haven’t you?” George asked as he looked over at you. Your eyes were wide and you swore you blacked out for a second. Fred looked at you with furrowed brows. “I thought you said you weren’t going with anyone this morning?” he asked. You shook your head lightly. “I-um- yeah actually someone asked me on the way to class this morning,” you replied. “Who was it?” Fred asked, he almost seemed a bit upset. “Um- it was- it was Alexander Gray. He walked me to class and asked me if I’d go with him so I said yes,” you told him and the whole table just stopped to look at you for a second. “This has to be a joke. You said yes, to Alexander Gray. why? Do you hate yourself or something, or are you just an idiot?” Fred questioned incredulously. You looked at him with hurt eyes. 
He knew he had messed up when he saw the look you gave him. You got up from your spot and walked out of the Great Hall, your back turned to him for the third time that day.
“You idiot! What was that all about?” George hit his brother. “I didn’t mean to say that. It just came out,” he said hopelessly.“You complete moron,” Hermione slammed her book shut.  “Did you see how hurt she was?” Ginny asked. “Why would she say yes to him?” Fred asked everyone. “Did it not occur to you that maybe she just wanted someone to go with? I mean after what you said this morning I would say yes to someone who asked me right after as well. She didn’t want us to think that she’d have to go alone, it’s rather obvious,” Hermione stepped in again. “That doesn’t mean she has to say yes to him,” Fred spat out. 
“You are absolutely insufferable,” she said and got up from her spot as well to go after you. Ginny joined her. 
“You know, you should be the one going after her,” George told him and shook his head. “I don’t think she wants me around much today,” Fred said. “You really don’t realize that you’ve hurt her feelings at least twice now?” George spoke up. “What do you mean twice? What did I do in the first place?” Fred questioned in frustration. “I can’t tell you that, but you sure as hell know what you did the second time around,” George said not willing to out your secret. “What do you mean you can’t tell me?” he sounded even more frustrated. “You’ll figure it out eventually,” George said and went back to his food. 
You walked away from him once more, and you never thought he would say something like that to you. He knew you better than anyone else and he had to have known that it was gonna hurt you. You had no clue why he would be this upset about it. Sure Alexander is a crappy person but you never thought he would insult you for it. 
Tears leaked from your eyes as you continued your walk to the black lake. You hadn’t expected anyone to follow you and so you were surprised when Hermione and Ginny showed up beside you. You quickly tried to dry your tears, but it was too late they had already seen them. 
“(y/n), are you ok?” Ginny asked. “Of course, she’s not ok your brother was a complete git,” Hermione spoke up. “No, no he wasn’t. I guess he was right, I am kind of an idiot aren’t I? I mean I said yes to the first boy who asked me because I couldn’t stand the fact that Fred was going with Angelina,” you let the words tumble from your mouth. They both looked at you with sympathy as you sat down in front of the lake. “I mean maybe I do hate myself, I never would have said yes if I didn’t think so lowly of myself that he was all I’d ever be asked by,” you spoke up again as you let your eyes wander to the water. “Don’t say that about yourself, we all know how much you’re worth. So does Fred despite what he said he knows how many people would kill to ask you to the ball,” Ginny said. 
“It sure as hell doesn’t seem like I’m worth that much to him at all. I shouldn’t even care, but I do, I do care so much and it drives me crazy. He drives me crazy, in the best and worst ways and I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s clear he doesn’t want me, so it’s best if I just get over it, and just try not to think of him anymore,” you finished your rant and took a deep breath in and out. “You’ll be ok, you know? He’ll come to his senses and see just what he’s lost. Why don’t we return to the castle and get you cleaned up before afternoon classes?” Hermione said and brushed your hair behind your shoulder. You looked over at her and gave a weak smile. “Ok,” you said and you all three got up to head back to the castle. 
It was almost funny to you that everyone seemed to know about your love for the ginger, everyone except for him. 
The end of the day came quicker than you thought it would and soon enough you were situated by the fire in the common room. Hermione and Ginny were sitting around you and then came the rest of your friends. You noticed Fred coming your way and instantly began to internally panic. Hermione could feel you tense up and placed a comforting hand on your knee. “You’re ok,” she whispered for only you to hear. You slowly nodded your head and let out a sigh. 
“(y/n), can I talk with you?” he asked and you looked at him for a second before feeling Hermione nudge you. “Um, yeah ok,” you said and got up from your spot to follow him to the corner tucked away from everyone else. 
You sat down and so did he. “I’m not good with this kind of thing, but I know for a fact that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say any of that, I know you’re not an idiot, and I was wrong for what I said to you,” He told you and you wrung your hands. “It’s ok, I mean maybe I am an idiot for saying yes to him… I guess going alone would’ve been better, I just wanted that experience with someone,” you told him truthfully. He looked at you with furrowed brows. “You're not an idiot, I’m sorry I even said that. I just think you deserve better than him. He’s not good enough for you that I know for sure,” he said and reached out to grab your hands in his. “Thanks, Freddie,” you said and tried not to let your eyes tear up again. Knowing he did care made things so much worse. “Of course, it’s the truth. Now, I have one question for you if I may,” he said and you looked at him in confusion. “What is it?” you asked. “Save a dance for me?” he asked and your heart skipped a beat. “Yeah, of course,” you breathed out softly before giving him a weak smile. 
He let go of your hands but before he walked away he looked down at you again. “Is there anything else bothering you love?” he questioned and you looked at him softly before shaking your head. “No, nothing at all Freddie. I am a bit tired though so I think I’ll just head on to bed now,” you said and got up from your spot. “You can tell me anything,” he reminded you as you stepped away from him. “I know. Goodnight Fred,” you told him and gave him a wave before bidding everyone else goodnight. 
He sighed heavily as your footsteps receded up the stairs. Hopeful things would be better the next day, he went to sit with his friends. “Is everything ok?” George asked. “Yeah, I think everything is ok now. I apologized and we talked, I just hope she’s ok, she still seems a bit off. I’m worried,” Fred explained. “She’ll be ok, I mean sometimes you have to figure things out on your own,” Ginny said. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Fred sighed. 
The next week seemed to fly by, and before you knew it it was the day before the ball. You had picked out the perfect dress and you were honestly excited. 
Walking down to breakfast you had an actual smile on your face. You looked happier than you had been in a while. You stepped into the Great Hall and instantly found your friends with an open spot just by Fred and George as usual. Before you could get to your seat someone came up and took it. Your brows furrowed and your lips fell into a thin line, just as you were about to tell this person off you realized who it was. It was Angelina and your heart sank. You walked up to the table and greeted everyone before Hermione moved to give you a spot next to her. You smiled gratefully and took the seat. George smiled over at you sympathetically and you gave a small smile back. 
You could tell he felt bad for you, and it hurt even worse because it seemed that Fred didn’t really care that she took your spot next to him. Though it wasn’t your assigned seat, and it wasn’t specially reserved for you, it was. It was your seat, it was where you always sat every meal of the day. You could see Hermione glaring daggers at Fred, and you placed a hand on her arm to get her to look at you. “It’s ok,” you spoke softly. “No it’s not,” she spoke through gritted teeth. “It has to be,” you said and she sighed. “He’s so oblivious it’s painful,” she told you and you almost chuckled. She looked over at you with an amused smile at the thought of almost making you laugh. 
“So, (y/n), I heard you have a date. If you want we can all go together,” Angelina spoke up and you gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Sure,” you said and nodded your head despite wanting to say no. You wanted to tell her that you wouldn’t like to go together, that you’d rather be stuck with Alexander all by yourself than watch her and Fred be so close all night. Instead, you said “yes”, you said yes just for him, to put a smile on his face. You saw him do just that, he smiled at you and placed his arm around Angelina. 
“I’m gonna go, I actually wanted to get to class a little early today I have to talk to the professor about something,” you spoke and got up to leave. “I’ll see you in class then?” Angelina asked and you nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see you in class,” you said and waved to everyone. “Wait up (y/n), I’ll walk you to class,” George said, and you smiled at him gratefully. “I’d like that, c’mon then Georgie,” You said and motioned for him to join you. 
“George our lesson is in the opposite direction you won’t make it back in time,” Fred looked at him in confusion. “That’s ok,” George shrugged his shoulders and wrapped an arm around you. “Let’s get going then,” you said and began your walk to your herbology class. 
“Do you reckon he fancies her?” Angelina asked and everyone kind of laughed. “No way, we’ve been best friends since first year,” Fred huffed out a laugh. “I don’t know, he seems really sweet on her sometimes,” Angelina tried again. “Does he?” Fred asked. “But I guess that’s because you’ve been friends for so long,” she shrugged and went back to her food. 
Fred’s mind thought back to all the times that you and his brother were together. He was reminded of how affectionate you were with him and he was with you. Maybe he did like you, maybe he’s just been trying to hide it all these years. Then he thought about all the times you and him were like that. Every time you’d play with his hair and loop your arm through his as you walked together. All of the times you’d kiss his head before getting up to go to bed, and when you’d hug him for no other reason than you missed him. 
The times when he would be the one to pull you closer, where he would let you sit between his legs with your back against his chest while you read. He would compare your hands to his because of how small they were against his. The thought of his brother doing anything remotely close to that with you was unnerving. He didn’t like it one bit, was he jealous? No, he couldn’t be, he didn’t like you like that. Or did he?
You sighed heavily and leaned into your friend. “Did she have to sit there? I mean, that’s my spot you know. Everyone knows that’s my spot,” you whined a bit and he chuckled. “She just sat down, we didn’t want to be rude,” George said. You rolled your eyes. “I know, I’m just getting sick of losing things to her. I mean she kind of stole the love of my life, and now she steals my seat next to him,” you threw your hands up in frustration.  He chuckled “It’s only temporary. They’re only together for one night, and then you can have your seat back too,” he said and you sighed again. “You think?” you asked and looked up at him with a slight pout. “Definitely,” he said and squeezed your shoulders. You leaned your head against his shoulder. “You know I love you right?” you asked him. “Of course, I do, who doesn’t love me?” he quipped and you nudged him in the side. “Alright, alright, I love you too,” he said and you smiled up at him and he kissed your forehead. 
Little did you know that Angelina was making her way to the classroom and overheard, and saw you and George. Keep this in mind, Angelina knew you had a date to the ball, but she didn’t know who it was. She, of course, took it that you and George were together or at least liked each other. She smiled to herself and kept on walking, already too excited to prove herself right to Fred. 
George opened the door for you and you walked in but not before giving him a hug. “Bye Georgie see you in Potions,” you said and waved. He was about to let go of the door before he saw Angelina coming his way so being ever the gentleman he held the door for her too. “Thanks, George,” she said and came over to sit next to you.
“Are you excited for the ball tomorrow?” she asked and you just nodded your head. “Yeah actually I am,” you said. “I’m glad we can go together,” she said and you gave her a weak smile. “I am too,” you lied. 
The rest of the class went by smoothly and on to the next you went. Straight to the dungeons for Potions. Getting there you noticed that Fred and George were already there which was a weird sight but they did have a shorter walk than you so you shrugged it off. 
You shot George a smile and went to sit with Fred. “Hello love,” he said and you gave a small smile back. “Hey, Freddie,” you said and got your book out to turn to the correct page. 
“I’d bet you anything that we get an essay today,” Fred said and you chuckled, “We already know you’d win, so there’s no need for a silly bet,” you said. “That’s true, but we can always debate what it’s going to be about,” he said and you rolled your eyes. “Sure,” you agreed. 
Before he could say anything Snape spoke up, and the lesson began. 
Fred of course, did things throughout the class to try and make you laugh, and despite yourself, you did. 
You walked out of class that day with surprisingly no essay and you chuckled. “Well I guess you would’ve lost that bet Fred, there was no essay today,” you shrugged as you continued down the corridors with the brothers. “Something is off about that,” George said and was about to toss an arm around your shoulder, but Fred noticed and did it before he could. George looked at him a little strangely but continued on. 
“Bye Fred, see you after this lesson,” you said and before he walked away he placed a kiss on your head. You looked at him with surprise and tried to suppress the light blush on your cheeks. It was nothing new to you, but he hadn’t done something like that in weeks. 
“You’re blushing,” George teased and you swatted his arm. “I am not!” you tried to deny it. He laughed. “You absolutely are,” he said and just wrapped his arm around your shoulders. 
“Did he seem a bit strange to you?” you asked George as you looked up at him with confusion. “A bit, yeah,” he agreed. “He hasn’t bothered to be that affectionate in weeks. That was weird,” you said as your brows furrowed. “Don’t think on it too much. I know you always overthink,” he said and tapped your head. You sighed and nodded, “I know, I guess I just missed it,” you said. “Well, apparently he did too,” George said. You hoped he was right, you really did but you had your doubts. 
Fred kept thinking back on the way you just seemed to melt into him when his arm was around you. He thought of the blush on your cheeks when he kissed you and couldn’t help but miss that feeling immediately. He didn’t truly understand what was happening but he could tell it was freaking him out. He had never realized just how much he thought about you and the little things that you do, or even the way you make him feel. He all of a sudden couldn’t wait to see you again. 
His lesson seemed to stretch on and on until finally, it came to an end. He quickly gathered his things and practically raced out the door and to the Great Hall.  When he arrived he saw you sitting in the spot next to Hermione again and noticed that once again Angelina had taken up your spot next to him. He sighed but made his way over to the table. 
“Hey Fred, how was herbology?” you asked. He smiled brightly at you, “Take a guess,” he said and you scrunched your nose and tilted your head to the side in thought. “Hmm, I’m gonna guess that it was just as boring as it always is to you,” you said with a smile. He felt his heart melt at your actions. He was so happy to see you acting as your normal self. Little did he know that he was the cause of it. His bringing back that affection you adored so much about him brought back some of your happiness. Despite Angelina being in your seat you just decided to keep George’s words in mind. This was only temporary, a one-night thing. 
“You’re perfectly right love,” he said and you chuckled. “I knew it,” you spoke happily. Before anyone else could say anything Angelina spoke up. 
“Fred, can I talk to you for a minute?” she asked and got up. “Um, yeah sure,” he said and followed her out of the Great Hall. 
They exited through the doors and she pulled him aside. 
“What’s this about?” he asked her. “I have proof,” she spoke confidently. “Proof of what exactly?” he asked her in confusion. “Proof, that George and (y/n) are together,” She stated simply. “What?” he questioned loudly. “Shh, lower your voice,” she said and grabbed his shoulders. “Where did you get that idea?” he asked this time quieter. 
“I saw them on the way to class this morning and they both said I love you. He kissed her forehead and held the door for her. Her smile was as big as I’ve ever seen it, I swear,” she said and Fred’s brows raised. “There’s no way, they would’ve told me,” he said, sounding upset. “Maybe they haven’t told anyone yet,” she shrugged. “But they would’ve told me,” he said. 
He had the thought in the back of his mind that it was all platonic of course, but then again he could be wrong. He felt his heart sink at the thought of you and George together, it didn’t seem right. You were a perfect pair, but not as a couple at least that’s what he thought. You both had dates for the ball but not with each other, maybe it was just because you were hiding it. No, he couldn’t shake the feeling that you and George weren’t right together. You were just friends, I mean you always told them that you loved them and they reciprocated of course. They were always affectionate, although he realized for weeks he hadn’t been as affectionate with you. He had been so busy caught up on pranks and going to the ball with Angelina that he didn’t make as much time for you. He didn’t realize it affected him until he pulled you close and kissed you goodbye. He didn’t realize how much he did miss you, the smell of your hair, and perfume. He missed how you would just lean into him, and fit so perfectly at his side. 
He and Angelina walked back into the Great Hall and noticed that George was behind you with his arms around your shoulders and his chin resting atop your head. Angelina gave him a knowing look before walking back to the table to collect her things and sit with her other friends for a while. 
“So what did you want to show me, Darling?” George asked and you chuckled at the name. “I just wanted to give you the notes that you didn’t take during History of Magic,” you said and he huffed. “Well, that’s boring,” he said and you chuckled again. “But you’ll appreciate it after hearing about the test we have next Friday,” you said and he let out a whine. “A test, really?” he questioned and you smiled. “Yes, George, a test, now copy these down and give them back before Friday please,” you said and handed them to him. He let you go and went to sit back down next to his brother. “Freddie, since you're learning the same thing you should copy those notes too,” you said and he just nodded. 
He just hoped he was reading too much into it. “You ok Freddie?” you asked. “Just fine,” he answered and you looked at him skeptically. “We can talk later if you want to,” you said and tried to give him a reassuring smile. He thought about it for a moment, “Yeah ok,” he said and tried to give his best smile back. 
The day seemed to fly by after that. You just had this worry in the back of your mind. This fear that maybe you had done something wrong, or maybe Angelina had upset him. Overall you just wanted him to be ok, and that’s what you were gonna make sure happened. 
The evening feast had come to an end and so you all headed back to the common room, whether that was to read, hang out, or in your case have a talk with your friend. 
As you made your way through the halls you fell into step with Fred. “May I?” you pointed at his arm. He just looked at you and gave a smile before nodding. You looped your arm through his and leaned against him a bit. “Angelina won’t mind will she?” you asked in honest wondering. “Of course not, she knows how close we are and it’s not like we’re dating,” he told you and you just nodded, “Alright, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t crossing any lines,” you said. “In fact, come here,” he said and pulled you to a halt so he could wrap his arms around you in a hug. You smiled brightly and let out a happy sigh at the feeling of him so close again. You leaned against his chest and held on as tightly as you could.
 “I’ve missed you, Freddie,” you admitted softly. He heard your words and his heart melted. “I’ve missed you too love,” he said and held you tighter. “I’m sorry for being the way I was these past few weeks. I’ve been separate from you and your feelings,” He told you and you looked up at him in surprise. “You don’t have to be sorry, I’ve been in a really bad mood for a while and haven’t been the easiest to be around, so I’m sorry,” you told him and pulled away a bit. 
“I guess we both haven’t been the best friends have we?” he asked and you chuckled softly. “I guess you’re right, now before it gets even colder, let’s go talk in the common room ok?” you asked and he nodded. “C’mon then,” he said and held his arm out to you once again. You took it as you walked through the portrait hole. 
You did as you used to do, and snuck him up to your dormitory. You sat down on your bed and luckily no one else was there. “Alright, now what did you want to talk about?” you asked him as you patted the spot next to you. “It’s about something that Angelina said to me today,” he spoke up and you nodded telling him it was ok to continue. “She told me that you and George were together,” he got out. Your face scrunched into one of utter confusion. “Where in the world did she get that absurd idea?” you questioned in astonishment. 
“She said she saw you and George on the way to class this morning, he kissed your head and you both said I love you. She assumed you were together,” he told you and you scoffed and shook your head. “You don’t honestly believe her do you?” you asked him. 
“I don’t know, you guys can be pretty affectionate sometimes,” he kind of trailed off. “What? I’m affectionate with you too, and I’d say even more so than with George,” you spoke in a huff. He looked at you and tried to hide a grin, “That’s true isn’t it?” he asked and you immediately nodded. “I’ve been asked by both of our mums if we were together, and have had to assure them every time that we were just friends.” You told him with a laugh. “Mum’s asked me as well,” He said and you chuckled. “So, just to clarify, your brother and I are not together,” you told him and he nodded. “Right, good, that eased my conscious,” he said and you smiled. He felt a weight lift off of him and he could breathe again. He had no idea why it weighed on him so harshly, but he knew that you were doing something to him. Something he never noticed before. 
You walked down the stairs with Fred behind you. You tried not to laugh as he nudged you forward. When you got to the bottom step you both split up. You went straight to George and he went to Angelina.   
“I guess you’ll have to break the news to poor George that you aren’t together,” he said and you laughed. “Sure, and you’ll have to break the news to Angelina that she was sorely mistaken,” you joked back. “Together?” he asked and you chuckled but nodded. “Together,” 
He walked up to her and smiled, “You might want to watch this,” he said with a smile and pointed over to where you stood in front of George. 
“What do you mean?” she asked. “Just watch,” he said and they went silent. 
“George, I know this may hurt, but I need to tell you something,” you spoke loud enough for most people to hear. He looked at you with worry in his eyes. “What’s wrong (y/n)?” he asked and stood up. “I hope you know that I love you, I really do,” you said and made tears come to your eyes as your bottom lip wobbled. He reached out to grab your hands and pull you away from everyone. “What’s going on?” he asked and moved a piece of hair from your face. “I’m sorry but we aren’t together, we never have been, and I’m sorry to break it to you this way, but I just needed you to know the truth,” You told him with a shaky sigh. 
He looked at you with utter confusion, “What do you mean (y/n)? I know we’ve never been together, where is any of this coming from?” he asked and shook his head. “I just wanted you to know that I’ll always love you but just as a friend alright?” you asked and took his face in your hands. He held your wrists, “Ok, well I love you too just as a friend,” he said and you quickly pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back just as tightly. “What’s going on?” he whispered. “Angelina thought we were together, so I thought I'd give a bit of a show,” you whispered back and he chuckled. “Of course, you did,” he said and smiled down at you. “So, friends?” you asked. “Friends,” he said and kissed your head just like he had done earlier. 
Angelina looked at Fred with wide eyes, “Are you kidding me?” she asked and Fred let out a laugh. “This is how you tell me I’m wrong?” she questioned in slight annoyance. “We had to tell you somehow,” you walked over to them. “You could have just told me,” she said. “What’s the fun in that?” you asked and she rolled her eyes. “You guys are the worst I swear,” she said and you chuckled. “Right, but you’re still my date though?” he asked her. And your heart hurt a bit. “I am still your date,” she assured him and he smiled. “By the way (y/n), who’s your date if you’re not going with George?” she asked you curiously. You sighed heavily. “Alexander Gray,” you spoke softly but she caught it. Her eyes widened, “What? Why?” she questioned. “He asked me so I said yes,” you told her. ‘You could’ve said no,” she told you. “I know, but I didn’t, and I just have to live with that now,” you said and sighed before walking away. “Is she ok?” Angelina asked Fred. “I think she’s just upset about it,” he told her and said goodbye before following in your footsteps. 
“(y/n), are you ok?” he asked when he reached you. “Yeah, I’m ok, just a bit embarrassed is all,” you said and shrugged. “Don’t be, we’ve all made mistakes before, just maybe none as bad as this,” he joked and you sighed before swatting his arm. ‘Ok, Ok, I’m sorry,” he said, and you ended up chuckling. “I just hope he doesn’t try anything,” you said. “Don’t worry he won’t and if he does I’ll be there ok,” he told you and you smiled at him. “Thanks, Freddie,” you expressed your gratitude for your friend. 
“I think I’m going to head to bed, love you, Fred,” you said and kissed his head as you stood up to leave. “Love you too (y/n),” he replied. You told everyone goodnight and ascended the stairs. 
“So you seem to be on good terms with her again,” George said as he walked over to sit with his brother. “Yeah, everything is good,” he said with a content smile. “You look a little too happy right now. Did something happen?” George questioned him. “She said she loves me,” Fred told his brother. “Doesn’t she always say that?” his brother asked him. “Yeah, but it felt a little different this time,” he said with a smile. George smiled knowingly at his brother. Maybe he was starting to realize just how much you meant to him, and how much he meant to you. 
The next day came quickly and with it came nerves you never thought you’d have. You didn’t ever imagine yourself being nervous about going to a ball with Alexander Gray because you never imagined going to a ball with him.  You saw him and his most recent girl and would cringe. Now you are that most recent girl and still you cringed. 
You had started to get ready with your friends, and things were going ok. That is until you saw Angelina. She looked even more beautiful than she normally did. Her hair was up and her dress fit perfectly. She was a vision. You knew that there was no way that Fred wouldn’t fall for her now if he hadn’t already. You looked at her and sighed before looking at yourself and sighing again. Hermione noticed that and walked over to you. 
“You look beautiful too, did you know that?” she asked and you smiled softly at her. “Thanks, Hermione, you do too,” you said. “Why don’t we finish your makeup and get down there?” she asked and you nodded your head. “Alright, I can do that,” you said and turned back to the mirror. Hermione stayed seated next to you making small talk as you finished the last details of your makeup. 
You got done and turned to look at your friend. “Any fixes?” you asked her and she turned your face to the light. “No, it’s perfect,” she told you and smiled. “I’m ready if you are,” you told her and she smiled. You took one last glance in the mirror and tried to put on the best smile you could muster. 
You walked down the stairs in your beautiful baby blue dress. Closely resembling a ball gown, layers of tulle, and perfectly fitted at the waist. The sleeves hung perfectly off of your shoulders, and your hair lay just right over them. Fred turned to the stairs just as you stepped off the last one. His eyes went wide, and he swore the world stopped spinning. 
The second Fred stopped talking everyone looked at him and followed his stare. 
There you were, to him the most beautiful girl in the castle. It seemed like for a moment they might all say the same. 
You felt everyone’s eyes on you and you looked up. Noticing Fred looking at you like you were the only one in the room felt like a dream, you didn’t expect that, honestly, you didn’t expect anyone to look at you like they were. Angelina spoke first. 
“(y/n), you look beautiful,” she said and walked over to give you a hug. You blushed softly and smiled. “So do you, and you Alicia you look lovely as well,” you said and smiled over at her. 
You walked over to join them all and George quickly wrapped an arm around you and smiled down at you. “Lovely as ever (y/n),” he said and you smiled at him. “Dashing Georgie,” you said and reached up to pinch his cheek teasingly. He swatted your hand away and chuckled. You looked over at Fred and he had a bright smile on his face. “You look beautiful, love,” he said and walked over to you to give you a spin. You chuckled as you twirled around once. Angelina looked at the scene in front of her, and suddenly a knowingness came over her. She could see the look on your faces, you weren’t just friends and you could never be just friends. She knew that now. She smiled at the scene in front of her and let it play out. George smiled too, he knew that if something didn’t happen that night, in due time it would. 
Fred smiled at the blush on your cheeks and couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat at the sight of you smiling so fondly back at him. 
“Should we all get going then?” Alicia asked and you finally broke your gaze from his. “Um, yeah of course, Alexander should be waiting for me by now,” you said and your smile faltered a bit at the thought. 
“You’ll be fine, trust me,” Fred spoke to you and gave you a soft nudge forward. You nodded and made your way out of the common room with everyone. 
You stood at the top of the stairs and looked at everyone just waiting to see Alexander waiting for you. But he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone stood there and waited for a while with you but eventually, you just told them to go in and that you would wait for a little while longer. Fred gave you an unsure glance but you just nodded at him telling him that it was ok. He squeezed your hand before he left, and George tossed you an encouraging smile. 
You stood there waiting for you don’t know how long. You had heard the songs change and by the third song, you knew he wasn’t coming. You could feel tears form in your eyes as you sat on the step. Too embarrassed to enter alone, you didn’t even want to know where he may be. He’s probably in there with another girl, or he just decided that he didn’t want to go with you anymore. 
Fred was anxiously waiting to see you walk in but he never did. It had been about 30 minutes and there was no sign of you, it’s like you were just gone. “Is she still not here?” George asked him. “No, she’s not, why is she not here?” he questioned his brother. “I don’t know mate-” Before he could finish Angelina spoke up. “Why don’t you check on her?” she told Fred. Fred looked down at her in uncertainty. “Are you sure?” he asked the girl. “I’m very sure, I think she may need you more than I do right now,” Angelina said and gave him a little shove toward the door. 
“I’ll see you guys later,” he said and made his way out to find you. 
As he exited the Great Hall he noticed Alexander with another girl. As much as he wanted to punch him, he could do that later. He needed to find you and find you fast. 
He came to the stairs expecting to see you but you were gone. You had disappeared from the area and so he ran up the steps in search of you. He didn’t even know when you left, and he was upset that you didn’t come to him. 
“(y/n)!” he called for you but got no answer. He ran down the hallways and up the stairs as fast as he could. He didn’t think you would’ve made it to the common room yet but he again didn’t know when you left. He finally got to the portrait and quickly spoke the password. He immediately stopped inside and heard muffled crying. His heart dropped at the sound knowing that it had to be you. 
He scanned the room and noticed you sitting by the fire with your head in your hands. His heart just kept breaking at the thought of you being hurt. He slowly made his way over to you. 
“(y/n),” he quietly called and your cries suddenly stopped. He noticed you trying to wipe your tears away as best as possible. “Oh, hi Freddie. What are you doing back so early?” you asked as you turned to smile at him. He could feel his chest get tight, seeing the mascara smudged around your eyes he gave you a sad smile before sitting next to you. 
“You never came in,” he said softly and reached over to take your hand in his. 
“Oh, yeah he uh- he didn’t show up, so I just thought it best that I came back,” you told him and he could tell you were trying not to cry again. Your bottom lip was wobbling and your eyes were glassy. “You could’ve come to me,” he said and placed his hand on your cheek. At his touch, your tears finally fell and you let out a shaky breath. “I didn’t want- I didn’t want to ruin your night,” you told him as your voice broke. “Oh, love, you wouldn’t have ruined my night,” He said and proceeded to wipe your tears as best as he could. “I was embarrassed, I didn’t want to humiliate myself so I just left,” you admitted to him and he sighed. “Me and Georgie wouldn’t have let you feel that way for long you know that,” he told you and you sadly nodded. “I know it’s silly to cry over someone like him, I just thought that maybe I’d get to have a nice night with someone,” you spoke softly and looked down at your hands. Tears clung to your lashes and spattered onto your cheeks and hands. 
“I guess I just wanted that experience,” you said quietly. “You can still have it,” he told you and you looked back up at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” you asked him. “Come to the ball with me,” he said and you looked at him in surprise. “I can’t, I’m a mess, and what about Angelina?” you fretted. “You’re beautiful, and Angelina was the one who told me to leave,” he explained to you. The look of surprise never left your face. “Even so, I can’t go back down there Freddie, not like this,” you told him. He got to his feet “Then stay here and dance with me,” he said and offered you his hand. “Are you sure you’d rather stay here with me?” you questioned him. “I’d rather be anywhere with you,” he told you and you blushed before taking his hand. He smiled at you, and helped you carefully off of the floor, making sure not to step on your dress. 
You stood fully and he placed his hands on your waist. You smiled softly up at him and shyly wound your arms around his neck. He smiled down at you and slowly began moving along to a song that only you could hear. “Did you know that I think you’re the most beautiful girl in this castle?” he asked you and you blushed even deeper. You shook your head and chuckled, “That’s not true, did you see Angelina and Alicia tonight, Hermione too? Now they’re beautiful,” you said. “Sure, they’re pretty but you, you’re beautiful,” he told you and lifted his hand to move a strand of hair from your face. 
“You’re just saying that 'cause you’re my best friend,” you tried to shrug it off. “I’m saying that because it’s true,” he affirmed. You shook your head with a shy smile. “Really?” you questioned. “Really,” he told you with a smile. He let you go to take hold of your hand. You let out an airy giggle as he twirled you a few times before pulling you back in. 
“You know, there’s something that just hit me all of a sudden yesterday. I had never realized how much I thought of you, how much I missed you when you weren’t around, and how much I really do love you,” he admitted. You felt your heart stop, and your breath got caught in your throat. “I love you (y/n),” he admitted to you and a feeling of disbelief washed over you. “You love me? You actually love me?” you questioned. He chuckled a bit at your reaction. “I do,” he said. 
“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember,” you confessed. He smiled broadly at you, “I guess I’m a little late to the party then,” he said and you chuckled. “Just a little, I mean your twin knew before you did,” you teased him and he rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, no need to rub it in,” he said and you smiled at him. 
You just stopped and looked at him, really looked at him. His freckles and bright brown eyes, the curve of his lips, and the way he looked so lovingly at you. “I think this is the part where we kiss isn’t it?” he asked softly and you smiled even brighter. “I would think so,” you whispered as he got closer to you. 
He stopped for a moment just letting his lips brush yours before fully placing them on yours. You melted at the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, it was even better than you imagined it would be. It wasn’t rushed, it was slow and soft, and it was all the things a first kiss should be. 
He gently pulled away from you and smiled at the contentedness on your face. You looked peaceful, and he felt warm at the fact that he could bring that to you. He swore he had never felt that loved in his entire life. “Do you wanna know something?” you asked with a soft smile. “Of course,” he said and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You make me really happy,” you whispered and he smiled broadly. “I would hope so,” he said and you chuckled. 
He saw your smile falter a bit, “What’s wrong?” he questioned and placed a hand on your cheek. “What about Angelina? I feel so horrible,” you worried yourself. “Hey, hey, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s not like we’re dating you know. It was just a one-night thing, and I think she’d perfectly understand our situation love,” He told you and stroked your cheek gently. “You think so?” you asked and reached up to grasp his wrist. “I know for sure,” he said. 
He got a sudden realization, “wait is that what I did wrong?” he asked and you looked at him in confusion. “What?” you asked. “George said I had hurt your feelings twice, did me asking Angelina hurt your feelings?” he asked with a sly smile. A blush covered your cheeks and you quickly covered your face with your hands. He chuckled, “Aw, love, I’m sorry. If I had realized sooner I would’ve asked you,” he said and gently pried your hands from your face. “Do you forgive me?” he asked and pressed his forehead against yours. “There’s really nothing to forgive, but yes if that makes you feel better,” you smiled shyly at him. “Much better,” he said before leaning forward to kiss you one more time. 
“Ugh, took you long enough,” you heard a voice sound from behind you and you pulled away from him. George, Alicia, and Angelina stood there with knowing smiles. “Took you forever to figure it out didn’t it?” Angelina asked while she and Alicia chuckled. “You didn’t figure it out until a few hours ago Ange,” Alicia said and everyone chuckled. “Took you longer than me,” Fred said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Ok, when did this become an attack on me?” Angelina asked and you chuckled. “It’s ok Angelina, I’m sorry if I ruined your night,” you said regretfully. “You didn't ruin anything, I’m just glad that you’re ok,” she said and smiled at you, and you smiled back. “I think we’re all going to turn in for the night, goodnight everyone,” Alicia said and gave a smile and a wave before walking up the stairs followed closely by Angelina. You walked over to George and wrapped him in a hug, “Thanks for caring so much Georgie,” you said and he held you tighter. “I’ll always care,” he said and kissed your head before saying goodnight to you and his brother. 
He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. “Do we have to say goodnight?” he asked and nuzzled his nose against your neck. His cheek was warm against your bare shoulder and it made you grin, you almost felt dizzy from disbelief that this was actually happening. “We don’t have to, but I’d rather not stay in this dress all night,” you told him and felt him smile against your shoulder. “You can take it off if you want to, do you need any help?” he asked and you chuckled before swatting his arm. “No, I don’t need any help, but a kiss before I go should speed up the process,” you told him and he turned you around to face him. You smiled toothily and it made him grin. “I’ll meet you back here in ten,” he said and leaned down to kiss you again before letting you go. 
You spent the rest of the night with Fred, sharing kisses and laughing. He danced with you and you got dizzy from how much he’d spin you. 
The morning came and you made your way down to the Great Hall with Hermione and Ginny. “I’m so happy for you (y/n), it took him ages but he finally sorted it out,” Hermione said and you chuckled. “You’re practically my sister now,” Ginny said, looping her arm through yours. You smiled down at her and squeezed her arm happily. 
You entered the Great Hall to see your spot open just as it should be, right next to Fred. You all walked over and took your spots. “Good morning everyone,” you smiled happily. 
“Well, good morning to you too darling. Why so chipper?” He asked and turned to you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “You, of course,” you told him and he smiled even brighter. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your head. “I love you (y/n),” he told you and you smiled up at him. “I love you too, Freddie,” 
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Snuggle Company
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic ((because platonic love is valid!))
Summary: Umbridge has been giving everyone nightmares. You especially, given she is well aware how close you are to the twins. Has you paranoid she will hurt you in your sleep. So, who better to keep you safe than the twins themselves?
Warnings: Anxiety, Umbridge, stress, sleepy snuggles, and it’s very short 😣 Going through ALOT right now. Pls forgive me
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Here you were again. Standing just outside the dorm doors that belonged to the seventh year boys. A pair of boys would be in there that you needed. Needed badly, because you had yet another nightmare. A nightmare about her.
You worried they would be getting annoyed by this. By you waking them up again, just to climb into bed with them. Would it be better that you just straight up moved in there with them? Would the other students in their dorm be annoyed by your presence? This wasn’t your assigned bedroom after all.
You tried to power through those worrying thoughts, as you pushed the door open. You were too scared of Umbridge to give a care about what others thought. She hated you. Hated you because those twins liked you. You were the enemy by association.
You would tip toe across the room, and would hug yourself tighter. Just worried about being a burden, and a bother. Something she would often say you were. Just attacking your insecurities. She was good at that. She was good at making people hurt. Oh she was damn good at hurting people, and getting away with it.
Finally, you reached the familiar bed. Fred’s bed. Well, Fred and George’s bed. They never really out grew sharing a bed. George’s ended up being a make shift work shop table for their inventions. You found it utterly adorable how they would hold each other. They had a special bond. Magic tended to play a heavy role in that, but you still found it sweet. How that no matter how old they get they would still make sure to be there for each other. No matter what. Was comforting to see that guys don’t always worry about masculinity.
“Psst….Guys-“ You gently shook George’s shoulder, as you tried to wake them up. Didn’t want to wake the other students up, but you also didn’t want to just climb into bed either. Could startle them. Or worse. They didn’t want you to, and you invaded their personal bubble. Consent is important after all.
“Hm-?” George would rub at his eyes, while Fred yawned. They were annoyed as hell, until they saw it was you who bothered them. George gave a comforting smile, before scooting away from his twin. Fred, in turn, lifted the blanket up. You gave a sigh in relief, before climbing between them. Snuggled safely between them both.
“Thanks.” You whispered, as they would wrap their arms around you. A tangled of limbs, just like that. Was so warm. So warm, and safe. No one could get to you now. Safe between a pair of tricksters. Just like that. The smell of fire crackers, and cinnamon. That was such a comforting scent to you. Baked goods, and fire.
“No pink toads will get you-“ “Not on our watch.” The twins would tease you, as they gave you a tight squeeze. A reminder that they weren’t going anywhere. Not without you, at the very least. That had you smile, and feel a weight lift off your body. Safe. Safe again.
“We’ve got plans for her. Don’t worry.” George would reassure you, as he would nuzzle into the back of your neck. Enjoying the warmth you gave him, as his arm reached over to keep physical touch with Fred. The two most important people he has, right in his arms.
“And it’s going to be utterly spectacular. Just you wait and see.” Fred would echo, as he rested his head on yours. Forcing your nose into his neck, as his arm did the same thing. Keeping George close, as you were all safely hidden under the blanket.
“Promise.” They would share, as you were already drifting to sleep. Safe in their strong arms, and knowing you’ll be safe by morning all the same. No scary toads to haunt your dreams. Just a pair of pranksters to defend you. No matter what.
Safe snuggles. What a dream come true.
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slytherinslut0 · 1 year
Fred & George Weasley- Ours
Word count: 5k
Info: your friends with benefits, Fred and George Weasley, see some guy getting a little too close to you at a party; and decide they need to show you exactly who you belong to.
Tags: 18+, PURE SMUT, Threesome, Praise Kink, Degredation Kink, Oral (f receiving), Double Penetration, Anal, Good Sex, Forced Orgasm, Begging, Teasing.
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"Who the hell was that guy?" Fred huffed, slamming the door shut to the quaint little study room he and George had just dragged you into not ten seconds prior. "I mean, he had his fucking hands all over you!"
George nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant against the desk. "All over you...in places only our hands should go..."
You rolled your eyes, adjusting your tight black dress against your thighs. You'd been sleeping with the twins for a few months now, mostly a fun, friends-with-benefits type of deal; but lately they'd become far more possessive, far more protective than usual. Sometimes it could be a little much, but you couldn't deny that their passion for your body made the sex other-fucking-worldly.
Sometimes it was fun to purposefully get them going, just to see how far they'd take it.
"What's the matter with you two?" You said, your innocent eyes darting back and fourth between the fiery haired twins, trying not to get distracted by the power of their strong, athletic builds; each of them towering over you as they waited your response. "Last time I checked, this wasn't a relationship. Not sure why you guys are getting so jealous."
Fred cocked an eyebrow. "Pretty sure we made it clear last time that you were ours...."
"...and only ours." George finished, the two of them drawing closer.
You swallowed, your heart racing with excitement at the direction you knew this little conversation was going in. You pulled your lip between your teeth, trying to hide your smirk as you backed up from them, attempting to keep space between your bodies as to not give in so quickly.
Pissing them off more only added to the fun.
"I don't belong to anyone," you whispered, voice a low murmur; cunt clenching as you watched a mischievous grin spread across Fred's lips; George's eyes narrowing in challenge. "And certainly not you two."
"Hm," Fred hummed, eyeing your body from head to toe, smirking as he snuck George a brief glance, the two of them circling around you now; like predators stalking their prey. "Sounds like she needs to be reminded of her place, doesn't she George?"
George smirked, wetting his lips. "She sure fucking does, Fred..."
Fred nodded. He'd had enough of the playing. "We're leaving."
Without hesitation, Fred and George each grabbed one of your wrists, George's warm breath washing over your ear as he whispered, "and don't try to fight it, princess..." his teeth grazed your earlobe. "You want us to make you feel good, don't you? You know we never fail to take care of you..."
Your head spun, oxygen missing you. Gods, of course you did. "Y-yes... you're right..."
"There's our good girl," Fred hummed, his lips ghosting over your other ear, lids fluttering shut at the collective sensations. "We're going to fucking worship you...make you feel things that no one else could ever, ever match."
Your breath hitched. "Oh..."
"That's it," George murmured, "you're ours, and tonight, we're going to make sure you know it."
Sensing that your defiance had now entirely crumbled, the twins shared a quick glance before they released your wrists, and moved toward the door without another word. Fred walked first, you in the middle with George trailing behind you, everyone in the corridors shooting you acknowledging glances as they eyed the three of you suspiciously, even though it was well over midnight and the party was coming to a close anyway.
As soon as Fred pushed open the door to his dorm room and ushered you inside, he locked it behind him--not wasting even a single fucking second before he looped his arm around your waist and tugged you against him; his back hitting the door as he held you snug to his frame, gripping your hips as he pressed your ass tight to his crotch. George stood in front of you, taking a moment to worship your body, taking a moment to watch your face as Fred's lips attacked your neck, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh with relentless urgency.
Unable to hold off any longer, George stepped forward, running his hands over your curves, eyes stark with lust. "You look so fucking beautiful tonight..." he murmured, softly pressing his lips to yours. "We couldn't wait to get you alone."
Fred hummed, nipping your earlobe. "And now that we have..."
"...we're going to make the most of it." George whispered, breaking the kiss.
Your lungs stalled as you watched him slowly drop to his knees before you, his hands gently urging your feet wider as he gazed up at you with an intense desire, watching you lose yourself as Fred tilted your chin to the side and crashed his lips to yours, inhaling a sharp breath through his nose as his tongue fought with yours to be the one in control.
George hummed, one hand exploring your thighs and hips, eyes intently watching the small ministrations of your face as he slipped his other hand under your dress and teased your clit through your panties; sending sharp bursts of ecstasy through your veins.
"You deserve to be worshipped, pretty girl...to have every inch of you adored..." George whispered as he slipped his fingers under your panties, teasing your throbbing core. "Look how fucking wet you are for us already..."
You gasped into the kiss, fighting to pull away and catch your breath but Fred's lips were relentless, working your mouth as though he wanted to map your taste into memory; to devour every single inch. Your eyes rolled as George slowly pushed a finger inside you, carefully stretching you open, his lips grazing and teasing the sensitive crevice of your inner thigh.
"Mmm, does that feel good, princess?" Fred purred, breaking the kiss, panting mouth falling to your jawline.
You nodded, unable to find words, head falling back onto his shoulder as he looped a hand under your thigh, pulling it up toward your chest and holding it there as to give George better access to your pussy--a smirk crawling across his lips as he watched you pant and squirm in pleasure from his ministrations, pausing only briefly to tug your panties down your thighs and toss them off to the side.
"So beautiful...so needy..." George murmured. "We're going to make you feel so good, love..."
Fred groaned, nodding in agreement. "Pleasure you until you can't take it anymore,"
Fred pressed his lips back to your neck, his free hand roaming up your stomach and groping your tits over the fabric of your dress--he groaned against your neck as you pulsed against him, feeling George's warm breath caress your folds as he brought his lips to the crease of your inner thigh again, teasing you.
"George..." you breathed, desperate for connection, your hands weaving through his hair in attempt to coax his lips to your pussy. "Please..."
With a mischievous smirk, he met your eyes, holding your stare as he pressed his lips to your swollen clit, his skilled tongue lapping at your juices and mixing them with his spit. You moaned, body lost in overwhelming pleasure, back arching and eyes rolling, but Fred held you firm against him; one hand still holding your leg up while the other held your chest--lips working your neck, teeth peppering it with purple possessions marks.
"Fuck, you taste so good, princess..." George purred, voice muffled against your pussy. "So fucking sweet."
You moaned, head falling back, and Fred's hand slithered up from your tits and tightened around your throat, ridding your oxygen supply and inflicting a delicious, intoxicating buzz on your lips. Your mouth fell wide in an open pant, George's lips sealing around your clit and driving you directly toward the brink of an explosive, earth shattering orgasm.
Fred groaned, lips grazing your ear. "That's it...we love hearing you make those pretty noises for us.."
George's tongue delved deep into your wetness, flicking, swirling, and teasing with calculated expertise. He offered no respite, driving you closer to the edge with each skillful lick--your legs shaking, one hand gripping his hair while the other was latched onto Fred's wrist for dear life, your body utterly at their mercy as the two of them inflicted their usual intoxicating dominance over you.
"Look at you, so helpless and eager to please..." Fred's voice was a mere breath in your ear, his hand leaving your throat and trailing down your body, slipping behind your back and down past your ass, bringing it to your dripping heat. You moaned before he'd even sunk in, but when he did, your entire body convulsed, the pleasure of their collective movements driving you dangerously close to exploding. "Fuck, you're so tight and wet..."
Fred curled his fingers inside you, their long length driving you utterly insane, scissoring and curling against your tight walls while George continued his oral assault on your clit, humming as your trembling grip on his hair tightened.
Your eyes squeezed shut. You were dangerously close. "Oh...Oh, Gods-"
Fred growled, low in his chest. "That's it, little slut...take it. Take it all. We want to hear you scream for us."
"Cum for us, princess." George murmured against your pussy, only seconds before he latched onto your clit again, swirling his tongue in a way that sent you tumbling straight over the edge.
"Oh, yes...fuck-fuck!"
"That's right. Give in to us, baby," Fred growled, his voice darker than the midnight sky "...surrender to the pleasure we're giving you."
Your sight blanked, ears ringing and head falling back as you came around Fred's fingers, George's skilled tongue working expertly to swallow your orgasm as best as he could, neither of them stopping until they were completely certain you were past your high. Your entire body was on fire, liquid magma coursing through your veins, heating every square inch of your bloodstream as you fought to catch your breath.
George hummed, placing soft kisses along your slit and up toward your mound. "Are you going to admit your ours now? Or do we need to show you more of what we do to you?"
You huffed, fighting through the sensations as he teasingly licked at your pussy, softly enough to make your head spin and your body squirm. "I-I'm not...I'm not yours..." you said, purposefully trying to escalate them. "I'll never be."
George halted his movements, cocking an eyebrow as he met Fred's eyes. "How about that, huh Fred?"
Fred huffed, amused, and you felt his hot breath wash over your neck. "Entirely humorous, I'd say."
George stood up to his full height, peering down at you with a dark, predatory glint in his eyes, one that made your stomach twist with arousal.
"If you're not ours...then you're just some slut for us to use then, yeah?" He whispered, smirking, sneaking another glance at Fred; the two of them basically communicating with their eyes.
You swallowed, and Fred's teeth grazed your ear. "So you wouldn't mind if we just took control, used your sexy little body for our own pleasure, right?"
Your lips parted, your pussy clenching with need. Gods, this is exactly what you fucking wanted--you were so excited you couldn't even hide it if you tried.
"I..." you couldn't find words as Fred released your thigh, pulling your hips against his throbbing bulge, George's hands roaming your curves--tugging on your dress and bunching it up your hips, up your stomach, gesturing for you to raise your hands as he tugged it up  and off your trembling body.
Your mouth was drier than cotton, and George smirked, wetting his lips as he eyed your newly exposed body, his pupils dilating when he realized your lacy, dark red bra was a matching piece to your panties that had previously been discarded to the floor at your feet.
"Look at you..." he murmured, running a hand up your hip and toward your breasts. "Such a filthy little thing...wearing this under your dress..." he grazed your nipple, twirling his thumb until he felt it harden under the fabric of your bra. "Who were you wearing this for, if not us? Hm?"
The arrogance in his tone drove you crazy, and as Fred trailed his hand along your other hip, moving toward your pussy again, your lungs stalled, breath hitching.
"You've been aching for this, haven't you love?" Fred purred, teasing your clit with a brief swirl. "Don't worry, we're going to show you exactly who you belong to..."
George grabbed your wrist, "that's right...you're nothing but our little fucktoy, and we're going to prove it."
Your lips parted, but you didn't even have time to think as George tugged you over toward the bed, Fred trailing behind you. You could hear him fumbling with his belt, and your stomach leapt up into your throat as George released your wrist to do the same. In practically no time at all, the twins had rid themselves of all their clothing--their hard, throbbing cocks making your mouth water and your pussy clench as you stared, unable to peel your eyes away. They were fucking hung. You always managed to forget just how big they were.
George smirked, and you moved toward him, wrapping your small hand around his thick length, his head falling back as you softly pumped him, reaching beside you to do the same to Fred. Each of them stood there for a moment, eyes squeezed shut and chests heaving as you stroked them; twisting your fist and smearing their pre-cum around the heads of their cocks--your entire body screaming with fucking need at the display.
After a moment, George gathered himself, and brought his lips toward your ear. "Are you going to be a good girl for us?"
Fred's lips found your other ear, your hands still slowly pumping their lengths. "Are you going to let us have our way with you? Hm? Give yourself over to us completely?"
As George smacked your ass, leaving your cheek burning and tingling, you yelped; mischievous smirks crawling across both of their lips. Gods, you wanted them inside you. You couldn't take even a second more of waiting.
"Yes..." you whispered, increasing your motions, head falling back as they each attacked a side of your neck. "Please...take me..."
"Mm." Fred hummed, smacking your other cheek now. "That's what we like to hear, princess..."
George moved toward the bed, laying down on his back on the edge, legs dangling off the side. He motioned for you to climb on top of him, and without hesitation, you did--his big hands finding your hips and holding you firm against his chest, your thighs straddling his waist as you rolled your slick cunt against his length, his jaw tensing and throat bobbing as he swallowed, lips finding your neck.
Fred came up behind you, his long fingers ghosting down your back, caressing the smooth curve of your ass. George brought his lips to your ear. "You want us? Hm?"
You didn't even need to think. "Yes!"
"Beg for it..." Fred cooed from behind you. "Beg for us to claim your perfect little body, to use every one of your delicious fucking holes..."
Your breath hitched, your stomach leapt with excitement. "Please-fuck-please, fuck me..."
"That's it," George groaned, angling the head of his dick so it was pressing at your dripping core, his voice a dangerously deep growl in your ear. "That's our good little toy...fuck-"
His words were cut short by his groan of pleasure as he sunk into your tight wet heat, thrusting up into you in one slow, sensual thrust; stretching your walls open slowly and cautiously--for as dominant as the twins were, they never took it too far. They were always careful with you, gentle when they needed to be, and it drove you fucking insane; in the best way possible.
"Oh...fuck-George..." as he sunk in to the hilt, he paused for a second before he slowly pulled out, Fred's hands running all over your body, adding to the already overwhelming sensations flowing through you.
You moaned, eyes rolling back as George began to increase his pace, fucking up into you as his arms held you tight to his chest, his breath growly and husky in your ear. You felt Fred's hands leave your body, only for a brief moment, until he returned one to your hip, followed by a warm liquid sensation dripping down your back and sliding over your ass.
Fred massaged the sensual liquid into your skin, moving down toward your ass, grazing the tight rim with one of his fingers, the sensations making you clench around George.
"Shit-you're so fucking tight..." George breathed, slowing his pace to an agonizingly slow speed. "You need to slop clenching around me like that, princess...or else..."
As Fred pushed his finger inside you, pressing against your inner walls, and you moaned, entire body overwhelmed by the fullness--you'd done anal before, but never at the same time as being fucked, and so far, it was an incomprehensible experience--entirely fucking mind-numbing.
"I-I can't help it-oh, Fred-fuck!" Fred snuck another finger inside your ass, and he continued to twist and scissor you open, your entire body tensing, an overwhelming fullness washing over you. George groaned as you clenched around him again.
"Shh, relax..." Fred cooed, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of your ass, matching the slow ministrations of George's cock. "Breathe...feel your tight little ass stretch open for me..."
As he pressed in a third finger, your vision blanked, and you were so encompassed by pleasure you couldn't even comprehend it--if three of his fingers felt this fucking intense, you couldn't even begin to imagine what his cock would feel like. His fingers curled inside you, stretching you wider, your face washed with crimson, body glistening with sweat--you'd never felt more defenceless and dominated, your entire body succumbed to their primal power.
George, however, was struggling. "Fred, any day now..." he groaned, hissing the words through barred teeth. "She's got me strung out on the gallows here.."
Fred huffed, slowly pulling his fingers out of you. "I think she's ready for me...aren't you, princess?"
As George paused his movements, you could finally take a second to think, to breathe. Admittedly, you were nervous, but you knew the twins would never hurt you, would never do something to cause you unwanted pain. You knew you could trust them to take care of you.
With a small whimper, you nodded. "Yes...I am."
"Good girl...we're going to claim every one of your pretty fucking holes..." Fred groaned, pressing the sticky head of his cock against your ass. "Our perfect little plaything..."
He squeezed more warm liquid over your ass, trapping a deep breath in his lungs as he worked in the head of his dick. With a deep breath, you allowed your body to surrender, allowed yourself to relax into the moment. The intensity of their touch was all-consuming, and as Fred finally worked his thick length inside your ass, all three of you groaned in pleasure, Fred and George hissing through their teeth as you squeezed and clenched around them, your tight walls pulling them deeper inside of you.
"Oh, fuck..." Fred groaned, "tight...so fucking tight..."
Fred clung to your hips, George's arms still wrapped tight around your shoulders, hugging you to his chest as he slowly resumed fucking up into you. When Fred had fully sheathed himself in your ass, he held himself there, grip rough enough to bruise, drawing in another hissing breath through his teeth. He was massive, reaching places in your body you didn't know were possible--and between him and George, you felt overwhelmed, overtaken, your head dizzy with pleasure.
George brought his lips to your ear, his pace quickening. "You like that, princess? You like taking us both like this?"
Fred smacked your ass, leaving it stinging. "She does...she loves being our toy...dirty little slut..."
Your breath hiccuped in your lungs. "Oh-"
Was the only thing you could even attempt to say, the intensity and the pressure building in your core with every thrust, their movements becoming more forceful and insistent--mercilessly dragging you dangerously fast toward the soaring heights of ecstasy.
"Shit-" Fred's voice was a breathless pant, smacking your ass again as he slammed his hips against you. "That's it, take it...our little slut can handle it, can't she?..."
Every word from their lips drove you further into the oblivion, and by this point, you were only halfway cognizant of the sounds and words leaving your mouth. You were gone, vanished, transported from this reality and floating off somewhere in another--the level of surrender and submission you were experiencing was like nothing you've ever felt before, being used solely for their pleasure; used as their fucktoy for their carnal desires was something that you only imagined happening in your fantasy. You were so encompassed by pleasure you were certain you were going to explode without needing any clit stimulation, which was something that almost never happened to you.
"Fuck-you feel so good..." George groaned, his fingers digging into your shoulders as though he was trying to shatter your bones. "So tight and wet and eager for us..."
"Shit-" Fred moaned, his hands bruising your hips. "You feel so good wrapped around us like this...you love it, don't you whore?"
Your body felt like it was being pushed to its limits, your ears ringing as the twins increased their paces even further, slamming into you with a primal force, the sounds of their strained grunts mixed in with your wanton moans and the sounds of smacking skin being the only thing filling the thick, steamy air.
"Yes-yes!" You practically screamed, voice shaking. "I-I love it.."
Fred groaned, slamming into you. "That's right...our little whore likes it rough...fuck-"
Pleasure coursed through every fiber of your being as they dominated you in the most primal and exhilarating way. With each thrust, you were pushed closer to the edge, the pleasure mingling with the degradation in a deliciously sinful cocktail. George let loose a low moan in your ear, a sound so deliciously satisfying it pushed you dangerously close to your edge--holy fucking shit you wanted to cum. You needed to cum.
"Shit-I feel you...I feel how bad you need to cum, isn't that right, princess?" George's voice was a mere breath in your ear, his pitch strained with desire. "Tell us how bad you want it..."
Fred's hands left your hips, exploring every inch of your body, one of them snaking around in between you and George and caressing the front of your thighs. You knew he was going to tease you, you knew they'd never let you get there that easily. Your clit was throbbing, screaming, wailing in need--and although you felt so fucking good you could probably get there without it, you knew it would feel so fucking good if you did.
"P-please..." it was a pathetic cry of desperation, hardly loud enough to hear over the sound of their skin slamming against yours.
George whimpered in your ear as you clenched around him, Fred groaning as you squeezed. You moaned, far too fucking loud, and George brought a hand to your lips, shoving two of his fingers past your teeth as he growled his words into your eardrum.
"You're so close baby...but you’ll have to do better than that if you want us to help you get there..."
Fred's hand inched closer to your clit, teasing over your mound. "Tell us that you're ours, tell us that no one else could make you feel like this...no one else could ever take all of you like this..."
The ache within your core was intensifying by the second, the desperate longing for release almost unbearable. George shoved his fingers deeper into your mouth, eliciting a gag from you and he smirked, growling through his teeth.
"Look at you, princess...we've taken everyone of your holes...every part of you has been claimed by us..." he breathed, jaw tensed as he spoke. "Show us who you belong to."
When he slipped his fingers from your mouth, Fred's own fingers found your clit, grazing it, and your entire body flinched; desperate for connection.
"Please! Please, I'm yours...I belong to you guys, please!" Words left your lips in nothing more than babbling desperation, you fucking needed this; so, so bad. "Gods, let me cum...let me cum for you..."
Fred's free hand smacked your ass again, his fingers continuing to tease your clit. "Looks like she's finally begging for it, George..."
George hummed, gripping the back of your neck and holding your eyes to his. "That's what you want princess? To cum on my cock, hm?"
You flinched as Fred swirled over your clit again, the two of them fucking you deep, filling you full, their pace relentless and their arrogance suffocating as they relished in the clear power they held over you in this moment. They got you right where they wanted you, and they weren't scared to hold you there; making you wait, holding you hostage over the edge of pure ecstasy until you utterly shattered in their hands.
"Yes!" You wailed, meeting his dark, primal eyes, sweat glistening his forehead; his reddened locks sticking to his skin. "I want to cum on your cock, please!"
Another smack on your ass, another deep thrust from Fred. "Music to my ears..." he purred, breathless. "Should we grant her wish, George?"
"I think so, now that she's admitted her place," George grinned, brushing his lips over yours, fingers squeezing the back of your neck with enough force to bruise as he fucked deep into you. "I'd say she's earned it, Fred..."
With a satisfied groan, Fred's fingers connected, twirling over your clit with a relentless pace, shutting down any brain power dedicated to speech. Instead, your body was vibrating with pleasure, liquid diamond coursing through your vessels, making you moan and drool and babble their names. You were at the fucking brink, ready to pour out, bones ready to break from your skin as they drove deep into your holes.
Your back arched and your fingers found George's hair, gripping the tendrils as though you were trying to rip them from his scalp. "Oh-yes! Fuck-yes!"
Fred's fingers swirled with insistence, George nipping your jaw as you were right there-so close- "go on whore, cum for your fucking owners."
Your body flatlined. "Oh! Fuck!"
The two of them tipped you into euphoria, pleasure overriding your self-control as you shook and convulsed on their cocks, every muscle between your legs pulsing and clamping down while your vision turned to a black sea of stars. Your ears rang and you were sure you fell unconscious as the most powerful orgasm you've ever experienced ripped through you, shredding every single shred of nerve you had inside you.
"Fuck-you're squeezing me so fucking hard..." George groaned, so loud it shook your ribcage as it reverberated through you. "You're going to make me fucking cum, princess..."
"Fuck," you muttered, head spinning as you came down from your high; not getting very far before the pleasure started to build again, their relentless pace utterly consuming your existence. "Fuck..."
When Fred's fingers didn't pull away from your clit, you wailed, trembling and shaking from overstimulation, but Georges hold around your waist held you firm in place against him, their cocks slamming you deep as you wailed, brain entirely unable to function.
"Oh-fuck-I can't...Fred..." you said, reaching back to try and pry his hand from your clit, but George caught your wrist, collecting them both and pinning them behind your back.
"Oh, yes you can," Fred breathed, slamming you deep. "We're so close...you can cum again, alongside us, little slut.."
Your eyes locked on George, his pupils so large they swallowed up well over half of his irises entirely; a dark, primal lust encompassing his gaze. You could tell he was close, his lips parted and brows furrowed in concentration, you could tell he was holding himself back for whatever fucking reason. He was lost in pleasure, lost in the heat of your tight pussy clenching around him as Fred worked you toward your third climax of the night, fucking deep in your ass and hissing through his teeth.
"Shit-" Fred hissed. He was close too.
George's lids fluttered, "cant...hold on...much..longer.."
Without much cognitive warning, your third orgasm built quick and fast, slamming into you like a hard shot to the gut, and you screamed--unable to silence yourself even if you fucking tried. Your high washed through you like a tidal wave, rippling through your body with uncontainable force, your entire corpse shaking violently against George's chest as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled over you, swears and sounds and drool pouring from your lips without consciousness.
"Fuck-fuck-" George groaned, head falling back against the mattress, grip tightening on your wrists. "I'm-gonna-fuck-"
Fred's fingers remained on your clit, working you through your high as the two of them collectively shattered against you, their bodies tensing and breath sputtering in their lungs as they spilled their hot cum inside of you, fucking you through the remnants of their highs until they were utterly spent.
For a moment, no one moved, everyone fighting to catch their breath, to return back to earth. When Fred pulled out, all that you could do was whimper, your body a collection of sweat and cum and fluids; every nerve ending in your system tingling with lingering pleasure.
"Look at you..." Fred whispered, slumping down onto the mattress beside you, helping you get yourself off of George. "Completely filled and claimed by us."
As you rolled off George and collapsed down onto the mattress between them, they each wrapped their arms around you, holding you tightly between them as you all laid there panting, bodies awash and glistening with sweat.
"All ours..." George murmured against your neck, lids fluttering. "Isn't that right, princess?"
You sighed in satisfaction, nodding softly as you melted into their collective grasp. "All yours, boys...all yours."
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kmt123whatsthetea · 1 year
Fred and George Weasley headcanon
What would they be like with the new employee at Weasley Wizard Wheezes?
A/N: until I get any ideas, I'm going to try writing shorts and headcanons. If you have any requests for shorts or requests for stuff they’d do with the reader etc, I’ll be more than happy to write them.
T/W: NSFW, Our favourite twins being pervy, maybe slightly dark (unknown ownership and the reader is innocent and unaware of the pervy twins’ antics), spanking, pinching, groping, nicknames, praise, drugging? (mentions of aphrodisiacs, sex pollen, and love potions), Smell kink? (like perfume and scent sniffing)
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Both twins
- They’d be all over you, fact
-At first, they thought you didn't mind their attention, but then it dawned on them that you were innocent enough to not notice (that didn't stop them)
-One would ask you to bend down and get something or stand on the step ladder to reach higher stock, the other would be enjoying every glimpse of your underwear
-They would definitely get you a uniform, which would be a very short skirt and a top that shows a lot of skin (they just tell you that its standard uniform and that some of the products stain clothes)
-And if your uniform is ‘crooked’, they’ll happily adjust it for you
-You were so eager for the job that you barely even read your contract (luckily for them)
-In small print was a paragraph that stated that you belonged to them and that they could do anything they wanted to you, ANYTHING
-Making mistakes has its advantages
They won't dock your pay or give you a warning, they’ll just pinch your thighs or give your ass and pussy spanks until you learn your lesson (Fred started this punishment)
-If a customer takes a liking to you or tries to make a move, the twins will slip him some puking pastilles (they have their ways)
-If a customer is mean, they’ll let you sit on one of their laps whilst they comfort you (again, this customer will be getting some puking pastilles for making their favourite girl upset)
-Anything new they make, they try on you (or so they tell you. They only want you to test the new line of ‘potions’ that they have made *cough* aphrodisiac and a sex pollen potions *cough*)
-At first, they wanted to compete for you, but they realised that two heads are better than one
-If Ron comes in and tries to make a move, they bar him from entering (until Molly finds out and sends them a howler)
-They’re waiting for the right moment to spike you with a love potion
Fred Weasley
-Fred is more handsy
-If your thigh is showing, his hands are already there
-If you’re on the stepladder, he will definitely grope your ass and tell you that he's making sure you don't fall
-One of his sneaky tricks involves dropping a small box that has small pieces inside onto you, he's just hoping that some of those pieces will fall out between your tits and he’s more than happy to reach between them to get them out
-If its George’s day off and a customer makes you upset, you will have to hold him back because he will whip his wand out (his magic wand, you dirty minds)
-He’s more possessive of you, and more handsy, and meaner (he will make sure you make a mistake just to punish you)
-Fred has taken a liking to calling you Kitten
George Weasley
-George is sweeter
-He can be just as sneaky as Fred, but he’ll praise you more often than he’ll punish you
-If you get tired when you stand at the till, he won't let you use the chair. As far as he’s concerned, you’re only allowed to sit on his lap or not sit at all (so he’ll just sit down and make you sit on his lap)
-If a customer is mean to you, George will stroke your hair (whilst you’re on his lap) and press small kisses to your cheek, which you think he’s doing to make you smile but he’s doing it cause he loves how you smell
-There have been times where you pout to him about Fred’s punishments, but he just strokes your hair and pretends to feel sorry, saying something like “you should have been a good girl and then Fred won't pinch those pretty little thighs”
-If you come to work and it's raining outside, George will let you change into a shirt of his whilst your clothes dry (he won't wash that shirt, he’ll keep it and smell it whilst his hand works wonders *wink* *wink*)
-George has taken a liking to calling you bunny
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: George and you tend to sleep and cuddle in the same bed. Warning: none?
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you always found it normal, it was like an instinct to you
you've been doing it since you were kids, and over the years it just felt natural.
it started when you first came to the Burrow, you guys were 8, Fred and George invited you over for a sleepover.
you played the whole day together and when it came to bedtime, Molly said you would probably have to take the couch as there was no more room.
But George said you could share his bed, so you climbed into his bed and he set up a pillow wall inbetween you both.
you were woken up by the sound of a loud thunder and the flashing lights of the lightning. It was an understatement to say you were scared of storms, you were terrified.
you woke up George by your light sobbing and he found you under the covers, shaking.
he removed the pillow wall and put them on the floor. he pulled you closer to him, whispering that you were ok and safe. that when he's there, nothing will be able to hurt you.
you latched yourself onto him and he held you in his arms. letting you fall asleep.
from then on, when there was a storm, he would hold you and make sure you felt safe.
when you got to Hogwarts, that didn't change, the first time it stormed in your first year, you tried your best to just sleep but you couldn't. so you went to his dorm room and opened the door, finding his bed and crawling in to it, curling up next to him.
the movement woke him up and he cursed, scared by someone in his bed with him suddenly
"I'm sorry" you apologised, explaining the storm.
he wrapped his arm around you and went back to sleep after telling you it was ok.
that morning he said that if there was a storm and you couldn't sleep, to just go there to him and he'll keep you safe.
later on throughout the years you often found yourself just going to his room anyway, it started off just because you couldn't sleep, then because you felt like it, now it's just because you like it.
you like feeling safe and protected in his arms. you liked feeling his warmth and comfort. you liked it, and he liked it too, he, on the rare occasion will come to your room to sleep with you if you didn't go to his.
you and George's roommates didn't mind at first. in the first few years they thought it was cute, you guys found comfort in each other, they found it sweet.
but now that you're in your 6th year, they began to find it odd.
weird, even. I mean your friend Angie, who you shared a room with thought it was still cute, but that's because she found the idea of you two together cute. but she still felt like it was weird. and something about it was wrong.
you guys weren't together, it was only platonic, but the way you two entwined with each other while sleeping was strange to say the least, but you and George didn't think that.
even when you had a boyfriend for a bit in your 5th year, you still went to George in the night.
neither of you ever questioned it.
so when Fred finally brought it up with his twin, George grew curious and confused. there was nothing wrong with it.
"what do you mean it's weird?" George questioned his brother
"friends don't do that type of thing" Fred informed him "it's just not- it's odd"
"it's not odd, it's normal" George shrugged
"it would be normal if you were dating, not if you're only friends" Fred tries reasoning
"we're best friends" George corrected
"that doesn't make it any better- you know what, forget I said anything" Fred sighed
George thought about that for the rest of the day. was it really that weird, or was it just Fred that thought that?
so when he heard you come into his room that night, softly walking towards his bed, he started wondering.
he watched your figure crawl into his bed and curl up next to him
"hey" he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you as you snuggled into his chest
"hey, Georgie" you whispered
he looked down as you tangled your legs with his, your hand in his hair.
he stared at you, the moon hitting your figure perfectly.
he drew shapes on your side with his fingers gently, hearing you hum at the contact. he smiled down at you as you rested.
after a while of thinking about it, George wanted to discuss it with you
"hey Y/n?" he shifted, getting more comfortable, you groaned in protest before humming in response.
"is it wrong?" he questioned.
you moved, moving your hand from his hair, eyes remaining closed
George felt bad, you were just trying sleep and he was laying there, admiring you, wondering why you two do this.
"is what wrong, Georgie?" you grumbled
you fell silent, and he wondered if you fell asleep
"Love?" he nudged you
"huh?" you whined
"do you think it's weird that we sleep together?" he interrogated quietly.
you moved away from him, opening your eyes as you yawned
"do you?" you inquired tiredly
"no" he responded shortly
"then why are you asking?" you frowned
"I don't know, you don't think it's wrong?" he leaned up, supporting himself on his elbows
"well now I'm starting to" you rubbed your eyes
you both went quiet for a moment, making it awkward
"I'll just stop coming over then, if that makes you feel better" you removed the covers and starting getting up off of his bed, he reached up and grabbed your wrist
"no, no, I like it. come back" he pulled you back into his bed. he put the covers over you and held onto you, resting his head on your chest
"I don't know, Fred was saying it wasn't normal. that friends shouldn't do this. it's a couples thing" he told you. he felt your hands in his hair again, and he felt himself begin to relax.
"well then you should know what to do" you shrugged
you weren't gonna deny your feelings for him, after all the late nights where he would hold you and tell you he's there for you, you couldn't help but wish you guys were something more
luckily, George always felt the same deep down, how could he not. the way you curled up next to him, your hand resting on his chest, right on his heart. it made his heart beat faster, and he was sure you could feel it.
"what should I do?" he questions cluelessly
"you should ask her out, that's what" you heard Fred but in from his bed
"Fred?" George sat up, looking over to his brothers friend
"don't try to deny it. you both fancy each other." the older twin said casually as he turned in his bed
you and George both looked at each other, seeing the love and care in your eyes.
"do you- uh, Hogsmeade? t-"
"yes" you cut him off, smiling up at him. he smiled back, laying back doing, holding you in his arms.
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A enemies to Friends to lovers with george weasley 😭💖?
s a f e a r m s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: tysmm for requesting agaainn, im sorry this took some time, i wasnt sure how to lead with this but i hope you're happy with how this turned out :)
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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george weasley, the king with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the cockiness no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
why did his heart flutter? or why did heat rise to his cheeks and why did he feel so weak to a pretty smile? you had every power over him and he despised you for it. he despised himself on how easily you could walk all over him and he'd say thank you. he could'nt fathom why he was so desperate for your attention even if it was for a mere second.
walking around the hallways in all his glory he'd immediatley caught you making her way. it was peak rush hour, everyone was squirming their way from one class to another and his girl had seemed to lost her footing
George sweeped in catching her from having a meet with the floor. her arms were hugging him. georgie took a second for him to teach himslef how to breathe again.
"the words are you're welcome" supplied george when your mouth lied open. george weasley had his arms swung around your waist having you pressed to his chest.
georgie didnt want to let go. he wanted to keep you pressed to him, his hands were everyone could see. he wanted to hold on forever and not let go.
"are you planning on letting go georgie?"
fuck. george was officially pudding after he heard georgie roll out of your mouth, he was fullfilled.
"so you can go and fall all over again? let them finish scavengering the halls or you'll become squash." how he managed to sound so confident and steady he didnt know?
maybe it had something to do with rodger holmes on the other side of the corridor, his face filled with jealousy. it gave georgie a kick. the girl he's been pinning for in georgie's arms, pressed against him whispering into eachother's ears. Holmes did not need to know what as long as he could see she was in her weasley's arms. it helped him establish his dominance. you were to be his even if you didnt know it yet, even if you'd thought him to be the cold hearted prankster, and rodger better sit the hell down.
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jamilelucato · 1 year
possibility - fred weasley (part 2)
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pairing: fred weasley x slytherin!reader
(part 01 here) (more HP fics here!)
summary: being friends with (y/n) has become Fred's biggest challenge.
note: They are in their last year at Hogwarts, so, for purposes, they are 18; besides, the whole canon of the book (it would've been Order of the Phoenix) is mostly nonexistent here.
the reader: can be interpreted as someone with ADHD; she loves literature and she has no friends.
words: 5000+
Ginny Weasley was a charm, even at the young age of fifteen. 
Being her older brothers around, Fred and George tried their best not to ignore her and make her feel welcomed and heard whenever needed. Most of the time, that was an easy task. But, now that she was getting older, it was harder to listen to her complaints.
“She had no right to say that to me!” she whined, angrily snorting. Her red hair moved with her face as she gestured. “She said it in front of Harry, for Godric’s sake!”
George immediately cast a sidelong glance at Fred. It was no secret that Ginny harboured a strong affection for Harry Potter; her infatuation was apparent to anyone with a Weasley surname, and it was common knowledge throughout Gryffindor House. Only Harry himself seemed oblivious to it. However, as Ginny grew older, her feelings seemed to intensify, and Fred frequently tuned her out, lost in his thoughts, while George assumed the role of counsellor. On that particular day, though, it appeared their roles had been reversed.
“Did he hear what she said?” George inquired gently, addressing his younger sister.
“I believe so,” Ginny responded, her voice lowering as she contemplated the encounter.
"Well, how did he react?" Fred leaned closer, although there was a table separating them from Ginny. The dinner table of Gryffindor was crowded with students, so leaning closer was needed for better hearing.
“He didn't,” Ginny replied, her tone a mixture of confusion and uncertainty. “He was with Hermione, and they were engrossed in their conversation. We exchanged glances, that's all.”
“Could it be possible he was simply aware of your presence and not actually listening to your conversation?” Fred suggested, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
Ginny averted her gaze, reluctant to meet her older brother's eyes. “There's a chance,” she admitted, albeit reluctantly.
“So, he didn't really hear it," Fred remarked, leaning back slightly. “Potter’s a man. If he had heard something and something that involved his name, he would’ve reacted.”
George turned his head to face Fred. “All men, you reckon?”
“Absolutely,” Fred confirmed with a carefree shrug.
But George was out for blood.
“Let's say, for argument's sake, that (y/n) mentioned you. Would you turn to look and react?” George asked, instantly capturing Ginny's attention. She was well aware of (y/n), the enigmatic Slytherin who struggled to maintain friendships but seemed to have formed a unique bond with Fred.
“Sure,” Fred replied, not realising the mischief in his twin's eyes. “I mean, it depends on what she'd be saying about me.”
“Does it really matter?” Ginny chimed in.
“It doesn't,” George answered his sister, then returned to Fred. “But how would you respond to her?”
“She's my friend, Georgie,” Fred teased affectionately, using his twin's nickname. “I'd man up and approach her, saying something like ‘hey, what were you saying about me?’ and get it over with.”
“Get what over with?” Ginny prodded, leaning in closer to Fred.
“Probably turning that friendship into a relationship,” George answered instead of Fred. “I mean, if he were to really man up.”
Fred jabbed his twin with playful force, feeling irked by the insinuations.
“What's wrong with (y/n) and I just being friends?” Fred retorted defensively.
“Nothing,” George shrugged nonchalantly. “She's my friend, too,” he pointed out, “but I don’t dream in my sleep with her doing stuff to me in bed.”
This time, Fred slapped his twin's arm more forcefully. “I've never had a dream about her!”
Ginny burst into laughter, feeling fortunate to sit beside her brothers during this comical exchange.
“You've dreamt about (y/n)?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “What was she doing in your dream? Kissing?” Ginny lowered her voice, casting furtive glances around the room before adding, “Or something more?”
Fred tried to brush off Ginny's teasing with a dismissive wave of his hand despite the hints of a crimson blush creeping onto his freckled cheeks. He shook his head and muttered something about dreams and absurd fantasies.
Ginny and George exchanged a knowing look before George leaned closer to his twin. “Fred, I've known you my entire life, and I can read you like an open book,” he began in a hushed tone. “You're smitten with (y/n).”
Despite his attempts to appear composed, Fred couldn't help but squirm in his seat. “That's nonsense, George. She's just a friend, and I don't think of her that way.”
Ginny chimed in with a playful grin. “Oh, come on, Fred. We've all seen the way you look at her. It's like you're under some kind of love spell.”
Fred glanced around the bustling Great Hall, feeling the weight of the conversation. He had a reputation to uphold, which included being a mischievous troublemaker and a skilled prankster. The idea of admitting his feelings for (y/n) went against the grain of his carefree image. Besides whatever those “feelings” were, they were more complicated than he wanted to admit. 
Instead of confessing his feelings, Fred squared his shoulders and made a decision.
“(y/n), she’s a tough lass,” he started saying, “I'm not going to pursue her romantically. I don't want to complicate things for her.”
Ginny and George shared another look, this time tinged with surprise. Fred was known for his mischievous tendencies but rarely showed such maturity and thoughtfulness.
“What are you going to do, then?” Ginny asked, intrigued by her older brother's newfound wisdom.
Fred flashed a determined smile. “I want to show her she can have genuine friendships, so that’s what I’ll be for her, no matter what.”
Ginny exchanged a glance with George, both impressed and proud of the transformation they had witnessed in their older brother.
“That’s actually… very nice of you, brother,” Ginny said, choked with herself for ever uttering those words.
“Thank you,” Fred shook his head down.
It was a well-known fact that (y/n) struggled to form connections with her peers. While she often blended into the background amidst bustling classrooms and boisterous mealtimes, those who paid attention could discern that, in the end, (y/n) was very much alone. Fred just hoped she wasn’t lonely, too.
And if she was (and, let’s face it, if he were to bet, that would be his horse), he would be her friendly shoulder. Perhaps with his initiative, she would open up to have other friends. But that would sadly mean he should suppress those dangerous feelings (and dreams) about her. He understood that showing romantic interest might deter her from nurturing other friendships or, worse, create an unhealthy dependency on him.
While many boys at Hogwarts might desire such unwavering devotion, Fred cherished his freedom and wanted the same for (y/n). He believed that, given the chance, she too could revel in the joy of genuine friendships.
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She could feel his penetrating gaze like a warm breeze brushing the back of her neck. It was a peculiar sensation. Since she had unofficially accepted the title of “Fred Weasley's friend,” (y/n) had begun experiencing inexplicable emotions regarding him.
Sensing his eyes on her was just one of her peculiar talents. Her personal favourite was her knack for anticipating pranks by the twins; her gaze would instinctively find its way to the impending victim.
Leaving her Slytherin common room, she hadn't expected to encounter Fred. However, when she turned around, hoping to spot him, he was nowhere to be seen.
“Odd,” she thought, clutching her book closer to her chest. It wasn't a hefty tome; it was, in fact, a notebook where she jotted down ideas and penned the initial versions of scenes that might one day become her debut novel.
While the underwater ambience of the Slytherin common room often served as a wellspring of inspiration, that day seemed to be an exception. Hence, (y/n) had decided to grab her notebook and her trusty pen (yes, a pen; she staunchly refused to compose her muggle-inspired stories with a quill and inkwell) and head to the Quidditch pitch in search of inspiration.
During free periods or after classes, Quidditch practices were almost always happening. (y/n) hoped to find an eager and spirited team on the field to keep her writing juices flowing.
She dared to look around again before abandoning the idea that Fred Weasley was following her. So, confirming the absence of red hair, she resumed her pace.
To her relief, the Quidditch pitch was packed with a team of blue shirts. Ravenclaws weren't known for their blood on the field, not as much as Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs, but they would suffice. (y/n) selected a spot in the bleachers, tucked away in a corner high enough to observe everything but hidden from the spotlight. A few people were around, mostly students, but not in uniform, so she couldn't tell if they were opponents watching the Ravenclaws train or just supportive friends.
As she settled in, she opened her notebook, placing it on her lap, ready to transcribe the imaginary world blossoming in her mind. The words flowed effortlessly from her pen, her gaze seldom shifting from the training session. The sounds of players in action served as the ideal backdrop to her writing.
Without her realising it, the scene had shifted from focusing on battle, blows and gushing blood to an intimate moment between nameless protagonists. (y/n) had yet to fully develop their backstory, but they always made their presence known when she ventured into the realm of fairies: a tall, strong lad and a quick-witted young lady.
In the scene she was crafting, they bid each other farewell before venturing into an ongoing battle. Although their words hinted at sadness, they teased one another playfully, creating a certain ambivalence that (y/n) found challenging to convey.
She had just finished writing down the boy's response when a voice behind her remarked, “I'd change that. No battle-hardened lad would utter something so… girlish.”
(y/n) didn't even flinch. She had sensed Fred Weasley's presence earlier, and his sudden appearance was merely confirmation that she wasn't descending into madness or becoming paranoid. She felt a flicker of annoyance at the idea that he had been peeking at her notes, but with no Time-Turner to reverse the situation, she decided to take his opinion on board. Fred's perspective on how a boy would speak could enrich her literary endeavour.
“Hello, Weasley," she greeted him, her eyes on him as he gracefully hopped from the seat behind her to the vacant one beside her.
Fred, however, didn't offer a greeting in return. “Why are you here?” he cut right to the chase. 
With a casual shrug, she answered, “Felt uninspired in my common room.” She closed her notebook, a sense of finality in the gesture.
“Of course you did,” he quipped with bitterness. “That place stinks of rich kids and Death Eaters.”
Rolling her eyes, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a tinge of exasperation.
Fred had a peculiar tendency to launch into rants about the Slytherin House, a habit she never entirely understood. She was, without a doubt, a Slytherin through and through. She couldn't imagine belonging to any other house. Ambition coursed through her veins in her academic pursuits and aspirations for a successful writing career. Loyalty to her family was non-negotiable, and luckily for her, her parents weren't affiliated with the Dark Lord, making it easy to stay loyal to them.
In fact, she'd once pointed out to Fred that he'd make a perfect Slytherin himself. His ambitions were evident, especially with the joke shop he and George planned to open. His loyalty to his family, a prominent trait he shared with most Slytherins, was equally unmistakable. His lineage was as pure as anyone's at Hogwarts, if not more so. Her own mother was a half-blood witch. Yet, when she suggested this to him, he'd responded cheeky. “But red is my colour,” he'd declared, putting an end to their discussion.
“Actually,” (y/n) retorted, returning her focus to the ongoing discussion, “Slytherin’s dorms are very inspiring. But not to a battle scene; for that, I needed the smell of sweaty and strategy.”
Fred raised an eyebrow, suggesting that he found her comment rather amusing. “Leave it to the Ravenclaws to provide the strategy, eh?”
Not having an immediate response, (y/n) fell into a contemplative silence. Her eyes remained fixed on the Quidditch field, where the apparent captain of the team was engaging in a heated exchange with one of the beaters.
“So, about your writing,” Fred spoke softly, as if dipping his toes into uncertain waters, “I like it.”
Her gaze snapped to the red-haired boy, curiosity brimming in her eyes. She was always eager to hear both compliments and critiques of her work. To her, praise was uplifting, but constructive criticism was pure gold. She wondered what else he had to say.
“The battle scene sounds absolutely brilliant,” he continued as if reading her unspoken query. “Although I must admit, I missed a few lines; you write too fast, and your cursive is kind of weird.”
(y/n) showed her teeth in embarrassment. She was not used to being complimented about her cursive handwriting, so it wasn’t a surprise that Fred complained about it, but it was still embarrassing to hear about it, especially from a boy with no better penmanship.
“But you had one more complaint,” she reminded him, noticing Fred was silent.
He gulped, swallowing dry and hard.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “The lad there. You don’t know your men.”
“Excuse me?” (y/n) raised her eyebrows, and her voice unintentionally rose in volume.
Fred quickly raised his hands, a peace offering, his intent clearly non-confrontational. (y/n) relaxed a bit, realising she'd somewhat overreacted.
“Did you ever pay attention to how I talk? Or George or Lee?” Fred asked, turning his knees towards hers. Thanks to their sitting position, he towered over her, but less than usual. 
Since she'd accepted her friendship with Fred, she'd inevitably become acquainted with the others in his circle, including Lee Jordan.
“Listen,” Fred sighed, “most men aren't as eloquent as your character. They tend to be a bit more straightforward. Your 'lad' speaks in a way that's... well, a bit flowery.”
“He’s, like, from the sixteenth century,” (y/n) pointed out, defending her nameless protagonist.
“Right,” Fred said, tilting his head. “But that doesn’t actually change anything. No men would say,” and at that, he reached for her notebook without asking permission and opened it to the exact page she had been writing on. “No men would say, ‘I shall miss your sunkissed voice if this ends badly’.”
Placing her hands on her hips, (y/n) arched an eyebrow. “So, how would you put it, then?”
Fred pondered the question, trying to envision the moment in (y/n)'s book. He was not a writer and lacked the skills to be an actor, so he had to re-read the scene to know the rightful reply. He looked back down at the page before returning his gaze to her.
“Don't die,” he suggested, playing the character so well, lowering his tone to sound charming and seductive.
Unfortunately, for (y/n), her heart did a somersault in response. The scene Fred had just read involved the characters' parting words, and the simplicity of “Don't die” carried a powerful weight. It conveyed the protagonist's profound desire for his female counterpart to survive, for her loss would leave a void that could never be filled. The moment's essence was encapsulated in those two words, and Fred had delivered them perfectly.
Not that (y/n) had been planning to meet an untimely end anytime soon, but after Fred's persuasive delivery, she found herself inclined to postpone any thoughts of it indefinitely.
Observing that she hadn't averted her gaze from his eyes and noting the rapid rise and fall of her chest, (y/n) decided to seize the book from his hand swiftly.
“That was ridiculous,” she remarked, attempting to dissipate the moment's intensity with humour.
“That's how I would say it,” Fred nonchalantly shrugged, retracting his knees from their near-contact and turning his attention back to the Quidditch field.
“And who told you my protagonist is based on you, Weasley?” she quipped, tilting her head and arching an eyebrow.
Instead of being hurt by her tone of voice — this was the reaction she anticipated and expected and perhaps wanted — Fred smiled teasingly.
"Well, if you create a character described as handsome, muscular, silky-haired, and unmistakably tall, it's quite obvious to any reader that it's me," he retorted playfully.
Her mouth fell open in mock astonishment at his audacity. With an exaggerated flourish, she dropped the book onto her lap.
“And, of course, you're the female protagonist,” he continued, his smirk growing wider. “Hot-headed and cranky, who else could it be?”
(y/n)'s face contorted into a permanent grimace.
“(y/n), are you writing a fanfic about us?” he inquired, leaning closer into her personal space.
That was the final straw. (y/n) propelled herself to her feet, fueled by her irritation and fixed Fred with an accusatory finger.
“Listen here, Fred. The day I write a book about us, you can call me insane.”
Fred chuckled heartily, clearly relishing her reactions. (y/n) couldn't fathom why he found it all so amusing. Her book centred around fairies battling to regain political power; it had nothing to do with their personal lives. Fred was the one acting irrationally, suggesting it was some sort of “fanfic” and daring to entertain the notion that she would include flattering descriptions of him within the story.
If what he suspected were true, that she harboured a crush on him, then he shouldn't have found the idea humorous. Even if it were indeed fiction, he should have been repelled. (y/n) couldn't help but think that he might be secretly pleased with the notion, which irked her further. She didn't have a crush on him!
She turned on her heel with an exasperated huff and stormed away from the bleachers. However, just before she could escape earshot, she heard Fred's voice, laced with a hint of melody.
“Don't dieee!”
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She was on the Quidditch pitch stands again. Only this time, there was an actual match on the field, not just a training session.
The Slytherin team zipped through the air on their latest-generation broomsticks, an annual tradition courtesy of Draco Malfoy's father. They faced off against Gryffindor, known for its fiercely competitive players. Whenever the green and red houses clashed, it was always a breathtaking spectacle.
(y/n) was gladly sitting next to Lee Jordan, narrating the game animatedly. Even when the Slytherins executed brilliant plays, his narration remained spirited. He occasionally mumbled comments about some Slytherin players but also praised them when deserved.
Only three days had passed since Fred Weasley had playfully accused her of basing her book's protagonist on him. Since then, they had seen each other and talked, but the book's topic hadn't resurfaced.
“Wow!” Lee's voice broke her concentration. “The Slytherins are really going after our beaters! I mean, sorry, they're going after the Gryffindor beaters!”
Engrossed in the match, (y/n) confirmed Lee's observation. The Slytherin beaters were prioritising targeting the Gryffindor beaters over the usual strategy of interfering with the opposing Seeker. (y/n) knew little about Quidditch's strategy, so she couldn't discern whether this was a wise move by her fellow Slytherins. However, she grew concerned for the Gryffindor beaters, who happened to be Fred and George.
She rose from her seat, her eyes following the twins' every move.
“The crowd is getting worried!” Lee Jordan's voice resonated, and (y/n) turned to face him. He raised his shoulders innocently as if to say he was just calling it as he saw it. Before she could reprimand him, Lee resumed narrating the game. “Oh, no! They're targeting Fred Weasley. Both beaters against one guy; not fair!”
Fred Weasley's name caused (y/n) to search the sky anxiously, her eyes scanning the field for his broom. The atmosphere was tense. She had attended the match in neutral black attire and sat beside Lee, determined not to favour any team. Although she had recently become acquainted with half of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she couldn't help but feel allegiance to her house. Despite her intentions, the sight of Fred being targeted stirred worry within her. She left Lee's side and hurried down the bleacher stairs, seeking a better vantage point of the unfolding events on the pitch.
“And Fred's been hit! Fred Weasley is hit. Was it fair?” Lee's voice reached her ears as she made her way down. “Oh, I see. Oliver Wood, Gryffindor’s captain, is asking for a break, a time-out. Let’s give them ten minutes to regroup. We'll be back shortly.”
(y/n) turned back against the field and found Lee’s eyes through the crowd. She was grateful for the encouragement he silently offered with a nod. It was the nudge she needed to practically leap down the remainder of the bleacher steps, racing toward the Gryffindor Changing Room.
Luckily for her, the stands were consistently high, so in the actual field, there was nobody. She quickly reached the right spot but hesitated behind the curtain doors, listening intently. Oliver was addressing the team, urging them to regain their focus. Harry only needed to catch the Golden Snitch, and with Oliver as the Keeper, they would fend off the Slytherins from scoring further.
Summoning her courage, (y/n) poked her head through the curtain doors.
“Fred?” she murmured, but her voice carried to all the players.
(y/n) saw Fred, all sweaty, squeezing a water container over his face, drinking only half of it. “(y/n)?” he asked, confused by her presence.
She took the opportunity to step fully into the Changing Room. The other players exchanged knowing glances but remained silent; they understood she wasn't an enemy. (y/n) had interacted with Oliver, Angelina, and, of course, Harry Potter himself. Their glances spoke more of intrigue as if they were silently questioning the stage of her relationship with Fred.
Fred handed his now-empty water bottle to George, who appeared equally puzzled about what to do with it. Fred then retrieved his bat from the floor and approached (y/n), who remained fixed in her spot, somewhat intimidated by her unfamiliar surroundings.
“Are you okay?” she asked, her worry palpable. “Are you hurt?”
Fred kept moving closer. “I'm fine,” he assured her.
She nodded, darting over Fred’s shoulder, peeking at George. “And you, George? Are you alright?” 
George nodded affirmatively just as Oliver cleared his throat.
“Well, let's regroup outside,” Oliver instructed the team. With that, the players rose from their seats in a flash.
They left the Changing Room, leaving only Fred behind, and George was the last one to go, for he lingered a bit, moving with deliberate slowness. His eyes remained fixed on Fred and (y/n), and as the others filed out, it became evident that Oliver had called them out to grant the pair some much-needed privacy.
As the room emptied, (y/n) seized the chance to scrutinise Fred's face. The water had washed away the grime, revealing his striking features. He looked almost dishevelled, his heart beating fast, and a rosy hue tinged his cheeks. His damp hair was in complete disarray, the ends defiantly pointing in all directions. He seemed to sense her gaze on his unruly locks and ran a hand through them to tame them, achieving only partial success.
“Are you sure you're okay?” Her voice was soft, carrying genuine concern as she narrowed the gap between them, her fingertips yearning to touch Fred's face. “Lee mentioned you got hit.”
Her gentle touch seemed to kindle a fire within Fred. His face flushed, and he stuttered slightly, turning his head to the right when she reached for him.
“Where did the Bludger hit you?” she inquired, studying his face for any signs of injury. His features appeared unscathed, although his cheeks radiated with warmth.
“It grazed my right ear,” he replied, and she instinctively turned his face further to examine the ear. It was only slightly reddened, no worse than the rest of his face.
“I'm sorry they're targeting you,” she uttered with a slow breath, her concern deepening. Her hands left his face, but Fred turned his chin to face her.
“It's part of the game,” Fred shrugged.
Fred had never seen (y/n) like this before. After weeks of their friendship, this was the first time he had witnessed her express genuine concern.
“I know,” she sighed. “That doesn’t mean it’s fair. Or easy to watch.”
“It’s not a battle,” he noted, gingerly alluding to her book.  “No one’s gonna die.”
“But some are going to get hurt,” she stated, her gaze fixed on his ear, her worry etched across her features.
Fred loomed over her, his taller stature requiring her to tilt her head upward to meet his eyes and see his facial expressions. Usually, she appreciated that he was taller, but at that moment, it seemed to create an unwelcome distance.
An unspoken question lingered in (y/n)’s mind: What was she doing there? Why had she hurried to the Changing Room?
“Well,” she cleared her throat, avoiding his gaze, “if you're okay, then I should head back. You know, to watch you win or whatever.”
He smiled at her awkwardness, a not uncommon sight when it came to (y/n). He'd witnessed her awkwardness before, often finding it endearing. She sometimes struggled with conversation, especially with other people, leading to uncertain moments. Fred couldn't help but find those moments rather cute.
“You're not cheering for your own house?” he inquired, the corners of his mouth hinting at an impending smirk.
She pressed the inner corner of her mouth with her teeth, pondering her response. “Not when they're being unfair.”
“Three days ago, I swear you wouldn't have said it's unfair if they were targeting me,” he finally allowed that smirk to surface. It was the second subtle reference to her book, or at least a hint at that day, making (y/n) shy.
“Sometimes I want to hit you, Weasley,” she teased, her tone playful despite her lingering concern.
Fred chuckled, closing the distance between them, if that was even possible.
“Do it,” he taunted, his eyes dancing mischievously.
Her gaze met his, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was genuinely asking for it. She certainly had her reasons to want to hit him. First, for teasing her relentlessly. Second, for insisting on being her friend. Third, for involving her with all of his other friends. And now, that — whatever that was.  She was eager to touch him, just not to do it in the form of a slap. 
Something else fluttered in her stomach, and she hated it, and she hated Fred for it.
“Come on, (y/n),” he teased again, his smirk widening.
Her frustration reached its peak. How dare he jest with her after all the concern she had shown? She had never rushed to find someone before and loathed how unappreciative he seemed.
Without thinking, (y/n) closed the distance between them. Not with a slap, as Fred had half-expected, but with a kiss. It was so swift that Fred barely registered it until he felt her cool lips against his warm ones. A sigh escaped her as she realised he wasn't pushing her away.
And how could he? Fred had yearned for this moment for so long, through countless sleepless nights, because sleep meant dreams, and every dream was about her. Whether he imagined (y/n) seeking help with a prank and then kissing him, or (y/n) struggling with grades and asking for comfort through a kiss, or even the most sensual dreams where she broke into his Gryffindor dorm room wearing nothing but her panties.
Whatever had prompted (y/n) to kiss him, Fred was beyond caring. He hoped she wouldn't stop. He abandoned his mantra of ignoring his romantic feelings for her, forgetting they were meant to be just friends.
Fred kissed her passionately, willingly, leaving his bat forgotten on the floor as he held her close. His hands found her waist, lifting her slightly, bringing her nearer as he devoured her lips.
For (y/n), it felt like paradise. She'd never been kissed before, though she had read about it. Still, she'd assumed a kiss was just lips meeting, nothing more. She hadn't expected her first kiss to be like a scene from a romance novel, but it was. She experienced everything the heroines in her favourite books described: a warmth that started low in her belly and surged upward, a desire to merge completely with Fred. She clutched his red hair as if her life depended on it as if she depended on him.
“Fred! Come on!” a voice from outside yelled so loudly that it snapped both of them back to reality.
Fred was in the middle of a Quidditch match, but somehow, he had just kissed (y/n).
Slowly, he released her, and she stared back at him, her face flushed a deep shade of red, much like his hair. Her hand reached for her own lips as if trying to comprehend that what had just happened was real. She had been kissed. By Fred Weasley.
“We have just a minute, Fred!” the voice shouted again, and this time, (y/n) realised it was Oliver Wood, their captain, yelling.
“I think you have to go,” she said, her voice slightly shaky.
Fred nodded, placing his hands on his hips.
“Like now, Freddie,” she added, and her raised eyebrows conveyed the situation's urgency.
He burst back to reality, hastily retrieving his bat from the floor. Rushing toward the curtained exit, he glanced back at her.
Did he really kiss his best friend when he swore he wouldn’t?
They shared a glance. He would have to be content with that one kiss, for he could never pursue anything more if he wanted (y/n) to maintain her friendships because she was now finally opening up for that possibility.
“Don't die,” she murmured, her tone serious, but a laugh escaped her as she made the witty remark.
Finally, he left the Changing Room. For if he stayed any longer, he feared he would have to kiss her laughter away from her lips.
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wandsandwheezes · 3 months
WARNINGS // 8.6k // SMUT 18+, George x Reader // Fred x unnamed OC, Angry Fred, Racer!George, light angst, fighting, rough sex, soft sex, breeding kink af, mentions of alcohol, cars, sex, possession, praise kink, a (tiny) amount of degradation, oral, unprotected sex.
A/N // Ladies n gents we are back n better than everrr!! This has legit been sat in the WIPs for a year and I have not had the energy or motivation to get back to it until now. ps.. thank you to @darthwheezely for helping me out on this one as my co-writer, idk what i'd do without you!! pps.. stay tuned for more works in the future!
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It was always good to be home. As much as George adored being on the road, there was something so blissful about waking up in his own bed, with the woman of his dreams curled tightly into his chest. This was what made it worth it. 
“Good morning, muffin,” you muttered peacefully, hand reaching up to push the messy tufts of hair from his sleepy eyes. He threw his head back and groaned at your use of the corny nickname so early in the morning.
“That divorce and sweet sweet alimony cannot come soon enough,” he grinned, soon getting whacked in the face by the pillow next to you, his own hand reaching to pull you by the scruff of your neck into a sloppy kiss. 
Like most mornings, George was already out of bed, walking around aimlessly in his low-slung plaid pj bottoms as he searched sleepily for either his shop uniform or at the very least something that would easily pass without Fred throwing a fit.
“Are you sure you want to leave me?” You teased, pushing yourself out of bed, letting his t-shirt fall past your hips as your feet patted along the wood floors, taking you to him. You wrap your arms around his waist groggily, forehead resting against his back as you take in his warmth.
“I’m never sure about leaving you, angel, I doubt you’ll take much convincing if I suggest lunch?”
“I’ll make your favourite sandwich and swing by later, yeah?” You smiled, giggling as he spun you around, strong hands holding your arms as he leaned down to kiss you.
“They say you’re the lucky one, but lord, woman you make me the luckiest.” 
The sun was not Fred’s friend today. But honestly: no one was Fred’s friend today, not when the sun was over a hundred and two degrees in a shop with shitty A/C with his wife away playing hostess for god knows how many interviewees in that pretty black dress.
He probably wouldn’t even be this angry if she hadn’t been an insufferable prime American tease, waking up to her lips wrapped around the base of his cock and sending delicious vibrations throughout his body before pulling off right as he was about to release:
“You’ve got work today, ace, I need you to be a good boy.”
So there was Fred, as horny as a fourteen year old, deprived as a fourteen year old, and about as pouty as a toddler. Even George knew how pissy his brother had been, eyeing him rather sharply. 
“You know, Freddie, It would be nice to come into work one day with you having not woken up on the wrong side of bed.” George chuckled, pulling up the bottom of his already oil-stained shirt to wipe at his jaw. The older twin stalked around him and hit him in the chest with his rag.
“Actually, I was sleeping quite well on my lovely and rosy smelling side of the bed until I got fucking booted like a small boy and-” he was briefly aware of George laughing at him and made to punch his younger brother over the hood. “- it’s not funny, you know...it’s…” he swallowed, the familiar feeling of his strawberry tint rising to the surface, “...ithasn’tbeenasrecentasyou and before you ask me how I know that, remember you’re the other half of my DNA in mum’s womb,” he childishly spat. He slid into the driver’s seat of the Mustang they were working on and began drumming the dash, his knee bouncing against the side door - a tell tale sign of his frustration.
“I thought we established that you are in fact half of my DNA, just because you were born first doesn’t mean shit.” George rolled his eyes, throwing the rag on top of the car before joining his brother in the passenger seat.
“No, because I, in fact, am the prettier twin, which means I not only had sex first, but also get more privileges such as Denny’s coupons, discounted smoothies, and more phone calls with my mother than you.” Spotting you walk into the workshop area he honked the horn a couple times and giggled, whistling when you walked in.
“Ahoy my lovely sister-in-law!” He grinned and honked once more, a loud and obnoxious greeting - so uniquely Fred.
Rolling up to the side of the car, you laughed, seeing George rub at his temples, sighing to himself over the continuous blaring horn. You leaned in against the window, poking your head into the car with a smile, pressing a kiss to George’s cheek while Fred’s smile dropped, his face forming into a stare of jealousy, quickly forcing a smile again to hide his obvious frustrations. 
“Oi! Get a bloody room you two!” He huffed, honking loudly when George leaned in to kiss you again.
“Do you mind?” George gritted out.
“Yes, a bit, actually, you may have the back office for now to do somewhat lovey and sinful things but please try to be discreet, kids!” He winked salaciously and leaned forward against the wheel, his elbow cocked on the dash as he fought to not think about destroying his wife to be the second she got home. Usually racing helped, kept his mind (and libido) wandering if he felt a bit pent up - but at least for a few months or so, there wouldn’t be any release. The thought alone had him throw his head back and groan in displeasure.
“I brought lunch, wanna eat with me?” You grinned, batting your eyelashes, a move that practically had George falling out of the car, grabbing your hand as he followed you out to the back office. It was definitely hotter in the back, if you were being honest, yet that had nothing to do with the blazing sunshine but the way your fiance could have practically drank you in whole by the way he was staring. 
“Stop staring, George, your eyes will go square.” You laughed, setting your bag on the table, pulling out the sandwich you had made for him, pushing it into his chest as you pulled out your own lunch. 
“You know that doesn’t work with staring at humans right? Just TVs.” George retorted, walking backwards before plopping himself down on the sofa. “You didn’t happen to bring my-” You had already reached into your bag, pulling out his water bottle, something he not only had a habit of leaving at home but something he nearly always drank with lunch. Props to him for staying hydrated but after so long together you had managed to pick up on nearly all of the smaller things about him. 
“What would I do without you, huh?” He smiled, taking the bottle from your hand as you slipped onto the sofa next to him, legs swinging over his thighs as you unwrapped your sandwich. This was normal for you, reminding you of the days before racing and before America, a part of you growing fond of those memories. 
“You seem lost, Angel.” He muttered, hand reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, a worried look painting his expression. Shaking your head at him, you pulled yourself up to be straddling his hips, your nose bumping against his softly before capturing his lips into a kiss. 
A part of both of you needed this, the locked lips while his hands held your hips in their place, effortlessly controlling the way they would rut against his growing bulge, both desperate for the friction. He was moaning into your mouth, his hips bucking up to meet yours as the innocence in the kiss quickly slipped away, his own desperation to have you ruling how his hands had practically ripped your shirt off of you, his lips messily pressed against the newly exposed skin of your chest. 
“Shit, baby, I just wanna get those tight little fucking shorts off of you.” He groaned, hand snaking up to tangle in the hair at the back of your head as your hips continued grinding relentlessly. You were ultimately putty in his hands, moldable and pliant only for his skilled grip and teasing touch. 
“No time for that though.” He chuckled, his quick fingers effortlessly slipping the material to the side before the pad of his thumb found your clit, rubbing in teasing circular motion, a loud and lewd groan falling from his lips at the feel of just how wet you were already. Your hand flew to his mouth, finger pressed against his plump lips to keep him silent.
“Not so much noise, Georgie.” You giggled, a faint moan falling from your lips as his fingers began to tease your entrance. Your own warnings of silence had fallen short the second you found yourself wrapped around his fingers, his long digits pulling desperate moans from you by the second.
“Not so much noise, angel.” 
The elder twin had watched his brother follow you out, had seen the way his twin’s eyes had smoothed over the curve of your ass, how he’d admired your shorts and in utter and complete disdain Fred kicked the inside of the car. It was dumb, the way he was wishing he could have his girl thrown in front of a bathroom counter and force her to watch him fuck that pretty pretty cunt of his, and unknowingly slid his hand down to his jeans and started to palm.
His jaw was clenched at the thought of her slutty little stunt she pulled this morning when they both knew how wet she would get when she had her mouth around him, and gritted in a groan as he squeezed his clothed erection.
“God, fuck, love,” he panted, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans half way to slide his boxers down, his cock springing free instantly. He thought about how her cunt fit perfectly to his cock, how no matter how many times he’d slipped deliciously into her, she always seemed just as tight as the first time, meanwhile his hand loosely pumped back and forth on his shaft. This was pathetic, he knew it was pathetic, but still the idea of her underneath him while her breasts heaved and her smokey chocolate hair was strewn about the pillow had him grunting.
“God, I’m so surprised you’re not pregnant yet, with the amount of cum I stuff you with and the rounds we do in a day,” he growled, all eleven inches sunk deep into her.
“Oh, shit, baby, god, you feel so good,” he panted, his thumb tightly rolling small circles on his tip. 
“Want it so bad, baby, wanna be so full and round soon as we can,” she had moaned, arching so far into his hold that he had thrusted at the same time a nipple brushed his lips and into his mouth, biting the sensitive flesh and causing her to whine.
“Such a fucking whore,” he snarled, his hips bucking up to meet each stroke of his fist, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he imagined his palm to be nothing but her - no, his - soft and soaked pussy. 
His hips were jerking at the speed of sound, he didn’t really care if anyone else could hear, if anything it made him more turned on, let ‘em hear, he could give less of a shit and especially if she were here, he’d make damn sure everyone from Houston to L.A. knew exactly which racer she was getting boned by each and every night.
“Freddie, honey, please, I need you to so bad,”
“I’m right behind you, baby, goddamnit so fucking good,” and with a faint shout of her name he released, his dick twitching under his own rough touch, his eyes screwed shut at his own frustration, none of it was real, the memory of it and the smell of sweaty sex in not only hotel rooms but in cars across the country dimming his mind back to square one. He laughed harshly at his own predicament, assessing his own situation before whistling lowly.
“Fuck, I need a drive.”
“George, for the love of God, stop fuckin’ with the carburetor, we already checked it an hour ago,” Fred whined, leaning against the back of the car. The day had been relatively slow beyond that one car, the hour approaching about 4:30, Fred eagerly awaiting until those hands hit 6.
“We did? I could have sworn we didn’t but I wouldn’t know, would I?” George rolled his eyes, pushing himself away from under the hood, heading over to you to take the tool you aimlessly held from your hands, not before his hands pressed against your neck, pulling you into a quick kiss.
Fred went to retort, interrupted only by the grizzly rotary of the engine rev close by. He knew exactly what the sound was, the same kind of rev that ecologists blamed on the hole in the ozone, the smell lewd and hungry for attention. 
It wasn’t just any old car, it had to be for racing. And sure enough it was, two in fact, fully souped up in high gear and brand new paint blinding in the Arizona sun. Fred held a hand above his eyebrows to see who it was, and George leaned back around Fred trying to do the same thing. When the cars pulled up and swerved albeit messily into the lot the twins broke into grins.
“Is that-?”
“-yeah, it’s-”
And then the car doors opened, one man rather lanky and lean and the other shorter and stocky, the rather lean one putting both his hands on his hips and clucking: “Well, I’ll be damned, freshen up then lads,” and grinned mischievously.
“SEAMUS!” They both yelled and jumped at their friends, a chorus of rowdy hugs and how are yous being traded from each of the boys.
“Alright then, boys?” Seamus quipped.
“Well, Jesus, we sure hope so, haven’t seen you since, shit what March?” George ran a hand through his hair, looking at Fred to confirm that and he nodded in response.
“Sounds about right, we’ve had to keep to ourselves - don’t want a bust like what happened to Diggory, y’know,” Seamus smirked.
“That arsehole from - shit what was his sponsor, Georgie?”
“Yeah, I never liked him, hits on everything that moves he does, my girl included,” Fred made his way to their mini-fridge swinging out a couple of bottled cane-sugar Coke (the only kind he and his wife ever drank, unfortunately for their bank account), and distributing them to each of the boys, passing around the bottle opener.
Dean scoffed. “Fred, you think everyone flirts with your girl and Y/N.”
“I’m a protective man, Thomas, not my fault I see a douche bag and-”
“Anyway,” George cut him off, leaving a rather pouty Fred in his place, and leaning back to sit on the hood of the car. “What brings you two ‘round then?”
Seamus and Dean visibly held their bottles a little tighter, then looked at each other.
“Well, we um...we have this thing we do on Thursdays down behind Tucson-” Seamus started.
“-not the raceway...it’s a bit more shifty, if you get it.” Dean finished, taking a swig of Coke. George studied the two for a second and finally leaned back on the car hood.
“Boys, what is this?” He asked softly, Fred shifting uncomfortably on the minifridge.
Seamus opened his mouth again, his face a great shade of crimson when Dean leapt in again.
“We do it in secret because if Indy or Nascar found out we’d all be dead but...we never really stopped racing you know. We just...we do it in the backwoods area of town-”
“Where it’s basically just sand and flat land for miles,” Seamus added, nodding vehemently. 
“Count me in.” Fred spoke quickly, pushing himself up off the mini fridge and over to the two boys, a smirk hanging off his lips in anticipation of being able to put his foot to the floor again on a track, albeit a dirt-road track, it was a course nevertheless.
“Yeah, no, Fred you can’t, if the Wood Brothers find out you are never racing again.” George cut in, fingers pressed to his temple in fear of his brother’s own recklessness.
“Come on, baby brother, I think you need to loosen up a little, what do you think, y/n?” Fred’s smirk only grew as he raised his eyebrow, hoping to entice the younger twin into his lure.
“You know, Georgie, I think it would be good for you and Fred to race together, you know, just for fun...” You shrugged, staking over to George, arms wrapping around his waist, as you looked up at him with a pout.
“I suppose if those two big brains can still have jobs, we’ll be fine, right?” George sighed, feeling himself giving in, purely from a look from his girlfriend.
“That’s the spirit!” Dean smirked, a smile cracking up on Seamus’ lips as the four boys looked among each other, almost silently communicating a plan until they had erupted with laughter.
The clock had said 9:34, roughly 26 minutes before Fred would be ecstatically waiting for George outside his studio apartment. His neck was tilted upwards, covered in shaving cream with a bath towel wrapped loosely around his waist. The sink was littered with expensive cologne and aftershave, the first purchase he ever made after his first check at the shop, his scalpel grifting smoothly up his jawline. 
Fred had learned very early on that preparation was absolutely everything, and after his little twelfth place charade - he felt his mates needed to remember that he was, for all intents and purposes, that bitch. 
“Fred, baby, you home?” He heard her call out, the clanging of keys falling into the empty fishbowl on the coffee table.
“Yeah, cupcake, I’m in here,” he called out stiffly, listening to her start to rant on about the interviews at hand - none of them were ever any fun, he’d been to enough to learn that all they cared about were raunchy questions geared at his wife and female reporters flirting with him in front of studio audiences. 
“...and god my feet were killing me, she wanted to walk with me all the way down the block and-“ she stopped analyzing his posture, his broad and freckled back still slightly covered in drops from the shower, his V-line angled to the side to a point where if she tugged on his hips juuuust right it would be sure to drop in one fell swoop, combined with the fact that he was shaving. 
“Yes, dear?” He side eyed her and smirked before turning his eyes back to the mirror, finishing the last of the area around his upper jaw and by his cheekbones.
“Are you going somewhere tonight?” She questioned, standing next to him now, looking at him directly through the mirror. He licked his lips at the sight of her minorly aggressive position and broke contact.
“Just for a bit, love, I’ll be back probably when you’re asleep.”
“And were you planning on telling me?”
“And were you planning on being a tease this morning after I gave you such a lovely time last night?”
He watched her mouth open and close as if she were about to say something and faltered, and snorted. “Yes, exactly, I thought so,” he said, turning around to grab a hand towel, splashing water on his face to rinse off the cream.
“Oh...I see what this is,” she purred. He stopped and slowly pulled his face up to the sink, setting a hand down on the sink to ground him from the massive hard on that was occurring under his towel, and turning towards her.
“What was that?” 
“I think you’re a pent up, horny teenager that doesn’t like being told no,” she smiled cruelly at him and watched as Fred’s jaw tensed ever so slightly. 
He rolled it gently and went to move past her but she was quicker, and pushed him backward with five painted red nails to his chest. She looked up at him and roughly scratched down his torso, causing Fred to hiss at the fresh red stripes. She slid a hand up his chest and stopped at the column of his throat, gripping ever so slightly, before leaning up to kiss him and pulling away just so he could feel her exhale.
“Have a nice night, Freddie,” she whispered before quirking a brow and grinning, prancing off to their bedroom alone.
When she was out of earshot he shakily breathed out, trying to steady his breathing and his yearning cock - he’d deal with her later for sure, regardless of his behavior or not.
It was 9:32, approximately 28 minutes before George would pick him up outside his studio apartment…
The twins arrived at around 10:15, the drive there filled with only uncomfortable silence at what was to come. George was a bit pissed to say the least, once again Fred was getting his way for an adrenaline run, and this time Y/N had backed him up.
George’s last place he would be right now is behind the wheel of his own fucking car.
He parked it next to Dean’s sleek, jet black chevy, his hands gripping the steering wheel ever so slightly as he leaned back against the headrest.
“You realize if we get caught we could never race again, right?” George prompted quietly.
“Here’s an idea; don’t.” Fred rolled his eyes, reaching over to flick his brother in the ear, eyebrows raised playfully.
“Yeah, no shit, sherlock.” George grumbled, turning off the ignition, listening to the signature growl of his engine grind to a stop. 
“Why is it always such a bad idea to do anything fun once in a while, Georgie,” Fred grumbled, his knee bouncing against the floor of the car. “It’s not like we’ve had anything to do as of late, you know.”
“Of course, besides, hmm, I dunno, not making our sponsors upset? By like possibly following the very slight and basic set of rules we’ve been given?” George snipped, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel. He sighed to himself and went to get out of the car when Fred grabbed his arm.
“Hey, you agreed to this too, you know-”
“Yes, at the behest of my lovely fiance and my snot nosed, ant thorax of a barely older brother and as such, I’m driving this thing when this shit factory of a drag race starts.” He whacked Fred’s arm away and exited the car, immediately all but smiles on his face as he went to greet his friends, a sporadic and adrenaline heated Fred on his tail.
“Well if it isn’t the two most obnoxious bastards in NASCAR,” Fred turned to see his best friend and ex-pit crew member, Roger Davies, and excitedly gripped him in a hug, hands clapping backs and tears falling down cheeks at the renewal of friendship.
“Georgie! Look, it's Rog!”
“Holy shit, not my first husband-!”
“Your only husband, Weasley number 5, and Fred can disagree all he wants,” Roger grinned and pulled both boys into a hug before whispering in their ear, “watch out for Finnegan and Thomas, boys, the cheating hasn’t stopped since last season,” leaving the twins utterly confused.
“Oi! Not another sleepover without me?” Boomed Dean from behind them. Roger immediately pushed past the two entirely confused twins and went to clap Dean on the back.
“Just getting them acquainted with the rules before a race...you know how hard it is to follow all the rules, don’t you, mate?” Roger winked and headed back to the twins, moving them back to the car as all the other drivers retreated to theirs.
“Rog, what was all that?” Fred whispered.
“Dean has been known to be a bit...well, shifty as of late with these. Always been a bit of a windy bloke, you get it, but ever since Target dropped him from the sponsorship he hasn’t really been...getting off as much in racing as he used to.” Roger nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, leaning against the back of George’s car.
“By ‘cheating’ what does that entail?” George crossed his arms in repose.
“He’s always been a thrill chaser, you know this, Georgie.”
That was true, Dean had always been after a nice high. An adrenaline junkie back at primary school, Dean and Fred (as George unfortunately remembered) would feed off each other like invasive flowers, the group think of two singularly aggressive and needy young boys clouding the canopy of their friends (and brothers) with misfortune. Anything from groundings to almost arrests to nights spent aimlessly wandering the London streets in the wee hours of the morning - to Dean’s favorite: bets.
Dean would bet and bet and bet if his life depended on it and when it came to racing, if there was a bet out in his name to win, he was sure as shit going to make sure that he was the winner, this led to more and more alterations to his cars, some that even street racing frowned upon. The media never got their hands on the true reason Dean had lost his Target sponsorship; just one simple, illegal, engine part. One that gave him the lead in a race that caught him out. 
“How hasn’t someone banned him then?” George laughed, looking over at his friends, only for Roger to clear his throat with a chuckle himself.
“You can’t ban someone from street racing, Georgie, not without the authority that NASCAR has.” Roger explained, pushing away from George’s car to head towards his own. “See you on the track, boys.” 
“Track?” Fred choked over the words, confused thoroughly at this point.
“I don’t think we’re in for just a drag race, Freddie.” George gulped, watching Roger slip inside his car, the lights flashing on and the sounds of rumbling engines echoing through the air. 
“What do you mean I can’t drive your car.” Fred practically whined, if his eyes rolled any harder they would be in the back of his head.
“I mean what I said, dumbass, you’re not driving my car.” George protested, his arms crossing over his chest as he stood protectively in front of the driver’s side door.
“But you’d let me drive it in a drag race, that doesn’t make any sense, like at all.” 
“That was when you had to drive in a straight line, you are not putting my baby in danger just to race her round a track.”
“Your baby? George, you do realise I race too right?” 
“Fuck off. You’re not driving, that’s final.”
“Yes the fuck I am, now move.” Fred was practically pushing his brother out of the way as he tried to get himself in the driver’s seat. “Twenty minutes ago you didn’t even want to be here, now you want to drive?”
“Fine.” George sighed, finally stepping aside, only to grab the back of Fred’s shirt. “One scratch and you’ll be fixing it, either that or I’ll break you.” 
“I’m not gonna crash the car, George, now get in.” Fred slid inside the car, George following suit on the passenger side. Fred went to pull out of the space that George had parked the car in, only to stall, dropping the clutch out of excitement, causing his younger brother to yell, out loud and quickly. 
“Nope! I’m not doing this.”
“Fucking hell, George, shut up I can drive.” 
There was something about the way tires kicked dust up as they sped around the dirt track that had Fred on edge. This race was unlike anything he’d ever seen or been a part of before, if he was being brutally honest it was exhilarating to be doing something like this, much more so when his brother was sat in the passenger seat. He didn’t need to look over or even take his eyes off the road to know that George was already being hypercritical of Fred’s driving skills, especially when the livelihood of his pride and joy of a car lay in another’s hands.
If George were gripping the steering wheel in that moment, his knuckles would have been well and truly white, watching clouds upon clouds of dust spray over the freshly washed exterior of his car. Instead, George’s hand was dripped tightly on the door, bracing himself for the sharp corners and bumpy jolts, thinking about how all the up and down was surely going to fuck his suspension. 
Fred laughed to himself, but mostly at the way his twin was acting, almost as if George hadn’t spent most of his adult life behind the wheel of a car driving faster than any other man would dream of. Fred shouted over the roar of the engine “Jesus, Georgie, let loose a little will you?”
“I’d be way less uptight if you would have just let me drive.” George replied, sighing to himself, a small ‘woah’ falling from his mouth at the feeling of the back wheels spinning.
“It’s a bit fucking late for that decision.” Fred laughed back, passing a car that had the unfortunate and untimely end of spinning themselves off the joke of a track. Once the dust parted and George saw the mess in front of him, his eyes widened, heart racing if it could have beaten any faster.
“I will kill you if you do that.” the younger man grumbled, watching Fred speed past car after car, pushing them up the ranks. 
“I told you I won’t crash your precious car… I’m starting to think you love her more than your lovely lady.” Fred bit his lower lip to stop himself laughing at his own comment. Looking up in the rear view mirror, he spotted the glistening black and bright blue of Roger and Dean gaining on the lead the twins had.
It was nearing what Fred hoped to be the end of the track, watching as the finish line grew nearer with every second. In what seemed to be all at once, a loud revving came in from Fred’s Left, The lightning bolt blue car overtaking George’ in a matter of seconds, pushing right past the finish line without a care in the world. Following closely in second was Dean’s beauty of a car, Fred managing to keep right behind his two friends, pulling third rank in the race. 
Fred was the first out of the car, slamming the door behind him as his rage was starting to bubble out from his lungs. George hurried to catch up with his older brother, the look in his eyes and his body language evident that nothing short of violent impulsivity would amount from the situation. Fred pushed past Roger, ignoring the pleas for peace, he was never mad at Rog, Rog deserved a top rank, but his anger was centered towards Dean.
Dean needed a nice loss.
“Oi, Thomas.” He got closer to the man, Dean turning around slowly, a haughty sense of pride glazed on his face. “What’s wrong, Freddie, I’d figured after your little twelfth place at the table third should be a nice welcome to you,” he drawled, before Fred lunged at him, getting held back only by Davies.
“Aw, does poor little Freddie still need a babysitter?”
“Open that mouth one more fucking time-”
“Fred-” Roger stuttered.
“No,” he pushed from his grasp and proceeded to get inches from Dean’s face
Dean smirked and leaned back to grab a beer from the cooler beside him. “Fred. Your little tough guy act doesn’t scare me anymore, you know that.”
George stepped up next to Fred, “It’s not an act, mate, I think you know us well enough by now to get that we don’t take kindly to cheaters,” he said softly, rising to his full height.
Dean immediately leaned back at the sight of the two gingers, and even going as far as shrinking at the pure sight of Roger Davies, not as tall but definitely as intimidating, standing between them.
“The track never did cater to a liar, Thomas, we figured you’d know that by now,” Roger added quietly. 
Dean scoffed, the adrenaline clearly rising in his chest, as the men behind him started to eye each other, the violence of the situation reaching a silent all time high. “I’m not gonna take shit from a losing tosser, his stooge of a younger brother, and a dumb blonde-“ 
Fred had launched himself all the way forward, his index and thumb forming a U shape as he grabbed Dean’s face, slamming it directly into the window. Dean struggled in Fred’s grasp, lifeless and sloppy fists flying in every direction possible. When Fred finally pulled off the boy and began to walk off, a smug and bloody smirk gracing his haughty face, Seamus lunged forward, a punch matching the back of Fred’s head. 
A full on fight occurred, George rushing forward to slam Seamus to the ground, dust flying in every which way under the artificial lights. Fred had taken to pummeling Dean as if he was losing himself entirely in aggression.
The twins had always had an aggressive streak - but it had rarely been released in their current younger years of “adulthood.” 
Amongst the mess of brawling fists and kicked up dirt, Roger had managed to summon the presence of one of the two Weasley girls - you, the understanding quick thinker with a tendency to be for whatever your boyfriend did and Fred’s Wife, the american firecracker who rarely took no for an answer.. When you had arrived, Rog and George were stopping Fred from lurching at Dean once more, Instead you were focused on the graze that lay above George’s brow, taking a deep breath and shaking your head at just how reckless he had become. 
“George Weasley, I swear to fucking god you bastard.” You shouted, pulling him up by his bicep and pushing him back against his dust-covered car. “One night I leave you, One night and you end up in a back street race nearly getting your ass handed to you by Dean fucking Thomas-”
“It was Seamus, actually-”
“Not the fucking point, George.” you slapped his chest, only for him to wrap his arms around your waist, keeping you pulled close, a small smirk hanging off his lips.
“Fred said I needed to let loose, and I did and it was the best fun I’ve had since the end of season… but that obviously isn’t what I should be saying… I’m sorry, really am.”
You rolled your eyes, a sigh falling from your lips as you rested your head on his chest, with all the stress that NASCAR had given him, it really was the best thing that he was getting some actual joy in his free time. “At least you had fun.”
You knew you couldn’t be mad at him for long, not with the puppy dog eyes he was giving you as he knelt down on the floor, elbows resting on the mattress to look at you. Part of him realised that he needed to not piss you off any more than he already had, after all it was a little more than what you were expecting from him and with so much on the line after all of his hard work you were more mad at the fact he would so easily chance it.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” He quipped, a small smile on his lips as he stretched his back out, leaning forward across the mattress, fingertips grazing over your knee.
“You know what you’re doing.” You sighed, trying to look away from him, only to feel his full firm grip squeeze at your thigh.
“I’m just trying to apologize to you.”
“Yeah right.”
“I know how much you gave up to be here with me, for us, for me to achieve my dreams and I only went and nearly threw it away for a cheap race and I’m sorry.” 
His eyes were glassy, filled with a sadness that you only recognised from the day he left for America, he truly was sorry for what had happened. 
“I want to make it up to you, princess.” He pushed himself up onto the bed, his head resting on the pillow, your eyes never leaving him as you watch him shift to get comfortable. 
Your hand reached out to brush the hair out of his eyes, watching his eyes flutter closed as a small sigh fell from his lips. You were quick to shift so that you lay next to him. 
“There’s nothing to make up for, Georgie.” You smiled softly, shifting slightly closer to him, feeling his hand drape lazily over your side. Something about seeing him so vulnerable made you want to protect him with your whole heart and yet he was always the one to protect you.
“There’s everything to make up for, my love.” He smirked, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours softly before pressing a small kiss to your lips. “Just let me make you feel good.”
“George you don’t–” You went to protest, but he was quick to cut you off with another kiss, this time his hand gently pulling your hips closer towards him.
“I know just the way to make things up to you.” He pushed himself up slowly, arm wrapping around you to lay you down on your back, finding his place between your thighs, your legs either side of his hips.
His hands slowly raked up your thighs, finding his way up to your hips, fingers hooking underneath the waistband to pull the material down your legs, leaving you bare from the waist down. You had almost forgotten how much of a tease George could be, the way his fingers had quickly found your clit, the long digits finding your entrance soon after, only to warm you up.
Positioning himself with your legs hooked over his shoulders, he drew in a breath, releasing the cool exhale over you as you sighed frustratedly, hips bucking to try and get some friction if any, only for his hand to push your hips back down, a chuckle falling from his lips.
The second his tongue was licking a prominent stripe along your aching pussy, you were well and truly putty in his hands. Each flick of his tongue had you squirming, unrestrained moans falling from your lips as the pleasure built.
It didn’t take him long to attach his lips to your clit, sucking relentlessly at the bundle of nerves, his fingers pushing knuckle deep into you, curling up to hit your favourite spot, having you a wordless mess of nothing but moans of his name.
“Such a pretty thing you are, baby.” He hummed, thumb coming up to circle over your clit as he watched the way you had thrown your head back, your hands finding his hair to pull him back down needily, earning a chuckle from him.
His tongue continued its work, pulling you closer and closer to release with every flick. He didn’t let up until your thighs were shaking and your chest heaving, mind clouded only with thoughts of him and how lucky you were.
Fred Weasley got home all too late, the door closing a bit louder than the man had wanted behind him. The slightly elder Weasley crept from the doorway to the bedroom, careful to mind the light creaks in the hardwood floor, taking every ounce of stress on his feet to avoid any miscalculations. 
When he got to the bedroom, he saw the woman he loved, asleep no doubt by the sight of her mussed hair and lightly agape expression on her lips. Fred exhaled slowly, what he thought was quietly, until he heard her voice clearly say:
“So where were you?”
The man before her felt his heart thump harder than he felt when his own mother would corner him in the kitchen, the memories of sneaking out and sneaking back only to return with a-
“So are you going to tell me where you were?”
“No, really?” She spat, sitting back up and clicking the lamp on, her face etched with rage.
“I waited up for you the entire night, the least I probably deserve is an explanation.”
“Well, love, you didn’t seem to want to talk to me earlier, so I guess the lack of communication goes both ways, now move over.” he said briskly, beginning to take off his shirt. When she didn’t move, her face unwavering in anger, he rolled his jaw, swallowing back and refusing to feel the light effervescence of guilt in his throat.
“I said m-”
“I’m aware. See, Fred,” his wife exited the bed, and unfortunately for him, she was clad in only the black satin nightie he had gotten for her after his first big win. The guilt was rising now, as was something else low on his hips.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry, okay? I am, I-”
“Interrupt me again, and you get the couch, got it?” He nodded, his eyes drawn to the tears welling up in hers. “Fred, I’m your wife now and-and knowing my husband, my husband was out doing god knows what or who for that matter and has the audacity to come back in at three in the morning and be pissed at me? Who the hell are you?” 
“I was racing! I was racing alright, and I’m sorry, I’m sorry I-I came in late and made you pissed because I love you and I am never going to do this again but God can you please put something else on so I can focus correctly-” and then he was kissing her, and somewhere deep in his cerebral cortex, this was probably unbearably toxic, for him to start apologizing angrily for the shit that he put her through but-
“God, you are a piece of fucking work aren’t you?” She snarled, already beginning to unbuckle and unzip his pants. 
“But ‘m your piece of work, and currently,” he spat back, mouth melding in a messy and unkempt addition to hers, the entire situation wholly and completely Fred in every way possible, as he shed himself of his shirt and picked her up, “-I’d like to be fucking you.”
It didn’t take him long to pitch her body on the bed, his wife scrunching delectably at his fiery hair and his own ropy and iron hands squeezing at the bottom of her bare thighs. It had been long, too long, and with the already latent tension from their little bathroom incident earlier in the day - there wouldn’t be any denying Fred nor his girl of a quick, ravenous fuck tonight.
“Missed you so much, baby,” she whined, yanking his head up to mold herself to him in a heated kiss, the man atop her not needing to be shown twice at her action. “Missed you more, had me fuckin’ twitching and creaming in a car earlier, you did,” he chuckled, arousal thick and evident in his tone.
“Yeah,” He rasped, his eyes scrunching close as one of her delightfully un-dainty and gently calloused hands palmed him over his boxers. “God, wanted you so bad, baby, wanted to just drop the towel and have you on the sink, then ‘n there.”
“You mean that?” She said shakily, as he kissed her one last time before sliding down her body, his lengthy digits trailing down above him.
“God, absolutely, and if I look under here I wonder if - oh look at that, ‘was right, wasn’t I?” Much to her disagreeing whine, he sat up on his heels, his damn near naked body covered in sweat, his myriad of constellations adorning his chest like only the finest stars in the night sky. He looked up at her, the face only him or his twin could make, rum eyes bright and full of mischief, but also something else more sinister as his fingers trailed up her thighs.
“Fred, please-”
“‘Got you, baby, don’t you worry about me,” he mused, lazily almost, while his fingers drifted higher up the apex of her thigh before-
“No.” She said simply.
“Shit, I’m sorry do you want me to stop-?”
“No.” Fred’s wife, almost too fast for him to register, threw her left thigh around his waist, gathering momentum from her other leg fast enough to get him on his back, effectively pressing her hand to the center of his chest before all he could say was:
“Didn’t know you could do that, love,” he drawled, a quirk of a brow and a little smile on his face.
“You didn’t know I could do a lot of things, Freddie.” She shot back, bringing her nails up and in to scratch at his bare chest, her hips rolling to his and rubbing his tip under his boxers so well he thought he was going to explode.
“You have any plans beyond making me cum in m’pants, dear?” He hummed, his hands reaching up and under her satin to cup and squeeze at her bare ass.
“I was planning on making you cum so hard your ears pop, actually.”
“Merlin, woman, get on with it then,” he groaned, her laugh bubbling in his ears like champagne as her nails abandoned their spot on his broad chest to the hills and valleys of his v-line, the light grazing and nimble touch causing a wanton moan to erupt from the back of his throat along with a small, “fuckin’ hell, petal.” He watched with rapt but seemingly pained eyes as she slowly - too slowly, for his personal taste - began to lift her hips and grind the tip of his erection, his palms getting more clammy as he waited with need for her to sink onto him - if she’d even give him that.
But all too soon, she stopped her rolling onto his cock, making him swear at the loss of contact. “Goddamnit, fuck me already.”
“Oh, Freddie,” she preened, moving a hand back to cover one of his own sliding it to her soaking cunt, “after how bad you’ve been today? And you think I’m gonna reward you? Baby…” she drawled, reaching down to squeeze his thick cock, the action alone making him grunt and his neck veins pulsate with life.
“‘Do anything y’want, anything,” he whined, desperately trying to fuck his hips up to meet her friction. He knew his wife would push him, push him to the absolute limit until his dick exploded and his throat gave out from how hard he’d be screaming, she’d done it before, but it was so late, and God, he needed to bury himself deep in the milk and honey of her sex before it was too late.
“Then you have to be a good boy, Freddie, remember?”
“I know, I know, ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry, ma’am,” he babbled, the pleasure and lack of stimulation running through his veins. “Please,” he whimpered, his voice small and pliant like rubber.
She cocked a brow at him, curling her shiny red nails around his chin and gently tilting him toward hers. 
“Been so bad, baby boy, but I guess ‘m gonna have to give you a treat some time…you just look so delicious like this,'' she purred, moving her hands to the swell of his bulge, delighting in the whine that escaped his throat like the rush of water in a stream (or something a bit more sinful in its entirety.) Fred’s wife swiftly lifted his cock free from it’s confines, his hands coming immediately to steady at her hip bones and kneading greedy circles into the tough skeleton. 
“Ready f’me, precious?”
“Fred, don’t be pretending you’re the one on top at present,” 
“Good Lord, woman, stop the banter and rock already.” The two chuckled breathlessly at Fred’s words, his wife pressing an airy kiss to his red and puckered mouth before bringing her cunt to just barely graze his tip, a movement that had the ginger subjected to her ministrations roll his eyes back and murmur a throaty “fuck” against her lips. 
“Baby, please-“
“I know, Freddie, my love ‘ve got you,” she whispered before finally sinking down onto him, both partners releasing hisses and throaty moans at the feeling of being one.
It took no time at all for the ginger beneath to bring his hands to her now bouncing ass, guiding her roughly to every ridge of his cock. She was sloppy, the ride of pushing Fred’s high further and further to the forefront of his system. Fred oh the other hand had started to spastically fuck up into her now, moaning out her name the more he listened to the sound of her wet cunt being slid up and down on his thick cock. 
She was close, dangerously close, the feeling of his balls clapping against the bottom of her ass in time with her pants. Fred was in nirvana, the way the light graced the sides of her face making her look like the most fallen of angels when-
“Fred, I can’t, I, please”
“I know, bub, ‘m right there with you,” he coaxed, all too soft in contrast with the rampant fucking he was giving her, waiting until he could feel her about to soak his cock before flipping her over, almost too quickly throwing her legs around his waist and thrusting further than what he thought was possible. His hands gripped hers and somewhere in his mind he blacked out against the feeling of the black satin rubbing against his torso. 
Fred relished the feeling of her collapsing around him, his back fully extended as he rolled softly and slowly into her to push them through their conjoined high. He loved this, he always had, how her body heaved gently under his and his hands and mouth could whisper sweet nothings into her skin, soothing her form and giving her all the love he could possibly muster. 
“I am sorry you know, bub.” He finally said after a while, his hands rubbing back and forth on her thighs. 
She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his nose and then his lips, smiling lightly against his mouth as her eyes fluttered shut, “yeah, yeah, I know.”
“Just…don’t do it again okay-?” She whispered.
“Baby, you know I won’t. Scout’s honor ‘n all-“
“You didn’t let me finish, Weasley!”
“Well, then what’s the rest of it?” 
She smiled at him before craning her lips to his ear: “next time you drag race, I better watch.”
She giggled when he threw the covers above their heads.
It was two days later, the sun blaring just as brightly as it had when Dean Thomas proposed a drag race, and now, as the front door bells jingled an entrance, the twins had done something they didn’t last time.
“We’re closed,” they both said flatly, not looking up from the respective cars.
“Even for me?” A familiar voice asked the boys, causing them both to raise their heads.
“Sirius!” They both squawked, the lanky men scrambling to their feet to hug their favorite agent, the older man hugging them back immediately.
“Why’ve you come from LA?”
“Yeah, is something wrong? I can guarantee you whatever it was it was 100% George’s fault-”
Sirius released a small smile that had been tugging at his face the whole interaction. “Boys, I’ve got a bit of an announcement for you.”
“And what would that be?” George asked suspiciously. Fred looked out the corner of his eye at his twin, and all Sirius did was throw his hands out and up.
“Boys: we’re going to Monaco.”
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jmscornerlibrary · 2 months
Hogwarts Professors Shenanigans: Unravelling Umbridge (Part One)
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Snape and McGonagall have enough of Umbridge's garbage and team up with each other to end it. Featuring: Snape's temper, Minerva's short-bread and quite a lot of conspiracy and 'hem hem'. Part One.
“This is killing me. Very slowly and very thoroughly.”
Minerva glanced up from her list of assignments as Severus collapsed into the chair next to her and began to massage his temples. His face was twice as hard as she had ever seen it, and his dark eyes were absolutely seething. If it was anybody else but the current Head of the Gryffindor House, armed with her gaze of steel and unfailing sense of justice and loyalty and tartan under her black robes, sat beside him, they would have averted their gaze and muttered something out to appease him, but Minerva just spared him a glance, then returned to her assignments.
“You’re being melodramatic.”
He scoffed, then made a noise of deep fatigue. McGonagall tried to drown out the babble of the students gathered in the great hall and sighed. It was breakfast-time and, like practically every teacher in the castle, the students were thoroughly outraged. Harry Potter was talking loudly to the gathered at the Gryffindor table, gesturing and slamming his hands on its surface, and he wasn’t the only one; up and down the other tables, the sense of harmony was dishevelled and something fiery reverberated up and down the hall, not only the snide shouting of Fred and George Weasley; unrest hung in the air, disturbance raged through the houses, and it was all caused by the pink, fluffy toad which was yet to arrive at the breakfast table and who had the audacity to interrupt Dumbledore’s speech the day before.
“No, you’re not being melodramatic,” Minerva begrudgingly corrected herself, though she still didn’t take her eyes away from the parchment. “I’m just as upset as you are, Severus.”
The Potion’s Master snorted again. “From what I’ve gathered thus far, you’re taking it remarkably well.”
“One of us has to keep their trousers intact and free from raging fire.”
She received his look without blinking, then glanced at him over the steel rim of her glasses. 
“Well, what do you propose I do? I’m just as powerless as you are against the ministry and you know it.”
“Not quite,” he muttered back, then glanced at the obstinate Weasley twins and raised his eyebrows. “As much as I disapprove of my own words right now… we could take a leaf out of that blasted pair’s book.”
McGonagall watched Fred making strangling motions with his hands whilst George blew out his cheeks and made toad-like noises and made a sound of intrigue. 
“Or we can simply wait until they do the job for us,” she murmured. “Of course, that is, if you pause tearing down the points which my students build up during the lessons which are not yours, Severus. For the greater good.”
Severus poised his hand near his face and frowned, but he looked appeased. 
“Perhaps I will consider pulling at the reins to my fiery chariots, under present circumstances. Though I cannot promise.”
That’s all he managed to say, before a grim silence fell upon the gathered and their heads were drawn to the left - McGonagall barely suppressed a shudder as a ‘hem hem’ echoed through the hall and its propeller arrived in a pink, fluffy cardigan and a puffy, pink bow in her hair. She heard Severus make a very discreet noise of revolt under his breath and her lip twitched. 
“That’s much better,” Umbridge said into the electrified silence, seemingly not noticing any hostility at all in anybody before her. “Now, that is what we will be doing during breakfast and meal times. Eating. No talking. There will be a nice, lovely silence.”
McGonagall wondered what thoughts she would have seen if she browsed through some student’s minds at that moment with the use of occlumency - judging from their facial expressions, perhaps some of them would have made her brain wither. Snape ended up digging his fingers into his face which he had leaned on his hand for the moment as she spoke.
“After you have finished eating, you will depart to your classes in a single file,” Umbridge pronounced, nodding slowly. “Single file. No talking. You will make your way to your lessons. Also,” she added, before anybody could voice their opinions upon the matter, “Mr Filch has asked me to inform you that there will be no loitering on the corridors during break and lunch. If you want to talk, you will do it outside in the yard, or in your common rooms.”
There were a few whispers at this, but not for long, for another ‘hem, hem’ was issued.
McGonagall saw Snape’s fingers make scratch marks on the arm of the chair. Before the despicable woman began to talk again, however, he leaned in towards her and whispered in a very low voice:
“Hogsmeade, Professor.”
She made a sound of approbation. “I don’t think we’ll be overheard there.”
“And I will lay down my neck if both of us don’t need a drink after today,” he muttered, rubbing at his left forearm and grimacing. “You can monitor my execution, if you wish, or be the one executing me, if I’m wrong.”
“With pleasure.”
“Thank you.”
They both picked up their goblet of coffee and cup of malt tea at the same moment and began to sip at them.
“Mark my words, Severus,” Minerva murmured, keeping her voice low behind her drink. “This year is going to be a very long one.”
He scoffed, looking dark. “Perhaps for the ones who make it through alive.”
“Inside these castle walls, at least.” She glanced at Rubeus Hagrid, who was frowning into his goblet, then at Filius, who was squirming uncomfortably in his chair, his fingers tapping on the table as he waited for the little pink toad to stop croaking. “Perhaps let this stay between us, Professor, for the time being… we don’t want any complications.”
Complications there were, without the two Heads giving any strange suggestions to their colleagues. Posters stamped with the ministry symbol and signed off in sickeningly pretty, curly writing appeared in the staff rooms, and even hung up in their offices - Minerva had just managed to pick up a biscuit during the first half-hour break before she was frowning at the notice pinned to her door. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have a chance to peruse it in full alone; there was a noise like someone sucking crumbs out a glass tube and Severus Snape appeared in the middle of her office, looking livid and clutching at a similar piece of parchment.
“That is it,” he seethed, lifting up the parchment so that she could read it, though it was so distorted it was impossible to do so. “The last straw. If someone does not stop me, I do not guarantee I will be able to keep my hands clean.”
He paused, took in the poster pinned to her door which she was standing before, then emitted a rather discomforting snarl and tore it off her door.
“Severus, control yourself, please,” McGonagall said with a frown, though made no move to stop him as he whipped out his wand and set the paper on fire with his eyes black as coal and his teeth gritted. “I haven’t read it yet.”
“Here,” he spat, though not at her, as he watched the last of the parchment shrivel up, then held up the crumpled poster he brought. “Read this clump of dragon spittle, if you so desire.”
Minerva took it from him after a moment and smoothed out its creases, wrinkling her nose at the smell of burning parchment and perused it through narrowed eyes behind her glasses.
Greetings, dear colleagues. I am enraptured to be working with all of your wonderful selves this year. I know that there will be a great understanding between us, because we all have our dear students’ best interests and safety at heart. 
Due to the increase in hostility in public and the rumours you have all undoubtedly heard about, I will be popping in and out of lessons to monitor the situations and grade your suitability for the jobs you have been assigned by the headmaster. That aside, I do hope that we can all forge a bond of agreement, friendship and banish any unrest and disruption from Hogwarts, our beloved School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and keep our students safe from both scandal and harm. 
Signed, Dolores Umbridge.
“This is…” She paused, searching for the right words, feeling disgust and silent anger stirring in her breast. Severus filled in her pause with several dark expletives muttered under his breath, then cut himself off with some difficulty, under her frown. 
“Vile,” he summed up, still shaking with fury. “How dare she, the foolish braggart!”
“It could have been worse.”
“I’m not talking about this,” he spat, pointing at the offensive piece of parchment, then hissed out on a lowered voice. “It’s about what she is doing in the Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons. She has banned wands.”
He laughed dryly at her incredulous expression. 
“Yes, Professor,” he drawled. “She’s going only and exclusively off textbooks. We both know what sort of bunkum doing so is.”
“That’s absurd,” Minerva stammered, her mind whirring, before she regained herself and straightened her glasses. “She must be mad.”
“Oh, no. She’s not mad. She’s far from mad.”
She watched him stalking back and forth in her office like an overgrown bat, hissing and clenching his fists in silence, before making her way over to her desk.
“This is Cornelius’ little ploy,” he continued with vehemence. “I know people like him. Ignorant and empty as a tin-can. An empty jar. Full of nothing but their own over-blown selves. Toads. Vultures. Headless bats.”
McGonagall sighed.
“Would you like a biscuit, Severus?” She held up her shortbread tin in one hand whilst searching for some parchment in her desk with the other.
“I would love a biscuit,” he muttered, clenching his fists so hard they cracked. “I’d love to feed it down her throat, into her lungs. It would crumble along the way, and we would watch her choke. Slowly. Thoroughly-”
“Yes,” she interrupted him, scribbling away. “This one I’m offering is exclusively for your consumption, as opposed to choking Dolores Umbridge.”
He turned to her, then approached the desk, grabbed the tin and set it back down on her desk with a thud, then splayed his hands over the wooden surface and lowered his voice as he leaned towards her.
“A biscuit exclusively for my consumption?” he whispered, shards of ice in his voice. “This woman is overturning everything she touches, professor. She blatantly denies the Dark Lord’s rise to power. This-”
He pulled up his sleeve for a flash, just long enough for Minerva to catch a glimpse of the terrible mark on his left forearm, and sneered.
“-has been flashing like a Christmas tree since July. And you’re offering me biscuits exclusively for my consumption, Minerva?”
McGonagall looked at him over the rim of her glasses for one long moment. Snape held her gaze, expectantly, looking rather triumphant.
She didn’t as much as sniff.
 “What about a cup of tea?”
Snape looked baffled. After a moment, he breathed out a sigh so great his head hung for a moment, then pushed himself off her desk and straightened. He breathed in, out, placed two fingers to his temples, then walked over to one of her stiff armchairs and lowered himself into it.
“Very well, I understand,” he said coolly, placing his hands on his knees and sitting as though he was an attentive student. “Bring on the refreshments. Let’s have a little picnic, while we’re at it, with pretzels, little muffins and garnished sandwiches, hm? Then, after that, we can make daisy chains in the fields and calmly talk about our damned feelings!”
Perhaps Severus would have completely lost his temper again if the a second whooshing sound hadn’t reverberated across Minerva’s office, followed by the chunky figure of Pomona Sprout. She looked perplexed, her hair almost standing on end, as she stood there, ruffled.
She looked from the glowering Snape to Minerva scribbling calmly though with a frown, then held up a piece of parchment.
“Should have knocked, but… Have you seen this?”
Snape said nothing, pursing his lips, though his expression was answer enough. Minerva didn’t stop writing as she took up her shortbread tin and held it up.
“Biscuit, Pomona?”
Severus turned and shot her a long, sharp look. Pomona shrugged, then approached her desk.
“Why, yes, thank you,” she said, taking the tin from her. “But what do you think about this? I daren’t address the headmaster about this yet.”
“The headmaster has most likely received one of these beauties himself,” Snape murmured. “She has no regard for him, as we all witnessed yesterday evening.”
“Most unfortunately,” Minerva said, then: “Shall we all have a cup of tea?”
“Very well, then,” Pomona said after a slight pause during which she swallowed the last of her shortbread. “We can’t all get our knickers in a twist.”
Minerva nodded, still writing. 
“No, we can’t.”
She rose, flicked her wand and three cups appeared on the tray on the table. There was a rather awkward pause in which they all watched the kettle boiling over McGonagall’s fireplace: Snape in his black and his form rigid, his gaze capable of setting fire to something and his jaw fastened tightly; the ample person of Pomona in her ragged hat and muddy leaves plastered over her apron; McGonagall silent, prim and frowning as she stood with a scrutinous look, lost in thought, looking at the flames, eyes hidden behind the glint of her glasses.
“The only course of action for now,” she murmured, after the kettle whistled and she began pouring water into the teacups, “is to wait and see what happens. Anything else would be far too hasty and downright foolish.”
Snape glanced at her. She met his look head-on.
“Well, what do you propose we do, Severus?” she snapped, hovering her teacup over to her desk. “I believe I have the right to think that everything you have in your head as of now is completely out of the question.”
He drew his black cloak around himself tighter and chuckled darkly, though his face stayed grim. “I suppose that you knowing me so well by now is only to be expected, professor.”
“Minerva is right.” Pomona sighed, then took the tea from McGonagall. “Thank you. I think we’re all being a little too heated up with the current state of affairs. Now that I’m here, it doesn’t seem at all that pressing-”
At that moment, there was a pop and Filius Flitwick apparated into Minerva’s office, looking very nervous and out of breath. He adjusted his glasses, then pulled out a blue polka-dot handkerchief out of his pocket and began to wipe his brow.
“I’m so sorry to intrude, professor,” he breathed, flapping another piece of parchment at them, “but this was stuck to the leg of my desk. It was rather rude, although I am quite shorter than average, still, I’m fully capable of reading anything that is placed at normal height… and the contents, well, it’s slightly unnerving to say the least… that is to say, well… I don’t know what to expect anymore.”
This time, Severus Snape spoke first, his tone dry enough for the Sahara to pale in comparison.
“Would you like a biscuit, Filius?”
“Biscuit?” Filius looked perplexed, then sighed. “Why, yes, that would be nice, thank you.”
Severus pursed his lips at him (Filius looked nervous); Minerva offered him the tin, then flicked her wand and another cup appeared on the tray.
She turned to them as they stared at her, waiting. She turned.
“While we are mostly all together, then-”
There was a sudden loud knock on the door and they all jumped, for it rattled on its hinges as though someone was throwing furniture at it. Minerva adjusted her glasses and glanced at the others, who looked back with different degrees of wariness on their faces.
“Who is it?”
The door creaked open, and the huge face of Rubeus Hagrid appeared. His beard was bedraggled and he didn’t look like he was in a very good mood, for his beetle-eyes were narrowed in suspicion and contempt before he set eyes on Minerva; he opened his mouth to speak, but then saw them all gathered as though they were conspiring and hesitated.
“Sorry to interrupt, Professor, er, Professors…”
Filius lifted his parchment. “It’s not this, by any chance, is it, Hagrid?”
The half-giant looked relieved. “It is, actually, yeh.”
He squeezed through the door (there was a pop as he entered), then noticed the cups of tea and biscuit in Filius’ hand and paused again.
“Would you like some tea and a biscuit, Hagrid?” McGonagall asked, before glancing at Severus, who simply rolled his eyes and folded his arms without comment.
“Won’ say no, Professor,” Hagrid said with some enthusiasm, taking up the tin from her. “I didn’t think I ought to bother Professor Dumbledore, with this, but, between all of us…”
He leaned down and lowered his voice, “I don’t like this one bit.”
“Neither do we,” Snape provided, still looking disturbed. “But apparently, the decision has been made that we currently sit and wait until something happens.”
“What else do you propose, then?” Minerva said.
“Nothing,” Severus replied coolly. “I agree with you, I’m just not happy about the current state of affairs.”
“Neither am I,” Pomona said, pouring herself more tea. “I don’t like this whole monitoring business.”
“Neither do I,” Flitwick said. “But she doesn’t have the authority to do anything about it, does she?”
“That’s right,” Pomona said. “She hasn’t. She’s just the DADA teacher. Not a very good one, if I may add, if what the students are saying is true…”
Then, they all froze, because there was a tap on the door and something which resembled a very loud, ‘hem, hem’ sounded through them.
They froze, mid action: eating, mouth open to speak, sipping on their malt tea. There was a split second during which they all looked at one another, then another upon cups were hurriedly returned to the tray and wands were whipped out. Pomona grabbed Hagrid’s arm and apparated out of the office, along with Flitwick; Severus remained where he was, his eyes black as obsidian, his wand in his hand, whilst Minerva vanished the excess cups and, after hesitating one second, approached the door.
They both intercepted a very unwelcome and very pink figure when the door opened, with thick lips and a very dainty bow sitting on top of her brown hair. Minerva could hear Severus’ sleeve fabric creaking as he folded his arms and gripped them.
Umbridge smiled. “Good morning, Professor McGonagall.”
McGonagall didn’t smile. “Good morning, Dolores.”
The pink-blobbed figure pushed past her into her office, then her gaze settled on the black, ominous figure of Snape, who hadn’t moved and clearly had little intention of doing so. He had faced Death Eaters and Voldemort and he wasn’t intimidated by this ridiculous source of disturbance. Minerva wasn’t either; she was far too old and had seen far too much to be intimidated by confrontation which didn’t involve illegal spells. 
“Oh, Professor Snape,” Umbridge quipped with a small smile. “I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Under any other circumstances, Minerva would have been quite amused to witness Snape mustering civility with such difficulty - his pupils were constricted and it looked like he had trouble with unfastening his jaw (even his eyelid was twitching, Minerva marvelled) - but circumstances were rather different and so she merely tried to convey reassurement with her eyes from behind the little pink toad.
“The world is full of surprises,” he managed very dryly after tearing his eyes away from the Gryffindor Head, then inclined his head at Umbridge with some difficulty. She made a little ‘hem’ sound.
“I see you and Professor McGonagall are very good friends.”
Snape glanced at Minerva, then said, “Hardly.”
Minerva’s lip twitched. Umbridge looked surprised. “Really? And yet you are spending breaktime together.”
“We teach the same students, Professor Umbridge,” Snape replied coolly. “It’s natural we have common things to discuss. This job requires collaboration for it to be successful.”
“Indeed,” Umbridge said, then glanced at the door, upon which her little letter had been hanging a moment before and was currently scattered around the classroom floor in the form of ash and Snape’s rage. “Did you not receive my letter, Professor McGonagall?”
“Of course I did, Dolores,” came the breezy reply, as McGonagall approached her desk and sat down to organise some papers. “I have already put it away in my desk. I must say that I am pleased that we share common goals. Student health and best interests are, of course, not something to trifle with.”
“I’m very pleased that we agree on those grounds,” she smiled sweetly, then turned to Severus. “I’m sure your opinion doesn’t differ from ours, Professor.”
Snape’s eyelid began to twitch again and he seemed to be made out of marble. 
“Not at all.”
“Hm.” Umbridge observed him. “Have you been teaching long at this school, Professor?”
“Eleven years.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“There is nothing I like doing more.”
“You must possess an exemplary skill of potion-making, to be Potion-Master for so long.”
“I’m sure others can provide an account on them.”
“Do you stay at Hogwarts during the school holidays?”
“I do as circumstances call for.”
Minerva watched him, barely able to keep a straight face. She hid her curling lips in her cup of tea, which was empty, but nobody but her knew that. Severus caught her glinting eye and his scowl darkened.
Umbridge seemed to get the gist that both were unwilling to keep up a conversation with her, so she merely glanced around at McGonagall’s walls as though she had come to inquire about renting or buying the place, then shrugged to herself. 
“Well, I will see you both during lunch. By the by, I find it quite surprising that the students aren’t used to silence during meals, by now… but, no matter. Faults are there to be polished, aren’t they? What would the world be without those little things to work on. Nobody, after all, is perfect.”
With that, she inclined her head sweetly, then headed out.
The second the doors were closed, McGonagall turned to face Snape with some trepidation, who looked as though he was about to explode. His eyes were almost volcanic, his skin became pale, his face contorted and his fingers were twitching as though he was imagining them tight around Umbridge’s flabby neck.
“Faults… polished…” he choked out, too out of it to even begin pacing, “I’ll show her polished… I’ll show her silence… Nobody is perfect indeed… Potions Master…”
McGonagall sighed through her nose, crossed the room, opened a cupboard door, withdrew a glass bottle from it, then poured some fiery liquid into a glass she took out from another.
“Damned toad…” Snape shook, clenching his fists and drawing out his wand, “Porcupine-hide… impervious, crazed, sanctimonious-”
“Here,” she said, thrusting the glass into his hand. “Drink this. And sit down. As much as it would do some of us a favour, you having a stroke as of this moment, Severus, wouldn't be very helpful.”
He started, glanced at her, at the glass, then breathed out a sigh and collapsed onto an armchair. McGonagall gave him a sharp nod.
“Drink it.”
Severus Snape took a look at the Ogden’s and rubbed his eyes.
“This is going to be the death of me,” he muttered, then emptied the glass in one quick movement. “One of us is going to die. Either me, or her. Not counting damage control.”
“That would be quite a grim thing to witness.”
“Perhaps I should invite Cornelius for a moment or two. He’d act as a nice little buffer.”
The bottle of Ogdens was sent for, but Minerva intercepted it.
“I know I suggested this,” she said, her voice firm and slightly disapproving, “but it’s still morning and we both do not have a free period today.”
Snape scowled, then shut his eyes for a moment. “I have two first-year classes today.”
“Then I suggest you get your temper under control.” 
“Two accursed classes filled with little piping voices and brats.”
“Oh, get a grip on yourself.”
The glass cracked from under the impact of Severus' grip, shards raining down around him and onto his lap. McGonagall stared as he he stared at what remained in his fist, at the blood slowly making its way down the bottom of his fist and wrist, then threw back his head on the headrest and groaned.
“Life is splendour,” he muttered, making no move to clean up himself or the glass. “Oh, absolutely and utterly. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. And the day after that. Because, oh, ho, ha!”
Minerva watched him raise the broken glass in his fist and toast her, thinking that her interjection would only make things worse.
“Professor McGonagall, paradise awaits us,” he declared, something mad in his black eyes. “I’m going to go on holiday during the Christmas break. To Majorca. I’m going to open my bloody Gringotts bank and let the galleons pour, live while I’m young. The war can wait. So can the Dark Lord. In fact, you can come along too. Thank you for your cooperation, professor. Twenty points to Gryffindor.”
“Severus, why don’t you actually calm down?”
“I’M AT THE END OF MY TETHER, MINERVA!” he cried and shot up, shaking the glass at nobody in particular. “Either way, there’s no way out for me! Whether we destroy that pink toad and bring back order to Hogwarts, in all the available and plausible senses we can, it doesn’t really matter in the long run!”
“So you believe Potter,” she remarked after a pause, for once uncertain of what else to say as she watched her younger counterpart letting out bursts of steam.
“Believe him? Of course I do,” he scoffed. “Any fool would. Any fool with at least a sliver of perception. And especially me.”
He looked at the crimson staining his hands and running down his elbow, then rose, reaching for his wand with his left hand, and vanished the shards of glass. His voice was low when he spoke next.
“I can feel it throbbing even now,” he muttered, ignoring his injury. “It flames. Burns. Like acid.”
His voice was bitter, as he clutched at his wrist and blood oozed down into his sleeve and started dripping onto the carpets, but Minerva didn’t comment on it. He was looking away, hesitant to meet her eyes. She watched him with pursed lips, then sighed and resumed scribbling and compiling her list upon the parchment.
“I believe Albus,” she remarked after a moment. “He knows what he’s talking about.”
Severus looked up. He hesitated before he spoke. 
“You trust me.”
It was spoken dryly and accompanied by a scoff, but Minerva knew that tone well enough to be affronted. 
“I do.”
He didn’t answer. He opened his mouth, caught her eye, then shut it, tight.
“Madame Pomfrey,” she suggested primly, as he searched for words and blood started pooling on her floor. “And don’t let Dolores burn your heart out without your consent. It will give her the triumph of having control over your temper… I doubt that’s something you want.”
Severus nodded, something bubbling in his eyes, obviously wrestling with the emotions he dubbed weak, then happened to glance at the parchment she was working at and won the battle, assuming scrutinous curiosity which overpowered his other expressions.
“What is that?” he muttered, glancing over her shoulder.
“Something which is going to be burned as soon as we return from Hogsmeade,” she murmured. “Quite frankly, I’ve little good feelings about this woman myself, and I’m not going to stand for tolerating whatever it is she is bringing with her from the ministry.”
Severus was silent, though she knew he was rather stunned as he looked at what she had penned upon the parchment during the kerfuffle which had occurred a few minutes before.
“Is that a plan of action?” he murmured. “You’ve drawn up her classes… what most likely affronts her… potential hexes.”
McGonagall glanced up at him.
“You sound surprised, Severus.”
It took him a few seconds to reply. His mouth opened, shut, then opened again.
“I am,” he admitted, his voice low as he studied the parchment, still clutching at his wrist whilst blood dropped onto her tartan carpets. “I have never been so abruptly stunned and … disappointed, Professor McGonagall. I’m considering passing this along to the Headmaster.”
“Are you, now.”
“Yes. The Head of the Gryffindor house, plotting against another employee? And such a ravishing and charming one, too?”
“You have a gift with your tone presenting the exact opposite of what comes out of your mouth, Severus.”
“I do.”
“As you have one for dripping blood all over my carpets.”
He glanced down at his crimson hand, then drew out a shaky sigh.
“I am feeling rather faint, in all honesty,” he muttered, then grasped his wand with a trembling hand. 
“Hurry up, and get yourself cleaned up,” she said, placing a dot on the parchment with a final flourish. “I’m going to need you this afternoon at Three Broomsticks, my fellow Slytherin counterpart.”
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Fred and George x male dragon animagus reader who can tell them apart and takes part in their shenanigans and scares off anyone who gets too pissed over a prank
he often hoards lots of his shit in his bed and never makes his bed so it’s just a nest and all of his personal stuff that is in his trunk a has all sorts of nasty hexes to keep sticky hands out
often lets the boys play with his hair since it’s so long and doesn’t bother to do much of anything with it other than brush it out
Ah yes. The Weasley twins. My favorite characters in the whole Harry Potter series honestly. My favorite appearance of the twins is in the Goblet of Fire. They looked so good with their shoulder length red hair. Hope you enjoy though.
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When the twins found out (Name) McGonagall could transform into his animagus form they were over joked. Especially when he said his patronus was a Dragon. They were expecting a huge fire breathing dragon. Not the tiny dragon that was curled up in his "nest".
See (Name) sleeps in his trunk. That has many spells and hexs casted on it. (Name) didn't like anyone coming into his trunk which he explained is his "safe place". So when a prank goes wrong the twins always comes to his trunk since they're allowed in. They're some of the very few allowed in his trunk, since (Name) only lets those he trusts inside.
Which consists of his mom, the twins, and the golden trio. (Name) doesn't really have friends since he was always getting the twins out of trouble. Or he was getting in trouble for either joining the twins, or is growling at students that bother the twins. Like when Draco Malfoy was bothering the Weasley's about their father.
If the twins hadn't calmed him down their would've been more the just Draco's robs that'd been caught on fire. That's when the boys had cornered (Name) about the reason he could breath fire. Which led to him explaining how his mother helped him over the summer to turn in his animagus form.
The twins stared at his bed and grimaced. (Name) was always hoarding stuff in his "nest". He was always hoarding stuff like almost anything shiny, fuzzy and fluffy stuff(that's where the twins always find their sweaters), and important things. One time (Name) even tried to put the twins in his nest.
Well he sort of succeeded cause, when McGonagall was looking them she found the trio passed out. In the nest. According to George, (Name) had gone to his dragon mind set and semi forced them into the nest. (Name) had felt so bad about it. But they were able to calm him down quickly by playing with his hair.
That was something they found out in one of their first year's at Hogwarts. (Name) had fallen asleep in Muggle studies and Fred saw that he was having a nightmare. So when rubbed his head and ran his fingers through his hair it was like he calmed immediately. So now when (Name) looks like he's going to snap or he's in his depressed mode, the twins play with his hair. Which has gotten quite longer over the years.
But the thing that surprised them the most is the fact that (Name) had been able to tell them apart. He has since their first year. So now when someone needs a certain twin (Name) is the person they go to. Although (Name) does join in with the twins pranking. So sometimes he'll send them to the wrong twin on purpose. It annoys many but the trio enjoys it. A lot.
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imaginestuffs · 1 year
Someday- Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count:975
Warnings: this is my first time writing for our dearest Fred so please keep that in mind! just fluff, ooc, reader is 5'2
Summary: You're at the Burrow for the holidays and Fred makes you a promise that you'll never forget.
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(gif not mine!)
You were at the burrow for the holiday season seeing as you felt more welcome there than you did in your own home. It also helped that Molly was more like a mother to you than your own, and she adored having you stay with them. Ginny also got something out of it, she saw you as a sister and would steal you away from your boyfriend for hours at a time just to talk with you. You enjoyed giving her advice and hearing the gossip she gave to you. It was truly like having a little sister and that was something you always wanted. 
“Hey y/n, would you stay in my room tonight?” you heard Ginny ask and you smiled. Before you could give your answer Fred spoke up. “Nope sorry Gin, but she’s with me tonight,” he smiled and tossed his arm around your shoulder. Ginny looked at him with a soft glare. “Maybe tomorrow night ok? We can do whatever you want, alright?” you asked and she smiled softly at you and nodded. 
You felt Fred place a kiss on the crown of your head and you chuckled slightly. Ginny walked away after hearing her mother call for her from the kitchen, and you turned around to face him. “Jealous of your little sister getting time with me?” you raised your brow and smiled. He smiled down at you, “Not jealous, just missing you that’s all,” he said and your gaze grew fonder. You placed your hands on his cheeks and brought him down to nuzzle your nose against his before placing a kiss on his lips. You could feel his smile against your lips and you pulled away. 
Before you could say anything he whisked you away and up the stairs to his room. You chuckled as he took the stairs two at a time with his long strides. “You do know that I’m 5’2 and can’t exactly take these two at a time without tumbling down the stairs right?” you questioned as you tried to keep up. He stopped at the top and looked back at you with a bright smile. “I am quite aware of your height Darling, and you know I’d never let you tumble,” he grinned and you huffed out a laugh. “Sure, alright, I absolutely believe you Love,” you said and shook your head. You grabbed his hand as he dragged you inside the room, you giggled as he placed his hands on your hips and guided you to his bed. You grabbed his hands to lace your fingers with his. He placed a kiss on the back of your head and you smiled. “C’mon, come lay with me,” he said as he flopped down onto his bed. He opened his arms to you and you instantly settled yourself by his side. You felt yourself relax in his hold and let out a content sigh. 
“Do you remember the first words you said to me?” he asked and your eyes widened. You did in fact remember those embarrassing words.  “Don’t even say it,” you said and hid your face in his neck. “Clear as day I remember it,” he said and held you tighter. “Please Freddie, don’t remind me,” you tried to get him to stop. 
He cleared his throat and sat up a bit straighter. “It was our very first year, we hadn’t even set foot on the train yet. You were looking very lost and so George and I decided that it would only be right that we helped you. We waved you over, and you made your way over. You were incredibly shy but of course, we had to talk to you. And the first thing you said was,” he paused. 
“You’re really pretty,” he tried to imitate you and you cringed before once again hiding your face in his neck. He laughed loudly and your cheeks heated up. “It was the cutest thing that I’d ever witnessed. The blush that you had after you realized what you said to complete strangers, I knew we’d be best friends. You said we were pretty, and I thought you were pretty too,” he said and you huffed. He chuckled and pulled back so he could look at you. You turned your head away from him, “I didn’t mean to say it out loud!” you whined and he laughed. “Aw, I’m sorry Love, it was so cute though,” he said and placed a hand on your cheek to turn your head to face him. “It was embarrassing,” you said and pouted as you looked at him. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your pout. “Well as I said, I thought you were pretty too,” he said and your lips curled up. He caught sight of your grin and his grew. 
“Can I tell you something?” you asked as you laced your fingers with his. He looked down at you and nodded his head. “Anything,” he said. “I’ve been in love with you since I met you,” you told him honestly. His gaze softened, and his grip on your hand grew tighter. “You know, let’s just say I’ve been in love with you since I met you too, that day on the train platform, I knew I loved you,” he said and he leaned down just enough to press his lips to yours. You kissed him back softly, and let go of his hand just so you could bring it up and place it on your cheek. You ran your hand through his hair and he pulled you closer. He pulled away just barely, your lips barely touching. “I’m gonna marry you someday,” he spoke softly and you smiled against his lips. “You promise?” you asked and he chuckled. “I swear,” he affirmed and you placed one last kiss on his lips
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Weasley Siblings Reacting To You Saying You Are Pregnant
Writing Comission’s Are Open
William ‘Bill’
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“Excuse me-?” He was left practically speechless, when he picked up the onesie on his bedside table. A little blue thing, with the words To The Moon And Back. He was so full of emotions. Panic, excitement, horror, joy. Would the baby inherit his wolf tendencies? Would something go wrong, because of his bad blood? He was so scared. Would you be in danger, because of him? With his eyes turning to you, and seeing that excited smile, he couldn’t help but calm down. Teddy existed after all, didn’t he? He was as fine as he could be. The idea of holding his own little ball of joy. To see that orange hair, and watch you nurse. “I’m going to be a dad….” He trailed, with a smile. “I’m going to be a dad-“ He repeated, as he would hold the little sleep wear to his chest. Tears ran down his broken cheeks, as he kept reacting it. So full of pride. He’s going to be a dad, with you.
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“IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” He was screaming, bloody damn murder, as he was running around at the sanctuary. Screaming it with pride, as you chased after him. Just laughing, as the dragons would lift up their heads. “IM A DAD IM A DAD IM A DAD-!” He keeps roaring, as the dragons would tilt their heads. Watching their motherly figure jump for joy. Literally. “Charlie-!” You laughed, as he was just to full of excitement. Laughing, cheering, and crying. That’s when one of the older mothers would grab him by the collar. Yanking him into the air, before plopping him right next to you. As if to convey that he better step up now. That had you laugh, as he pouted at her. “I am I am-!” He said, before he was on his knees. Holding your belly. “I’m gonna be your daddy-!” He squealed, as he kissed it over. All the excitement getting the new borns curious, but those mothers made sure they didn’t get to close. Letting him have his moment. A new baby, to join the herd.
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“You cannot be serious-“ Percy was blinking, as he had hardly taken two steps through the fire place. Just gotten off work, early for once, only to be surprised by you making a baby box. It was meant to be a surprise, and something you would give to him after dinner. Seems like he was still surprised, regardless. “Who had the baby this time-?” He asked, as he would set his belongings where they were designated. That had you snort, as it didn’t quite dawn on him yet. With the fact you didn’t say anything, he turned around. “Honey?” He asked again, as you keep smiling. Slowly, the gears turned, before he was left with his cloak dropped from his hands. It was him. He didn’t expect that. Was like the last one to join the family gang. He couldn’t help his worry. He didn’t exactly grow up to well. He wasn’t to well connected with his family, and only came around when it was almost to late. He didn’t want that to happen to his kid. To have such a divide. You could tell he was worried, and patted the seat next to you. He joined, and you would kiss his head. “Who do you wanna tell first?” You asked, as he held your hand. The name he said, reassured himself that this kid won’t have that tension. Not like what he made. “George is perfect.” Another kiss to his head, as the plans were made. A big and happy family.
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The words barley left your lips, before you were tossed over his shoulder. As quickly as you were tossed, you were soon hearing the noise of the busy shop. "HEY EVERYONE!" He shouted, causing everyone to look up at one of the railings. George as well, with curious eyes all the same. "IM GONNA BE A DAD, AND GEORGE IS GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He cheered, and everyone was a roar of cheers as well. George was quick to drop what he was doing, and soon aparate next to him. "Put your damn mother to be down!" He laughed, as Fred finally set you down. All three of you in a warm, and tight, hug. "i'm gonna be a uncle!" George cheered, as you laughed. You had to wonder who was more excited for the baby. Your husband, or his twin? It did not matter to you. They were both so happy for this wonderful news. They just could not let you go, as they were just laughing in joy. Children. More children. What could make them hate that?
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"Pregnant?" He whispered, as he almost looked like he would burst into tears. "I heard that right, didn't I?" He asked, as he felt over the scarred skin that was once his ear. You nodded, before you held up your hands. You could not grasp sign as fast as George did, but you knew the alphabet. P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Pregnant. He was soon tackling you, as he was sobbing into your shoulder. "I'm going to be a dad-" He sobbed, as you rubbed his back. Some joy, in his world of darkness. You had fallen pregnant, not long after the death of Voldemort. Made senes, since the stress was gone. For you, anyway. "Jellybean....If its a boy...." You would peck his cheek, and nod. "A boy, Fred. If a girl, Fredrick works as a beautiful middle name." You comforted, getting another hiccup in return. The world was moving on, but the world will not be forgotten. Fred lived on, and hes going to be your tiny terror. How excited you two were, for it.
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“No-“ He gasped. “Really-? No-! Are you-? No-“ Was like he was trapped in a loop, as he now paced around your living room. Looking at you, before looking at his feet, then repeating. As if every time he made a full pace, he turned. You had to admit, was pretty adorable. Figured news like this would make your Auror husband short circuit a bit. You let him pace, with a smile. Just grinning, as he was trying to register it all. Suppose work fatigue makes anyone’s brain mush. Especially a job like his. You would watch him pace, until his brain was finally registering that YEP you are indeed pregnant. “Bloody hell….IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” His face was beaming, before he was stealing you into his arms. He was exhausted, but not tired enough to not huggle and cuddle. “We need to tells ‘Mione and Harry-! Oh those two will be so excited-!” He beams. Uncle Harry and Auntie Hermione. He was going to crush you, you swore, if he kept being so happy. “Blimey, guess that over time is finally coming in handy.” You hated his over time, but he had a point. Now you two had a secure start. That had you relax a little more. “Hope Harry doesn’t mine if I slow down on my career a little.” You would stroke his hair, and pecked his cheek. “He’s Harry. I’m doubtful he will be made you want to not be dead on a side walk, and leave me a single parent.” You snorted. “Yeah, probably doesn’t want history repeating.” Morbid, but point proven. “Gonna be a dad-“ He kept smiling, as he pulled you into his lap. Unable to stop holding you close. He was so happy, and you were all the same. Your family.
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“SHUT UP-!” She gasped, as she was looking towards the Quidditch stands. No way was she seeing what she was seeing. Your wife just won the first game of the season, and she was looking straight at you. In the VIP seats, and holding up a sign. I’m Pregnant. In bold and colorful letters, so she couldn’t miss it. “NO WAY-!” Ginny kept screaming, as her team mates looked over, as they were shaking hands with the enemy team. “What’s up?!” One of them asked. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” Ginny cheered, as that had all the broomstick flyers stare towards where her eyes looked. “CONGRATS-!” The enemy seeker said, with a clap. Good sportsmanship. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” What a way to start her quidditch season. The first win, and the fact she’s going to be a mom. “Well, go and fly over-!” A team mate smacked her back, and she wasn’t needed to told twice. The fans went nuts, with famous Quidditch Star Ginny Weasley was flying towards the stands. Right to you, and nearly tackling you down in the box. The fellow VIP seaters clapped for you two, as she planted a big kiss on you. Tears in the corner of her eyes, as she hugged you tightly. “You knew I would win, didn’t you?” She asked. “No, but I mean what better way to recover from a loss?” That had her smack your shoulder, but she was soon was wiping her eyes on her gloves. “Oh fuck, look at me. Crying like a girl-“ She joked, as she sniffled. She was so happy, and you were as well. She just couldn’t contain her joy. Her, you, and your own little precious snitch. What more could a girl want?
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lunaoblonsky · 9 months
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Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
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kmt123whatsthetea · 1 year
Space for two (NSFW)
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
A continuation of the weekend with the Weasley twins. Things can get pretty heated when you’re in bed with your kinky boyfriend and his, equally kinky, twin.
T/W: nsfw (under 16’s dni), dom Fred, dom George, Degradation, spanking, bondage, fingering, male masturbation, nipple play, sir kink, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, stomach bulge?, oral (male receiving)
A/N: this isnt be a series, just me writing a little part 2 for this idea. Thank you all for the likes and support with Room for Two, i'm writing this as a mini celebration for 500 likes.
1.4K words
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“My Turn, Kitten”
George pulled out of your puffy cunt, swapping places with his brother and sitting in the chair opposite the bed that Fred had occupied before. Fred knelt behind you and saw his brothers cum slowly leak from deep inside you, making him smirk.
“Bet you loved that, you little slut. Being used by my brother felt good, didn’t it?���
When you meekly nodded, Fred harshly slapped your ass, making you jolt and yelp. George smirked from his place in the chair, enjoying how fucked out he could make you.
“Good little sluts use their words, don't they Kitten? Don't you want to be a good girl for Freddie and me?” George cooed mockingly, his smirk turning sadistic as he saw you nod eagerly before muttering a small “Yes Sir, wanna be a good girl for you both”. Fred chuckled before pulling you to lay on your back, taking off his orange tie. He pulled you by your wrists to the bed frame before tying them tightly, leaving you without the use of your arms. Fred and George both admired the sight of you, naked, vulnerable, and extremely horny. Fred sat back down by your side, running his hand up along your stomach to grope your breasts.
“Tell me Kitten, you liked when Georgie fucked you, didnt you?” Fred spoke calmly, his hand still toying with your nipples, pulling small breathy moans and whimpers from you.
When you didn't answer fast enough, Fred pinched and tugged on your sensitive nipples, making you yelp and whimper.
“Felt so good sir”
Freds grin widened and he trailed his hand down to your aching clit. He plunged two fingers inside of your pussy, causing you to let out a pornographic moan. His fingers pumped in and out without stopping, curling to press that spot inside of you that had your legs trembling. Fred’s other hand trailed up to your throat, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing gently, not enough to hurt, but enough to have you clench around his fingers.
From the end of the bed, you could hear George's grunts and heavy breathing. You take a chance to look down, only to find George stroking his cock. Precum gathered at his tip, making your mouth water. Fred had fucked your throat many times, but would his twin brother taste the same?
Both twins watched you intently, not missing a single thing you did. They both saw how desperate you were. Fred had once mentioned to George about your ‘oral fixation’, but that look in your eye just proved it. You were like a dog with a treat.
George only snickered at that look on your face and stood up from the chair, favouring to kneel on the other side of the bed next to you. He smirked at how your eyes remained glued to his cock. He moved closer, revelling in the way you tried to move forward to taste him, but whining once your tied wrists pulled you back. Fred pulled his fingers out of you and spanked your already sore and throbbing clit, making you cry out and close your legs.
“What's the matter, kitten? Thought you wanted Georgie in your slutty mouth? Or do you want him to finish on those perfect tits like a dirty whore? Fred stroked your cheek in mock affection. All you could do was whine and try to lean closer with your mouth open, hoping that George would comply and give you what you want.
But if pranksters are good at one thing, it's teasing.
“Go on then, slut, if you want it that badly. Suck his cock”. Freds teasing in your ear made you whimper, desperately fighting against the binds on your wrists to just get a taste. George leaned forward, letting your tongue swipe against his tip before leaning back again, taking your desire for more with him. Before you could whine and beg for more, Fred got between your legs and slid his cock along your dripping folds. Fred leaned closer, his breath fanning your already red cheeks. “Bet you’d love nothing more than to have Georgie between your legs again, letting him fuck you until you’re sore. Who do you prefer, Kitten, your boyfriend or his brother? Who do you want to fuck you? Who do you want to cum deep inside of you until you’re swollen?”
“Want you, sir. Want you to fuck me and make me full. Want you deep ins-” Your pleas were cut off by your loud moan, caused by Fred ramming into you, not stopping until he was balls deep. His smirk grew when he saw your expression slowly turn to nothing but bliss, your need for begging forgotten as his cock felt too good to remember what you were begging for. He noticed the bulge in your belly from his tip pressing deep into your cervix. He pressed down on it, making you whimper and squirm beneath him. George stayed on the bed beside you, holding your head in place by taking a grip of your hair. He angled your head just right, giving you a view of Fred's cock as he slowly started to pull out, giving you an empty feeling that was only temporary.
Fred’s slow and deep thrusts, along with George's grip on your hair, had your eyes rolling back and your toes curling. You wish your hands weren't tied above your head so that you could hold onto either twin. Fred slowly increased his pace. Slow, deep thrusts turning quick and merciless as his cock pounded away at your insides. You were getting closer and closer with every thrust, still pent up from Fred's fingers teasing you earlier.
“Please Sir, need to cum. Please let me cum, Freddie, Georgie, please”. Your begging slowly became unintelligible babbling that made both boys chuckle. Fred kept his brutal pace while George held your hair with one hand, his other teasing and pinching your nipples. George decided to put you out of your misery with one little word.
Pornographic moans fell from your lips as your body trembled, your orgasm hitting you like a truck. Your walls convulsed and gushed around Freds cock, causing him to groan and cum deep inside of you with one final thrust. His cum soothed your raw insides as he slowly pulled out, rubbing his hand on your thigh comfortingly. But George wasn't done.
George untied your hands and pulled your head into his crotch, immediately slipping his cock between your wet and open lips. You didn't have enough time to prepare and gagged softly as his tip nestled itself snugly into your throat. You flattened your tongue to lick the underside of his shaft as best you could with his rough thrusts. His precum had already stained the back of your throat, leaving you with the permanent taste of him. Although he and his brother were twins, they did taste uniquely different. But both tastes were tastes that you wouldn't mind having again, as embarrassing as that is to admit when talking about the taste of cum from your boyfriend and his twin. George's thrusts got sloppier and his cum forced its way down your throat, giving you no choice but to swallow it down, not like you wouldn't have anyway.
Something the Weasley twins had in common (apart from appearance and cheekiness) was that they were both cuddlebugs after sex. Fred pulled you by your waist into his embrace, whilst George spooned you from behind. The smell of sex mixed in with the comforting scent of both twins. The room that was once filled with squelches and moans was now filled with heavy breathing and praises from either twin about how good their little Kitten was.
If this was just one weekend, you'd definitely ask about moving in.
@chlo8e-blog @rk-ceres
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keykeep · 2 years
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Warnings: food play, oral (M), Oral (F), sex
Fred Weasley awoke to the sweet smell of chocolate chip cookies coming from the kitchen. He loved being home because his mother always made sure there were enough treats. And as he ate she always complained about how her kids weren’t being fed enough and that they were all skin and bone and it’s her job to keep them healthy before handing them a gift box full of their favourite foods.
However, as he descended the stairs he was surprised that it wasn’t his mother cooking but his fiancé. She was standing in the Weasley kitchen listening to muggle music on their dad's record player wearing nothing but his T-shirt and a pair of booty shorts.
She danced around the kitchen stirring the bowl by hand. She loved muggle cooking and preferred wizard cleaning. He snaked his hands around your waist as he moved your long hair to kiss down your neck. “It smells so good”he said sniffing you as you giggle.
“ Where is everyone?” he asked breath tickling your neck “Everyone is enjoying the hot weather, they are shopping, eating or have errands to do, so we are home alone, I woke up early and asked Molly if I could bake some treats for everyone ” he smiled at this as it was rare to see his large family all out at the same time, and even rarer was it for his mother to let anyone into her kitchen. This brought a bigger smile to his face knowing you were accepted by his family.
As his hands reach under your shirt to feel your chest feeling the hard nipples in his hands while he kisses you passionately. He stops to pull the shirt over your head “ I love this shirt on you but I love it better off”
He takes a cookie off the counter and pops it into his mouth, savouring the hot chocolate taste and oozing melting chocolate. As he moans. You swat his bare chest with your hand. “Freddy, don’t spoil your appetite”. His cock twitched at this as he raised his eyebrows at you. He reached into your hand prying the bowl out of your hands and setting the bowl down on the bench, As he kisses you.
“ I couldn’t possibly spoil my appetite for you love, us Weasleys have a good appetite and we love to eat” As he said that he presses himself into you and you feel his cock stir in his pants. With one swift motion he swept everything off the counter with his arm and lifts you onto it. “ oh what a mess” you sigh as he kisses you, hands travelling down your body. “ I’ll clean it,” he says with a wave of his wand.
He takes a moment to admire you sitting on his childhood home's kitchen bench in nothing looking like a snack“ I think I’m starving for you I need my breakfast” he says kissing you. “Freddy aren’t you full from last night?” You ask about your quiet bedtime antics in his old bedroom. “Weasleys have massive appetites” he mumbles against your mouth as he lifts you into his arms as takes your shorts off before putting you down again. 
As you put your face to his and kiss his lips, his neck and ears with your passionate mouth, your hands work his Pyjama pants down as he steps out of them.
You wrap your legs around his waist with his cock in his hand pointing straight up to your entrance. You moan against him as his cock enters you with a push of his waist. Slowly at first but quicker with each pump. As he started to drive his cock deeper and deeper inside you. Your hips moved as if they had a mind of their own, matching him stroke after stroke.
And then it happened, the release of energy as passion from each other to each other as he explodes inside you and you also erupt, as you exchange bodily fluids in an act of passion and love. They come down in a sweaty, panting mess, their lips and tongues still exploring each other’s mouths. You untangle your bodies as your able to get your ability to move your legs without shaking. You smell an unpleasant smell wafting from the oven.
You jumped down off the bench running over to the oven and opened the door to a charcoal catastrophe. “Freddy they burnt,” you said pulling the tray out of the oven to show him. His hand smooths over your hair “don’t worry love, I’ll help you make more”.
Both of you getting dressed in your pyjamas again. He cleaned while you worked away on the batter for the second time. You scooped them onto the tray as Fred stood close behind you brushing your hair out of your face as he says “ hey, you have a little something there” next thing you feel his tongue licking down your neck.
You gasp as you lean closer to him, his mouth leaving little marks on your neck. His finger dipped into the mixture before running his fingers down your chest leaving a sticky cookie batter behind. “I’ve made you sweeter,” he says before he pulls your clothes off once again, as he dips his long finger into the batter again drawing on your body with food, from your chest, your abdomen. Before you knew it, there was more cookie dough on you than in the bowl.
As he smirked “my favourite part, licking you clean” his lips clash against yours moaning together, before his tongue follows the trail he left himself. Your moans fill the air as his tongue continues down your neck, your chest paying special attention to your nipples sucking them firmly. His hands hold your waist as his tongue licks down your abdomen as it continues down.
Your breathing gets shallower as he licks further and further down your body, as his teeth gently nibble your thighs close to your wet centre. He lifts his head to look at you “my favourite candy” before plunging his lips against you, his tongue thrashing against your clit, you groaned as you pushed his head deeper against you. You moan as he parts your wet folds and slides his tongue into you. Licking the remaining cum left inside you. As you writhe in pleasure, squirming as he holds your hips tight to stop you from moving around against his face. He flicks his tongue again and again into you before flicking your clit faster and faster. You can feel another orgasm building up until you feel your inner walls spasm, and wetness rushes out of you.
You sigh contently as you rummage in the refrigerator “ I’m missing an ingredient” you announced. Pulling out a can of whipped cream. You smile to him shaking the can up to thicken the mixture inside. “All this fucking and I haven’t ate” you whine as you push him back onto the bench.
His cock stands up straight, stiff and hard as you leave a generous helping on his abdomen, his cock and balls. You softly kiss down his stomach. Relishing in the salty taste mixed with delicious sweet cream feeling his abdomen flex as you lick. You dragged your tongue across one of the blobs of cream kissing and licking closer to his groin.
He sucked in a breath as your tongue ran the length of his penis. Licking off the sugary coating leaving behind your saliva on his skin. You brought the can over him again spraying little trails of cream over his cock before your tongue licked him clean with slow strokes.
Your mouth came down to lick the wetness from his tip tongue swirling over his slit. You slid him further filling your mouth with his long cock. Feeling his hips buck up pushing himself further. A satisfying popping sound as you released him.
Your hands continued to twist up and down his shaft. Your lips traced the vein on the underside of his cock. Earning a groan from Fred. As your tongue worked him. With each bob of the head, you tried to take him in a little further.
Until you could feel him at the back of your throat. He gripped your hair roughly bucking against your mouth. You were aware he was ejaculating as you felt streams of liquid coat your tongue. As he started to descend from his convulsions. She released her mouth from him.
“Bloody Hell,” said Ron dropping his bags at the door. surveying the mess of the kitchen as well as his naked brother and his soon-to-be sister-in-law.
“Hey, brother want a cookie? ” Fred said nonchalantly. “God, this is what they are like at home I gotta move out,” sighed George. “Hey George,” you said, waving your wand to clean the kitchen before turning to Fred “hey babe I am a hot sticky mess, wanna have a shower?” Fred’s eyebrows shot up as he chased you up the stairs.
“Like Rabbits those two” Ron Scoffed.
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Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you go to the Joke shop and take a look around, not realising one of the owners watching you the whole time Warnings: none?
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the shop was filled with kids and their parents, looking at everything that piled the shelves, kids wanting to buy everything and the parents shaking their heads at them. you managed to squeeze through and get some room to breath
they'd only been open for a week and it was this packed, it was an understatement to call this shop a hit.
the fluorescent colours were blinding you as you turned to see a boy, his face turning green with his mum by his side.
you looked around, smiling at every item you see. not knowing you were being watched from the second story of the shop.
you always knew the twins were gonna open a joke shop, but now that you're in it, reality hit you, they had really made their dreams come true. and they were successful.
you were friends of theirs, sort of- you weren't in their group but you three definitely talked quite a bit. if there was a project for potions- they would ask for your help and if you were paired up in transfiguration they would do their part.
you made your way over to the area that was glowing with pink and saw a large stand in the shape of flowers, glowing pink and creating little heart bubbles, it made you smile.
you picked up one of the bottles and read the label. you shook your head with a slight laugh as you read love potion in a pretty font.
"I'll give you a discount for that if you want" you heard his voice from behind you
you turned to see Fred with a smile on his face
"but, then again, it would be a useless purchase" he smirked at you, stepping closer, looking down at you
"how come? do they not work?" you asked curiously
"oh they work perfectly, but you're not gonna need it" he shook his head ammused
"and why is that?" you questioned, tilting your head
truth be told, you always had feelings for the boy, he ticked all your boxes. funny, loyal, tall, confident, passionate and witty.
but he was just so popular and almost every girl you know was swoon over him
"why try to use something when it's already worked without it?" he chuckled.
Fred would be an idiot to deny his feelings for you. he never would've told you this in Hogwarts, he never would've been this straight forward with you about this before, because even THE popular Fred Weasley was self-conscious sometimes.
he sometimes just looked at you and felt as though he wasn't enough, that he couldn't give you what you deserved
but now he was a successful business man, making big bucks. when he saw you enter the shop 10 minutes ago, he knew what he had to do, he knew he could give you anything your heart desired, if you'll have him
"how so? last time i checked I've had no guy chase after me" you laughed, putting the bottle down beside you on the flower stand.
you raised your eyebrows at him, waiting for his response
"who knows, maybe he hasn't been around you for a while, maybe he was waiting for you to come to him" he shrugged confidently.
you knew what he meant, he never failed to make flirtatious comments, so you brushed it off, even though the butterflies made their way to your stomach.
"and who might this young man be? I should probably go find him, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting" you smiled coyly
"I can't remember his name, but I can describe him for you, maybe tell you were he is" he smirked, leaning down
"do tell" you leaned in too, eager to continue and get to the point
"well I heard he has red hair, he's pretty tall too, I heard he's 6'3. he's pretty handsome too, I think you'll like him, he comes from a pretty big family, and I'm pretty sure I see him in the shop everyday" he informed you cheekily
"wow, I never knew George felt that way about me, I should probably go find him" you snickered, looking at his annoyed face. you were only teasing.
"George? that doesn't seem to ring a bell, I'm pretty sure his name started with an F" he rubbed his chin, looking deep in fake thought
"wow" you gasped "you're not implying what I think you are, are you Fred?" you gasp in faux shock
"Fred! that's his name, he sounds dreamy, doesn't he?" he clicked his fingers
"you should see him in person" you chuckled, his smirk dropped and instead, a small smile made it's way onto his lips
"maybe you should go and ask him out, I heard his favourite place is the three broomsticks" he replied joyfully
you hummed, thinking for a second "nah, I'll let him ask me since he's so in love with me"
"I don't know, he might be nervous" he tilted his head
"then you should go tell him he has nothing to be nervous about" you leaned in and whispered to him, as if it was a secret. he smiled and looked at the ground, his tongue running along his upper teeth, tapping the wood of the floor with his boot
"will do" he answered, a sweet grin on his face
"you stay right here, I think I just saw him" he pat your shoulder, stepping away from you before coming back a few seconds later
"hello there" he said happily
"hello Fred, fancy seeing you here!" you beamed
"I know, I thought I'd pop in and see how successful the shop is" he looked around, motioning to all the chaos, making you shake your head in amusement
"it's incredible isn't it? I must say I'm very proud of the two" your comment made him blush slightly, and you could tell it caught him a bit off guard
"so, I don't know if you know this but some handsome young bloke came up to me just then and said you would go on a date with me" he responded
"only if you asked" you blinked
"well then, how would you like to go the three broomsticks with me this weekend, Saturday maybe?" he asked you
"your favourite right?" you raised your eyebrows
he gasped "how'd you know?" he placed a hand over his heart
"lucky guess" you giggled
"so what do you say? will you go out on a date with me? a successful businessman, who is -said to be- very attractive" he question sheepishly
"Saturday?" you asked "I don't know I might be busy-"
"-Sunday?" he cut you off
"I was kidding, Saturday sounds perfect" you grinned up at him
"great, perfect. Meet me here at 11- in the morning, or night, is night better?" he rambled quietly
"11 at night? bit late don't you think?" you questioned
"right yeah, morning is more reasonable" he nodded
"well th-" he started but got cut off by George
"-Fred, I need help!"
Fred looked back at his twin and back at you, sparing a kiss to your cheek
"see you then, Love" he winked before rushing to George
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