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franceanon · 1 month ago
Audio-grabbed by Me.
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freannrosecute · 5 months ago
Feel and Beat: why I love dancing and u should love dancing
I'm Freann Rose and I'll be sharing some reasons why I love dancing
I've been dancing since kindergarten. There are so many reasons why I love dancing or you should love dancing.
Firstly, You can express your feelings just by dancing and feeling the music💃🕺.
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Just like contemporary it focuses on the freedom of movement, you can connect with your mind and body just by dancing. Just like me Because of pagsci they encourage me to dance contemporary.
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BUT There are so many types of dancing not just contemporary, here are some following examples:
Modern dance
Hip hop
Folk dance
Jazz dance
Tap dance
And so many more...
It reduces stress. Dancing offers an inner relief from the everyday grind.
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dancing motivates you and gives you energy for your daily grind.
I would recommend you some dances that would help you feel motivated for your everyday grind.
Zumba dances
Hip hop
Lastly, dance will give you confidence.
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I highly recommend for you to dance because it will boost you confidence and you can feel yourself just by vibing with the beat.
Just because of dancing my self esteem, self confidence, and self belief boosts.
So what are you waiting for go turn that beat up and Dance💃
As you can see there are many reasons why I love dancing or you should love dancing. The act of moving body helps you reconnect with yourself on a physical level
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from American, French, German, Irish and Roman Emperor forenames, 7 letters long
Adharry Affabre Aibhria Aldrine Alenton Alleraf Alviona Alvièle Alérène Anadhla Ancerne Andrete Andylas Aneacht Angeing Annieta Anothel Aodhach Aodhent Aoibhín Aoiline Aoiriar Aomáird Aotthen Apronce Arnairt Auriann Aurigne Aurtons Aximona...
Balaudy Baptine Barstan Bastona Beaveen Beidhán Belmuir Belotth Berinus Bernait Bertach Bertine Bliquel Bobhfla Bobyros Bonicam Brainne Brenton Bresios Bretris Bricion Brickim Briette Brinail Bronaid Bréadie Bróidna Bróilis Buadhna Calixie Callaur Canique Caodhne Caolant Caruana Cathear Ceacárd Cearane Cheries Cionack Claitho Claithy Claitua Claoiff Clonios Clémyra Coberie Cobessa Coddint Codhala Colmies Comaema Comarie Comarin Comelil Comenny Congéra Coniane Conicin Coremil Cottinz Cualard Curaith Cédéalf Cúmhane Cúmhlia Dalanne Damaxim Danuena Darbhán Dartray Deibhry Delaile Dellach Dermild Detheal Diacine Diannch Diedrey Dilíony Dinetth Diodhla Dionnie Domáire Donatyl Donifro Doninez Dorbhón Doreenz Dorghín Dorried Doviane Duadhbh Duberis Dubhghe Dubháin Dwillen Eamharn Eimonne Eindant Einiany Eirster Elestel Elinher Elmenth Elsoper Elvidne Ernacki Euntona Fabeach Faberta Faighus Feilipp Fianick Fiannev Findian Finmhna Fionord Florine Fodoran Fradhán Frarlin Fraumel Freanne Galbean Gendike Gensied Geoilín Gertran Gethola Gianiel Gisandy Glenéim Glorlad Goisann Goraith Gorinus Graisea Granine Graprie Gretrín Grettas Grédris Grégine Guestin Gweslie Günthna Hallyne Haëllyn Healuth Heandra Hearold Heigisa Heinnio Heithus Helbeán Helerit Helmarg Helvich Henrick Hericky Herseph Heryste Hiannes Hildian Hilexim Hiliand Hiosell Holgara Hollinn Holmhne Hosaith Hugored Irickim Irkolan Jachard Jachrin Jaciann Jamélia Jeabeas Jeachri Jealius Jeamhín Jeandie Jeannín Jeanste Jeraisa Jernaid Jernale Jernora Jerondo Jestene Jimhíon Jochrio Jodhbhe Joniart Joranie Jorleán Joseard Jovicky Jovindy Juademy Juailia Juantie Julaudo Juliany Justíof Jérolen Karagla Karisla Karleta Karlyne Karryan Kathert Kellean Klistín Laelius Lainnin Lairius Laorguy Laudrie Laurail Lavetto Leantin Leileen Lenrann Liximín Locarne Loibébh Loiléil Loracky Lorenth Lorgere Loseoge Lubethy Luciane Luciann Ludorge Lukarth Lupeark Lydeara Léabina Mabhrán Maellan Maellip Magóidh Maidhne Mailbyn Mainain Maireir Maitran Majohna Malacht Maodius Maoirek Maoiren Marandy Maranne Maromán Marrale Masaman Mathine Matjand Matteri Mattine Maudrik Maulius Maximín Maxisty Maylara Meartúr Meddius Melhert Meranne Miandsa Micardo Michacy Michine Milille Minette Mircard Miricky Monaice Moneine Muislie Mulacht Muthéan Mélinín Mónárdh Mórdhal Nateach Neardgh Neenrin Niamhóg Niamine Nichrie Nifredo Nikonny Ninisar Nóisíth Ochoris Olacher Olfgard Olus-pe Onostan Opaurie Ophemmy Orarrya Patruan Pealian Peidhna Peteran Phannik Phelane Phelmón Phianne Phianth Proncia Póindre Quismut Rachain Raklias Ranntiú Ratherd Rearley Riamore Rikasán Ristina Ristine Roibhín Ronadin Roseves Rottyad Roydece Ruadius Ruaidna Rualipp Ruathra Ruatter Rubeney Rudeard Rudicky Rundoue Runetas Réasaba Régorma Róislán Sameinn Sannbha Saoirdt Searian Selphil Seruste Shadhal Shadhna Shaitne Sharach Shardie Sharyla Shieris Siamony Siannán Sigilha Sonnait Stachad Sus-per Sverdgh Sylvall Séadria Sévenda Tacheon Telerie Teredia Terenta Therris Thérôme Tomarie Toniodh Téodidh Ulruale Vadrian Vaidhel Vaithna Valbhgh Velmuir Veniane Venrine Vestied Virkold Waniève Wighach Wighill Wilanus Wilémil Wolenán Woliena Wolieve Yolmune Yvellen Yveslán Yvonich Yvonnie Ágarmae Áittaín Éamarah Éamisli Éibhlas Éiliene Éilinna Éristan Étannya Éthghan Évettyl Órdgert
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wakeupfreanz · 8 months ago
Hey freann! I worry a lot so let me try and make this concise, lol. I recently took a gap year and school is about to start back however, i’m unsure of what to do because i still have yet to feel like I’ve found my calling. i’ve been big into manifestation lately as well and even then I don’t even know what I want to begin to manifest or if it’s even what I should be striving for. I guess I’m just hoping you could point me in the right direction. Are the things and life I want for myself achievable? Where should I look first? ty in advance! <333
Lovers, World.
Seems like you're really caught up in trying to please others if we're being honest. You know what you want to do which is possibly related to traveling/foreign affairs, being abroad. You are not worried enough about your own personal happiness more than the satisfaction of others. You're trying to pay them back for all they have done and that's okay. But you have possibly spent a long time in your life leaning into others in this aspect of your life. I implore you to see if it would prove to be even a little difficult for you to even take a class that you find interesting as an elective even if you stick with something else that isn't entirely what you want. Btw this isn't to say like oh you're pathetic because you're just scratching their back back, but, it give a lack of direction because it's not what's on your GPS, it's what is on THEIR GPS for you.
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altreilea · 3 years ago
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Je ne dis pas "je t'aime", je dis "ne mourez pas, Jeanne, au nom du ciel"
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ziashetalia · 6 years ago
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(再)まとめ Pixiv ID: 72108962 Member: 19719376 - てん
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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salhiaa · 6 years ago
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A doodle I was supposed to post for the 30th May... of last year.
(30th May being the day Jeanne d’Arc burned at the stake)
As you can guess, I had forgotten its very existence...
I decided to finish it and post it now rather than keeping it as a wip for another year. I tried to create a sober and peaceful atmosphere.
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unoriginaltoast · 7 years ago
I am kinda USUK trash again tbh
With extra France/Jeanne d’Arc
And FYI if you’re gonna yell about me about what fictional people I want to kiss, shove it because I’m living in 2011 where the Hetalia fandom is hell on earth but everyone just ignores their NOTPs
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franceanon · 1 month ago
Audio-grabbed by Me.
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d-joana-a-shippadora · 7 years ago
Me? Shipping humans and countries? More likely than you think.
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444names · 3 years ago
tolkienesque and american forenames + minerals BUT excluding "ite" and similar to "thranduil"
Abwele Adethôr Admon Aegumcois Aekalyn Agalen Agondrine Aguerch Ahelline Akalacrys Akhânbréa Alarasel Alcalyn Alcoddy Aldirya Alene Aletil Alina Aline Alkhair Allin Almque Alsiold Amauste Ambello Amund Anbrundur Ancarguin Andimë Andinúva Andor Aneghuana Anhine Anneslin Appez Arcafwil Ardoris Arlarker Arroneste Arrutil Arsane Arsky Arvan Aryte Asboba Atraum Attrann Aurlanohn Bagla Balewade Balli Bandy Barel Barve Baspuhyte Bassequil Becir Belend Berene Beronor Berri Berste Bertina Betrenel Biferison Blarli Bobie Bolliney Boraste Bortiff Botho Bothyhyd Bowna Brald Brassever Bresky Bucar Bueri Bukloith Cagarl Calimbart Calivra Canien Cargyptin Carkilen Carna Catha Catharip Celdo Cemetchte Cenicubis Cerricia Chalgorey Charge Charl Chauy Chill Chingamil Chionte Chloce Chlon Chored Chrya Chrysonis Chröck Circe Clacir Clangir Clapoluor Clasel Clashir Clath Clorinna Comennity Copimonny Corce Costramil Cotradûn Cubrokeie Cumbarise Cupaurum Cupina Cupri Dacal Dalcia Damir Debel Delienwë Derse Deslody Desse Dinice Dminieth Dmorzanny Drooky Dwiny Dáingim Edime Edrew Elfel Elinie Elinste Elitan Ellee Elschran Emacyn Emell Emelronth Eorolwë Ergue Eristin Eston Eudrillim Eulste Evandrine Evanne Everste Evine Eärenwë Eärne Eärnela Fercir Fergan Fergiold Ferie Ferine Fieberie Fingee Fintz Flomë Flumpyrik Flurris Foragne Foreg Fracoxan Fravoron Freana Freanne Fregnel Fremene Fremy Freth Frezzon Gagordor Gandrian Garderrië Gatampfin Georen Georine Gerley Gerrene Glashanne Glimie Glodor Glorena Gluanca Gontoy Gorbald Gorie Gralar Gregar Grete Griend Guton Gwalquel Gwergutul Hallitne Hamir Hanane Harane Haretast Hatasie Hedelauck Hedrethyl Heldebry Heredert Herin Heron Hodon Hophyl Hoptie Howmagily Huline Hylli Ibanne Idgki Idoline Illan Inorerne Ivivin Jacil Jamlip Jance Janste Jassaar Jeand Jerth Jimeye Joand Juaronna Judon Judor Julgra Jurart Jurtie Kaentolin Kamûl Kasekime Katha Khany Korzah Koviang Kovice Kovidia Krangolór Kreleenwë Krium Kröckes Kukol Kurainy Kúvie Labrianie Laiwend Lerton Liffor Limove Locryllon Loihor Loisatsyn Lookelase Lorinelia Lovia Lumet Mabane Mabor Macalm Magah Magendra Magne Maldamon Malla Mallwë Mandi Mandiel Manin Marahnna Maray Marazini Mardam Margeris Maris Marth Martne Marve Marwaine Maumargy Mazôn Mejen Menghâd Mirine Mogar Monicotho Moody Motald Musie Nalene Nifine Nique Nogarth Noseeka Nákhanbor Okena Olantine Olavinse Orbennie Ormaura Ortortz Orumon Ossill Othered Pally Palmar Paran Parie Patheril Penie Peristin Phandë Phenti Pheriquin Phibûn Phola Phrah Phydre Picarom Plaphen Pleen Plura Polarge Polum Preng Pumbue Pyrine Pyroxen Qinie Rahagne Rantorly Retran Rioda Roben Robir Ronth Rospine Roxferia Rumboby Runarl Saaff Sadallett Safnony Salen Salloy Sapaz Sarber Sarthal Scharse Schlos Schri Sclisier Scoddia Selene Shilúk Skann Sopette Spabisyn Stithoel Stonium Sulvel Sumaglór Suzhaldë Taldur Talitanie Talligne Taltfor Taluorphy Tamice Tatte Thedwyn Thingelyn Thometh Thomson Tolearar Tonna Trent Trethlim Tronna Tronste Tucily Tudert Tunger Tunoida Tunstë Tyrie Tyrtman Ulauilina Ulimiel Ullwë Ummos Unelin Vaigent Valog Vanberio Velir Velog Vikovir Vindy Vistë Vitorne Vogayl Vogonie Vornarust Waenarca Wardagne Warose Wayldan Waytomber Weelitald Weingwen Whechaerl Whilkhôr Whiseil Wigmas Wüsthamia Xangine Xenium Yandawleg Yágie Zannwë Zerris Zhaxonis Znucadin Znuilie Zykie Éodaurd Éowson
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kitariauthor · 6 years ago
Another Unpopular Hetalia Opinion: RusAme could work out in this current era
Okay so truthfullly I made this post because I’ve seen many hetalians think RusAme is impossible to work out in current era judging by their current political tension and their infamous Cold War history. And even if they know about how RusAme was very warm during Imperial Russia era, they would say things like “but it happened so long ago! it won’t really affect them now”
But let’s not forget it’s canon that: 
1. Hetalia nations remember event that happened so long ago and it still affects their emotion now:
France and Jeanne d’arc:
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Switzerland who still remembers his good past with Austria:
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So I just personally think those “their warm history is so long ago, they won’t work it out now with their current political tension” opinions contradict with how the nations personification’s mind works in canon. 
It’s not a far stretch to think that Ivan and Alfred still remembers their warm past in Imperial Russia era and still feels nostalgic about it now whenever they see each other in current era. Afterall, they are nations’ personification who holds memories since their nation was “born”, unlike their leaders or citizens who are only aware mostly about their current political tension.
2. Hetalia nations =/= their leaders
Another argument of why most hetalians think RusAme is unlikely is because how both countries have long history of political tension. But really, I think most of this political tension in current era really refers to their leader’s political tension, because let’s be real here. Most people and medias would judge how good a bilateral relation is by both leaders of the nations’ opinion of each other, because it’s easier that way instead of analyzing in depth of their multidimensional relation such as cooperation in space, education, trade, etc.
So it’s understandable to judge RusAme is unlikely to work since their bosses often has/had disagreements with each other since USSR was formed.
But let’s not forget that Nations can have different opinion than their leaders, such as:
Japan’s boss signed treaty with Russia without Japan’s knowledge:
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Russia’s boss forced him to make a steam engine in one week which is against his wishes since he’ll be punished if he doesn’t do it:
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So it’s also not a far stretch to think that even when Ivan and Alfred’s boss have disagreements with each other, Ivan and Alfred could still have laughed with each other and have lunch happily together, since it’s canon that hetalia nations can have different opinion than their leaders.
tldr; RusAme could work out even in this current era. It just takes an open mindedness and vast knowledge of their long history to comprehend how this is actually logical and not impossible. Btw I also made another post similar like this few years ago if you guys want to read more argument about this and check them out.
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sandsandtheirfanboys · 8 years ago
This month only please also tag me in the rare and precious Freanne posts so I can cherish the beauty of eternity and relive the crushing pain of reality
plus because its my otp soo
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altreilea · 3 years ago
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ziashetalia · 6 years ago
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ありがとう、愛しています Pixiv ID: 27053606 Member: 1773380 - 雪希
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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his-margo-and-her-q · 4 years ago
To my Freann; the source of my life's light and love,
Thank you so much for the love that you gave, and warmth that you made me feel. 8 years is such a long time, but my love for you never dwindled. You are my life's happiness, and I will choose you everyday.
Mamahalin kita araw-araw
Habang buhay
Forever yours,
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