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historicfailure · 2 months ago
Chapter 9: The change within
Working so closely with Kakashi, you begin to notice a slow, but gradual change in him.
~ X ~
After a direction for the campaign was set and a slogan was now found which could be used as a foundation to go forward with other procedures, you found yourself more and more entrenched in the work. And now, with Kakashi fully on board, work was easier. Easier because, well, he obviously didn’t have the time to bully you any longer. The apologies also helped, of course. That reassurance was all you needed to go all in with your work, even if it meant to work longer than everybody else or harder than anybody else on the team. Even though your job was not much more than collecting data and evaluating said data, you also found yourself doing more than that; taking part in the creative process. Work you had to cast aside in the previous firm you worked at, knowing you would indulge too much, but it was needed right here and now. 
And not only that was needed of you. 
“When will this be done? Do you have a timeline on this?”
You were only half-aware of Kakashi inquiring about something from Iruka. Your mind was in too deep with the next set of slideshows to present to the committee of Akatsuki next week. Painstakingly dragging one slide in Photoshop into a corner, making sure it was perfectly aligned, then adding and erasing the same effect a moment later. It didn’t add anything to the presentation, just unnecessary flourish which didn’t make any sense. In the larger scheme, of course.
“I just wanted to know-!”
“All the details you need are in the mail I sent you.”
A low sigh escaped you. This presentation was crucial, it needed to be finished by the end of the week, and half of the stuff in the presentation wasn’t even ready to be shown yet, thanks to the late start. It all had to be finished this week, and everyone tasked to handle the Akatsuki marketing campaign was working their asses off. Still, Kakashi and you were usually the last ones to leave the office. Absent-mindedly, you went through the motions of creating another slide for the presentation, before a sharp and louder than usual voice made you look up from your screen. 
To your surprise, Iruka stood up from his chair in front of Minato’s office to face off with Kakashi. The smaller, yet broader man snarled up into Kakashi’s face, the tanned skin of his face blushing from frustration and anger; two emotions you were all too familiar with when it came to dealing with the prick of a guy. 
“What is your problem?” Iruka reached up to tighten his high ponytail with a sharp gesture. “You have all the information you need in the email-!”
Kakashi interjected, his tone cold and just as sharp as Iruka’s gesture had been. “I’m not sure if you understand. I said that the deadline isn’t in the mail, I checked twice.”
“The deadline is in the mail, right in the second paragraph!”
“It’s. Not. In. There. How many times do I have to repeat myself, Umino?”
Both of your eyebrows shot up. What the hell was going on? Sure, Kakashi was an asshole sometimes, but you still had never seen him raise his voice like this. Especially not to someone like Iruka. Sweet, gentle Iruka, who was always friendly and ready to help out in the full capacity of his capability.  Which was extensive: despite being the same age as you, his parents apparently had built an extensive network and introduced Iruka to the world of marketing the day he was born. If Iruka didn’t know someone, they weren’t important, simple as that. Plus, he had worked as a teacher before. His scoldings were truly one of a kind. No one, in this entire firm, was willing to anger him, besides Anko. And Anko didn’t truly count, she was insane anyway.
Your hands continued to half-heartedly move the mouse and ghost over the keyboard, pretending to work, while your ears fixated more and more on the sharp conversation just a few desks over. 
“It’s right there! Check your eyes, Hatake.”
“Checked two times. There is nothing!”
“And I checked three times that the most important info you needed is in the mail!”
“Well, it isn’t. Just send me the info when you fucking have it.”
“You have all the info you need!” Just in time, you turned your head the tiniest bit to see how Iruka stormed around his desk to check the mail in question personally. Everyone close by seemed to hold their breaths in the next moments, only disturbed by the furious clicks of his mouse. Then, a triumphant snort, and Iruka jerked upright, glaring at Kakashi. “Check it yourself. And maybe get your eyes checked as well, while you’re at it.”
Iruka pointed at his screen. Kakashi clicked his tongue, but followed suit and walked around the desk to check the other man’s screen. A few seconds passed, then Kakashi, without another word, turned and walked away.
“You’re welcome!” Iruka called after him, only to shake his head. “What a fucking prick…”
What the fuck just happened? You surely weren’t the only one left flabbergasted at what just happened right in front of the entire office, right? With Kakashi being blatantly wrong and not coming out on top somehow. Even though you weren’t a fan of his anymore, you at least could see that this wasn’t his usual behavior. So far, you experienced him as sometimes mean-spirited or socially inclined, maybe cold and nonchalant, but never openly heated. This fight was strange and not typical for the man.
~ X ~
“I noticed your little altercation with Iruka today.”
“Mhm.” Kakashi only hummed, refusing to elaborate further. Understandably so. Deep into the evening, with the open office once again empty, you had felt secure enough to start a conversation with him. 
“What was that one about?” You leaned over the desk, arms crossed and eyes transfixed on the man, who was trying to busy himself with typing up a fitting proposal for the upcoming presentation. “Something about a deadline?”
“Yeah”, he sighed. For another long moment, he stayed silent, eyes glaring at the screen like he would find the answer to your question there, but then his look cleared. His fingers quickly flew over the keyboard once more, like they had never stopped in the first place. “I ordered some print materials for the presentation next week. Didn’t get any info so far if they were able to finish them on time or not, so I tried to get an inquiry on the timeline.”
Suddenly, Kakashi pushed his chair away from the table. Both of his hands rose to scrub wildly through his hair, to the point the motions looked almost painful. “Iruka sent them in that godforsaken email, and I misread it. I thought he forgot to include the date, but it was in there.”
“Oh. Okay.” 
It wasn’t Kakashi’s style to escalate a situation like this; with angry voices, sharp tones and tense nerves. Over the last few weeks, he had been stressed for sure, and yet you didn’t think he was someone to get easily angry over an honest mistake like Iruka could have potentially made. And for Kakashi to be so tardy to misread a line and completely miss the information he desperately waited for? No, that also wouldn’t be like him. Something else was amiss here. 
Your mouth already opened to comment on his behavior, but your brain shut it again before you could get any words out. Kakashi knew he fucked up. He obviously did, and blamed himself for it. You didn’t have to tell him. The most sensible thing you could do was help him out a bit. Of course, for the sake of hopefully restoring some peace in the office and making sure Iruka wouldn’t rightfully take gruesome revenge on Kakashi. 
“Iruka likes the Ichiraku instant cup noodles.”
For the first time, Kakashi looked properly at you. His eyes flickered upwards, dancing over your entire face. Your words didn’t seem to properly register for a few seconds. After a few more moments of blind staring, a light seemed to go off above his head. “You mean…”
“Buying him some of the XXtra Fire Spicy kind might be a good peace offering”, you said, then gently tabbed against your nose. “You don’t know this from me, though. Anko would kill me if she ever finds out I’m handing out her bribery-info like that.”
A quick grin flashed over his face. “I wouldn’t dare to rat you out. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” 
“I have to ask, though.”
“Because…” You breathed in, trying to find the right words. “Because an angry and vengeful Iruka could throw some stones into our way. Because I want to make this work now. Because why not?” You shrugged weakly. “Does there have to be a reason at this point?”
Kakashi shook his head. “But I liked to hear your reasons. They’re all pretty damn good.” His eyes flitted again over your face. Down from your eyes to your nose and further below, lingering there, then up again. He pushed himself even further away from the desk, then sighed again. “Sorry for this mess. I will fix it.”
“All good. Nice to see I’m not the only one who has to suffer under the terrible reign of Kakashi Hatake, entitled egomaniac and incredibly conceited on top of that.”
That made him at least chuckle. “Egomaniac and conceited? Hard to beat.”
“I could have added self-absorbed and thoughtless, but hey. No need to be cruel.”
You watched how the new creases and wrinkles around Kakashi’s eyes deepened with his tired grin. The little dip in your stomach at the sight was promptly ignored and pushed aside, into a forgotten corner, where your admiration for the man rested after discovering how much of an asshole he could be. 
~ X ~
Seeing your face today made coming to work worth it. 
Keep it up!
~ X ~
“Kakashi, could we speak for a moment?” 
Of course, he expected Minato to come to him. Not after this fucking colossal mishap of a social interact he had with Iruka. 
I can’t be burned out. I feel fine enough. I just need to get through this campaign, then it will be alright. 
It’s my fault the campaign takes so long. It’s my fault, I have to keep the team here for overtime almost every night. It’s my fault Minato and Kushina have to beg for extensions on the deadlines for the campaign, because I took so damn long to get one single fucking idea.
I can’t let them all down. When this is all over, I can rest again, or even think about the off-chance of being…
He didn’t want to think about it, didn’t even name the sickness in his thoughts. Naming it gave it power, made it real, made it terrifying enough to shy away from it. Minato asking such questions in the first place said all Kakashi needed to know. The quality of his work had diminished, worsened noticeably over the last few months. Had others noticed as well? Were they looking at him, trying to see if he was failing? 
 ~ X ~
With the weather turning against, the sky turning bleak and cloudy every so often, and with the long hours of work filling your days, it was no miracle you felt more tired than usual. Sometimes, right after lunch, your eyelids began to drop, and the afternoon always turned into gum with how long it seemed to stretch out. But it was necessary, so you dutifully noted down all of your overtime, gritted your teeth and brewed extra strong coffee with the new machine in the break room. 
You could see the toll also in Kakashi. Apart from his ever-present eyebags, more often than not he was yawning, one hand lazily covering his mouth. His posture was even more slumped than usual, shoulders dropping and spine slouching to the point you wanted to ask him if he was suffering from some spinal injury. Sometimes, especially late in the night, when him and you were the only people left in the office, he would space out. 
“Hey, I looked over the time schedule Itachi sent, and Akatsuki wants to reschedule the next appointment for an update on the campaign.”
After a few moments of absolute silence, you looked up. It took a bit for your eyes to adjust, going from the brightly lit screen of your laptop to the dim surroundings of the office. By now, it was customary to move closer with your laptop to Kakashi’s desk, as he was insistent on working at his own desk, “where everything is where it’s supposed to be and I can find everything”. 
There was no one at the desk. You strained your eyes, peering through the curtain of tiredness hanging over your mind. Strange. Kakashi hadn’t gotten up, right? You would have noticed. With a twinge in your stomach, you got up. And instantly spotted him.
He was sleeping. Kakashi was sleeping, upper body draped across the desk, face squashed against his arm, which was protectively laid out over a bunch of paper, the pencil still loosely held up by his fingers. Only illuminated by the screens in front of him, where flickering lights showed off the latest Akatsuki-promotion videos they produced in house and Itachi sent over as a directional tool, he seemed so…
Younger than you had ever expected him to be. Carefully as to not wake the man, you leaned in, trying to figure out what was now so different. Maybe it was because the wrinkles around his eyes had softened. Or because his mouth was slightly open, mumbling weakly but without any coherent wording. Or because for the first time, there were no pretenses for Kakashi to hide behind. 
Your heart fluttered weakly when he mumbled again, pretty lips opening and closing, before a sigh drifted past his mouth. Up so close and without any defenses, it was so easy to forget all the reasons why you should stay away. Kakashi was all light; silvery mysterious moonlight, only disturbed by the small dot of a dimple right below his mouth. 
Stop this. It’s creepy as fuck.
With a shake of your head, you stepped fully around the desk. He had to wake up, and even more so, get out of this office.
“Hey…” Gently, you reached out, poking your index finger into his shoulder. Once, then twice. “Kakashi? Wake up.”
A weak grumble erupted from him, but nothing else. Again, you poked him, this time a bit more forcefully. “Hey. Wake up. You can go home.”
“Mhmm…” Kakashi pulled a face, eyes still closed. One of his hands came up to shield his face from any light, sound or your contact. “Five more…”
“Alright. Don’t blame me though when you have a stiff neck in the end.” You backed up, already trying to forget how Kakashi looked like when his face was crumpled by a good nap, when the man shot upright. 
“What-?” He yawned widely, eyes quickly blinking away the last bits of sleep. “Where am I?”
“Still in the office. Had a good nap?”
“Unfortunately, one of the better ones I had lately.” 
“Trouble falling asleep, ah. Can’t say I’m unfamiliar.” And you meant it. 
Kakashi shrugged. “Or staying asleep. And yet…” He fell silent, eyes glazing over and staring emptily at the blue-lit screens in front of him. You nearly expected to see a string of drool dribbling down his chin, but then, he seemed to wake up from his weird trance. “Sorry for keeping you here. You can go, it’s already…” 
“I’m not going,” you said, while Kakashi tried to check the time with bleary eyes, “before you have gotten out of your chair and come with me.”
“I’m not up to argue this point right now.” 
For a very long second, Kakashi seemed to actually want to argue. The sharp crease around his mouth deepened, gnawing at his inner cheek. You sharpened the look you gave him; just a bit more edge and bite in your eyes, then he nodded in defeat. 
“Sure. Let me just grab my laptop and-!”
“You’re leaving the laptop here as well.”
That, however, got you a stronger reaction than you thought. 
“I can’t”, Kakashi shook his head, “I can’t leave the laptop here.”
“Yes. You can. There’s literally no reason why you couldn’t.”
“But there’s so much work to do!”
The realization of what exactly was happening wasn’t a sudden one. No, you had suspected in the back of your mind what was exactly going on with Kakashi. His uncharacteristic snappiness towards other people, the mistakes and sloppiness, him falling asleep yet panicking, all of those were hints leading toward the real problem. And now these familiar lines. Lines you had said yourself a while back, with a pounding heart in your throat and bile gathering in your stomach. These fucking lines, all too familiar and still numbing your self all the same. 
You paused, mouth slightly open as you tried to find the right words. Words you had needed to hear from someone. But it was still Kakashi Hatake.
You and him weren’t close. Not that close, in fact. And you suspected that no one else, but his parents were close enough to say them, and you also suspected they hadn’t noticed anything uncommon with their son yet. 
“Kakashi”, you started slowly, “if you continue on this campaign in your state, you will regret it later. It is of no use to anyone if you force yourself to be creative like this.”
“We have no time, we still have so many things to do, and we’re behind because-!”
“We’re not so far behind anymore. We did so much work during the last weeks. Kakashi…”
He shook his head, all sharp, jerky movements. “No. No, it’s because of me. I have to… I need to make this right.”
“You already did. Listen.”
The man still shook his head. Caught in a loop, created by his state and exhaustion. Probably also due to sleeping troubles. “I can’t, there’s still some color schemes left to talk over, I need to adjust the…” His voice trailed off, drifting away like a sigh swept away by a sudden gust of wind. 
“Kakashi.” You reached over, fingers touching and tugging at the soft fabric of his comfy, oversized sweater. “Listen to me. You did enough for today. Tomorrow, we can do more stuff. Tonight, you take a shower, you get yourself a nice meal, and try to have some sleep. It is okay.”
But he wasn’t listening. His eyes were bearing down on your hand, intently following the movements of your gentle tugging, before sliding right up your arm and further up to the curve of your shoulder, the dip of your neck, and right up to your face. 
“Kakashi”, you tried again, “You can go home. It’s fine.”
“Why do you care if I leave or not? It’s not like you particularly like me.”
“I came to tolerate you. Besides, I still need you.”
“For what? For not having any ideas? For not being creative enough? For making shitty, stupid mistakes and holding everyone up?” His voice rose, the tone frustrated like you had never heard him before. Like a dam was broken, the water breaking free and ripping away all of his inhibitions and usual restraints. “I’m trying so hard to make things right because I know that I fucked up by not having an idea for ages, then for being indecisive, and now everything is too much! I’m fucking drowning over here, and I know I shouldn’t ask for help because I do not deserve to feel that way!”
For a moment, Kakashi looked like he wanted to continue his tirade, but then he deflated like one of these balloons parents get for their kids on a holiday; one moment filled to the brim with helium and the next, slowly releasing said gas into the stratosphere while flattening with every passing second. “I just…” He shrugged, voice meek and flat and so tired, “don’t know anymore.”
“Kakashi, I…” You sighed. Fuck, this situation was a whole-ass mess. How were you supposed to handle this? Of course, you had a pretty educated guess what was happening to Kakashi, and you were pretty sure he was thinking of the same thing already. But you weren’t really in a place where you could just tell him that, right? Because thinking and actually speaking the condition into existence were two completely different things.
“Kakashi”, you started again, all the while still reaching out and gesturing to him to step out from behind the desk, “I understand what you’re going through right now. Better than you might think. But I’m not going to have this conversation right now with you, when you should really be on your way home. Go home. Rest. And tomorrow, we can speak about it in depth, okay?”
“For sure?” 
“Yes. But go home, please.”
For another, horrifyingly long moment, he just stood there. Motionless, with only his eyes scanning your entire body up and down, before he nodded. Slowly, but he did. “Okay. I go home now. Happy?”
“Cut the moody teenager shit with me, Kakashi.”
“Sorry. I just…” His eyes scrunched close, groaning as he did so. “Fuck. I’m an ass.”
“Good. We’re agreeing on one thing.” As you watched how the man packed his things up — he left his laptop on the desk, you noted — you were already trying to puzzle together what to say tomorrow.
Because how could you possibly explain to Kakashi Hatake that he was probably suffering from Burn out? 
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silentexplorer18 · 2 years ago
This is so, so hard, but I think I've managed to narrow it down to a few fics from a few fandoms (in no particular order):
The Bucket List by GallaPlacidia
Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Draco will die in six months if he can't get Harry Potter to fall in love with him. Since that's not going to happen, he might as well spend his last days working through his Bucket List. Tap-dancing lessons? Rock climbing? Poetry-writing? Threesomes? Cocaine? Getting to know his adorable cousin, Teddy Lupin? Draco will try them all!
Heartlines by Shiftylinguini
Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Harry never expected he’d end up chipping away at his virginity while wandless and bonded to Malfoy in Northern Europe. He never expected that would turn out to be the least surprising thing to happen while out on their training expedition in the middle of nowhere, either.
Two Weeks by Shiftylinguini
Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
If Harry had to guess which out of he or his Auror Partner, and tentative new friend, Draco Malfoy, would turn out to have Veela ancestry, his answer would be: neither, because that is ridiculous. Finding out the answer is actually him, and that his Veela heritage is wreaking havoc on his ability to work, sleep, and above all be in the same room as Malfoy, is a surprise to say the least. But this is fine. Harry’s been through worse, and he can just sit this one out, regardless of how much his body is screaming for the one person he doesn’t want to ask for help. Can’t he?
In His Nature by create_serenity (Sivany)
Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter
Rated: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Harry agreed to have sex with Draco once a month in order to keep him alive, what he didn’t agree to was Draco popping up all over the place and disrupting his life in more ways than one.
If Only Tonight We Could Sleep by Sleepmarshes
Soul Evans / Maka Albarn
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
His eyes turn to her, bright, gleaming blood, and she can't stop herself from gripping her knife a little more tightly. "What is 'ma-ka'?" he asks warily. "Me," she admits. "What are you?" He smiles, though it's more of a pained grimace. It's then she notices the dark, filthy tie-down straps wrapped around his chest, attaching him to the tree. "Soul," he says. "...Usually."
nothing but the dead and dying by loveinhawkins
Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Steve sighs, like he’s trying to laugh but he can’t quite manage it. “I’m sorry, man,” he says too lightly, “gonna need you to drive for a bit. I know it’s not part of the plan, but hey.” He gets out a laugh now, but all it does is set Eddie’s teeth on edge. “Henderson said you’re good at—what’s it called, in your game? Improv?” And Eddie hates it, hates how soft Steve’s voice is, hates how the conversation is so clearly a distraction, a last ditch attempt at protection from… he doesn’t know. He doesn’t want to know. - In the RV, Vecna’s curse changes course.
hold you here, my loveliest friend by Breadtingle
Peter Parker / Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
There are protocols in place for a reason.
Maybe by FreakyPseudWriter
Kakashi Hatake / Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Being a friend is easy. Being a friend with unrequited feelings is hard. Being a friend with unrequited feelings for your best friend you know since high school and visits the same university as yourself is almost impossible. But you managed until now, smiled and grit your teeth to not destroy the friendship you have with Kakashi. But a long movie night changes everything.
honeybody by luveline
Peter Parker / Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
You and Peter decide to try everything.
love bites by luveline
Eddie Munson / Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Eddie Munson is the weirdest guy you’ve ever met — he has a strange agitation when it comes to sunlight, he holds your hand too tight, and he can’t give a hickey to save his life. Good thing you’re super weird, too.
You're Divine by Oonionchiver
Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (Read the tags)
‘Blood?’ Eddie says again. Eyes black but for the slice of iridescent white in the centre. His teeth are sharp, his hands are weapons and Steve thinks maybe he’s made a mistake doing this without telling Eddie first. Eddie’s focus lowers, it moves to his left hand which is… Oh fuck. It’s dripping blood onto the floor. ‘Shit,’ Steve says, takes a single step back, swallows. ‘Eddie, I’m so sorry, fuck.’ Eddie can’t seem to look away, can’t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily. It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
If you had to pick, what is that one fic you could read forever in a loop and enjoy it as if it was the first time?
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fus-ro-nah · 6 years ago
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Yay color! Not my best job, but ehhhhhh.
Hnnnnnnnngh you can't see the highlightssssss
And yes, I know the canon uniform is black and grey, not blue and grey, but black isn't any fun to color or shade.
I might clean up a few other sketches from the fanfic that I have, assuming I can find the time^^
Also, fuck backgrounds. They suck.
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skykashi · 3 years ago
Do any you have any fanfic recs?
I have a very bad memory so there are so many fanfics that I enjoyed reading so much but unfortunately, I can't remember their titles. but here are some of my favorites, all of them are Kakashi centric tho, most of them are team 7 bonding wholesome stories and some of them has a Kakashi ship so I will mention the ship when there's one.
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I'm currently following these amazing ongoing fics and I absolutely recommend reading them:-
• Kamui Blues by @butter--peanut (kakaobi)
• The Pack Survives By ihopethelightwillshineupon
• Recalled to life by dogloser which is a sequel to the completed fanfic Bloodstained Hands in a World of White both are absolutely amazing
I also recommend these amazing completed fics:-
• Waking Up (one shot) by checkerbloom
• Uneasy Lies the Head by Hiiraeth (V_eritas)
• Though My Eyes Could See (I Still Was A Blind Man) by ihopethelightwillshineupon
• Persisting Forces by @itsemilyofc (kakayama)
• There is a person at your front door (one shot) by @itsemilyofc (kakayama)
• Kakashi's Day Off (one shot) by BlackMajjicDuchess (kakarin)
• Time Waits for No Man by LaughingWombat
• Time's Child by LaughingWombat (one shot sequel to the previous fic)
• Some Crimes Are Okay If You Mean Well (By Team Kakashi) (one shot) by ihopethelightwillshineupon
• Family (one shot) by FreakyPseudWriter
• The Road Home by Danae3
There are so many more but I couldn't find them because I can't remember their title or their author's names 😭
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iruka-week · 4 years ago
Iruka Week 2021 Masterpost
Here’s the final list of works posted to Iruka Week 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated, and to those of you who have supported the creators by liking, sharing, and commenting!
✨ Stats ✨
In total, you all created:
Art: 67 Poems: 2 Videos: 2 Drabbles (100): 46 Ficlets (100-1000): 42 Fics (1k+): 39 Total works: 194 Word Count: 196,533
That’s so much amazing, new Iruka-centric content, and we’re absolutely thrilled by your enthusiasm!
Below you’ll find the works split into days, and then further separated by media type. We hope you enjoy browsing all of the fantastic fanworks!
In case viewing everything on Tumblr isn’t your thing, we put together a 61 page Google doc with everything in, which you can view here.
Day 1: Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Scars
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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sweetysamaa Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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Iruka-Simp Scars
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animetrashmuffin Scars
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katedoesart Scars
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ultramarinetwix Scars
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Iruka-Simp Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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anniemaar Scars
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dayonnight Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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yamivdum Scars
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microrockets Scars
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radkoko Scars
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rocketpunchhh Scars
Fics and Meta
Exam Week by FreakyPseudWriter Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Umino Iruka/Reader General Audiences | 1/1 | 1342 Summary: There are some weeks Iruka absolutely dreaded, as they were stressful, hard for the mind and body, and mostly filled with lots of tears from his students. Exam Week. Not to talk about the sleep deprivation and the many, many tests he had to correct. No miracle he lived off of coffee, but that his state would lead to a happy ending... He would've never guessed.
Sensibile al tocco by RainbowLSparrow Scars | Mizuki/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 636 Summary: " Aveva sempre avuto un rapporto conflittuale con la sua cicatrice. Non ne faceva un problema estetico, quello per lui non era mai stato così importante. In fondo a Konoha non era di certo l'unico ad avere cicatrici, era probabilmente molto più comune di quanto facesse piacere ammettere. Il suo problema era quello che quella cicatrice significavano per lui. "
Sensitive to touch by RainbowLSparrow Scars | Mizuki/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 643 Summary: " He had always had a conflicted relationship with his scar. He didn't make it an aesthetic problem, that had never been so important to him. After all, in Konoha he was certainly not the only one with scars, it was probably much more common than he was pleased to admit. His problem was what that scar meant to him. "
Solo un'altra correzione e poi vado a letto! by RainbowLSparrow Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 679 Summary: ""Ruka... Per favore, vieni a dormire!"" Era già la seconda volta che veniva a chiamarlo, ormai era notte inoltrata e sapeva che Kakashi questa volta non avrebbe accettato un no come risposta. ""Correggo solo un altro compito e poi ti giuro che vengo!"""
Just one more correction and then I'm off to bed! by RainbowLSparrow Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 718 Summary: "Ruka ... Please, come to sleep!" It was already the second time he had come to call him, it was now late at night and he knew that this time Kakashi would not take "no" for an answer. "I'll just correct one more paper and then I swear I'll come!"
Even When Overworked by tmo Scars, Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 500 Summary: The Mood can hit at any time, even when you're tired and overworked. But who could refuse Iruka, really?
Incense and Bubble Baths by lazy___mastermind Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Umino Iruka/Reader Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 2912 Summary: You were having a rough few weeks and just needed to wind down. Iruka knew this. So, when you got home to turn in for the end of the work week, your boyfriend of two years already had the perfect you-tailored evening planned.
Tracing stories. by JustAnotherFool Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1422 Summary: Scars are stories embedded on skin. On a too hot night, Kakashi finds himself tracing Iruka's stories.
Hatake to the Rescue... and Dinner? by Jubokko Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1530 Summary: Years worth of training kept Iruka from faceplanting. Fatigue, however, caused one hand to shoot out and grab hold of something to keep himself from losing balance. Unfortunately, as full awareness returned to him, he realized that the “something” that he’d taken hold of was none other than the collar of Kakashi’s flak jacket. The stupid jounin was blushing again. “What—the hell are—you doing?” Iruka wheezed. "You ask me on a date, then try to run away before you can hear my answer? How rude!” Kakashi seemed to squirm under Iruka’s scrutinizing glare. “Well, I—uh—” [Or—Iruka has a long day and waltzes out of a restaurant without his dinner and flak jacket. Kakashi seizes the opportunity to ask an important question... and completely loses his cool]
wounds heal, but scars remain by MagnusTesla Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Sometimes at night, the pain is too much.
got me sleep deprived by jessicamiriamdrew Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 270 Summary: “You work too hard,” Kakashi says, and settles down next to Iruka on the kotatsu. “It’s the weekend; you should come to bed early.”
the perfect cure by stupidbadgers Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 211 Summary: iruka is overworked and sleep-deprived, but the perfect cure for that is being wrapped in his lover's arms
I'mperfect by JKirin Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Do our scars make us imperfect?
Early Morning Reminiscing by irukapng Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 952 Summary: Some scars are easier to heal than others.
In Need of Rest by vulcanhighblood Scars, Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 3989 Summary: Iruka is spending too much time taking care of other people and not enough time caring for himself. Kakashi decides to do something about it.
Introspection by kaoruhana Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/ Maito Gai (Implied) General Audiences | 1/1 | 3362 Summary: Iruka muses on the fact that the kids he once knew as pre-genin at the academy are all grown up, getting married, and starting their own families. He tells himself that he’ll find someone to settle down with too. Except, that’s easier said than done with his already packed schedule which becomes even busier when the Rokudaime gives him one more task to do. But Iruka doesn’t care. Not when it’s all for the kids anyway.
Role reversal by R_4_L Overworked & Sleep Deprived General Audiences | 1/1 | 1143 Summary: Iruka finds himself hospitalized and Kakashi is by his friends side. This time Kakashi is giving the lecture, he just needs to make sure Iruka hears it.
scars by roymustaangs Scars General Audiences | 1/1 | 213 Summary: He had them all over his body; on his chest, his legs, his nose. He was a ninja. This was bound to happen.
internal inferno by NianaiBell Scars General Audiences | 1/1 | 494 Summary: not all scars are visible
you drew stars around my scars by MelanatedRavenclaw Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka didn't know where he would be if he hadn't met Kakashi. He had been in a dark place, but Kakashi had patiently shown him there was still good in the world.
Come to Bed by llsilvertail Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka needs sleep.
It Never Goes Away by llsilvertail Scars Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Even after it's over, it's not gone.
Will Release Ever Come? by mandapandabug Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka comes home from work to find a randy lover who wants to worship his body all night long. It sounds romantic, but how much can one man take!?
easy on my mind, this time by NianaiBell Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1726 Summary: Self-care keeps Iruka prepared to deal with the multitude of roles he takes on in his village. Sometimes he just needs a push in the right direction.
Day 2: Bonds | Folklore & Mythology
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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sweetysamaa Folklore & Mythology
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anniemaar Folklore & Mythology
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microrockets Bonds
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rocketpunch Bonds | NSFW
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cosrune Folklore & Mythology
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yamivdum Folklore & Mythology
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dayonnight Folklore & Mythology
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happymonger Folklore & Mythology
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helenasugar Folklore & Mythology
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animetrashmuffin Folklore & Mythology
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radkoko Folklore & Mythology
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Iruka-Simp Bonds
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Iruka-Simp Folklore & Mythology | CW: Blood
Fics and Meta
Best Man Duty FreakyPseudWriter Bonds | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 1127 Summary: In the moments before his wedding, Iruka has a heart-to-heart-talk with Naruto.
Il calore di un abbraccio by RainbowLSparrow Bonds | Umino Iruka & his students, Sarutobi Hiruzen & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 665 Summary: " Per Iruka il sentire caldo o freddo, non era solo una questione di temperatura, Iruka ricavava calore dalla vicinanza con gli altri, dalla felicità che gli procurava il condividere del tempo con gli altri. "
The warmth of a hug by RainbowLSparrow Bonds | Sarutobi Hiruzen & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & his students General Audiences | 1/1 | 687 Summary: " For Iruka, feeling hot or cold was not just a matter of temperature, Iruka drew warmth from being close to others, from the happiness that sharing time with others gave him. "
Queen of the Nile by tmo Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 500 Summary: They were women legendary in their own rights. Most thought of them as rivals, others as friends, but their bond remained a mystery to all but them.
Oji-san by kaoruhana Bonds General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Boruto calls Iruka Ojii-san for the first time.
the ties that bind us by MagnusTesla Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: A slight tug at the bond that wraps itself around Iruka's soul is all it takes to know his mate is safe and sound.
bonds by roymustaangs Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1379 Summary: Destiny could work in interesting ways sometimes.
Dolphin of the sea by RainbowLSparrow Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 496 Summary: " He loved his position as a spirit of the Naka River. He had once been a dolphin, he was part of the great Ryujin's court. "
Delfino del mare by RainbowLSparrow Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 485 Summary: " Amava la sua posizione di spirito del fiume Naka. Un tempo era stato un delfino, faceva parte della corte del grande Ryujin. "
Friends to Family by JKirin Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: They are more than friends – they are family.
Time by Jubokko Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 614 Summary: Closing his eyes, Iruka dug into the pocket of his bathrobe and withdrew a small, velvet box. He didn’t need to see the inside in order to know the familiar pattern inscribed on the ring. It had been burned into his flesh for decades, just as it had been on Kakashi’s, binding them together—two unwitting souls divided by pain and conflict for so long. Too long. Iruka breathed, fingers tightening around the box. Today could have—would have—been the happiest day of his life. When the tears began to fall, silently tracing down his cheeks, he did nothing to fight them."
you are the one i was meant to find by MelanatedRavenclaw Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Soulmate AU where one feels intense pain when they are near their soulmate for the first time.
אמת by jessicamiriamdrew Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The letters are scarred into Iruka's forehead, hidden under jutsu.
bonds that hold you by stupidbadgers Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: a quiet moment of happiness
sea shanty for shinobi by NianaiBell Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 2570 Summary: Kakashi didn't think this mission would involve vengeful sea spirits today. Thankfully, there's Iruka.
The Transformative Power of Love by mandapandabug Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: There's a fable of an aquatic mammal that becomes a beautiful human. So what if Kakashi embellishes this tale to fit his own love life better?
A Pocket Full of Pixies by llsilvertail Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Pixies are capricious creatures. One quickly learns to not piss them off.
The Tying of New Bonds by llsilvertail Bonds | Mizuki & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Old knots are untangled and new bonds are forged.
wreck me like you mean it by kageillusionz, mytsukkishine Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 5331 Summary: Iruka gets wrecked by the Hokage.🥺
Day 3: Edo Tensei | Fake Dating
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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animetrashmuffin Edo Tensei | CW: Blood
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dayonnight Fake Dating
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sweetysamaa Edo Tensei
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nki-stories Edo Tensei
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radkoko Fake Dating
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animetrashmuffin Fake Dating
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Iruka-Simp Edo Tensei
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Iruka-Simp Fake Dating
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microrockets Edo Tensei
Fics and Meta
Hold Back the River by mandapandabug Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto Teen And Up Audiences | 8/8 | 41390 Summary: Naruto has been annoying his two favorite sensei about their (non-existent) love lives ever since he found love with Hinata. They decide to indulge Naruto and pretend to date because Iruka wasn't ready to date anyone for real. Turns out, Kakashi's enemies were just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge. Too bad they weren't really dating... or really in love... were they? It takes a long time to get there, but Iruka finally sorts out his feelings and maybe he's ready for something real. Luckily Kakashi is patient and a smitten-kitten.
Fake it 'til you... by FreakyPseudWriter Fake Dating | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 5964 Summary: Flying doesn't bother you. Most of the time, you tend to your job, writing emails, planning appointments for your boss, or simply sleep the flight away. Though, on this flight, your seat neighbor is obviously scared to death by the prospect of leaving the ground, to the point you have to intervene. Everything to save your most comfortable flats from halfway digested food.
love's a curse by MagnusTesla Edo Tensei | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka's not mad, no. They're all wrong. Can't they see that his love knows no bounds?
Just Go With It by tmo Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 500 Summary: Their best-friend vacation accidentally turned into a boyfriend vacation
Goodbye by NKI_Stories Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Tears ran down his face as he refused to let go.
kiss me like you mean it by roymustaangs Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: For Iruka Week 2021, prompt three: fake dating!
Make No Promises You're Unprepared To Keep by vulcanhighblood Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: He'd always known it would end. He just didn't expect it to hurt this much.
on one condition by stupidbadgers Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 241 Summary: iruka is tired of his friends butting into his dating life, so he does something about it
Doing The Research Early by mandapandabug Edo Tensei General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Kabuto heard Iruka was an expert in seals. While he was in town, he may as well try to pick his brain for information on... future ventures.
Il padre che non sono potuto essere by RainbowLSparrow Edo Tensei | Namikaze Minato & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 662 Summary: "Grazie per essere stato per Naruto il padre che non sono potuto essere!"
The father I couldn't be by RainbowLSparrow Edo Tensei | Namikaze Minato & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 676 Summary: "Thank you for being to Naruto the father I couldn't be!"
Why aren't you? by JKirin Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka asked an upperclassman for help but is now regretting his decision, or is he?
seeing home once again by mytsukkishine Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Umino Kohari Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 479 Summary: Iruka meets someone dear to him during the war.
forever, maybe by MelanatedRavenclaw Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka expected bringing a date to this wedding would get his friends off his back. What he did not expect was to fall for his date.
half empty/half full by NianaiBell Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 996 Summary: Kakashi has a plan. Iruka has a headache. Naruto can't dance.
contracts by jessicamiriamdrew Edo Tensei | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: “What’s a little Edo Tensei among friends?”
They were fine with it by RainbowLSparrow Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 861 Summary: " Iruka had been to many parties in his life, but it had never happened to him to find himself in a situation like this, of course, there is a first time for everything, but he really hoped to be able to spare this one. "
A loro andava bene così by RainbowLSparrow Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 806 Summary: " Iruka era stato a molte feste nella sua vita, ma mai gli era successo di ritrovarsi in una situazione di questo tipo, certo c'è una prima volta per tutto, ma sperava proprio di potersela risparmiare questa. "
I Love You Both by llsilvertail Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The hardest part is the final stand.
Everyone Will Know By Lunchtime by llsilvertail Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka doesn't get paid enough for this.
Dead Drops and Sake by Jubokko Fake Dating Mature | 1/? | 1922 Summary: Iruka and Kakashi are sent on a mission to retrieve information from a spy stationed in the Hidden Sound. Much to Iruka’s dismay, said mission has rather… unfortunate requirements.
Day 4: Fūinjutsu | Any AU
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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microrockets Any AU
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radkoko Any AU
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katedoesart Any AU
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animetrashmuffin Fūinjutsu
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Iruka-Simp Fūinjutsu
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Iruka-Simp Any AU
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microrockets     Any AU
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rocketpunch Any AU
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dayonnight Any AU
Fics and Meta
Project Work by FreakyPseudWriter Any AU | Umino Iruka/Reader General Audiences | 1/1 | 1846 Summary: Working on a project for a course you're barely interested in is already bad enough, but knowing you have to work on a project with the absolute gorgeous, kind, gentle Iruka... Needless to say, you can't really concentrate on the matter at hand.
To Be Trapped With You Forever by mandapandabug Fūinjutsu | Shiranui Genma/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka and Genma have been training together for months now. Somehow today is different. Today Genma didn't feel bad being trapped by Iruka's fuinjutsu at all. In fact he felt elated.
Sur un nuage by sweetysamaa Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 284 Summary: Iruka souffre. son chirurgien est en retard.
On a cloud by sweetysamaa Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 268 Summary: Iruka is in pain. His surgeon is late.
lurking beneath my skin by MagnusTesla Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Doesn't Kakashi realise that this is one beast he cannot tame?
home run by roymustaangs Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: For Iruka Week 2021 prompt 4: any au! I chose a baseball au because I love baseball and I think it'd be interesting to see them playing baseball!
Yamato-san by kaoruhana Any AU | Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou, implied General Audiences | 1/1 | 1100 Summary: One of Iruka's kindergarten students is the mayor's son. This student has a stalker. So Yamato-san, is assigned to become Iruka's undercover TA to catch him. Told in Eleven Drabbles of 100 words each.
like any good shinobi by stupidbadgers Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 250 Summary: a nice soak is all iruka wants
JŌ'real Photoshoot by JKirin Any AU General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Behind the scenes of the photoshoot for JŌ'real Shinobi Hair Care ad as featured in Jō-gue!
who can stop me if i decide that you're my destiny? by MelanatedRavenclaw Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The day has come and Iruka has to choose from the array of eligible suitors to rule beside him. It wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't already in love with someone else.
Restart by RainbowLSparrow Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 312 Summary: " He had done it for love, Iruka. He wouldn't do it for any other reason than that. He would have never leave home, with his boyfriend and his little brother. "
Ricominciare by RainbowLSparrow Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 310 Summary: " Lo aveva fatto per amore, Iruka. Non lo avrebbe fatto per altri motivi se non quello. Non sarebbe mai andato via di casa, col suo ragazzo e il suo fratellino altrimenti. "
the fine art of ink spots by NianaiBell Any AU General Audiences | 1/1 | 2496 Summary: Iruka runs a perfectly respectable tattoo parlor. His clients didn't seem to get that message.
Lace and Paperwork by Jubokko Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 3068 Summary: Iruka's fingers brushed against the Hokage robe, skin, and then a very… silky something. He froze on the spot and gently set down the pen he’d been holding. “Kakashi... are you wearing anything?” A grin split Kakashi’s face, clearly visible from beneath the mask. “Maa—course I am, Sensei.” “Lace doesn’t count.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” “Kakashi.” “The robe counts.” “Kakashi!” Iruka spluttered, feeling heat rise in his face. “Good god—we’re in my office!” [Iruka has to do some last-minute paperwork over vacation. Unwilling to let their evening be completely ruined, Kakashi brings his surprise to the Academy office]
Is This the End? by llsilvertail Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: We give up many things for our countries, our lives are one of them.
Disengage, Parry Riposte by llsilvertail Any AU | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka teaches and Naruto learns.
Stuck In The Middle With You by tmo Any AU Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 500 Summary: As an apprentice blacksmith, Kakashi hadn't ever expected to find himself deserted on an island with a filthy pirate.
Day 5: Missing Nin | Pranks
Artwork and Physical Crafts
Iruka-Simp Pranks | AMV
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animetrashmuffin Pranks
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Iruka-Simp Missing Nin
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nki-stories Missing Nin
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microrockets Pranks
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radkoko Missing Nin
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happymonger Missing Nin
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dayonnight Missing Nin
Fics and Meta
Don’t come near! by jinxkirin Missing Nin General Audiences | Poem
Tough But Fair by SpellCasterLight Pranks General Audiences | 1/1 | 1078 Summary: "I am Naruto's teacher, and while he is on The Academy grounds, all my pupils are entrusted to me by the village to look after them and well," Iruka shamelessly took the empty parental seat beside Naruto then. "We are on The Academy grounds so I am technically his guardian."
Everybody Loves a Good Prank by FreakyPseudWriter Pranks | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 1305 Summary: Iruka has no idea why someone is playing pranks on him. Though, he can't help but to feel intrigued, as the pranks are pretty elaborate and seem to have his delight in mind...
Iruka, a nukenin ? by sweetysamaa Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1586 Summary: Irukas has suddenly dissapear. Why ? For sure Kakashi had something to do with it.
Iruka, un nukenin ? by sweetysamaa Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1603 Summary: Iruka a disparue. Pour sur que Kakashi a quelque chose à avoir avec ça.
always looking over my shoulder by MagnusTesla Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka and Kakashi tried to make things work in Konoha, to love their village in spite of all her flaws.
#couplepranks by tmo Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 500 Summary: Iruka is the best boyfriend, according to his TikTok
All That Glitters Is Sometimes Gold by mandapandabug Pranks | Maito Gai | Might Guy/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Gai is just trying to see Iruka when he gets caught in a trap made for someone else. He's hoping to make the best of it and Iruka is happy to comply!
twinkle twinkle big star by roymustaangs Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: It was a harmless prank, really.
Kidnapped, missing, or...? by hkandi Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruko, Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruko General Audiences | 1/1 | 2456 Summary: Naruto swears that Iruka has become a missing nin, and drags Kakashi into looking for him. Kakashi has some other plans in mind, and it looks like now they include helping Naruto learn how to actually gather intelligence and information...
i laugh like me again by stupidbadgers Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 247 Summary: iruka rarely had time to plan out a good prank, but when he did, no one was safe. not even kakashi.
erased by jessicamiriamdrew Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka won’t be used by Konoha again.
Trying not to see the sea while standing on a raft by RainbowLSparrow Missing Nin | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 472 Summary: " For years Iruka had kept his eyes closed. He had been faithful to Konoha with all of himself, he had only seen its greatness and never its mistakes. He couldn't understand how he could have done it, it's like trying not to see the sea while standing on a raft. Impossible! "
Cercare di non vedere il mare stando su una zattera by RainbowLSparrow Missing Nin | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 459 Summary: " Per anni Iruka aveva tenuto gli occhi chiusi. Era stato fedele a Konoha con tutto se stesso, aveva visto solo la sua grandezza e mai i suoi errori. Non si capacitava di come avesse potuto farlo. è come cercare di non vedere il mare stando su una zattera. Impossibile! "
and the world will wait while you're here by NianaiBell Pranks | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 584 Summary: Iruka hasn't stopped being a trickster. His pranks just look a little different now.
Pranks by RainbowLSparrow Pranks General Audiences | 1/? | 350 Summary: " How many jokes they had played on him over the years... They were very creative in that, they were up to all sort of things. "
Scherzi by RainbowLSparrow Pranks General Audiences | 1/? | 323 Summary: " Quanti scherzi che gli avevano fatto lungo il corso degli anni... Erano molto creativi in quello, ne combinavano di tutti i colori. "
Day 6: Family | Jutsu Gone Wrong
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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Iruka-Simp Family
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sweetysamaa Family
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animetrashmuffin Family
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katedoesart Family
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microrockets Jutsu Gone Wrong
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radkoko Family
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animetrashmuffin Jutsu Gone Wrong
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dayonnight  Jutsu Gone Wrong
Fics and Meta
What Makes Iruka So Special? by mandapandabug Family | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 2421 Summary: It is their weekly Ramen dinner and Naruto has had something on his mind for a while: how come Iruka had such a similar story to many of the "villains" of his story, and yet he was so good? Iruka had faced the death of his parents, his only family, and been alone most of his life, but he didn't turn to evil means. Even when it was revealed that his "best friend" had betrayed him and used him his whole life, Iruka was still open and kind. What set him apart? Naruto wanted to get to the bottom of it, but he isn't so great with words and expressing himself. Iruka on the other hand is just grateful to still get to be in Naruto's life at all, even though he's an annoying little brat still, Hokage title or no.
Good Jutsu Gone Wild by mandapandabug Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Had it been a good idea to work with Naruto on a new combo move? No. No it had not. Since when had the boy gotten so strong?!? Now their Swirling-Burning-Inferno-no-Jutsu (trade mark: Naruto) is on a crash course for their village and they are helpless to stop it. Luckily a certain lazy pervert was in the area.
The Photographs Under the Hutch by kaoruhana Family General Audiences | 1/1 | 6560 Summary: It strikes Iruka then that in depriving Naruto of the knowledge of his parents' identities, the village did Naruto a grave injustice. And did the Yondaime and Kushina-san a great disservice. Iruka has never thought twice about what it must be like for Naruto who doesn’t know anything about the identity of his parents save for the last name he carries. But now, in his apartment, when Naruto shyly asks if there is something he can do to honor them, the way Iruka does his, it really hits him that Naruto is a lonely child who has been... left behind by the village. No, not left behind, but...neglected by them. Iruka can never imagine going a day without lighting the incense in front of his parents’ photo and bowing to their photo in the morning. He can’t imagine how Naruto must feel to be deprived of such a thing. “I think you don’t have to worry about your parents Naruto.” He whispers. “But, if you want, we can see if we can make a little memorial for them so that you can honor them too.” And as he says it, Iruka realizes that he means it. He will somehow find a way to give Naruto this small thing when so much has been taken from him.
i only have eyes for you by stupidbadgers Jutsu Gone Wrong | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 247 Summary: there are many reasons to be wary of small children
Failure and Success by FreakyPseudWriter Jutsu Gone Wrong | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 2063 Summary: Iruka had never been this embarrassed. Hell, usually he would've been able to do this jutsu in his sleep! But no, today he had to fail and of course, today you were on shift in the hospital...
Family is a two-way street. by JKirin Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka is supposed to be the one supporting Kakashi, not the other way around. Right?
family means no one gets left behind or forgotten by roymustaangs Family | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: They'd both wanted this for a long time and it was finally time to make it official.
I Will Be Here, Don't You Cry by MelanatedRavenclaw Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 903 Summary: Naruto has a bad day at school and Iruka and Kakashi try to figure out what to do next.
unintentional catboy by MagnusTesla Jutsu Gone Wrong | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: In Konoha, Iruka is known as a master at seals, but even a master sometimes makes major fuck-ups.
A Place To Rest by vulcanhighblood Family | Uchiha Itachi & Umino Iruka, Uchiha Shisui & Umino Iruka, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Shisui & Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 10052 Summary: Umino Iruka finally gets out of the hospital after his first C-rank mission ended... badly. Unfortunately, the healing wound in his abdomen turns out to be the least of his worries when he finds out he's no longer welcome at the orphanage. Fortunately, he has a Genin teammate who knows just the place for him to rest and recuperate.
Konoha's Sublime Green Tree of Prey by JKirin Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: How do I even write a summary for this? 🤣 🤣 🤣 Read the title – make a guess LOL
Iruka: The Free Diving Mouse by kaoruhana Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 3109 Summary: Iruka’s eye ticked. At this current moment in time, he very much wanted to yell at Kakashi, scold him even. And he really wanted to drag Kakashi in by the ear to one of his lectures, particularly the upcoming one he is supposed to give on the use of proper hand seals tomorrow, and remind him why one should always be careful of what hand seals are used when trying new jutsus. Which is what he will classify this as. Because the jutsu to substitute someone with a log should not turn someone into a mouse.
Wearing Your Scars by mandapandabug Scars, Kekki Genkai | Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 9/9 | 23850 Summary: Iruka had a secret. His parents always told him he was lucky; he could grow out his hair and hide the rough scar. He was of Konoha and shouldn’t have to bear any burden of their sins. What were their sins? He wished he had asked, but he was a rambunctious 10-year-old and was happy to just run freely about the village. He made some friends, but his parents were loners. They didn’t like Iruka to be out late or with people he had not introduced to them specifically. Now he understands their trepidation. Now he wishes he had more information. Now it is too late.
Sunshine by tmo Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 500 Summary: He was supposed to be their sunshine through the clouds after trying to get pregnant for over a year.
Iruka-sensei's Post Academy Lesson Plan by NianaiBell Jutsu Gone Wrong | A slight moment of KakaIru at the end, Team Seven - Relationship General Audiences | 1/1 | 2856 Summary: Even if they aren't technically his students anymore...Iruka's willing to help them out. Just this once.
Snuggling with an Uncle-Grandpa (or Two) by kaoruhana Family | Umino Iruka & Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 1434 Summary: Iruka smiled as he realized that their bed would be invaded soon. He loved Metal and Sarada both, but there was a special place in his heart for the little girl. Yamato teased him and said it was likely because she was a cuddler. A small part of Iruka agreed. There was something special about being one of the few that Sarada always sought out to cuddle with. Knowing that she, as a tiny child who needed protection, sought out him when it was naptime or she was sleepy, made love swell in Iruka’s heart. Sarada wasn’t yet a Shinobi, she didn’t understand how important it was to be able to trust someone to relax in their presence and sleep when they were around. But when she’d first toddled up to him two years ago, arms outstretched, and had fallen asleep on his shoulder, Iruka knew it was special. And that Sarada was precious. And that he would do everything in his power to show her that. And if that included cuddling up with her and having her small body wriggling its way under the covers of the futon he shared with Yamato, snuggling up against his side, he would welcome it.
And in return I ask for nothing, just a smile by RainbowLSparrow Jutsu Gone Wrong Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 6825 Summary: "It took them a long time that evening to put Iruka to sleep. He refused to listen to anything they tried to say to him, he collapsed in a corner of the room and ignored them. They tried to feed him, but he refused the food. They had to. wait until he was too tired to resist to be able to take him to bed. Kakashi and Naruto had stayed close to him, had tried to console him, but apparently, the wound for that Iruka was still too fresh to think of anything but everything he had lived through. In the end he cried himself to sleep."
E in cambio non chiedo niente, soltanto un sorriso by RainbowLSparrow Jutsu Gone Wrong Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 6595 Summary: "Ci misero molto tempo quella sera a mettere Iruka a dormire. Si rifiutava di ascoltare qualsiasi cosa provassero a dirgli, si era accasciato in un angolino della stanza e li aveva ignorati. Avevano provato a farlo mangiare, ma aveva rifiutato il cibo. Avevano dovuto aspettare che fosse troppo stanco per opporsi per poterlo portare a letto. Kakashi e Naruto erano rimasti vicini a lui, avevano provato a consolarlo, ma a quanto pare, la ferita per quell'Iruka era ancora troppo fresca per poter pensare ad altro se non a tutto quello che aveva vissuto. Alla fine aveva pianto fino a quando non era crollato."
Day 7: Kekkei Genkai | Free Prompt
Artwork and Physical Crafts
bargeld Free Prompt | AMV
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animetrashmuffin Free Prompt
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katedoesart Free Prompt
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blepsoo Free Prompt
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Iruka-Simp Free Prompt
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radkoko Free Prompt
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microrockets Free Prompt
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dayonnight   Kekkei Genkai
Fics and Meta
Golden Rays by JKirin Free Prompt | Poem
Making Lemonade From Lemons by mandapandabug Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: When Iruka pranked Kakashi with a very public proposal on their mission, he didn't expect the man to agree! Even more, he didn't expect him to immediately drag him to the court house. If it weren't for the mission and the citizens present, Iruka wasn't sure what he would have done. But maybe it isn't so bad after all.
The Simple Things in Life by FreakyPseudWriter Free Prompt | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 657 Summary: It's the first day of vacation for Iruka, and he couldn't spend it in a better way.
Iruka's boyfriend by sweetysamaa Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 1021 Summary: Iruka has a boyfriend. He feels terribly lonely though. Why ?
A Rose A Day Keeps The ANBU Away by coolgirl3890, mandapandabug Kekkei Genkai | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Original Female Character/Original Female Character Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 3345 Summary: Tiger is tired. The headmaster was mad at the Hokage for some stupid reason or another (what else is new) and the Hokage was taking it as well as usual. He decides to make his elite fighting force operative deliver apology flowers. Is this really the best use of resources? Luckily for Kakashi, the number one rule of ANBU is don’t disobey your Hokage.
nothing is ever lost by stupidbadgers Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 245 Summary: as the sun crested the sky though, life seemed to come back to the two men
secret sharingan by MagnusTesla Kekkei Genkai | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Uchiha Sasuke & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: In the wake of his grief, Sasuke discovers he isn't as alone as he'd believed.
The Turn of the Screw by tmo Free Prompt Explicit | 1/1 | 500 Summary: The children had been doing strange things but that was excused by the grief of losing their parents. That was why Iruka had been hired, after all. To take care of them. And take care of them he would.
Beneath the Scar by R_4_L Kekkei Genkai Not Rated | 1/1 | 2848 Summary: Iruka gets injured by Mizuki while trying to save Naruto and while he’s healing his new scar catches the eye of Kakashi for a completely different reason. Scar itch while they heal right? But what if there was something underneath the scar something new? Iruka may have a rare family kekkei genkai and Kakashi is the first one to find out and help him through it.
Blooming Sunset by JKirin Kekkei Genkai | Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: When hair gets in the way there is only one thing to do... A YamaIru soft moment ❤️
and I know it's going to be a lovely day by NianaiBell Free Prompt | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 1500 Summary: In a life post-war, there is good news to share
82 notes · View notes
historicfailure · 9 months ago
After you told Kakashi exactly what you were thinking of him, you still expect nothing to change with his behavior. But for once, the man listened.
Catching up faster with the chapters than intended, so here is the next one.
Thank you for all the comments on the last chapter, it really makes my day to see that people still follow this fic despite the long break ^^
Hopefully you guys can have some fun with this chapter as well :D
~ X ~
“Kakashi, could we speak for a moment?”
From experience, he already knew this wouldn’t be good. Kushina had that special look on her face: eyebrows pinched together, a forced smile on her lips, and one of her hands was balled into a fist, ready to gently bonk him on the head and remind him that no matter how much taller he was than his stepmom, her disappointment in him would always hurt more than the little contact of her knuckles against his body. And he also knew that the only reason Kushina restrained herself from instantly giving him a lecture was the fact that they were still in the middle of the open office, with everyone working around them.
Well, not everyone. Automatically, Kakashi looked over to her desk. No one was there, personal belongings had vanished as well. The bad feeling deep down in his guts worsened. Did she call out for today?
He nodded at Kushina, only to look back at the desk. That one desk he always tried to keep in his peripheral vision whenever he entered the office. No one there, still. Of course not, but… 
“Kakashi. Now.” 
He hadn’t noticed how Kushina walked ahead of him, towards her office. Too captured in wondering where you went. But, measured by the anger radiating from his adoptive mother, he would find out soon enough. He followed slowly, throwing more tentative glances towards the empty desk as he did so. 
“What the fuck,” Kushina hissed as soon as the door of her office closed behind Kakashi, “did you do now?”
“Nothing.” Albeit true, the truth still burned like acid in the back of his truth. “What happened?”
“Your coworker came in and wanted to take some personal time off. She looked like she cried her eyes out”, Kushina said, eyes hard and the lines around her face as sharp as a knife. She gestured towards the chair in front of her desk. He followed the silent command, knowing that resisting any further would only lead to a bigger “talk”. The woman didn’t sit, but stood with crossed arms behind her desk, torching his very skin with her eyes. “So, again, and better be honest right now: what have you done, Kakashi Sakumo Hatake?”
For a very short, dangerous moment, Kakashi considered just keeping his mouth shut. What would Kushina do; throw him out?
But then his mind cleared. Yes, Kushina wouldn’t throw him out, but take the appropriate steps on the road of being thrown out. An official reprimand could be very possible, after all the other times he objectively caused trouble to the day-to-day operations, and especially after the last few weeks. The dinner had been his last chance to get off scot-free, and he thought he managed. But he…
I fucking forgot.
“I…” He started, only to pause. This was harder than he imagined it to be. Admitting how much he actually fucked up. “I know the entire point of the dinner was to explain and apologize to her for my… immature and quite frankly, despicable behavior-!”
“No sweet-talking your way out of this one.”
“Okay.” A short nod, then he pressed forward, all the while his fingers wrung themselves into the hems of his sweater. “I may have… forgotten to do one of the two things.”
Kushina sighed; a long and heavy one which made Kakashi wish he would have not said anything at all. 
“Kakashi… This is above anything else you have done so far.”
“It wasn’t deliberate!”
“That doesn’t matter. You…” His mother shook her head, a few red strands which had escaped her high ponytail wiping around her head. “No matter what happened today, I have to write you up. It’s more than well deserved at this point.”
Kakashi’s stomach sank. That really had to be expected. “Okay.”
“That makes now two write-ups…”
“Wait, two?”
“Yes, you had one lying around from an incident a few years back with Anko.”
“But she said she would try to retract it?”
“Well, apparently she didn’t,” Kushina clapped her hands together, “and I, for one, am really happy that she didn’t. Two write-ups equal to a mandatory training course in office communication. You know the drill.”
With a low sigh, he waved it off. “And what else?”
“If you don’t know what else you are supposed to do to make things right between the two of you,” Kushina shook her head, the disappointment so clear on her face that it hurt even looking at her, “then I have failed you as a parental figure.”
~ X ~
It should have been a telltale sign to just stay at home when you entered the office and the first thing you saw was Anko leaning against your desk. She was obviously waiting for you, her usual trench coat hanging loosely around her frame and arms crossed over her chest. 
“Morning.” Without another word, you pushed past her, around the corner of your desk, only to drop your stuff onto the table. Quickly, your eyes flitted over the surface, as it was now second nature to you. 
No note. Another sign that staying home would have been a great idea. 
“So…” Anko didn’t look at you, as her eyes were scanning the area around, sharp and attentive to every little detail. “Who needs to be beat up?”
“No one.” 
“Bullshit. Doesn’t matter anyway. It has to be Hatake.” Only now, the other woman pulled out her usual resting bitch face. Honestly, Anko was one of the people who could look meaner than anyone without even trying. “Just give me a hint, and he’s done for. High time he gets a bit of a beat down.”
“Oh, really?” You clicked your tongue. “Unfortunately, as tempting that might be, casual violence in the office might be bad for me. And for yourself, of course.”
“Some things are worth the consequences.” Anko smiled; a promising yet dark grin, with way too many teeth showing. “Besides, Hatake also bullied me a bit when I joined, but I made clear to him that he’s out of his league if he keeps that up.”
“Do I want to know?”
The other woman thought for a moment. “Probably not. I also kind of signed something to not talk about it in detail.”
“This makes it much worse, honestly.”
“Oh, not for me.” Anko grinned another feral grin, smug like the cheshire chat. “For the brat.”
“The term “brat” certainly fits him,” you mumbled more to yourself, before grabbing your planner and a pen. “But as I said, he doesn’t need to be beat up. Thanks for the offer, though.”
According to the weekly planner in your hands, another weekly meeting for the entire floor with Minato was about to happen. At the thought of sitting yet again in a room with Kakashi and knowing that he knew he finally broke through your shell was torture, but you were an adult. An adult had to face their problems, no matter how much one wanted to run back home, crawl back into their bed and rewatch some childhood cartoons for comfort. 
It will be fine. After today, after meeting Kakashi again and having to look into his face, it will be alright that you ripped him a new one. He will never speak about it, I will surely not ask him about it, and we can stay silent about this ordeal — like adults do.
Another deep breath in, with your planner clutched into your hands, then you pushed the door open, with a fake smile plastered onto your face. 
Your eyes scanned the conference room, jumping from seat to seat. Once, twice around the table, but there was no silvery mop of hair in sight. Was Kakashi not present today? Maybe he was out sick? Or meeting another client?
“Move.” Anko whispered harshly, before pushing past you. Damn, you had blocked the door and didn’t notice how long you actually scanned the room for Kakashi’s presence. Quickly, you followed the woman, sinking into a chair by her side, all the while trying not to be too anxious about the door opening more and more. Every time, you tried not to look like a deer looking into the headlights of a rapidly approaching car, and you had the distinct notion you failed, measured at Anko’s stifled snorting at every single one of your reactions.
“Relax,” she leaned over when the door opened for the fifth time, spitting Gai into the room, “if Hatake isn’t here already and didn’t enter with Gai, then the chances of him coming into the meeting sink into the Mariana trench.” 
“Are you sure?”
“At least 99% sure. And for the 1% off-chance…”
“You put one less spoon of coffee into your cup. I swear, whenever you make the pot for our lunches, the coffee smells like it could peel the tapestry right off the walls.” A weak smile crossed your face at Anko’s grumbled explanations that she needed her coffee that strong. 
The door opened again, and again, your eyes flittered over to check on the newcomer. It was Minato, folders under his arm and looking as busy as ever. As you watched your boss get settled, your entire body relaxed, little by little, nerve by nerve. Maybe that meant Kakashi wouldn’t come in today. That would be a gift from the heavens, to not have to face him just one day after the… incident. 
“So…” Minato coughed weakly, capturing everyone’s attention easily. “Let’s start with our meeting. I know we’re a bit ahead of time, but I have a scheduled phone call right after this meeting, so it would be beneficial to keep everything short and concise today. I see you, Gai, and yes, I have the potential gym memberships as work benefits still in the back of my mind. No need to worry there.”
As Minato droned on about technical details, your mind started to drift off. In your current project, you weren’t the lead, not even the second lead. So, you could space out a little bit, jotting down haphazardly, unreadable notes and nod absent-mindedly when the others nodded as well. 
As your mind wandered, your thoughts inevitably turned to the notes on your desk. Since the entire fiasco with Kakashi started, you barely had time to breathe. Trying to find out who the note writer was who left you such thoughtful scribbles on your desk had been totally out of the question. 
Who could it be?
I already crossed out Kakashi due to his handwriting, which doesn’t match with the handwriting in the notes.
I’m going ahead and also crossing out all the people who I know are in committed relationships.
Automatically, your hand with the pen started to write. Letters formed on an empty page of your planner, first slowly, but growing more and more determined. 
Minato. Kakashi. Iruka. Asuma. Gai. Genma. Anko. Shizune. Kurenai. Kushina. A complete list of people you were working with on the marketing team. Quickly, you scratched out Minato, Kakashi, Kurenai and Kushina. Minato and Kushina for obvious reasons, and Asuma and Kurenai were obviously smitten with each other, no matter how hard they tried to deny that. And Kakashi’s handwriting didn’t match the notes, so he was also off the table. Which left you still with quite a sizable list of possible secret… note writers.
Thinking of them as secret admirers is… weird. 
The door opened once again, and you jolted up, violently ripped out of your thoughts. Your eyes widened as you saw Kakashi walking in, without his usual nonchalance, but carrying two large boxes stacked on top of each other with an annoying sense of elegance around him. 
“Sorry for being late,” he dropped the two unremarkable white boxes onto the table, “I had to take a detour because of a black cat crossing my way.” 
“Sure.” Minato raised an eyebrow at the boxes. “A birthday I forgot?”
“No, just high time I’m doing something like this.” When Kakashi spoke, his eyes flew over to you, and you found yourself transfixed. Just a mere moment, not longer than the time it took to blink, and yet, this dumbass of a man had you shaking in your chair with anxiety. What did he plan now to humiliate you?
Instead of explaining things, Kakashi opened one of the boxes. Beside you, Anko leaned in to peer over the rim, but subconsciously, you were leaning backwards as if the man just opened the lid to a basket filled to the brim with snakes. 
Though, the smell of bread, freshly cut vegetables and fried meat reached your nose instead. The other people in the meeting started to cheer, obviously enjoying the fact that Kakashi got them some free food, but you were merely puzzled. 
“I got everyone something to eat,” the man said, arms crossing over his chest and slouching forward, “and I also brewed some fresh coffee for everyone already. It’s in the break room.”
Minato asked the one question which burned on your very soul. “Alright. What kind of spirit possessed you to do this?”
“I…” The man paused, his eyes flickering downwards. “I realized that I have been a terrible colleague so far, to several people in the office.”
“And that has nothing to do with that…” Minato ended the sentence right there, but Kakashi nodded.
“The communication seminar I have to attend is due to my actions. Yes, partly. But mostly because,” he breathed loudly in, “Because my behavior caused something I’m not proud of. So, I want to sincerely apologize. To everyone, of course, but especially to a colleague I treated more than unfairly during the last weeks.”
Again, his eyes found yours. Every muscle in your body went tense, anticipating and yet dreading the next words out of his mouth. But he didn’t talk to you directly, half-smiling which showed an adorable dimple on his cheek, but turned quickly to the others. “I’m asking not only for forgiveness, but for your willingness to work with me while I better myself. I can’t promise anything, but I’m ready to go forward. This,” he gestured towards the breakfast-spread, “is just a small show of my gratitude for bearing with me for so long.” 
The dull cheer of the other present people echoed in your ears. You blinked in quiet confusion, trying to not lose your mind. 
Kakashi, apologizing publicly. Kakashi, bringing breakfast for everyone in the office to make up for his assholery. Kakashi, looking at you with those dark, dumb, pleading eyes, as if he was trying to convey something. 
What does he want? 
Obviously, as Minato also still had to take his business call, the seriousness of the meeting quickly dissipated. The others quickly indulged themselves in the breakfast, grouping up to snack away and some even walking up to Kakashi to talk with him. Thankfully, no one noticed that you stood up, grabbed your notebook and left the room. Not even Anko, but she was too busy eating her unexpected sandwich than to notice. You couldn’t blame her, they smelled delicious. But you just wanted — no, needed — a few quiet moments to collect your scrambled thoughts. 
The floor with all its running PCs but no humans around had a bit of an eerie feel. Yet, the silence was exactly what you wanted. Gently, you placed down your notebook on your desk, eyes scanning across the surface for a by now more than welcomed bright-yellow note. But nothing; no little pick-me-up or cheerful comment about the day which would distract you from the adult-task of having to possibly change your opinion about Kakashi Hatake. 
No, I don’t have to change anything. 
He apologized in front of the entire office.
And? He didn’t specify anything, didn’t clarify. He could have made this entire show just to appease me.
Why couldn’t you just worry about the identity of your secretive notewriter? Instead, you had this absolute trash fire on your hands, constantly having to worry if you were going to be fired because of badly hidden nepotism or if Kakashi wanted to bully you out of the office for good. 
You sighed weakly, only to shake your head. Again, no time to worry about this. You had to start work, and maybe, maybe, you could worry about Kakashi a bit more in the evening, when you were back home. First off, though, you would take a little bit of an advantage of a free coffee pot as well as an unoccupied kitchen. 
Like Kakashi promised: when you entered the break room, the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted you. But not only that, he had also prepared a kettle. The metal of the kettle was still hot as you touched it, nearly singing your fingertips off. 
And just as you inspected the damage, the gentle rap of knuckles against the wooden door frame made you look up. There was Kakashi, like he popped out of a dark corner of your mind to haunt you. In his dark-emerald-green pullover and black jeans, he looked as casual and comfy as always, and as he leaned there, his unruly hair fell into his face like he came straight out of a shampoo commercial. 
How unfair. Why does an asshat like him have hair like that?
But even your thoughts weren’t as frustrated and angry with him as before, as in the last days, as yesterday. Like you couldn’t bring up the energy anymore to hate him properly. With a weary sigh, you leaned against the kitchen counter, arms crossed over your chest and trying very hard to look into his eyes without flinching. 
“So, yeah.” Kakashi shrugged weakly as he leaned casually against the frame of the door. “I’m owing you a private apology.”
“Great. Get started, then.”
“Ouch. But I deserve that one, no questions asked. What you didn’t deserve, though, was my attitude towards you.” There was no small glint in his eyes, no laughter on his face. Just honest sincerity, and you had no idea what to do with it. So, with your face like stone, you just listened to him. 
“I apologize for how I treated you. I acted like a child for no reason at all. You deserved better than that, and still deserve more. I can only hope you will forgive me one day, and even then, you’re not obligated to do anything.” One of his hands came up to scrub through his hair, only to burrow itself back into the pockets of his pullover. “I’m sorry for being an absolute asshole in the first place, for treating you like an intern. I’m sorry for being overall an antisocial asshole. And I’m sorry for not giving you this apology when you actually needed to hear it.”
Finally. After all the weeks of worrying, of being angry, and tired of having to worry, you finally had a real, honest, sincere apology. One which sounded like Kakashi actually meant it. Slowly, you nodded, paused, then nodded again. 
“Yeah”, you said, “that’s… that’s great to hear. Thank you.”
“Do you still want to work together on the Akatsuki-Project?”
“Of course.”
“Good.” Kakashi straightened himself out. “If my behavior bothers you again, please instantly go to Minato and Kushina and write a complaint. Do not come to me to ask me to stop, just go to them directly.” 
“Never had anything else in mind.”
“... Good. That’s… good.” Though, you couldn’t help but believe that Kakashi hoped for just another answer. Too bad. He wouldn’t get another one, not on this particular matter. 
After a long moment, Kakashi nodded again. “Alright. Anyway, sorry for keeping you here.”
“Well, it was kind of worth it. To finally get an apology, at least.” 
“So…” He shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, shoulders drawn up and peeking through the strands of his unruly hair. “Anything going on today?”
You paused. What kind of question was that? Were there any deeper intentions hidden within those words which you couldn’t decipher? Or was he mocking you, thinking that now as he apologized already, he was off the hook for any wrongdoings on his part? Or, last but not least, were you overthinking yet again and trying to find a fault where there was none present?
“You know…” you breathed in, “just work. Nothing else, pretty much.”
“Oh. Okay, okay. Sorry, that was a stupid question.”
“Don’t apologize too much, it’s going to wear out at some point.”
“I don’t know about that one. Anyway, good luck today. If there’s anything you need me for, you know where to find me.”
Again, you nodded. Slowly, deliberately, and still trying to gauge if Kakashi was serious or not. You just couldn’t really grasp the man and his character, if he was serious or more of a jokester. Maybe something in between, with a bit of social awkwardness. 
Nevertheless, it was hopefully now over — for good, this time. Maybe, you could now focus on your work, on trying to prove yourself, and potentially even on finding out who wrote the little notes and left them on your desk. 
~ X ~
Kakashi was in the middle of staring at the still empty page of his notebook, all the while twirling a pen between his fingers, when Minato walked up to his desk. The man waited for a second, drilling holes into Kakashi’s soul, only to rap his knuckles ever so gently against the wooden surface. 
“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Your boss.” But Kakashi knew the tone Minato had swinging in his voice: all soft and mushy and unbearably proud. No, that wasn’t his boss talking with him, but his step-father. Only after a look around, he dropped the small book onto the table and gave Minato his entire focus. “What’s up?”
“I had a talk with Kushina yesterday. About what… she talked to you about.”
“Yeah. I figured that much.”
“I honestly didn’t know if you would do something about it.”
“As I just proved, I can do something about it, and I can do it properly.”
“I didn’t question your commitment, just your… awareness.”
That was probably the kindest possible reminder to not overdo it that Kakashi ever received from Minato. Kakashi sighed, but fell silent. Even when his boss was also his adopted father, he himself always had asked to never be treated differently to his colleagues, and now he paid the rightful price for declining just a little bit of nepotism. 
“Nevertheless, I’m glad you managed to find a way to rectify the situation, for everyone involved. Very smart move to bring breakfast for everyone.”
“I learned from the best.” 
Minato smiled a thin, weary smile, nothing more than a quick uptilt of his mouth. “Don’t overdo it. Still, I’m glad. Now, keep up the good work, I’m expecting big things from the Akatsuki campaign.” 
And that, Kakashi pondered, was the biggest problem. Expectations. The expectations Minato had in him, the expectations everyone else had in him, the expectation Kakashi himself had in his work and skills and creativity, were the problem. What to do when he would fail all the expectations?
Minato had long left the desk when Kakashi wrote in big, fat letters the word “expectations” into his notebook. Another twirl of the pencil around his fingers, and he went to work. Sometimes, one had to force oneself just a little bit to get some results. 
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chisie12 · 5 years ago
I'm the best stalker ever.
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//stares from across the room
I don't even want to imagine the next chapter. JUST HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT
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Watching @historicfailure slaving away for us all~
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EML next chapter is already on the way~
21 notes · View notes
lemony-snickers · 3 years ago
Heyyy I hope you're alright! Don't worry about not being active or online at all. Sometimes it will be just like that, no matter what your reasons are. Hopegully you will feel better soon though! 😊
hello! can i just say, i was late to reading communication is key this month, but ASLDKFHASFHAWOEHF IT'S SUCH A GREAT CHAPTER OMG. i can't believe there are only two left! what am i gonna do once it's over?? 😩😩
anyway. thank you for sending this very lovely note. i've been feeling pretty meh about fics and tumblr lately, but that's just part of my brain's natural cycle, i think, lol. i've also been trying to keep up with some multichap fics elsewhere, so that sort of stole my attention for a minute.
feeling a lil' better after a few days away and hope to be back to writing some more of the backlogged requests i have soon. <3
i hope you're doing well -- i know you're moving office & such, so your IRL stuff sounds pretty stressful at the moment. i hope it won't be too bad for you!
6 notes · View notes
fus-ro-nah · 6 years ago
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I reread "It Was a Long Way" by @historicfailure and have drawn him like 300 times from different scenes over the past week. Pls take him back. I'm weak. I need sleep.
29 notes · View notes
historicfailure · 10 months ago
You're trying - trying to survive, keeping your head up, moving forward. And Kakashi seems to do the same. Somehow. Still, how the fuck does he manage to annoy you this much?
~ X ~
Sorry for the long wait! I'm really, really trying. Somehow like the character in this fic lol
TLDR: I know how to write the story, having the energy and time to write it is on a whooooole different page. I have some chapters pre-written now, I will throw them out sporadically etc but no promises.
Anyway, thanks for maybe staying with this fic for so long and hope you guys have fun with this chapter!
~ X ~
“Fuuuuck…” Your eyes were burning. More and more letters blurred together into ugly blobs on your screen the longer you looked at them, but you couldn’t just stop now. Just a few more questions, then you could wrap up the questionnaire and be done for today. Nevermind that it was already way past your usual hours. The evening sun didn’t make things easier: The orange light filtering through the blinds easily and directly onto the screen. With a low sigh, you leaned back into your chair, let your head tip backwards and stretched your back. Bones cracked loudly, making you sigh again, though this time in relief at the tension fading away in your entire body. More bones popped loudly as you stretched, yawning and moving like a lazy cat, your back arched and balancing yourself in your chair. 
A few steps away from your desk were in order. Definitely. As you stood up, you could look around and groaned loudly. 
“Seriously?” There was no one else on the floor left. All the desks were empty, PCs shut off and lights shut down. One look at a nearby clock made you wince. Fuck. It was closing in on 8PM, nearly three hours after you usually left for the day. 
Your eyes wandered to the doors leading towards freedom, fresh air and a good night full of sleep. Potentially a quick meal as well. Right on cue, your stomach rumbled, loudly demanding anything to fill it, preferably something fatty and hearty. 
“Well, that was clear.”
“Holy-!” You flinched around, one hand flying to your chest. “Fuck, you can’t just-!”
“Sneak up on people?” Kakashi sounded annoyingly unapologetically. The creases around his eyes deepend by a notch. “Yeah, so I have been told a few times.”
“Then why don’t you listen?”
He shrugged. “It’s too much fun seeing the reactions.”
“Oh, you-!” Just barely, you bit your tongue. Nothing you could say would affect him or change his behavior in any way possible. Better to save your energy for the task you still had to complete. “Fine. At least I’m awake now.”
“To do what?” Kakashi nodded at your PC. “Work more? While I can hear your stomach grumble from here?”
“Not much of a choice. The questionnaire is nearly done. I just want to get this over with, then it’s at least,” you rolled your eyes at the screen, glaring as you did so, “done for today.”
“True that, true that.” He nodded slowly. “Then maybe, this will help.”
Only now, you noticed the small white plastic bag in his hand. He placed the bag on your table, eyes fixed on your face and with the small creases around them still in place. “Tadaa.”
“What is that”, you asked as you were already stepping closer, “some kind of bribe attempt?”
“Possibly. Is it working?”
“Depends on the bribe.” Cautiously, you pulled the plastic away to reveal white paper, made to hold together food. “Say, what did you get me?”
“Maybe, if you would stop treating some food like I hid a bomb in there, you could find out yourself.”
“Or you could just tell me.” Despite your words, you picked the mystery food out of the bag and started to unfold the waxy paper. The instant you saw some luscious green and the bright red of a tomato peek through the white, you knew what Kakashi had purchased. “You went back to the café?”
Kakashi hummed lowly. “Yup. Saw you sitting here still when I wanted to go out myself, and thought you could use some food. I even asked you, but you were so out of it you didn’t even react.”
You winced. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. It has been… a long day and I wanted to get this done.”
“Hey, I get it.” His hands rose before they dropped back to his sides, hands sneaking in the pockets of his pants. “Sometimes, work is just swallowing you whole. Hard to tear yourself away.”
“Yeah.” Carefully, you freed the BLT-sandwich from the paper, until you could take a first cautious bite. It was just as delicious as you remembered from yesterday. “Fuck, this is great. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Kakashi still smiled as you took bite after bite from the sandwich. “Just wanted to make sure you’re not devouring the table or something.”
“Because Kushina would have to replace it?”
“Something like that.” He paused for a moment, before pulling out Kurenai’s chair and sitting down. It looked like he wanted to get comfy and stay for a bit longer, and now as you had a bit of food, you were more than willing to allow him that. “How are you doing?”
Between bites, you thought for a moment. “It’s going good,” you paused slightly, trying to find the most fitting words, “I think. Just taking a bit longer today than I expected. I want to get this questionnaire done, just so we can continue with the next step of the campaign.”
“No, no.” Kakashi chuckled. Like it was an instinct for him, he leaned further back in the chair, silver hair falling into his face. “I mean, how are you doing? Not work.”
“Oh.” That you didn’t expect. Not at all. You paused for a few seconds, taking another bite as you did so. “I guess… It’s good. It’s okay, right now.”
“Not too stressed?”
“No. It’s… it’s really alright.”
“Okay.” Kakashi nodded slowly. His dark eyes bore into yours, and you found yourself caught in a snare. Like a rabbit sitting right across a snake, enraptured and hypnotized right in the face of danger. Because Kakashi was danger, in every sense of the word — for you as a member of the marketing firm, and for you as a human being. Because, as you were again painfully reminded, Kakashi was, well, beautiful. 
Even now, in your exhausted, tired and yet wired state of too much energy due to work and freshly refueled with delicious food, you were more than ready to admit that he was. There was a reason why he could easily flirt with the secretary downstairs, or get phone numbers pushed onto him like crazy. Even though he didn’t try hard, his silver hair, slouched posture speaking of his overall nonchalance and the casual yet somehow chic way of dressing himself, really worked out for him. Subconsciously, you tried to straighten yourself out as well as brush off some bread crumbs off your chest and mouth. And wait, wasn’t there also some sauce stuck to the corner of your mouth? 
Kakashi chuckled. “Something the matter?”
“Well then…” Again, he nodded, only to get up and put his hands back into the pockets of his loose pants. “I’m going to go, but don’t stay for too long.”
“Sure. It’s just a few more questions, anyway.” You shrugged weakly, like it was no big deal. 
He hummed. “That’s what we all think, but before we know it, we’re working until midnight on the smallest of details to get it just right. Take care.” And with that, he just… up and left. Didn’t wait for you to answer, just walked away, like he just hadn’t handed you a sandwich, asked about your wellbeing or gave you some friendly advice. Carefully, you looked down at the rest of the sandwich in your hands, only to take another bite. This time though, you were cautious, tasted the entirety of the sandwich and tried to treasure it. 
Fuck. He is nice to me now. This feels… really, really weird. Somehow. 
~ X ~
Long evening yesterday? Good job in getting the work done, but remember to rest well today. You deserve it. 
~ X ~
The questionnaire was doing well so far. You wanted to say the questions were good and well received because they were all created during a long yet productive all-nighter, the reality though was that after you finished the sandwich Kakashi gave you a few days back, you simply went back home. Next morning, with fresh eyes and mind, you were able to look at the questionnaire once more and find several typing errors and clarity issues, which would have impacted the research severely if you didn’t fix it. 
Looking at the results, lots of people noticed the change of the brand Akatsuki from being cozy, well-fitted home clothes to a more expensive lifestyle-brand, not aimed anymore at the masses. Honestly, you hadn’t needed the questionnaire to tell you that, but it was nice to have something on paper to prove to the managers of Akatsuki that this was how their brand was seen. 
After a day of compiling all the results into a single document, you were happy, noticing that you only stayed for a bit longer than your usual working time. You would still be able to go to a nearby store and get one of the ready-to-go meals, so you could have a lazy evening tonight! 
Quickly, you packed up all of your things. In the process, your eyes wandered around the room. There were quite a few people still there, but none of them looked like they would stay for more than two hours, max. Anko definitely was staying for a bit longer, she had already said so during your shared lunch break. For a second, you thought about saying your goodbye’s to her directly, but when she grumbled loudly, only to curse and smash her flat hand onto the desk in front of her so hard that several pens and pencils scattered around the table flew into all directions, you decided it was better for your own safety to keep your distance. 
But as you took the first steps towards freedom, your wandering eyes also flew to the corner of the wide open office, where Kakashi’s table sat in his little, secluded alcove. And there he was still, just barely visible over his two wide screens, some wisps of silver hair peeking over, illuminated by the blue hue of the screen-lighting. 
I should probably check up on him.
Ah, he is fine. He doesn’t need me asking if he’s alright.
Kakashi suddenly groaned; so loudly that your thought process came to a screeching halt. You watched how he got out of his seat, but not to pack up his things and leave as well, but to grab his coffee cup and march right past you towards the kitchen. Without a doubt to grab some coffee, potentially staying late to work on something.
I probably should do something for him.
Why the fuck should I?
Because he got me something to eat yesterday.
I don’t have to.
He didn’t have to, either. And what did he do?
… Got me a sandwich.
Just barely, you kept an eye roll in. Right. As far as you were concerned, you owed Kakashi something in return. And even after a long day of work, you could at least do that for him. After another moment of hesitant annoyance, you adjusted the strap of your bag again and walked towards the break room. Even from a few meters away, you could hear the barely concealed slamming of cabinet doors as well as Kakashi’s irritated grumbling. 
Do I really want to annoy him in this state? 
Before you could rethink your decision, you looked around the corner. And winced at the sight: Kakashi obviously wasn’t in the best of moods. The man was standing beside the coffee machine, cursing under his breath all the while watching how the coffee slowly pooled into his cup. As you watched on, he unfolded his crossed arms to angrily comb through his hair — or, to be more precise, to pull some of it out with the force of his motions. 
Gently and already regretting the motion as you were reaching out, you rapped your knuckles against the doorframe.
“Hey…” When Kakashi turned slightly to look at you, you nearly shrank back behind the corner of the door. Why again did you have to say anything to him now? “Just wanted to ask if you want anything?”
With his eyebrows furrowed and forehead wrinkled up, Kakashi stared at you for a few seconds. Then, he closed his eyes and a big sigh dropped from his mouth, dropping his shoulders and attitude with it. “Ah, fuck. I thought I was alone.”
“Well, in a few minutes, you will be.” That wasn’t what you expected. At all. Slowly, you stepped into the bright, cold light of the kitchen spilling through the open door, while gripping the strap of your bag tightly. “I was just asking. Because of…” 
He nodded. “The sandwich from last time. Don’t worry about it. I’m not hungry.”
“Oh. Uhm, okay. Well…”
For a few more seconds, you waited. Kakashi only looked at you, unflinching and unyielding. The silence stretched into eternity, and instead of thinning and out and ending the talk naturally, the air seemed to thicken with every passing second. 
“If you don’t mind,” Kakashi suddenly spoke up, just when you tried to turn to leave, “would you take a look at some ideas I have? I’m… fucking stuck right now.”
“You’re stuck?”
“Yes.” Again, one of his hands flew up to comb furiously through his hair. “And I hate it.”
He didn’t elaborate, didn’t explain more than that, didn’t even attempt to. His dark eyes just focused again on the cup of coffee, staring and brooding and… being a bit more like the anti-social bastard he had been to you all this time. 
Just this once, then we’re even, and I can let this go, you told yourself. Just this once, and I don’t have to talk to him ever again. 
And it would be beneficial to take a look at his first plans for a campaign, anyway. High time for some in-team communication and all that. 
“Okay.” You shrugged weakly, while internally praying that it wouldn’t take that long. Turning around, you sighed internally, but just dropped your stuff by your desk as you passed by, eyes set on the dimly lit corner of the open office. A few lights around the office were on, but in Kakashi’s corner, only his computer screens were illuminating the looming darkness, painting shadows across the nearby walls of his little alcove. A cave for this man-troll. How fitting. 
Suddenly, the man brushed past you. His scent filled your nose, lingered uncomfortably, only to dissipate after a few deep breaths in.
“Hiding your porn?” you asked, tone only slightly mocking. “Must be really disgusting if you’re running.”
Kakashi was bent over his keyboard. His hand moved; moved the mouse quickly. One, two quick clicks, in which you closed the distance and managed to take a first peek at the screens. To your disappointment, there was nothing incriminating there, just lots and lots of pages of Akatsuki-clothing as well as the opened Photoshop program. 
There wasn’t much to see. A half-finished moodboard, you guessed, with lots of quite meaningless objects slapped onto one side. The other half of the layer was empty. Your eyes dropped to the desk, which was overflowing with mess, notes in Kakashi’s chicken scratches, and a few scattered pens and pencils, one of them a particularly fancy pen in a dark, glossy black with silvery lines running around the body. 
“It’s nothing. I know.”
“Uhm…” You shrugged weakly. “How am I supposed to help with that?”
“Some fresh eyes on my notes would be great, actually.” With a sigh, Kakashi handed you a few sheets of paper, filled with scribbles and notes which also could have been hieroglyphs as far as you were concerned. Some words actually could have been hieroglyphs. 
For a few moments, you tried to decipher the words, but nothing made sense to your tired eyes. Hell, you already spent the entire day leaning way too close to a computer screen, and now this? Fuck this. 
When you looked up, Kakashi was intently watching your every move. Almost eagerly, akin to a dog waiting for a reaction when dropping a ball in front of a pair of human legs. “And?”
“Honestly Kakashi… I can’t read this.”
“Ah, it cannot be that bad…”
“No, I literally can’t read this.” You waved the papers into his face. “To be frank, your handwriting is horrible. And here’s not much lighting, so my eyes are starting to hurt just by looking at this.” 
A hint of a smile flashed over his face. Though, that impression only lasted for a second, as he mumbled something incoherent and turned to click on the lamp. Light blinded you, and you had to blink rapidly to restore some of your vision. 
“Thank you.” You put down the stack of notes, trying to focus and make some sense of his handwriting. “I mean, there’s… nostalgia?” 
“Yeah.” Kakashi shrugged weakly. “The new direction Akatsuki is driving at the moment gives me nothing. I’m honestly grasping at straws here.”
“So much so that you’re reaching out to me. I see.”
Thankfully, Kakashi decided not to answer. Honestly, any answer he could have given would have annoyed you even more than you already were. The good mood you harbored over being able to leave earlier than yesterday already evaporated, wiped away by now knowing without a doubt in your mind that Kakashi was one of the sporadically creative people: incredibly valuable if they were inspired, but hindering the process when they didn’t have an inkling of inspiration.
“Okay, this…” You sighed lowly. “This is a big problem. The first meeting with the representatives of Akatsuki is in what, two weeks?”
“Roughly. A little bit less than two weeks.”
Another sigh left your mouth, and you started to massage your temple. You could feel a headache forming right behind your forehead. “Alright. Sure. Let’s just… what do you think of when you think of the new design line?”
“Something positive.”
“Mhm. Maybe…?” The man cocked his head to the side, one hand thoughtfully touching his chin. “Nostalgia.”
“That’s already on here.” You pointed at the stack of papers. “Something else.”
“Even though I agree, we can’t successfully market that idea and expect a profit. Now, something we can market…”
Kakashi thought for a moment. “Higher quality?”
“Great. Work from there, I guess.” 
“Sounds good to me.” Kakashi smiled at you, but you didn’t smile back. Just nodded at him before turning your back and finally getting ready to leave the office for good today. 
You thought you heard a faint “Hey” coming out of his direction, but you just walked a tiny bit faster. It would be easier to pretend to not have heard him. Just… overall easier. For your sanity and the future of your work together; the work obligations you still had to fulfill. Thankfully, you didn’t hear anything else and could leave the office with the tiniest of delays.
~ X ~
A well deserved rest for a valuable team member. I hope you enjoyed your free night. I would like to think that one day, I might be brave enough to invite you out on such a night, but for now, I just enjoy the thought that you had some time to yourself. 
Good luck today, as well.
~ X ~
“Can I steal you away for a moment?” 
Anko, Shizune and Kurenai fell completely silent as you turned to fake-smile at Kakashi. “Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t particularly like to be stolen away from my lunch.” You motioned to the lunchbox on the table in front of you. “Can we talk later?”
Your mood turned sour when he shook his head, albeit apologetically. “I have to run an errand for Minato in a bit, so no. Just five minutes?”
“Fine.” With a low sigh, you stood up from the seat which was grouped alongside the others around Shizune’s desk, and followed the man. Not without visually rolling your eyes towards the other women, then shrugging dramatically. 
To your mild surprise, Kakashi didn’t lead you towards his desk, but instead opted to exit the open office entirely. When he opened the door leading out into the hallway, he held the door open for you. His eyes found yours, only to quickly drop to the ground. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Kakashi didn’t make any attempts to stop outside in the hallway. Instead, he walked up to the elevators, only to pass by the doors.
Where the fuck was he going?
“Hey,” you spoke up again, trailing after the man like an unwilling donkey dragged up a jagged mountain path as he climbed a set of stairs you had never paid close attention to, “seriously, where are we going?”
“There’s a calm corner upstairs.” Kakashi smiled down at you through the bars of the railing. “Sorry, it just takes a moment.”
“Alright…” Another roll of your eyes, and you started to climb the stairs. At this point, you were just humoring him. First that absolutely ridiculous talk a few days back, showing that he made nearly zero progress with the campaign since the start, and now this? Was he trying to push you off the roof or something? Or something else absolutely ridiculous and over the top, fitting for a Disney channel villain?
Maybe he sings me his little theme song before he steals my soul or something. 
Just a few more steps, and Kakashi pushed a heavy door open. You nearly expected him to let it hit you in the face, but he caught it easily and held the door open for you.
“Thanks.” Both of your eyebrows rose. Quickly, you slipped past him, catching a whiff of his scent and a breeze of fresh air from the outside. 
The door indeed led onto a small part of the roof which was overshadowed by the building beside you. The rooftop was obviously meant to be visited, though the various signs of non-usage — a bit of dirt here and there, vines overgrowing the walls beside the door, and a few pigeons instantly flying away as you set a few more steps onto the rooftop — indicated that not many people visited. 
“Okay. Should be calm enough.” Even though you tried to sound strong and self-assured, you couldn’t help wrapping your arms around yourself. Maybe to protect you from the stronger winds up here, maybe from Kakashi’s intense eyes which seemed to scrutinize you. “What do you want?”
“To thank you.”
“And you couldn’t do that in the office?”
A small chuckle erupted from the man. Casually, he leaned against the wall beside the door, now closed. With him almost guarding your way to escape, it almost seemed like he wanted to pose as Cerberus or something. 
Good boy. Now speak. 
“Hey, I have some reputation left to protect here.”
“As an antisocial asshole?” You snorted weakly out. “Yeah, a really nice image to maintain. Shouldn’t be changed at all costs. Who knows, people might actually genuinely like you. The horror.”
Again, Kakashi chuckled. He didn’t seem too concerned at the insult you threw at him, no. Lazily, he pushed himself away from the wall, strolled past you to lean against the railing close to the edge. Not a care in the world at the height or the strong winds. “Slowly I get the feeling that you don’t like me.”
“Yeah. I’m surprised too.”
There was no way he was that self-conceited. Absolutely no way. You could only stare at his back, and only seconds after his crazy statement, you noticed that your mouth had fallen open. The sheer audacity of this overgrown manchild!
“Who do you think you are?”
Kakashi’s entire body tensed up. He turned his head, eyes finding yours, but you just shook your head and continued. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Some kind of always beloved god who can descend to us mortals and grace us with his fucking presence?”
“I never-!”
“Yeah, you never. You never apologized, properly, for once. You also never stopped and thought about why your actions were such a problem for me. Fuck, you never really took time to reflect on your actions, like any responsible adult would!” 
The words just came bubbling to the surface, like you had prepared them for this very moment. Sure, you wanted to act like an adult, but Kakashi had made it hard. So fucking hard, when all you had really gotten was a fine explanation and empty words over a great piece of lasagna. Being civil had been your goal, but this? Him throwing almost in your face how little he truly learned?
Anger bubbled up in your stomach, sourness rising in your throat and your blood rushing in your ears like a storm. Before you knew it, you marched up to him and jammed your index finger into his chest, spitting more of your righteous, built-up fury at his feet. “Did you expect that everything will be alright now? That everything is forgiven and forgotten? Well, excuse me, this is fucking reality, and it doesn’t work like that. It never worked like that.” 
Every punctuation you underlined with another push of your finger into his chest. Up close, you could smell Kakashi again, his stench filling your nose like nothing else. Again, you breathed deeply in, and pushed onward. “I tried to be civil. I tried to be nice to you. And you’re trying, I can see that much. My personal problem is, Hatake, that no matter how many sandwiches you buy when I’m doing overtime, or no matter how many times you try to seek me out with friendly banter, it will never be enough to make up for the fact that you humiliated me in front of the entire office.”
Fuck, it felt so good to watch the man deflate. Watching him being dressed down already had been a treat, but doing it yourself with sharp words and an even sharper tone was a fucking feast, five courses and counting. 
“You didn’t even apologize”, you breathed out. To your horror, you heard the tremble in your voice, which had been steely and sharp all this time. But not anymore. You swallowed, fought against the burning in your eyes, all the while staring Kakashi down. “The least thing you could do, and you couldn’t even do that. And I, as the idiot I am, even buttered you up! Complimented you because I thought, that…”
“Don’t fucking talk to me right now.” You stepped backwards, you had to. Anything to hide that you were so close to breaking into angry tears. “Just… leave me the fuck alone from now on. I’m talking with Minato first thing in the morning to remove me from the project, so I don’t have to put up with you anymore.”
Thankfully, Kakashi didn’t call out to you again, and before you left the rooftop through the same door, you didn’t look back. Didn’t want to look back, couldn’t stand to see his stupid, dumb, still attractive face for one more second and pretend like everything was alright. 
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historicfailure · 1 year ago
You just want to continue to work without being disturbed. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently, as Kakashi didn't get the memo.
~ X ~
Hey! Sorry for the longer wait for this chapter. Took me a bit as work really fucked me over. But now the fic can go on, and I try to be more punctual with the future updates ^^
~ X ~
Honestly, you didn’t expect too much to change. Even with all the new knowledge revealed, what really would stop Kakashi from continuing his bullying, just a bit more low-key? Especially as he never apologized. But when you arrived the next Monday at work, you couldn’t help but pause as you spotted Kakashi standing in the entrance at the lowest level. He looked just as comfortably lazy as always, black joggers with a dark gray shirt and a wide, loose cardigan reaching nearly to his knees in a soft, marine-blue cotton. He was looking at his phone, mindlessly scrolling, but in his other hand was a drink carrier made out of a carton with two drinks. 
When you stepped inside, Kakashi looked up at the sound of the door opening. In an instant, his body straightened, and he pushed his phone into the back pocket of his jeans. 
You paused for a second, only to readjust the strap of your bag over your shoulder and stepped closer. “Good morning.”
“Morning.” As you brushed past him, Kakashi turned and fell into the same speed as you, effectively making it look like you two arrived at the same time. Honestly, you didn’t want to speak with him first thing in the morning, when an entire day of having to argue with the man still ahead of you. 
At the end of the entrance area, past the desk with the flirtatious secretary, who looked way too sad when Kakashi passed by her without batting an eyelash, you pressed the button to call the elevator. You refused to look at him, even though you were overly aware of his presence and the fact that he was looking at you. Right, maybe not “looking” per se, but he threw glances at you from time to time, which was enough to unnerve you already.
Still, you didn’t react, just stared at the display calling the floor numbers. As soon as the elevator arrived and the doors sprung open, you stepped past the man inside the small cabin. Kakashi followed, at a much more relaxed and lax pace than yours.
Before you could react, he pressed the button to your floor, as well as the “Close Door” button. The doors slid close just a few seconds later, which left you alone with Kakashi. You merely stared at the display of numbers, breathing out a little sigh of relief when the lights sprung from floor to floor, signaling the end of your uncomfortable stay inside a small space with him.
Suddenly, you looked at the two containers of hot beverages, both imprinted with the logo of a nearby coffee house. 
“Coffee?” Kakashi asked, matter-of-factly. 
You considered for a moment. Was this an honest effort on his part, or just another subtle attempt to fuck with you? But no, even against your better judgement, you reached over and accepted the coffee cup with a little nod and a weak “Thank you”. 
The man shrugged. “No problem. I hope I got it right.”
Cautiously, you took a little sip. And nearly groaned in relief. “No. I mean, yes, you got it right. This is perfect.”
“Good to know. So,” he stretched the single syllable into eternity, just right before the second the elevator dinged to indicate the two of you reached your floor, “can I bring you coffee from now on? From time to time?”
You considered again. Honestly, getting coffee at the start of the day was already a great offer. But was it worth it being so close to Kakashi then, taking something from him? Being indebted to the man in some kind of way? Hesitantly, you stepped out of the elevator, acutely aware of Kakashi still on your heels. 
“How much was the coffee? I pay you back.” You were already scrambling for your purse, but Kakashi stepped closer, his hand going up and stopping your every movement. “No need. Take it as another part of my peace offering.”
One of your eyebrows rose ever so slightly. “And the other times in the possible future?”
“That,” Kakashi shrugged, “you have to take up with future-me. You remember our meeting around 1?”
“Yes. I have all the data ready to go.”
“Good. See you then. And…” Kakashi paused for a second, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side. “Enjoy your coffee.”
With that, he brushed past you, leaving you with the cup of coffee, a whiff of his aftershave and lots of uncertainty inside your heart. What was he planning? Carefully, you took another sip from the cup, hummed under your breath, then turned towards your desk with a bit more vigor in your step. It didn’t matter, it was definitely time to get to work, now with an even bigger cloud hanging above your head. 
But before you sat down, you spotted one of the now well-known notes, this time neatly glued to the edge of your keyboard, so you wouldn’t miss it.
A little smile flashed over your face, but you didn’t immediately open the note. Instead, you let it rest there while dropping your bag, tentatively placing the cup of coffee on the table, then peeling yourself out of your jacket. At the same time, you greeted your colleagues around with short nods and small smiles, your eyes still flittering towards the note from time to time. Only when you properly sat at your desk, sure no one was looking or busy with their own work, you reached for the note.
I hope you have a good morning. Whenever I see you come in, it sure as hell is a good morning for me.
Short, precise, sweet. You could feel your face warming due to the words, though. Some would consider it creepy to be watched this closely, but somehow, as nothing else had happened - yet - you couldn’t help but be endeared by the mysterious note-writer. 
Somehow, this felt like an incredibly cheesy romance novel, the ones you kept hidden inside your nightstand and only read when you had time on the weekends. Gently, you folded the note back and placed it inside the drawer where you kept all the notes, for safe-keeping. 
One day, you maybe had the time and energy to actually find out whoever the note-writer was, but now, with the Akatsuki-campaign on your plate, there was not much energy left to care. For now, you could just enjoy the kindness from the enigma of a writer and take it as a little pick-me-up for the day.
~ X ~
The days passed by like this. Exactly like this, to be honest. You would arrive at work, where Kakashi waited in the lobby, always with a coffee at hand. While the two of you rode the elevator, there would be a little chit-chat or a quick talk about work, and when the doors opened, he would casually stroll towards his own desk in his little corner, meanwhile you would walk to your own desk and find a little note there. Always a little compliment, always a little observation which would make you smile, always something positive which could make your day a little bit brighter. You did your work, tried to stay afloat, then shut down your PC at the end of the day and went home. 
The rhythm was so strongly established that, when someone actually dared to interrupt that rhythm, it disrupted your entire day. But not negatively. Quite the opposite.
You were in the middle of scribbling a few notes into your weekly planner, trying to determine what task needed to be taken care of first thing tomorrow and which ones could wait a little bit longer, when a hand came down on your desk and rapped its knuckles on the surface.
Kakashi stood beside your desk. With an unusual white, crisp and clean shirt and a pair of dark jeans, as well as a leather bag slung over his shoulder, he still looked like he was ready to start the work day, not to end it, like you were. For a second, your eyes got caught at the hems of his rolled up sleeves, sitting in the crease of his elbows, before sliding up to his face and eyes. 
“Yes? What’s up?”
“The ceiling”, he immediately answered, making you chuckle weakly. Though, the laughter was short-lived as his attitude switched to a more serious tone. “Listen, we’re coming along fine with the project, but I want to make sure everything is perfect. Akatsuki is one of our most prestigious clients and the follow-up campaign has to be spotless. Would you mind meeting up for lunch tomorrow to go over the details?”
Inwardly, you groaned at the prospect of having to work through your lunch break, but you kind of understood. You also understood that Kakashi wanted to make sure everything was going well, especially with the data you provided as it was a vital key for the work he had already done. So, you nodded weakly, all the while moving out of your chair and slinging your bag over your shoulder. “Sure. Any café or restaurant in mind?”
“Your choice. I don’t have any specific likes or dislikes.” Abruptly, Kakashi turned away, but paused. “Just… I don’t like sweet things.”
“So, a specific dislike.”
“Right after you tell me that you have no particular dislikes.”
“Sorry. I kind of forgot?”
“That you have dislikes?”
“That I have to actually tell people about my dislikes and not act like everyone can read thoughts.”
That sentence sounded so clearly repetitive and studied, you just had to chuckle. Kakashi even overplayed his part: the slouched shoulders, a little pout, the tired eyes dropping even lower than before. Like he wanted to make himself as small as possible, all the while his entire posture portrayed how little he cared. Really, the image of a petulant schoolboy came to mind when one looked at him, and nothing else would fit him better. 
A week ago, you wouldn’t have laughed like this. No, you would have been frustrated at his careless attitude, annoyed even that he would joke around like this. Now, you were at least 50% sure it was a joke.
“Alright,” you said, “I get it. No sweets factory and no cake-exclusive café. Anything else?”
“No. That was literally it.” 
“Then see you tomorrow.”
Kakashi waved lazily over his shoulder. “Good work today. See you.”
Good work today. Coming from Kakashi, could you take it as a compliment? For a few seconds, you struggled, before your mouth spit out the first thing coming to your mind.
“Good work by you today, too!”
As he was already quite the distance away, your mouth apparently saw it necessary to speak louder than usual. Several heads turned to you, which made your face grow warm, but you tried to not let it affect you. With a small wave, you apologized to the still working members of your firm, who after a few seconds of silent bewilderment went back to their work. And Kakashi? He had turned around as well, a little smile on his face, one hand again up to lazily wave at you, the other still holding onto his bag. 
Good. Even though you humiliated yourself a bit, you managed to be nice to Kakashi. No big deal, moving on, and you should really try to find a nearby restaurant or café which would serve food for the both of you, all the while having big enough tables to potentially spread out some documents and one to two laptops. 
~ X ~
Honestly, you were surprised that such a place like this working café existed. Each table was wide enough for at least four people, more than enough for Kakashi and yourself, plus your working equipment. There were electrical outlets at the surrounding walls, and separated cubicles for some privacy from other people working there. The young woman at the counter who took your order seemed friendly, promising to deliver your ordered items to your table in a few minutes. The atmosphere was quite cozy, friendly and bright, with big windows which let in the sunlight but also the looks of other people. Though, no one on the sidewalk cared much, as Kakashi and you selected a table a bit further in the back. As you slid into the booth, dropping the bag with your laptop, phone and purse onto the table, you caught a glimpse of the man. 
He seemed to pause for a moment, your eyes meeting his for just a split second. His eyebrows rose a bit, but before you could notice more, you let your eyes fall back onto the table and slid completely into the booth. Kakashi followed after another brief pause, just on the side opposite to you. Like this, you could watch his hands carefully unclasping the thin fabric case of his tablet, a keyboard attached to it. He unfolded the tablet, securing it with the dark gray case to make it stand on the table like a normal laptop would, only for his eyes to meet yours again over the upper rim.
“So,” you echoed back. While opening your laptop and typing in the password, you glanced at him. “What do you want to know, specifically?”
“Just the general state of you. How you’re doing, adjusting to the increasing workload, such stuff.”
“I’m… I’m alright.” Confused, you paused, hands twitching on the keyboard of your laptop. “Is this some weird check-up on me?”
“A weird check-up. Because of… I don’t know, you’re being way nicer to me than before, and you want to see how I’m doing all of a sudden? Is this meeting just a farce to see if I still have a grudge?”
“What? No, it isn’t.”
“Then why are you asking me those strange questions when you invite me to a work lunch?”
“Because that concerns work.” Kakashi looked at you like you suddenly went crazy. “You’re a new hire and Minato asked me to do an evaluation with you. He’s off to acquire a new customer, so he asked if I could jump in.”
“Oh.” Shit. That was bad news. Instantly, you felt your spine straighten out of instinct. Everything to make a better impression on someone who was impossible to impress, as far as you were aware of. But at least it wasn’t impossible to try, right?
One of Kakashi’s eyebrows rose. “Should I be concerned?” 
“About what?”
“The sudden rod you shoved right up your a… your spine.”
“You wanted to say something else there.”
“I did, but then I thought that my original comment could catch a sexual harassment case.” He smiled innocently, eyes curled and lips barely raised. But fuck, even though you were all of a sudden nervous and flustered, mildly annoyed by his words and tone, you could feel a single, lone yet terribly fluttery butterfly rise in your stomach. Fuck him and his good looks. 
“Anyway,” he shook his head slightly, still smiling as he did so, “no need to worry. I told him that even though we cleared the air between us, doing an evaluation on you would still be highly inappropriate. He wants to see you on Friday, 2pm sharp, in his office.”
“Oh my god. You’re… insufferable.” Breathlessly, you slumped again into your seat. “I think I have a heart attack.”
“If you die in your booth, I will say that it was an accident.”
“Of course, you will.”
“Do I hear some slight animosity? Yes, I’m pretty sure.”
Steps closed in, only to be quickly followed by a cheery voice, announcing: “Alright guys, I have your freshly brewed coffees, right here.” The cashier placed both cups swiftly on the table, with small spoons jingling slightly against the porcelain. “And I also have your hearty BLT-sandwich,” the plate with the sandwich was put into the middle of the table, only to be gently pushed into your direction, “as well as the egg-salad-sandwich.” 
Kakashi’s order was placed in front of him. One look at the waitress, and you had to hide a little annoyed snort under your breath. If those weren’t the biggest doe eyes you had ever seen, then you didn’t know what else was happening there. 
But Kakashi just smiled one of his usual lazy grins at her, not showing one bit if he noticed the admiration of the waitress or not. His eyes quickly returned to your face, with small creases around them telling you more than enough. 
“Do you even notice the stares,” you whispered when the waitress left, “and the lovey-dovey eyes anymore?”
He shrugged weakly as he reached for his coffee cup. “Sometimes.” 
“And what?”
“Do you ever… react to it? In some kind of way?” 
Kakashi laughed weakly. “No matter how flattering that might be, I’m not interested.”
“Mhm.” You wanted to press further, now that he finally opened up a little bit and seemed just honest enough, but you also shouldn’t press your luck here. Besides, why did it matter anyway?  Kakashi was still an asshole — and you weren’t interested in him anyway. 
Your secret notewriter, however… 
Thankfully, it isn’t Kakashi.
With a low sigh, you pulled your sandwich closer. Even though the topic of the conversation wasn’t that appetizing, at least your food looked great. The BLT-sandwich was cut into neat triangles, slivers of the tomato, juicy yet slightly crispy bacon peeking through the green of the lettuce, just held into place by a pair of wooden skewers. Taking one bite, you sighed again, this time in deep satisfaction. Holy, this sandwich was just as delicious as it looked. 
Before you knew it, one half of the sandwich you had wolfed down, and you were ready to devour the other half too, before you realized who was sitting right in front of you. 
“What?” you asked, defiance tainting the words. “It’s good.”
 “I don’t doubt it.” 
“Then why are you looking…”
“Because that was probably the first time you let your guard down around me… for a sandwich.”
“Urgh, shut up.” 
“If you insist…” And really, Kakashi closed his mouth, reached over to his plate with the egg sandwich and inspected it. Then, after a moment of quiet consideration, he took it into his hands and took a single bite. 
To stare like this was a bit indecent. The tiniest bit. So, you turned your attention towards the laptop in front of you, pulling up some graphs and reports you had collected over the last few weeks. “Alright, I looked at the previous campaign you did for Akatsuki, what I think you wanted to achieve and who you were targeting. Also, I took a look at their goals, their customers then and their customers now.”
“Akatsuki turned from fresh newcomers to a big brand in a relatively short time.” Kakashi paused between bites, thinking for himself. “Their style in clothes changed quite a bit over the years since I worked with them.”
“Exactly. They went from creating smart clothing for any body shape to… catering a more well-paying crowd.”
“You don’t like their change.”
“True,” you admitted freely, “their Pain-series for home clothing was brilliant. The sweatpants changed my life.” That you could definitely not afford their newest line of clothing even though it looked visually appealing and comfortable at the same time, you didn’t have to add. 
“Right? Those are my first choice for home office days.” Kakashi chuckled to himself. “Also the paper crane-shirts.”
You sighed weakly. “Oh god, that is so true. Just really nice looking basics with special accommodations, so everyone can fit into them and, of course, pay for them.”
Kakashi nodded. “Designing a campaign for that line was a pleasure. Designing for this campaign though…”
No way. One of your eyebrows rose. Kakashi, admitting to having difficulties? Kakashi, just opening up to anything? Kakashi, actually willing to talk with you? 
He noticed, of course. Another bite, a closed-eyed smile, then he continued. “Their new line is… pretentious. They want a down-to-earth campaign, like I did for their breakthrough. But it was easy material to work with. Those clothes just don’t give me anything back.” He took another bite, chewed, then placed the sandwich on the plate. “I just don’t know how to tell them that they changed too much to be down-to-earth anymore.”
“Maybe I can help a bit there.” Your mouth was definitely faster than your brain, and definitely too fast for your own good. But the words dropped already from your lips like morning dew, and Kakashi’s entire attention focused on them.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Maybe… And that is a big “maybe” here,” you paused, breathed in and out, then continued, “if I can show them where the current market lies and that it would be stupid to insist on their previous image, we could turn it around.”
A hard task. Customer-related tasks were always hard, as some customers could be stupidly stubborn. You had seen it all: the most detailed, beautifully created marketing campaigns, pissed into the wind just because some rich dude believed to know better. But you had also seen the total opposite, people accepting marketing campaigns which ran totally against their imagination, but embracing them until they became a huge success. Everything was possible, and it was your job to make sure that it would become a success.
Kakashi nodded. “Alright. I can try to help as much as you want.”
“That would actually be really great.” And you meant it. As Kakashi managed the first campaign and had first-hand experience with the client, he could provide you with really sensitive intel. If he was really willing to work with you instead of against you, it would make things so much easier. Quickly, your fingers flew over the keyboard of your laptop, jotting down notes, so you could remember what needed to be done in the next few days. “Alright, do you still have contact with Akatsuki? If we have a direct in, they might be more willing to listen to us.”
“I know someone,” Kakashi said, “but we need a strong proposal to make this work. He’s… a bit uptight, but really smart and will be neutral, even work with us if he sees our point.”
“Great. If you can, contact him already. If we want this to work out, we need all the help we can get. Meanwhile, I will start to put together some questionnaires in order to gauge the market.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
As you continued to make plans with Kakashi’s input, you forgot about your previous inhibitions. The man proved you wrong so far, acted like he never held anything against you at all, even threw in helpful advice and comments. But that could just be to save his own skin: the Akatsuki campaign would be one of the biggest in his career, considering that his first campaign for them made them big in the first place. He showed everyone that he could make a brand big, but could he deliver once more? The infamous overhyping of a sequel, so true for movies, books and video games, and even more true for repeat performances. There must be a lot on the line for him, so of course, Kakashi had to make sure everyone was performing to the best of their abilities. Whatever he would deliver to his clients would reflect on himself and on Minato and Kushina, on his own creativity and their leadership skills. 
Measured at his usual work ethic, when it wasn’t compromised with some kind of childish dislike to his co-workers, he wanted to deliver. Kakashi wanted to show that he still had “it”, and was eager to prove himself. If not to his client, then probably to his parents.
And if he leaves me alone, then maybe…
Maybe you could still somehow work with him and prove yourself, too. 
A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you typed away, made plans and notes to yourself. A small sliver of hope, nothing else, but it was more than enough to keep you going — to keep you working with Kakashi as long as he didn’t return to his old ways.
Though, you definitely wouldn’t try to befriend him. Not after the shit he pulled, and not after forgetting to apologize for it.
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historicfailure · 2 years ago
Work Under Water
6. Chapter: Washed onto the Next Best Shore
Kisame finally explains why he continues to flirt - and shows it, too.
~ X ~
Hey there, sorry for the long wait. I had lots of stuff going on in my life, and I don't know, possibly had writer's block without even realizing it. Now though, I feel like I can do something about these left and abandoned stories again. If that "something" is good or not, that's not for me to judge. I hope you guys like this new addition. Thanks for reading and have fun :D
~ X ~
The first date was a resounding success. After swimming with Kisame, the two of you laid on the grass and dried under the sun, and even though you hid away beneath your towel, that talk had felt like Kisame truly tried to get to know you on a deeper level. The conversation with him grew deeper as well, continuing all throughout the afternoon and the better part of dinner. The sun nearly vanished in the darkening sky as Kisame dropped you off at the lake again, where your parked car still waited.
As you opened the door of the truck in the nearly empty parking lot and wanted to climb out, Kisame was faster. One hand landed on your arm, holding you back before you could slip away.
“Have a good night, (Y/N).”
The casual touch made your breath hitch. Fuck. How could something so simple as the touch of a hand on your arm could be this fantastic to you? Was it the fact that only a few people ever did this? Touch you just for the sake of touching you?
Fuck, am I really that touch-starved?
He has me in the palm of his hand, for sure.
Does he know? I hope not. 
A smile formed on your face, easy and light. “I hope you have a good night, too.”
His smile turned up a few notches. “Oh, now it definitely is. And think about a second date with me, alright?”
Without a question in your mind, there would be a second date. God, you needed a second date. Like the damned crave for sweets at 2am hit you with a vengeance, you needed that second date. And a third, a fourth, and so on. After just one date with Kisame, you wanted more. More of his voice, more of his touch, more of him in all varieties. Being so addicted to him in a matter of a few hours should scare you, but on the contrary: you felt like you were floating as you walked over the hard parking lot towards your car, got in and waved one last time before you drove off. 
Kisame waited until you left the lot safely, only then he left as well. Making sure you were on your way home, before he went to his own home. A kind gesture, and one you appreciated greatly. On the few dates that you had, the men tended to try to shoot their shot, and when you made clear that nothing sexual would happen on the first date, their play-pretend interest in you evaporated like morning dew under the hot summer sun. 
Barely at home, you fought with yourself a little bit before texting Kisame. Was it too soon? Too rash? Too much? The questions swirled around in your head, but that couldn’t stop your fingers from typing out a message to him and sending it off. 
>It was a wonderful first date. Thank you so much for this day. :)
The answer came in an instant. Like Kisame had waited for your message with his phone in his hands.
>It was my pleasure. Sooo… About that second date…?
A little smile flashed over your face.
> I would love to. If you’re up for it.
> Now that you agreed, you’re not getting off the hook that easily.
It should feel like a threat. Something dangerous and threatening, something anxiety-inducing. Instead, there was a warm tingle spreading from the pit of your stomach all throughout your body. Still in your clothes and with your skin feeling suspiciously like you had a sunburn, you fell into your bed, all the while pressing your phone to your chest. 
You could try. You would, that much was clear. But you didn’t expect that tingle and the warmth, the little fluttering of your heart when Kisame gave again confirmation that he wanted to see you again. 
For the second date, you picked the location. Even though it was tempting to simply pick the secret spot at the lake once more, you went with a simple picnic in the park, followed by a walk through the greenery. Seeing Kisame with clothes on was still a bit weird, and you somehow expected him to wear a pair of swimming shorts beneath the rough jeans he wore to the date. Together with the marine-blue loose t-shirt, which still managed to cling to his muscles in all the right ways, it made Kisame easily the most attractive man in the park. 
A fact a few people also noticed. And they noticed you beside that attractive man, walking beside him, talking with him, being touched by him. And some obviously asked themselves what you had so Kisame spent his time with you.
He noticed. Of course, he did, you weren’t that secretive about your growing insecurity. 
Suddenly, Kisame stopped in his tracks. You nearly walked past him, but paused and turned ever so slightly to him. “What’s the matter?”
“You’re thinking way too loudly.” His askew cheeky grin made your heart pound harder in your chest. He reached out, and when his big fingers closed around your smaller hand, your heart felt like leaping out of your throat. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“And what?” Despite the anxiety chewing at your insides, you dared to raise your chin in defiance. “What could I possibly think?”
“That you’re somehow not worthy to be here with me. That you’re not good enough. That the others look at you with disdain.” Kisame stepped a little bit closer. Just enough for the tips of his shoes to hit yours. Somehow, the new closeness stole your breath away. “But,” he leaned even closer, so close his mouth was tantalizing you with its look, and you could feel his breath ghost over your face, “but I want this. I want you. Only you. Never forget that.”
It didn’t matter anymore that the two of you were standing right on a neatly cared path leading through a wide park, with lots of people nearby to stare at the very open closeness between the two of you. But with your heart pounding and your blood rushing in your ears, you couldn’t care less. There was only Kisame, his scent, his body. All of him, and you were drowning. 
Will he…?
Oh god, no.
Oh god, yes. Yes, please.
For a few long moments, you wished and prayed that he would lean down further. That  you maybe found some courage and leaned in instead, to do what you wanted to do so desperately that it hurt. To feel his lips against yours, with the knowledge and security that he wanted you, warming you from within. 
But it didn’t happen. Kisame merely winked, like he could read your thoughts down to the comma, before straightening himself out. “I know what you want, little one. But you know what they say.”
“What?” You fell into step beside him, with your hand still held by his, his grip gentle and warm against your skin. 
“Third time, and by that I mean the infamous third date, is the charm.” Your hands, with the fingers tightly yet gently intertwined, swayed between your bodies. Such a nice touch, you forgot about anyone else but him.
It was so terribly easy to believe that it was real. You wanted to believe him, and part of you already did. Still, there was a tiny voice whispering and murmuring in your head. The voice was silent whenever you were with Kisame and talked with him, but it grew louder and louder whenever you were alone. 
Your insecurities were just muted when you were with him, not simply gone. You wished life would be that easy, but it rarely was. That was why you still felt like puking when you pulled up to the lake again, decked out with a two-piece swimsuit, light clothes and some light food, fitting for one of the last days of the summer. The nights got colder, sharp winds blew from time to time, and thankfully, rain started to come down more regularly. The last weeks of the hot drought took a toll on the environment, but in the next few days, the forecast announced rain and thunder.
Maybe, rain would fall even sooner than that. You could feel the humidity on your skin as you slipped out of your car, encompassing you like a coat as you made your way over to the beach. At the top of the hill, which descended into the sandy area, you could overlook the entire beach. Your eyes automatically went to the highest vantage point: the lifeguard seat. And there he was, the man you were casually — or maybe not so casually, as you hoped — seeing. Even over the distance, you could see how the man lounged in his chair, the long legs stretched out and dangling, one arm draped over the armrest, the other loosely holding onto a water bottle. A white tee hung from his shoulders, stuck to his skin in places where the sweat glued it to him. That meant he didn’t have to go into the water at all today, or just very early into his shift. 
You smiled. It also meant Kisame would be antsy to swim a few rounds. By now, you managed to find out one simple truth about the man: he loved to be in the water. A day spent without going for a swim was for him a wasted day. Even worse when it was hot and humid. 
You took a quick peek at your phone. Yeah, Kisame’s shift really was over in a few more minutes. Then, a little idea sparked in your brain. Yes, it was definitely a great idea. Before you knew it, you had opened your messenger app and typed out a quick message. Just a tiny hint of newly discovered cheekiness at play, and your thumb sent out the message before you could think too much about it. 
Of course, Kisame couldn’t really look at his phone. But only a few minutes after your message, the lanky guy with white hair stepped out of the small hut for the lifeguards. Without a hurry, he strolled over to the seat, with his arms crossed behind his head. 
Aah. Shift change. 
A bit late. And not hurrying in the slightest. 
Cheeky little…
Watching from afar was possibly even funnier than being up close. Like this, you could fully take in the scene: Kisame turning his head and spotting the younger lifeguard, who then climbed out of his seat and down from the higher vantage point. There, he waited, and waited, and waited for the younger guy to finally reach the stand, while he crossed his arms over his chest as he saw what you were witnessing. To say that he dressed the younger lifeguard down would be an overstatement. Just a small exchange of words, in which Kisame raised his fingers at the younger man, before walking off with wide strides. His eyes were intently set on his goal: the hut for the lifeguards. Only when he was halfway across the beach, he checked his phone, which he had placed into a small bag, together with his water bottle and sunscreen. All of those items were valuable for his job. 
He stopped in the middle of his tracks. Again, he read over the message, only for his head to snap up and scan his surroundings. 
> you’re looking good up there. Can’t wait to see you in the water, though. ;)
You knew he spotted you when his eyes met yours. Even over the distance, you could feel his look ghost over your body like fingers. From head to toe, he mustered you. A pleasant shudder wandered down your back, goose bumps peppering your arms and legs from the raw intensity of his look. Then, he raised his phone to his mouth, spoke for a moment, only to raise the same hand in a little wave. 
A few moments later, your phone pinged. Without looking, you knew the message was from Kisame. 
Just a short message, merely a few seconds long. You pressed the play button, your heart trembling at the prospect of hearing his voice already, while your eyes followed Kisame’s body, which had continued its way towards the hut.
“I’m looking good up there? Babe, why don’t you tell me stuff like this when I’m with you, huh? Then, I could at least tell you the same.”
A smile flashed over your lips. The way he said it… It sounded like he felt just as impatient as you possibly did. Yeah, you didn’t forget the stuff he said about the “third date”. Back at the park, it had been a promise, and now, it could become reality. 
Something deep down in your stomach curled. Curled and heated up, and the heat spread through all of your limbs. Subconsciously, you gripped your phone tighter. Fuck, you were down bad. Down bad for this man. Really, it was unfair.
Just so me to fall so much for someone.
Even if he’s into me, it’s like comparing an avalanche against some light snow. 
I’m sure I’m way more into him than he’s into me.
Before more doubts could arise, the door of the lifeguard-hut flew open, so hard that when it hit the wood of the wall, the entire building seemed to shake. 
Kisame stepped out, now dressed into a floral Hawaiian shirt, which was still open and fluttered around his naked torso more than it covered him up, and another pair of swimming shorts. 
“Sorry,” he spoke so loudly you could clearly understand him even over the distance, “won’t happen again. Have a nice day!” Before anyone could answer, Kisame threw the door shut again and came towards you in a half-jog, half relaxed walk. 
“Hey there.” His cheeky smile was infectious. Your own smile instantly brightened as he leaned down for a short hug. Just for a second, his arm around your shoulder pressed your body close to his, and the scent of sunscreen, lake water and something deeply musky enveloped you. Before you knew it, you took a deep breath in, and that breath kindled the heat inside of you. 
Yup. You were really down bad for him.
Kisame loosened the hug and stepped a small step back. His eyes flew up and down your figure, something akin to appreciation and possibly even adoration in his eyes. “Finally, I can return the compliment. You’re looking hot as hell today.”
“You’re overreacting.” Despite your insistence, you could feel how your face grew warmer. Such a simple compliment, and you were melting. Damn Kisame and his charm! Only barely, you lowered your eyes, only to flinch the tiniest bit when his fingers gently stopped you from doing so.
“Oh no,” Kisame grinned, “not today. Not when it’s the third date. You might think I have been terrible before, but you have seen nothing, babe.”
Babe. Uuurgh. 
Is it normal to get weak in the knees just because of that?
I never liked that nickname. But… I could get used to it.
And the way Kisame said it… Like he was caressing the syllable with his tongue, tasting every letter with the sensuality of a true, dedicated lover, with attention to detail and all the time on his hands. You really felt a little bit weak in the knees, just enough to excuse leaning into his hand as the one cupping your chin flattened against your face. 
“As much as I would love to stand here and grow roots with you,” his grin revealed more of his unusually sharp teeth, and just for a second, you imagined those teeth lightly digging into the sensitive skin of your shoulder, “I can’t wait to get alone with you. I have so much planned.”
“Planned?” you echoed. Really, it was hard to think at the moment. “What exactly?”
“Not much.” He shrugged. “Just a bit of swimming, relaxing, lying around in the sun, making out… You know, the usual.”
“Wait…” Did you hear that right? But before you could ask about what he said, Kisame’s thumb swiped over your lips, then suddenly fell away. Tingles spread all over your lips, making a whimper rise in your throat. What the hell was going on today with him? 
“I’m afraid I can’t wait. You neither. Let’s go to our spot, alright? Then we can… talk. And do the other things I mentioned.”
Your heart pounded at the speed of lightning as Kisame tugged gently at your hand, then started to walk towards the sandy parking lot. Also, your mind was reeling at the things which just happened. Like he promised, the third date would surely be memorable and a wild ride on top of that.
Heh. Wild ride.
Oh, shut up.
But yes. I hope it will be a wild ride.
Your face grew even warmer as you listened to your own horny thoughts. You definitely enjoyed some written porn occasionally, but your own sexual experiences were kind of limited. So, now, with the prospect of being thrust into that kind of situation, you were overcome with a totally different kind of jitter than before.
The walk back to the car was easily forgotten in your mind. The only part you could concentrate on with crystal-clear clarity was the feeling of your small hand in his, the many calluses, the way his fingers tightened as he led you towards his car, and the way his touch lingered just for a little bit longer before he let go, right when you were about to climb into his truck. 
You were still trying to get your warm face back under control when Kisame slipped into his own seat behind the wheel. But you were unsuccessful, measured at the newly awakened cheeky grin spreading across his face as he glanced at you before starting the engine. 
“Don’t,” you warned him, “just… don’t.”
“I haven’t said anything.”
“You’re thinking way too loudly.”
“Believe me,” Kisame craned his neck to leave his parking spot backwards, with one hand safely secured on your seat, the other at the wheel, “if you could truly read my thoughts, then I would be in hot water.”
“Because from the very first moment,” another glance to you, then Kisame turned his eyes completely towards the road ahead of him, “my thoughts about you were completely indecent.”
That did absolutely nothing to calm the raging flush on your face. Nor did it calm you down, with the quickly growing lust burning through your veins like a forest fire. It made you squirm around, wringing your fingers together even though it was in plain sight for Kisame, and the need and want for something you barely really experienced made you press your thighs together.
A sudden hand captured yours, pressing it to the top of your thigh. The touch made the squirming even worse, but you definitely couldn’t wring your hands anymore, not like this. 
“Nothing to say to that revelation?” he asked. His tone was deep and rich, all smooth honey and rich smoke. “Or are you so blown away by that?”
“I honestly don’t know what to say,” you admitted, “and, to continue being honest, I’m also really, really overthrown by your sudden… advances.”
“Yes, advances. I…” You swallowed dryly, all the while your thumb twiddled with his index finger. “I never had someone… saying such things to me.”
“It’s about time, then.”
“But why now?” The pad of your thumb circled the rough knuckle of his index finger. You stopped for a moment, thought and sorted your thoughts, before continuing. Slowly, with every word weighing on your tongue like iron. “Why… The first two dates were, like… They felt like you wanted to get to know me. This… now it feels like you only want to get into my pants.”
He shrugged. “Can’t I want both at the same time?”
“Yes, of course. But… it was never like that with me.”
“And that’s,” he slowed down the truck, preparing to turn into the small pocket leading into the forest, “exactly the reason why I’m doing it.”
His answer confused you even more. What was that supposed to mean? Some kind of twisted pleasure in seeing you all flushed and flustered? Was that it? Deep down, though, you knew that wasn’t the solution. No, the real answer to the question felt like the one thing you feared a little bit, because it would be so hard to accept: that he was genuinely interested in you. In your personality and in your body, desired both, even. 
As you struggled your way through the thought process, Kisame parked the truck between the trees. As he fastened the handbrake, he had to pull his hand away, but as soon as the engine was off, his touch was back. Insistent yet gentle, unfolding your fingers and allowing them to curl around his hand again.
Your eyes were glued to that miraculous sight. A big hand wrapped around yours, obviously enjoying the feel of your hand in his. 
“The reason,” he started, and his voice seemed to fill every nook and cranny of the car, “is so simple. Because you hinted at something like this on our last date.”
“I did?”
As far as his seat and the limited space allowed, Kisame scooted around. “Yeah. Really, only hinted at. Took me some time to get it.”
“What a relief.” Even though you weakly chuckled, your insides seemed to freeze. What could he have possibly been thinking? 
“You don’t have a lot of experience with… things like this. Relationships. Romance.” Kisame paused. “Sex. And together with other, very human insecurities, resulted in you being nervous around me.”
“You noticed?”
“Babe,” another shudder wandered down your back, so strong you had to close your eyes, “it was pretty hard not to notice.”
“Right.” You still didn’t look up, just continued to twiddle with his fingers. “And why now this… this charm-offense?” 
“Cool people also call it flirting, you know? And I want to flirt with you because I hope that it will boost your confidence a bit. And make you actually believe that I’m interested in you. Mind, body, the entire package,” he answered. His fingers flexed around yours, only to gently slip away. “But if you don’t want that, just tell me and I will stop. Alright?”
“Alright,” you mumbled. The heat on your face would probably stay there forever. No chance to go back to your original body temperature, not when Kisame was so close and so charming. As you climbed out of the car, while he was busy unloading the back of his trunk, you tried to make sense of the revelation.
Kisame wants to flirt with me.
Because he wants to give me some confidence in myself.
And because he finds me attractive.
You couldn’t believe it fully, not yet. But maybe, just maybe, you believed it a tiny bit more than before. And as you continued to watch him, with his sweaty muscles moving right below the fabric of his tee, something inside your chest grew. The small spark of hesitant craving, kindled by the touches and his comments and his unwavering want for you to believe in him, grew more and more. 
Fuck, you wanted him. Wanted this. And just once, you wanted to… Just once, you wanted to be brave and confident and sexy, all the things you never had been. But somehow, he saw those qualities in you, and when he described you in the brightest colors… you felt instantly ten kilos lighter, with your heart leaping out of your chest and a smile lifting the corners of your mouth.
And you tried. Kisame was still busy unloading the truck, setting down bag after bag onto the ground. So, he didn’t look into your direction when you stepped up behind him, but he definitely noticed your tentative hand reaching out and touching his shoulder.
Just a small touch. Nothing big, merely your fingers gracing over the curve of his shoulder. The first contact initiated by you, because you wanted to. 
The reaction was instant. Kisame stopped all of his movement. A tremble flared through him, but he held impossibly still. A statue, just for you. For you to touch and explore and discover. Again, your hand reached over, followed the sharp curve of his shoulder. Down, to the iron cable of his biceps. The muscle twitched beneath your touch, just a small flare. But you felt it; felt the miniscule motion in the palm of your hand, as well as a wave of heat washing through your veins. 
You continued the careful discovery of Kisame’s arm, while the newly found and small spark of bravery made you open your mouth and form words which forced itself into existence. 
“You make me want to be the person you see in me, Kisame. Really, I want to. But…” You shrugged weakly. “I don’t know how.”
When Kisame moved, your hand fell away. His warmth though didn’t. He turned and stepped closer, so close you were forced to look up into his face as your nose would have otherwise hit his sternum. He looked down on you, and you couldn’t help but squirm beneath his gaze. 
If he touches me right now, I will spontaneously combust.
“I can give you a hint, if you want.” His face was suddenly closer. Startled, you stepped backwards, but there was only the side of the truck. Kisame followed, effectively blocking you in, and leaving you with nothing but weak knees, a quickly beating heart and the nervous jitter of anticipation rummaging through your body. He closed in on you, with his arms extending, caging you in between the truck and his naked chest, only framed by the flaps of his floral Hawaiian shirt.
“Is that enough of a hint?” His eyes fluttered down to your mouth, only to flick back up again. “Or do you need… more proof?”
“Yes.” You almost didn’t recognize your own voice, all breathless and needy. Barely above a whisper, and despite the closeness, you weren’t sure if Kisame heard you. But before you could speak up again, he leaned in, and you knew.
Knew when his lips met yours. Barely contained hunger, mixed with hard-earned experience, still a bit wet and tasting of the lake, but still so uniquely him — the kiss was all Kisame, and you could do nothing but ride it out. And god, you wanted to ride it out. With a low moan vibrating deep in your throat, you opened your mouth. Needing him, all of him. Your arms came up, small hands splayed across strong shoulders, holding on just barely, clawing into the warm skin and tight cords of muscles. A gasp was drowned in his mouth as his tongue met yours, first shy and playful, only to flick across your lips with devilish intent. Just for a moment, he pulled back, and you could feel his lips smiling against your mouth. 
“You’re burning for me, babe. So eager and innocent to feel.” His grin widened just a fraction, before he pressed another quick kiss to your lips, albeit it wasn’t any less hot and made your toes wiggle in your shoes. It left you dizzy, with your head spinning, and your eyes fluttered open just in time to see Kisame’s half-lidded eyes and the quickest flash of sharp teeth. At that, your knees grew weak. Fuck, now you were happy about the truck in your back as it kept you upright and standing in the face with Kisame’s… entire being.
He’s… so fucking hot. I’m melting.
Am I melting? Yeah, to a freaking puddle right at his feet, begging to be stepped on. 
Internet horniness has ruined me in that regard. Because I’m so close to just asking to be stepped on.
Thankfully, you didn’t actually ask that. Just a pitiful little whimper left your mouth as Kisame stepped away, with his eyebrows wiggling like the devil he was.
“And please believe me when I say,” his eyes raked up and down your figure, taking every little detail — the slightly disheveled hair, the reddened lips, the hazy look in your eyes — in, “that I’m burning for you just as much, babe. Maybe even more so.”
Only slowly, the meaning of his words filtered through the fog of deep craving for another kiss. He wanted you. Wanted to kiss you, wanted to touch you. But the insecurity inside you still reared its ugly head, slithering around and whispering about your size, your looks and your taste in clothes. As you picked up your stuff and followed Kisame down the beaten path into the forest, you were still pondering. Pondering and trying to reason with yourself. 
Will I ever feel secure? Secure enough to not doubt this every minute of the day?
Will Kisame continue to be this understanding? Or will I annoy him soon enough with my constant self-doubt?
I don’t know what to do. I just don’t know. 
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historicfailure · 7 years ago
Uuuuhm.... uuuuuuuuuuuhm... OH MY FREAKING GOD. OH MY FREAKING...!!!
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I'm done. Thank you so much, this is like... woah! Rascal looks so cute in this one, just so in love with the catnip that he can't let go. But still a bit mischievous, just like him <3
And just you know, this is like the very first fanart someone made because of my fic. Thank you so much, you made my freaking day, no, week! ^///^
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Rascal has found a home in the catnip
Fanart for @historicfailure‘s fanfiction <3
I honestly only made this tumblr so i could post this jdfhgfd
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historicfailure · 2 years ago
Aight, this is how it's gonna go.
Next Saturday, so the 22nd of July, I post the next chapter for "Work under Water". I'm on a good path to finish the very last chapter and have ideas for a possible epilogue, so we will see how that goes.
I don't know when and if I will finish other works of mine, ongoing or not, but I'm determined to get at least this shit done. I am done being pathetic and hating myself for not writing, so I will just push onward with that and see what comes out of that.
Thank you all for your time, and have a nice rest-Sunday or even a Monday already.
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historicfailure · 2 years ago
Fuck it
I have 5 chapters, I'm gonna drop them, no one, not even my dumbass need to have an almost finished fic is stopping me.
The first chapter of Lovenotes (still a working title) drops this Saturday. Will probably post in a 2 week rhythm, so I hopefully-fingers crossed-surely have enough time/energy/motivation to write more chapters in the meantime.
Love you all, see you on Saturday.
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historicfailure · 2 years ago
Omw to a night shift to finish this chapter, work was stressful this week but I want this to be done.
At least the cat is there to keep me sane.
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