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heavensky79 · 3 years ago
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🦊 The Tree of Life 🦊 HeavenSky aka Nicolas Sebastian 9/2022 Fraxinus excelsior, known as the ash, or European ash or common ash to distinguish it from other types of ash, is a flowering plant species in the olive family Oleaceae. It is native throughout mainland Europe[2] east to the Caucasus and Alborz mountains, and Britain and Ireland, the latter determining its western boundary. The northernmost location is in the Trondheimsfjord region of Norway.[3][4] The species is widely cultivated and reportedly naturalised in New Zealand and in scattered locales in the United States and Canada. #beauty #beautiful #tree #landschaftsFotografie #landschaft #huawaip30pro #huawaip30photography #nature #naturelovers #trees #treephotography #treesofinstagram #fraxinus #Fraxinusexcelsior #sunlight #stgallen #cloudy #sky #heavensky #oberriet #heavenskypopartica #rheintal #switzerland #montlingen #ash #landscape #baum #esche #baumFotografie #gemeineesche (hier: Montlingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSyHpoqpca/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lmbrjak · 6 years ago
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Clearing infected ash from some young plantations and filling in the gaps. It’s a shame to see such a useful species disappearing so quickly. #chalara #ash #fraxinusexcelsior #treeplanting #forestry #husqvarna https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmjC4TBdWL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nbm0dgueg4fb
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miomcreat · 3 years ago
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#juli2022☀️ , die #natur in üppiger fülle, #prachtkerze #gaura (#onagraceae🌸 aus den #myrtales) #bienenweide🐝 #digitalispurpurea #samthortensie🌸🌸💖 #pfirsichbaum #fraxinusexcelsior (hier: Plauen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CftxRv7tIs4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrmaplematt · 4 years ago
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DWARF CURLY LEAF EUROPEAN ASH TREE https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-fraxinus-excelsior-crispa-dwarf-ash-tree #mrmaple #raretrees #fraxinusexcelsior #fraxinus #excelsior #crispa #ashtree #europeanash (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGo-aPgStk/?igshid=16cxhzcjg368r
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treesofleipzigland · 5 years ago
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Immer spät dran - Yggdrasil!
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martius2 · 6 years ago
Fraxinus excelsior
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from Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2gDJ8uv via IFTTT
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exetertrees · 6 years ago
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Common ash tree outside the local shops #ashtree #fraxinus #fraxinusexcelsior #tree #trees #nature #exeter #devon (at Exeter, Devon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxLUd-kBqhT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pfxxnz9xlaz0
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hertswood-blog · 8 years ago
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This is called the snake tree. Awesome ash on ashridge, foresters reckon it was tied in a knot as a sapling. #snaketree #radtrees #arb #woodland #berkhamsted #northchurch #ashridgeestate #ash #fraxinusexcelsior
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sodininkas · 8 years ago
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Viešėdami Britanijoje ant uosių (#Fraxinus excelsior) tikrai pastebėsite šį reiškinį. Tai erkučių (#Aceria fraxinivorus) sukelti #galai (#cecidijos). #Fraxinusexcelsior, #ash, #ashtree, #mites, #galls, #gall, #seeds, #uosis, #erkės, #erkutės, #sėklos
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tomforster085 · 8 years ago
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Perenniporia fraxinea at Abney Park Cemetery #perenniporiafraxinea #fungi #bracket #mushrooms #mycology #arboriculture #fraxinusexcelsior #hackney #abneyparkcemetery via Instagram http://ift.tt/2pqvoNs
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heavensky79 · 3 years ago
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🦊 The Tree of Life 🦊 HeavenSky aka Nicolas Sebastian 9/2022 🍐 The pear tree and shrub are a species of genus Pyrus, in the family Rosaceae, bearing the pomaceous fruit of the same name. Pears are fruits produced and consumed around the world, growing on a tree and harvested in the Northern Hemisphere in late summer into October. 🍐 #beauty #beautiful #tree #huawaip30pro #huawaip30photography #nature #naturelovers #trees #treephotography #treesofinstagram #fraxinus #Fraxinusexcelsior #sunlight #hohenems #vorarlberg #sky #heavensky #pear #peartree #heavenskypopartica #rheintal #landscape #baum #esche #baumFotografie #birnen #birnenbaum (hier: Hohenems, Vorarlberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CineO2dqOus/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carltonlassiterr-blog · 13 years ago
∞ !
Got Ma Nuts From a Hippie - The Fratellis
And she danced like a medicine manDrew a crazy picture on my hand and told meShe wanted to change my point of viewAsked me where I was going to 
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mrmaplematt · 5 years ago
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DWARF CURLY LEAF EUROPEAN ASH TREE https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-fraxinus-excelsior-crispa-dwarf-ash-tree #mrmaple #raretrees #fraxinusexcelsior #fraxinus #excelsior #crispa #ashtree #europeanash (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFP98L3npyy/?igshid=189k00gfhvqt0
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treesofleipzigland · 5 years ago
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Der Mai gehörte den Bäumen. Ich beende meine tägliche kleine Serie mit einer Gemeinen Esche. Gerade weil sie so „gemein“ ist und ich täglich an ihr vorbeigehe und sie abends der versierteste Sonnenstrahleneinfänger ist. Der Grund liegt ganz nahe, wenn die Weltenesche Yggdrasil die Verbindung zwischen Himmel und Unterwelt herstellt, dann sammelt sie selbstverständlich die Sonnenstrahlen, die Farben, die Worte und schickt sie ins Dunkel. Dabei helfen ihr übrigens etwa 1000 Spezies die mit ihr vergesellschaftet sind, darunter 12 Vögel, 55 Säugetiere, 78 Gefäßpflanzen, 58 Laubmoose, 68 Pilze, 239 Invertebraten und 548 Flechten. Und was habt ihr so zu bieten? (Ich werde übrigens immer mal wieder einen Baum zeigen, den ich gefunden habe, nur nicht täglich!) #treesofleipzig #fraxinusexcelsior
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exetertrees · 6 years ago
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A pair of common ash trees at Cowick Barton fields in Exeter #tree #trees #treesofinstagram #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #exeter #devon #ashtree #ashtrees #fraxinus #fraxinusexcelsior (at Exeter, Devon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyyPNJhtjd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qc7136rtz5d4
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