#frans timmermans
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dadsinsuits · 9 months ago
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Frans Timmermans
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purple-beans · 1 year ago
Going to talk about the state of Dutch politics again. If you ever pay attention to them, please let it be now.
So like. We're now about 18 hours after the polls closed. The PVV has gained 2 more seats than even the exit polls estimated. The major left-wing parties have both immediately positioned themselves as opposition parties, so unless a big shift happens, the slight hope for a center government is pretty much shot through. We are looking at a (far) right cabinet that is going to do their best to fuck everything up and reverse even the little bits of progress that the past half a dozen or so center-right cabinets still managed to pull off.
And yeah I know that Wilders has been acting like he's going to be "milder" than he's been in the past. And I know that half of what the PVV wants they can't do from a simple constitutional and legal standpoint. But the fact is that they got 37 out of 150 seats. Almost a quarter of our electorate. OVER 2.4 MILLION PEOPLE, are apparently willing to agree with the hateful, islamophobic, racist, queerphobic, climate-denying, insane fucking ideas of Geert Wilders and his PVV. Or at the very least, they're willing to be okay with it. Sure not all of them will agree, but a FUCKING QUARTER OF OUR POPULATION is willing to say "okay yeah I'm fine with you saying those things. I'm fine with you implementing these ideas." And that's not even considering those who voted for other parties that hold similar ideals.
That's the worst part of all this to me. I am dreading a far right government. I am dreading which changes they WILL be able to implement. But above all I'm terrified of knowing that over a quarter of our fucking country is just, okay with it. A quarter of the country is willing to vote for the "less morrocans" guy. A quarter of the country is willing to vote for the guy wanting to ban islam. Wanting to pretty much stop taking in any refugees and sending them all back. Wanting to ban fucking LGBT education and what not. I am not even close to being their primary target. Sure I'm trans and queer and what not. But I'm still white and Dutch. I fear not just for myself. I fear way more for those in this country who look at this election, and see a party who downright says they don't belong here. They will face more hate. And I can't do much about that. But the least I can do is not shut up. I can try and show them that there are still plenty people here who do stand with them. And while I don't agree with him on some things, I do agree with Frans Timmermans in saying that at this point, we need to stand up straight, we need to look at the people who feel they might not belong in this country, and tell them we Have. Their. Backs.
And I know there's more shit going on in the world. I know most people on this site don't care much for Dutch politics. But I need to talk about it for once because honestly it's fucking terrifying. We looked on when Trump got elected. We spread your news on all that. Maybe this once, now our own Trump has pretty much won here, you'll look to our country, and at least, see what's going on. It might not be a war or anything on that order of magnitude. But it still fucking matters
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older-is-better · 1 year ago
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Frans Timmermans.
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ludwinas · 1 year ago
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Poorly aged tweet huh
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birilio · 2 years ago
Goed HeiligFrans
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aorticarchnemesis · 1 year ago
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Frans Timmermans MPREG
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rafaeltheraven · 1 year ago
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Het gaat wel heel slecht met GroenLinks
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ansrommers-1234 · 10 months ago
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pettirosso1959 · 29 days ago
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Ed iniziano a delinearsi le dinamiche e le forme della truffa delle politiche green e delle balle del cambiamento climatico.
Bufera su Timmermans, dopo il Quatargate si profila il rischio di un macroscopico Greengate. L’allarme e la richiesta di lumi vengono da Fratelli d’Italia, dopo la notizia choc riportata dal quotidiano olandese Telegraaf secondo la quale l’Ue avrebbe pagato segretamente gruppi ambientalisti per promuovere i piani verdi dell’ex commissario Frans Timmermans. Lo scandalo c’è tutto, tanto che dopo il pressing arriva l’ammissione parziale di Bruxelles: è stato inopportuno. “Per anni la Commissione Ue ha sovvenzionato, tramite il programma Life, lobby ecologiste per fare pressioni a favore del Green deal. Alle organizzazioni – denuncia il Telegraaf – sono stati addirittura assegnati obiettivi per risultati concreti di lobbying presso eurodeputati e Paesi membri”. Stando al quotidiano olandese, Bruxelles avrebbe “utilizzato denaro da un fondo per sussidi climatici e ambientali da miliardi di euro” una “lobby ombra” con l’obiettivo di portare le politiche green in cima all’agenda europea. Tra gli esempi riportati una campagna a favore della contestata Nature Restoration Law, fortemente voluta da Timmermans, che sarebbe stata “promossa da un’organizzazione coordinata di 185 associazioni ambientaliste”.
A. M. A.
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soon-palestine · 9 months ago
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Dutch lawmakers on Friday called for a probe into allegations of espionage and intimidation by Israel to obstruct International Criminal Court (ICC) investigations into Israeli officials.
A written question submitted by House of Representatives member Kati Piri urged ministers to investigate the alleged activities. Piri is a member of the Green Left-Labor Party alliance, led by former European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans.
A query, which received backing from other Green Left and Labor Party members, was directed at Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot, Interior and Kingdom Relations Minister Hugo de Jonge and Justice and Security Minister Dilan Yesilgoz-Zegerius.
Citing international media reports, the motion requested that the three ministries, along with Dutch intelligence services, look into Israel's alleged espionage and intimidation efforts against the ICC.
The efforts are reportedly aimed at disrupting investigations into war crimes committed in Palestinian territories.
Special responsibility
The motion stressed that as the host state of the ICC, which is based in The Hague, the Netherlands has a duty to prevent any attacks or threats against the international court.
It questioned how Dutch authorities plan to ensure that ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan and Court judges can operate independently and without interference.
The motion also took note of an incident involving former ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, whose home in The Hague was searched by two individuals believed to be working for Israeli intelligence.
Bensouda had reported the incident to Dutch authorities.
Piri's motion also requested that the ministers disclose the number of complaints received from the ICC, Palestinian non-governmental organizations and individuals about intimidation, bribery, blackmail or espionage attempts by Israel or other countries since 2015.
Sabotage of ICC investigations
The motion asserted that Israel's alleged espionage activities are intended to sabotage the ICC's investigations into crimes committed by Israeli officials in Palestinian territories.
It raised concern about whether witnesses to the crimes might feel intimidated to testify before the ICC and questioned whether the Netherlands could adequately protect witnesses and victims.
The motion called on Dutch ministers to clarify their stance on the Israeli government's designation of six Palestinian human rights groups as "terrorist organizations" in October 2021.
It requested an assessment of the designations and of allegations against the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees, or UNRWA.
Furthermore, it demands an investigation into the possible involvement of Israel's diplomatic mission in The Hague in alleged intimidation activities against the ICC.
"Will you summon the Israeli ambassador to demand an explanation and convey the message that espionage and intimidation campaigns on Dutch soil are unacceptable?" it asked.
It called for an investigation into whether Israel has committed crimes aimed at obstructing the administration of justice, referring to Article 70 of the Rome Statute, the ICC's founding treaty, which regulates crimes against the administration of justice.
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dadsinsuits · 1 year ago
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Frans Timmermans
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falcemartello · 1 year ago
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Gli europei si stanno ribellando contro Net Zero
Negli ultimi dieci anni circa, i politici tradizionali di tutta Europa hanno smesso di promettere di migliorare il tenore di vita dei loro elettori.
Invece, si sono vantati dei loro piani per limitarlo.
Hanno esaltato le virtù di un costo della vita più elevato, della deindustrializzazione e delle restrizioni alle libertà personali.
E si aspettavano che la maggior parte delle persone non se ne sarebbe preoccupata o forse addirittura se ne sarebbe accorta, perché tutto ciò doveva essere fatto in nome del "salvataggio del pianeta" dal cambiamento climatico.
Ma nel 2023, quel consenso dell’élite verde si è schiantato sulla Terra.
La crescente rabbia pubblica nei confronti di Net Zero ha iniziato a scuotere un'élite politica compiacente. In effetti, l’opposizione al greenismo è oggi uno dei principali motori del populismo europeo.
Ha portato la gente in strada, con le proteste degli agricoltori nei Paesi Bassi e Irlanda e, più recentemente, Germania. E ha ispirato una serie di rivolte alle urne.
A novembre, Geert Wilders, attaccabrighe dell'estrema destra e scettico sul clima, ha ottenuto una vittoria elettorale shock, sconfiggendo il suo rivale più vicino, Frans Timmermans, l'architetto e il volto delle politiche climatiche dell'UE.
In Germania, una disputa sulle pompe di calore ha recentemente minacciato di far cadere il governo, di cui il Partito dei Verdi è uno dei partner minori della coalizione.
La “legge sul riscaldamento” proposta dalla Germania avrebbe vietato l’installazione di nuove caldaie a gasolio e gas.
Inoltre, questo costo doveva essere imposto a una nazione che si sta già riprendendo da una grave crisi energetica, dove le bollette delle famiglie sono tra le più alte d'Europa e dove industrie critiche stanno chiudendo a causa degli esorbitanti costi energetici.
Più o meno nello stesso periodo, dall'altra parte della Manica, il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron ha chiesto una "pausa" nelle nuove norme ambientali.
Aveva già imparato a sue spese che il pubblico non sopporterà politiche ambientali rigorose.
Nel 2018 e nel 2019, un'eco-tassa sul carburante ha scatenato proteste gilets jaunes durate un anno la ribellione pubblica più significativa avvenuta in Francia dal maggio ’68.
La classe politica deve riconoscere che gli elettori non vogliono pagare bollette energetiche più alte, pagare una cifra esorbitante per l’uso della propria auto o installare pompe di calore costose e inaffidabili invece delle affidabili caldaie a gas.
Come hanno dimostrato le rivolte dello scorso anno, nessun discorso sul “salvare il pianeta” potrà cambiare la situazione. L’opinione pubblica non si lascerà ingannare dai tentativi di etichettare l’austerità come “verde”.
Nel 2024, abbiamo bisogno di una nuova politica che metta gli standard di vita delle persone al centro. L’abbandono di Net Zero sarebbe il punto di partenza perfetto.
(da un art. di Fraser Myers – Spiked)
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darkmaga-returns · 8 days ago
By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
It is quite disturbing that��Gospa News International has been one of the very few counter-information sites in the world to carefully monitor the repeated, dangerous and top-secret experiments being conducted at the infamous HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) station in Gakona, west of Wrangell-Santo Elias National Park in Alaska nel 2024.
The Shocking Warning on HAARP Experiments
This is alarming precisely because between the middle of last year and the beginning of 2025, disastrous floods occurred in the Northern Hemisphere, which is obviously the one most affected by the unknown effects of the high-frequency bombardments of the ionosphere conducted by HAARP, a former US Air Force military base and now managed by the University of Alaska—Fairbanks with research projects funded by the Pentagon, NASA and the NSF (National Science Foundation).
“Nobody should be conducting experiments alone with our shared planet,” European Union climate policy chief Frans Timmermans told a news conference.
The primary and serious concern of expert scientists is connected to the fact that the “unwanted effects” of such geoengineering experiments are unknown in terms of type, intensity and duration.
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avalonishere · 29 days ago
Secondo un’inchiesta del quotidiano olandese De Telegraaf, l’Unione Europea avrebbe segretamente finanziato gruppi ambientalisti per promuovere le politiche green dell’ex commissario Frans Timmermans. Il quotidiano cita contratti riservati, tra cui uno da 700mila euro destinato a orientare il dibattito sull’agricoltura.
L’inchiesta rivela che Bruxelles avrebbe utilizzato fondi multimiliardari destinati a sussidi climatici e ambientali per finanziare una “lobby ombra” volta a spingere le politiche green in cima all’agenda europea. Tra gli esempi citati, una campagna a favore della controversa Nature Restoration Law, sostenuta da un’ampia rete di associazioni ambientaliste coordinate.
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birilio · 2 years ago
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
Summary of the evening
Dutch voters cast their ballots in a snap parliamentary election on Wednesday called after the collapse of the outgoing coalition government headed by Mark Rutte.
Geert Wilders’ far-right, anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV) is on course to be the largest party in the Dutch parliament, according to exit polls, in a major electoral upset whose reverberations will be felt around Europe.
It is unclear whether Wilders – who has always been shut out of government – will be able to win enough support to form a coalition. He said this evening that “no party can ignore us any longer”.
Exit polling put the PVV at 35 seats. The Green-Labour alliance, led by Frans Timmermans, has 25 seats, while the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), led by Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, got 24 seats, according to the polling.
Yeşilgöz-Zegerius said “it is big lesson to politicians. They haven’t listened enough to the people and haven’t offered enough workable solutions”.
Far right figures from across the continent, including Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini and Santiago Abascal, celebrated the PVV’s performance.
Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, said that “the winds of change are here”.
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, said the Dutch election is “a reminder to progressives everywhere – the continued threat of the far-right is real and on our doorstep”.
Read more here and stay tuned for more coverage on the Guardian site.
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