#frank HAS made a “are you happy to see me or is that your tail” joke
glsneeg-enthusiast · 11 months
had a vision about the creatures keeping their tails under their clothes to look more human somewhat
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Hii I was wondering if maybe you could write a one shot with Aemond Targaryen. The reader has awful nightmares almost every night and he comforts her. Thanks :))
THE BARATHEON CURSE ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! It makes me so happy to know that you requested my writing! I love this idea! He does ( lowkey ) give off this vibe of 'fuck each and every one of you, expect my wife and my sister. they're chill..' <3 pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader prompt: It's said there is a curse on the Baratheon woman.. WARNING! Mentions of blood, war, loss of a child, incest & death ( The things you can expect from Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon ) word count: 900+ words
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Letting out a small snort at Aegon’s terrible joke, she strokes her stomach out of habit, hoping to capture the moment her baby kicks. The pregnancy had been a rough one. But, then again, all pregnacy’s in her family were rough. It almost seemed like someone had put a curse on the woman of the Baratheon house. Forcing them to have rough pregnancies. 
Wincing as the baby kicks her a little too hard, she bites her lip to hold back the small groan that threatened to escape her lips. She couldn't let them know or else word would get to Aemond. He’d then be running around the castle in a panic. Threatening guards and scrambling to get the Maesters’ himself. 
“My child will not sound like that!” Y/N laughs, pushing through the pain.
“Considering who his father is, it is to be expected.” Aegon teases, “Just you wait, when you give birth⎯that babe will be spouting out poetry about taking their revenge on all those who have wronged them!” 
“Aemond does not do that!” Y/N argues, shaking her head with a smile.
“He does so.” Helena adds, with a light giggle.
Biting down on her lip, she shakes her head with a pout, savoring every second of their conversation. There were rare occasions where everyone got along. Where it seemed like they were a normal family.  Aegon was sober and surprisingly bearable. Helena was full of jokes and laughter, not shying away. Aemond wasn’t brooding in the corner, but rather adding the laughter with dry jokes. It was these rare moments that she kept close to her heart. 
“Not you too, Helena.” Y/N groans, shaking her head. 
“Only teasing you, dear sister.” Helena giggles, “It is all in good fun.” 
“Teasing me? A poor helpless pregnant woman? Have none of you any shame?”  Y/N wails dramatically, clutching her heart in mock pain. 
“As if you're helpless, were you not the one to send Ser Cole running back to our mother with his tail between his legs?” Aegon teases, making Helena’s giggles grow. 
There may have been some truth to his words. But, she wasn’t going to confirm nor deny that it did happen. She didn’t need rumors to fly around about it. She didn’t want Aemond to be forced to deal with those kinds of whispers whenever he was in Court.  It was insulting and not needed. 
“Only because he dared to make comments about my pregnancy.” She waves off, “I will not have some lap dog insult me while I carry a future Targaryen ruler.” 
“Ah! Yes, the Baratheon curse..” Aegon nods, leaning back.
“Indeed, how has your pregnancy been so far, dear sister?” Helena questions, “Aemond has kept you locked up, I hardly see you anymore.”
Tensing up at the question, her hand flys to her bulging stomach, her nerves growing at the innocent question. It was horrid. Throwing up every morning. Constant night terrors. Her body aching after doing the simplest tasks. She hated every second of it⎯and to be quite frank, she was relieved that she was just weeks away from her due date. 
But, she feared it as well. Many of the Baratheon women⎯whether related through blood or marriage⎯died in childbirth. Their child would live, but they wouldn’t. They had a higher death count in childbirth than any other house in all of the Seven Kingdoms. It made her blood run cold at the thought of giving birth. 
“Rough, but all's well. Do not worry.” She lies, nodding her head with a forced smile.
Lifting up her nightgown, she eyes the painfully dark bruises that littered her stomach, a growing feeling of dread filling her.  She could not avoid it any much longer. Biting her bottom lip, she lowers the sheer fabric, her eyes still glued to the mirror. Aemond in the background, fiddling with the buttons on his vest. Taking a deep breath, she tries to gather the strength and confidence to start the dreaded discussion. 
“Aemond?” She calls, earning a hum. 
“Yes, my dear?” He asks, still fiddling with the buttons. 
“I was chatting with your siblings earlier today..” She hums, chewing on her bottom lip. 
“Whatever Aegon said, just ignore him⎯” He huffs, rolling his eye. 
“No. No. It’s nothing like that. It was about my pregnancy, you see.” She nervously chuckles, “They asked how it was and it got me thinking..”
He pauses, his whole body tensing up. They’ve had conversations like this before, early on in her pregnancy. But, Aemond always shut it down before they really got into it. His face would pale and his hands would shake, he’d trip over his words.
She knew it scared him⎯Hell, it scared her. But, she felt like it needed to be talked about. Turning to him, she places a hand on her stomach, using all of her strength to keep pushing on. 
“What if I die?” She whispers, scared of his reaction. 
“I thought I told you not to speak of⎯” He argues, shaking his head. 
“No, we must. It is something we cannot avoid any much longer, Aemond.” She argues, her voice booming. “We⎯I grow closer and closer to my due date. We need to discuss this now, before it’s too late.”
“I don't⎯” He argues, but she cuts him short.
“Then let me speak! Even if you do not want to, let me talk about it. Because I cannot go on any longer brushing it off.” She bellows, “I have night terrors about this Aemond! Night after night it tears me apart and I cannot just brush it aside because you are scared!” 
Tears build in her eyes, the stress of the entire pregnancy crashing down on her shoulders all at once. It was all too much. Slowly falling to her knees, he rushes after her, trying to soften the blow before it’s too late. Her hands clutching her belly. She lets out a loud wail⎯not of pain. But, a wail of sadness. She had lost many family members growing up. Her cousins. Her sisters. Her Aunts. Her mother. All because of something going wrong in birth. 
“Are you alright? Is it the babe?” He questions, his whole body tense.
“No. It’s just⎯”
“Take your time.” He argues, “Do not force yourself to speak.” 
Nodding her head in understanding, she takes deep breaths to calm herself, there was more that needed to be said. If she didn’t get it out now, she’d probably never get the chance to do it again. Blinking away the tears, she meets his eye, her bottom lip trembling slightly as she struggles to speak.
Shakingly reaching out, she cups his cheek, her thumb brushing away the tears that fall from his sapphire eye. She had to be strong for him. For her babe. Taking one last deep breath, she rested her head against his chest, her hand on her stomach.
“Every woman in my family has suffered. But, we continue to bear children as it is our duty and with that there are risks⎯And there is a high chance you will have to pick between me and the babe.” She whispers, “You need to be the one strong enough to pick because I do not want to be the one to have to do it for you.”
“I do not⎯I can not⎯Do not make me pick.” He shakes his head.
“It is not a matter of not wanting to, it is a matter of having to do your duty. As my husband and the father of our child. You need to know which one of us to save when the time comes.” She argues, shutting her eyes.
“You. It will always be you.” He whispers, “We can always try for another. But, I cannot bear to lose you.”
“You can always remarry⎯” 
“No. You are my wife, my only wife. I will not marry again, not even if the King commands it.” He argues, “You will always be mine. No matter what.”
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lostfirefly · 8 months
With each word your tenderness grows, tearing my fear apart, and that laugh that wrinkles your nose, it touches my foolish heart (Ch.1)
Buggy and Catherine (OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series) were spending their evening at a bar. He was busy all week with his circus, so they hardly saw each other (yes, this happens too). A simple game leads to their first fight. 
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Warnings: Arguing. Drunk Buggy. Sadness.
Words: 1730
The title is taken from "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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Buggy tossed a coin. “Heads! I won again, my cotton candy.”
“Because you are cheating!” Catherine pushed Buggy in the shoulder. 
“I’m not! Don't blame me, baby. Blame the Universe,” he laughed and sipped his beer. “Ok, it’s your turn to answer. Tell me about.. your worst date.”
“Of course it's my turn. You tricked me again and I'm answering for the fifth time in a row. Ok.. My worst date.. My worst date.” Catherine set the chin on her hand and thought for a moment. “Jimmy Bimmy Bean!”
“Jimmy Bimmy Bean? Gosh! He’s already won the award for the stupidest name ever!”
“He has his mom to thank for that. But he was cute. So.. He invited me to an amusement park..” Catherine ran her finger over the wine glass.
“But it's not so bad.” 
“Shush, clown! I haven't finished yet. But I don't know if he decided this date would cost him too much, or if I wasn't worthy of riding the merry-go-round with him. All in all, he took me to an ordinary park.”
“Bastard!” Buggy said in a mocking tone.
“Shut up! This isn't the end of the story. His mom was following us. She was hiding behind bushes, trees, benches and other shit. And when he tried to kiss me, she showed him how to do it, standing behind some oak tree. Imagine, someone’s arms are hugging you, a face is approaching you, but at the same time this face is looking somewhere sideways, where his mother was standing and showing what to do.” Catherine laughed and took a sip of wine. 
“I don't want to imagine that,” Buggy's face changed, he pouted. 
She stood up from her chair, came behind him and hugged him. “O-oh, don't be jealous, my silly clown. It was many years ago! I was 20.”
“I’m not jealous! Jealousy is for teenagers. I'm an old grown man!”
“Yes, yes. You're a grown man.” She kissed his cheek and buried her forehead in his temple. “You know, I’m so happy we can finally spend some time together. I haven't really seen you for the whole week because of your show rehearsals. I’m ok with that. But I missed you.” Catherine gave him three quick kisses on his cheek. 
“Baby, I told you, you can come to my circus tent at any time. I know where we can hide there and have some fun.” He turned his head towards her and winked.
“You're disgusting sometimes, you know that?” She pecked him on his temple. “Well. Feel better now?”
“No, your scary story about Jamboo Bamboo has deeply traumatized me. I will never be the same again and it’s your fault now, because you fell in love with me completely differently.” He turned around on the chair, made puppy eyes and hugged her around the waist. Catherine rolled her eyes and kissed him on the lips. 
“Stop grabbing my ass, jerk!” She removed his hand from her buttocks. ”And what are you laughing at?”
“You should see your face now,” he laughed loudly and ran his fingers over her lips, wiping away any traces of his lipstick.
“Oh, fuck you. I hate cosmetics, and because of you, now I’m always smeared with your makeup in every possible part of my body. Even in those that are embarrassing to talk about.”
Buggy chuckled mischievously. 
“Hate you. Better order me one more glass of wine.” Catherine clapped her hands lightly and sat back. “O-okay! It's my turn now! Heads or tails?”
Catherine tossed the coin.
“Yes!! You finally lost, little asshole! Ha-ha! Tails!!” She happily spun around in her chair twice. “Ok-ok.. Oh! I know! When I was about 15 years old, my friend and I had a fight. To be honest, I don't really remember what it was about. But at that time I perceived our quarrel as a betrayal on her part and almost as the most tragic story in my life. Then I was afraid to talk to her for a very long time to make things better. So here's my question. You're all strong and brave. But you have to be afraid of something, right? What is the main fear for Buggy The Most Handsome Clown?”
Buggy's mood changed in a second and he answered rather dryly. “You know, I don't want to play anymore.” 
“What? Why? What's wrong? What did I say?” She looked at him with surprised eyes.
“Nothing. I’ll order more wine for you.” He showed “the refresh sign” to the bartender. 
“W-what? Are you offended or what? Come on! It’s just a silly question. Buggy….” She took his left hand. “What's…”
“Heeey, boss! Hi, Cath!” Suddenly two men approached the bar counter where Buggy and Catherine were sitting. One was a tall slender man with light green hair that covered a half of his face, he was a large checkered scarf. The second was with a muscular torso and thick lips, he wore a fur vest that covered the area of his chest. 
“Cabaji! Mohji! What are you doing here?” Buggy's face was relieved and he patted them both on the shoulder happily. Catherine smiled slightly and nodded her head at them.
“Decided to spend the evening with beer and girls.” Cabaji smiled and made an order to the bartender. “I'm sorry, are we interrupting you?”
“Actually, y…” Catherine didn't finish her sentence.
“No. Of course not. Sit down.” He waved his right hand and the nearby chair and pulled the other out of Catherine’s hand. “Oh, your wine, sweety.” He moved the glass to her. 
While Buggy, Cabaji and Mohji were talking and drinking one beer after another. Catherine gently hinted to the suddenly appearing guys that there were cute girls in the bar and they were looking at them. She rose from her chair and stood between Buggy and Cabaji. 
Placing one hand on her boyfriend's back and the other on Cabaji's shoulder, she cleared her throat. "Look, Cabaji, I don't want to be rude, but we're kind of on a date here. I just.. Can we…”
“Oh, sorry. He just said..” he suddenly blushed. 
“He won’t go anywhere!” Buggy’s drunk voice rang out. 
“You know, I think you’ve had enough beer for today.” Catherine said calmly and tried to take the glass from his hand. “Let's go home?”
“And I’m not going anywhere. Oh, I know! Let’s throw a party in your honor! Let’s have some fun!! ” He pulled the glass out of her hand. 
“All the fun of the bar is already inside you.” Catherine glanced at him.
“Baby, we’ve just started our evening. Sit down. I’ll order one more glass of wine for you. Or two. Do you want two glasses? I can order you all the wine in the world because you’re with me and you are lo-o-ovely.” He barely touched her hair with his hand and immediately took a sip of beer. 
“No, Buggy. I don’t want one more glass of wine. Now I want to go home because my boyfriend is acting himself like a complete jerk.” She grabbed her belongings. 
“Where are you going, my biscuit?”
“Home. And you can stay here and drink the whole bar down.”
Catherine left the bar and went home. She spent three hours on the couch, covered with a plaid. Occasionally getting up to make tea. She didn't know what pissed her off more, the fact that he didn't explain the strange reaction to a simple question or something else. 
"Damn you, clown. Catherine, you promised yourself you wouldn't become the kind of girl who freaks out over little things. So why are you reacting this way? Of course, instead of explaining something, he went out of his way to answer an innocent question and started drinking with his friends. But maybe you're freaking out over nothing." She muttered to herself.
She heard someone trying to get the key in the keyhole. Finally the door opened and she heard shuffling sounds. Buggy padded drunkenly into the living room and collapsed on the couch next to Catherine. 
“I’m back, my Cathie-pie,” he tried to kiss her. "Why did you leave? Do you know how sad I was without you?"
"I noticed. You know, I'm usually amused by you being like this, but right now, please get your hands off me," she tried to get up from the couch.
"Don't walk away from me, my biscuit. I love you so much," he pulled her back.
"Buggy, what the fuck?" Catherine jumped up from the couch. "Fuck, during our relationship I've never reproached you for staying late at your rehearsals or coming home drunk. I wanted to spend one evening with you. What's the bottom line? Everything was ok but you suddenly freak out over some stupid question. God, I didn't want to offend you. And what? I was trying to find out what I did wrong. Instead of telling me the reason for your weird reaction, you start drinking with your buddies. And I'm sitting in a chair like a complete idiot because I didn't know what happened. Score!”
"Baby, jeez, it's just..." He tried to get up from the couch, but fell over. "Damn, the floor's moving. You're going overboard with your desire for fucking romance. Stop overreacting." 
She sighed heavily. “Thank you for saying that shit about me. Now I really don’t want to talk to you.” She went to the bedroom and lay down under the blanket. 
Buggy came into the bedroom a few minutes later and lay down beside her.
"My cotton candy, stop pouting," he poked her in the shoulder. 
She jerked back. "Don't touch me, what if my, as you said, overreaction causes pink unicorns to come and trample you." 
"Oh, Lord, lie here and take offense till morning." He turned his back to her and closed his eyes. Suddenly he heard a soft sob from the other side of the bed. 
“Catherine.. Baby, why you...” He asked, turning his head back. She didn't answer. 
It was the first (and last) time in their relationship that he had heard Catherine cry.
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nyappyforeverbr · 2 years
Interview: An Cafe × hévn Magazine vol.13 nº107 │Part #2
After 9 years, An Cafe is back on the cover of hévn magazine! The limited edition of issue 107 brings the members of An Cafe, who celebrate in 2023, the 20th anniversary of the beginning of activities! The magazine was released on September 30, 2022 and all copies have been sold (we do not know the number of copies that were produced). Veteran Visual-kei band Dolly is on the back cover. We bring here the translation of the magazine's main interview!
Text transcription and translation was performed by Cafekko Mandy
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-Miku-san, how did you spend your days after the hiatus was announced? Miku: An Cafe didn't occupy a corner of my head, but rather the very center of my thoughts. I think about An Cafe a lot, and when I see An Cafe uploaded to YouTube, it's not a station that I don't want to remember, but it crosses my mind, but I don't want to accept reality, or I have a conflicting feeling it has been there for a long time . Since I spent a lot of time with the members and fans, I didn't want An Cafe to disappear because Ancafe was very important to me. It was an unforgettable existence.
-Thanks to Miku, who never forgot An Cafe and made a big decision to keep An Cafe alive, the five are back on stage. This is what everyone has been waiting for, so let me just say "thank you". Miku: That kind of thing... It was what I wanted and I thought it was close to the 20th anniversary, so I wondered if there was something I wanted to do. Before we even heard about this event, in my mind I imagined that the five of us could actually perform on stage for our 20th anniversary. If it's the 20th anniversary time, I think everyone would come back at least once.
-Intuition? Miku: Rather than intuition, when I meet and talk with the members every now and then, I feel that everyone likes An Cafe, even if it's not meant to be together.
-Miku-san, did you have the 20th anniversary in mind when you were on hiatus? Miku: I agree. At that time, there were parts where I couldn't see what it would be like, but by the time of the 20th anniversary・・・ I had a vague idea of how it would be. When we celebrated our 15th anniversary, I didn't think that the band would be able to continue activities for 15 years, so the 10th and 15th anniversary seemed far away, but after the 15th anniversary, the 20th anniversary seemed closer if we could meet again.
-First of all, please tell us your frank impressions after finishing the revived outdoor concert [OSAKA MUSE 35th Anniversary Event]. Miku: For example, if I were married and I had a son and his mother, I'd leave the son and mother behind and go on a trip, so it would feel like a family I haven't seen in a long time. I was embarrassed and really wanted to meet, but until I got on stage, I was very worried about what kind of guy I should be in front of everyone. When everyone stood in front of me, this time I was like a dog instead of a child with its mother, but I felt like a dog wagging its tail to greet me in response to my emotions. It eased my tension and I was impressed beyond amusement. However, it is not good to compare it with a dog (laughs). Very. I wanted to say that we were honest with each other
-On the official Twitter account, there was a scene posted after the show where all the members were lined up in a horizontal line and thanking each other. Miku: When I was singing, the stage was so wide that I couldn't see the members' and fans' faces as much, but when the performance ended and everyone lined up and bowed deeply, I felt that the members were like brothers. It felt like I was greeting an important member of my family. That moment was when I was happy that I was able to convey the gratitude that I couldn't convey in music.
-How was it for you, takuya-san? Takuya: I thought I would be really nervous before going on stage, but when I saw Miku-san, who was even more nervous than I was, I was relieved (laughs). Miku: (bitter smile) Takuya: Actually, when I went on stage and played the songs, I found myself playing the guitar one by one while chewing through the songs because they were songs I would never play again. I also have the impression that I managed to put my heart into every song I played for the fans who came. Since I left my own group I was happy to be able to be here again. "Thanks for coming. Nice to meet you again" I think is how I would put my feelings into words.
-How was it for you, Kanon-san? Kanon: In the beginning, there was no curtain before we appeared as a band, and there was a flurry of applause due to the Corona crisis, but I was happy when I heard it. I was so happy and embarrassed that I couldn't face it straight (laughs). Even though I've finished setting things up, I've been messing with the amp for nothing (laughs). But when the performance started, I thought, “This is An Cafe!”. It was like, "Oh my God!" there was a sense of accomplishment for having managed to spit out everything that had accumulated. As the time is fixed at the event, it was difficult to define the songs to be played. But when I was like, "I'm going to play this song. This one too...", after that, we went into the studio and decided while we were discussing things like: "How about not doing this song?".
-Yuuki-san was nervous? Yuuki: I felt safe. I wasn't nervous until then, but when the event started, I could hear the crowd cheering and I started to get nervous. I was happy when I felt that the audience and the music were intertwined, and I was glad that I came. When the performance ended and I said a few words, the smiles and happy tears of the people who came to see me, I felt that they came to see us with this in mind, at the time of the last bow, I couldn't find another word other than "thank you ".
-What are your impressions, Teruki-san? Teruki: This day's live wasn't something I put together saying "Let's do this", someone said "Would you like to do this?" during rehearsals and live performances, I kept thinking it was because people gathered there. Everyone but me thought, "There won't be another chance like this", I put together all the pieces I had in mind, and thought that there really was such a possibility. I gave up because of my own selfishness, so I felt anxious, grateful, and regretful. With the departure of the members and the hiatus in January 2019... Some members chose paths other than music, and I thought this is how the band would really end. Despite that, of course I'm happy, but it's an important premise, but there's still a band called An Cafe, and An Cafe is doing it again now... I was playing with such a strange feeling.
-Teruki-san felt that way, even though at An Cafe he was himself. Teruki: You just said An Cafe itself, but it's a band created by a lot of people. Because I'm one of the cogs, now I guess I can't say "I can't" when everyone says "let's do it".
-How did you feel when you heard about the event? Teruki: For the [OSAKA MUSE 35th Anniversary Event], Miku-kun and the staff talked about it, and Miku-kun asked me to participate. It was right around the time I came into contact with Miku-kun for the first time in a while, and the two of us went out to eat together a few times. To be honest, my wish to be in this band stayed with me for a long time, and when I met Miku-kun and talked about various things, that feeling got stronger and made me want to make a band with Miku-kun again. In the middle of that, I was approached about an event, so I honestly said "I really want you to do this" and approached the members. Miku: I was happy, but honestly, I thought about a lot of things. I had a vague idea that we would meet somehow for the 20th anniversary, but I wondered if it would be good to do a show before that 20th anniversary. But it's incredible that OSAKA MUSE, to which I am indebted until now, has reached its 35th anniversary and that, even with venues closing due to the corona crisis, it has been loved by everyone for 35 years. I think it stayed open for so long because the staff are all kind, I felt strongly that there was no reason to decline the venue's invitation, and I was able to act.
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riverdamien · 8 months
Prophets In Our Midst!
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Sloughing Towards Galilee: Prophets in Our Midst!
St. John Bosco
Mark 6:1-6
Mark 6:1-6
"1. Leaving that district, he went to his home town, and his disciples accompanied him.
2. With the coming of the Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and most of them were astonished when they heard him. They said, 'Where did the man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been granted him, and these miracles that are worked through him?
3. This is the carpenter, surely, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joset and Jude and Simon? His sisters, too, are they not here with us?' And they would not accept him.
4. And Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is despised only in his own country, among his own relations and in his own house';
5. and he could work no miracle there, except that he cured a few sick people by laying his hands on them.
6. He was amazed at their lack of faith. He made a tour round the villages, teaching."
    Even in the little village of Nazareth, long before digital over load, folks had to decide how to engage the wisdom and miraculous acts of One among them. Awe and wonder battled with envy and offense--and in today's Gospel at least for some God -among-them was dismissed as unworthy and irrelevant.
    In today's world of information overload, where everyone says whatever they want to say on social media how can we know what messages sorting system. But I point to a few people who have been prophets for me.
    I grew up listening to "Mister Rogers", never missed a show, and his words and actions have radiated through me:
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people to who are helping" "Mister Rogers".
"Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like "struggle". To  love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he is")Mister Rogers".)
These were words I heard, read, and my parents had me chew on, until they became reality in my life. This was the heart of the Gospel message over and beyond all else in the "Word of God!"
    During my sophomore year in college, at the end of a retreat, Fr. Dan Berrigan, asked all of us: "If you are afraid when you have nothing to lose, when will you stand up to your fears?
    Thirty one years ago I heard Des Moines. Iowa Catholic Worker, Frank Cardaro,  give a presentation on being a Catholic Worker, pushing me to embrace my inward call, and so the next year I came to San Francisco. His life is a demonstration of the living Christ.
    And in the last six or so years as I have struggled with the over-whelming sense of the anger, and hatred on the internet, the desire to simply turn tail and run away, the young fifteen year old saint, Carlo Acutis reminds me:
"Life is a gift, because as long as we are on the planet, we can grow in our ability to love. The more we learn to love, the more we will enjoy eternal blessedness with God" (Carlo Acutis).
    With their lives and ministries these four have shown me the answer.
These ordinary prophets are pillars of my spiritual, moral, and professional life. Their lives--and their few words--point me to God, to my friends on the street, whom we separate ourselves from, so often, rather than seeing them simply as human beings. I help them, and I find they help me more than anyone else! These four saints, along with my friends on the street point me to the Divine within myself. I have found in the words of Terry Pratachett: "The meaning of life is to find your gift. To find your gift is happiness."
     Whenever I stray from my role as prophet they call me back! Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Fr. C. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
snap/chat: riodamien2
Mission in Life! (Revised January 1, 2024):
The best summary for my mission in life is found in the statement that:
"Obedience to Christ does not consist in
engaging in propaganda, nor in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such away that's one's life would not make sense if God did not exist."
Being a 'living mystery' means to love 'to the point of folly, and in the words of Kawaga:
"I am a free lance tramp, a vagabond for Christ. I must go until Christ's work is done. I go like the wind."
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How would Neji, Naruto and Sakura react to seeing their darling who ran away with Sasuke back a few months later to the village with him and a cute baby Uchiha? Take your time!
Dang it, that has to be heartbreaking for all of them💔. Btw, I assumed the darling loves Sasuke.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation
Should have been me
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜Now don’t blame him, he views Sasuke as his friend. But Naruto would choose his darling always without hesitation and there are his delusions. So even if people do tell him the darling ran away with Sasuke, he believes firmly that she was threatened by the Uchiha or he manipulated her in some other way. Now don’t take it the wrong way, but letting his darling spend in general time with the Uchiha is something he doesn’t really like watching. Even if Sasuke is his best friend, he always saw him as a threat to the darling with his past and he literally feels that he’s been proven right the moment his darling disappears. Sasuke has had to be a bad influence, he tricked you into something.
🍜Months searching desperately after you, months imagining the worst and being fed by his own paranoia made Naruto certainly more than a menace to any sort of provocation regarding his darling. He’s pushed Tsunade or Kakashi depending on the timeline beyond exhaustion with his constant demands for search troupes going after Sasuke and finding his beloved darling. To be frank, he doesn’t trust Sasuke with you and with by now months of separation he is terrified, no, even beyond terrified of what you might have been gone through. Honestly, if he would find out that Sasuke hurt you and abused you in all those months, he would unleash Kurama and manifest some tails out of pure rage, even against him. So when he hears that you and Sasuke have come back, he won’t even listen to the explanation and just speed to where you are.
🍜Naruto might have just planned to nearly kill Sasuke the moment he saw him right after he checked on you, but seeing the little baby, obviously having Uchiha features, throws him extremely off guard just like it did with everyone else. He literally just stops in his movements and stares at the three people right in front of him, a somewhat awkward yet protective Sasuke, a slightly nervous yet happy you and the little baby, giggling unknowingly. Don’t think of him as dumb just because he’s delusional, he can count one and one together. Plus the fact that he will see you in this baby. And that just…suddenly kills him, plunges his heart, makes him want to yell and throw a tantrum, but he can’t.
🍜And suddenly there are talkings about marriage, you becoming an Uchiha and the council excited to have a new generation of Uchiha in the Leaf. And Naruto is in between it, protesting, pestering the Hokage, the council, everyone. This can’t be right! You can’t be in love with Sasuke! You’re simply caught up in his lie! He can’t love you as much as Naruto would do! What Naruto tries to do is convincing everyone that you don’t love the Uchiha, that this is all a big misunderstanding. Naruto does the same with you as well, trying to talk you into stopping and that you probably only do this so the baby can have a father. Clarification that Naruto doesn’t hate the baby.
🍜He will go as far as trying to threaten Sasuke himself since even if that guy now is technically good, he sinned in his past too much and Naruto neither believes him to be a good husband nor a good father. Since that guy plans on traveling around and not taking care of his own child, that kind of strengthens his belief and if it wouldn’t be for his friends holding him off and him still seeing Sasuke somewhat as a friend, he might seriously get in a deadly fight with the Uchiha again. Let’s just day he would try anything to break Sasuke and you apart simply because he will never see Sasuke as worthy.
🍜The kid deserves a father in their life too and Naruto literally knows what he is talking about. He just really wants Sasuke’s place as husband and father and he will find a way to kick him out of the this dream picture of his. He would be much more lovingly and doting anyways. So I kind of imagining him inserting himself as just that as soon as Sasuke is gone for years, helping his darling with the household whilst also taking care of the baby. It just happens naturally and the kid might mistake him as a father with the amount of time he spends with them playing around and training. Naruto wants to show after all that he is the much more better choice to have and with Sasuke gone he can help his darling realizing that.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸She also only ever wanted to save her old teammate, though she fell out of love with him and instead met her darling with whom she fell in love. Now, for Sakura things might be initially a bit awkward afterwards with Sasuke since she did like him before, but that's history now. Different from Naruto she wouldn't really have anything against it if her darling and Sasuke would be close, she'll eventually have to get over her awkwardness after all. But the moment she senses that both of them might just like each other, it gets complicated for her. She isn't as delusional as Naruto, she just thinks her darling and her would make a dream couple. Having to hear that you decided to run away with Sasuke is heart-wrenching all over for her again.
🌸Sakura can't just tell herself that Sasuke forced you into anything, she most likely knew that you have feelings for him and he for you, both of you just seemed very close so she can really only go with the obvious that you decided to run away together with him. With her accepting this, it still doesn't mean that she won't be part of the countless search teams send out to find both of you since running suddenly away seems rather suspicious and she just worries. She does know Sasuke can protect you, but here his past puts a stain on her trust in him a bit as well. Not to mention that you would get in troubles by suddenly disappearing into thin air with someone who used to be wanted dead by many people and there are still people who want him dead as well.
🌸It's just hard for her to believe that you would leave without a decent excuse, you never were that kind of person since you were happy with your life and Sakura knew that best since she was close to you. But before you disappeared, you looked worried so she connects this thing that seemed to concern you with the sudden runaway. But she never stops hoping that you'll come one day unharmed back. And she's initially happy when she hears that you've indeed come back, she's just relieved and glad that she was right. But when she discovers the baby in your hands, she knows instantly what has happened and it all makes sense for her. Different from Naruto she forces herself to act normal, greet you and also pay attention to the cute little baby. It isn't unless she's at home alone that she lets tears flow.
🌸It's obvious to her what will happen now with you and Sasuke having a baby together and obviously loving each other. He'll marry you, you'll become an Uchiha, move maybe into the Uchiha compound and raise the little toddler who will be the next generation of the nearly dead clan. If she is truthful to herself, she doesn't know how she should feel about all of this. And can you blame her? The man she used to have a crush on is in love with her darling, gave her a child and will now marry her. What else is there to add to this? Her friends most likely know how she feels and that's why many of them, especially Naruto and Ino, try to console her all the time whenever she comes over and seems depressed.
🌸Things from there on only become more awkward for her with Sasuke and even you. That isn't what she wanted and it hurts like crazy knowing that you lost your love to the one person you used to like and who always ignored you. And it would be a lie if she wouldn't resent Sasuke a bit for taking her happiness away from her. But at the same time she feels bad for thinking that way whenever she happens to see you with him and the baby together. You just look like you're happy with your life now. Can she really be heartless enough to ruin that happiness? Especially with the baby? She doesn't know, maybe she could, but she on the other hand doesn't want to cause you and the baby any sort of pain by separating you two from Sasuke.
🌸She might have a similar approach to this like Naruto has. Not gonnna lie, she as well sees it as very irresponsible that Sasuke leaves a few months after having been made an official father and just like Naruto she as well thinks that you deserve better than this. She as well resorts to helping you with the house and raising the hild because not only is it much stress, but living alone in the Uchiha compound with only the baby can be very lonely. Her actions look more natural since she was already before a good friend of her darling whilst Naruto forces himself with much more obviousness in the s/o's life. She wants at heart only the best for her darling as well, but maybe that happiness just doesn't lie in Sasuke.
Neji Hyuga
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🕊️Hyuga and Uchiha were never exactly known to get along too well and the same counts for Neji. He doesn't like Sasuke, so much less when the Uchiha is somehow connected to his darling. Now, Neji doesn't have that much of a personal history with Sasuke like Naruto has, but he still risked his own life before to save him. Neji has his delusional mood swings and he is actually not really comfortable with letting his darling be too free on her own, being in the Hyuga compound is so much safer. Being close with Sasuke is outragous for the boy since he, even if respectful, can't help, but look down a bit on the guy due to his bloody past and similar to Naruto he views Sasuke as one of those people you shouldn't be around.
🕊️His reaction upon hearing that you've suddenly disappeared together with the Uchiha honestly just makes him furious and he blames himself for not having kept a closer eye on ou to prevent it from happening. Neji's thoughts on this are really just a mix out of Naruto's and Sakura's since he is either a fully delusional or very aware Yandere. As much as he dislikes to admit it, his darling and Sasuke were really close to each other so the possibility that both of them ran away together is possible and he knows that. On the other hand he doesn't really want to consider this and given Sasuke's nature and past, it is just as easy for him to get delusional and take a number like Naruto does, believing you've been blackmailed and forced.
🕊️It's obvious he joins the groups send out to find you and since he has the Byakugan he is the core of such searchs. The guy worries himself really sick and Hinata barely manages to put his mind at ease. Similar to Naruto he isn't sure how to picture your current condition with Sasuke. He similar to Sakura can't believe you to turn into a rogue so it has to be due to Sasuke. Quite honestly, I'm actually surprised that he didn't know from the pregancy since he can see through things and persons. He should have seen the baby at one point, shouldn't he? We'll just skip that part for now and focus on his reaction upon finding you. He probably saw you and Sasuke before someone told him due to his kekkai genkai, that included the baby.
🕊️Neji is torn apart as well between his awareness and delusions afterwards, it gives him a serious headache. All he knows is that the thought of you being married to the Uchiha and with a baby already at display is something he doesn't want to imagine. It piercing his heart and soul and yet you want it. He has serious mood swings because he wants to reject reality and believe that you're still being manipulated somehow from Sasuke or that you do it out of loyalty for the little baby. Really just everything to avoid reality that you are in love with someone else. Neji doesn't even know how to really feel about the baby because he dreamed about having one with his darling. The baby should have been his.
🕊️There's sharp tension in the air whenever he is somewhere near Sasuke and his dislike is made obvious through the contemptuous look he gives the black-haired man as well as the slight aggressiveness and almost disgust he holds in his voice when talking with him or about him. He doesn't act that way if his darling is somewhere near of course. You see, Neji has a certain arrogance about himself as well since he belongs to the Hyuga clan who is a big deal in Konoha. He's not a criminal and he, just as Naruto, believes himself to be a better husband.
🕊️So much more after Sasuke left and gave you directly with this action of his the responsibilty to take care of a child all by yourself. Honestly, what reason does Neji need besides this to deem Sasuke as a terrible lover, father as well as husband? He makes that quite often clear to you as well through his indirect comments whilst he is the one helping you and being there for you. The Hyuage sees himself as far more devoted and loyal to you than the Uchiha could ever be and even in his lucid times he can't believe how irresponsible Sasuke was by leaving wife and child behind just like this. Just like Naruto he ends up taking the place Sasuke left as husband and lover for himself and he plans as well to make that place his own.
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dannysblondestreaks · 3 years
Guitar strings and piano keys
Sometimes you hate working at this local music store cause grown men always seem to find a way to harass you about small things like what did Hendrix play or what band did Prince come out of. But today was not one of those days. The king haired guy seemed actually interested in your choice of music. Could you have made a new friend.
Fall. It was the slowest of the season, school started and people went back to work. Greg was a regular, always in the classic rock section of the records or banging a snare somewhere by the drums. You were 99% sure this man lived to torment you. It was kinda muggy out as a cold front moved through.
The door woke you from your daydream as 4 men walked in. One went straight to the drums and the other two to the records. The second tallest walked over to the pianos and started looking at them. His hair wasn’t to long or short. But he could put it in a pony tail. Something about him was mesmerizing. Yeah, the others were. But him. His grayish brown eyes seemed to read the piano like a book. You were fine till he looked up and made eye contact. “Th-that one is out of tune. I wouldn’t recommend playing it unless you want a off key Bennie and the jets moment.” You choked on your words that earned a laugh from him. “ you play?” He smiled. “ yeah. When we’re dead normally I’ll play something. I quite like Elton since most are piano based. But my man Frank S has been taking my heart.” You walked out from behind the desk. And made your way to him. “My brother broke his guitar strings so we came here. I didn’t think we’d in a whole record store as well” he looked around. The store was a full musical instrument store with half being a record store. The walls were old brick and the ceiling lifted exposing wiring and air conditioning pipes. “Haha. Yeah. My uncle made this place the hidden jewel it is. He pretty much raised me on this so when the opportunity came I started working here.”you pulled your hair back into a messy bun and looked around. Just as you two made eye contact a loud crash and Greg yelling broke the stare down. Sam and you ran over to see what happened as 3 grown men and old man looked like deer in a headlight. From the looks Greg has knocked something over but the curly haired short one was holding a symbol. “The child did it. Not me !” Greg looked at him. “The name is Josh and I tried to stop you but you were to hellbent on walking with the cord on you.” He mumbled as he sat the symbol down that earned a giggle from all the adults except Greg who walked out not before passing a glare to you and the josh guy. Soon after everyone found what they needed and you rang them out. The long haired boy who said his name was Jake was excited over new strings claiming they are impossible to find while touring galloped off yoinking the brother along. Sam was last buying a piano book and was standing there all awkward. “You said Frank Sinatra was your guy. I think I’ll learn a song or two!” He smiled real big. You only laughed and rang him out. “Your total is 16!” You smiled. “That’s not what the sticker said! It’s said 20.” He looked up. “My discount. You can make up the rest when you show me what you learned” you smiled at him. His cheeks were red but he seemed to be happy about it “will do” he payed for it. As all four guys said goodbye Sam came back with the receipt with a number on it “if I’m not back by my tour end. Text me!” He blurted out and ran off. The rest of the day seemed to fly by as you worked. Yeah n your way home you texted the number and they texted you back. A video was sent and fly me to the moon rang out. And a brown eyed boy showed up in the video “I think I found a new favorite record store and a new favorite piano song! But however I think the cashier was my favorite so far!” Then the video ended. “Well. I think the piano man was my favorite customer today!” You texted back. Work was always a fun time. But meeting new people is what made it much better. Now you have a friend who is always there. But maybe something more can come from this. That’s is if fate lets you.
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maccreadysimp · 3 years
breaking down this anti-ian article bc it bothers me ( from the child of a bipolar mother and a male teen with same sex attraction ) while also providing valid reasons ian sucks ( from someone who likes ian )
ive had this drafted for a while so i dont think i cover anything from season 11
tw for i^cest and r^pe
he was with a married man
in this point it points out that he was with kash and he continued his relationship with kash even after linda put cameras in the store
“Ian didn't seem to care about how wrong his affair with Kash was or how much it could hurt Kash's wife Linda, whom he saw at the store regularly. “
that is a quote from that part.
ian gallagher was fifteen in season one, kash was an older man who bought him gifts and payed attention to ian ,, that was not on ian , none of that was ian fault because he was a child
ian wasnt open with lip
“ Ian didn't tell Lip about his preferences and forced Lip to figure it out on his own. Lip was instantly accepting of his brother's truth and even offered to help him figure out any confusion he might be harboring, so it's really strange that Ian wasn't just upfront with his closest confidant from the start.”
no , lip wasnt forced to figure it out on his own and he also wasn’t instantly accepting.
in this point it mentions that ‘they’re extremely close ( bestfriends and brothers ) so its strange ian didnt tell him’
like point 1 , ian is a fifteen year old boy, growing up on the southside , and thoughout the show it has mentioned multiple times that the southside isnt that accepting
back to lip -- lip wasnt accepting, sure he was fine but ‘helping your younger brother figure it out’ by having a (female) classmate give him a blowjob isnt helping
he secretly dated his best friends brother
“Most friends have an unspoken rule about not dating each other's siblings, but Ian broke this rule by secretly entering into a relationship with Mandy's closeted brother Mickey.”
the only thing i have to say about this is , he was still with kash and mickey was a boy in his age group who was gay , growing up in the southside ian probably thought he was the token gay so of course hes going to chase after mickey
he stood by as kash attacked mickey
“Ian didn't do anything to stop Kash from shooting his new lover, and didn't even tell the police about his boss' over-the-top display of jealous action so proper justice could be served.”
okay. because two men he had fallen for had gotten into a fight, there was a gun involved and he panicked, in the end after mickey got shot he went to him
now to address the quote, he didnt say anything to the police because he probably knew that that would bring shame onto kash and his family, along with mickey and his family who are very homophobic
oh yeah and it was like 2011 and cops suck and THEY LIVE ON THE SOUTHSIDE
he and lip tried framing terry milkovich
oh the homophobic and racist dad of his boyfriend and bestfriend who tried to kill him and r*ped his daughter ?
yeah , shit man , that was real bad they shouldn’t have done that /s
he dated jimmy-steves married father
“Ian didn't bother telling Jimmy the truth about his father and didn't end his relationship with Lloyd upon finding out that he had a secret wife and family, either.”
at this point ian is probably sixteen but that doesnt matter bc i wont even address that
he met him at a club and then used his relationship with ned to make mickey jealous which was one of the reasons he kept seeing him, he didnt tell jimmy-steve about the relationship or his father bc he shouldnt find out from him he should find out from his father , again like kash, ned was an older man who payed attention to ian and ned later did develop feelings feelings for ian
he stole lips identity to enlist in the army
he enlisted because he didnt know what to do with himself, its implied/stated that the army timeline was the start of his bipolar
“While impersonating Lip, Ian had tried to steal a helicopter and then proceeded to go AWOL.”
this is because of the bipolar he suffers from, it is referenced later in the series after he gets back and hes manic
ian refused to accept being bipolar
of course he didnt accept it, it is made very clear that his family thinks lowly of monica so of course if hes the lucky duck to get what his siblings demonize her for, of course he’ll not want to be it
“He refused to take medications that could alter his personality or mood.”
okay. this is why im making this whole post, this goes along with part 15 ( or so idk ) ,,
my mother , my dear mother, who is bipolar and doesnt take her meds because they are mood altering , my mom doesnt take med because she told me once that they make her feel like shit, she told me that a little after i was born she started taking them but realized she felt nothing, she felt nothing for my dad or for i ( making her numb )
she told me anti deppresents dont help either because when shes on them and manic it pushes her past productive and into angry
my dad told me that when my mom was on bi polar medication she would seem angry most of the time
he wasnt faitful to mickey
“Ian's bipolar disorder made him very reckless and impulsive and led him to be unfaithful.”
lets break that down.
ians. bipolar. disorder.
this plot point i actually didnt like, mainly bc ian never addresses it so ill give the article a point. but then i take away 2 because they have more of a problem with his bipolar messing with him rather than the fact he never apologized and they never worked it out
ian stole yevgeny
before i start quoting i should mention because his boyfriend, who has supported and helped him is suddenly telling him he needs help, he was helping raise yev so he’ll see yev as his own
“Ian failed to recognize just how crazy he was acting...”
cuting you off right there , he was in a bipolar state, he wasnt ‘crazy’ and isnt ‘crazy’
he cant even keep count of his number of partners
just slutshaming i see
he helped throw frank off a bridge
“His relationship with Frank was understandably never the same after that, as Frank struggled to get over this act of betrayal and cruelty.”
‘was never the same after that’ frank never liked ian, ian was probably his least favorite and that point is very apparent
also , it wasnt just ian , his siblings and his boyfriend caleb
he left a healthy relationship to be with mickey
he fell in love with mickey at 15 , mickey was a comfort and always someone to fall back on, when mickey was taken away and no longer in the picture his heart still obviously was with mickey and when mickey came back he didnt know what to do
he told mickey he had a boyfriend but because mickey has been such a constant in his life he finally has back of course he couldnt resist
he liked trevor, i could tell he did but trevor wasnt the one he watched get r^ped by a russian prostitute, he wasnt the one ian was secretly dating bc it would be a death wish other wise, he wasnt the one there when ian was manic or depressive ( at the start )
he tried blackmailing an old client for money
“Instead of raising the money in an honest manner, Ian chose to visit an old client from his time working at the Fairy Tail and blackmail him into funding the shelter.”
because he felt indebted to trevor and wanted to make it up to him, it would have taken longer to do it in ‘an honest manner’ when his sister would have gotten it instead, he knew how much gay youths like he once was needed a safe place
“He grew up wanting to be nothing like his father, but this whole money-making scheme was straight out of the Frank playbook”
because thats all he knows, he grew up with that ‘playbook’ so of course hes going to take a page out of it, he is nothing like frank , franks money making schemes are selfish and for his own greed while ian wanted the money to help build a safe space for lgbt youth
he let fame inflate his ego
of course he did, hes a southside kid who was destined to fail
also it is very apparent that during the gay jesus era he went off his medication which didnt help
“Before long, he just completely forgot about his ex and focused solely on being a deity”
as much as yes, he did let it mess with his head, he was trying to still help lgbt youth and was going against anti gay churchs , in the end it didnt work out for him because he was off his meds and went over board
he stopped taking his meds
see previous point and ‘ian refused to accept being bipolar’
he actually wanted to stay in prison
because he was doing good in there
ian was helping others and was spreading awareness about lgbt with in the prison , and as him and jail scenes go , we can see people were listening to him and he was trying to make it safe sane and consensual
he let down his army of followers
“Ian admitted that most of his actions were completely irrational and the mere results of his bipolar disorder.”
he didnt want to, we can see this, because he knew he would let down everyone, his family were the only ones to ever ground him and they knew it would be the best option for his own mental health
during the gallavich wedding we can see that a lot of his supporters still have his back because they must know how hard it was for him to put all of that success on something he can’t control
he constantly wasted his potential
this is actually the only point in this article i actually agree with , so only 1/20 i agree with
his relationship with mickey wasn’t actually great
“Mickey spent the first several years of their relationship denying his feelings for Ian.”
he was raised by a homophobic and racist father who he knew would react the way he did when terry had caught the two that one day
“Even after he finally embraced his true self, Ian's bipolar disorder kept them from becoming truly happy together.”
yes but mickey was there for him the entire time and helped him through it, he told him he loved him which was really big for him and did his best to care for him
“They couldn't seem to remain faithful to each other for more than a few weeks.”
back to the point about ians bipolar but for mickey he wanted monogamy , now that scene in s11 may say otherwise but it is very clear that he wants a monogamous relationship with ian and ian ( after getting help ) wants one too, and in the later seasons they are monogamous
“When Mickey asked Ian to run away to Mexico with him, Ian refused.”
he wanted to, it’s obvious, but ian has his family and didnt want to abandon them again, i think part of him knew he would see mickey again because they always find eachother, he gave mickey all of his money and wanted mickey to have a good life
“Their relationship was simply never healthy.”
no it wasnt, but thats why the ship is great in its own way, the gay closet kid raised by a homophobic man is obviously going to have a lot of baggage , and ian who is bipolar and struggling with himself will also have a lot of baggage , but in the end they love eachother and that really shows in season five and season seven specifically
that is all lol ,,, this is long sorry
now, i am not a ian apologist , i love ian but hes a dumbass sometimes
actual valid reasons ian sucks
genuinely believes frank is worse than terry
yes frank was definitely abusive but terry is definitely worse ,,
mentally/physically/sexually abusive , the whole nine yards
terry hired a prostitute to r^pe his son , threatened to kill him and ian on multiple occasions , r^ped his daughter who ended up pregnant and is actively racist
frank on the other hand will make gay jokes but in the end doesnt give enough of a shit , he has attacked his children on multiple occasions but not to the brutality that terry has ( this isnt me excusing it )
sorry ian , terry is worse
never apologized
he never apologized for all the shit he put mickey and his family through, never apologized to mickey for cheating on him , never apologized for all the manic and depressive episodes mickey endured with him
never apologized for walking away when he couldn’t handle it, in hall of shame mickey actually acknowledges this saying ‘its youre whole MO’
debbies sexuality
he has constantly made statements saying debbie isnt gay and that bothers me because , why does it care ? as a gay man and as a gay man who soent time with a lot of lgbt youth wouldnt he support his sister even if shes just ‘experimenting’?
in the recent season he doesnt seem to care and doesn’t say anything but it still bothers me
mickey only getting like 80% of his heart
okay look , i get what ian means when he says this , everyones hes been with has made him who he is but fucking hell dude ,, shut up , thats your husband , thats the love of your life you shouldnt be saying shit like that , especially to him
and then this man had the audacity to say mickey probably feels the same about past flings when he knows that ian is the only one hes probably ever been with/serious about
obviously there is probably more but those are the main ones that come to mind
before anyone brings up the trans or bi thing im going to explain my thought process for him
like ive probably mentioned multiple times he grew up southside and obviously only ever grew up with lgb and not t ,, trevor did inform him a lot and ian became supre accepting of everyone,, sexual preference isnt transphobic but i do think he approached the matter badly
now the bi thing , legit all i think is that he doesnt hate bisexual people its just that the man he really liked slept with a woman and never expressed any heterosexual attraction so it probably just suprised him and pissed him off because caleb did cheat on ian
if you read this far HOLY SHIT THANKS LOL ,, im not adding things that i think are pro about ian this was just me breaking down that article and giving my two cents :)
feel free to message me and talk to me or send me articles like this about any other character/relationship and i will totally break that one down too lol
thanks for letting me rant
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izabellq · 4 years
Costumes -> Tamaki Amajiki
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summary: you accidentally match costumes with tamaki. prepare yourself for a whole day of endless shenanigans.
contains: MAJOR FLUFF, language if you squint (ik canonically, mirio is in 3-B, but for the sake of this plot, the big three are all in 3-A) also, i tried to make this gender-neutral, so if there’s any specified pronouns, let me know and i’ll fix it ASAP!
THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! (im very much aware i posted this a day late oop)
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UA had decided to hold a special event where students could wear their Halloween costume to school. You weren’t planning anything special or unique, just something to get the job done. So, you decided to dress like a cute puppy. It was only a simple onesie: topped with cute floppy dog ears on your hood, and a tail that attached from the bottom. You weren’t expecting to get a lot of attention, which was perfectly fine with you because you were never the type to seek the stage. You topped off the simple look with a black spot on your nose and one around your eye. And just like, you were good to go.
When you walked into school, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit insecure. It seemed like everyone had decked out for this special occasion. You passed by some anime cosplay, food costumes, group oriented costumes — everything you could possibly think of. And as you made your way to your class, you wondered what Tamaki would be wearing.
You couldn’t help yourself. It was undeniably true that you had a rather large crush on him. Everything about him was enticing. He was so shy that it was usually you who initiated conversation, but that wasn’t enough to make you falter. You understood he wasn’t the most socially active person around. To be frank, it was rather comforting to know that not everyone at UA was a egotistical narcissist.
Finding your assigned seat, you scanned the class. Some of your peers also took the simple route which put some of your thoughts at ease. Others, the more competitive students, were quite impressive themselves.
You turn towards the doorway when Mirio’s booming voice gathers the room’s attention. He was wearing a... whoopie cushion? Oh dear lord. Mirio was a stickler for humor, so of course, he’d wear practically anything that could rise a laugh out of someone. Only, his jokes kind of sucked and no doubt would the class of 3-A be subject to awful fart jokes for the rest of the day. You weren’t so worried about that as you were worried about the two other students usually attached to his hip. One of them being Tamaki Amajiki.
The next one to stop into class was Nejire Hado who was absolutely breathtaking. Her costume, which was nothing more than a fairy, seemed to capture her true personality perfectly. Although, an angel would also be very accurate in her case. She turned towards the entrance way and stuck her head out into the hallway, “Tamaki! Don’t be shy! You look so cute!”
Your heart began to beat just a little bit faster.
“Mirio! Come help me out with him,” Nejire stomped into the hallway, the fluttering of her makeshift wings dissappeared, only to be followed by a laughing Mirio.
When they returned, their hands were clasped over Tamaki’s wrists, forbidding him from turning around and sulking out in the hallway. When you saw him, you’re taken aback. The smallest of gasps erupt from your lips when you notice his costume choice. A onesie, similar to yours, but instead of the dog ears; replaced with cat ones, and a longer tail attached to the back. He had the same minimal face paint (lined whiskers and a nose) as you did, curtesy of Nejire.
When he looked up, his cheeks were flamed with embarrassment. He found your gaze, and if it were possible, he became even more sheepish. You weren’t any different. The thought of having a matching costume with Tamaki, despite not having any prior arrangements, made you equally embarrassed. Now, all you wondered was, did he notice?
Well, if he didn’t before, he sure did now when Nejire spoke up, “Hey Y/N! Oh my– are you a puppy? How cute! Wait! You’re matching with Tamaki! Now you two look like an adorable couple!”
Her excitement, plus her lack of censorship, made the class laugh— everyone’s attention on you and Tamaki. “Nejire...” Tamaki muttered. He stared at the floor, wishing it’d just swallow him whole.
“You guys should take a picture together,” Mirio suggested, walking over to where you sat and giving you a hand. You hesitantly took it, positive that you looked about ready to vomit or pass out. Maybe both. In that order.
Dragged to stand next to Tamaki, you spare him a single glance. He has his left hand up to his face, doing a shoty job at covering his red cheeks. To you, he seemed... more embarrassed than usual? Perhaps he just didn’t wanted to match costumes with you. It saddened you, but it wasn’t like you could do anything about it now.
Nejire laughed, “Say cheese!”
Tamaki mumbled something that you could only assume was in response to Nejire. In a small pickle of confidence, you grabbed his hand and entangled your fingers with his just before the camera went off.
That was first period.
When lunch rolled around, Tamaki had face planted himself on the table.
Nejire and Mirio sent each other a knowing look before moving to console him.
“I don’t understand why you’re not happy, Tamaki! You’re matching costumes with them, you got a picture with them, and they also held your hand!” Nejire listed off the things that happened before the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.
“I am happy...” Tamaki muttered, lifting himself up from the table, “But they probably hate me now.”
“I wouldn’t say that!” Mirio added, “Haven’t I told you that they most definitely have a crush on you?”
“No offense Mirio... but I’m not too keen on taking advice from a literal walking whoopie cushion.” Tamaki propped his arm on the table, before leaning his head into the palm of his hand. The same one you had so eagerly held. He wished to repeat the notion a million more times. Only now, he was afraid he had messed up his one and only opportunity.
Mirio gasped, “I’ll have you know that I got many compliments today!”
Nejire giggled before turning back to Tamaki. “Why don’t we just call them over here?”
“I- um, no... I’d rather not do that,” Tamaki rushed out. He wasn’t sure if he could handle another awkward occurrence with you. You’d surely find him weird.
“Where are they anyways?” Mirio asked, not before sinking his teeth on the apple provided on his lunch tray.
“Oh I see them!” Nejire not-so-subtly pointed at you. Tamaki couldn’t help himself as he turned to look in your direction.
You were laughing at something someone had said before adding your own little quip. You were so cute, he thought. Nejire was the one who suggested he wear a cat-themed costume due to the running joke that he was a ‘cute little kitten’. He was prepared to arrive in his normal uniform but Nejire’s persistence was unwavering. And if he knew what you’d be wearing— would he have accepted the costume more easily? You deserved better than him, he knew, but a small part of him fantasized about the ways you’d love him in a way no one else had before.
“Earth to Tamaki,” Nejire sang, snapping him out of his thoughts. “They’re coming over here, straighten up!”
“Hey Y/N, care to sit?” Mirio asked.
Tamaki’s looking down by the time you got there, so he barely registers it when you sit beside him. Your shoulder rubs against his in brief contact and it makes him shudder. He hopes you didn’t notice.
“What’s up guys?” You brought over a juice box from your other table, sipping on the straw of your drink rather intently.
“Tell Tamaki that my costume is funny!” Mirio piped up, distracted from the match-making he was SUPPOSED to be doing.
You nervously giggled, “Well... your costume is certainly an attention-grabber!”
Mirio seemed pleased with that answer, not having considered the fact that you dodged the question the best way you knew how. Tamaki stared at you, adoration etched into his irises. He didn’t realize he had left out a soft laugh until you were staring at him.
He choked up, “Uh- sorry... I didn’t mean to laugh.”
You smiled, a picture definition of the word perfect. Everything about you, he loved. He just loved you in general. “You don’t need to apologize Tamaki! Your laugh is very cute!”
You pinched his cheek before continuing your previous conversation with Mirio and Nejire. Did you even realize what you were doing to him? He hid his face in his arms and rested on the lunch table. Tamaki knew his face was probably several shades of red and pink. He was only wondering how long it would take before you’d actually kill him with your presence.
And that concluded lunch.
The last period of the day came and went uneventfully. And soon enough, class 3A had returned to the dorms, agreeing to remain in their respective costumes until the clock striked midnight. Some students had decided to spend the night on a scary movie binge, while others payed no mind to the event by studying and finishing thier cumulated late assignments.
You on the other hand we’re stuck in the kitchen, preparing some coffee to get you through the night. Mirio and Nejire had wanted to pull an all-nighter as well, which meant you had to figure out a way to not fall alseep before midnight hit. You already had a messed up sleep schedule as it was, so one more added incentive should make the whole evening smooth sailing.
You turn towards the kitchen doorway where Tamaki stood, a bit shellshocked from your presence. Still in that cat onesie, you could see his whiskers had become a bit smudged.
You smiled at him, an ache wrapped around your chest became noticeably present to you. “Amajiki! Shouldn’t you be up in Mirio’s room with Nejire? I’ll be up there in a second, I just gotta finish this.”
“Ah, well,” Tamaki moved into the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers as he talked. “You were taking a while, so they sent me to check up on you. I’m glad you’re o-okay though.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, turning back to the light stirring of the coffee machine. Your fingers uncoordinatedly tapped the kitchen’s counter, a melodic beat strung to match your voice. Tamaki watched with amusement— nothing like the sight of you in your element could make him any happier.
Actually, there was one thing that would be slightly better.
Slowly, he approached you until he had occupied the space beside you. You noticed him almost immediately, but had pretended to take more interest in your coffee than him. Your heart rate picked up, leaving you to mentally curse your inability to remain calm.
“I have a question,” His voice was hushed, a bit unsure of itself. You turned to look at him but his vision remained on the counter.
“What’s up?” When the coffee machine stilled, you pulled your mug out and carefully placed it in front of you. The smell of the roasted beans infiltrated your nostrils and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Do you- I mean... I think I’m... no that’s not right. I think it’d better if I just show you...” He bit the inside of his lip, whilst finally mustering the courage to look at you. You’re eyes were widened with curiosity, the reflection of the night settling in your skin.
He moves slightly closer, and when you don’t move away, he softly places his hand on your cheek, angling your face so your centimeters away from each other. Tamaki tries to speak, but he honestly didn’t even think he’d get this far. He’s left utterly speechless. Perhaps if Fatgum were here, he’d supply him with the confidence he needed to pull this off. His anxiety-prone thoughts began to take initiative and he starts to pull away, believing to have bit off more than he could chew. He really did believe you deserved better than him.
But your still there. You’ve always been there. In more ways than one. You grip the front of his onesie and pull him back to his previous spot. His hand recupped your face, and you take this opportunity of surprise to place your lips on his. Nothing more than a second long, only the brush of your lips before the tingling sensation had dissappeared all together.
It wasn’t enough. For either of you. You can’t remember who surged forward first, but it couldn’t have mattered less. The only thing that was being even remotely processed was the heat of your frenzied kisses. Tamaki poured all of his emotions into that moment; from the way he felt when seeing you in your puppy onesie to the butterflies that clouded his mind whenever he thought of you.
You were the first to pull back out of breath. You don’t care that your makeup is beyond repair, or that his is either. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you muttered six words into the smooth crevice of his skin, completely forgetting about the coffee you were prepping for yourself. “I love you, I always have.”
Tamaki smiled, though the nervousness hadn’t completely disappeared. “I love you too.” He admitted, feeling his heart flutter at the mutual affection. It wasn’t one-sided after all, not one bit.
Maybe he ought to take more advice from his friend the whoopie cushion.
Then again, maybe not.
“There waiting for us you know,” Your voice was a bit muffled, having been the after-effect of hiding your face in his neck. He understood you perfectly nonetheless.
“They can wait a little longer,” His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you impossibly closer.
“Kiss me again,” You pleaded.
And so, he did just that.
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
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Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4
Thanking @mourningbirds1 for the beta!
Luncheon passed as slowly as usual. Bea’s father regaled her with this week’s list of suitors - only two - and their various accomplishments. The third had become struck down with some sort of foot-related malady which her father started to expound upon in too much detail. Bea feigned a coughing fit until he changed the subject, but his raised brow said he knew her game.
Nevertheless, he indulged her and they spoke about the autumnal plants flowering in the gardens.
“No letter from Mama today?” Bea asked, hoping perhaps he’d forgotten.
“Not today.”
She swallowed her disappointment and pushed the last bites of quail around her plate, trying to drum up some interest.
It was a feast for the senses, all the meals here were, but her stomach barely growled. She would have been just as happy with her mother’s cook’s plain, fresh fare.
“Where are the soldiers eating?”
“In the servants’ quarters,” her father replied, brow furrowing. “You want them to eat here? As the knights did? You need to learn to behave like the Lady of a Manor you’ll soon be, Beatrix.”
Bea swallowed back her disappointment. “Very well, father.”
He quirked a brow. “I know that tone. It means you’re biding your time until you can find a way around me.”
Bea dipped her head, her face flushing.
“Beatrix.” Her father took her hand, waiting until she looked at him. “Do you think I wouldn’t like you to live wild in the country? But your mother has done you no favours. You must take your place among your family line, like it or not.”
I don’t like it, Bea thought. But she could have it much worse. As fathers went, she believed hers was lenient. For now.
If she kept refusing suitors, though-
Lord Wolfe released her hand. “Do not forget that Sir Gareth will be joining us for dinner. Do not be late, and for the Lord’s sake, do something with your hair. All right?” he added, softening his tone a little.
“Yes, Father.”
“Good.” He looked as if he would perhaps add something, but then waved a servant over. “We are finished here.”
The young man bowed. “Yes, my Lord.”
Beatrix sat at the table for a few minutes, idly turning the cloth napkin between her fingers.
Lord Wolfe paused at the door. “Your company for the afternoon, Beatrix.”
When Bea turned, William stood in the doorway. His heavy beard caught the afternoon light from the dining chamber window, and she had a sudden idea.
Yes, my lady?”
“I think you could do with some...smartening up.”
His brows lifted for a second. “As you say, my Lady.”
William eyed Bea suspiciously as she soaped his bearded jaw. “You have used one of those before, haven’t you, my lady?”
Bea turned the cut-throat razor over in her hands. It glinted in the light of the bathing chamber. “No, but how hard can it be? Just scrape the hair off. Correct?”
William seemed to sort of shrink in his chair. “I, ah, believe that’s the way of it, yes.”
Tapping the razor in her hands, Bea tilted her head, considering. “How long since you’ve been clean shaven?”
“Years, my lady.” He leaned away just a fraction; but Bea saw the move.
For a moment she pretended to study the way he shifted in the chair. “William, I’m shaving your face. Not your balls.”
He barked out a nervous laugh.
A rap at the door made Bea turn. “Come.”
“My lady.” The maid Bea has been assigned here, a timid, mousey-haired woman, bowed deeply and kept her head down when she walked forward. “I was asked to assist you.”
“Ah yes. Come, Matilda.” Bea beckoned with her free hand. “I was about to shave William. William, this is my lady’s maid, Matilda. Matilda, meet William.”
The maid raised her gaze for a moment, and William met it. Matilda’s cheeks flushed and she looked away.
Bea watched the exchange with interest.
“Matilda, the bowl, if you would.”
The maid wordlessly held the bowl out to William’s right side. Bea dipped the razor in the water and began to gently scrape at William’s heavy beard. Hanks of it dropped into the water, and after each pass, Bea rinsed the blade. A bead of sweat rolled down William’s temple as she worked.
“Afraid?” Bea teased. “Of a woman?”
“Only a fool isn’t afraid of a blade near his neck,” William said, moving his mouth as little as possible when replying.
Bea smiled. “You and Tovar. You’re different from the others.”
“As are you.” He stilled again when she scraped another few hanks of dark blond beard from his jaw, moving the blade with care.
“Never been assigned to busywork before?” When he arched a brow, Bea rolled her eyes. “I know what this is. I’m not an infant who needs to be minded. My father merely wants to ensure I don’t flee back to the country, or embarass myself before he can find a local lord I’m willing to marry.”
“And do you want to? Marry, I mean?”
Bea smiled without humour. “How different the world of a woman is. You, William, are the first person ever to ask me that question.” She scraped gently at the curve where his jaw met his ear; more hair fell away. A curl landed on Matilda’s hand and William reached up to brush it away; his touch lingering a fraction longer than was seemly.
Very interesting.
“There.” Bea rinsed the blade, shaved off a few of the straggling hairs, then set the razor in the bowl. “Matilda, the looking glass, if you please.”
The maid set the bowl down on the tall, oak Welsh dresser by the window, and fetched the looking glass. Recently polished, it shone in the afternoon light.
“Wait one moment.” Bea rummaged in her pocket for a strip of leather she used to tie her hair back - a fashion her father detested - and gathered William’s hair into a tail. “There. You look a little roguish; I like it.”
Matilda tilted the glass obligingly.
William admired himself for a moment. “Am I more pleasing to you like this, my Lady? More fitting to be your guard?”
Bea’s brows raised in surprise. “It’s not about appearances, William. To be frank with you, it is either find ways to entertain myself under my father’s arrest, or go quite mad. Do you think the Spaniard would consent to being sheared?”
William smiled at the term. “We are in your employ, are we not? I should like to see his reaction to it, though. I should like that very much.”
Bea found Tovar in the Manor courtyard. Apples hung heavy from the trees, a bright green, their flesh perfectly ripe. Bea picked one, and as she approached Tovar, he turned to face her.
He wore a clean black tunic, belted at the waist, a sword in a scabbard at his right hip. The afternoon sunlight picked out the dark brown slices in his black hair, highlighting the richness of the shade. Would it be soft?
To distract herself, she offered the apple. 
“I am to be Adam, no? Taking a bite of the forbidden fruit?”
“Did anyone tell you it’s forbidden?”
His dark gaze was on her face when he replied, softly, “fruit as enticing as this is always forbidden, Princesa.”
Bea frowned, slipping the apple into her pocket. “Don’t call me that. Can’t you call me Bea? Or even Beatrix?”
Tovar’s hand curled into a fist at his side. “It would not do to become over familiar. Princesa.”
She scoffed, walked away a few paces.
“It is your time with William, no? But you sought me out.”
His eyes narrowed. “Why? You wish to rub salt into my wound, hmmm? To discover more about my less than illustrious past?”
“No.” Her throat closed. “No. Not at all, Tovar. You have no reason to trust me, but I adore those children. I would bring them all here if I could.”
His mouth ticked up into a half-smile, warming his bottomless, ale-brown eyes. “A manor of waifs and strays?”
“Better than a Manor where the Lords eat well while the wretched others starve,” she bit back, then sighed. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. It’s just…. Things should be different.”
Tovar’s eyes went wide for a second. “You did not come here to apologise to me, Princesa. Tell me what it is you want.”
Bea stuffed her hands in her pockets, because she wanted to touch the Spaniard. Feel the drum of his heart under her palms. Breathe him in.
And that reminded her that none of the peacocking suitors her father arranged her made her feel thus. It excited her; it unsettled her.
“I just shaved William’s beard off,” she told him, her fingers brushing the smooth green apple skin in her pocket. “And I want to ask if I can practice on you, too.”
WiSC taglist: @ladytrashbird @knittingqueen13 @heatherbel @aeryntheofficial @corellians-only @lilangeldevil006 @agirllovespancakes @alienprincesspoop @frannyzooey @thirstworldproblemss @chook007 @jaime1110 @badassbaker @thebubblecone @nelba @poenariuniverse @teaofpeach @pinkzsugar @holographic-carmen @songsformonkeys @absurdthirst @chews-erotically @lilkermit13 @gooddaykate @rnlaing @winters-buck @kindablackenedsuperhero @f0rever15elf​ @lokiaddicted​ @pancakepike​ @emesispo​ @mskitt79 @pedropascalito​ @wildchild1964 @rhemasky​ @fics-for-kit​ @roxypeanut​ @skdubbs​ @yoohoo307 @the-feckless-wonder​ @javiers-tac-vest​ @littlemissthistle​ @dermandalorianer @giselatropicana​ @princess-and-pedro​ @raspberrydreamclouds​ @ksgeekgirl​ @10-96dispatcher
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heychangbin · 4 years
Ten Rounds, All Bullseyes
Wordcount: 1963
Warnings: None really.
A/N: so this was another writing exercise that kinda got away from me and thought was good enough to post. 
Billy picked up the rifle, the pressure of the butt against his shoulder and the feel of his index finger of his right hand resting against the trigger guard felt effortless, second nature, like breathing or coming home from a long day and plopping down on his couch. He lowers his head, the slight tension he had felt dissipating as the apple of his cheek presses against the cool metal of the safety mechanism housing. He grips the forestock, elevating the barrel as he lines the sight at the end with his target.
He feels his military training kick in as his eyes zero in on the center of his target, his mind blocking out everything around him, the sound of blaring sirens, kids laughter, grown up chatter, and the hot sun hitting the back of his head and neck; nothing else exists in this moment, nothing but the bright red center at the end of his barrel.
He takes a breath, then another for good measure and takes his finger off the trigger guard, the edge of the thin metal scraping against the callous that never seems to completely fade as he slips his finger between the guard and trigger, then pulls. 
His eyes darted to the next target and with practiced ease lockson and fires again. He could faintly make out a scream but the sound is too far away and there are more targets he needs to take out. With lighting speed he shifts and adjusts his stance, rising and lowering his aim before firing again. And again, and again. 
Billy aims and fires until there aren’t any remaining targets and it's only then that he allows his senses to come back, the space around his erupt in a cacophony of sound, screaming children, too loud music, blaring sirens and vendors calling out prizes or taunts. The air once again has the scent of deep fried foods, butter, too sweet lemonade, burnt bread, boiled hot dogs, spilled beer and he could make out the acrid smell of vomit in the air, making him wince as he feels everything wash over him.
“That was some nice shootin’ there son,” says the man behind the low wooden bar, walking over to the back of the stall, gripping and rising the top of his black pants through his light blue t-shirt  before reaching for one of the larger bears prizes he has hanging on the back corner of his game stall. “Hang aroun’ the shootin’ rage a lot?” he asks as he plops the bear down in front of him. 
“Not really, no.” Billy says with a small chuckle as he gently lowers the rifle but the smile on Billy’s face disappears when he picks up his prize, the back of the bear is slightly faded on one side, the tails of the red ribbon around its neck fraying, and the black bead that serves as its left eye looks like it’s hanging on by a single thread.
He lifts his head and the glare he shoots at the vendor has nothing to do with the reflection of the sun on the small laminate IDing him as Jeff hanging around his neck. 
“Pay for another round or take your prize and walk.” he says, crossing his arms as his eyes looking out at the crowd that's passing behind Billy
Is this guy really tryin’ ta …. Billy scans the prizes hanging around the small game stall, zeroing in on a pristine giant multi colored monstrosity that he would never give a second look at, let alone walk around a fair with for five minutes let alone the next two hours, but you, you might like it and that was enough for him.
“How much for that one?” he said, nodding in the direction of the giant prize.
The vendor looked in the direction that Billy’s eyes were trained on and chuckled, shaking his head before looking back at the passersby.
“That one there is ten rounds sonny, all pellets hittin’ the bullseye.”
Billy felt his nostrils flare,he knew the guy was trying to scam him, he had been to the fair with the Castles and won his fare share of prizes for Lisa, Frank Jr., Maria, and, on one memorable birthday weekend, for Frank to know the guy was pulling something. He tossed the bear on the low counter and reached for his wallet, taking out a few bills and slapping them on the counter, just out of the man's reach before picking up the rifle and positioning it loosely against the crook of his shoulder again.
Jeff looked at Billy for a moment before uncrossing his arms and walking over to where Billy was standing and picking up the money Billy had tossed on the low partition before fiddling with the chain that kept the rifle linked to the game stall.
“You gotta walk back the length of the chain.” he said before turning and walking to the side of the cut out wall that had the little targets.
Billy arched his right brow questioningly as they stared at each other for a beat before Jeff raised his hand and made a waving back motion.He grit his teeth and took a deep breath before taking a careful step back, then another and another. He was more than a couple feet away from where he was standing originally before the thin chain tensed and the guy nodded and flipped a hidden switch, starting the game back up. 
Lights flashed and an annoying western type tune began playing making Billy pick up the rifle and press it against the crook of his shoulder, his senses focusing and zeroing in when his eye aligned with the sight at the end of the barrel, 
As soon as the first target popped up, Billy took aim and shot it down, his eyes darting to the next bullseye, pulling the trigger and the target going down with a dainty clink, the next popping up almost instantly. Targets continued to pop up and Billy kept shooting, each going down with a clink that made Billy smile internally.
He was halfway through the third round when out of the corner of his eye he saw Jeff’s hand flip a switch making the targets pop out two at a time, he was expecting it and if he was being honest he had been expecting it sooner.
He quickly adjusted his speed, shooting the targets just as quickly as they were coming up, vaguely aware of the small crowd that was forming around him. 
When the last clink sounded Billy couldn't help the self satisfied smile that spread across his lips when he saw the look of defeat cross Jeff’s face and a few people clapping behind him and commenting on his shooting skills as he lowered the rifle and strutted back to the edge of the bar, placing it on the bar and nodding in the direction of the giant prize he was going to be walking around with until he meet back up with the Castle brood. 
Jeff scratched at his chin for a beat, staring at Billy the whole time but Billy just continued to smile and wait going as far as bouncing a few times on the balls of his feet.
“I can wait for my prize for as long as you want Jeff.”
It was then that Jeff moved and plucked the giant multi colored mess and handed it to Billy, it was heavier than he expected and the bright colored fur felt softer than it looked.He said a quick and polite thanks before wrestling the stuffed animal under his arm and started in the direction of the burger stall he knew he’d find the Castles and you.
He smiled at the thought of the look that would cross your face when you saw him walk up with this thing under his arm and hand it to you. 
He spotted you and the Castles a few minutes later, gathered around a ring toss game, throwing the small red rings half haphazardly at the different colored glass bottles, the majority of them bouncing off the lip, others missing their mark completely. 
He watched you from afar for a second more, wincing when one of your rings bounced off the single dark blue bottle at the very center of the table. 
He saw you take the last of your rings, aim and toss, the ring bouncing off the lip of a yellow bottle and land around the neck of a clear one. He chuckled at your excited squeal at having won, you and the kids jumping as you pointed to your ring, your hands shooting up to catch the large dark sunglasses resting atop your head  as they fell onto your face in your excitement.
He walked over just as you pointed at and claimed your prize, a small lion you handed to Lisa as soon as it was in your hands.
“Where’d you get that Bill?” asked Frank when he turned and saw Billy a few steps away, his face barely containing the teasing smirk that pulled at the corners of his lips as everyone turned in his direction, eyes going wide as they took in the stuffed animal he held.
“Won this bad boy doin’ what I do best Frankie.” 
“Talkin’?” sassed Maria from beside Frank, making everyone chuckle
“Oh, ha ha.” he deadpanned back at her.
“Alright, come on guys, lets go get some lunch.” said Frank, tossing his arm around Marias shoulders, bringing her close to his side, turning them around and heading towards the carousel at the center of the fair that was in front of their favorite burger stall; Lisa and Frank Jr. looking at each other and saying a quick “race ya!” before going around them and breaking out into a run, leaving you and Billy behind to catch up.
Billy smiled as he took the few steps needed to stand in front of you, taking the stuffed animal from under his arm and held it out for you, you reached out your hands and took it from him, letting out a little “oof” when you felt the complete weight of it in your arms.
“More of a big boy than a bad boy.” you said, raising it enough so that its face was in front of yours, “how many games did you have to win to win this?”
He smiled as you brought the stuffed animal closer, hugging it close to your chest with a muttered so soft as you rocked your body from side to side.
“Not nearly enough,” he whispered as he looked at the smile that threatened to split your face in half. He tucked his hands in the pockets of his jeans as the reality of his words sank in, there wasn’t anything Billy wouldn’t do or no amount of money he wouldn't pay to see your eyes light up with happiness.
“Thank you Billy, I love it.” you said, turning your body just enough so that the stuffed animal was out of the way, rose on the balls of your feet and pressed your lips to his for a quick kiss that ended sooner than he would have liked. 
You lowered the heels of your feet to the ground, shifting the stuffed animal under your arm, freeing your right hand and holding it out to Billy.
“Come on Russo, we better catch up to Castle and the rest of them before Frankie eats all the fries they have. It’s the only thing the kid’s been talking about for the past hour.”
Billy smiled as he took your hand, his fingers slotting between yours as you walked in the direction of the burger stall.
Gen Taglist: @juguitos @something-tofightfor @suchatinyinfinity @the-blind-assassin-12 @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @bts-smolarmy @elanor-of-imladris @pheedraws @obscurilicious @fific7
Billy Russo Taglist: @nananananananananananabatman @shinebrightlikeafanbase @emyyjemyy
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Of Moons, Millionaires and Mothers (DT Season 2 Arcs Retrospective) Part 11: Whatever Happened to Donald Duck!? or Do It For Them
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Of Moons, Millionares and Mothers, my look at the Season 2 arcs of DuckTales. And after a week off with only a few reviews and nothing from this arc i’m back baby! I mean I was back yesterday but this arc is back... screw it point is i’m back, here’s an episode with my boy in it. 
When we last left off Della had returned and settled into her family, Penny found out Lunaris was really a dick..tator this whole time (and all a real asshole)  , Donald got shot up into space and instead of watching cheesy movies got captured by aliens, Glomgold lit himself on fire surprising no one, the X-men used a giant robot to punch a giant alien, Tuca made out with a lesbian seagull, Amity finally kissed Luz, the dread Dormmamu merged with Ego the LIving Planet to enter our domain,  and Nigel Thornberry was confirmed for K-Mart smash brothers. It was a good week is what i’m saying. Anyways full review under the read more as not to clog your dasheboards or your atteries. 
We open on the 
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Lunaris gives a bit rally to the people of Tranquility about how their going to invade the earth, he’s going to be god emperoror...
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You get it. Don’t get me wrong he’s a good villian and we’re about to learn why this episode... but this is pretty standard stuff that dosen’t tell us much new or give us many gags. Cue the theme music:
Back in Duckburg our subplot gets going and as you probably guessed i’m splitting things up until the climax. So with that...
True Dewtectivie
So back on earth Scrooge is working on a model version of the Money Bin when Dewey runs in with a wild theory about a fourth triplet. This turns out to just be a mustard stain and it’s quickly revealed that Dewey and Webby are wildly grasping at straws because , with the mystery of what happened to Della now in the books, in the pocket and out of sight their desperate for ANOTHER big family mystery to take it’s place. While the idea isn’t bad and leads to a pretty decent subplot it doe have some flaws both of which are interconnected: It takes a jab at fans and their own speculartion, which is soft enough to be fine.. but dosen’t quite work because of the second flaw: there ARE some big lingering questions they never answer, probably due to Disney not WANTING them answeered, that are just. .hanging there like a cat on a branch. 
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 With those questions just sitting there never getting anything resembling a resolution. For the record the questions i’m thinking of are: Who is the boys father and what happened to Hortense and Quackmore Duck? Now again, Disney probably dosen’t WANT those questions answered.. but given Frank and Matt were able to answer the Della question with a good enough pitch, these are ones they COULD have had answered if they wanted to spend the screentime on them. So saying “Hey hey you so sillY” .. for wanting some resonable answers is pretty insulting. 
Though it does raise an intresting question: SHOULD those questions have been answered? And the answer is.. for the triplets father no for the parents death absolutely. 
For the former, while it’s fun as hell to speculate, I’ve glommed onto the theory Drake was a sperm donor at the time and idn’t realize it, the show already had ONE lost parent storyline and you always run a risk when you repeat a similar storyline twice. For instance the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic had lost relaitives of our heroes who were thought dead come out of the woodwork FIVE TIMES. FIVE. TIMES. I”m not shitting you: Sally mother and brother, Sonic’s parents, Knuckles mom, Knuckles Dad, and Tails parents. Oh and if we count non lethal one ROBOTNIK had some family show up too, Knuckles ended up having a realitive in a  land downunda AND on mobius, and Mighty has a lost sister. So NINE TIMES. This comic had as many lost reliatives as John Cena has championships. 
SO yeah you see my point, even at TWO it gets iffy, so it’s just easier to say, without saying it, that Della, wanting kids but either being a lesbian or simply not having found a man she WANTED to have kids with depending on if you headcanon her as Gay or Bi/Pan (I go with bi myself), decided to get inseminated. I mean she could’ve had a one night stand or something but given the kids never even ask about their dad, it’s clear to me THEY know the answer, Frank knows the answer we just never learn it and it’s okay. Sometimes you dn’t NEED an answer. This isn’t like Avatar: The Last Airbender or She-Ra and the Princesses of Power where they bring up the issue of a character’s parents.. but don’t RESOLVE said issue for some reason by the end of the series despite having said series meticulously plotted out. Though at least we got the Search to answer the former and yes i’ve read it and.. it’s pretty good. A bit of a convoluted explination but it’s still a good story and Gene Leun Yang is fucking awesome in general... the only bad comic i’ve read from him is ironically “The Promise” and if you haven’t read New Super-Man or his current Shang Chi run, I highly recommend both. Still need to read American Born Chinese and Superman Smashes the Klan. 
My point is they didn’t bring up the questoin on screen so while fans had it.. it simply didn’t need resolving. Hortense and Quackmore though? Yeah THAT needed one. See “Last Christmas” .. makes it clear they died somehow or are otherwise gone forever. Donald is clearly still in mourning and while we found out he was always grungey as a kid from “The First Adventure!”, he wasn’t horribly DEPRESED back then and withdrawing, while Della is desperate to spend chirstmas with her brother due to having lost her parents. Their living at the Mansion, and said parents never show up living or dead in any other peisode> it’s not hard to paint a picutre and they could at least mention it in passing. They dealt iwth their absence.. but they never ANSWERED why, just CONFIRMED that their dead so we could all move on. Say it was a car crash or a flying rhino or 
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I mean we’ve never seen him after a Pup Named Scooby Doo. Maybe he finally snapped from all the false accusations and Donald’s Parents died in the crossfire. We don’t know. But much like Della never finding out on screen about the strangment you can’t SET SOMETHING up and not answer it. Well you can but you SHOUDLN’T. We also shoudlv’e actually got to see Hortense dammit.  It was just this big obvious thing dangling there: Her parents never talked about her, her ghost wasn’ta mong those in the castle, and Frank hasn’t said anything so far. Is she dead? in another dimension? the alps? It’s just frustrating. It’s not the MOST frustrated i’ve been with a show.... not even recently, but it dosen’t make it any less aggravating. 
So moving back to the actual plot, Scrooge tells them you have to wait for adventure it finds you.. is awkwardly done. I get what Scrooge is trying to say: he often waits for the right time to go on an adventure and does his work carefully instead of trying to do one that simply isn’t there because he’s bored. That’s not a bad thing ot teach the kids or base a plot around. But the way it’s phrased and the episode plays it makes it seem like you simply have to wait for an adventure to happen.. which isn’t very Scrooge McDuck. Sure Scrooge will find the right time, bring the right suplies and thinks his adventures through carefully: Each one we see him on has Scrooge well prepared and having researched whatever he’s throwing himself at carefully. Sure he dosen’t plan to the letter and often let’s saftey barely be a concern, but the former’s because he KNOWS the four key rules of planning:
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I really need to watch that series past season 1. Wish they’d kept this guy around though seriously what the hell was the idea of making him a good guy on the spinoff? Not important, point is, the latter is because Scrooge thinks safey regulatoins are for loosers to a point. 
The man is too adventure happy and prepared to give this moral: he’s right to try and help the kids but my issue is the show never calls him out on his hipocrisy here. Again, using the show itself against this episode, the premire has him LITERALLY FIND AN ADVENTURE IN A THING THEY JUST BROUGHT HOME FROM ANOTHER ADVENTURE. It’s understandable the kids expect another big, overarching juicy mystery with a life like this. It’s also understandable when he and donald BOTH didn’t tell them about Della for 6 months and 10 years.  It’s not farfetched to assume they DIDN’T tell them everything when they.. didni’t tell them everything. If your not HONEST with your kids and lie to them about something this BIG then you can’t blame them for being horribly paranoid that your going to lie to them AGAIN or that there’s some big conspiracy.. when you removed every trace of their mother from your house, never talked about her and hid her presence to the point your most rabid fangirl and hidden daughter coudln’t dig anything up. 
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Anyways the kids do end up accidently running into a real mystery as they overhear Huey brushing off the fact that his postcard to Uncle Donald was oddly returned. 
This leads to the funniest part of the episode as an increasingly confused Huey is grilled by the Duo: They try doing Good Cop, Bad Cop but Huey sees right throug hit, and points out with boats being hard to mail to, there IS a logical reason it might of got sent back. We know why it REALLY did of course but you can’t blame the kid for not thinking it. You can blame the wrtiers for never bringing up the rocket, but still. Dewey does make a valid point though through a new bit of information: Donald loves sending cheesy post cards “I’ts the only reason he goes anywhere”. Given Donald is hyper paranoid about the boys safety, dosen’t have a lot of money and is so Dad he owns a vhs copies of the hunts for red octobers, yeah that tracks. Also i’d say it’s things like having his brother and surrogate sister/aunt that make me worry for Huey as an adult... but i’ve seen what he’ll be like at 30
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He’ll be fine.. also if you think Speckle is a bit TOO even tempered to be Huey in 20 years you clearly haven’t seen him try to finish a house
I have no joke watched this preview clip 20 TIMES since sunday and probably will again before the episode actually airs this sunday.. and probably after that. 
Anyways our heroes use the time honored tactic of trying to mail themselves to the location only for the box to fall apart because dewey didn’t tape the bottom.. also because.. you know two 11-12 year olds were inside it. But our heroes do get another clue as they get all Donald’s mail dumped on them and find a threatning letter. 
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And then  find another. I mean granted i’m pretty sure given whose mail this is it’s 90 percent angry letters but still they head to the adress. And whlie this plot has i’ts flaws.. it ends up working partly due to the climax.. and party because Ben and Kate are having such a fun time with it. The two have great comedic chemstiry and it leads to some great moments like Webby making up a way too elaborate backstory about a greedy land developer wanting to bulldoze her orphanage and ending up workign that in after Dewey, of all people, pitches the simplier idea of “Pretend ot be a juinor woodchuck because he stole huey’s uniform”. We didn’t get to see Huey strangle Dewey for this but eh it’s implied. 
Anyway, Dewey breaks and enters on the guy they found responsible while Webby distracts him.. Dewey also sings while he does it because of COURSE tha’ts his idea of stealth and finds a whole FILE on donald... and then Webby who had Jones, the mystery man, distracted.. which was a bad idea as he finds both of them and throws them in a closet. And as you probably know Jones ISN’T a bad guy or even doing anything as bad as threatning donald.. but he STILl threw two chidlren in a closet instead of you know.. TELLING them what was going on or having them sit down while he called their parents instead of throwing them in a closet making himself look worse and possibly getting arrested for you know, throwing two children in a closet. 
HOw do they get out of this? WEll before I can tell you that story, I have to tell you this story...
Donald Duck Conquers the Moonlanders
So winding the clock bad a tad, Donald is transported to moon jail.. and on the way sees they have a whole fleet almost finished now. Once inside his literal gilded cage, Donald tries to escape, by trying the bars then by trying to just hit a weak spot in the rock with his head because he smart. 
Eventaully Lunaris and Penny walk by with Penny still STRONGLY opposed to the invasion because you know she actually CARES about her people not dying horribly in a war purely to satisfy Lunaris’ own ego with Lunaris assuring her their mighty their moon and then instructing her to take Donald to the gold mines when he sees him apparently relalxed. 
Penny instead TRIES to get Donald’s help.. but Donald procedes to instead understandably back away in fear as since being here he’s been captured, scapegoated for an invasion and thrown in prison. So he’s not exactly chatty even with a giant golden thing clamped on his beak. After she FINALLY gets him to chill for a second she explains she’s Della’s.. friend. I can’t tel lif the pause is because she can’t admit that or because she wants to be more. 
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So Donald ends up dragged along as while he does TRY to tel lher via head nod he can’t disable the ships, he needs to save his planet and she needs to stop her people from being thrust into a war they aren’t prepared for and Donald gives her a coinvent cover story. 
And she soon needs another as they run into Gibious and Zenith, and quickly makes Donald into a heavy bag as a training exercise, if apologizing for it. It does show her development though just subtly: She outright tried to shoot Della out of Legacy not long ago, was mad at her just for existing and was overly paranoid. Having Della proven to be as nice as she appeared to be, having sent Della home, and having her trusted Commander who she valued and is the only one she listened to and respected turn out to be willing to sacrifice everything they’d worked for to satsify what appeared ot be his own ego or lust for power and will turn out to be so much worse.  In a bit of irony her own paranoia of della and want for the peace to end so she could be a hero again horribly backfired, leaving her with a war fought by civlians Lunaris isn’t giving her time to properly train, against a foe they know nothing about other than some stories. She cost her people horribly by not trusting the ducks first time so she makes up for it here. The fact she apparently reminded Della of Donald, not going to unpack that nope, probably helps. 
Since Penny can’t risk Lunaris finding her with Donald or too many moonlanders seeing her lest they tell Lunaris, Penny goes with Plan B and sends Donald into the vents while she and the others go to investigate a permiter breach. Donald soon finds the result of it in the vents some kind of cool glowing moon scorpion and in the ensuing panic, ends up EXACTLY where Penny told him not to go, the barracks. 
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This leads to an amazing scene and something i’ve been sidestepping around: the fact that Donald’s plot here is really, up to the final fight with lunaris, one long Classic Donald Duck short. The setting and stakes are apporiraitely ducktales, but Donald mostly sliently, apart from a few noises, fumbling around through trouble is his shorts in a nutshell, usualy buoyed by some outside forces. It’s times like this WHY their lack of using donald frustrates me: episdoes like this and “Daytrip of Doom!” show they CAN adapt the Donald shenanigans formula to this show fine for plots they just chose not to. And I get what some may say, that “oh well they need the kids around”... well Donald’s LAST starring roll in an episode showed he plays off the kids fine so.. yeah. 
Anyways the comedy in this episode is great and reaches it’s peak here as the Moon Scorpion stabs donald causing Donald to awake the entire barracks.. then it’s pinches causes donald to accidnetly beat up the entire barracks, impressing Penny. 
The two end up in Lunaris’ lair where they find a giant gun. No really that’s what it is, down to firing giant golden bullets, it’s juts not intended to shoot anyone in the face but instead into space. More on tha tin a second. Penny fumbles around and tells Donald not to touch anything. Naturally this lasts all of five minutes as his leaning on a wall ends up uncovering a fake wall. 
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Penny is mad for a second.. before realizing “wait what” and finding a giant console.. and one of the best reveals in the entire series, one that’s clever, makes sense in hindsight and honestly negates my slight nitpick of no one finding Della as I shoudl’ve realized there was a simple solution. 
We find out that Lunaris. .has been studying earth this whole time. He knew about it, gets transmissions, has what looks like detailed files on the family.. or okay the tv version of detailed files their big fancy projections but the implication is that he knows Scrooge and earth inside and out and isn’t just into playing yugioh using duck holograms. The invasion wasn’t some spur of the moment idea for revenge: he PLANNED this. Turns out the giant golden gun was his attempt at space travel, but he got beat up trying it and his test dummy while getting father burned up on rentry, hence his needing the spear blueprints.  In just one reveal Lunaris goes from a simple conquerer.. to a mastermind and sociopath, fully willing to sacrifice his people for petty revenge on his father’s memory and on a planet that did nothing but exist. His soldiers might not be ready but he’s ready enough to be a genuine threat... and smart enoguh to have installed a shock device in the thing on Penny’s uniform, taking her out of the fight as he enters the room, just afer she’d given Donald a communicator to take up to warn della. As Lunaris himself puts it “I belivie the words your looking for are: aw phooey”.
Donald naturaly tries to just dash away, but Lunaris trips him up at every angle and while Donald runs up the Gun lunaris is waiting. And he’s also perfectly ballanced to wreck Donald’s Shit: Lunaris is fast AND strong, just like donald, but in addition to that instead of being a raging beserker, is a master tactician and combatant, and one whose throughly studied him. As such Donald does his best.. but he’s horribly outmatched and about to loose.. until Lunaris makes a key mistake. He starts monologuing. In a way similar to that time Scrooge ripped a fucking steamboat in half, more on that next week, Lunaris reveals he knows Scrooge is the key to earth having any chance of stopping him.. and that the only way to take scrooge otu of the fight.. is to take out the thing he cares about most: his family. By taking out the kids , Scrooge’s heart would be shattered, he’d make mistakes, and he’d eventually loose any reason to go on but revenge. Thing is.. Lunaris tips his hat: while he IS clever he’s not as clever as he thinks... and thus overlooked the fact that you know he was threating the boys to their surrogate father who gets so pissed off the manacle around his mouth breaks. 
The... Kids....
So we get back to the dewtective plot as the Closet is opened up by Scrooge... who is mad at the kids.. even though Jones threw them in a closet instead of just telling them the truth. 
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NOt that the kids are any less spare here: they stil broke into someone’s office instead of doing a google but at least their a) two 12 year olds and B) CHILDREN. Your an adult. God until the rewatch I didn’t quite fathom how bad the writing of Scrooge is here but good god. I shoudln’t be siding with the two people who just did a crime on an innocent therapist show but here we are!
And that’s what Jones is: Donald’s therapist, specticially for anger management. Jones is taken from the comics but is essentially in name only. He’s a dog and his name is jones that’s all that’s left. And I will FULLY grant sometimes in name only blows goats and sometimes it works well. For instace the Red Guardian in the movie isn’t a lot like the comics but the comics version didn’t have that much personality ANYWAY, so it’s not a big loss and he’s a fun, fucked up character. In contrast their versoin of the taskmaster is a cold brainswahsed emotoinless assasian instead of the fun loving merc of the comics and wears a stupid motorcycle helmet. LIke the rest of the costume is fine, people overreacted to that but I agree on the helmet. You can make a cool and realistic skull mask it’s not that hard. But i’m getting off on tangents best saved for another day, WINK. Point is I get why people get upset when a character is changed entirely. .but here it works. In the comcis JOnes was Donald’s neighbor and nemisis, a douchebag he got into petty fights with. Simple as that. Here Jones is his therapist so while he’s still grumpy he’s now a profesoinal, nice likeable guy who helps donald. 
Dewey does point out he seemingly has’nt SOLVED the problem.. but he’s also 12 and thus misses the point of therapy: Jones helped donald by helping him MANAGE his anger> It’s still there, he just helped him focus it as he lays out in one of the best speeches of the etnire series and as Donald gets his second wind in the fight with Lunaris:
“ Donald's anger issues stem from a fear that the world is out to get him, and that no one understands him. Quite literally. His tendency to lash out was wildly unfocused, until you kids came along. He came to me wanting to be the best parent he could. So, we channeled that anger into protective instincts. Every outburst is Donald wanting to protect his family. He loves you so much the thought of anything bad happening to you infuriates him. “
It’s just. .beautiful. Frank repeadtly hinted there’d be a good dad donald episode as the season was airing and this was it, beautifully recontextualizing his anger: while it was always there and always will be, Donald learned to channel it healthly, getting help ENTIRELY because he knew he had issues, and needed ot manage them to properly live his life and raise his children. It’s also a nice depcition of therapy: Donald’s anger isn’t gone, much like therapy isn’t in general a fix for mental issues, just a way to help manage them and become healthier as a person. And that’s what this did.. while his anger’s still there it’s now channeled into protecting his kids, and is now funneled into him being so worried the world iwll hurt them he wants to hurt it back. HIs issues aren’t GONE, but he’s trying. The note was naturally because Donald’s behind on his payments. It’s a damn fine scene. 
Sadly while the speech is awesome and Donald does get the warning out, Lunaris destroys the remote, and gloats leaving Donald cornered, about to die.. and with only one option... he puts himself in the canon, presses it and launches himself to earth KNOWING he likely won’t surivive.. but knowing not doing anything else, not guaranteeing his message gets to the kids and not being there to fight iwth them, is worse than anything Lunaris could do. He’d rather die trying to get home to save his family, than die because of some twisted jackass. Lunaris lets him go as he dosen’t think Donald will surivive this...
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He goes through worse things on an average day and “The Golden Spear” is proof of that, Penny lauds him as “the bravest man on two worlds” and Donald does indeed buckle in the pressure of space.. but powers through.. for the boys. 
So to wrap up the other plot Dewey wonders about the card still even if they were wrong, while Scrooge.. is mad at jones for wanting the BILLIONARE to pay his jobless nephew’s therapy bills. 
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They get the message.. but it’s too garbled. Oops. Wait how’d he get it to Scrooge’s phone. Eh questions for later I have another review in a moment. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is decent. The Donald plot is amazing: Suspensful, funny and with one of the best scenes in the entire series to cap it off, showing off donald’s determination, love of his kids and badassery al lin good nature while still keeping him the loveable relatable doofus he’s always been. While Donald is missing for most of this season... it’s made up for here, giving him a spotlight episode and keenly counterballncing the fact he NEEDED to be gone. He needed to go to the moon so Della could have more focus, Penny would have an ally and someone could find out what Lunaris did. Penny COULD have done that but odds are it would’ve been hard to sell disney on half an episode with no main characters and no one like fenton or darkwing who are markeable as hell to counterballance that. So putting Donald in there was a way to both get him an episode sans kids and sell them on Penny getting some focus at the same time.  The a-plot here is exceptional.. the B-Plot.. not so much. Yeah we have another “Other Bin” siutation where the a-plot is phenominal and the b-plot sucks dirty ass in thunderstroms. This one isn’t AS BAD as the gavin plot there, it dosen’t clash as badly tonaly, it has some really funny bits and Jones is a great character who sadly never shows up again. It’s just Scrooge’s dickery throughout and Louie and Webby’s stupidity both drag the thing down. The fomer just feels like he’s right.. because the plot says he is. He’s not WRONG about wanting them to wait for it wait for it, or not break into people’s officers, but he’s also set an example that both things are okay in the right circumstances, that adventure waits for no one and “i’m scrooge mcducK” and it’s just obnoxious. The not paying for his Nephew’s bills is the cherry on top of the shit sundae and YES it is mildly douchey to expect a relatlive to pay for someone else... if it’s a normal situation and said relaitive isn’t FUCKING RICH. I mean my good man at least buy donald some health insurance. The fact he ISN’T on your plan despite you know THE LAST EPISODE WITH HIM IN A MAJOR ROLE WHERE HE FOUGHT ZOMBIES, ZEUS AND ZARDOZ then your approaching your comic self’s levels of sociopathy and no one wants that. 
But yeah overall a good a plot,  meh b-plot, and a good escalation of the story. 
Next Time: GLOMGOLD.. is taking a supporting roll as we FINALLY return to the Louie Plot in time for it to tkae over for a few episodes. Louie and Goldie do a con,  a good boy is born, and we meet the hero we all deserve, Sharkbomb. 
If you enjoyed this review and want to see more content from me feel free to follow and if you REALLY like my stuff and want to help me make more of it, then swing by MY PATREON, RIGHT HERE HERE’S THE LINK. Right now i’m having a membership drive to hit various Juicy goals. Every patreon I get hits a goal, and right now just ONE OF YOU pledging a minimum of a dollar a month hits said goal. I’ve also lowered my lowest membership tier to 1 buck a month, meaning EVERYONE who joins my patreon gets acess to my discord, to vote in polls, to pick a short when I do shorts specials and as has always been gets acess to exclusive reviews! Currently duck wise I have a review of a carl barks story about wig based injury fraud and Donald being sent on a plane to his death. So just for getting to see that you’ll unlock public, as in on here for everybody, reviews of Tuca and Bertie, Amphibia Season 1 and The Great North. And if that’s not enough if three people join my patreon (2 are currently subsribced) i’ll review ALL of Owl House season 1 and if one more joins after that i’ll review a Carl Barks comic EVERY MONTH. Guaranteed. No matter what. So if you want more ducks every month, then rally together and help me reach my goals so I can get finacially solvant if you’d please. 
15 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch17: Welcome to Miami
 Chapter Summary: Frank, Fliss and the Circle Of Truth take a Road Trip….
 Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) No under 18s!!! 
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 16
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 June 2018
“How’s Fliss?” Gregg asked as Frank leaned back in his chair, hand curled round his bottle of beer.
Frank looked at his friend and took a deep breath “She says she’s ok. I think it’s the waiting that’s the worst. Knowing the board’s been held is one thing, not knowing the outcome….” “I know it’s hard and easy for me to say this but…well, even if he gets out he won’t be allowed anywhere near her. As I explained to her likely hood is he’ll be tagged and on a curfew and movements restricted to the state of Mass.” Gregg took a sip of his drink “And if it isn’t done automatically, through the appeal process I can file for further restrictions as well around him contacting her in any way, shape or form…but I’d be surprised if that isn’t a condition.”
“I know.” Frank said, “And she gets that…I think it’s more anger about the whole thing now you know?” “It sucks.” Gregg nodded “He spent so long abusing her and he’s still managing to do it in a way through all this.” Frank raised his eyebrows and took a drink of his beer, nodding to Jake and Simon as they approached their table.
 “I know I don’t need to ask but…” Frank started but Gregg raised a hand. 
“You’re right, you don’t.” he understood immediately that Frank was asking him to keep quiet, and he nodded as their two friends arrived at the table. After the greetings they all settled down reaching for a beer from the bucket that sat in the middle of them all, the conversation easy. Frank was happy to see the boys, he hadn’t in a few weeks so he’d grabbed the opportunity for a few beers happily, Fliss and Mary practically shoving him out of the door as they had some girly night in planned with Roberta consisting of popcorn, pizza, facemasks and a Marvel DVD, Fliss and Roberta assuring him whole heartedly they were watching it because it was a good film and not merely to perve on Chris Hemsworth or Evans or whoever the hell the Chris was in this particular one.
Whatever, sweetheart.
 “So…” Simon said, looking around the table “Are we still on for a weekend somewhere? 22nd to 24th June?”
 They all made noises, and Frank nodded. “Schedules cleared, baby sitter lined up…we just need to decide where we’re going.”
 “Well, I got something to suggest to y’all…” Jake grinned “Greg already knows about this, but basically, the Company we’re doing the promotional work for has offered us up to 10 each for the Miami Rocks Concert which runs that weekend....so if you’re interested.”
 “Rock music?” Simon looked at him, and Jake shook his head.
“Not just rock.” he said, leaning forward “It’s a combination of tribute acts and the real deal…and there’s different stages each with a different genre, and the main stage which contains the big acts.” “Ok, I’m interested…” Frank leaned forward.
 “So the Friday night is a rewind to the 70s, 80s and 90s… headlined by none other than Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Mr Will Smith himself…” Frank let out a snort and looked at Simon who had started bopping in his seat, clicking his fingers.
 “That finishes about midnight and then Saturday is the big one. You got 5 Seconds of Summer, George Ezra and Liam Gallagher from Oasis headlining that night.” Jake continued “The other stages rage from all sorts. Mo-Town, Indie, Chart, Reggae…and then there’s a party after which continues until early hours, run by Hot Dub Time Machine.”
“Shut the front door!” Simon snorted “Hot Dub?”
Jake nodded.
“Dude I saw him one New Year’s Eve in New York a few years ago.” Simon said “He was brilliant!”
Frank sat and listened as his friends started to discuss the concert in more detail. He had to admit, it sounded like a pretty good idea, and just the distraction Fliss could do with.
 “Hate to be the voice of logic…” Simon said. “But if it’s only like three weeks off, wont’ we have trouble getting hotel rooms?”
“Fuck that, I’ll sleep on the back of the truck.” Frank said, causing the rest of them to laugh. “No need Frankie-boi, I got a client who works for the Hyatt Group man.” Jake shook his head “Three rooms already reserved out in the Regency, about 10 minutes’ walk if that from Bayfront Park where the concert is…just in case you fancied it. $100 a room for 2 nights, including a late checkout on the Sunday coz, well, we’re gonna need it.”
 “Three?” Frank frowned.
 “You and Fliss, Simon and Bonnie, and Me and Greg…” “What about Zara and Lisa?” he frowned “I thought this was a couple’s thing, not a boys weekend away…” 
“Well it was going to be…” Greg shrugged “But Zara’s away with the kids that weekend, decided to go back to California as her sister is being taken in for a C-section, and of course she has to be there…”
“And it’s Lisa’s idea of hell…” Jake supplied.
 “So why don’t we re-arrange?” Simon asked.
“Fuck that!” Jake snorted “I’m got a child and fiancée free pass for the weekend.” “Amen brother!” Gregg hi-fived him.
 “But you two can bring your girls, no problem…they’re cool” Jake gestured between Frank and Simon with his beer bottle. “Thanks for your permission…” Frank raised an eyebrow. 
Naturally, Fliss was over the moon with the promise of a music festival, especially when she looked up the acts that were on. So, when the Friday in question rolled around, after dropping Mary at school, with strict instructions she was to behave herself as Frank WOULD be checking, they set off in Fliss’ jeep, Frank driving as she lounged in the passenger seat, eyes hidden by her aviators, hair pulled into a loose side pony tail as they made the four hour down the coast and across state to Florida, stopping half way for some food at a roadside diner.
Simon and Bonnie weren’t due to arrive until just gone 5 ish, Bonnie having to finish the morning’s classes before she could leave, whilst Jake and Greg were here having come down the night before, so when they had checked in they decided to freshen up and go for a walk, Fliss eager to hit Lincoln Road Mall. They spent a few hours just walking and looking in the shops, eventually finding a Pandora one which Fliss headed into wanting a new charm for her bracelet as a memory of the weekend. She paced the shop eventually settling for a silver palm tree with a small diamond in the middle of the trunk and Frank batted her hand down when she went to pay, instead producing his card. The usual argument about who was paying ensued, which eventually Frank won by telling Fliss that he wanted to be the one that filled that bracelet for her, and she relented, smiling softly. Frank didn’t miss the relieved look on the shop assistant’s face as she finally waved the out of the store.
They met Jake and Greg in a bar not far from the hotel, and they were joined by Bonnie and Simon for a drink before the two girls announced they were heading off to get changed and ready for the evening.  Frank left it until about 20 minutes before he needed to be ready and headed up to their room, pulling on one of his infamous hideous Hawaiian shirts which he had brought especially. Fliss looked at him, shaking her head with a fond smile on her face as he innocently asked her what the problem was. She laughed and told him nothing at all, before she gave him a kiss and they headed down to meet the others.
 The walk down to the Park took them 10 minutes. Fliss was walking slightly ahead with Bonnie, her braid swinging down her back, gently brushing against the yellow off the shoulder top she was wearing. Her bottom half was dressed in denim shorts, a pair of pink converse boots on her feet. She’d certainly embraced the Festival Vibe, opting for bright colours in honour of the fact they were heading back musically a few decades. They arrived and joined the queue to exchange their tickets for wrists bands which took them about 15 minutes, and then they joined the lines to get through the main gates. That didn’t take long at all and once they were through they followed the crowd before Greg stopped, and looked around.
 “We get split up…” “We all got phones!” Jake snorted “What are you, 50?”
 “Sorry, force of habit with the kids…” Greg let out a groan as everyone laughed.
 “So the main stage is that way…” Jake said, pointing to his left “Right at the back. DJ stage is there, and the other stages are dotted about…anyone got any preference on where we go?” “Other than Will Smith I really wanna to go the 80s stage!” Fliss grinned and Bonnie Hi-Fived her.
 “Yeah we got some Duran Duran to dance to.” she agreed. “And Erasure.”
“And Wham.” “And Culture Club….” “Yeah, we get the picture…” Simon rolled his eyes.
 “Oh and I want to see the Queen and AC/DC tributes.” Fliss finished.
 “Anything else?” Frank looked at her.
“Well we need tokens.” Jake said, “No cash at the bar, tokens only so…the tent is over there…”
 They all set off, Fliss and Bonnie hanging behind chatting away, but it wasn’t long before their chatter died down and Frank turned to see that, actually, it hadn’t died down, they’d disappeared. “Where the hell are the girls?”  Simon asked, looking round as he realised they were missing.
 “Knowing Fliss in some tent getting her face painted…” Frank paused, turning on the spot before he spotted them. Fliss was stood as Bonnie was sat on a stool, having some sort of Festival glitter painted around her temple and eye socket. “Yup, there you go…” Simon followed his gaze and snorted. “Fucking hell…what are they, 8?” “Leave ‘em be.” Frank said fondly “Come on, let’s go get the drinks sorted.”
 He waved at Fliss, before pointing to where they were going and she gave him a thumbs up to show she understood, before Bonnie stood up and she sat down. Frank smiled at her face as it lit up and he headed off after Simon.
 By the time they had gotten the tokens and ordered beers for them all, the girls still hadn’t joined them, and it didn’t take long to realise why. They were both in a tent which contained 2 electronic dance mats, right in the middle of a very energetic dance off.
 “It’s like having a pair of kids…” Simon mumbled the boys stood by the entrance to the tent whilst Frank simply grinned. As they watched Bonnie made a mistake, the mat flashed red, and then another one, before Fliss made one too. The two girls’ foot work was ridiculously fast as the song gathered pace and finally the routine ended. Fliss grinned and hi-fived Bonnie as their scores flashed up, Fliss winning by 60 points.
 “Yesss!” she punched the air as Bonnie shook her head and the man handed them both some really tacky bright pink beaded necklaces for taking part. 
“Re-match…” Bonnie said, looking at Fliss as they both dropped the necklaces over their heads. 
“Maybe later, I’m fucked now…” Fliss said, bending over, hands on her knees as she drew her breath “I need a drink!”
 She turned and saw the boys in the doorway, Frank raised an eyebrow and held up the beer and she grinned. 
“I knew I bought you for something.” He rolled his eyes and then Greg suggested they head off to the first stage for the start of the 80s Tribute acts. They only intended to stay for a short while but Fliss begged Frank to stay longer, and was backed up by Bonnie as the Duran-Duran band came on. Fliss told Frank if he wanted to go and meet up later he could, but truth be told he didn’t want to. This was as much a weekend for him and her as it was for him and his friends, so with that in mind Simon and Frank both decided to stay with the girls and that they would find the others later.
 And Frank was glad of his decision, as about 20 minutes later, when Hungry Like the Wolf started to play, Fliss was bouncing around like a lunatic. He knew it was one of her favourite songs, and seeing her cutting loose was making him a little horny if truth be told. He moved up behind her and grabbed her hips, swaying with her in time to the music as he dropped a kiss to her shoulder, gently singing along as she danced in front of him, occasionally brushing up against the front of his shorts, which was doing nothing to help his current situation.
 “Someone’s definitely on the hunt down…” she teased, pushing her ass back into his crotch whilst she turned her head to face him as the song morphed into Rio. He grinned and gave her a kiss.
 “Not hunting, I already got you.” “Hmm, yeah you did…” she murmured against his lips.
 The continued dancing with one another, Simon and Bonnie doing the same before the 4 of them all decided they were ready for another drink. As fate would have it, they found Greg and Jake already at the bar. They muscled their way in, grabbed another beer and then all turned to head towards one of the tall, standing tables which were dotted around not far from the bar. Frank waited for Fliss as she had ordered a bottle of water too, and the guy serving had forgotten it. When he came back, apologising, Fliss waved him off and thanked him as Frank picked the bottle up and stuck it in his pocket. He reached for Fliss’ hand, and they were making their way over to their friends when suddenly he felt Fliss yell out and she stopped dead. He turned to face her, seeing someone had bumped into her and her beer had spilt all down her top.
 “Hey, come on man…” Frank looked at the guy as Fliss pulled her hand out of his to wipe at her top “Be careful huh…” But the man wasn’t looking at him, his eyes were fixed completely on Fliss. “Yes, wouldn’t want an accident now would we, Felicity?” At the sound of her full name Frank instantly knew this had to be someone to do with her ex-husband and he reached out for Fliss as he saw her stiffen and slowly she raised her head to look at the man, her eyes widening and she swallowed.
 “Richard.” she spoke softly. 
“Fancy seeing you here. Must be nice to be free to do what you want.” “Yeah, well, making up for lost time. I didn’t exactly get a lot of chance to have fun when your brother was beating the shit out of me.” Her chin raised a little defiantly and Frank felt a surge of pride as she stood up for herself, the anger evident on her face.
 “You’re a fucking liar…” Richard said and Frank immediately stepped in.
 “Ok that’s enough…” he spoke sternly, glaring at the man “We’re not here for any trouble, we’re just out for a good time with friends, and I’d like to keep it that way. So, if you don’t mind, we’re done here.” he turned to Fliss and slid his arm round her waist, making to steer her away.
 “You need to be careful.” Richard spoke to Frank’s retreating back. “Now she’s got her claws into you, you’re done…first sign of trouble she’ll be accusing you of all sorts.”
 Frank sighed, he’d tried to be reasonable, but the anger felt like it was bubbling from his feet and he whirled round, placing himself in between the man and Fliss. “Listen, asshole, why don’t you just fuck off?” his tone was laced with venom. “Your brother is a nasty, wife beating piece of shit.”
 At that Richard stepped forward, drawing himself to full height, still a good 3 inches shorter than Frank. His fists balled as he clenched his hands at his side, his mouth curled up into a snarl.
 “She’s a liar.”  Richard pointed at Fliss, before his attention turned back to Frank. “She lied and because of her, John’s life and career is ruined…” “His life? Ruined?” Frank barked out a laugh “Your brother got nothing more than he deserved, and so will you if you don’t get the fuck outta my face.”
 “Frank…” Fliss pleaded with him, pulling on his arm and desperately looking around for help before this descended into a fight. Thankfully, she caught Jake’s eye who hit Greg on the shoulder, who in turn tapped Simon, and the three of them plus Bonnie hastily started to jog over.
 “If he was that bad why has he been considered for parole?” Richard shrugged “An appeal his lawyer is convinced he’ll win…” Richard said, taking a step back as the other men approached. “And that’s all because they finally saw through her lies…” Frank made an angry noise but Greg pushed himself in between the two men, patting Frank on the chest.
 “Come on buddy…” he said. “Whatever it is, leave it…” Jake went to grab Frank’s arm, but he jerked it out of his grip.
 “I’ll tell you this…” Frank pointed at Richard “If he gets out, you can tell him from me, he stays the fuck away from my girl, and the rest of my family, you got that? Or I’ll put him in a hospital, see how he likes it.”
 “Big man making all the threats huh?” “It ain’t a threat, it’s a god-damned promise.” Frank snarled. Richard gave a snort of a laugh before he allowed his wife to steer him away, shooting one last contemptuous glance at both him and Fliss.
 “What the fuck?” Simon turned to Frank, who completely ignored him and moved to where Fliss was stood, her arms wrapped cross her front, hugging herself, Bonnie gently talking to her.
 “You ok?” he asked her gently and she gave a nod as he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, hand falling to the back of her head.
 Greg gave Frank a questioning look, which Frank answered with two words “His brother.” “Who’s brother?” Jake pressed, “What just happened? I’m so confused.” “To be fair that doesn’t take much…” Frank heard Greg say which earned him a “Fuck you” in response, and the two men began to bicker as Fliss stepped back from his arms. Frank looked down at her, taking her face in his hands.  “You good?”
“Yeah…” she nodded “You shouldn’t have risen to him.” “Probably not.” he shrugged “But I’m not having that piece of shit or anyone associated with him trash mouthing you.”
 “My hero…” she rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face told him he wasn’t in too much trouble. He gave a snort of a laugh and dropped a kiss to her head. “Can we go back to the dancing now please? And I need another beer, that ass hole spilt mine.” “Is it time for tequila yet?” Bonnie asked, offering Fliss a drink of her beer. Fliss took a sip, shaking her head
“I swore after last time I would never drink that shit again.”
“But that was a lie, right?” Bonnie looked at her as she passed her pint back over. 
“Yup, a very big lie…” Fliss agreed, causing the rest of the group to laugh. 
So they did their tequila. Several shots of to be intact and spent the rest of the night wandering stage to stage, lapping up the atmosphere. Frank kept a close eye on his girl who seemed none the worse for her encounter as she danced the night away with him and Bonnie, the 2 of them disappearing at one point for a walk around the various stalls that were around the outside, coming back with a packet of interlocking glow sticks which they proceeded to activate and make head wear out of. 
 Will Smith took to the stage at about 10 pm and Frank was beside himself with laughter as Fliss reverted to some kind of school kid. She seemed to know every single word to every goddamned song he had, and when it came to Men In Black she launched expertly into the dance routine that half the crowd were doing, in time to the video showing behind the stage.  Simon and Jake tried to copy her before they both gave up and when she finished she turned around and Frank raised his beer to her and she bowed, as they all laughed. Deciding that they didn’t want to stay for the after party, considering they knew it was going to be a really late one the next evening, instead they agreed to head down to the beach. They managed to find a guy who was walking round with a cool box selling beer and they bought 2 bottles each, for twice the price they should be but, whatever…
 When in Miami…
 As they walked across the sand, Frank looped his arm round Fliss’ shoulder whilst they weaved themselves through the various mini-parties which seemed to be going on as people were set up all over with small fires, beer, drinks and music playing. Frank had a sneaking suspicion half of them were probably intending on sleeping there too. Eventually they found a clear spot and flopped down onto the sand, under the illumination of one of the boardwalk lights and then Simon stood up, heading over to a group of teenagers sat a bit to their right.
“What’s he doing?” Greg asked. 
“I think he’s reverse bootlegging.” Jake said and Frank gave a snort of laughter.
“What?” Fliss frowned, “What’s that?” “Instead of selling alcohol to underage kids he’s buying it off them, look.” Frank said, nodding to him. Fliss watched as Simon slipped one of the kids a twenty and took the bottle of vodka he was offering to them, raising it up as he walked back.
 “What the fuck man?” Greg snorted “That’s…”
“Shameful.” Jake nodded before he chuckled, shaking his head. “I love it.” With a grin Simon dropped down next to Bonnie, standing the bottle of vodka up in the middle of the circle they seemed to have made as Fliss sat between Frank’s legs, leaning back against his chest. His spare hand ran up and down the outside of her thigh softly as they all sat chatting about the evening, comparing their best bits and what they were looking forward to tomorrow evening. Eventually, someone, Frank wasn’t sure who, decided that they should play Never Have I Ever, and Fliss eagerly agreed, jumping in with the first question.
 “Ok, never have I ever driven a boat…” Fliss smirked.
“What, that’s a crap one!” Frank snorted “Everyone here’s probably driven one…including you.”
 “Bullshit!” he snorted “On our first date, and several times since…”
 “I sailed it Frankie, I didn’t drive it…”
 He paused for a moment and then looked up as everyone in the circle grinned.
 “She’s right man…” Simon conceded “I sailed mine too…” “And me…”
“And me…”
 “Oh fuck you!” Frank spluttered as they all laughed at him. Fliss handed him the bottle, which he took from her with a glare taking a mouthful. Fucking hell, he could tell it was cheap as it burnt like paint stripper as he swallowed, wincing. 
That was basically the way the game went. Each trying to deliberately catch everyone else out. Simon caught Jake spectacularly, forcing him to reveal a tale about how he got locked out of a hotel room, naked on the balcony and climbed down 2 storeys to go and get a spare key from reception, Simon repeatedly got Bonnie on a number of occasions before Frank caught Fliss out with the tale of how she had once called her University Lecturer “Daddy.” by mistake. 
“Ok, Never have I ever…”  Fliss paused, before a wicked grin spread on her face and she looked at Frank “Called anyone else’s name during sex.”
“Oh God…” Frank heard Bonnie mumble from where she was sat, but before he could even open his mouth to call Fliss an ass hole, he saw Greg reaching for the bottle.
“No WAY!” Fliss spluttered, looking at Greg “What? When!”
 “I was about 21…” Greg said, scrunching up his face. “I was in bed with a girl and, well, I called her mom’s name.” The entire group fell silent before Jake, Frank and Simon all let out a roar of laughter, and Fliss snorted, grinning from ear to ear.
 “That’s…impressive.” Frank nodded as Greg put the bottle down and Fliss picked it up and handed it to Frank. Everyone turned their attention to him as he narrowed his eyes and grabbed it from her.
 “Spill.” Simon pointed at him.
 “I err, well…look, it…” Frank stuttered over his words “I was…look we don’t need to discuss this…” he said, knocking back the vodka and avoiding Bonnie’s eyes, shaking his head “I plead the 5th.” There were various groans around the group but when they realised Frank wasn’t going to budge Greg shrugged, calling him a pussy, and picked the next category.
 “Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.” he said, with a raised eyebrow. Both Fliss and Bonnie moved for the bottle at the same time, and the boys all cheered.
“Was it each other?” Simon grinned “Please tell me it was…” “Ok,no…that…” Frank began to protest, hiccupping slightly.  “That would be weird…”
“No it wasn’t each other.” Bonnie grinned at Simon “I was 17, playing spin the bottle and had to kiss this girl called Eva…” “And that’s it?” Simon asked.
“Yeah…” she nodded, taking a drink from the bottle before she passed it to Fliss.
 “Spill…” Frank instructed her, his hand on her hip where she was still nestled in between his legs.
 “I was 19…and, yeah, well, I experimented” she shrugged. “A few times…” 
“Wait, there was…” Frank looked at her as she turned her head to grin at him “You did more than kiss?”
 “For me to know and you to find out Sailor…” she winked. Well fuck me!
 Another 15 minutes or go they’d exhausted the bottle of vodka and decided to call it a night. Bonnie was faring the worst out of them all, her and Simon walking a little behind everyone as he kept his arm round her to keep her steady. Frank noticed Fliss was remarkably with it considering what they’d drunk, but then for such a small person she did have quite a high tolerance, and she’d drunk a hell of a lot of water as well.
 At the hotel they bid everyone goodnight and headed up to their room where Fliss decided she needed to shower to get rid of all the glitter and sand and sweat from dancing. Frank was inclined to agree so let her go first, swapping over after 10 minutes or so with an exchange of a soft kiss in the bathroom doorway. By the time Frank got out of the shower Fliss was sat cross legged on the large bed dressed in a camisole and boy-shorts set which was white with multi-coloured polka dots on it. It was the set he had bought her for Valentine’s Day, along with a set of baby-pink lace underwear. He loved seeing her in lace, but there was something about the lounge sets like the one she was wearing now that gave her an innocence, made her look so comfy and so settled that he adored seeing her wearing them around the house and to bed…even if they didn’t stay on long.
 She grinned up at him as he smiled, crossing to drop a kiss on her head.
 “You raid the minibar?” he asked, nodding to the packet of chips she had ripped open.
 “Yeah.” she shrugged “Figured fuck it, why not?” “Well…”he crossed the room and opened the fridge which was under the TV unit “In for a penny…” he pulled two beers out, popped the tops and passed her one.
 “Don’t you think we’ve had enough?”
“Can you see straight?”
“Then no.” he said and she laughed, taking it from him.
 “You’re a bad man Frank Adler.” “I try.” he quipped. She shook her head, smiling before she reached for her phone which had just gone off. Frank whipped the towel from around his waist and stepped into a clean pair of boxers before he roughly dried his hair.
 “Bonnie says her and Simon are hitting the beach during the day tomorrow…do you fancy it?” “Sure.” he nodded, dropping to the bed, laying down on his side, propping himself up on his elbow as he reached for a Dorito.
 “At least I think that’s what this message says. ‘Going to the Bitch…’ I mean that’s gotta be beach huh?” 
Frank snorted as Fliss scrunched up the empty chip bag and tossed it across the room where it settled just besides the bin. They both looked at it for a second before Fliss shrugged. ”She was trashed.”
 “I’m not surprised.” Fliss said, moving to toss her phone onto the night table before she too settled on her side, facing Frank, elbow on the pillow “Simon was deliberately asking questions in that game where he knew she’d have to drink…” “Oh and you weren’t…” he looked at Fliss who shrugged, grinning cheekily “Never have I ever called anyone else’s name during sex, I mean seriously! She was right there!”
 “I know, which is what made it so funny.” “Funny is not the word I would use…” “Oh whatever, and as if Greg has done that too!” she said, chuckling as she also settled on her side “He’s a dark horse…” “So are you…” he looked at her taking a long drink of his beer. “In fact….I think you need to tell me more about these lesbian encounters you experienced whilst experimenting aged 19."  
 "They weren't proper lesbian encounters, I was teasing you...." 
 "I don't care, make em up." He said and she let out a laugh.
 "If I do will it get me something nice?" she grinned.
 "Something very, very nice."  He raised an eyebrow suggestively.
 Fliss grinned and then launched into a clearly made up bullshit story about some girl called Candy and Frank completely zoned out. He was simply too caught up concentrating on the childish, teasing expression on her face as she spoke. Her eyes were shining in the dim light of the room as she talked and grinned in the same manner she had been doing all night. Not even the encounter with that asshole’s brother has dampened her spirit. She was just enjoying herself, freely. And so was he. She said she couldn't remember the last festival or concert she had been to, and Frank had admitted the same. It had to have been easily 10 years ago. It felt good to be recapturing that part of their lives they had both given up (albeit for very different reasons) and making new memories together that he knew would last a lifetime. 
 A lifetime...huh, how about that?
 He zoned back in just in time to hear Fliss' very risqué story telling, and dropped his head with a sight that was half laugh, half groan at her filthy tale.
 "...and her thighs were so strong, it was ridiculous, my ears were squashed so hard, I felt like my head was in a vice. Still, I managed to-"
 "Ok..." he said, taking her beer off her and setting it down on his nightstand along with his, before he leaned over Fliss, caging her with his arms "I'm getting kinda jealous...and a bit turned on...it’s very confusing.
 “You asked…” she muttered as his face dropped her hers.
“Yeah, I did…” his lips brushed against hers “And I promised you something nice…” “Very,very nice…” Fliss said, her hands sliding up his arms to his shoulder.
 “Well, I’m a man of my word…” he grinned, lips pressing to hers harder this time in a soft, deep kiss which he pulled away from and ran his nose against hers. “Turn over…”
 “What?” she looked at him, her eyes widening slightly.
“You trust me?”
“Of course I do…” “Then turn over…”
 She took a deep breath, and looked at him and he looked straight back, fully understanding what she was thinking. He’d never asked her to do that before. “Lissy, I promise I’m not gonna hurt you.” “I know you’re not…” she shook her head, before she bit her lip and he moved back so she could turn over onto her stomach. With gently finger tips he brushed her hair off her shoulders, sweeping it to one side gently dropping soft kisses down her neck as his hands traced down to her hips. He gently grasped her top and she moved to allow him to slide it up and over.
 The sheets on the bed rustled slightly as he moved downwards, pressing his lips to the small of her back, watching her reaction carefully as he saw her fingers clutching softly at the pillow. He continued his affections, lips and hands exploring every part of the soft skin on her back until he was fully led over her, thighs bracketing hers, his mouth gently sucking at that spot behind her ear that drove her wild. And right on cue she let out a low groan and he felt his groin twitch at the noise. Fliss could feel his hardness against her back and as his teeth gently grazed her ear she felt her spine arch slightly.
 He moved away, and his hand gently slid to grasp at the hem of her shorts, and she tilted her hips up slightly so he could pull them down, hurriedly departing with his own boxers before he resumed his previous position.
 “You good?” he asked her softly and she nodded in response. 
With gentle hands he reached down between her legs to finding her hot and wet for him already. At his touch she arched her back again. Frank let out a grin and moved slightly so he could part her thighs with his knee. Repositioning himself, he led flat, his arms sliding up hers so he could lace his fingers with hers, palms resting on the backs of her hands and he gently pushed into her, the pair of them giving a groan at the feeling and tightness of this angle. He gently thrust, his chest sliding up over her back, and she moved ever so slightly with him, her head tilted back slightly and she turned her face towards his where he caught her mouth in a slow, sloppy kiss. Frank continued his languid, deep movements, listening to the quickening of her breath and eventually he felt her hips beginning to rise in slow circles, her whimpers increasing.
 He gently knelt up, and pulled her hips so she was perched on her knees, pushing into her slowly, deeply, letting her get used to the position that they’d never tried before because Frank knew it wasn’t one she had good memories of but right now, her body was relaxed and she was giving him everything. His hand reached up and he traced down her spine before he leaned over and placed another soft kiss on her neck before he moved and grasped at her hips again, his pace gently quickening, a low moan escaping his mouth as Fliss pushed back onto him, wordlessly telling him she wanted more. He thrust forwards again and again, pulling her back onto him at the same time, his eyes focussed on where they were joined, the sight of him sliding in and out of her made him moan with desire.
“Don’t stop…” he heard her half pant, half whisper and he picked up the pace ever so slightly, leaning over to gently nip at the back of her neck, causing her to shudder, a deep growl rumbled in his chest as her walls briefly squeezed around him.
“Fuck, baby…” he groaned as her hands clutched at the bed sheets whilst he buried himself deep inside of her stilling for a moment.
“Frankie…” she whined and squirmed as she turned to look at him over her shoulder. Once glance at his clenched jaw and she knew he was trying to fight back his high as he picked up his previous movements, just a little bit faster. She was close, quietly moaning his name as she dropped her head back down, forehead against the pillows, her spine arching as he continued to thrust.
Frank groaned again “Come on sweetheart...” his voice deeper like it always was when he was in the throes of desire, “let go for me.” He rolled his hips forwards, five or six more times before she was done.
“Fuck, Frank, I…” she let out a broken cry as her core spasmed again and again and her entire body trembled as a loud lament spilled from her lips. He was done himself, and with a groan of her name his relief washed over him with an intensity he couldn’t even begin to describe.
Fliss collapsed forward and Frank tumbled with her, his chest onto her back, his weight crushing her in the best way possible for a second ot two before he rolled onto his side. Reaching out, his hand gently across her bare back as Fliss face, which was pressed into the pillow turned to face him.
He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, brushing her hair off her face.
“Okay…” she mumbled, nodding at him “I’ll concede. That was very, very nice…”
******* “You behaving?” Frank asked Mary as he and Fliss lay in bed the next morning, the phone held at arms-length so they could both see her.
“Yeah, of course…” Mary rolled her eyes “Bill took me to the yard last night and Joanne helped me tack Monty up and then Bill walked round the field with us so the dogs could have a run and it was awesome!”
“When I get back we’ll do the full trail ride.” Fliss smiled at her “Takes a good hour, we can go one evening before it gets dark.”
“Cool!” Mary grinned, bending down and then suddenly Fred’s bemused face filled the screen. Frank snorted as he was instructed to say hi to Fred, which he did, before the cat settled down on Mary’s lap and she continued to chat to him about what she had done the night before…which was basically staying up until gone midnight with Bill watching Harry Potter in the movie room.
Eventually they got her to pass the phone over to Verity, who assured Frank she was no trouble, and then they cut the call and decided to get up and head down for breakfast to meet everyone.
The day was spent lazily on the beach. Fliss hardly moved at all, simply soaking up the sun as Frank and Simon continuously brought her and Bonnie a supply of drinks as the man remained by the bar at the top of the sand.
“I gotta ask…”Bonnie said, turning to look at Fliss “And tell me to shut up if I’m outta line but yesterday, that guy Frank looked like he wanted to kill…who was he? Simon says he’s never seen Frank that angry…” “Oh, err…” Fliss rubbed her head “It was my ex-husbands brother, he was being an ass hole.” “Oh.” Bonnie frowned “I take it you don’t get along…nasty break up?” “You could say that…” Fliss said, taking a sip of her drink, tapping the straw lightly on her lips. “John…my ex…he er…he used to beat me. Badly. He’s actually in prison, well, for how long we don’t know as he had his parole hearing about 4 weeks ago so..” “Oh shit…” Bonnie dropped her gaze “Sorry, I didn’t…” “It’s ok.” Fliss said, waving off the usual apologies that came when she told someone about her past.
There was a moment of silence before Bonnie sat up and looked at Fliss.
“Wanna go for a dip?”
Fliss glanced at her, then down to the ocean and grinned, nodding.
Yelling to the boys to watch their stuff they headed down to the waves, Fliss happily diving straight in, simply allowing herself to float. She was calm, relaxed, and couldn’t remember a time she’d ever felt so happy before.
Eventually, it hit 5pm and Fliss was hungry. So they decided to pack up, grab a bite from the bar and then go change ready for the evening. Fliss had to smile as she saw Frank and the rest of the boys stood at a table by the beach bar all clutching pints and laughing. He was dressed in a pink shirt, black shorts with a baseball cap on the wrong way, glasses shielding his eyes.
“I never realised what an overgrown Frat Boy I’m dating.” Fliss mumbled to Bonnie who snorted as they made their way up the wooden boardwalk, beach bags in their hand.
 “Hey pretty girl.” Frank smiled as Fliss slid under his arm, reaching for his pint. With a roll of his eyes he watched as she took a huge drink. “You know if you want one I’ll get you one…” “Tastes better when it’s someone else’s.” Fliss shrugged.
 “Yeah, why is that?” Bonnie asked.
 “Because it’s stolen.” Simon looked at her “Well known fact, forbidden fruit just tastes better.”
Fliss went again for Frank’s drink and he jerked it out of her reach “Piss off, look, here…” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing her his wallet “Go to the bar.” She grinned and dropped a kiss to his lips, turning away, Bonnie following.
 “Dude you’re so whipped.” Jake snorted at him.
 “Yeah, I don’t much care.” Frank shrugged, burping slightly as he looked at Fliss, taking in her appearance. Her hair was falling around her face and down her back in a mass of long, messy salt and sand tangled waves and she was wearing a pink crochet slip over her black bikini. He would happily admit he was well under her spell and that she could whip him all she fucking wanted to. 
They grabbed a bite to eat, headed back, changed and made their way to the park for their second night of music. It went much the same as the night before, Bonnie and Fliss taking off on their own adventures, and Frank keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of John’s fucker of a brother, but he didn’t see him.
 By the time Liam Gallagher came onto the stage, Fliss was drunk. And so was he. But it didn’t stop her from going wild. Once again she knew every single word to every single song and when he launched into Rock and Roll Star she started pogoing like a person possessed. Mind you, so was everyone else on the dance floor in front of the stage, so Frank joined in. He quite liked this song and, well, if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em…
 He ended the set with Live Forever, Frank’s favourite song that he had done and Fliss sighed happily.
“He’s sooo good!” she said, “Why does he have to go?”
“Because his set has finished.” “But why?” “Because it has!” Frank laughed “He’s been on for almost an hour and it’s 1 am!”
“Hey, Liss, don’t worry…” Bonnie hiccupped “Hot Dub starts in 20…just enough time for a drink…” “Yes…” Fliss agreed, pointing at her. “But I think I need some water too.”
“Pussy…” Frank looked at her and she narrowed his eyes at him.
“I’ll carry on drinking beer if you want, but you’ll be clearing up my puke later.” He snorted and held his hands up, palms out “Water it is.” Hot Dub Time Machine was surreal. He was on for about an hour and took them through a load of the best party songs from the 60s right through to the present day. One minute Frank was doing the Twist and Shout with Fliss, and the next they were all in a circle air-guitaring to Immigrant Song by Led Zep.
 By the time they left the park it was almost half 2 in the morning and Fliss decided that she didn’t want to walk and insisted Frank give her a piggy back. He rolled his eyes but crouched down and she took a jump onto his back as he carried her the 10 minutes or so back to the hotel, Simon groaning at him as Bonnie kept complaining he wouldn’t carry her.
 “You’re showing me up, dude!” he glared at Frank who simply shrugged as Fliss smirked.
 “I like riding him.” She hiccupped, as everyone burst into laughter and Frank shook his head as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
 “You’re a fucking nightmare” he sniggered and she shrugged.
 The next morning everyone was feeling the effects of a heavy weekend, and Frank was pleased that they had the late check out option. Eventually, after dragging themselves out of bed they managed to shower, pack up and head down to check out. There was another argument about who was paying for the room, this time Fliss winning as she put her foot down telling him he was paying for New York and that she really wanted to pay for this. She’d told Frank before about John never letting her have any financial control over anything and Frank knew that it meant a lot to her so he relented, and instead bought them brunch before they set off home.
 They got back in time for a roast dinner, and then they headed back to the annex to watch a film, Fliss crashing out halfway through. She left them to it and headed to bed and was flat out by the time Frank made his way upstairs.
 “I can’t believe you got the day off!” She moaned at him over breakfast on the Monday morning.
 “I can’t believe you didn’t” he shot back
“I can’t…clients and stuff.” She pouted, biting into her toast before she groaned again. “I’m too old for partying all weekend…I can’t hack it anymore.” Frank snorted and took a sip of his coffee before Fliss grinned at him. “Can we go again next year?”
 Frank laughed “The Circle Of Truth have already decided it’s going to be an annual thing from now on.” he said, standing up and with a kiss to her head he moved to the stairs yelling for Mary to get a wiggle on. She came down the stairs, Fred and Thor following before she ate her cereal and then Frank bustled her out of the door to drop her off for the last Monday of the school term. 
Wednesday lunchtime, however, their happy little bubble burst.
 Frank was actually in the sales part of the shop, discussing the benefits of different types of engines with a customer, having been asked to give some advice. He spotted Fliss’ jeep pulling up and as soon as she climbed out and turned towards him, he could tell from her face what was going on.
 “Excuse me for just one second.” He politely told the customer, and glancing at his boss he jerked his head towards Fliss. His boss, a nice enough guy called Andy, knew vaguely what was going on and nodded in understanding as Frank stepped outside.
 “Baby?” he asked tentatively as Fliss stopped in front of him.
“He did it.” she whispered softly, stepping into his arm, pressing her face into his chest.  “He made parole. They let the fucker out.”
**** Chapter 18
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
hi your animal shelter AU has brightened my day so so much
Hello, Nonnie! I’m so happy the shelter AU has brightened you day :D May I interest you in something similar but not quite the same?
Witchers were monsters, everybody knew that. They took on the attributes of the monsters they slayed because only a bigger monster could slay those which terrorised villages. It was how rumours whipped around, describing witchers who took on attributes of their animals - vipers were quick and lethal, bears were large and relentless, cats were bastards.
However, Jaskier hadn’t seen a single trait in Geralt that was wolf-like. Actually, that was a lie. He was fiercely loyal and also growled like no tomorrow if Jaskier went hear his hair. Which was a crying shame, Jaskier would have loved to braid Geralt’s hair and style it. Alas, it was an absolute bird’s nest on the best of days.
As the season turned once again, talk of winter came up and, for the first time in Jaskier’s life, he didn’t have an invitation to a court or even Oxenfurt. Running around after Geralt had burned one too many bridge. Which resulted in a very frank discussion that ended with the agreement that Jaskier would go to Kaer Morhen. It was obvious Geralt wanted to say something but it was stifled into a grunt. Thus, it was settled.
The climb up to Kaer Morhen was gruelling. Jaskier was barely standing by the end of it but they had made it. Throughout the climb, he had noticed Geralt getting more restless, hands tugging at the seat of his trousers to the point Jaskier almost asked if he had worms or the witcher equivalent. They stood in the entrance hall of the keep and Geralt turned to him.
“You know the rumour about witchers-”
He was cut off with a bellow of “Geralt!” and he was engulfed in a bear hug. Jaskier blinked at the new arrival who peered at him from Geralt’s shoulder and stepped away, a little flustered. Dark ears which had been pricked up until then were flattened back and a bushy tail drooped.
“Jask, Eskel,” Geralt introduced gruffly. “Esk, Jaskier.”
“Is he why you’re,” the rest of the question trailed off into a gesture to which seemed to indicate Geralt as a whole. It was met with a grunt. Which was followed up by another grunt when another body slammed into him, tackling Geralt to the floor.
“Lambert.” Geralt sounded tired.
The witcher in question stared down at Geralt with a low wagging tail and ears which swivelled when Jaskier cleared his throat. Instantly, the ears were flattened back, invisible in the dark hair and the tail wrapped around Lambert’s leg.
“Nice to meet you,” Jaskier offered up. So Eskel and Lambert had tails and ears. Jaskier could deal with that fact later on, after he had caught up on sleeping and also had a hearty meal or two. “Where can I fall asleep?”
Not five minutes later Jaskier was curled up in Geralt’s bed, appreciating the warmth that always radiated from the witcher.
Waking up, Jaskier yawned and stretched, glancing around. It was a nice enough room, one that held some personality but wasn’t a junkyard of memories. Next to Jaskier, Geralt watched him with half closed eyes, so very much like a napping wolf.
“Morning,” Geralt replied. “You took last night quite well.”
Which was a weird thing to say, even by Geralt standards. So Jaskier shrugged and kissed his witcher.
“The climb was worse than anything your brothers could unleash.”
He must have been really tired because Jaskier was certain there were wolf ears and tails involved. It was quite funny to think he was to knackered, he was imagining such things.
“So you don’t mind?” There was so much hope in Geralt’s voice. “Even if I’m like them?”
“Darling-” Jaskier’s heart was breaking at Geralt’s awe, “-I love you. Even if we only kiss for the rest of our lives and occasionally get each other off in the dark. My heart is yours.”
He didn’t expect Geralt to reach up and card fingers through his own hair and for two grey ears to slowly perk up. Well then. It seemed Jaskier hadn’t imagined it at all.
“You’ve been hiding this from me all these years?” Suddenly, Jaskier understood the growls each time he went anywhere near Geralt’s head. And, maybe it would explain why Geralt only ever went topless or unlaced his breeches without pushing them down. “Tail too?”
The brush of something soft and furry against his leg was his answer. And Jaskier delighted in it. With the tail and ears, Geralt became so much easier to read all of a sudden. The other witchers too. They had some truly endearing traits. For example, Lambert loved Eskel’s cooking. His tail thumped in anticipation when Eskel served and it wagged throughout the meal until Lambert stuffed himself so full, he could only curl up in front of a fire in a food coma.
Training was a whole other issue, their whole body language came alive. Jaskier would see how each move travelled through their whole being, tail stiffening in preparation of a pounce. It got even better when Jaskier realised that Eskel used his tail to distract his opponents.
Though, Jaskier’s favourite discovery was by far that Geralt was more than happy to take their relationship further, now that he was no longer worried about his boyfriend being repulsed by his unusual physiology. At least, that was what Jaskier thought his favourite discovery was. That was until he got invited out onto a crumbling roof one night to drink, laugh and howl at the moon.
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okok hi so basically I’ve been working on this lil blurb but idk I think maybe you might be much much better than me for it , ur writing slapssss, but basically it’s a Daniel Middleton piece based off the song Lost by frank ocean where the reader is part of their dealing ring and is in love w danny and gets too wrapped up in the business but danny is too busy with his crush on mckayla to notice ? Idk I know it’s super specific but just a thought I had
I took a LOT of liberties with this request, but I did it for a reason. PLEASE WRITE THIS FIC. I guarantee that no one else could write it better than you, okay? Also, I’m SO sorry this took me ages to finish and apologies to all my other requests as well. I’m really going to try and get more work out to you guys in the next few weeks.
Alright, without further ado, I hope you enjoy this raunchy ass fic lmao
Third Wheel (D.M.)
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(smut, angst, blood, violence, cheating, cursing)
The Bonnie and Clyde of Cape Cod.
You and Hunter Strawberry had been together for as long as anyone could remember. Even in elementary school, you two had reigned over your peers with an iron fist; no one fucked with either of you in fear of pissing off the other. As you both got older, your relationship progressed from a platonic partnership to a romantic one. This often entailed hot and heavy sightings at the drive-in, and mangled noses on faces of guys who decided to look at you just a little bit too long.
You had been happy. He was your constant. You both had an undying loyalty to each other as business partners and lovers.
But then came Danny Middleton.
Danny was a scrawny boy from nowhere who didn’t belong anywhere. Perhaps it was fate that he would meet Hunter that hideously hot day in 1991 in that little convenience store. People didn’t notice Danny until he started running around with Hunter.
You were hesitant, bitter even that Hunter let someone else on the team without talking to you first. You were more of a distributor than a seller, but you had thought you were more involved than to be excluded. The more you heard about Danny, the less Hunter asked you to make drop-offs. You felt you were getting wedged out.
The first time you met Danny was a whirlwind. He’d claimed a cousin of his had a hookup across town, but the rendezvous went south quickly. You vividly remember stepping in between the two, your fist meeting the side of the guy’s jaw with a sickening crack. He didn’t do much to fight back as he was pretty doped up, but you weren’t about to take any risks when he pulled a gun from his belt. Danny sat cornered and slack-jawed as he watched you wail on the man he’d been threatened by just moments before. Once you got him onto the ground, you knocked the pistol from his hand and straddled his middle, slamming the butt across his face. Adrenaline blurred your vision as blood splattered, your relentless attack not stopping until he quit moving. You lifted yourself up, meeting Danny’s terrified gaze for a brief moment before walking out of the house, him tailing behind you.
Hunter was furious when you both got back into the car. “What the fuck happened?” You were both visibly bloodied.
“I took care of it. Let’s go,” you replied calmly, handing him the piece. Hunter looked up at you and then at Danny in the back seat, handing him the gun wordlessly before speeding back to the garage.
When you got back, you sat up on the counter, your head back against the cupboards. Hunter dabbed at your swollen knuckles with a soapy cloth. “You okay, doll?” he asked quietly, looking up at you through his blonde lashes.
“Mhm,” you nodded, watching as he bandaged you up. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before helping you down and walking with you to the seating area where Danny was sat, his head in his hands still lost in thought. Hunter sat down on the sofa and you laid down with your head in his lap.
“You will never pull anything like that again. You hear me?” Hunter’s voice was calm and chilling. “Do you understand me?”
Danny nodded, standing up. “We’ll find another way.”
“Are you even fucking listening to me? I just said no-“
“No, look, you’re upset, I get it. But we’ll find a way to work this out if you just let me-“
“Drop it, Middleton. Go home.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, willing the pounding in your skull to ease. You listen as Danny walked out of the shop, the bell chiming above the door as he left.
“He’s reckless,” you mumbled, opening your eyes to look up at Hunter.
He just nodded, his fingers brushing over your collarbone as he stared into space in thought.
You didn’t like it. Nothing would change your mind. The business was for you and Hunter, and that was it. Danny was only trouble. And Hunter probably would have agreed with you if the next few days had played out differently.
In the course of a week, the group was making quadruple what you were before. Contacts were made, deliveries were driven, and money was counted in a circle every night, going three ways. It was the kind of summer we watched in movies, and now you were living the dream. The three of you spent evenings together getting high surrounded by cash; it was unreal. You all grew quite close through inebriated conversations about life and the world. You felt you could rely on either of them for anything you needed at any time.
It was because of this you didn’t speak up despite your growing insecurity in this situation. You’d felt Hunter rarely had time for you anymore, as though you were becoming a third wheel to him and Danny despite your relationship. But who were you to allow your insecurities to get in the way of the biggest break he’d had in his life? So you stayed quiet. Perhaps that was why the resentment building in you grew so poisonous.
You and Danny often jabbed at each other, usually scuffling over little bullshit that didn’t really matter. Hunter acted as a mediator when things got too heated, much to your irritation. He rarely defended you, sometimes even siding with Danny when he was feeling ballsy. You could feel the problems piling up. The rift between you and your boyfriend growing wider, and you couldn’t help but to notice that everything had been fine between you until little Middleton had shown up.
It was an especially hot August day when everything went to shit. It seemed everyone in town was a bit more irritable when the sun was beating down incessantly, an unbeatable oppressor. You could feel sweat against the small of your back, even as the wind whipped through your hair as Hunter drove across town with the top down. Danny was sprawled out in the backseat, his feet hanging over the rear passenger door. It irritated you to see him take up so much space like he owned the place. Granted, pretty much everything he did irritated you.
You arrived back at the shop, this week’s product in hand. You placed the duffle down on the coffee table, Hunter unzipping it and reaching in to retrieve an order he had to run. “I’ll be back in an hour. Try not to kill each other,” he called, hiding the weed in his bag and heading back out to the car. This wasn’t unusual, but Danny usually left right away, either running his own deliveries or just getting away from you. But today he lingered.
“Y/N, can I talk to you about something?” He sat on the arm of the couch while you fixed a pot of coffee, your back to him.
“Uh, sure?” you replied, not turning to face him. Despite knowing practically everything about each other, he rarely made conversation with you.
Danny looked down at his hands, fumbling with his fingers for a beat before speaking. “Well, you see, I just- I have this thing for this girl. And- well, not just any girl. She’s kinda just-“
“Spit it out, Middleton,” you sang, quickly losing patience with his childish ramblings. Was he seriously coming to you for girl advice of all things?
“Fuck,” he sighed frustratedly. “It McKayla. I’ve been.. talking to her, more or less, for awhile now and-“
He’s interrupted by your laugher. You finally turned around, hands behind you against the counter as you shook your head at him. “McKayla? As in McKayla Strawberry? Are you kidding?”
He gives you a look of offense, his brow drawing together. “Yes, that McKayla. Why else would I be talking to YOU about this?”
You shook your head, pinching your brow. “You’ve done a lot of stupid shit, but this really takes the cake.”
“Listen, I just-“
“After all Hunter has done for you? You’re really going to throw that all away for some girl?”
“She’s not ‘some girl,’ okay? I really like her!” Danny insisted, standing up off of the couch defensively.
“You’re right; she’s your so-called best friend’s sister! I know for a fact he’s told you to stay away from her. But you can’t keep in your pants can you?” You were angry. After all the time you’d spent being loyal to Hunter, he was ignoring you for this kid who wouldn’t even respect him enough to stay away from his little sister.
“This isn’t even about McKayla is it?” Danny jabbed, stepping closer as he threw his hands up. “You’re just jealous I’m into someone and not following you around like a puppy like everyone else, huh? Is that why you’re so shitty to me all the time? Are you into me?”
You snapped, your white-hot temper taking control. Without hesitation, you stepped up into his face, your hands clenched right at your sides. His eyes widened, reflexively stepping back, but you follow. “Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you’re doing,” you growled, poking him in the chest.
“Just admit you want my attention, Y/N.”
The resonance of your hand colliding with his cheek travelled through the room before you even could think. His back was against the wall, his eyes round, jaw hanging slack, and his hand on his cheek. You both stood and stared at each other for a moment, the sound of the slap still resonating in your ears along with your pumping blood as you waited for him to move. He knew this and unabashedly glanced down at your lips.
You reached out, wrapping your fingers around his throat. You’re not sure why you do it, but you were unable to resist; you needed to put Danny Middleton back in his place. What you didn’t expect was the full-fledge moan that left his parted lips. It startled you for a moment before going right to your head, power-lust settling into your veins as thick as syrup. You smirked, pressing a bit harder to watch the way the scrawny boy’s eyes fluttered and his jaw clenched. He opened his mouth to speak, but you weren’t having any of it.
You crashed your lips into his. Despite knowing there was no turning back from this, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. ‘Take that, Strawberry.’ Danny’s hands flew up to grip your hips, your kiss all tongue and teeth. It was ravenous, angry, and made you ache between your legs in a way Hunter never had, in a way that came from you knowing you were in control.
“Y/N.. what about.. Hunter?” Danny managed between kisses. He was sweating bullets, but the tent in his jeans told you he had no intention of making you stop.
You pull back half an inch, your grip returning around his throat. “I don’t want to hear anything out of that fucking mouth other than ‘yes’ and ‘no’, am I understood.
He listened to you with doe eyes, pupils blown out. “Yes, Miss.”
You smirked, leaning in and catching his bottom lip between your teeth and gave it a tug. “Good boy,” you praised.
He practically went limp at your words, another whimper escaping him. You both moved in a blur back to the couch, stripping clothes off with each stumbling step. You felt drunk without a drop of liquor in your system. Tomorrow would bring hell, and you knew it, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was then and there and making a statement.
You fell heavily into his lap, both of you clad in just your undergarments. Danny’s length prodded insistently at your thigh, and you remember recognizing that he was a lot bigger than you had anticipated. His hands gripped your waist while you ground your hips against his, kissing him ferociously. You listen intently as soft moans are pulled from his throat.
“What is it, Danny Boy? Never touched a girl before?” Your words were snide, full of contempt despite the ache that was building in you for more. His eyes fluttered, rolling back into his head in response.
You just smirked, shifting down to yank his boxers down. “Well, well, well. Looks like this is where you get all your nerve, huh?” His erection stood rigid and leaking against his navel, visibly aching to be touched. Danny bit down on his tongue, his hands tugging at his hair as he fought to keep quiet. It was bad. It was so so bad, but he knew there was no stopping you; not that he had the willpower to make you stop anyway.
“I asked you a question.”
“Y-Yes, Miss.”
You made quick work of your bra and panties, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. When you finally looked back, you were greeted by this desperate, open-mouthed, horny expression taking over his face. Feeling a surge of power run through you, you placed yourself in his lap. Danny let out a soft cry and his hands flew to your hips as you rocked your hips, sliding his length between your slick folds. It was then you came back to yourself, realizing what exactly you were about to do. It took weeks for you to realize it, but you knew your life had slipped out of your hands. Never again.
Raising your hips, you slid him inside of you. You cursed softly as the very welcome stretch made you see stars. “Fuck, good boy,” you praised.
Danny was a fucking wreck. He was gasping for air, hands gripping your hips in fear of moving anywhere else, but needing to touch you. Your praises turned him on in a way he didn’t know about before. He was reduced to a trembling mess, and you loved every second of it. If someone had held a gun to his head asked him about Hunter right then, he wouldn’t have even recognized his name.
You closed your eyes and began to rock your body, focusing on the feeling of him inside of you. He was forbidden fruit: a new sensation you’d thought you’d never experience. Little did you know how much was out there for you outside of Hunter. Your palms laid splayed out against his chest as you found your rhythm, both of you cursing like sailors.
Eventually, Danny built the courage to shift his hips, beginning to meet your thrusts with his own. You cried out, feeling him brush against your most sensitive places. “Danny, fuck, that feels so good,” you whined, hair falling around your face and swaying in time with your shared movements.
“Y/N..” Danny groaned, an edge of warning to his voice. His hands now roamed over your middle, thumbs brushing against the undersides of your breasts.
“Are you gonna cum? You gonna cum in your partner’s girl?” you taunted him cruelly.
Danny gasped, letting out a higher moan. “F-fuck, yes. I’m gonna cum,” he warned.
You reached between your bodies, rubbing quick circles against your clit. Whimpers of your own increased, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the small room.
That was when Hunter walked back through the door.
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dweetwise · 4 years
Hello, can I request a headcannon with the killers that has s/o that has a German Shepard as a pet and would take to trail as to protect and guard s/o.
[yes you can i love dogs asdfdg this made me so happy ;w;]
sort of crack what else is new
Killers X reader with German Shepherd
Evan will pretend to be disgusted by doggo and avoid you two. “Real men don’t care about animals,” his father’s words echo in his head. Still, he won’t place any bear traps the entire trial out of concern for puppy’s safety. Please take the dog to meet him properly after the trial, he’ll warm up to the idea of pets in no time.
Philip loves animals. When he rings his bell and uncloaks to approach you, puppy is spooked and he’ll be so disappointed! He’ll throw the entire trial to hang out with you two, trying to build trust with the dog, and is so happy when it finally lets him pet it!
Max is, um... ABORT MISSION OK. He has some unresolved issues with animals (see: cow tree incident) and you’ll need to hide puppy and give Max a very stern talking to before introducing them. Once Max realizes animal = fren, he’ll become instant besties with puppy!
Sally won’t be overjoyed but is willing to put up with the dog for your sake. “Can you stop barking, I’m trying to have a conversation with my partner,” she’ll scold the dog when it, understandably, is confused by a floating ghost lady approaching its master.
Michael ignores the dog entirely. It could chomp down on his leg and he’d just keep walking. One time, you were whisked away to a trial while you were visiting Haddonfield with your dog, only to return after to find Michael laying motionless on the floor with the dog sprawled out on his face, Michael refusing to move to acknowledge the animal.
Lisa immediately lunges for the dog upon seeing it. “LISA NO DON’T EAT —” you start, when you see she’s just hugging the puppy tightly, while it’s frozen in place and very confused why there’s a tiny person covered in mud clinging to it. “I used to have a dog when I was a child!” she’ll excitedly tell you while giving head pats to the dog with her non-taloned hand.
Anna will look at puppy, cocking her head while humming, with the dog mirroring the action to listen to her lullaby. “You bring food?” she finally asks you, pointing at the animal with her axe. “NO! He’s my friend!” you’re quick to explain. Anna ends up training the dog to locate survivors in trials, and now neither of you are allowed to bring it into trials with you anymore.
Herman... oh lord have mercy. Herman giggles maniacally while approaching the animal, shock charging in his hand. “DON’T,” you warn sternly, protectively stepping in front of the growling doggo. He huffs in disappointment, before shocking you instead. Your scream is more from frustration than pain, but puppy launches himself at Herman, biting into the killer’s arm. “Hmm... interesting reaction,” Herman muses to himself, lifting his bloodied arm (dog still hanging on) and not seeming to care about the pain.
Bubba is terrified of the dog. Even when you manage to get him to pet it after gently coaxing both him and the dog, his hand is shaking. It’s going to take a lot of work to get him to trust such a ‘scary-looking’ animal.
Frank thinks German Shepherds are cool as fuck and fit his ‘badass’ image. He’ll often sneak puppy away from you, prancing around with it in the killers’ camp or trials to try to look tough. That being said, he’s secretly a huge softie and you’ll often find him cuddling the dog in his sleep when he thinks no one will see.
Joey just wants to chill with you and puppy. He’ll let the dog climb all over him and give him sloppy puppy kisses, and he’ll carry the dog around in his lap like a chihuahua. If your dog didn’t sleep in your bed before, too bad it does now because “He’s a family member and is not sleeping on the floor!” according to your boyfriend.
Julie is more of a cat person, but she’s more than happy to play with the dog. When she’s trowing the same stick for the 35th time in their game of fetch, you sneak off to repair a generator and neither of them notice.
Susie... well. “Who’s a good boy? A-who’s a good boy!? You are! Yes you are!” She loves the dog almost as much as she does you and will be extremely sad if you ever visit her without bringing your furry companion with you.
Danny won’t notice the dog at first, sneaking up to you in a trial and smacking your ass playfully. When you yelp in surprise, puppy growls and pounces on the killer, tacking him to the ground. Danny is screaming bloody murder while thrashing under the animal, while the dog is not even doing anything, just looking at him like ‘wtf is wrong with this dude’. It takes you a while to get puppy off of him because you’re laughing so hard.
Caleb is pretty cool with the concept of you having a dog. He doesn’t particularly like pets, but is willing to put up with it. Though he will snark at you to get the dog under control every time it starts growling when he kisses you or if, god forbid, it dares to jump on the bed with you.
Adiris will be like “Ah, a creature made to serve me”. She takes its leash and just... prances around in the trial, puppy following obediently behind her. When she gives the dog back, she’ll praise you for training it so well and give you a big smooch.
Kazan will be surprisingly accepting of the dog, as the most honorable samurai of his time had canine companions. It’s not the same breed, but hey, can’t be picky in the fog. Prepare for a couple of arguments when he wants to teach the dog to maul survivors and you just want it to be a cuddly friend.
Rin is wary of puppy and the feeling is mutual. She's pretty misinformed about the breed, but will be reassured when she sees how well-trained puppy is. Some mischief ensues when puppy once mistakes her floating leg as a new toy and takes off with it, causing an angry Rin to phase after it to catch up.
Pyramid Head will just stare at the dog, then tilt his headpiece in an unimpressed manner as if to say “Really?”. He’ll come around once he realizes puppy makes a fantastic guard dog, and he’ll let it roam the halls of the school outside of trials to look for intruders while he focuses on spending more time with you.
Amanda vibes with the breed being misunderstood and instantly wants to be a puppy mom. She’ll make a spiked collar for the dog, despite your protests. Will make a very pretty picture laying on the couch chilling with the dog, wearing her leather jacket and puppy wearing his new studded leather collar.
(Bonus: Clown running as fast as his chubby legs will carry him while Freddy is getting mauled by the dog into a bloody pile next to him. Clown slips on a pile of dog poop and the animal catches up to him, lunging for his throat. A small distance away, you’re watching the spectacle unfold with Quentin who high-fives you with a smug grin.)
(Bonus 2: The Demogorgon finds you in a trial, but puppy jumps in front of you and growls at the killer. Demo screeches, opening his maw wide and causing puppy to slink down in submission and whimper pathetically. Demo closes his mouth and cocks his head. Puppy starts wagging his tail and curious butt sniffing ensues between the dog and the killer.)
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