#francis x arthur x kiku
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franceanon · 2 months ago
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{H E T A L I A} F o x T a l e s (F A N) H o r r o r R. P. G. A. U. by Mikoru
Arthur: "...{K I K U}. Is there anything that can be U S E D as a {C L U E}?"
Kiku: "Not at all."
Arthur: "S h o o t... I really w a n t to h u r r y and G E T O U T of this H E L L of a P l a c e..."
Kiku: "Please do not w o r r y. As the s a y i n g goes, H A S T E {m a k e s} W A S T E."
Francis, L a t e r:
"I, {F r a n c i s of the W o r l d} have a S E N S E OF {B E A U T Y} ALL A R O U N D Me! L O O K At It! THIS {B E A R D} with a C R A Z Y-H I G H S E N S E OF A R T I S T I C-ness--!!" A n t o n i o: "Says the g u y w h o{~}..."
Francis, F i n a l L i n e:
"Mm mhm! The {G U S H I N G} E N T H U S I A S M of {F R A N C I S Of the W o r l d} is F A R from S T O P P A B L E!!"
{Cap'd/Clip'd by Me} / @franceanon / aph-japan {Do Not C o p y} {Do Not Re-p o s t} (A S K to Use I m g OR M u s i c - G r a b!) Watch "Hetalia Fox Tales" (Extra) on Y o u t u b e! (Check Comments for L i n k!)
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generational-atrophy · 10 months ago
ok like ur one of my top 3 fav hetalia request blogs so uhhh could i get the big 8 (and canada ofc) and how they cuddle???
hetalia main 8 (+ canada & prussia) affection hcs
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2.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mention of suggestive themes, mention of alcohol
a/n: sorry this got turned into just general affection hcs. hope thats ok. also i couldnt find the original source for any of these images :sob:
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Alfred is a very casually intimate person. His legs intertwined with yours while you game, his hand on your shoulder while you introduce him, and his hands held over yours while he shows you anything, are all common sights even before you start dating.
But once you actually get together, he doesn't get much more affectionate as much as he does touchy. Say goodbye to any personal space, as Alfred loves to manhandle you. Anytime he likes something you're wearing, he just grabs it and forces you to stand there awkwardly.
Every time he comes home from work stressed, he insists that you hold his head in your lap and pet his hair.
When the night begins, he's on the other side of the bed. But by morning, the blankets are practically all on the floor while he hugs you from behind, his face buried in your hair and his legs caging you against the sheets.
Also: he's a great hugger (: Any sickness can be ailed by drowning in his arms.  Sometimes it really does feel suffocating, he has no sense of self-control and way too much love for you to realize that it’s alarming to be tackled to the ground.
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Arthur despises PDA. Arthur despises you knowing how much he cares. Arthur despises being vulnerable in any way. Arthur despises rainbows and sunshine. But he loves you, so he'll hold you by the waist when your head falls on his shoulder.
Most of the time, the most you'll get is a chaste kiss, only sometimes on the lips. It took him a while to even agree to share a bed because it's “unseemly“ for an unwed couple. When you do share a bed, he rarely cuddles up to you. He’s almost always an arm's length away, close but not too close.
But when he gets drunk, his real self comes out. Suddenly he's pressing soft kisses up and down your chest, his hands keeping you pressed against the bed while he whispers how much he loves you in languages he hasn't spoken in centuries.
But even when he's in his right mind, you might be able to convince him to let you sit in his lap while he reads to you. He'll deny it, but he does love it greatly. In general, he prefers holding you rather than the other way around.
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While Francis may be incredibly affectionate, he isn't really the biggest cuddler. His physical affection comes mostly in the forms of passionate, breath-taking kisses and slow dancing. But of course, he does love having you close, so you'll end up cuddling anyway.
He loves lounging with you by his side, a nice bottle of wine readily available, while you two reminisce. His hands always find a way to snake underneath your clothing, but it's only so he can trace soft patterns on your skin, making you relax even further against him.
At night, it depends on the mood. If you're feeling needy, he'll happily pull you close to rest your head on his chest. If he's feeling needy, he'll beg for you to hold him close, to run your fingers through his hair and tell him how much you love him. But if it's the summer and he's hot, he'll kick you off the bed if you touch him.
Also, just for the record, he never lets go of your hand throughout the day. Ever. The difference between affection at home and affection in public is completely lost on Francis, so be prepared for him to pull you against him just like he would if no one was watching.
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In terms of love languages, Yao cares much more for quality time than physical affection. But he can be prone to clingy moods, refusing to leave your side for hours at a time. During those times, it's best to just let him nuzzle his face against your neck without protest.
On the rare nights that he lets you cook, he'll hold you tight from behind. Surprisingly not just to criticize your technique, but also because he just loves how you feel pressed up against him.
When it comes to the bed, he is surprisingly cuddly. He'll ghost his hands all over your body while you're falling asleep, seemingly always in awe of your beauty. He's rarely aggressive in any way, his affection always soft and thoughtful.
(Also, he prefers cuddling without clothes. Not for even a single remotely sexual reason, but just because it's so much more intimate)
When in public, he never goes beyond brushing a hair behind your ear; but with the way he looks at you, you always feel just as loved as you would otherwise.
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The moment you give him permission, Ivan is all over you. Constant kisses, constant hugs, never more than a step away, he'll be attached to your side for as long as you let him.
Anytime you two are together, he'll pull you as close as possible. Watching a movie is always done with you on his lap, no car ride is complete without his hand around your thigh, and even when you're separated, he's anxious to keep an eye on you.
Without you in his arms, he'd find it difficult to sleep. He can't get enough of watching you while your eyes flutter shut, his calloused hands running through your hair until you finally relax completely.
Every time you reach out for him first, he finds himself too flustered to speak. He's a very handsy person himself, so it's impossible to make him uncomfortable. All he can do is watch you in awe, never growing tired of the feeling of your skin against his.
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Matthew's affection is always hesitant, as if he's afraid you'll break the moment his skin meets yours. He'd never do as little as hold your hand without your permission, much less pull you into a hug.
But the opposite is true when you're the one asking him for his touch. If you seem nervous, suddenly his kiss is all-consuming, taking the breath out of your lungs and causing you to stumble.
At night, he absolutely melts when you hold each other. Your hands around his waist make him shiver, and he can't stop himself from burying his face in your hair, his fingers drawing feather-light patterns into your back. But it already takes an hour of convincing to get him into bed with you, much less to get him to cuddle without him constantly asking if you’re alright.
In public, however, any affection makes him blush bright red. He can barely believe that you're alright with showing your love for him. If you were to suddenly hug him to say goodbye, it's unlikely he'd be able to pull himself away. He loves your touch, but he can't let himself indulge, the fear of your rejection making him fear getting too close.
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From the moment you two met, Feliciano's hands all over you, at all times. Personal boundaries is not something he's familiar with. No matter where you are, he's grossly affectionate. He usually doesn't care whether or not you hug him back, as long as you don't reject him too bluntly. Then he'll cry. But stop nonetheless.
If you're ever insecure, he's the man to reassure you. You'll never again leave the house without tons of kisses all over your face, much less do anything without his arm around your waist.
As expected, he's also very needy. He's satisfied to just rest his head on your shoulder most of the time, but sometimes he just needs you to hold him. If you're alright with it, his designated spot is always curled up against you with his head in your lap. If you pet his hair too, he'll be yours for life.
In bed, it's the same. If you're wrapped up in each other's arms, he's happy. But if you're holding him, not too soft yet not too tight, he might just start crying. For good reasons this time.
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Ludwig’s affection is always awkward, his grip is always too tight or too soft, but he does truly love being beside you. No matter how afraid he is, as soon as you pull him into a hug, he completely forgets all nervousness. But still, it’s not often he goes out of his way to do any more than rest a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
At night, it’s the same. He wants you close, close enough that you could always wake him up if you needed to, but not close enough that you’re pressed against each other. But on those awful nights when you just need some comfort, he’s more than happy to wrap you in a bunch of blankets and hold you all night long (He won’t get any sleep, but being so protective makes him feel just as happy.)
What he lacks in physical affection, he more than makes up for in every other area. At least he always knows the best places to kiss you.
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Kiku is a very private man. You knew that before you were dating, but even now, it seems like even his affection is kept to himself. You constantly see him reach for you out of the corner of your eye, before he suddenly pulls away.
He's always rather cold in public. The most you get at home is usually just a chaste kiss, too.
Except at night, when he's too overworked and sleepy to think straight, it's the opposite. Suddenly he's crawling into your arms in the dead of night, desperate and whining for your affection. Sometimes it's the opposite, his hesitant hands running over your side, careful not to disturb you as you're pulled into his embrace.
Either way, it's rare that either of you wake up without the other, strewn across the bed and buried under the mountains of blankets Kiku loves. Just don't bring it up, because he's deathly embarrassed of how much he needs your affection.
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There is not a day that goes by without Romano demanding you two cuddle. In public, at home, at night, in the morning, when you're doing nothing, when you're busy... he is... quite needy when it comes to physical affection.
His favourite way to cuddle is in bed, blankets thrown wildly around the two of you, him wrapped around you and resting his head on your thighs while you play with his hair. But he's honestly not that picky as long as you're almost painfully close.
He doesn't kiss you often (especially in public, just because he's so insecure about how people see the two of you,) but when he does, it feels like something out of a movie. Your breath taken in a second, your mind going blank, your entire body seeming to melt into his effortlessly...
As time goes on, he would probably become less clingy. When you first start dating, he's so anxious to make sure you understand how much you mean to him, that he ends up overcompensating in a lot of areas... especially when it comes to affection.
But his body IS kind of perfect for cuddling, so...
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Gilbert is a very proud man, and that remains obvious in the way he touches you. He's anxious to show off your attachment in public, always having his hand intertwined tightly with yours, his eyes never leaving you no matter what.
At home, it's the same. He's not overly clingy, especially when he gets in snippy moods, but he still believes everything is better when you're by his side. His favourite thing in the world is being cuddled up on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder while he runs his fingers down your thighs, watching probably one of the worst movies ever made.
When in bed, he's a lot more needy. He tends to get cold, so he always pulls you against him. When you cling to his chest, he swears he's in heaven. But that also means it's a struggle to get up in the morning since he always insists on “just 5 more minutes.“
He's rather... grabby. His affection is usually aggressive, and sometimes a little embarrassing, but it's just because he's so desperate to show you how he really feels, beyond the silly act.
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coralcatsea · 10 months ago
Brief Thoughts on Some Ships Part 2
Engmano: Since they both speak such a similar "tsundere" language, they see right through the other. So if one of them says, "I didn't make these for you, I just had leftovers!" the other will know it's just a defence mechanism and not at all believe that lie. Knowing how the other works so well would lead to a lot of teasing as well. One of their bonding activities is trash talking other people. Also, Lovino does his best to help Arthur improve his cooking.
RusFra: Ivan greatly admires Francis, whom he finds sociable, fashionable, and loving. Francis, despite being a bit intimidated, sees the good in Ivan and reaches out to him when others won't, and is flattered when Ivan makes attempts to impress and do nice things for him – although he often makes mistakes, but that just endears Francis to him more.
GerAme: Ludwig loves dogs and Alfred is an absolute golden retriever of a man. Ludwig finds him way too cute and definitely wants to do pet play with him.
Ameripan: I think Kiku should give Alfred to a tentacle monster and watch.
RusEng: Seems intriguing. They both know some magic. I like the art where people depict Russia thinking Arthur looks like a sunflower with his green outfit and blond hair.
AmeChu: Alfred is Yao's bratty boy toy.
Prumano: As the older brothers who have to work harder for approval, I think they would understand each other. That canon scene of Prussia reaching out to Romano after he didn't get a part for a movie and encouraging him was super sweet.
AsaKiku: Arthur seems to fit a lot of popular love interest archetypes in anime. The gentleman/princely type, the tsundere, the lonesome bad boy... Perhaps that means he's very much Kiku's type? 😆 The ship seems cute and pleasant, though I would like to see a little more spice in the depictions.
USUKCan: Alfred and Matthew both crave validation from Arthur, so they compete for his attention and approval. Arthur definitely enjoys watching them both suck him off.
EngPort: Friends to lovers to friends. I think they experimented a lot with each other and are pretty close and comfortable regardless of their relationship.
AusHun: Girlboss x malewife. Team Rocket vibes.
Part 1
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hermannsprecursors · 2 years ago
Hetalia x Pacfic Rim AU official stuff yay!
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EXTRA STUFF: -Did I not tell you? This is an Ameripan au! Yippee! -Alfred has universal drift compatibility-- meaning they have the capacity to drift at least semi-successfully with everyone. However, he's had a pretty bad track record, and most of their drift partners have had serious accidents befall them. They quit for a year after his carelessness caused Lovino to get hurt. -Kiku went through a HEFTY breakup with Casper before being thrown into a partnership with Alfred (I'm not immune to nedpan propaganda, dear viewers). He is very bitter about it. -Kiku worked tech and development for about 7 months before being partnered with Alfred. -Initially, they were incapable of drifting. Alfred forced them to be able to. -Technically this au's Mako and Raleigh if you're keeping track of canonic similarity
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EXTRA STUFF: -The two ended up really disliking each other initially. They've since grown on each other. -Initially, though, a lot of that dislike was just because of a language barrier-- that being Casper refused to speak anything but Dutch or occasionally Japanese and it just confused Matt. They're better now! -These lucky bastards have THE most recent model of Jaeger known to date, and by far have the fanciest tech. -Not only are they drift compatible, they're also compatible via star sign. Matt thought that was really funny when they first got together. -Roderich regrets pairing the two every single day. Alfred and Kiku may be this au's main couple but these two are the most chaotic duo and everyone hates it.
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EXTRA STUFF: -These two are just. A mess. Both are absolutely RIDICULOUSLY traumatized and no one knows how they're still able to drift or how they're drift compatible but they make it work. -Nobody knows if they're dating or if Feli is just really clingy. It's very much so the latter, they're just besties. Feli just doesn't know boundaries. -Feliciano walks with a limp considering he has pins in his knee keeping it together via brace! Let's hear it for accidents while piloting -Also all of the burns and scars Ludwig has ALSO comes from accidents while piloting. Said accident kills his brother. Like I said, traumatized. -Literally NOBODY knows how they got put back in the Jaeger program. They literally just showed back up one day and Rod was like "eh alright, let's test them for compatibility because the world is gonna end in like 2 weeks"
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EXTRA STUFF: -And they're all married! (Well, Elizaveta and Roderich are married. Antonio is just there. Gilbert was also part of the polycule but he's dead lol) -Roderich has NO idea how he ended up in charge, but he's been the director of the Shatterdome since 2018 once he started to develop symptoms of MS and couldn't pilot anymore. -Elizaveta hasn't been able to pilot with anyone but Roderich and she's PISSED at him for it because she wants to PILOT AGAIN, DAMNIT -Roderich will greenlight literally ANYTHING, considering he has 8 months of spending, it burns up in about 3 weeks as of the starting date of this AU's story, and he has NOTHING to spend it on -Yeah Roderich is officially in charge but Antonio is really the one who makes most of the important decisions which is DEFINITELY for the best
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EXTRA STUFF: -Science guys! (Which is SO weird considering Arthur and Francis used to be ACTUAL pilots. Like, plane pilots) -POINT AND LAUGH AT THE DUMB BRITISH MAN WHO'S DRIFTED SOLO WITH A KAIJU 3 TIMES (they're technically clinically insane at this point and Yao and Francis have no idea how they're alive) -Arthur was removed from active pilot duty after it was revealed they were exposed to radiation during early testing, as they were one of the test pilots in the Jaeger program, courtesy of the RAF. Francis was supposed to take their place but wasn't compatible with any open pilots. -Yao is HONESTLY the only sane one here and nobody knows how considering he's surrounded by FREAKS. -Also Yao was the only of his family to do the science-- all of his siblings went into actual piloting. -Yao and Arthur are technically the Hermann and Newt of this AU. Again, only if you're looking for like contingency with the actual plot of Pacific Rim
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EXTRA STUFF: -These two aren't related in any way they literally just work here. Both are victims of Alfred's bad luck streak though! -Seriously. Alfred's trauma from previous drift experiences wrecked Ivan's psyche so bad he's incapable of drifting and had to move to munitions and Lovino was partially paralyzed after a mission gone wrong (same one that ruined his brother's leg) that Alfred couldn't be there for because they were ill. -Lovino gets to run missions for other people now so he just gets to sit and be petty over a microphone all day now. -Ivan WOULD have universal drift compatibility if he didn't undergo such psychological trauma. Plus he just really isn't well and should not be anyone's drift partner. -Lovino on the other hand only ever drifted with Alfred and her brother. In fact, Vino and Alfred were partners (both drift and romantic partners) for about a year and a half before the accident
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koolkat9 · 2 years ago
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @balladofthewhitehorse
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I did this before so I'll put the ones I already posted under the cut because again, perhaps people asking about them will get me motivated to write.
I do have some new outlines to share because where I work we got slow periods where a lot of us will do something like word searches or in my case writing...so...
NedCan "Dancer" AU - It's actually a NedCan stripper AU (but I wrote this when I had free time at work so...I didn't want people being suspicious). It would be a long fic though and I only have the prologue/first chapter outlined.
CuCan Cottage - CuCan obviously
GerEng Hot Day - GerEng obviously
Art + Lud Stuffies - GerEng + stuffed animals
Everyone Boosting Lud's Spirits - Nations Free AU - An ensemble fic with some German Bros and GerEng.
Royal Red Bros - Mattie Playing in Mud - England + Canada
GerEng - Future - Nations Free AU - GerEng
GerEng Tongue Piercing - GerEng
GerEng Feeing Birds - GerEng
Matt Ficking of to the Woods -> Allie Finds him - Scotland + Canada
NedCan - Nude Painting - NedCan
Art Motorcycle - GerEng
Arthur Meeting Lud’s Dogs - Obviously GerEng 
Count Your Blessings (Chapter 3) - England + Canada 
GerFruk Arthur Sick fic - GerFruk
Got a Secret Can You Keep it? - GerEng (nsfw)
Day 6 - Folklore || Pining - FACE Fam + Fruk (this was originally going to be something for Fruk week but I couldn’t get myself to finish it in time since it is very long, but I do plan on returning to it)
Cardverse Fic - GerEng is the main focus, but there will also be Itapan, probably some platonic Al and Art, platonic Arthur and Yao, Scotfra, and so much more. Don’t know when it will be posted since I want to finish one of my other multichapter fics before jumping onto another. 
German Bros - Germany + Prussia (originally planned as a Father’s Day fic but I ran out of time. Probably won’t get posted until Father’s Day 2024)
Untitled - EngUkr (I think this was supposed to be a birthday fic, but then I ran out of time and just haven’t finished it yet)
GerEng Hurt/Comfort Hospital - GerEng, England + America 
Pruk Spice - Pruk (nsfw)
 Subspace - GerEng (nsfw)
Top England x Bottom BFT - BFT x England (nsfw. Based on a prompt on the hetalia kink meme)
ONLY OUTLINE (Break because this is where it gets long)
FACE Fam Sick Fic - FACE Fam + Fruk
Omega Ludwig being taken care of at a meeting (inspired by a convo on my spicy blog)
Ludwig’s Birth + Gil’s Anxiety - little Germany + Prussia (and Germania, though it’s more like he’s there in spirit with him possibly actually being present)
Francis Caring for Matt’s Hair - France + Canada
GerEng + Peter Sick fic - Obviously GerEng + Peter
Fruk Death Fic - Fruk (I promise it’s only temporary Character Death)
Arthur and Kiku taking Matt to a convention - England + Japan + Canada
FACE Fam Matt is Injured in Hockey - FACE Fam + Fruk
CuCan Beach Prompt - CuCan
CuCan Winter Prompt - CuCan
GerEng laying in Bed all day because Arthur is depressed and mentally drained - GerEng + an appearance by Ludwig’s dogs possibly
Canmano First Meeting - Canmano + a little bit of Ameliet
Art + Matt WW1
Arthur Getting Merlin - England + the kitten I gave him named Merlin
GerEng exercise Buddies - GerEng
Fruk Kiss Prompt - Fruk
Royal Red Bros Storm - England + little Canada
Matt Comforting Arthur after a Nightmare - England + little Canada
Lud Picking up Arthur after he fell asleep in a weird position - GerEng
Ludwig Cleaning Arthur’s Wounds After a Bar Fight
NyoCanUkr smut - Nyo Canada x Ukraine (nsfw)
Pet Play GerEng - GerEng
EngUkr Spice - EngUkr
CanCu Omegaverse - CuCan (nsfw. Based on prompt from Hetalia Kink Meme)
GerEng Thunder Storm - GerEng + Aster (Lud’s dog)
Matthew + Fran and Fran’s Fear of Planes - France + Canada
GerEng Late Night - GerEng
I forgot the tag let's see...what other writers do I know...
@needcake @redds-art828 @averyblair and I can't think of anyone else. Anyone who wants to jump onto this. Go right ahead. Consider this your tag. (No pressure to anyone though)
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tireditaliannsstuff · 2 years ago
Seven Taylor Swift songs that remind me of GerIta and seven who remind me of AmeriPan + some AmeMano and FrUk
I see this song from Lud's point of view + I have a very specific hc of how him and Feli actually met (I just think that it's impossible that they had never met until WW1)
It's just the perfect song for a modern AU and it's just SO them
Paper Rings
... do I even have to explain?
Love Story
The story of their relationship, from HRE x Chibitalia to modern times
State Of Grace
This could be from both's POV and I think that's why it's just so perfect for them
Again, this could be from both's POV and I love this song so much
Everything Has Changed
Lud being a gay mess
This love
The story of their relationship from Kiku's POV
Begin again
Kiku's POV, when they started to get to know each other while Kiku was getting out of the isolation or a modern AU
This gives modern AU but also modern times in canonverse, could be from both POV
King of my heart
Again, this could be a Modern AU but also canonverse, Alfred's POV
I think that this song describes their dinamic perfectly
So it Goes...
I don't really know how to explain this but this song is just them
This just fits very well my Kiku headcanons
The way I loved you
THE FrUk song
Dancing with our hands tied
Royal AU
Gold rush
Arthur about Francis
Francis about Arthur
The great war
Maybe I have a terrible sense of humor or maybe this song is just perfect to describe their relationship
Illicit affairs
Invisible string
This is just perfecttt
High school queen bee nyo!Romano and jock Alfred
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kakashi-fangirl-ita-blog · 1 month ago
Ciao a tutti!! Ho pubblicato il nuovo capitolo di Neve Rosso Sangue! I protagonisti saranno Kiku nella prima parte e Romano nella seconda!
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), Austria & Hungary & Prussia (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia) Characters: North Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s) Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Mutant Powers, X-Men Inspired Summary:
Stati Uniti, 1985 Il governo statunitense ha indetto una caccia spietata ai mutanti, esseri umani dotati di poteri soprannaturali, per proteggere l'umanità in pericolo. Feliciano Vargas è un mutante arrestato dall'esercito e rinchiuso nell'inespugnabile fortezza di Westbrook, dove vengono catturati e studiati i mutanti più temuti. Dovrà sopravvivere all'interno della prigione, tra esperimenti e lavori forzati, per poter tornare a casa e riabbracciare il fratello maggiore, aiutato nel frattempo da un gruppo di mutanti rivoluzionari determinati a salvare i prigionieri. È una storia in cui due mondi opposti si scontrano e si uniscono continuamente tra il dolore, l'amore, l'amicizia e l'odio. [Mutant!AU, supernatural powers] (Coppie principali: GerIta, Spamano, FrUK) !ATTENZIONE! il rating potrebbe salire per scene future con contenuti violenti e/o sessuali espliciti
Link Ao3:
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evereinefaust · 2 years ago
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Denmark (Matthias Kohler) X afab!Reader
Trigger Warning: Character death
Sypnosis: He was supposed to surprise her with gifts for their friendship anniversary. They were supposed to have fun and bond over simple things like they used to. However, unexpected news came crashing down on him instead.
Word Count: 1,895
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"Hehe... [Name] will be happy for what I will give her" A certain Dane muttered to himself as he walked down the town to buy [Name]'s favorites as a gift for their 6th friendship anniversary. "What should I buy first? Clothes? Stuff toys? Candies? Jewelry? Bags? Shoes? Notebooks? Scrapbooks? Scrapbook materials? Pens? Glasses? Hats? Oh well... I'll guess I'll buy clothes first"
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I'm so sorry miss [Surname], but there's no way to cure your illness."Why does it have to be like this? I don't want this, how can I tell Matthias and the others about this? I don't want to see them sad, especially Matthias. He will be terribly hurt if I say so, but if I don't, he will be hurt too... What should I do...?" A weeping sound came from the [h/l] [h/c]-colored female who was leaning on the wall near the room she had been in. She kept on crying as she felt pain in her chest, it was her illness again. A rare illness that was passed down through her family's genes and causes the girl pain. 
She crouched her chest as she panted fast, not a moment later, she fell unconscious. One nurse saw her laying on the floor and hurriedly headed to the emergency room with her.
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The Nordics were busy decorating the house with [f/c] banners and [f/c] garlands, they also posted on the wall their pictures with [Name]. The tablecloth in the dining room was changed into [f/c] one. The plates, forks, spoons, and glass cups were arranged perfectly on the table. There is also a [f/c] vase with [f/flower] in the middle of the table. The living room was rearranged. The couches were nowhere to be found, and it was replaced by a long table with [f/c] tablecloth that was placed at the side of the room. There were plates on the table but with no served foods yet, there was also a label glued on the wall. The carpet was removed as the floor was well polished. The doorways of the rooms had [f/c] streamers hanging with letters glued to them.
On one long table, there were the gifts that they bought and wrapped and then set aside. There were also gifts from [Name]'s other friends, like Arthur, Kiku, Ludwig, Feliciano, Alfred, Francis, Ivan, Yao, and many more. All of the gifts were stacked neatly. On the corners of every room, there were 4 clear balloon confetti. There were also decorations that were made by the Norwegian, just like the [f/c] coffee filter flowers that were decorated around the door frame of the house. Almost all the utensils were decorated with washi tapes. The room has rainbow-colored garlands glued on the ceiling. The place was perfect for a party, but it was still unfinished.
When the Nordics were still busy decorating the room, the phone rang which disturbs them. "Yes? Hello?" The Finnish man answered the phone while the others were busy decorating. "What? Are you sure doc.....? Okay, we will be right there" Tino said as he put the phone down. "What was that?" The Swede asked as he looked at Tino, he looked at him and then frowned. "[Name]'s in critical condition. The doctor said that someone should watch over her" He told him sadly.
The Norwegian and the Icelander were listening to what Tino just said then Emil had a shocked expression on his face. "If I could I w-" Tino was cut off by the Norwegian. "I will go," Lukas said in a monotone, the others looked at him. "I will go too" Emil volunteered, Lukas stared at him and Emil could feel his aura as he sweat-dropped. "Okay guys, please be careful on the way. Berwald and I will finish decorating the house" Tino told them, they nodded and then left the house as Tino and Berwald continue to finish the work.
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"Please hurry!! She needs to be saved!!" The nurses inside the emergency room were so stressed out, together with the doctor. [Name]'s illness was so rare, only her family had this kind of disease. It was a combination of heart cancer and corpulsus. Her mother has the corpulsus and her father has the heart cancer. When those two rare diseases combine, the person who had those diseases will die at the age of 26. When [Name] had one symptom of heart cancer, corpulsus will take place. Her heart will stop beating and her blood cannot circulate, her face will become pale and it will stay for a minimum of 1 hour if she cannot be cured temporarily.
Her doctor had the medicine to for her avoid the disease, but it can be back after days. Her disease will never be cured and it will never stop until the host dies. The medicine [Name] used is already gone, and there is no guarantee that [Name] will still survive. The last medicine was used today, and it only lasts for 12 hours because her illness was getting worse.
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A happy Dane was still in town, whistling while walking back to the house with shopping bags in his hands. He bought all of the things that he can think of for [Name]'s gift. He sighed, happy for his work then headed back home. Once he returned home, he saw Berwald and Tino sitting on the dining chair. "Hey, guys! I've already finished shopping for [Name]'s gift!" He grinned as he opened the door. "Where are Lukas and Emil?" He asked as he placed the shopping back down. "They're at the hospital" Tino replied while giving him a sad smile as he got the shopping bag and took out the gifts.
"Why?" He asked as he looked at him and Berwald. "Well... It's just..." Tino said nervously as he placed the gift on the long table. "Lukas and Emil went to the hospital because [Name] was in critical condition" Berwald explained, the two males looked at him with shock. "What?!" Matthias asked as his eyes widened. 
He cursed under his breath and opened the door. "Where are you going?" Tino asked him. "I'm going to the hospital" He replied as he looked at him. Tino and Berwald looked at each other. "We're going with you," Tino told him as Berwald stood up from his seat, Matthias looked at them then nodded.
The three of them left the house and headed to the hospital where [Name] is, they also brought some of the gifts Matthias bought for the girl.
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The two biological brothers were outside [Name]'s room, waiting for the doctor to give them permission to enter. After the doctor exited the room, the two stood up. "She's sleeping inside, you two can now enter," The doctor told them, they nodded them opened the door. They saw the female sleeping peacefully as Lukas closed the door. They took two chairs and then placed them beside [Name]'s bed. Lukas on her right and Emil on her left. After a while, the girl woke up. "Hey..." Lukas greeted her, and she smiled sadly. "Hey guys, sorry that made you worried" She apologized as she looked at each of them. "It's nothing, you shouldn't apologize," Emil said as he looked away with a blush, you chuckled. "What kind of disease do you have?" Lukas asked. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you" She apologized again as she looked down. She told them her story about how she got her disease, and she also told them that she suffered from it when she was still young. They were shocked about this and decided to keep [Name] happy, they tell stories about their past. She was so happy that she can have time with them before she die, but she frowned when she can't have time with the Dane. After a while, there was a knock on the door, they looked at it and [Name] said a small "come in". The door opened and revealed a tall blonde male, the girl's face brightened up. "Matthias..." She whispered to herself. Matthias looked at her went to her then hugged her. "I'm glad that you're okay [Name]!" He cried on your back. "Now, now Matthias. I'm alright, no need to cry," She told him as she rubbed his back. The Swede and the Finnish entered inside and closed the door as the Dane released her. She smiled as she saw them. "Hello Tino, Berwald" She greeted them, Tino smiled as Berwald nodded. "What happened to you, [Name]?" Matthias asked worriedly as he touched her face. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, Matthias..." She started to tear up and touched his hand. "I just can't tell you, I don't want you to be hurt" "Don't worry about it [Name], please tell me" He begged her, she nodded. Then, she told the remaining three about her disease and that she will not survive long. Matthias grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly and told her that he was not going to leave her. She smiled, then Tino told them to have fun and celebrate their friendship anniversary. They gave [Name] their gifts as she opened them all. They chatted and play games until midnight. "I'm glad that I have you guys, you made my last time with you guys the happiest moment ever" You muttered as you smile faintly, you slowly closed your eyes and let eternal rest grant upon you. Matthias' eyes widened, he placed a hand on your shoulders then shook it slightly. "[Name]? [Name]? [Name]...?" His eyes started to tear up as he hugged the girl tightly. The other Nordics just stare at them in disbelief, they can't believe their eyes, their very friend is now dead. He cried loudly while Tino and Emil started to tear up. Although Berwald and Lukas don't cry, it is obvious that they feel very sad. The nurses came inside the room once they heard Matthias' loud cry, they got the girl out of the room and try to save her once again.
The Nordics waited outside of the room for [Name], their eyes were swollen because of crying. The doctor exited the room as Matthias stood up. "How is she doc?" He asked, the doctor just looked at him straight in the eye with pity. He know this and then decided to enter inside, and the other Nordics follow suit. He touched her pale body again as he starts crying. No one can save her now, he already accepted fate.
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It's been weeks since [Name] died, they already buried her days after her death. Their gifts for her were inside the coffin, buried with her. Matthias started to lock himself inside his room afterward, cursing, and sometimes, he almost lose his sanity and try to commit suicide. His room was messy as he destroy his things and sometimes went wild. But they were always there to calm him down, they told him to move on, which made him a lot more furious.
The Dane doesn't want to move on, and it made him live in solitude and depression.
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ari-burr · 4 years ago
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First things first, when requesting, make sure to be creative! It can be about bloody history or filled with fluffy scenarios with our lovely hetalians!
If your request does not reach the light of day I may have accidently deleted it, or, it did not follow the rules and thus has been refused by me. 
While I can write a bit of R-Rated stuff, their are are certain limits of genre’s to which I must state: No In//est (c), P//dophilla (e), G//re (o), Ab//se (u), and R//pe (a), P//lls (i), or S//at (c).
In the notion of AU’s, I am still new to the whole concept. And from that inexperience, they are not allowed. Yet. 
Admittedly, I have learned to love the more popular ships of Hetalia, but I can get uncomfortable with writing the pairs that I just don’t agree with. So to save everyone the trouble, no Canon x Canon.
Full on NSFW is not allowed, yet. But hints and headcanons of it are okay tho ;)
Remember that I do have a life outside of tumblr so please be patient in waiting out your request!
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[ AXIS POWERS ] -  ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
❥ Feliciano Vargas - Northern Italy
❥ Kiku Honda - State of Japan
❥ Ludwig Beilschmidt - Federal Republic of Germany
❥ Lovino Vargas - Southern Italy
❥ Gilbert Beilschmidt - Kingdom of Prussia
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[ ALLIED FORCES ] -  ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) *:・゚ ☆
❥ Alfred F. Jones - United States of America
❥ Arthur Kirkland - United Kingdom, England
❥ Francis Bonnefoy - French Republic
❥ Yao Wang - People’s Republic of China
❥ Ivan Braginski - Russian Federation
❥ Matthew Williams - Dominion of Canada
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[ 2P AXIS POWERS ] -  ( uωu人 )
❥ Luciano Vargas - 2p Northern Italy
❥ Kuro Honda - 2p State of Japan
❥ Lutz Beilschmidt - 2p Federal Republic of Germany
❥ Flavio Vargas - 2p Southern Italy
❥ Gillen Beilschmidt - 2p Kingdom of Prussia
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[ 2P ALLIED FORCES ] -  (ᕵ﹏ᕴ)
❥ Allen F. Jones - 2p United States of America
❥ Oliver Kirkland - 2p United Kingdom, England
❥ François Bonnefoy - 2p French Republic
❥ Zao Wang - 2p People’s Republic of China
❥ Viktor Braginski - 2p Russian Federation
❥ Matthieu ‘James’ Williams - 2p Dominion of Canada
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buttmano · 6 years ago
Request: "Hi! I saw an ask you got a while ago asking how the Axis and Allies +Canada reacting to finding out they're going to be dads and I was wondering how they'd react to their Female S/O going into labor and giving birth and how they'd react once the baby was born!"
Rating: Fluff, Slight Angst
TW: birth/labor
Germany: Ludwig tries to stay calm when you go into labor but he's internally freaking out. Your cries of pain make his stomach twist because he feels like it's his fault. Although once he hears the first cry of his child his heart skips a beat and his smile spreads across his face. Seeing his little baby in his arms was one of the happiest moments in his life.
Japan: Kiku is prepared for the exact moment you go into labor and he grabs the dedicated bag and drives you to the hospital / calls the midwife. He's very sweet and supportive while you're pushing, giving you praises through the pain. After the birth of your child Kiku is holding them and affectionately stroking their cheek before saying, "You have made me the happiest man alive, (Y/N), I thank you for that."
Italy: Feliciano is freaking out. "What do you mean you're in labor??" "Like uhm, the baby is coming Feli." "NOW?!" You calm him down a bit and finally get to the hospital/call the midwife. He's a bundle of stress as you go through the painful contractions and he apologizes a couple times. But when the baby cries for the first time, Feliciano nearly cries too. Hearing the cry just made it all real for him and now he's so proud.
France: Francis is prepared, when you let him know you're in labor he starts timing contractions and has the bag in the car already. Once it gets time he helps you into the car and makes sure to carefully drive you to the hospital. He's by your side through the whole thing. When his child is born he probably does she'd a tear and he takes tons of pictures to celebrate.
England: Arthur is like Ludwig, he's acting calm and cool but on the inside he's freaking out and rushing around. He's pacing around the delivery room until you start pushing and then he's right by your side. He cuts the umbilical cord and then as the nurses are cleaning your child off he pats the sweat off of your face, praising you constantly.
China: Yao is probably trained in midwife duties so if you wanted he could help you birth your child. When you go into labor he tries his best to comfort you until your water breaks and you're dilated enough. He guides you through the process, even if you have another midwife with you. When your child is born Yao takes them into his arms before resting them in your arms and giving you a kiss on the forehead.
Russia: Ivan, like Yao, knows how to birth children and especially depending on where you live in his country he might have to birth your children. When you go into labor and even when you're pushing he's probably the best person to have there because of his constant praise. The first cries of his child make him hold his breath as the reality of the situation sinks in and once he sees his baby his heart swells with love for both you and your newborn.
America: Alfred is surprisingly ready when you abruptly tell him you're having contractions. He times them with his phone before helping you into his SUV and makes sure the baby seat is ready before leaving. His mouth is going a mile a minute as he excitedly goes over everything his going to do with his little kiddo. When his child cries his mouth falls silent and he watches as the doctor holds his child before giving them to the nurses. After his child is in your arms he peers over and grins, giving you a high five, "We did awesome, dudette!"
Canada: Matthew tends to be a little nervous once you tell him you're contracting and when your water breaks he almost passes out. But thankfully he doesn't and is able to drive you to the hospital so you can get the epidural in you before having to push. After you successfully push your child out Matthew holds his breath before beaming brightly when the nurses tell you the gender and weight of the baby. 'Healthy! They're healthy!' That's all he can think about as he holds the tiny bundle while gently giving them a kiss on the forehead.
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rein-ette · 4 years ago
A Selection of England’s Relationships Throughout History
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Holy this took me a long time BUT Hetalias back so gotta celebrate ♥️
Obviously these are my personal interpretations of iggy and co. — I would definitely love to hear feedback from anyone who agrees/disagrees or finds any historical inaccuracies.
Also I forgot to mention in the actual legend but the line thickness indicates the major relationship during England’s life at that time or the one he was the most invested in/committed to.
More Special Notes/Thoughts Under the Cut!
I use ship names throughout these notes only to denote a relationship between a nation and England, not necessarily a romantic one.
From a outsider point of view England’s relationship with Port and France are almost the inverse of each other, with one relationship growing stronger when the other weakens and vice versa, but actually from England’s point of view he’s just loved both of them, like, forever. For most of his life Portugal’s political agenda just happened to align better with his, so naturally more time was invested there. But I don’t think that made his feelings for Francis any less profound or intense during that time, and vice versa when he was dating France in the 20th century. Nowadays he’s allowed to do whatever he wants.
Also you actually draw the lines you really realize how long England’s been obsessed with those two amdkfjsjbdjdd
Nedeng and Engbel are so under-appreciated even though they’ve also shared the channel for like, forever? Ned had a reAl intense rivalry going on with England in the 16 and 1700s that could give Spain a run for his money — but to me the difference between SpUK and Nedeng is that the latter is actually has a more mutual respect/kinship undertone that Spain can’t share with England. Those two were born into similar conditions (dirt poor), have somewhat similar mindsets towards success (requires ruthless pragmatism and self discipline), both hate Spain and kinda France, and both like the ocean and the thrill of the more dangerous, darker aspects of life. That’s the foundation for a pretty darn strong friendship, despite the little tiffs in the middle.
I like to think Bel had a huge crush on England during the Napoleonic Wars and into the 19th century. I mean, if there’s ever time to fall in love with England, it’s during the Victorian era. Plus I think a relationship like that would balance out well the image of England as “undesirable” and “unattractive” and Bel as just the little sister foil to Ned. She has needs and wants too, and if she wants the worlds most powerful empire you best believe she’ll have him 👀. Now Eng and Bel are friends with occasional benefits.
I also think the idea that England was isolated and had no deep friendships/relationships beyond whoever he’s shipped with is inaccurate. Arthur’s definitely an intensely private and independent person, and he himself does fall into the trap of believing no one cares about him and that everyone who does try to get close wants him for something. But historically there are many nations who admired and liked him. Much of Prussian aristocracy, for example, could be categorized into “Anglophiles” or “Francophiles” and while Prussia himself is best friends with Francis, it makes sense for him to also be really close with England. In fact, historian Barbara Tuchman described the German ambassador to Britain in 1914 as being torn apart by the thought of conflict between “the country of his birth and the country of his heart.” The German people probably would not have felt as strongly, but I also see Prussia as more closely linked with the military/aristocratic class than the common people after Unification, especially since most of Germany as we know it today was decidedly not Prussian. Essentially Pruk like Nedeng is another pair that share some pretty powerful core values, including a strong, sometimes overwhelming sense of responsibility and loyalty to those they see as “entrusted” to them.
While talking about Germany, we’re actually all sleeping on England x Hanover. This was England’s longest official marriage (the Anglo-Portuguese alliance was mostly about informal commitments) and the Hanoverian House produced Iggys beloved Queen Victoria. I have to do more research here to better characterize Hanover, but I do think this relationship would have had a measurable impact on Arthur, even if it wasn’t romantic in nature (which it probably wasn’t, as the power imbalance between England as an empire and Hanover as a German province was just too great)
Asakiku is another fascinating relationship, not least because cross culture Europe x Asia relations are scarcely explored. Asakiku has so much potential for straight fluff and Arthur and Kiki just vibing about literature and music and the meaning of life, but also lends itself to analysis of more serious questions: how racism might affect nation’s personal relationships, or how nations view human rights abuses, expansionist war and those who perpetrate them, including themselves. Of course these are topics that Arthur could discuss with others like Francis or Prussia, but I think he wouldn’t be as vulnerable, calm, or reflective with anyone but Kiku — ironically because Japan and England’s politics, culture, and history are more distant.
Finally, SpUK and USUK. I feel kinda bad for tagging these cuz a lot of people love these pairings, but while I think Al and Toni both play huge roles in Arthur’s life, it’s not really romantic in nature. Besides Port and Francis Arthur’s known Toni the longest, and they make a great pair because on some levels they get each other, but on others they contrast hard (optimist vs pessimist, faith vs reason, belief in fate vs belief in agency etc.) That makes them great foils for each other but not really great long-term lovers. As for USUK I see it mostly as platonic — there may be no one in this world Artie loves more than the Al, but love can be powerful without being romantic. I do think they tried it out in the 60s during the British Invasion (see The Chosen End series) but ultimately they also have irreconcilable differences in worldview that mean they can’t really be what the other needs in a lover.
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generational-atrophy · 2 years ago
I'd love to see the main 8 in Hetalia coming home to their so passed out while reading a book. Extra points if the so is plus sized please! And btw your cat is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!(I have 2 tuxedo kitties myself named Italy and Romano). Please and thank you!!!
(Main 7? x Reader) Coming home to their sleeping S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Scenarios ~ A/N omg!!! kitties!!! send pics sometime!!! Btw thank u for ur continued support i know youve been here for a while and i appreciate it :3 (ALSO I DIDNT DO CHINA IM SORRY ITS 1AM AUUUGH)
Trigger Warning: None, just Fluff!
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As soon as you got home, Alfred could tell something was off. Although it wasn't every day that you would run to greet him, he could count on at least a loud “Hey!” from across his home. But when he set his bags down from work, he heard no such thing.
Immediately, he tried to recall the morning you had spent together. Unluckily for him, it was nothing but a blur. You had... been there. He remembered that for sure, but if you had said something about being busy, he couldn't recall.
But that must be what had happened. Maybe he should set his alarms earlier, he concluded. But as for now, surely you would return home soon. There was nothing he could do about it, so he might as well enjoy his time alone.
So, like a child, his immediate instinct was to tear off his stiff work clothes, now wearing nothing but his boxers and a t-shirt (If anyone saw him through the window, well, that's nothing but a gift to them,) And like that, he pranced around the home doing his daily routine. Putting away his newly acquired paperwork, washing the dishes before dinner, and putting his suit away in the closet. Or well, that is what he was going to do, before he opened the bedroom door to you, fast asleep.
You were splayed out across the bed, your book still clasped tightly even as your chubby chest rose and fell. He sighed to himself, smiling softly and looking at you like one would look at a long-lost lover.
Well, clearly you had had a tiring day. It would be rude of him to wake you up now, he thought. He would rather do so later, after he's made a dinner both of you would adore.
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Arthur didn't like quiet houses. It always made him nervous. Probably paranoia left over from back in the days when you would have to constantly fear for your life. But that justification didn't help. His fear remained, which is why he was so excited to have you move in with him. With you, there would always be a faint, friendly presence. But today, when he returned home from work, he couldn't help feeling unnerved.
Although you weren't spontaneous by any means, it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to suddenly disappear, off to do god knows what. It wasn't a habit Arthur particularly enjoyed, but he loved you despite it. And because you loved him too, you would at least usually leave a text message. But he had received none.
Just to be sure, he pulled out his phone and checked again. Nothing.
Well, he was dismayed, to say the least. But you wouldn't be gone long, he knew that for sure. Now all he had to do... was wait.
So he wandered into the living room, setting his briefcase down by the door before he jumped back. His breath hitched in his throat as he suddenly saw you, laying on the couch.
Clutching a hand to his chest to catch his breath, he approached quickly. But then he noticed the soft, almost unnoticeable smile on your face... the one you always wore while resting in his home. Slowly, he crouched down beside you, caressing your cheek while you slept. How adorable.
He was a lucky man, he thought to himself. He was very fortunate to be able to come home to this sight.
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It was an exhausting day, to say the least. First, he was late to work, then he had to actually do his work, and then on the way home, traffic was the worst he's seen in months. So when he stumbled into his apartment, all he wanted was to see your wonderful face... and also maybe a cup of tea.
Which, when he looked around the flat, he was almost greeted by. Through the windowed doors to his balcony, he merely saw the end of your legs, propped up on an old metal chair.
“Mon ange?” He calls out to you, walking towards the balcony with a smirk.
When you didn't respond, he asked again louder, “Y/N?”
For a moment, he felt dread creeping up his spine, before he rounded the corner to see you. Fast asleep, with your book laid against your chest as you snored.
He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It seems you had the same idea he had. As slowly as possible, as to not wake you from your peaceful slumber, he pulled up a chair from inside right next to you. As he sat down, he kept looking over to you, a loving smile upon his face even as his eyes began to weigh more and more.
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“Y/N, my love!” Ivan calls out as soon as he enters your shared home.
“Крошка? Where are you?“ He continues, as he begins wandering through the house in search of you. But as he entered more rooms, only to hear no response, his blood began to grow colder.
You had said you would be home when he got home, yet you were nowhere to be found yet. You rarely didn't respond to his calls either, so needless to say, your out-of-character behaviour was beginning to frighten him.
Had you lied? He searched the living room. Had there been an emergency? He searched the kitchen. Had you been taken? He searched the office. Had something horrible happened? He searched the bedroom- Oh.
As he burst into the bedroom, the door being moments from slamming into the wall, all his worries were eased. He grabbed the door to silence it before stepping forward and sitting on the edge of the bed. Before him, you were curled up tightly around your book, your breathing soft and rhythmic.
“Как драгоценный…” he whispered to himself before crawling next to you. As he looked upon your sleeping face, he felt his heart doing somersaults. Well, if you weren't conscious to protest, there was no reason he couldn't watch your lovely face until you awoke.
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Feliciano was not a working man. He had realized that within his first 30 years of life, and the last 3,000 had only cemented it. All he wanted to do when he dragged himself home to you was curl up in your lap and cry his stresses away. So when you told him you would meet him at home after work, he was quick to rush home (breaking countless traffic laws in his wake,) to meet you.
But when he reached home, only to not immediately see or hear you, he couldn't help flopping flat onto the floor. Dust and dirt be damned. He was goddamn tired, and there he would lay until you came home to see him. Or well, that's what he thought, until before he heard your soft snores coming from the living room. Lucky, considering he was about to start snoring himself and drown you out.
Reluctantly, he peeled himself off the floor and stumbled over to the living room. There, you were out cold on his old couch, still holding the book you had been telling him all about just the day before.
Adorable, was his first thought. Seeing you all peaceful, your chubby body relaxed on his couch. You really trusted him and his home that much? Amazing.
But then he started feeling jealous. He wanted to take a nap too! How long had you been here, relaxing while he had been working? Well, working was a pretty big stretch, but still! You were so lucky. But it's his couch, and you're his partner, so he was going to cuddle up against you and nap too, regardless of whether he woke you up in the process or not.
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When he had given you a key to his residence, Ludwig had really not expected you to use it as much as you had. But it seemed that every other day, he would return from whatever he had been doing to find you in his home, doing whatever. You had said something about even mundane things being more fun when you were with him. A sentiment he could understand at least a little, considering he wasn't one to complain about your presence. It comforted him just as much as it did you, even if he was afraid to admit it.
So when he returned home from the grocery store to find your shoes laid next to his, he wasn't surprised in the slightest. He just simply sighed and continued his day, quickly putting away his groceries.
“Y/N, how long have you been here?” He asks casually from the kitchen after he sees your figure laying on his couch. No response, but maybe you had your earbuds in. It's no matter.
But when he finishes his task and walks over, he instantly realizes you were asleep. It was the first time this had happened... and he really didn't know what to do.
He sat on the coffee table across from you, staring at you intensely as he was deep in thought. Would it be rude to wake you? Would it be weird to let you keep sleeping in his apartment? God, he really wishes he could call Feliciano right now... but no! He knows you better, and he'll figure this out by himself. Even... even if it takes him a few minutes of pacing to decide.
But after he's finished sweating, he lets you keep sleeping. You must've needed it, and he'd be remiss to take that away from you. Plus, you look cute when you sleep, but he'd never even admit that to himself.
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Although Kiku was one of the most anxious people on planet Earth, he never worried when it came to you. That's part of why he liked you so much. It was never stressful, around you, everything came easily to him. So when you hadn't responded to his text telling you he was on his way home, he assumed the best. You were busy, and it meant nothing more than that.
When he arrived at your shared home, he didn't panic when he didn't hear you. He simply decided to go about his normal routine, not searching for you. You would let him know where you were soon, he knew it. But even if it didn't, it was alright.
But when he was bringing his laundry into his bedroom, he was a little shocked to find you laying on your shared bed, still holding your book tightly. Although his heart stopped for a moment, he quickly calmed down. He silently set the basket he was holding down, walking over to you and leaning over the bed. With a gentle touch on the shoulder, he woke you up.
“Silly, you fell asleep...” He teases softly as you start to open your eyes, “Wake up, let's go make dinner together.”
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longingpolaris · 3 years ago
is francis x arthur x kiku a thing...? it should be a thing
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thathetaliablogg · 3 years ago
Thoughts on Francis x Arthur x Kiku? Like a whole poly trio?
VERY CUTE, I like it
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koolkat9 · 2 years ago
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @astrophilic-soul 
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
One Problem. I don’t have a document per fic unless it’s a multichapter fic, more like I do 6 or so one-shots in one doc. And I don’t usually choose a title until I wrote everything out. But we can still do this. It’s just not going to be an actual title more like a few words that summarize the oneshot. Sit tight, we’ll be here awhile since I think I’m going to include outlines to try and motivate myself lol.  
Arthur Meeting Lud’s Dogs - Obviously GerEng 
Count Your Blessings (Chapter 3) - England + Canada 
GerFruk Arthur Sick fic - GerFruk
Got a Secret Can You Keep it? - GerEng (nsfw)
Day 6 - Folklore || Pining - FACE Fam + Fruk (this was originally going to be something for Fruk week but I couldn’t get myself to finish it in time since it is very long, but I do plan on returning to it)
Cardverse Fic - GerEng is the main focus, but there will also be Itapan, probably some platonic Al and Art, platonic Arthur and Yao, Scotfra, and so much more. Don’t know when it will be posted since I want to finish one of my other multichapter fics before jumping onto another. 
German Bros - Germany + Prussia (originally planned as a Father’s Day fic but I ran out of time. Probably won’t get posted until Father’s Day 2024)
Untitled - EngUkr (I think this was supposed to be a birthday fic, but then I ran out of time and just haven’t finished it yet)
GerEng Hurt/Comfort Hospital - GerEng, England + America 
Pruk Spice - Pruk (nsfw)
 Subspace - GerEng (nsfw)
Top England x Bottom BFT - BFT x England (nsfw. Based on a prompt on the hetalia kink meme)
ONLY OUTLINE (Break because this is where it gets long)
FACE Fam Sick Fic - FACE Fam + Fruk
Omega Ludwig being taken care of at a meeting (inspired by a convo on my spicy blog)
Ludwig’s Birth + Gil’s Anxiety - little Germany + Prussia (and Germania, though it’s more like he’s there in spirit with him possibly actually being present)
Francis Caring for Matt’s Hair - France + Canada
GerEng + Peter Sick fic - Obviously GerEng + Peter
Fruk Death Fic - Fruk (I promise it’s only temporary Character Death)
Arthur and Kiku taking Matt to a convention - England + Japan + Canada
FACE Fam Matt is Injured in Hockey - FACE Fam + Fruk
CuCan Beach Prompt - CuCan
CuCan Winter Prompt - CuCan
GerEng laying in Bed all day because Arthur is depressed and mentally drained - GerEng + an appearance by Ludwig’s dogs possibly
Canmano First Meeting - Canmano + a little bit of Ameliet
Art + Matt WW1
Arthur Getting Merlin - England + the kitten I gave him named Merlin
GerEng exercise Buddies - GerEng
Fruk Kiss Prompt - Fruk
Royal Red Bros Storm - England + little Canada
Matt Comforting Arthur after a Nightmare - England + little Canada
Lud Picking up Arthur after he fell asleep in a weird position - GerEng
Ludwig Cleaning Arthur’s Wounds After a Bar Fight
NyoCanUkr smut - Nyo Canada x Ukraine (nsfw)
Pet Play GerEng - GerEng
EngUkr Spice - EngUkr
CanCu Omegaverse - CuCan (nsfw. Based on prompt from Hetalia Kink Meme)
GerEng Thunder Storm - GerEng + Aster (Lud’s dog)
Matthew + Fran and Fran’s Fear of Planes - France + Canada
GerEng Late Night - GerEng
(there may be a few more, but I’m too lazy to check)
No way I’m tagging this many people
@aster-riskite @kitaychan @fireandiceland @fandomfollowerart @paperuniverse and anyone else I forgot to tag or who wants to join (no pressure)
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New Hetalia Imagines Blog
Hey there, folks! As you can tell I’m running, yet another, hetalia imagines blog (because tumblr doesn’t have enough of those lol). I was introduced to the fandom in 2016 and a couple years later I fell out of love with it. Currently It’s my hyperfixation, so I’m ready to do some writing for it :D
Here’s some rules below
I’ll write for up to 10 characters at a time (the more requested at onece, the small the imagines lists will be)
All fic genres allowed (fluff, smut, angst, etc)
I’ll write for aus as long as you expound a bit on them (if it’s a soulmate one and you’re not specific, I’ll go ahead and choose one, i honestly have so many, I’m also a h o e for marriage of convenience aus)
I’ll write for nyos (genderbends) and 2ps (i don’t make them murderous, but i do make them more possessive and aggressive)
I’ll do both love triangles and polyamorous relationships
I’ll only write for minor/adult relationships if it’s platonic or familial (I might consider a crush on the minors end of it’s not reciprocated by the adult for some light angst)
I’ll do character x reader and character x character
Match up submissions are open every Wednesday
I will r a r e l y write dialogue. I have autism so when i try to write characters speaking, it sounds like a lizard person trying to blend in with humans 
The countries I’ll write for are: 
✮ America|Alfred Jones ✮
⛌Australia|Jett Kirkland⛌
♫ Austria|Roderich Edelstein ♫
✾ Belarus|Natalia Arlovskaya ✾
↟ Belgium|Laura Abelsson ↟
◈ Canada|Matthew Williams ◈
🀣 China|Yao Wang 🀣
🕪 Denmark|Matthias Køhler 🕪
☂ England|Arthur Kirkland ☂
🕮 Estonia|Eduard von Bock 🕮
✶ Finland|Tino Väinämöinen ✶
♥ France|Francis Bonnefoy ♥
■ Germany|Ludwig Beilschmidt ■
➳ Hungary|Elizabeta Héderváry ➳
❆ Iceland|Emil Steilsson ❆
▰ Japan|Kiku Honda ▰
🖉 Lithuania|Toris Laurinaitis 🖉
❦ Latvia|Raivis Galante ❦
⛋ Liechtenstein|Lili Zwingli ⛋
❖ Luxembourg|Louis Abelsson ❖
♢Netherlands|Tim Abelsson♢
⁘New Zealand|Zachary Kirkland⁘
❂ North Italy|Feliciano Vargas ❂
☾ Norway|Lukas Bondevik ☾
⛬ Poland|Feliks Łukasiewicz ⛬
♪ Prussia|Gilbert Beilschmidt ♪
༄ Russia|Ivan Braginsky ༄
⛫ Scotland|Allistor Kirkland ⛫
◒ Sealand|Peter Kirkland ◒
☀ Seychelles|Michelle Bonnefoy ☀
☁ South Italy|Lovino Vargas ☁
⌲ South Korea|Im Yong Soo ⌲
❍ Spain|Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
° Sweden|Berwald Oxenstierna °
+ Switzerland | Bash Zwingli +
✿ Taiwan|Mei Xiao ✿
⚘ Ukraine|Katyusha Braginskaya ⚘
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