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thefictionaledition · 5 months ago
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Vincent Delcourt quitte le plateau
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eaujourdhui · 2 years ago
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sarahc351 · 11 months ago
Dans cet extrait de "Complément d'enquête", des documents inédits révèlent les positions de la FNSEA lorsqu'il s'agit d'établir les critères de reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles liées à l’usage des pesticides. Les agriculteurs sont pourtant une profession à risque…
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butchsunsetshimmer · 2 years ago
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woooo king
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captain-jale · 1 month ago
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La chaine Tiktok de FranceInfo, elle a pas notre Time
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pyro-madder · 2 months ago
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Inosuke concerned about the future of the country, late 2024
(aka @powerup-the-revolution checking franceinfo in the middle of a convention)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 1 year ago
there are sometimes who is strange in all the side-information that we have about TPN.
In a interview, the author told that Grandma was the one to choose the names of the babies.
But in a bonus comic, Isabella tells Ray, Emma and Norman how she choose their name.
So either she lied...
Either that's a incoherence.
Either Grandma didn't name the kids who were going to Isabella to let her "daugther" names them as she want.
....either Grandma had given other names to kids who were going to the Grace Field House 3 an Isabella deliberally changed the names in a way to say "f*** you" to her former guardian (since the demons didn't care about the names) and claim the kids as her own. Carol is the only one to not have had a change of name because of Krone presence.
I don't know why but the last idea is hilarous to me ^^"
I default to the bonus comic being the most accurate to simultaneously keep any sisters in HQ from potentially getting attached to the infants by giving them official names and to make the moms more endeared and caring toward the children they named themselves (for reference for anyone who hasn't seen it; a reward for scoring high on the official site's IQ test:)
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(Reprinted in The Promised Neverland Art Book World; one of the few times we get to see them with their short sleeves for warmer weather.)
Unless Shirai meant Sarah named them literally right before handing them off to the moms in the plants, but I don't believe she'd care enough then or at any point after becoming Grandma.
That last one is funny though dlkfjsd
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The little petty ways you get back at your mom when you're both victims and perpetrators of a violent system.
But you're right; Shirai's said some conflicting things over the course of the series' run that I think come from being run ragged by a hellish production schedule and a work just naturally evolving as opposed to being antagonistically contrarian to spite fans he views as obnoxious.
The other two that readily come to mind are Shirai saying the series could range anywhere from 10 to 30 volumes long…
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | October 2018 Franceinfo Interview | October 2020 Series Completion Interview)
…before his health took a nosedive and saying it was always going to be 20 volumes at most, with him wanting to maintain his sense of artistic integrity by completing the series on his own terms (the similarities between this and the way Yoshihiro Togashi ended Yu Yu Hakusho, one of TPN's biggest inspirations, is sadly staggering).
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 5 | October 2020 Series Completion Interview | TPN Wiki's Chapter 134 Page | WSJ Editorial Department 9/5/19 Update)
And him (and Sugita) being purposely mum about how he felt about Noremma when speaking with Cloverworks staff during the production of season 1 in 2018 compared to what he mentioned to Kendo Kobayashi in an earlier January 2018 interview, assuming he ultimately wanted to leave it up to the audience's interpretation rather than imposing his own (Demizu notably interprets all the relationships in the series as platonic).
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(Minerva Confidential Report from the S1 Blu-ray | Mystic Code Book Chapter 1)
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culturefrancaise · 9 months ago
"Je préfère ne pas voter, ce n'est pas un sujet auquel je m'intéresse" : avant les élections européennes, ces jeunes confient leur détachement avec la politique
""Je préfère ne pas voter, ce n'est pas un sujet auquel je m'intéresse" : avant les élections européennes, ces jeunes confient leur détachement avec la politique" sur http://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/le-choix-franceinfo/temoignages-je-prefere-ne-pas-voter-ce-n-est-pas-un-sujet-auquel-je-m-interesse-avant-les-elections-europeennes-ces-jeunes-confient-leur-detachement-avec-la-politique_6492611.html via @radiofrance
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passigentilcoquelicot · 7 months ago
Tout pareil ! J'ai voté Chirac et Macron avec dégoût mais sans hésitation. Les tergiversations de ces connards de droite me trouent le cul !
Et je modère mes termes
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
French authorities stopped three plots to attack the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris, the country's counterterrorism prosecutor said on Wednesday.
Olivier Christen told the radio network Franceinfo that five suspects had been taken into custody on terrorism-related charges.
The arrests occurred amid heightened security in the lead-up to and during the Games.
Authorities conducted 936 house searches so far in 2024, compared to 153 last year.
What do we know about the alleged terror plots?
One of the suspected plots was previously announced when French police arrested an 18-year-old man of Chechnyan origin for allegedly planning to attack venues around the Geoffroy Guichard Stadium in Saint-Etienne.
Although the stadium is some 500 kilometers (310 miles) from Paris, it was used to host soccer matches during the group stage of the Olympic tournament.
Christen said another alleged plot targeted "Israeli institutions or representatives of Israel in Paris."
However, he said, "The Israeli team itself was not specifically targeted," without providing further details about the alleged plot.
A third suspected attack plot involved two people from Gironde in southwest France, Christen said.
The Paris Olympics was held against the backdrop of Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza and the Russian war in Ukraine. Christen said jihadi threats dominated the foiled plots.
Around 80% of legal proceedings against the suspects reference Islamist ideology, he said.
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aurevoirmonty · 4 months ago
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Loyers impayés de la gendarmerie : l'ordre de ne pas payer vient directement de l'ex-ministre Gérald Darmanin, selon l'entourage de Bruno Retailleau
Les loyers seront réglés, même avec du retard, assure le ministère.
C'est en prenant ses nouvelles fonctions de ministre de l'Intérieur que Bruno Retailleau assure avoir découvert que la gendarmerie ne payait plus ses loyers dans plusieurs communes en France entre les mois de septembre et novembre, a appris mardi 8 octobre franceinfo auprès de l'entourage du ministre. En raison d'un important "trou" dans les caisses, la gendarmerie n'est en effet plus en mesure de payer les loyers de ses locaux et de ses logements de fonction à plusieurs communes en France, révèle France Bleu. Selon les informations de franceinfo, l'ordre de ne pas payer vient directement de l'ancien ministre de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin.
à lire aussi Loyers impayés par la gendarmerie : "On savait que ça allait mal, mais à ce point là, ce n'est pas acceptable", réagit le sénateur LR Bruno Belin
Début septembre, ce dernier a demandé à la gendarmerie de reporter le paiement des loyers de septembre, octobre et novembre en attendant les nouveaux crédits qui doivent arriver en fin d'année, a appris franceinfo auprès de l'entourage de l'actuel ministre de l'Intérieur. Une décision qui, selon cette source, a pour origine trois raisons.
La première raison, c'est une insuffisance initiale de crédits de l’ordre de 200 millions d'euros, la deuxième raison, c'est que le ministère de l'Intérieur n'a pas anticipé les dépenses engagées en raison du conflit en Nouvelle-Calédonie, où de nombreux gendarmes ont été envoyés ces derniers mois. Enfin, troisième raison, selon l'entourage de Bruno Retailleau, le paiement des dépenses liées à la sécurisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques n'a pas été évalué à leur juste niveau.
Une suspension de paiement temporaire
C'est pourquoi le ministère de l'Intérieur a dû faire des choix, en priorisant pour les semaines à venir les dépenses liées à l’activité opérationnelle, comme les dépenses de carburant, explique là encore l'entourage de Bruno Retailleau. Le ministère de l'Intérieur assure que cette suspension de paiement est bien temporaire et que les loyers seront réglés, même avec du retard, car il faut l'ouverture de nouveaux crédits en décembre, de l'ordre de 320 millions d'euros.
L'entourage du ministre de l'Intérieur indique que pour éviter de mettre en difficulté les "petits" bailleurs, les particuliers et les plus petites collectivités, le décalage de paiement ne les concerne pas. Un décalage de paiement qui ne concerne pas non plus l'Outre-mer. Le ministère de l'Intérieur a demandé aux commandants de gendarmerie de région et aux préfets de zone de réagir immédiatement dès qu'un problème de paiement surviendrait pour un bailleur fragile.
Une situation structurelle
Enfin, le ministère de l'Intérieur dit comprendre "l'émotion légitime" que peut susciter cette situation des communes qui sont concernées. Le ministre assure avoir conscience de l'image "peu avantageuse que cela donne d'un État qui n'a pas su prévoir. Tout devrait rentrer dans l’ordre au début de l’année prochaine", assure Bruno Retailleau selon son entourage.
Reste que cette situation n'est pas nouvelle, c'est même une situation structurelle pour la gendarmerie, selon les rapports de la Cour des comptes. D'après l'institution, il y a chaque année des dizaines de millions d'euros de loyers qui ne sont pas payés dans les temps par la gendarmerie. Cela représentait au niveau national 170 millions d'euros en 2023, 220 millions d'euros en 2021, et même plus d'un milliard d'euros en 2020, même si l'année était particulière à cause du Covid.
franceinfo, Publié le 08/10/2024 14:15
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years ago
I'm a English native and I'm learning French I can have a short conversation in French but I'm really slow and takes time to understand some words. I used to be in French classes in highschool (I'm going to be a senior in highschool when it starts up) what would you recommend for me to use to help learn more? I'm currently using droplets and Duolingo for studying (Droplets for vocabulary and Duolingo for grammar, reading things like that) what would you recommend for me to use thats free or doesn't cost that much? It would help a lot thank you
Duolingo and Droplets are good resources for starters.
there are several things you can do if you want to go further.
Check out RFI (Radio France International) : You'll find free listening and reading resources abt French speaking news. I highly recommend you listen and then read the podcast episodes of LES MOTS D'ACTUALITÉ (words that are the news - they will explain the origin and meanings of 1 word that is relevant these days in France). but be curious and check out the rest, they have lots of good stuff.
Read news articles for free on official news website France Info, RTBF (Belgium). you'll find some free articles on Le Monde, Libération, Le Parisien, etc.
find lessons and exercises on Francaisfacile.com to get a better understanding of grammar, conjugations, tenses, etc.
Read 19th Guy de Maupassanant's (King of French fantastique genre) short stories on Wikisource. Highly recommend "La Main" ("The Hand", kinda horror, but really famous)
-> when you're more confident abt reading novels in French, just search for any 19th writer + Wikisource and you should be able to find their works in full for free. My favs are Zola, Balzac, Victor Hugo (Les Misérables' writer !), Flaubert, Dumas (Les Trois Mousquetaires' writer !), George Sand, Stendhal (esp La Chartreuse de Parme) etc.
if you have doubts about how to say something like a native, ask someone on HiNative you'll always have some French speaking ppl to help you.
- Familiarise yourself with spoken French with youtube/podcasts/etc (anything that's material for listening skills). If you're on youtube you can check channels like
Vogue France and their street style, with subtitles and lots of fashion and slang vocab! I used it in my French lesson and it worked quite well.
Yes Vous Aime was a comedy skits channel, with French subtitles. They did parodies, you can check it out!
Paul Taylor is a British stand up comedian. He's doing skits and specials in both French and English, and he's honestly perfect at grasping and vulgarising French oddities either in the language or the french society.
Clément Viktorovitch and his weekly analysis on French politics/news on Franceinfo. As you may already know, we're very passionate about our political life in France. so you can get used to the vocab have a gist of it with these chroniques radio.
Karambolage - it's a bilingual channel (German & French - l'amitié franco-allemande is a big thing! 🙂) that explains social, cultural differences between the two countries. You can find illustrated explanations of Le Verlan, expressions like "Monter à Paris" etc etc. It worked so well with my students! they found it easier to understand.
Damon Dominique is a language American youtuber and he's good at explaining and vulgarising French grammar and slang. Sometimes you gotta look at a foreign point of view :)
Konbini (especially their Club Lecture, Vidéo Club where famous authors/film directors show their favourite works, their inspirations and talk abt it, you probably won't find any subtitles tho)
and ofc you have dozen of french youtubers like Squeezie, Seb, Lena Situation, Aurélien Prévaux, Zen (talkshow) etc.
And when you're more confident, you can pick a day when you'll try to think only in French, another day when you'll translate what's written on your food package/friends convos/emails etc etc
put your phone settings in french, follow vocab accounts on Instagram, follow French ppl on social media so that you get accustomed to read in French on a daily basis.
and find a book to read in french, or fanfics if you're into it, anything that'll make you read in French :)
I hope that answers your questions! and sorry if it looks like too much, I'm getting back at a language I used to learn in high school too, it's not easy and it takes time. so take your time with French, I just put everything I thought might help in the first months/first year!
good luck! bonne chance !
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belleandre-belle · 1 year ago
In an interview with franceinfo, former French prime minister Dominique de Villepin says Israel has to “start listening to the international community”, that the events of 7 October showed that its strategy was a “failure”.🕊️👍🏻👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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christian-dubuis-santini · 2 years ago
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«Les cotes de popularité d'Emmanuel Macron et d'Elisabeth Borne continuent de rebondir après deux mois de défiance.» (franceinfo, le 6 juin 2023)
Les sondages sont faits pour ceux qui aiment se faire sonder. Profondément.
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 6 months ago
From the roof of the Grand Palais, 🇫🇷 a new and powerful version of the French National anthem is delivered by Mezzo-soprano Axelle Saint-Cirel. @saintcirelaxelle
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As @SaintCirelAxelle's voice soars across the Olympic Games @Paris2024 Opening Ceremony, an extraordinary choir dressed in Dior gowns echoing the blue, white, and red of France offers a tribute to women throughout history.
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@saintcirelaxelle @Paris2024 #franceinfo #dior #olympics #openingceremony #OlympicGames
Posted 27th July 2024
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almoravid · 6 months ago
Bah pourquoi tu as dissous l'assemblée à ce moment-là alors, ducon?
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