#français langue étrangère
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culturefrancaise · 1 year ago
J'ai retrouvé l'histoire que j'écoutais en cassette audio quand j'étais petite !
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librotheque · 4 months ago
Un corpus pédagogique proposé par TV5 monde et destiné à préparer le test de connaissance du français (TCF) exigé pour de nombreuses démarches administratives (inscription à l’université, démarche d’accès à la nationalité française…)
Mêle vidéos, exercices et suivi personnalisé en s’abonnant aux podcasts du site.
Le site apprendre.tv5monde.com propose également plus de 3000 exercices pour apprendre le français à partir de vidéos issues de l’antenne de TV5MONDE ou de l’univers tv5monde.com. Ces exercices sont catégorisés en 4 niveaux de langue, A1 débutant, A2 élémentaire, B1 intermédiaire, B2 avancé.
Bibliothèque des Côtes d'Armor
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derekcanada · 1 year ago
Activité pédagogique: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de différent ?
Voici une activité simple pour un cours de FLE pour faire pratiquer ce vocabulaire : Les objets de la classe Les descriptions Les prépositions On choisit une personne qui sort de la salle une minute ou deux. Pendant sa sortie, les autres dans la classe décident sur une chose à changer ; par exemple, quelque chose par rapport à une personne, des meubles, des affiches ou d’autres objets dans la…
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jessica-lovebloom · 21 days ago
Coucou mes petites fleurs 🌸
Pour ceux qui me suivent, vous savez que je crée beaucoup de contenus pour les enfants que ce soit pédagogique, pour rêver ou se détendre.
Je crée des outils d’accompagnement pour toute la famille et cela est très important pour moi.
J’avais envie également de créer du contenu en anglais pour aider à l’apprentissage de la langue.
A la base, sortir mes histoires en français en anglais pour permettre un meilleur apprentissage.
Qu’en pensez-vous?
Aimeriez-vous que je crée davantage de contenus franco-anglais?
Je pense que c’est indispensable de s’y mettre le plus tôt possible.
Et vous?
Bonne soirée et à bientôt
Hello my little flowers 🌸
For those who follow me, you know that I create a lot of content for children, whether it’s educational, for dreaming, or for relaxing.
I create support tools for the whole family, and this is very important to me.
I also wanted to create content in English to help with language learning.
Basically, I want to release my stories in French and English to facilitate better learning.
What do you think?
Would you like me to create more Franco-English content?
I believe it’s essential to start as early as possible.
And you?
Have a good evening and see you soon!
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moinsbienquekaworu · 9 months ago
thank you so much!! okay so. past tense stuff. I'm confused why sometimes it's être+verb or avoir+verb, but other times you can use imperfect? it kind of seems to me like être/avoir+verb are for more recent things, but I'm not entirely sure. if that is the case, is there a specific time limit or is it just up to the speaker? thanks again!!
Conjugation my beloathed. (not against you, I just never liked learning conjugation)
Être/avoir + verb is called passé composé, it's a compound tense made with the auxiliary verb in the present simple + the past participle of the verb. It's used for an action that happened in the past and that is over now, but it doesn't necessarily denotes that we know when the action happened. It's tense that's used for narration informally (with the present tense), so like, talking to people.
Imparfait is a simple tense used for - the French wikipedia page phrases it as "the imparfait presents the action while it is happening, as it is being done or repeated in a past moment all the people in the exchange are aware of, even if implicitly". So it's in the past, but it implies we know which moment of the past, as opposed to passé composé where that's not necessary. The example they use is if you're talking about someone learning french, "il a appris le français" only says it happened in the past at some point, but know he knows how to speak French, but if you say "il apprenait le français", that only makes sense if you know when he was learning french.
The other difference between the two is that - this is a weird way to explain it, but using the imparfait gives this vibe of your POV being in the past? The wikipedia pages says that it's often used to contrast the past and the present, to discuss a past situation/action that is clearly over, with examples like "quand j'étudiais en France, je mangeais beaucoup de pain". And looking at that sentence, in English that'd be like, "when I was studying in France, I ate a lot of bread", your POV for that sentence is "when you were studying in France" (except french and English do tense agreement differently so in French we keep using the imparfait but in English once you've established which time you're talking about you switch to another tense). In that vibe scenario, passé composé has its POV in the present? I don't know if that makes sense. The way the wikipedia page puts it is that "presents the action as it is happening" part.
They also say that the imparfait is used for putting a past event in the background when combined with the passé composé or passé simple, with the time of the event in the imparfait being the reference for the time of the event in the passé composé or passé simple (so the event in the imparfait kind of sets the scene - "je mangeais quand j'ai entendu un cri"). When you're writing a story, there's the narration tense, for actions, and the scenery tense, for descriptions - the passé composé is a narration tense both out loud and in writing, the imparfait is a scenery tense, and obviously both of them are used when you're writing in the past.
So the passé composé isn't necessarily for things that happened more recently, it's more about that "knowing when the event happened" thing + in real life discussions the thing where imparfait kind of sets the scene. The writing thing with narration/scenery tenses (which - maybe that's a thing in English also? I'm assuming? never took an English creative writing class) is also applicable out loud, especially the passé composé + imparfait combo (as opposed to passé simple + imparfait, which is very literary, since we don't use the passé simple out loud). There isn't a time limit, but like in English, there's different tenses for when you're talking about events that happened in the past of the past - like, if you're talking about something happening yesterday, but in that story there's something that happened the week before (plus-que-parfait informally, for sentences like "I had eaten a full meal")
All of that is only for the indicative and not the subjunctive, and obviously if you want to check out a verb's conjugation your best friend is the Bescherelle conjugaison website, which is nicer to use and easier to access than a physical Bescherelle book. Hopefully that helped a little?? Looking at wikipedia pages and example sentences I was realising I am so so bad at explaining what's going on in this hell language. Conjugation is one of the hardest bits of french though! It doesn't get much worse than this shit. Maybe agreements?
Here's the Wikipedia graph about which tense to use and which one comes before which on a timeline, if that helps
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coursdefrancais · 1 year ago
Apprendre le français pour le DELF A1
Apprendre le français en vue du DELF A1 représente bien plus qu'une simple quête linguistique ; c'est l'ouverture d'une porte vers la maîtrise de la langue de Molière à un niveau élémentaire. Le DELF A1, certificat reconnu mondialement, atteste des compétences linguistiques de base en français et constitue un premier pas vers une communication efficace dans la vie quotidienne.
Le processus d'apprentissage pour le DELF A1 englobe une variété de compétences essentielles telles que la compréhension orale et écrite, l'expression orale et écrite. Les cours sont spécifiquement conçus pour fournir aux apprenants les outils nécessaires pour naviguer avec assurance dans des situations courantes, que ce soit pour demander des directions, faire des achats, ou simplement échanger des informations basiques.
Chaque leçon sert de brique fondamentale, contribuant à la construction d'une base solide en français. Les thèmes abordés sont pertinents et pratiques, encourageant les apprenants à appliquer immédiatement leurs connaissances. La réussite au DELF A1 ouvre la voie à des niveaux supérieurs, mais surtout, elle symbolise la concrétisation d'un voyage linguistique qui élargit les horizons et enrichit la vie quotidienne par le pouvoir de la langue française. En apprenant le français pour le DELF A1, on investit dans la compétence linguistique et l'ouverture à de nouvelles perspectives culturelles.
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debbyswann · 3 months ago
Academic rivals
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(short imagine/scenario between a Ravenclaw student and Regulus Black)
(rivalry to more???)
(word count: 1070)
I sit down at my usual desk, students chatting all around me. I look around, observing my classmates as I wait for the lesson to start. A fellow Ravenclaw student sits next to me, and I gently greet them. We’re exchanging a few words, when I hear a group of other students approaching and I recognise his voice. As I slightly turn to the side, I glance at him while he talks to his friends. Perfect curls, charming voice, spotless uniform…Regulus Black. My eyes linger some more, taking in his appearance and demeanour. While I pretend to look somewhere else, I try to listen in and understand what he’s talking about. I can’t hear his words properly, but I’m sure he’s adding a few French words here in there. I almost roll my eyes; does he really need to do that? Now he’s even saying full sentences in French, leaving his friends half confused, half charmed. The girls are probably fawning over him at this point. I get he knows French; I get it. But there’s no need to use it so randomly. It’s not like he doesn’t know how to speak proper English, so he’s doing it on purpose. Yeah, of course he is. He wants to brag about it, the little show-off. God, I can’t stand him when he’s like this. The way he talks, the perfect nasal sounds, the air of superiority…he’s infuriating. I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach as I hear his soothing voice. I’m sure it’s just because he’s annoying, nothing more. Does he really think he’s the only one who knows a foreign language? I feel very tempted to contradict him. How would he react? Maybe he’d do him some good to be humbled for once...oh, and how tempting to see that arrogant smirk fade. I’m slightly nervous to do something like this, but it’s too late now, the words are begging to come out. I turn to my desk mate in order to avoid looking at him and I mutter:
“C’est un peu prétentieux de parler en français seulement pour démontrer que tu connais une langue étrangère.”
I don’t care if I also sound very arrogant right now, I want him to know that he’s not one step ahead of me. Not this time at least. My desk mate looks very confused, not understanding a single word and why I’m suddenly speaking in another language.
I notice Regulus stopped talking to his friends…he’s definitely heard. My voice was not very loud, but loud enough for him to hear, as he is not far away. I knew he would hear me, he’s always very receptive. The silence is almost deafening, and I know he’s looking at me. I can feel his emerald eyes boring into my skin. But I won’t give him the satisfaction of looking his way…or maybe I don’t want to admit that I wouldn’t be able to keep his gaze. I feign nonchalance, as if I haven’t spoken a single word, and I fix my books and pens on the desk. He’s still silent and with the corner of my eyes I try to steal a glance at him…is he surprised? Is he smirking? I’ll never know for sure because I keep looking straight ahead. Before he can properly react to my challenge, the professor comes in and he soon starts the lesson. I silently let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
Later, as class comes to an end, students start leaving the classroom, walking to their next class. I want to be fast and disappear before he can confront me. At the same time, though, I hope he says something about what happened. I quickly pack my things and sneak out of the classroom. But as I’m taking the first steps to walk away, I hear a presence behind me. I know it’s him before he even opens his mouth; I recognise his perfume. “T’appris seulement cette phrase ou tu peux vraiment parler en français?”. I freeze on the spot, my shoulders tensing. I slowly turn to his voice, and I see him literally towering over me, his eyebrows slightly raised. I push away my nervousness and slightly tilt my head up as if to challenge him: “Tu penses être la seule personne qui parle français?”
“Bah, oui”
“Bah, non,” I retort.
He smirks at my reply and says: “Seriously though…How do you even know French?”. I know he’s implying he’s surprised that a poor girl like me knows French, so I narrow my eyes and reply: “How do you know French?”. He snorts and then says: “Ah, you know…it’s a family thing. The noble houses always have a certain education, but you wouldn’t know. My mum taught me some, along with private tutors. Oh, and I spent plenty of summers in France…it just comes natural to me. You can say I’m bilingual”. Everything he says exudes arrogance, but I know he’s just telling the truth. “How about you then?” he asks me, now sounding honestly curious. “Oh, you know…same as you.” I don’t know how I found the courage to joke, but I did. And to my surprise, his lips curl up and he snorts lightly, in an amused way. He then looks at me, expecting the real answer.
“Well… there was this French girl in my orphanage, and she taught me a couple of things. Growing up, I wanted to study foreign languages. Then I got my Hogwarts letter, and everything changed. But I still love foreign languages and study them when I have some free time. English aside, I know French, Italian and Spanish…” I see one of his eyebrows going up; he’s genuinely surprised…or impressed even; I like that. So, I add: “Four is not bad, but I’d like to at least learn one other foreign language. Five would be better."
He smirks mischievously and replies: “C’est un peu prétentieux, non ?”
He’s using my own words against me. I’m speechless at first, then I let out a small snort, shaking my head and poking the inside of my cheek with my tongue. For a few moments, we look at each other with a hint of a smile we’re both trying to suppress. He then straightens himself and says: “See you around, Farrow.” And he leaves, walking to the other direction and leaving me staring blankly at the empty corridor.
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months ago
♡ 9 fandom peeps to get to know better ♡
➤ tagged by @amailboxlemur and @margotdanslebois thank youuuu 💜💜
➤three ships i like: wilmon, klaine and sasusakunaru
➤first ship ever: that's a really hard one, I'm trying to remember.. I think Andie and Pacey in Dawson (or Snow White and Jack in the Legend of Snow White 🙈)
➤ last song you heard: Que Puedo Hacer by Omar Rudberg
➤ favorite childhood book: oh that's hard too, I loved so many books!! I would say The Famous Five serie by Enid Blyton
➤ currently reading: Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde (yay uni 😅)
➤ currently watching: Nobody Wants This
➤ currently consuming: Coke Zero
➤ currently craving: ice cream.. and holidays!!
no pressure tags: @crownedwille, @manateia-seriallove, @wildcalendula, @sobadbad and @bubblesandroses8
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charliemonroe · 1 year ago
Сегодня я без титров смотрела два фильма на французском. Учить иностранный язык после 40 лет возможно с современными технологиями эффективно.
Aujourd'hui, j'ai regardé deux films en français sans sous-titres. Apprendre une langue étrangère après 40 ans est possible avec les technologies modernes de manière efficace.
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soeurdelune · 1 year ago
parce qu'on approche doucement mais sûrement de la spooky season 🎃, c'est l'occasion de parfaire votre culture en films d'horreur! voici une petite sélection de 10 diamants du genre, visionnables gratuitement sur youtube (et sous titrés en anglais pour ceux en langue étrangère! que demande le peuple...) il va sans dire que l'horreur étant un genre parfois costaud, pensez à vérifier vos triggers pour chaque film sur le site does the dog die?
carnival of souls, 1962 (vo: anglais américain), une masterclass, un des premiers grand films d'horreur moderne, il a inspiré des réalisateurs comme david lynch ou james wan. (la note de lune: 5/5)
el espinazo del diablo (l'échine du diable), 2001 (vo: espagnol), personne ne raconte une histoire de fantômes comme guillermo del toro, un très beau film qui inaugure sa trilogie de la guerre civile, à suivre avec le labyrinthe de pan et son pinocchio de 2022. (la note de lune: 4/5)
a tale of two sisters, 2003 (vo: coréen), des influences gothiques saisissantes et une histoire aux allures de diabolique petit puzzle. (la note de lune: 4/5)
ringu, 1998 (vo: japonais), un immense classique de la j-horror que l'on ne présente plus, efficace et très bien ficelé, featuring hiroyuki sanada ♥️ (la note de lune: 5/5)
the last man on earth, 1964 (vo: anglais américain), inspiré du roman i am legend qui a donné une palanquée d'adaptations au fil des années, celui-ci est de loin mon favori, vincent price est une ICÔNE et ce film est un pur plaisir à regarder. (la note de lune: 4/5)
kairo (pulse), 2001 (vo: japonais), un autre classique de la j-horror, l'ambiance est profondément troublante et mélancolique, avec des scènes qui vous hanteront pendant un bon moment. (la note de lune: 4/5)
hellraiser, 1987 (vo: anglais américain), tout le monde l'a probablement déjà vu mais la version youtube est tellement quali que je le mets ici quand même, pinhead est un méchant incroyable, le film a des défauts mais les qualités l'emportent sur le reste, un bijou de l'horreur un peu gory des 80s! (la note de lune: 3/5)
donnie darko, 2001 (vo: anglais américain), diffile à mettre dans une catégorie plutôt qu'une autre, un peu d'horreur mêlée à du thriller psychologique et une pointe de sci-fi, ça reste un classique au dénouement final incroyable. (la note de lune: 5/5)
one missed call, 2003 (vo: japonais), juré après j'arrête avec la j-horror, celui-ci est plus efficace dans sa seconde moitié que dans la première, il y a des moments qui font vraiment vraiment peur. (la note de lune: 3/5)
les yeux sans visage, 1960 (vo: français), avant la piel que habito d'almodovar, il y a eu les yeux sans visage, un petit précurseur considéré comme le premier film d'horreur moderne français. (la note de lune: 3/5)
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christian-dubuis-santini · 1 year ago
Le personnel politique macronard et la langue française (florilège). Vous y reconnaîtrez le ministre des Affaires Étrangères, autrement dit le chef du Corps Diplomatique français… 🫶
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culturefrancaise · 1 year ago
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librotheque · 4 months ago
Un corpus pédagogique proposé par TV5 monde et destiné à préparer le test de connaissance du français (TCF) exigé pour de nombreuses démarches administratives (inscription à l’université, démarche d’accès à la nationalité française…)
Mêle vidéos, exercices et suivi personnalisé en s’abonnant aux podcasts du site.
Le site apprendre.tv5monde.com propose également plus de 3000 exercices pour apprendre le français à partir de vidéos issues de l’antenne de TV5MONDE ou de l’univers tv5monde.com. Ces exercices sont catégorisés en 4 niveaux de langue, A1 débutant, A2 élémentaire, B1 intermédiaire, B2 avancé.
Bibliothèque des Côtes d'Armor
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france-the-third · 24 days ago
Guys if I disappear in like... May, this fucking thing will be why
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That monstrosity is a list of all the tests I have to pass to get the baccalaureate, and I need that to ... basically to get pretty much any job I'd like to do
I had to create that thing myself, using multiple government website pages about the bac(calaureat, we're lazy) because comprehensible information is apparently not a thing
close-ups/explanations under the cut
blue= explanation of an abbreviation
green= explanation of an abbreviation but it's a list that you don't need to read to understand this
italics= word(s) in french
note: i haven't reread this super carefully, so if I say oral on its own, i do mean oral exam, in french we just say un oral so my brain may forget the word exam lol
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BFI: Baccalauréat Français International, basically I have 8 hours of English a week instead of the normal 3 (although with LLCE and/or AMC you get 9 or 15 hours but i'll get to that in a minute) and I have a bilingual level of English [technically I already had that but most of my friends didn't]
Coef(ficient) [x]: ...ok so i have no idea how this works really but it's basically how much is this grade worth. If you get 19/20 coefficient 1 then you got 19/20. If you get it coef 2, I think that means you got 38/40 etc. So coef 20 is huge.
DBQ: Document Based Question
Durée: length of time, how long does this test take
ACL: Anglais C? Litérature, literature basically (shakespeare and gothic make sense, O'Brien is the name of my teacher and hopefully it's a common enough name that it doesn't matter that I just realized his name's still on here oops; he's my poetry and drama?? teacher but since we don't really know what to call his class, we just call it by his name. He teaches about poetry yes but also we're also studying Beckett's Happy Days which is a play, not poetry)
CDM: Connaissances du "Monde", lit. Knowledge of the (British) World, we have to do some research projects which we will present in an oral at the end of the year
There's about 50 kids in my school who will have to do all that this year, about 50 who will have to do that next year, etc.
There's about 1500 students in my school, there's 3 years so only about 500 students passing the bac at my school this year, and only 10% of us have to do this many exams.
The international section doesn't really exist in other schools however, so there's a really small percentage of french kids total who have to do all this.
All that stuff is admittedly my "fault" for choosing to do the international section.
Everything else is mandatory(-ish)
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Tronc commun: Everyone has to do this
(notice how the coefficients are at like 8, not frickin 20)
Philosophy: we have to either write for 4 hours about a single sentence they'll give us as a subject (and it can be about practically anything) (that's a "dissertation", or 'dissert' because we have really long names for stuff but then we don't bother saying the full name) OR write a "explanation of the text" which i have no idea how that works bc my teacher's a bit incompetent
N/A: Not applicable, that's for the time the exam takes, we get tested in class so there's not really a set time for stuff
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(I know that's ridiculously small sorry)
Ok so now we're getting to the fun little french thing that no one who's not french ever seems to know
In 11th grade (1ère) we have to choose 3 areas to specialize in out of the following (can vary slightly based on schools):
HGGSP: Histoire-géographie, géopolitique et sciences politiques, aka political science and social studies
HLP: Humanités, littérature et philosophie, aka humanities, literature and philosophy (oo it's almost the same words in both languages)
LLCE: Langues, littératures et cultures étrangères, aka English (lit. languages, literatures and foreign cultures but it's really just English class)
AMC: Anglais monde contemporain, aka English again (lit. English contemporary world and again it's just English class)
Mathématiques - transparent
Physique-chimie: Physics and chemistry. No those aren't the same, but yes I only figured that out bc someone explained that to me, bc those two are always taught in the same classroom and with the same teacher for some reason
SVT: Sciences de la vie et de la Terre, aka "Sciences of life and the earth" (you know, bc that's specific), aka Biology + Geology
SES: Sciences économiques et sociales, aka economics and social sciences
NSI: Numériques et sciences informatiques, aka computer science
Arts (arts plastiques, cinéma-audiovisuel, histoire des arts): The list I found with all the names of these spécialités (bc they're only ever referred to by their acronyms) has art be split up like that [technically there were more but i cut them lol] which is weird bc I've never seen art history be separated from actually-making-art (arts plastiques-- Why are they plastic I have no idea) and I didn't think cinema had art history
In 11th as I said you choose 3, and you have 4 hours of each per week.
In 12th grade (terminale), you drop one of the 3 subjects you chose so that you can concentrate more on the other two, with 6 hours of each per week.
The most common combination is math, physics, biology and then one of them gets dropped.
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This is just a zoom on the two I kept, I had computer science as my third spé last year.
This combination is extremely uncommon, I only know 1 other person who did those 3 subjects lol.
SVT (biology/geology): Ecrit: I have to write stuff; I wrote either or but it turns out it's both, anyways I have to do a DBQ (see above) and answer a question based on knowledge. TP aka Travaux pratiques: uhhh idk how to explain this other than actually doing science instead of just talking about it.
Art: Ecrit: Analyse du corpus d'oeuvres: we have to analyze a collection of works of art based on a question we're given, and then we can do either a note d'intention pour un projet d'exposition, lit. a note of intentions for an exhibition project; basically we have to take one (or two) of the works of art we saw in the first part and say how we'd put it in a museum. or we do the analyse de corpus + a commentaire critique, where you have to answer a question, for example on a mock we had a question about whether or not AI counts as art; and we had a text and a new work of art An oral is the same word in both; a lot of subjects don't have orals (svt for example) and basically we have to talk about the project we worked on for the whole year. I think. Pratique: actually getting to work on creating something. I'm doing an animation, my friends are doing a frieze that's themed on marine life, something to do with leaves, a crochet project that's also marine life themed, something space themed?, and a mini forest in a suitcase. Some of our classmates are doing sculptures (there's a sculpture of a female bust with holes in it and handprints all over it), someone is - i think - making a musical instrument from scratch, someone else does a lot of paintings that are humongous with lots of bold colors... This is the best part about art as a subject because you get to choose what you do.
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Next up, another thing that all french people know and no one outside of france knows; contrôle continu
That is basically classes where we don't have a big test at the end of the year, which is nice, but we still have tests and at the end of the year the average of all of the tests done in these subjects counts as a percentage of the grade you get for the bac.
Maths comp(lémentaires -- we love shortening words lol) aka complementary math?: you can choose to abandon math as a spécialité but still keep some math classes in 12th. There's also something called maths expertes, lit. expert math, which is the same thing but with harder classes; but given that i only know one person who does that, i completely forgot to include it here lol
Both math classes here are optional, everything else till LV3 is mandatory.
Coef 3 en 1ère, 3 en terminale: the averages of both 12th grade and 11th grade are counted
Histoire-géo(graphy): social studies (lit. history and geography)
Enseignement scientifique: so. this thing. Despite the fact that you can take biology and physics as spé, everyone has to do this "scientific education" where the kids who took biology are bored in biology classes, the kids who took physics are bored in physics classes, the kids who took both waste two hours per week listening to stuff they already know, and the people who took neither physics nor biology are also usually pretty bored because even if there's one or two students who are interested by science but were more tempted by other things, most of them didn't take science as spés because they don't like science.
It's a great system /s.
In fairness, we are doing more or less useful things; in biology we're talking about evolution and we mentioned how - especially in France - antibiotics are being used too much and so are becoming less effective. For the people who don't do science, I suppose that's important to know, for me at least the effect was ruined by the fact that I had done that in spés like a week earlier.
In physics, we've been working on energy consumption and kind of how it works, but there's too much math in physics for me to be super interested lol.
LV2 aka Langue vivante 2, aka "living language 2": As I'm writing this I just realized that I forgot to include the LV1 in this pdf lol.
In 7th grade (or 6th if you're an overambitious nerd like me), you have to choose a "second" language, that you'll keep till at least 12th grade, and then afterwards idk how it works. The first language is English by default, you *can* make english your 2nd language but that's complex and Idk enough about how that works. French is taught from 1rst to 11th but doesn't count as a living language for some reason.
Most schools offer Spanish and another language, my middle school had Spanish + German, a friend of mine does Chinese as a 2nd language and there's probably other options depending on the school. Oddly enough, despite the fact that Belgium is at the closest about 20 minutes away from my house by car and the Netherlands are at the closest 1h30 away, Dutch is not a commonly taught language I think. Spain is at the closest about 10 hours away by car, and yet it's far more taught.
(The reason I forgot the LV1 is that in the international section, we automatically get the highest grade possible, 20/20, bc they're grading us based on British standards so they're basically saying that we speak English)
EMC, Education Morale et Civique: I'm going to be honest and say that I have no idea what this class is for or how to translate it lol, desoite having had this since 6th grade. Literally the words mean civic and moral education and if that sounds like propaganda, well, it sort of is. We've had many classes on how to be a good citizen, and how democracy works I think, but we've also had classes on other completely unrelated stuff.
Most of the grades in EMC are group presentations, and so I could not tell you about a single thing I got graded on lol
Spé abandonnée en 1ère: lit. spé abandoned in 11th. Yes we use the word abandoned for this lol, other than that I think I covered it earlier
LV3: So following the logic from LV1/LV2, I think you can guess what this is. This is a third, optional language you can take, most people don't bother because we already have too many classes.
I however am not most people lol, but I'll be adding my friend as an example here because the language I chose could be confusing given what I said earlier about LV2s. Antony [not their real name] is in the international section so has English as the default LV1, they took German as an LV2 and they took Japanese as their LV3. Based off of this logic, I have the same thing except I have Spanish as my LV3 and not Japanese. (I'm not sure how clear this would be on it's own because as I said most schools offer Spanish as an LV2 and most people choose that as their LV2. Since I did German as my LV2, I only started taking Spanish classes in 10th grade)
My school, being an international school, offers an extremely large range of third language possibilities: As I've mentioned, there's Japanese and Spanish, but also Italian, Chinese, Portugese, Polish, maybe German, possibly Dutch and possibly/probably others but I don't know for sure. (I just checked and they don't actually offer German as a 3rd language, but they do offer Dutch, and that's it. "Only" 7 languages, I kinda thought there were more [i think most schools have like one or two. A quick google search for the other school I could have gone to tells me that that school offers Spanish and Arabic as 3rd languages and that's it])
Oh and there's often Latin or Ancient Greek offered at the same time as the LV3 I think, but as they're dead languages they don't count as langues vivantes lol
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And we reach the end, with these two.
Français (1ère): As 12th graders, we've already done this part of the bac, last year. The French exam used to be the same year as all the rest but if you've read this far, I think you see the problem with that lol
The grade counts as a percentage of the total bac
And last and certainly worst; the Grand Oral: Lit. the big oral, we have absolutely no preparations for this at school and need to research stuff on our own, in our "free time", whatever that is /j. (... well actually /hj)
I've had 1 teacher talk to me about this, it was my biology teacher, and so depending on the teachers you have for spés, I wouldn't be surprised if some of my classmates hadn't been told the specifics of this sucker at all.
What we have to do is prepare not 1 but 2 possible questions, either 1 per spécialité or a mix between the two subjects (there may be other possibilities but as I said almost no one has told anything about this so this is based off of my recollections of what my biology teacher said and what i found on two government websites.). The reason you prepare two subjects is so that the examinators can choose which one they want you to talk about. Twice the work, twice the stress, for a 20 minute thing.
You have to present your topic for about 10-15 minutes iirc, and then answer some questions.
In biology, my teacher gave us a few vague topics we could use as starting points for our grand oraux (yes the plural of 'oral' is 'oraux', the french language is weird), and basically it's a whole ass reasearch project that we don't get any dedicated hours to in our schedule, that no one has told us about/reminded us of and we have to do that on top of everything else here.
In case my tone isn't clear, I find this ridiculously stupid. I don't like oral exams in the first place, but usually when we have to do some in subjects such as EMC, they don't give us any other work to do while we research our oral, at least in that subject. Another reason I really dislike this is because of CDM (see the first pic, about the international section exams).
CdM is 2 hours a week where we do some research for our research projects. Again, we have 2 hours every single week, with a teacher present, to do nothing but research (and send emails to potential research partners technically), for an exam at the end of the year. This is an international section thing, so the research is in English.
There was the option of adding 2 hours a week for a very small percentage of people to learn how to research in English, and despite the fact that most people would complain if they had more hours of school, the 2 hours a week of research are genuinely useful. I've gotten a lot done since September, and I'm pretty confident about the oral.
For the grand oral, I need to come up with 2 subjects by the end of vacation (we have a 2 week break starting today because it's France and also my class at least already has terrible mental health, if we had to keep this schedule up every single week till May we'd be reduced to like 5 students per class because everyone would be having breakdowns or burnout [Antony is technically not slowing their schedule down over this break (or really any of the other breaks we had), but they're insane /aff /hj. more on that in the tags lol]) not because the school finally realized they should probably remind us of this, but because my biology teacher's a very competant and organized woman who wants to know our subjects so she can help us. (I've had teachers I've liked more or where I've been more interested in their class, but man do I love her for this, other than 2 of my international teachers, she feels like the only competant adult in this school)
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charlottencais · 6 months ago
Bonjour a tous!! Je suis Charlotte, je parle l’anglais et l’espagnol, je suis en train d’apprendre le français parce que j’adore les langues étrangères et je vais étudier dans l’université de langues 🤍!
Ce nouveau blog est pour pratiquer la langue et à se faire des nouveaux amis !!
Mon niveau n’est pas avancé mais je vais étudier tous les jours.
Langue maternelle: Espagnol
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amourdeslangues · 1 year ago
hello there!
not exactly sure how to start this blog lmao - but since this is a langblr, i'll just kick it off with an introduction of my progress with each language i'm currently learning. (mostly leaving english and german out of it for now, because those are my native languages, but i speak those as well ofc)
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français /// french
on commence avec le français! une de mes langues préferées et définitivement la langue étrangère que je parle le mieux. je l'apprends depuis environ 7 ans maintenant. à cause d'un voyage en france avec ma famille et d'un guide de la langue que j'avais trouvé dans un magasin, j'ai commencé à apprendre indépendamment quand je n'avais que neuf ou dix ans, mais le début de mes études du français dans un context scolaire - ça veut dire, d'une manière plus structurée mdr - suivait bientôt après cela. maintenant, je pense qu'on peut dire que je parle le français couramment. pas dans le sens qu'on pourrait me confondre avec une locuteuse native, mais je peux me débrouiller dans toutes sortes de situations presque aussi bien que dans mes langues maternelles. comme but, je veux maintenir un niveau assez bien pour (1) passer mon examen oral de l'Abitur (bac) en français avec la meilleure note possible et (2) étudier les sciences de la littérature en france après l'école.
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svenska /// swedish
Hej allihoppa, trevligt att träffas! Jag kan inte säga precis när jag började lära mig svenska - jag började att intresserar mig för språket för 3-4 år sedan, men jag pluggade (?) inte verkligen aktivt förrän våren detta år. Tidigare kunde jag bara säga några små fraser, men jag kunde inte uttrycka mig på svenska. Jag tror att jag [made a lot of progress?] sedan dess. Jag älskar särskilt ljudet av svenska språket, det är väldigt melodiskt och unikt. Mitt [long-term?] mål är att tala flytande svenska. Just nu vill jag:
Läsa en hel roman på svenska för första gången ("I ljuset från gryningen", en deckare som jag köpte för två dagar sedan)
Lära mig nya ord
Bli mer självsäker när jag pratar svenska ([unfortunately?] känner jag inga människor från Sverige, men jag har en vän som läser språket också. Han är nästa flytande och vi pratar ibland på svenska med varandra, men trots att jag förstår nästan allt vad han säger är jag osäker att min uttal är för dålig att förstå när jag säger någonting själv 😅 så jag behöver mer övning med att tala)
farsi (persian) and gaeilge (irish gaelic)
i'm lumping these two into one part (written in english) because i'm not sufficiently fluent in either language to be able to write a full text, lmao
i technically started learning persian about a year ago, but since i keep getting interrupted because of things like having to do too much schoolwork, i'm still at a very low level. i also feel like it's more difficult than learning swedish, for example, because it's from a different language family than any of the languages i speak rn - less loanwords, words related to each other, structural similarities etc. that would help me understand! at least i mostly know the alphabet now, but practically i'm only able to say a few simple things: hello, good morning, how are you etc. however, it's a really interesting language and i'd love to get into actively studying it again! my next goal is to reach A1 level in reading, writing, listening and speaking... let's see how that goes ^^
also, if anyone knows any good resources for learning farsi, please let me know! i'm currently using a combination of a textbook directed at german speakers (called با هم), the Persian course on Memrise and the youtube channels Chai & Conversation and Persian Learning, but it's a bit difficult to find learning materials... (i'm salty that duolingo doesn't have it lmfao)
as for irish gaelic, i (hyper)focused on it for a couple of months in 2021, in particular because part of my family is irish - nobody taught me the language and i'm not really close with my paternal relatives, but i'm still interested in it because... heritage reasons, y'know. also, there are so many fascinating aspects of the language - unique little grammar quirks, pronunciation, all that! i kind of stopped practicing though because i had too little time, so now i just remember random little phrases i learnt off duolingo: dia duit, comhghairdeas (i'm proud of remembering how to spell it lol), ithim cáis (an extremely useful sentence in daily life, i know)...
right now, i don't anticipate irish being a major focus of this blog, but i'm going to dublin in two days (aaaa!!!) and maybe that'll reactivate my slight obsession with the language, so who knows...
about me
i love everything related to languages - obviously foreign languages, but also things like linguistics and literature... i also write a lot in my free time!
on the rare occasions where i'm not doing anything language-related, i'm also very interested in chemistry. i like listening to music (i mean, who doesn't) & my favourite genres are rock, indie and melodic death metal - but i'll listen to almost anything, especially if it's in one of my target languages (really into swedish and persian pop rn). i enjoy hiking and cycling, and i've been learning how to dance for about a year.
i'm really looking forward to getting to know other people in the langblr community and exchanging ideas, progress, tips for learning... on y va :D
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