#framing perception
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theluckygirlblog · 1 day ago
How to Develop the Ability to Think and Act Strategically
The most powerful people in the world don’t just react to life—they think ahead, make calculated moves, and position themselves for success. Strategic thinking is what separates those who are in control of their outcomes from those who drift through life, hoping for the best. If you want to become a person who always seems to be one step ahead, here’s how to develop the mindset, habits, and…
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happyk44 · 10 months ago
Lol, thinking about Hades who sometimes just stops breathing when he sleeps, and Hestia doesn't know what she's doing when she sleeps, so she's just like okay I guess this is normal, and continues to not question it even when the other kids pop up and continue to breathe as they sleep.
But since she treats it like a normal thing, they also don't question why their older brother just stops breathing when he sleeps. Or why he says, "okay I'm going to sleep now" and then just collapses to the ground like a rag doll being dropped, as though he just lost all his bones.
So the first time Zeus witnesses this, he is. So horrified. And confused.
Hades just stretches, yawns, says, "Good night" in the middle of the day because he's tired as they've been training all morning and also Poseidon is a clingy bastard who also kicks like a fucking mule some nights, and then just drops.
And Zeus is just ??? because he has never seen a person fall asleep like that, so he goes over, partly because they have to move his big brother back to the house because they can't just leave him exposed in the middle of their sparring field, but also to be like "is he serious or are they pranking me" and Hades is just. Not breathing. And Zeus is v much ???? Did he just fucking die???
Cue Demeter grabbing Hades' ankles and trying to drag him to the house saying, "Nah he just does this sometimes, it's normal" and Zeus who has a million times more experience with people than the stomach babies is shaking his head "no the fuck it is not"
(they end up not being able to move him because their older brother is an immovable boulder of a man, despite his skinny skeleton frame, and they have to get the others to help drag him back because shaking him and screaming does not wake him up when he does not want to be awake)
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greywoe · 2 years ago
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Sansa said, “I knew the Hound would win.”
Littlefinger overheard. “If you know who’s going to win the second match, speak up now before Lord Renly plucks me clean,” he called to her. Ned smiled.
“A pity the Imp is not here with us,” Lord Renly said. “I should have won twice as much.”
#sansamonth2023 day 13: tourneys
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nohara-rin-dot-mp3 · 15 days ago
so by splitting rin into two to narratively reckon with her we of course run into the issue of how to best perceive each part. using eye framework we see that typically rin is the clearest when her eyes are blocked by outside framing device(panel). this means that the rin that was dead from the start is easiest to view when she is alive (ie through alternate timelines and/or time travel) and the rin that's just a normal guy is easiest to view through the memories of people who never knew her. theoretically. but i'm not sure if that's true is the thing.
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Hit FX sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has genuinely compelled me to read and appreciate classic literature more than any of my many former years of school. I look at the silly rat show and am like I get it now, I'm gonna read Shakespeare, Beckett, Dostoyevsky, etc. and analyze the world for funsies, my grades 7-11 English teachers could NEVER.
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vanillaboyfriend · 5 months ago
that edit is doing better than i expected :) yippee
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vimbry-moved · 10 months ago
this is not the most pressing issue in the world (unless you factor in cases of elder abuse), but why is it so common to be weird about like. older people. the perception that they all must be out-of-touch, conservative-leaning reactionaries. the oddly puritanical panic that crops up around "sexualising" old celebrities, as if it's somehow gross or unethical. that person has grown-up children, they know what sex is. even when positive, so much is framed in this patronising/infantilising way, as if it's a discussion on a video about a cute animal doing something novel. that's just a person who's 70.
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puppppppppy · 1 year ago
for like 3 weeks i was wondering why i was sleeping so much and felt listless. and just now I managed to email 3 people and responded to a month old message in the span of an hour because I got back to TAKING MY FUCKIN MEDS..........
#MOTHER FFFFUCKER#to be fair. my doc said I could stop taking them while im on break since i wouldnt need to be constantly pumped on stimulants#im not sure if it was a side effect but i managed to take like 3 different naps in one day and STILL managed to sleep thru the whole night#at least 2 days into my break. the weird thing is i didnt feel more or less rested afterwards. but mentally i think im in a good place rn#to really put the level of awakeness im at rn i feel weirdly confident i could start one piece. also bc of that sick new opening it BANGS#the song is really good and im in love with the animation style. did some digging and it seems one of the lead animators is masato mori#but i could be wrong. it seems he also did some work on mp100 which could explain a lot lol.. he uses smear frames really well to convey#consistent movement and fluidity!!! someone else might have done color design but it works really really well esp with odas style!!#just love the overall vibe and aesthetic and id really love to study it and incorporate a bit of it into my art.. especially the thick#outlines which i think helps to separate characters and objects on screen. though i have to say the style is definitely more suited to#animation bc of the simpleness and smears. maybe that will help me explore shapes and perspective when i draw... i wanna get better#at drawing poses and angles but i have a hard time wrapping my head around space and using perspective guide lines NGHHHH#i wonder if it has to do with my dogshit ability to judge distance. not depth perception but like. judge how far smth is in metres etc#im also wearing an N95 for the first couple weeks back bc of the wave. absolutely NO BODY is wearing a mask its so fucking over#where im sitting ive heard 5 different people coughing probably not into their elbows!!! and im just. head in my fucking hands#there was a kid sitting a couple seats away in class coughing as he pleases and i wanted to grab him in a chokehold so badly. PLEASEE#ive been annoying my family by asking them to mask up and reminding them to bring masks when they go out and showing them news articles#but at least its working bc we ordered some KN95s and my mom is at least taking me seriously so. please dont be afraid to speak up abt your#health. take care of yourself and others however u can!! wear that mask indoors at your maskless friends house!!! stay home when u can!!#im wearing a surgical mask at home too bc my parents have '''a dry throat cough''' and they are so bad at coughing into their sleeves#also im pretty sure dry throat isnt transmissible bc my brother started coughing too so.. i also tested negative but they havent tested yet#im also not a doctor but i have to keep reminding ppl whenever i can that covid and flu work differently. covid is new and too recent to#have nearly as much research done on it. it seems its also compounding so instead of building immunity it weakens the body and spreads to#to other systems which might explain brain fog and muscle weakness. i remember someone early in the pandemic got infected and it messed up#their smell/taste receptors so bad that they cant eat most foods and that stays in the front of my mind when i think abt covid. christ#yapping
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kaurwreck · 2 months ago
sometimes the way the usamerican internet talks about lawns and touching grass reminds me that I grew up in a semirural, unincorporated, recently suburbanized forest without a monoculture lawn and a disproportionately huge backyard that had fruit trees and shrubs, wisteria, kudzu, poison ivy, poison oak, multiple species of clover, multiple varieties of grass, roses, holly, rose bushes, multiple species of venemous snakes, other wild fauna (raccoons, opossums, wild rabbits, snapping turtles, squirrels, birds), azaleas, multiple species of mint, other plants that I never identified, and a mix of pine and hardwood trees (until Hurricane Katrina, this included a massive wisteria girdled around a massive oak that was nearly horizontal (as in, the wisteria had partially uprooted it), non-girdled oak trees, pine trees, and a weeping willow tree). this was within the back and front yards; I'm not counting the neighborhood generally or the actual plotted gardens or the surrounding towns or nearby neighborhoods still in fairly dense forests (the domestic water supply reservoir that's also used for recreation has lots of alligators and there were white tailed deer and bobcats at the edges of my middle school).
anyway. that was growing up. now, I live halfway across the country in a densely populated city that's also biodiverse. idk, it's odd to me how geographically and bio diverse and massive the united states is and how few americans conceptualize it outside of a very specific flavor of suburbia.
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cecoeur · 8 months ago
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creepyscritches · 10 months ago
Ough I never mentioned but I found everything up to Baptism of Fire in older pre-netflix prints at the used bookstore heehee
Honestly the real star find was a NICE hardcover edition of Junji Ito's Gyo :O excited to read through a physical copy! Also found a Junji Ito I'd never read, so looking forward to another blind dive when I finish No Longer Human :3c
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irlactualhuman · 3 months ago
I wish putting my hair up in a clippy made me look less girly. Weird wish, but sincerely it is the quickest sluttiest way to make me look more fem.
It's also the quickest and least damaging way to get my hair out my mouth. But the slut.
Like I got slut bidness to be on and ain't got no time for hair ties get that dick over here rn.
Anyway. Vibe all wrong for work. So it's eat hair or make the guys uncomfortable for reasons they can't identify.
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months ago
i don't think Vernestra Rwoh should have ever been brought into live action actually
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besarelcielo · 1 year ago
reminder to myself that opportunity is created through consistent effort and setting yourself up to be seen. things do have the ability to fall into your lap but they will do so more easily if you are already in the mindset of attraction…realizing im a lot more closed off, negative and actually repellant than i thought i was because i assume the answer is no before i even ask a question. and yes it’s is a defense mechanism for self preservation but it doesn’t serve me and it never did. nothing is going to come to me if i don’t ever want to be seen
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phagodyke · 7 months ago
weekend melancholy is starting to kick in >~<
#im gonna go and do my food shop etc to keep myself busy and hopefully my 2nd meds will kick in and we'll be able to handle it together#i think i kind of do this so regularly bc my brain is just processing everything bc i dont rly have time during the week#all cool tho im doing good overall def on the up n i feel way more capable of coping emotionally which is nice. i <3 meds#also.. possibly settling on the idea that i might be agender. very tentatively. lots of experiences n thoughts coming together rn#ive been reacting in unexpected ways to a lot of gendered shit atm which has made me reconsider the way i think abt myself#but very difficult to articulate it to myself let alone anyone else. so ive been sitting with it for now until it precipitates#gender stuff has never rly affected me much or ive never been in a place to explore it which is why i havent thought abt it super hard#but im not the sort of person who needs a lot of internal exploration to figure out my identity like im v self aware tbh#and while im wildly indecisive abt most things in my life for some reason i never have been abt stuff like this. i learned abt lesbianism#like idk 9 years ago-ish and straight away was like yeah that makes sense for me. never looked back since#n similarly ive experienced forms of gender dysphoria before n just immediately dealt with it symptomatically n moved on#its never been smth to agonise abt for me like i know what makes me comfortable in my skin so theres no question abt doing it#and ik im privileged to be able to do that. and also it helps that gender for me is mostly divorced from external perceptions#+ that im v autistic so social pressures dont stick to me very well. i mean yeah i was bullied for it as a kid but i was stubborn asf#so yeah from the moment i realised i was genuinely uncomfortable/upset abt it earlier this week i was like okay. lets try this instead#its given me pretty instant relief from any distress i was feeling so far which is nice. rare respite from one of my torture labyrinths#just testing out internally whether it frames things more clearly n makes me feel more myself/at peace before i choose to stick w the idea#but not gonna do a whole coming out fanfare either way. dont think i wanna change how ppl interact w me + im still a dyke#so i dont consider it relevant to anyone else unless they share a similar understanding of gender to me. or if we're v close#ill prolly broach it w other trans friends eventually bc insert philosophers talking image. but to everyone else its business as usual#happy to play my cis-sona at work. + w new queer ppl i meet ive been introducing myself recently w mirrored pronouns instead of any/all#and i think i prefer that. virtually indistinguishable but theres smth nice abt inviting ppl to recognise me the way they do themselves#like translating + localising a non-gendered language into a gendered one... simplifying decisions abt how to perceive me#and ofc ppl are still gonna perceive me however but idc much unless we're actually friends. the rest is all a performance anyway#doubtful anyone on here ever has reason to refer to me but if u do for some reason... im freeloading off ur pronouns now btw <3#but yeahhh. much 2 think abt. i need to read more alien/ai sci fi.. non-human sentience has been such a comforting concept lately#but yea tldr i woke up one morning this week like damn im prolly agender but i have a full time job to go to rn so idc abt that#.diaries#okkkk my dex is kicking in im no longer on the verge of tears lets go get these groceries wooohoooo
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divinekangaroo · 10 months ago
can't stop thinking now on how Michael couldn't shoot Hughes and couldn't/wouldn't shoot Tommy.
Whether Michael could have ever actually *directly killed* tommy really, except through second or third hand consequences to his decisions or actions. Because of that thing of how Michael cannot and will not link pleasure/fury/lust/satisfaction to killing. how Michael's 'revenge' on Tommy is actually driven by Tommy destroying (and/or failing to live up to) the way Michael perceives him.
Vengeance for Polly's death always felt like a painfully convenient excuse for Michael, a vessel for all that confusion and hurt to be placed in and carried on to the inevitable confusion. All while Tommy is vaguely aware but carries on in his way, regardless, because that's what Tommy does.
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