Explore tagged Tumblr posts
frac-centre · 6 years ago
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[MUSEUMWEEK] #ExploreMW Guy Debord, « Guide psychogéographique de Paris. Discours sur les passions de l'amour », 1957. Collection Frac Centre-Val de Loire. Le « Guide psychogéographique de Paris. Discours sur les passions de l'amour » de Guy Debord (1957) rend compte des expériences de dérives menées dans Paris par les lettristes. Les « passions » reconstruisent un espace devenu « disponible », un labyrinthe inscrit dans un temps appréhendé par l’expérience. Guy Debord's "Guide psychogéographique de Paris. Discours sur les passions de l'amour" described unconventional experiments carried out in Paris by the Lettrists. “Passions” thus reconstruct a space that has become “available”, a labyrinth that is part of a contingent time and learnt by experience. #MuseumWeek #MuseeJoyeux #fraccentre #art #explore #carte #cartography #map #Paris #passion #labyrinthe #experience #archi #teamarchi #frac #fraccentre (à Frac Centre-Val de Loire) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkUEvZh6XJ/?igshid=1w8l8ry50p9c2
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segolenethuillart · 2 years ago
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Cartographie de la balade sonore “Vivante”, production réalisée dans le cadre de la Biennale d’Art & d’Architecture du Frac Centre.
création graphique : Pauline Lecerf Mixage : Michel Bertier Interprétation musicale de l’extrait de “La Vierzonnaise” : Clément Gasque Avec la participation des habitant.es de Vierzon
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eniatype · 7 years ago
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Shaun Murray: Detail of Archulus, Turbulence Voids, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 2000. Physical exemplar. #superarchitects #fraccentre #architecturestudent #architecture #eniatype #nowness #collecteurwatchlist #freizemagazine #avantgarde #dazedandconfused #arqsketch #artistsoninstagram #drawings #architecturaldesign #shaunmurray #aaschool #london #arqsketch #iarchitectures #archisketcher #architecturalnotation #arch_more #architectura #visualarts #graphic #architecturetheory #archilibs #theoreticalarchitecture #speculativecoolness #surrealism #shaunpatrickmurray (at Aldeburgh)
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oddstoanend · 4 years ago
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{1967} presagio di rose {omen of roses} by gilberto corretti for associati d'archizoom at @fraccentre. 1st 📷: @fridaescobedo . . . follow @oddstoanend for more art, architecture, & interiors. . . . . . . . . . . . #interiordesign #gilbertocorretti #lettodisogno #presagiodirose #interiors #bed #bedroom #80sdecor #fraccentrevaldeloire #retrodesign #retroaesthetic #homedecor #homedesign #homestyling #interiordecorating #interiorinspo #decor #instadecor #theworldofinteriors #vintageinteriors #interiorinspiration #vintagestyle #luxuryliving #archdigest #interiorstyle #interiorandhome #archdaily #homestyle #interiorsofinstagram #oddstoanend (at Orléans, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2dEccHzUY/?igshid=92rnqjihr8f0
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littlenemonathalie · 6 years ago
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benedettobufalino-blog · 6 years ago
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J’ai fait un dessin 🤣... Benedetto Bufalino, la villa Savoye enfin terminée, 2018 #benedettobufalino #bufalino #bufalinobenedetto #lecorbusier #villasavoye #villasavoyelecorbusier #villasavoyepoissy #lavillasavoye #lecorbusierarchitecture #corbusier #architecture #architecturemoderne #ecoledarchitecture #artcontemporain #blaguedarchi #bernardblistene #architecte #ensaplv #ensaplvillette #ensalyon #architecture #architecturecontemporaine #pavillondelarsenal #fraccentre #fracorleans #citedelarchitecture #citedelarchitectureetdupatrimoine (à Villa Savoye) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqsgTutniZK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8hoi83m2ibrl
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reappropriations · 9 years ago
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Andrault & Parat
Lycée de jeunes filles, La Source, Orléans, 1968 Maquette Bois, plastique, plexiglas 7.5 x 152.5 x 52 cm Donation Pierre Parat © Collection Frac Centre-Val de Loire
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segolenethuillart · 3 years ago
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Conférence de Presse de la Biennale d’Art & d’Architecture 2022 - Vierzon, 7 juin 2022
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eniatype · 7 years ago
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Shaun Murray: Photo of an ecological stoppage measuring unknown material. An ecological stoppage is a stoppage sample removed from the atmosphere in Central London. Ecological Stoppages contain climate proxies with inclusions of dust and bubbles of temperature, precipitation, chemistry and gas composition of lower atmosphere. The impact of virtual technologies on Notational design visions is incredibly important in understanding how living beings subjectively perceive their environments, because most architects use notation to represent and communicate their architectures. Notations are essentially used to mediate the experience of the design towards building; they occupy most working drawings in architectural practice; they can confuse clients, builders, and architects alike and disrupt projects. Yet architects mostly take them as given, as a neutral code towards the final design. Here we aim to challenge and reverse this well-worn assumption. We should design notation to suit a new vision of how we can communicate our architectures, spatially and experientially, not to suit the arbitrary specifications of the notation. The technologies that make this possible are advanced holography, telematic communications, ubiquitous computing and advanced control software. They allow us to define a fundamentally new, radically restructured architecture for our notational systems. Notations are used to construct all architectural drawings and have often been studied as whole in space, but never before have they been studied as whole in time. The interests reside in a synthesis that proposes that notations adapt best when constantly refined and reshaped by their occupants, and that architects can mature from being artists of space to becoming artists of time. A reconciliation with the unknown in the materiality of form. #superarchitects #fraccentre #architecturestudent #architecture #eniatype #nowness #freizemagazine #avantgarde #artistsoninstagram #drawings #architecturaldesign #shaunmurray #aaschool #arqsketch #iarchitectures #archisketcher #architecturalnotation #arch_more #architectura #visualarts #graphic #architecturetheory #archilibs #architecturesketch #architectur (at London, United Kingdom)
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clairegogue-blog · 10 years ago
Ce flyer a été pensé afin de communiquer auprès du public orléanais et de la région Centre Val de Loire, concernant le cycle d'expositions "Relief(s)".  
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lavillededemain · 10 years ago
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Tournage de l'émission "Paysages" (France 3) au collège Louis Joseph Soulas
Bazoches-les-Gallerandes (45) - 02/02/2015
Villes du Futur Exposition pédagogique itinérante 15/01/2015 - 09/04/2015 + Pour en savoir plus
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frac-centre · 7 years ago
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[EXPOS] Entrez et rêvez au Frac Centre-Val de Loire ! Monographie d'Aristide Antonas "The House for Doing Nothing" jusqu'au 16 septembre 2018 au Frac Centre-Val de Loire - entrée gratuite. #Antonas #fraccentre #art #architecture #artist #artiste #desert #orleans #frac #expositions #exhibition #picture #artistic #arts #contemporaryart (at Frac Centre-Val de Loire)
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segolenethuillart · 3 years ago
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Résidence à Vierzon dans le cadre de la création d’un portrait sonore de la ville
Rdv le 15 septembre pour le Biennale d’Art & d’Architecture 2022
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eniatype · 7 years ago
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Shaun Murray: Detail of Basque River Ecologies, short film stills, Bilbao, 2004. #superarchitects #fraccentre #architecturestudent #architecture #eniatype #nowness #freizemagazine #arqsketch #drawings #architecturaldesign #shaunmurray #aaschool #arqsketch #iarchitectures #archisketcher #architecturalnotation #arch_more #architectura #visualarts #graphic #architecturetheory #sketch #theoreticalarchitecture #architecturesketch #architecturaldrawing #archisource #architecturelovers #thecontemporaryarchitect #surrealism #shaunpatrickmurray (at Bilbao, Spain)
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clairegogue-blog · 10 years ago
Toujours dans le cadre de mon stage au Frac Centre Val de Loire, j'ai participé à la création de l'affiche du prochain cycle d'expositions "Relief(s)".  
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lavillededemain · 10 years ago
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Vernissage au collège Louis Joseph Soulas
Bazoches-les-Gallerandes (45) - 26/01/2015
Villes du Futur Exposition pédagogique itinérante 15/01/2015 - 09/04/2015 + Pour en savoir plus
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