beastlycreations · 2 months
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Elegant and Stunning 🦊🌹🦊
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ilyesworldsblog · 2 months
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People with Brown eyes are the prettiest ones 😍😎
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 2 months
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Of the various designs for the fox emoji, which one would you say is your favorite? 🦊
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iOS (2016/2017/2024) -- 7/10 that's a cute foxy, but there is a certain cartooony ness about them that lessens their impact
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Android (2016) -- 9.5/10 a wilder foxy, with a serious expression, simple and beautiful
Android (2017) -- 9/10 sudden change entirely, thoroughly simplified, but a core foxyness is retained and you get a good smile that can be both adorably whimsical as well as mischievous
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Android (2020-2023) -- 5/10 that's a foxy alright, but she borders on being soulless
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Samsung (2016) -- 2/10 easily mistaken for some form of rodent
Samsung (2018) -- 6/10 a lot better but a similar problem, the cute eyes do kind of elevate her though
Samsung (2019) -- 5/10 the plushie look helps a bit but very similar
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Samsung (2023, 2024) -- 2/10 you could convincingly claim they're hamsters
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Microsoft 3D fluent (2023) -- 0/10 may the gods have mercy on whoever decided to turn the beautiful Vulpes Vulpes into this abomination of artificial plastic
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Microsoft (2016) -- 8/10 a striking shape in a beautiful style, but perhaps a bit too lacking in emotion to capitalize on that
Microsoft (2021, 2023) -- 1/10 it's better than the plastic 3D render but still a crime
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Whatsapp (all of them) -- 4/10 not as bad as the samsung hamsters but you could still make the case
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Twitter (all of them) -- 8/10 a cute and fine foxy, again a bit lacking in the emotional department
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facebook (2017) -- 9/10 a delightfully whimsical foxy
facebook (2018, 2023) -- ‽⸘/10 this foxy was taken on a boat, gripped at her tail by some sort of tentacle, dragged to the bottom of the ocean where she saw abyssal truths that would be too much for the mind of any creature, and has now miraculously washed up on shore, wet, bedraggled, knowing
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Huawei (2023) -- 8/10 this foxy holds many a wisdom
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Joypixels (2016) -- 6/10 one day I may welcome our robot fox overlords but that day is not today
Joypixels (2017) -- 8/10 these foxies are young and curious
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Joypixels (2018) -- 7/10 a step backwards from above
Joypixels (2019, 2020) -- 6/10 a villainous foxy full of deceit, not necessarily a badly made depiction under that premise but it is a harmful stereotype!
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Joypixels (2020, 2023, 2024) -- 4/10 these foxies are being forced to smile fake smiles at 60 hours per week customer service jobs, please free them, they are calling for help
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LG (2021) -- 5/10 a long nose lacking in emotion
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Twitter emoji stickers (2022) -- 7/10 that's an expensive fursuit head
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SerenityOS (2024) -- 1/10 at least with all the other rodents and hamsters you can kind of imagine them to be foxies if you're told that's what they're meant to be, but this? this is a mouse no matter how you look at it
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TossFace (2022, 2023) -- -1/10 a corporate abomination
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Sony Playstation (2021) -- 8/10 a cutie!
Noto Emoji font (2023) -- 8/10 a black and white cutie!
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Openmoji (2018/2023) -- 2/10 could be convincingly claimed to be a kangooroo
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Icons8 (2023) -- 5/10 she's old and angry and doesn't like you
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emojidex (2016/2017) -- 3/10 these girls are haggard
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Emojipedia sample images (2016/2018) -- 2/10 could be confused for rodents again
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the girl you sent me without a source -- 8/10 a serious cutie, but she could be mistaken for a wolf
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Can I request the 141 team x reader
Where reader is kinda stupid and a tall fox like person, has super sharp canines and while they are cuddling maybe it goes to fair and reader bites them and says "look I marked you lol" just stares at it for a moment before (either cleaning it up with a medkit or with their mouth) idk I'm craving something that's like me and I have sharp canines.
If you have done something like this please feel free to delete!
[A/n:Mm, this is different, I like it. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:Your a foxy person with sharp teeth, one day you accidentally bite them alittle to hard and help clean the bite
Type:Short Scenarios: Price X M!Reader: Ghost X M!Reader: Soap X M!Reader: Gaz X M!Reader
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He's already use to your foxyness, that's why your a good sniper. He's used to it, nothing can really surprise him when do these foxy shenanigans. When you guys where cuddling his back was pressed against your chest, he was just laying there, caressing your hand gently. He was half way asleep when you bite him. He jumped and quickly turned around.
"Haha, look i marked you...actually, that looks like it hurts"
You got up dragging Ghost with you. He'll never tell you about the raging blush behind his mask. Getting the first aid kit you gently cleaned the bite. Ghost was quiet still half asleep, that's why he didn't say anything before.
"And there"
Kissing the bite gently you patted his thigh before you both headed back to bed, him staying up alittle longer than he hoped just touching the bite mark slightly, a small blush still on his face.
You were foxy yes, but you were also a crazy good sniper because of that so he never stopped you. Your small pranks were harmless at least, besides the time you and Soap planted C4 near the base to scare the new recruits. You two had a earload from price and a hell of a punishment. Price was reading in bed, sitting up while you layed on him. He had his book rested on your head. Staring at his thigh before glancing up at him. Biting his thign he yelped.
Hitting you upside the head with the book he had he gently rubbed the spot you bit. You looked up at him with a sad look before lifting his shorts and boxers to find the bite mark. Price watched as you licked and kissed the bite mark gently "cleaning" it. Chuckling at this he patted your head and got back to his book. Hoping to hide his face. You sucking at his thigh has him alittle flustered.
He helped in your shenanigans. It's one if his favorite activities. Running around with his boyfriend messing with people and playing pranks. Its so fun, he calls them dates instead if messing around. He'd probably be laying on top of you, hugging your neck, napping. His small snores making you smile, but the drool on your neck not so much. Chuckling to yourself you kiss his shoulder. Looking at him, like your waiting for something. Deciding it was safe you opened your mouth, stilling looking at him, you bit him. Hard. Hearing a small yelp you felt his shoulder collide with your jaw. Letting out a groan you rubbed your jaw. Gaz looked at you horrified, not processing you bit him.
"Huh?! What happened?!"
Gently grabbed your face Gsz kissed your Jaw to hopefully help it. You smiled tapping his non exposed shoulder.
"I marked you. See?"
You pushed his sleeve out of the way so he could see it. Sighing Gaz stood up to find the first aid kit, it was a bad bite, probably because he slammed(?) His shoulder into your jaw as soon as he felt pressure on it. Cleaning the bite Gaz looked at you, now proped on your elbows staring at him. Gaz gave a small smile before looking back at the bite mark.
He loves how foxy you are, he now has an excuse to call you foxy, hinting at the fact he thinks your hot. The C4 thing got him in a but load of trouble but doing it with you made it 10x more worth. Sitting next to you on the couch, well more like leaning against you. Soap was on his phone, going back and forth with some silly arguments with his siblings, since there all in a group chat. Looking back at you Soap went on about how his sister were saying something about him being single, and how he wanted a photo with you. Smiling you nodded. Soap smiled back with a wide grin, getting his phone camera ready, he lifted it above his head to get the both of you. Soap Smiled wide, eyes closing slightly. Deciding to take this change, you bit his cheek. The picture took a second before he reacted, it being of Soap smiling wide with his eyes closed, and you biting his cheek, so they couldn't see your face.
"OW! What the hell!"
You smiled cheeky and kissed the bite. He still sent the picture but now he was grumby, punching you slightly.
"Love you too Soap"
He just grumbled something under his breath.
[A/n:all my other requests are Scenarios so they might take longer. Thank you for requesting]
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kitti-coining · 2 years
Mspec-gay genderloverboy!!
[PT: Mspec-gay loverboy flags!! End PT]
Mspec gay flags made by bi-lesbian [link]
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🩸♡ Bigayloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Bigayloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “bi gay loverboy”
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🩸♡ Pangayloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Pangayloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “pan gay loverboy”
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🩸♡ Plygayloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Plygayloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “poly gay loverboy”
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🩸♡ Omnigayloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Omnigayloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is an “omni gay loverboy”
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🩸♡ Abrogayloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Abrogayloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is an “abro gay loverboy"
Tagging @foxye-the-gendergivers
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lovesse · 1 year
gifts from the angels above me . . .
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♡ ꒱ * ₊ ・ㅤ◟ LOVEUTAU 𓂃 ଓ ⋮ a gender under the genderutau system in which you like utau and love , you're a utau that likes love , you're both love and a utau etc etc
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strangeangelthing · 1 year
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autismpokécard !
a gender related to autism and pokémon cards , feeling like your gender is an autism pokémon card , being an autistic person who loves pokémon cards , etc !!
inspired by @foxye-the-gendergivers autismcard label since i have a spin for pokémon cards ^^
gendercard system by @gender-mailman
made a couple versions w/ pokéballs & one w/ mimikyu under the cut , i'd love to see other ppl's Autism Pokémon too >:3c
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regular pokéball / heart-shape pokéball / mimikyu art
mimikyu flag could also be used for someone who connects w/ mimikyu especially !!
i guess this could potentially be a subsystem if people decide to make pokémon specific versions ?
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fox-ye · 2 years
Até logo!
Olá! Já faz algum tempo que eu venho postergando fazer esse post, por inúmeros motivos, e um deles é que: fazer parte dessa pequena parcela da internet que cria capas, e dá cara para histórias incríveis, sempre foi algo que me trouxe muita alegria. Infelizmente a vida e os problemas batem na porta e chega uma hora que a gente precisa fechar alguns ciclos. E essa é a hora de fechar esse. Não irei parar de editar para sempre é claro, amo poder abrir o photoshop para dar vida a ideias aleatórias da minha mente, é algo que sempre me fez bem, mas infelizmente não tenho mais muito tempo e por isso precisei decidir minhas prioridades na vida. Gostaria de agradecer a cada pessoinha que me segue (GENTE SOMOS MAIS DE 1.100 PESSOAS AQUI), vocês trouxeram alegria para meus dias tristes, me fizeram me sentir querida, e fizeram com que eu pudesse acreditar um pouquinho mais em mim, mesmo sem vocês saberem disso. Embora desde que abri meu tumblr nunca tenha postado em busca de números, cada vez que via mais gente chegando isso me deixava tão feliz por saber que em ao menos uma coisa, eu era boa, boa ao ponto de receber muito carinho. Então realmente muito, muito obrigada, vocês são uma das melhores partes que criar capas envolve.
Infelizmente o especial de 1000 seguidores eu terei que deixar, quem sabe, para o futuro. Gostaria muito de poder recompensar vocês, mas eu não ando tendo tempo, e odiaria decepcioná-los assim. As capas disponíveis para doação também NÃO SERÃO MAIS DOADAS.  Este perfil irá continuar ativo, todas minhas capas, tem pedaços de mim, da minha imaginação, criatividade e paixões, sendo assim, deixarei esse pedacinho vivo, para quem sabe, voltar em algum momento quando a vida deixar de ser tão caótica.  Mas uma vez, muito obrigada a todes que me acompanharam, que comentaram, deixaram um coraçãozinho ou adotaram uma capa comigo. Vocês fizeram meus dias melhores.
Até mais, com amor, Foxye.
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gender-mailman · 1 year
ok ok ty💙
genderships of - q!vegetta&q!foolish
                            - dreamxd&c!foolish
and idk how to categorize this one; a gender related to the egg arc from dsmp
both the shipgenders are queue
but the egg arc one i dont know how to do <:( sorry, i hope maybe @foxye-the-gendergivers can help, i know youre not doing genders rn but youre the only other mogai blog that i know that its ok with dsmp request
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xchupacabrasx · 1 year
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Foxyness is near
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blinkies: Open
Only do autism + hpd genders
I am a dsmp/usmp/Qsmp fan
Things i have(and will do things with them)
Pronoun blog: @foxye-the-pronoungivers
DNI: anti mspec identities(any + mspec lesbians/gays/het), transmeds, terfs + Basic dni
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driving-hazard · 8 months
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800 billion doodles
I think I've figured out how to capture the foxyness of a fox's face (at least I think)
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Just mutuals can request
I am a dsmp/usmp/Qsmp fan
Things i have
Gender blog: @foxye-the-gendergivers
DNI: anti mspec identities(any + mspec lesbians/gays/het), transmeds, terfs + Basic dni
0 notes
tutelaric · 3 years
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funerabloombreezic- A gender related to soft grass & colorful flowers blowing in a gentle breeze, to watching fireworks go off from your bedroom window, to stargazing on a cool summer night, to walking past a graveyard and feeling at home instead of afraid. This gender can be related to the words "flow", "crackle", "boom", "funeral", and "breeze". This gender is lighthearted and gentle.
this gender is for @foxye-the-gendergivers​ as part of @plush-mogai​‘s valentine’s day event! happy valentine’s day!
ID: a pride flag with many complex patterns. the background of the flag is a light-ish pink. through the center of the flag, going both vertical and horizontal, is a thick light green band. where the vertical & horizontal bands meet, they form a pale yellow square. the square is bordered by a light red outline. the corners of the outline are orange. on both sides of the flag are two gray humps, meant to represent gravestones.
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[DNI banner with text reading “do not interact if pro-ship, anti-endo, exclusionary of any good-faith IDs, or transmed-aligned”, ending with a heart emoticon. to the left of the banner is a small icon depicting an envelope opening up and a rainbow pouring out of it. the background of the banner is the tutelaric pride flag.]
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epikulupu · 3 years
i ∆
- @foxye-the-gendergivers
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kitti-coining · 2 years
Mspec-lesbian genderloverboy!!
[PT: Mspec-lesbian genderloverboy!! End PT]
Mspec-lesbian flags made by bi-lesbian [link]
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🩸♡ Bilesbiloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Bilesbiloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “bi lesbian loverboy”
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🩸♡ Panlesbiloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Panlesbiloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “pan lesbian loverboy”
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🩸♡ Plylesbiloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Plylesbiloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is a “poly lesbian loverboy”
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🩸♡ Omnilesbiloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Omnilesbiloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is an “omni lesbian loverboy”
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🩸♡ Abrolesbiloverboy
[PT: 🩸♡ Abrolesbiloverboy. End PT]
A gender under genderloverboy [link] your gender is an “abro lesbian loverboy”
Tagging @foxye-the-gendergivers
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