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ashfae · 11 months ago
I have given a thousand boops. I have received a thousand boops. (Thanks @foxleycrow , pretty sure you were number 1000 ;) ). I have booped Lynda Carter and been booped by The Almighty God. But now it is time to rest for a while. Boop on, my friends.
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nineteendegrees · 1 year ago
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Last year I concluded a short series of image-based sigils in collage inspired by and based upon characters and concepts from "The Wind and the Foxes", a novel in progress by @foxleycrow.
I really enjoyed this effort in a kind of intuitive illustration, and I plan to attempt something similar again soon.
Materials are entirely sourced from Morphic Additions original ADDITIONS deck.
The Sovereign of the Sun
The Prophet of the Waters
The Witch of the Moon
The Sorcerer of the Wind
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samcybercat · 2 years ago
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @vcaudley
Are you named after anyone? - Yeah, my dad named me after a pornstar he liked
When was the last time you cried? - Whenever I last had my period
Do you have kids? - No, I've always known ever since I was young that I didn't want kids and my opinion on that has never changed
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - Not really, I don't think?
What sports do you play/have played? - Nah, I'm as much of the stereotype of someone who doesn't do sports that you'd expect
What's the first thing you notice about people? - Y'know, I honestly couldn't say? I try to avoid looking directly at people too much
What's your eye colour? - Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - Both are good
Any special talents? - My dedication to see a project through even after the spark has died
Where were you born? - In a hospital that no longer exists lol
What are your hobbies? - Making poll tournaments, writing, playing video games, watching series. I love going to the cinema, but I don't do that enough to list it as a hobby
Do you have pets? - I don't technically have any pets right now, but one of the three cats who lives at my parents' house is regarded as mine. She's a fluffy, needy lady who comes across as older than she actually is
How tall are you? - I think about 5"0
Favourite subject in school? - English Language and Art
Dream job? - I wish I could get paid a liveable wage to do my fandom nonsense
I'm not sure I know 15 people who like filling in tags, but gonna list some people just incase: @101flavoursofweird @swamp-y @starryamber @vulpiximisa @sweveris @trucbiduleschouettes @ssjumi @pandirpus @krokonoko @foxleycrow @maybeillride @sudoki @smuddragon
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whosthatsilmcharacter · 8 months ago
Well, this one was... conclusive! I think this might be the highest score yet! The vast majority of you are correct; this is Maeglin. By far, the most commonly cited signal was the adorable little mole.
The artist is @foxleycrow and you can find their original post here!
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(All art used with EXPRESS permission from the artist)
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tolkienrsb · 5 years ago
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Goooooood evening, folks; today’s TRSB Summer Showcase piece is a comic by the wonderful Foxleycrow!
Tumblr: @foxleycrow 
Deviantart: foxleycrow
Twitter: foxcrows
IG: foxcrows
AO3: Grond
My primary involvement in fandom is drawing pictures of Silmarillion characters, but I thought it would be fun to sign up for TRSB as a writer. I started an AO3 account for Tolkien writing, and this event looked like a good way to get started. I love both drawing and writing, and I can often be found doing one or the other, whenever I have the time. I enjoy making comics, too, as it combines both of my interests. I hope to have the time and motivation to draw another Tolkien-themed comic in the future.
Of Thingol and Melian, a comic in two parts
Rating: G, general audiences; no warnings
Of Thingol and Melian, pt 1
Of Thingol and Melian, pt 2
This is a comic about the meeting of Thingol and Melian, as told by Daeron. I love the Sindar, and I've always enjoyed the story of how Thingol went missing due to love—and how his people waited for him. 
The comic was drawn on toned paper, with white and black ink, which was a new technique I was experimenting with.
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arofili · 5 years ago
Thranduil :D
favorite thing about them
i mean… the sass, the drama, the queer energy,
-  but also the immense amount of tragic backstory expressed within short bursts of character development, the pain and the understanding that comes along with it
- but also the elk -
- and also lee pace’s eyebrows, damn !
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
“Long will I tarry, ere I begin this war for gold.”
(like really my dude? if you wanted us to think that he was really just trying to get back his wife’s jewels or whatever you could have done a MUCH better job of portraying that…)
HONESTLY, Thorin & Thranduil would have made SUCH a good enemies-to-friends story?? i mean, if Thorin had survived. SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
i also think Thranduil & Tauriel’s relationship is really really interesting and while I don’t think the movies really did it justice - again, POTENTIAL!
Barduil :) it’s just so good and fun and wholesome and they can both come together after losing their wives and be happy for a bit. Ahh!
also, Thranduil x his wife, I fic’d that for one of my very first Tolkien fics and I still am fond of them.
Thranduil x Tauriel…. no thank you! Also Thranduil x Legolas… I’m very much squicked by parent/child incest in general :/
random headcanon
he doesn’t see Tauriel as a daughter (although for AU fic that is a really useful/interesting relationship to play with) - instead she is his subject and his captain. but he’s also personally fond of her, especially since she’s friends with his only child, and he wishes he’d been more parental with her…maybe that would have “saved” her. i think his feelings re: kiliel change over time (esp. wrt barduil) but yeah, he wishes he felt paternal with her, but he doesn’t really
unpopular opinion
as much as i love Tauriel (& Kiliel) he was absolutely right to push her away from Kili, that was a fucking tragic disaster and he was just trying to protect her and his kingdom. probably could have done a better job of that, but his heart was in the right place
song i associate with them
*sweats* i’m so bad at this part, umm something fun and silly and pop-y like CRJ?? idk man leave your suggestions in the comments djfhdkjh
favorite picture of them
here’s a good art (by @foxleycrow​) and here’s another (by @pandamani​)!
also this pic from the movie is *chef’s kiss*
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vinyatar · 5 years ago
foxleycrow replied to your photoset “Anonymous said: (…) Fingolfin welcoming Fingon back after he returns...”
Love your designs for them. So beautiful.
thank you!
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cocchilweran · 1 year ago
As someone who gets to enjoy those photos, I approve 😎 as for me:
My cat's bleps
When I get to talk about my characters
Hiking on mountain trails near sea or lakes
Falling in love with a new pairing with a lot of fanfiction to read about
Making very bad puns with my friends
@cheeseboytyrell @foxleycrow @camille-lachenille @jhelenivarsimae @who-needs-words @imakemywings @polutrope @totally-not-an-awkward-okapi @ashapple @ewa-jednak-chce-spac if you feel like it!🦥
hi! list 5 things that make you happy, then ask the same thing of the last 10 ppl who liked or reblogged smth from you!!
Oh hey there! Let's do this!
1. Stranger Things
2. Sandman
3. Ofmd
4. Sappho's poetry
5. Revenge...I'm kidding! Good Omens.
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gellalaer · 4 years ago
Pass the happy! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! ✨
I was tagged by @arizonapoppy. Thank you!
Things that make me happy:
1. Writing
2. Spending time in nature
3. Reading a good book or fanfiction while snuggled in bed.
4. Writing
5. Spending time alone
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toastedbuckwheat · 4 years ago
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Super excited to finally reveal my contribution for this year’s @tolkienrsb!
@foxleycrow and myself decided to take a look at Eöl’s story and Maeglin’s upbringing through the perspective of their own culture. Here I tried to depict one of the most significant moments in Maeglin’s life - his naming ceremony, a part of his coming of age rites.
Perhaps there are other parts of their story that did not make it into Noldorin chronicles? 
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artbygenesis · 2 years ago
little flame sprite endeavor and wind sprite hawks! just a cute sketch for @foxleycrow cos they are enamored with these characters (and my round designs haha 💖)
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azaisya · 3 years ago
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Date night! Celebrimbor brought flowers but immediately forgot about them bc he walked in on Maeglin doing work. They should really get going if they want to make their dinner reservation but unfortunately they’re now busy talking about crafts.
This is for the @officialtolkiensecretsanta (thank you to the mods for hosting!) and I was absolutely delighted to get matched with @foxleycrow this year!! Celebrimbor/Maeglin stuck out to me on your list of ships because it was a pairing that I’d never considered before, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it (they’re just nerds who deserve good things probably). I hope you like it!
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joyfullynervouscreator · 3 years ago
Fathoms Below
@nailsinmywall, @foxleycrow & @navyinks seem to have dragged me into something called Mayglor with mer-Maglor arts and I am *living* for the potential of Eldritch Uinen and Maglor friendship implied by this... so I maybe wrote a fic. (Partially inspired by @bloodwingblackbird‘s TRSB concept, too...)
Uinen moves, fluid as water, sinuous as a snake, her limbs – green-webbed fingers longer than fingers ought to be, skin decorated with the lumps of pale barnacles clinging to her, a body that is thick and feels strangely nurturing in a sense he does not quite understand, ending in a mass of squid-like tentacles each thicker than his legs – flowing like she is following her own current.
“Beautiful, is she not?” The words, the light wry voice turned sweetly loving, right next to his ear are even more startling than the knowledge that when the sailors who heaved him overboard to calm the storm cried out a sacrificial prayer to Uinen, she actually listened.
He nods, dumbly.
She is, the savage beauty of power leashed if barely, the roar of the seas hers to command or calm, and he knows who is beside him, foam-white hair floating in a current that doesn’t exist in this strange bubble of air beneath the waves.
“Ossë,” he breathes, fear-tinged.
Ossë laughs, high and bright, and an elf-shaped hand darts into view, gripping his shoulder. The bruise beneath flares to life, hot and painful, and the best reminder than this is no drowning-dream.
He is fathoms below, dropped into the depths of the sea.
And he is alive.
For now.
Fathoms Below (Ao3 // SWG)
2.6k, no warnings, T Maglor, Uinen, Ossë Maglor & Elros (mentioned), Uinen/Ossë Under the Sea, Eldritch Ainur, canon-compliant(after a fashion, at least), Mayglor
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aipilosse · 4 years ago
Goldilocks and the White Bird
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Goldilocks and the White Bird - Coming soon on 9/5 with @tolkienrsb reveals!
Art by @foxleycrow (Deviantart, AO3), story by Aipilosse
Rated G
Characters: Goldilocks Gardner, Samwise Gardner (formerly Gamgee), Saruman, Hamfast Gardner, Robin Gardner, Faramir Took, Pippin Took, Rosie Gardner (formerly Cotton), Radagast
Word count: 16,298
Summary: When a strange white crebain shows up at Bag End, Goldilocks and her brothers are determined to find out everything they can about their visitor. Their discovery brings about a summer full of magic, machines, and trying not to let their parents find out what they're up to as they try to help the bird.
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diversetolkien · 4 years ago
Diverse Tolkien Week Flyer live on Twitter!
If you have a twitter, please consider liking and retweeting it and also participating! 
Thank you to @DwarrowSimp for the first image, @welcometolotr​  for the second, and @foxleycrow for the third!  And thank to @spaceloveliesfor putting it together for me!
Text ID Below: 
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Diverse Tolkien Week (#dvtw21) Official Post:
Hello Lovely Followers and Friends! Welcome to the official promo for #DiverseTolkienWeek or #dvtw21. You can find the page here! This is a week for Tolkien fans to reimagine their favorite worlds, books, movies, characters, etc., in a more diverse and inclusive way.
It will take place February 22nd-28th, 2021!
That said, even though this is a specifically Tolkien fandom week, all fans who enjoy fantasy are free to partake in the event and reimagine their original works or Fantasy/Sci-Fi fandoms in an inclusive way.
Below are the prompts. Interpret them how you will! Be that writing, art, music, essays, meta, etc., Be creative. Think outside of the box!  Tag appropriately.  
Use the hashtag #dvtw21 on both twitter and tumblr to post your work in. Feel free to @diversetolkien on both twitter and tumblr as well and I will share them on my platforms. ·       Day 1: Women of Color ·       Day 2: Disability ·       Day 3: LGBTQA+ ·       Day 4: Religion/Faith/Culture ·       Day 5: Anti-racism ·       Day 6: Create A Diverse High Fantasy ·       Day 7: Something Black (For Black History Month!!)
And those are the prompts! A special thank you to the followers who suggest these to me. please share, share, share! If you have any questions or concerns, my ask and IMs are always open. You can also reach me on twitter!
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the-lady-auri · 4 years ago
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Maglor sketch for @foxleycrow decided to draw him resting rather than doing something musical
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