foxglovewritesstuff · 21 days
lay here for years or for hours // bedrock bros oneshot
Read on AO3 Warnings: none Words: 2.7k Summary:
Techno raised an eyebrow. “The library is closed. Time to go, kid.”
The boy furiously rubbed his eyes before sluggishly packing up his books. Techno had the strange desire to pat his head. Instead, he walked back through the shelves to the front counter to finish.
“Um.” The kid’s tentative voice broke the spell of silence. He fidgeted when Techno’s eyes landed on him. “Is it okay if I check out one last book before I go?”
Techno works at the college library and finds a boy asleep at the back when it's closing. He become more attached than he'd anticipated.
Technoblade stared at the blond boy sleeping in the back of the college library.
Should he wake the kid? Normally he wouldn’t hesitate, after all, the library was closing for the day and obviously no one could stay the night.
Techno frowned. He didn’t want to wake him. But then what was he to do? With a sigh, he reached over to jostle the kid’s shoulder.
Then the kid slowly lifted his head, which had been tucked into his arms on the desk. “Wh- huh?”
Techno raised an eyebrow. “The library is closed. Time to go, kid.”
The boy furiously rubbed his eyes before sluggishly packing up his books. Techno had the strange desire to pat his head. Instead, he walked back through the shelves to the front counter to finish.
“Um.” The kid’s tentative voice broke the spell of silence. He fidgeted when Techno’s eyes landed on him. “Is it okay if I check out one last book before I go?”
“Yeah, sure, kid.” Techno wasn’t sure why he said yes. The library was closed. But he figured it would only take an extra thirty seconds, and the kid seemed like he needed it. It wasn’t like the boy was being rude, he was just tired.
The blond-haired boy brought forward a book. Embossed across the cover was A History of Veterinary Science.
It made sense. The kid seemed like an animal lover somehow.
Techno scanned the book under the boy’s account, the beep the only sound in the library. Tommy, read the name on the account. Techno slid the book over and the kid- Tommy- looked up at him gratefully.
“Thanks, big man,” he said through a yawn, with half closed eyes.
Techno nodded and Tommy shuffled his way out of the library. He looked back once, and Techno caught his blue eyes. Tommy blinked and hurried away.
Techno placed the last of the returns from the morning back onto the shelves.
A lot of the students were on lunch break, and the library had that low hum of soft conversations. Sunlight flowed into the high-ceilinged room from the windows on the far side where he’d found the sleeping boy last night.
As Techno returned to the counter, he heard the doors push open. He looked up from the computer to see- Tommy?
The boy looked incredibly more energized than the night before, grinning brightly. “Ayy, big man!”
“Hello,” Techno said gruffly, wary of his energy but also interested.
“Do you just hang out in the library all day or something?” Tommy asked.
“I work here. Different shifts, yesterday was the closing one.”
“Don’t you go to this school? Do you not have classes?” He emphasized the word with a distaste. “What major are you anyway?”
“Nerd,” Tommy snickered. “No wonder you work at the library. Books and shit.” He shook his head.
“Coming from the kid that asked me to sign him out another book after the library was closed and he was asleep for who knows how long,” Techno responded. A frown flitted over Tommy’s features, as if he was worried Techno was angry, but then it was gone.
“Respect the grind, library man!”
“Don’t call me library man.”
“What should I call you then? What’s your name?”
“Technoblade. My friends call me Techno, though.” Techno both disliked how energetic the kid was and envied it.
“My name’s Tommy,” the boy told him.
“I know,” Techno replied easily. Tommy raised an eyebrow and Techno nodded at the computer. “Signed you out a book, saw your account, didn’t I?”
“Do you remember all the names of the people who sign out books?” Tommy tried to hide his sheepishness.
“Only if I find them drooling all over their notes after the library’s closed.”
“Wha- hey! I was not drooling.”
“Do you remember all the things that happen while you’re asleep?” Techno shot his own words back at him. “And don’t you have something to do here?”
The kid rolled his eyes. “Yeah, off to study!” He stared at Techno with wide, unblinking eyes while he hoisted his bag over his shoulder and backed into the shelves.
Techno half sighed half laughed, shaking his head and going back to typing on the clicky keyboard. Around an hour later, Tommy walked out the door with a furious wave.
The day after that, Tommy made another appearance, teased Techno, and settled down to study. And the day after that, and the one after that as well. It became a little routine, and Techno found himself looking forward to the bright laughter and break from books and shit, as Tommy had said.
“Hey, mate, made a friend?” Phil, his boss and the library director, spoke from behind him as Techno shelved returns. He startled internally.
“No hello?” Techno asked sarcastically.
“I’m glad, you two seem to have fun. The kid looks bright. It can be nice to have a study buddy.” Phil gave him an awkward fatherly wink before leaving Techno to continue shelving books.
When the library was nearly empty and Niki was around to help, Techno studied with Tommy. The first time, he pulled up a chair to the desk at the back and opened his laptop.
Tommy glanced over at him with surprise.
Techno shrugged. “I got an essay to write.” He thought he heard a soft “nerd” as Tommy went back to his work.
The next day, Tommy showed up in the morning, popping out of nowhere while Techno was shelving returns in the empty library. He always seemed to be shelving returns when people wanted to talk to him.
Somehow Tommy always managed to catch Techno’s shift; it was unusually early today.
“Ayy, Techno, my friend!” he greeted. As usual, Techno had to take a mental step back at the kid’s energy, eyeing him through his pink hair, which was loose for once. Nonetheless, he found himself enjoying his time with Tommy.
“Don’t you have classes soon?”
“Shut up, I thought I’d drop by to help you with your books and shit,” Tommy replied aggressively. “How do I know where these go?” He picked up a book.
Techno leaned over his shoulder. “Look at these numbers, see? Main number for main classes, decimals for more specific categorization. Just match them to the numbers on the shelves. This pile here though,” he patted the books, “is all to go on the shelf in the aisle over there. I sorted them beforehand.”
“Okay!” Tommy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the pile. He disappeared to where Techno had shown, and there were a few shuffling noises. Techno smiled to himself and shook his head fondly in the privacy of the aisle.
Tommy helped shelve the rest of the returns. Once Techno taught him the system, he figured it out easily. Phil was right, the kid was bright.
Tommy picked up another book and broke into raucous laughter and wheezing. “Look! Look at his face!” He thrust the book in Techno’s face.
Techno had to snicker at the overly-serious man’s face displayed on the cover.
“He looks so fucking pretentious!” Tommy said through laughter. “Suppose you’d understand, being an English major and all- hey!” he shrieked when Techno took the book and hit him gently over the head with it.
“Shh, you’re in a library, Tommy, children must be quiet-”
“I am not a child! And there’s no one here!”
Techno had just finished checking out a group’s stack of books on the slow computer, watching the clock tick towards the end of his shift.
Tommy hadn’t shown up.
He’d come by every single shift Techno had had ever since Techno discovered him asleep that night, even the unusually timed ones.
He tried not to think about it, to busy himself with answering questions and putting things on hold and checking on overdue books- but worry began to creep in more every minute closer to ending. His eyes darted to the door expectantly more and more frequently as the time passed.
What if Tommy was hurt? What if he was sick?
He could handle himself, Techno was sure. Logically. Nothing had happened, maybe Tommy was just busy, or forgot or something.
Techno felt a hand on his shoulder.
“You alright, mate?” Phil asked. “Shift ended a couple of minutes ago, and you got a lecture to run to.”
“Yeah, I better go.” Techno started to leave. “Uh- will you keep an eye out for Tommy?”
“Of course,” Phil said. “I’ll let you know if he comes by.”
“Thanks.” Techno swallowed. He hadn’t realized how much he’d come to care for the kid until he was gone.
The next day, Techno anxiously returned for his shift. There’d been a quick change by Phil, but he hoped Tommy would appear magically at his shift as usual. He’d decided if Tommy didn’t show up today, he would ask for his dorm to check on him.
He settled down in the chair behind the desk. The computer sat in front of him, still on from when Niki had left it only a minute prior. Niki was calming as well, more like a sister than the parental way Phil was. She had a fire in her, something Techno could relate to, though she wasn’t outwardly intimidating like he tended to be.
His shift passed smoothly, except for the low thrum of worry in Techno’s body. Tommy didn’t appear. The only mildly interesting thing that had happened was some guy wandering in, staring in confusion at the books, then loudly scoffing in offense and running out the door, slapping the top of the frame as he went.
Oh, and some kid asked him if he had any books on nukes. Nuclear engineers.
No Tommy.
Techno picked himself up, hearing Phil’s footsteps coming from the little office behind the desk.
“Didn’t show today either?” Phil asked.
“Nope. Think I’ll ask the front office if they know his dorm or something.”
“Good luck, mate, I’ll keep an eye out,” Phil told him. “My guess is that he got a cold. He’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Phil.”
Techno grabbed his bag and pushed through the doors of the library. The foyer the entrance was in was nearly empty. He turned the corner into the corridor and nearly bumped into someone. On instinct, his hands shot out to steady the smaller frame.
Tommy looked up at him.
Relief washed over Techno; Tommy was unhurt and safe-looking, energetic as always.
“Techno! You’re done?” he asked in surprise.
“Yup, shift just ended. Where’ve you been?” Techno asked, trying to keep the concern out of his voice. He wasn’t concerned, when had he been concerned?
“I overslept yesterday, and then there was a shift change at the café, and then-”
“Whoa, whoa- slow down, it’s alright,” Techno said.
“Worried about me?” Tommy asked with a grin, his slightly worried air disappearing.
“Oh hush, child, who knows what trouble you could get into,” Techno quipped.
Tommy squawked. “I’m very responsible, I’ll have you know! Actually, I have something for you,” he added. Techno noticed that Tommy’s hand was behind his back.
Tommy pulled it out with a flourish, presenting a chocolate chip muffin. “Ta-da! From Puffy’s café, I just grabbed it at the end of my shift!” he said happily.
“Thanks,” Techno muttered, a little taken aback at Tommy’s outward sweetness. Who knew gremlin children had a kind streak.
He took it from Tommy’s hand, who was still smiling cheerfully, and took a bit.
“Is it good?” Tommy asked. Then he shook his head. “Of course it’s good. It’s one of BadBoyHalo’s, makes the best muffins, honestly they’re a staple at Puffy’s, I hope you like it-”
“It’s great, thank you Tommy,” Techno responded after chewing and swallowing, giving him a pat on the head.
“I was gonna study with you, but I missed your shift…” Tommy mumbled.
Techno frowned. “We can still study together, c’mon,” he said, leading Tommy down the hallway.
When they reached Techno’s dorm all the way in residence, Tommy gasped as the door was pushed open.
He eyed the bookshelves and bedspread and messy desk as Techno spread out his papers. “Is that The Art of War? You really are a nerd.”
Techno was utterly immersed in Wikipedia, every hyperlink bringing him deeper. Ancient civilizations were a little too interesting. And this library computer was horribly slow.
The sun was setting, visible through the large windows at the back of the library. Techno always loved those windows, nearly floor to ceiling. They let the library be illuminated entirely by natural light on most days. He could stare at the clouds or the sun or the stars while in a room full of knowledge. He understood why Tommy liked the desks back there.
“Whatcha up to?” he heard Tommy’s voice ask. He looked up to see the boy leaning over the desk.
“Library stuff,” Techno replied wisely. “Don’t you have studyin’ to do?”
“Yeah, yeah, remind me about fucking schoolwork,” Tommy said with distaste, wrinkling his nose. He gave a dramatic sigh, placing a hand over his heart. “I suppose I must. Have fun working.”
Tommy backed into the shelves, never breaking eye contact with Techno. Then he was gone.
Techno snorted. The kid definitely made things less bland.
“I’m so glad I started giving him the schedules,” Phil said a while later, stepping out of the office.
“Oh,” Techno said simply. “That makes sense.”
“What can I say, the kid was dedicated enough to ask for them and come to nearly every single one of your shifts.”
“I should probably tell him we don’t have to hang out where he knows I can’t get away from him,” Techno muttered. “Though it’s nice to have the helping hand.”
Phil smiled and lifted his hand to ruffle Techno’s hair. Then he thought better of it, seeing the perfect neat plait it was in.
“Don’t push it,” Techno grunted. They both knew it was fond.
When the stars were visible and the library empty, Techno locked the office door and shut down the computer. He enjoyed the closing shift; the night sky was beautiful through the windows, the library had a soft warm glow from the lights, and there was pretty much no one he ever had to tell to leave, except for the occasional harried students trying to finish an assignment due that night.
Or who’d fallen asleep, Techno thought.
He’d walked through the library to check for anyone left, and spotted a familiar figure at a familiar corner at the back.
Tommy had his head in his arms, on his notes and textbooks, his laptop also long asleep.
Technoblade stared at the blond boy sleeping in the back of the college library.
Tommy’s chest rose and fell slowly, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.
Should he wake him? No, he couldn’t bring himself to pull him out of his resting, peaceful state.
Techno quietly pulled Tommy’s notes out from under him, closing his books and putting them in his bag, which he hoisted onto his shoulders.
Then he carefully lifted the sleeping boy, holding him close to his chest.
Tommy exhaled a puff of air, and Techno froze.
He was still asleep.
As smoothly as possible, Techno made his way to his dorm. It was far, but Tommy was easy to carry. It was mostly their bags that caused him some trouble.
Finally, Techno dropped the bags outside his door, unlocked it, and kicked it open. He slid the bags in with his foot and closed it behind him.
Techno pulled back the covers on his neatly made bed, delicately depositing Tommy on his mattress.
Techno tucked him in.
He studied his work for a moment, pride and protectiveness washing over him. Then he sat himself at his desk to study, an ear out of his headphones to listen to Tommy’s slow breaths.
Tommy was so energetic and loud that Techno had nearly forgotten his sleep-induced vulnerability and peace. He’d seen it once before, but he had a new appreciation for it now that he knew Tommy. He had seen Tommy’s sleepy state before his active one, and he was glad he got to experience both.
Tommy could get the rest he needed. He could lay here for years or for hours, and Techno would always make sure he was safe.
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Hi! You fanfic blog redirected here, so I figured it might be better to try reaching out on this account. I have come back time and time again for the last 7 years to reread War Bride. It's become one of my very favorite fanfics. Your story is near and dear to my heart, and I've recommended it to so many of my close friends. All of that to say, I want to ask for your permission to create a handbound copy of it.
It makes me happy to know one of my fics has brought you joy! I know the desire to craft something related to something you love, so yes you can make a handbound copy. Just please don't sell it. (It brings up all sorts of sticky questions about rights and who-owns-what, lol!)
Happy crafting!
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Draco’s Birthday Fics (2023)
Draco’s Birthday Surprise by Lattesofbooks - E, one-shot - It’s Draco’s birthday. His wife comes home to give him a birthday gift. [Draco x Hermione x Pansy]
Birthday Traditions by Jello_cubez - E, one-shot - Theo and Hermione visit their lover at work for his birthday. “Is there something else you want, Draco?” Theo smirked at the blonde, his hand slowly stroking his wet length.Draco’s eyes darkened, sending a shock down to his desperate cock.“Princess?” Draco's eyes never left his as he called to Hermione.“Yes, birthday boy?” She hummed as pushed herself up to sit on Draco’s desk, her legs dangling on each side of Theo’s face. With his free hand he ran smooth circles over her calf.“Get your husband's cock ready.” Draco pulled on his bottom lip before, prompting him to suck his finger. His cock twitching as the taste of his wife’s essence hit his tongue. He sucked it hungrily. “I want him to fuck me as my Princess has her pretty little lips wrapped around me” [Draco x Hermione x Theo]
Supernova Beyond Stars by chococrepe - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is having a quiet birthday, he didn't expect much but at least he wished for a 'Happy Birthday'. Hermione Granger has other plans.
43 by allslowadagio - E, one-shot - 43. He can hardly believe it. When daylight breaks on the morning of his birthday, Draco spends a long time wondering how he got here.He used to pray he’d make it past seventeen.
Five Times by fairyofthesnakes - G, one-shot - The four times Draco Malfoy thinks about proposing to Hermione Granger and the one time he actually does.
Crookshanks' shenanigans on Draco's 43rd birthday (Social Media AU) by ArtemisInTheSky - G, one-shot - Crookshanks Granger-Malfoy is a very intelligent boy with many shenanigans. Crooks has his own Instagram account where he lives out his wildest dreams. But what happens, when on the day of Draco’s 43rd birthday someone rats him out?? (Not like Peter Pettigrew but different of course.) (Yes, Crookshanks - the cat - has his own Instagram page. He is after all a very intelligent, magical boy.)
The Taste of Freedom by FoxgloveWrites - E, one-shot - Azkaban. Eighth Year. House Arrest... Freedom came just in time for Draco Malfoy’s 20th birthday, but a party full of people he hardly knew anymore wasn’t what he wished for.Neither was a muggle fist fight with Cormac McLaggen.
Sunshine by WitchsDream - T, one-shot - Draco experiences sunrise and gets his Sunshine
temptation wrapped in allure by Silver_26 - E, one-shot - “Don’t play dumb with me, Draco. Are we going to talk about what I just witnessed?”“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he gestured for a drink, pushing past the topic of conversation that she clearly wanted to discuss.“The eye fucking.” The words were loud enough to draw the attention of a busy couple of colleagues nearby who looked a little too curious, particularly given just how busy and crowded the pub was with Pansy’s invited guest list.“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he hissed under his breath, trying to get her to shut up.
can't keep my hands to myself by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Mr Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger's older boss, who was practically the same age as her father, was one of the most handsome men that she had ever laid her golden-brown eyes upon. Mr Malfoy was in his early forties, close to his forty-third birthday, and Hermione was twenty-one. She had never felt this way about a man before in her life and the way she constantly could feel her knickers getting wet whenever he looked at her with those slate grey eyes, filled her with a feeling she had never felt before. Draco practically always looked through her, his eyes grazing over her entire body and he licked his lips as he did the action.A one-shot for Draco Malfoy's 43rd BirthdayInspired by the song 'Hands to Myself' by Selena Gomez
Happy Birthday (Step)Brother by slytherindiaries - E, one-shot - Draco opens the journal slowly, pulling out the ‘card’ Hermione put inside. “What the fuck is this?”She glances at the picture she took in her bed, her arms overhead, legs bent, wearing the dark green lingerie she picked out specifically for him in his favourite colour.Hermione offers him a seductive grin. “It’s your other birthday present.” Hermione starts toying with the strap of her dress, giving him a peek at said birthday present underneath. “Would you like to unwrap it?”
Birthday Firsts by MissusB - G, one-shot - Draco Malfoy experiences many firsts on his birthdays throughout the years, but they all lead back to the first he experienced on his 19th birthday.- - - Or - - -Happy Birthday Draco Malfoy 🥳
A Parisian Wedding and an Impromptu Birthday Holiday: A Surprise Encounter by Ceilidhchaos - M, one-shot - Ginny and Pansy’s elopement is followed by Draco, Hermione and Scorpius spending some time together in France leading up to Draco’s birthday.prompt: Draco's birthday
June 5th, 2015 by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - On October 3rd, 2009, Hermione Granger’s life changed for the worst. The news breaking about her then-partner, Draco Malfoy’s memory loss, sent her into a world that she didn’t expect. She was forced to move away and start a new life for herself. Hermione moved to Bath and was feeling empty with the new life that she had been creating herself for a couple of months since the news broke about her ex-boyfriend’s memory loss. Everything had been going wrong for Hermione and she just wanted to try her hardest to move on, but, moving on was hard.And now, however, on June 5th, 2015, Draco's birthday which she still celebrated, Hermione Granger's life was changing all over again.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
The Taste of Freedom
The Taste of Freedom https://ift.tt/VIi5RBl by FoxgloveWrites Azkaban. Eighth Year. House Arrest... Freedom came just in time for Draco Malfoy’s 20th birthday, but a party full of people he hardly knew anymore wasn’t what he wished for. Neither was a muggle fist fight with Cormac McLaggen. Words: 9014, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 6 of One Shots Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Cormac McLaggen, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Marcus Flint Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: POV Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's Birthday, Pining Draco Malfoy, Healer Hermione Granger, Post-War, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Post-Hogwarts, Wizards in a Fist Fight, Blood, Blood and Injury, Minor Injuries, Angst, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Orgasm Delay, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/rwuKP6S June 05, 2023 at 06:30PM
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acciotheomione · 2 years
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he kissed me by FoxgloveWrites
During the Battle of Hogwarts, an unlikely ally comes to Hermione's rescue.
Link to AO3
AO3 tags below the break
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship(s): Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott
Additional Tag(s): Battle of Hogwarts, Canon Divergence - Battle of Hogwarts, Drabble, Fluff, no beta we die like men
0 notes
hp-soulmates · 2 years
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💞 [FIC] Forgiveness is the Fragrance 💞
Author: ??? Prompt: #19 Ship: Lavender Brown/Gregory Goyle WC: 8.3k Rating: M
Warnings: Minor Violence and Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pureblood Politics, Mentions of childhood trauma but nothing graphic, Learning Disabilities Creator's Note: Special thanks to all my betas who reviewed this! Foxglovewrites, Kenzlepuff, and Sarahsempra. I appreciate you guys so much!
In a world where one cannot hurt their soulmate should they try, Gregory Goyle never thought that Lavender Brown (his secret Gryffindor friend) would be his soulmate.
Read on AO3!
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
the new priority // bedrock bros drabble
Phil turned his eyes towards Tommy. “It’s pretty unlike Techno here to run away from a fight,” he explained.
“I did not run away!” the piglin man- Techno, protested. “I just had… new priorities.”
Tommy is in danger and scared, and he's rescued by a stranger who brings him safety in that moment and for the rest of his life.
Words: 1k
Warnings: None
The fire was warm. Tommy could feel the heat from the torch next to his head as he pressed himself against the stone wall. The guards were coming from him. All he wanted was walls around him for a night, but when he thought that, he didn’t mean the walls of the castle dungeon.
Voices echoed down the hallway. Really, if they were quieter, maybe they would’ve had an easier time catching him. Their tendency to be heard didn’t make Tommy feel any less terrified. This is who he was, and he hated it. A bird jumping at the slightest noise, ready to take off. Quick and small, always fearful of not being quick enough.
Tommy bolted. He was good at that. Running. He slipped through the doors out the side of the castle and into fresh air. The forest. It was less than a hundred metres away, he could make it. The noises of the guards chasing him grew louder, and he sprinted into the forest.
There, he could lose them. There, he could lose the hurt that chased him like the guards. There, he could lose himself.
Twigs scratched at his legs as he ran. Were they behind him? How close? He just had to run. Run, run, run, and maybe he would be far enough. He couldn’t be caught. He couldn’t.
His lungs were burning, were the footsteps he heard his own or the guards’? his legs were starting to tire, he wanted to lie down and be taken, he wanted to run far far away- he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and then it was too late. A strong arm grabbed him and yanked him behind a thick tree. Tommy almost screamed, but a hand covered his mouth. No no no no-
“Shut up kid, you’re gonna get us caught,” a gruff voice muttered. Tommy stopped struggling.
The guards grew louder, and Tommy heard them nearby. So close. He was so close to getting caught. Was he already caught?
“Where did he go?” a harsh voice said.
“Listen, kid,” the man holding Tommy breathed, “I can get us out of here, but you’re gonna have to trust me.”
Tommy nodded.
The man let go of him and stood up silently, which was impressive for his massive frame. Tommy got a good look at him for the first time, and his jaw dropped. A piglin hybrid?! This was the coolest. Well, it would be even cooler if there weren’t guards mere metres away. Long pink hair in a braid, scarlet irises, a thick red cloak. Why was he wearing a cloak that thick in this weather?
The piglin man picked up a stone and threw it impossibly far with enough force to make Tommy flinch. The guards fell for it.
“I can’t believe that worked,” the man shook his head.
“Um, who are you?” Tommy asked. “And are you a piglin hybrid? Your hair is so cool and- whoaaa…” he trailed off as he saw the axe on the man’s back.
“Okay, where are your parents?” the man asked, and Tommy scowled.
“I don’t have parents, bitch, hell if I know.”
The man opened his mouth slightly, then closed it. He nodded. “Do you need somewhere safe to stay?” he asked.
“I- yeah. Yeah, that would be nice.”
“Come with me.”
Tommy followed the piglin man for several minutes until they came to a horse tied to a tree.
“Uh, this is Steve. Steve this is…”
“Tommy,” the boy supplied.
“Tommy.” The man nodded. “Hop on.”
Tommy stared at the tall horse in front of him before lifting his leg as high as possible and shoving it into a stirrup. Wordlessly, the man grabbed him and lifted him fully on, before climbing on. He took the reins, sitting behind Tommy.
As soon as Steve started moving, Tommy let out a gasp. “Holy shit! He’s so fast! Even with both of us on!”
He felt the man nod. “Yup. I bred him to basically just be the best horse ever.”
It wasn’t exactly comfortable, Tommy was sitting forwards on the saddle, bouncing with every stride, but he could feel the warmth of the piglin man behind him, and despite speeding over the ground with a stranger, he felt almost safe.
After a long while, the horse began to slow. Snow fell gently around them, and the ground was covered in a healthy layer of it.
“Whoa! The snow! This is so cool.”
“C’mon, we need to get you to Phil. He knows how to deal with children.”
“Hey, I am not a child!” Tommy told him indignantly. He felt better, as if he had left his fears behind as Steve carried him away from them. He realized he probably should’ve been scared of the piglin man in front of him, with the massive axe strapped to his back.
The man started walking, and Tommy hurried to catch up. “Who’s Phil?”
“You’ll see.”
The man walked right up to a house- two houses attached? Tommy couldn’t tell- and opened the door.
“Hey, mate!” someone called from inside. The man waited as footsteps drew nearer.
Tommy’s jaw dropped for the second time that day. The man that appeared in the doorway had blond hair, a green and white striped bucket hat, and crow wings.
“Oh! You brought someone back!” Tommy frowned. This guy didn’t sound angry, surprisingly. “Well? Come inside!”
Tommy followed the piglin man in, and relaxed as a blast of warm air hit him. They entered a room with a fireplace and a few armchairs scattered around.
“Who’s the guest?” Phil asked, once they were seated.
Tommy looked at the piglin man. He glanced at Tommy and said, “This is Tommy. I found him getting chased down by guards at the castle. He doesn’t have… well anyone, really,” he finished, looking at Tommy again.
“No blood… you didn’t fight the guards?” Phil raised an eyebrow.
“No, we took Steve back.”
Phil turned his eyes towards Tommy. “It’s pretty unlike Techno here to run away from a fight,” he explained.
“I did not run away!” the piglin man- Techno, protested. “I just had… new priorities.”
“Thanks for saving me, big man, and bringing me here. I can leave if you’d like-”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous, you have potential, and Techno needs a new friend anyways.”
“I- really? You’ll help me?”
Techno nodded. “He asks a lot of questions, be prepared,” he told Phil.
Phil smiled. “Rest up, Tommy. Want me to show you our potions tomorrow?”
“Yes! I wanna see that axe, Techno- can I call you that?”
“Go rest, kid,” he said, but voice was fond.
Tommy grinned and pulled his chair closer to the flames in the fireplace. He was safe. He felt warm, his heart was warm. The fire was warm.
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
your magic in my heart // Chapter 1: tell me your name
Read on AO3 [chapter 1] Chapter 2
Sirius Black is the crown prince of Astrera, a kingdom that heavily discriminates against magic-users. He has a lot of problems: his parents are less-than-great, his brother is hurting and closing Sirius off, and the kingdom he's set to inherit might be crumbling from the inside. But his new personal servant is fascinating(ly disrespectful towards the crown) servant might make things more interesting.
Remus Lupin is a magic-user, which prevents him from doing anything safely, including hiding his magic to work at the castle. He has a lot of problems: his kind are being attacked in the streets, he desperately needs this job, and he's fighting himself to survive. But the prince he works for doesn't quite seem to be what he assumed.
The amber-eyed man put his hand on the doorknob when Sirius blurted out, “Wait.”
The servant eyed him stonily. “Yes?”
“Tell me your name.”
“I’m sure the prince doesn’t need to know a mere servant’s name-”
“It’s an order.”
“Remus,” the servant said, and then he was gone and the door was swinging shut.
Sirius Black was dreading the past, present, and the future. His family, none other than the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, otherwise known as the royal family of the kingdom of Astrera, was a mess. That wasn’t anything new, but it was still a problem. The kingdom was showing signs of crumbling from the inside as much as the royal family ignored it. Magic-users were causing trouble, as expected. What else could be expected from creatures with wild, unnatural blood?
Sirius’s parents hated magic-users. At first people had hated the trouble they caused, but now preventative precautions had been put in place, and the distaste seemed to extend to anyone unusual. Sirius didn’t hate magic-users per se, but he didn’t need them causing trouble. His view on magic-users, while not completely positive, was still more positive than most, making him a bit of a rebel. He hadn’t had much of a chance to be a rebel externally, at least not yet. After all, the King and Queen would force the Crown Prince to be their ideal successor in any way they could. His younger brother, however, was favoured by their parents.
Sirius rolled over to face the window from his position on his bed. He wondered, now staring at the night sky instead of the stone ceiling, if he leaped out of the window and fell to his death, would his parents be happier? Regulus would then be the next in line, and they wouldn’t have to worry about the messy eldest prince anymore.
The soft, subtle moonlight entered the room through his windows, on the wall across from the door. There was a dressing room and bathroom across from the bed, where the headboard was pushed up against the wall. The chandelier in the centre of the room had all of its candles lit, casting a warm glow over the room. There was also a lit candle at Sirius’s bedside.
Sometimes he would turn over and stare into the flickering flame, the red and white and blue at the centre, hoping the brightness would burn itself into his eyes, into his mind and white everything out. Sometimes he wanted to touch it, to feel it burn on his skin, but he always resisted. What would he tell his mother if she saw burn marks on his skin? He could almost her tight grip twisting his skin as he thought, her nails digging into his arm. What did you do? she would ask, not out of care of his wellbeing but out of concern for their image.
His stomach rumbled uncomfortably. He was used to not showing up at dinner, normally he would just call for it so he could continue to feel sorry for himself in his lonely bedroom. Maybe he should talk to James to distract himself. His loyal knight and best friend.
Sirius wanted to sleep everything away, but he wasn’t ready for bed yet. Not like he had the resolve to do it anyway.
A knock shattered the haze of negative thoughts that were filling his head like a noxious gas. Sirius didn’t bother to sit up; it was probably James. From his position splayed out on his bed, back facing the door, he boredly called out, “Come in!”
The door swung open and the warm light from the well-lit corridor spilled into the room. His room was dimmer, he could’ve lit the torches, but he preferred it the way it was. “Will you shut the door?”
He heard the door close softly. “I’ve brought you some food,” someone said. Someone that was not James.
Sirius rolled over and made eye contact with a handsome stranger. “Who are you, exactly?” Servants were supposed to announce themselves as so.
“I’m the new personal servant. I’ll carry your stuff, bring you food, whatever you tell me to do, I guess…” the man said. He looked about Sirius’s age, with amber eyes and light brown, almost blonde hair. He had a few scars littering his face, and a poorly-masked stony expression. He was awfully rude for a servant. Not that Sirius cared, he just hoped this guy wouldn’t act like this to any of the other members of the royal family, since they definitely would care.
“Thanks,” Sirius mumbled, glancing at the tray the servant held. It had only pastries, as if the man knew Sirius was wallowing in dread.
“Well?” the servant asked bluntly.
“Well what?” Sirius responded.
“Where does Your Highness want me to put this tray?”
Sirius’s eyebrows raised in shock. No servant had ever said your highness with such conviction. No servant would dare speak to him that way, but again, it wasn’t like he was going to report him or something. Too bad someone so hot was so rude. “The bedside table is fine.”
The servant placed the tray down, holding eye contact with the prince the whole time. “You like staring into my eyes?” Sirius said without thinking. Immediately he cursed himself. He could not start flirting with his new personal servant not even five minutes after they had met.
“Ew. As handsome as you may think you are, not everyone is going to willingly wrap themselves around your finger.”
The servant had actually just said ew to him . Now Sirius was intrigued. Who was this guy, and why did he go around insulting people? “Guess I’ll just have to do it myself,” he muttered.
The servant rolled his eyes. “May I go? Or do you have a task for me?”
“Do you want you want,” Sirius told him. “You certainly say what you want.”
The amber-eyed man put his hand on the doorknob when Sirius blurted out, “Wait.”
The servant eyed him stonily. “Yes?”
“Tell me your name.”
“I’m sure the prince doesn’t need to know a mere servant’s name-”
“It’s an order.”
“Remus,” the servant said, and then he was gone and the door was swinging shut.
Sirius stared at the closed door for several seconds before turning his attention to the pastries.
At least something has gotten interesting.
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
I resent that I think of you while you don't think of me, but I could never resent you.
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
sometimes i look to my mother
and i wonder how we are so different
sometimes i watch her
and i see myself
sometimes i look past my mother
at generations of women
and i look to myself
and i understand
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foxglovewritesstuff · 2 months
language of flowers
based on that one tumblr prompt! i cannot find it anywhere, but you probably know the one. short and sweet :)
“How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” Remus looked at the 20 quid that had just been slapped down in front of him, then to the man who had burst into his flower shop.
A drabble / oneshot in which Remus is a florist and a handsome man has a weird request.
Read it on AO3
“How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
Remus looked at the 20 quid that had just been slapped down in front of him, then to the man who had burst into his flower shop. Grey eyes, he noted.
It had been a quiet Friday afternoon in the shop. Remus had sold a few bouquets and completed some much needed tasks. But he’d been a little surprised when a gorgeous man had burst in and breathlessly strode up to the counter.
Remus gave a wry smile. “Geraniums for stupidity, yellow carnations for disappointment, meadowsweet for uselessness… and maybe some orange lilies for hatred to wrap it all up.”
The man in front of him brushed his long black hair out of his eyes and smiled. “Could I have a bouquet of those, please?”
“Of course,” Remus responded. He tried to ignore the man’s eyes on him as he gathered the flowers from around the shop. As he arranged the bouquet, he caught the man’s stormy eyes a couple times, sending a swirl of butterflies which he immediately tried to kill.
It was probably the scars. They always gained Remus unwanted stares.
“Who’re these for, if you don’t mind me asking?” Remus spoke up.
“My mother,” the beautiful man replied, adjusting his leather jacket. Oh no, his voice. “She’s, uh- she’s a piece of work. Pretty horrible, really. I have to make an appearance at her funeral, though.”
“Her funeral?” Remus’s jaw dropped, and he paused tying the flowers to look up.
The man was grinning. “Mhm. Giving her a nice send-off. They’ll have fun with her in hell.”
Remus snorted and handed the bouquet to him. Their fingers briefly touched and he felt his stomach swoop. The grey-eyed man’s skin was warm. When Remus looked up, he saw a pink tinge to the man’s cheeks.
“Thanks, uh- what’s your name?” the black-haired man asked.
“I’m Sirius. Sirius like the star, not like serious serious like the adjective-”
“The dog star,” Remus supplied.
“Yeah. Remus as in the wolf from Rome?” Sirius asked.
“Yup. My dad’s name is Lyall, so the wolf thing is kind of a tradition?”
“Oh, my family is all named after stars, my little brother Regulus, I have a cousin Andromeda, my father’s name is Orion… I suppose we’re all just hot burning balls of gas.”
Remus grinned. Sirius was hot…
Sirius slid the 20 quid towards Remus. “Is this enough?”
Remus nodded. “Good luck at the funeral.”
“Thanks,” Sirius responded. He grinned, and Remus noticed his tongue stuck out from his teeth ever so slightly, like a dog.
As the grey-eyed man was leaving, he paused in the doorway and looked back smiling. “See you, Remus.” And then he winked and was out the door.
Remus sat on the floor and groaned in resignation. He was not expecting a beautiful stranger to walk into his flower shop and ask for his help in subtly getting back at his presumably freshly dead mother. It was up to Sirius now if he wanted to come back, since Remus had no way of contacting. See you around, he’d said. Remus sighed. He was definitely blushing.
Remus spent his night trying not to think about Sirius, someone he probably wouldn’t see again. He hoped he would. The next morning, he went about his business as usual in the shop, doing chores, assembling bouquets, occasionally doing custom orders. None were as interesting or jarring as what Sirius had asked for.
It was a nice morning. The sun shone through the windows and illuminated the petals on the flowers, the dust in the air, the amber in Remus’s eyes. It was warm and golden and smelled sweet. It was a place Remus was safe in, it had been from the start. Some would argue he could’ve done better, or he should’ve done worse, or flowers weren’t something to make a living from. But Remus always found comfort in them. How they flourished under loving care, how they meant all sorts of different things, their place in history. Remus always loved history. Lily and Marlene had encouraged him to get the shop, and he was thankful for it. 
His thoughts were interrupted when the door swung open. He turned faster than he should’ve, but it wasn’t Sirius. Instead, an older woman walked in to look at his bouquets. When she paid for one full of sunflowers she smiled. “You have a lovely shop, you know.”
“Thank you,” Remus said. “I really do love it.”
Remus was sitting behind the counter flipping through The Perks of Being a Wallflower when he heard the door chime. He looked up and felt heart skip a beat. Sirius.
He walked right up to the counter. “Hey, Remus,” he greeted.
“Hello, Sirius.” Remus’s mouth twisted into a smile.
Remus followed Sirius’s stormy eyes as they fell to the book in his lap. Sirius began, “And in this moment-”
“I swear we are infinite,” Remus finished.
“I didn’t take you for the type. I love reading.” Remus closed the books. “Historical fiction, classics, and I loved fantasy when I was a teenager.”
“Yeah, I mean I like reading but I mostly paint. It’s quite relaxing, really. Okay that’s a lie, it can be aggravating, but it’s a nice outlet and pretty fun. You should try it.”
“Oh, visual arts aren't my cup of tea, at least not creating them. Writing is more my area of expertise.”
“Expertise?” Sirius smirked. “A florist and a writer. Multi-talented.” His eyes dropped down to Remus’s burgundy cardigan, and when he looked back up he seemed a little more nervous, and there was a slight flush to his pale skin. It wasn’t something Remus had seen on him before, since he’d always looked confident and put-together. He found he didn’t mind seeing more emotion displayed on Sirius’s face. In fact, it was rather nice.
“I have something for you.” His tone was a bit softer.
Sirius’s grin was back. He pulled a bouquet of flowers out. It was a bit unorganized, a little messy, but Remus smiled wide as he registered their meanings. “Red carnations for admiration, daisies for innocence and joy, orchids for affection, and a couple sunflowers for happiness and adoration…”
“I couldn’t find a flower that meant ‘I don’t know you that well yet but I want to get to know you because you’re cute and cool and interesting’ but I think this is good enough,” Sirius told him as his flush deepened.
Remus was smiling and his cheeks tinged with blush as he gently took the bouquet. He would dry out the flowers and press them in his books.
“I don’t suppose there’s a flower for ‘I’d love to take you out if you’d accept?’”
“Who’re these for, if you don’t mind me asking?” Remus asked, mirroring his earlier words.
“Just the cute guy who runs the flower shop,” Sirius responded with a smile.
“I’d love to,” Remus told him.
Remus was not expecting a beautiful stranger to walk into his flower shop that morning. He was not expecting a beautiful and interesting man to walk into his life. But he was so glad Sirius did.
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
your magic in my heart // Chapter 2 |
Chapter 1 read on ao3 Rating: Teen Words: 1.7k Chapter Summary:
But what caught Sirius’s attention was the panic that flashed in his brother’s eyes as his hand reached up, as if to card through his hair, before curling into a fist as he darted away.
James frowned as he caught up to Sirius. “What happened?”
Sirius spars with James to work of some steam, encounters someone on his way back, and sort of talks to Remus.
Warm rays of sunlight hit Sirius like freedom. Almost tangible, but not enough to be grasped and held close. Not his to have.
James walked next to him as they conversed. Training and sparring with James always helped work off some steam. James, his best friend. James, his assigned knight. Sometimes Sirius wondered if James wasn’t assigned to him, would they still be friends? Did James even like him, or was this just his job? But Sirius always remembered that it wasn’t part of James’s job to ruffle his hair when he was sleepy, or hug him when his family broke him, or spar with him or laugh with him- James was his friend. And Sirius was so glad for that.
“Here.” James handed Sirius a sword. It wasn’t like Sirius didn’t hold swords often, but he never had to use them. This sword was ‘his’ sword, the one he used whenever he trained with James.
A few minutes later, when they were in the appropriate area of the knights’ grounds, James swung first. Sirius parried, and the sound of their blades rang across the green.
Sometimes they sparred to practise combat, but lately they sparred just to work off steam. There would be opportunities to win, but as soon as one was pushed to the ground, the other would help them up and they would continue. It all forced Sirius to focus on what was happening right in front of him. There was no room for the emptiness that lingered around the edges of him to creep in. It was action and response, within the span of a second, over and over. Sirius loved it, even though he wasn’t as good as James. There was a reason James Potter was chosen to be the crown prince’s knight.
“So,” James began between hits. “Your new servant? I saw him walk in and out of your room last night-”
“You make it sound so unprofessional, Prongs.” Sirius laughed at the implications of James’s wording. The nickname Prongs came from James’s deer-like behaviours, like his seasonal salt cravings and habit of freezing if startled. Though the latter wasn’t very knight-like, and had been mostly trained out of him.
“Shut up, you know I didn’t mean it like that,” James responded. Gods above, if the Queen was here to hear James talk to him like that, they would both be in horrible trouble.
Sirius half-sighed, half-grunted as their blades clashed. “I mean, he was certainly interesting, which was unexpected.”
“Do continue,” James quipped.
“He was so…”
“Hot? Handsome? I saw him, you know, he was pretty-”
“Is Remus the way you finally admit your bisexuality?”
“Wh- shut up,” James told him for the second time, a flush that might not have been from sparring spreading over his face. “So you know his first name?”
“I asked for it,” Sirius said, feeling sweat drip down his back, “He’s very… He was polite at first, but he got disagreeable fairly quickly. I’m sure he dislikes me.”
James frowned, and Sirius swung his blade. James dodged.
His friend knew Sirius wouldn’t report the servant. There would be an array of responses from his parents, ‘an insolent servant for an insolent prince’ or they would just fire the boy, potentially worse. Sirius didn’t want them to hurt Remus, as unorthodox as the servant was.
“You’re not going to report him.” It wasn’t a question, nor a command. Just the truth.
“No.” Sirius side-stepped James’s jab. “I don’t demand much of the servants anyway, I won’t see him much. I can deal with it.”
“Would you let me deal with him?” James responded suggestively, his breath coming heavy from their fighting.
“No. Sod off.”
James laughed and did an unnecessarily extravagant twirl before running at Sirius.
Sirius and James were at it for about an hour. There were other knights around, but they knew to give them space. James grinned at them though, and they always returned one.
Sirius occasionally found himself envious of James and his social life. The prince’s knight was friendly and funny, a combination that easily won him friends. Sirius had spoken to them, had told them not to bow or curtsy as the rules said. They had eyed him with distrust before finally seeing him as Sirius, and not the Crown Prince Sirius Black, next in line to the kingdom of Astrera.
Marlene McKinnon and Sirius got along the best out of the group, possibly since she was a knight like James. Peter Pettigrew was funny, but Dorcas Meadowes and Mary MacDonald were both more Marlene’s friends, with Peter drifting and well-liked amongst them all. Lily Evans seemed to dislike James, but was polite to Sirius. Maybe because he was their prince. One day he would be king, and where would they be?
Sirius washed in the knights’ showers afterwards. Of course, the water was frigid, but he found he didn’t mind all that much. It made the stepping out all the more pleasant. If only the weight on his shoulders washed off as easily as the sweat from his skin and soap from his hair. Eyes closed, head tilted back, worries pouring off of him like the water cascading from his long black hair. If only.
✧₊˚⋆ ☾ ⋆˚₊✧
Sirius hurriedly walked towards his chambers. James had gone to grab something from the kitchens; benefits of being friends with one of the cooks (Peter) and Sirius didn’t want to run into his parents.
He rounded the corner to the corridor of the princes’ chambers and promptly slammed into someone.
Sirius took a step back, about to apologize to the poor staff member he walked into, when he came face to face with the other prince, his little brother.
Regulus. Spectacular. He had hoped not to see his parents, but not mentioned anyone else in his family. He supposed this is what he got.
They stared at each other for a moment, Sirius with shock and a hint of wariness as he met another pair of his eyes full of bitterness and weariness.
Sirius spoke first.
“Where are you headed?”
“The library.” Regulus’s answer was short in words and emotion. Then, after a moment of clear internal debate, he said, “I’m going to see a friend of mine.”
“Oh. Well… have fun,” Sirius replied awkwardly. Regulus gave a short sigh, of something like contempt. He moved to leave when footsteps echoed down the corridor and James came into sight.
Immediately, James slowed, the tension obvious.
But what caught Sirius’s attention was the panic that flashed in his brother’s eyes as his hand reached up, as if to card through his hair, before curling into a fist as he darted away.
James frowned as he caught up to Sirius. “What happened?”
“I bumped into him, asked him where he was headed, but he seems just as closed off as ever,” Sirius mumbled. Then his voice grew louder. “I just don’t understand, he never talks to me anymore, and before he seemed like he would be the golden child, but even he isn’t perfect enough!”
James touched his shoulder. He was always such a mother hen. Sirius liked to tease him for it, but he was truly grateful for him.
“Regulus has a huge burden as well,” James reminded him.
“I know, but he won’t let me help him-”
“And do you let him help you? Do you try to talk to him?”
Sirius sighed. “I speak to him when I see him. But I don’t try to see him.”
James nodded. “Come on, let’s get back to your comfortable bed so we can devour these.” He showed Sirius the sweets he’d gotten from the kitchens. Sweets would make Sirius feel better.
When they arrived, the door was slightly ajar, and Sirius could hear humming from inside. He thrust out a hand to stop James as he peered inside.
Remus was changing his bedding, looking like his head was in the clouds but his hands knew what to do.
His hands, why was he so gorgeous?
Sirius pushed the door open and walked in. Remus looked up abruptly, whatever calm there was on his face before now hardening.
“I- here, let me help,” Sirius said, grabbing the other end of the first sheet and pulling it across the mattress to tuck in. He heard James shut the door without walking in. Sirius resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“Thanks,” Remus said. “I didn’t think the prince would help change his own bedding.”
“Seems unfair to let you do it.”
“I’m your servant? That’s my job? Whatever happened to your old one anyway?”
“Retired. But I didn’t have one for a few years, so I’m used to doing my own chores.”
Remus made a noise of contempt. “I’m so glad,” he told Sirius, sarcasm like a well-hidden but strong undertone in his statement.
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “I’m glad you’re glad.” There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. “Do you have any siblings?”
Remus tensed for a second before saying, “The crown prince of Astrera wants to know about my common family?”
Sirius gritted his teeth and pulled the blanket over. “Yeah, sure, just to know if you pose a threat or something,” he muttered sarcastically.
Remus snorted. “Of course you’d only care about your own wellbeing.”
Sirius felt anger lick up his lungs. That was out of line. “You may leave.”
Those amber eyes were fixed on him now. Remus opened his mouth as if to spit out another quip, but Sirius glared at him. He nodded minutely and left.
His own wellbeing was something he desperately wanted, but also something he so greatly despised. Himself. His parents’ desire for him to be perfect. And if they wanted that, he wouldn’t be that. There were rare moments where he longed for their love, longed to be what they wanted, but for the most part, he’d grown out of that. When they died, years from now of old age, never relinquishing their hold on the throne until they relinquished their hold on life, Sirius could rule however he wanted. He wouldn’t have to pretend like he was okay with the brutal way they ruled.
But now he remembered the harsh way he dismissed Remus. He never treated servants like that. But then again, servants never disrespected him so.
He heard the door creak as James stepped inside, sitting on the fresh blankets of the bed next to Sirius. His best friend silently offered him a sweet.
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for this fic or taglist for my writing :)
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foxglovewritesstuff · 1 month
Intro and 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓼
hey gamers! you can call me Foxglove, and i write stuff! My fandoms include Harry Potter (mainly marauders)*, mcyt/dsmp, pjo hoo toa & co, the Legend of Zelda and a few others. i am a minor!!
Request status: Open
TAGS: #foxglovewrites for written works #foxglove rambles for rambles #foxglove is at it again for everything i post (not reblogs)
current wip fic: wolfstar chaptered fic called your magic in my heart
Masterlist of of my masterlists
*i do not support jk rowling and her horrible beliefs.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Marriage Laws & Loopholes
Marriage Laws & Loopholes https://ift.tt/pD3KbyU by fairyofthesnakes When a letter comes from the Ministry stating that recipients of the letter must find a spouse before the end of the summer, a quick trip to the bookstore has Pansy finding everything she needs in literature and in husband. A cute post Hogwarts AU Drabble based on a TikTok by foxglovewrites Words: 2314, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius Black Relationships: Sirius Black/Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: just a cute drabble, Post Hogwarts AU, draco and pansy are bffs, narcissa the supportive mother, based off a tiktok, written for somebody, Flirting, A what if scenario, draco and pansy live in france, Marriage Law AU, do you need a wife?, Are you looking for a wife?, Pansy needs a husband, Draco pines over Hermione via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/iEzD95r December 19, 2022 at 11:28PM
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