#fox socks
My friend got me cute new foxy sockies recently! I can't wait to wear them! :)
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itsdetachable · 10 months
My mom saw my Fox Socks from Melangetic (click for awesome shit) and now I have to get her a pair because she wanted to steal them xD
The Fox Socks in question:
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briarhearts-art · 1 month
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resting after a long battle
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ominouspuff · 2 months
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Big Bro Marshal Commander behavior
Working with a set palette for this one
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artzee534 · 4 months
Doodle request: Hello! In honor of summer could you draw sonic and tails at the beach and tails with cute floaties?
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This was such a cute request, anon 🥺🤧
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varpusvaras · 1 month
So Palpatine is found out to be the Sith and to having been playing the war on both sides.
The Senate is furious. They want to know how no one caught this earlier. They cannot admit that they didn't see anything, either, and were fully on board with almost everything Palpatine had said and done before. They cannot admit that they had been in the wrong.
They try to blame the Jedi. Some of it sticks, but not permanently, because the Jedi are like yo bro wtf we were on the battlefields for 99 percent of the time, we didn't have the time to stand there and stare at him, so they need to find even more scapegoats.
They turn to look at the Guard.
It's their job to protect the Republic! How did they not notice! They must've been in on it!
The Guard is like ????? okay sir first of all, we were too busy to be crawling around in the prisons and on the lower levels to ever even talk to the Chancellor during our entire lives, we weren't that important
But one of you has been reporting to the Chancellor. Doing his datawork for him. He must've noticed! How could he have not! Who was this one Guard!
It's Commander Fox.
The Senate wants to take Fox to the courts. But he is not there. The Guard goes Commander Fox who? Never heard of him. Are you sure that it's not just some ploy made by the Sith? Maybe he's someone who is just impersonating a Guard or something, we don't know. We have never had a Commander by that name in the Coruscant Guard
They interrogate the entire Guard for days, weeks. They all just say that there has never been a Commander Fox in the Guard. No one can find him. Commander Fox has never been seen without a helmet by anyone who is not a clone. They cannot verify who he is, if he is trying to hide among the other Guards
The Senate finds out that Commander Fox has brothers outside of the Guard. They bring them in. Cody and the others are just as confused by all of this as the rest of them. They know Fox exists. The Jedi keep reassuring them that everything will be okay if Fox comes forward, so they try to see if Fox is there. He is not. Cody goes to ask Thorn what is going on. Thorn looks him dead in the eyes and says he has never even heard of a Commander Fox before all of this. He just keeps staring at Cody with absolutely no expression when Cody tries to insist. No, never heard of Commander Fox before this. Are you sure you're okay Marshal Commander Sir? You've been in many close calls during the war. That scar looks rather nasty. Must've been quite a hit. Have you ever gone and checked it out? Could be a concussion.
Cody knows that Thorn knows that he got the scar on Kamino. Cody points this out. Thorn continues to look him in the eyes and flat out says no you didn't.
Cody looks at Thorn. Thorn looks at Cody.
Cody gives up.
All the other Guard Commanders say the same. To all of them. So do all the troopers, down to the newest shiny.
The Jedi try to go in and ask. It doesn't work. Their working theory is that being so close to the Sith has made them develope stronger mental shields. Maybe. Anyway no one is saying anything to them either. Yoda thinks this is hilarious. He keeps cackling behind his stick. Mace looks at him like bffr.
The Guard is firm in their stance. Commander Fox does not exist.
The Senate is still in an uproar about all of this. Bail looks at Padmé and Mon and goes you know what? I'm getting a headache from all of this. This is stupid. I'm going home. I suggest that all of you do the same. My wife said that we are renewing our vows and then taking another honeymoon. I'm going now goodbye.
Yeah, sure, Padmé and Mon say. They all pack up their things and go home the next day.
(The Organa family has a beautiful vacation home on the mountains. The sun is shining warmly but there is still snow at this time of the year. Some rare flowers are in the bloom amidst the ice on the rocky sides of the mountain. There's a view for a glacial lake from the front windows. The fire place is lit and the beds are warmed up and have thick blankets on them.
Fox sits in front of the fireplace, being sandwhiched between his wife and husband, and he looks out at the lake and takes a sip from the sugariest cup of hot chocolate that exists in the entire Galaxy.
Commander Fox does not exist.
Fox Organa does.
And he's on a vacation.
Please do not disturb)
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kolaepup · 5 months
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Springtime Air
beautiful floof kitsune for LuciaVixen <3
spicy ver on my patreon! www.patreon.com/kolae
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idioticbat · 14 days
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im still alive and well!! just have been procrastinating from art for the past week by messing around with synthesizers and arpeggiators and whatelse
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agere-pngs · 5 months
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Misc. Fox (Mainly Plushies) Items
╰┈─➤ for @l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r !
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izzystizzys · 3 months
Fox tags along on a smuggling bust one (1) time and subsequently wishes he’d never been decanted.
Well, he’s arrested the perp a lot more than just one time, actually, but that very first tackle into a chokehold and electrocuffs more than sufficed to turn the fates against him - the fates, and Cody, the insufferable twat. They’re not actually even batchmates, the lot of them, and going by numbers Fox was decanted long before them (long as in seconds or minutes, no one actually knows), but Seventeen put them all in a training room together and then stupid kriffing Kote looked him up and down, nodded, and hasn’t stopped calling him vod’ika since.
“Why is one of the Republic’s most wanted criminals asking to speak to you, vod’ika?”, Cody asks, without any preamble, almost making Fox cut the holocall on principle. He would, if General Kenobi wasn’t right there next to the little shit. “And why do I not like his tone?”
Fox has to resist the urge to close his eyes and scream, making do with a deep sigh instead. Force curse the day Cody decided to adopt-nap him, and Wolffe following suit immediately. “Weequay, shifty eyes, stupid fucking pirate bandana?”
Cody’s eyes narrow suspiciously, and Kenobi’s eyebrows raise simultaneously. It’s more than a little creepy.
Fox rolls his eyes so hard he sees stars. “Tell him he can go space himself, unless he wants me to do it for him. And then tell him that if he sends me fuzzy fucking socks again I might just hunt him down and do it anyways.”
Past the slide of the door, Thorn’s unmistakable cackle reaches Fox. And Cody, going by the narrowing of his eyes. “Don’t tell him that, ori’vod, he’s probably into that”, Thorn calls out, gleefully, and Force Fox really should’ve kept this to himself in the first place.
He would’ve, actually, but the constant stream of strange presents into Guard headquarters is hard to miss. It was Alderaanian chocolates, last week, which Fox pawned off on the Shinies. A box from a store with a blacked out label before that, which he launched out the window with burning ears before Thire could get a closer look at it.
“Actually”, Thorn continues, happily, “I don’t think it matters much if you do tell him anything - it’s not like the Commander has been the most graceful courtée, and that hasn’t done anything to discourage our favorite smuggler.”
“Marshall Commander”, Fox hisses, because he’s a pissy bitch, and then, because all professionalism has gone out the window anyways, “This is why Stone is my favourite.”
Thorn’s wounded gasp is lost over Kenobi’s thoughtful hum, and Cody’s patented I’m-going-to-do-something-incredibly-stupid-and-you-can’t-stop-me glare. “That would explain why we have Hondo Ohnaka accosting our troopers about your flavour preferences concerning fruit candies. But the one asking to speak to you is Cad Bane, Marshall Commander.”
The string of curses Fox lets out at that is loud enough to have Mauler stick his head in the com room to ask if everything is alright, and Thorn roll on the floor with howling laughter.
Force curse the day he ever slapped electrocuffs on Hondo Ohnaka, and double-curse the one he threw Cad Bane to the floor with a scissor leg takedown.
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cultpastorkevin · 9 months
I was gonna post something important but all I can think of rn is Kevin Day having sex with his socks on
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blackmensuited · 3 months
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depressed-sock · 2 months
a prompt for you! commander thorn and sparkle.
Thank you! :D 💜💜💜
“So I know what this looks like.”
“Thorn,” Fox groans, nose pinched between his fingers. Headache day then. That's alright, Thorn can work with that.
“Listen, we're just doing the Chancellor a favor. You know? Making his day a little more… sparkly.”
Fox sighs. It’s a heavy heave kind of sigh that tells Thorn he's not going to have to fight hard to win this one. It takes effort to hold on to the placid blank look he's perfected.
“Don't get caught.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, Sir!” Thorn grins, motioning forward his accomplices. “I'll take pictures!”
“Please, don't create evidence.”
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rockingtheorange · 10 months
The only right answer tbh
Nick on IG
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
Hey!!! How are you? God I just saw your game and I loved it too much, your drawing style is so warm to me and mychael makes me a pretty cute character <3
My question is, is there any type of clothing that mychael likes to see on MC? [Skirts, pants, baggy sweaters, etc] The question is a bit silly but if I don't get rid of this doubt I won't sleep today haha
I'd imagine he'd like clothes on MC that are more earth-toned perhaps, greens and browns that remind him of his forest and such. :-) Loose clothes are a bonus too cuz it makes you look comfy around him!
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Fox in plushie socks?
Anything that keeps him warm. That man looks like he has terrible circulation. Give him the socks. He needs them AND he looks adorable. A win-win for all of us but mostly him.
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