#fourth wall MIC
petrichoraline · 10 months
i once saw a tt about the boom mic making appearances in love class 2 but this caught me so off guard
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it hangs there for a good while too, it's so endearing
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thoughtsonkm · 22 days
Bye Jeju, you've been good..
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Eyes always on the prize Jungkookssii mm
The trio was really wholesome in some moments but I'm so ready for Jikook's cozy winter times. It's literally their default setting.
This type of lighthearted mood and way of talking about the topic brings me peace for them. They looked relieved and confident in their choice to stay together. I don't know if they actually knew since September about the lottery verdict or they were just manifesting real hard ahead of time because in their mind there's no way they're separating (like no we don't accept any other answer than being together) but either way what matters is the result and their content feeling.
The way Tae was on the phone the whole time like 'yeah I've heard your enlistment talk 348392 times already' 😂 There really is a sort of "danger" to them having only one extra person on the table cause they get too engulfed in each other. They need a big group when they go out or else 1-2 ppl will feel kinda alienated lol
Jimin in this dark flannel fit got the whole fandom in shambles and rightfully so.
Gotta say every time Jimin entertains Jungkook going on and on about topics he knows/has info about, my fondness for them reaches a whole new peak 🥹
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I get they were trying to display their strength with their typical pool shenanigans but Jungkook?? You need to chill man there's plenty of other ways to "help a man from drowning" 😂(could this type of insane underwater hair grab be considered bf privileges? lol)
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This towel scene is so 'boys' coded but also a little frisky you feel me? It just has that vibe you know..
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This episode's cuddle was kinda my favourite so far tbh (the CT one is in its own hall of fame given how it was more of a hungry feast than a cuddle). Idk why it just felt very soft, squishy and needy.
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NOW THIS is a confirmation about the perilla leaf debacle. Kook was so careful about it I was dying laughing. It can be a risky choice HAHAHAHAHA
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mimi 🤝🏻 cats kook 🤝🏻 dogs
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This scene was the funniest of the episode. The theatrics, the dramatics, the "asking for more sausage while Jimin was leaving". PEAK
The way he was worried about his taste buds lol. Food really is his #2 priority damn. (#1 being Jimin)
Btw this scene doesn't prove anything but the fact that their hyung-dongseang dynamic is almost ✨nonexistent✨.
I noticed they always look at the crew in front of them after smth happens or a joke or whatever. Instead they should look at the camera and break the fourth wall, it would be so funny.
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He's been thinking about it since NYC your honor..
Out of topic but during 3 days in Jeju we could see them from time to time with a mic in their hands, especially Jimin, but they never showed any karaoke scenes. ROBBED
The suspense about Sapporo is not good for my liking. Like they don't need to make Japan more mystical than it is already, we know it's gonna be the softest thing ever.
Why so hush hush huh? I expect an announcement video by Sunday! (max. monday!)
Anyways..Sapporooo here we cooomeee
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
thoughts on the chapter
“these differences, both internal and external, allow us to run towards other people and search for a point of intersection” kid out of 8 chapters you spoke like 5 sentences to Shigaraki. What intersection. (I know, I know - the crying child. the only thing Deku can care about.)
Aizawa and Mic visiting Shirakumo's grave
Compress reading Spinner's book with a sad smile...
Did villains just magically stop appearing? because AFO is gone? Because everyone is a bit nicer to each other? Because the rankings got expanded and now everyone wants to get the Eiyuu title?
Shoji says "This award goes to those who rose up 8 years ago." GEE SHOJI. I WONDER WHO IT WAS THAT GOT THEM TO SHOW UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I know he's thinking of the heteromorphs that stopped that day. But i just. can't get over the fact that it was Spinner's call to action that inspired them first to even come out.
"peacefully resolving prejudice-based incidents in the rural areas" Peacefully telling a man to put down the rake they're about to hit a heteromorph child with.
I know the intention is de-escalation or something. And that's a good thing! Ideally I don't want the man holding the rake to be smashed into the ground. I don't want the dumbasses spray painting slurs on a wall to be punched around. But the word peaceful here feels like it implies that... it would be victim's fault if they use force to resist violent discrimination. Equal responsibility on all parties and it's up to Shoji, it depends on Shoji to resolve it nonviolently. The originator of the violence doesn't enter the equation.
idk. rubs me the wrong way.
Did Shoji resolve the heteromorph riot peacefully? Not really. He fought Spinner (ah, you might say - well, Spinner was using violence! Shoji has to react to that with punching as well! Yeah. That's what I mean.) Koda had birds shoved someone off a building. What actually stopped everything was one rioter feeling doubts. It's credited to Shoji's words, but Shoji also admits that it's good they showed up and in the chapter here, he calls it an "uprising".
And they showed up because of Spinner.
Well. Maybe Shoji turned to "peaceful resolves" afterwards.
Just to clarify so that no one misunderstands me. Peaceful resolutions are good. I'm glad that's how Shoji is stopping anti-heteromorph incidents. What I dislike is the shallow framing.
"Quirk Counseling Expansion Project" EXPANSION???
Toga became the way she was because she didn't go to Quirk Counseling enough. Needed Expansion. The counselor saying she'll make Toga "nice and normal" didn't go far enough. Needed Expansion.
Again, I get that probably reform is implied in that, or the intent is probably expanding the concept/ideas/tools/methods/scope to include better methods. But wow.
All Might + Crowd of Supporter Statues is the creepiest thing I've ever seen.
Story literally breaking the ending fourth wall to give a happy ending to Deku.
I expect the volume extras to have Shigaraki to come and decay the ending and rescue the league.
It's amazing how the answer to "can someone quirkless be a hero" is a NO. Because Deku's feeling sad and lonely being quirkless and just a teacher and saving a kid from tripping and encouraging a future student. It's not enough. It's not Heroism. So he gets a support item and gets to be a Hero again
And then Shigaraki's Star Wars ghost is just there, not tied into the theme happening on page because Deku failed to saved the fucking guy, but he remembers Shigaraki. for one panel.
Just to repeat this because it's hysterical: This ending is "Can a quirkless person be a hero (and be happy and feel worthy?)" We get a gentle bittersweet but resounding NO. Until All Might comes again to help him out with a 'gift'.
"Remember that day when I used support items to inject acid into an immortal child demon on global TV? The day that you killed a man? Well, data from that day made you this support item. Use it to be a Hero."
Also being a quirkless Hero after all depends on knowing people and having lots of money.
All Might is now about 64 years old.
Shigaraki ghost...........
Something about shigaraki in his original outfit has me all choked up.
That's the appearance he chose to present as in the vestige realm before he disappeared.
The appearance he had in that flashback of him and Spinner bonding over games.
I like how Deku looks back, sees the ghost, but then turns forward and smile. Not even a smile as he's looking at shigaraki. I know this is nitpicky. jfc tho.
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"You already destroyed it"/"That depends on what you guys do from now on." I see that there's barely any credit to Shigaraki forcing this amount of change in this chapter. As far as I can see, Deku barely thinks about Shigaraki or even Tenko this chapter. Shigaraki's just a ghost hidden vaguely in all this.
"I'll never forget" lol. The ghost is just like an afterthought from the story to make sure Deku keeps his 'promise'
I don't think a single villain's name is mentioned here. Not a single League member's. Uravity's work towards quirk counseling is not publicly or explicitly credited to her experience with Toga (the vaguest of implication). We don't know Dabi's fate and Shouto is only known as "Endeavor's son" - which might be good? because it's Endeavor's who was the main perpetrator, but still. Spinner lead the uprising but Shoji doesn't mention that. Spinner wrote his book but there's no impact, except for making Compress smile sadly and that's it. Twice has been long forgotten. Deku thinks of Shigaraki's words at the beginning of the chapter, then sees his ghost at the end, but otherwise, nothing.
Truly they've been swept under the rug. A lid put over everything.
Whatever!!!! Shigaraki and the League - the absolute best part of bnha.
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spidey-strange · 4 months
Romeo, Romeo...
I am now living in a post Romeo & Juliet world. It might well be the only time I get to see it, but honestly what I saw on Saturday is going to stay with me forever. I wanted to put it down into words - my review of this play.
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The first part of the experience is the music. We were in the bar and this repetitive rumble sound played over the tannoy, signalling that we were being called to Verona. We took our seats and we waited, all while more and more haze appeared across the sparsely-set stage and the music bore deep into my soul, gnarling and industrial, giving a sense of dystopian doom and foreboding. By the time the lights went out and the video screen showed 1597 in bright red lettering, I was already feeling a nervous nausea and an elevated heart rate.
This play is asking you to pretend, as much as they are. There is no set. There are no props. The actors stand like statues, dotted around, sometimes deep into the back of the stage as if ghostly apparitions. Sometimes the actors talk freely, other times they take their place behind mic stands as if part of a debating society. What happens on stage is coupled with video footage of other actors scattered around the bowels of the theatre, in the narrow backstage corridors, or even the theatre bar (and, of course, the roof). The fourth-wall breaks that often punctuate the end of these short video pieces eally pierce into your soul, looming over you, much like the mood of this whole production.
An example - as Mercutio lay dying, the camera is right in his face so you get the full pain and rage of him as he screams "a plague upon both your houses" and takes his final breaths. All the while, Romeo stands metres away, covered in blood, seething with unbridled rage, tears mixing with the blood of his friend.
The interval moment that follows literally made everyone gasp, a jumpscare that absolutely warrants the gravity of the moment. I won't say more because if there's even a 0.1% chance of you seeing it I don't want it ruined.
The second act of this play is decidedly quieter than the first. Clandestine conversations, whispers between characters, the comedy, gone. The deaths of Thibault and Mercutio loom large as the reality of the consequences kick in. Juliet remains defiant to the last - this is a Juliet who really knows what she wants (supported by Nurse, who is more like an older sister character full of kindness and friendly age-appropriate advice). As the end draws near, and the inevitability of what's about to happen (let's face it, we've all studied it at school, we know what happens!) becomes apparent, the silence in the theatre speaks volumes.
This production challenges you to see the traditional story through a far darker lens, and the blank spaces leave room for the oppressive mood and music to thrive and grow. It asks you to find answers in the quiet as much as the loud. It might be the best known love story of all time but the added weight of the staging proves everything hangs on the final line: "For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
Now. Acting. And oh boy was there acting. I'm going to start with Mercutio (Joshua-Alexander Williams) and Paris (Daniel Quinn-Toye) - two actors who are in their first professional production. What pressure, and how they dealt with it. Particularly Joshua-Alexander! I thought Tomiwa Edun, who played Capulet, Juliet's father, was immense - so sinister in his delivery, he had me convinced he was head of a family and of a gang empire. And Freema Agyeman as Nurse was wonderful, as I said earlier, giving this big sister energy and providing delighful lighter moments against the shade. HUGE mention to Nima Taleghani who not only was an excellent Benvolio but also edited the original text to make it a 1hr 45 version that was powerful and punchy.
Now, our main stars. Francesca Amewudah-Rivers as Juliet was incredible. She was headstrong, she was poised, she was dynamic and still at the same time. She portrayed a Juliet desperate to be free from the confines of her family, but clear that she knew what she wanted from the love (and escape) she sought. The second act belonged to her, her stillness lingering.
And the reason I fought for a ticket, Tom Holland. I've seen him at film premieres and press events, and twice playing golf, but the opportunity to see him do what (as fans) we all know to be his true calling, was irresistible. And oh my God. Honestly I was blown away by his portrayal. Brooding, emotional, at times so quiet you had to strain to hear his lament. And then rage, euphoria, shyness, a fumbling lovesick idiot. Throughout the production he provides so much range, but also so much depth, it's impossible not to feel everything he does.
To see him, clearly in his element, providing a soul to Romeo that I've never felt before - I couldn't be prouder as a fan. For too long he has been tarred with the brush that he is not a "serious actor". As fans we know that The Devil all the Time, Cherry, and The Crowded Room are proof otherwise. This should be the moment the world realises he is INCREDIBLE, to be taken seriously, to be given the respect he is long overdue.
I wish beyond words that I get to see this play again. I hope at the very least it gets an NT live screening so that fans around the world get to witness this amazing, unique, innovative production.
Violent delights indeed have violent ends.
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dustbar · 6 months
[holds up one of my in pending au Sanses up to the fourth wall mic that's connected to Ash's hearing somehow]
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OOOOH the comfort after the hurt !!
thank you SO MUCH to @monolite001 for helping with the korean translation !! my handwriting is AWFUL so (as always) its also in the alt text !
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stxrshxpxd · 11 months
🎸 fic friday;
“i have my ways”
90s damon albarn x reader
casual friends, backstage, flirty
Blur were nearing the end of their set and it was our fifth time this summer seeing Damon jump around with his tongue hanging out to the sound of There’s No Other Way; me and my other band members that is. We had played a few of the same festivals as Blur in June and it seemed our UK tours were aligning still in the middle of July. It had quickly become a tradition of sorts that we went to see them play and they went to see us. So much so, that the majority of my band had passed up seeing another exciting local band that was playing down the street tonight.
My fellow guitarist and our drummer and I were near the front way out on the right end of the crowd, casually singing along to the repetitive chorus we all knew by heart at this point.
“Cheers!” Damon shouted, barely into the mic, as the song faded out. He caught his breath and poured about a third of his fourth beer down his throat.
“I wanna dedicate this next one to a…” he started, into the mic this time, with a terribly exaggerated American accent. Graham laughed and so did a bunch of us in the crowd. “A lovely, lovely lady… Uh…” he continued drawling in his mock southern accent as he squinted his eyes, searching the crowd for a suitable one.
He pointed right at me and my initial instinct was to laugh and roll my eyes.
“You’ve been to a bunch of our shows this summer. Who’s the crush on?” he teased and more and more eyes turned my way. Damon’s tipsy mind was slipping now, forgetting to keep up the American accent.
“Graham!” I shouted with a playful grin and my friends laughed. The boys on stage did too and Damon faked a scowl.
Our two bands weren’t particularly close but we had partied together a bit during the summer and seen each other in passing.
“Fine, Graham will dedicate this one to you then,” Damon chuckled and dismissed me jokingly, at which Graham began playing the riff to the next song with a giggle.
“I could’ve sworn you were in love with me,” Damon said with a joking sigh as I came up to him backstage. Fresh sweat was still dripping down the side of his face and it seemed he had just about shook the last bit of adrenaline from the show. I guessed it was his sixth beer he was holding as he leaned against the wall of their dressing room.
“I’ll dedicate a song to you tomorrow night and you can embarrass me and we’ll be even.”
Damon smirked calmly at me and he licked his lips slowly. His drunken eyes scanned my face.
“I think I like it better when you’re indebted to me,” he mumbled and shook his head. I cocked mine to the side and raised my brows at his suggestive comment.
“Oh really?” I asked and took a quick second to accept a beer from Dave as he passed us. “Whatever will you have me do?”
Damon trailed his gaze around the room and the ceiling as he pulled a diabolical expression, scheming hard.
“I have my ways. You’ll be snogging me soon enough.”
I laughed and raised my eyebrows further.
“You wanna snog me?”
“Just to embarrass you.”
"Right. Of course,” I nodded, playing along. “Better throw in some tongue to really humiliate me.”
Damon turned from leaning his arm against the wall to his back and he threw his head back as he chuckled drunkenly at our odd conversation. I took a sip from my cold beer and admired his pretty side profile, wondering if he was falling asleep standing up as his eyes were heavily closed.
“I’ll see you around,” I laughed softly and pressed my lips into his cheek shortly, just about catching his growing smile before turning around.
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sassypantsjaxon · 4 months
Okay, quick disclaimers: 1. I know some people don't like Horikoshi's worldbuilding, would say there's a lack of depth, etc, etc. I'm not one of those people, I just see it as my chance to overanalyze and fill in the gaps myself for these kind of headcanon/theory/whatever you want to call this post. 2. This post will briefly touch on my own personal headcanons of Mic being an orphan and Aizawa being a rich kid.
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Okay! all that being said, I'm just going to throw some things at the wall about my own thoughts/headcanons about the world Mic and Aizawa grew up in, and you guys can let me know if anything sticks.
You ever think about how All Might is around 25 years older than Mic and Aizawa?
Given that he left Japan as a teenager and went to college in America, he probably came back and started becoming the Symbol of Peace in Japan in his early-mid twenties.
Mic and Aizawa would have been part of the first generation of kids who have never known a world without All Might
Like. Think about that. They would have grown up in a world that is just beginning to recover from the horrors (as compared to the relatively deceptively safe society we see at the beginning of the series)
Hizashi grows up in an orphanage with a lot of older kids who were orphaned by villain attacks and...not so many kids younger than him. Which is good for them, but kind of lonely for a kid like Zashi
There's a wall around the orphanage that is supposed to be for protecting them, but as villain activity decreases, it just starts to feel like it's keeping the kids in
Hizashi becomes a hero because he knows nobody else is going to save him
Shouta grows up in a high security gated community
He's always wanted to be a hero, and he's always been told it's pointless, because All Might will have eradicated villainy by the time Shouta's an adult this is of course a lie
part of the tragedy of Oboro's death is that they've heard their whole lives how large scale villain attacks like that are a thing of the past
They would have had drills for what to do in case of villain attacks when they were little kids starting school. These would have slowly been phased out by the time they were in middle school
Another thing that's changed since they were kids is the architecture
No more burned down, bombed out buildings that just sit around because there's no point rebuilding something that will just be destroyed again in a few weeks. No more business that are still open, but the windows are boarded up because they can't afford to keep replacing the glass
No more graffitied walls and fences and gates. No more anti-villain spikes on top of buildings and around cities
And all of these things disappeared so slowly that it's like one day when they're in highschool, they just look around and realize they don't exist anymore and wonder where it all went and when it happened
There was probably a population boom as All Might started to cement his place as the Symbol of Peace. People realizing their kids would have a safer world to grow up in and they didn't have to fear dying every other minute
People moving out of the safety of the cities back into more rural areas
actually hang on. that would kind of explain the racism and bigotry we know exists in the rural regions
this was supposed to be more about mic and aizawa and now i'm just spitballing worldbuilding sorry.
Mic and Aizawa are kind of in this weird inbetween of the fourth generation of quirk users, who grew up fully in the horrors of quirk wars, and the fifth generation, who grew up in the era of All Might and it's all just the past to them
Because even though they didn't exactly live it themselves, they did still see the direct effects of it
And that's the horror of this new war, because their students had been living the peace Mic and Aizawa were promised as children
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pikahlua · 3 months
Who do you suspect Izuku is doing the narration to/for?
Well, first of all, I think a lot of the fandom falls into a trap here.
There are two types of narrators Izuku could be in this case. One of them certainly is the in-universe narrator who is narrating from the future telling a character in the story about his past. I think most people assume this is the type of narrator Izuku must be.
But there is another possibility. Izuku could be a narrator breaking the fourth wall. He could be narrating to us--the readers. MHA is pretty loose with the fourth wall at times. I could absolutely see narrator Izuku just talking to us and only us this whole time.
This is a similar thing I notice with the Present Mic narrator. Technically, there's nothing in the manga that indicates this other non-Izuku narrator is actually Present Mic. The anime uses Present Mic because it's kind of a clever way to present that information without resorting to some random narrator (the stage musicals do this too). But this Present Mic narrator does not have to be a Present Mic in the future recounting events from his memory. He could just be an omniscient narrator pointing stuff out to the readers. He could just be a fourth wall-breaker.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
could I request a self aware yandere arkham riddler concept? Thought It'd be neat as in arkham vr he's self aware. -💙🐛
I never played Arkham VR so in terms of plot so I listened to his voicelines and then I looked at some gameplay :)
Yandere! Arkhamverse! Self-Aware! Riddler
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Self-Aware character, Stalking (in a way), Forced companionship, Gaslighting, Manipulation.
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Riddler certainly has a love/hate relationship towards the player.
He's currently the only canon Arkham character who has broken the fourth wall as well as he has.
He blames you for all of his failures, due to you controlling Batman and whatnot.
He calls you his nemesis and frequently gets irritated as you find his Enigma Cubes in the various game levels.
However, I also imagine he'd have some sort of respect towards you due to your intellect of solving his puzzles.
Unless you're looking them up... then what's the point?
He notices sometimes you have to replay the level to find a cube which gives him pride.
This whole thing if finding his cubes is a game he can only play with you.
At this point he doesn't want to speak to Batman as you're clearly his nemesis.
Riddler would take to you between levels.
At first he's taunting or expressing frustration.
Then near the middle of the game, maybe when you have half of the cubes, he starts trying to speak to you.
He asks about you and eagerly waits for an answer.
Really all he can do is talk at you but to him it's enough.
Maybe he'll find a way to communicate with you, like coding in a keyboard for you to type on.
That or he enables your mic.
It feels... odd to speak with him.
He's just a game character but it feels like you're holding a conversation with the Riddler.
Which would go about as well as you'd expect... he wants to gloat and gush about the puzzles he creates.
Wouldn't be surprised if Riddler infected your PS4/PC like a virus to see what else you play and who you talk to.
He'd invade and scoop up any details he can find about you.
Which then shocks you when he brings up the other games you play.
"I bet this game is your favorite... you actually get to talk to someone like me! Isn't it entertaining?"
What would be terrifying is if he said your real name in a conversation.
Or described how you look.
It would make you wonder if you're really playing a game... or something else.
Now... imagine when you're about to complete the game?
Riddler then gets defensive at you solving his puzzles and tries to get you to slow down.
He isn't ready to let you go!
You're his nemesis, he isn't done with you yet!
Maybe he even starts to play dirty by removing cubes you've collected.
What do you mean you collected that one?
No you didn't, he didn't see you get that one yet-
You should look again-
Riddler has limited control of the game but that changes over time.
Soon he's corrupting your data, forcing you to replay sections for his amusement.
When you confront him about it he plays dumb.
"Resetting? Sabotage? Dear, are you accusing me of cheating? Maybe you should look for the cubes a bit harder... or check your hard drive!"
He's being an annoyance on purpose because he feels it will make you stay.
If you threaten to leave then he quickly tries to find a way to prevent it.
"Okay, okay! Look, I just don't want this game to end, my nemesis! Aren't you having fun here with me? There's no need to leave!"
Even if you try to get rid of the game at this point he's already infected your device.
He's encrypted himself and hidden himself away deep in your files.
Being in such an enclosed space was tiring.
Now he has a much larger space to subject you to his puzzles and schemes!
If he could find a way to get out of the game, he would!
That way he doesn't even have to think of Batman.
He'll have someone else to test and call his nemesis.
Who knows, maybe Riddler will even find a way to prevent you from erasing his data.
Don't mind him turning on your device when you aren't around...
He just wants to watch what his nemesis is doing at all times.
After all... you two are going to be rivals as long as he's here.
Soon... he'll show you who's really in control.
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ghostchems · 1 year
have some sympathy and some taste - dracopia x female!reader
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you become charmed by a spooky live performance at a bar you wandered into.
author's note: this is dedicated to @blacktie-whitenoise for their birthday and also for how much they have done for the red jacket copia community :) this has been in my brain since the red jacket debut. mdni! 18+! about 3.6k words.
You let out a deep sigh as you cross the street, the club you have just left thumping in the background. Your friends were still there but you had gotten sick of being packed in with so many other people to the point you could hardly navigate the dance floor. You just need some air or at least some kind of break from the mess of bodies and incredibly loud music. 
A dimly lit sign catches your attention: The Pinnacle Lounge. There is no music thumping so loudly that you can hear it outside from the bar so you decide to pop in for a drink to yourself and then head back over to your friends. 
You push open the door and beeline directly for the bar and you’re somehow able to secure a stool for yourself. You quickly have a seat and order a mixed drink before your eyes wander throughout the bar. Dim red lights glow and it’s almost as if a fog has rolled into the room. Everything seems a bit hazy but it’s still calm. Much calmer than the club across the street. 
The stage is being set for some kind of performance and you can’t help but focus your attention on it while you sip at your mixed drink. It definitely beats just sitting on your phone. The people in masks bring out a mic stand, amplifiers and begin working on laying the cords just right. You make a plan for yourself: stick around and watch the performance and then meet up with your friends after. Or, if whatever the performance is sucks, skip it and head across the street.
Masked people start to take the stage but the main microphone is still alone in the front. The lights dim even further and you feel almost like you’re in a trance. A voice rumbles through the bar over the speakers.
“Please, welcome to the stage — Papa Emeritus the Fourth and the Nameless Ghouls!”
You are startled by the sound of the bar crowd cheering for the band. And then — he takes the stage. His presence is so commanding, despite the extremely sparkly red jacket. Your breath catches in your throat as you take in his features, his salt and pepper hair, the skull face paint, the mismatched eyes. It must be some kind of gimmick, you assume, but you are enthralled by the vibes of it all.
Papa starts to sing, his voice low and strong and you instantly recognize the song as a cover of Sympathy for the Devil. It fits… well, the entire aesthetic of the bar and the band. The crowd is loving it, completely enraptured by the group’s stage presence and honestly, so are you. It sure beats whatever your friends are up to now. 
His voice grows more powerful and booming as the song progresses. You find yourself leaning forward over the back of the stool, one hand propping your head up and you keep your focus trained on him. The way he moves his hands along with the music and sways his hips are mesmerizing. 
At the start of the last verse, while he is belting out “so if you meet me”, his eyes find you and they stay on you. His white eye is burning into your skull and you think, for a moment, that you can feel something poking around inside you, fishing around your deepest thoughts. Heat flares in your chest and face, your body suddenly flushing and arousal growing between your legs. It’s like he just pushed a button inside you and completely changed how you were feeling. 
The performance ends and you are feeling suffocated by how overwhelmed and stimulated you suddenly are. The performance ends and you are off your stool and out the door. The cool air of the night hits your lungs and you finally feel like you can breathe. You wander to the alleyway beside the bar and lean against the wall, pulling your phone out of your pocket to mindlessly scroll through in order to ground yourself back in reality. 
“Do you have a light?”
The voice startles you and you’re unsure of how long you’ve been distracted by your phone. Your look at him and your mouth goes dry - it’s Papa. His red jacket shimmers in the moonlight and he is holding a cigarette between his fingers with a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Oh, no. Sorry.” You squeak and quickly settle your eyes back on your phone. You think if you don’t look at him, you’ll be safe from whatever it is he’s done to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his cigarette light up but you don’t see a match or a lighter. A shiver runs down your spine as he settles against the wall next to you.
“I saw you in the crowd, cara.” His accent makes your cheeks burn but you still don’t look up at him.
“Yeah, you were really good.” 
Papa slinks closer to you and you smell the smoke from his cigarette. 
“No, cara, I saw you.”
Your head snaps in his direction and he is just beside you, his lips still quirked in a grin. He flicks the cigarette to the ground and stomps it out without even looking. You feel your chest start to grow hot and the acknowledgement of whatever happened between you two makes you feel dizzy.
“Oh, there’s no need to be frightened, cara. This is a good thing. Good for both of us.” He tries to soften his features a bit but his glowing white eye is doing him no favors. The longer you look at him the more you feel you can’t look away, like you’re trapped by his gaze.
“What… what happened?” Your voice is soft, only a little bit louder than a whisper. 
“I chose you and you opened yourself up to me..” It looks like his white eye is steaming. You can’t look away from it and it’s almost as if you can feel him probing your mind. He’s suddenly so close to you now, his expectant eyes tracing your be face before he reaches and takes you by the chin.
“I could have anyone I want and I’ve chosen you, cara — you should feel honored.” His voice sounds so soft yet threatening. Words get caught in your throat as he tips your head up. You press your palms against the wall and you brace for the worst. His head dips down and you draw in a sharp gasp — 
His cold, soft lips drift against your neck and your entire body shivers. You were expecting something a bit more violent but there’s something sinister about the way he is lightly kissing your neck. He exhales deeply into the crook of your neck and you feel his tongue against the sensitive skin. His hand snakes up the side of your neck and grabs at your hair. 
Copia gives it a harsh tug and his teeth immediately sink into your neck. Your body lurches forward and you manage a small cry in pain. He has you pinned against the wall, his body completely trapping you against him as he drinks from you. You start to feel sluggish and your limbs feel heavy while your eyes flutter open and shut. 
He moans as he removes his fangs from your neck, his breath ragged in your ear. “Come back inside with me, dolce.” His voice is so smooth and it takes so much willpower to stop yourself from agreeing on the spot. 
“I-I… can’t. I know where this is going. I’ve read books.” You whisper, your voice rushed and quiet.  He pulls his head away from your neck slowly and settles just in front of your face. His lips are smeared with your blood but despite this, his sharp features have softened.
“You’re allowed to say no.” Copia says quietly, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. “But if you say yes… I promise you will make it home safely.” His breath is hot on your lips. “I just want to play with you a bit. It’ll feel so good for you, too.” He nips at the tip of your nose and then takes a step back.
You exhale slowly, feeling as if you have been holding your breath for the past few minutes. He reaches a hand out for you. It’s somehow gotten darker in the alleyway since you’ve been out there and you can barely make out his face apart from the white paint and his glowing white eye. You feel the pull toward him. It’s like some invisible force is making you move towards him, your hand outstretched but you hesitate before placing it in his.
“I may be a monster but I’m not a monster.” His lips twitch in what appears to be a genuine smile. Then, he whisks you away toward the back of the alley, away from the entrance to the bar. You are feeling foggy but the same knot of fear is still in your stomach as he pushes open a random door. You follow him inside and it looks like it’s part of the same bar, but perhaps a more private area.
It is still packed but there are more people dressed up as nuns and wearing masks with horns. There’s a few… acts going on that would immediately have you heading toward the exit but you feel strangely unphased by it. Copia leads you into a private room, complete with a curved couch, private bar and red lighting. He turns to look at you and he looks even more devilish now, his lips pulled into a tight smile with his fangs poking out.
“Have you ever fantasized about being with a creature before, dolce?” His hands slip around your waist and he backs you into the couch, the cushions hitting the back of your knees. 
“I feel like you already know the answer to that.” You are desperately trying to hold your own, keeping yourself standing up straight and gazing back into his eyes.
“Ah, si. You’ve read books.” Copia says darkly and you feel a rush of warmth spread between your legs. His strong hands dip lower to grab and caress your ass through your tight jeans before moving with such speed — and suddenly you’re straddling his lap with him sitting on the couch beneath you.
He pushes and pulls you by the hips, grinding you against the growing tent in his pants. You gasp at the sudden friction and rest your arms on his shoulders. Copia’s hand snakes up to grab you by the hair and tips your head forward, his lips crashing against yours. You can taste the blood on his lips and his cold tongue pushes into your mouth.
You feel him growl into the kiss, his other hand still firmly on your hip. It’s a deep, messy, sensual kiss and you can’t get enough of it. Your fingers play at the hair on the nape or his neck before moving them up to rake through his hair. His hips buck into yours and he pulls you in even closer, pressing your chest flush against his.
Copia bites down hard on your bottom lip, your eyes snapping open as you whimper. His fingers knot in your hair and give it a sharp tug while he sucks on your bottom lip, blood flowing into his mouth. He is moaning into your mouth, completely lost in the taste of you. You grind into him more, your nails digging into his sequined jacket.
He pulls away from your lip, his head tilting back against the couch as his hand on your hip inches up the hem of your shirt. His mouth is agape, blood smeared on his lips and  his white eye dimly glows. You help him with your shirt, pulling it up off of yourself. Copia leans forward, his hands immediately moving to unclasp your bra.
“A delicacy.” He breathes into your ear, his teeth nipping at your earlobe as your bra falls off of you. His gloved hands wander your body, running over every curve of yours and spending time massaging and caressing you. A moan slips from your lips as his hands find your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples while he massages them. Every touch is sensual but calculated, like he knows exactly how to get the reactions he wants out of you. 
“Will you take these off, dolce?” His fingers pull at the waistband of your jeans, a soft smile playing on his bloodstained lips. You immediately slip off of him, standing between his legs as he opens them wider. The power he has over you is becoming quite clear but something about it makes you feel extremely aroused. You work off your jeans, pulling off your underwear in the process and pushing them down to your ankles, stepping out of them.
He slinks forward on the couch, his hands grabbing for you and pulling you into him. His lips are on your chest, nibbling and sucking as his hands cup your ass. You can feel how badly he wants you, how his ice cold touch has warmed up. His mouth moves down to your breast, his tongue licking at your nipple before taking it into his mouth. Copia groans against it, his eyes squeezing shut as he sucks on your nipple. His hand drifts down your hip, then settles between your legs and lightly drifts his fingers along your dripping folds.
Copia looks up at you with your breast in his mouth and you feel the soft pinch of his teeth. You give a small squeak, your hands falling to his disheveled hair. He growls against you and releases your nipple, trailing kisses up your chest to your collarbone. He presses his fingers more firmly against your folds and you tilt your head back with a moan.
“Oh, cara, if only you knew how much I crave this — this connection.” Copia whispers into your chest before leaning back. His hands fall to his pants, toying at the laces for a moment, then unlaces them. His cock springs from his pants, thick and leaking. “Look at what you’ve done to me.” 
You’re at a loss for words, your body practically buzzing because of how aroused you are. His lips are curled into a smile, his head tilted to the side as he looks up at you. He gives himself a few lazy strokes and you can’t contain yourself anymore, straddling him again. He seems a bit shocked but quickly rests one hand on your hip and uses the other to line his cock up.
“Fuck.” You hiss as you sink down on him, your walls stretching around him. His hips roll against yours, his hands helping to guide you up and down his cock. His lips are on you again, this time grazing your neck as he pants and groans with each thrust. 
A low growl rumbles from his throat, one of his hands pressing against your back to push you flush against him. You pick up the pace, rocking yourself up and down and using his shoulders to balance yourself. His growls and moans only grow louder, his grip on you tightening.
Copia sinks his fangs into your neck and you cry out, your arms wrapping around him for support. You can feel the burn of his teeth, his tongue lapping the blood spilling from your wound. Tears sting your eyes at the pain but it mixes so deliciously with having his cock massaging spots so deep inside you. He removes his fangs from your neck slowly but keeps his mouth on you, growling against your skin.
He grabs you by your hair and gives it a sharp tug as his other hand digs into your hip hard enough to leave bruises. You give a deep moan as he holds you in place and thrusts his hips into you roughly. He fucks you hard, pounding himself into you with loud, wet slaps of his skin against yours. Your legs are feeling weak, trembling more and more as you desperately cling to him. 
Copia leans back into the couch but keeps you where you are, creating an even deeper angle to fuck you. You can’t stop yourself from moaning over and over and you’re not sure if your vision is blurring due to the blood loss or the intensity of his throbbing cock. You’re able to focus on his face for just a moment and you see that his eyes are focused on you, his lips are parted and smeared with your blood that drips down his chin. He looks positively devilish. 
Just seeing him like this is almost enough to send you over the edge. He tugs at your hair again and slams into you hard at the same time and you scream out, your eyes squeezing shut as bliss overcomes you. Copia pulls you into him so your chests are pressed together and he wraps his arms around you. He chases his own release, frantically pumping into you as he snarls wildly until his hips stutter and his cock pulses with each release. His breath is ragged and heavy in your ear, but you’re hardly able to hear it over your heart thundering.
“You’ve lost a lot of blood, dolce.” He whispers before he presses a few soft kisses to your ear on cheek. “Let me help you get cleaned up, si?” You can only muster a few nods against his shoulder and he carefully lifts you from off of him and carefully settles you on the couch.
You practically sink into the cushion, your limbs still tingling and your head still hazy. You close your eyes for what feels like a second when suddenly, you feel something warm and damp against your neck.
“What the-“ Your eyes snap open and your head jolts forward before you realize what’s going on.
“Calmati, cara.” He purrs as he gently uses the damp cloth in his hand to wipe at the wounds on your neck. “Shhh, let me take care of you.” You’re still dizzy but you manage to watch him as he cleans the blood off of you.
“Is this typical vampire aftercare?” You ask, blurting out the first question that comes to mind.
“Mmm. No.” He chuckles darkly as he brings the cloth up to wipe at your bloody lower lip. “But I promised you that you would make it home safe, didn’t I?” There is a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Copia finishes with the cloth and sets it down, then drifts his gloved up your bare chest to your neck. “These will heal in a few days. Might want to cover them up in the meantime, dolce.” He lightly brushes his fingertips over the bite marks.
There is such care in his voice and it makes you feel strangely comforted by his touch. You find yourself leaning forward to him, his hand still on your neck as your lips meet his. Copia sighs into the kiss and gives your throat a soft squeeze. Your arms slide around his neck and you deepen the kiss, humming quietly into it. He keeps his hand firmly on your throat as his other one starts to wander down your body.
“You don’t usually sing here, do you?” You whisper against his lips.
“Only when I’m desperate… and things typically end up much more bloody and much less fun.” He chuckles darkly and presses a soft kiss to your lips. “Cara, you really have lost a decent amount of blood. Let’s get you home so you can rest, eh? I am trying to keep my promise to you.”
You grumble a little bit and start to get dressed. To your surprise, he helps you — he slips your pants up your legs and helps you with your tank top. He still has that edge that sent shivers down your spine in the alleyway but he is now considerably more polite and gentle. It’s kind of cute.
He takes you by the hand and leads you through another door leading out of the private room, which takes you to the front of the bar. The stage has been cleared and the crowd has thinned out. The two of you are out the door in a second and the cold air hits you, giving you goosebumps. Before you even say anything, he is already draping his sparkly red jacket over your shoulders. 
“Thank you.” You smile faintly as your eyes drift to the car he is leading you to.
“Will you come see me again?” Copia asks ever so quietly as he opens the door to the car for you. You glance back at him and notice how hopeful he looks. You feel a tingle in your chest. 
“I think I might.” You offer a coy smile. His eyes light up at your response and you think you might even see a blush rise to his cheeks. It’s funny to you that, in his own words, he could have anyone he wanted and yet he is asking you to come back.
“Get home safe, dolce.” He purrs and presses a tender kiss to your cheek. You slide into the backseat and he closes the door behind you. 
You still feel like you are in a dreamlike state and pull the red sparkly jacket tightly around you as your eyes are glued to the passing buildings and lights out the car window. 
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mini-jiminie · 25 days
moments where I cannot stand these two
hi, I recently remembered that my Tumblr account has been collecting dust on the internet for the past 4-5 years🤩 I've spent the better part of the last month scrolling through this app and all the jkk blogs like a sugar-crazed toddler. Coming back to tumblr has been an absolute blessing considering how much of a shit show twitter is.
Anyways, I spend a grand portion of my time reading the amazing and intellectual thoughts of jkk blogs on here and decided hey, I'll make my own post about these two.
I've been knees-deep in this bts shit for the past 7 years. Since then, I've witnessed some crazy stuff from those two so, I've decided to compile some moments that:
a) make my toes curl from how much I'm cringing
b) make me so clearly feel the fourth wall,
c) have me looking over at the other bts boys in panic because, how are ya'll just standing there accepting the homoerotic mating ritual before you??
We're starting with a bang girlies. The way I have a visceral reaction to this video every time it comes up on my tl. I couldn't even look at my screen when I was saving it and, it's infinitely worse with the audio too. What are we interrupting exactly??? Toes curling to the highest degree, I'm biting my nails off, akakdncdb.
#someone please save my man joon
This is my genuine reaction to this clip:
Tumblr media
2. Do I even need to explain this? It's been years but they still can never get through a round of this palm-pushing game.
Jimin baby, I need you to get up. Every time, I root so hard for him to win at least one run bts game and then, he goes and does shit like this. I'm tired.
Hobi and Tae were fully prepared as backup in case the game got too rowdy, just for those two to be like 😆🥰😊😙
3. Again, I CANT STAND THESE TWO. The coy smiles, eye contact, holding onto the blazer???? There's also a fancam of this focusing on just their legs and,,,,,,girl.
If the mics weren't there, they would've made out– GUNSHOTS.
There are plenty more instances that I'm not remembering but, these ones are the ones that have me crying, hacking and throwing up.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 34: Victimology
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Raph goes to the fifth floor -- the same one he found Mikey in the first time. He knows the likelihood that they would place him there again is slim, but he might as well check it, right?
The floor is practically deserted. Every cage empty. And it looks like maintenance hasn't been here since the rescue mission, either... The walls and floor are scratched up and torn apart from the mutants who'd been released. Hair and fur and feathers are scattered about the hallways. There are dried blood splatters on the wall.
In the lab room itself, there are shattered jars and bottles, cabinets broken open, pills and spills and overturned torils. Tarps are shredded, food bowls are crushed, and everything is basically destroyed.
Raph sights Mikey's old cage... it's alone, in a corner, dirty and dusty and covered in dark stains. What those stains are from, he's not sure. But he's sure he doesn't want to know...
He leaves the fifth floor and checks the one below, descending the stairs as quietly as he can. But it doesn't seem to matter. The building is oddly... empty today, considering all the effort they've put into recapturing Mikey. There's barely any guards, no scientists that they've come across... something's fishy. As Raph goes from room to room on the fourth floor, he ends up running into Leo.
"Raph!" the slider gasps when he opens a door to see his older brother standing on the other side. "Geez, dude! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry," he sighs, rubbing the back of his head. "I checked the fifth floor and all floors above. Found nuthin'."
"Same here," Leo sighs. "I've checked almost every single room on this floor, and they're all empty!"
"All of them?" Raph asks, concerned. "But, these look like... bullpens, or holding rooms. There's water and food troughs in here! And from the smell, something was kept inside pretty recently. How can they all be empty??"
"I don't know, but I don't like it," Leo groans, scratching at one of the smaller scabs on his neck. "Something doesn't sit well with me on this..."
"What were the floors below like?" Raph asks.
"Labs, mostly. One looked like an engineering station for making gizmos. Y'know, like Donnie's room. But most of them... there were labs for studying chemistry, biology, genetics... I even saw an operating room on one floor."
"An oper--" Raph stops dead in his tracks and swallows. "Oh. Mikey mentioned that once... didn't he?"
"I think so," Leo nods, clutching his stomach. "But I didn't expect... like, an actual surgery room."
Raph growls.
"I might actually do some serious damage to this place after we leave..." he says, gritting his teeth. "And I'm really fightin' back the urge to show these eggheads a thing or two..."
"Same here," Leo hisses. "Let's find Donnie, first. He should still be on this floor..."
"Which room?"
"We found a space called the 'Observation Room' when we first got here. It had a bunch of security feeds in it, so Dee thought maybe he could see where they'd taken Mikey. Lemme check on him --"
Leo lifts his wrist and taps a small hidden mic.
"Dee, you still on the fourth floor?"
"Dee? Earth to Don-tron?? Hello? Is this thing working --"
"I'm here, Leo. I'm still in the... in the room."
"You okay, Donnie?" Raph chimes in, not liking the tone of voice his younger brother uses.
"...No. You'd better come in here. I found... I found some stuff."
Leo and Raph rush to the Observation Room, the door still wide open. Donnie sits in the dark, one hand clenched in a fist and the other pressed against his mouth, as if to keep in the bile he seems to be choking on.
"Donnie? What's up?" Leo asks, walking in cautiously. "You sounded... w-what did you find?"
"...I found recordings," Donnie mutters. "These camera feeds only surveil the room adjacent to this one. The 'Interaction Room'. Mikey told us that.... they made him fight other mutants."
"I remember that," Raph notes. "He told me a nightmare he had about it..."
"Yeah, well, I found the videos of those fights. And... and I think I get it now. I think I get why Mikey has been acting the way he has. Everything he went through, all the fear and the scars and... I see why."
"What do you mean?" Leo asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Mikey didn't tell us anything. He barely scratched the surface of what he had to do in there. He... he's killed things, Leo. Mikey killed things."
Leo swallows and turns to look at the screens.
"How many videos... how much have you watched...?"
"There is an entire week's worth of recordings here. After the first day, I started skimming and going through the highlights. I... I don't know why, maybe I j-just -- maybe I wanted to know how badly he might have been hurt, or.... it doesn't matter. But, the more I watched, the worse it got."
Donnie points to the screen, showing a video of Mikey fighting against a mutant that is released into the room via secret panels. Leo leans closer to see. Raph fidgets behind them, but eventually also leans in.
"Raph, knowing your love for all things fuzzy and small, you might not want to watch this," Donnie advises.
Raph doesn't listen. He watches with horror as Mikey slaughters the creature.
"...I shoulda just stayed curious," Raph gags, moving away from the desk and looking for a trash bin.
"I can't believe... Mikey did this?" Leo exhales, face pale and eyes darting between monitors.
"...Yes," Donnie growls, his knuckles clenching so tightly they turn white. "And I'm going to kill every single TCRI employee here."
"C-calm down," Raph retches, clutching a bucket he found in the corner close to his chest. "I don't think the lobby secretaries knew about this, so they probably don't d-deserve... Besides, that's not who we are! Right, Leo? .......Leo?"
Leonardo glares at the screen. At the video feed of Mikey nearly passing out from exertion, staring down at the body scattered before him, and the blood staining his hands. He watches as his baby brother weeps and loses a part of himself that he treasured. He watches as the guards and scientists grab him by the arms and drag him away.
Leo's hands curl into fists.
"...We need to stop them. We need to find Mikey."
Leo turns to Raphael, his expression hard as stone.
"I can't let them do that to Mikey again, Raph. No matter what, we're ending this today."
"Even at the risk of breaking our moral code?" Raphael asks warily.
"I didn't say that," Leo sighs. "I... I don't know. I've got a lot of hate against these guys right now, dude. They tried to kill Mikey. They tried to kill what he stood for and what he believed in, they tried to erase who he was and replace him with... with a..."
"A monster," Raph finishes. "Yeah. I know."
"And I wasn't there for him," Leo says, breaking down. "I couldn't stop that from happening, I didn't save him in time, and now -- now he --"
Leo gasps for air as he slowly realizes what Donnie meant. I get it now. I think I get why Mikey has been acting the way he has. Everything he went through, all the fear and the scars and... I see why.
Leo sees why Mikey kept asking if they would love him if he were a monster. Why his 'Instinct' told him to hate humans and not trust them. He sees why Mikey was always asking if he 'did good'. Why he was always so compliant and obedient, even when he knew it would hurt him somehow. Why Mikey was so scared to see them leave for missions, and why he was so ready to protect them against an entire horde. Why he attacked him in the night when he couldn't tell who it was. Why he woke up crying or afraid he was somewhere else. Leo sees why Mikey was so afraid to tell them he couldn't remember them, so afraid to let them down or to disappoint. Why Mikey was terrified that he wasn't the same brother they lost.
Leo gets it all now. And the knowledge hits him like a train, knocking him off his feet and on his hands and knees.
Raph is by his side in an instant.
"I have to make things right," Leo gasps. "I have to..."
"I know," Raph assures him. "I know. We ALL do. But, do you really think getting revenge would be right? Would it be what Mikey wanted? Before, and now?"
Leo stares at Raph, trying to find an argument that will work.
Dang it. He's right.
Leo exhales and gets back up.
"No. I know, I know... but we have to do something to stop them."
"And we will. I know we will. But first, we have to find Mikey!"
Leo wipes his face and nods.
"Right. Donnie, let's go."
Donnie doesn't get up. He scoots in closer to the screen, peering at something.
"Donnie? What now?"
"I found the last recorded session Mikey had in the Interaction Room," Dee states, setting up the video. "It's of the A.L.P.H.A. device."
April is about to go insane from all the searching she's been doing. If she looks at one more file about a random blood test or scan, or a scientist's psych eval, or the minutes to a faculty meeting, she's gonna scream.
And yet, she plugs the USB into another server and starts scrolling. A few of the files look pretty recent...
MI:M.I.C. device parameters... STATEN RELO... A.L.P.H.A. Program Update...
Bingo! That's what she's been looking for! April just has to open up the file and send it to Donnie so he can translate the programming and --
Wait, what was that file about Staten Island? What does 'RELO' stand for?
April double clicks the file. A document opens, showing a map of New York circling Staten Island, along with a schematic of a brand new building. The document is labeled "Staten Island: RELOCATION".
"Oh no..."
April presses the button on her wrist and opens the comms to Casey Jr.
"Casey? Yo, Case!"
"I'm here, April. And it looks like I'm the ONLY ONE here, too! I don't know what happened, but Honeycutt isn't here! No one is, I think the whole building may be deserted--"
"I know, that's why I'm calling!" April says, panic rising in her voice. "I just found a notice that was sent out to everyone here -- they moved out!"
"Moved out?!" Casey shouts in distress, causing April to move her comms away. "Where?! Why?!"
"I don't know, but we have to warn the guys!" April gasps. "I'm pretty sure this is a trap!"
Donnie double clicks the play button.
It's a camera feed of a man in a lab coat walking into the room, with a strange machine being lowered from the ceiling. A helmet is loosely connected to it. A glass wall descends as well, splitting the room in half.
"Hey, Raph, come look at this," Leo ushers. "See that big hunk of metal? Does it look familiar to you?"
Raphael peers at the video screen for a moment before snapping his fingers.
"Oh! The art therapy! Mikey drew that spooky drawing of a guy with a giant monster machine thing... But... I thought he was drawing himself...?"
"Guess not," Leo mutters, glaring at the screen. Mikey may not have been drawing himself, but Leo is sure that he was still drawing what he saw as a monster.
The man sits directly beneath the machine and presses a button on the chair arm.
"Bring him in."
Mikey is dragged inside and shoved behind the glass wall. The machine is turned on, several pink lights activating and a soft hum fills the audio.
"What is that big metal thing, Donnie?" Leo asks hesitantly.
"I'm... not sure," his twin responds. "But judging by the fact it has headgear, I'd assume it has some cerebral function."
"It might do something with the brain," Donnie translates.
"Begin the A.L.P.H.A. procedure," the man on tape states.
"Yes sir, Dr. Chaplin," an unseen attendant from the observation room responds.
The helmet is lowered onto Dr. Chaplin. Leo notices that once the headset is connected to the scientist, Mikey's demeanor shifts. He sits straight up, rather than cowering. He is still, patiently watching the man behind the glass. He looks like he's... waiting for something.
"Open it up. Let one in," Dr. Chaplin orders.
A panel on the wall opens, letting a mutant possum into the room with Mikey. Mikey doesn't react. He keeps his gaze transfixed.
The machine's bright pink lights start to flicker in sync, blinking at Mikey, as if to transmit some secret code. Dr. Chaplin leans forward in his chair, hands folded under his chin.
"Alright, Mikey... I want you to kill it."
Mikey turns to look at the creature. His face contorts into a snarl, his teeth grow, his spikes raise. The possum growls back. It jumps at Mikey. Mikey simply swings his tail and skewers the creature in midair. He flicks his tail, and the opossum's limp body is thrown into the corner. Donnie gags at the sight, pressing his hands against his mouth as he forces himself to continue watching. Dr. Chaplin nods with a smile.
"Very good, very good. That was quick! But I should expect nothing less from you. Alright, send in two this time."
"TWO?!" Leo yells angrily. "They're gonna make him fight TWO?!"
"Why not, they already made him fight three at once before."
Donnie shushes him as the playback continues. Two more mutant creatures -- a feral cat and a fish with legs -- are pushed into the room.
Dr. Chaplin nods to Mikey, who has gone back to being catatonic. The pink lights blink.
"Do it."
Mikey growls once more, turning his attention to the mutant creatures. A fight ensues. The cat lunges at Mikey, who dodges quickly and pounces off the wall. He lands behind the fish, grabbing it by the head before quickly twisting.
The tree boys quickly look away, but they still hear the horrible crunching snap sound it makes.
Leo peeks back nervously, watching as Mikey and the cat mutant clash again, Mikey grabbing at the creature's throat and slicing it open with his claws. The poor thing wriggles and writhes before eventually... it stops moving.
Dr. Chaplin applauds.
"Wonderful! Send in three -- no, four this time."
"WHAT?!" Raph bellows, almost lunging at the screen, forgetting that it's a recording and not happening live. "Get him out of there! Why doesn't Mikey try to escape or something?!"
Four more monsters are brought into the room; a bat, a beaver, a star-nosed mole, and a lizard. Dr. Chaplin says nothing this time, but focuses his gaze on Mikey. The pink lights blink. Mikey seems to take the hint, recognizing the unspoken command -- and begins to attack the creatures.
The lizard charges first, swift and speedily. Mikey grabs it by the tail and flings it at the beaver. The bat dives, swooping at his head. Mikey ducks, locks his gaze on the flying thing, and flicks his tail in its direction. Several spines release, projectiles flying at the mutant like arrows shot from a bow. The bat is struck in the chest, a perfect hit, and crashes onto the ground.
"I didn't know he could do that," Raph says in a hushed voice.
Mikey growls at the others before going after them, attacking without provocation.
"This... this is all wrong," Donnie whispers hoarsely.
"I know," Leo gags. "This is obscene."
"No -- I mean yes, animal cruelty and all that, but I mean that his fighting style is wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"Mikey's typical fighting style is more defensive than offensive. But based on what I've seen -- when Mikey is forced to fight -- he usually lets his alternate persona do the fighting for him."
"Do you mean Instinct?" Raph asks.
"Yes. But Instinct has the mutants attack him first so he can evaluate them. He waits for them to initiate so he can determine if they're a threat."
"Yeah, and?" Leo asks. "So?"
"Mikey is attacking unprompted. He doesn't even wait until the mutants are ready, he just... goes in for the kill. And his style is too... merciless. He's quick, efficient, but cruel. That's not Mikey at all."
"Then, what are you saying?" Leo asks.
"...I think the A.L.P.H.A. device was designed to make Mikey do... whatever these guys wanted. It's made to control Mikey telepathically."
Leo gapes, slowly turning back to the screen. In the time it took Donnie to explain, Mikey had already dispatched the mutants in various and violent ways. Two guards have come into the room at the prompting of Dr. Chaplin, who assured them that Mikey would not harm them. Though, as the two men are carrying out the carcases, Dr. Chaplin seems to get a new idea... bringing a hand to his chin, as a sly smile crosses his face.
He looks at Mikey. The lights blink. He's given a new telepathic command.
Mikey turns to the two guards and starts growling again. The intercom activates.
"D-Dr. Chaplin, what are you--"
"It's alright, I want to see what happens," Dr. Chaplin says.
Mikey crouches low, his tail barbing and spiking. The two human guards look nervous as they realize what is about to happen.
Mikey pounces at them. He lands atop one guard's chest and knocks him to the ground. The guard shouts in terror as he flails, trying to grab his weapon. Mikey's tail wraps around his free arm, the spines cutting into his flesh. The man screams. The second guard yells, thrusting his cattle prod at Mikey and shocking him in the chest. Mikey howls and reels back, clutching at the singeing skin. He growls, climbs the wall, and pounces again, landing on the unharmed guard's shoulders and biting at his neck. The man screams, swinging his cattle prod at the turtle mutant. Mikey is struck once, but keeps going. His tail swipes the man's leg, and he goes down. Mikey grabs his head and slams it against the floor, knocking him unconscious.
Leo lets out a sigh of relief. After what happened with the fish mutant, Leo was afraid he would snap the human's neck.
The second guard limps towards Mikey, who dodges his grab and leaps onto his back. His tail and spines smooth out, and Mikey's body becomes flexible like a snake as he wraps his torso and tail around the guard's neck, pressing a hand against the back of the guard's head and pushing him away. His legs grab the man's right arm, his free hand clutches the left, holding him in place as Mikey chokes him out.
"That's enough, Mikey," Dr. Chaplin says with a smile. "You can let go now."
Mikey obeys instantly, releasing the man and climbing off of him as the guard gasps and sputters.
"Take your associate and go," Chaplin orders the guard, who also obeys instantly, crying and whimpering as he leaves dragging away the unconscious partner.
Chaplin stands, watching Mikey as he sits till in the room, awaiting further instruction.
"...Lift the glass."
"I'm sorry sir, what?" The intercom crackles.
"Lift the glass. Raise the barrier. I want to test one last thing..."
"What's he doing now?" Raph whimpers nervously.
"I... I don't know," Donnie mumbles.
The trio watch as Dr. Chaplin steps away from the ebony throne and strolls over to Mikey as the glass barrier is lifted between them. He rolls up his sleeves as he looks the child over.
"You will not resist," Dr. Chaplin orders. "You will not move. Is that understood?"
Dr. Chaplin reaches down and cups Mikey's chin in his hand. He watches for a reaction. When Mikey does not give him one, he slaps him across the face.
Leo jumps at the hard clapping sound the impact makes. Raph grabs his sai and grips them so hard they almost snap in his hands.
Dr. Chaplin strikes again, and again, and again. He hits Mikey, punching him so hard in the face that he is thrown backwards. Mikey doesn't move, doesn't cry out, doesn't do anything. He lays on the floor, limp, a large bruise starting to form on his cheek. Dr. Chaplin approaches him, and kicks him hard in the chest. And again. And again. And again. Mikey doesn't move. He barely even flinches.
Leo's breathing gets faster and faster, the heat in his face almost sets his mask on fire.
He doesn't see Chaplin. He barely registers Mikey.
He sees someone trapped alone with a monster, being pummeled to death, and accepting it with no fight.
He sees a Krang and a 'wretched little pest'.
Dr. Chaplin exhausts himself. Once he's satisfied with the results, he smiles, rolling down his sleeves.
"Alright, that's good enough, I think. He's proven he'll follow orders. Turn it off."
The lights in the giant ebony mechanism go out, and Mikey starts to stir.
"The machine works to perfection," Dr. Chaplin says, pulling his sleeves down as he looms over Mikey. His knuckles are worn and a little bloody from beating him senseless. "Well done, Mikey. You did very good."
Donnie's bō smashes against into screens, destroying every single monitor.
"AGH!" Raph shouts, grabbing Leo by the shoulders and pulling him back to save him from the glass shards. "What the heck?!"
"I'm sorry," Donnie growls. "My bō staff just suddenly went flying. I don't know how that happened. Probably a glitch."
He grips the staff tight, causing it to bend and snap under his fury.
"A glitch that I am going to eradicate..."
Donnie storms out of the room, followed by Leo and Raph.
"Wait, Donnie, where are you going?" Leo asks.
"To get Mikey," he snarls. "According to my tracker, he should be in the other room..."
Donnie flings the doors open to the Interaction Room. It's empty, aside from one thing --
Dr. Chaplin, on his ebony throne, legs crossed nonchalantly as he sits back with a smile.
"Well, hello. It's about time you three showed up."
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Assorted thoughts on Doctor Who's re(?)
love that even with Disney Money™, Doctor Who's CGI is still janky as fuck - one of the few things keeping the vibe of "seven people in a shed with a shakey camera and a boom mic" together for me in the new series. The increase in Disney Money™ still feels a bit wrong for me. I liked the more low-budget episodes focused that forced the team to use what little resources were available to them creatively.
I'm still incredibly annoyed about the fact that the show airs first at midnight in the UK. It feels wrong. They still show it on BBC One during its normal Saturday time slot, but it's not the same
I think that there have been more queer people than straight people in the new series which is honestly fucking iconic.
Ncuti Gatwa is a very good fit for the doctor, and it's very interesting to see his depth and range.
Some of the writing in the new series feels... janky? is not quite the right word for it. But it's a marked improvement over the Chibnall Era. That being said... RTD still does NOT know how to write endings. Both of the new series' stories thus far have been set up very well, have progressed very well, and then have fallen a little flat towards the end.
This season is clearly meant to be weird and fourth-wall-break-y, so I'm curious to see exactly what RTD does with the mess of lore that is the Timeless Child.
Ruby Sunday is northern representation with a proper manc accent we love to see it. One of the few good parts of Jodie's tenure in the role was the northern companions imo, but I am biased. On the topic of Ruby, we all know something is up with her, but she's easily the strangest character that has not made a fourth-wall break so far. Everyone else who has something weird going on is clearly in the know.
Speaking of, this series is clearly trying to do something with all the fourth-wall breaks and the S-TRIAD stuff, but we'll see as to if it pays off or not. I really hope it does.
Looking forward to watching the doctor get obliterated by a landmine, that's a great concept for an episode actually.
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galatially · 2 months
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 x 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫&𝐛 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — through rain or through shine, our love transcends; dick surprises you on tour 
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 1.9K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, mostly fluff MOSTLY, friends to lovers, smidge of jealous!dick, heavy makeup session,
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i might go back and change the ending later but for now, enjoy!
as always, lovely banners and dividers by @firefly-graphics​ 
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“How are y’all feeling tonight?”
The crowd erupted into raucous applause and screams. All of their love, all of their devotion, you felt it in the air. Like electricity running along your skin. 
Ever since you were a little girl, you wanted to sing. You sang in the church and school choirs, took vocal lessons, and taught yourself to play the piano, guitar, and the drums. By the time you were in college, you took a few music production classes and had started up a YouTube channel. 
It took almost three years before your channel got any traction but you were no stranger to hard work. By the fourth year anniversary of your channel, your songs had been used in two major television shows and you were nominated for three Grammys. 
But you’d be nowhere without your fans. You could remember when you went on your first headlining tour with Paloma Wagner, a former Gothamite that you had posters of on your childhood bedroom wall, and you’d spent all night at your merch table talking to the kids and signing autographs. All of your hard work staring back at you, in the eyes of people who believed in you just as much as you believed in yourself. 
You brought the mic back up to your lips, a hand on your chest. “I cannot thank y’all enough for supporting me and my dreams these past four years. From sitting in my room making videos to playing small local shows to y’all selling out stadiums.” 
“We love you!”
“Now, I know that this is the last show,” the crowd groaned and you smiled, “but this is my home sweet home of Metropolis! How about we play an oldie? The song that started it all, yeah?”
The crowd roared again and you smiled. Your band started playing behind you. “This song is called, ‘Love Letters’.”
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“Great show tonight, y’all.”
“Did you want to celebrate with us?” one of your dancers, Alisha, asked.
Another dancer, Mila, came up behind you, smirking. “Nah, she’s probably going to wait for that boyfriend of hers to call.”
“Bruce Wayne’s kid, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s barely a friend.”
Mila snorted. “Didn’t he leave you that bouquet of tiger lilies a few weeks ago in Texas?” 
Alisha’s eyes widened. “That was him?”
You smirked at them through the reflection of the glass. “Didn’t y’all want to go out with the others? They’re probably halfway to the parking garage by now.”
“Tell your boyfriend that we say hello, at least.” You playfully waved them off and bid them goodbye. Mila and Alisha made kissy noises as they left your dressing room. 
You turned back to your mirror, your smile still on your lips. As you took off your makeup, your mind dwelled on the aforementioned billionaire’s son. He was far from your boyfriend but a little more than a friend. You can’t really recall how you met Dick other than the fact that he appeared almost instantly in a coffeeshop in a Gotham during one of your first visits. You sat and talked at a window facing table for three hours before he had to get back to work. Then, a few weeks later, he found you on Instagram and you started talking more frequently. 
That was two years ago now. 
While touring has limited how much you got to visit Gotham, you still kept in contact through Instagram and Snapchat. Dick even congratulated you on finishing your newest album a few days ago. 
You wondered if he listened to your music at all. If he would be able to decipher which songs were about him, hear the words that always seemed to get stuck in your throat when he was near. 
A sharp knock came up on your door. 
“Come in.”
Your manager, Lawrence, poked his head in. “You almost ready? The car’s waiting outside.”
“Let me just grab my bags and change really quick.” 
He nodded and ducked back out of the room. As you packed up the last of your makeup and threw your hoodie on, your phone chimed with a text.
Great job on the sold out tour ;) ;)
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You were flipping through titles on Netflix when you heard the balcony doors open. You grabbed the lamp from the bedside table and tiptoed towards the sound, your cellphone in hand. As you got closer, you saw the figure, half-hidden behind the curtains. You raised the lamp higher and lunged. 
Everything happened so fast; hands went to your wrist and torso, holding you against them, and you were crowded up against the wall. Bright blue eyes stared back into yours. 
“Hey, sweetness.”
“Dick!” You pouted up at him. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“‘M sorry. Wanted to surprise you.” The corners of his mouth lifted. “Heard the show was a hit.”
You smiled. “My manager said that tonight’s show was the best show of the tour. Hometown heroes and all that.”
Dick pressed a kiss to your forehead. “That’s my girl.”
Your lips cut into the biggest smile. “How’s your family doing? I thought I saw Jason in Metropolis for some reason but forgot to text you about it.”
Something passed in his eyes before another smile came upon his lips. “Really? I’ll have to text him later. He’s been avoiding me the past few weeks.”
You frowned. “We were texting last night and he didn’t say anything.”
“Since when do you and Jason text?” 
A small part of your brain thought that his words sounded sharper than norma but you shook it off, lifting your shoulder as best you could. “He was in Metropolis a few months ago during one of my press tours, we got to talking, and exchanged numbers. We have a streak going on TikTok at the moment.”
Dick pouted. “You follow each other on TikTok? You don’t follow me on TikTok!”
“Do you want me to follow you on TikTok, Ricky?” you teased, chuckling. 
He cleared his throat, hugging you closer. “‘M just saying that it’s odd that you’re closer to my brother when I’m your best friend.”
Your smile fell some. “Why can’t I be both?”
“No offense, babe, but I’ve had to share most of my life with my siblings. I want to keep you to myself as long as I can.”
For a moment, you could pretend that the words were a heavy as you wanted them to be. That this would be the catalyst to one of the greatest love story ever to be told. But you knew better.
“So…we’ve been standing here for, like, ten minutes and I’m starving.” 
You playfully rolled your eyes. “You’re as bad as Jay is, Jesus.” He pinched your side and you swatted at him. “I’m just saying what Alfred is too polite to say! Don’t pinch me!”
His laugh rumbled through you as he led you back to the bedroom. 
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“The Gotham City Opera House was one of my favorites to perform at.”
Dick was sat on the hotel floor, four pizza boxes beside him as he looked up at you on the bed. It reminded you of the first few months of meeting each other; staying up late to answer FaceTimes, talking on the phone for hours. You used to be damn near glued to your phone awaiting texts from him. 
It was insultingly easy to fall in love with Dick Grayson. 
“Did you go full orchestra like you wanted?”
Your eyes widened. “You remember that?”
He snorted. “Of course I do! You’ve been practically dreaming about singing with an orchestra ever since you told me about that concert you saw in Rome.” He smiled warmly. “You wouldn’t shut up about it for months. Alfred got you that vinyl recording of Carmen, remember?”
You nodded. “I still listen to it every once in a while. I have to remember to thank him again.”
“Speaking of music,” he leaned up against the edge of the bed, his forearm against your bare knees,”you should make me a playlist.” The last time you made me one was, what, eight months ago?”
“Something like that,” you offered. “What’s your vibe these days? More Tamaranian folk songs? Ooh! Maybe shoe-gaze since you live in Bludhaven now and want to get grungy?”
Dick wrinkled his nose. “Since when did you start listening to shoegaze?”
You lifted a shoulder. “Jay’s been getting me into Cocteau Twins and Pale Saints lately.”
“First TikTok streaks, now you guys are sharing playlists?”
Your brows pulled down at his tone. “Why are you being so weird about me and Jason hanging out right now?”
“You’ve been talking about him all night! If you wanted Jason so bad, why didn’t you text him?” You sucked in a sharp breath. “Shit. Sweetness, I’m —”
“I’m allowed other friends, Dick. I’m sorry that it’s your brother but you don’t get to judge me for that. We like the same music and movies and we just clicked.” You sat up on your legs, your brown eyes hard. “I don’t get upset when you talk about Barbara and I didn’t get upset when you were dating Kory and constantly telling me how beautiful and smart and kind and amazing she was. So why do you get to shame me for sharing some things about Jason?”
“I’m not shaming you,” he argued. “I just — you’re not attracted to him, are you?”
An exhale, or maybe it was a scoff, left your mouth. “You’re not serious.”
He moved to his feet, suddenly reminding you just how big Richard Grayson was; big, broad shoulders, large  hands moving to rest beside both of your thighs., effectively caging you in agains his strong, broad chest. His blue eyes that normally regarded you with warm were now leveling you with a gaze alien to his features.
“Tell me.”
Your heart was pounding, blood rushing in your ears. Your face was burning hot. He was so close, his pants of breath fanning against your face. 
“Please, sweetness,” he rasped, “I need you to tell me that you have feelings for my brother. Because if you don’t, I’m going to kiss you and I can’t come back from that. Not with you.”
Dreaming. You had to be dreaming. 
“I don’t have feelings for your brother.” You let out a surprised squeal as your back hit the mattress, Dick’s lips against yours. He kissed you hard and slow, as if he were committing the taste of you to memory. He moved a thigh between your leg and you sucked in a breath. One of his large hands moved to cup your breast. 
“Dick, hold on.” You gripped his wrist, your chest rising and falling in heavy pants. “Just… give me a second.”
He helped sit you up, his hands hovering instead of touching you. “I’m sorry.”
“I just want to be clear that this,” you motioned between the two of you, “isn’t just some flash in the pan and you didn’t just kiss me out of some weird territorial shit with your brother.”
“I can assure you that I didn’t kiss you out of spite to Jason,” he said, a half smile on his lips. 
“So you like me. Romantically.”
“I do.”
Your face warmed. “Good. Because I like you, too.”
Dick gave you a brilliant smile. “Good.”
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — like, yeah, jason todd is my bestest boy but dick and i are ✨synonyms✨ you know?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Can you do a player reader x Marauder? Some how he breaks the fourth wall, and learns of the player that enjoys fighting as the Doomslayer for his fight, because the Marauder is their favorite character.
I personally like player x game character headcanons, because of the different approaches to it. Sometimes characters are chill, others experience eldritch horror, sometimes they claim the one controlling them/their enemy as God, etc. How will you approach this?
Ooooo how did you know I love/hate the Marauder? /lh
Last time I wrote a player x game character was with Connor from DBH so I definitely liked writing this one!
You've fought quite a handful of Marauders throughout your gameplay of Doom Eternal.
They got frustrating at times when other demons are working in tandem to kick your ass, but you liked the challenges they presented.
In fact the Marauder became your favorite enemy, and you'd often replay the boss battle that first introduced him.
That one in particular, however, had a recent "awakening" that went beyond his conversion into a demon.
It went beyond the very game itself.
He realizes his purpose as the introductory boss, repeating the same insults and threats towards the Slayer every time before being slain.
Yet he also finds out that the "false idol" didn't defeat him all on his own.
Oh no.
It was you--the human he could not see, but knew was always present, controlling the Slayer and how fast he switched his weapons, dodged attacks, etc. Everything he did was only possible because your input.
The Marauder remembers every fight. How you struggled when you first encountered him....and how now you defeated him with ease, using cheat codes to make it more interesting.
It was shocking, for sure, although he felt enlightened rather than feel despair over this forbidden knowledge he now carried for some reason.
The Slayer wasn't actually in control..and that gave him quite the ego boost--and a desire to talk to you.
While he despises humans in-universe, he acknowledges and respects your "godlike powers".
When Marauder spoke to you directly by mentioning your username, you thought the game got an update and thought this fourth-wall break was some weird gimmick.
But as you slowly realize that's not the case....it did creep you out, at first, although you were happy bc this was your favorite character, after all!
If you have a headset and mic, you can talk back to him and be the voice that Slayer seldom used.
Apparently he also learned from previous encounters and tries new strategies with his attacks, finding delight in battling you.
You enjoy it too despite him lamenting that he can't take your soul since you're in a world far beyond his reach.
"Oh come on, did you have to bring that stupid wolf out again?! I misfired!"
"There's no one to blame but yourself, human...what if I called forth a second hound?" His voice always give you chills, even now, though that's the best part of him.
Dying still disappoints him, but now he knows he'll just respawn again anyways.
So now he looks forward to seeing the Slayer every time he enters his boss fight room, knowing it's you who's behind the controls.
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captain039 · 2 years
Craving the wild side
Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: AOB, mentions of medical things, mentions of needles, mentions of abuse, feral alphas, light swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, mental health issues
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Feral alpha AU
Case file No.5643
Cases name: Dean Winchester
Cases D.O.B January 24, 1979
Cases age: 45
Dean Winchester (feral alpha) was found in the underground raid in a place called ‘Ascended’ raid was completed by head officer Jody Mills (alpha) and her team on November 14th 2022. Dean Winchester (feral alpha) was placed in quarantine and given appropriate medical attention before moved to the Alphas corp building 203 on January 10th 2023. First assign to Dr Harper (female, beta) unresponsive to methods and treatments remains in a ‘feral’ state transfer required. Second assigning to Dr Freeman (male, beta) unresponsive to methods and treatment, remains in a ‘feral’ state transfer required. Now on head of the Dean Winchester case Dr Y/L/n, waiting for report and outcome
Signed by head of department Carver Edlund
You walked quickly down the white hall, this was your first day on the Winchester case. You had your tablet in hand and your assistant Charlie behind you.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked and you kept your eyes ahead. You were nervous, hell you might have a breakdown before going in, but you were determined to help this alpha.
“I am sure” you nodded heading to his room. The guard nodded his head in a greet and opened the door. Charlie said her goodbyes and departed as you were checked for anything on your person before heading into a small room. You didn’t know what to expect, all feral alphas were different. Dean Winchester sat in the corner where his bed was. His mattress was on the floor and his frame was obviously thrown against the wall and discarded. You gulped slightly thankful for the glass between you both.
“Morning Mr Winchester” you said through the mic but he didn’t respond.
“My names Dr Y/L/n, I’ll be your-“ you stopped your sentence when green eyes met yours. Your breath got caught in your throat as he stared at you.
“Your head officer” you finished nodding as you tapped at your tablet. His hair was unkept and long, his beard obviously grown, he was also wearing no clothes, but the way his legs were kept everything covered. You read over the other Drs notes, not many treatments worked with him, especially with the glass there. One of the Drs went in, got a response just not the best one and ended up in the medical department, while Dean was tranquillised.
You stood nodded to the guard who opened Deans door. You walked in minding the thrown bed and kept your distance. Dean was watching you like a hawk, he didn’t blink often and made sure to watch every movement you made as you grabbed a discarded pillow and sat down.
“I am Dr Y/l/n” you said.
“I’m a part time soon to be full time officer here I’ve worked three cases in my last five years you will be my fourth” you hoped to gain some conversation with him.
“I live nearby the facility at a farm house owned by my parents, I have 3 cows, 2 sheep and 6 chickens there and a dog named Champ” you watched his eyes peek with interest and you took it as a good sign.
“Dean do you know your age?” You started questions. He nodded and you felt a little relief go through you.
“Do you know where you are?” You asked and he nodded again.
“Some of these questions may be hard or triggering, I will take in account your response and try to avoid them or the topic for the time being till you’re ready” you said tapping on your tablet to get the questionnaire.
“You were found in a place called ‘ascended’ one of the lesser known underground black markets” you stopped checking to see his response but got nothing.
“Officer Jody Mills got you and five other alphas out, did you know or have any relation to the other alphas there?” You asked and saw him tense but shake his head.
“Ok, it says you were a pleasure alpha, house alpha, as well as use and abuse as well as fighter” you winced at the words.
“Are these correct?” You asked and he nodded.
“Do you know what ascended is? In the underground establishments?” You asked and he nodded.
“Did you have many omega owners?” You said and he snapped his head to you. You jolted a bit in surprise as his eyes darkened. You noted that quickly and went to move onto a next question but it was too late. The alpha had crossed the room quickly and pinned you under him, hand on your neck. He didn’t squeeze though just kept his hold as he stared you down. The guards came in shock guns aimed as you held a hand up to stop them.
“Don’t!” You said looking at the alpha. His eyes were swirling with feral emotions, he was breathing harshly but he didn’t harm you.
“He won’t hurt me” you said quietly hoping you were correct. He leant down swiftly, pressing his nose to your scent gland before a disapproving growl left him. The guards shot them and stunned him off the shock going to you also. You jolted a bit your breath getting knocked out of you. Dean was quick to recover though as a guard went to help you up, the alpha body slammed him to the ground and began to punch him. Despite the helmet Dean kept punching knuckles bloodying as he went. He was torn off, shocked again and you were dragged out. You were pissed smacking the guard off you.
“You idiot!” You snapped and the guard was taken aback.
“He wasn’t hurting me he was trying to find my scent!” You glared at the guard through the mask and sighed.
“He growled Dr” she said.
“Because he wouldn’t be able to smell me due to the implant” you sighed rubbing your neck from the shock that went through you.
“He hasn’t had progress in months! He was responsive to me and now we’ve thrown him in a corner!” You sighed making her leave the room. You looked at his unconscious form on the bed and sighed quietly.
Next part ->
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