#fourth shinobi war spoilers
doeinstinct · 2 years
just sitting here thinking about how incredible kakashi was as a leader even though most people seem to think he was like a placeholder hokage until naruto took over
(spoilers for kakashi retsuden incoming)
listen okay he was hokage for at least 12 years and in that time he not only helped konoha to insanely technologically advance, teamed up with sakura to create a children's mental health clinic but also had time and dedication to develop jutsu that can overpower the element they're weak to
based on the novel, we know for certain that he created a fire jutsu that overpowered a ridiculously strong water jutsu and that he developed a way to make an earth wall resistant to lightning by turning the point of contact into crystal (it's also indicated that he's one of the only people with good enough control to do it)
without the sharingan sapping his chakra and training throughout his entire hokage tenure he also had enough power to hold up an earth wall thick enough to stop cannon fire around an entire village for two straight days
and after all that, he brought down a whole hoarde of hired shinobi non-lethally
kakashi never wanted to be hokage, he didn't think he was worthy of that title, but took it on because his comrades needed him to and believed in him
he dedicated himself to the position and made so much positive change for konoha and for the bonds they forged during the fourth war
people who think kakashi was just a nothing hokage warming the seat for naruto completely misunderstand who he is fundamentally as a person and as a shinobi
okay rant over lmao
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tranzfalgar · 1 year
sobbing screaming crying about kakashi and gai
i was rewatching the end of the fourth shinobi war for animation research, and i made the most heartbreaking realization centering around kakashi and i needed to share with everyone. spoilers below the cut !!
warning: panic attack mention & spoilers obvs
before kakashi gets his sharingan drive-by stolen by madara, he is kneeling on a rock and and breathing heavily. i'm not sure exactly what he's doing here, he might just be exhausted from using kamui or he could be having a panic attack or crying, we aren't sure cause we cannot see his face.
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this is when i realized, no one told kakashi that gai was alive. he didn't see him, and he was quite far away from naruto when he brought gai to lee and gaara. he wouldn't be able to hear him from this distance, i don't think. they were talking pretty quietly, and there had to be other noises going on to distort their voices as well.
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so, this is why i firmly believe that kakashi had no idea that naruto saved gai's life until AFTER the infinite tsukiyomi had been reversed. i would also like to mention, that yamato had been long captured at this point, and kakashi had no idea if the man was even alive (correct me if i'm wrong here idk). he may have thought team seven were the only people he had left, and this fact is making me lose my fucking MIND.
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sebastiansstea · 10 months
Do you think that Kabuto would ever date with someone lower rank than him? An assistant or servant?
Hello, Anon.
Thank you for the question.
I think it entirely depends on *which* Kabuto we’re talking about.
I think that during his time serving Orochimaru he’d be more focused on serving Orochimaru than having a dating life, however, I do think that he could hang the idea over the head of an assistant or servant he likes to get them to comply with what he wants while also wanting some sort of real relationship with someone.
Obviously we see he’s very loyal to Orochimaru so he’d probably push his own feelings to the side even if he really desired a relationship.
But if we’re talking about— (Spoilers)
Kabuto after Orochimaru’s death, I believe he may try and dabble into the dating life as apart of ‘figuring himself out’ and I do believe he would date an assistant or servant during that time (At least until he’s too busy to do so.)
In the aftermath of the Fourth Shinobi war I think he’d be really focused on the orphanage and not so much dating but when the right person comes by I think he’d be glad to take the opportunity to sweep them off their feet.
If you have anymore questions, request, or HC’s you’d like to share just let me know and I’ll be right on it as soon I can.
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If you had to choose between Anko becoming what she became in Boruto or her getting killed off before Boruto which would you prefer?
Slight spoilers for Naruto Shippuden ahead.
Don't get me wrong, I was and am glad that Anko survived her fight against Kabuto in Naruto Shippuden. Just because I don't like how she acts/looks in the future doesn't mean I wish she would have died. Although I will admit I basically did accept that she was dead and moved on when I saw Kabuto holding her by her neck.
The only real reason I'd honestly want her dead is because in the Fourth Shinobi War, barely any real named casualties happened. I mean yeah Neji died and Gai lost his leg, but in a war there so much more loss usually. Especially after the fight with Pein where everyone that was killed was revived, it felt kind of anticlimactic when it was all over.
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cyber-season · 8 months
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** Shippuden appearance
✽ Zora [そら]
✽ Aged 22 in Shippuden
Meet Zora, the ultimate dumb self-insert ninja with an accidental isekai twist! Summoned into the ninja world at the start of Shippuden, she's on a mission to infiltrate the Akatsuki through Itachi's help to stop the fourth shinobi war (spoiler alert: she fails spectacularly). Zora surprisingly finds sympathy for the Akatsuki's goal of achieving world peace through military force. Afterall, isn't that how many nations found stability after our own world war: through nuclear power? Teaming up with Tobi in an Akatsuki reserve unit, the duo's camaraderie grows over dumplings and missions, and shared lighthearted attitude. Culminating in a bit of smoochy smoochy action. Post-Itachi's demise, Tobi nervously reveals himself as Obito (hubba hubba), a revelation met with Zora's playful "I knew it all along." She seals the deal by developing a groundbreaking communication jutsu, that allows users use their scrolls to write down messages to one another, regardless of distance. Which she hopes will foster understanding between nations and shinobi. Maybe it might help foster understanding between nations, much like technology did for own world. Everyone's happy and horny! But wait- cue the tension! Isn't someone forgetting their mission here, to take down the Akatsuki? As Obito declares war, torn between love and mission, Zora decides to part ways with the Akatsuki secretly. Realizing she can no longer take down the Akatsuki (sorry Itachi). After a steamy last evening, she promises Obito she will always love him, before leaving in the cover of night. During the war arc, Zora joins the leaf village, explaining her circumstances, connection with the Akatsuki through Itachi, and uses her newly developed communication justu as a bargaining chip of trust. It is apparent that this will be an invaluable tool during the war to communicate between troops long distance. She aids Kakashi in confronting Obito during battle, their efforts to convince him of a better path met with fierce resistance. Stuck in Obito's Kamui following Kakshi's battle with his old teamate, Zora heals Kakashi from the severe wounds he sustained. The war unfolds with the allied shinobi forces persevering, and Zora is recognized as an ally of the leaf from her efforts during the war, choosing to remain in Konoha as a resident transplant shinobi. She and Kakashi develop a strong friendship with one another following their battle together. But wait, there's more! She finds out that the little hanky panky with Obito resulted in her pregnancy. What in the Sims 3 drama?? Zora is touched by the support she receives from the shinobi of Konoha during this time, and truly calls Konoha her home. Fast forward to the Boruto era, Zora embraces her new role as a single mom, living a happy life in Konoha with her best buds. She and Sakura have become close friends over the years (in addition to her best bud Kakashi), the two of them sharing a bond as the protectors of the Uchiha lineage.
✽ Zora excels at chakra control, being her main weapon of defense and offense during battle. She wears bandages around her eyes to allow her to concentrate further on the chakra's around her without visual disturbances distracting her during battle.
[1] Chakra Whips (ninjutsu, defensive and offensive)
[2] Chakra Disruption (genjutsu, offensive)
[+] Sword of Seven Souls (defensive)
[3] Hawk Summoning (defensive and offensive)
** I am using the ability system from Shinobi Strikers, which involves two main abilities, one weapon, and one special ability.
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strwbrrybxn · 2 years
Hi! I saw that your requests are open so I decided to hop in and see if you’d be willing to write a Shikamaru one shot that takes place during Pein’s attack on the leaf in shippuden? The reader confesses her feelings for him right before she dies, and then she gets resurrected along with everyone else and has to face the consequences of what she said?
hi hi! this was actually a lot of fun to write. I know it took like 80,000 years to finish but I hope you like it and it’s what you imagined it to be. <3
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All My Failings Exposed ; word count: 1173
↪ pairing: shikamaru nara × fem!reader
↪ warnings(s): death, blood, canon typical violence, naruto shippuden spoilers, pein attacks, fourth shinobi war, no happy ending (i’m sorry), reanimation jutsu, third person pov
↪ genre: mutual pining, angst, hurt/comfort
↪ au: naruto canonverse
characters: shikamaru nara, reader, choji akimichi, shikaku nara, ino yamanaka, akatsuki members
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“I have loved you for far too long to stay quiet about it,” She whispered, blood spilling from her lips. Shikamaru’s hand shook from the sheer force of his grip around hers, but she didn’t flinch. She just smiled, her eyes clouded as the last breath from her lungs spoke those three words to him. “Please, don’t cry.”
Shikamaru’s funeral clothes gathered the dust from his previous kicks to the ground. He was dragging his feet; everyone could hear the sandals scrape underneath him. Choji had turned around concerned every few seconds. How do you comfort someone through this? It’s almost as bad as when they lost Asuma-sensei; but that was their sensei, and this was – this was the love of his life. 
The Nara scoffed as he trailed behind his teammates. He promised he’d come to the funeral, promised he’d look at her picture and keep the tears at bay for the moment, but she promised to live, promised not to keep secrets so what’s another broken promise between the two of them.
He broke off from the group, walking straight into the Nara forest and stood in front of the grave, listening to Hidan’s muffled voice shouting from underneath the rubble. 
“You fucking bastards,” he spit. “Always coming here and ruining the good things in my life.” He knew the Akatsuki member couldn’t hear him – he was six feet under and buried under rocks and dirt, but he still continued; still berated him for his cruel teammates. “First, you take my sensei from me and now… now, her?!”
Shikamaru’s vision blurred as he stared at the ground, fists clenching and unclenching as his nostrils flared.
“Please, don’t cry.”
How could the heir not cry? Shikamaru had loved her from the moment she walked into his class at the academy. He knew he felt something for her when he wouldn’t look at girls the way he would look at her; when he didn’t want to be put on a team with someone who wasn’t her and Choji. He didn’t want to fight alongside someone else, and now he had to. He had to learn how to live without her – learn how to treat his own wounds, learn how to live without the sounds of worried and shaky voice, like when he went off to fight Hidan by himself. 
Troublesome woman. You promised not to leave me. We made a promise. 
“Skipping out on the funeral again?” He heard the voice from behind him. 
“Would she want that?”
“Doesn’t matter.” 
Shikaku leaned against the tree behind his son, arms crossed. “Shikamaru–”
“Dad, please. Don’t come to me with the ‘I’ll pick up your pieces,’ again. You can’t pick these up this time.” Shikamaru’s voice cracked, his legs jelly as he grabbed for the tree and his father was quick to put an arm around his waist. Shika tried to shove at his father, tried to push him away as he broke down. His punches grew weaker as his dad’s grip grew tighter. 
“I know, son. I know. Let it out.” His wails increased in volume, echoing throughout the forest. “I’ve got you.”
Days molded together, and Shikamaru began to find comfort in her clan’s compound. Her family would often let him stay for as long as he needed, knowing grieving together was better than being alone. But they also gave him the space he needed, letting him burrow himself in the scent of her room, clothes, anything he could get his hands on. 
“I miss you,” Shikamaru whispered into the tear stained pillow placed on her bed. Her scent was scarce, fading, and Shikamaru was desperate for the memory of her. 
It wasn’t very long before the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War and it wasn’t long before some of the strongest shinobi were resurrected. The four Hokages, the armies of reanimations. Shikamaru prayed she wasn’t part of it; prayed she was giving the peaceful rest she deserves, but when he laid his eyes on those golden curls – when he saw her in one piece — he knew his prayers were ignored once again. She stood in front of him, eyes wide and teary. Shikamaru mirrored her expression, throat dry. His teammates stood not too far behind, bodies frozen as they watched the interaction between the two of them.
“Shi-Shika–” His chest tightened. He missed her so much; missed her voice, missed the way she said his name, but he was angry. He was angry at her for leaving, angry at her for not keeping her promises, angry at her for the secrets; angry because she failed him. But the fighting had begun before he could even confront her.
Why she chose to go in such a horrific way, no one knew. She could have waited for Sakura, she could have survived if she just let Shikamaru move her out of the way. She didn’t have to die that way, and now here she is, able to answer his questions, but no one will let him ask. Every time he gets close enough, someone throws a kunai between them and the fighting continues. 
“Why did you leave me?” Shikamaru finally shouted, frustrated and angry with the continuous battles. 
“I had no choice.”
“You had every choice to live.”
“You were going to die!”
“I would have survived. I would have continued to fight to live. Why didn't you?” She frowned, throwing a kunai in her enemy’s direction before fully facing Shikamaru. 
“Do you really want to have this argument right here?”
“Yes! Because when am I going to get the chance to ask the dead girl, whom I loved, about what happened?” The anger in her chest was replaced with anxiety; with guilt and shame. She died protecting Shikamaru; she was torn apart by Pain after he was done with Kakashi. She died protecting the village. “Do you know how much of a drag my life has been since you left?”
“No, you don’t, because you died.” Four, five, six– there’s twelve kunai flying towards us. She didn’t think – much life before. She pushed herself in front of Shikamaru, four of the twelve kunai hitting various spots on her body. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, collapsing to her knees. The Nara’s eyes widened and his hands stretched out shakily to catch her. 
“No. No, no, no. This isn’t– this isn’t happening again.” Shikamaru’s hand ran along the slope of her spine, the tears hitting the ground. “Not again. You can’t leave me again.” 
“I’m not leaving you, Maru,” she whispered, blood spilling down her chin. “As long as you have our memories, I’m not gone.”
“But you’re not here. Physically. You’re not in my arms. You’re not letting me take you on dates and telling you I love you. You’re not–”
“I know,” she coughed out, squeezing his hand tighter. “Maybe in another life where we don’t have to live with our shortcomings.” 
She turned her head, pale lips pressing to his palm. Her eyes glossed over between the kiss was over.
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leo-probably · 4 years
Can we talk about how stupid and easily swayed the Fire Daimyo was? 
First of all, he allows Danzo to become the Sixth Hokage instead of Kakashi because Danzo (yes, Danzo himself) points out that Kakashi was taught under Minato, who ‘allowed’ the Nine Tail attack, and then had one of his students (Sasuke) defect from the village.  Post-Shippuden, Sakura requests funding for a children’s mental health initiative, which Kakashi (as acting hokage) tries to secure, but because there was an attempt made on the Fire Daimyo’s life a few days earlier he gives the extra funding to the ANBU instead.  I mean, you’re really going to refuse to fund a mental health initiative in favor of funding your private protection squad? And you’re going to allow the man who wants to become hokage (Danzo) to dissuade you from the people’s choice (Kakashi)?? 
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rori898 · 3 years
What ideas do you have about your own post-Shippuden canon?
No Boruto, no naruhina, sasusaku, Sakura has happy romantic relationships with Rock Lee. As for the shinobi world.. here i’m in process. I watch Naruto again and when i finish i would like to write (for myself) what could happen to Naruto being hokage. I also need to understand Sasuke’s true attitude to Konoha, shinobi system etc. I could be wrong, but i read somewhere on tumblr that there is a difference between Naruto and Sasuke in Naruto and Naruto and Sasuke in Boruto. If there are any good analyzes of what is happening in Boruto, send it to me please.
So, what can i write now. I think Naruto is too “good”. It may sound rough, but, as in our world, good leaders are not needed. But wars are needed! Each war is someone's way to make money. And even if it seems to us that after the fourth shinobi world war peace has come.. well, only for a while. Because everything in the world comes cyclically. Peace and stability are not eternal. And let's not forget about the establishment, true political leaders of countries - feudal lords. Rulers and also their relatives as an elite have great opportunities, their own interests in other countries (resources, business). And i think that Naruto will fall victim from this elite. I don’t see a happy end for Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke will lose him.
I don't know what is the main idea and conflict in Boruto.. Maybe someone wants or hopes that can put an end to the shinobi system (with war, violence and hate) and finally world peace will come? But I don’t believe it. And that's why... ATTENTION! Attack on titan ENDING SPOILER!  ↓
(((What Eren made is comparable to a nuclear war. And even after this nuclear war, when humanity was almost exterminated, people continue to fight for their interests. After titans as a weapon, people continue to fight with other weapons. And i agree with Isayama. This is human nature. The world where everyone lives long and happily is utopia)))
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Nightmare mission
Day 3 :) I struggled a little with this one and it is all over the place but we do as we do! Here you go.
Hatake Tsuki, my oldest Kakashi daughter [clickerino]
Sarutobi Mirai x OC
Rated G
4661 words
no warnings other than spoilers for the entire land of steam arc.
for @narutoocshipweek Day 3: Vacation
Tsuki has to leave her Anbu squad behind to accompany her father and her uncle Gai to a mission in the land of steam, which would already be annoying enough if there wasn't also an airhead jounin present.
Pushing her bangs out of her face with a blow and letting her hands fall into the oversized coat she was wearing, Tsuki contemplated under which terrible circumstances she ended up in the situation she was in right now. Whose idea had it been to send her to this three week special mission with none other than her father and his goofy friend Gai and on top of that also this airhead protective Jounin as if Tsuki alone would not have been enough as personal protection.
Her father probably, she thought. It could not have been anyone else who could have put her up to this hellish trip. Years she had spent tucked away and working hard in ANBU, doing dangerous missions day by day, even after Naruto-nii had taken over the job as Hokage. So it was very suspicious that she would be recalled from her squad to go on a three week vacation with two retired old men. It smelled like interference by her father, it smelled like there was something up.
The other person that was coming with them, Sarutobi Mirai, was a girl Tsuki’s age. Someone who she went to academy with. But Tsuki had been stronger, quicker in uptake and more talented by a large mile and so she had never really interacted with Mirai. In Tsuki’s eyes Mirai was nothing but a burden on this mission. Constantly confused and trying too hard. It felt like Tsuki was forced to protect all three of them.
It was clear pretty quickly that her father and Gai were enjoying themselves a little too much. Tsuki’s father might be a great shinobi and she still looked up to him almost as much as she always had, but he had this streak about him, especially when with Gai, that made him surprisingly dorky. In such situations Tsuki always looked away or if she could, walked away, because though it made her mothers eyes light up when he was like that, Tsuki thought it was undignified of his former role as hokage and just very embarrassing.
“I can’t believe they sent us on a vacation with them and didn’t tell us,” Mirai moaned one evening, laying down on the futon in one of the ryokans they were staying at. Her hair was damp from the bath still, which made it even more curly than it usually was. Tsuki always had straight hair, even when she was younger and tried to style it. Straight and hanging down. 
Tsuki chuckled a little at Mirai’s expense. Well, if she had been so naive as to think that she was sent on a mission that was more important than an S-Rank then she must be very naive. Well, as much was given. “I guess we have to live with that now and make the best of it”, Tsuki replied, though she felt bitter about it too. So many interesting missions she could have done instead of sitting here wasting her time. 
“You talked to my father in private before”, Tsuki now asked what had been on her mind all evening. “What about?” She had seen it happen and could have easily eavesdropped from the tree overhead, but had decided not to, mostly because she knew her father would have figured out immediately that she was there.
Mirai rolled over and shrugged her shoulders: “We talked about my father. If I am similar to him or not.”
Right, Mirai’s father had been a shinobi that had died in the fights leading up to the Fourth War. “Why does it matter if you are like him or not?” Tsuki asked. Being attached to your birth parents and their abilities seemed so silly to her. It always had. Maybe that came with her own family history, the fact that her parents might have given her up or died or just lost track of her and her lack of interest in finding out.
“Maybe you don’t understand that,” Mirai said, her red eyes now hardened. “Because you still have your father around. It's just a thing that I wish I knew more about. Who I am is also part of where I came from.”
Tsuki laughed: “My birth parents aren't around either and I still don’t get your point. What do they give us other than genetics?”
There was a frown on Mirai’s face and she seemed to think. Then she said: “Both your parents are still alive…Kakashi-san is in the other room.” 
That took Tsuki out for a second. She blinked at the other woman across from her in disbelief and confusion. “I’m adopted” she settled on finally.
Mirai’s jaw fell open: “What? You are?” How had Mirai not known that? Had she gone through the academy as wide eyed and naive as she went through the world now? Tsuki suddenly flashed back to all the years of kids telling her that she wasn’t a real child of the Sixth Hokage. That she bore his name like a fake who did not deserve it. That only her brother and sister were real eirs. That her parents loved them more than they loved her. All of that for so many years and Mirai hadn’t even known? 
Tsuki circled her face and then pointed at her cheek: “How do you think these two people could have made me?” She was referring to her darker skin. Mirai shrugged again: “I don’t know. I guess I never really thought about it.”
How should that have never crossed her mind? Tsuki felt an odd sort of anger in her heart. Mirai must be lying. She must be acting or making fun. Everybody knew Tsuki was adopted, her entire life, her entire existence, revolved around everybody knowing she was adopted.
“You’re a dumb idiot”, Tsuki said cruelly, turned around and ignored anything else Mirai was saying.
When Tsuki had called this a nightmare trip, she had not yet been ready for what was about to descend on her. Not only was her father especially dorky and Gai in his most exhaustive state, but Mirai continued to be a baggage at everyone’s leg, trying to fix things that needed no fixing. There were surprisingly many jounin from Konoha in the Land of Steam stirring up trouble and being generally annoying. It just hardened her suspicion that all of this was less a vacation and more of a setup of her father for, well, something.
She thought it could not get any worse than the night everybody suddenly started talking about ghosts as if they were real. That truly was the absolute low point in a row of low points. At some point Tsuki just turned away from her other travel companions with a “I’ll be in my room” and stayed there waiting for the commotion to pass. She decided that even genin missions, picking up stray cats and fetch missions, were better than what she had been cursed with now.  She crossed her arms and her legs and closed her eyes in hopes that sleep would take this awful thing away from her, that was when the door slid open.
“I did not expect you to be so uncooperative on a mission.” Tsuki’s eyes shot open and her head slouched between her shoulders. No matter how dorky he was, her father had this presence by the sound of his voice alone. He could switch it on if he wanted, be the patriarch of the clan if need be and Tsuki was a little terrified of that version of him, though he was never unkind. Above all in the village she wanted him to be proud of her, in that regard she kind of matched her younger brother, though he had very different reasons.
She moved to the side so he could sit down next to her on the futon. “This is not a mission, it's a mid-life crisis”, Tsuki said and pulled at her mask. Kakashi put his eyebrows together: “Hurtful.” 
Tsuki knew he was thoroughly studying her to give her a stern talking to, like he had so many times in her life, so she kept her eyes averted from his face and acted as if the window on the opposite side of the bed was especially interesting. 
“No matter how much you think the mission is unnecessary, you should always do it to the best of your abilities, wouldn’t you tell that to your own squad?” he asked and though his voice was casual, she knew he was being serious. Tsuki hummed in agreement. “So why don’t you hold yourself to that standard?” 
“Ugh, because this does not matter. I’m sure Gai and you can handle yourself well on your own and Mirai is… exhausting.” She kept pulling her mask and letting it snap back into place and then she did it again. “Maybe I’m just used to the higher standard in ANBU, but she doesn’t seem qualified to be a Jounin.”
Her father put his head to one side and closed just one of his eyes playfully, something he did sometimes when he wanted her to be honest with herself. She hated that, because if there was one thing she had gotten from her mother, it was the inability to be honest with herself. 
“What is it about Mirai that annoys you so much?” he asked in his low, caring voice. “Is it the fact that she is focused on deepening her understanding about her father and her clan?” Bullseye. Of course, her father was good at these things. “I just think she is stupid”, Tsuki shot back and sounded more like a spoiled child than she had antcipated, “Why does it matter who her genetical father was? She is raised by her mother and that alone is what counts.”
He put a hand on her head and ruffled through her short brown hair. “I see why you would feel this way, but Mirai’s father is very much in her life. Through stories, through pictures, through the name she is carrying. It is now her way into adulthood to sort that part of her out, to let Asuma play a role, even if he is no longer there. It would maybe do you some good to take a page from her book and find your roots, just to close that open wound. But you never wanted to, no matter how hard we offered.”
“I think living in the past is childish”, Tsuki said with a pout. It was true that her parents had offered time and time again to help her find her original family. There were modern techniques now to do it. Tsuki knew that after the war her father had visited each major clan in the village to ask if they knew her and nobody had so the possibility was high that Tsuki had come to Konoha after the war as an orphan but was born somewhere outside of the ground of the fire country. Her skin colour was at least different enough.
“I think it is very adult of her”, Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and took his hand away from Tsuki’s hair. “She is facing a part of her that has always been with her and learning how to deal with it. That is her way of going forward into adulthood. Something I didn't learn until I was much older is that to become an adult you need to leave resentments from your childhood behind. I was a little older than Mirai and you are now and as such I think what she is doing at her age is very brave.”
Brave. The words hung heavily in the air. When he was talking about Tsuki’s resentments he didn’t only mean her birth parents, she knew that. Ever since her academy days Tsuki had struggled with her identity as a Hatake-clan member, tried to push her feelings of being a second-class child away and though her time in ANBU, her missions in other countries, her subsequent distance to her family, had given her a little peace, it was still something that clouded her mind when she couldn't stop herself.
A while they just sat there in silence, then her father touched her shoulder softly. “Well, that is up to you in the end, Tsuki. You are old enough to make decisions for your own life.” He pushed himself up and his joints cracked. “Oh”, he let out, “I guess I am old. Time to return to my mid-life- crisis vacation.” He smiled at his daughter and Tsuki felt ashamed that she had called it that way. 
He waved a little and then left with a “Goodnight” and pulled the door closed. Tsuki sat in the silence and the dark that was only illuminated through moonbeams from the outside. She thought of how she had seen Mirai practice with her fathers chakra blade and how she had failed. And how she, Tsuki, herself had spent an entire summer learning the ways to use Hatake Sakumo’s tantou effectively enough to defend herself. That legendary tantou, that was right now laying on the sideboard waiting to be used again. The sword her father had called “the proof” that she was part of his clan. Adopted or not. 
When Mirai came into the room, Tsuki pretended to be asleep already, but she noticed that Mirai hadn’t come alone. There was a tiny voice there of a girl, whispering into the dark about a dead mother. Great, Tsuki thought. Another one of those.
The girl turned out to be much less annoying than Tsuki had originally suspected. She introduced herself properly as Tatsumi in the morning, bow deep and everything, even if Tsuki did not miss the eyes moving from her to Kakashi when the last name was mentioned. The girl mostly hung around Mirai and paid Tsuki not much mind, which was appreciated by her in return. It was already exhausting enough to have ot listen to her father and Gai make stupid bets and at the same time scan the area for potential threats- of which there were none.
The day moved on quietly, with the occasional hiccup connected to whatever ryokan they were staying at. By now even Tsuki was unnerved by all the “coincidental” accidents happening no matter where they went. She was angry with herself that she hadn’t asked her father about it when they had been alone a few nights earlier. Of course she could have pulled him to the side, but he seemed to enjoy himself a lot and there was nothing she’d ever do to ruin that, even if he was embarrassing.
The ghost talk had really resonated with Mirai, who spent all day talking to Tatsum about her father. It wasn’t so much that MIrai now suddenly believed in ghosts, but the idea of them seemed to be something she fancied. Tsuki thought of what her father had said about accepting a part of yourself to become a real adult and though she tried to be sympathetic, she could just not understand that way of thinking. Tsuki was happy with who she was and who raised her, no ghost could ever change that about her.
She was just relaxing after the stressful day of having to babysit her entire party when Mirai approached her, breath heavy as if she had run all the way over, eyes dark and serious. “Tatsumi says there is a hot spring around that lets you communicate with the dead '', she began without any further introduction. Tsuki, who had been halfway to the hot spring in their current location, blinked in confusion. “A what?” she asked and Mirai shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t really believe such a thing exists,” the other girl explained. “But Tatsumi is adamant it is around.“ Maybe that was why that little girl had followed them thus far, because she had known they were heading to whatever hot spring that was.
Tsuki sighed: “Are you still hung up on your dead relative as if it matters?” She knew she was being unnecessarily dismissive and that if her father were around he would shush her, but Mirai pushed her buttons so she couldn’t help herself. 
“I told you” Mirai’s voice was now louder and harder than it had been before, “that I don’t believe in it. Tatsumi is no shinobi, I don’t know where she is going to go and what might happen to her. I don’t think she is right, but I won’t abandon her.”
“It is probably just some hallucination. A drug. A genjutsu, something like that. The dead are dead Mirai, move on.” Tsuki felt the cold words on her tongue and knew they’d be like gasoline on Mirai’s growing anger. “I don’t care - I’m just doing my mission to protect the vulnerable.” Without saying another word she turned on her heel and marched away.
Tsuki watched her locks bounce away with every step, watched how MIra’s frame moved sight to side as she walked, how her hands were put into fists…. She kept her gaze on the walking woman until Mirai was no longer visible, only then could Tsuki pull her eyes away and now she also marched away. 
“I told you you are a stupid iditot”, Tsuki mumbled.
The door to her room swung open without invitation. Gai had evidently pushed it with his good leg, the other balancing on the one that was currently not wearing his prosthetic. “Where did they go?” he asked in his loud, low voice. Tsuki had enjoyed laying in her quiet room on her futon, no Mirai and / or others being annoying. She put down the book she had only been half reading, a little too distracted in her thoughts to even concentrate enough, and looked up to find the dark eyes of her father: “Gone.” She said, “They said they’ll go look for an onsen that lets you meet the dead.”
Kakashi and Gai exchanged a look and Tsuki’s eyes darted open immediately. This was something that was not news to them, in fact, she could deduce that they absolutely knew what Tsuki was talking about. “A Hot spring where one can meet the dead, huh,” Kakashi said and Gai nodded: “That would explain many things.”
“What things?” Tsuki threw in but the adults both ignored her. “I mean,” Gai continued. “It could be some kind of trick that could be used to abduct girls. After all there are nations where women are needed for reproduction.” He mentioned it so casually that Tsuki felt the goosebumps on her arms. 
“They might also just use them for a ritual or a need of their body, blood or consciousness for something”, her father now mused and his way of talking reminded Tsuki too much of the early Anbu missions she had run with Captain Sai. 
“Dad!” she screamed finally, “Can you fill me in here please?” His eyes wandered back to hers and he put his head to the side. “I don’t know how much time we have, but I can tell you on the way.” Tsuki grabbed the tantou on the side of the bed and put it into the shaft on her back. The time to pretend to be innocent travellers was clearly over, so she was carrying it openly again.
Turned out she had been completely correct in her assessment that the entire mission had been a setup from her father and that yes, she had been especially chosen for her excellent ability to assess surroundings. From the very start he and Gai had been sent to the Land of Steam to investigate mysterious disappearances of girls and the circumstance behind them. When Tsuki asked why both Mirai and her had been left in the dark about this, her father had said that their mission had from the start been personal protection and so they were not lied to or deceived. That was a flimsy explanation, but there was no time to argue about it now.
They arrived at the cave and burst through the barrier of cultists that had been positioned in the entryway. Tsuki took her tantou oud and cut down some of them, while her father pressed forward. When she finally caught up with them Mirai was fighting on her own. Tsuki watched her fly and swirl through the air. She had never really seen MIrai fight, not more than her misguided training sessions with the chakra blades. 
The opponent was apparently a follower of jashin, some crazy misguided religion with even weirder habits than the Uchiha gods that her brother Obito loved reading about so much. He had trapped girls under the earth in a cave to extract their blood and he had taken special interest in Mirai, who was now fighting tooth and nail against him. When Tsuki wanted to push past her father to support the other woman, he caught her hand and held her back.
“A follower of Jashin killed her father”, he explained as he pressed her wrist tightly. “This is her fight. We should only interfere if she really can’t do it anymore.” Tsuki didn’t like that. Mirai was too weak to fight on her own, too stuck in the past to accept her abilities now and anyway Tsuki had always been the stronger, more talented person of the two of them. Clearly she was more qualified to undertake this situation.
But she stayed away as her father instructed and watched instead. There was a squirmish, an exchange of blows back and forth and then, finally, the cultist pushed a spear through Mirai’s insides, forcing her to push over and fall flat on her face. Tsuki cried out before she could stop herself, pulled as hard as she could at the arm that was still in her fathers grip and yelled at him. “She needs my help, don’t you get it?” The grey eyes of her father softened at her spitting words, but he did not let her go. “She is more capable than you think”, he said calmly.
How could I ever be so calm about this? How could they all be so stupid? Clearly, she had thought it was her stupid destiny to fight this cult member and had taken on too much for her to handle. If Mirai had just listened to what Tsuki had said from the beginning, if she had just let the past be the past, none of them would be in this situation. Now she was bleeding out on the floor for what? For a father that she never knew? That never cared because he didn’t know? A father that had gotten himself killed and abandoned her before she could even be old enough to understand? How was that so important? Why couldn’t Mirai just live in the present?
Tsuki screamed, what exactly she did not know, but her father did not let her go. “Trust her”, he said and pressed his fingers together reassuringly. Tsuki could feel the pain and anger in her throat. Nightmare mission. The mission of hell. Weeks of torture leading up to this, the worst. Nothing compared to the pain of a comrade dying, especially if it was for a useless cause.
It only was a blink, at least later Tsuki would swear it had been nothing but a short blink, and Mirai was on her feet again, standing, both chakra blades in hand, ready to take out her opponent. Tsuki’s breath came heavy, she felt confused and overwhelmed. “Genjutsu”, she said and her father finally let go of her wrist. “A good one too, if it fooled you”, he laughed a little. “Well, she has that from her mother.” 
Mirai used the chakra blades to defend herself as if she had never done anything else in her life, as if she’d been born to use them. Tsuki could hardly believe her eyes how much easier it looked in comparison to the training sessions Mirai had had just a few weeks earlier. The weapon and her seemed like one entity, swirling together like a dance, ready to finish a fight her father had started so many years ago. Gai whispered: “It’s almost like Asuma is here.” Tsuki frowned with a bitter taste in her mouth. She had never met Sarutobi Asuma, but she had to agree. This was exactly how she had imagined him.
She watched Mirai stand up tall, spine straightened out and strong, representing both her mother who had raised and trained her and given her her upbeat personality, and her father, who had not been there in person but whose love had coated and protected her all these years and given her conviction. Tsuki thought of herself. Of the colour of her skin adn the name she had been given,the only indicators of the life she had had before she became a hatake. How her father had called it mature to understand both sides of yourself to grow into an adult, how he as often has been completely correct with that assessment.
They patched things up quickly and the girls that had been brought underground were let go. There was a lot of support needed, they had all spent weeks without much food thinking they might be able to see their dead relatives again and could now not be condoled. Tsuki watched it all from afar, watched how MIrai treated them with a kind smile and a touch of her hand. There was no hint of arrogance in her demeanour, and though she had been correct in her assessment of the scam hot spring, she did not even mention it in front of Tatsumi. Tsuki pulled her mask forward and let it snap back in place as she watched.
Finally, Mirai turned over to her, striding over to stand next to Tsuki in the warm sun of the next morning. “I guess you were right after all”, Mirai said casually and Tsuki squirmed. “It was a trick.”
“Don’t - “ Tsuki looked over. They were almost the same height, now that they were standing next to each other, which Tsuki just a little smaller than Mirai. She had never looked clearly into the red eyes of the opposite, had never seen the light as clearly in thema s she could see them now. How curly her hair was at the back of her neck, how narrow her shoulders were too. “You didn’t believe in that crap from the beginning. So we both were right in that regard. I- I was just being an asshole for no reason.”
Mirai laughed a little and for some reason Tsuki had to take her eyes away from the other woman’s face. She fiddled with her mask again. “I saw what you did in there”, Tsuki mumbled. “That was very - brave of you, to stand against such a difficult opponent on your own.” She paused for a second. “I think your dad would have been proud.”
“I’m pretty sure he would have,” Mirai replied and ruffled her own hair with her right hand. “I finally got his chakra blades down. I can’t deny that I’m a little sad that I didn’t get to talk to him, though. There is just so much I would like to know.” 
“There are always people around you who will help you answer those questions, your mom, my dad, Gai, Shikamaru-sensei.” Tsuki talked more to her feet now. 
With a sigh she said: “I guess so” and then she patted Tsuki on the back with soft force. “I guess Gai- san and your father lied to both of us huh? I’m sorry for you, that must have been a nightmare mission to undertake.” 
Tsuki looked up again. Mirai was smiling at her, the morning sun shining warm and new over her head which reflected in her black hair. There was a weird rumble in Tsuki’s stomach, something between hunger and sadness and she only managed to say: “It wasn’t all bad… I think.”
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an-ambivalent · 3 years
Sukuna x Uchiha! Reader
A/N: This is purely for my own self-indulgent purposes -- expanding on this scenario I was daydreaming about. You are invited along to read about my cringefest scenario but only I’m allowed to call it cringe. 
Headcanon synopsis: You are amidst fighting Kabuto with Sasuke and Itachi in the Fourth Great Ninja War when the strangest thing happens. Between struggling to stay conscious from the poison that’s slowly eating you alive to trying to focus on the lengthy explanations of never-heard-before jutsus’ between the two emo brothers, the clash of such jutsus teleports you to another world during another fight. There, the line between enemies and comrades is nonexistent. However, one thing is certain: apparently you wear the same face as of a thousand-years-old demon’s deceased lover. 
For clarification, you are not related to Sasuke and Itachi because that would mean this “reader” insert has fixed looks of black hair and black eyes. You are from the same clan with abilities like the Sharingan and affiliation to fire chakra nature. But fill in your blanks of whatever you want to look like. 
Warnings: This has very minor spoilers about the JJK manga, specifically Sukuna’s abilities. So read at your own risk. It’s just a bunch of OP assholes trying to one up each other ig :P 
The rustic smell of blood is present profoundly in the atmosphere. The heavy rain that is suddenly drenching you, and increasing the heaviness and wetness of your clothes and making them stick disgustingly to your grime skin, does nothing to waft away the awful smell. It washes off some of the dried blood from minor cuts and other injuries you had acquired during your fight with Kabuto, triggering your pain receptors in response and causing stinging and burning of pain. But for someone like you who has already been traumatised from the blood shed you have experienced as a ninja, the revolting smell of blood and the burning pain is nothing new. However, the thing that is new is the rain. It had abruptly replaced the mid-day sun that shone horribly bright. During the war, the clear and sunny weather felt like it was nature’s way to laugh at everyone’s face when they were fighting and barely hanging onto their life. The sudden darkness of the night and the open space you find yourself in, instead of the dark cave you were in just mere moments ago, has your shoulders becoming tensed and your blood flow and heart-beat going faster. 
Instantly, your eyes are their notorious deep red colour presented with three black tomes. Your refined shinobi instincts kick in, and you catch the lean and spikey black-haired male that was thrown your way. There is blood trickling down his mouth, and as you held him momentarily, it was easy to deduce that some of his ribcages and other bones were broken, in addition to more serious injuries. Like how milliseconds decisions were required as a shinobi because they determined life or death,  the abrupt situation you were thrown into also required it. You carelessly threw him aside as a half-naked pink-haired teen with black markings on his skin, a hole in his chest and blood dripping down his abdomen charged at you. 
He aimed a vicious and strong punch to your face, which you avoided by side-stepping. When he repeated the gesture with his other arm, you blocked it with your forearm, before twisting your body at an angle, and delivering a strong kick to his stomach and sending him flying away. Using the new created distance to your advantage, you quickly made the necessary hand-signs with practiced ease, before taking a deep breath in. 
“Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Jutsu,”  You exclaimed, as you exhaled a vicious and high temperature dragon head-shaped flame towards your attacker. 
Sukuna, currently in possession of Itadori’s body, was internally questioning whether the very few hits that Megumi had landed previously had damaged his brain because there was absolutely no way he had seen her face. There was absolutely no way in hell that a mere human would be strong enough to land a painful kick on him. Evidently, the thought that he had seen her face had made him falter in his concentration so it was probably a lucky hit. But the giant dragon fireball that was currently heading towards his way was not going to be a lucky or a pleasant hit, if he did not counter or dodge it. Attacks with fire meant play-time for Sukuna. So, he simply waited until your attack was mere inches away from him, before he easily manipulated the flames and extinguished them. Then, without any current motivation for more fighting, he started to walk towards you. 
Your eyes widened when you saw your jutsu disappear in thin air. Then, when you saw the pink-haired male began walking towards you nonchalantly, your hand automatically went to your back and you unsheathed your sword slightly. Cracks of lightning sparked through it. You stayed grounded on your fighting stance and narrowed your eyes at him, ready to strike should he attack. 
The intense cold expression you wore on your face with her familiar features was so strange to see; and usually, Sukuna enjoyed fighting and taunting seemingly stuck-up people like you. Overpowering such humans before burning them to their demise -- it was such a great way to pass his time. But right now, right now, he was infuriated. He was surprised, and somewhere deep down in his dead demonic heart, was a small sense of longing and hope to regain what used to be. 
His red magenta eyes dug through you in a fierce glare as he stopped just a small distance in front of you. 
“Oi, who are you?” 
The corner of your lips twitched up into a smirk. 
“It’s customary to introduce yourself before asking for someone else’s name. Surely, you have that much manners?” 
Your reply evoked an eyebrow twitch from Sukuna. 
“You’re unnecessarily cocky, aren’t you? If you knew who I was, you would know what was good for you. It’s no wonder it’s so tempting to kill you humans.” He remarked easily, and took a step closer towards you. 
You raised an eyebrow in question. “Me, a human? You’re talking as if you aren’t one.” 
His lips stretched into a wide grin. “Huh, so you can see me and you’re attacking me, seemingly a fellow human without mercy and not actually knowing who I am or what’s going on?” 
It was something about the way he was questioning and taunting you like you were a three-years-old kid that made you glare at him. But, there were no hints of deception or lies in his words. And the nagging feeling you felt churning in the pit of your stomach made you know that something was seriously wrong. 
“So what are you then, a monster? That’s quite subjective though isn’t it; I kill another to protect myself or my loved one, I’m a human in their eyes. The loved ones of the one I killed in order to protect myself, I’m a monster in their eyes. There’s no difference. Although, why I’m suddenly here and not where I am meant to be... maybe only you can answer that. And if you know who I am, you would know what’s good for you. Answer me or you will regret even having the nerve to look in my eyes.” You warned, and just then, the black tomes in your crimson irises started spinning. 
Your cold threats, your body bent in the certain angle it was, ready and just waiting to kill something, and the power radiating off of you -- especially your brilliant blood eyes, it sent unanticipated shivers down Sukuna’s spine. His grin widened until his canine were visible, and just before he could respond, Megumi’s shouts were heard from the distance, interrupting his intense stare off with you. 
“What the hell are you doing?! Get out here civilian before he kills you!” 
Your gaze switched to him and the moment your cold red eyes met Megumi’s eyes, they widened in surprise. Then, finally, the poison that was still in your bloodstream sent sharp waves of pain to your head, causing you to wince and hiss out in pain. This was not missed by the two men around you, especially Sukuna, who was watching you like a hawk. 
He smirked. “Reaching your human limits already?” 
You scoffed. “Hardly. But looks like our chat will need to end here.” You responded easily. Then, with a single hand-sign and your Sharingan tomes spinning more fiercely, you triggered a low-level genjutsu. Both males, who did not know better than to not look into your eyes, were easily swept into it. It was solely for a moment; however, that moment was enough time that when the world around them stopped spinning, there was not even a single clue of you ever being there was even left. 
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xkaileo · 3 years
My Works - Master Post
Hey there! If you’ve come here from a previous link, this post is no longer my pinned post, though its content remains relevant (though the chapter numbers for fics are not up to date, and new works have not been added yet). Please check my new pinned post or, if you want an easier browsing experience, head over to my new Carrd for details on my works and what I do!
A list of all of the works I've created thus far. All my works are listed on AO3, FFN, and Wattpad. Some works are also listed on Inkitt and Webnovel, but those versions are abandoned. I update approximately weekly on all my works, though I do not follow a strict update schedule. I currently have five ongoing works and one completed work, all listed below. Tags will indicate ships(s) and fandom(s) that I am writing in, and will be updated as I produce new content.
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Chapters: 7/? || Words: 32,149 Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Menma Uzumaki is sour, rude, and foul-mouthed, and never wanted to be a Jinchuuriki. Sasuke Uchiha spends too much time thinking about girls and not enough time on his ninja studies-and he’s not sure he wants to lead the Uchiha clan. Sakura Haruno is quiet, meek, and doesn’t even know if she wants to be a ninja; she’s just doing so because to give up would disappoint her late parents and their legacy.
Three children, three personalities, three legacies. Can the energetic and boisterous Kakashi Hatake break them out of their shells and turn them into fine shinobi, or will their teamwork falter and hold them back?
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Chapters: 29/? || Words: 57,527 Last Updated: August 3, 2021
It’s been a year and a half since Sasuke Uchiha left on his journey of redemption after the conclusion of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Though the threat of Kaguya has been put to rest, there are still threats out there in the Shinobi World. When a small country plagued by a strange illness requests the help of Konoha shinobi, Sakura Haruno is sent to investigate… but what will she do when Sasuke Uchiha gets wrapped up in the investigation? Can they put aside past differences and work together to find the cause and save lives?
The Naruto Modern Crime AU is a large-scale AU with a set of interconnected stories under one overarching plot. Each story focuses on two individual characters and their individual developments and bonds, as well as their involvement in the main plot of the AU. These stories are not necessarily in exact chronological order. When reading chapters, to avoid spoilers, it is best to read each chapter across the individual fics, as seen below. Currently, the chronology is as follows:
Happy Accidents Chapter 1 - Chapter 34
Happy Accidents Chapter 35, Who Am I? Chapter 1
Happy Accidents Chapter 36, Who Am I? Chapter 2
(etc etc, until)
Happy Accidents Chapter 57, Who Am I? Chapter 24
Bonded Souls Chapter 1, Who Am I? Chapter 25, Purpose and Expectation Chapter 1
Bonded Souls Chapter 2, Who Am I? Chapter 26, Purpose and Expectation Chapter 2
(etc etc, until future content is added).
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Chapters: 57/57 || Words: 113,508 Run: Jan 30, 2021 - July 19, 2021
Sakura Haruno is just beginning her new job at Konoha P.D. as a forensic pathologist and anthropologist. What happens when she accidentally texts a risqué photo of herself to a stranger, intending to share new lingerie with her best friend, Ino?
For Sakura, it’s the end of her dignity in the field solving murders, that’s for sure. And what will happen when she realizes that her new partner, Sasuke Uchiha, is the most attractive, frustrating, kind, and annoying partner she’s ever worked with?
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Chapters: 2/? || Words: 4,106 Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Sasuke and Sakura know their bond. They know what each of their hearts wants, and they know that on some deep level, their souls are bonded. Will being on the run from the authorities and from Akatsuki bring them closer together, or will it drive a wedge between their hearts?
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Chapters: 26/? || Words: 50,790 Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Ino Yamanaka is Konoha City’s most well-known prosecutor. She’s put away everything, from petty thieves to cold-blooded killers in her time. When conspiracies begin to crop up around her, Ino will find everything she knows–about her friends, her family, and perhaps even herself–turned upside-down.
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Chapters: 2/? || Words: 4,020 Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Hinata Hyuga always lived a harsh life. As the daughter of the CEO of Hyuga Security Industries, there were expectations. She was always expected to be better. When she wasn’t what daddy wanted in an heiress-she was replaced. Disowned. Her title was stripped. It may have been a title she never wanted in the first place, but it still hurt. To anyone in her family but her little sister Hanabi, she was the black sheep. She was not to be talked about. She was to be forgotten.
But when she meets a person whose life has been harsh, yet he still wears a smile brighter than the sun, she begins to realize.. she may have a purpose after all.
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Tenten’s a forensics and ballistics expert at Konoha PD. Neji’s nothing more than a beat cop on the streets, with no hope in moving up the ranks thanks to his uncle. As secrets begin to unfold at Hyuga Security Industries, particularly surrounding his cousin Hinata, Neji is going to need someone he can trust to analyze data and ballistics to help him uncover the truth behind the corruption rumours in Konoha City.
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getyouasenju · 4 years
Dragging It In.
Part 3/3 to the “Dragging” series
Part 1 “Dragging Along”
Part 2 “Dragging Away”
Warnings: some small spoilers, curse words, some suggestive themes, angst, (maybe some spelling errors I’m sorry!).
Word Count: 3.7k
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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹
I could hear my name being called from my slumber. I felt sore all over, my head was throbbing and my throat was entirely too dry to function. Being a shinobi I was no stranger to the scratchy unbelievably tightly tucked sheets and the sterile smell. I was in a hospital for what ever reason. I hear my name being softly called again. Forcing my sore eyes open I see my pink haired friend peering over my bed. Scrunching my eyes in reaction the sudden change of lighting caused a searing pain in my head. Crossing her arms and glaring at me, Sakura spoke sarcastically, “It hurts doesn’t it? That’s what happens when you leave a head injury untreated after a mission”. My eyes widen and I stared at her cheekily. She smiled sweetly back at me... too sweet for the friend I know. I didn’t even get a chance to brace myself before she struck me.
I hiss and grab my now stinging shoulder. “God damn it Sakura, I’m in a hospital bed for fucks sake! Do you strike all your patients?” She crossed her arms and smiled at me, “Only the ones I’m best friends with that promise to see me in the morning to get checked out and then never show up! I mean come on (Y/N), how hard of a hit did you take on that mission to have to put you out of commission like this?” I thought back to the rainy mission and sighed, rubbing my shoulder I looked at my friend “Not that hard... only hard enough to lose consciousness..” grinning I laughed nervously as she started balling her fist again.
“Hey! you can’t hit me again, I have a head injury Sakura- god!” I cried out bracing myself this time. “That shoulder looks pretty fine to me!” Sakura replies brushing some of her hair out of her face. “Not-uh it’s pretty bruised now if you ask me.” I whined back, praying she doesn’t strike again. Can I get a new nurse that isn’t my worried friend? “That’s why you have two shoulders!” I paled as my eyes widened. “Sakura, please!” She quickly put one hand on her hip, the other pointing at me “Don’t Sakura me! You could’ve done some real damage (Y/N)! and don’t think I don’t see that your ring is missing!” So all of our friends are just gonna get dragged into this mess huh? .... Maybe I should just simply pass out again.
Between our bickering the door croaked open and in walks the shadow man. Sakura whips around placing her hands on her hips. “Excuse me Shikamaru, It’s not visitors hours yet, you just can’t waltz in here anytime you like, fiancé’s included!” I scoffed laying back and tugging the blankets further up my body. Didn’t just mention she noticed the missing ring? I already told him I didn’t want to speak with him... and he still smelled like cigarettes! This was a hospital, he’s gonna give someone an asthma attack. I turned my head to fully examine the Nara. He looked as bad as I felt, dark circles an unbuttoned vest and a loosened ponytail. As he should!
Sighing deeply while still holding the door handle, Shikamaru looks at Sakura pleading with his eyes. Taking her hands off her hips, Sakura looks at me then back at Shikamaru, I could see the gears turning in her head. Crossing her arms and sighing, “Just this once Nara! I’ll be back later (Y/N), I’ll bring an ice pack for that shoulder!” She laughs while giving my hand a friendly squeeze. Giving me her signature smile, she departs waving at Shikamaru on the way out.
As he watches her close the door, he turns to the right and grabs the chair in the corner. The sound of the dragging was highly irritating and I rolled my eyes as I fought the urge to pull the blankets over my head and just ignore the man. He pulls the chair to my bedside and sits down trying to make eye contact with me andI was refusing to give it to him. Sighing again he leaned back in the chair. 
“You had some head injuries, you should be fine but you should’ve went to the hospital immediately after that mission, and that fall made it worse.” He sounded strained. I just nodded at him, thinking back to the mission and how outnumbered my team was. “You know, I was terrified when you went down like that.” He let out a shaky sigh putting his hands together in his lap. “Why didn’t you go in (Y/N)- god” He drags his hands down his face, “Are you doing this to spite me? Not going to be seen, then going and asking for a dangerous mission. Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I sat up straight in my bed and finally made the eye contact that he was searching for. 
“I went home first because I missed you, I hadn’t seen you in over a fucking month!” letting out a humorless laugh I continued, “I didn’t avoid being seen to spite you, I went home first instead of being seen because you’re my first priority- but apparently I wasn’t yours.” Asking for that mission though was just a tad bit spiteful though, but I’m in no position to admit to that! By the end of my rant I wanted him out, I was tempted to hit the call button. I could feel the anger in the air from both of us. He broke the silence first. “You should trust me, you know nothing would ever happen between Temari and I, I’m with you, I’ve been with you for the last four fucking years!” I was livid, trust him? I do fucking trust him!
“I trust you Shikamaru, you don’t trust me because if you trusted me, you would’ve told me why you went to see her and you wouldn’t of left without making things right with me first.” He reaches for my hand, but I snatched it away shoving it under the blankets, he looked so crestfallen. He opens and closes his mouth several times before scooting his chair closer to my bed.
“Please give me your hand, (Y/N). Please don’t make me beg.”
I was hesitant, I didn’t know if I wanted to be touched by him at the moment but, he looked determined and I was nervous. I pulled my hand from under the blanket and he quickly reached for it. Grabbing my smaller hand in his larger calloused one, he let out a content sigh slowly rubbing circles on the back of my hand, moving almost impossibly slower when grazing over the bare left ring finger. “What do I have to do to get this ring back where it belongs.”
“Shikamaru I question your IQ everyday, don’t play stupid with me.”
I slowly start to retract my hand but his grip on me tightens ever so slightly. “I already have a head injury, can you stop making my brain hurt more? Either tell me why you ran to her side or let me and my hand go. Now.” I groaned out, I was getting annoyed, and fast. When was Sakura coming back with that ice pack again? The pain in my shoulder was dull now, but boy can that girl pack a punch and Shikamaru might as well be punching me in my brain right now.
When he suddenly let go of my hand, my heart started to race. Was he going to leave again? If he left me again then I knew for sure that we just weren’t meant to be. I laid back, I just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear. More so, I want him to stop dragging this out. I opened my mouth to dismiss him when he suddenly spoke “Rasa”.
...Rasa, the fourth Kazekage. Also the father of the sand siblings, but what about him. I was just outright confused now. “Shikamaru, can you elaborate?” He straightened up looking for that eye contact again, this time I granted it to him. “It was the anniversary of Rasa’s death” grabbing for my hand again he continued. “Temari is here on the account of business between the leaf and the sand. This is the first time she wasn’t with Gaara and Kankuro during this time.” he sighed deeply. 
“He wasn’t always the best father but he was all they had, not being with her siblings for this affected her deeply. She’s the eldest and her siblings mean everything to her, they always have, she wants them to be able to depend on her. I’m the person she’s closest to in the leaf, so she called me.” he finished. Now I was even more confused. Why didn’t he just say that? “So you left me without explanation for what? You couldn’t just say this to me?”.
“I didn’t think you would understand.” I was baffled. He thought of all people that I wouldn’t understand. “You didn’t think I would understand, or is it that you didn’t want me to understand, Shikamaru.” I snatch my hand back again, this time for good. “I watched you mourn for your father after the war. You held it together on the field but I saw what it did to you after!” I rushed the words out so fast I felt like I was running out of breath but I went on, “I held Yoshino as she cried, I saw what it did to her, how it drained her, how it almost ruined her!” My head was throbbing again but I wasn’t done yet. “Tell me Shikamaru, did you run into my parents on the way here? how about someone from my clan, some siblings of mine? Please tell me they came to see me in my time of need Shikamaru!” I let out a pitiful laugh, “It’d be a miracle if you did, considering they’re all six feet under.” I let my shoulders drop as I leaned back staring straight ahead of me. There had to be more to it than this.
In a small voice I whispered to him, “You don’t think I have it in my heart to let someone who has experienced a loss have some comfort?”. I wanted to cry, more importantly I wanted him gone, at least my head did. He said nothing, but he doesn’t get to sit at my bedside in silence after this. I spoke again, still looking straight ahead, “Get out Shikamaru. You have my permission to leave this time, I won’t be mad. You’re giving me a migraine,” He still doesn’t move, so I whip my head around, I was tired. “Why are you pretending to fight so hard for us? Just admit you’re not as in love with me as you think you are”. I could hear my own heartbeat as I looked at Shikamaru. “It’s okay If you’re in love with Temari, I’ll be fine Shika. You can let me go.” If I had to let him go for his happiness, I was okay with that. He finally snaps his eyes me.
“I’m not in love with Temari, (Y/N).” How can he sit here and be so fucking vague with me? I felt not only emotionally exposed but physically as well with the tiny hospital gown. I wrap my arms around myself since I was the only comfort I’ve had these past few days. “There’s something there , I just wish you would be honest with me. If you’re not happy with me, then just let me go.” I was speaking as softly as I could, trying best to keep my voice from shaking. What kind of person did he think I was if he thought I lacked that much sympathy? I was a shinobi, but I wasn’t heartless. I at the very least expected him to know that.
“Temari will always have a spot in my heart,”
There it was, I didn’t want to hear anymore of it. when I said let me go, I didn’t mean give me a speech to verbally break my heart, he could easily just leave the room. Did he think I was going to listen to his confessions? wrong! I reach my hand out for the call button, if Sakura wasn’t coming back anytime soon, then someone else needed to come and rescue me, immediately. I felt his warm hand gently grab mine. “no more running, no more arguing, no more beating around the bush. Just you and I.” he sighed as he looked right into my eyes. He stands up and nudges me, signaling for me to scoot over giving him a spot on the bed. I felt conflicted, I really did love this man. We’ve shared our love and our lives for four years, but even before that I loved him. He could sense my hesitation and smoothes my hair down gently with his hand while gently nudging me over again. I give into the raven haired man and slowly slid to the right side of the bed making sure my IV’s were out of his way, the motion causing the back of my gown to open a bit to which I quickly pulled closed.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before” He smirked at me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I ball the blanket in my hands. This isn’t the time for cheeky jokes! I was flustered and honestly feeling pretty vulnerable. His chuckle wasn’t helping the situation too much either. How dare he joke with me at a time like this! My shoulder was still throbbing but that didn’t stop me from attempting to smack the man. I winced as my hand hit something hard and glared at Shikamaru. Looking at me warily, he pulled out the pack of cigarettes and rubbed the back of his neck “You know I smoke when I’m stressed.” I remember when he picked up the nasty habit, and then I remembered why he did. I felt immediately guilty for contributing to that... but still the smell of cigarettes was just so gross. 
He leans back, slowly starting to snake his arm around my waist while watching my facial expressions for a reaction. When he saw me make no attempt to remove him, he sighed and pulled my body into his. “I missed you.” he quietly tells me... funny how he misses me, but me missing him is what got us into this entire situation. I decide to keep my thoughts to myself and train my eyes on the corner of the blanket I was currently picking at. I could feel him staring at me. 
“I remember when Asuma died.” My breath caught in my throat and I immediately dropped the blanket I was picking at. I didn’t know where this was going, but I knew it was going to be a painful ride. I felt him tilt his head as he continued, “I held it in for a long time. It took my father to pull it out of me.” I knew the story, I wasn’t too close with Shikamaru at the time, but a bond between a student and their sensei is strong. I didn’t have to know them, to know that. “Point of the story is I didn’t feel comfort in anyone... so I held it in, I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I didn’t want anyone to coddle me, not even Temari and at that point in time, I was in love with her. I think I’ve only ever cried twice in my life in front of an audience.” He let out a sigh. By now I was fully looking up at him with curious eyes.
“When my father died in the war, I wanted to do the same. I held that pain in for my comrades, I didn’t want my fathers, nor Ino’s, deaths to be in vain.” He takes his other hand and grips my chin continuing on. “When the war was over I didn’t want to face it, but I had you. If it weren’t for you and Naruto, I don’t know how my mother would’ve made it another day.” He starts to smile a bit at me, “and suddenly I wanted to be coddled. I wanted you to hold me, to talk to me, to force me to eat when I didn’t want to, to be there when I slept and when I woke. I found comfort in you, and I still do.” He was stroking my cheek by now. “You made me realize that sometimes, It’s okay to coddle those in need. That sometimes even the strongest shinobi need a hug, need to shed some tears or just simply need some comfort. So, yes I went to comfort Temari but that was it, I finally understood how to give what you give me everyday.” 
He moved me almost impossibly closer to him “I was a fool to think the most comforting woman in the world wouldn’t understand grief when she has had a handful of it herself.” By the end of his speech my head injury was long forgotten, I had an aching heart. “I can’t believe I let the most important person in my life down. The person who gives me the most security asked for just a bit of it and I refused it to give it to her like an idiot.”
“Please hear me when I say this, there was a time in my life where I thought Temari and I were meant to be, but I know there is a lifetime where you and I belong together. You are it for me, nothing happened.” He tilted my head, searching my face for a reaction when the first tear ran down my face. Shikamaru was taken back and seemed a little panicky at the sight of me crying. I’d have to be heartless to not shed a tear for that confession, this man was everything I’ve ever wanted and I’d be lost- I’d been lost without him.
I reach arms up and around his neck as he brushes the tears from my eyes. “Shikamaru please don’t scare me like that ever again, I won’t make it to the wedding day if I die of a heart attack.” Burying my face into his shoulder, I ignore the smell of cigarettes. I could feel him release a breath of air at my proclamation, squeezing me tighter in return. Suddenly he’s pushing me off and scrambling off the bed, but I didn’t understand. I thought we were making up and there he goes running off again! “Shika, didn’t I just tell you not to scare me again? Hey! get back over here!” I told him slightly out of breath from the change in position and pouting.
I had put myself in an upright position watching as he frantically searched through his pockets with his back to me. Sighing in relief as he finally found what he was looking for, he quickly turned back to me and dropped to his knee. My ring! “(Y/N), please don’t ever make me take this ring back again, I don’t know if my heart could take it. Will you please be my fiancée again?” He was proposing to me again! I quickly nod my head shoving my bare ring finger in the cloud gazing man’s face as he returned it back to its rightful spot and we sealed it with a kiss. A knock at the door separated us.
Sakura came in pushing a cart, “Just coming by to change (Y/N)’s IV dressing!” Shikamaru takes a step back, taking a seat in the chair by my bedside as Sakura moves in close. Gently grabbing my hand, she started changing the IV dressing, of course it was the left one. I could feel her smirking at my hand. “That’s a nice ring there (Y/N), is it new!?” the medical genius teased me snickering. She knew we would make up. I couldn’t help but laugh with her. “Yeah, Shikamaru just gave it to me, isn’t it cute?” I joked back. letting out a complete and full laugh now, the pink haired woman agreed while Shikamaru face palmed. “Who knew you’d be able to get two proposals out of this lazy one!” Shikamaru was full on groaning at this point.
Another knock on the door lead to a huge bouquet with some legs poking out from under it! Ino! “I didn’t know which arrangement you’d like best so I decided to bring you all of them!” Ino was the sweetest girl and I was grateful that Shikamaru had brought us together. “Here Shikamaru, hold these!” Ino drops the bouquet into the Nara’s lap and moved to hug Sakura and then me. Another loud groan was released from the shadow man. “Was all of this really necessary Ino? (Y/N) is getting discharged tomorrow.” Shikamaru complains holding onto the heavy arrangements.
“Get used to looking at arrangements Shika! You’ll get your fair share when we’re planning our wedding.” I smirk and wink at my fiancé dearest as the two women shriek and join hands. “You’re starting the wedding planning?!” Sakura says dreamily as I nod, “Yep, want to start my lifetime with that one soon”. I reply smirking at my soon to be husband. “About time! I’m on flower duty!” Ino proclaims. I just nod my head in agreement, stuck in a staring contest with Shikamaru.
“How troublesome... you two are going to turn my girlfriend into a bridezilla.” He smirks and lets out his typical sigh.
“Not-uh, I’m not your girlfriend Shikamaru, I’m your fiancée, remember?” Using his own line on him I giggled. We smiled so hard at each other that I swore my cheeks were going to cave in.
“How about a spring wedding?!” Sakura shrieks, “With roses!” Ino excitedly adds.
I was so grateful for everyone in that room, and I couldn’t wait to drag Shikamaru back into our home where we belonged, together.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹
The Final part of the “Dragging” series guys! I’m still new and learning so Imma just apologize If you hated it lolll. Not sure if I’ll do anything else with this series, I might do a different series! feel free to message me!
Until Next Time! xxo (▰∀◕)ノ
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amindofstone · 3 years
when the heart speaks
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a/n: Watching Naruto I always had a huge interest in Hatake Kakashi's character and story. He is such an amazing creation. He´s simply a masterpiece! His story is such a sad story I couldn´t help bad feel bad. I felt horrible and the fact that he never showed any of that pain and sorrow broke my heart. This man needs to be loved! Anyways, since I never wrote anything with any character of Naruto, although I love this anime to damn much (like to the moon and back), I thought I should start doing that with Kakashi being my first try. If it ends up being good and if some people end up liking it, I might also write for Naruto next to One Piece. Other than that happy reading!
Genre: anime imagine? Naruto imagine?
Character(s): Hatake Kakashi x Nami (reader)
Spoilder(s):mainly Naruto Shippuden Spoilers like about: the fourth ninja war, Obito being Tobi, the fight against Tobi, Kakashi becoming the Hokage
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2605
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Kakashi´s train of thoughts. And just so you know the reader in here is just a supportive character while for Kakashi it´s the main character. (Does that even make sense?! Never mind. Hopefully you get what I mean. This was supposed to sound beautiful... but well... never mind)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @Nebula517 (Twitter) !!!
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A month flew by and the people of Konoha were living their lives as if nothing happened. They go to work, open their stores, spend time with their beloved ones and enjoy the gift called life.
A month passed since the fourth ninja war ended. The fourth war that cost so many lives. Lives of so many people that were dear to him. Lives of parents, friends, siblings, students and teachers. People he used to have around him. People he used to greet on a daily basis. People that used to greet him on a daily basis.
A month passed and Konoha is still busy trying to rebuild it´s broken homes and streets. A month passed and more parents let their children play outside. A month passed and slowly more people are seen happy and with smile upon their lips. Well, at least they tried to.
A lot of buildings, streets and homes were destroyed. People looked for shelter in the houses of their neighbors or tents the hokage provided. Some families were in a miserable state but still managed to smile and have a good time. No matter where one looked there were ninjas helping out here and there. Going from one mission to another to help rebuilding the village to its old beauty. The civilians suffered a lot but the shinobi were the ones that went through hell and back. One of those ninjas was the famous and well known jonin Hatake Kakashi.
He saw so many of his friends in pain. He saw people die and people scream in agony. He saw people stand back up after they saw their beloved ones die just to keep up with the fight in the name of peace. Peace, a word that described a world and a living of a existence that could only exist in a fantasy novel or a dream. It seems like Madara wasn´t wrong when he said that - The longer you live, the more you realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness. -
“Thank you so much for helping us out. We will soon be able to stay in our own home again.”, said a little boy to the quiet man. Kakashi squatted down so he could look the little guy into his eyes. Something his father did when he was a child himself. “There is no need to thank me. I´m glad I could help. Now go and help your mother carrying the groceries. I´m sure she needs your help.”, the little guy nodded and bowed as a farewell and made his way towards his mother who was on her way to go shopping. Kakashi had an eye on the child until he was next to his mother before he stood up again to get back on his way to his new destination. His destination a place he visited already three times just today. With his newly appearance it would be the fourth time but he didn´t mind at all because that was his job after all. This is what he got trained for and lived for. Right?
No matter where one looked of went in the village. There were ninjas everywhere. Going to on mission to another or fulfilling a mission at good as they could. Missions that were all about helping the civilians or helping rebuilding the villiage to its old beauty and peace.
With hands in his pockets he made his way back to the office of Lady Tsunade not caring at all if he came late. A trait he developed years ago. But he didn´t mind at all because he didn´t care what people thought of him and his bad habit. He didn´t care a bit. He didn´t and never will. He didn´t, right?
After a pleasant walk the young man knocked at the door of the hokages office right after a tired sigh left him. A soft come in could be heard before he stepped inside. “You wanted to talk?”, said the jonin and closed the door behind him. The blond woman nodded and leaned back in her chair. She was nervous and Kakashi could see that. She bit on her lower lip and sighed before she cleared her throat. “Kakashi. I know that the past circumstances left you in a state of confusion, sadness and pain. And I surely am sorry for everything that happened to you but I hope that you know that the life of a shinobi is exactly that. Saying this is actually absurd because it’s something you already know and can understand the best out of all the others. I am aware of you many losses and the pain you went through in the cause of your life for the sake of our village. You did a lot for Konoha but also the world. Me and every other person alive appreciate that and thank you for everything you have every done and will be doing in the future. You are indeed and great shinobi.”, visibly confused over the words of the woman in front of him his head slightly tilted. “Tsunade what are you implying on? I´m sure you didn´t call me over just to praise me so I´m honestly kind of confused.”, the Hokage smiled at him and nodded. “You´re right. I didn´t called you over just for the praise when I already know that you´re not the type of a person that likes being praised openly over his work and duties. To put it short I´d like you to know that I told the elders about my decision of retirement as the hokage. But next to that I also suggested you to be the next hokage.”
The man was surprised. How could someone like him become the hokge? “Who else is suggested beside me?”, wondered Kakashi although he knew who that might be. But he needed to hear it from her. “Naruto.”, hearing his name put a smile on his lips “I´m glad that he was suggested.”, but the mere thought of Naruto as the hokage sadden him for some reason. “I´m really glad that he was suggested but don´t you think that he is too young for that? I mean I´m not saying that he isn´t capable of taking the position, because he indeed is and always proved that. It´s just that he´s just 17 and should be allowed to live. He´s just a child on who´s fate was put a huge amount of burden.”, he added to emphasize his thoughts about her decision. “And this is why I want you to be hokage. You are the only one who is strong and intelligent enough to take this position and lead the villiag.”, a short chuckle could be heard from the man before he put both of his hands back into his pockets. “Intelligence? Really? Talking about intelligence I think Nara Shikamaru would be a better choice. Don´t you think?”, “And this is why I ordered him to be your chief aide and he agreed. So what do you think? If they choose you would you accept the position?”, with a hesitate nod he agreed and caused Tsunade to smile in relief. “Thank you. I´m sure you will do a great job.”
With slow steps he walked out of the office and the building when his attention was drawn to the now pinkish sky above him. The color of the sky that told him that another day of his life was slowly coming to an end made his heart ache. The thought of him being able to life when others who deserved it more couldn´t, always managed to get him fall back into the sadness that lay in his heart. Where do I go know? Right, I need to go to the grocery store. On his way to buy what he wrote down this morning he walked past a flower shop with his gaze falling on white roses. His eyes were fixed on the bouquet of flowers until the owner approached him and asked if she could help. He was quite and actually didn´t knew why he starred at them but he ended up buying them. With an empty head but a heavy heart he let his body lead him, not realizing that after a walk of 20 minutes he ended up standing in front of the grave of his friend. Obito. He didn´t knew what to do. He didn´t knew what neither to do nor to say, so he simply stood there waiting for his mind to make something up. But absolutely nothing happened until his heart spoke up. “I´ll be hokage Obito. This is what you wanted to be right? I remember hearing you say this over and over again every day. But never did Sensei Minato or Rin get sick of it. Honestly I also had cero problems hearing that. I can´t remember what I thought in those moments but one thing´s for sure. Sensei liked it and it always managed to make him smile.”
Kakashi sat down while carefully placing some of the flowers on his grave. “I used to come and see you not knowing that you were alive. I used to come and talk to you sometimes without knowing that you were alive and I could have been able to see and talk to you in person. But even if I knew that you were alive I don´t think I would have been able to face you. I messed up in so many aspects. I can´t help but see me as the reason on why it came to a war.”, while sitting in front of Obitos grave the jonins head hang low. He might be sitting just in front of a grave but somehow he does not have the courage to look up. He was ashamed. “I´m sorry for breaking the promise. I´m sorry for being a horrible friend to you Obito. I messed up miserably. Those minutes in front of you, with you were everything but pleasant since I had to fight what I called a friend all my life. But still I am happy that I could see you. I wish it would have been on different circumstances but life and fate always hated me so I´m not expecting anything else than pain.”, with every word leaving his lips slowly and bit by bit tears filled his eyes he did not allow to fall. “I´m sorry I couldn’t be the friend you or Rin deserved but I promise that I will be exactly that friend you wanted to the whole village. I will be leading the villiage with the love and attitude you had when we were one.”, with tears that threatened to fall he stood up again and cleared his throat. “Thank you for the live lesson Uchia Obito. I´ll never forget it.”
With the remaining white roses he made his way to Rins grave and placed it neatly on top of it. “Thank you for always trying to keep us together. Please make sure to take care of Obito. He deserves to be happy and loved. And… Rin… I´m sorry… I´m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I´m sorry.”, with heavy steps and an aching heart he walked down to another grave. A grave he once used to avoid but by now found peace in. “Seems like my legs lead me to you and the others like so many other days, father. I wonder when the time will come in which I won´t be approaching any of you with sorrow and sadness. Althought I wish this day to come soon I know that it will never happen.”
Kakashis vision was blurry. He wanted to cry but didn´t shed any tears. He stopped himself from doing so and tried his best to hold them back. With his last prayers he left the graveyard behind and took care of his groceries. He had no energy to cook but he also was not in the mood to go eat out and get confronted with any person. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to be left alone because he wanted to and not because he was used to the silence in his life. Again bit by bit sorrow took over his mind and heart. Again he was drowning in pain and memories. Again he was left alone with his never ending pain. A wave of darkness overcame him making him wonder how he ended up like that again. He didn´t greeted the employee at the store or waved back when someone called or greeted him. With a low hanging head he walked back home, while a comforting warm rain fell upon Konoha.
He was standing in front of his apartment he recently moved in. With one hand holding the bag with the groceries he took out his keys with the other one. A scattered mind and a broken soul accompanied him when he entered his apartment. “Kakashi? Are you alright? I was worried? Oh no you’re wet to the bone! Give me the bags and go change. You´ll get sick otherwise and we can´t have that.”
What was going on? He was confused and his mind went blank. A woman with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes came approaching him when reality hit him. “Kashi is everything fine? Did something happen?”, the woman placed the bags on the kitchen counter and looked at him out of worried eyes. She took of her black glasses and took the confused man’s hand to lead him to the bedroom. She let go of his hand again and went to close the window that let in the cold wind. She fixed the curtains and went back to face the silver haired man who still wasn´t moving an inch. She smiled upon his behavior and slowly took off his headband, his vest and his gloves. “It´s okay if you don´t wanna talk about please don´t forget that I am here when you need me. I won´t judge, just please talk to me whenever you fell like it. I love you after all.”
I love you, she said? I love you. How could I let the darkness take the lead again? How could I? “May I take of your mask?”, Kakashi nodded and still did not say a thing or moved. “Now please do the both of us the favor and take a shower. I´ll get you your clothes and make us some dinner. Alright?”
She smiled up at him and let go of him to do what she said when two strong arms held her back. “Huh?”, he pulled her against his chest only to take her face in hands and place a loving but rough kiss on her lips. A soft whine could be heard and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Tears he held back and tried to not let them show any of his feelings. But for how long was he supposed to do that? Nami broke the kiss. She was worried since her lover never behaved like that. “No, please. Don´t go, stay.”, his eyes were closed and his hands were shaking when he placed his lips upon hers again. She let him be and said nothing. Nami closed her eyes and placed her hands on his chest and allowed him to do what he pleased, not caring that his wet clothes might wet hers too. She let him do what he wanted as long as he was happy. As long as she could help him get rid of the sorrow and pain in him. As long as she had him by her side.
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phantomchick · 4 years
Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost!
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Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins  by elumish Oneshot, Gen, Fluff, child neglect, Naruto gets unofficially adopted by his anbu guards and it’s incredibly cute Summary: He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU’s legacy.
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)  by Pleasedial123 Longfic, Gen, Team Seven, team as family, Bamf Kakashi, Bamf team 7, au, kakashi pov, Complete but part of a three part series and the third part is still ongoing, still highly recommend, what team 7 should have been, Skilled Teacher! Kakashi Summary: In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher.  He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team.  In that world he was quite hands off - merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his. 
In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. 
He suddenly realised what he had done, passing a team.  Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team.
In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher.  This is the beginning of a new team seven.
Something in the water by maldoror_gw  Oneshot, Gen, Teen and Up for language, hilarious, Tsunade pov, fluff, mild crack, pre-shippuden post naruto,
Summary: "Sakura...what is that man reading?" Tsunade asked in a dangerous voice. Sakura's gaze twitched away from her ex-teacher to her new - and temperamental - mentor. "Erm...a book...written by a...well-respected member of the community...about...romance?" Tsunade noted with passing approval that Sakura was demonstrating both loyalty and quite a lot of imagination in defending her one-time team leader (who was now trying to edge around a pillar to get away from Tsunade's venomous glare).
backslide by blackkat Time travel, time travel fix it, mature, fluff, team seven, m/m, slow build romance, Naruto adopts himself, Uzumaki heritage, bamf Naruto, complete longfic, Summary: Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
Tobirama Kicks Some Sense Into Konoha by allseer15 Hurt/comfort, whump, emotional whump, time travel, fix it, time travel fix it, The ‘what if Tobirama came to the future saw an orphaned Naruto and adopted the shit out of him’ Fic, Iconique, child neglect, child abandonment, fluff, so much fluff, completed longfic, look I have a weakness for the time travel fix it trope at the best of times but this fic is good even looking at it without focusing on that! Prolonged Tobirama content, Senju lore, senju feels, Summary: The Hidden Leaf Village in Naruto's time seems to have forgotten just why the village was founded and have lost their way.  Through a mishap with a hiraishin seal, Tobirama finds himself during Naruto's time and he is having none of this nonsense. His brother may be gone, but he won't stand to have Hashirama's dream trampled so. And if he has to cause a civil war or burn the village down to the ground? Well that depends on how much resistance he meets. All Tobirama does know for certain is that no child will suffer underneath the protection of Konoha and if he has to take them in and care for them himself, then he will.
Hardest of hearts by blackkat Oneshot, Gen, look I really like blackkat’s naruto fic okay, part one of a completed three part series, all three parts are great, Fix its are the best, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix It, Orochimaru redemption story, the sheer shadenfreude of one baddie fucking over another baddie, in this case Danzo, Obito has a ‘bad guy but not that bad of a guy’ solidarity moment with Orochimaru at the start and I loved it so there’s that, featuring a low key constantly horrified at this turn of events Minato,
Summary: Orochimaru gets one more chance. Just maybe, it will be enough to save him—and the entire world as well. 
A Snake In the Grass, a Wolf At the Door by blackkat Mature, Completed ten chapter fic, Orochimaru redemption story, Orochimaru/Kakashi’s dad, you read that right, quality Sakumo content, Families of Choice, Humour, Fluff and Angst, somewhat crackish, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, baby Kakashi being a cutie Summary: Orochimaru is on the edge of breaking when someone unexpected pulls him back to solid ground. When the time comes, he returns the favour.
Nukenin by WhisperingDarkness Gen, dimension travel, team seven, team as family, Kakashi actually being a good sensei even when he’s not a sensei at all, possessive kakashi, Team Seven is his team, Kinda Fluffy, Protective Kakashi, the ‘this might as well happen’ adaptability is real, Kakashi adopts team seven and team seven adopts kakashi, even though he’s illegal, 4 chapter fic, marked as complete as author doesn’t plan to continue it, but even taking these chapters as stand alone this fic is great,
Summary:  In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders.  “Ok. That is definitely different.”  In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin Ongoing, it’s really really good though! great Kakashi content, Minato is very stressed and I love him, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, whump, PTSD’d Kakashi gets to relive his childhood but gets a little bit of a real childhood along the way, ADHD Rin, time travel fix it, look I like what I like and what I like is fix its and time travel apparently, Kakashi adopts Orochimaru before he descends into douchbaggery, Orochimaru Redemption story, everyone is alive,   Summary: The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice. Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
How To Save The World With No One Even Realising by IncompleteSentanc (Erava) Gen, Teen and Up, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, time travel fix it, Canonically Accurate OP Team 7, SuperBadass!Sakura, SuperBadass!Sasuke, SuperBadass!Naruto, RegularBadass!Shikamaru, Canonically Violent Sasuke, Equally Violent Sakura, Saving The World One Murder At A Time, Various Jinchuuriki, Team 7 As Super Villains, Doing Super Villainy Stuff, Like Murder, And Professional Eyeball Removal, Poor Obito, Poor Minato, AKA The Worst Four Months of Minato's Life, And Everyone Else's Too, Dark Humor, Bittersweet Ending, Dark Comedy, Crack treated seriously, completed 3 chapter fic, Well worth the read, Team 7 To The End! Summary: Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realise at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that. It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman. A woman with cotton candy pink hair. It only devolves from there.
Just Killing Time by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling) Gen, Oneshot, Short and Sweet, Classic of The Fandom, Ficlet, Team 7, Kids being Kids, Fluff, Fluff and Humour, Slice of Life, Cute Kids
Summary: After Wave Country and before the chuunin exam, Team 7 kills time while waiting for Kakashi to show up. 
there lies a trail of fire behind us by BowAndDagger Gen, Madara is extremely confused but mostly on board, Time Travel au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bamf Naruto Uzumaki, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except Zetsu, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Fix-It, Founders Era, clan wars era, Pre-Slash, POV Uchiha Madara, the Completed part one of an Ongoing/Incomplete series, completed 4 chapter fic, Summary: As he returns from a mission, Madara makes a strange encounter with an even stranger shinobi. Then, he’s summarily kidnapped to go on a quest to save the world by said weird shinobi. (He absolutely did not choose to follow the stranger on his own free will. He was kidnapped. He did not give chase. He did not.)
A Political Perspective by VJ Riddle  / MueraRashaye Ongoing, Possibly (Probably) Discontinued, Teen and Up, Gen, Team 7, training montage deluxe, Konoha is a murder village, Good Teacher! Kakashi, AU, slowly developing into Bamf team 7, Bamf Kakashi, slowly developing into Team as Family, lots of fun ideas, not crack, Minor Spoiler: Zabuza and Haku get x’d before their character development gets its chance to shine in this fic, Sometimes people don’t warn for that in the tags and it can be a dealbreaker in fic for me as I love those two, not a dealbreaker in the case of this fic though! Really good fic so far, kind of verging on dry in places but it always stays fun in the end with lots of interesting elements, I enjoy the character insight from the pov switching, and also how much of a headcase Kakashi is, graphic depictions of violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Summary: Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.
Integrity by Liz_Starling Oneshot, Gen, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, Integrity, Child Neglect, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Reflections on Naruto’s inner workings as a person, promises,
Summary: Naruto keeps his word. Some people are loyal to their families. Some, their orders. Naruto is loyal to the only thing he’s been able to count on; the promises he makes.
Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper) by RayShippouUchiha Ongoing, BUT EXCELLENT, it made me cry, Naruto feels, 6 chapter fic thus far, Bamf Naruto, Bamf Tsunade, Naruto deserved better, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Gen, Mature, Team 7, Uzumaki Feels, Abandonment, Tsunade gives Naruto the personal talk he deserved instead of finding out from a chakra imprint when he was dying, so we stan, I love this fic
Summary: It’s just… he’d thought, given his fight against Neji and then his confrontation with Gaara, that someone would finally really acknowledge what he’d done.  That beyond Iruka-sensei’s crushing hug and Kakashi-sensei’s absent pat, someone would actually notice that he’d won against both of them.
That he’d beaten a genius on his own and then had battled another jinchūriki to a stand still.
So while he hadn’t really expected to be promoted too he’d still ...
¦ part 1 ¦ part 2 ¦ part 3 ¦
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spideywhites · 3 years
Hi! I'm late, but 🌎 🌱 👗 🎵 💸 ⚰️ 🙏 😍 for Natsume? Pretty please?
[ 🌎 ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
hm... i'm not sure how much i really want to give away. i have three potential AU ideas based on time travel what-if scenarios. in one, he ends up in the warring states era with sasuke (age 17, sent back after losing the 4th war). in another, he's around 19 (and im not going to talk about the state of his personality bc that's too many spoilers) and a sealing accident sends him into the canon universe just before naruto becomes a genin. in the last, him and obito are the last survivors of the fourth war and get bamboozled into the past - obito gets shoved back in his thirteen year old body, while natsume has to race to find him before madara does.
i've got a few others, mostly just casual ideas. like natsume in the bnha universe, or accidentally ending up in the marvel universe, etc, etc. honestly we'll see how many years it takes to finish the main fic lmao.
[ 🌱 ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
the ocean / spirals / crimson / camellias / ink / steel / the moon / blues / teeth / strawberries / parchment / libraries / open fields / winter / summer / sunsets / swimming
[ 👗 ] what is your muse’s fashion sense like? are they able to dress the way they want to? what would they wear in an ideal world?
natsume wears a lot of blue. he's a fan of cool tones, with hints of gold. he also wears black a lot, generally as underclothes - like a skintight black top, with a looser blue shirt / kimono / cardigan / jacket over it. he wears clothes that are practical and meant for shinobi. in an ideal world, he really likes the way intricate kimonos look but doesn't currently have the money for them, nor the knowledge as to how to wear them correctly. comfy clothes are preferred.
[ 🎵 ] is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? why is that?
seasons - greyson chance . just ,, an excellent song that showcases how natsume's character will change over time. exceptionally relevant to the theme of the whole fic.
make believe - the faim . very introspective and reflects a lot of what natsume's mental state is like for a good chunk of the child/teen years. i would say it centers on .... the part of the story where the greatest moment of change is drawing near.
used to the darkness - des rocs . very, very natsume. dark mode natsu. definitely a song i frequently listen to while trying to come up with fight scenes lol
[ 💸 ] if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
natsume is very practical. he'd buy a better house, plenty of gardening supplies for naruto, and hoard it away so they would always have enough to never need to turn to the shinobi lifestyle.
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
shisui. not spending enough time with him, or appreciating him. anything else is spoilers.
[ 🙏 ] what does your muse need? this can be something material or something abstract.
a home. somewhere he feels he belongs. the ability to make his own decisions. to rest and be a child for once. to have someone shoulder the responsibility of raising himself and naruto. he just needs help, clarity, a purpose that is his own, someone to teach him how to love where he comes from and where he might go.
[ 😍 ] does your muse believe in true love? why or why not?
nope. he understands attraction, but is the dry, harsh type that thinks claiming to love someone immediately is stupid. you never love everything about the person you love, but you learn to live with the bits you don't like and find compromise. natsume thinks everyone has the capacity to love multiple people throughout their life, and that the person you think is the one might not be in a few years. life is messy and cruel but humans have this amazing resilience that allows them to move on.
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lethalempathy · 3 years
the promise of water
by aelibia
A family that won't let go of its obligations. An ancient story yearning to be retold. A boy and a demon, trapped in the web of destiny.
And a girl with a stoat, ready to take them all on.
Words: 3366, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Tenacity of Stoats
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Gaara (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Ichibi | One-tail | Shukaku, Original Animal Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Gaara/Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Tags Contain Spoilers, BAMF Haruno Sakura, Strong Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino Friendship, Protective Uchiha Sasuke, Stoats, Even More Stoat Lore, Legends, Storytelling, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Canon, Friendship, Epic Friendship, Mental Health Issues, Pining, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Mentions of Tanuki, Battle Scenes, Sparring, Canon-Typical Violence, Tailed Beasts Are Ancient Mythical Beings Not Parts of the Ten Tails Puzzle Piece, Fourth Shinobi War, Post-Fourth Shinobi War, Arranged Marriage, BAMF Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke Has Issues, And He Is Solving Them Yas King, Uchiha Itachi Has Issues, They Said He Could Be Anything So Itachi Became a Skank, Chosen One, Research, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Mochi Once Again Winning, Sunagakure | Hidden Sand Village, Psychological Horror, Complicated Relationships, Yandere, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Power Dynamics, Power Play, Protective Haruno Sakura, Subterfuge, Family Secrets
from AO3 works tagged 'Gaara/Haruno Sakura' https://ift.tt/3kFPqgT via IFTTT
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