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tsignpro · 11 months ago
The fact that the light novels said that Ino and Sakura would be soulmates if one of them were a man will always be funny to me.
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inoxsai · 3 years ago
I really love your art! The way you draw the characters and Ino especially is freaking adorable! But if you wouldn't mind me asking I'd like to see more of inojin and his team there redesign is adorable
Thank you sosososo much, that's so adorable !! I will draw them more often, i love them so much !!
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xkaileo · 4 years ago
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Who Am I Chapter 28: Headaches
Sai’s explaining to Ino what happened, but it’s difficult to wrap her head around... especially when those around her are beginning to demand answers to what’s happening.
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yamanakagodess · 5 years ago
Mrs. Beauty 💜
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ask-inopig · 7 years ago
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@asksai-member-of-team-seven care to explain honey.......?
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mucho-mas-que-recuerdos · 8 years ago
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Sai ni se inmuta 😂💜
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ostaranight · 5 years ago
Something so sweet about this. ❤️
Ino: Sai I want a baby
Sai: Okay give me a week. What color do you want?
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foolarcana · 4 years ago
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An art of Sai and Ino I commissioned from the amazing @witchynade / @inoxsai a while back and have been saving to share for @yamanaka-week.
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years ago
Growing up watching and reading naruto I was a diehard naruhina, I could see narusasu, but naruhina was my endgame otp. Now looking back after so long I realize. It wasnt naruhina I was rooting for, it was hina×happiness. She was my girl and I wanted naruhina because she did. She could have ended with anyone and I would have been happy because she was. But yeah, now I only consider narusasu the main while Hinata gets whatever she want as my fave. Plus I kinda shipped sakuino from the start.
In all seriousness the pair ups I always saw were HinataxKiba, SakuraxLee, InoxSai once he came along, and always SasuNaru
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inoxsai · 5 years ago
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He doesn’t really invite her, He just ask her if He could go to the party with her but... meh ! After all she accepts !
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xkaileo · 4 years ago
Who Am I Chapter 26
Chapter 26: Memories has been released! Sai's finally opted to take a nap while he waits for further news on Ino, and his dreams are starting to mingle with reality. When Ino wakes up... what kind of state will she be in?
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jacksgreysays · 5 years ago
Tamed, again: Oh! check out "Tam Lin (Child 39)" by Anaïs Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer (Anaïs also did this great Eurydice/Orpheus album called Hadestown, which was later expanded to a full musical, and it's great, but much longer than Tam Lin). I'd like to see what you could make of that, given how different it is from most "wed to a monster" fairy tales. Doesn't have to be Tamed, that's just the one I was thinking of when I thought of this song/fairy tale prompt.
I listened/read the lyrics to this song, lionhead, and first off--nice rec! Second of all, I knew vaguely of the folk tale featuring Tam Lin in that he is a human man who the Queen of the Fairies fell in love with and took for herself (after “rescuing him?”) but I think maybe I conflated it with a similar folk tale and thought that he tried to go back to the human realm but when his feet touched the ground he rapidly aged to the point of death because it had been a century since he had been on the mortal plane and time caught up with him--is this not also Tam Lin or is that some other unfortunate human that the Queen of Fairies fell in love with? (Anyway, the version I thought was Tam Lin kind of informed the Uzumaki section in this Changeling ficlet, since they’re so long-lived that a century doesn’t really matter to them so long as they’re able to return to Uzushio eventually)
Although, now that I say that...
There must have been a few Uzumaki who went to party with The Fae Court before the Fall of Uzushio and then returned only to find that their home destroyed, so before they touched the ground and rapidly aged (not to death because Uzumaki longevity) the Fae were like. Hey, you want to just stay with us forever? And those Uzumaki were like... sure, why not?
And I guess what I’m saying is: “Tam Lin” is an Uzumaki who were one of those infinite partiers who slid back to the human world when someone was messing with Uzushio and realized that they wanted to escape/be human again and maybe fell in love but that’s not as important as the agency of deciding to escape on their own (because I, honestly, could do without the SURPRISE PREGNANCY TIME TO USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE???) and while it would make sense for the person messing around in the ruins of Uzushio to be Shikako (because maybe there is some sealing knowledge to be salvaged) it kind of seems like her method of freeing this Uzushio would be a little more hands-on than “no matter what happens and what I turn into, just hold on and eventually I will be released from my contract.” Like. “Shikako is going to fight the Fairy Queen in order for this Uzumaki to be freed.”
Looking back on that above-linked Changeling ficlet, it does end with the implication that as the titular Changeling, Shikako is subconsciously making her teammates into Knights so that she will become The Queen of the Fae.
And she canonically has a habit of overthrowing regimes when she doesn’t agree with their policies...
I guess then the question is, does the “Uzumaki Tam Lin” character even matter much if Shikako’s going to war with the Queen of the Fae anyway? It takes out the devotion and desperation and faith aspects of the “hold onto me no matter what I turn into, I swear I will go home.”
So maybe not focusing so much on the fairy world thing...
Okay. If we’re focusing on the transformation thing... obviously jinchuuriki so Naruto, Gaara, and Haku would be ideal. Gaara and Haku both also have the bonus of elemental manipulation, so we could get “turns into sand/ice” THEN “turns into manifestation of bijuu” But I don’t really know what either of them are escaping from/would need someone to hold onto them while they turn into dangerous things in order to escape from something.
Unless it’s an emotional escaping thing? Closure, as it were. Since the last person to hug Gaara was probably his uncle Yashamaru who tried to kill him and the last person to hug Haku might have been his mom who hit him for using his ice or his dad who assembled a mom to try to kill him so... HUGGING IS A FRAUGHT MATTER WITH THESE BOYS, IS WHAT I’M SAYING...
... I also have another (two) takes on this, a little more abstract, but I’m not sure which one I like better/which fits their personalities better... so an InoxSai or a SakuraxIno thing. (Not necessarily romantic, but eh, why not?)
So basically, Sai wants to leave ROOT, but there are ~mysterious mental programs~ in his head which cause him to basically go mindless attacking machine. Possibly installed by Fu Yamanaka on Danzo’s orders. So the best person to “deprogram” him, as it were, may be Ino? Or, at the very least, you get the cool animal imagery with Sai’s attacks while Ino holds on (either literally or metaphorically) until he’s mentally free from ROOT and “human” again.
The second one, is kinda similar, in that... well... I actually have no idea if Inner Sakura is a thing in DoS. Did she even show up in Shippuden? Or was Inner Sakura more of a “real Sakura’s oppressed desires/personality manifesting itself as a separate thing” because the fact that she could repel a blood limit with that in canon is impressive. Unless it was more a thing against Ino not being a serious practitioner of her family’s jutsu during that time and so even a schism of will within Sakura’s mind caused too much destabilization that the Yamanaka mind swap couldn’t hold.
Anyway, what I’m saying is: Orochimaru’s splinter of personality in Ino tries to take over her body and Sakura (via Inner Sakura?) has to fight him off so that Ino can shore up her mental defenses and kick him out for good. But since it’s a mental scape thing, it looks like Ino turning into Orochimaru, turning into a snake, turning into a cursed seal version of herself, etc. etc. And Sakura “healing” her/holding on to keep Orochimaru’s take over at bay.
I don’t know which idea I like best...
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cupcakeyukichan · 6 years ago
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I was drawing on my new tablet I bought and uhhhhh what better test subject than my homeboy inojin? XD  He is hands down my favorite Boruto character and he is also the main reason why I love InoxSai now, though it wasn’t originally like that SHHHHHHH DON’T TELL THEM!!! XD 
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singmysongagain · 8 years ago
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Old doodle. InoxSai is wholesome content
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thefreakykitty13stuff · 8 years ago
Hi, can you recommend me some InoxSai rated T->M fanfics ? *jiraiya perv giggle*
Inked Emotions by fanfictioner22 is pretty good- unfinished though Also, not Sai x Ino but Something of unearthly love by DeGlace is insanely good- it’s Ino x Hidan Let me know what you think! Recommend me some good ino fics when you find em! 
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fishcakedoodles · 5 years ago
Beautiful!!!! 😍😍😍 @inoxsai It not bad to be proud of our hard work, It's a positive thing!!! Everyone need to be proud of him/her/them-self :)
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Day 1 bonus.
Day 2 is a comic strip that I haven’t finished yet, so i’ll probably publish only the lineart and then the color version… ! Sorry :c
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