#fourh ag
uozlulu · 5 years
Guess who’s having a quarter life crisis~?
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That said I do like the look Finral’s rocking
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uozlulu · 5 years
lol these names:
Toritaro - bird and taro (like Jotaro)
Silvantus Schnauzer - Noelle always wanted a dog
Magnam Fire - sounds like an incantation
Gauche wants M and now all I can imagine is the Majin M from DBZ on the bird's forehead
Wine - Vanessa, I know it's one of the few safe drinks around but please go easy
Nero - I know Luck means like Italian for black but I had a moment of Emperor Nero why not? (also lol Nero approves)
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uozlulu · 5 years
I watched the first three episodes of SKET Dance and I loved it as I knew I would. It was interesting how much I remembered considering it's been twelve years since I read those chapters and I only read them once
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uozlulu · 5 years
So I found out the guy who wrote Dr. Stone is the same guy who wrote Eyeshield 21, which makes me feel a little more optimistic because I really REALLY enjoyed ES21 especially the characters. I still have a sneaking suspicion with Dr. Stone that the make or break with it for me will be its world building
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uozlulu · 5 years
@pokemasterchaz99 replied to your post “I want to see the Henry and Zora dolls. I’m curious how Gordon will...”
@uozlulu I think Zora would be so psyched to see Gordon make a doll of him lol.
I was thinking this exact thought too. I think that they could really get along
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uozlulu · 5 years
Going through the Royal Knight Exam arc in Black Clover reminds me of the Spors Day arc in Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia), and how both of them seem to progress faster and seem less drawn out than a lot of fighting heavy arcs in Jump manga from our youth. I like that both series seem to learn and adapt from what's come before
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uozlulu · 5 years
Kind of makes you wonder as the boys show off their grimoire to gain entry, as many have likely wondered before and after I make this post, if Yuno and Asta aren't the same magical entity split in half or perhaps the Wizard King and demon reborn or maybe a mixture of both theories. Like perhaps Asta is the Wizard King reborn after centuries of purifying the demon. And Yuno in turn is the demon reborn but purified so he can use the highest level of magic.
I mean it can’t be coincidence that they showed up wearing the same personalized baby garments. It’s like some kind of Chekhov’s gun or something
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uozlulu · 5 years
I love how Bossun is 100% equipped to deal with three-year-old sized Himeko and Momo but also 100% not equipped to deal with this. It's like a tie between being a big brother and that awkward moment your best friend/crush turns itty bitty
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uozlulu · 5 years
I decided to remove Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin (Midnight Civil Servants) from my watchlist because I knew in my hart I'd never get around to watching ep 10 let alone 11 and 12. The lack of of development, pacing problems, and kind of hodgepodge vibe it had as it went along as well as seeing posts about episode 10 and wha would happen just made my ability to care about the characters evaporate.
I have no questions about what will happen next that will ever be answered. They kind of abandoned the whole monster of the week thing in a way too. I was looking back at my reblogs and realized a lot of what I talk about is how the show could have been better if they put in a little effort but they just phoned it in to a degree.
I think that's really the downside to thee current approach to adapting a lot of novels right now in anime. They rely so much on the audience having access to the source material and for the anime to be a commercial for the source material that if they rely too heavily on the source material to carry interest through it just goes to pieces if you can't actually access the source material.
I think that if they'd come up with some characer arcs and either stuck to monster of the week or made a series length story arc then things would be different. But it's like Arata's living with a god and we just never explore this plot point. Where's our random episode about one of Arata's days off dealing with this? All we really got was Kohaku pointing Azazel in th direction of Arata's childhood friend. Then we've got Theo/Seo and Kyouichi who's relationship seems to take a lot of unseen leaps and bounds in what feels like ways to mark time skips in the story. Although while their relationship changes off screen, Arata and Kohaku seem to still be stuck in idek. Like Arata and Kohaku don't have to be a couple, but it'd be nice to see them move on to idek close fronds rather than roommates or something? Anything? You know what I mean? Give them some proper interaction? Some proper development?
Oh well. We can't all be Kakuriyo who at least tried. I might watch the final ep eventually depending on what my dash shows me
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uozlulu · 5 years
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Himeko and Switch present: Totally Likely Coordinated Messing Around
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uozlulu · 5 years
I really wish Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin (Midnight Civil Servants) had actually tried with is storyline to bring us something coherent with consistent pacing. Like Arata running into agents who can't trust him due to how he treats Anohers is a good plot point, but this is episode nine of like twelve. This is like a plot point that might have been better served earlier. Actually, the more I think about i the more I think Azazel probably should have been the final few episodes rather than in the middle especially since nothing much seems to have come from it outside of Kyouichi reuniting with his sister. This lack of like consequences and lack of emotional build up of any relationship is partially why I'm glad we went back to cases because the show is stronger when it's exploring the bizarre world of Anohers since it's not really putting forth the effort outside of those plot points.
This reminds me of Tsurune in that both anime are kind of disregarding the relationships tha make the source material stronger, but Occult seems to be making more sensical choices even if they're sloppy choices since at least part of the poin of Occult is Anothers whereas Tsurune kind of forgot to fully explore "target panic."
Am I going to drop Occult? No. It might be sloppy but it's not annoying and I am curious what the final episodes will give us, but I just wish they'd come up with a less choppy plan.
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uozlulu · 5 years
Even though these boys are bombing with these girls at the mixer, this seems like a fun way to do it. When I was in school we did mixers but they were just casual dances. I think I'd have liked this kind of mixer, though I'd have probably been Asta levels of bombing out
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uozlulu · 5 years
It must be hard to grow up in a clan as a kind of dark mark knowing your only hope for marriage is someone else from the clan not only from Kyo's perspective where he's got Kagura bullying him into things to the point of physical violence, but also from Kagura's perspective where she must have felt like she had to sake a claim, guard, and foster it, but nobody in this clan knows how to have healthy relationship so you get all this nonsense. Well, and the whole mental illness attached to relationship status thing in this story too adds to this as well in its own way I think
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uozlulu · 5 years
I was like "Oh hey, Dr. Lee is back on TV. I'll watch one ep before I watch Jump stuff," and then it was like "Here's this guy who's got a giant ass lipoma or something on his finger and it's stumping Dr. Lee. TBC" and it's like well then more Dr. Lee for me
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uozlulu · 5 years
@z-bot replied to your post “I think this is a personal record for me to realize no candidate is on...”
I'm assuming this post is about disabilities, esp ones that keep a person from working, and the way that keeps people invisible in the political landscape? Because that is how I read it and it's something I think about often and it is (to put it mildly) incredibly frustrating, but since I can't coherently and concisely corral these thoughts right now I'd like to at least give you a metaphorical tip of the hat. Or as the kids would say, "this post is valid".
That is exactly it. Nobody’s health care plan is going to work for my needs (low cost, catastrophic coverage). No one wants to talk full time employment either. I feel very alienated. My needs don’t count and don’t matter. When I tried to talk about the negative effects of the ACA in my life everyone was dismissive and all “But people can have health care now, who cares?” and it’s like I’ve got multiple pre-existing conditions. I am the type of person they were claiming they wanted to help. They didn’t really improve it at all.” Or they’ll say “People can afford their drugs now,” but my cheapest cheap ass ACA plan has no drug coverage. It’s been this way since implementation as well, but nooooo can’t talk about that because that’s not what people want to hear. No one talks about how they’re going to reduce costs or at least get the jobs market friendlier to employment and full time employment either. I mean like if they aren’t going to give me affordable health care they could at least give me the means to start saving for a potential future emergency procedure I’ll probably need. I mean I know, as I have been told my whole life, I am not entitled to nor deserve it but I need it nonetheless. 
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uozlulu · 5 years
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Coral Peacock indeed
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