#four bedroom house east yorkshire
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pheasantstayss · 2 months ago
Charming Railway Holiday Cottage for a Unique Getaway
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Step back in time and unwind at our delightful Railway holiday cottage. Nestled beside a historic railway line, this cozy retreat offers the perfect blend of rustic charm and modern comfort. Whether you're a train enthusiast or simply seeking a peaceful escape, enjoy stunning countryside views, unique railway-themed decor, and easy access to local attractions. Experience a memorable stay where history meets relaxation.
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alexturner2005 · 7 years ago
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Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner on their new album and returning to the limelight - The Sunday Times, 20 May 2018
The first — and last — rock stars of the internet age are back with a new album. Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner talks to Krissi Murison in our exclusive interview
Alex Turner — Arctic Monkeys’ frontman — opens his front door and offers me a tea. He is wearing double denim and an army-surplus jacket embossed with his surname. The hair he usually Brylcreems into a quiff hangs lankly around a curiously awful goatee beard. I assume this must be his gone-to-seed, holiday look. Understandable — it has been five years since his band last released an album, and almost four years since either the hair or the chin were required on stage with them. But no, my mistake, the goatee is still very much present a few weeks later when the band announce details of their comeback with a series of moody new promo shots. Must be an LA thing, then.
Turner, 32, has lived in Los Angeles since 2012, though the house I’m at is the one he keeps in east London. It’s a pretty but modest two-up, two-down Victorian worker’s cottage he bought a decade ago during the first flushes of Arctic Monkeys’ success. Inside speaks of rarefied audiovisual obsessions and retro good taste: guitars and vintage tape machines, French new wave films and dystopian sci-fi novels. The bathroom is a groovy throwback of lemon-yellow walls and black tiles with a copy of Pocket Bowie Wisdom on the side of the tub. Do I need to use the facilities? Because if not his American model girlfriend, Taylor Bagley, would like a bath. I don’t. “Green light,” he calls through to her in the bedroom.
Back in the kitchen, Magic FM blasts incongruously and he dawdles over the tea.
“I just need to … I used the last of it on me Crunchy Nut cornflakes this morning,” he begins in his slow south Yorkshire drawl, the first of many sentences that aren’t really sentences at all, but abstractions vaguely pointing to a meaning. This one being that the milk’s run out.
Despite my protests, he puts on his coat and nips out, returning minutes later with the goods. The perfect host. If only the same could be said for his interview credentials.
Speaking to Turner is always a frustration. For a man rightly hailed as one of the great lyricists of his generation, he is surprisingly useless at verbal communication. Over the next couple of hours, his front room will become a sound lab of “umms”, “errs” and awkward, gaping silences. Even a simple question of what he likes to watch on telly brings a panicked five minutes of stop-start non-conversation in which I am eventually made privy to what he last saw on Netflix (“It might have been a Dave Chappelle special or something”).
Partly, I think it’s a conscious trick. Turner got very famous very young and learnt the hard way that every proclamation is a potential headline sent echoing around the world. But I first interviewed him when he was a largely unknown 19-year-old and he was just the same then. Perhaps he simply isn’t built for celebrity. His happy medium is his notepad, where he can endlessly perfect and revise, rather than the couch on The Graham Norton Show.
He is currently in London finishing the artwork for Arctic Monkeys’ new album. It is called Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino — an imagined place on the site of the 1969 moon landings and a neat vantage spot from which Turner can observe the world. It is also the follow-up to the band’s wildly successful fifth album, AM, which made them as big in America as their sparky indie-rock debut, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, made them here in 2006. AM went platinum in the US, though their new one is far too weird to compete. Written on a piano, it has a noirish, lounge-music feel, with Turner free-associating over the top about American politics, tech dependency and a culture driven by gentrification, good TV and social media likes. When it was released last week, the reaction was distinctly mixed, but lyrically it’s his most impressive yet. He started writing it a few days after Leonard Cohen’s death and the US election, and both loom large. “[Previously] I’d never wanted anything political to get into the music and that was because I didn’t know how to do it. It’s not as though these are protest songs necessarily, but I’m more confident about putting myself across.”
I last interviewed Turner seven years ago, shortly after the 2011 riots, when he refused to be drawn on any state-of-the-nation analysis. (“It ain’t me, babe,” he quipped, an ironic reference to the 1960s voice of a generation, Bob Dylan.)
He wasn’t alone in his reticence. Seven yeas ago it was near-impossible to find a young pop star brave enough to offer up an opinion on the crunchy issues of the day. Now with the age of activism upon us, celebrities are queuing up to sloganeer and shout their values. What has empowered them?
“Maybe they’re forced to be that way through the way it’s gone,” he says. “I seem to remember feeling like I hadn’t given sufficient consideration to these issues to be able to discuss them, which I’m not sure is necessarily a bad attitude towards it. They often are complex. It can go too far the other way, where people feel forced to talk about it, but they haven’t given it too much thought. There is a pressure on you now to think about stuff, which is not unhealthy.”
Not that I get any great political insight from him today. The closest we come is a discussion of Trump’s decision to use the Rolling Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want as his walk-on music at rallies and how artists have no veto over their songs being used for political ends.
“Don’t ya?” he asks, incredulous. “Like your song being on EastEnders, is it like that?” he laughs, referring to the BBC’s blanket music license. “What Monkeys tune would Trump walk on to?” he wonders aloud. He settles on Fluorescent Adolescent and begins comedy parping the opening notes to his 2007 hit about a spice-less long-term relationship. (Lyrics: “You used to get it in your fishnets/Now you only get it in your night dress/ Discarded all the naughty nights for niceness/Landed in a very common crisis”) “Imagine him waddling out to that!” he guffaws.
When Arctic Monkeys first became extraordinarily popular in the mid-2000s, it was impossible to talk about them without mentioning two things. First, they were one of the earliest bands to grow an audience almost entirely via the internet. Against conventional wisdom that music shouldn’t be given away free, they posted their homemade early demos and live recordings online. Word spread fast. I remember sneaking through the back door of one of their sold-out first gigs in London in 2005 as Turner was carried around the room on a sea of hands, the audience screaming every word of every song — despite the fact Arctic Monkeys had yet to sign a record deal. It was a phenomenon.
The second debate revolved around Turner’s lyrics — beautiful social observations that crackled with bar-fly wit and worldly smarts. Still in his teens and barely coherent in person, Turner was dogged by suggestions he must have had help from an older, more erudite hand. But there was no mysterious impresario.
Arctic Monkeys’ drummer, Matt Helders, has known Turner since they were both five years old and went to primary school together in High Green on the outskirts of Sheffield. “Quite early on I knew he had a thing for words,” he recalls down the phone from Los Angeles, where he now lives about a mile from Turner. “When we very first started playing music, he wasn’t necessarily going to be the singer, we hadn’t figured that bit out yet. I think he was quite apprehensive about it, but he was always good at English at school, so it didn’t seem like a big leap for him to try and do that.”
The son of two teachers, Turner remembers anxiously keeping his notepad scribbles under lock and key lest his fellow pupils discover his uncool hobby. “I was quite shy, I suppose. I definitely didn’t want people to find out I was writing.” The first time he showed them to his then girlfriend, he sat on the other side of his bedroom with “beads of sweat” while she read them.
“I can relate to that in terms of where we’re from and the school we went to,” says Helders. “You’re not necessarily encouraged to follow a creative path.” As such, playing in a band was only supposed to be a bit of fun, never a career. “A lot of friends, for example, just went into trades and worked their way up in whatever their first job was. I probably just saw myself doing that.”
After the initial internet frenzy, Arctic Monkeys went mainstream. In late 2005 their debut single, I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor, went to No 1. The following year, their first album became what was then the fastest-selling British debut of all time and they became so famous, even Gordon Brown felt he ought to declare himself a fan — though he failed to be able to name a single one of their songs in a follow-up question. The incident haunted Brown throughout the rest of his political career (it even cropped up in his autobiography, released last year), though for Turner it barely warranted a footnote in those early whirlwind years. “I think it passed me by. It’s the sort of thing I can imagine going home and my granddad telling me about,” he says.
Back at Turner’s house, his girlfriend, Taylor, briefly appears downstairs, freshly washed. She has a mad, alien beauty: tall, skinny and limby, with hair dyed luminous tangerine, a nose ring, black leather trousers and extraordinary ice-blue eyes. Goodness knows how he ever gets any work done.
She coos over my three-month-old baby, who has just woken up hungry, mentions her impending broodiness more than once, and skips off to lunch.
Blimey, she is beautiful, I stammer like an idiot after she’s gone.
“Agreed,” he smiles. “I won’t resist you on that.”
Before arriving, I had fallen for idle chatter claiming that Turner was back with Alexa Chung, the gamine British fashion darling whom he dated between 2007 and 2011 — their romance still occupies a special place in the hearts of many latter-day indie-rock fans (they were a sort of scruffily aspirational Posh’n’Becks). Late last year, gossip columns reported that they had been seen canoodling at a fireworks party. Fake news! It was her birthday drinks, he’d gone along, they’d been spotted having a chat. There were no fireworks, metaphorical or otherwise.
He and Taylor, he explains, have been together for nearly three years, having met through mutual friends in LA. They now live together.
Has he settled down for good?
He laughs. “How am I supposed to answer that? Yeah,” he decides. “Mmm.”
Like Chung, Bagley has been known to post a lot of pictures of herself looking impossibly attractive on Instagram. There she is posing with her dog, posing naked in the bath … but never, as far as I can tell, posing with Turner. Is that because he’d rather not be there?
“I don’t recall submitting that request, but I’m not sorry about it if I’m not on there.”
Does he have to take all those pictures of her, though? I always imagine that behind every perfect Insta-girl is a bored boyfriend chained to the photo-filter app on their iPhone.
“No, I’m not much of a photographer.”
Alongside Arctic Monkeys, Turner has a long-term side-project called The Last Shadow Puppets with his best friend, the Birkenhead singer-songwriter Miles Kane. During the promotion for their last album, the two did an interview with a female journalist from the music webzine Spin. Turner was being his usual unforthcoming self, so Kane attempted to break the ice with some groan-inducing banter. This included inviting the journalist up to his hotel room when she asked what he was doing after the interview, which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid (he realised as much the next day and emailed her to say sorry). The result, though, was a lengthy op-ed calling out Kane’s unprofessionalism and the misogyny of the music industry at large. Personally, I found some of her complaints against him a tad flimsy — holding eye contact for too long, high-fiving her, “yanking” her in “for a not entirely consensual kiss on the cheek” as she said goodbye, and not least the idea that interviewing a rock star is ever supposed to be an exercise in professionalism.
What did Turner make of it all?
He sighs. “I think he made a joke he shouldn’t have made and realised he had misjudged the situation.”
I thought it was a bit OTT, I tell him.
“Yeah, I’m not sure it was deserving of that response honestly, but you just can’t make a joke like that.”
Not any more. I attempt to draw him on the #MeToo movement. Undoubtedly there was a time before Turner was romantically settled when he enjoyed the spoils of being young, successful, ravishingly eligible and single while on tour. But does the current atmosphere mean men in the public eye like him feel vulnerable that any encounter could now come back to bite them?
“Well, I don’t know, I suppose it depends on how you behave.”
Well, yes. So …
“Do I worry about how I’ve behaved in the past?” Twenty agonising seconds of silence pass as Turner mentally checks through every drunken come-on and backstage fumble of his career. “No” is his final decision.
While we’re on the subject of personal responsibility, then … A few years ago, the Arctic Monkeys were named and shamed for having invested in Liberty, the £1.2bn high-profile tax-avoidance scheme, alongside other celebrities including Gary Barlow, George Michael, Michael Caine and Ant and Dec. The four current members were reported to have paid fees of between £38,000 and £84,000 to protect sums ranging from £557,000 to £1.1m between 2005 and 2009.
“We were given some poor advice and I made a poor decision,” he says now. “But I always paid my taxes in full, on time,” he adds, echoing a statement the band put out at the time.
But the scheme allowed him to pay less tax, I suggest. Does he understand why people were upset by it?
“Absolutely, yeah. But we didn’t get to pay less, though.”
Why were you in it, then?
“Because there was a potential that we would, that’s the important point.”
So you pulled yourself out of it before that point when you realised it wasn’t the right thing to do?
Regardless of how much tax he has paid, he is still worth millions. What does he spend his money on? There is a pause so long I think his batteries might have run out. Doesn’t he have a motorbike, I eventually prompt him.
“Yes! But it’s just one bike, it’s not like I’m Jay Leno [the American comedian, who has a vast motorcycle collection]. We all learnt to ride together. We’re going to be rehearsing next month, so maybe we’ll all be on the bikes going to rehearsals,” he says.
These days they are dispersed across the world: Turner and Helders in LA, the guitarist Jamie Cook in east London and the bass player Nick O’Malley in Sheffield. They have all had children, apart from Turner. Does he feel broody?
“Not just yet, I don’t think.”
Helders, who has a two-year-old daughter with his wife, Breana McDow — a model and actress whom he met on the set of an Arctic Monkeys music video — has been taking advice from his rock-star-dad friends, such as Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, on the best way to tour with a family. “There are two ways of doing it: either you take everyone with you or you go home more often — two weeks on, two weeks off, that kind of thing.”
Which will they opt for? “Probably a bit more of the latter. My wife, she works as well, so she can’t just drop everything to come out on tour. She’s got things going on.” The news that her career is given equal weight makes me want to punch the air.
“I’m a modern man,” he continues. “Neither of us have got family nearby, so it’s not as easy as when we were kids, when my mum would just drop me off with a family member and go to work. So all the time I’ve been off [tour] we’ve been taking advantage of that so she’d be at work more and I’d be at home. I’ve been very hands-on.”
Helders says he likes California for the weather and because “I get to ride my motorbike without any obstacles”. For Turner, it’s the “anonymity” that LA grants him — “I suppose being less recognisable” — but he doesn’t know if living there “will be for ever”.
What does he miss most about home? “Newsnight.”
Turner voted Remain in the Brexit referendum. His home city of Sheffield voted to leave. Does he have sympathy with friends back home who wanted out?
“I mean, you’re assuming that I’ve got friends who wanted to leave. I don’t think I do.”
It has been 12 years since Arctic Monkeys emerged and there hasn’t been another British rock band as good or as successful as them since. They weren’t just the first great band of the internet age, they were also the last. Why hasn’t anyone else come along to resonate in the same way?
“I don’t know what’s necessarily missing from music that we had. We were fortunate at the time, we were the last opportunity before downloading or streaming or whatever became the thing,” says Helders. “I don’t know if that’s ruined music by any means. It just seems like there’s more of it now and it’s harder to stand out. It’s up to [the individual] to put it out, not waiting on a record deal or the radio to play your song, which is great for the artist, but it also means there’s lots more competition.”
Of course, it’s not that there aren’t any new artists having huge success right now, it’s just that they’re predominantly solo artists — think Adele, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran. What happened to the gang mentality of the Beatles, the Clash and Oasis? Why don’t teenagers aspire to form bands any more?
“Maybe [making music] is too easy, maybe everyone thinks they’re good enough to do it on their own and that they don’t need the band. Maybe if it was like this 10 years ago, I’d have thought, f*** it, I’m doing it on my own,” Helders laughs. “Nah, I definitely wouldn’t have done that. Music now can be in a studio on your own, on a computer on your own, in your bedroom. There are a lot of talented people who can play every instrument on their own record and it sounds great.”
Talented people such as Turner, who writes all the songs and could easily go it alone. What keeps him in Arctic Monkeys when bands are so cumbersome, expensive to tour and unfashionable?
For once he finds the words immediately. “I enjoy their company. So, for instance, on this project I was really unsure about what I was doing and lost with it completely. Then, when Jamie came out to LA to join me and we worked on stuff together, through his encouragement suddenly I felt completely different. Him getting excited about it, like the way I remember him getting excited about some idea in his bedroom in his mum’s house when we were 16 … I still get that buzz out of his reaction.”
I just wish he could be less enthusiastic about the goatee.
Arctic Monkeys’ new album, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, is out now on Domino
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mystacoceti · 2 years ago
My maternal grandmother seemed to my infant self a woman of such physical and spiritual heaviness she might have been born with a greater degree of gravity than most people. She cam from a community where women rule the roost and effortlessly imparted a sense of my sex’s ascendancy in the scheme of things, every word and gesture of hers displayed a natural dominance, a native savagery, and I am very grateful for all that, now, although the core of steel was a bit inconvenient when I was looking for boyfriends in the south in the late fifties, when girls were supposed as soft and as a pink as a nursuree.
Gran was ninety when she died ten years ago and wandering in her mind, so she’s talk about the miners’ strikes of her girlhood, how they’d march in their pit dirt and rags with banners and music, they would play harmonicas, and she leaned out of the attics of the house where she worked as a chambermaid to watch. She would have made a bloody awful chambermaid, unnaturally servile until something inside her snapped.
My maternal grandfather, who died before I was born, originally hailed from East Anglia. There was no work on the farms so he joined the army and I think his regiment must have been sent to south Yorkshire to put down the strikes. Nobody ever told me this in so many words, but I can think of no other reason why he should have arrived there in time to meet my grandmother in the late 1880s or early 1890s. He met her; they were engaged; and he was sent to India.
When we were clearing out my grandmother’s effects, we found a little stack of certificates for exams my grandfather had passed in the army. In Baluchistan, in the Punjab, in Simla, he had become astoundingly literate and numerate. He must also have learned to argue like hell. Furthermore, he became radicalised, unless the seeds had already been sewn in the seething radicalism of the coalfields. He wrote to my grandmother once a week for seven years. Characteristically unsentimental, she threw away their letters, with their extraordinary fund of information about an NCO coming to consciousness through the contradictions inherent in the Raj, but she kept the stamps. What stamp albums my uncles had.
Of all the dead in my family, this unknown grandfather is the one I would most like to have talked to. He had the widest experience and perhaps the greatest capacity for interpreting it. There are things about him that give me great pleasure; for example, as a hobby, later in life, he enjoyed, though only in a modest, yet a not entirely unsuccessful way, playing the Stock Exchange, as if to prove to himself the childish simplicity with which the capitalist system operated. My grandmother thwarted this flair, she never trusted banks, she  kept his money in matresses, no really, in biscuit tins, on her person, in her big, black, leather bag.
When my mother’s father came home, he married gran and joined the ILP and went to live in London, first Southwark, then Battersea, four children in a two-bedroom rabbit hutch. A yard, no garden. No bath.
from “The Mother Lode”, Angela Carter
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years ago
new citizens here..
A neighbour but one from me is a slovakian family..from Koshitze. A lot of people from there have come here. They are the nicest people on earth...as unaggressive as we are... Ok not clever particularly but really, really nice, the dad in particular..the husband Joska is hungarian mix. Last week some young black boys smashed the back window of his car, then black lads stole the son’s mobile phone. Yesterday I came home from work early, as one of my pupils’ families went to a wedding, so I only had four hours teaching..On Saturday evening there is a programme 'Wild CHina' which I always try to watch..I closed half the curtains, and settled to the tv to watch my beloved programme. As you know from my pictures with these little terraces,  our little front room looks straight onto the street, but generally it doesn't bother me.
All of a sudden there was a banging on my front door, you know you get an ear for door knockers, pedlars, gas man or what ever. This was banging, so I sent Joe, who was upstairs in his bedroom faffing with a new tank model, (he is mad on making tank and plane models at the moment and the house is filled with flying thing, even above my bedroom bookcase there is a fighter plane!! - but you know, with sons you get used to that and all sorts of other things) Joe is six foot, big built, blonde hair and pale blue eyes as is his brother Ryan and he says little but if they start trying to goad him, which the coloured and black lads often do, he has an irish temper and is not politically correct in the least-
I have to intervene when he starts arguing with police men particularly since he was eight years old, as he won’t accept that truth is not right but Might, -and a savage sounding rotweiler, this latter makes them run quickly...though he is the daftest, gentlest animal on God's earth. Joe went to sort out what the problem was: do you know two Polish men, - no but there are Slovaks there but you need to go up the road, all the blacks live up, not down the road.
He came in.. outside on the next wall, crashing banging crashing banging, as I say my house is on the road, so I have developed a deaf ear to noise as long as it comes no where near me.. learnt that when I was living in the East end of London.
but then I saw them all suddenly running up the road, flashing past. That meant they had done something really bad. Joe ran out and then I went out..they had thrown a stone at Joska the slovak father, who had come to the door, and now stood with huge gashes in his head, blood pouring down his face and chest..absolutely bemused by what was going on, and they had thrown a brick through the neighbour’s house, a young Pakistani couple, who was at work as a busdriver, people as quiet as we are!
well, we fetched the police etc etc..................
the outcome was that the police man is going on holiday and will sort it all out in a week's time!!!!!!!!!!!
The family have picked up everything and gone to stay with her brother for a week and are then leaving. He works for a german company and they have promised to move him to Kassel. Many of the Slovaks are going there next year to work, Joska already has an aunty in Stuttgart who has worked there for many, many years and settled there. They are a hard working family, and it was not totally joke when Joe commented : do you realise that all the offices throughout Britain are probably being cleaned by Slovaks.
Eva, his wife is in absolute shock: they are animals, I never liked this place (she didn't I can vouch for that, but it is impossible to live at home, as soon as we have enough money we will return) but these people are not humans, communism was better than what there is here..
and the police will come next week to sort it out.
One of the kids kept tearing up and down on a scooter, but the police man said there is a law in South Yorkshire, they are not allowed to chase kids on motorbikes because the kid might crash...
Joska went off, blood still streaming down his chest.
Jim, the man who owns the house says that is the last straw, he will sell it now. Joska's family were such good tenants and tenants like that, who care for the property better than their own just don't come twice. A Pakistani woman passing ( No, I am not racist in the least contrary to gossip, because I speak out at times-) said the same had happened to them down the road, but they never bother to fetch the police as the police never do anything anyway ... which is true and the gypsy girls at the bottom are stopping men and asking for fifty pounds for sex please!
I find now all the Pakistanis are trying to cover for their men and the schoolgirls’ incident. They tell me time and again that the school girls were whores (at nine) and begged them to have sex with them/- All the Pakistanis appear to be against the Poles and Slovaks about everything...and never stop complaining about them..I just laugh..they are crazy. You know like Germany after the first world war, exactly the same...
I can't say if it is true about the sex offers or not, they don't bother me, but I have a feeling they might be teasing the Pakistanis!! as they all know the news.
The gypsies don't speak to me, they say I am a German or a Hun and to be avoided, they are scared of me actually..they say I look aloof and arrogant. I tried to get one of their children to school, as he was a nice little scamp.. but after I got all the papers for them and they didn't send them, I stopped bothering. There are at least ten or twelve gypsy families here, with lots of kids, they just look like Pakistanis (gypsies came originally from north India) and fit the area very well..don't work, stand around..though one person in the family has to work for two years, before they can claim benefits
---but the police are coming back in one week..from holiday! So, as I have said time and again, for a country with a population as large as this, we need more policemen..why are we building ridiculous cultural centres which stand mainly unused or used by a couple of people, yet don’t have enough policemen to go round? It all boils down to a ridiculous use of the plentiful resources available by people who don’t seem to know how to manage a society!
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If you plan to visit Harrogate for a tour, do not miss the Brimham Rocks.
This spot has boulders that originated several millions of years ago. Enjoy a pleasurable through this amazing place. Give yourself a visual treat by visiting the RHS Garden Harlow Carr. Visit the Nidderdale Museum to know more about Dale's history, and explore modern art styles at the Mercer Art Gallery.
Final Words
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architectnews · 3 years ago
Leeds Footbridge: Gagarin Studio / DP Squared
Leeds Footbridge by Gagarin Studio / DP Squared, Yorkshire Architecture Photos
Leeds Footbridge News
5 May 2022
Leeds Footbridge, Climate Innovation District, over the River Aire, Yorkshire, northern England, UK
This is one of four projects have been awarded Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Yorkshire Awards.
Design: Gagarin Studio with DP Squared
photos © Andrew Wall
Leeds Footbridge by Gagarin Studio / DP Squared News
Jury Report
Straddling the River Aire, east of Leeds City centre, the Leeds Footbridge is an eye-catching sculptural form with a distinct purpose.
Having established the first phase on site of the ‘Climate Innovation District’, a new build zone of low energy housing and workspace to the north of the river, the client wanted to open up and connect this first phase to subsequent phases to the south of the river.
The need for the footbridge was twofold. To establish this pedestrian connectivity for residents and visitors, hence expanding the public realm through the overall masterplan, but also as a transfer structure for the district heating network and other services spanning the river.
Using Corten steel as the single construction material has allowed a maintenance free structure which is also fully recyclable and one that will subtly adjust in colour and patina with age.
The use of 16 standard laser cut balustrade profiles to form a repetitive rhythm along its length, is highly effective, creating movement and interest from all angles.
A pedestrian footbridge bridge is a very much a three-dimensional object, which needs to be carefully detailed, particularly when it passes over an existing towpath, allowing views directly to its underside. The Architects and Engineers have handled this with aplomb, exposing the structural ribs of the deck soffit which in turn co-ordinate with the chamfered deck edge and the enveloping balustrade. The result is an honest and pleasing structure which is as satisfying when viewed from beneath as it is from the riverbank.
The clients, aspirations of creating a new sustainable and low energy district of the city, is now being realised, with homes and workspace occupied and more under construction. The Leeds footbridge is an integral part of this vision. Through its imaginative design and quality of fabrication, the team have not only re-enforced this vision but dramatically enhanced it.
RIBA region: Yorkshire Architect practice: Gagarin Studio with DP Squared Date of completion: Oct 2019 Date of occupation: Oct 2019 Client company name: Citu Group Developments Ltd Project city/town: Leeds
Contract value: Confidential Gross internal area: 165.00 m² Net internal area: 165.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: Beaver Bridges
Structural Engineers: DP Squared
• RIBA Regional Award • Regional Award Short List
The Alice Hawthorn
Design: De Matos Ryan
photos © Nick Hufton, Hufton and Crow
Jury Report
Nestled to the south of the central village green within the north Yorkshire village of Nun Monkton, sits The Alice Hawthorn public house, the only remaining pub in the village.
Bought in 2013 by the client, the pub had seen better days, suffering from a lack of ongoing investment both to its retail offer and to the Architecture of a Grade II listed building.
With a stage by stage approach, the new owners set about reinvigorating the pub as a vital community asset, repairing and refurbishing the existing building, creating a reputation for a high quality pub and restaurant
Their ultimate vision to secure the pub’s sustainability was realised in 2020 with the addition of twelve guest bedrooms, 4 within the existing building and 8 within a new courtyard development on the former car park to the rear.
Using inspiration from the farmyards or ‘garths’ commonly found to the back land areas of North Yorkshire villages, the courtyard format provides a well-proportioned collection of timber framed buildings which very much at ease with their rural setting and in turn, provides a hansom backdrop to the listed pub.
Careful use of a restricted palette of robust, agricultural materials, such as larch timber, wire brushed concrete and corrugated steel cladding are deftly handled, exposing the British grown Douglas fir frame, providing an honesty of construction which resonates very clearly with the simplicity of local farmstead buildings.
The positioning of the displaced customer car parking to the rear, allows the courtyard to be grassed, providing a softness which is welcomed by guests with young families allowing children to let off steam, whilst also creating a space for outdoor summer dining.
The rooms themselves are designed with the same rigor and consistency of the exterior, with a beautiful balance of natural exposed timbers, Douglas fir and poplar faced ply, complimented by carefully chosen soft furnishings and fittings which vary slightly from room to room making each room warm and inviting. The use of carefully framed artwork from the local primary schoolchildren is a particularly nice touch!
The use of sustainably sourced timber, a ground source heat pump for heating and hot water and air tightness levels and insulation standards, all in excess of Building Regulation standards, resulting in an EPC ‘A’ rating. Combined with the wider aspects of retaining an existing building for long term use, it was felt appropriate to award the project the ‘Sustainability Award’ for 2022.
Making a significant financial investment and working closely with a talented Architectural practice, the client has managed to realise their vision of a viable long-term community asset which provides more than food and drink and a place to stay. Together, they have created a project which exudes quality but in a simple, unfussy and robust way, fit for our times. For this, they are to be congratulated.
RIBA region: Yorkshire Architect practice: De Matos Ryan Date of completion: Jul 2020 Date of occupation: Aug 2020 Client company name: Mr & Mrs Richard Harpin Project city/town: York
Contract value: Confidential Gross internal area: 905.00 m² Net internal area: 638.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: Gem Construction
Structural Engineers: Price Myers llp Project Management: R Pickering ltd Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant: Aspect 4 ltd Acoustic Engineers: GSA Acoustics Environmental / M&E Engineers: P3r
• RIBA Regional Award • Regional/RSAW Client of the Year • Regional/RSAW Sustainability award • Regional Award Short List
2022 RIBA Yorkshire Award Winners
2022 RIBA Yorkshire Award Winners
Leeds Footbridge design by Gagarin Studio / DP Squared – 2022 RIBA Yorkshire Awards Winner images / information received from the RIBA
Location: Yorkshire, northern England, UK
Leeds Architecture
Leeds Architecture
Carnegie School of Sport Design: Sheppard Robson photo © Andrew Heptinstall Carnegie School of Sport Leeds
Maggie’s Yorkshire Design: Heatherwick Studio photo © Hufton and Crow Maggie’s Yorkshire Centre Building
Pin Yard, Siddall Street, Holbeck Urban Village area photo courtesy of Grainger plc Pin Yard Leeds Apartments, Holbeck Urban Village
York Minster’s Centre of Excellence Design: tonkin liu image courtesy of architects practice York Minster Centre of Excellence Building Design
Leeds Playhouse Design: PagePark Architects photograph : Jim Stephenson Leeds Playhouse Building
York Theatre Royal Building Redevelopment Design: De Matos Ryan Artists’ Impression : De Matos Ryan York Theatre Royal Building
English Architecture Designs – chronological list
Sheffield Buildings
Bradford Buildings
RIBA Yorkshire Awards Winners
Yorkshire Architecture Awards
2022 RIBA Yorkshire Awards Shortlist
RIBA Yorkshire Awards Winners in 2018
RIBA Awards
Stirling Prize
Comments / photos for the Leeds Footbridge design by Gagarin Studio / DP Squared, Yorkshire – a 2022 RIBA Yorkshire Awards Winner page welcome
The post Leeds Footbridge: Gagarin Studio / DP Squared appeared first on e-architect.
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years ago
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Top Ten Tuesday 15 December 2020
Welcome to this weeks Top Ten Tuesday. Originally created by The Broke & The Bookish, which is now hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week it features a book or literary themed category. This weeks prompt is:
Books On My Winter 2020-2021 TBR:
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The Trials of Koli Rampart Trilogy Part 2 by M R Carey
The journey through M. R. Carey’s “immersive, impeccably rendered world” (Kirkus) — a world in which nature has turned against us — continues in The Trials of Koli, book two of the Rampart Trilogy.The earth wants to swallow us whole…Koli has been cast out from Mythen Rood. Behind him are his family and the safety of the known. Ahead, the embrace of the deadly forests awaits. But Koli heard a story, once. A story about lost London, where the tech of old times was so plentiful it was just lying on the streets. And if he can safely lead Ursula, Cup and Monono to this sparkling city, maybe he can save the rest of humanity, too. In a world where a journey of two miles is an odyssey, he’s going to walk two hundred. But the city is not what it once was…and around him, Ingland is facing something it hasn’t seen in three centuries: war. The Rampart Trilogy The Book of Koli, The Trials of Koli, The Fall of Koli For more from M. R. Carey, check out:The Girl With All the Gifts, Fell side, The Boy on the Bridge, Someone Like Me By the same author, writing as Mike Carey:The Devil You Know, Vicious Circle, Dead Men’s Boots, Thicker Than Water, The Naming of the Beasts
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Reflect Reclaim Trilogy Book 1 by Jesse Booth & Joanna Reeder
Their romance only lasted a short few months… but that was more than 100 years ago.
Ever since his fiancé, Gemma MacLugh, was killed at the hands of a dragon shifter, vampire Leif Villers has mourned his loss. Still, a part of him never gave up on her. He could hear her voice, feel her love even through the grave, relive her memories over and over until they were stripped from him.
Now Leif has discovered the final piece to bring her back from death’s clutches. He carried her brooch, never knowing it held the key to resurrecting his love.
Too bad it’s now in the hands of the formidable kraken shifter who nearly destroyed the Shifter Academy in the recent vampire/shifter war and then slithered away, never to be seen again.
Across time, powerful selkie Gemma MacLugh–a magic user who can shape-shift into a seal–should have a wonderful, comfortable existence at her home in New York in 1897. But jealous sisters target her with their cruelty, making life miserable. If not for her Grandmother and her best friend and fellow selkie, Frederick, things might have been truly unbearable.
But when a mermaid seer foretells her upcoming death and opportunity arises to leave her home and travel across the country to a boarding house in Washington, she takes it.
To get away from her cruel sisters.
To escape her destiny.
But is it luck or fate’s final joke when she meets a tall, dark and handsome man by the name of Leif Villers?
Their love will challenge time and death itself, but can Leif get Gemma back? Can Gemma truly escape her fate?
**Reflect is the first book in the Reclaim Trilogy within the Shifter Academy Universe written by USA Today Bestselling Authors, Jesse Booth and Joanna Reeder**
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The Dictionary of Lost Word by Pip Williams
In 1901, the word ‘Bondmaid’ was discovered missing from the Oxford English Dictionary. This is the story of the girl who stole it.
Esme is born into a world of words. Motherless and irrepressibly curious, she spends her childhood in the ‘Scriptorium’, a garden shed in Oxford where her father and a team of dedicated lexicographers are collecting words for the very first Oxford English Dictionary. Esme’s place is beneath the sorting table, unseen and unheard. One day a slip of paper containing the word ‘bondmaid’ flutters to the floor. Esme rescues the slip and stashes it in an old wooden case that belongs to her friend, Lizzie, a young servant in the big house. Esme begins to collect other words from the Scriptorium that are misplaced, discarded or have been neglected by the dictionary men. They help her make sense of the world.
Over time, Esme realises that some words are considered more important than others, and that words and meanings relating to women’s experiences often go unrecorded. While she dedicates her life to the Oxford English Dictionary, secretly, she begins to collect words for another dictionary: The Dictionary of Lost Words.
Set when the women’s suffrage movement was at its height and the Great War loomed, The Dictionary of Lost Words reveals a lost narrative, hidden between the lines of a history written by men. It’s a delightful, lyrical and deeply thought-provoking celebration of words, and the power of language to shape the world and our experience of it. 
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Friends and Strangers by J Courtney Sullivan
An insightful, hilarious, and compulsively readable novel about a complicated friendship between two women who are at two very different stages in life, from the best-selling author of Maine and Saints for All Occasions (named one of the Washington Post‘s Ten Best Books of the Year and a New York Times Critics’ Pick).
Elisabeth, an accomplished journalist and new mother, is struggling to adjust to life in a small town after nearly twenty years in New York City. Alone in the house with her infant son all day (and awake with him much of the night), she feels uneasy, adrift. She neglects her work, losing untold hours to her Brooklyn moms’ Facebook group, her “influencer” sister’s Instagram feed, and text messages with the best friend she never sees anymore.
Enter Sam, a senior at the local women’s college, whom Elisabeth hires to babysit. Sam is struggling to decide between the path she’s always planned on and a romantic entanglement that threatens her ambition. She’s worried about student loan debt and what the future holds. In short order, they grow close. But when Sam finds an unlikely kindred spirit in Elisabeth’s father-in-law, the true differences between the women’s lives become starkly revealed and a betrayal has devastating consequences.
A masterful exploration of motherhood, power dynamics, and privilege in its many forms, Friends and Strangers reveals how a single year can shape the course of a life.
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The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse
‘At first glance they’re magnificent, yet the more she looks, the more she realizes how sinister the mountains appear: raw, jagged spikes. It’s not hard to imagine, she thinks, looking out; this place somehow consuming someone, swallowing them whole.’
An imposing, isolated hotel, high up in the Swiss Alps, is the last place Elin Warner wants to be. But she’s taken time off from her job as a detective, so when she receives an invitation out of the blue to celebrate her estranged brother’s recent engagement, she has no choice but to accept.
Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. Though it’s beautiful, something about the hotel, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, makes her nervous – as does her brother, Isaac.
And when they wake the following morning to discover his fiancée Laure has vanished without a trace, Elin’s unease grows. With the storm cutting off access to and from the hotel, the longer Laure stays missing, the more the remaining guests start to panic.
But no-one has realized yet that another woman has gone missing. And she’s the only one who could have warned them just how much danger they’re all in . . .
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Book of Yeshua by Francis Chapman
The dual time-line conspiracy thriller that will make you question everything
Did you ever ponder the sheer absurdity of the story told in the New Testament? That humanity’s redemption lay in the execution of God’s only son?’
Elliot Ambrose is one of the few souls on Earth who knows the truth about Yeshua of Nazareth. His determination to expose this truth throws him into conflict with an ancient and powerful foe, who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets. Elliot must undertake a violent journey, and a war started in Judea two thousand years ago culminates in a final battle in the twenty-first century.
This dark, gripping, dual time-line conspiracy thriller will appeal to fans of Dan Brown, S. J Parris, and Raymond Khoury.
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Dances & Dreams on Diamond Street by Craig Revel Horwood
An offbeat, funny and heartwarming romantic novel from the fabulous King of Strictly, Craig Revel Horwood.
Set against the colourful boho backdrop of London’s Camden in the 1990s, Craig Revel Horwood’s first novel, Dances and Dreams on Diamond Street, tells the story of an unlikely family of friends who each rent a room in a ramshackle six-bedroom, four-storey townhouse. Like any family, the residents of Diamond Street sometimes fights and often act up but when the chips are down, they’re there for each other in an instant – usually brandishing a cheap bottle of booze, and the offer of an impromptu kitchen disco.
Presided over by the wise-cracking but warm-hearted patriarch of the family, Danny Hall, a professional dancer turned choreographer, the novel follows a year in the life of the inhabitants of Diamond Street, rough diamonds one and all, as they try to achieve their dreams – with unexpected, heart-warming and sometimes hilarious results.
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Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day by Captain Sir Tom Moore
Who is Captain Sir Tom Moore? You’ve seen him on the television walking the length of his garden. A frail elderly man, doing his bit at a time of crisis. But he wasn’t always like this.
From a childhood in the foothills of the Yorkshire Dales, Tom Moore grew up in a loving family, which wasn’t without its share of tragedy. It was a time of plenty and of want. When the storm clouds of the Second World War threatened, he raised his hand and, like many of his generation, joined up to fight.
His war would take him from a country he had never left to a place which would steal his heart, India, and the Far East, to which he would return many years later to view the sight he had missed first time around: the distant peak of Everest.
Captain Tom’s story is our story. It is the story of our past hundred years here in Britain. It’s a time which has seen so much change, yet when so much has stayed the same: the national spirit, the can-do attitude, the belief in doing your best for others.
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The Diary of Bink Cumming Vol 3 by Bink Cummings
Must read: The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol 1 & 2 previously.
Tests, life is full of them. The world is constantly trying see how much you can take before you break. Before you’re no longer you. Before your world dissolves into nothing. How long you can preserver and overcome the endless obstacles. It’s no secret that Big and I butt heads. It’s no secret that I not only dislike my mother, I hate her, because she hates me. Can these people break me? Can they push me to the edge of insanity, ready to jump? Having moved in with Big, I was living the life I never even knew I wanted. Every day was filled with hope and love. Until it wasn’t. Until it all changed and I was forced to learn what I’m made of. It took a single day for my world to never be the same. One day to change me forever. A day of revelations. Twenty-four hours I’ll never forget…
Steamy Adult romance Warning: Contains Mature scenarios, and mass quantities of profanity. For Ages 18+
-This is not a Stand alone.
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Satan’s Fury MC Box Set by L Wilder
From the New York Times and USA Today Best Seller L Wilder comes the complete Satan’s Fury MC series with this limited time offer. The boxed set will only be available through the Thanksgiving Holiday, and then it will be gone forever. Grab yours quick while you can.
Maverick- The sergeant at arms finds his silver lining.
Stitch- With this enforcer, there are no limits to his brutality, no lines drawn in the sand … until Wren.
Cotton- The president of Satan’s Fury gives in to his carnal desires.
Clutch- Sometimes closing one door, opens another.
Smokey- Chance brought them together. Circumstance tore them apart.
Big- Hacker verses hacker in the most intriguing way.
Two Bit- Where she was his weakness, he was her strength.
Diesel- He may look like the boy next door, but if you mess with someone he cares about, he’ll become your worst nightmare.
*The Satan’s Fury MC series continues with the Memphis Chapter. Be sure to check out Blaze, Shadow, and the latest addition, Riggs. All are standalone romances with no cheating and no cliffhanger.
Until next week.
#JustForFun, #Top Ten Tuesday, #TopTenTuesday, #TTT
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crazyflyingspip · 5 years ago
This is how long it will actually take you to sell your house post-lockdown
You’ve found the perfect house and are dying to put an offer in. But one thing is holding you back, you need to sell your current home.
Related: In these FOUR areas, your house will make you the same money as your annual salary!
However, we have some good news for you. The average time to sell a house has fallen by almost two weeks since lockdown according to new research by Zoopla.
The latest Zoopla House Price Index revealed the good news. So if you are wanting to sell your home fast now is the time to do it.
Image credit: Dominic Blackmore
The average time it takes to sell a house has fallen since lockdown was lifted. It has dropped by 31 per cent compared to the same period 12 months ago.
Back in 2019, it took an average of 39 days to sell a property. In contrast, over the last 90 days properties have sold in an average of 27 days. That is almost 2 weeks faster.
Despite Britain falling into a recession, the property market continues to see an increase in potential buyers looking for a new home. Buyer demand since the start of 2020 is 34 per cent higher than the same period in 2019.
The holiday season is usually quiet for the property market, however, Zoopla reports that demand has remained unseasonably strong. The lack of properties on the market and pent up demand from home hunters has created the perfect storm for selling a home quickly.
Image credit: Future plc
Three-bedroom houses have remained the fastest-selling properties, selling in an average of 24 days. They are currently the most in-demand property, but there is a shortage of supply, supporting the faster sale time.
Four and five-bed houses are also selling 33 per cent faster than in 2019. This suggests that buyers are prioritising space when moving, and looking to move out of expensive cities. Consequently, flats are taking the longest time to sell at an average of 32 days.
‘Housing market conditions remain unseasonably strong despite the UK moving into recession,’ says Richard Donnell, Research and Insight Director at Zoopla. ‘Demand continues to outpace supply and support house price growth of 2.5% per annum.’
Average time to sell a house
Pre-lockdown, according to research by Purplebricks, on average it took 109 days to find a buyer, and a further 53 days for the property to go from under offer to complete. Overall this is 3 days longer than it took in 2018.
Image credit: David Merewether
If you’re looking to find a buyer quickly then you are in luck if you live in Y062 in North Yorkshire. It will take you just 54 days, but the sale could drag on for 84 days. In the BS3 postcode in Bristol, however, you can expect the sale to be done and dusted in just 16 days.
However, in Nuneaton and Bedworth you can expect the entire sale of your house to soar through in record time. In these areas, it is estimated that a buyer will be found and the sale completed in 125 days, the quickest in the UK.
Redditch slid into second place, taking 128 days for the entire sale. Coventry took third place with 130 days.
It comes as no surprise that homes in London and the South East are taking the longest to sell. This is thought to be thanks to high house prices.
Image caption: Lizzie Orme
‘Traditionally the back end of a sale is the most nail-biting and can also be the most protracted as the legal requirements can drag on and on between a number of parties,’ says Colby Short, Founder and CEO of GetAgent.co.uk.
‘However, with current market condition plagued by uncertainty, it’s interesting to see that the time taking to sell is actually taking the longest at the buyer finding stage,’ he adds.
Related: Property on the market? You could make £11K more if you sell your house on these dates
Even though, houses are selling at break neck speed post lockdown. If you’re planning to sell up anytime soon, you should still prepare for a 5-month wait till you can finally hand over those keys.
The post This is how long it will actually take you to sell your house post-lockdown appeared first on Ideal Home.
from Ideal Home https://ift.tt/2FBtCzy
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pheasantstayss · 3 months ago
Charming Country Cottage on the Coast
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Escape to a picturesque country cottage on the coast, where rustic charm meets serene seaside living. Surrounded by lush greenery and offering breathtaking ocean views, this cozy retreat is perfect for unwinding and reconnecting with nature. Enjoy the fresh coastal breeze, warm interiors, and the tranquility of a countryside getaway with easy access to sandy beaches and scenic coastal trails.
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chriskarrtravelblog · 5 years ago
Ten of the best British inns
When travel can recommence, book into one of these great British inns and treasure that long overdue weekend away
The British public house has evolved over the past few decades, with old spit-and-sawdust boozers either forced to close or re-imagined into ever-more stylish, truly hospitable places to stay. Impressive menus and first-rate accommodation are now the norm. Here are ten of the best, chosen by The Good Hotel Guide.
Roses romp over the whitewashed façade of this 14th-century village pub, created to accommodate workmen building St Mary’s church. Bedrooms are decorated in seaside colours (the unspoilt coast is two miles away) and supplied with books, magazines, posh toiletries. Dogs and children are welcome. You can drink real ale by a log fire in the cosy bar, raise a glass of Pimm’s in the walled garden. The menu runs from pub classics to more imaginative dishes. Maybe flat-iron chicken, sweet potato mash, corn of the cob, Boston beans, okra tempura.  
B&B single £100, double £120. À la carte £30. 01485 541382, roseandcrownsnettisham.co.uk 
Guide readers love this 18th-century coaching inn beside the Saxon church in a quiet Teesdale village, the perfect blend of friendly local drop-in, restaurant and hotel. The owners have farmed in the area for four generations and are passionate about local produce. Chef David Hunter’s eclectic menus, in the bar and oak-panelled restaurant, include such dishes as outdoor-reared pork loin chop, colcannon, alliums, crackling, rosemary jus. Inn bedrooms have exposed beams, antiques and locally made furniture. Annexe rooms are more contemporary, with an outdoor seating area. 
B&B £120–£205, à la carte £40. 01833 650213, rose-and-crown.co.uk
An ancient thatched pub lies at the heart of this characterful village hostelry on the edge of the moors, with a lovely garden, and accommodation in a rustic building opposite. Bedrooms have some quirky features – a snooker table, a piano – but style and comfort are not compromised. Owner Andrew Pern holds a Michelin star for his ways with local and home-grown, shot, farmed, fished and foraged ingredients, with plenty of veggie options. A typical dish: marmalade-glazed Swaledale mallard, pickle, clove-studded ham hock tartlet, smoked apple, Yorkshire sauce. Or just order a pint and a ‘posh ploughman’s’ at the hand-carved oak bar. 
B&B £150-£240, market menu £25, à la carte £60, tasting menu £85. 01439 770397, thestaratharome.co.uk
This tile-hung, wisteria-draped, Tudor-Jacobean-style hostelry was newly built when Sherlock Holmes’s creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stayed here in 1889. In the lovely setting in the New Forest, the inn looks across Beaulieu (pronounced ‘Bewley’) water to Palace House, seat of the Montagu family since 1538, and home to the National Motor Museum. Hotel bedrooms are smart, most with a hand-made king-size bed. There is high-class cooking in the Terrace Restaurant by local man Matthew Whitefield, back from a stint at New York’s Michelin-starred Eleven Madison Park. Excellent, cheaper fare and real ales are served in Monty’s Inn.    
B&B £219–£399. Tasting menu £90, à la carte £60 (restaurant), £30 (Monty’s Inn). 01590 612324, montaguarmshotel.co.uk 
Lovers of John Constable can borrow a bike or walk along the River Stour to explore his native Dedham Vale, from this yellow-painted, 15th-century coaching inn. The locals’ bar, lounge and beamed dining room exude comfort and bonhomie. A changing menu brings such dishes as pasta, risotto, Merrifield Farm chicken breast, leg and ham hock pie, chanterelles, creamed spinach. Individually styled bedrooms vary in size. ‘Constable’ has a half-tester bed and a view of St Mary’s Church, home to Constable’s ‘The Ascension’ and a pew dedicated to the people of Dedham, Massachusetts, whose forebears set off from here.  
B&B single £90–£135, double £150. À la carte £28.50. 01206 323351, thesuninndedham.com 
  In Thomas Hardy’s Wessex, this 16th-century coaching inn appears in Tess of the D’Urbervilles, thinly disguised as the ‘Sow and Acorn’. Individually styled bedrooms range from snug to suites. ‘Hardy’ has a carved antique four-poster. An eclectic menu includes such dishes as rump of Dorset Horn lamb, textures of onion, roasted rosemary potatoes, ewe’s curd and buttered cavolo nero, alongside a signature burger, fish and chips, Thai red chicken curry. Tess chose not to breakfast at the inn. The modern traveller should not make that mistake, when local sausages, Dorset ham, and bread from the village bakery are on offer. 
B&B £105–£230. À la carte £35. 01935 83228, acorn-inn.co.uk 
Residents of this picturesque village have the UK’s highest life expectancy. With the gentle countryside all around, and this 17th-century thatched inn on their doorstep, they clearly can’t bear to leave. Picture flagstone floors, wooden settles, long-case clocks, quirky artworks. Bedrooms vary from the bijou with separate tiny bathroom, to spacious, with an in-room slipper bath, but all have a king- or super-king-size bed and hand-made toiletries. Local produce shines in pub classics (fish and chips, burger, steak and chips) and such modern dishes as cauliflower steak, south Indian sambar dhal, mango chutney and relish. 
B&B double £85–£110, family £160. À la carte £35. 01460 73149, lordpoulettarms.com 
Ducks bob about on the stream that runs through the green in a quintessential Cotswold village, overlooked by this 16th-century inn. In a cosy bar with exposed beams and high-back settles, locals chat over pints of local ale. Bedrooms – in the main building and off a landscaped courtyard – are prettily styled, some with a pleasing Provençal feel. The food is hearty and traditional, with pub classics such as burgers made with beef from the family farm, and haddock and chips, and more imaginative fare (maybe loin of venison, crushed new potatoes, red cabbage, kale and jus). 
B&B single £80–£105, double £110–£140. À la carte £35. 01608 658365, thekingsheadinn.net 
Sir Fitzroy Maclean, soldier, diplomat, probable inspiration for the character of James Bond, was once licensed to sell alcohol at this whitewashed 19th-century inn on the eastern shore of Loch Fyne. Bedrooms are traditionally styled, with designer fabrics and wallpaper, a view over the loch or the woodland garden. Log fires burn in bar and bistro, where the menu offers dishes from ‘land’, ‘sea’ and ‘garden’ – maybe fillet of estate venison salt baked beetroot, fondant potatoes, rosemary jus; pan-seared monkfish cheeks, chive potato cake, curried whitebait and mussel broth; vegetable risotto. Breakfast brings Loch Fyne kippers – of course. 
B&B £130–£200. À la carte £30. 01369 860279, creggans-inn.co.uk
In a coastal village closed to Muirfield course, the old Golf Inn has been transformed into a gastropub by Michelin-starred chef Tom Kitchin, and his wife, Michaela, to showcase locally grown, fished and farmed produce.  Smart bedrooms are styled in colours reflecting the East Lothian landscape, each with a marble bathroom with walk-in shower and handmade toiletries. You can eat in the Broc Bar or in the stone-walled, beamed Stables dining room, where head chef Matthew Budge creates a modern take on pub classics. Perhaps Highland Wagyu beef burger; Borders lamb rump, haggis and potato terrine; spelt and lentil burger…  
B&B £195–£470 (£225–£595 around key golf event days). À la carte £45. 01620 621111, bonniebadger.com
The post Ten of the best British inns appeared first on Britain Magazine | The official magazine of Visit Britain | Best of British History, Royal Family,Travel and Culture.
Britain Magazine | The official magazine of Visit Britain | Best of British History, Royal Family,Travel and Culture https://www.britain-magazine.com/features/ten-best-british-inns/
source https://coragemonik.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/ten-of-the-best-british-inns/
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jaigeddes · 6 years ago
Plans in for UK’s largest modular council homes project
Contractor United Living has submitted plans to build the UK’s largest modular council housing scheme.
If approved, the Leeds scheme in the Holbeck area of the city will see 28 homes constructed in less than nine months, with the first residents moving in by early 2020.
The average construction time for a development of this size is usually almost 24 months.
The development at Leeds Meynell has been procured under the YorBuild framework.
A partnership approach between United Living, Premier Modular, William Saunders Architects and Leeds City Council has enabled the accelerated delivery of this project and could result in planning permission being obtained less than 30-weeks since the original concepts were drawn up.
Manufacture of the new homes is planned to begin in late spring 2019 at an off-site facility in Brandesburton, East Yorkshire.
Premier Modular will produce each entire module off-site, adding brickwork cladding, roofing, and placing the finishing touches to the exterior frames before transportation to Leeds.
Helen Francis, business development director (North) for United Living, said: “If all goes to plan, from concept to completion we’re looking at almost halving the time it would take to construct these homes through traditional methods.”
Eugenio De Sa, managing director for Premier Modular, said: “We’re excited to be involved in this first prestigious pilot scheme for Leeds City Council.
“Working in partnership with United Living we look forward to meeting and surpassing the Council’s expectations by providing them with a new community of housing that their residents will be proud to live in.”
The property mix will comprise 14 apartments across two blocks, alongside ten individual two-bedroom homes and four, three-bedroom homes.
The first deliveries of homes to the Leeds site are anticipated as early as midsummer this year.
All homes and apartments are scheduled to be in place by late autumn, with the final stages of construction to include the laying of roadways, paths and driveways.  Exterior works including fencing and landscaping will then be completed by February 2020.
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ebenalconstruct · 6 years ago
Plans in for UK’s largest modular council homes project
Contractor United Living has submitted plans to build the UK’s largest modular council housing scheme.
If approved, the Leeds scheme in the Holbeck area of the city will see 28 homes constructed in less than nine months, with the first residents moving in by early 2020.
The average construction time for a development of this size is usually almost 24 months.
The development at Leeds Meynell has been procured under the YorBuild framework.
A partnership approach between United Living, Premier Modular, William Saunders Architects and Leeds City Council has enabled the accelerated delivery of this project and could result in planning permission being obtained less than 30-weeks since the original concepts were drawn up.
Manufacture of the new homes is planned to begin in late spring 2019 at an off-site facility in Brandesburton, East Yorkshire.
Premier Modular will produce each entire module off-site, adding brickwork cladding, roofing, and placing the finishing touches to the exterior frames before transportation to Leeds.
Helen Francis, business development director (North) for United Living, said: “If all goes to plan, from concept to completion we’re looking at almost halving the time it would take to construct these homes through traditional methods.”
Eugenio De Sa, managing director for Premier Modular, said: “We’re excited to be involved in this first prestigious pilot scheme for Leeds City Council.
“Working in partnership with United Living we look forward to meeting and surpassing the Council’s expectations by providing them with a new community of housing that their residents will be proud to live in.”
The property mix will comprise 14 apartments across two blocks, alongside ten individual two-bedroom homes and four, three-bedroom homes.
The first deliveries of homes to the Leeds site are anticipated as early as midsummer this year.
All homes and apartments are scheduled to be in place by late autumn, with the final stages of construction to include the laying of roadways, paths and driveways.  Exterior works including fencing and landscaping will then be completed by February 2020.
  from http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2019/02/18/plans-in-for-uks-largest-modular-council-homes-project/
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ndbasilica · 6 years ago
Plans in for UK’s largest modular council homes project
Contractor United Living has submitted plans to build the UK’s largest modular council housing scheme.
If approved, the Leeds scheme in the Holbeck area of the city will see 28 homes constructed in less than nine months, with the first residents moving in by early 2020.
The average construction time for a development of this size is usually almost 24 months.
The development at Leeds Meynell has been procured under the YorBuild framework.
A partnership approach between United Living, Premier Modular, William Saunders Architects and Leeds City Council has enabled the accelerated delivery of this project and could result in planning permission being obtained less than 30-weeks since the original concepts were drawn up.
Manufacture of the new homes is planned to begin in late spring 2019 at an off-site facility in Brandesburton, East Yorkshire.
Premier Modular will produce each entire module off-site, adding brickwork cladding, roofing, and placing the finishing touches to the exterior frames before transportation to Leeds.
Helen Francis, business development director (North) for United Living, said: “If all goes to plan, from concept to completion we’re looking at almost halving the time it would take to construct these homes through traditional methods.”
Eugenio De Sa, managing director for Premier Modular, said: “We’re excited to be involved in this first prestigious pilot scheme for Leeds City Council.
“Working in partnership with United Living we look forward to meeting and surpassing the Council’s expectations by providing them with a new community of housing that their residents will be proud to live in.”
The property mix will comprise 14 apartments across two blocks, alongside ten individual two-bedroom homes and four, three-bedroom homes.
The first deliveries of homes to the Leeds site are anticipated as early as midsummer this year.
All homes and apartments are scheduled to be in place by late autumn, with the final stages of construction to include the laying of roadways, paths and driveways.  Exterior works including fencing and landscaping will then be completed by February 2020.
  from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2019/02/18/plans-in-for-uks-largest-modular-council-homes-project/
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jaeame-blog · 8 years ago
Slack Opens New London Office Amid Brexit Uncertainty | London News
The luxury brand said it plans to open a new business services centre in Leeds in October in a bid to save £100m. The 21-year-old was shot last Thursday during the storming of a house in Willesden, north-west London. London is without doubt the clearing capital of Europe. The new MG XS has been revealed at the London Motor Show - a fresh rival for the Nissan Juke and SsangYong Tivoli, introducing a bold new design language for MG that will eventually make its way across the brand's line-up as its new family face.
After being treated in hospital for three days she was arrested on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack, as were eight other people. Top fashion label Burberry is to relocate 300 jobs from its London offices to Leeds in a bid to slash costs. He was once one of the best known personalities on television.Fashion retailer Burberry has announced plans to relocate 300 jobs from its London offices to West Yorkshire as part of cost-saving measures. The Chancellor warned the move risked harming growth and prosperity across Europe and warned EU politicians not to 'undermine' it.
The move would seriously harm London's position as the global centre for the lucrative market. Two men, aged 21 and 28, and a 16-year-old boy have been released without charge after being arrested following a counter-terrorism raid in north London.A group of daredevil youths broke into Twickenham stadium under the cover of darkness and clambered across the roof. A New London man was sentenced Thursday to seven years in prison for heroin and firearm offenses, according to the US attorney's office. Six London-area men have been charged following a string of heavy equipment thefts around the region. The emergence of an ultra-wealthy super-elite, the one per cent, is the topic of social documentary photographer Dougie Wallace's new book, Harrodsburg. But Michael Barrymore was just another face in the crowd this week as he waited for a bus in London.
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giveuselife-blog · 8 years ago
5 Motives Why Investing in Belongings in Hull Will Create property
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/5-motives-why-investing-in-belongings-in-hull-will-create-property/
5 Motives Why Investing in Belongings in Hull Will Create property
This article objectives to teach the reader on the 5 fundamentals of expert Assets Investing, in particular, centered on the city of Hull within the East Riding of Yorkshire
The subjects included
Leverage Go back on Funding Rental Call for Stress Testing Go out Strategy Leverage
Whilst Investing in Belongings you could advantage by using borrowing from the bank using the energy of leverage. Usually, a buy to let loan calls for you to put a 25% deposit down and the financial institution will provide the last seventy-five% of the purchase fee of the Property. Where else are you able to get them to do that? Banks will lend you money to shop for Property. They are less probably to lend you cash to grow your commercial enterprise and that they sincerely will not lend you cash to shop for shares and shares. They remember that Property is still a secure comfortable asset notwithstanding what the media says. To show you the strength of leverage shall we display you an example. You have 100,000 to spend on a Funding Property. The subsequent eventualities show how you may spend that money
Scenario 1 – Shopping for 1 Belongings worth 100K with all of your coins
Buying 1 house without a loan. Positioned down 100K and buy the Property outright. The following year inflation raises the charge of that Property through five%. The Belongings is now worth 105K. You now have a Belongings well worth 105K and an equity of 5K in that Assets.
Situation 2 – Shopping for 4 homes every really worth 100K with a loan on every
You Put a 25K deposit down on each Belonging and a loan for the remaining 75K, spending all of your 100K across four properties no longer simply 1 Property this time. The subsequent year inflation raises the fees of that Belongings with the aid of 5%, similar to Situation 1. each Belonging is now worth 105K. But, now You have got four of them so benefit from the 5K equity in everyone. So you now have 20K fairness rather than the 5K in Scenario 1. You’ve got nonetheless spent the identical amount of money, however, have benefited from the leverage of cash from the bank.
2-three bedroom houses in Hull may be offered for between forty-100K. They provide an incredible possibility to leverage your cash
Go back on Funding
The Return on Investment is described under
Go back on Investment = Advantage of Funding – Fee of Investment / Fee of Investment
In fundamental phrases, how difficult is your money running for you. you could pick out to put money into a brand new business assignment, stocks on the stock market or Belongings. each wealth advent channel has its very own Return on Investment together with its related risk. As a expert investor you need to weigh up your urge for food for threat and capability Go back for your Investment. let’s revisit the two leverage scenarios and observe the Go back on Investment
State of affairs 1 – Shopping for 1 Assets worth 100K with all of your cash
Go back on Investment (ROI) is five% e.G. 5K/100K
Situation 2 – Shopping for 4 homes each well worth 100K with a loan
Return on Investment (ROI) is 20% e.G. 20K/100K Hull is a splendid location to start your professional Property Making an investment profession because of the terrific Go back on Investment. The reason is that Belongings expenses in Hull are among some of the most inexpensive within the United kingdom. So, the Value of your Investment is lower. This indicates not simplest can your money go further ie. you may purchase extra residences however every of these houses will pass up in price and in case you’ve leveraged your investments with mortgages your Return on Investment could be even more.
Hull gives a higher Return on Investment than more costly cities in the Uk due to the fact Belongings fees are lower
Condo Demand
Of route, a Funding Belongings only becomes an asset if you are capable of rent it out. in case you can not, that asset in no time will become a legal responsibility. A short reminder on the definition of an asset and legal responsibility
Asset = Places cash in your pocket
liability = Takes cash from your pocket
So, to make certain your Funding Assets stays an asset you want to be confident that it’s far in a place of excessive Rental Demand. Hull is a hidden gem of a town. it is the gateway to Europe thru ABP ports and P&O Ferries and therefore has a thriving export/import industry. Siemens are going to find a large wind turbine manufacturing plant there cementing it is fame as a center of excellence for Renewable electricity era. it’s miles properly connected through the M62 and has a large production base. The Deep, the U.S.A.only submarium has set up itself as a tourist vacation spot too. The College of Hull maintains to grow and has a wholesome scholar population round 25,000. However, due to the relatively low salaries within the location, affordability to shop for a house is low. This consequently has caused an excessive Call for Condo Property.
The subsequent put up codes in Hull are super Apartment regions. HU5 is near the College for students. HU7 and HU9 are remarkable for families.
Financing Offers
If your purpose is to personal 10, 20 or 30 houses and deliver the deposits for everyone you will soon run from your own cash so how do the Specialists do it? nicely, the solution is Other Peoples cash (OPM). They purchase their properties on the proper charge. money in Belongings is made while you buy the Assets no longer while you sell it. Buying at the proper fee i.E. underneath marketplace fee or BMV because it’s called allows you to refinance with the loan lender at the Open marketplace fee and pull out maximum of your deposit cash. This enables you to recycle your pot of cash to buy any other Belongings. But, in this marketplace, the Council of mortgage Lenders have imposed a 6 month rule that stops you remortgaging unless the Belongings has been held for as a minimum 6 months. If you could demonstrate brought price then you definitely have a better threat of attaining the valuation you desire. On common Assets fees double each 11 years. This indicates a 100K Belongings is really worth 200K in 11 years time. when you promote this Belongings you repay the original 100K loan and then have about 100K profit. This means if you got 2 residences you could sell one and repay the mortgage on the opposite and now have 1 cash flowing Property without a mortgage on it. using this principle it is able to be scaled up to any number of properties you desire to buy. Getting a mortgage may be tough on this cutting-edge monetary climate but not impossible. The money hasn’t disappeared. it is simply in exclusive locations. The trick is to discover the human beings with the cash.
buy for cash
Some homes in want of refurbishment in Hull can be bought for as little as 20K. This means you want to buy them with coins as mortgage companies commonly do not lend beneath 40K. It additionally approach you may flow quickly and no longer need to contain mortgage Lenders and Valuers in the acquisition. As soon as You have refurbished the Belongings you could then get a surveyor to price the Belongings with a purpose to setting a loan on it and get most if not all your coins back.
Deposit Finance
you could help humans with coins earn greater than They’re getting in the bank by means of supplying them a better hobby fee for borrowing their money to fund a deposit. you can then Return their money after refinancing.
mortgage Host
if you cannot get a mortgage then find someone else who can and provide to proportion the cash float from a Property. Get an attorney to draw up a settlement among you and the host. because Assets charges are extraordinarily low in Hull, there may be more risk of finding buyers who’re willing to lend you 10-15K for a deposit. Dangers are reduced because the amounts on loan are much less. As soon as you’ve got carried out 1 cope with an investor and made them extra cash they will be happy to do some other address you.
Hull Assets costs are low which ends up in decreased hazard for coins investors When funding a deal.
Strain Trying out
With any of your investments, we advise Stress Trying out your investments at higher hobby rates. Even as we enjoy historically low-interest quotes it’s tempting to shop for plenty of Property Offers. But, hobby prices have most effective 1 way to move and that is up. Test that your Investment still produces cash flows at higher interest prices so it remains an asset and now not a liability.
Check your investments at better hobby rates. Hull Funding residences nevertheless definitely coin float at 8-9% interest rates at modern Rental values.
Go out Approach
With any Funding it is vital you realize your Exit strategies. With an airplane knowing Where the exits are is critical in case of an emergency. In addition, with Making an investment you need to recognize Wherein your exits are for buying out of the Investment deal in an emergency.
Promoting your Investment
If for any reason you need to come out of a Funding you could sell a Belongings. The properties with a purpose to be simplest to promote will be the maximum popular kind in that location. in case you personal an high priced, government in different house in an appropriate region the number of consumers is decreased and restrained to residential consumers. But, when you have a less expensive, Funding Property you could sell to both traders or residential consumers. That is important Whilst considering your Investment.
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pheasantstayss · 4 months ago
A 3-Bedroom Cottage with EV Charger and a Stunning Four-Bedroom House in East Yorkshire
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Are you dreaming of a cozy yet modern retreat in the heart of Yorkshire? Look no further! Whether you're planning a quiet escape, a family holiday, or a remote work getaway, East Yorkshire offers some amazing rental properties. Here, we introduce you to two ideal choices: a 3-bedroom cottage with an EV charger and a spacious four-bedroom house in East Yorkshire. Let’s dive into why these properties are perfect for your next stay!
1. Experience Comfort and Convenience in a 3-Bedroom Cottage with EV Charger
Imagine staying in a charming cottage that combines rustic ambiance with modern amenities. This 3-bedroom cottage with an EV charger is perfect for travelers who are looking to explore the beauty of East Yorkshire without leaving a heavy carbon footprint. By offering an electric vehicle charging station, this property caters to eco-conscious travelers who want the freedom to explore without worrying about where to charge their EV.
Key Features:
Three spacious bedrooms for families or groups of friends
Fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances
Comfortable lounge area for relaxation
Private garden, perfect for enjoying morning coffee or evening gatherings
EV charger, so your travel is as green and convenient as possible
Located close to scenic spots and charming villages, this cottage offers a home-away-from-home vibe that’s perfect for unwinding. Don’t miss out on the chance to enjoy both convenience and comfort while staying in this eco-friendly, welcoming cottage.
2. Discover Spacious Luxury in a Four-Bedroom House in East Yorkshire
For larger groups or families who need extra space, a four-bedroom house in East Yorkshire could be just what you’re looking for. This well-furnished, modern property is located in an area known for its beautiful landscapes, historic sites, and lovely beaches. It's a great spot for exploring all the best East Yorkshire has to offer, from the coastal charm of Bridlington to the historic allure of Beverley.
Key Highlights:
Four large bedrooms, ideal for families or group retreats
Open-plan living and dining area for communal relaxation
Modern kitchen with all essentials for cooking enthusiasts
Beautiful outdoor space, perfect for children or pets to play
Proximity to scenic trails, local markets, and restaurants
With room for everyone to spread out, this property offers plenty of space to relax, make memories, and enjoy all that East Yorkshire has to offer.
The Allure of Eastfield Cottage: A Quintessential Yorkshire Stay
If you’re specifically interested in a property that blends traditional charm with all the necessary modern comforts, Eastfield Cottage is an excellent choice. This quaint property captures the essence of Yorkshire life and is perfect for visitors wanting to immerse themselves in the local culture. Located conveniently, Eastfield Cottage provides easy access to nearby towns, cultural sites, and natural attractions.
Why Choose Eastfield Cottage?
Ideal for couples, small families, or solo travelers seeking a peaceful stay
Close to picturesque walking trails and heritage sites
Classic interiors with a cozy, welcoming vibe
Why Choose East Yorkshire?
East Yorkshire is a treasure trove of natural beauty and historic landmarks. From the picturesque Yorkshire Wolds to the sandy beaches along the coast, this region offers an array of activities for everyone. Stay in a 3-bedroom cottage with an EV charger or a four-bedroom house in East Yorkshire to enjoy a range of amenities and comfort while exploring this incredible area.
Book Your Perfect East Yorkshire Stay Today!
Whether it’s the eco-friendly 3-bedroom cottage with EV charger, the spacious four-bedroom house in East Yorkshire, or the charming Eastfield Cottage, you’ll find a perfect accommodation option in East Yorkshire. So, pack your bags, plan your stay, and prepare for an unforgettable experience in this charming region.
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