#foster's ocs
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l0stfoster · 6 months ago
Non-Cursed-Related post because I’m answering stuff there’s just around 16 things to go through and I have on and off fully-free time.
So doodle dump! Ocs n shit ig
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This last one gets context. I was screen sharing on Discord but my brain threw me straight into being unable to speak (we just got off of Terraria) so all the text was me talking to my friends while I doodled.
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This was done on the Parry canvas btw 💀💀
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l0stfoster · 6 months ago
Casper gives me the chance to oc talk so I’m gonna get funny and throw my cards in too. The art is quick and shitty I had to make a reference for someone.
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Technically I've got 3 ocs, the other two just haven't been drawn but to put it playing; Soc and Greaser, secret relationship bc they're gay and different social classes. They act like they hate each other but makeout behind the bleachers /silly I'll draw them in the future and elaborate FOR NOW THOUGH!! SAM!! Lots of shit below the cut, he's the equivalent of my self-insert.
- His full name is Sam Kaiser; their grandfather (dad's side) is German (and their mom's side is Polish) but he and his parents were born in America, so he's pretty disconnected from his heritage bc his parents don't care enough about it. He was 19 during '67 - He's got an 18-year-old brother and a 26-year-old sister. Her brother's been drafted to Vietnam (which he wanted, as he had always been interested in the military ) while his sister took off to New York for college and made it big. - Born in Tulsa, when Sam and their brother were 13 and 12 their parents had a messy divorce. His father took full custody of the kids because their mother wanted nothing to do with them. Their father's pretty shit and all he really does is just pay the house bills and buy himself food or booze, he ignores them unless he needs something or if they aren't listening to him. Their older sister was looked at once for custody consideration when their father got himself into a bit of trouble but turned that shit down fast. Sam still hasn't gotten over that, it was also the last time he'd heard from her. - He/She pronouns both because nobody can figure out what the hell he was born as besides his parents, but she also doesn't know that they/them is an option. Being transgender in the 60's was already looked at negatively; god knows any other kind of gender identity was NOT something they've probably even known about. - Deeply values their freedom and acts out against their father, because although he's pretty neglectful, he still tries to hold an iron fist over him. His piercings (and tattoos) are a part of the ways he chooses to rebel and separate himself. Still wears his dad's dog tags, despite that, because he still loves his father. - Greaser, their father works with the same roofing company as Darry does but on a different team. Sam does a lot of job hopping as he's disabled and can't keep a solid job. Very financially insecure. - Wanted to go to college but their scholarship wasn't enough and couldn't justify going. He wanted to be an astronaut :( You bet your ass this mf cried watching the moon landing in 1969
- I like to imagine Sam and Darry are on friendly terms since they've both had the experience of missing out on college and a chance to escape Tulsa; and Sam also thoroughly respects Darry for stepping up, since she knows how heartbreaking it is to have family refuse you like you're nothing. (I've shipped them before bc I'm cringe and free fuck you /silly) - He's not really part of any specific Greaser gang, he just sort of shows up sometimes and lingers before dipping again. Their brother was popular amongst both socs and greasers (he's just really charming) and Sam was, sort of jealous; but they liked their alone time. They only met the gang through school and other general mischief. Huge klepto, would go on stealing sprees with Two where Sam would distract and Two would take. - While his brother and father are smart with cars, he's very car-stupid. Gave Steve a heart attack because she pulled up with a VERY flat tire and insisted that it wasn't too bad (he should've crashed on the way there) - Got the nickname "Park" because he hates being home, so he'll usually end up at the park if he doesn't want to be around anyone. Usually, he'll either be there in silence or with a little journal. - Resting bitch face galore. He's not very confrontational but has a temper and gets into fights a lot because he runs his mouth and doesn't know when to shut up. He carries a switch his brother bought him but hasn't dared to bring it out in a fight yet. - Throws himself into crime and other shit of the sort as a way to break out of the expectations people have set for him. His sister successfully left Tulsa and made it big while his brother's in the military-- has the middle child stereotype and authority figures always expected him to follow after his siblings. - Sam hates drinking due to their father but has slowly begun taking it up as a way to cope with the social pressures and his own issues. Smokes as well, but tries to do that less due to valuing their lung capacity (He likes to run) - Just a little side fun fact. If he exists in Cursed au he'd either be a Harpy (likely an owl) or invisibility. Thought about shapeshifting but it'd be funny bc the mf only ever uses it for convenience, like getting taller to reach a shelf. - Also in Cursed he'd end up being friendly with Paul bc fuck you I love Paul and so Sam can too /silly
Sorry if any of this is all over the place my brain is fried rn.
Starting a reblog game: RB w/ your own outsiders OC!
if enough folks do, I’ll draw them together or something lol, it’ll be fun!
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So these are blatant self inserts for my sister and me
(Info & backstories under the cut because I’ve put waaaay too much thought into this)
and again, pls do reblog/tag me w/ your own Outsiders original/self insert characters! (Drawings and/or written descriptions!) Making OCs was one of my favorite things to do as a kid, so I figured it’d be fun to bring it back here lol
(And to reiterate- if enough of ya’ll do this I’ll draw ‘em all together like a greaser-sona gang! So don’t be shy ok??)
-got sent to Tulsa from Seattle in 1961 at ages 13 and 11 to live with their mildly neglectful uncle, due to their mother getting cancer and being unable to properly care for them. Their father was lost at sea when they were little, so they had no one else to go to.
-in Tulsa they go by their mother’s surname, Biondi, instead of their father’s, because interracial marriage isn’t legalized in Oklahoma until ‘67. They try to pass as just Italian. This works better for Naomi, who takes more after their mother than their father in looks.
-Naomi is good friends w/ Ponyboy- she relates to him a lot, from the dislike of fighting to the love for sunsets (legit Ponyboy reminds me of my sister so much irl) (She’s also low-key got a crush on him and Sodapop which is pretty funny)
-Jesse is closer to Two-Bit, Dally, Steve, and Soda. And he really likes fights. They’re exciting and make him feel tough. When he stops to think about it it does make him a little uneasy how much he’s grown to like them, but usually he just ignores that
-Naomi disapproves of crime. Jesse used to oppose it too, but the more time he spends without good role models and parental figures, the more his morels loosen. Tries hard to be a good example for Naomi though
-Jesse met the gang through Sodapop originally- they were thirteen and some Socs were jumping Soda, and Jesse jumped in and helped him out. Soda explained to him what the deal with Socs and greasers is, because there’s no greasers up North
-Naomi met the gang separately through being classmates with Ponyboy. They were working together on a school project, one with him writing and her drawing
-So Jess and Naomi spent a solid few months hanging out with different members of the same gang, completely unaware they had the same group. They eventually end up running into each other at the Curtis house, and both are totally shocked. Two-Bit, who knew the whole time, nearly died laughing
-Naomi is friends with both Socs and greasers, because she isn’t really either- she’s financially a greaser, but she has a crazy high GPA for someone who has ADHD and dyslexia in the 60s, and besides that, she just doesn’t like what she sees as pointless rivalry
-Jess loves pointless rivalry. At least until people start getting hurt. Then he starts to get angry.
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kermdoeswriting · 1 month ago
Bruce Wayne's a Foster Parent. Also he avoids death a lot so a dead person can usually tell if a humans meant to have died but didn't.
"Bruce you know I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't have to but-"
Bruce just sighed from his side of the phone, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Nobody ever really expects to get a phone call nearing 3 am but exceptions had to be made when you were a legal foster parent and also a part-time secret super hero. If it wasn't one thing calling for him it was the other.
On the other side of the phone, Bruce heard the caseworker, Roni, chuckle.
"It's just for 3 nights and half of the day after, but I need you to be prepared for something before I can pass them off to you."
Bruce sat upright now on his bed, attentively listening to her words. Usually the kids didn't really come with any pre-warnings from the Caseworker themselves, letting anything about each Foster kid be said inside of their personal files that got sent along with them.
But when she gave out this information it was usually important. The last time Bruce had gotten a warning like this it was for Jason which was ages ago it feels at this point.
"What is it?"
"The kids are-" Her voice trailed off, like as if she was still searching for the right words to say. "They've been through what I can honestly only describe as the equivalent to a meta-kid trafficking lab"
Bruce shifted as he heard the driving continue on the other side of the phone.
"They're very guarded because of what they went through and they might display.. unusual behavior. More unusual then a meta-kids behavior after such a situation would be, but don't let it fool you! The kids are really sweet beyond being afraid."
Bruce frowns at the descriptions before replying to her, mentally trying to prepare himself for the idea of these kids and what they might have went through.
"I'll make a note of it then. Thank you, Roni"
"No, thank you, Bruce. I really appreciate this last minute placement. We'll be by really soon"
He was left with a click as he removed himself off his bed and threw the covers to the side of him. Alfred would want to know that they would have 2 new guests in the manor, at the very least to greet them and have rooms prepared even if they didn't need to have them prepared further then what they already were.
It was less then 5 minutes later that Bruce found himself, with Alfred, greeting the temporary fosters at the front door. Roni looked tiredly at them as she pushed the kids front and center.
Bruce could relate heavily.
"Hello Danny, Ellie. It's nice to meet you both, I'm Bruce Wayne."
Danny just stared at the mans outstretched hand for a second before he turned to look up at him, a pinched look on his face. Ellie matched his expression, although being a bit more subtle about it as she looked over Bruce as a whole.
Eerily, Bruce felt like his very soul was being judge the longer the kids stared at him. He also felt a sense of familiarity with these two kids the longer this continued.
They seemed detached rather than afraid like their caseworker had explained earlier, more so viewing the world as if they were outside of it rather then in it in any way.
Danny was quick to glare at him after another moment, "You're a fruit-loop, aren't you?"
Ellie broke from her own scanning almost immediately when she heard Danny's comment, cackling beside him before shoving him off with her arm. The action made Bruce smile as he took his arm back and placed it by his side.
Alfred also looked amused between the pair of siblings before turning attention to the task at hand again. Bruce just smiled at his pseudo-fathers usual fondness over children, knowing he was being reminded of his own grandchildren.
"This is Alfred. He's going to be the one to show you over to your rooms for the next few nights." Alfred greeted the kids in the same polite way he usually greeted all guests before he leaned down and extended his hands towards their belongings. He didn't grab their belongings just remained leaning over them before questioning the kids if they would like help to take their stuff to their rooms.
Bruce only really saw it faintly and if it were any other moment he might have ignored it as a sleepless hallucination, but for some reason he noticed the change immediately. The twins eyes go from a darker blue to a flashing bright green.
As if alarmed by the sudden movement towards their belongings.
Danny was quick to catch his own staring as well, eyes flashing back to blue for only a second before reverting back to green. Almost as if to give off some kind of warning.
Ellie noticed his staring immediately and shoved Danny again, this time more forceful for his attention before turning to whisper something to him when she had him back.
Bruce felt his skin crawl before turning away to face their caseworker, not really understanding anything they were saying beyond hearing a few words and feeling their eyes look between each other and his back.
Death Touched was an especially new description, and one that stuck in his head the second he heard it.
Bruce waited until the kids were guided away by Alfred before talking to their caseworker officially and waking her up from her half delirious tired drop-off.
"Hey Roni? Is there any chance we can extend the Fenton kids stay?"
There was something going on here with these kids and he was going to get to the bottom of it. One way or another.
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stayatsam · 4 months ago
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The Death god's wayward son (OC, he/him)
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tsuutarr · 5 months ago
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Your childhood friend is… a little odd. He’s always been a bit gloomy and the target for bullying. Still, you’re his friend because he’s really not a bad guy. You actually find him kinda cute, what with his shyness and blushing cheeks.
What you don’t find as cute is the fact that he kidnapped you and locked you in a room filled with your pictures. When did he even take those…?
“Ehe, I wasn’t sure if this was a good plan or not…” he murmurs, bashfully. “B–but I looked at all the stories you consume and they’re all… uhm, what was the word? ‘Yandere’? So I thought that you’d definitely like this, too!”
You’d find his passion adorable if you didn’t find your situation so off. Yeah, you like yandere in fiction, but what the hell is this?
“Wh–why are you looking at me like that…?” he asks, his big eyes growing even larger, his bottom lip trembling. But all you can really perceive is his secret collection – his shrine –  made of your things and pictures of you, covering the room you’re trapped in.
It really, really disgusts you.
“D… Don’t look at me like that…” he sobs. “I did this for you!” Wet tears roll down his cheeks, but all you can feel is fear as he falls to his knees, crawling towards you. He hugs your calves, burying his face in your lap as he cries. “This is for you – all for you…”
But really… is this really for you? Or is this all for him?
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daekiyu · 8 months ago
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if you love your cfo you also have to love his family
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methbayprisonblues · 11 days ago
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Swift Family Dinner
art by @when-sanpape-arts
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pummelingbat · 11 months ago
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more HS AU... they are orphan4orphan in my heart... so sweet they give me toothaches.......
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duxo · 2 months ago
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Doodles sillys.
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justme315 · 6 months ago
New family 1/?
Next part:
! Warning !
swearing, angst, fear, step-family, g/t family, abuse, mention of abusive giants, gigantophobia, mention of the character being religious, sickness
I was fucked.
I'm sorry for using that kinda language but I really was. You see, my whole life has been destroyed by thoese damn giants.
Sorry, I don't think I introduced myself yet, I'm Zack.
Me and my mom were always a team. After my dad has passed away when i was 6 she was the only person important to me. It was basically us two against the whole world.
Something that might also be important for you to understand my story is the fact that we live in a world full of humans (like my and my mom) and giants. Giants are.. humanoid 60-ish feet tall creatures. Easily to say - their dangerous. The government rightfully understood the danger and the fear of us humans and created 'human-only' zones, cities, countries even. There were also a few 'giant-only' zones, but I'm not really sure why. It's not like the giants would fear us. Most of the places thoese enourmous beasts live are simply 'mixed-zones', places where both humans and giants can live. Thank God that me and my mom always lived in a 'human-only' zone. I was always skeptical and yeah, terrified of giants.
My mom was different though. Maybe she was just dumb (sorry for saying that mama) but she just couldn't sense danger. She worked in a company that required her to sometimes travel to 'mixed-zones' or 'mixed-cities'. I was always opposed to that but she.. enjoyed it. She even said that she made some giant "friends". I never believed in their honesty though.
But what changed my life once and for all, had happened when I was just 16. Well, going on 17 already, but yeah, still 16.
I never ever once questioned my mom's romantic life after my dad has passed away. She just.. never acted like she wanted to start a new relationship. And I was very okay with that.
But one unfortunate day, just after she came home from one of her business trips she told me that she has got a boyfriend.
That was weried to know, I mean c'mon, picturing your mom having a crush, dating, falling in love etc. is just.. weried and kinda disgusting if you ask me.
Of course, I questioned her and soon I reaveled her secret.
"Zack, I have been dating him for a little over a year. I was just scared of how you might react. But now, I must tell you since.. he proposed."
That felt like I was stabbed straight into the heart. How could she have kept having a boyfriend a secret from me for so long? Why would she? Being lied to by her felt horrible. I thought we were a team - we always told echother everything. But I guess I was wrong.
Really soon I found out that my mom's boyfriends (and now fiances) name is Andrew, that he was just slightly older than her and had two sons about my age, he was also a widower, and according to my mom, we had much in common.
I really couldn't understand why my mom would keep her boyfriend a secret. Untill she revealed she wanted for us to move in with him and his sons. I mean, she had a lot of planing to do, as she was soon to get married again, so that was kinda understandable. I wasn't opposed to moving into a new home, but changed my mind really quickly when my mom reaveled that our new home would be in a mixed-city. I mean, I was never even in that kind of a city, never even seen a giant in real life and was hella terrified of them! She should've understood me. Before she 'fell in love' she always has.
I asked her a milion times if Andrew and his sons can't just move in with us but she always found some excuse. Once, our house was too small, then his older son didn't want to switch universities, another time Andrew was scared of loosing the job. It was always a stupid excuse. Untill she finally reaveled the truth.
You see, Andrew, my mom's husband-to-be was a giant. And so were his sons.
To say that I was mad and scared was an understatement. I felt lied to. I felt like I was being dragged into something I didn't want to be a part of. I, understandably, questioned the honesty of my moms relationship, which angered her the most. I was angry with my mom for over two weeks after finding out about the size of my soon to be step-family and barely spoke with her. I couldn't be away from her for long though and forgave her, but in my heart I still had plenty of doubts.
My friends didn't help ease my fear. I told my best buddies at school and the stories they have told me only made me more afraid and suspicious of the said Andrew and all giants at that point.
"Don't y'all remember Joseph from middle school? He moved to a mixed-city with his parents. He was stepped on by a giant and died!"
"That's nothing compered to what happened to Amy. A quick death is better than being tortured. She is my cousin. She moved to a mixed-zone because she wanted to go to a better collage. One of her giant male classmates kidnaped her and done horrifying things to her. Once she was found she had missing limbs, many scars.. She was mentally, physically and sexually abused by him for months, untill they found the giant. And he barely got any jail time for that! She's still in mental health hospital!"
"My dads best friend Thomas was freaking eaten alive!"
Yeah, I think 3 stories is enough to give you the idea of how freaking terrified I was of the said 'step-family'. Some might say I am a specist (a person that discriminates based on the species (giant and human)) but I wouldn't agree. I don't really think that a human can be a specist becouse we are in the more vaunurable position. Also, I don't hate giants becouse of their size. I hate and fear them because of how brutal and cruel they are towards humans. Maybe a giantophobe would be a more appropriate term for me.
That day was the worst day in my entire life. And it's really hard to beat the day my dad had passed away.
We sold the house. We were at the airport. All ready to go to a mixed-city, over the wall that the government made.
Mom was all smiley and happy, her nose never leaving her phone.
"Andrew texted me that he and his boys are at their side of the barrier already, waiting for us. They can't wait to meet you!"
Right, didn't I mention that they all knew echother, but me?
"I just can't wait to show you the city and our new home!"
I was standing there quiet. No matter how many times I told my mom that i don't agree with her choice of dating a giant or for the fact that I didn't want to move away into a mixed-city she would always say that I will change my mind once I overcome my fear. Hell, I would.
I held my bag closely, trying to hold onto whatever I have not to lose my composure. I was terrified and angry, sure, but showing thoese giants from the start that they have some power over me, even though it was obvious, wasn't something I would do. At last, if I could hide my emotions.
Just a few minutes before our flight, a flight in the opposite direction landed. I saw all those humans, coming back from the mixed-city, most of them seem okay. That made me confused and curious. Would it really be all that bad?
Untill I saw a girl, probably my age, on a wheelchair. I mean, there is nothing wrong with disabled people, don't get me wrong, but she was crying so she easily got everyone's attention. A woman run up to her.
"Mom!" The girl sobbed, opening her arms to hug her mother. The woman tried calming the girl down but she just kept crying and screaming "It was just supposed to be a student exchange program!! This scary giant crushed my legs!"
The girls voice echoed in my head. It was different to hear stories of distant people, but to see someone hurt by thoese monsters in front of my own eyes was completely different.
Even my mom lowered her phone and looked at the girl with pity in her eyes. I prayed to the Lord to open her eyes and return home safely with me.
"Poor girl" she signed "That must have been a.. horrible accident".
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Accident?" I looked at my mom angrily, finally letting my emotions out "A giant crushed her legs".
"Honey, I'm sure they didn't mean to.." she looked at me, somewhat shocked at my defensiveness. I shouldn't have expected her to understand. She just simply couldn't sense danger. And that could get both of us killed.
"Her legs were crushed by a giant, mom!" I raised my voice, even so slightly as I couldn't believe how blinded she was by her feelings.
"Zack, calm yourself down" she looked at me more strictly now, as I was getting other peoples attention. I couldn't bare the thought of how stupid this all was. I just wanted to be home. Or anywhere at that point. Anywhere but in a spece where giants were allowed.
"You-" I began to speak.
"The flight 16-399Bhc** is preparing to take off. We ask all the passengers to board the plane within 5 minutes. Thank you and have a good flight" said a voice from the speaker.
"That's our flight!" My mom cheered up and grabbed my arm, pulling me as she ran to the plane.
She was so excited it made me feel like I was gonna puke.
Don't get me wrong, I always loved planes but this time I felt uneasy. My whole body was shaking ever so slightly, I felt like I was about to puke, I swear I heard my heart pumping blood, my head was spinning..
That can easily be called my worst ever flight.
After we landed I needed a good 15 minutes in the bathroom to regain my composure.
"Honey, are you alright?" I heard my mom knocking "Are you sick?"
"I'm fine mama, I'll be okay" I mumbled, though I didn't feel like I was going to be okay for at last next few hours. I was also convinced my life was about to end so why bother worrying my mom. But before I cross the barrier of the airport, I didn't have to see or interact with any giants. Maybe me feeling sick was actually a gift from God to give me more time to get ready for what was about to come? As I was almost ready to go I hear my mom speaking:
"Honey, are you sure? I texted Andrew and he and Ethan are worried sick. They can drive us to a hospital"
And then I got sick again at the mention of the giants.
Oh, you might not know who is who. Andrew is my moms 45 year old husband-to-be, but I'm sure I have spoke about him already. Ethan is his older son, he was 21 back then. His younger son - Ryan - was 17.
After, what appeared to me as a minute and to my mom as an hour I finally could exit the bathroom.
My mom rushed me, saying that the boys have been waiting for us long enough. I was feeling less and less okay. I couldn't keep my emotionless demeanor. My eyes felt heavy, my heartbeat fasten as well as my breathing, my legs were shaky and I was not able to say even one word.
As I saw the enourmous glass wall behind which were a ton of giants, I felt like I was going to faint.
Or simply turn around and run.
My mom stopped in her trucks and looked at her phone. After maybe three seconds of reading what I supposed was a message form Andrew she looked into the direction of 3 giant men waiting and her eyes started to freaking sparkle and her smile grew.
She then looked at me and pointed in the direction of thoese giants, who weren't looking at us, thank God.
"That's Andrew! And Ethan and Ryan!" She said with an excited expression.
Andrew was surprisingly the shortest of the group. He had brown hair that were turning grey, a short beard, thick glasses, a blue sweater and more elegant pants. He was overall a handsome middle-aged dude, if it wasn't for the fact he was freaking enormous.
Ethan was talking with him. He had fluffy brown hair and was slightly taller than his dad. He had a few freckles and dimples on his cheeks, his smile was truthfully welcoming. His white hoodie also looked very comfy.
The tallest one was the youngest - Ryan. He had black, short hair, a pierced ear and stylist clothes. If he would have been a human, he looked like one of the popular kids that you always look up to. I really liked the belt he had, same with the rings on his fingers.
All three giants had the same eye color - hazel.
My mom grabbed me again and pulled me into the direction of the glass wall that was the last thing keeping me outside of the reach of giants. She looked so happy to see them that it was hard to recognize her. She only ever smiled at me like that before.
Soon enough, we were close to the exit of my comfort zone. My fear only grew as we were closer to the giants. It was still probably about 20 feet between us and the door when Andrews eyes rested on us. I felt the enourmous gaze and felt like I was stung. Soon both his sons eyes locked on me and my mom. She realized quickly and slowed down with the running. She then waved at them. Andrew and Ethan waved back. Ryan stood there, looking maybe a little conflicted but surely also kinda annoyed.
At that point I could feel the blood boiling in my veins. My heart ached. As well did my head. My legs were shaky. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath correctly.
If you think you're not socially awkward, three giants looking down at you with their enourmous eyes, almost scanning you as if you were an insect would change your mind right away. And if you are socially awkward like me? Well, you would feel as if you were just about to die.
My mom rushed me again, ready to exit the safe space, that only allowed humans. I walked behind her, but I wasn't as excited or as fast. Partly, becouse I wanted to be out of the giants reach for as long as I could and partly becouse I was feeling worse and worse.
To be honest, I don't know what was making me feel bad. Maybe it was all the emotion, fear, anger and all, maybe it was my mental health killing me and shouting at me that danger was close, maybe it was the horrible flight, maybe it was my body being sick. I don't know.
What I do know is, each step I took, the more powerless I felt. My legs felt to weak to hold my bodyweight.
My mom was already by the exit door when she turned around to rush me again. I was maybe 7 feet behind her, still surrounded by the enourmous gazes of those three giants, two of which were smiling. Their smiles made me sick in my stomache, but Ryan who was the only one not smiling made me feel ever worse somehow.
I totally expected my mom to yell at me to hurry up, based on how excited she seem but she just stared at me for a secound with wide worried eyes and then returned to me.
"Are you okay honey? You don't seem too good"
I wanted to answer her but it came out as a soft yelp. I thought I was going to puke again.
Faces of the giants became more serious and worried. I didn't like that expression either, to be honest.
I looked back at mom as she reached out to me and raised her hand to my shoulder for comfort probably.
"Are you scared Zack? Is that it? Because if it is, I assure you, they won't hurt us. Ever." She spoke in a soft, quiet voice. Her expression didn't show anger but she looked more understanding than any other moment of the past few weeks. She spoke with such confidence I could have believed her.
Well, I maybe even would have if I didn't faint.
Because just a moment after she spoke my vision went black and my body felt weak. The last think I remember before fainting were thoese scary gazes and my mom yelling:
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the 1st part!
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soupdwelling · 1 year ago
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oh i’ve made myself sad now
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l0stfoster · 1 year ago
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I’m so normal for them. They’re my sillies.
Putting that disclaimer bc the guy who looks like Mikey is NOT MIKEY‼️ He’s a factive/fictive which is why he looks similar but this mf is 21, horribly traumatized, and he’s got his actual differences my ass is just too lazy to listen all BUT I do plan to draw their differences sometime.
So, here’s them being buddies and a few outfit requests from Bailey. His ass is a simp.
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mydarlingmydear · 10 months ago
Yandere Boy Next Door Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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The boy next door moved in next to you without you even knowing, really…
The house next to yours was kind of run down, the paint was chipping off the windows and paneling, moss and plants were growing on top of the cement stairs and up the base of the mailbox
You didn’t think anyone was going to move there, as it wasn’t a super flattering house, but much to your surprise, you saw moving trucks
You saw the moving trucks and heard people talking a few times but you never actually saw who lived there
Until you did
You were headed home and bumped into someone because you were glued to your phone. Apologizing you walked past them but stopped when you realized you weren’t walking that far
You had only passed him to get to your house, and he was your neighbor… so…
He was unlocking his front door and watched as you walked up to yours. Your houses weren’t too big, so there wasn’t a ton of distance between you both
“… You… live there?” He asked, pointing at your house. You nodded. He made a lighthearted, playful smirk at your response
“Well, would you look at that? Hello neighbor.” He chuckled as he crossed his arms and leaned against the closed door.
You laughed a little to yourself and waved. “Hello… to be honest, I’m surprised someone moved in, I didn’t think anyone would want that house.” You said not thinking anything of it. He looked at the house and patted it as if it was a car or bike.
“Honestly, it was affordable and the neighborhood isn’t bad, so I didn’t see why not.” He shrugged, smiling and leaning his head against the wall.
Something in your chest thumped when you saw the way he smiled at you. It was charming yet genuine. Playful yet… also sincere. You shook your head slightly to get out of your own thoughts. You felt his eyes on you.
"Elliot." He said. You looked up in confusion. "Elliot Foster. And you?" He nodded towards you.
"I... uh..." should you trust him? He was your new neighbor. What's the worst that could happen? "(y/n)... (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you." You said, smiling politely. His eyes wandered over your form for a few seconds.
He sighed and clapped once. “Welp, I’ve got to hit the hay. But, hey,” he paused, pointing at you, keys jingling in his hand. “I’ll see you around…” he paused, clearly checking you out in a teasing way. “Neighbor.” He smirked and waved goodnight before going inside.
You felt your chest thump and your face heat up. No. You couldn’t. You’ve never had a boyfriend and relationships made you nervous.
You headed inside and after eating dinner, you headed to your room where you saw his light on. You could see through his window as he took his shirt off. He stretched, his back muscles flexing. He wasn’t super muscular, but he wasn’t completely out of shape either. He was… easy on the eyes. You turned away and slapped your cheeks, trying to shake yourself out of your daze.
No crushing. It wasn’t worth it. Little did you know…
It definitely was to him.
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He first moved to the neighborhood to keep a low profile after the situation with his… last girlfriend. He had lost his job for not showing up enough and acting out on a coworker that pissed him off. To be honest, he hated working there anyways.
He didn’t think much of this new neighborhood, it was plain, it was fine, he honestly didn’t have any opinions. That is… until he saw you.
When you two bumped into each other, he laughed it off and helped you up. The moment he looked at you, he felt his heart thumping in his chest. Fuck… you were cute. When you went your separate ways he walked up to his door, his eyes watching you the whole time. He fumbled with his keys and when he saw you lived right next to him, well… he thought it was practically destined to be. He had never really believed in fate or soulmates, but there’s no way he’d bump into someone that cute only to find out they were his neighbor. He had talked with you for a little bit before entering his house and immediately leaning against the door when he closed it.
He laughed to himself and ran his hands through his hair, his face on fire and his heart thumping so hard he could hear and feel it. So many thoughts were running through his head after that interaction.
Were you single? What was your job? What were your friends like? Did you live alone or with roomates? Did you have any pets? Did you even like pets? What would your face look like as you sucked his co-
He shook his head feverishly. No. He couldn’t obsess. It always got out of control. He took some deep breaths but as he did, he couldn’t clear his mind of all the questions and thoughts about you. He headed to his room and turned the light on and opened the window. He closed the curtains, but they were pretty sheer so they didn’t hide much. He noticed your window was also open. He bit his lip in thought but quickly turned around when he saw you staring to enter your room. He paced around his room and thought for a minute.
I mean… he needed to get ready for bed… right? It’s not like he wanted you to see him changing, he just… happened to have the window open. A coincidence, right?
He slowly took off his shirt, his back facing you as there’s no way he wouldn’t stare you down if he faced you. He stretched a bit, trying to linger for as long as he could without being awkward. He looked down at his arms and chest and frowned. Sure, he went to the gym, but he wasn’t as fit as he’d like to be. If he went to the gym more, maybe he’d impress you more? If he ran around the neighborhood, maybe he’d be able to… follow see you?
That night he cyberstalked the fuck out of your social media accounts, tried to find any information he could.
He looked at your posts, your families posts with pictures of you in them, anything he could gather. Screenshotting and downloading any photos he could of you, his mind went blank as all he did was desperately search for anything he could get. By the time he was done saving any and every photo he could, he had snapped out of his obsession online. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, cursing at his own horney-ness. What was wrong with him? He was spiraling again.
When he fell in love, he didn’t just fall, he passed out. He fell hard. Speaking of hard…
He probably came three times just looking at photos of you on his phone. After he finished, he lay on his bed thinking about what just happened. Obsession was like a drug addiction. When he did it he couldn’t stop. When he tried to stop he was in hell.
This would be… the last time right? Yeah. Last time. Of course this would be the last time, because he wouldn’t be single after you. He’d be in a totally healthy marriage, with three kids, one boy, two girls (Theo, Mia, and Emily). You’d go to your job, he’d go to his, the kids would go to daycare… gosh he was obsessing again… he just couldn’t stop. He wanted you. He craved you. He needed you.
And he was going to get you. Whether you liked it or not.
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lambstwoth3slaughter · 1 month ago
What the fuck..?
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tsuutarr · 4 months ago
Tsuutarr Yantober 2024 Masterlist
(Thank you to @ozzgin for the wonderful prompts!!!)
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All Yandere x Reader fics are listed below!
Love at first sight -- Virgil (Unicorn)
Fate -- Aizono (Love God)
Secret collection -- Samuel Foster (Childhood "Friend")
Homemade meal -- Mason Cane (Hucow Farmer)
Love letters -- Rome (Ghost)
Unorthodox gift -- Mulsu (Forgotten Water God)
Dear Alice -- White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Always with you -- Finley (Guardian Angel)
Heart on a platter -- Rome (Ghost)
Love triangle -- Hae Sol and Dal Moon (Light Familiars)
Bloodbath -- Elias Lightrend (Hero/Chosen One)
Lovestruck... literally -- Lovell (Cupid)
On my knees -- Finley (Guardian Angel)
Embrace -- Teddy (Teddy Bear)
Paranoia -- ParanoiAI (Artificial Intelligence)
A piece of me -- Cot (Garden Fairy)
Spiraling -- Samuel Foster (Childhood "Friend")
Control -- Jiu Oh (Crossdressing Childhood Friend)
Under lock and key -- Virgil (Unicorn)
Dissection -- Rome (Ghost)
Love patterns -- Aizono (Love God)
Bandages -- Elias Lightrend (Hero/Chosen One)
Aftercare -- Tynan (Incubus)
I put a spell on you -- Cot (Garden Fairy)
Tainted love -- Lovell (Cupid)
Breaking point -- Tynan (Incubus)
Trap -- Mason Cane (Hucow Farmer)
The fine art of poisoning -- Geoffrey Cullen (Butler)
I come with knives -- Teddy (Teddy Bear)
Bad ending -- Elias Lightrend (Hero/Chosen One)
Till death do us part -- Thomas Frankenstein (Mad Scientist)
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daekiyu · 9 months ago
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klokateer no.469
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