#foster carers
shivaniblogs27 · 1 year
The importance of choosing the right fostering agency
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There are several factors to take into consideration before deciding to foster. If you're wondering if you have what it takes, read on. Additionally, you could be considering if your house has to be modified, whether it must meet specific standards, whether you can foster alone, or whether a partner is required. All of these are essential topics and things to think about. Furthermore, the foster care organization you select is as crucial. You will work as a foster parent for a local government or an independent organization, like The UK Fostering, but you will be self-employed. Each fostering agency is unique, therefore it's crucial that you pick the one that is best for you. To locate suitable care for children, foster care organizations like The UK Fostering collaborate closely with local authorities. Generally speaking, fostering through private foster care agencies is considered as more attractive in terms of compensation and conditions. However, before choosing the agency that is ideal for you, we recommend that you evaluate the following aspects of your shortlisted agencies.
Credibility Whatever agency you decide to work with, make sure to thoroughly investigate their reputation. Look online and read reviews left by both current and former caretakers. Why not get in touch with others who have also worked at your preferred agency in the past and see if you can set up a one-on-one conversation with them to learn more? The Ofsted rating of your organization is one item to look into. At The UK Fostering, we take great satisfaction in being rated Outstanding by Ofsted and in having a reputation for giving foster parents the greatest training and support so they can provide their foster children the best care.
Support  Support is crucial in the foster care industry. Foster parents must receive the help they require in order to provide the best possible foster care for the child or children in their charge. Foster care can be stressful for both parents and children, so it's important that all sides have enough support to fall back on in tough times.
Training Does the foster care organisation you've selected hold regular training sessions and events? In order for each foster carer to properly assure the safety and wellness of the child in their care, it is crucial for foster agencies to keep foster carers' training up to date. At The UK Fostering, we provide frequent training to our foster parents to keep their skills current and to guarantee that they possess all the information required to continue to rank among the finest foster parents in the nation.
Access to social opportunities Both the foster carers and the children in their care should find foster care to be joyful and exciting. Because of this, The UK Fostering emphasizes the value of social opportunities.
The area Attempting to join a foster organization that does not exist in your region is of little use. You must first determine which companies are closest to you and then use all of the aforementioned criteria to reduce your list of potential candidates. Fortunately, UK Fostering has offices all across the country, including those in London, the Midlands, East Anglia, and other locations. Find your at rhoodourhood The UK Fostering agency by browsing the places we serve. We really hope that this blog has been helpful to you in focusing your search on the best-fostering agency for you. Please get in contact with us right away if you have any questions about The UK Fostering and whether we would be the perfect agency for you.
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sidetongue · 10 months
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I had some foster puppies crash for the weekend, Colbie and Conrad
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wallwriterstuff · 6 months
To Soothe A Soul ||John Price x Teen!Simon Riley||
Warnings: Mentions of drugs. Implied child abuse and neglect. All the angst. Talk of foster care and sibling separation. Implicit talk of death. Mentions of military discharge and injury. This covers many sensitive topics, Minors should not interact with this.
Words: 2679
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Summary: Written for @glitterypirateduck O Captain Challenge using a take on the promtps 'An unexpected visitor' and 'A Rescue Takes Place'.
Former Captain John Price can spot a dead man a mile away, and he's known enough of them to know that not every dead man dies. It's in the eyes, that dead-eyed stare that proves the body might work but the tattered soul inside has long since withered away. He's horrified to find those eyes in the gaunt face of his newest foster child. Simon Riley is a dead man walking, and he's barely 14.
Part 2: The Yes Basket
“Any medical or dietary requirements? Allergies?”
“None as of yet but a doctor’s appointment will be organised for the near future to craft a more detailed healthcare plan. Kid’s malnourished and deficient in an alphabet of vitamins I’ll wager.”
His pen tapped rhythmically against his notepad, his gut feeling tight with anxiety. It wasn’t the first time he’d been called for an emergency placement and it probably wouldn’t be the last, but the fear of the unknown still prickled at the base of his neck, licked in icy stripes up and down his spine. A career in the military had prepared him for much in life, but even the horrors he’d faced abroad couldn’t have prepared him for some of the kids that came into his care. Fostering had definitely been a good move for him after an honourable discharge due to injury had forced him out of the field. The kids he cared for needed routine and consistency as much as he did, and it filled that aching need to have someone reliant on him being at his best, gave him the motivation to keep up with all those exercises doctors had insisted would help him stay healthy and help him to readjust to civilian life. If he had someone to do it all for it was much, much easier.
“Alright then. Anything else I need to know about him?” Price asked, halting the movements of his pen and poising his hand to note down anything of significance.
“Simon has a younger brother, Tom. He took on a caring role for him and it was his wish for the boys to remain together but…welfare concerns don’t permit it right now. We’ll talk more about a family plan going forward with you to ensure they get time together but for now just expect some backlash from the decision to separate them.” The woman on the phone, Kate Laswell she’d introduced herself as, sighed heavily and added, “Also…Simon found their mother. He’s seen a lot in the past 24 hours alone. Be mindful of his grief.”
Price couldn’t quite force his hand to move for a moment, thickly swallowing at the sympathy that clogged his throat for a second. He’d need to wipe that from his expression by the time they arrived; he doubted the boy would want to see it. Lowering his pen, he nodded slowly.
“Alright. How long?” His mind was already racing with all of the things he needed to get ready, to prepare.
“40 minutes from where we are to your address. We’re moving quickly with this one.” Kate informed him. Price internally groaned at the time limit but kept his tone calm and controlled as he agreed that it was fine and hung up. He took a moment to take a breath and then he placed his notebook away and pushed to his feet. He ran his home with just as much military precision as the barrack’s he’d been used to living in, with not a thing out of place and not a speck of dirt visible. No, no, it was the spare bedrooms that needed attention now. They were cleaned the same as the rest of the house but none were set up to welcome a teenager into. As he walked towards the stairs, he saw the fuzzy black ears perk up before hearing the click of hardwood beneath his claws. The grizzled German Shephard wasn’t the most welcoming looking dog given the scarring on his face, but he had a teddy bear heart and intellect that rivalled any human. His big head tilted in question, knowing that at this time of night Price was more likely to be sitting and nursing a glass of whisky and not traipsing upstairs. Price smiled gently and gave the lean muscles of his flank a firm pat.
“We’ve got a guest coming to stay Riley. You gonna be a good boy when he comes, hm?” he fussed him for a moment longer before gripping the railing and ascending the stairs. For the next forty minutes, the former Captain set towels in his bathroom, placed fresh bed sheets on every single bed in each of the spare rooms, and aerated each room to ensure it was fresh and prepared. In the kitchen, he set his fruit bowl front and centre and he tidied up his coat and shoe rack to ensure there was space for another set of belongings there. He tried to drag all these things out, not wanting to wait in the silence for his new charge to arrive and let the anticipation get to him. Riley settled against his side as he attempted to watch TV to pass the last 15 minutes, some mind-numbing episode of Match of The Day he could really care less about since Liverpool hadn’t been playing that day.
His own doorbell startled him like a gunshot, made Riley perk at his side. With a few firm commands and quick scratch behind the ears, he had Riley settled in his dog bed and was taking that last deep breath behind the door. I’ve met plenty like you, we’ll be fine.
Oh no, no he hadn’t.
I’ve never met a kid like you at all.
Simon Riley clutched the bin bag full of his possessions in a white knuckled grip, his fist trembling with the effort as if scared that losing his grip meant losing everything. Every inch of him was locked up tighter than a maximum-security prison, and those eyes…those dead, dead eyes. They didn’t flinch. He’d seen SAS boys focus through glinting scopes with the same sort of resolve, unblinking, unyielding, vigilant in a way they’d been rigorously trained for. This gangly teen in tattered jeans and a baggy hoodie made a bigger impression than any he’d yet met. Dead as those eyes were they were keen, sharp, and Price knew they wouldn’t miss a trick. Overly aware now of his expression and body language, Price stepped aside to leave a nice wide gap, his smile welcoming and face soft, open.
“Hi, Kate right? And you must be Simon. Do you prefer Simon, Si, some other nickname?” he asked, gesturing for them to come in. Kate gave him a slightly strained smile and he guessed the ride over had been rather intense. Simon Riley oozed intensity in waves. When he stepped over the threshold into Price’s home it was like watching the grim reaper himself enter, an oppressive and ominous atmosphere following him, like he’d been trained to make his presence fill a room in a way his physically body couldn’t. Intimidation was something Price had dealt with for years however, gotten good at himself, and so he maintained that soft, open body language and didn’t flinch at that dead-eyed stare. I see you, but you don’t scare me, and nothing here should scare you either.
“Simon.” He grunted finally, fingers flexing around the bin liner. One bin bag. Moderately full but from the bulky way it stretched the bag Price guessed the majority of it was clothes. There was a stink that followed the bag to. Weed, he recognised, smoke, something bitter and tangy…iron-like. He filed that away as a conversation for later. Nodding, Price gestured to the shoe and coat rack.
“Simon, it’s good to meet you, I’m John. I made a space for your shoes and your coat here. House rules are that shoes always come off before we come in, please, or we’ll be forever mopping the hardwood.” He chuckled, maintaining that friendly smile as he waited to see what he’d do. Simon was already testing him clearly, because he let the silence drag out for a long while before he finally toed off his shoes and set them on the rack. His toes curled and uncurled into the hardwood for a moment. Price had seen it before both in soldiers and in previous kids, that fight or flight instinct. It was the scary unknown that did it. For some kids that came in this was the first house they’d been in that was clean and well-lit and warm. For some it was the emptiness of the open space that was unnerving after they got used to cramped bedrooms or bustling, busy living rooms filled with unsavoury visitors or simply one too many family members.
“John has offered to let you stay here for the time being, but I’ll be around still okay?” Kate assures him, “I’ll work on setting up visits with Tommy for you, and you’ve got my number saved in your phone, in case you want to talk to me.” Price knows instinctively that Simon won’t ever use that number. He doesn’t look the type to lean on anyone, least of all a stranger whose separated him from his brother.
“Actually, there’s more than just me in the house,” he pipes up, “Are you alright with dogs, Simon?” The boy doesn’t give him a single twitch of a response, simply looks from one adult to another. Buried deep beneath the layers of forced apathy Price can see exhaustion. “Riley’s an ex-service dog, worked with me on many a mission. He’s got a good temperament and likes a lot of fussing. He’s got a few scars though. You want to meet him?” his questions are met with silence once more, so John simply takes a few steps left to the archway leading into his living room, where Riley sits patiently in his dog bed near the window. His tongue lolls out of his mouth, ears perked and tail flicking in excitement. He doesn’t run, but he does lope forward a bit, curious and wanting to meet new faces, but Price makes him heel.
Simon almost rises on the balls of his feet, like a bird ready to take flight, eyes fixed on the German Shepherd in his eye line. Price takes a second to evaluate him, trying to see if it’s fear or curiosity, but the boy gives so little away. It’s the faintest twitch of his free hand toward Riley that gives Price incentive to motion the dog forward. It’s a gentle and tender display, as if Riley knows how sensitive the wounds Simon’s carrying are, like he can read the neon sign that screams HANDLE WITH CARE emblazoned on the boy’s broken soul. He sniffs gently at his pale hand, and Simon’s nose wrinkles ever so slightly at the cold, wet sensation on his bony knuckles. It doesn’t stop him from reaching to give Riley’s ears a scratch. The German Shepherd sits obediently, pushing his giant head into Simon’s hand for more. Kate gives the faintest smile.
“What’s his name again?” she asks.
“Riley.” Price replies, chuckling slightly as she goes to fuss him to. Her input causes Simon to fall back, eyes snapping to her and away from the dog, moving quickly from one fixation to the next, always hyper-aware and alert. How many times had the hand he’d not been watching for struck him? You can relax here, son, he wanted to say.
“A very good boy.” She coos. Price hums in agreement and steps up beside them.
“Living room has the TV and an old games console. I don’t have many games but if you like we can get some more in eventually. I don’t really use it often. Kitchen’s right through if you want a drink or something to eat?” His offer is met by that dead eyed stare again, but after a moment of consideration Simon gives him another quiet answer.
“Water.” His voice fluctuates with all the tell-tale signs of a boy on the cusp of puberty and Price is again hit by just how young he is for someone so alert and mistrusting. He doesn’t let the way his heart cracks a bit show on his face and simply leads them through to the kitchen, silently showing Simon exactly where the glasses are for him if he ever needs them while offering to make Kate a coffee to. Simon doesn’t contribute much to the conversation at all, just remains this silent and oppressive presence lingering in the corners of the room, anywhere that gives him a good vantage point really. He's a silent spectre, a sentinel, a ghost. Always somewhere just out of sight with everything in his watch and reach. Price lets him stand where he’s comfortable, concedes that little bit of control to him on a night he knows the boy’s had no control of anything.
“I’ve got a few different rooms upstairs, all of them are ready to move in to but I thought you might want to pick one that suits you.” He says, leading the two of them upstairs. Simon hasn’t once let go of his bin-liner and Price suspects getting him to wash anything in that bag is going to take considerable time and effort; this is all Simon has now of home, and however much a hell-hole home might have been he’s seen kids cling to the most disgustingly filthy objects purely because it’s the last vestiges of their old life and family they have left. He’s left all the doors open so Simon can explore each room upstairs at his own pace, and he waits patiently at the end of the hallway to give him time to adjust to the idea that this home is now his to.
Price can sense the overwhelm a mile away as Simon lingers in each doorway, like he’s afraid that to enter a room would be to taint it somehow, the pristine white linen looking to fine for his grubby hands. He can see the dirt under the boys nails, the slight lacquer of grease in his unkempt hair. Moving quickly indeed he thinks grimly as he watches the boy hesitantly test a mattress and peer out a window. That soulless stare focuses back on him when he’s found the room he wants, but the words won’t come. Simon never once asks if the room can be his, he’s never been allowed to want, but he acquires it through presence alone.
Price nods to the chest of drawers, “Bottom one’s got bedding in. We can talk some more tomorrow about how you want to decorate it. Take your time settling in and come down when you’re ready. Lights out at 10:00, alright?” Simon gives him a slow blink, and Price realises that’s all the reaction he’s going to get as he turns and walks to the stairs, Riley on his heels. Laswell waits near the front door, tapping away on her phone to organise the rest of Simon’s life no doubt. He clomps down the steps, absent-mindedly rubbing away the phantom aches in his leg once he hits the bottom.
“Kid doing okay?” Laswell’s question comes with a critical eye of him, and Price knows she’s really asking if he can cope with him more so than if Simon will be alright here. He gives a slight nod, glancing back up the stairs.
“Okay as he can be given the shit he’s gone through…he’ll, er…he’ll take some getting used to.” Price admitted.
“He’s not said more than five words to me since we met hours ago, and that stare…”Laswell shuddered a bit. Price hummed in agreement as he opened his front door to let her out.
“We need anything we’ll let you know, till then best to let him settle.”
“Alright then. You have my number.” Laswell lifts a hand in farewell as she walks down the front path and towards her car. Price watches her go, his mind already back on the teenage boy she’s leaving behind. Deposited in his house with nothing more than a bin-liner to his name, Simon Riley was going to require some serious care, and he felt clueless as to where to start. With a deep sigh, he closed the front door and set off towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea and a game plan. He was going to make this house a home for the boy, one way or another.
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forestgreenlesbian · 10 months
my mums top artist of the year. the wiggles
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rowanthestrange · 9 months
First I think the old lady is Missy because I think the Master bigenerating is guaranteed at some point in this, and also cus red nails picking up the ring - as she does. There was the master knot, so gotta be relevant.
But also if Rusty is In Our Walls, he knows the alcoholism - her with the gin.
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robotpussy · 1 year
naurrrr the netflix password thing has already starteedddd I can't use it anymore 😭
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marcelwasp · 9 months
A little something different but I think I wanna talk about this
I don't normally talk about my experiences in Foster care as alot of the stuff I either don't feel comfortable talking about or physical cannot remember enough details to talk about but this is a bit of an exception
So when I was younger I was hyper obsessed with pokemon (I still am but that's not important right now) and I was about 8 or 9, in I think my second Foster home and wasnt diagnosed with autism at the time
But yes I was really into pokemon and would watch a ton of the anime and play the one game I had, white 2 any time I was allowed the ds because they were one of those "only 1 hour of video games a day" type foster carers
But one day my Foster carers stopped me from watching playing or buying anything pokemon related for like 2 years and continuously compared my pokemon hyper obsession to things like drug addiction
Which when I look back on it is fucking insane
How do you genuinely compare a pre teen child's hyper obsession to an addiction of any kind I was literally 9
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arctic-hands · 2 years
I know it's stupid to put your hopes in the lottery, but damn I could have put two billion to good use
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sakshamyng · 8 days
Fostering in the UK: A Modern Approach to Care and Support
Fostering in the UK plays a critical role in providing temporary, nurturing environments for children who cannot live with their birth families. While the concept of fostering has been around for centuries, the modern system has evolved to meet contemporary challenges, adapting to a complex and diverse social landscape.
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The Current State of Fostering
As of 2023, over 57,000 children are living with foster families across the UK. The demand for foster carers is growing, with an estimated need for over 8,000 new foster families. This rise is driven by factors such as family breakdowns, mental health issues, substance misuse, and the increasing complexity of children’s needs. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated vulnerabilities, putting more pressure on fostering services to provide support.
Foster care services in the UK are provided through a mix of local authority provisions and independent fostering agencies (IFAs). Local authorities are responsible for most placements, but IFAs offer additional capacity, often supporting children with more specialized needs. Both sectors work collaboratively to ensure that children are matched with the right carers and that their welfare remains the priority.
Different Types of Fostering
Fostering isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Several types of fostering cater to different needs:
Short-term Fostering: The most common type, where a child stays with a foster family for a few weeks or months while decisions are made about their long-term future.
Long-term Fostering: When it’s unlikely that a child will return to their birth family, and adoption is not an option, long-term fostering provides a stable, ongoing home.
Emergency Fostering: Some foster carers are prepared to take children on very short notice in times of crisis, ensuring that they have somewhere safe to stay immediately.
Respite Fostering: Short breaks for children with disabilities or to provide foster families with temporary relief.
Parent and Child Fostering: Where foster carers support both a parent (usually a mother) and their child, helping the parent to develop their parenting skills in a supportive environment.
The Role of Foster Carers
Foster carers are the heart of the system. They provide emotional support, stability, and guidance to children who often come from difficult backgrounds. The role demands resilience, empathy, and a commitment to the welfare of vulnerable young people. Foster carers are not only responsible for the day-to-day care of children but also for collaborating with social workers, therapists, and educational staff to ensure the child’s broader needs are met.
In return, foster carers receive financial support, which varies depending on the type of fostering and the agency or local authority they work with. Training is also a key component of the fostering journey. Prospective carers undergo rigorous assessment processes, and once approved, they continue to receive ongoing training in areas such as trauma-informed care, mental health awareness, and safeguarding.
Challenges in the Fostering Sector
While fostering remains a vital component of the UK’s childcare system, it faces significant challenges:
Recruitment and Retention: There’s a persistent shortage of foster carers, with many leaving due to the emotional demands of the role or insufficient support. Recruitment campaigns aim to highlight the rewards of fostering, but the sector struggles to keep up with demand.
Complex Needs of Children: Many children entering the foster system today have experienced severe trauma, mental health issues, or developmental delays. Meeting these needs requires specialist training and support, placing additional pressure on foster families.
Support for Foster Carers: While there are support networks in place, many foster carers feel that they need more practical, emotional, and financial backing, particularly when dealing with high-needs children.
Placement Stability: One of the main goals of fostering is to provide stable, nurturing environments, yet many children experience multiple moves within the system, which can have a detrimental effect on their emotional well-being. Efforts are being made to improve placement stability by offering more targeted matching processes and enhancing support for carers.
The Benefits of Fostering
Despite its challenges, fostering can have a profoundly positive impact on both children and carers. For children, it provides a safe, loving home where they can rebuild trust and confidence. Foster carers often speak of the immense satisfaction that comes from making a tangible difference in a young person’s life.
Additionally, fostering can be a rewarding career for individuals or couples who want to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Many foster carers form lifelong bonds with the children they care for, seeing them grow and thrive as they transition into adulthood.
Innovations and Future Directions
The fostering in the UK is continually evolving to address modern challenges. Some recent developments include:
Trauma-informed Care: Recognizing that many foster children have experienced trauma, there is a growing focus on training foster carers to understand and respond to the effects of trauma. This approach helps to create more supportive environments where children can heal and develop.
Digital Support Platforms: The rise of technology has introduced new ways for foster carers to access support, training, and peer networks. Online platforms provide virtual communities where carers can share experiences, seek advice, and find emotional support.
Holistic Support: Acknowledging that fostering involves entire families, there are increasing efforts to provide holistic support that considers the well-being of both foster carers and the children in their care. This includes better access to mental health services, respite care, and more personalized placement matching.
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Fostering in the UK remains a cornerstone of the childcare system, offering hope and stability to vulnerable children. While the sector faces ongoing challenges, its adaptability and the dedication of foster carers continue to ensure that children receive the care and support they need to thrive. As society evolves, so too does the fostering system, with a growing focus on providing specialized support and creating better outcomes for all involved. For anyone considering becoming a foster carer, the role offers not only personal fulfilment but also the chance to make a lasting difference in the lives of young people in need. UK Fostering is a prominent independent fostering agency in the UK dedicated to providing high-quality care and support to children in need of foster homes. They work closely with local authorities to place children with compassionate and well-trained foster carers. UK Fostering offers a range of fostering services, including short-term, long-term, emergency, and parent-and-child placements, ensuring that children from diverse backgrounds receive the care they need. The agency is committed to supporting foster carers with ongoing training, resources, and a strong community network to help them provide the best possible environment for vulnerable children.
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duquete · 2 months
more  question  prompts.      accepting.   @taughtpain      :      when  were  you  going  to  tell  me  the  truth  about  this?
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"  i    …    didn’t  think  it  was  important.  "  in  hindsight?    —-    he  now  realises  that  might  not  have  been  the  best  or  correct  approach.  it’s  never  been  in  dennison  duquette’s  nature  to  be  DISHONEST.  he  believed  in  living  an  upfront  life,  but  even  a  man  like  him  slipped  up  once  in  a  while.  to  make  mistakes  was  to  still  be  alive    &    human.  eyes  briefly  drop  down  to  the  old  yearbook  photo  that’s  exposed  the  previously  -  untold  take  of  a  young  denny’s  cobra  kai  era.  those  days  were  an  entire  heart  transplant  ago;  could  anyone  blame  him  for  not  remembering  to  talk  about  it?  especially  when  there  were  other  factors  to  consider.  "  robby,  my  past  with  sensei  kreese    &    your  dad  is  exactly  that.  my  history.  i  didn’t  want  it  to  play  a  role  in  your  present  with  them.  "  being  a  carer  wasn’t  always  easy.  making  decisions  that  might  affect  another  person  came  with  consequences  and  he  took  that  responsibility  as  seriously  as  he  could.  sometimes  he  got  it  right.  sometimes  he  didn’t.
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gaze  drifts  back  up  to  look  at  the  young  boy  placed  under  his  care,  worn  features  offering  a  silent  apology.  "  hell,  i  didn’t  even  really  know  johnny.  we  ran  in  different  crowds.  he  was  the  champ  and  i  was  some  rich  kid  with  an  even  richer  dad  on  the  board.  we  weren’t  friends.  just  two  guys  who  happened  to  be  in  the  same  place  at  the  same  time  over  thirty  years  ago.  "  the  connection  hadn’t  immediately  CLICKED  for  him  at  first.  seeing  the  name  johnny  lawrence  on  a  case  file  only  stirred  a  curious  familiarity,  never  settling  into  a  solid  memory  until  robby  was  already  there  and  he  learnt  more.  that’s  when  the  past  resurfaced.  maybe  that’s  when  he  should’ve  said  something.  "  i’m  sorry.  i  didn’t  mean  to  keep  shit  from  you.  you  can  ask  me  anything  about  that  time,  i’ll  answer  honestly.  i’ve  got  nothing  to  hide.  "
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horizonfostering · 8 months
Foster Care vs. Therapeutic Care - Understanding the Differences
Gain a deep understanding of foster care and therapeutic care, unraveling the essential distinctions that shape their roles in providing care and support for children. Navigate the complexities and discover how each contributes to the well-being of children. Read more on, What Is the Difference Between Foster Care and Therapeutic Care?
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wallwriterstuff · 6 months
Part 2: The Yes Basket ||John Price x Teen!Simon Riley||
Warnings: Mentions of drugs. Implied child neglect, explicit mentions of physical injury and abuse (1 sentence mentioning bruises and being underweight). All the angst. Talk of foster care and sibling separation. Mentions of military discharge and injury. Minors should not interact with this.
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Words: 2236
Summary: John Price has had plenty of foster children before him and knows how to support most of the behaviour he sees. A simple trip to the supermarket unveils a deeper need for understanding than he originally thought, and John is left scrambling for answers Laswell won't give him.
Chapter 1: To Soothe A Soul Next Part (3): Dirty Laundry ->
Simon Riley is a ghost in his home.
He’s barely seen the boy since Laswell dropped him off last week. The lack of weight on him clearly works to his advantage for sneaking about the place because Price has been startled by his sudden appearance at least twice, and his instincts are usually pretty good at detecting anyone in his general vicinity. Either that, or Simon must have gotten good at creeping around. Perhaps it was safer that way in his former home, less noise less attention. All Price knows is that he only sees the boy when he’s eating his food or using his shower. He uses the shower a lot. He can’t tell if it’s a novelty thing that he never really had before or if it’s perhaps a psychological thing that needs a little more investigating, but the boy spends at least an hour a day scrubbing his skin raw in the tub, only to appear in the kitchen afterwards with a pink face and hands and stinking clothes that undo most of the work he’s just done.
He still won’t let Price wash anything in the bin bag.
Simon’s living out of it, he thinks. Not that he has any access to that room now. Simon barely cracks the door when he knocks on it to inform him dinner is ready or to ask if he wants to join him in watching a movie or something with Riley. He’s been gentle about his approach on it to, not outright disregarding his belongings as a filthy nuisance in his home but rather asking him how he can help him look after them. He’s been stealing food to. Light-fingered little bugger got away with it for almost 48 hours before Price realised his fruit bowl was suspiciously low on fruit. He’s had children in his care hoard food before, knows how to deal with it, so today, he’s dragging Simon out into the big wide world whether he likes it or not to solve the problem. The echo of his knock on the wood is met by complete silence behind the door, and Price still feels that prickle of dread when Simon cracks the door open just enough to stare him down as if he’s the intruder, somehow.
The whites of his eyes are only just whiter than the pallor of his skin.
“We’re going to head to the shops together, get some groceries in. Since I’ll be cooking for both of us I want you to give me an idea of what sort of things you like to eat. You’ve got 10 minutes to get yourself ready, alright?” Price doesn’t phrase it like a question, knowing the answer would absolutely be no if he asked. Simon barely blinks, a minor twitch of his brows showing his displeasure through a frown. Price waits him out, watch’s carefully for any sign of resistance. Seeing no way out, Simon finally acquiesces with a short nod, slamming the door shut between them both. Price let’s out a quiet breath and turns to head back downstairs, sure he’s going to have to come and get him when the 10 minutes he’s given him to get ready is up. It’ll serve two purposes, he thinks. If Simon takes a walk with him today then the boy will get a better lay of the land, have a bit more freedom to walk himself to the park maybe or walk himself to school, when the time comes for that, but it also means getting in food Simon can have control over. Speak of the devil.
Riley perks at his feet and trots happily to the boy as he stamps his feet into beat up trainers at the bottom of the stairs. The laces are threadbare at best and there’s holes in the outer skin that let Price know they’re no longer waterproof. Maybe when they have to tackle the issue of school uniform he can broach the topic of new shoes. Forcing himself up, Price moves to the coat rack and takes down Riley’s leash and harness, the German Shepherd waiting patiently to be belted up. Simon says nothing, hands stuffed deep in his pockets and eyes cast downward towards his feet. He doesn’t force the boy to break the silence, wondering if Simon is just a bit stunted in his social development or if there’s something greater at play. He never can tell, still doesn’t know him quite well enough.
He offers Simon the lead anyhow, and the boy takes it wordlessly, walking out alongside him and not waiting for him to lock the door behind them. Price has to catch up, and just about catches a glimpse of Simon slipping a black surgical mask over his face. Price’s brow furrows, a shudder rolling down his spine when he gets closer and sees the shoddily painted skeleton jaw painted on the front of the mask. It doesn’t feel like a fashion choice.
God kid, what the hell happened to you?
It’s like walking with the angel of death, even the breeze in the trees seem to fall silent in Simon’s presence. Price isn’t one to easily be unnerved, hell his job demanded he have nerves of steel, but something about Simon’s silent and foreboding presence makes him feel the need to fill the quiet space with noise.
“I’ve got a basic list, bread, milk, all that stuff, but once we’re in the shop you can give me an idea of what sort of dinner you like.” He said. Simon says nothing, of course. He gets a handful of looks from neighbourhood gossips but ignores them steadfastly. He’s like an omen of death, dressed in all black, hidden under baggy clothes, and…not reaching for a single bit of food. Price realises quickly that this is going to be harder than he originally thought. He feels like a phony Santa with the fake jolly attitude as he tries to suggest different things and is met by a shrug each time. He’s lost track of the amount of products he’s picked up in an attempt to sway him when Simon finally speaks ups.
“I don’t care.” The blunt and abrupt sentence is punctuated with a voice crack that makes the boy visibly cringe, as if the visible evidence of his youth is somehow a weakness he’s unwittingly shown. Price watches him for a long moment, head tilted and eyes squinting slightly.
“I do.” It’s a simply sentence, not one he packs a lot of emotion into, but it garners him the biggest reaction he’s had so far. Simon narrows his eyes. That eerie presence he exudes magnifies ten fold and almost tries to envelop Price, like a shadow has oozed from the boy and tried to poke and prod it’s way into Price’s very soul to examine the contents. He holds his gaze with the most neutral expression he can and pulls out his wallet to hold out a crisp ten pound note to the boy.
“This here is for you to go and get snacks with. We're going to make a yes basket. Anything you put in the basket, you can eat at any time. No permission needed, it's your food to eat as you please. The only rules for the basket are that whatever you buy fits within your budget, you need to buy a mix of junk food and healthy stuff, and it's only refilled when we go shopping on Saturday. If you eat it all by Wednesday there's no adding extra's too it until Saturday. If you do find it's empty and your still hungry, you can still eat the snacks in the kitchen cupboards, but we share those, so you need to ask permission before taking them. Understand?” his explanation is met with a further narrowing of the boys eyes, but Simon isn’t fool enough to look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever life he’s been raised in, Price gets the impression that reading and playing people, having street smarts, is something the boy prides himself on, and that’s what makes him snatch the money from his hand and stalk for the fruit aisle first.
Price doesn’t see that basket once it’s taken into his room, but his fruit bowl remains full. Whether or not he paces himself is beyond Price’s knowledge to, but he’s set the boundary and he’ll see soon enough if Simon’s pushed it. If the way he eats his dinner is any indication then he reckons the basket was empty on day one. He scarfs down anything in front of him like he’s a black hole gorging on any and all matter, regardless of whether he finds it pleasant or not.
The subtleties in Simon’s expression is what helps him tailor his shopping lists going forward. His nose wrinkles ever so slightly when he eats anything he doesn’t like, and the missing nutrition in his previous diet is quick to make itself known when just a fortnight of eating a more varied and rich diet makes the boy sick to his stomach. He tries to hide it of course, but Riley’s compassion doesn’t let the boy suffer alone for long. The scuffling at his door is what wakes Price, and he forces his prosthetic back into place with a grunt, thumping with groggy eyes towards the bedroom door. He hears Simon heaving the minute he opens up,  giving Riley a scratch behind the ears before he heads for the bathroom. He pauses just briefly before knocking on the door and waiting to see if Simon will invite him in. He doesn’t, of course, so Price pushes the door open, and tries not to heave himself.
Simon’s always hidden beneath his clothes and now he knows why. Pale skin is mottled by severe but aging bruises. The poor boys black blue and yellow, a tapestry of violence inked into his skin that he’s still recovering from, may never recover from. There’s bones where he’d expected at least some muscles. He wonders if the skeleton painted on his face mask is supposed to represent the skeletal structure he’s somehow kept upright and ticking over in whatever horrific circumstances Simon has had to call his life up until this point. Price wipes any trace of his horror from his face as he grabs a wash cloth and dampens it, placing the cool cloth on the back of the boys neck as he awkwardly kneels beside him.
“Easy Simon, breathe.” He murmurs. Simon flinches form his hands, from his help, too used to doing things alone, but he’s just a child and he wants the one thing any child demands when they feel so awful nothing else helps.
It’s a quiet croak, but it’s enough to shatter Price’s heart. He swallows thickly to get a grip on the lump in his throat before he pats the boys shoulder.
“Just me…have you had a sip of water?” he asks softly. Simon doesn’t turn his head, just leaves his head resting along his arm so Price doesn’t see the weakness seeping from his eyes. He shakes his head. Price gets him a glass of water, and they sit in silence until Simon’s ready to stumble back to bed again.
It’s the first time the silence doesn’t feel oppressive.
Price lets him sleep in the next day for as long as he needs, doesn’t ensure he eats breakfast as he’s now ensure just what to feed a stomach he guesses was previously empty most of the time, and instead calls up Laswell.
“John. How’s things?” her voice is tired and it sets his alarm bells ringing.
“Alright. Better, sort of. We’ve made a bit of progress, I think. How’s things on your end?” Price leans against the kitchen counter, watching Riley do his business in the back garden as he reads the pregnant pause before she spoke again. Not good then, he thinks.
“We’re alright,” She lied, “How can I help you today?” Price decides to let it go. Simon is his priority.
“Was wondering if we were any further forward with getting a doctor’s appointment for the lad, or even sibling visits. He mentioned his mum the other night, might do him some good to see his brother.” Price suggested.
Kate sighed, “Don’t push it John…Tom’s not good. Kid’s disclosed a lot since they were separated…Simon won’t be seeing him for a while yet. Doctor’s not called back yet, I’ll push it from my end. Is he well enough to wait?” Price’s head span for a second. Just what had the younger boy disclosed that had Kate so uptight? What had he seen? What had Simon seen? Or...is it something Simon had done? No, no that didn’t feel right. Simon was like a pitbull, preferring to puff up and look domineering but, under the right care at least, completely harmless. His burning curiosity might never be satiated. His job was to help the child, not investigate the case. No, no he had to leave that to Kate.
“I’d rather he was seen sooner over later. Could do with some help from a dietitian maybe. He was more undernourished than we originally thought and I don’t want to give him too much to soon.” Price relayed his concern neutrally, even as his mind raced ahead. “I’ll call today then and call you back when I have an answer.” Kate didn’t bother with a goodbye before she hung up. Price sighed, stared at his phone for a moment, and placed it on the side.
One thing at a time John, he thought, One thing at a time.
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achalvarma2098 · 10 months
UK Fostering in Kent: Nurturing Futures with Compassion and Dedication
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County of Kent, where historic towns blend with undulating farmland. Renowned fostering agency UK Fostering is growing its nonprofit in Kent and providing disadvantaged kids in the area with an abundance of care, support, and stability. Fostering and green beauty; determination to changing lives through assistance is a symbol of compassion and dedication in the heart of Kent, UK.
 Individual assistance in Kent: The fact that UK Fostering is present in Kent is indicative of their dedication to offering customized, individualized support to foster children. They are aware of each child's particular needs and put forth great effort to place them with foster families who can offer them the attention and assistance they require. Fostering in Kent, UK Provides Emergency Shelter and Protection and gives youngsters who are in dire need of shelter and safety right away. They make sure these kids have a secure, stable, and caring environment to retreat to during difficult times.
The culture of To sum up, the fostering services provided by UK Fostering in Kent illustrate compassion and perseverance deep inside this gorgeous region. Their steadfast dedication to improving the lives of children who are at risk strikes a deep chord with them and gives them the opportunity to flourish in caring and encouraging surroundings. With its provision of quick refuge, individualized care, and advocacy, UK Fostering has established itself as a major player in Kent's foster care system, helping children in need pave the road for better futures. Their commitment to forging close relationships with foster families and working in tandem with neighborhood groups highlights their goal of making sure that every kid in Kent has access to stability, care, and a place they can call home. Beyond county boundaries, UK Fostering has a tremendous influence that leaves an enduring legacy of compassion and hope for future generations. Very popular as many good citizens and professionals willing to join the mission to uplift the young vulnerable children who have lost their way due to uncertain circumstances
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  Foster caregivers in Kent who are assisted by UK Fostering are provided with extensive training, direction, and round-the-clock support. In order to ensure that foster carers are well-prepared to give the greatest care possible, the organization cultivates a supportive environment in which they may interact, exchange experiences, and have access to resources. Kent is a beautiful place where many children due to various circumstances are abandoned by their parents in order to secure their future and safeguard the future generation fostering in Kent is realty popular.
 Parenting and emotional education: UK Fostering, a Kent-based organization, provides specialized support for children in foster care and acknowledges the value of education and emotional health. This includes giving kids access to counselling, treatment, and educational materials so they can grow and mature. Parenting and emotional education: UK Fostering, a Kent-based organization, provides specialized support for children in foster care and acknowledges the value of education and emotional health. This involves having access to tools for education, therapy, and other services that pave the way for a better future.
 Creating enduring bonds: Foster families in Kent serve as a source of love and support for a large number of children, providing them with long-lasting guidance and nurturing that helps them throughout their lives. All of UK Fostering's Kent support services are devoted to the welfare of vulnerable children and are characterized by compassion and commitment. Children in Kent are shaped by their constant dedication to providing them with personal assistance, urgent protection, and sustenance; this provides them hope, stability, and the possibility of a brighter life. With its revolutionary fostering strategy.
To sum up, the fostering services provided by UK Fostering in Kent illustrate compassion and perseverance deep inside this gorgeous region. Their steadfast dedication to improving the lives of children who are at risk strikes a deep chord with them and gives them the opportunity to flourish in caring and encouraging surroundings. With its provision of quick refuge, individualized care, and advocacy, UK Fostering has established itself as a major player in Kent's foster care system, helping children in need pave the road for better futures. Their commitment to forging close relationships with foster families and working in tandem with neighborhood groups highlights their goal of making sure that every kid in Kent has access to stability, care, and a place they can call home. Beyond county boundaries, UK Fostering has a tremendous influence that leaves an enduring legacy of compassion and hope for future generations.
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robotpussy · 1 year
im sorry as much as i love company i need 2 be alone at some point like its actually bliss coming home to a quiet and (sometimes) clean house and its just ME! I'm not responsible for anybody or anything else
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
Fostering in Staffordshire: An Overview
Foster care is essential to the welfare system, providing homes and families for children who cannot live with their families. In Staffordshire, the local government, Staffordshire County Council, is responsible for the welfare of the children in their care and for providing foster parents with the support they need.
What services does Staffordshire County Council offer for funding?
Staffordshire County Council offers a range of services for prospective foster parents, including counselling services, training and support, foster councils and various financial incentives.
The Counseling Center offers a variety of information and advice about foster care and foster care. Staffordshire County Council's range of training and support includes regular refresher courses, support groups and mentoring, and personal advice and support for foster parents.
The Foster Parent Committee is responsible for assessing the suitability of potential foster parents and comprises experienced social workers and independent community members. The committee meets monthly to review applications for foster care and make recommendations to local authorities.
Financial incentives offered by Staffordshire Municipality include weekly payments to cover caregiver costs and lump sum payments for purchasing equipment such as beds and furniture. Local governments also provide respite care for foster parents and cover all medical expenses for foster children. What are the requirements to become a foster parent in Staffordshire?
The basic requirements to become a foster parent in Staffordshire include the following:
Being at least 21 years old.
Having a bedroom available.
Having good physical and mental health.
In addition to these basic requirements, applicants must also understand the needs of children and young people.
Staffordshire Municipality is also looking for foster parents who can provide stability, security and understanding to the children in their care. Must show the ability to work in partnership with the house. All prospective foster parents must pass a series of exams, including home study and the Extended Disclosure and Blocking Service (DBS) exam. 
Fostering Families is one of the leading fostering agencies in the family fostering industry, providing the best care and support to those in need. The agency is focused on helping people who are or have been in vulnerable situations and supporting them throughout their journey.
The agency offers various services and resources, such as providing information and advice for people considering becoming foster parents and advice and support for those who have become adoptive parents. In addition, Fostering Families provide therapeutic support to help foster children and their families cope with the challenges of fostering. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for everyone under their care. 
Fostering Families has developed a comprehensive foster care program with a range of services and support resources to ensure the people in their care have the best possible experience. These include support from experienced professionals, financial assistance, education, health and well-being advice. The agency also regularly organizes social activities and events for host families, helping them build relationships and a strong support network.
The agency is committed to providing the highest quality of foster care and works to create an environment where children and families can feel safe and supported. Fostering families pride themselves on their commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of foster children and families. They strive to ensure that everyone under their care has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
For those interested in fostering in Staffordshire, Fostering Families offer various services and resources to make the process as smooth as possible. Overall, Fostering Families are an invaluable asset to the foster family industry, providing a safe and secure environment for those in their care. The agency's commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of foster children and families is unmatched. 
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moniyng · 2 years
Fostering in London | Fostering Families
When a child cannot live with their parents or other family members, fostering affords them a safe and nurturing home environment where they can grow. Foster parents, often referred  to as foster carers, devote a lot of time and energy to their work and take satisfaction in knowing they have made a difference.
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When you seek to become a foster care provider, you immediately join something much bigger—a team that creates the conditions for both your success and the success of your foster child. Fostering is a technique to provide children and teenagers with a stable home environment when they cannot always live with their parents. Children in foster care have the chance to thrive in a family environment that is safe, secure, loving, and caring. 
One of the best foster agencies in London is Fostering Families. The fact that each child and adolescent is different makes it difficult to define a "typical child." You should expect, however, that they will need security, stability, and the chance to grow and thrive with carers who understand fostering and have empathy for the child's situation, just like any child or young person. The difference between foster care and adoption is that children in foster care still have legal obligations to their birth parents and the local government. An adoption order nonetheless severs a child's legal connection to their birth family. Foster parent placements could last anything from a few hours to several years. Many children return to their family homes, but some can get long-term support through residential care, adoption, or ongoing fostering.
Fostering in London
Those who desire to nurture must be at least 21 years old and mature enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood.
Adequate fitness, well-being, and health to care for children until adulthood.
Able to offer a secure home with accommodation for one or more children. Living in your own house is not required.
Possess the chance and time to nurture. You can foster without leaving if your career is flexible enough to suit the requirements and you have a support system.
A group of passionate professionals established an independent fostering agency called Fostering Families to improve the lives of children. Our goal is to provide children and local authorities with the most appropriate, professional, and caring foster care possible.
Those who desire to nurture must be at least 21 years old and mature enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood.
Adequate fitness, well-being, and health to care for children until adulthood.
Able to offer a secure home with accommodation for one or more children. Living in your own house is not required.
Possess the chance and time to nurture. You can foster without leaving if your career is flexible enough to suit the requirements and you have a support system.
A group of passionate professionals established an independent fostering agency called Fostering Families to improve the lives of children. Our goal is to provide children and local authorities with the most appropriate, professional, and caring foster care possible.
Source : https://www.reddit.com/user/drishti_jindal/comments/zx6dyq/fostering_in_london_fostering_families/
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