#fortunately he uses his looks for good and not evil
fuckingdonut · 6 months
my dad doesn’t know what a bridgerton is (and rarely points out who he thinks is fooiiineee) saw rege-jean page’s audi commercial a few times in between the nba and couldnt help but say “he is too handsome. that man is too HANDSOME!!!”
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lady-griffin · 2 years
Small Parallel I love with Knives Out and Glass Onion
Neither Harlan Thrombey nor Andi Brand are good people. They’re not. They’re also not evil people to be clear, but again, they’re not really good people.
By the kind of people his family and especially his children are, we get a sense of who Harlan is or largely was in his life, especially with the comment that there is so much of him in Ransom.
Andi was also clearly more than okay with both Birdie and Duke as not just acquaintances but close friends; as well as what other nonsense came out of Miles before “Klear,” and she was his business partner and friend.
She wasn’t some moral beacon of wholesomeness.
Her standard of good was – 
Let’s not put this very dangerous and unstable thing that hasn’t even come close to being properly tested out into the world, especially not under our company’s name; because we are not some daring startup company anymore, we’re an established conglomerate and this could easily sink us.
That’s not exactly a high bar of morality.
And that’s okay.
Really it is.
I like how neither movie truly idolizes Harlan or Andi to the point they are made out to be truly good people, BUT yet, we still see why Marta and Helen clearly loved and cared about these two and why their deaths matter.
Marta and Helen are our truly good souls for these movies. 
The two main groups of people - The Thrombeys and The Disruptors - are all various shades of the same kind of bad person for each movie.
The Thrombeys are all willing to live off Harlan’s hard work and they all believe they are entitled to his fortune because it’s their family right. It’s theirs. And once you peel back the layers of liberal or conservative, they’re all the same, because they’re all a bit more than willing to defend what they think is theirs, with knives out and teeth bared.
The Disruptors are somehow even more reliant on Miles than the Thrombeys were on Harlan (which is saying something); and they will cling onto him until they see his boat is doomed to sink. They literally know he killed two people; two of their so-called “friends” and they’re not willing to do anything. At least, not until Miles is truly fucked. 
They all care more about their own survival and ambitions than doing the right thing. And once more, when you peel back the layers of liberal or conservative, we once again see they’re all the same, they’re all more than willing to lie for a lie and stab a “friend” in the back.
But Harlan and Andi are our mixed bags of morality.
This is clear enough with the two types of people they are associated with.
The Thrombey Family and Marta.
The Disruptors and Helen. 
They’re kind of like an optical illusion, it really depends on how you look at them and what you see when it comes to their own morality. 
However, they do have two traits that I think redeem them for the audience, or at the very least make them more admirable to us.
They are genuinely self-made people.
Harlan was a brilliant murder mystery writer. He was. And he did build this publishing/franchise empire of his.
Andi was a brilliant mind who dabbled in many different things, but her real talent (as I saw it) was being able to spot a certain something-something in people. She saw the doers in the world, even when they weren’t quite there yet, she saw their potential to be the kind of person who others would notice and remember.
They were also both willing to stand by their values and once they made a decision, they would not be bullied into changing it. 
Harlan decided to cut off his family and was sticking by that. 
Andi decided to walk away from Miles and was sticking by that.
And I don’t know, I just like that little bit of extra moral complexity these two characters bring to these movies.
Oh, and Benoit Blanc is a good person, but he definitely isn’t governed by what the law or society says is good. He’s an eccentric who’s here for a good time, a fun and challenging mystery, and is more than willing to help out the good souls in the world when he gets the opportunity.
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the arrangement. [part 2] l General Marcus Acacius
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[PART 1]
Summary:  you have to ask General Acacius for help and you know that only one thing can convince him
Warnings: +18, smut, unprotected sex (don't do that), breeding kink, mentions of death and blood, a bit of sadness
A/N: i didn't plan a part two, but - here it is! if i disappointed anyone's expectations, i apologize. here i tag people who requested it @hidden-poet @stormseyer . have mercy on me.
Crowds of people looking for good entertainment gathered in the coliseum that hot day. You never liked this place, but your position obliged you to appear there, especially when you were invited by prominent people of Rome. It was the same this time.
You hadn't spoken to Marcus since your last meeting a few days earlier. You carried out his orders as he asked you to. Despite the pain, you appeared in the city, you also received a few guests, no one guessed that your heart was shaking. You also didn't meet General Acacius anywhere. You couldn't and didn't want to expose him to any consequences if it turned out that the Emperor would also look at you unfavorably.
"Lady Y/N, I’m delighted to see you here." the voice of one of the senators tore you from your thoughts.
"The pleasure is mine, Senator." you replied, nodding your head slightly. "Wonderful weather for the games, don't you think?"
"Wine, food and beautiful company are enough for me, games are an addition and a whim of the Emperor." the man laughed "I was hoping to see you here. The latest rumors about your... ekhm... slave. Outrageous."
"Thank you. Fortunately, the law is clear."
"Right, right!" the senator took a sip of wine. "Each of us should know our place."
"Wise words, Senator."
The lodge was filling up with more guests invited by the Emperor. More greetings and smiles, the clinking of goblets and laughter. Excitement was reaching its zenith.
"General Acacius!"
A nervous shiver ran through your body, but you decided to only cast a quick glance at the man who had joined the guests. Dressed in white and gold, his skin touched by the sun, his dark hair with a few silver strands gleamed in the rays of the sun. General Marcus Acacius looked like one of the gods' favorites.
Only the appearance of the Emperor with his closest entourage tore the group of people who were delighted with him away from him.
"Lady Y/N."
His warm, quiet voice touched you gently like a pleasant evening wind.
"General." You curtsied slightly to pay him respect.
Your gazes met, and his slight movement of the head gave you more answers than all the words he had spoken could. In one moment, you ran out of breath, and your eyes stung from the tears filling them.
"Don't show it. They're watching." Marcus said, standing so close to you to shield you from prying eyes for a moment, his hand lightly grabbed your arm, this gesture was the only tenderness he could afford in that situation.
It was the first time he had seen you so broken and his heart couldn't bear it. He wanted to take you in his arms, let you hide in his embrace and protect you from all this evil and despair.
However, all he could do was give you a few moments to put yourself back together and show an unwavering face again. But not a single tear scratched your cheek.
"I am grateful to the Gods for seeing you healthy and strong."
Although Marcus could hear a slight tremor in your voice, the people around you couldn't do that.
"Your words, my lady, are the greatest grace." He replied, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it tenderly. "I’m grateful that I can feast my eyes on your sight today."
He saw you part your lips to say something, but the sound of trumpets tore you away. The show had begun, and Marcus could only pray that you would hold on.
His dark eyes were on you almost the entire time. He could see you clearly, you were like a statue of a goddess in one of the temples. Unwavering, strong, with a mysterious smile that appeared on your lips whenever one of the guests spoke to you. Only once did he see a crack in that wonderful facade—when Margo appeared in the arena and her spirit left her body—Marcus thought you were going to faint, but you didn't take your eyes off the bloody sand of the coliseum.
As guests and spectators began to leave the coliseum, he stood by your side again.
"My lady, do you have someone who could take you home safely?" You seemed distracted to him, and your gaze was absent. "Let me take you to my place. I don't want you to be alone."
"General... Marcus..." his name on your lips sounded like the sweetest melody to him. "Thank you, but I can't..."
"Don't make me beg you here," he whispered. "Please."
After a moment of thought, you nodded and let him lead you to the exit.
General Acacius's house was a quiet and peaceful place. The evening air was cooler and a pleasant gentle breeze blew through the open shutters, filling the rooms.
Marcus made sure that the servants prepared a bath for you and didn't bother you even when you dismissed the women accompanying you to be alone. This was your time, and he wanted to give you as much of it as you needed.
He looked up and saw you standing in the doorway of his chamber.
A silk robe gently wrapped around your still damp body. Your gaze was full of pain, but you looked at him gently.
"Y/N, please." he began, approaching you. "I beg your forgiveness, I couldn't do anything. I tried to talk to the Emperor, but I couldn't do anything. He didn't care about her, and our involvement..."
"Shhh..." your delicate hand tenderly stroked his rough cheek. "I have to thank you, Marcus. For everything you..."
"I didn't do anything! I couldn't!" he interrupted you sharply.
"But you tried. I believe in it. I couldn't demand it of you. I don't know what I was thinking, asking you to risk so much for me..."
"I would give my life for you, you know that."
Your hand slid down his neck and rested on his chest. You felt his heart beating hard, his chest heaving with each breath.
"I know Margo was reconciled with her fate. I could feel it looking at her. She was strong, but calm." your voice was calm "Maybe you won't understand this, but she was my best friend. For years. She was devoted and loyal to me. I just wish she didn't suffer."
"Death came for her quickly. Now she's calm and safe."
"Thank you, Marcus."
His hands stroked your shoulders, and his lips kissed your temples lightly. His closeness seemed as natural to you as never before.
"Stay here tonight. I don't want you to be alone with all this." He said, and when you opened your mouth to say something, he added "I know you can, you're a strong woman, but today you don't have to be like that. Let me take care of you."
His eyes were so sweetly apologetic, you knew he would take on everything you felt just to make you feel better.
"You can take my chambers. You'll find comfort worthy of a queen there."
"I won't even touch you with a finger. You're safe with me."
"I know."
You trusted Marcus completely. Even when he walked you to his chambers, he didn't insist, nor did he make any move to suggest that he wanted to go there with you. It was you who, before leaving, kissed his lips gently. No words. They weren't needed.
But sleep wasn't a pleasant escape. The minutes passed, and you still felt wide awake. You weren't sure if you had slept for even a few moments. The house was quiet, only the cicadas in the garden keeping you company during the next few sleepless minutes.
No one heard your footsteps. You quietly left the bedroom and made your way through the darkened corridors to the room where Marcus slept that night. The door opened and you slipped inside.
The room was a bit smaller than the bedroom Marcus left you in, but you could smell the same pleasant scent of jasmine and burning candles that brightened the interior. You saw him sitting in an armchair with the shutters open. You thought he was dozing, but when your hand slipped into his tousled hair he stirred restlessly.
"Have mercy on me." he whispered, turning slightly and spotting you behind him. "You would be the perfect assassin, sneaking up on me so silently."
"Is that a compliment?" you asked, a faint smile appearing on your lips.
"I'm completely defenseless around you, so yes, it's a compliment." he replied. "You can't sleep. Me too."
"This house is so quiet and peaceful." you sighed quietly as he took your hand and touched it with his lips, standing up. "I feel like I don't know the words to thank you for what you did for me, then and now."
"I didn't do anything, Y/N."
"You were my rock, Marcus. That's more than anyone else has done."
"But I couldn't save you from the pain."
"Can either of us do that?"
He stared at you intently. His eyes were full of sadness and tenderness. Maybe that night gave you courage, maybe what Marcus did made your heart open to him. But you felt so safe with him that you wanted to be even closer to this man.
You didn't push away his hand that stroked your cheek. It was a relief for his heart.
"I'm ready to fulfill my promise, Marcus." You said calmly. "I'll stay with you in this house, we'll fill its quiet rooms with the laughter of children."
"Don't say that if you don't mean it." He replied, taking your face in his hands. "I couldn't do anything against your will."
"But it's my will, it's what I want. My heart has always been yours, but I was afraid."
"What were you afraid of, love?"
"War. Death. Enslavement. You were the image of all of this." He closed his eyes, probably guessing it. "So I was unavailable to you. I wanted to get rid of this feeling, but you never made it easy for me. You were my daily fear and night dream. Everything I feared and desired. I was sure that you only desired my body..."
"I don't deserve you. I don't deserve even one of your glances, love."
"So why am I here? This is what I wanted. I want you."
You took his hand and slid it down to your chest. Only a thin layer of silk that separated his hand from your soft and delicate breast. When he squeezed it lightly and saw how you parted your lips, he was sure that grace had descended on him.
His lips collided with yours in a kiss, and his warm tongue slipped between your lips, caressing you tenderly. He absorbed you with his presence, and you submitted to him humbly. You clung to his strong body, feeling his desire grow.
The silk robe that wrapped around your body slid to the floor. You stood naked before him, his eyes adoring you.
"You'll make me the happiest man in the world by letting me love you." he whispered.
"I allow you, Marcus."
In an instant his lips were on yours again, kissing you passionately and hard, and before you knew it you were already in his strong arms as he lifted you up and carried you towards the bed.
You felt the cool sheets beneath you, and then your eyes stopped at Marcus. He took off his toga. His body looked like it was created by hands and in the likeness of gods. Broad shoulders, narrow waist. You noticed a few scars on his skin, but they didn't destroy his image. And finally his hard cock, so ready for you.
He covered you with his body, his lips roamed over your stomach and chest, showering your body with kisses. Warm lips found your nipple and closed on it, you felt his tongue teasing you sweetly. Your body arched, and Marcus' strong arm slid under you and you knew you wouldn't get out of this delicious trap.
The tip of his cock teased your entrance, and you felt yourself getting wetter with each of his movements.
"Tell me you want me, please." he whispered, kissing your neck. "I'm begging you."
"I want you, Marcus. I need you more than air. Make me yours."  
He groaned painfully, kissing your lips. Strong hands gripped your hips to position you the way he wanted you.
His tip slowly slid into you, filling you completely. You caught your breath, trying to get used to the feeling of Marcus being inside you. He must have felt the same, because you could hear his slow breathing as he buried his face in your hair.
"It's wonderful to feel you." he whispered, looking at you, his eyes as dark as ever before. "I've wanted you for so long."
"And you have me."
One strong movement of his hips, a quiet moan escaped your lips. Gods, he would give his life for that. He began to move faster, more rhythmically, feeling your pussy take all of him. He tightened his grip on your thigh, afraid that he would hurt you, but you didn't even flinch. Your fingers intertwined in his hair, pulling him closer, kissing him like you needed him to be able to breathe, and with each thrust he heard those sweet sighs escaping your throat.
He felt like a barbarian destroying something as beautiful and sacred as you. But you wanted him. He felt it in your every move, saw it in your every look. You wanted him.
"Marcus, please..."
Your velvet walls squeezed his cock harder and harder, and he knew he wouldn't last long. He'd wanted you for so long. But he wanted to see it. A few more hard thrusts and he saw your body arch in the rush of pleasure flooding your body. Your nails dug into his shoulders, and you bit your lip, feeling like you were about to fall apart. But his arms held you tight and steady. You were safe.
And Marcus didn't slow down. The way you squeezed his cock made him closer, and his movements were faster and harder now. You could feel his sweaty body against you, his quickened breath.
"Fill me, Marcus... Let me carry your child." You whispered in his ear.
He came with a loud groan, digging his fingers into your thighs so hard that you were sure you'd see bruises there the next day. Warm streams filled you to the brim.
Marcus made you his. He filled you with his seed, you'd be full of his child. If not now then soon, you were sure of it.
"Tell me you're not just a beautiful dream."
His rough voice brought you back to his arms. You looked at Marcus, his eyes full of adoration for you. He looked so vulnerable that you began to understand what he meant by calling you the perfect assassin.
Even though you were the one who promised him your devotion and loyalty, you were both on the same page.
"What if I was just a dream?" you asked, stroking his cheek tenderly, his cock was still inside you, you could stay like that all night.
"I don't want to wake up then." he replied "I don't want to see another sunrise knowing I can't have you. That would be torture."
"I wish we could stay like this forever. I feel your love and it fills my heart too." You saw his gentle smile "Let's take what fate has given us, maybe we shouldn't doubt anymore."
"So you'll stay?"
"I will. I'll be proud to be your wife, General Acacius."
"You'll be so much more." His lips brushed yours in a tender kiss "My queen, my goddess. I will worship you until the end of my days."
And you knew he wasn't lying. General Marcus Acacius was a man of honor.
And he was yours.
Thank you for your time.
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withleeknow · 24 days
wishful thinking. (7.5)
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chapter 7.5: limbo
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summary: the instruction was plain and simple: no strings attached. but you should’ve known from the beginning that it could never apply to you and him.
pairing: minho x f!reader rating: 18+ (minors dni) genres/warnings: friends to lovers, friends with benefits au, college au; fluff, angst, smut; minho's pov; non-explicit smut, kissing, grinding, implied unprotected sex; alcohol consumption, non-linear storytelling (jumps around a few random scenes before we get back to the present that picks up from the end of chapter 7), cursing, the final line :-?; not that unedited i am so so sorry lol word count: 5.6k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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Wishing fountains, we pray for change in the dark Moving mountains, we end up right where we start The world’s not falling apart But you and I, baby we are
Wishing Fountains - Bad Suns
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“What does it say?” Minho asks.
You sigh, your eyes trailing the words on the small piece of paper in your hands before you shove one half of the fortune cookie in your mouth. It seems dry; you look like you can barely swallow it.
“Bullshit,” you say simply, a little bitter before you hide behind a mask of indifference, turning to him as you ask, “Yours?” 
He breaks his own fortune cookie in half, pulling out a similar piece of paper that reads, “‘Jeg elsker deg’ means ‘I love you’ in Norwegian.”
You're both lying on a fluffy rug on the floor of your bedroom, with an empty bottle of rosé sitting somewhere near your head. “That’s... random,” you say, casting your eyes to the ceiling. “But I mean, at least it’s kind of educational. Now you know a phrase in Norwegian.”
“Sure,” Minho laughs, testing out the syllables in his mouth and butchering them in the process. “Who would I even say it to?”
“Impress your future girlfriend with your worldly knowledge. Or say it to Hyunjin, I’m sure he’ll swoon and blush like a schoolgirl.”
“That’s the last thing I want. He’s already clingy enough as it is.”
“Alright. Well, your loss then.”
He only hums in response. “You’re really not gonna tell me what yours is?”
“I told you. It’s bullshit.”
“Wanna tell me why the fortune cookie is evil at least? I’ll fight it for you.”
You roll your eyes, shoving at his shoulder with a playful scoff. “It just got me thinking, that’s all.”
“About what?”
It takes a minute for you to gather your thoughts into one semi-cohesive pile. 
“Just… reminds me how I don’t really fit into anyone’s life,” you start, your voice coming out a little small and timid before you seem to let the alcohol give you enough confidence to say what you want. “I don’t feel like I’m worth anyone’s time. Everyone’s going to outgrow me eventually, if they haven’t already. Their lives will only get bigger and bigger, and they’ll have to leave me behind at some point. All that space but none for me.
“I think I’ll be stuck like this forever, in this fucking… limbo. And I know it’s dramatic because we’re still young and we’ve got our whole lives in front of us and whatever else that people say. But it feels like wherever I go and whatever I do, my life will always be this small while you all move on. Chan and Jess, Seungmin, Changbin, Felix, even Hyunjin and Jisung when they’re not too busy being idiots. Everyone’s got everything all planned out, and they have other things to fall back on if those plans don’t work out. If I fall, I think I’ll just keep falling until I hit rock bottom.
“And you… you’re gonna do great things too. You’re gonna live your life and it’s going to be a good one, and you’ll forget about me too. A few years from now, when everyone’s already moved on, I’ll just be a girl that you used to know. I’m just a stop along the way.”
Then you pause, and the laugh you let out afterward is choked up and not at all sincere. You rub your hands down your face, groaning a little when you say, “Ugh, that was depressing. Sorry, it’s the wine. Forget I said anything.”
You have beautiful eyes, that’s what Minho has always thought, the kind that holds all the universe’s sparkles and all its sadness too, a bittersweet balance. The kind that makes one want to stop and admire for a while. He loves when they light up before the joy gradually spreads across your face, like watching the sun peak over the horizon before it colors the sky with ethereal pinks and purples and blues. You’re a wonderful sunrise, his favorite part of every day.
He even loves your faraway gaze when you’re here but you’re elsewhere simultaneously, hiding in your eyes musings that are privy to nobody else. You’d stare into the distance and he’d watch you the whole time, wondering if any of the thoughts that occupy your mind are about him.
Minho has an urge to take you into his arms and hold you tight and tell you that everything’s going to be okay. That no one’s going to forget about you because you’re not someone who can be forgotten so easily, let alone be forgotten by him. That he isn’t going anywhere if it’s not by your side, that he wants to be in your life until you decide you’re sick of him, not the other way around.
He wants to tell you he loves you because that’s the truth. He was gone the minute he saw you at that stupid party years ago when you had walked in shyly with Chan and Jess. You had tried to make yourself smaller in a roomful of strangers, but you’ve always been the only one Minho could find in a crowd.
Years and years from now, when he thinks back to his youth, the highlight reel that will pop up in his mind will be of his idiot friends and the good memories they’ve shared with one another. How they laughed and cried, how they fell and got back up together time and time again.
And at the center of it all will be you. Green grass, blue skies, his golden days and you, the focal point of his youth.
He loves you. Would it help, or would it scare you?
He doesn’t let himself debate that question for long. Regardless of what the answer is, now isn’t the right time. So instead, he says, “For what it’s worth, everyone’s just taking it one day at a time, even if they seem like they have it all planned out. You’re not falling behind. You’re going at your own pace, who cares about other people?”
You turn your head to stare at him, your cheeks flushed with a rosy tint from the wine you had shared and a pensive look on your face. He can’t tell what you’re thinking, but he holds your gaze anyway.
“And I can’t speak for anyone else, but you’ll always have me. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
A quiet moment passes. If Minho focuses hard enough, he thinks he might be able to hear the faint beats of your heart.
His gaze flickers to your lips for barely a second before it returns to your eyes, quick enough for it to escape your notice.
Then, you’re holding yourself up on one elbow and shuffling into his orbit until you’re right by his side. He doesn’t move a single inch; he only watches as you get closer, and closer, and closer until there’s no more space between the two of you. He blinks, and in that split second he misses the way you let your eyes shut as you lean down to press your lips to his.
He’s surprised, but pleasantly so.
You taste like rosé, like something he’s always known that he wants to chase.
It stuns him enough that he forgets to respond, his mind focused solely on the feeling of your soft lips on him, the scent of your jasmine perfume and how you’re so warm pressed against him like this.
Maybe it’s the stillness of his body that shocks you out of it, because you pull away after a few seconds with an instant look of mortification in your eyes, trying to scramble back to your original spot on the rug like you’ve just committed an unspeakable sin. Running away, he thinks, is your first instinct.
But Minho is just a tad quicker than you are. He doesn’t let you stray very far when he props himself up to cup your face with one hand and bring you back to him.
He’s kissing you again and for a brief moment, he feels like he could die.
You don’t break from him this time. Instead, you’re kissing him back just as deeply. You let him lower you back to the floor as he holds himself up above you, his tongue slipping past the seal of your lips while his thumb strokes your cheek softly, keeping you there in his loose hold so you could still run if that’s what you want to do.
But you stay with him, your hands trailing up the expanse of his chest to find purchase on his shoulders, your legs parting so he could perfectly slot himself into the space that you’ve allowed him.
When he rocks his hips into you experimentally, you bite on his bottom lip, a whining sound from your throat comes out muffled against his mouth.
He strays just long enough and far enough so he could look into your eyes, with your pupils blown much darker than they had been at the start of the evening.
He says your name, the gentlest sound in the world, then a question. “What do you want?”
Minho half expects you to overthink your answer and come back to your senses, to choose flight because it would be the easier option.
But you don’t. There’s a dazed look in your eyes as you lock onto him, and there’s something underneath the pool of lust in your gaze that leaves him breathless and wondering.
“You,” you say quietly, “I want you.”
And it’s with this simple answer that you pull him back to you again, not the other way around. You kiss him more fervently than before if that’s even possible. When he slides his arm around your waist, you let him pick you up to cross the few steps it takes to get to your bed, his lips never leaving you even after he has laid you onto the mattress. They follow the path where your jawline leads down to your neck, then where your neck meets your collarbone, and he savors every little whimper that you make for him even though he’s barely touched you yet. There’s hardly any patch of skin that he leaves unkissed, and when he reaches where your shirt begins to hide the rest of you from him, he only looks up at you, quietly asking for more permission.
You don’t give him a verbal answer. You take matters into your own hands, lifting your top over your head and flinging it somewhere on the floor.
Then your bra follows to join your shirt, wherever it may be. Minho assumes they’ve landed on the bottle of rosé, only guessing by the sound of the glass being knocked over and rolling around. He’s not sure but he doesn’t care about it enough to look, not when he’s got you right here under him, so beautiful and so willing that it makes his head spin.
He’s imagined this before, just a few times whenever he's drunk enough to let his mind wander without the guilt that comes with it when he’s sober. He has wondered before what it would feel like to kiss you breathless and have you kiss him back, to touch you in ways that no one else ever has, to taste how sweet you are and feel your warmth. None of it is appropriate, not at all platonic. He’s well aware of it.
It's been years, ever since Minho met you at that party when he was 19 and you had been too awkward to start a conversation. Years of walking with you in the rain after class, sharing umbrellas that are too small to shield the both of you but it’s okay, because he doesn’t mind leaving half of his body exposed to the harsh weather as long as the rain doesn’t get on you. Years of making sure you get home safely after nights out with your friends, years of insisting that he sees you walk inside your building and up to your floor whether it's 11PM or 4:30AM. Years of lingering glances, of pretending he isn’t bothered whenever Felix offers to introduce you to someone, of smiles sent your way that are far too endeared to mean nothing at all.
Years of loving you in silence because he’s your friend first and foremost, and his friendship with you means more to him than the feelings he has for you.
And yet...
He’s here in your bed, watching you with mesmerized eyes as you take off the rest of your clothes before helping him discard his, as you kiss him just as deeply as he’s wanted to kiss you for the longest time, as you keep pulling him into you even when he’s already as close to you as humanly possible. His lips on yours, his heart pressed against the other side of yours. His fingers intertwined with yours when he slips inside of you, and how your hands stay interlocked the entire time you’re wrapped together. You cling to him so tightly, as though it would hurt you if he were to ever let go.
It’s the way you look at him, like he’s the only person that exists in your universe. It’s the broken moans that you give him, the nonsense babbles that make his chest swell with pride at the knowledge that he’s making you feel so good that the only thing you know how to say coherently is his name. It’s the heaven between your thighs, absolutely divine and infinitely better than any fantasy that he could ever let himself indulge in.
Just for tonight, Minho can pretend that you're his, even though he knows that he’s already been yours since the first time you met. He’s been yours for as long as he can remember, even if you don’t know it yet.
Later on, when he’s collapsed next to you on the bed, there’s a safe distance between your tired bodies and a certain tension in the air that’s heavy with the consequences of your actions. When he takes your hand, the one that’s shaking as you grip the sheets between your fingers, it alleviates some of that anxiety.
“The fortune cookie, what did it say?” he asks, like you’re simply continuing the conversation from before.
You let out a nervous chuckle. “Seriously?”
He gives you a lopsided smile, rubbing his thumb over your skin. “Seriously.”
You purse your lips as you look at him for another second before you cast your eyes to the ceiling again, like you’d done just an hour ago. “It said ‘You’ll be loved.’”
You are, he thinks to himself. You’re loved.
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“Open wide.”
You give him a look, to which he only responds with a shrug and a sly grin. 
“You’re enjoying this too much,” you say, but you take the spoonful of chicken soup that he offers you anyway. You can’t focus on the taste but it’s warm and the relief you feel is instant when it soothes your throat.
You’ve practically been on bedrest for the past three days, slowly rotting away in your apartment with a bad strain of the seasonal flu until Minho came over and unleashed his inner mama bear on you. Now here you are, wrapped up like a burrito on the couch (Minho insisted; he wouldn’t have it any other way) while he spoon feeds you homemade chicken soup.
You were stubborn about it at first, as one could probably imagine. When you told the group chat that you wouldn’t make it to movie night at Chan’s place last weekend, you were adamant that you would be able to sleep it off and bounce back in no time, despite Minho offering to make you some food and bring over some meds and cough drops.
The symptoms worsened overnight though, and you developed a fever along with a cough that’s worse than any you’ve ever experienced. When Minho called you to make sure you were still alive, you could barely even speak.
He hates your cavalier attitude when it comes to taking care of yourself. He hates himself even more for believing in your nonchalance and not bulldozing his way over sooner.
“I’m enjoying this because I was right,” he says, feeding you more of the soup. “I told you instant ramyeon wouldn’t cure you.”
He lets his I told you so triumph go easily, even though he suspects that you have much more to bite back at him if you could get through half a sentence without wanting to hack your lungs out. You make a noise, and he isn’t really sure if it’s one of agreement or protest but it’s most likely the latter. He thinks it’s cute that you close your eyes after every spoonful, lazily eating like one of his cats back home whenever they’ve run out of energy. You’re probably tired and can’t wait to get into bed.
When the soup is finished, Minho fetches you your meds and a glass of warm water. He doesn’t know if the scrunched up face you make after every pill is because you hate the bitter taste or if the tablets keep dragging against your already sensitive throat on their way down, but he strokes your hair all the while you wash it down with water, a gentle hand on your head as if to say You’re doing well.
He tucks you in bed not long after, despite your weak protests as he carries you to your bedroom.
“Oh my god,” you had managed to croak out. “I’m not that helpless.”
“I know,” came his response and a teasing smile. “Just let me take care of you for once.”
You’re pliant once you’re laid gently on the mattress though, idly watching Minho as he wraps the duvet around your shoulders and fluffs your pillows just the way you like. This is awfully domestic, he notes, and he can’t help but lean down and press a kiss to your forehead, not when he’s absolutely endeared by the way your tired eyes try to keep themselves open just so you could look at him.
When his lips leave your warm skin, he thinks he might’ve imagined the blush that colors your cheeks.
But he blinks, and you’re still flushed, your lips slightly parted as you stare at him, mild surprise evident in your drowsy gaze.
Something passes over the two of you, a kind of silence that he isn’t accustomed to when he’s with you. It isn’t bad, it’s just… strange.
One beat, then another. “Want me to stay with you?” he asks.
He knows you’d say no, and yet he can’t help the disappointment when you tell him, “You don’t have to. Go home, Min. Thanks for taking care of me today.”
“You sure? I can take the couch. It’s fine.”
“I’m sure. Chan and Jess said they’re coming to check on me in the morning.”
Minho lets out a hum, and purses his lips.
“What?” you ask.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“But you look like you want to.”
“Just… y’know,” he starts, gauging your reaction all the while, for any signs of physical discomfort or otherwise, “I like you like this. You’re not hiding when you’re like this.”
“You like me frail and on the verge of death?”
He rolls his eyes, pretends to flick at your forehead. “You know what I mean.”
When you giggle, it’s immediately followed by a wince, like the movement is hurting your sensitive throat. “Do I hide when I’m with you?”
“Sometimes.” He moves his hand to caress your face, gentle fingertips tracing the apple of your cheek. Surprisingly, you let him, if only for a little while. “It feels like you’re always ready to leave.”
“Are you worried I’m gonna run away?” you ask, covering your hand over his to move it away, but you still let his touch linger when you only lower his hand to your neck, where he starts twiddling your hair between his fingers. It feels like you want him close, close enough that it matters, close in a way that still lets you have control over how it matters. “I physically can’t. I’m sick.”
“Does that mean you’ll run away when you get better?”
You seem to ponder the question for a moment. You’re holding onto his wrist and Minho is almost certain that you can feel his pulse. He would do so many things for you if only you’d let him.
When you answer him, you keep things light but your tone is soft, gentle in a way that tells him your sentiment means more than the words you cherry pick on the surface.
 “No, I have finals in two weeks.”
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The first time that Minho gets to wake up next to you, nothing feels real. Not the pleasant scent of your shampoo greeting him the minute he opens his eyes, not your soft breath fanning his bare collarbone where you lay with your head tucked into the crook of his neck, not even the feeling of you in his arms, safe and warm, as though this is where you’re meant to be. None of it seems like anything other than a dream.
When memories of the previous night come rushing to the surface, it also brings back the annoyance he felt watching Yeonjun openly flirt with you at the party, and the bitter feeling that accompanied the reminder that Minho couldn’t even really do anything about it but stand idly by. 
But you stir in his arms, and all of the annoyance and bitterness goes away. Because you’re here with him and not anybody else. There’s a certain ego boost knowing that he’s the one you kiss, the only one you allow in your most personal space. To know you is a privilege, and it’s one that you grant no one else but him.
Last night, something happened. Something changed, he felt it when you were the one who asked him to stay. You let him put his shirt on you, let him hold you as you slept, even welcomed his embrace and snuggled further into his body in a way that you’ve never done before.
How you kissed him just hours prior, how you looked at him… God, he thinks he could just spill all of his secrets if you did it again.
But when you open your eyes, Minho is already pretending to be asleep again. How would you react? He’s curious to know. Would you scramble away the second the realization kicks in that you let him break your rule? Would you leave his side and act all nonchalant about it when you inevitably have to face each other later? He’s willing to bet that you would.
But you surprise him again. He feels you watching him for a moment, then your touch ghosts upon his features. It almost makes him falter in his act, your gentle fingers tracing his temple, his cheekbones, the slope of his nose down to his lips. There’s a sigh that you exhale, and he misses your touch the very second it leaves his skin. He itches to bring you closer to him again.
So that’s what he does. Minho keeps the facade going, pretending like he’s now just waking up with his limbs stretching out. You stiffen when he hugs you tighter, but you soon relax after he starts stroking your hair. 
Nothing has changed for him, but can you say the same?
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Minho flinches into action when a voice calls his name right by the car window, loud enough to startle him even through the thick layer of glass. When he turns his head, he finds Changbin’s face all pressed up against the window, struggling to hold three bags full of supplies that are threatening to spill out. “Help me with these!” his friend says.
It’s the week of Jisung, Felix and Seungmin’s birthdays; you lot tends to go all out for the quadruple birthday bash every year (Chan’s birthday is only 11 days later after all). Seungmin’s family has a lakeside cabin a couple hours from the city, that’s where everyone goes to unwind for a long weekend with plenty of food and even more drinks. This year, it’s no different.
Minho and Changbin are on drinks duty, tasked with picking up all of the alcohol and refreshments for the weekend ahead. He doesn’t really know what the rest are doing, just that you and Jeongin are babysitting Hyunjin to make sure the latter doesn’t deviate from the proposed budget and go way overboard when getting snacks and decorations. You sent Minho a text a while ago, a video of you facepalming and rolling your eyes before you flip the camera over to show Hyunjin and Jeongin bickering like children over a mega pack of chips.
Once everything is in the car – cases of beer safely loaded into the trunk, bottles of water and soft drinks set in their designated plastic bags in the backseat, Changbin comments from the driver’s seat, “You looked weird. You were smiling.”
Minho only stares at him for a moment, a neutral expression on his face as he blinks those typical Minho blinks, before he turns his head to the other side to lean against the window.
He was thinking about the first time your tradition started, the first year Jess had to drag you on the trip. She used to do it often; you were shy in the beginning.
He’s got a favorite memory of you, and it wasn’t you and him sitting together on the bank of the river during the sunset, while the others were in the water, splashing around and having the time of your lives (you two were the only ones who couldn’t swim, but it was okay, you didn’t feel like you missed out on anything because at least you had each other).
His favorite memory of you wasn’t running into you in the middle of the night when he went into the kitchen for some water and you were out by yourself on the adjacent balcony, sitting with your chin resting on your folded knees and the crescent moon for company. He stayed there for a moment, dazed, wondering if he was still dreaming or if it was just you. When Minho finally made his presence known, you told him you couldn’t sleep and he suggested that you break into Hyunjin’s secret ramyeon stash, because going to bed with a full stomach always made him feel better whenever he was restless. 1:58AM, you ended up almost burning your hand on the stove, too busy trying to keep your giggles down when he made a stupid joke.
Minho’s favorite memory wasn’t of you falling asleep on his shoulder on the drive back either, with you squished in the backseat between him and Felix, and your light snores reminded him of Soonie whenever the cat would doze off on his chest. It wasn’t any of these moments, even though he thinks he might’ve loved you in every instance.
His favorite memory of you was the evening before that trip had to come to an end, the last night you all spent together before you had to leave your safe little bubble. It was after dinner and some drinks, everyone was buzzed and the air was crisp, chilly every now and then. When you were gathered on the dock overlooking the lake, each holding a sparkler that Jisung had prepared, you were laughing. Everyone else was laughing too, but yours was the only sound Minho could focus on.
“Be quiet. I’m gonna take a nap,” he tells Changbin, ignoring the comment entirely as he closes his eyes. “Wake me when we get to Chan’s.”
The lights, and your friends, and the moon hanging high up in the sky like a guardian angel back then.
You were watching how it all reflected so beautifully in the rippling waters below. He was watching you.
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“You really don’t see it, do you?”
His question hangs in the awful silence as you stare at him. Minho can see your nails digging into your palms where your fists are clenched, your glassy eyes and the frown between your brows, like you’re trying your hardest to hold back tears. Why else would you be so upset?
He’s known about it for a while, or at the very least, he’s had an inkling of how you feel about him. He knows he isn’t in over his head when he says there’s a certain glow that radiates from within you when you’re together, a side of you that’s tender and at peace, one that he’s never seen you show anyone else. The way you look at him, it’s the same way that he looks at you even if you don’t realize it yet, or maybe you just don’t want to admit it out loud.
It hasn’t been one sided for at least some time now, he knows it.
But it’s frustrating to watch you try so hard to fight it. He’s the only one holding on, and you’ve been willing to let go at every turn.
“See what?” you challenge.
This isn’t how he planned to ever say these words, but the moment is here whether he likes it or not. It’s staring at you both in the face even if you are doing your best to hide from it.
Minho holds your gaze for a few seconds before he steps toward you again. This time, you stand your ground.
“You asked me if things changed for me and I said no. That was the truth, I never lied to you. We’re friends but that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen you as something more from the beginning.”
He pauses there, watches your eyes and how you take it in. They soften a little, filling up some more as you process his words. There’s surprise in the look that you wear, sure. A little confusion, yes. But most of all, you just look sad. When you call out his name, he can tell by your tone that it’s a warning, that you’re about to run away for real this time if he presses on, and yet he can’t stop until he says his piece.
“If you want me to spell it out for you, I’ve had feelings for you since we first met. I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for so long that I can’t remember what it feels like not to love you, and it drives me crazy that you don’t see any of it. The thing that makes me even crazier, do you know what it is? I think you feel something for me too, but you won’t admit it to yourself and you always resort to shutting down instead of facing your feelings. How much longer are you going to run away from me?”
When the first tear unintentionally spills over from the corner of your eye, Minho knows he’s struck a nerve. He wants to reach out and wipe away the tiny stream that rolls down your face but you beat him to it, wiping at your cheek in angry motions.
“You’re wrong.” Your voice is tight when you tell him, “I don’t have feelings for you.” It’s the only thing that you address.
Sometimes, he searches for your answer at the bottom of a glass, or on the other end of looks that seem to linger just a beat too long. But as he’s standing here, right now, he finds it in your hesitation to speak, in the lie you give him when you finally do.
It’s the answer he’s always wanted and yet, the knowledge brings him no satisfaction at all. It only lodges a lump in his throat, an overwhelming sense of dejection when he sees how hard you’re trying to fight this.
“I know you,” he sighs after a moment, a little defeated. “I know when you’re lying.”
“Maybe you don’t know me that well after all.”
You’re stubborn. You’ve always been stubborn.
Minho takes another step forward. It feels like it’s a step closer to the end as you both know it, because how else is your relationship going to come back from this? He sees the slight shake in your shoulders that you try to suppress, but he’ll always be the one to notice. 
“Tell me you don’t love me,” he says quietly, his final resort. A challenge but it sounds an awful lot like a plea. He doesn’t understand how it’s possible that things can take a turn for the worse in just two weeks’ time. The last time you both were here, you’d kissed his endeared smile and held him so impossibly close to you. Now, everything is falling apart, the seams coming undone one by one. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me.”
Minho meant what he said, about how loving you drives him crazy sometimes. Even when you’re breaking his heart, he still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. A noticeable sting settles in between the cracks of his ribcage at the sight of your quivering bottom lip, your balled up fists and his own reflection in your glassy eyes.
“Do you want me to say it so badly?” you ask, and he can only stare at you when your voice comes out harsher than it was before, though it cracks toward the end as you try to keep up with the facade. “Fine, I’ll say it.”
It’s not what he asked, but it’s confirmation nonetheless. It’s acceptance but not how he wants it to be. Acceptance that you do love him, and yet, you say it in a way that he’s never expected to hear from you.
“I don’t want to love you.”
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 28.08.2024]
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
I need you to let me go - Lewis Hamilton
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Sequence: Not just a pretty face / I need you to let me go / Fly on my own / Leap of faith (bonus)
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: angsty
wordcount: +2K
a/n: It's not even a slowburn atp, just pure longing and angst. Anyway, do we want a happy ending or just pure heartbreak and right person wrong time trope?
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The air thrummed with a deafening bass beat, the pulsating lights painting the faces in the opulent ballroom with a kaleidoscope of colors.
Y/n felt the familiar unease crawl up her arms. Parties like this were a necessary evil, a way to keep her father's business connections happy. But that night, the forced smiles and meaningless conversations felt unbearable. Her eyes flitting across the room, searching for the familiar dark hair she had seen before, a hint of that easy swagger that always seemed to draw her gaze.
Lewis stood laughing to a corner, his arm casually draped around the waist of a blonde model. Y/n recognized her from his Instagram baddies rounds; someone with a penchant for fame, fast cars and the medal that was having Lewis Hamilton for a weekend.
A sharp annoyance twisted in her stomach, but not jealousy, not exactly. It was more a bitter disappointment, a confirmation of something she'd always knew but had been trying to ignore. Lewis, the man who often made her world tilt on its axis, was just like the others and their list of conquests.
She straightened her back, forcing a smile onto her lips as a group of her father's associates approached. They were a predictable bunch – men with oil money dripping from their tailored suits, wives adorned with enough diamonds to blind those who didn’t know any better.
The conversation followed a familiar script – pleasantries about the weather, questions on her father, on who would take after his business, about her "jet-setting lifestyle." Y/n answered with practiced ease, her mind already a million miles away.
But then a voice cut through the monotonous drone. "Y/n! Looking as radiant as ever."
She turned to see Francis Chrysler, heir to a automobile empire and carrying his family name on that party, much like Y/n. They had known each other since they were kids, Y/n would travel up north to spend summer in the Hamptons with her grandmother and Francis would meet his parents in the US, back from his bordering school in the UK.
Y/n couldn’t deny he was something. Tall, impeccably dressed, and with a smile that could charm the birds from the trees, Francis was exactly the type of man everyone hoped she’d marry – stable, successful, from a “good family” and undeniably the type to merge her family’s fortune to even deeper riches.
But that night, he was also the perfect tool for the job at hand.
"Francis" she replied, a touch of coolness in her voice. "Lovely to see you."
The blonde took her hand, his fingers lingering a beat too long. "I must say, I didn’t expect to see you in the city so early in the year."
" You know me too well. I’d much rather stay in California until it’s warm enough up here" she said, her eyes scanning the room again. Lewis was gone, the blonde model nowhere to be seen.
“But duty called?” Francis focused his gaze on her, trying to get her to look at him before he touched her arm “Something like that” she finally conceded, looking up at him with a warm but emotionless smile.
The rest of the night was a blur of champagne flutes and hollow conversations. Francis, was attentive, even charming in his way. But his attentions only served to highlight the hollowness that echoed inside her.
Lewis's fleeting stares, the way his eyes seemed to see right through her meticulously facade - those were the things she craved, the things she couldn't have.
As the party started to wind down, Y/n found an excuse to slip away. She needed air, needed a moment of sanity away from the suffocating atmosphere and maybe some fresh air from her own mind.
Stepping outside onto the balcony, she took a deep breath of crisp night air. The city lights shimmered below, a glittering reminder of everything she was supposed to aspire. But all she could think about was how her mind and heart could never reach an agreement.
A sudden movement near the edge of the balcony caught her eye. Lewis stood there by himself, leaning against the railing, his face hidden in the shadows. A surge of conflicting emotions coursed her as she noticed he too studied her face – relief, anger, hope.
"Lewis," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
"Enjoying the company, Y/n?" His voice was a low murmur, his hands gripping a bit too tight against the metal bar.
The question was laced with a playful challenge, a reminder of her earlier display with Francis as they talked and his hand rested a bit too low on her waist. "I manage" she replied, forcing a lightness that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"So, I see," he said, his gaze dropping to where the blonde’s hand had been. A flicker of something dark crossed his face before it was quickly masked by a charming smile. "He seems...familiar with you."
"He's harmless" Y/n said dismissively, the lie bitter on her tongue.
"Didn’t look like that" Lewis countered, his voice taking on a serious edge.
They stood there, the unspoken tension hanging heavy in the air. Y/n, unable to bear the weight of his gaze any longer, broke eye contact.
"Jealousy doesn't suit you, Y/n" Lewis said, his voice laced with amusement.
She scoffed. "Jealousy? Don't flatter yourself, Lewis. You can have your little arm candy."
His amusement vanished, replaced by a coldness that made her shiver. "Is that what he was then? Your arm candy?"
Silence stretched between them, thick and suffocating. Y/n knew she was playing a dangerous game, one that probably wouldn’t end well.
"Why the charade, Y/n?" He took a step closer, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "Why the forced smiles?"
"Maybe," she countered, her voice holding steadier than she felt "because I'm tired of the stolen glances and the late-night texts that lead to nothing."
Lewis stared at her; his expression unreadable. She could almost hear the cogs turning in his mind, processing her outburst.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Don't tell me you haven't felt it too, Lewis. The frustration, the longing. We dance around each other like moths to a flame, but neither one of us dares to get burned."
He remained silent; his jaw clenched tight. Finally, he spoke, his voice hoarse. "What do you want, Y/n? Because honestly, I have no idea anymore. It was never a secret how I feel about you."
Her heart hammered against her ribs. Here it was, the question she both dreaded and craved.
The answer, however, remained a tangled mess of emotions.
"I..." she started, then stopped.
There was the comfortable life she'd always known, the endless jet-setting, the security of her family's wealth. The power she carried with her from a very young age. A power her mother had taught her to never take for granted. To never trade for a man.
But then there was Lewis, her very own whirlwind of passion and ambition who challenged everything she thought she knew and wanted. He was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. And she couldn’t stand the possibility of changing a single inch of him, even if he offered.
"I don't know," she finally admitted, a tear rolling down her cheek. A truth so raw and honest it took her by surprise to being able to say out loud.
Lewis reached out, brushing the tear away with his thumb. His touch a reminder of their connection that transcended words. For a moment, they were lost in each other's eyes, a silent peace hanging in the air.
"But you want something" he pressed gently.
She nodded, unable to speak through the lump in her throat. Part of her yearned for a life intertwined with his, a life with the adrenaline he came intertwined with. The other though, craved stability, a future that she could plan about.
"Why are we doing this, Lewis?" she blurted out, finally turning to face him fully again. "This game of… of pretending we don't care."
His jaw clenched briefly, a flicker of frustration mirroring her own. "Because," he began, his voice low and controlled, "because it's easier than this. Easier than admitting what this is."
He gestured vaguely between them; the unspoken truth thick in the air.
"And what exactly is this, then, Lewis?" she challenged, a tremor in her voice finally showing the faltering of her walls.
He took a step closer, his eyes searching hers, and with each step, the temperature between them seemed to rise, Y/n not backing the slightest.
"It's frustrating, isn't it?" Y/n spoke the words hanging in the air, her voice barely a whisper.
"It's torture," he corrected her, his voice raw with emotion. "Seeing you with someone else..." He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. The implication hanging heavy. Y/n felt his pain echo within her, a bittersweet recognition.
His eyes searched hers, a silent plea hanging between them. He wanted her, she knew that much. But the fear of disrupting their fragile equilibrium, of sacrificing their comfortable charade, held them both captive.
A wave of despair washed over Y/n. They were caught in a never-ending loop, dancing around their desires, afraid to take the leap.
"Then why do we keep doing this?" she whispered, her voice cracking. "Why do we keep pretending?"
He reached out, his thumb tenderly brushing at her hand.
"Because," he said, his voice barely above a murmur, "because even this… even this agonizing dance is better than not having you at all."
"Is it?" she questioned, the tears she had tried so fiercely to keep in finally spilling over. "Because all this yearning is slowly breaking me."
He flinched at her words, the pain in her eyes mirroring his own. They stood there, bathed in the city’s lights, the weight of unspoken desires and the reality of their relationship created a suffocating silence between them.
Finally, Y/n took a step back, pulling away from his touch. The physical distance mirroring the emotional chasm that seemed to be growing between them.
“I can keep you in the dark, Lewis. You deserve love. And I can’t give you that. Not right now” The look of raw vulnerability on his face tore at her heart, but she knew she was right. They couldn't keep living in this state of perpetual longing.
"Y/n, I’m not a child, I know what I’m getting myself into" he began, his voice laced with annoyance. But she held up a hand, silencing him.
"I need to go" she choked out, turning away from him before she crumbled completely.
Without another word, she walked back inside, the party lights blurring with the tears that she fought so valiantly to hold in.
Weeks later y/n found herself sneaking into a european f1 paddock late at night on a Friday.
The roar of the engine had long been replaced by the sterile hiss of the garages closing around them. It was a sound she would normally hate, a constant reminder of the world that made Lewis impossible to her.
But that night, it was a chilling and fitting melody to accompany the hollowness in her chest that threaded to swallow her.
They hadn't spoken in almost a month. Not since the party and since their talk, the one that shattered the fragile peace they'd managed to balance.
His silence was a language she knew all too well, a tapestry woven with disappointment and unspoken blame, his and hers.
She watched him from across the dimly lit garage, the harsh overhead lights glinting off at his temple. He looked beautiful, untouchable, a goddamn champion shrouded in the shadows.
It was a sight that would've probably lighten something in her, a reminder of why she kept coming back.
But tonight, all she felt was a cold dread.
"I need your help Lewis.” she whispered, the words a plea and a surrender all at once. The air hanging heavy, thick with the unspoken truth that both refused to accept it.
His eyes flickered to hers, surprise quickly replaced by a steely glint. He opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his lips as she continued. “I need you to let me go”
Maybe he saw it too, the raw vulnerability etched on her face, the fear that threatened to consume her.
"Because honestly," she murmured, her voice barely above a choked sob, "I haven’t been able to do it on my own”
The words hung in the air, a desperate confession that shattered the carefully constructed walls around her heart. Lewis took a hesitant step towards her, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Y/n?" His voice was rough, laced with something that sounded suspiciously like hope.
She shook her head, tears blurring her vision. "Nobody gets me like you" she choked out, the words echoing the hurt in the duty she felt to follow her better judgment instead of her heart.
It was a messy confession, a tangle of contradictions and unspoken desires. But in the quiet of the garage, under the harsh glare of the lights, it felt like the only truth that mattered.
Lewis closed the distance left between them, his arms enveloping her in a warmth that chased away the chill that had settled in her bones since that NYC night.
There were no answers, just the echo of a question hanging in the air, a question that they both knew neither had the answer to. But for those moments, in the fragile space between letting go and holding on, they hung to a sliver of solace, a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a way out.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
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fakesimp · 11 months
Fiery Love
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Warning !
Vox Akuma x Reader x Shu Yamino ; The use of Vox's 2.0 and 3.0 fit , Shu's 2.0 fit ; Unestablished Polyamorous Relationship
The world I created in this fic is not canon ! The world takes in the Past timeline !
A/n !
I see some wanted to see me write for these two again ! Yes again, I have wrote about these two in Polyamorous relationship before !
If you're new here, This is the first fic i wrote about them !
One who's afraid of his own sorcery, never trusting his own powers. One who never talked about himself, also avoiding talking about his past.
There is some rumors going around the village said that if you ever went into the forbidden forest, you'll be eaten alive by demons, yokais, evil spirits.
Some said there is a Demon that have inhumane height, big wings, accompanied with a Sorcerer that have a high intelligence of dark magic. Some said that they're both are always together, if you see one, the other is definitely nearby.
And you were quite curious of that, some said it's a myth, some said it's true. You thought that it would be a good idea to see if it's true or not.
Here you are now, walking down the path, bought nothing but yourself and a lantern. You thought you'll just go through this forest for an hour or so before going back to the village, and everything goes according to plan !
Nothing happened,
You did got lost for quite awhile, but you manage to return back to the village in one piece. You're a bit disappointed upon the discovery, nothing happened when you entered the forbidden forest.
So you went to visit again the next day, the same exact hour, and again you walked out still disappointed. Nothing happened, you went on doing it for a whole week, and all of those days you wasted at night only filled with disappointment.
One day, you were having a quite hassle at your workplace. Not only that, even in your household. That is your worst day in the week, you went out to take a breather at night, you didn't even realize where your foot is taking you until you're standing in the middle of an open space in the fortunately familiar forest.
You turned, to see you're surrounded by trees, and trees. Of course, because you're in a forest, until you realized that a path slowly opens before you. The trees moved, opening a path for you leading to a well kept house at the distance. You hesitantly walked down the path, as you get closer, you didn't realize the trees behind you closed the path behind you.
The moon shines bright above you, shining down upon the house and you. Who' standing before the house, entranced by the beauty of the surroundings. Sakura trees bloomed around the house, rocky path before you leading to the sliding door, the side is a small wellspring where people usually wash their hands and mouth for to purify themselves before approaching the shrine.
You can hear the water flowing, the sakura trees rustling against each other. It was so peaceful, it made you don't want to leave this beautiful place.
Until you heard a loud thud behind you, soon followed with a low growl. Your body frozen, refuses to move, your feet refuses to take a step, you slowly turn around to see a tall, large being, staring down at you, his lips parted slightly, emitting smokes, and his large wings flapping slightly on his back made your body shiver.
Your eyes met with the beast, the Demon. It approaches you, oh so slowly. Making you falter, and fell down. Earning another growl from the Demon in front of you, soon you felt your back hit something. You look up to see a figure looming down over you, smiling.
"Well well, an unexpected guest..!" The male with a beautiful, long, raven hair slowly slides over from his shoulder, some hitting your shoulder, he leaned away and whispered an apology for his hair.
"Apologies, my hair is quite a hassle," He started as he kneeled next to you, looking at you curiously. "You know you could've got consumed if I came late" The male with a long raven hair, that have a rather unique iconic yellow hair at the left side.
His eyes are violet, it's so enchanting to stare at. The long raven haired male glanced over at the beast who had stopped moving, 10 feet away from you. "You should thank me for coming at the right moment before you're consumed by him" he chuckled before slowly standing back up again and stared down at you.
The demon took a step next to the long raven haired male, "I believe you already know what we are? Especially from those, rumors going on around your village" His violet eyes stares back into yours. He smiled, his smile is quite unique. It made your heart skipped a beat.
And then realization falls before you, you stared at the large figure behind this beautiful man who have such a long raven hair that's mixed with purple, pink and yellow.
These two are the two figures that the villagers mentioned,
The Demon and The Sorcerer.
"I, I'm sorry for disturbing you two, I," You glanced down upon yourself, "My head was in distraught, I had a bad day today. I didn't even realize where my foot is taking me" You started rambling. The two didn't say anything, they just silently stare at you.
"Shu" You glanced back up, "Huh?" "Shu Yamino, that's my name" He introduced himself. "And this," his hand extended to the side, pointing at the figure near him. "This is Vox Akuma." Shu introduced the other, "We'll let you stay, just for tonight since it's dangerous for someone like you, a human to wander around this forest at night"
Soon, the large figure behind Shu, Vox, slowly getting engulfed by smoke around him. And then when he stepped out, he is a whole different being. His golden eyes pierced into yours, his two horns on his forehead made him look appealing.
"Truly, I would've eaten you up if it was not for Shu stopping me from doing so." Your body shivers when you heard his low husky voice, "Go rest Human, Tomorrow morning you should be already in your room" Vox said before walking pass you, and stopped a few steps behind you.
"Don't think we don't know what you're doing last week" He said before disappearing into the house, Shu who had been standing quietly finally let out a small chuckle. "Apologies, he usually don't act that way, perhaps he just doesn't want to repeat the same incident" He said as he helped you get off from the ground.
"Incident?" The Sorcerer smiled agitatedly, "Whoops, I said too much," he said as he then start walking towards the house, "Come, I'll show you the room you're staying in for the night."
You hesitantly followed Shu, walking down the wooden floors, sometimes it creaked sometimes it doesn't. As you followed him, you noticed that this house is pretty decent, like how houses should normally be.
These type of houses usually would be owned by rich people, but to see such house in the forbidden forest made you wonder, your train of thoughts was come to a stop by a voice coming from the male before you.
"Stay curious, but try not to find out about your curiosity." The Sorcerer turned his head a bit, looking at you over his shoulder, his identic smile appeared once more. "You should be thankful you're alive right now, you could've been a whole feast for us" he chuckled softly at his questionable statement, "O, Okay" You replied, and then Shu slides the door next to him, "Here is your room, do avoid to wander around the house, okay?" He said as he wait for you to step into the room.
"Then again, humans are stubborn, if you want to wander around, go ahead," He said, his violet eyes no longer look friendly, "But this time I do not guarantee your safety." He said before his friendly face appeared again within a blink. "Well then, Goodbye, human" He said as he bow slightly before sliding the door close.
Leaving you alone in the room, it looks pretty cozy, with the table in the middle of the room, and then a vase on it, along with a futon folded up at the corner. The moon shines through the window, making the room look quite. Lonely.
You sat near the window and looked up at the night sky, at the moon who high up in the dark sky. Accompanied by the stars around it,
It's beautiful.
Your thoughts now goes back to those two, The demon and The Sorcerer. They look like they're not quite fond with humans, especially Vox, he seems to despise you.
Shu seems more friendlier, but he, there is something wrong with him that doesn't click right on you. It's like, he is physically there, but also not there.
Your eyes slowly gets drowsy, but before you fell asleep on the window, you get to the futon, opening them, and you just scoot into the futon. The moment your head hits the pillow, you're out cold.
. . .
Birds chirping outside, you opened your eyes to see a familiar ceiling, you looked around.
It's your room.
It's exactly like Vox said, you're now back into your room, you don't know how they did it, but one thing is that, You want to see them again, will fate let you see them again?
Will they let you see them again? Question after question kept on appearing one after another, you want to see them, but do they want to see you?
You sighed at the thought and went on your day with them plaguing your thoughts.
. . .
Night arrives and your stubborn self standing outside the forbidden forest, holding a latern. But before you step into the forest, you heard a familiar voice.
"Foolish human"
"Haha, you're a stubborn one, I thought the warning is enough, don't you value your life?"
You turned to see where the voice coming from, nowhere, and then you look up at one of the trees, you see a familiar raven purple hair dangling, then a violet eyes staring back into yours from the dark.
Then under the tree there's a piercing golden eyes looking back into yours too, but then those eyes slowly turned pink, and then there' smoke emits from the dark.
The familiar large figure looms out from the dark, you didn't realize your hands clenched onto your latern so tightly, "Do you know what you're getting yourself into, human?" The demon's voice growled as he stand tall under the shades.
"No, I don't, or maybe I do" You said as you look at these two who's in the shades, "Turn back, don't make things more difficult than it already is." Shu's enchanting voice demanded, "You wouldn't want to know what's going on inside this forest now" he continued and let out a chuckle.
"Let them be Shu, humans are stubborn, if they want to die then let them die." Vox turned around and walked away, soon Shu jumped down from the tree and stares at you, smiling. Though his eyes isn't.
And then you blinked, and Shu is standing right before you, his face right next to your ears, making your breath hitched. "You are nothing but food to those beings in the forest, if you want to be feasted on that badly then go ahead. Both I and Vox told you to stay away for your own safety." He leaned back a bit, you both stared at each other.
Shu's gloved hand touches your chin, "Someone like you doesn't belong in this hellish place," he whispered, his thumb glaze along the lines of your chin. "But Humans are stubborn by nature, when they want something, they will get them no matter what, no?" He leans dangerously close to your lips.
But then let out a small laugh as he stepped away and walked away from you like he did nothing wrong, leaving you breathless, dumbfounded on the spot.
"If you still insisting on going then go ahead, because this time they're no longer hiding." That is the last thing he said before leaving you alone, you looked around, your legs almost lost it's strength after what the Sorcerer did.
You couldn't forget his scent, he smells rather sweet, and intoxicatingly addictive.
. . .
That night you didn't enter the forest, you turned your back on the forest and walked away, you can't forget what Shu did to you that time.
It plays on loop on your head, he was so close to you, you can feel his breath, his scent strokes your nostrils to the addictive amount, his voice sounds enchanting.
Ugh, he is so intoxicating.
. . .
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. You didn't visit the forbidden forest like how they wanted you to be, but you'll be lying if you didn't miss them.
One night you went to the forest again, and the same incident happened once more.
"Just when I thought you'll stop coming back forever, of course you're going to return." A familiar husky voice echoed through your eardrums, you tilt your head to the owner of the voice. "Vox.." You whispered his name, as you do he walked out from the shades, taking a few steps before stopping a few feet before you.
His golden eyes bore into yours, he then approached you, closer, and closer. To the point he's so close to you that his figure is looming over you, "Leave," he started.
"While I asked nicely." His eyes soften a slightly, but it disappears as quick as it appeared. "Why do you keep insisting on me leaving, Vox?" You asked him, he' silent. He didn't say anything, instead he leaned his face closer to yours.
"You really want to waste your life? "
His golden eyes stared into yours, filled with so many emotions. He then take a step back and walked away, "We're just trying to not let you waste your life as food, but of course your kind doesn't care and proceed on coming here and become free food to feast on." He said before stopping on his tracks, he looked over his shoulder, "Though if you do want to be food that bad," he trailed off "I could feast on you, and you won't be feeling any pain."
"Ha, how ridiculous Vox" "Tsk, well nevermind then" Vox sighed softly as he eyed Shu who innocently walked out from the dark, smiling at you and then him, "Well, it's nice to see you again human, I thought you're already getting feasted on" he laughed softly.
"It's good to see you still in one piece" He glanced at you, "Though, you came at the worst timing" Shu said as she shove his hands into his sleeves, "Tonight is Red Moon, they're going out to find humans to feast on" he said casually, both his violet eyes glistens under the moonlight, along with Vox's golden eyes staring at yours.
"Well? Do you want to be feasted on? Or do you still want to live?"
"Turn and walk away if you still want to live, or You will be eaten alive right here and now"
"Haha, that sounds so brutal Vox, you could've been a bit more subtle about it"
"Hmh, ..So, what do you choose?"
But before you could have a moment to think, you hear footsteps coming closer to the three of you, all of you turned to see who's approaching.
"Oh.. Uninvited guests" Shu said as he took a step before you, shielding you away from the 'uninvited guests'. Vox at the other hand summoned his katana, "Well I have no plan on sharing." The demon said as he stared at the distance, "Haha, well at least you're sharing with me?"
Both of them talked about sharing and you have no idea what exactly are they talking about, both of them then stopped talking and look back at you.
Shu's violet eyes narrowed, as he smiled at you.
Vox's golden eyes coldly stares into yours, looking at you, like, you're his prey.
Oh dear, what's going to happen to you?
©fakesimp . 2023
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Splitting this into parts, how are you guys feeling? Yaminions? Kindreds? How's the fic? You like it? And boy I did not intend to write the fic this long lol.
|| Part 2 ->
A/n !
Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated !
Get this fic to 300 notes, and I'll write the second part.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
you do historical au right? So how about a Villainess who actually is a regresser but she saw too much hardships in her previous life that this time she's all set on herself (you can add revenge or not if you don't want). A tyrant disguised saw her real self which is extremely kind to general public (she built orphanage, hospital and schools for her people) (she's the heir but got scammed in previous life, so she used all that knowledge to get even more riches with beneficial businesses so she's practically richest aristocrat). She's evil and rude on the looks (because she hates limelight and does all good will anonymously). So yeah. The tyrant is real deal evil and he's obsessed with our Villainess now. Oh dear. What a plight..
Sorry for the request being all over the place, i didn't know how to put it better :(
Yandere! Villain x Regressor! AFAB! Villainess! Reader
Anon, you know how to capture my attention. And the request is comprehensive, don't worry!
Another historical AU for the roster. This time, rather than starting off with the villain, let's start of with the MC/you! (Because most of the time it doesn't really focus on the ML now, does it? Hope you don't mind.)
Yandere! Villain name: Eros
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You don't remember how you got here, except for dying by a stupid woman who can't aim for jack shit.
You just got home from a grueling day's work. Always getting ahead of yourself and working yourself to the bone just to please your boss who's a major asshat, and loves when his employees curry favors with him.
It's a dog eats dog world, so you curried favors with him.
You're his favorite employee. Always giving you snacks and an extra day for your vacations. But that meant working harder than what's needed. Overtime, going home late, it drained you. But hey, it's worth it.
Yet, this wouldn't happen, and you would still be living like a young princess if it weren't for the damn mistress your fiance, the crown prince, has.
Elysia, a daughter of the baron, spent the night with the crown prince, Yuno. Earning the affection of the prince since...
Actually, you don't remember how Yuno became infatuated with Elysia.
Is the fuck really that good that Yuno neglected his fiancee?
And you, the daughter of the second Ducal household (who's not related to the royal family, of course) was blinded by rage and betrayal that you made Elysia's life a living hell.
Erm, why not the crown prince's too, then?
Remembering your past life made your head hurt. From the cliche love story down to the way you were treated made you scream to the oblivion.
After all, after Yuno figured out how you treated Elysia, he made your family kick you out. Powerless against the royal family, they had no choice but to exile you.
You got employed by your employer by then, an eccentric man who spoke of other worlds called 'Earth' and is bringing 'modern day capitalism' here. Whatever that means. But hey, he developed these things called 'cellphones' that made him skyrocket with money.
He's a weirdo, but at least he's easy to please.
But the bitch Elysia "accidentally" blasted light magic to your way, killing you instead of an assassin. Great.
But, then, you're only the minor villainess. The main villain was someone named Eros. The other Ducal household and your father's rival.
As young as 16, he already conquered the ducal household he's in and then, 6 years later, he had wealth rivalring that of the royal family's. Heck, maybe even surpassing it.
"Hello? Where's the checks and balances of this world?" That's what you usually ask yourself.
You never saw him outright, since he's always been so busy. But you clearly remembered when you're in and out of a coma back then after you got struck with the magic, a war broke out due to him.
Fortunately, you regressed into a baby still, so you could avoid being engaged to Yuno, and being involved with Elysia.
Growing up again with your mature mind was weird. Unlike last life, you weren't a brat, but a proper, cold, and an unattainable standard of what a noble woman should be. Well, if you exclude the coldness and the bitchy attitude sometimes.
In all honesty, your family loved you dearly. A clear contrast from your last life. You're a role model, perfect in every way. Beautiful, smart, talented, and shows clear interest in politics and business.
The previous life, you were only a mouth to feed with a pretty face and a political pawn to integrate yourself into the royal family.
And as usual, you got engaged to the crown prince, much to your dismay.
Yuno was easy to read. He doesn't like clingy women, and he likes the chase. He's dumb, and only knows how to spend money.
"Ah, he's worthless."
What did you saw in him in the previous life, really?
Since you were unattainable to Yuno, he became attached to you. Wanting to conquer you.
And you always returned his advances with a flick of your fan and covering your face with a glare with your sharp eyes.
You're the thorned Rose of the Kingdom. Beautiful, yet prickly. It brought you to the limelight, but also, not. Due to you being closed off, news of you rarely get out.
So in the free time you had, you always disguised yourself with your dark magic and filled up your own coffers with the help of your knowledge of business last life (from your employer.)
You built hospitals, made schooling accessible... You were basically the saintess rather than Elysia.
Oh, did I mention that Elysia, with light magic, was the saintess, and you with dark magic was the prophesied Villainess? It's complicated.
But right now, with Elysia failing to bed Yuno in his crown prince coronation, due to him being only attached to you, you were free to do what you want while thinking of your next plan.
What you didn't know is that a certain pair of crystal blue eyes followed you.
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You walked along the street of the outskirts of the Kingdom, inspecting the newly built school.
You just got out of the ducal household and immediately went here after being confronted by Elysia once more, who "accidentally" stumbled into the chateau and into you and Yuno. Can she get more obvious, really?
You never used your dark magic here in the outskirts since you felt safe in the people's arms. They never judged you, nor used you for your money. They're just glad more and more accessible facilities are being erected by the young lady.
While walking around, you got into the councilor's office who's busy with enrolling the children. He's the chief of the town, and is one of the few people who graduated fully back in the capital.
He graciously accepted the position of being the councilor after you approached him, since you genuinely wanted to help the outskirts.
You saw children happily playing around while the parents lined up, excitedly talking to one another.
When they saw you, they immediately curtsied and said hi.
"My lady! Hello!"
G-greetings my lady..."
"Oh my stars! It's the lady!"
"Look over here, my lady!"
You giggled and decided to mingle with them more, talking about mundane things in life and what other facilities can you put here.
"Okay, so a shopping center, huh? Okay, that's noted. Also, I think a gymnasium would work well also, so that there will be a place where all of you can have meetings, and also have children play."
They all excitedly nodded and bid you goodbye as you went out.
You felt like yourself here in the outskirts.
Maybe you can convince your father to give you this part of the territory, and your brother can manage the main household?
Your thoughts were interrupted by children pulling your skirt to play, cheekily grinning and playfully pushing a ball up to your arms. You grinned and chased them around, roaring loudly like a monster and pretending like you're a dragon.
The giggles and screams of delight of the children filled the lively streets, along the chatter of the townspeople.
"Sir? Are you okay? What are you looking at?"
Eros' eyes widened, then softened as he saw you, chasing the children around, playing with them and not minding the dirt clinging to your outfit.
He gulped, suddenly feeling his heartrate pick up as he cleared his throat. Red flushed his cheeks, as foreign yet also the familiar feeling of infatuation filled his heart.
The noise that surrounded him faded into the background, and somehow, everything seems so bright and colorful. All he could see is you, and you, and you...
Beautiful, thorned you.
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The name itself sends shiver down the spine of people.
Of fear? Love? Or arousal?
He's a man of few words, only letting his actions talk to other people.
Such an otherwordly beauty like him garnered unwanted attention since he was a child.
Other than being extremely handsome, he's also very talented with politics and business, also with physical activities like horse riding and hunting.
Due to this, his mother developed a twisted inferiority complex, and also an almost incestious relationship with him.
She always hurled words that hurt his soul and emotions.
Then she'll hug him while saying sorry.
This cycle would continue on and on until he's 16.
It was supposed to be a joyous day, not until his mother forced himself on him.
Disgust, fear, and rage filled his body that time, and all he remembered is awakening his dark magic and consuming his mother.
After that, he was knocked out cold.
When he woke up, he remembered his past life on Earth.
He's a business man of such a high position, CEO.
He clawed out of his way from poverty. Stealing, investing, selling, he did everything just to get out of the clutches of being a plebian.
And, when he struck gold when his stationery business thrived, his genius made it possible for him to talk to investors and convinced them to invest in his work.
God, he's rich.
And once he reached the age of 24, he's a rich man.
Then he died due to being assassinated by his rival.
With now his previous life in his roster, he became a formidable business man. Eccentric even.
By some weird cheat, he developed cellphones.
Something so revolutionary was first met with skepticism, but it boomed in popularity when his friend, the crown prince Yuno, bought and used it.
it was weird, really. Yuno approached him to employ his ex fiancee in his company and take care of her.
Eros, who didn't mind, employed you.
Sweet, lovable you.
It was funny seeing you struggle to curry favor with him. Not used being the one who had to try to get close with him. The way you struggled to hide a frown when he mentioned over time, the way you hide your disdain when he talks about extra work...
God, you're so cute.
He spoiled you in the best he could do. Extra vacation days, snacks, all he could do without being too obvious.
Then you died.
You... Died.
By the hands of his friend, well, ex-friend's mistress.
That damn bitch doesn't know her place.
Then and there, his eccentricity died down, and all he knows is revenge back then.
You were in and out of coma, and seeing you swim between life and death made his heart roar out in pain.
He felt so helpless seeing you pale and vegetative, something that wasn't you.
So, with a soft promise leaving his lips, he waged war in your honor.
He fought blood, sweat, and tears in your name.
All he could think is you.
All he could see is you.
And as he ignored Yuno's plea, he beheaded Elysia.
The damn bitch raised the notion that dark magic users are evil, despite dark magic being only an another element.
She turned the tides on you.
Why should she live?
Yuno also. He betrayed you.
Once the royal family was dead, he brought your comatose body to the throne, and killed himself with you at the throne.
He made you ingest poison, something that doesn't cause pain to your already pained body.
Meanwhile, he killed himself by striking a sword down to his chest, and to his heart. The very same heart that loved you dearly.
Then he woke up,
a child again.
Back in time.
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Getting away from the busy bustle of the ball, you got out to the garden and sighed. Letting the cold air bite into your skin.
Dread filled your heart as you realized once more that Elysia was nowhere to be found, and so did Yuno.
Your nerves got to you and you left the scene, overthinking the worse of the worst.
Did Elysia actually bed Yuno successfully?
Albeit just a bit late?
You covered your mouth, shaking dreadfully. The pain of your last life was getting to you once more. Trauma trembling you to the core.
"My Lady? Are you okay?"
A deep voice broke you out of your reverie. Something so silky, smooth, and familiar.
You turned around, your heart pounding as you saw your employer, Eros. He's dressed in noble clothes, gold, black, and blue.
He looks more uptight and strict this time around. What happened? Why does he look like that?
You never connected the dots, since you thought your employer and Eros were two different people.
But this?
Your heart trembled.
"G-greetings, your lordship." You curtsied, fighting back a frown just like how you did with him last life.
"You're still the same as ever."
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing." Eros waved his hand.
This life, Eros was more brutal than the previous life. He exposed his mother, a pedophile who touched him and stole money from the household, letting her get beheaded by a rusty axe in the middle of the colosseum. After that, he joined the interkingdom war, and won it much earlier than before.
He's basically a warlord. A tyrant to his territory who imposed such strict rules that you doubted yourself if this was the same Eros you knew.
You both silently stood in front of each other before he took off his coat and gently draped it on your shoulders.
"It's cold out here, my lady." He whispered. His long eyelashes fluttering as he blinked.
He inhaled your scent, his lips trembling.
He missed you so much.
His precious rose.
He gently brought your hand to his lips, kissing it softly and lingering there, with his eyes screaming obsession.
His grip was strong yet also loving.
It made you blush.
"My Lady, if my friend, Yuno, hurt you, approach me."
Your eyes widened.
"Approach you?"
Eros smiled. His handsome face blinding you momentarily.
"Yes, i'll help you take revenge."
Eros eyes swiftly looked at the balcony up above.
"Like this."
Eros swiftly dipped you and kissed your lips.
God, you tasted so divine upon his lips.
His tongue delved into your mouth, sweeping and tangling with your much more timid ones. He cupped your cheeks, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
His eyes were glaring at Yuno back at the balcony, who was naked on their bottom half with Elysia, shielding you from the scene.
Yuno's eyes widened, and he hastily dressed up, his eyes boring into Eros', and you.
This life, he'll protect you from pain.
He'll protect you from Yuno and Elysia.
He'll burn down the ground for you.
Just say the word.
Hmm, twist upon twists. I love it. HEHEHEHE
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yurozo · 14 days
resident evil (university au headcanons)
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a/n: this is purely based on the beginning of my last year :( feeling bittersweet
chris redfield: a third year sports medicine/kinesiology student. if you're looking for someone who almost always has a water bottle full of creatine in his bag, chris is your guy. he's never the type to dress up, especially because he insists on 8am lectures to 'increase his productivity', so he's usually in sweatpants and under armour compression shirts. he joined the rock climbing club at claire's insistence of getting involved around school, but is unfortunately still getting the hang of it. it's hard to lift all that bodyweight, so the majority of the time he just hangs there. has very little social life. he'll go to a party, drink a single beer, then leave. turns women down because it would mess with his schedule. he's paying a lot of money to be there, and save for a bit of attitude towards his professors, he takes his studies seriously. diet-wise, this man preps like a mfer. protein peanut butter shake at 7.30 am no exceptions, within a 20min time limit of his workout. the dorm fridge has an ungodly amount of boiled eggs. toxic trait: does that white man hand raise when he has a question, and usually only thinks about what he's going to say after his hand goes up. jill valentine:
sociology major, criminology minor. has her schedule perfectly planned out so nothing is before 10am. she can and will ignore chris' pleas to meet her on campus beforehand, usually preferring to go for a coffee before a lecture. is never seen without some source of caffeine in her hand. jill isn't a huge fan of sociological theories, instead choosing to focus on the statistics aspect of it.
her dorm room is an absolute nightmare. there is not a single space on her floor that is not covered in clothes, but has no shame in bringing people over despite this. she'll just kind of awkwardly shuffle them away with her foot to make a pathway.
isn't part of any clubs, mostly because she can't be fucked for that kind of socialization. people always hit on her during class anyways, so it's not like she's hurting for company. she usually hangs out with chris or claire on campus, goading chris into doing something with her or letting claire drag her along into studying. toxic trait: has a windowsill full of empty monster energy drinks. leon kennedy:
a math major, criminology minor. has absolutely handed in multiple sheets of homework with tear stains in the corners. for how nonchalant he seems to be on the outside, he really does take his studies seriously, and always shoots for a perfect gpa. he's primarily seen haunting the third floor library, always looking like he's in a perpetual state of agony.
despite all the silent attention he gets from people during lectures, he does not entertain it whatsoever. the man is there to learn. he has one class with jill where they sit in complete silence together save for a couple of witty jokes at the professor (or other students) expense. the professor both loves and hates him. he's a frequent visitor of office hours, but his assignment is always printed and crushed in his fist. he's had a few short-term girlfriends in university, but nothing long-term. he firmly believes that he has rizz, but he does not. most people just let it slide because he has that attractive weird aura around him. toxic trait: unironically shushes people during a lecture. claire redfield: engineering major, communication minor. another person who takes her studies fairly seriously. the fortunate thing about claire is that she doesn't particularly have to try, the good grades just descend on her from the heavens. it makes chris furious. however like jill, she is not a fan of mornings and is usually seen frowning angrily at the board.
has a friend with a house off campus to store her bike so she can fix it up on her days off, using her engineering notes of course. she's part of a few clubs, but isn't fond of being part of leadership or anything. claire goes purely for the vibes.
goes on a couple strings of dates with guys, but always refuses to go out with people from her classes. she's seen it crash and burn so many times that she's not doing herself. will, however, recommend other people to her brother. toxic trait: pulls up to campus at 9am with the loudest motorcycle engine known to man, and always slams her helmet down on her desk when she sits down.
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lou-struck · 9 months
Bigger Bling
Mammon x reader
~Mammon can’t stand to look at that damn promise ring Lucifer gave you any longer.
a/n: This is a loose sequel to this Lucifer One-Shot HERE (You don’t have to read it but If you want to go ahead)
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It's shiny
It's expensive 
And it's BIG!
Mammon's deep blue eyes glare down at the stunning promise ring on your finger. The very one Lucifer had bought for you all those months ago. As it rests on that special finger, the Demon determines that he has never hated a gem more in his life. The deep red garnet with the black-gold band looks like something his brother would choose for you. 
He really hates that.
"Mc, you should take that thing off and Let the Great Mammon give you a real rock." he pouts, his tanned fingers boredly toying with the sparkling gem on your finger. 
You only laugh and ruffle the Demon's white hair with your unembellished hand. "Mammon, I can't do that. This ring is very important to me. How would Lucifer feel if I took his gift off?" 
The Demon's cheeks turn a dusty pink color as he tries to hide your effect on him with his hands.
"Who cares what he thinks?" he mutters, "I want to give ya somethin' even better so you'll be dyin' to take that old ring off."
That's it!
Mammon's eyes light up as the cogs in his head start to turn with a not-so-evil scheme. 
All he has to do to get you to take off that cheap little ring is to buy you something even better. It will be gold, and shinier and will cost even more Grimm than what his older brother had spent on you. 
He turns towards the door, using his insane speed to bolt before you have a chance to say goodbye to him. He doesn't notice the look of confusion on your face as he shuts the double doors behind him with a conniving grin. 
With you out of sight, Mammon has the alone time he needs to revel in his brilliance. He had just made a killing from selling some of the gifts that were just sitting in Asmo's closet of offerings from his fan clubs. 
His brother really has no idea how much of a fortune he is sitting on…
Nevertheless, Mammon reaches into his wallet and pulls out Goldie. The credit card seems to shake in apprehension of the Demon's upcoming shopping trip to only the best jewelry shops the Devildom has to offer. 
It's been a long day at RAD, and without Mammon's company, the day seemed to go by even slower than normal. After he walked out on you this morning, you didn't see him for the rest of the day.
After talking to a few lesser demons you realized that he didn't show up for any of his other classes either. And as you are sent to his voicemail box for the nth time today, your heart begins to ache in worry that your Avatar of Greed has somehow gotten himself into some kind of trouble.
Twisted scenarios of the Demon being chased by witches or undead debt collectors churn your gut throughout your walk home. As you let yourself in through the massive double doors, your weary mind replays your last interaction with him before he left. 
You fiddle with the ring on your finger and wonder what was it about the gem on your finger that got him so upset?
Your good-natured worrying begins to boil under your skin. When you notice that he's not in the living room with the others, those feelings only increase.
Clear your throat, gaining the attention of the three conscious demons in the room. Belphie, the fourth, is fast asleep, resting his head on his twin's lap. Lucifer is off at the castle doing some work with Diavolo. And Levi is up in his room, where he has been working his way through a new game since last night. "Hey, have any of you guys seen Mammon anywhere?" 
Satan looks up from his book briefly and gives you a smile. "Thankfully, no. Without his jabbering, I've been able to make some sufficient progress in my book."
You roll your eyes lightheartedly at the blond's remark but look to the others in hope they have a different answer for you. 
Asmo sees the concern on your features and tries to comfort you with an embrace. The sweet scent of his cologne soothing you a bit. "Sorry, Hon, I haven't seen him since breakfast. But I'm sure he'll come back soon. In the meantime, how about I take your mind off things?" The playful suggestiveness in his tone makes you giggle as you look over 
"Mmnnnother two., Breakfast." Beel hums dreamily as he imagines the Bufo Egg quiche Asmo baked for you all this morning. You can tell from the little stream of drool that trickles from the corner of his , That he will be of little help to you. 
Belphie blinks up at you sleepily, stretching his arms out lethargically as he sits upward. "Mammon?" he yawns. "I saw him earlier when Beel and I were walking home. He was out shopping and looked strangely happy. 
"We did?" Beel asks, coming out of his food-related daze. "When? I didn't see him."
"Probably because you were trying to sniff out the Devil Dog vendor." Belphie snorts before turning his attention back to you and gives you a sleepy smile. "He's just messing around somewhere. He'll be back soon."
As if on cue, you hear the front door burst open. Mammon calls your same in a sing-song voice from the entrance as the others groan. Satan huffs and puts a cat-shaped bookmark in the novel he is reading. "There goes my quiet afternoon. I'm gonna go to my room and finish this."
The Avatar of Wrath gets up and pads quickly out the door just as Mammon strides in with a pep in his step. A small gift bag in his hand as he blinds you with his pearly white smile. He looks elated, which kinda irks you since you have spent the better part of the afternoon concerned for his well-being.
What are ya doin' Mc?" the white-haired Demon asks, as if you are the one who has evaded him all day long.
"Wondering where you have been all day, Mammon?" You respond back exasperatedly. "You just got up and left me this morning and didn't show up for any of your other classes. I thought you got yourself in trouble or kidnapped by witches… again." you mutter that last part under your breath, but Mammon seems too excited to notice. 
"Course you were worried bout the Great Mammon," he laughs, slinging an arm around you comfortably. "That's why yer such a good human."
"Mammon, seriously, Where were you?" 
There is a twinkle in his eyes and a faint dusting of crimson on his tanned skin as he looks around the room at his brothers, who are not-so-subtly listening in on the conversation. "Lemme show ya somewhere private."
He takes your left hand but quickly jolts and releases it when he comes into contact with your ring. He takes your right one instead, and you notice how sweaty his hands are. He walks you silently down the hallway and up the stairs until he gets you to the safety of his bedroom. 
He sits with you on his plush bed and begins to ruffle through the tissue paper of his gift bag before pulling out a cubic, black, crushed velvet box. 
The size throws you off a bit since it is roughly the size of a child's shoe box. 
Far bigger than any kind of jewelry box you have ever seen. 
Not even the cases Diavolo uses when transporting the crown Jewels are this big. Your curiosity and confusion blend together in a strange concoction as Mammon sets the box in your hands. "Mammon, what is this?" you ask nervously. 
He is practically wiggling in your seat in anticipation "Jus' open it, you'll see."
Spurred but his excitement, you crack open the box to reveal the biggest freaking diamond you have ever seen in your life. The gem is the size of a softball and is tethered to a thin golden band at the bottom. 
You blink at your reflection in the facets of the gem, unsure of what to say. "I-is this a."
"Isn't it amazin'?" he gushes. "The biggest ring ya ever seen?"
So it is a ring…
"It's certainly the biggest." you parrot, unsure if you should take the ring out of the box or put it in some kind of museum. "This must've cost a fortune. How did you pay for this?"
"Oh it's nothin'," he laughs with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "It'll take me a few hundred years to pay the thing off, but only the best for my human." It takes both of his hands to remove the heavy ring from its cushion. The thin golden band looks like it is bending under the ring's weight. "Come on, you should take that old thing off and put this baby on instead."
You realize that he is gesturing to your promise ring, and everything clicks into place. 
Mammon wanted to give you something so special so you would remove the ring Lucifer had given you all those months ago. That ring is invaluable; it's a promise, a thank you for the love you have given to him and his brothers since you arrived in the Devildom. It's not something you can just discard.
But Mammon must think you wear it as a sign you love Lucifer more than him. "Oh Mammon," you murmur, placing your hand on his shoulder. "You know I love you, right?"
When he realizes that you aren't going to throw your older ring to the floor in disgust, his face falls. He's confused and looks at you like a kicked puppy. "B-but this one is better; i-it costs ten-no a hundred times more than the other one."
"It's not the price of the ring that makes it special," you say softly, gently tracing your finger over the massive diamond Mammon had gotten you. "This is beautiful, but it's too much."
"I jus' wanted to show ya that I'm yer first. I love ya Mc." he sighs. "And I wanted to give ya somethin special so everyone would know it."
"I know you do, and I love you." gently, you close the box and hand it back to him. "Even without the Diamond to end all diamonds." 
"I know ya do." he sighs, bumping you playfully with his shoulder. "But do ya really want me to return it?" 
"It's for the best," you chuckle. "I wouldn't want you to be in debt."
"It was a lot of Grimm," he says, chuckling nervously. "I swear Goldie was cryin' when I pulled her out t' pay but yer worth every bit."
"I'm sure she was," you laugh. "But I do appreciate the gesture. How about we take it back together."
"Yer the best mc," the Demon says eagerly, giving you a heartfelt smile, "How about we pick out another piece for ya. Like a bracelet or somethin?" He sees the slight apprehension on your face and places his hand over your own. "It doesn't have to be crazy expensive if ya don't want it ta be' I jus' wanna give ya somethin' so ya know how much the Great Mammon cares about ya."
Swayed by this little compromise, you find yourself agreeing to the Demon's request. Standing from the bed and taking his hand.
A few hours later, you come back wearing a simple yet elegant gold bracelet. Giggling when Mammon marches you around the Devildom to show everyone the special piece of jewelry he got for you.
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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foodiegoogie · 2 months
bittersweet reminiscing
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james potter x implied fem!reader ✮ 3.2k
summary: it’s a wedding, but it’s not yours. all the while you put yourself into a situation that’s both self-deprecating and weirdly, self-reflective. all because of a certain bespectacled person you’re very much in love with.
cw/tags: friends to lovers to exes to friends :’), initial fluff, eventual angst, buckle up kids
note: HELLO! to whoever comes across this, i’m ngl… idk what i was doing with this one 😭 but all i can say is that it’s loosely based on the apartment we won’t share by niki <3 my queen, my lady <33 with that, i hope u enjoyyyy 🥹
( ♡ )
Inside each of us are two wolves; one is evil, one is good. Those wolves constantly battle against each other, and as for which wolf wins - well, that entirely depends on you.
You apply the same sentiment to James, because while everyone else compares him to the sun - blinding, effervescent, and almost always the center of attention - you compare him to a two-faced maniac. Actually, more appropriately, you think of him as a two-faced maniac.
Because inside of James Potter there are two contradicting sides to his personality; one that’s easy to love, and one that’s easy to hate.
You were fortunate enough to witness both of these sides to his bizarre personality, to put it simply. You can’t forget the very first time you met his warm brown eyes with yours, and the way he beamed at you instantly like he knew something you did not (in the future, you think to yourself that maybe that was true). You first have an encounter with the side of James that’s easy to hate, what with the jokes and pranks he pulled as a young boy in Hogwarts, coupled with the relentless teasing he threw your way each and every time he’d catch a glimpse of you in the corridors of the castle, or sit next to you during classes.
Even then, you also remember the very first time you caught sight of the side of James that was easy to love.
“Hey, you,” You don’t need to turn your head to know who it was that sat beside you. And you don’t need to look at him to see the mischievous smirk on his face, because you could already hear it in his voice.
You expect him to bring up something ridiculous that he’s noticed about you in particular today, like he always does in his ‘routine’ with you, but the growing silence between you is void of that. You start to turn your head to look at him out of curiosity when he speaks up again.
“Helloooo?” James drawls, his annoyance is clear in his voice even as he calls your name. “I’m trying to talk to you, and you won’t even look at me? How rude.”
It takes every ounce of your pride not to roll your eyes at him. You wouldn’t give James the satisfaction of showing how much he bothers you. Otherwise, he’d never stop.
Nevertheless, he doesn’t stop.
You hear him scoff in disbelief from beside you, and an image of him with crossed arms and a pout on his lips crosses your mind.
“Wow, you’re giving me the silent treatment? And here I thought we were just starting to get along just fine!” And just as quickly as he starts, James is rambling on about how it was totally unfair that you’re just blatantly ignoring him when the first class of the day had barely even begun.
You decide right then and there to finally turn your head towards him, and James cuts himself off from his rambling as the corners of his lips curl up into an amused smirk.
He’s not even fazed in the slightest as you glare daggers at him. “There you are,” He smiles victoriously, crossing his arms as his chest puffs out with pride. “Took you long enough.”
This time, you allow yourself to roll your eyes.
“You were being loud, and I prefer to wait for our professor in silence,” You emphasise the last word of your statement, looking pointedly at James.
He’s still smiling at you as he says, “Yeah, I know.”
You ought to punch the smile off of his face. “You know?”
James nods his head, and his messy curls follow with the motion. You think it frames his face quite nicely, fortifying his boyish charm. But then you remember that you’re supposed to be annoyed with him, not charmed.
“Of course, I do,” He grins, “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?”
“James, we aren’t friends.” You hear yourself speak, although you obviously thought otherwise with the hint of fondness in your tone.
“What?!” He gasps, bewilderment etched onto his face. “We aren’t?”
You could tell that he was just being himself, theatrical with the bewildered look on his face. James’ eyes are wide with mock-disbelief, his nostrils are flaring, and his mouth is hung open like he’s actually shocked.
Before you even realise it, you’re already laughing hard, and your hand moves to clutch your stomach in the process.
James smiles at the sound of your laughter, taking in the way your eyes were crinkled and sparkling with amusement. He looks proud of himself.
“I like your laugh,” He says to you in a soft, honest voice. “You should do it more often when you’re with me.”
The laughter dies down in your throat, and you can’t tell how you feel about his words. But your chest fills with a weird sense of warmth, and it spreads throughout your whole body as James continues to gaze at you like you’re the most interesting thing to look at.
You remember it quite vividly, that very moment in time. It happened back when you were just first-years, new to the world of Hogwarts, and to each other. But you suppose you’re able to vividly picture the memory in your head, even after all this time, because James still manages to give you the same warm feeling that fills your chest and spreads throughout your body.
It’s there when he compliments you genuinely for the first time, and it’s there when he smiles at you when you lock eyes with each other from across the room.
It’s not there, however, when he voices out his feelings for Lily Evans to you during your fourth year at Hogwarts.
“Honestly, she can slap me with a book, and I’d thank her.” James sighs dreamily as he places his chin on his hand.
“Alright, Jamie. I think we’ve got your point.” Sirius rolls his eyes at his friend’s dazed expression. You snicker at his reaction, and you silently hope it’s enough to hide the disappointment in your eyes.
The boy in question, however, still continues. “No, because – why is she so pretty? And kind? And smart? Bloody hell, she’s perfect! How is she perfect?”
You and Sirius sigh in unison, although for very different reasons; Sirius sighs out of exasperation from James’ dramatic antics, and you sigh out of, well, despair.
You can’t quite place when it all had started. You just remember that once upon a time, James was easy to hate. But then, once upon another time, he suddenly wasn’t.
From then on, James had switched to being relentless in his pursuit of Lily instead of being relentless with teasing you. This had lasted until the end of your sixth year at Hogwarts, but much to no avail, James was nowhere near capturing the heart of the girl of his dreams.
The sight of James slumped down against the couch, looking so down on his luck, reminds you of a wilted flower. It makes you sad, and it breaks your heart.
In the midst of your attempts at comforting him, a sickly feeling lies deep in your chest. A selfish voice whispers in the back of your mind, this is your chance, it says. You don’t hear it. You don’t want to hear it.
“It’s not the end of the world if she doesn’t notice you, you know,” You say to him, your voice low and soothing as you allow it to be, in spite of your own feelings.
James just sighs heavily for what seemed like the nth time that day, a deep frown decorating his pretty lips. “Well, it feels like it.”
You sigh in return, more out of exasperation than in sympathy this time. You open your mouth again to retort with another attempt at consoling him, but he beats you there first with another self-deprecating comment.
“I mean, what’s wrong with me?” James looks at you, and you can see the pain in his eyes. It tugs at your heartstrings, and it makes you want to do everything you can to make it go away.
And so, you do.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, James,” You scoot closer to him where you sit on the couch, but keep a reasonably safe distance away from him still. “Absolutely nothing. Sure, you’re a little overbearing at times, but that’s okay. That’s who you are.”
For a moment, it seems like he takes the weight of your words in, and mulls it over in his head. But then, “How do I know that who I am is okay?”
You resist the urge to sigh heavily and cry. Because nothing could ever hurt more than watch the boy you’re in love with beat himself up over his inability to catch a girl’s attention — who, not to mention, isn’t you, but that’s beside the whole point.
“James….” Your voice trails off, it catches his attention.
“Sirius, Remus, and Peter are proof enough that who you are is okay. Merlin– even I’m proof enough that who you are is okay.”
This time around, it actually does seem like James realizes the truth in your words, and allows a small smile to appear on his face.
“You really think so?” He asks sheepishly.
You almost scoff in disbelief. “I know so.”
Now, you think that perhaps that was the time you had inadvertently diverted James’ attention from Lily back to you, because the week following that particular conversation, he appeared before you with a certain look in his eyes that you only saw in your foolish dreams.
Long story short, he says that he likes you. You say you feel the same way, and the both of you step into a new relationship together as more than just friends. This is the nicest feeling ever, you thought at the time. Everything you’ve dreamed of doing with James suddenly became a reality, and selfishly, you think you never want to dream about anything ever again because nothing could ever compare to the feeling of being with James in actuality; holding hands, stealing kisses, casual touches, sharing glances across the room—everything.
The both of you last a month at best.
“Hey,” You greet him with a small smile as you approach him on the couch in the Common Room.
You prepare for the conversation that’s about to come as James tears his eyes away from a certain redhead sitting across the room, and shifts his attention to you.
He returns your smile with his own.
“Hey,” James greets back as you sit yourself down beside him. “How’s your day been?”
“It’s... it’s been great,” You chuckle weakly as you nod along with your words, almost as if you’re trying to convince yourself that you were having a great day. James catches onto it.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” He shifts closer to you, your knees bump into each other. You subtly pull away from the touch, and you thank the gods that James doesn’t notice.
“James, I…” You trail off, struggling to find the words to say. Meanwhile, he remains oblivious to your inner turmoil as he nods his head encouragingly, ready to listen to your thoughts.
How exactly do you break up with someone who you want to be with more than anything? Now that James was yours, you had wanted nothing more to hold him close and never let go. It was selfish, you knew that feeling well enough. But still, it always comes, and it never goes.
It isn’t what you wanted to do—it’s never what you wanted to do—but you notice how James still stares at Lily Evans longingly when she’s in the same room as the both of you are, how it lingers even when you ask him what he was looking at despite knowing the answer. It doesn’t take much effort to understand that James’ heart still lies with Lily’s hands. And as much as it hurt for you to realize that, you knew that you needed to do this. You knew that you both needed this, even if you wanted nothing more than to keep him close to you.
“I think we should end things… between us.” You finally manage to say after a gruesome moment of silence. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a head with fiery red hair turn subtly towards your direction.
James’ brows pinch in confusion, and his hands reach out to hold you by the arms. You don’t pull away.
“What? Why?” He asks you, pleading for you to make him understand why you’d say such a thing.
“I just…” You take a quick breath. “I just feel like we’re better off as friends.”
You couldn’t believe what you were saying, and it looked like even James couldn’t either. All you could think of was how you wanted to take it all back, take him back.
At first, it seemed like he was about to contradict your statement, and you push down the hope that bubbles in your chest at the sight of it. But then, he sighs, pulling his hands away from your arms and placing them on his lap.
“There’s no spark, is there?” James says with an apologetic smile. You hate it, in spite of the fact that it was his smile.
You swallow down the lump in your throat and force a smile of your own onto your face, shaking your head.
“No. No spark.” You hear yourself say, but you know deep down that it wasn’t true. There was a spark, but it didn’t ignite into a fire because it was one-sided. Unrequited. Unreturned.
“Well,” James began, “It was fun while it lasted, Y/N.”
You try to ignore the fact that the sound of your name on his tongue leaves you with a bittersweet feeling, considering the situation you’ve just put yourselves into. But, you force a smile, and act as natural and casual as you possibly could.
“Yeah, it was fun,” You agreed quietly, not quite finding the conviction you hoped for in your words.
And so, it began; you keep a front every time you were around James, you try not to be bothered by how unbothered he is despite coming from a break up with you, but you suspect you should have known better than that. It wasn’t like he really liked you anyways, right? You had offered yourself up when the opportunity presented itself, and regardless of the magical month that you and James had together, it made you feel like shit.
Because it was still one-sided. Unrequited. Unreturned.
Thinking about it now, you deem yourself foolish for even entertaining the whole idea that you and James actually stood a chance - no, that you stood a chance with him altogether. You beat yourself up over the fact that you’ve had silly dreams that house you and James together in a place of your own, matching rings on both of your hands, little footsteps running around the house, and laughing together because of how pathetically you pined after him, and how much of an idiot he was to realize it later.
You’ve accepted that it’s a dream you won’t ever share with James.
“Sickle for your thoughts?” Remus’ voice ripples through the tense air you’ve managed to surround yourself in. He’s studying your face intently, taking in the way your brows are creased with concentration, and how you’ve been glaring daggers at the innocent, folded table napkin in front of you.
You blink rapidly, as if snapping yourself out of your own thoughts, and remembering the present. It was a happy day, a momentous occasion between two beings in love - that’s what everyone else called it, anyway. You’ve managed to convince yourself that it’s what you’re gonna call it, too. Despite it being a momentous occasion between a girl you once wished was you, and a man you’ve loved ever since you could perform the Levitation Spell in first year.
You begin with a sigh, “It’s nothing, Rem. Just doing some last-minute reminiscing before my grand speech,” You hide your bitterness with a soft chuckle.
Remus, ever the observant one, sees through it. But he doesn’t say anything about it, and instead, settles for a sigh and a hand over yours. You’re grateful for his thoughtful gesture of silent support, and so you turn your hand over, palm facing his own, and give it a squeeze.
The intimate moment is shattered by Sirius’ yell for a toast to the groom and bride. You and Remus share an amused glance with each other before raising both your glasses up in the air as a toast, mirroring Sirius and each and every one of the other guests there with you.
“Okay, show’s over, folks,” Sirius slurs, clearly a little tipsy (or more than a little) as he looks pointedly at you with a smirk from up front. “It’s the pretty bird’s turn.”
Most heads turn to follow his gaze towards you, and whisper to each other, asking who it was that the best man was referring to, but some throw you knowing, and expectant looks, maybe even a hint of a smile on some of their faces.
But you don’t care about any of them as you lock eyes with James for the briefest of moments, and you feel your heart stutter in your chest because wow, he looks good in a tuxedo, and wow, his smile is dazzling, and you feel lucky it’s thrown at you, even if it doesn’t mean the way you want it to.
You stand up from your seat, Remus gives you an encouraging smile, and you return it warmly with one of your own. As you approach the front, Sirius hugs you by the side and presses a chaste kiss to the top of your head, and you mutter a quiet word of thanks because you know what it means. You silently thank every deity out there for having the kindest friends in the world as you take a deep breath and prepare to say your words for James and Lily.
It goes like this: before you begin, you flash a warm smile towards the newly wedded couple, and with that, you begin your speech. You recount a few silly stories and tell fun facts about James Potter as a person, as a friend, and as a lover (that’s not yours). You tell James directly in front of the crowd how lucky he is to have someone like Lily Evans to ground him, and you tell Lily how lucky she is to have someone like James to keep her on her toes, and to love her like never before. You end your speech with a toast, wishing all the best and all the happiness in the world for the newly wedded couple.
And there was no bitter malice behind your words, no biting envy in your tone. Because whilst in the middle of an ironic situation where you’re on the sidelines again—longing for James, and wishing to be Lily—you accept the state of things, and reach a realization with resignation.
Inside of you, there are two parts of a whole.
The one part that will always love James no matter what, and the unforgiving part that will always long for him.
( ♡ )
WHEW! if you made it this far into the oneshot.... congrats. u r so brave for doing just that <3 and i am eternally grateful that you've decided to give this messy work of mine a chance :] plz feel free to leave a comment, like, or reblog and let me know what u think abt this!!!! <3
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alice-angel12x · 2 years
Death is always around the corner
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Riddle + Death!Reader
This Death is greatly inspired by the wolf death from Puss In Boots, and Jenny-Jinya kind death. (some headcanons for some of the characters) Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Let's set the Scene: Masterlist
Something was off about this Mirror ceremony, Crowley could feel it. But decided to shack it off and continue with the ceremony.
"Ah, my lovely Lord, The noble and beautiful flower of evil, You are the most beautiful, number one in this world. Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Flames that turn even stars into ashes, Ice that imprisons even time, Great tree that swallows even the sky, Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness, Come now, show your power. Mine, theirs, and yours, There’s only a little time left for us. Do not let go of that hand, at all costs," Crowley chanted as a green flame appeared in the mirror.
As the night continued, all the new students were neatly sorted into dorms. There was just one coffin left, and just as he was about to insert the key to unlock the coffin. The coffin began to thrash and shack, as puffs of blue fire spewed out from the creaks in the coffin. The headmaster quickly stepped away from the coffin when the lid suddenly blasts off its hinges in a blaze of fire.
From the coffin, a grey cat creature with blue fire ears skitted across the ground. The crowd of students stared in confusion till something caught their attention. An eerie whistle could be heard from the smoking coffin. Out from the smoke steeped a mysterious figure. A figure dressed in the school's ceremonial robes stepped out into the chamber. They stood unnaturally still as the hood of their robe completely obscured their face as they continued to eerily whistle.
"U-Um, excuse me young...Um... You could have waited a few seconds longer till I opened the gate. Anyways please present yourself to the dark mirror," Crowley stuttered as he hurried the stranger.
The mirror awakened to look at the figure, and only stared in... fear?
"Ugh, I can smell... a disgusting amount of blot," The figure spat.
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💗Riddle Roseheart💗
Riddle didn't really know what to think of this strange student. He never got a good look at them at the ceremony. The only thing they could tell was that they were a wolf beastman of sorts.
And his only other source of info was word of mouth around the school. And hearing that they were a part of the chandelier incident. Riddle already doesn't like them.
luckily he had the fortune to see this mysterious. Upon seeing this student, they looked strange, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was cause of how they just stared unblinkingly at him. With an ominous smile on their face.
When Riddle tried to scold the first-year group for all the trouble they have caused. Yet the student who went by Y/n, simply smiled, unfazed by his words.
This greatly annoyed him and he pulled out his magic pen, but in a blink of an eye, Y/n swiped it out of his grasp. He stood in shock as Y/n chuckled and took a sip of their drink.
Freaked out, Riddle decided to just leave. Yet for a week he felt watched, and whistling followed him no matter where he went. And Y/n's silhouette is always just on the edge of his sight.
One late night, Riddle had to drop off small books at the library, when the whistle filled his ears.
"Are you stalking me?" Riddle glared, as he turned to see Y/n resting against a pillar.
"Just observing. It's been a long while since I got a good look at the Roseheart family. And it's a shame to see how far they have fallen," They growled.
"How Dare You! Off with-'' before riddle could even finish his spell. Y/n swiped the pen from the boy's hand. And then quickly pinned him to the wall.
Riddles's heart started to beat insanely fast as he stared into Y/n's blood-red irises.
"Listen very closely, your life is crashing toward a terrible end if you don't change your tune," Y/n growled softly into Riddle's ear.
Riddle shut his eyes tight waiting for the next attack, but nothing came. As he slowly opened his eyes, he gasped when he found himself in his room.
When morning came, riddle ran to the library to apologize for losing the books. To only learn that Y/n had returned them for him.
Assuming it must have just been a dream, he didn't take Y/n's warning seriously. As blot continued to accumulate. Unaware of Y/n watching from a window across the courtyard, as they polish their sythe, with sad eyes.
They watched as Ace fail to properly apologize to Riddle's liking, and quickly banished the 1st years from the dorm. Which lead to this conflict.
As Y/n stood before Riddle and his overblot as he rampaged across the garden. Reading their weapons, preparing to claim Riddle's life before the blot does.
Suddenly, Aduece, Grim, Cater, and Trey stepped forward wanting to save Riddle. Y/n smiled softly as they dashed toward the blot creature to Find Riddle's soul.
As Riddle slowly came to his dream of memories, he found himself sitting at a party table floating in the darkness. In front of him was a book with his name as the title, and the silhouette of his profile was on the cover.
"Not a good start to life huh," said a voice, causing Riddle to gasp and look up at the source. at the other end of the table was Y/n, dressed in black silk robes. "Strict mother molding you, all the while claiming it is for your own good."
"S-she didn't want me to be a failure like father. He was lazy and couldn't handle the work of a doctor," Riddle said.
"Did your mother tell you that?" Y/n asked as Riddle nodded. '' Then you might want to read this.''
Y/n slid a tray over to Riddle, on it was a book that read Mira Rosehearts, his Mothers name. Riddle looked back to Y/n for an explanation. "Everything your mother had said, done, thought, felt, and heard is documented in this. I recommend reading pages 9131 to 9134."
Riddle quickly read through said pages but slammed it down in anger and disbelief. It read how Riddle's father began to outshine Mira, and when people started to praise him more than her. She divorced and made sure she had full custody of Her son. She vowed to mold him and make him the perfect Roseheart, to outshine everyone else, no matter the cost.
"That is not my mother! You're trying to trick me! Who do you think you are?!" Riddle growled as he stood up from his chair.
"I Have a Beginning, But No End, and I End All Things That Begin. Who Am I?” Y/n asked simply.
"What is this rubbish, the answer is... The answer is," Riddle said slowly as his eyes widened in horror.
"I am Death, straight up," Y/n said as their eyes glowed, causing the boy to fall back into his seat.
"S-so I'm dead?" Riddle asked slowly.
"No, you escape me this time. You are very lucky that some people came to your rescue. Or else you would have died here today," Y/n said as they flipped riddle's book all the way to the back. On the inside of the back cover was a "wanted" Poster.
In bold words on top was Wanted, with Riddle's face printed in the middle. And Dead or Alive is printed at the bottom.
" I would have had you sign, right here,” Y/n said as they tapped over the word Dead. Causing Riddle to gulp nervesly.
"But You attend our school, have I truly escaped you?"Riddle asked nervously.
"Just because I am Death, doesn't mean I enjoy everything it entails. I do not enjoy having to separate families and loved ones. It's just a job that needs to be done," Y/n explained. " And I came here to collect an arrogant little boy, who thinks himself as law and order incarnate. But I can't seem to find him anymore.
Riddle watched as Y/n collected the books and turned to leave, as a door of light appeared.
"You were given a second chance Riddle. Live your life your way for yourself, not how your mother wants you to," Death Y/n said as they stepped through the door.
Riddle finally came too, much to everyone's relief. When everything was set and done. Riddle apologized to everyone and promised to improve on his behavior.
Yet as the days went by, Riddle noticed that Y/n for the most part vanished. He would see them around every once and a while, even Ace, Deuce, and Grim don't seem to hang out with them much.
Grim already spilled the beans on Y/n's identity, and of course, most kept their distance. For who would want death hanging around them.
One day at the reunbirthday party. As All of Riddle's new and old friends gather around his table. Enjoying tea and baked goods, the young dorm leader noticed a lone figure at a table.
Y/n sat alone at one table at the very back of the party, even the tables next to them were empty. As everyone wasn't really comfortable being near them.
Riddle watched sadly as Y/n sat with no snacks, tea, or even company to enjoy. So with a wave of his pen, Riddle levitated a fresh teapot with cups and a large tray of baked goods. As he proceeded to pull out a chair himself at Y/n's table.
Much to everyone's surprise and slight fear. Even Y/n was surprised by Riddle, but they smiled softly as the two began to chat and enjoy the unbirthday party.
But sadly their job here at NRC isn't over yet.
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confessedlyfannish · 2 months
Six Years Ago
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Fortunately for them, the kid isn't good at subtlety. When he appears it is usually with a delayed boom announcing his arrival, like a crack of thunder to his lightning. And a hood pulled low over someone's face doesn't mean much when there's only one preteen in the world who can blow a fire out with his bare breath while floating in midair.
Unfortunately for them the kid is fast, see aforementioned "sonic boom". That is not to say Danny could not follow him anyway, but after the eighth time he heads to one of the kid's rescues and he flees before Danny can get a word out, Ellie is sitting at his kitchen counter heating up his leftovers.
"You need to cool it," she says, using her fang to pop open a sapporo. "He doesn't want to be found right now."
"Yeah, I got that." Danny says, swiping the beer out of the hands of what is technically a fourteen year old. She shoots him a scowl as the microwave dings.
"He's a child, and he's sick, Ellie." Even if Frostbite hadn't said as much, it hasn't escaped Danny's notice that in the past two months his speed has ever so slightly slowed. A particularly brave emergency worker had scolded Phantom for scaring him off this time around, concerned about his thin wrists.
"Gee, a sick child runaway, I wonder who that reminds me of," she says, tapping at her chin. She douses the chicken lo mein in sriracha.
"That's different. You knew to come find me, when it got bad. This kid is afraid of me." And he was. Whenever he and Danny met eyes the kid would go pale(r) with fear before zipping away.
"So make him less afraid."
Danny gapes at her. "Gee," he says slowly, a mimicry of her earlier sarcasm. "Why didn't I think of that."
"You're literally stalking the kid right now, you think I don't know about Tucker's alert system? Right now you must seem like the boss monster that shows up at the end of the level," Ellie says. "You need to approach this differently. Go slow, the way you did with me." She pauses, mouth twisting in a way that signals she's about to be reluctantly vulnerable with him.
"I didn't know what it was like to be...cared about. Properly. Before you guys. Even with the memories," she taps her head with the chopsticks, "It didn't click. But you showed me you would be there for me, even as you respected that I needed my space. You taught me how to trust you."
Danny takes a lengthy pull from the bottle he's still holding. "I can't be patient with him, Ellie," he says. He fiddles with the edge of the peeling label. "He's going to get worse."
"Yeah." Ellie says. "And I think you should let him."
The first time the backpack appears, Jon takes one look at the post-it with the scribbled stylized D and ":)" on it and tosses the whole thing in the trash before taking off.
He does the same the next four times, even as the backpack gets bulkier, its contents crashing together as it hits the nearest available dumpster.
He's in New York City after he saves a window washer from falling twenty stories when he sees his face plastered on a Times Square billboard. A hotdog stand owner in New York City offers him one on the house which he reluctantly accepts, trying to ignore the man's searching gaze.
He's not an idiot. He knows he's starting to look like crap, if the way the people react when they see him means anything. It's not like he smells, he regularly bathes in clean streams and lakes, but even when he eats coconuts and mangos and wild raspberries until his stomach is bursting and he has spent the last five minutes petting a giraffe on the head, feeling so giddy he almost forgets how his family is gone—he feels...strange. Weaker. The cuts on his side and face from the evil robot with the green eyes have slowly scarred pink, and they still pull and sting if he stretches. Jon's never had a scar before, and now he has six. And he's losing weight.
A lot of the people he meets have been super nice about it, offering him food and, in a particularly cold area of Alaska, a zip up hoodie he now wears over his recognizable family crest. Not that doing so has stopped the white-haired guy from finding him. But it has allowed Jon to move around more freely when he isn't out rescuing people. He even made some cash in Wisconsin cleaning up a grocery store before the night shift manager had recognized his face.
This and the billboard means he stops to buy a pair of cheap glasses and a large t-shirt with the NYC skyline and shorts on it from a tourist shop. After, he takes a bus to New Jersey with the last of his money and changes in the bathroom. He bites back a sniffle when he peels his superhero costume from his body. He's suddenly overcome, poking a finger through the slashes in the side, and spends the rest of the trip with his head buried in his knees, trying to keep his hiccups quiet.
When he exits, he heads to the library he's already visited three times before. It's bad, to develop a routine like this when he is actively being hunted, but he can't help himself any more than he can help the way he sometimes sleeps in that barn in Kansas, the few times he feels like he can actually rest, surrounded by the familiar smell of animal and hay.
As he searches a few more terms that predictably turn up nothing on the public computer, he notes bitterly it's not like the man can't find him anyway. Just because he's backed off doesn't mean he isn't around, silently threatening Jon with randomly appearing backpacks. Each backpack is different too, as if Jon might be taking issue with the color purple rather than the scary guy providing them.
Jon pushes away from desk, waiting for the inevitable wave of despair that hits him after each Google session proves fruitless. He's even, in one moment of lunacy, searched Talia Al Ghul, thinking if anyone can find him after his search pings her servers it's her—
But she never did come.
No one has.
Except for him.
The wave today is muted, lapping at his ankles rather than bowling him over, and somehow the resignation that accompanies it hurts more. He wants to do something, anything, and so he scoots back to the cubicle and types in white haired flying man, d symbol.
This is the first time he learns about Phantom.
The boy has started taking the backpacks.
Each one is filled with fresh meals in glass tupperware, meant to last for a while even without refrigeration (though with the boy's ice breath, maybe it's not a problem), as well as ziploc baggies filled with pretzels and carrots and goldfish and celery sticks.
("no peanut butter, he might have a nut allergy!"
"Wouldn't that have come up in Frostbite's scan?"
"You think Frostbite would've thought amidst scanning a little boy's half-alien body to check for a peanut allergy?"
"...Fair enough")
Alongside the meals are cash in the form of U.S. dollars, pounds, euros, yen, yuan, and an extreme hail mary in the form of an ATM card that Ellie rolls her eyes at every time Danny packs it.
There is also a miniature first aid kit, sans medicine but including ice and heat packs you can shake to activate. Danny wedges folded clothing in the spare edges of the bag, a blanket, and forces the zipper closed over a pair of high top sneakers similar to the ragged ones the boy wears. He tops every one with the same post-it drawing of his symbol, and a smiley face.
The boy is still weakening, beginning to look like a strong wind could blow him over even as he zips through mudslides in Colombia and scoops a father and son out of a rip current in Italy, but as he accepts the backpacks Danny listens to Ellie and waits.
And then one day Danny is watching him push a bus away from the edge of a sinkhole in Mexico, school kids pressed against the rear windshield watching him, and Danny hears the creaking of his bone right before the kid's arm snaps.
"Okay, fuck this," Danny says into the Fenton comms as the child wails, swooping down to grab the boy with one arm and the bus with the other.
The boy is too stunned to react, sobbing with pain as he cradles his arm protectively, and Danny shamelessly takes advantage of that as he gently but hurriedly places the bus beside the crowd of spectators.
A very small woman who immediately beelined for him as he landed smacks him in the shoulder, hissing at him in Spanish while several people try to hold her back. She smacks him again.
"I'm trying to help him. I promise. Ayuda." Danny says, shifting the boy into a more comfortable bridal carry.
"Ayuda? Help? You, you bad! El pobre niño." The woman sneers. "Bad! ¡Mal Fantasma! ¡Eres un padre horrible!"
Danny knows what padre means, and even if he didn't, he's heard the rumors and conspiracies (and maybe even leveraged them in a conversation with the U.S. government, who can say) and he doesn't bother denying it, because the truth is he has let this child down from the moment he allowed him to be hunted on Skulker's island, and he deserves every nasty word and more.
"Yeah. I know," he tells the woman. In his ear, Sam demands to know what's happening. The boy is incoherent with pain, the outline of the bone pressing against his skin.
"It's going to be okay," Danny tells him, lifting off the ground. Regret is sour in his gut, bile on his tongue. What was he thinking? In the curl of his arms, the child is so small. This isn't a stray cat one coaxes into their home. This is a terrified little boy.
Danny isn't a fourteen-year-old too young and stupid to recognize he shouldn't let a two-month-old clone explore the world with his blessing. He's twenty-eight. He needs to get a grip.
He needs to be better.
The world stops. Everything goes quiet.
A blue portal unwinds via the hands of time.
"I see you're ready now." Clockwork says to him.
Danny wants to deny it, but the words are stuck in his throat. What use is denying what Clockwork already knows to be true?
"This is the right choice, Danny. Everything will be as it should be. Help him," Clockwork nods at the child. "Then find me."
Danny's tongue unsticks from his mouth. "Only if you tell me. If I do this, will he be safe? Will I have the power to protect him?" An echo of what waits to be unlocked drapes over his words, cracks appearing in the ground at his feet. "Tell me."
"Yes. You will keep him safe. Until he no longer needs you to do so. Here."
With a wave of his staff, a neon green portal rends through the air.
Clockwork drifts back to his own portal. "I will see you in Time, Danny."
Danny nods at him as he leaves, feeling a contract snap into place as time restarts at a crawl.
"Shh kiddo," he says as the boy, gradually unfreezing, trickles tears. "I've got you. You'll be okay. I'm going to fix this. I promise."
He steps through the portal, towards whatever comes next.
Part 5
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silverynight · 2 months
The dragons and the charcoal seller
There's a cave at the base of the mountain, very close to where Tanjirou's house is; people in the village never go near it because they say powerful dragons guard it.
Tanjirou is not afraid of the place; his mother always used to say no creature is evil and that they're only dangerous is you provoke them. Besides, Tanjirou has to go to the forest near that mountain because he needs wood.
Most of his family died a long time ago, except for his sister Nezuko and Tanjirou has promised himself he'd do anything to give her a good life.
So he needs to sell charcoal for a living; the people in the village know about his situation and they're kind enough to buy him charcoal. It's true, he has no competition, mostly because nobody wants to walk around near that mountain.
Tanjirou has never seen a dragon before; he has started to believe that either they're a complete myth or maybe that cave is not their permanent residence.
Perhaps they just come to visit this place.
One day Tanjirou is followed all the way up to the mountain; there's a man who is constantly asking Tanjirou to marry him, but Tanjirou has always refused him because Nezuko has told him (using hand gestures because she doesn't like to talk that much) that she doesn't trust him.
He can tell by the way he's dragging his feet that he's drunk so Tanjirou doesn't pay too much attention to him. When he's in the village, the worst thing he has tried to do is to wrap himself around Tanjirou, until an elder woman hits him with a broom to make him go.
"This time I'm going near the mountain!" Tanjirou tells him, turning around for a second. "The place could be dangerous in the state you're right now. You should go back home!"
"Not until you... accept my p-proposal!" The words don't come out very clear; he looks like he's about to fall at any minute, so Tanjirou considers for a moment to help him return to the village for his own safety.
"I'm sorry. I'm not looking for a spouse at the moment."
The man gets suddenly angry and launches himself towards Tanjirou, who barely moves away in time to avoid him.
However, the look on the man's face scares him. Tanjirou doesn't want to fight, especially because the man is clearly drunk, but he has no idea how to get him to leave.
Suddenly, the man starts chasing him so Tanjirou instinctively runs away until he finds the cave at the base of the mountain.
Tanjirou thinks he's going to leave, because he's one of those people who are constantly talking about dragons in the land.
"At least g-give me something!"
Tanjirou has no idea what he's talking about, but something tells him he shouldn't stop. He gets inside the cave when the man finally grabs him by the arm.
The only light is the one coming from outside, so Tanjirou turns around with his back against the dark tunnel.
"Please... we can still be friends. This isn't you!"
The man shoves him against the stone wall; fortunately, Tanjirou still has the empty basket on his back, so he doesn't get hurt, but the grip around his arm has started to cause him pain.
The man aims for his throat when they both hear a roar coming from inside the cave. The man is the first to see what's going on and he pushes Tanjirou down before rushing outside.
Tanjirou has never seen him run that fast before.
Trying not to upset the creature too much, Tanjirou turns around and finally sees the dragon; it's huge, its scales are turquoise and the eyes are just a shade lighter than the rest of it.
"I'm sorry for rushing into your house like this!" Tanjirou apologizes immediately. "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just trying to hide from the man chasing me. I'll leave you now!"
You don't have to. I won't hurt you.
Tanjirou blinks a couple of times, telling himself that he imagined the whole thing because there's no way he heard a boy's voice inside his head.
But the dragon looks at him with curiosity, before he does the thing again.
What's your name?
"I'm Kamado Tanjirou!"
So you can hear me! That's amazing!
Before Tanjirou can ask him what's so amazing about it, the dragon starts nuzzling him and Tanjirou can't help but chuckle. He's a very cute dragon.
Tanjirou keeps going back to the cave after that, but the next time, Tokito (the dragon's name) is not alone. This time there's a pink dragon that's even more affectionate than Tokito and both of them hiss at each other for a bit until Tanjirou decides to pet them both.
I found him first, Mitsuri!
But you can't keep him all to yourself! He's too beautiful for that!
To Tanjirou's shock, he finds out there are not two, but nine dragons that visit that cave in particular. Tanjirou ends up learning all their names and spending time with them.
There's one dragon, a white one with lots of scars on his chest, that looks like he's in a bad mood all the time, but always ends up purring when Tanjirou gives him headpats. His name is Shinazugawa.
Tomioka is the dark blue one; he doesn't speak that much, but he stares at Tanjirou very intently when the human talks about his family.
Rengoku is the one with the most energy; he's constantly wagging his tail and trying to get Tanjirou's attention. He doesn't know what personal space is so he always ends up with his big head on Tanjirou's lap. Well, at least part of his chin, because his head is huge.
Himejima is a blind dragon; the biggest one, although he has incredible hearing and always seems to know where Tanjirou is.
Mistaking him for a giant serpent once, Tanjirou got confused when he first met Iguro. But he's a cute dragon too, although he's very shy. He seems to get along really well with Kanroji.
Then there's Uzui, a platinum dragon who is constantly asking Tanjirou to marry him; Tanjirou knows it's just a joke though, because he's a dragon... although it surprises him how much he knows about human customs.
Kocho is the smallest dragon, but one of the fiercest; she's the one who's constantly scolding Tanjirou for not taking care of himself enough or coming to see them with tiny scratches in his palms.
They start bringing him gifts, mostly gold that Tanjirou uses to buy food and cute things for his little sister.
Speaking of Nezuko; Tanjirou has been thinking about introducing her to his dragons, he mentions it to them once and although they're more than happy to finally meet her, they ask Tanjirou to wait for a while first.
We need to show you something.
And just like that, Himejima starts shining and the next thing Tanjirou knows is that he's looking at a huge man wearing a very elegant yukata.
Then, the others shape-shift too.
For a few seconds, Tanjirou thinks he's dreaming; his dragons are now very attractive people wearing kimonos and yukatas and they look very happy for some reason.
"Hi!" He blurts out, blushing.
"You're adorable, Tanjirou!" Kanroji squeaks in delight before pulling him into her arms.
Then, the others hug him too, one by one; some of them give him forehead kisses, Rengoku presses a kiss against his cheek and Shinazugawa bites him a few times, although it doesn't hurt.
Since they can turn into humans; they decide to pay a visit to Nezuko themselves. Maybe it's Tanjirou's imagination, but they're a little bit nervous about it. He has no idea why, they're dragons and Nezuko is only human.
Nezuko greets them at the entrance and thanks them, using hand gestures, for helping Tanjirou.
The redhead is about to translate, but they seem to understand Nezuko just fine.
"Perhaps you're wondering if we're actually the dragons your brother has talked about," Iguro says then. "Do you need us to prove it to you?"
Nezuko chuckles and shakes her head.
There's no need. I believe it.
"Most of people wouldn't. Not everyone has seen a dragon with their own eyes." Tomioka cuts in, curious about Nezuko's attitude.
I believe Tanjirou. He wouldn't lie; he doesn't know how to.
Uzui chuckles then and the others nod like they understand and accept that explanation immediately. Then they look back at Tanjirou with a fond expression on their faces.
"Let's get inside!" Tanjirou mumbles, flustered and feeling his face like it caught fire. "I need to make dinner for all of you!"
Nezuko ends up helping him and they serve the table before kneeling in front of it themselves; for some reason they're constantly looking at Tanjirou.
They seem curious about their life there and ask a few questions to Nezuko about it; she answers using her hands and Kocho makes sure to tell everything she's saying to Himejima, like she did the first time.
Then, Nezuko asks her own questions in return, weird ones that make Tanjirou really flustered.
Do you love my brother?
"Nezuko! What kind of ques–"
"More than we love ourselves, more than anything." Rengoku answers honestly and none of them argue with his response.
Tanjirou turns completely pink.
What are your intentions?
"We'd like to marry him!" Kanroji says, happily. "But we'll court him first, like our tradition dictates!"
All of you?
At this point, Tanjirou wants nothing more than to cover his face.
"If that's what he wants," Uzui assures her. "None of us want to live without him and we're fine with sharing, but above all, we want him to be happy. So whatever he wants is fine with us."
Nezuko looks back at her flustered brother and smiles at him; there's no need for hand gestures this time. Tanjirou understands her.
"I... I'd like that. I want all of you to court me."
Nezuko starts laughing when Tanjirou gets attacked by them with hugs and kisses all over his face.
Rui's old village is on fire; his parents are dead and he's left outside his house crying and all alone.
But then the dragons come. There are two of them and there's a young man riding one of those.
Rui closes his eyes, thinking he's going to die too, but he realizes that the dark blue dragon is not breathing fire, but water and that he's helping the people in the village.
Then the man with dark red hair takes Rui in his arms and holds him like his mother used to do. He smells like a mommy too and he's warm.
"I'm Kamado Tanjirou, what's your name?"
"Just Rui?"
The little boy nods and buries his face in Tanjirou's neck, hoping he never leaves him. Fortunately, he doesn't have to tell Tanjirou what happened because the other villagers talk to him.
"Do you have more family, Rui?"
The little boy shakes his head and grabs Tanjirou's haori like his life depends on it.
"Alright. Take us home, Kyojuro-san."
Rui opens his eyes just in time to realize that Tanjirou is talking to the dragon with yellow and red scales.
The dragon nods.
Rui stays with Tanjirou and his sister; after a couple of weeks Tanjirou turns into Mommy Tanjirou and the boy starts calling him that out loud. The redhead doesn't seem to mind.
Turns out Mommy is a powerful witch or something because he not only has two, but nine dragons that do whatever he asks them to. They turn into humans and like to spend time with Rui's Mommy; they kiss him and hug him and even though the kid doesn't like sharing Tanjirou, he doesn't dislike the dragons and lets them spend time with his Mommy.
Besides, when that happens he often plays with his auntie Nezuko, who's great at hide and seek.
Rui understands quickly that the dragons want to marry his Mommy; he's okay with it because the dragons bring him presents and he realizes how cool it'll be to have dragon parents.
It's okay, because Mommy Tanjirou doesn't forget about him, he still cuddles Rui and kisses him on the forehead and tells him stories about his dragons before going to sleep.
Rui has a very cool family now.
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cawthorntales · 1 month
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Malcolm: Are we rolling sir?
Producer: Yes we are Mr. Landgrabb.
Malcom: Wonderful. Hello everyone my name is Malcom Landgrabb. I'm thirty years old and a resident of Oasis Spring. I'm the heir to a vast fortune left to me by my parents after their tragic pass. I enjoy working out, painting, cats, knitting.
Red is my favorite color and I love rain. I'm looking for a man who will love me and not what I can do for him. I can be a bit stubborn especially when I know what I want. But my motto is why settle for less than the best? Why am I looking for love on a tv show? Well I figure this will put me out there to more men than just the small pond of Oasis Springs.
I look forward to meeting you all. Hopefully one of you could be my soulmate.
You can send in a spare from your game. Or a failed bc contestant. Or you can make a guy from scratch.
Must have a bio and photo.
I have werewolves, cats and dogs, cottage living and romance garden or whatever it is called.
cc is fine.
males only.
This is info about Malcom. Your contestant will not know any of this. He is putting on an act for the bc. I am putting this info here solely for your benefit so if you win you will know the type of story this will be and the true Malcolm.
Malcom after becoming corrupted and infused with magic went on to use his powers and skills to build a criminal empire. He has his hands in various criminal activities. To the public he puts on a facade of a kind generous wealthy man. But the true Malcolm is as cold and cunning as they come.
He doesn't tolerate repeat failure and although he won't get his hands dirty. He has plenty of lackeys to do his bidding. Including his right hand second in command the once by the book good officer Kyle. Who was corrupted by Malcolm twelve years ago.
Malcom despite being an evil corrupt power hungry man. Still does honestly want someone to love and kid/s to call his own(seems it wasn't just Emily's essence that survived her world's destruction. Seems a bit of Logan was there too).
Deadline September 20th
2) @invisiblequeen
3) @glitchedsins
4) @simstagramsomeone
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 316
Brief summary: Raon paves a way for Cale. DA cries at being praised. Cale and DA finds the gray liquid as delicious. Eruhaben fights Neo.
There were lots of hilarious moments today. Cale getting scolded by Raon and CH because they knew that he was going to get hurt was funny. 😂
Some corrections for last chapter. The laser cannon was pointed to the portal. And there were two magic circles, one was for teleportation and the other had an unknown function.
Raon's growth was shown in this chapter. When they first arrived in Aipotu, he had a nosebleed when he used magic. But now, he could freely use magic, even inside the game where there were restrictions if you did not have an account.
Raon separated the purple mana from the source of the world with his own black mana, making a way for Cale who was the only one that was immune to the source of the world.
The gray liquid was confirmed to be of chaos, and DA said that the unknown magic circle was powered by that chaos, and guessed that its function was to draw out the primal fears of the world.
-Hmm. I think it's a magic circle that draws on the primal fears of this world, but I don't know for sure. -I'm just guessing. Cale opened his mouth. "Good job." -…Huh? For the first time, he praised Dominating Aura. -D-Did I just get complimented? And Dominating Aura was… -…Sniff. He was overwhelmed. -……. He was speechless. Cale was dumbfounded. "Hey, are you crying?" -…No. Sniff. He was crying. Cale was stunned.
DA cried?! All because Cale praised him? Did no one ever compliment him before that he cried from being praised?
"I think we need to get rid of it." It was then. -Why get rid of it!!! "Ah, you scared me!" Cale was really surprised. -Why get rid of it! The Dominating Aura cried out. Cale was genuinely puzzled. -Why did you change like this! No. -Isn't life worth living these days? No, what's wrong with you? Have you suddenly lost your mind? "W-what's wrong?" Cale stammered in embarrassment. It had been a long time since he'd been scolded by an ancient power like this. -Of course! The Dominating Aura was imposing. -We're supposed to eat it! Why are you getting rid of it? Eh? -If you look at it, it's delicious. Slurp. Yes, delicious. He had been sniffing, and now he was licking his lips. The majestic figure was gone, and the Dominating Aura swallowed hard. "Ah. Can I really eat it?" -Why! The Dominating Aura shouted. -You fed the Fire of Destruction a lot of good things in the Central Plains! You fed it a lot of elixirs! Why not me? Are you discriminating against me? You gave the others a lot of good things! I'm hungry! "Noisy." -…….
HAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣 What's with the "life worth living these days" and the "why did you change like this" stuff? 😂😂😂 And Cale stammering because he was scolded by an AP. 😂😂😂 Also, DA envious of the other APs who got elixirs. 😂😂😂 Him treating the gray liquid as an elixir too. 😂😂😂
Then Cale showed off the gray liquid, calling it his elixir... CH was confused, and Raon was like, human, talk in a language we can understand! 🤣🤣🤣 And Cale thinking that the gray liquid was delicious too even though it was made of chaos. 😂😂😂
The scene with former hero Gisk and Dark Bear was also funny.
Everyone: feels intimidated by the aura emitted by the gray liquid Gisk: (I'll die. No. I'll get eaten. How to describe it? When a human faces a wild beast with his bare hands. The fear of being eaten by that wild beast.) Cale: smiling while looking at the gray liquid Dark Bear: As expected of the worst (evil)! Gisk: (I see. Only the worst would face that scary thing, still be happy and even covet it!)
Cale got misunderstood again... 😂 Him being the hidden boss of the 3rd Evil, the worst among the Eight Evils, making him the worst evil. And now this scary and worst evil was grinning while holding a bottle that made everyone feel scared, telling everyone that this was his elixir? 🤣🤣🤣
Fortunately, Cale postponed drinking it, thinking that it would be bad if he fainted here after drinking it. The laser cannon-like device and the unknown magic circle stopped working once Cale kept the glass bottle, so Cale's group began to work on destroying the teleportation magic circle.
Everyone panicked when the door of Neo's room opened, but were shocked when it was HD and Clopeh who entered instead of Neo. So where did Neo go? Neo went out of the enemy castle, and our goldie gramps prepared to fight him.
Ending Remarks Cale and DA were so funny today. 😂😂😂 Next chapter would be Eru versus Neo. And we'd probably find out how HD and Clopeh managed to enter the enemy castle.
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
false love iii.
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jing yuan x fem!reader
nsfw themes (cursing and stuff i think. mentions of domestic abuse and self harm. mentions of suicide. no, jing yuan aint hurting u bb girl). read at your own risk. english isn’t my first language, so please don’t mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
⪩ arranged marriage. the reader and jing yuan have an arranged marriage and she is stuck, disliking every moment of it, until…
TERM DIRECTORY ◖y/n: your name ◖e/c: eye color ◖h/c: hair color ◖l/n: last name
requested tags ➽ @mythicalamphitrite @20forty9
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part one. / part two. / part four. / part five. / part six. / part seven.
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"⸻wait, how much did he say he was going to pay us?"
"almost an entire fortune. enough for me to bed many women, to purchase a few homes..."
"c'mon, man. be specific. like how many credits?"
"eh. a million."
"wh⸻...a...a-a million!? you're crazy!? just to sell this girl off or even kill her?"
"i wasn't gonna plan on killing her...yet. i was planning on having my own fun with her. then i was gonna carry out the murder. he said he wanted her head or something."
"eh, i don't blame you for the fun part. she's got a good lookin' body. beautiful too. but you sure you can lop her head off?"
"c'mon, it's just a head you gotta lop off."
"damn, dude, sounds like you did this shit before..."
two voices. two unfamiliar voices. two voices that belonged to men that you didn't recognize at all. you were unable to really see anything, nor did you have the ability to speak. but you were listening quietly.
you were blindfolded and a cloth was wrapped over your mouth. your hands were tied behind your back, rendering you useless to do anything. you didn't know where you were at, but you had woken up from a deep slumber. as you listened, you took notes in your head...
selling you...murder. assaulting you. then being paid by a man of great fortune. you were scared, definitely. but you were not surprised by the doom you were facing at this very moment. you were expecting to face some sort of monstrosity in your life one way or another. now here you are.
"she still asleep over there?" you hear one of the voices say.
you hear one of them turn, the shuffle of their clothing was a clear indication for it. "yeah. seems so. the drug you gave her is a hard ass one, huh?"
"yeah, it should knock her out for a while."
"man, take off the blindfold off of her. i wanna see what she actually looks like."
that's when you froze in place, hearing them come closer to you as their footsteps approached you. you held your breath, feeling their measly large hands come forward to remove the blindfold that concealed your beautiful eyes. then, upon the removal of the fabric, you saw the world again... though you didn't know where you were at, really. you saw two men. both of them were dressed in casual attire, and it was scarily enough that they looked like average xianzhou citizens. but the look on their eyes revealed nothing but pure cruelty and evil intent.
"oh, you are awake." one of them cooed to you as he purred. his disgusting hand lifting towards your chin, raising your head with the curl of his index finger. "morning, beautiful." his raunchy breath hit your face, and how badly you wanted to smack him across the face with a brick. but you couldn't.
the drug had caused you to become weak, but for some reason...there was something stirring inside of you. something telling you not to give up, despite the troubles and dangers that lead you upon this path.
"we're gonna have some fun soon, beautiful," the stranger licked his lips, his breath reeking of heavy liquor and cigarettes. "your little daddy paid us to get rid of you."
your father...paid them?
your eyes were dull, solemn...lifeless and dead. it was as though you were an empty doll with no soul residing within yourself. unfortunately, you were used to this sort of...treatment. being used, hit...why haven't you just died yet? you weren't surprised, either.
...but this feeling inside of you...it still continued to stir. something about this situation...something about you. something that you felt within was blossoming.
...no. i don't want to die like this. i don't want to die. not when i just now became free.
it was like the thought of jing yuan had snapped you back to reality, your eyes now glimmering with some sort of ray of hope. your eyes brightened, as though gaining hope once more. you hear jing yuan's voice repeating back in your head, as though reminding you of your new purpose in life. your new freedom, the freedom that you deserved.
"i want to make it known to you that i want you to live comfortably here and freely. my home is now your home, y/n."
"alright, little lady. lemme just," the criminal extended both hands, his fingers grabby at your clothing, "get rid of this little piece of thing and we'll have some⸻"
gaining momentum in your legs, you force yourself up, headbutting into the man's head. you hit directly at his nose, causing blood to sputter from his nostrils and for him to stumble back.
"you little⸻you little bitch!"
his ally extended a hand towards you, grabbing you by the chin. this was mistake on his end, considering he basically let loose of the cloth that went around your mouth. using this as an opportunity, you bit at his hand, teeth biting and digging into his flesh. the taste of his own blood in your mouth... suddenly, you had a burst of energy inside of you.
you can't die.
you can't die here. not when you had a future with jing yuan to live for, now! this freedom, this...
"garg⸻! you bitch!" retracting his arm back, one of the criminals retrieved a knife from himself. "we're gonna teach you a fuckin' lesson now, you cunt!"
your eyes froze, lingering on the knife...but you can't just freeze in fear, anymore. it was time for you to run. that was when you bolted off in the opposite direction, your hands still tied around your back. your heart was aching, racing, your eyes were wide. you never felt this much energy in your legs before. never had you ever felt this unfamiliar burst of energy that allowed you to...want to live.
jing yuan...was this your doing? where were you?
unfortunately, you felt yourself fall when a heavy weight was shifted upon you, crushing you against the pavement of the ground. you cried in pain as you fell, feeling one of the bones in your shoulder breaking. you panicked, looking to the side, seeing the criminal's wide face and the blood that oozed from his nose.
"damn right we're gonna teach you a fucking lesson." that was when he grabbed the back of your clothing.
"stop⸻!" you shut your eyes tightly, embracing the worst of it all...
"gyaaa!" the sound of blood and flesh being torn had filled your ears instead. you felt the weight from your back basically relief itself from your body. you heard a loud 'thud!', and your eyes slowly open...
you were shaking. you were breathing uncontrollably. you couldn't think. you were panicking. your mind was on fight or flight mode.
"what the...the general!?" you hear one of the criminals say in the background, then some noises in regards to conflict.
"fuck⸻fuck! you little⸻" the sound of ice piercing into one's flesh were bliss to your ears, but you were unable to process anything at this very moment.
your eyes came to a soft close, and your body was carefully scooped into a pair of strong arms. you were breathing, and the voice of your familiar husband was murmured into your ear,
"i'm sorry for taking so long, y/n. you're safe now."
you were losing the sense of your surroundings. you barely felt his nose nuzzle into your cranium as he held you close to his chest.
then, another set of footsteps...lighter ones. these footsteps stop at your side, introducing yanqing's voice. "general! they're ready to be taken in custody, however one of them is..."
"that's fine," jing yuan replied, "being taken in prisoner is too much of a blessing for them. killing them, granting them death is something that wouldn't even be enough for them. they deserve a fate much more cruel than just imprisonment and death. i pray that the aeons will punish them further."
"...i see. hm. how is lady y/n doing? her shoulder... it's..."
"she's alive and well, besides her shoulder," jing yuan said, "yanqing. prepare the infirmary immediately."
"yes sir."
you were exhausted, incredibly so. everything on your body hurt, especially your shoulder. it felt like something was burning, something was on fire—but once your adrenaline had died out, the rest of your body began to hurt... and god, this was the price for survival, wasn't it?
pain in your body was almost unbearable. but luckily, it died out immediately when you had opened your eyes... there were nurses nearby working their best to recover you. one nurse in particular was speaking to you in a soothing voice, but you couldn't make out the words. the others were changing your bandages, and the others were bringing you a wet towel, placing it over your head.
"....—fever. she........ feve—"
... huh? who had a fever?
oh, that's when you realized that the nurses were talking about you. that was the moment when everything had hit you immediately.
you were struggling to breathe. your body felt hot. yet, you were so cold. you were practically shivering under the blankets. luckily enough, you were in safe and good hands.
your vision was still a blur as you were still waking up. you recognized a familiar, ash-blonde—silver male approaching you.
... jing yuan?
you were too exhausted to even try to focus. your eyes came to a close again, forcing you to rest once more...
"how is she?" yanqing asked jing yuan as he walked up towards his general's side, his eyes peeling towards your sleeping body.
"y/n's well. it seems she's caught a fever, as well. i feel terrible for this situation, truth to be told..."
"i cant... exactly blame you for feeling that, general. you both were recently wed, and now..."
jing yuan looked towards his lieutenant, "mm. how was the interrogation?"
"well, he was afraid enough to reveal the truth to why y/n was captured. according to his testimony, y/n's father had paid them to sell her away, or to get rid of her entirely. he admitted that his friend was going to... well, bed her."
there was a sour look on jing yuan's face.
"...her father... selling her? but the marriage practically allowed her to be away from her family. why did he want to hire these men to kill her?"
yanqing shook his head. "that, i am unsure, sir. i had asked him the same question, and he did not know. there was no lie to his words during the interrogation. a man who fears for his life would never lie."
jing yuan was silent. "... yanqing. please remain by her side closely when i cannot be around her physically. something about this situation irks me, and i have no choice but to interrogate this matter... discreetly."
yanqing nods, kneeling respectfully. "yes, general."
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