#fort wilderness show
samsdisneydiary · 11 months
The Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue: Exploring Disney's Wild West | Recorded 2013 | Full Show
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avonne-writes · 12 days
Bucky and gale being on the Bremen mission together and going down together would be such chaotic angst. Like imagine Bucky in his own plane like absolutely losing his mind at losing sight of bucks plane and trying to navigate his fort and crew while also screaming “where’s buck?!” Like similar to the one scene we did get where he had a similar experience of worrying about buck while flying
Yes, chaotic angst is a good way to put it. When he finds out that Gale’s plane is going down, he asks if his men see any chutes, but they either can’t see or they don’t have time to reply, because Bucky's plane is also hit.
Immediately upon making it to the ground, Bucky has to make a choice about which way to go. Towards where he thinks Gale could be or in the safest direction? (We all know what he chooses.)
What if he's captured, then a Russelsheim-like scene happens, but he manages to escape (maybe in a slightly better condition than in the show, but still hurt). He’s bloody and dirty when he finds Gale somehow, and Gale points his gun at Bucky at first, not only because he’s on edge, but also because it takes him a second to recognize him.
Imagine the two of them alone, trying to make it back together. Cleaning each other's wounds, hunting, sleeping pressed together with one of them on watch. Gale's experience in the wilderness of Wyoming comes in handy, and Bucky is surprisingly good at making sense of where they are on a map. The fact that they're not alone may just be the factor that gets them back to Thorpe Abbotts.
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Adventure: Countess Ledrick's (Re)Doubt
You were warned about bandits in your travels through the Kingsfault mountains, but you didn't expect them to be such gracious hosts. It's about after your third stein of ale at their leader's high table that you start to think they might want something from you more than coin.
Even monsters can change, or so thinks Ledrick as she wipes the blood of her latest kill from her blade. A little over a decade ago she was at the vanguard of a mercenary force pillaging through the land clearing the way for an invading army. After the fighting was done while most of her companions were either going home or turning bandit she decided to take over the keep of a minor noble she'd help to butcher.
It was mostly a joke, a commonborn killer like her declaring herself a countess and presiding over a court of outlaws as they drank a dead man's wine. Presiding turned into setting down rules for her gang, which turned into negotiating for food with nearby villages in exchange for protection from monsters and whoever didn't want to follow her rules. Fast forward eight years and Ledrick's being cheered by the people she once came to conquer as she stands between them and and ettin looking to break down their village gates.
Time has a way of changing everything... grudges are buried, children are born, and necromantic cults of dragon worshippers emerge from their tomb sleep... all part of the great cycle.
Adventure Hooks:
Tracking a bounty into the mountains leads the party to the countess's court, where their quarry has thrown himself on Ledrick's mercy as someone who fought alongside her in the early days of securing her lands. Lendrick will let the party plea their case, but conflicted between a soldier's honour and wanting to be a lawful lord will instead send them out searching for the local priestess of Tyr, god of hardwon peace, who has offered the countess wise council in the past and has been missing of late on pilgrimage to a shrine in the wilderness.
The party may also fall into Lendrick's company after their quest or patron sends them to defend against a threat lurking in the mountainous wilderness, where they'll use her fort as a forward operating base. Learning to live alongside the Countess and her retinue of semi-retired killers may take some getting used to, but if the party can win their trust they'll have no truer allies when the threat comes calling.
There have always been drakes roosting in the Kingsfault mountains, but in recent months the countess's domain has seen more attacks than it has in the past twenty years. Something is driving these beasts to attack, and the former merc has put out a call for aid to , knowing herself ill equipped to investigate the causes and that her people would be better served with her managing the monsters.
Background: It was a little over a year ago when one of Ledrick's old warbuddies came calling, a battlemage named Hess who in recent who's post-retirement delving into the more esoteric side of magic has led him down a dark road. Showing up all smiles and grand stories of their shared suffering, Hess convinced the countess to let him and his acolytes apprentices delve an old ruin in her territory, promising to share some the riches they unearthed as repayment.
Hess was good on his word, tribute to the countess's court arrived after just a few weeks of delving and maintained at a steady trickle ever since. Part of this tribute happened to be a cursed idol that unless properly contained attracts the violent attention of dragonkind. Hess neglected to include care instructions when he sent it along, hoping to use the countess's defence of her lands as a means of harvesting drakeflesh under the guise of helping to search for reasons behind the attacks.
Further Adventures:
Several of Ledrick's underlings are beginning to fall under Hess's sway; sure the drakes have killed a few dozen peasants but merchants are willing to pay for their horns and teeth hand over first, to say nothing of the drakescale armor some of the more gifted armorers have been knocking together after their hunts. Would they really let all this stop to all this just because some do-nothing farmers got hurt?
Behind his jockular attitude and harmlessly crass jokes, there's something deeply wrong with Hess. War left wounds in his psyche and now something festers beneith his scars eating away at who he is, driving him to delve deeper into the tomb and unlock its secrets. Pretending to help with the party's investigation, he'll send them on a wild goose chase into the mountains towards a dangerous ruin claiming it as the origin of whatever's causing the drakes to attack.
By the time they realize the deceptio Hess and his followers will have cleared out of the ancient tomb, leaving behind a series of spells that will lock the party inside and reactivate all the traps and guardians the cult spent months disarming. Perhaps most dangerous of all is a construct of Hess's own fevered design; built of drakebone and sinew grafted into armor, a half finished war machine that will stalk the party through the darkened halls.
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samdeancrimespree · 5 months
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idk whose post this is originally and i know this moment was kinda played for laughs in-show but like. they are good enough at hunting animals to find and kill food to eat on a new fucking planet.
they are …. So calm in this situation. they each have their tasks and jobs and they complete them in an orderly fashion, barely even having to talk, like they have a routine for being alone in the middle of the woods. we don’t ever see them doing this, but they must’ve done it before.
at which age do you think john winchester decided his sons needed to learn how to fend for themselves in the Real World and left them in the woods with bows and arrows and knives and said “i’ll be back in 4 days.” cause i’m gonna say 10 and 14? dean might’ve been out on his own before that, with the vague excuse of “training” given to sam to explain his brothers 2 day absence. it was a semi-frequent, maybe quarterly thing throughout their childhoods. obviously not on a Schedule so they never knew when to expect it, but they were always kind of waiting for it. it was just A Thing They Did, just like everything else. a way to prove they were retaining all their training. this was the winchester version of a camping trip. for the first couple years, sam didn’t even know this wasn’t what camping normally meant. he just knew he really hated camping.
one time, john got distracted by a hunt and left them in the alaskan wilderness in october for almost two weeks. one time, john forgot it was sam’s birthday and dean spent any spare time he had looking for cool rocks and leaves to give sam, and promised he’d give him his real presents when they got back. one time, dean got attacked by a goddamn cougar in colorado and sam patched him up and wondered what the tentative friends he had made last week were learning in their tenth grade class. and he hated john but almost cried with relief when he came to get them. dean did almost all the hunting because the very first camping trip, sammy shot a rabbit in the leg and sobbed as it slowly bled to death, and dean never wanted to see that type of anguish again. he hated killing the animals too, but he could do it, because sammy had to eat. he knew john would question it if sam hadn’t improved his skills, so they would set up makeshift archery ranges to practice. and in his reports to john, dean would always give half the kills to sam.
over time, as they got more skilled, john would give them less and less supplies, until at the end they only had a couple weapons each, rope, matches, and a first aid kit. and bobby thought when the boys spent one summer building a fort but refusing the tools he offered them, they were finally being regular kids.
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lyledebeast · 2 months
The Duality of Martin
Over the years, let's not dwell on how many, I've found that a lot of people's problems with The Patriot lie with its main character, and most of those lie with his inconsistency. Benjamin Martin doesn't support the war, but then changes his mind when the very things he predicted come to pass. He loves his children, but he abandons them multiple times. He's a devout Christian who spends most of the film's plot pursuing vengeance. He has and eats his cake like a certain queen of France, but without facing similar consequences, of course. All this contributes to a character who is meant to be complex but is instead incredibly frustrating to watch. So, this rewatch, I wanted to think about how he might actually be made interesting.
Commentors I have much respect for have suggested that just acknowledging that Martin is not a paragon of moral virtue would go a long way. I agree, but I think acknowledging that there are two different Martins would go further. There is one man who is genuinely concerned for his family and wants to keep them from harm, and it is this same Martin who plans to return to his children after burying Gabriel. It's possibly even the same Martin who declares that his men will, henceforth, spare any wounded or surrendering British soldiers while nearly standing on a pile of dead ones. Then there's the other guy, the one who arms his children and takes them to a massacre where they collectively kill twenty men, punctuated by him hacking a fleeing soldier into mincemeat. It's not just that Martin has a temper when provoked, because the same Martin who does this, who ordered the atrocities at Fort Wilderness, also believes what he does is justifiable.
While watching over Gabriel's corpse, Martin asks, "Why do men think they can justify death?" Well, Benjamin, let's rewind to just about twenty minutes or so earlier when you said, "As long as your officers target civilians, I will order the shooting of officers at the start of every engagement." I mean . . . if you don't know . . .
Wouldn't it be so much better if the violence, and the justification for it, belonged to one part of Martin's psyche and the awareness of guilt and consequences belonged to the other, and the central conflict of this film was between these two parts? It would mean giving up Colonel Tavington as an antagonist, which would be a wildly different film, but just hear me out. If Martin's main conflict was internal, there would be opportunity for genuine reflection and change. Martin could actually deal with his past instead of just shutting it up in a trunk and hoping everyone forgets about it.
The story we have spends about a quarter of its screentime setting Martin up as this humble, peace-loving father, but that characterization is quickly overshadowed by the violent, sanctimonious one and only trotted out when needed to do damage control for the second characterization's antics. Instead of actually giving Martin complexity, the narrative relies on Tavington as a foil to show what a bad war criminal looks like. That this contrast minimizes Martin's atrocities is probably unavoidable.
Martin's choice of violence in this film is, initially, a response to British violence. I'm not saying the British wouldn't commit atrocities in the version I imagine, but that could be accomplished without a British main antagonist. Let's say a British officer does order Gabriel executed, burn the Martin home, and murder the Continental soldiers and Thomas. But then we never see that officer again. Let's say Martin and his sons carry out the massacre in the woods, but rather than having Martin say "I have done nothing, and of that I am ashamed" after he's done . . . THAT, let's make THAT a relapse he deeply regrets. Let's have him endure the fear in his children's eyes for more than just one (1) night. Let's have Martin. not Gabriel, be the one to flip out over his men shooting surrendering British soldiers. Martin claiming to be traumatized by his own actions at Fort Wilderness nearly twenty years ago would carry a lot more weight if he hadn't committed similarly extreme acts just months prior that are never referenced again. Let's acknowledge the horror of Martin's violent actions and let his better nature prevail.
I'm not saying this would be a better movie than Roland Emmerich's The Patriot (2000), but I could sympathize with this version of Martin far more than the one who gets to enjoy all the benefits of violence without facing any of the consequences (at least not himself). This has been an intellectual exercise. Obviously. the version with Tavington is more enjoyable because . . . Tavington!
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raph-fangirl · 4 months
It would be so much to me if you took the time to donate even $1. I am broke living with my conservative parents and my only income is from random house sitting jobs. I don't have a steady income and want to do art for a living. Anything is appreciated <3 I have tiers for monthly supporters but you can also do a one-time donation.
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❖ That Which We Call Beast - A Victorian-era Beauty and the Beast retelling. Has been described by some of my readers as: "If Jane Austen wrote Beauty and the Beast". Ongoing. First installment in the That Which We Call Beast trilogy.
❖ A Tale of the Shapeshifters - My first ever complete novel. A Beauty and the Beast retelling set in early 1900s Ireland. Two shapeshifters do their best to hide their secret from one another, but that soon becomes the least of their worries as the past unfurls itself.
❖ Demon x Reader (unedited) - A sexy, fun, romantic story of a woman who never realized she wanted anything other than her plain, vanilla life with her husband in the suburbs---that is, until a perverted demon steals her away.
Chapters 1 - 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
❖ When Lilies Pierce Thorns - The second installment of the That Which We Call Beast trilogy. Has not been written yet.
❖ Melisande - Upcoming prequel/midquel to the That Which We Call Beast trilogy. Focuses on our dearly beloved evil queen herself and her villain origin story.
❖ Raphael - Upcoming sequel to the That Which We Call Beast trilogy. Focuses on our favorite wet pathetic man and his redemption arc.
❖ Tyler & Alaca - Childhood friends to lovers, with some werewolf and vampire shenanigans to make things interesting. Twilight and Castlevania lore but more original than fanfic.
❖ Forte-Piano - A Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas prequel. Forte is determined to become the castle composer, but will this ambitious young pianist get in his way? BxB
❖ Shark x Mermaid story (title tba) - A young mermaid is desperately in love with a human, but has been betrothed to a mer-prince. In the midst of her predicament, she meets a were-shark who annoys her to no end and challenges her entire worldview, but that she can't stay away from.
❖ Donatello x OC TMNT fic (title tba) - Donnie has always loved April from the first moment he laid eyes on her. Even though April is now dating Casey Jones, and he and his brothers have become friends with a new outsider girl--Serafina--Donnie can't help but still harbor feelings for her. When he starts spending more time with Serafina, will he let his old feelings go or will he make a mess bigger than anyone could have ever imagined?
❖ In the Garden of the Witch - Completed short story. Hedy is so ready to be married to the love of her life, Bruno. Even if he is a beast, he has the soul of a man. But one day, something changes in him, and he leaves her. Will she be able to find him as she travels through the wilderness? Will Bruno recapture his humanity? Or will a conniving witch mess everything up for the two lovers?
❖ Dandelion - Completed short story in the middle of edits. Dandelion does not know what it means to have a family or to love another person. So what will happen one night when two people who say they knew her parents randomly show up asking for her help?
❖ He Who Dares Not Grasp the Thorn Should Never Crave the Rose - Beauty and the Beast one-shots and short stories for all versions. From the original myths, to Madame Villeneuve's novel, to Jean Cocteau's film, to Disney's movies, and beyond! Feel free to commission or request a piece.
❖ My Fair Ladyhood & Other Short Stories - Incomplete collection of short stories I've written and will continue to write.
Includes My Fair Ladyhood, an imitative memoir I wrote for a class: Southern Women's Literature. This is an extremely personal piece that explores my relationships throughout my life thus far, as well as my issues with body image and eating disorders.
And Nolan's Flood: Charlotte McPherson is the only girl—and one of the only people—in the town of Roadsdale who can read. This makes her particularly interesting to the local doctor and part-time Sunday school teacher, Mr. Nolan. Although they don't know each other well, the two make plans to marry. But how long will this courtship last in the face of tragedy?
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Burning Sage (a.k.a. the Spicy Six go camping)
Part Deux
It begins with Steve and almost ends with Robin, because every time he brings it up she’s quick to respond with a resounding “nope!”
It doesn’t matter how sneaky he is about it. Nor does it matter how long her day has been or how exhausted she is. He can handle both their clean-up duties after their shift. He can ply her with pop and homebaked muffins. He can carry her dozing, dead weight from his car and up to her bedroom – the answer remains. And yes, she loves him. She loves him a lot, probably more than she loves, has loved, or will ever love anyone else.
But she won’t endure blisters and black flies for anyone, not even him. No way.
So, whenever he starts talking about camping, or hiking, or – god forbid – fishing, she’s quick to shoot it down. They’ll argue about it, and he’ll grumble and pout, but she stands firm every time. She successfully holds down the fort for over half a year.
And then.
It happens on a Wednesday afternoon. Business is slow, the only customers two eighth-grade girls whispering in the comedy section and one Eddie Munson up by the checkout. Although, the jury’s out if Eddie counts as a customer. Most of the time he only shows up to talk for a few hours (“enriching your work environment!” says he; “being a fucking nuisance,” says Steve). He’s been regaling them with a tale of how the kiddies utterly failed all their rolls and almost got eaten by a something-or-other because they couldn’t make a fire when Steve gets that wistful look in his eyes.
Here it comes.
Cub scouts. Nature. Knots and s'mores. The taste of wilderness and sound of fresh air. She could stop him already, but if she’ll refuse to tag along the least she can do is let him reminisce about it. It is pretty endearing, the way he lights up, words tumbling out and hands waving with excitement. Were she weaker…
But no. Black flies. Blisters. No way.
“...and it’s the best feeling in the world,” Steve says to Eddie.
Eddie stands draped over the polished countertop, curls spilling past his shoulders and an easy smile on his face. His eyes are glazed, though not with boredom or disinterest. Rather the opposite.
“I haven’t done it in ages,” Steve continues. “I’ve been wanting to! It’s just that it’s not the same thing, doing it alone. But Robin’s not into it, and I never even asked my high school friends since, uh, you know.”
Steve sighs and rests his forearms on the counter. It brings his face closer to Eddie’s, whose eyes grow hazier and ribcage heaves deeper. The tip of his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Robin would've laughed at him because of it, if her gut hadn't screamed that something terrible is about to happen.
“You wouldn’t be interested, would you?” Steve asks Eddie with a dry tone, like he isn’t really asking because he already knows the answer.
Except Eddie nods, still smiling. Robin’s breath stutters and her gut shrieks as he says, “Yeah.”
Steve gapes. “Wait, really?”
Steve slaps his palm against the counter, leaving a smudged print on the wood and making Eddie flinch and reel out of whatever daydream he was stuck in. Steve doesn’t notice as he whips toward Robin. “You see?” he says. “Eddie gets it!”
Robin rolls her eyes but swallows her retort, because the two girls are approaching. They’ve been in here before – many times, in fact – and the last time she tried to serve them instead of letting Steve do it, she was on the receiving end of twin glares during the entire transaction. Whatever. She grabs Eddie by the jacket sleeve and pulls him out of the way.
“You’re a damn traitor, you know that?” she hisses.
Eddie shrugs. “In my defense, he’s hard to say ‘no’ to.”
“He’s literally the easiest person ever to say ‘no’ to.”
“Maybe for you, with your rock heart pumping ice through your veins!”
She rolls her eyes at him, too. “You’re actually going through with this?”
Eddie hesitates only so long it takes him to steal a glimpse of Steve, who's politely ignoring how the girls flutter their lashes and stick their little chests out. Doesn't seem like they'll go further this time either, which is a shame. Robin needs to witness them once they finally gather the courage to ask him out – she’ll take great schadenfreude in their rejection, and she won’t be ashamed about it.
Turning back to her, Eddie nods. “Yeah. Why not? He wants it, and… it’s camping. How hard can it be?”
And that’s how Robin gets roped into a three-day camping trip. Because what else is she supposed to do? Let them go alone? The woods are dangerous! The last time she took her eyes off either of them in the wild, they both ended up strangled and nearly eaten. Also, what would she do in the meantime? Wait for them to come back?
No way.
— ⛺ — ⛺ — ⛺ —
Jonathan isn’t entirely sure why Steve is there. Will and El are out, so it can’t be to pick them up or drop someone else off. His mom was clearly expecting Steve, though, and now she’s rattling away in the kitchen cabinets while Steve hovers in the living room and makes awkward small talk with Argyle. The news anchor is giving a semi-interesting update on the situation in Chernobyl, so Jonathan opts to focus on that, bestowing a mere half-ear to the conversation in the room. He barely catches when Steve says something about a camping trip and Argyle responds with a drawled “camping is awesome, brochacho!”
“You want to come with?” Steve asks, ripping Jonathan from the weather report because, hang on now, what was that?
Argyle and Steve have both turned to Jonathan with open, questioning expressions. He darts between them as he tries to untangle his own tongue. Camping trip? Camping trip? Jonathan has never gone camping before, unless staying the night in Castle Byers counts (it doesn’t). Camping is for people with time to spare and money to spend on equipment. And that means the nice equipment, the waterproof kind that’s too thick to tear after a single use.
“Uh,” he says. “Um, I guess, yeah?”
Argyle smiles his relaxed and late-summer-warm smile, nodding his approval. Steve’s face, however, erupts into a million-watt floodlight-beam. He lets them in on the plans: who else is going, where they’re going, what they’re bringing, that they’re leaving early on the 24th and driving back before noon on the 26th so no one will be missing any possible Memorial Day celebrations, and and and and and-
And Jonathan is going camping for three days with Steve Harrington. What the fuck.
He thumps his head against the sofa’s backrest, begging for the world to stop spinning and make sense again.
“I’m not sure how,” he tells Nancy the next day as they lie sprawled on her bed, she reading and he drawing lines along the patterns of her sweater, “but I’m going to go camping with Steve in two weeks.”
Despite everything, he is going. He’d tried finding a reason not to, but when he asked his mom if she surely didn’t need him to be home during Memorial weekend she told him no and that he should enjoy himself. “You can bring your camera,” she’d said. “I bet the woods at Everdusk are much prettier than ours.”
“You too?” Nancy says, flipping a page of her magazine. “Robin said she dodged it for ages, but then Eddie agreed and she felt forced to go.”
“And then Argyle agreed and I felt forced.” He rolls on top of her, burrowing his face between her shoulder blades until she grunts. “Will you come too? I don’t know if I’ll survive without you.”
“Robin said that, too.” She sighs, puts the magazine down, and wriggles around so they’re face to face. “Camping just isn’t my thing,” she says, as if it’s even remotely Jonathan’s thing either. “I didn’t go back whenever Steve and I were dating. Going now feels strange.”
“Why is it strange? It won't just be the two of you – it’s a group thing.”
“Why not let it be a bonding experience for you boys? And Robin.”
“Nance, you don’t understand. Steve will be there.”
“Oh, yeah.” Nancy nods and knits her eyebrows into mock seriousness. “Very audacious of him to be at the camping trip he’s organizing.”
He laughs. “You know what I mean. He’ll be there, and he’ll have Robin and Eddie, whom I don’t know at all, and I’ll have Argyle. I need you there for balance.”
“What if I go rogue and create a third faction with Robin?”
“We’d still be balanced.”
Nancy heaves a sigh. “Look,” she says, pushing him off whilst grabbing for her magazine, nearly slipping down the bedspread. “I just really don’t want to go camping, okay?”
“Guess that makes three of us.”
Her painted lips twist into an almost-smile. She’s about to speak when a bang sounds from downstairs. She snaps towards her closed door, like a hound catching scent; her shoulders tense and jaw clenches as the noise is followed by voices – Mike’s and maybe Dustin’s? – shouting. Amongst the muffled screams, Karen calls for Nancy to “please come down and help”.
Nancy’s entire face clenches – jaw, mouth, eyes – whilst she rubs at her temples with her middle and pointer fingers. A groan slithers out her mouth. Jonathan sits, offering his hand to pull her with.
“You know,” he says. “There won’t be any little brothers in the forest.”
She glares at him, though her heart’s not in it, and then they both rush downstairs to face the ruckus.
— ⛺ — ⛺ — ⛺ —
“How did I end up here?”
Eddie folds his hands behind his head and stares at the ceiling. There used to be a poster there above the bed, but it’s since been ripped off, the tape taking flakes of paint with it and leaving beige spots in the white ceiling. He can’t remember what kind of poster it was.
“Depends on what ‘here’ is,” Jeff says without looking up from his acoustic. He strums experimentally, and shakes his head at the resulting sound. “My house? You drove.”
“How did I end up being the kind of person who goes camping with Steve Harrington?”
“Luck? Destiny? I’ve no idea, man.” Jeff goes back to plucking scales. “You know I don’t like existential questions – they’ve got no clear answer.”
Eddie scrunches his nose. “I hate the outdoors.”
“So don’t go?”
“But I like spending time with Steve, and Robin. And Nancy, apparently? And I do want to get to know Jonathan and his pattern-christened compatriot.”
“Okay.” Jeff positions the guitar back on its stand, then leans forward with his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes are gaining that same sharpness as when he’s considering his choices, weighing them on an invisible scale. When DMing, Eddie quite likes that sharpness; right now the hollows of his knees are starting to get clammy. “What do you want from me here? Tell you to go? Not to go? Go and how to survive slash not make a fool out of yourself? What do you need?”
“I don’t know!” Eddie throws his hands into the air. “I’m digesting!”
Jeff hums. Goddamnit, Eddie should’ve gone to Gareth instead. Gareth would’ve let him complain for an hour tops and then thrown something at his head with a “suck it up and shut up”. He would not have tried to help solve the problem (the not-problem – there is no problem). Because Gareth is considerate like that, unlike Jeff, the bastard.
“Why did you agree to do this?” Jeff asks. “And don’t say it’s because you want to hang out with them – you already do. Constantly. Us guys have actually started to feel a little bit replaced.” He cocks his head askew, adding softly: “It’s kinda hurtful, you know?”
It’s instinctual, how Eddie rolls off the bed so fast he nearly brains himself on the side table. His knees thunk against the carpet and then he’s crawling up to Jeff on all fours. He grabs Jeff’s hand, and Jeff lets it be grabbed, fingers curling around Eddie’s.
“Don’t say that! Jeff, don’t ever say that! I could never- you had my back for years, whenever no one else would, okay?” His eyes bore into Jeff’s as he squeezes his hand. “Nothing can replace that. We’re still the same, yeah? I’m yours and you’re mine. It’s just that, lately I’ve needed… ”
“I know.” Jeff waves his free hand in the air. “Whatever went down in March, you need to work it through. With them.”
“I will tell you about it, sometime,” Eddie says but doesn’t quite promise. He isn’t yet sure it’d be a good idea for them to know, now, later, or ever.
He doesn’t have to promise, though, because Jeff is already smiling, placated.
“All right. So. Why did you agree-”
He interrupts himself with a chuckle as Eddie spins around and faceplants on the bed, groaning into the unwashed mattress. It really was a bad idea to talk to Jeff. To be a problem-solver is one thing, but to be so relentless about it, too? It’s rude.
“It was just…” The words come out muffled; Eddie slides his face down an inch to release them. A stray feather sticking out of the down comforter ends up poking him in the cheek. “He was so excited about it. You should’ve seen him! He kept looking at me with these eyes and my brain went frtzz.” He wiggles his fingers by his temple to illustrate. “Next thing I know, I’ve pledged to spend one of my treasured three-day weekends in the wilderness.”
“I get it.”
Eddie looks over his shoulder at Jeff, who’s picked up the guitar again and started playing the intro to Electric Funeral. The feather pokes his ear now. “You do?”
“Yeah. I’m not into dudes, but he’s got this, like, guy-prettiness to him? I’d definitely agree to doing something stupid just ‘cause a hot chick suggested it.”
Eddie grunts in reply. Plucking the feather from the comforter, he starts pulling off the barbs while Jeff plays. Finishing the first verse, Jeff’s eyes flicker from the fret to meet Eddie’s.
“So, did you want survival advice?”
Eddie snorts. “Think I’m better off asking Wayne.”
“Hm, yeah. Or don’t. Play up the helpless angle, let Harrington be the big, manly hero who-”
“Jesus Christ, shut up.”
Jeff snickers. “Okay. Hey, are you nervous?”
Eddie rips the last barb off the shaft. The downy bits lie scattered on his thigh and, without them, the shaft looks unrecognizable. Almost alien. His head is cool, his breaths are slow, and his gut is housing a raging storm. He flicks the bare shaft across the room, shaking his head.
“Why would I be?”
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La continuation
Tag list: @santasteve, @madaboutmunson
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 13: Concerning Wolves
Sitting in Jame's office is a strange mix between having a candid conversation with an older friend and being in trouble I'm the principal's office.
"Young lady, I trust you know that you're about to embark on a rather tumultuous experience right?", his drawl was a bit more serious than usual. "This ain't like the movies where you know how things will turn out either.....things can go so far down south right into hell now that the Astartes are involved."
Remembering what had happened the night before, the circumstances of Grandpa's murder, and what I've seen, I had no excuses to ignore the dangers. "Yeah, I can see...... listen if it's about Jeff....and Fjord tossing the patrol car, he was trying to protect me. I didn't ask him to throw the car at Jeff a-", Jame's eyebrows arched up.
"He did what?", apparently he hadn't been told about that.
"Fuk. Well anyway....Jeff pulled his gun on me thinking I was someone trying to attack on him or something and Fjord reacted to protect. He was just doing his duty.", I could tell James was already going to reiterate the responsibility. A heavy sigh slide through his lips once more.
"It's ok, however Fjord's going to have to be kept on a tight leash and control himself around folks or he's gonna have to stay home. Do you understand me?", his tone felt like there was something else underneath.
"Ok...I understand sir....also....how....long you've known about all of this?", I ask only of curiosity...if he wasn't willing to tell me than that fine too.
James relaxed his seriousness and mellowed abit, taking out a photo album. "They've been here far longer than I have kid, in fact Aldercon was my great grandfather's Astartes. Way back when folks had come here for free land. He told me that Aldercon had come from the sky, landed squarely in the heart of the Wyoming wilderness. He was shellshocked, covered head to toe in blood and dirt....I remember stories of my grandfather and Aldercon, as wild as the tales of Paul Bunyan and Babe. The two had become folk legends out in the ol' West."
He opened the book to show me the first page, it was a collection of aged, photos from the late 1800's. One of the pictures was of Jame's grandfather, he really did come from an American lineage of cowboys. He was far more rugged than James however... I glanced at the tall, stockier man in a much more humble looking uniform, same black fist on his pauldron too. "Holy shit, this can't be him...for one he's smiling, and second, I thought -", I could see James giving me a look that said 'but you didn't '.
I could see a tiny difference between him from this photo and now. I can tell his hair was darker, I can definitely see that thousand yard stare of a man who's seen war, and his armor was slightly different from the Marines back at the fort.
James turned the page, this was one was a genuine surprise. "Even your great grandfather, had one.", next to him was a man fresh off the boat from Eastern Europe, my Great grandfather, dad for some reason or another was reluctant to tell me his real name...he kept calling him "Big George", after the Butcher Boy George from Hungarian folk lore. Then right next to him, probably helped bag a rather ominous looking bear, was Sten. That white stripe on his head wasn't present, he didn't change as much as Aldercon. This picture was even more older than James's granddad's photo.
"You see Lorey, they've been around for a while now....lord knows for how long though.". He began to reminisce about the past.
The implications of these Marines having been around is giving my inner history buff a massive concern. "Well....it would be extremely stupid to try to bargain the fact I thought they joking, but I'm starting to see...I take it this will be more complicated?".
He looks up at me, "Yes ... because just like with basic folks like us, there are bad folks....that big black one your grandpa wasn't lucky with....is one of them...there seems to be at least five or so kinds out there based on my sources.....one of them is out there right now reeking havoc near highly populated campsites..... Aldercon told me Sten and Toke will be in disposed of for the next week.... meanwhile have Fjord keep a sharp nose out for that one...it's the fastest I've seen of these ones....I'm not too familiar with the either...so I'm giving you a very special assignment. I need you to put your research training to go use."
He handed me a small leather bound journal.
"Keep track of them, now....let's go have some grub.", he gets up from his chair and pats my shoulder.
I sat there feeling something complex in me, I'm....going to catalog them? I open the journal and I SWEAR James has been screwing with me at least to this point....this journal aestheticly looked a DnD character sheet of it focused on identifying and profiling. I place it in my inner jacket pocket. "What the shit....", I still wasn't too sure of my role in all of this....I could understand why now.
I'm just part of a lineage of....marine handlers? I don't know.....
As I leave the room, I see the Fjord was getting a lesson in paper football from one of the volunteers.
James takes the desk bell and rings it to call the attention of everyone in the center. "Ladies, Gentlemen and folks. I would like to make an announcement, as of now. Be on high alert for any unusual activity. Anything and everything in regards to disappearances of livestock and or people, property damage of unexplained or unusual nature, and any purported sightings of creatures of unknown origin...I.e...NOT BIG FOOT.... We'll have to be reported to me, Lorey and Ronnie for the time being.
I figured Ronnie also got the information, I look at him and he was a little more on edge than I was.
Fjord, definitely knew what this whole deal was about.
With a ringing of the doorbell to the nursery, Shelly has brought in some new little guests.
"Oh guys come and see! The babies are opening their eyes!", Shelly, Ronnie and I have been researching the local wolf packs in the area and monitoring their behavior. One of the females under our care have recently gave birth a few days ago.
I check in the box as Shelly laid it on the table, 5 beautiful cubs. In their state, they're roughly two to three weeks old. As helpless as human babies. "Fjord, would you like to see them?"
He was a little curious, he walked over to see the five cubs. ".... they're so....small.... they're...just wee little things...".
I could see he was trying to piece together something....not certain what, but from my perspective he was wonder struck.
As the cubs peeped and whimpered, as all cubs do, one has just opened it's eyes. Showing a pair of smokey blue irises. Than, Fjord did something I wasn't expecting him to do. He gently placed his hand next to one of the cubs. "... interesting...."
"Oh careful please, they're fragile little ones.", Shelly had all the right to worry. These may have been wild animals, but even young wild animals need to be treated carefully.
His finger alone dwarfed the cub, he was so still and so focused. By this point I completely lost in what could he be possibly thinking. A little cub wiggled right on top of his finger, using it as a heated pillow.
Fjord, let out a soft but eerily convincing howl, low enough that it could be considered an indoor voice, but it was very real. All the cubs let out their first howls, right there, all with varying skill and ability. But every single one had howled for the first time in their lives.
The room was quite, understandably, this was extremely weird for everyone.
Anderson decided to break the moment, "ugh...yeah I'd like to report something.".
"Anderson hush.", James to the rescue. "Fjord seems to understand these pups pretty well.
Shelly was mesmerized, "Oh my gosh, they all just did that at the same time. In all my years here, I have never seen something so amazing before."
I kept looking at Fjord, if I could read minds, this would be a great time to use it.
After a few hours of everyone enjoying their food, drink and few games. I sat with Fjord in the back of the room.
I sipped the last of my ginger ale, I still couldn't get his expression out of my mind. "Fjord. That thing you did with the howl ....can...you explain that to me?"
He sat there, lips wrapped around a rib bone. "Oh, that....it just...why are yeh wolves so small? I mean, I seen some out there in the forest and yonder ....I'm use to the wolves back home. Ferocious and mighty beasts, equivalent to Astartes! Strong enough to bare us and ride into battle. The cubs from thosd wolves are just a wee bit smaller than your fully grown ones. They're born with their teeth already out. These ones.... they're.... just wee bairns...".
I still didn't really get it. "Ugh, you mean...you're confused on why they're small.....?", I ask.
He takes out the bone from his mouth, "I mean....why do they remind me of mortal children? Small, helpless.... fragile...".
The tone he took had felt familiar, it was the same tone I used when my expectations would be challenged. "Wait...are you telling me you're disappointed by our wolves?", I satirically question him.
"No lass, it's just.....they remind me of....well....me... before I became an Astartes. The wee one ....it had blue eyes....I ....use to have the same eyes.", that last comment took me a little to figure out he was actually feeling.
It was self reflection. I just gave this guy a massive 'thing' to think about.
"well, all wolf pups have blue eyes when they're born, than as they grow, they change colors... mostly to yellow, amber or green.", looked to the room watching everyone enjoying themselves.
I suddenly felt him gently pull the side of my jaw, making me face him directly.
"Interesting....you have green eyes.", he bluntly stated.
I could feel my heart pounding by this point, we just both intensely looked into each other's eyes. I didn't know what it was, but something about the way he kept looking at me, just burning into my soul, felt strange...yet I liked it...it wasn't human either....
"ugh....this feels a little bit....um.", I didn't want to be mean about the situation by calling it 'cheesy' or 'corny'.
"----Hey you guys want t-", Jonas broke the tension for the both of us. "oooooh you two were?", she gave a cheeky grin.
"Jonas! You scared me.", again I had no idea what to say but hey it was something.
Fjord snapped out of his stare and looked to Jonas, "oh hey lass, to do what?"
Jonas chuckled a little, "it's almost time to close up the station and let the night crew in. We're heading down to the bar tonight actually. Why don't you bring your kegs too, Franky doesn't mind it."
I had completely forgotten about those two kegs, if Fjord sticks to the. He could save me a little of money.
"Ah I could use a drink, I've been parched for some for a little while lass.", he looks to me as a way of asking for approval by this point.
"ok fine.", I lean in to whisper in his ear. "Please behave yourself, Aldercon's orders."
He looks at me was a smoldering look, leans into my ear, "I'll do my best.".
I have no idea why, but the way he whispered into my ear shot the best feeling in the pit of my being.
End of log 13
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets
@gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster
16 notes · View notes
gravity-barbie · 2 years
Taking the Hargreeves camping HCs
Request @tainted-petals
This can be read as romantic or platonic (except Five’s)
Luther Hargreeves
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-You get the idea to take Luther camping when he mentions he had always wanted to go to summer camp as a kid, it’s not the same thing (especially considering the more dedicated way you do it) but he lights up at the suggestion and the plans in motion
-He loves doing things like this, well not this specifically, but making up for all the experiences he had missed while cooped up in the academy, camping was probably already on his new bucket list
-Luther did some research before hand, both to be safe and hopefully impress you, and when it comes to every skill from setting up a tent, fishing, foraging and so on, he’s either an instant pro or completely inept, there’s no in between
-He’s more handy than not and he’s a good sport about helping with the moor tiring aspects of camping too, plus, with him around you can go even deeper into nature than usual with the reassuring knowledge that your companion could take on a bear if necessary
-He absolutely loves camping cuisine, cooking over an open fire, catching his own fish, and he swears something about the wilderness air just makes it taste better
-He actually really likes being surrounded by nature, there’s a similar peacefulness to it like what he felt on the moon, but he also feels more free, and confident, and capable than he ever has before
Diego Hargreeves
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-Considering Diego’s whole macho-act you’re honestly shocked to learn he’s never been camping, he’s in turn offended by your surprise which makes it very easy to convince him to go with you, feeling the need to prove himself
-You wouldn’t know he lacked experience with how confident he starts acting once you’re in the forest, he like skimmed an article about camping and suddenly thinks he’s Bear Grylls
-To be fair, he is a natural at enduring the great outdoors, athletic, resourceful, hands-on, and he’s one of those people that kind of likes the challenge of it, and the chance to test his survival skills (and show them off)
-It takes him a bit of time to let his guard down but once he does, the experience oddly relaxes him and has him more willing to be vulnerable and open with you than usual
-He’s a fan of the freeing aspect of the activity, the open space, all the spare time, the relative solitude, all the things he’s usually denied by his city life
-Bringing him was definitely a good idea, it’s not really the type of thing he would decide to do on his own but it really suits him, he realises pretty quickly that he could see himself going again, maybe even trying hiking or something next time
Allison Hargreeves
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-Not exactly the outdoorsy type, Allison is hesitant when you bring up the idea, only agreeing because it’s you, and even then she (unsuccessfully) tries to bargain for more high-tech camping gear
-Despite her disinterest, she is actually very good at many of the practical matters, chopping wood, tying tough knots, building a tent, they’re all child’s play for someone who grew up as she did
-As she isn’t entertained by the nature or work alone, she’s more talkative than usual, get ready for a lot of 20-questions like games and personal inquiries, if nothing else she does appreciate the opportunity to get to know each other better
-She can’t help herself from bringing some homey touches to cozy up your tent, which she does actually have fun with, it reminds her of the forts she’d occasionally make when she was younger
-Despite her reservations, she finds herself unwinding and really enjoying herself as you sit around a campfire, making smores and opening up about yourselves
-She does really like the ‘unplugged’ aspect of camping, it feels amazing to be completely out of the limelight, it’s the most peace she’s had in years
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus doesn’t necessarily know if he wants to brave the great outdoors, but he’s slept in enough alleyways throughout his life that he figures it shouldn’t be that much of a challenge and agrees to go pretty easily
-Normally he would avoid this potential discomfort, but now trying to live off the land makes him feel like he’s getting in touch with his Amish roots, which is something he wants to experience at least once
-He’s still a bit of a complainer though, pawning off as much of the hard stuff onto you as you’ll let him get away with, and most his attempts at hard labour are best described as comical
-Despite that, his whimsical personality is a nice edition to have, it makes the occasionally tedious tasks so much easier to get through, and each memory will be way more colourful with him around
-Being surrounded by nature really brings out the adventurer in him, he’s very eager to drag you off to explore, but keep an eye on him because he will get lost otherwise
-His inner flower-child does really enjoy all the freedom and spontaneity of the activity, he’s half-joking about how he’s one with the wind and all that, but overall he probably wouldn’t go camping again for a long while
Five Hargreeves
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-At first Five rejects the idea, having spent more than enough time cut off from civilisation, but with his ‘retirement’ he’s opening himself up to new possibilities and decides to take you up on your offer, actually going into it with quite an open mind
-He does put a lot of care into planning though, and on top of that picks a campsite near a landmark he’d like to visit, because he is trying to turn this into a full blown road trip
-He has top tier survivalist skills, and can easily keep up with your more natural camping style, he could probably even teach you a life hack or two
-But he has a much better time when he’s experiencing new things, he enjoys learning to fish, he loves spotting animals, having rarely seen any up close throughout his life, and he finds he’s a huge fan of s’mores
-He’s less of a fan of the poor sleeping conditions and might keep you up for a while with his complaining
-The trip does a lot to reduce all the stress he’s been carrying, from the atmosphere, the lack of pressure to be productive, and just for once in his life being able to do something recreationally, suffice to say he’s glad he let you talk him into this
Viktor Hargreeves
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-You are not surprised to learn Viktor’s never been camping, he isn’t one to step out of his comfort zone, however if anything you find camping to have a positive effect on your mental health which is something he sorely needs, so you decide to invite him along on your next trip
-He is a little weary (to be fair he hasn’t had the best experience going to secluded parts of the woods with people), but he trusts you, and you could talk him into just about anything so he gets on board
-He struggles a little with some of the physical challenges like making the tent and fire, but the two of you laugh it off, and he’s a quick learner once you give him a few pointers
-There’s actually something empowering about this experience for him, from learning all these new skills, overcoming obstacles and getting in touch with his instincts
-He does prefer the quieter moments, really appreciating the intimate atmosphere, when’s he’s laying on the ground, gazing at the stars and just listening to the running stream in between conversing with you
-It also provides a nice environment to practice his music, he’s at ease, inspired by the scenery and is playing the best he has in a while, which is also a nice source of entertainment for you
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clarktooncrossing · 9 months
Didn't Wanna Feel Older in 2024? TOO LATE!
So long, 2023! You have been a weird-@$$ year to say the least. Between by having to repair old thumb drives, purchase a new printer, finding out I'm susceptible to anxiety attacks, trying out dating for the first time, getting my Discord and Steam account hacked, starting a new Discord server since said account was never unhacked, opened myself up to commissions, managed to post art for Halloween, got Covid, summoned more Kaijus to play an elaborate game of poker, and had a merry enough Christmas. Here's hoping 2024 will prove better. At the moment I have no new goals, since I just want to relax after four months of constantly being active. There's a mile of books, movies, and TV shows I need to get caught up on! My opinions on all of them will be given in future Giraffe's Eye Views, but for now let's get to what you all came here for: yet another unnecessarily long list of things celebrating major milestones this year!
You all loved it when I did this last year. In fact it got more attention that anything else I posted, including the original art I put way more effort and time into. Nah, that didn't sting at all. Seeing my sketches get ignored is so much fun. Passive-aggressive joking aside, I do still love making these lists, so let's get started with some major stuff this year.
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Thanksgiving wasn't too long ago, so why not mention that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade turns 100 this year? I know, that's insane! Watching this festive event has become a seasonal staple in my house and is the only reason I've ever signed up for Peacock. Thank goodness in all those years it hasn't been smashed by a giant monster.
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Godzilla turns 70 freak'n years old this year! How crazy insane is that? Here's hoping his old age won't slow him down when he teams up with King Kong this April. Even if it does, Gojira will continue being cinema's coolest character!
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Contrasting with the King of the Monsters, Mary Poppins turns 60 years old this year. This movie, considered to be Walt's last masterpiece, has aged considerably well even after all this time.
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Oh yeah, and Mickey Mouse enters the public domain this year. Still not entirely sure how that works, but whatever. What I do know is...
Anything from 1974 turns 50 this year. That includes-
The Fort Wilderness Resort (January 1st)
Happy Days (January 15th)
Blazing Saddles (February 7th)
"Waterloo" by ABBA (March 4th)
“Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot (March 25th)
"Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan (April 25th)
Herbie Rides Again (June 6th)
"Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd (June 24th)
America Sings (June 29th)
Gone in 60 Seconds (July 28th)
Hong Kong Phooey (September 7th)
Shazam! (TV series) (September 7th)
Little House on the Prairie (September 11th)
Wolverine debuted in The Incredible Hulk #180 (October)
Arkham Asylum makes its first appearance in Batman #258 (October)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (October 11th)
Phantom of the Paradise (October 31st)
Earthquake (November 15th)
The Year Without a Santa Claus (December 10th)
Young Frankenstein (December 15th)
The Godfather Part II (December 20th)
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, Too! (December 20th)
The Island at the Top of the World (December 20th)
An Adaptation of Dickens' Christmas Carol, Performed by The Walt Disney Players
“Bennie and the Jets” by Elton John
"Hooked On A Feeling" by Blue Swede
“The Loco-Motion” by Grand Funk Railroad
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Anything from 1979 turns 45 this year. That includes-
Captain America (The TV movie) (January 19th)
The Dukes of Hazzard (January 26th)
The Warriors (February 9th)
John Carpenter's Elvis (February 11th)
Hair (March 14th)
"In the Navy" by the Village People (March 17th)
The Bad News Bears (March 24th)
Phantasm (March 28th)
"We Are Family" by Sister Sledge (April)
Nickelodeon (April 1st)
"Boogie Wonderland" by Earth, Wind, & Fire (May 6th)
Alien (May 25th)
Rocky II (June 15th)
"My Sharona" by The Knacks (June 18th)
The Muppet Movie (June 22nd) - THIS MOVIE SLAPS!
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (June 27th)
The Amityville Horror (July 27th)
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC (July 27th)
Apocalypse Now (August 15th)
"Don't Bring Me Down" by Electric Light Orchestra (August 24th)
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (September 2nd)
The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie (September 14th)
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (September 22nd)
Spider-Woman (TV show) (September 22nd)
The Black Stallion (October 17th)
Atari's Asteroids (November)
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (November 6th)
Pink Floyd's The Wall (November 30th)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (December 7th)
1971 (December 14th)
The Jerk (December 14th)
The Black Hole (December 20th)
Mickey Mouse Disco
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Anything from 1984 turns 40 this year. That includes-
The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man (January)
Night Court (January 4th)
"Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions (February 3rd)
Footloose (February 17th)
Nintendo's Punch-Out!! (February 17th)
"Eat It" by Weird Al Yankovic (February 28th)
Splash (March 9th)
Children of the Corn (March 9th)
Run DMC (March 27th)
Romancing the Stone (March 30th)
The Toxic Avenger (April 11th)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (April 13th)
My Little Pony: Rescue at Midnight Castle (April 14th)
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister (April 27th)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise (May)
Marvel's Secret Wars (May)
Spider-Man's Black Suit debuted in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May)
"What's Love Got to Do with It" by Tina Turner (May 1st)
WHAM!'s Make It Big (May 14th)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (May 23rd)
Once Upon a Time in America (June 1st)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (June 1st)
Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. (June 4th)
Ghostbusters (June 8th)
Gremlins (June 8th)
The Karate Kid (June 22nd)
Prince's Purple Rain (June 25th)
Conan the Destroyer (June 29th)
The Last Starfighter (July 13th)
The Muppets Take Manhattan (July 13th)
The NeverEnding Story (July 20th)
The Adventures of Andre & Wally B. (July 25th)
Dragon's Lair (TV show) (September 8th)
Voltron (September 10th)
Muppet Babies (September 15th)
Miami Vice (September 16th)
The Transformers Franchise (September 17th)
Murder, She Wrote (September 30th)
Thomas & Friends (October 9th)
Fist of the North Star (anime) (October 11th)
"We Belong" by Pat Benatar (October 16th)
The Terminator (October 26th)
"Like a Virgin" by Madonna (October 31st)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (November 16th)
Supergirl (movie) (November 21st)
Beverly Hills Cop (December 5th)
Hydlide (December 13th)
Starman (December 14th)
Frankenweenie (December 14th)
Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (December 19th)
The Country Bear Christmas Special (December 19th)
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Anything from 1989 turns 35 this year. That includes-
The Arsenio Hall Show (January 3rd)
Gotham by Gaslight (February)
SimCity (February)
LJN's Friday the 13th for NES (February)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (February 17th)
The Toxic Avenger Part II (February 24th)
"Like a Prayer" by Madonna (March 3rd)
Quantum Leap (March 26th)
The Jim Henson Hour (April 14th)
Ranma 1/2 (April 15th)
Pet Sematary (April 21st)
Nintendo's Super Mario Land (April 21st)
Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever (April 24th)
Dragon Ball Z (April 26th)
Disney's Hollywood Studios (formally Disney-MGM Studios) (May 1st)
Disney's Pleasure Island (May 1st)
The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (May 7th)
Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES (May 12th)
Road House (May 19th)
"Bust a Move" by Young MC (May 22nd)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (May 24th)
Typhoon Lagoon (June 1st)
Dead Poets Society (June 9th)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (June 9th)
Tales from the Crypt (June 10th)
Ghostbusters II (June 16th)
Roger Rabbit in Tummy Trouble (June 23rd)
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (June 23rd)
Tim Burton's Batman (June 23rd)
The Karate Kid Part III (June 30th)
Do the Right Thing (June 30th)
Weekend at Bernie's (July 5th)
Seinfeld (July 5th)
Lethal Weapon 2 (July 7th)
When Harry Met Sally… (July 14th)
Splash Mountain (July 17th)
UHF (July 21st)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (July 28th)
Kiki's Delivery Service (July 29th)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (August 11th)
"Pump Up the Jam" by Technotronic (August 18th)
Saved by the Bell (August 20th)
"The Best" by Tina Turner (August 21st)
Little Monsters (August 25th)
LJN's Back to the Future on NES (September)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (September 4th)
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (September 4th)
American Gladiators (September 9th)
Captain N: The Game Master (September 9th)
Beetlejuice: The Animated Series (September 9th)
LJN's Who Framed Roger Rabbit for NES (September 14th)
Capcom's DuckTales for NES (September 14th)
Doogie Howser, M.D (September 19th)
Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 (September 19th)
Baywatch (September 22nd)
Family Matters (September 22nd)
Penn & Teller Get Killed (September 22nd)
Capcom's DuckTales for NES (October)
Neil Young's Freedom (October 2nd)
Prince of Persia for Apple II (October 3rd)
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (October 13th)
The Little Mermaid (November 17th)
All Dogs Go to Heaven (November 17th)
Prancer (November 17th)
Back to the Future Part II (November 22nd)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (November 24th)
America's Funniest Home Videos (November 26th)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (December 1st)
The Wizard (December 15th)
The Simpsons (December 17th)
Konami's Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse on NES (December 22nd)
Fester's Quest for NES
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Anything from 1994 turns 30 this year. That includes-
You're in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown (January 18th)
The Critic (January 26th)
Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin (January 26th)
"Baby, I Love Your Way" by Big Mountain (February 1st)
Green Day's Dookie (February 1st)
Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog 3 for Genesis (February 2nd)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (February 4th)
Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego? (February 5th)
Aladdin: The Series (February 6th)
The Busy World of Richard Scarry (March 9th)
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (March 18th)
Nintendo's Super Metroid for SNES (March 19th)
Food Rocks (March 26th)
Thumbelina (March 30th)
Final Fantasy VI (April 2nd)
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (April 15th)
All That (April 16th)
Doom II for MS-DOS (May 5th)
The Stand (May 8th)
Weezer's Blue Album (May 10th)
The Crow (May 13th)
The Return of Jafar and Disney Direct-to-Home Sequels as a whole (May 20th)
Beverly Hills Cop III (May 25th)
The Flintstones (May 27th)
Speed (June 10th)
The Lion King (June 15th)
Forrest Gump (July 6th)
Angels in the Outfield (July 15th)
True Lies (July 15th)
Black Beauty (July 29th)
The Mask (July 29th)
The Little Rascals (August 5th)
"Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex (August 12th)
EarthBound for SNES (August 27th)
VR Troopers (September 3rd)
Street Sharks (September 7th)
The Magic School Bus (September 10th)
The Tick (September 10th)
Quiz Show (September 14th)
Léon: The Professional (September 14th)
Tekken (September 21st)
Friends (September 22nd)
The Shawshank Redemption (September 23rd)
Ed Wood (September 27th)
Earthworm Jim (October)
Spider-Man's Infamous Clone Saga (October)
A Troll in Central Park (October 7th)
Pulp Fiction (October 14th)
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (October 14th)
Sega's Sonic & Knuckles for Genesis (October 18th)
Clerks (October 19th)
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (October 22nd)
Gargoyles (October 24th)
Gullah Gullah Island (October 24th)
Killer Instinct (October 28th)
Mortal Kombat II (November)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (November 4th)
In Search of Dr. Seuss (November 6th)
The Santa Clause (November 11th)
Rare's Donkey Kong Country for SNES (November 18th)
Miracle on 34th Street remake (November 18th)
Star Trek Generations (November 18th)
The Swan Princess (November 18th)
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (November 19th)
Disney's Greatest Hits on Ice (November 25th)
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (December 12th)
The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure (December 13th)
Dumb and Dumber (December 16th)
Richie Rich (December 21st)
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (December 25th)
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Anything from 1999 turns 25 this year. That includes-
Ed, Edd n Eddy (January 4th)
Batman Beyond (January 10th)
The Sopranos (January 10th)
Jon Stewart becomes host of The Daily Show (January 11th)
Disney's All-Star Movies Resort (January 15th)
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for N64 (January 21st)
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (and a crap load of other Disney Channel Original movies for that matter) (January 23rd)
Zoboomafoo (January 25th)
"My Name Is" by Eminem (January 25th)
Family Guy (January 31st)
Square's Final Fantasy VIII for PS1 (February 11th)
The Planet's Funniest Animals (February 17th)
October Sky (February 19th)
Office Space (February 19th)
Konami's Silent Hill for PS1 (February 23rd)
Batman: No Man's Land (March)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (March)
Pepsiman for PS1 (March 4th)
Test Trak (March 17th)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (March 22nd)
Doug's 1st (and only) Movie (March 26th)
"Livin' la Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin (March 27th)
The Matrix (March 31st)
"I Want It That Way" by The Backstreet Boys (April 12th)
"What's My Age Again?" by blink-182 (April 13th)
Mickey Mouse Works (May 1st)
SpongeBob SquarePants (May 1st)
The Mummy (May 7th)
"Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera (May 11th)
Aliens Versus Predator (game) (May 13th)
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (May 19th)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (ride) (June 4th)
Disney Sing Along Songs: Flik's Musical Adventure at Disney's Animal Kingdom (June 8th)
Smash Mouth's Astro Lounge and their hit "All Star" (June 8th)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (June 11th)
Tarzan (June 18th)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (June 30th)
Wild Wild West (June 30th)
American Pie (July 9th)
The Blair Witch Project (July 14th)
Muppets from Space (July 14th)
Eyes Wide Shut (July 16th)
Inspector Gadget (July 23rd)
Deep Blue Sea (July 28th)
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith (July 29th)
The Iron Giant (August 6th)
The Sixth Sense (August 6th)
Rocket Power (August 16th)
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (the American version) (August 16th)
Dragon Tales (September 6th)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (September 20th)
The West Wing (September 22nd)
Capcom's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for PS1 (September 22nd)
Freaks and Geeks (September 25th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein (September 28th)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (September 29th)
Journey into YOUR Imagination (October 1st)
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (October 1st)
Spider-Man Unlimited (October 2nd)
Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost (October 5th)
Fight Club (October 15th)
Namco's Pac-Man World (October 15th)
The Amanda Show (October 16th)
The Nuttiest Nutcracker (October 19th)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (October 22nd)
Ubisoft's Rayman 2: The Great Escape (October 29th)
Insomniac's Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! for PS1 (November 2nd)
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (November 9th)
Courage the Cowardly Dog (November 12th)
Square's Chrono Cross for PS1 (November 18th)
Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow (November 19th)
Nintendo's Pokémon Gold and Silver for Gameboy Advance (November 21st)
Toy Story 2 (November 24th)
Fantasia 2000 (December 17th)
Stuart Little (December 17th)
Wakko's Wish (December 21st)
Man on the Moon (December 22nd)
Galaxy Quest (December 25th)
Asia at Disney's Animal Kingdom
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Anything from 2004 turns 20 this year. That includes-
Winnie the Pooh: Un-Valentine's Day (January 6th)
Teacher's Pet: The Movie (January 16th)
The Butterfly Effect (January 23rd)
The Lion King 1 1/2 (February 9th)
50 First Dates (February 13th)
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (February 14th)
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane (February 16th)
Clifford's Really Big Movie (February 20th)
Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures for Gamecube (March 18th)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (March 19th)
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (March 26th)
Home on the Range (April 2nd)
Danny Phantom (April 3rd) - Screw Butch Hartman, but this show still rocks!
Hellboy (April 2nd)
Ella Enchanted (April 9th)
Kill Bill: Volume 2 (April 16th)
Nintendo's Pikmin 2 for Gamecube (April 29th)
Super Size Me (May 7th)
Van Helsing (May 7th)
Shrek 2 (May 19th)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (May 31st)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (June)
DC's Identity Crisis (June)
Garfield: The Movie (June 11th)
Napoleon Dynamite (June 11th)
"My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne (June 14th)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (June 18th)
Phil of the Future (June 18th)
The Notebook (June 25th)
Spider-Man 2 (June 30th)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (July 9th)
"Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson (July 19th)
Nintendo's Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube (July 22nd)
Catwoman (July 23rd)
The Bourne Supremacy (July 23rd)
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (July 30th)
Justice League Unlimited (July 31st)
Blue's Room (August 2nd)
Alien vs. Predator (film) (August 13th)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (August 13th)
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (August 17th)
Brandy & Mr. Whiskers (August 21st)
The Batman (show) (September 11th)
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (September 12th)
Higglytown Heroes (September 13th)
Sly 2: Band of Thieves for PS2 (September 14th)
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (September 18th)
Star Wars: Battlefront (September 21st)
Green Day's American Idiot (September 21st)
Lost (September 22nd)
Shark Tale (October 1st)
Drew Carey's Green Screen Show (October 7th)
Surviving Christmas (October 22nd)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (October 26th)
Saw (October 29th)
Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal for PS2 (November 2nd)
The Incredibles (November 5th)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (November 9th)
Halo 2 (November 9th)
Naughty Dog's Jak 3 for PS2 (November 9th)
The Polar Express (November 10th)
The Sims 2 (November 14th)
Stitch's Great Escape (November 16th)
Turtle Talk with Crush (November 16th)
Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.! (November 16th)
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (November 16th)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (November 17th)
Half-Life 2 (November 18th)
National Treasure (November 19th)
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (November 19th)
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (November 19th)
Howl's Moving Castle (November 20th)
Nintendo DS (November 21st)
World of Warcraft (November 23rd)
Christmas with the Kranks (November 24th)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (December 6th)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for Gameboy Advance (December 7th)
PlayStation Portable (PSP) (December 12th)
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (December 17th)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (December 25th)
Shaun of the Dead
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Anything from 2009 turns 15 this year. That includes-
Hotel for Dogs (January 16th)
Wolverine and the X-Men (January 23rd)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (January 16th)
Coraline (February 6th)
Friday the 13th (remake) (February 13th)
Halo Wars (February 26th)
Sega's Sonic and the Black Knight for Wii (March 3th)
Capcom's Resident Evil 5 (March 5th)
Zack Snyder's Watchmen (March 6th)
Power Rangers RPM (March 7th)
Race to Witch Mountain (March 13th)
The Secret of Kells (March 19th)
Monsters vs. Aliens (March 27th)
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (April 2009)
Special Agent Oso (April 4th)
Parks and Recreation (April 9th)
Dragonball Evolution (April 10th)
Iron Man: Armored Adventures (April 24th)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1st)
Plants vs. Zombies (May 5th)
Star Trek (remake) (May 8th)
Terminator Salvation (May 21st)
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story (May 22nd)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (May 22nd)
Up (May 29th)
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (June 1st)
The Sims 3 (June 2nd)
The Hangover (June 5th)
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (June 9th)
"I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas (June 15th)
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (June 16th)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (June 24th)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (July 1st)
"Fireflies" by Owl City (July 14th)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 15th)
G-Force (July 24th)
(500) Days of Summer (August 7th)
District 9 (August 14th)
The Time Traveler's Wife (August 14th)
Inglourious Basterds (August 21st)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (August 25th)
Rob Zombie's Halloween II (August 28th)
Disney buys Marvel for $4 billion (August 3st)
Waking Sleeping Beauty (September 6th)
Dinosaur Train (September 7th)
Walt & El Grupo (September 9th)
9 (September 9th)
The Vampire Diaries (September 10th)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (September 15th)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (September 18th)
Jennifer's Body (September 18th)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29th) - Still the dumbest name ever 15 years later.
Zombieland (October 2nd)
Where the Wild Things Are (October 16th)
Borderlands (October 20th)
DJ Hero (October 27th)
A Christmas Carol (November 6th)
Fanboy & Chum Chum (November 6th) - BOO! This show was the actual worst!
Fantastic Mr. Fox (November 13th)
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (November 17th)
Left 4 Dead 2 (November 17th)
Assassin's Creed II (November 17th)
Planet 51 (November 20th)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (November 20th) - YUK!
Turtles Forever (November 21st)
Big Time Rush (November 28th)
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation! (December 6th)
Prep & Landing (December 8th)
The Princess and the Frog (December 11th)
Avatar (December 18th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (December 23rd)
RuPaul's Drag Race
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
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Anything from 2014 turns 10 this year. That includes-
True Detective (January 12th)
The Lego Movie (February 7th)
South Park: The Stick of Truth (March 4th)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (March 7th)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (March 7th)
Dark Souls II (March 11th)
Muppets Most Wanted (March 21st)
Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge (March 25th)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (April 4th)
Rio 2 (April 11th)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (April 26th)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2nd)
Chef (May 9th)
Godzilla (May 16th)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23rd)
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (May 28th)
Maleficent (May 30th)
Edge of Tomorrow (June 6th)
The Fault in Our Stars (June 6th)
Phineas and Ferb Save Summer (June 9th)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (June 13th)
Shovel Knight (June 26th)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (June 27th)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (July 11th)
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (July 21st)
Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars (July 26th)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers's Hypnotic Eye (July 28th)
Guardians of the Galaxy (August 1st)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (movie) (August 8th)
Five Nights at Freddy's (August 8th)
P.T. (August 12th)
BoJack Horseman (August 22nd)
Destiny (September 9th)
Gotham (September 22nd)
Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition (September 23rd)
Black-ish (September 24th)
How to Get Away with Murder (September 25th)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks (September 27th)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (September 20th)
Star Wars Rebels (October 3rd)
Annabelle (October 3rd)
Gone Girl (October 3rd)
Alien: Isolation (October 6th)
The Flash (October 7th)
BİRDMAN or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (October 17th)
The Book of Life (October 17th)
John Wick (October 24th)
Taylor Swift's 1989 (October 27th)
Sunset Overdrive (October 28th)
Interstellar (November 5th)
Big Hero 6 (November 7th)
Assassin's Creed Unity (November 11th)
Far Cry 4 (November 18th)
Penguins of Madagascar (November 28th)
Toy Story That Time Forgot (December 2nd)
Peter Pan Live! (December 4th)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (December 17th)
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (December 19th)
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Wow, that took forever to type. Chances are I missed something, so if something you enjoy is hitting a major milestone this year, leave it in the comments below!
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Fort Belknap Indian Community celebrates reintroduction of locally extinct swift fox.
Aaniiih and Nakoda communities have organized the restoration of local native prairie ecosystems in this landscape of the northern Great Plains just north of the Missouri River. In 1997, Fort Belknap Indian Community organized the first-ever reintroduction of locally extinct black-footed ferrets to occur on tribal land. Fort Belknap has also organized the reintroduction of bison. Since 2020, the reservation has also organized the Fort Belknap Grassland Restoration Project, a program designed for Native youth to collect native grass seeds, practice plant identification, and learn about ecology, traditional stories, and Indigenous place names. Swift fox, an indicator species closely tied to the Great Plains, had been eliminated and driven extinct across the northern Great Plains due to US-government-supported wolf- and coyote-killing programs in the twentieth century. Beginning in autumn 2020, Fort Belknap released 27 swift foxes on tribal lands. Now, as of September 2022, there are over 100 swift foxes in this prairie landscape. Between September 2020 and September 2022, Fort Belknap has observed the swift foxes pairing and breeding at 4 den sites, and the birth of 20 swift fox kits. In the next few days, Fort Belknap will release another 28 swift foxes.
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From a press release, September 2022.
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Today the Fort Belknap Indian Community commemorated three years of its swift fox recovery program with the release of three swift foxes on Tribal lands, bringing the total to 103 recovered back to these prairie grasslands. Based on post-release monitoring efforts, the native species is reproducing in the wild, which is a critical measure of success for a self-sustaining population.
“After being absent for more than 50 years, the swift fox has returned to the grasslands of Fort Belknap and our people could not be prouder,” said Harold “Jiggs” Main, director of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department.
Over the last four years, the Nakoda (Assiniboine) and Aaniiih (Gros Ventre) Tribes of Fort Belknap have worked in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, Aaniiih Nakoda College, Defenders of Wildlife, American Prairie, World Wildlife Fund and Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo on this five-year reintroduction effort.
This week, three of 28 foxes trapped in Wyoming will be released during a special ceremony held by the Fort Belknap Indian Community. The remaining 25 foxes will be released later this week. [...]
Monitoring efforts via GPS collar tracking show some foxes traveled long distances, including one documented over 200 miles away, while most have settled on Fort Belknap and the surrounding areas in Phillips and Blaine counties in Montana. At least four females and males (four dens) have been documented pairing up or “denning” and 20 kits have been born in the wild since the original reintroduction of 27 foxes in fall 2020. [...]
“It has been an honor for Defenders to play a role in the Aaniiih and Nakoda effort to bring back swift fox to their lands, and also as a long-term partner to recover buffalo and endangered black-footed ferrets back to their lands,” said Chamois Andersen, Rockies and Plains senior representative at Defenders of Wildlife. “Fort Belknap is truly a model in native plains wildlife conservation.”
The swift fox is the latest extirpated species to return to Fort Belknap, joining other iconic prairie species successfully reintroduced to Indigenous lands under the leadership of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. Historically, swift foxes lived across much of North America’s Great Plains.
“The vast grasslands on Fort Belknap provide a home to a variety of avian and terrestrial wildlife [...]. With support from numerous partners [...], the Aaniiih and Nakoda people have been bringing Indigenous wildlife back to these native grasslands for over three decades,” said Tim Vosburgh, wildlife biologist with Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. [...]
“Since its inception, American Prairie has taken inspiration from the land stewardship and rewilding efforts of the Fort Belknap Community. We are proud to stand with our neighbors and support the repatriation of swift fox to their home in Montana's Great Plains,” said Beth Saboe, senior public relations manager for American Prairie.
Swift fox numbers declined precipitously in the late 1800s, mainly due to poisoning intended for coyotes and wolves and the loss of grassland habitat. During this same time, they were also eliminated from the northern portion of their range. Swift foxes made a comeback after successful reintroduction efforts began in 1983 in Canada and on the Blackfeet and Fort Peck Indian communities in Montana. However, these reintroduced populations have yet to reconnect with populations in the southern portion of their historic range. Establishing a population of swift foxes on Fort Belknap’s lands will expand the species’ occupied range in the north and help bridge the distribution gap between existing populations to the north and south.
Headline, photos, captions, and text published by: Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. “Tribes Successful with Swift Fox Reintroduction Program at Fort Belknap.” 28 September 2022.
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calkestis · 8 months
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me when i survive fort kah’lin just to immediately be killed by a rancor randomly showing up in the wilderness
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friendlessghoul · 1 month
WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas to accompany a news story about actors Gilbert Roland and Rory Calhoun arriving in Dallas to promote their film, "Treasure of Pancho Villa."
[Transcript] Hollywood actor Gilbert Roland arrives in Dallas--Another of a host of motion picture notables due in Dallas on picture promotions during the next few weeks. Roland is part of an entourage to promote the opening day showing of the picture, "Treasure of Pancho Villa." A second star of the RKO Superscope production --Rory Calhoun -- arrives with his wife, the former Lita Baron, who didn't play in the Pancho Villa movie but is helping promote it. The visit by the movie celebrities coincided with a celebration marking the opening of Vistavision facilities at the Palace theatre in Dallas. (September 30, 1955)
The book Gilbert Roland is holding is, The Wine of Youth by Robert Wilder (1955)
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mawofthemagnetar · 1 year
A sneak peek of the planned Survivorguy Fic
Featuring weird formatting, script-style (for interlude chapters, don't worry, it won't be the whole thing) and lots of neato shit.
Enjoy this while I go reread the SAS survival guide.
Spoilers and unedited rough writing under the cut!
“Hello. My name is xBcrafted, otherwise known as Survivorguy. I’m an explorer, an adventurer, and a former soldier. I’ve climbed K2 and crossed Antarctica, and I’ve made it my life’s goal to survive in the harshest environments on earth, to show you what it takes to make it out alive. I have no camera crew. I have no backup. Everything you see is filmed by myself. For the next ten days, I will be stranded in the wilderness. Follow with me, and find out what it takes to be…Survivorguy!”
[The screen blurs to show a montage of xB climbing cliffs and wading across waterfalls, and stuffing a cricket into his mouth. The theme tune plays over a modified title card. It reads: SURVIVORGUY: MEN VS NATURE SPECIAL!]
“Tonight on Survivorguy, we’re answering a question many viewers have asked before. We get letters and emails and tweets, and we see you. You’ve seen me surviving alone in the wilderness, and you want to know: what about others? What if you have to take care of other people? Well, tonight, we’re going to find out!”
[The camera cuts to an overhead shot, looking down at three men with their arms folded in an empty room. xB is in the middle, in his usual clothes. Beside him, his brother Hypno, wearing a bandanna and his usual black getup. Keralis stands to the left, wearing his pilot’s uniform.]
“Tonight, I’ll be trying to survive in the brutal and unforgiving Canadian wilderness, with two guys who barely have any survival experience at all.”
[The screen cuts to a shot of Keralis at the controls of a plane, directing it to taxi; it cuts to another shot of a completely different airplane, rolling down the taxiway.]
“This is my partner Keralis, who you might know from the heroic rescue of flight 1515. He’s an accomplished pilot who thinks the best way to start a fire is to pull the switch beside the fireplace. Ex-military, like myself, Keralis had some basic survival training in flight school…several decades ago. Apart from one or two camping trips and one questionable landing, he’s greener than your lawn.”
[The screen cuts to show Hypno at a computer, fiddling around with some code and opening a photo editor to tweak some colours. He glances at the camera, and blinks all three of his eyes, including the one on his cheek, before turning back to his work.]
“And this is my brother Hypno. Hypno lives in Fort Lauderdale and is a skilled graphic and website designer. I think we went camping once when we were kids. Other than that, Hypno thinks that ‘roughing it’ is when the hotel wifi is patchy, and he absolutely hates the cold. Seeing as we’re going to the Yukon, this should be…interesting.”
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gen-kenobi · 2 months
Helloo!! For the ask game: 11 and 27 for Daniel, 17 and 31 for Barbie, and 15 and 28 for Aren
Hehehe thank you SO much for giving me a chance to wordvomit about these three 😊
Cpt. Daniel Hart: NPC from homebrew(ish) zombie apocalypse ttrpg, Tiny Living Dead
11. What would it take to break them?
Oooh, what a fun question, what a super fun question that does not fill me with dread in the slightest!
I think it would break Daniel to be shown that who he has become and all he has done in the name of protecting Fort Wayne was for nothing. If the city fell, if the people turned on him, if he were used and discarded and ultimately deemed replacable...that would crush him. Without getting into spoiler territory (because I know for a fact one of my players will see this), Daniel came so close to breaking a cycle, to being his own person, and once the Fury outbreak happened he snapped right back into line because he felt he "had" to.
But if he didn't? If Daniel was shown that it was all in service of nothing and no-one? It would destroy him.
27. Opinion on kids - would they like to have them someday?
Before the outbreak, Daniel assumed he would start a family, because it was part of the conventional role laid out for him. It was never anything he had strong feelings towards in either direction, it just seemed....inevitable? He grew up watching fathers head overseas and took it for granted that he would eventually be one of the many.
After the outbreak, Daniel would never bring a child into this world. One, he thinks it's far too dangerous, and two, it's simply not a priority.
However, in a nicer AU world free of the expectations he's surrounded by/feels restrained by, and free of the zombie apocalypse? I think Daniel would like to have kids someday. This *might* be light spoilers, but he's good with children - they let him tap into his goofier side that he doesn't often engage with.
Barbella 'Barbie' Khazgur: Paladin, Oath of the Ancients, Werebear PC from ongoing Critical Role campaign
17. What phrase would a loved one have to say to crush them?
Barbie is happily estranged from her biological family, so for the sake of this question I am taking the party members as her loved ones.
Barbie spent a decade in isolation, living in hiding deep in the wilderness. The (original) party members were the first people to show her kindness, and to accept her for who she is - werebear and all. Barbie sees them as her friends, and if they were to turn around and contradict this - if they were to tell her that they don't care about her at all, actually, and have just been putting up with her this whole time - that would crush Barbie's spirit.
All she's ever sought is true and meaningful connections. She believes she's finally found that, and if her friends were to squash that belief? Barbie would be devastated.
31. What stops them from functioning to the best of their abilities?
Deep down, Barbie doesn't feel like she is good enough to be the Wildmother's Champion. This stems from essentially being raised to be sold to the highest bidder by her family - her sense of her own worth is tied up in how 'useful' she can be to other people. Hence why she took an Oath of the Ancients in the first place.
So! Barbie's lack of belief in herself and her worthiness as a Champion is the main obstacle in her way, right now.
Aren Douglas: Cyberpunk 2077 OC, Nomad + Solo
15. What are their communication skills like?
Aren is a solo, and therefore is used to advocating for themself 24/7 against fixers, clients, co-workers and rivals. Their communication is very direct, some might even say blunt. What they lack in tact they make up for in clarity - people always know where they stand with Aren. They thrive in conversations that involve straightforward transactions and a bit of quid pro quo. In Aren's experience, nothing is free. People always want something from each other. They are comfortable in situations that align with this worldview.
However, when it comes to more emotional, nuanced comversations, Aren struggles. They have repressed a lot of their own emotions and are keeping a Litany of secrets for their own survival and also because they Do Not Want To Talk About It. So unfortunately, Aren would be extremely uncomfy with someone leaning on them for comfort. And they would really struggle to provide that comfort, if indeed they even want to.
I can very much see them just Nope-ing out of heavier/more personal conversations, the other person be damned. The echo of a certain someone in Aren's head would tell them that everyone has to look out for themself in this world.
28. What makes them feel vulnerable?
Aren survived very intense and very much unwanted body modifications when they were young, and as a result they carry a lot of physical and mental scars as well as cybernetic augmentations. So, they feel most vulnerable when their body is on display, hence why they usually cover up with heavy clothing.
It would take a lot for them to even be that vulnerable with someone in the first place. At it stands, they haven't found someone they have that level of trust in.
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lyledebeast · 4 months
I'm working on a longer version of this for a certain relevant American holiday we'll have to endure in a few weeks, but I wanted to go ahead and put this out there.
The Patriot does not include many references to Martin's past interactions with the Cherokees, but the ones we have show him treating them as less human than White enemies he encounters in identical circumstances. When he's recruiting men to fight the British, he tells one man that he will not pay for scalps this time but will pay him for the gear of any British soldiers he kills. It's clear he knows Rawlins, along with other man in this tavern, from his experience in the French and Indian War. Any ambiguity about whose scalps he means is cleared up in his long monologue about Fort Wilderness.
It begins with "The French and Cherokee had raided along the Blue Ridge" after which Martin combines the two groups into "they" until he arrives at the different ways he and his men distributed their remains. "We put the heads on a pallet and sent them back with the two that lived to Fort Ambercon. The eyes, tongues, fingers were put in baskets. We sent them down the Asheulot to the Cherokee."
Martin and his men deemed "them" guilty of the same crimes and caught up with them in the same place, but once they were dead, the racial difference was a big deal. Both of the men left alive "to tell the tale" were sent to the same place because the message Martin had for the Cherokees needed no words. What it did need, apparently, was more intricate, labor-intensive posthumous violence. This is not just vengeance. Deep-seated racial hatred is evident here.
Tavington kills a lot of people, obviously, but he does so in the way that is most expedient to him at the moment. He shoots Black men for refusing to give him information, but then he burns a church full of White people alive for exactly the same reason. He does not care, which means he ends up faring far better than other characters when viewers get more accurate information about colonial South Carolina.
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