#fort probablement
thelyreoforpheusmp3 · 13 days
pas Cécile Corbel qui sort un album sur la légende arthurienne aujourd’hui… et faisant ainsi coïncider mon retour à mon obsession Kaamelott et ma nostalgie qui me fait recommencer à écouter Cécile Corbel… dinguerie…
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leverage-ot3 · 2 years
the found family trope is inherently queer and you can’t change my mind
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bird-inacage · 1 month
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A Fortpeat Gifset | Fort's Personal 'Tipping' Service
Good grief you two, why am I even here? Peat is totally encouraging him at this point. That little collar rub? I see you.
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
If you ever think you're petty, remember that when the French royal family was imprisoned in the Temple's tower during the Revolution (in 1792), the antechamber to King Louis XVI's bedroom was decorated with a wallpaper that "represented the inside of a prison cell", and on that wall, in a blue-white-red (revolutionary colours) frame, there was a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen "written in very large print"
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(from the Journal of Cléry, the King's last footman)
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pempempemto · 1 year
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Omg jiji can use colours IMPOSSIBLE
can you guys believe it i actually color its crazy right
anyway michael and eclipse !! in color ! im not entirely happy with it but they’re colored!!!!
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oyeixcher · 11 days
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Fort Thitipong 🎨 ¦ by oyeixcher (wip)
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They’re not going to rebuild Castle Byers because Will can’t rebuild his childhood, which is the reason he destroyed Castle Byers in the first place. He’d been trying to hold on to a level of carefree ignorance that no longer existed for him. The problems Castle Byers saved him from have been replaced by new problems that are bigger and stronger than a child’s fort. He needs to face them differently. Thank you and goodnight
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thebaffledcaptain · 10 days
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The incredible view from Mount Defiance this weekend at the 1777 Brown’s Raid Reenactment at Fort Ticonderoga. We set up a bivouac camp Friday night and woke up at 5 to trek all the way up the mountain and seize the guns—I’m not going to lie, that hike almost did me in before the British did—but it was worth it to emerge from the woods and see the red sun rising over a sea of clouds, the Fort entirely obscured in the distance.
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toomanybrainrots · 10 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that orders are open!! I would like to know if you can write mtmte ultra megatron, rodimus and fort max headcanons with a cybertronian s/o who can create portals to other dimensions? (as if the reader were going to travel through the multiverses of Transformers Prime, G1, Bayverse, etc.).
Everything is fine, and this is the first request! It's been a while since I've read the IDW comics, so this may be ooc(especially for fort max cause this is the first time i'm actually writing him) but I can say I atleast tried. I'd like to not there's probably grammar mistakes due to me not being that fluent in english and because this has not been proofread.
Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Rodimus and Fortress Maximus with a Cybertronian!S/O who can travel to different universes
Ultra Magnus
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Ultra Magnus found out about your ability by accident
When you had locked yourself in your habsuite, he thought nothing of it, thinking that you simply needed some alone time
You did, but not in the way he was thinking
So it definitely surprised him when a portal appeared in his own habsuite and it spat out you
You both held prolounged optic contact as he registered what just happened
You hadn't anticipated that the portal was going to spit you out into Magnus' habsuite, and now you were trying to think of ways on how to explain this...situation.
You stared at him. He stared back. This continued for what seemed like an eternity before you finally broke the silence
Ultra Magnus was internally screaming in his processor, you could tell.
You both sat down, and talked like the civil bots you were(despite you both internally screaming) and you explained your ability.
He listened intently as you explained your ability, and he couldn't help but be a bit fascinated by it. After all, you can travel to different universes, and that alone is pretty groundbreaking. He didn't believe in alternate universes but now? You just proved him wrong.
After you finished, he started to ask questions. Could you only bring yourself whenever you travel to other dimensions? If not, is there a limit? Can you bring another from one universe to the next? He wanted to know the full details, to be fully prepared if anything happens.
You answered all of them, and furthee explained your ability in the process. He mentally took notes, listening intently.
After that, it became more and more normal to him whenever a portal opened up in his habsuite. Either you just got back from travelling to a universe, or you wanted to show him something from a universe. Either way, he was happy to indulge in you whenever he could.
However, in the back of his processor, there was a small feeling of worry. What if you didn't come back? What if you died? Would he feel it through the conjunx bond you shared? What if he couldn't?
But for now, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his processor, and listened to you explaining a plant that came from a universe you went to. To him, all that mattered was that you came back safe.
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Like Ultra Magnus, he also found out by accident
He knew you were hiding something, the signs were obvious to him. He didn't ask or demand you tell him though, as you'd probably tell him whenever you wanted to
It was purely a coincidence that he had walked into the engine room at the same time you were walking out a portal, having gone to another universe
Thankfully, no one was in the engine room at the time besides you and him. So, you didn't have to worry about anyone else finding out
Megatron, thinking he had been hallucinating and probably low on fuel at the time, started to slowly back out of the engine room after a long period of silence
When he walked into the engine room, he didn't think he'd see you coming out of a literal portal that lead to who knows where.
You looked at him. He looked back.
After a long period of silence, Megatron deemed it a good idea to get out of the engine room before the hallucinations worsen. He should probably get some fuel on the way too, clearly he's low on it.
"Hey, wait!" He heard you call out. Oh no, the hallucinations have worsen.
After convincing Megatron that you were not a hallucination caused by low fuel— you also scolded him for not fueling properly— you explained the situation
He listened intently, nodding along as you explained your ability. When you demonstrated it by olening a portal to another universe, he was surprised. He did see you come out of one, but he hadn't fully seen it up close
Never had he seen an ability like yours in his lifetime, and he almost felt like a fresh spark seeing the world for the first time. It was more than fascinating, and he would definitely ask questions later
He couldn't help but feel a pang of worry now that he knew about this. You had probably been doing this for some time, but he couldn't help but feel worried. What if you got hurt during one of your trips? What if another version of him hurt you?
Because of that, he often insisted he go with you whenever you go on a trip to another universe, insisting he protect you. You knew he was doing this cause he cared, but you could handle yourself, you've been doing this for vorns for pits sake!
After a long talk, he agreed to tone it down a bit. But he still insisted he go with you for a few trips. With an annoyed sigh, you agreed, knowing that he probably wouldn't stop until you said yes
He felt more at ease whenever he could join you in your trips to other universes, knowing he was there meant he could protect you. There was still some worry in the back of his processor, what if you got hurt when he wasn't there? He couldn't forgive himself if you did.
For now, he pushed those thoughts away, choosing to admire the way your expression was filled with awe as you looked at the universe you two were in.
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Rodimus knew you were hiding something, and always bugged you about it, begging you tell him your little secret. You always refused, and that made him pout(of course, he'd never admit it outloud, but you could always see it)
That was, until he accidentally found out.
Rodimus had suddenly barged into your quarters, having gotten bored and wanting to spend time with you
Unbeknownst to him, you had just finished a trip to a universe, and had stumbled out the portal when he suddenly barged in.
You stumbled out of the portal when you heard someone coming into your quarters suddenly, falling midway walk
"Heeyyy, think you can—" Rodimus paused as he saw you, who had fallen over and still had your pede in the portal.
He had his intake hanging agape, while your processor was working overtime to try and explain this
"HOLY FR—" You tackled faster him than you've ever had
He exploded into questions, clearly confused and also very curious. It took a while for you to get him to shut up and sit still(not like he ever could)
He listened to you as you explained your ability. Really, he was kind of tuning it out— but he was still listening! It's just that he had so much questions crowding his processor. But also doubts and worries, what if you never came back? What if you just left and found a better version of him?
But once you demonstrated your ability, and explained you could bring someone along with you, oh that was enough for Rodimus to get distracted from those gloomy thoughts
He begged you to bring him along the next trip you went, you refused him each time. He always had a pout on his face whenever you refused, and you couldn't help but feel guilty
Because of that, you ended up surprising Rodimus by bringing him to another universe disguised as a normal date
The awe and excited filled expression on his face, the way his spoiler kept twitching and moving in excitement. Yeah, it was worth it.
That was, until Rodimus almost got himself into trouble while you were there.
Fortress Maximus
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Fortress Maximus almost had a spark attack when he saw you coming through a. Primus. Damn. Portal.
He honestly thought he was hallucinating and that someone had spiked the energon he was drinking.
He was also very a tad bit alarmed
Fortress Maximus almost physically jumped as he saw a portal appear out of Primus knows where and you coming out of it.
Was he hallucinating? Did someone spike his energon??
However, when you walk up to him and touch his servo. He realises that no, this is not a hallucination and this was very real.
You're very worried when he starts to look like he's about to faint
He manages to stay calm when you're explaining your ability. Hwoever, onc you're finished he turns into a complete flurry of questions
Were you okay? How long had you been doing this? Had this been hurting you or straining your frame? Had you been getting hurt and he didn't even know it for so long?—
You stopped him before he could ask more, and reassuring him that. Yes, you were okay. You had been doing this a while. No, it didn't hurt you. And no, you hadn't been getting hurt behind his back.
He calmed down a bit when you reassured him but he was still very worried for you
Now, whenever you got back from a trip to another universe, he always worried over you like a mother hen. Checking you over for injuries, making sure you got proper rest after the trip, all sorts of stuff
It was annoying at first, but you got used to it. This was his way of saying he cared for you, so you didn't mind overtime, and you always reassured him that you were okay each and every time
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soaps-mohawk · 8 months
omega getting so worked up that she needs to kneel but Price is out so her only choice is to wake Ghost up to ask 🤞🤞💳💳💥💥
👀👀 perhaps 😏
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feroluce · 5 months
So I mentioned in the tags of this post about Sampo's character design the other day that looking at his splash art made me realize something sneaky about the bg and oh my god I thought I already couldn't possibly love him any more than I already do but this might just prove me wrong JAKSLFJKDLASJFK
So this is maybe? old news by now but I remember when Sampo was first leaked to be in Penacony, some fans were excited saying that it must be Penacony shown in his splash art, and not Belobog. And tbh I was trying to avoid story leaks, so I just kinda ignored it and didn't think about it any further...until I was looking at it to look at his chains.
But I think it IS Belobog shown here because if you look closely, you can see what looks to be a pile of snow in the bg, and even some on the rooftop! And snow isn't present on Penacony.
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There's also the huge moon shown behind Sampo. And we never get to see the Belobogian night sky, but even in the hours that are locked in permanent nighttime, Penacony noticably lacks a moon. The buildings all look like they match Belobog architecture, too.
This one is a bit more questionable tbh, but. There's also this long horizontal structure in the bg-
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-which I'm not 100% sure what it even is, but it doesn't look like any specific part of Penacony. But it DOES look like the official art of Belobog (everyone say thank you to @the-astral-express-archive for these pics; dude you're a lifesaver orz)
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And if you will notice. The only place up high enough to look down on those structures,
the only thing taller than all the rest of the buildings in Belobog,
is the one establishment set dead center; Qlipoth Fort.
Which means this little asshole is shamelessly, gleefully breaking into the most important government building on the whole planet right in his splash art KFJLJSADKLFJKLDSJ
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caughtlnthestars · 2 months
after seeing these behind the scenes clips, I think Fort and Dauo would make great friends
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idlesuperstar · 10 months
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Joseph Quinn as Billy Knight: Strike // Lethal White
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bird-inacage · 1 year
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A Fortpeat Gifset | Peat Sitting on Fort's Lap
Those sturdy thighs sure do come in handy. Top left is my absolute fave. Peat looking absolutely teeny tiny perched atop Fort and squished into a car.
PEAT: (*is offered a chair*) No, thank you. Fort will do nicely.
Other Fortpeat Gifset Compilations
The Bridal Carry
The Signature Smoulder
Fort Laying in Peat’s Lap
Peat Sitting on Fort’s Lap
Fort being grabby with Peat’s waist
My Favourite Fortpeat Cuddles
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ikedoll · 2 months
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ikepri oc 😇 he will probably undergo 80 different redesigns before i feel satisified with him but this is him for now !
his name is Nadir and hes from tanzanite. he likes poetry and music and crossdressing also but i havent really decided on a personality yet and im waiting for more stuff to be released ab tanzanite so i can give him a last name and decide his role but for now...
@xaintsero !!!
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oozeandgoo-art · 2 months
You want to check out this prowl guro piece i'm working on out over at my subscribestar soooo bad, trust me
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There's even another, gorier variant and everything.
it's like $5. for prowl torment, and other stuff besides. decent deal, right?
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