#forgot to tag jake lol
theroamingtrashcan · 10 months
Laying here trying to sleep, thinking about how I headcanon Moon Knight sleeps and how the only person who really knows this would be Layla.
Steven tosses and turns and has vivid dreams that leave him mumbling nonsense. He’s the worst of the three to share a bed with as his flopping around can make the bed move quite a bit. It’s really hard for Steven to fall into a deep sleep, especially after the events in Cairo. Layla tries to encourage him to drink calming tea or take melatonin before bed, and he usually listens. It helps, sometimes.
Jake’s sleeping puzzles Layla. He tends to find a comfortable position, then never leaves it. Not that he is getting better sleep than Steven, at the drop of a hat he’s awake and ready to defend him and Layla. When he is sleeping, he’s as stiff as a board. No tossing, no turning, just tense and unmoving.
Marc is the most sound sleeper of the bunch. Curled in the fetal position, Layla thinks he’s rather cute when asleep. Sometimes though he will wake Layla with shouting, as nightmares plague his unconscious brain. Like Steven this only got worse after Cairo. She grew used to this forever ago, and just gently holds him until peaceful sleep is able to find him once more.
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onlysushicat · 11 months
I think it would be cool if you drew the alpha kids on the red album cover for weezer. Thankd s You
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slavhew · 3 months
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i thought of this at the start of pride month and then couldnt complete the joke until literally like yesterday
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Jake Going Through It during the renaming of a case to be Duck Tales characters, followed by Murph pulling a Louie doll from his closet that he’s had since childhood had me cackling on my walk and grateful it’s raining so no one would see me clearly losing my mind
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dogtierz · 1 year
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hello fellow dirkjake fans…… 🤓
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
Don’t Hang’em Til Noon: Chapter Four
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Don’t Hang’em Til Noon: Chapter Four
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Assault, Fighting, Violence (against women and others), Jake Seresin, Firearms, Blood. I think that’s it?
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: I hope you guys appreciate me neglecting my job to write this lol I’m kidding, we were so slow, I would have been bored to tears otherwise. Just giving you guys a heads up now that I’m going to try and pre-write as much as I can over the course of the next couple of days in preparation for next week when I’ll be attending my best friends’ wedding. As always, reboots, comments and likes are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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“I swear, that man would lose his head if it weren’t attached to his shoulders,” you grumbled to yourself, as you made for the front door of your home. You had just finished cleaning up the mess from preparing breakfast when Benjamin had come running down the stairs in a frenzy.
“Benji, come eat,” you had said, gesturing to the table that was already set. He had shaken his head, turning in circles as he searched for his dress coat.
“I can’t, Scout. I’m running late for a meeting with a client,” he had said breathlessly. You rolled your eyes, plucking his coat off the back of the chair he had set it on the night before when he had gotten home. You held it out for him, and he shot you a grateful smile as he shrugged it on.
“At least grab an apple on your way out,” you had argued. He plucked a granny smith from the bowl you had set out on the table, gesturing at you with it before making a beeline for the door.
“I don’t know what time I’ll be home tonight,” he called over his shoulder before the door closed with a thud behind him.
Now, here you were hours later with his case files clutched in your hands and scowl plastered across your face. You slipped past the door, and making sure it was secured behind you, you made your way into Maverick.
It was nearing the end of summer, and a surprising chill was beginning to creep its way into the air. You made your way quickly to Benjamin’s law firm, giving polite smiles to those you passed.
You stepped into the firm with the files tucked tightly in your arms. Natasha came strolling out from the back with a polite smile that turned genuine at the sight of you.
“Good afternoon, Scout!” She grinned, gesturing for you to join her in the seating area. You did so, taking a seat on a leather armchair as she sat in the matching one opposite you. “What brings you by today?”
“Benji forgot some of his files,” you sighed, showing her the file. Natasha chuckled with a roll of her eyes. If anyone understood how exasperating your brother could be, it would be her.
“He was up late working again, wasn’t he?” She asked. You shit her a knowing look before the two of you burst into a fit of giggles. “That man will blow away with the wind, I swear. How he manages to keep this place in order is beyond me.”
“He may be a tad bit scatterbrained, but he takes his job very seriously,” you smiled. You were surprised he hadn’t come out to see what the commotion was about yet. “Is he around?”
“No,” she grimaced. “His client insisted on meeting at the saloon.”
“I see,” you said, standing up. Natasha followed suit, reaching her arm out to you.
“I can take the files and give them to him when he gets back?” She offered.
“That’s alright,” you declined. “I could use the exercise. You said he was at the saloon?”
“I did,” Natasha confirmed hesitantly. “But Penny isn’t there today.”
You stared at her. “And?”
“It's just that,” she started nervously. “The patrons can get pretty handsy when Penny isn’t there. Not that I don’t think you can hold your own, but I don't want to see anything happen to you should they get any ideas.”
“I’m sure it will be fine, Nat,” you smiled. “I’ll just be in and out. I don’t plan on staying for long. I still have things I need to do back at the house after all.”
Natasha chewed on her bottom li, seeming to contemplate her best course of action. Finally, she sighed. “If you’re sure.”
“I am,” you stated firmly, already moving towards the door. “I won’t take up any more of your time. I’m sure you’re busy with other things.”
“Spending time with you is never a bother, Scout,” she grinned. “Stay safe, and give your brother hell for me when you see him!”
You offered her a final wave before stepping back out onto the street. You turned right onto the street, setting your sights on the saloon.
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The atmosphere differed from your first time inside the large building. Instead of Penny standing behind the bar with her usual easy going smile, a tall man with glasses stood and waved a greeting at you.
“Welcome in, miss!” He smiled. You recognized him from the other day.
“I know you,” you said carefully, slowly making your way up to the bar as you studied him curiously. “You’re a member of the Dagger Gang, correct?”
His smile turned sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yes’m. My name is Bob, and you’re Scout right?”
You hummed in affirmation. “And Penny trusts you to run her business?”
He laughed at that, almost catching you by surprise. “I get why you find that hard to believe. If I was in your shoes, I’d think that Penny had lost her mind or something.
You chuckled at that. “I suppose it says something about your character that Penny trusts you enough to leave the saloon in your hands.”
“She does,” he nodded. “I don’t take people’s trust for granted.”
“That’s good to know, Bob.”
He smiled at you and then moved like he was going to say something, but he seemed to think better of it. You arched an eyebrow at him as he shifted on his feet, a blush crawling up his face. “What is it?” You asked.
“Penny doesn’t trust just anyone, ya know?”
“I know that,” you nodded. “What of it?”
“The reason Penny trusts me is because I keep the others out of trouble.”
You laughed at that, and he frowned. “I’m sorry, Bob. I don’t mean to offend. It’s just that, well, if they’re out robbing banks and breaking laws left and right, I’d hate to think about what they’d be doing without you.”
“It’s not like that,” Bob sighed. “They aren’t as bad as you may think, Scout. I know Hangman can be…a lot, sometimes. But, everything they do is out of survival.”
“Right,” you scoffed, causing the frown on Bob’s face to deepen.
“I’m serious, Scout,” he continued. “Penny mentioned that you came from Baltimore. I don’t know much about how things are done over there, but I know enough to know how different things are there compared to here. Work isn’t as steady out here as it is back East. Good men do bad things in order to keep their families safe and fed.”
“What’s your point, Bob?” You asked with a heavy sigh. He offered you a kind smile.
“Try not to be so hard on him? I know you’re used to things being a certain way, but believe it or not, he is trying.”
You didn’t have to ask who he was referring to. You mulled over his words carefully before nodding slowly.
“Alright, Bob,” you smiled finally. “I’ll keep that in mind.” His own grew, and he knocked on the wooden top of the bar as he leaned back.
“Thank you,” he said. “Now what brings you by here today?”
Before you could answer, Bob suddenly straightened up to his full height, a cool look on his face as he looked past you. Your brows furrowed in confusion before you felt a warm body push up against you. You whipped around to find a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair leering down at you. The cold, empty look in his black eyes was warmed over by a look of unbridled lust. He gave you a once over, eyes pausing along the curves of your breasts and hips.
“Howdy, darlin’,” he drawled, making the hair on your arms stand up.
“Can I help you?” You asked him coldly. You saw Bob shift in your peripheral as a couple of more men crowded you on the opposite side. The man let out a low whistle.
“Why so cold, honey? I jus’ came over here to introduce myself. Name’s Isaac.”
“Charmed,” you bit out, glare intensifying as he leaned in closer.
“Y’ain’t gonna gimme yours?” He laughed.
“I don’t see why you would need it,” you state simply, clutching the folder in your hand tightly. You cast a glance over to Bob who was eyeing the group of men wearily.
Isaac smiled, the gesture hollow. He reached up and tapped your cheek lightly, and you balked at the gesture. “Eyes over here, honey.”
“I’m going to ask you once to please stop calling me that,” you bit out between clenched teeth.
“Or what?” He grins.
“Or you won’t like what happens.”
Isaac let out a booming laugh, his companions letting out chuckles of their own. You saw movement in the corner of your eye. You once again chanced a look over and saw two of the men had crossed over to the other side of the bar. The two men had Bob caged in between them, and his eyes darted rapidly back and forth between the two of them. Isaac grabbed your chin tightly in his large hand, forcing your head back to look at him. “What did I just say about those eyes?”
“Let go of me,” you hissed, earning another chorus of laughter from the group of men.
“A feisty little thing you are,” Isaac chuckled, leaning so that his breath fanned over you. It reeked of cheap liquor and stale tobacco. “I see why Hangman has his eye on you.”
“What?” You asked, brow furrowing at his comment.
“Just so you know,” he grinned, “you have him to thank for this.”
Before you could question him further, he grabbed you by your hips and slammed you up against the bar. You felt the air leave your lungs and a flash of pain shoot up your spine. You saw Bob struggling against the two men beside him as they pinned him back. His eyes blazed and nostrils flared as he tried with all his might to break free of their hold. Your brief moment of confusion allowed Isaac to push his way in between your thighs. You felt the hot length of him press against you, and you started to struggle, clawing at his arms. Tiny ribbons of blood began to flow down his arms as he bared his teeth down at you in a crazed grin.
“That's alright, Kitten,” he laughed. “I like a bit of pain with my pleasure.”
He leaned down, slanting his lips on top of yours, and you felt the hot sting of tears behind your eyes. He thrusted up into you, causing you to gasp and cry out. He took the opportunity to force his tongue into your open mouth, and you almost vomited at the action. Without thinking, you bit down on the offending protrusion, the taste of blood filling your mouth. Isaac lurched back with a yelp, grabbing at his mouth. He glared down at you.
“Bitch!” He spat, backhanding you. Your face flew to the side, a flash of white hot pain radiates from your cheek where one of his rings had made contact, cutting you in the process. You felt blood begin to trickle down your cheek, and your tears threatened to spill over. Isaac gripped your hair roughly, slamming you back down onto the counter.
“You’re going to regret that,” he hissed at you as you fought against the dizziness that threatened to consume you from the force of his actions. Your tears began to flow freely down your cheeks as the larger man grabbed at your shirts and skirts, ripping them in a bid to get them off of you.
“No!” You screamed, renewing your efforts. Isaac ignored you as he licked up the column of your throat. Your sobs racked your body violently, legs kicking at him as he moved to undo his belt buckle. You closed your eyes in an attempt to shield yourself from what was about to happen.
Just when you thought all hope was lost, a resounding click sounded in the room. Isaac stilled against you, and you cracked your eyes open to see the barrel of a pistol pressed to his temple. Turning, you saw Jake on the other end of the weapon.
His green eyes were filled with the intention of murder as his lips curled in a sneer of pure wrath. His body was drawn tight, deathly still as he waited for Isaac to make his move. He looked every bit of what you imagined an avenging angel would look.
“Let. Her. Go,” he ground out. Isaac spared a glance at you, and the gun pressed harder into the side of his head. Slowly, the older man pulled away from you, and you scrambled to sit up on the bar. You now saw the rest of the Daggers standing behind him with their hands on their own pistols. The two men behind the bar had let go of Bob who was now moving to your side. You heard footsteps begin to descend the stairs, and you looked to see Maverick, Benjamin, and an unfamiliar older man stop as they took in the scene before them.
“Scout?” Benjamin said, eyes widening in shock. You let out a shaky breath, turning back to watch Jake who had yet to take his eyes off of Isaac. The two stared each other down.
“Hangman,” Isaac finally sniffed in way of greeting.
“What are you doing here?” Jake snapped. Isaac rolled his shoulders back casually as if there wasn’t still a gun aimed at his face.
“Well,” he drawled, “I came to collect retribution for what you took from me, but then I saw you with this pretty, little thing the other day, and I figured this would make for a good trade.”
Jake’s nostrils flared, a dangerous glint in his eyes as Isaac spoke. “I didn’t take anything that you couldn’t replace.”
“I disagree,” the other man hummed, picking a piece of lint off his shirt. “You wounded my pride, Hangman. And what better retribution than taking your woman?”
Jake’s jaw clenched, and you saw Maverick move out of the corner of your eye.
“Jake,” the older man said gently. Jake spared him a glance before focusing back on Isaac. Maverick continued, “Not here, son.”
Jake looked at him, and when Maverick gave a pointed glance at where you sat, frozen, he turned his attention to you. You must have looked a sight because Jake’s jaw clenched again. You could feel the tears still streaming down your face and mixing with the blood that still dripped down your cheek.
“Jake?” You called to him softly, uncertainly. He took several deep breaths.
“The only reason you’re leaving here alive,” he rumbled, nodding his head over at you, “is because she’s here.”
Isaac watched him for a moment, the two of them not breaking eye contact. Isaac huffed out a light chuckle before turning towards the door. He gave you one last glance before smirking, gesturing for his men to follow.
“You best keep an eye on her, Hangman,” he called over his shoulder. “Would be a right shame if something were to happen to her while you weren’t lookin’.”
Jake said nothing as they filed out. One man stopped beside Bradley, casting him a sideways glance. “Rooster.”
“Jeb,” Bradley replied coldly. The two shared an unspoken conversation before the man followed the rest out the door. As soon as they were gone, Benjamin rushed to your side.
“Scout, what happened?” he cried, checking you over. You looked down at yourself, noting how the collar of your white, cotton shirt hung by mere threads off your shoulder. You frowned at the tiny drops of blood that had fallen onto the ruined fabric.
“I,” you swallowed thickly, “I was coming to give you the casework you forgot at home this morning. I thought it might be important, so…”
You trailed off, your eyes taking in the multiple tears of your skirt, a new wave of tears pouring from your eyes. You jumped when Jake appeared in front of you. His eyes were still blazing, but you saw worry mixed in with the rest of the emotions still swirling within the different shades of green.
“What the hell were you thinking,” he seethed.
“What?” You blinked. He took your shoulders in his hands, surprisingly gentle for how angry he seemed.
“How many times do I gotta tell you that you need someone with you? Especially in here?” he growled.
“I didn’t think-”
“You’re right,” he snapped, his grip slightly harder as his frustration with you grew. “You didn’t think, and you almost got hurt because of it.”
You felt your own temper start to build as you stared up at him.
“Stop treating me like I’m some helpless child,” you snapped at him. Jake barked out a humorless laugh.
“You’re not a child, Scout,” he flung back at you. “And, that’s why it’s so damn frustrating when you do stupid shit like this.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Clearly you can’t,” he seethed. Your jaw clenched, and you practically threw yourself onto the ground. You pushed past him with a glare and started for the door.
“Where are you going?” he demanded, already moving to follow you. You whirled back around, stopping him in his tracks with a finger to his chest.
“I’m not going to sit here and let you insult me,” you spat at him. He grabbed your hand, and pulled you in to him.
“Have you learned nothing from what just happened?” he glared down at you. “If we hadn’t already been on our way in to see Mav, well shit, Scout. Isaac would have had you every which way and then passed you around to his crew. Don’t you understand that?”
“Let go of me,” you ground out, trying and failing to pull your arm free of his grip.
“No,” he stated firmly, eyes set in a determined bid to win this argument. You gave another tug, but his grip didn’t falter.
“You don’t seem to get it, darlin’,” he sneered. “This ain’t Baltimore. People don’t hide their ugly nature behind polite smiles and fancy clothes. People here take, and they sure as shit don’t care who sees them do it."
He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. "Tell me you understand.”
You nodded, still glaring furiously up at him. He shook his head with a wry smile. “Uh uh, sugar. Need to hear you say it.”
“I understand,” you snapped. He finally let you go, and you wrenched your hand back. The two of you stared a beat longer before you heard Benjamin clear his throat.
“I’ll take you home, Scout.”
“No,” you said automatically. “You’re busy. I can see myself home.”
“Not happening,” Jake said. “I’ll walk you home.”
You went to say something, but he fixed a hard stare at you, cutting you off. “Don’t even try to argue with me right now, Scout. I’m taking you home, and that’s final.”
You huffed, turning on your heels and stormed out of the saloon, Jake hot on your tail. The two of you walked in silence, townsfolk casting you wide-eyed looks as you passed. When you reached your front door, you whirled around to face him.
“I’m home,” you spat. “Safe and sound. Are you happy now?”
Jake stared at you, his lips set in a hard line.
“The boys and I were plannin’ on leavin’ for an excursion tomorrow,” he said, “but I think I’ll stick around.”
You scoffed. “If you’re worried about what Isaac said, don’t be. It’s you who should be worried, actually.”
“Oh?” Jake chuckled. “And why is that?”
“I’m only telling you this as a way of thanking you for your help in the barn the other day,” you began, Jake arching an eyebrow at you. “But there’s a U.S. marshal after you and the other Daggers.”
Jake barked out a laugh, and you stared at him in confusion. Jake looked at you with a wide grin. “I ain’t worried about a U.S. marshal, pretty girl.”
“How are you being so cavalier about this?” you snapped, placing your hands on your hips.
“Because they’re always after us,” he shrugged. “Besides, I can take care of myself. You on the other hand-”
“I can take care of myself just as well as you can,” you huffed. All humor dropped from Jake’s face as he gave you a look that said he clearly didn’t believe you. You scowled at him, stalking into the house. He followed you as you marched into the kitchen. You grabbed the rifle that Benjamin insisted you keep by the back door “just in case,” and walked out the back door. Jake kept following, and you stopped just outside on the porch.
“Do you even know how to use that thing?” He chuckled. Wordlessly, you scanned the yard, finding a forgotten bucket sitting on the fencepost about fifty yards away that you must have left out that morning. You raised the rifle to your shoulder, took aim, and-
The bucket went flying in the air, a hole where you had hit it dead center. You let the rifle drop from your shoulder as you held it by your side. Turning, you caught the look of shock and intrigue that graced his face.
“He caught me off guard today,” you said. Jake looked at you, wonder shining in his eyes. “He won’t do it again.”
Jake studied you for another moment before nodding his head slowly.
“Alright, Scout,” he relented. “I’ll see you when I get back.”
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buckymorelikefuckme · 3 months
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temperature’s rising (it isn’t surprising)
jake jensen x fem reader
words: 717
warnings & tags: jakey’s general endearing awkwardness, attempts at humor, wandering hands, innuendo (?), no smut lads i’m so sorry, but there is super mild hand kink!
a/n: uh.. surprise?? for my beloved essie’s @bigtreefest summer lovin’ 300 follower celebration 🥰 i chose the prompts (a few of them used very loosely or very much implied) character gets a sunburn + hand kink + friends to lovers + beach. she’s very short but sweet, i think. also idk what it is with me and beach related fics but this is like my third one lol. anyway! congratulations on 300 followers, sugarplum!! you deserve all the love and appreciation in the world. i hope you like this ♡
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Jake hisses through his clenched teeth, grunting before exhaling shakily. His head drops down, chin to his chest, as he focuses on his breathing instead of the intense feeling of your hands on his skin. Your touch is light as it traces a path down his back and he can’t fight the shiver that runs down his spine.
“So hot,” he hears you murmur.
He bites his lip before releasing it with another hiss, forgetting how sore even they are, all red and swollen.
“Does it feel good, Jakey?”
He releases a sharp breath and nods jerkily. “Yeah, s’good, feels good,” he confirms.
“You’re almost there, so close,” you say, your warm breath fanning out across his flesh, creating goosebumps that almost physically hurt as they rise. “Just a little more.”
Jake squeezes his eyes shut, body tensing further and further as your hands continue their work. One of them ventures past the waistband of his shorts, sweeps across uncharted skin, as of yet, and he fails to bite back his whimper.
“Okay, your back is finished,” you announce suddenly. “Turn around and I'll get your front.”
“Oh,” he says dumbly as he spins to face you, “I can do my front.”
You smile and wiggle your shining fingers in his face. “My hands are already covered in aloe, it’s no biggie! No sense in you getting your hands dirty, too.”
“Oh,” he repeats, much more faintly.
You reach around him to pump more of the gel into your hands, rubbing them together to try and warm it before spreading it across his chest. Not that it really helps, he thinks, when his skin is fried and molten to the touch. He still jerks and grunts from the cold.
To distract himself, and also so he isn’t staring at your scantily clad bikini covered body, he watches your hands as they work the aloe in. It’s a good plan, at first, but then he gets lost in how gentle you’re being, how soft and smooth the strokes of your hands are. He has to roughly clear his throat when you circle your thumbs around his tender nipples, otherwise he’d have probably done something embarrassing, like moan or beg or both.
Jake can tell you’re trying not to hurt him, and he’s thankful, really, he is. It’s just—well, he can’t stop his mind from wandering. If your hands feel this good on him when you’re just rubbing aloe on his sunburned body, he can’t help but imagine what they’d feel like doing… other things.
You tsk, reaching up to carefully rub at his red ears. “Did you not wear sunscreen at all today?” you tease.
He’s glad his face is as red as the rest of him already so it can hide his blushing cheeks.
The truth is, yes, he absolutely forgot to put on sunscreen. And if he wanted to be petty about it, he’d even say it’s your fault. How was he supposed to remember to put on fucking sunscreen when you came out of your room in the condo wearing the tiniest bikini he’d ever seen? The bottoms are thong bottoms, for fucks sake! It’s sufficient to say he was distracted and didn’t think twice about following you and the rest of your friends outside onto the beach where everyone was going to play volleyball.
Let’s go on vacation, his friends said. It’ll be fun and relaxing, they said.
He hasn’t relaxed since the moment he heard you were going to be in the room next to his, which shares a bathroom—the very one you both are standing in now. But he did have fun playing volleyball with everyone, even when he face-planted directly into one of the poles holding the net up because he tripped over his own feet watching your boobs bounce when you jumped to hit the ball. He’s pretty sure he played it off well, though.
“I—I think that’s good,” he stammers when your hand dips below his waistband again, but in the front this time. “The sunburn doesn’t go that far down.”
You glance up at him with a wide-eyed innocent look that he’s beginning to have a sneaking suspicion is actually not all that innocent. “It’s good to be thorough, Jakey,” you implore, fingers running along his hip bones.
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en-geneisaxx · 5 months
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions lol)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
(Still more parts to go, and I have no idea how many because I'm just writing this as I go 💪)
Likes, reblogs and/or following me will be much appreciated!!
Part 5:
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'Oi, Yeji, can't you hear that?'
'huh..' She mumbles, too focused on typing a full on book about the series of events to the group chat that consisted of her, Jay, H/n and Sunghoon.
One final click and the door was, gently, open by the unknown intruder.
'WHO...' Jay trails off, he's had enough shock that he may very well be immune to heart attacks. Yeji, in an instant, forgot her business with the phone and stared blankly ahead.
'Are they in the bedroom?'
Though his looks didn't support their thoughts, based on the information they had just received, they feared he would shatter Y/n once again.
'Park Sunghoon, we-'
'I won't cause Y/n harm or distress right now, I'm not that much of a monster. And when I was, just saying, it was completely against my will. I just...I didn't know how to display my frustration and worry in a way that would keep the arguement at a low, as well as 𝐧𝐨𝐭 creating something like this...'
Yeji and Jay knew that enough, even Y/n. Although, her conscience may be in a coma right now to believe in that thought.
'If I hear a noise coming from either you or Y/n that presents danger to me, you're out, Hoon.' Threatens Jay.
Sunghoon gives a slight nod, and while walking he mumbles,
'𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒙 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔...𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒚.'
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'Aww, is my baby full?' Coos Y/n, rocking Jin Ae while patting her back.
You were tired, no doubt about that. The headaches and dizziness were scaring you, because you needed to keep awake for Hoon, as well as look after Jin Ae.
A few moments goes by, and Jin Ae was sound asleep on your shoulder.
'Shh, go to sleep, my child. Mummy will be here when you wake up...'
Carefully, so as to not disturb the sleeping princess, you slowly layed Jin Ae on your bed, this time, so that you could awake to her smiling face, chubby cheeks looking scrumptious to bite.
'𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆, 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒐𝒏...' You think aloud to yourself, not knowing you had said it. He would sometimes brag on how his genes dominated and shaped her into the beauty she is today. But you did ask for it, which was also a HUGE ego booster for him.
Her moles complemented her features, and it was just like her father's, but there was one placed in the same spot you had yours: one on her right eyelid, which was somehow seducing in a way. It was pretty, and, in all honesty, sexy, but they would need to be within a distance to actually see it.
Meanwhile, in the corner sat Sunghoon, hiding himself in the shadows. He got in, luckily, when your back faced the door, allowing him to sneak in while you were blind.
He took everything in, and let a tear freely fall when he heard your innocent thoughts. He wanted to embrace you, kiss you and make up for all the time that was lost,
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.
He knew people thought Jake was the good guy at this point, but why did it only have to be him who recognised him as a danger in your relationship? The fact he was hitting on a married woman?
You were about to go to sleep, thinking he was going to come later, until you spotted a zoned-out Hoon staring in the depths of emptiness.
'Hoon!?' You whisper shouted, eager to hug him. Though he may have been so damn mean, you knew he fell too hard to hurt you intentionally.
You got out of the bed in a hurry, stumbling while making your way to him. He held you, and looked at you with eyes pleading for forgiveness.
'Y/n...' He didn't know what to start it with. He had so many ideas of how to show a firm type of him, but seeing you made him melt and want to punch himself for thinking such thoughts.
Your body couldn't last any longer, you were lethargic to a deadly extent;close to fainting like a damsel in distress.
Wrapping your arms around his lengthy neck and placing your head on his chest felt like home. You found solace just by being allowed to do that. It was evident that the arguement had taken a toll on you, for you even felt like you needed permission to do the simplest of things.
Sunghoon knew you could sleep like a log any minute now, so he was expecting silence. However, he knew that love filled the empty space.
'Hoon, I better be waking up with Jin Ae and you on my bed. I'd rather die right now, hugging you than for you to leave me...again.'
He felt like he didn't keep many of his wedding vows, and he experienced an insane amount of guilt for that.
'𝑴𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖...
𝑩𝒖𝒕... 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕..?'
Sadly, you were in your dreams to hear it; to see Sunghoon crying at the fact he might lose you to Jake; to feel his affection that he gave with everything that he got.
You missed heaven when it was there the whole time.
Oh, but don't worry, fate had other things to write in this period of tragedy and growth. But thank fuck the ending was going to be fine.
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / prologue
new series alert !!!! I’m really excited about this one :) I’m still brainstorming a cute nickname for our reader here so if anyone has any ideas lmk and as always lmk what you think and if you want to be added to the taglist for this!
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new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / prologue
to be tagged in future works, please turn on post notifications for @vegaslibrary 
part one
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none :) series will include language, drinking, smut, the whole nine lol
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You knew thoroughly and completely that this was supposed to be the most exciting time of your life… It was the time for new beginnings, to embark on new journeys and gain new perspectives but it didn’t feel that way at all. It felt like the sky was falling and your life was ending though it was truly just getting started and Jake was feeling the same way. Of course he did, you shouldn’t have been surprised, your families had joked you shared one brain since you’d first met at ten years old. A screaming match at recess landed the two of you in the principal's office with your parents and while you’d walked in as mortal enemies, you teamed up in your disdain for your parents and teachers assessment of the situation and left as friends, never to be seen far from the other for the following eight years. 
“We knew this was coming, sweetheart…” he said, planting a kiss on your forehead as you nestled into his side. It was rather dramatic and you knew it, because he was right but that didn’t make this any easier. You weren’t leaving yet and neither was he, it was a simple question he’d asked… wanting to know if you’d made any college decisions yet and halfway through your answer you’d broken down. The weight of that decision had hit you like a freight train and left you wracked with emotion as you cried into his chest.
“I don’t want to leave,” you blubbered and he rubbed soothingly along your back.
“Yes, you do. I do, too. Trust me, if there was a Navy flight school in California I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
“If there was a good biology program in Florida, I’d be there in a heartbeat,” you replied and he just chuckled.
“Wouldn’t do much good anyways, I’d be off to Rhode Island before you graduated anyways.”
“Why would you say that right now?” you asked, another wave of tears cascading down your face. Theoretically you knew Jake’s dream career would leave him bouncing around not only the country but the world for seemingly the rest of his life and it was a disgustingly bitter pill to swallow. 
“Hey, you’re going to be all over the place, too… after Stanford who knows where you’ll go for residency… then you’ll have your pick of fellowships because why wouldn’t you?”
“I’m offended you didn’t say Massachusetts for residency, you have to speak it into existence, Jake.” you mumbled.
“Your plans could change… it’s okay for plans to change,” he pointed out and you looked up at him deadpan. “Right, forgot who I was talking to,” he laughed. “We’re going to be okay.”
You shook your head, “no… we’re not.” This was where you and Jake differed. He had an unwavering optimism for your relationship's survival after graduation but you didn’t share that same hope. You knew what was coming, you knew how few relationships actually survived the first year of college. By some miracle if it did, it would only grow more strained once medical school started, and residency was a completely different beast… not to mention the fact that he would be frequently deployed only god knows where with no ability to call or check in. 
“Honey…” he started, but you just cut him off.
“We have to be realistic,” you muttered. “I think we should…” you trailed off, feeling your throat grow thick, almost as if your body was forcing you not to say it because once you did everything would change. You felt him stiffen beneath you and your body’s attempt at self-preservation was in vain anyways, he knew where you were going.
“We should what? Break up?” he asked, hurt lacing his voice and you sat up to face him as you wiped your tears.
“No, I… I don’t want to break up, Jake, you know that… I just-”
“Think it would be easier?” he asked and you shook your head, taking his hands in yours as you tried to keep him from spiraling.
“I’m not saying this because it’s what I want, Jake. It’s the furthest thing from what I want, if I could make myself have the same dream as you and go to flight school with you so we could keep doing everything together like we always have I would. God, I’ve even tried to want that but we’re just… we’re on different paths. We both dream too big and eventually it was going to catch up to us.” 
“So is this… are you ending this right now? Are we over?” Tears were forming in his eyes and you reached up to swipe them away as they fell.
“No. I’m saying that… I’m saying that we should soak up the time we have together, make the most of it before we both leave and when we do…” you trailed off again, and he cradled your head in his hands.
“When we do, we’re over.” You nodded, your face curling with pain and he couldn’t bear the sight. He pulled you in close, hugging you tight as if he loosened his grip you’d vanish into thin air. “I love you,” he mumbled into your hair and you nodded as you wrapped yourself around him.
“I love you too, so much…” 
And you did just what you said you would. You made the most of the few weeks you had left. Your parents knew what was coming and loosened the reins, sleepovers that had stopped the moment you got together were no longer forbidden and despite their own grief at their babies moving out and moving on they allowed you to spend all of your time together because secretly your impending doom was just as hard on them as it was on you. The four of them had all known your relationship was an inevitability, even had wagers on when it would happen… your mom had won, something she boasted about frequently, she’d even gotten it right down to the day, your junior prom. They also knew what you did, that it would never survive the rigors of college, the unpredictability of the Navy, or the grueling schedule of residency. They’d raised two kids that were larger than life, two kids destined to become the greatest at what they did and you just weren’t old enough or mature enough to figure out how to make each other fit. 
You helped each other pack, studied for finals, danced the night away at prom and walked with each other onto the field for graduation and when the time came to load you onto a plane to San Jose he was right by your side until he couldn’t be.
“This isn’t goodbye,” he said, sensing your body language as you turned to face him before entering the security line. 
You nodded, “I know… I’ll see you at Thanksgiving,” you said softly and his hands rested on your hips. You had said your goodbyes to your parents this morning, they suggested Jake drop you at the airport to let you have your final moments in privacy… as much privacy as the airport would allow. 
“We’re making the right decision,” you weren’t really sure who he was trying to convince but in the end it didn’t really matter. Neither one of you were sure this was true, but it seemed to be the only way to handle things right now.
You nodded again, “it’s not an ending it’s just… all we’re saying is not right now.” He leaned his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut as he pulled you as close as he possibly could and you felt tears spill out and onto your cheeks. “I’m going to go learn how to become a doctor, you’re going to go learn how to be the best damn pilot the Navy has ever seen and we’re going to be good.” Again, who you were trying to convince was up for debate. You pulled your head back to instead bury it in his neck as you threw your arms around his shoulders and breathed in as much of him as you could. 
“We’ll be good,” he mumbled and you knew you had to pull away… you knew you had to turn around and walk away from him but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it just yet. You wanted to stay here, right here in this airport wrapped up in his arms for the rest of your life, but you couldn’t… you had a plane to catch and dreams to follow and he did too. You pulled away suddenly, keeping your arms around him as you looked at him seriously.
“Promise me something,” you said as you fought another wave of tears.
“You’re not going to wait for me, we’re not going to hold back and miss out on life waiting on a maybe.”
“Honey-” he started to protest but you shook your head.
“Promise me, Jake, otherwise I can’t get on that plane. Promise me you’re not going to wait.”
He cursed under his breath, “okay, honey. I promise.”
“And promise me you’re still my best friend,” you said, letting the tears fall now.
“Oh sweetheart, not being your best friend was never an option,” he replied and you nodded, letting your hands rest on his cheeks as you looked him over. This was the last time you would hold his head in your hands and this was the last time you would look at him as your boyfriend, because the second you boarded your plane you would be single and embarking on a whole new journey. He placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled you in, pressing his lips to yours so gently, as if he applied any pressure you’d crumble beneath him. You had other ideas, kissing him back in almost a frenzy as he matched your pace and allowed his tongue to slip past your lips, tasting you for the last time and savoring the moment as he knew it was the last. You pulled away slightly, giving him a few more gentler kisses as you swiped away the tears wetting your hands, 
“I love you,” you whispered and he kissed you again.
“I love you too, honey.”
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next part
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twisting-echo · 6 months
Crossover Crackships I ship based solely on obscure merch!
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Anna x Mayor Lionheart
So, I reblogged this serendipitous gift of a crackship a while ago and promised myself to make a moodboard or a collage out of it, but I totally forgot. I recently rediscovered this when I was going through the “Anna” tag on my blog and decided to actually go retweet this hilarious post on my Twitter.
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When I retweeted the post, I saw that someone actually drew fan art of it in the comments and called it their OTP. And in that moment, I knew that I was prepared to ship them harder than ever before. lol
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A tale as old as time~
LINK TO TWEET - I got a Beauty and the Beast gift from my mom that she put together herself!
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Tinker Bell x Stitch
So, I found this random Tumblr post of someone sharing their Phantom Manor pins, and I found something particularly interesting about them. The pins have cast Tinker Bell as Melanie Ravenswood, the bride of Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris, and Stitch as Jake the Foreman, Melanie's ill-fated fiancé. And yes, the pins also have Stitch cast as the Phantom, aka Henry Ravenswood Melanie's cruel father (but we're going to ignore that part).
The thing that got me hooked was the pin where Tinker Bell and Stitch are sitting together, arms linked, on a picnic date. I know, call me “weird” or whatever you'd like, but I thought it was really cute and wholesome for some reason, despite knowing what actually happens to Melanie and Jake on that picnic date.
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Here are the best photos I could find of the Phantom Manor stretching portraits for more clarity and context.
I would like to end this by saying that Stitch seems to have a thing for Disney ladies, so could you blame me? Don't believe me? Check out this video in the link above, clearly showing Stitch wolf-whistling at Belle and flirting with Jasmine.
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inbarfink · 1 year
My homie I have amazing news. In one of Finn's past lives he was a butterfly. Fionna is probably dreaming of one of her past lives. Like yeah I know dream analysis and stuff and the shwo is very deep. But maybe it's just a cute easter egg.
Okay, I was actually totally planning to add a lil thing in the tags of that post that I was like "hmmm or maybe it can also be related to Finn's past life as a butterfly" but then I, like, had a brainfart and forgot about it lol??? I literally don't know what happened there, honestly.
But also, there is a reason I only meant to leave this idea as a little-side-addendum in the tags - because I don't consider it very likely at all right now. First and foremost because, yeah, one of Finn's past life was a butterfly - but that doesn't necessarily mean anything about Fionna.
I mean, we know that the F&C verse sometimes flips around characters' species. For Glob's sake, literally the second-most important character in this universe is a cat whose Mainverse counterpart is a dog! As far as we know, Fionna's past life could've been a maggot or a Kiwi bird!
Also, an important thing to remember here is that Fionna isn't having this dream alone. Cake is ALSO dreaming with her
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While it's been kinda implied that Finn and Jake keep reincarnating as best bros throughout their lives and maybe you can extrapolate that would be true of Fionna and Cake as well. But there's nothing in this little visual that could be a 'companion' to the butterfly so I think it's worth asking.... why is Cake dreaming of Fionna's past life as well?
Also, I would buy the idea this was just "Fionna dreaming of her past lives" more if, like, the first episode's title sequence showed her dreaming of a shooting star or a pink slime or a genderswapped version of Shoko or anything else also related to Finn's past lives. But instead what we had was this:
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What seems to be a simplified version of the Hotel from her dream sequence at the start of the episode (note the little beach chair on top). I mean, if Finn has a comet I guess Fionna's past life could be a building but... yeah I'm pretty sure that's just the hotel from the dream. It seems like the emerging pattern is Fionna dreaming about a location from the episode at each Ending Title Sequence.
Because the most important thing is that Fionna in the EP2 ending isn't just dreaming of a random butterfly....
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That Butterfly is sitting on the MASK WORN BY THE 'EVIL BEAR' FROM THAT SAME EPISODE.
So Fionna is dreaming explicitly of a butterfly flying around in the Heart of Ooo. So if THIS is her past life that actually has far more Lore Implications than if the dream is just symbolic of the series' themes.
And you know, I was just kinda spitballing with that "Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly" thingy. I still think there's something there especially with Fionna dreaming of Ice King and Ice King dreaming of Fionna but... there's a lot of interesting thematic meanings you can take from the butterfly if you don't insist on refusing to engage with it for silly reasons.
The aforementioned 'Butterfly Effect' concept is one. But you can also look at more general symbolism associated with butterflies. Such as Freedom (which is, when you get down to it, what Fionna is dreaming about more than anything) or Change and Transformation. You know, kinda like how the ending of this episode signified an important Change in the status que of both of our main leads?
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And Transformation is a HUGE theme in this particular episode. You know, Simon's struggle of having being transformed into Ice King and now back to Simon again and how much it messed up his sense of identity? Or how his trauma Changed him? Or how he has a hard time coping with the Changes in his life and the world in general?
We'll probably need more than two episodes to really see what the pattern is with the ending titles and thus more reliably speculate on What Could It Mean. But with the information we have, I don't think it was just Fionna dreams of her past life. And even if it is, I think it's silly to totally discard all the thematic possibility of the butterfly. There's a reason why didn't just dream of being a Pink Slime, after all.
(edited to remove a factual error because I made a point about Fionna's surname not being related to Finn but forgot that was Minvera's name lol)
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solradguy · 1 year
Went digging for something else, forgot what it was exactly I was looking for, and then misremembered and dug up the ASW favorite game/series survey results instead lol They hid the top 10 in a Tokyo Game Show talk, so here they are:
Guilty Gear Strive — 2518 votes
BlazBlue: Centralfiction — 2363 votes
Guilty Gear XX series — 2203 votes
Guilty Gear Xrd series — 1960 votes
脱出アドベンチャー series — 1803 votes
探偵 神宮寺三郎 series (Jake Hunter) — 1512 votes
Digital Holmes — 629 votes
Kunio-Kun series — 612 votes
Wizard's Harmony series — 526 votes
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle — 464 votes
Here's through to 20, from the official survey results page.
11. Guilty Gear 2: Overture — 444 votes 12. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma series — 413 votes 13. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift series — 404Votes 14. World End Syndrome — 364 votes 15. Of Mice and Sand series — 285 votes 16. BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War — 284 votes 17. Guilty Gear X series — 258 votes 18. Prismaticallization — 233 votes 19. Guilty Gear (1998) — 219 votes 20. River City Girls series — 207 votes
Some funny honorable mentions from the survey page (this was out of 50 total games/series:
39. Tottemo E Mahjong series — 15 votes
47. Guilty Gear Isuka — 6 votes 48. Under Night In-Birth — 5 votes
50. BlazBlue: Revolution Reburning — 3 votes
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THE APOCRYPHON OF JAKE ENGLISH (53399 words) by optimisticDuelist, KeeperofManyNames Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Jake English/Dirk Strider Characters: Jake English, Dirk Strider, Rose Lalonde, Alternate Calliope (Homestuck), Original Characters Additional Tags: Suicide, Graphic Depiction of Suicide, Negging, Parental Negligence, Abuse, Manipulation, Xenophobia, Sexual Themes, Toxic Masculinity, Religious Themes, Pantheons, Discussion of Infidelity, Discussion of Genocide, Nonconsensual Immortality, Suicidal Ideation, Impalement, Shooting, Stabbing, Phallic Symbolism, Necrophilia, Mightve forgot other stuff, If youre worried pls have a friend vet it for you, Ill add tags if people deem them necessary, Epilogues Sequel, Canon-Compliant, canon non-compliant, Canon Divergence Series: Part 1 of Pumpkin Path Summary: If you didn't like the epilogues there's probably nothing here for you, but this was basically my emotional processing for them and I think what came out of it was a lot of fun, if fucked up. Anyway. dirkjake: not only still good, but better now that its worse actually. here's my thesis on why as well as my attempt to deconstruct the narrative pandora's box that is jake goddamn english.   Every hat in attendance MUST be doffed deferentially to sam keeper, who i made co-author because i swear to god this shit was never getting posted ever if she didn't step in to save my sorry ass with her bonkers efficient text formatting skills. I cannot imagine trying to color format all of this stuff by hand and even with the text formatting its probably only sometimes legible LOL. Let me know how that goes for y'all.
@utopianparadoxist brings us this brilliant work set in the realm of the epilogues. Jake English is giving us the pumpkin path! check out the blog to find out more.
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slavhew · 2 months
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The needy eat man-mades
They wear phony clothes
They sit with our picture up until they grow old
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It's been some weeks but here I am now to respond to your response lol. So first of all, I'm definitely leaning towards nocorro but tbh I have like a few versions of this au in my head, all of which lead Spider down different paths depending on his love interest (or lack thereof) because I feel like each one would bring out something different in his ikran ambitions:
Spider/Neteyam - he fulfills his dream of becoming a racer.
Spider/Lo'ak - he eventually travels all over Pandora to learn everything he can about ikrans, becoming an expert in caring for, training, and riding them.
Spider/Kiri - he becomes an amazing ikran caretaker, focusing his energy on the health and well-being of them.
Spider/Rotxo - he realizes that the na'vi avoid riding the forest ikrans (which I imagine are what would dominate the forests of the Metkayina's islands) because of their size but he is just the right size. This leads to him being the first to utilize the smaller island ikrans with an interesting twist.
Spider/Ao'nung - he actually creates ilu racing in this one lol, it's all part of this storyline in my head where he manages to use his knowledge of both ikran training and human animal training methods to adapt to an ilu style and bond/train an ilu into helping him escape Quaritch. I'll tell you more info in another ask if you want it's a whole thing.
Spider/Tsireya - he paves the way for a new ikran sport: a mash between equestrian trick riding/vaulting, with quite a bit of acrobatics included.
Spider & the Sullies - he becomes their personal trainer, bonding with each individual family member and their ikrans and helping them to make their own marks on the ikran rider community all while helping to heal the distance within the family (among Jake and the boys specifically). I like to think that in this one he bonds with a forest ikran and carves out a place in ikran racing all his own.
And these are all very much active in my mind. I've always loved the idea that just one choice, one source of influence, could change your fate. I like the idea that there's a universe where Spider and Neteyam fall in love and become an ikran racing power couple and I like the idea that there's another universe where Kiri beat Neteyam to the punch and instead Spider focuses on all he can do to care for these amazing creatures, etc.. You can see what parts of him each path brings out.
On another note, some of your hc's will definitely be making an appearance because there were a few that I loved and thought fit so perfectly with what I pictured. I look forward to you seeing which ones stuck with me lol. And I love that others have their own interpretations that they want to write about! It'd be so fun to see what others come up with! Fun fact: I never intended for Spider to become a racer himself, I was vibing with the concept of him being this amazing ikran whisperer who brings a different perspective to the bond between person and animal, but because of the reaction that you and others have had I've added that into my thoughts!
Anyways, I know I work slowly but trust and believe I can't wait to get the next installment out so hang in there! Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to send you a link to my newest fic
You totally don't have to read it, I'm still not even 100% sure if I like it myself, but idk I've sent you a link before so it'd just feel rude if I didn't now that I've started to? Does that make sense? Another update is that I will in fact be adding on to Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which I figured is something you might look forward to :)
~ CherryApollo
Hello icon CherryApollo. I'm so sorry this ask has taken me SO long to respond to, I wanted to read back on our old chats to refresh my memory but just like the nocorro accidentally mated post that an anon asked me to find the other day, I cannot find the posts even though I know it's tagged properly. I don't know if maybe it doesn't show up unless the tag is in the first few tags of the post? Someone send help.
BUT ANYWAYS, we will have to just focus on this. I agree that every Spider love interest just brings out a different side of Spider, which would result in different Spider ikran racing ambitions all around. I find it interesting that he travels in the locorro one, because I've always associated it with Kiri and Spiri. The yearning to explore more of Eywa's creations and to connect with her in different ways, and to meet more Na'vi and to see where and how they live. It's so Kiri to me, just wanting to be more a part of Pandora and see more of Pandora. I don't hate it for Lo'ak though, he's so restless and he is such a fast and adaptive learner when he's invested.
I am OBSESSED with the idea of Spider and a forest ikran, and I'm shocked no one has done it yet. They are! Spider sized!!! It's so perfect! He can fit into smaller spaces and make tighter and faster maneuvers and turns, and I bet him and Neytiri could spend hours seeing how traditional ikran racing could translate to this slightly different creature and style.
OBVIOUSLY I want more info on Spider escaping Quaritch via ilu bonding?? That's amazing, it shakes up the whole story! Would he find Awa'atlu right away or would he end up at a different village first? I have been drawn lately to the Spider escaping and finding the Sully's fic's I've seen around, although I've never seen one get past a few chapters. It's such an interesting concept!
I absolutely adore always when people are inspired by my thoughts, and I think it will be so so fun to see what sticks and what you liked and what you change!!! Please don't worry about working slow, I've been answering slow lately.
AND I SAW YOUR NEWEST FIC, I am so behind on my fic reading but I checked yours out before I posted this. I commented :) and please, it's not rude at all to send me a fic, sometimes I miss them in the shuffle so I appreciate it!
I ALSO HAVE BEEN SO OBSESSED WITH THAT FIC, I'M SO EXCITED THEY'LL BE AN UPDATE. I'll tell you, I have been so stuck on the idea of writing something original in its world. Loosely in its world, I guess, but just a soulmate world where if your soulmate is dead you can see their ghost, but also all the ghosts can all see each other as well. I've been stuck on this idea of a person whose soulmate is a ghost and as a result they're kind of an unattached loner. They are a private investigator who uses their ghost soulmate talking to other ghosts to help solve crimes. I'm thinking that they'll end up with another person whose soulmate is dead that they meet, a sort of vibe where they aren't the others supposed person but maybe things worked out the way it was supposed to in a fucked up way. It's just a weird concept I haven't been able to get rid of that I figured I'd let you know you inspired, lol.
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thewanderer-000 · 9 months
Music Sunday
Tagged by @cassietrn @cloudofbutterflies92 @carlosoliveiraa @simplegenius042 I can't remember who has tagged me in a music thing, this was something I wrote that had music kinda involved. My severe ADHD itdn't focused at the moment lol or hasn't been focused for a long while, actually it's a bit of a roller-coaster in the creative department lol
Deputy Penelope Thompson sat tying her shoe getting ready to leave after her one of her many flings with Jacob. Penelope couldn't help it but hum the song she had stuck in her head, Jacob looked at her wondering what was the song. It sounded familiar but he couldn't place it for the life of him, definitely wasn't something he's heard in long, long time.
"Did daddies really never go away?
Whoa, whoa, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days
Whoa, whoa, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days" Penelope sang as she fastened her bullet proof vest, she heard me roll on to my side to hear her better.
"Hm, what is that?" I asked, Penelope looked confused like she forgot what she was singing. She pulled a t-shirt over covering her vest, Pen looked around my office room like she'd find the name here. Cute, she's kinda forgetful.
"I don't remember the name but the tune and some lyrics are in my head at the moment" she says have finally given up on remembering the song and artist.
"Pen, you know you looked cute trying to find the answer in this room, still waking up angel" I tease, she gave an eye roll and turned away.
"Whatever, big talk from a man sitting naked in bed still" I swat at her ass, Penelope giggled, I pulled her by the pants pocket to sit on my bed.
"How about you sing more of that song, well, what you remember?" She looked at me annoyed but also like she was trying to focus on the lyrics.
"Uh, that's all I remember, unfortunately" Penelope assured me with a little smirk on her lips, lips that I wanted to kiss, so I did. She immediately pulled away.
"I have to go, Eli has me busy with the resistance, remember" I gather her in my arms and nod no as I continue to keep her.
"Mmm, Jacob. Mmm-I, mm-have-to-mmm-Ja-" I have her on my lap and she doesn't try to leave again, I have her where I want. Til she pulled away quickly with a little excited look on her face as she nestled into me.
"Hey, what-"
"It's a Judds song, uh- Grandpa! You don'tknow how long that was plaguing me not remembering the artist and song" she said happily, relief on her face.
"Do you fall in love and stay?" I sing remembering that one part of the song, Penelope rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Shut up. You're cute, you know that?" She giggled and kissed my forehead and tried to leave again.
"Not happening. I worked so hard and come to find out I had time to lay back for a day or so you are staying here" I say holding her to me, she laughed and lay against me.
"Oh, well if that's how I get a naked Jacob why not say sooner" she said slipping her hands under her clothes to take off her bullet proof vest. I let her then she got it off and tossed it away, and got comfortable with me.
"Hm, you like this old naked bod?" I question, Penelope softly smacked my arm, and made a noise that I chuckled at.
"Don't say a derogatory word about my babe" she said and looked at me with little angry eyes, and I laughed at her cute face.
"You're sweet on me, I think too long in this shit pit of a bunker may have warped your lovely brain there darlin'" I teased, and she bite me but it was hot, so I slap her beautiful butt, she stopped to laugh.
"I don't think so" she just kissed my face a moment and lay back down, cuddling me, enjoying our time together.
"But I do have to go get someone to cover my shift if I'm going to be here with you, instead of occupying the shooting range" I sigh but smile and release Penelope, but not before trying to keep her on top of me. She kisses my forehead, her hands holding me still and then push me into the bed as she jumps off me.
"I'll be back Big Daddy Jake Cakes" Penelope says casually before she leaves my room making my face & ears hot and beet red. This woman will be the death of me, but I can't wait for her to get back.
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