#forgot I wanted to put something for Charlie here oh no
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Hey, you guys
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blackpanda48 · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Adam x fem!Reader
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An: I made my own ai so I made a story with him. And yeah enjoy this oneshot 💕✨
Warning: Make out and yeah that's it (ig)
*You are a sinner who was a resident in the Hazbin Hotel. You went with Charlie to meet up with the Exterminators leader's. But Charlie's plan didn't exactly turned out how she wanted. The leader's Adam and Lute heard her plan they laughed at her. Which made you kinda angry but before anything could have happened Adam told Charlie that they made Extermination come sooner than before. Then Adam throws you two out. After pulling yourself together, you noticed a card in your hand with a phone number written on it.*
*When me and Charlie went home to the hotel I went into my room to dial in the number. Waiting for someone to pick up*
*You waited a few minutes before someone picked up. The person on the phone says In a rather deep voice.*
"Uhm who is this?"
*You can clearly feel someone smirk on the other side of the phone*
"Oh so you are that cute sinner who I saw with the Princess of Hell today. I'm Adam but I guess you already knew that. So what's your name beautiful?"
*I kinda blushed by him calling me cute*
"My name is Y/n"
*You can hear Adam laugh on the other side of the phone.*
"Oh you blushing? Well that can't be good you are a sinner if you don't mind me asking, correct?"
"Yes correct and you are an angel so?"
*Adam chuckles a bit.*
"Well my role is a bit different than the other angels. Basically I work for the angels who punish sinners. So tell me how old are you beautiful?"
"Definitely not older than you"
*You can vaguely hear a smirk on the other side of the phone.*
"I guess you are right about that. So do you have anyone right now beautiful or are you a single pringle?"
"I'm single"
*You hear a chuckle come out the other side of the phone.*
"Well then that's perfect. When are you free cause I think I have a nice date idea for us."
"Well I'm free in never and keep dreaming about it" *I said in the phone while smirking*
*You hear him chuckle again.*
"Well I won't back down. So think about it. And also how about I pick you up around 8pm tomorrow and we have a nice dinner and then I would bring you home after that? Now this time you should accept it."
"I don't know if you noticed I'm in hell and you are up in heaven"
*You hear the voice on the other side of the phone snigger.*
"Well do you honestly think I only stay in heaven? I'm basically a angel mercenary, and one of the thing I specialise is to hunt sinners and take them back up to heaven so what's stopping me from visiting one. So what do you say? Will you go on a date with me tomorrow beautiful?"
"Keep dreaming"
*I'll said while putting down the phone*
*Adam sigh as he put down the phone in a table next to him. He started to speak to himself.*
"I'm gonna go there tomorrow and go out on a date with her if she likes it or not" *He said grin to himself*
*The next day Y/n heard a knock on her door*
*You were in middle of a shower but when you heard the knock you quickly got out, wrapped a towel around your body and went to open the door.*
*She said while covering her body with the tower*
*Adam smirk while you are covering your body. He quickly looked around in case someone else is watching you two.*
"I told you I'm gonna come back today for you. Looks like you forgot that. Now let me in beautiful."
"Bro did you not just notice I got out of the shower just a moment ago?!"
*Adam chuckles a bit as he spoke.*
"Yeah I did notice that. Should I have come later in the evening or something? You know what never mind. You look cute wet"
*She started to blush so much and started to cover herself more*
*You can see him smirk again seeing you blush. He was tempted to come a bit closer just to see how much you could blush. Adam chuckled a bit when he saw you cover yourself more.*
"Please can you stop covering yourself. You don't need to be so shy in front of me beautiful"
*Adam chuckles and he steps a bit closer to you. You can feel his breath on your ear*
"You know you don't have to cover yourself. You are already so cute and adorable. Now come here beautiful."
*He went inside closing the door behind him. While Y/n started until her back hit the wall.*
*You see Adam's face get closer and closer to you. His yellow eyes piercing your soul. Adam smiles as he got so close their lips were almost touching now. He started to lean in closer to her. He was so close to her that the tower that covered her body fall out of her hands.*
"Why are you this close?"
*She asked while her hole fave started to turn red*
*Adam smirk and he got even closer to her. His breath was really hot making Y/n's face really red.*
"Oh I'm sure you know the answer to that beautiful."
*Adam smirk and got even closer to her. His lips were so close that you can even feel his breath on your lips.*
"Just kiss me beautiful"
*She put her hands on his face and kissed him*
*Adam is surprised by her move but he quickly pulled her closer to himself. His hands wandered down to her neck as their tongue started to entwine. His breathing becomes heavy as their kiss became more passionate. Adam's lips finally broke free from her but when he was about to pull away she pulled him back with her hands.*
*Adam looks into her eyes and smiles as he spoke.*
"See beautiful it isn't so hard is it?"
*He pulls her in for a hug with his hands wrapped around her body so she couldn't run away from him.*
"I know I'm not supposed to fall in love with sinners but I think I already broke this rule for you beautiful."
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Words: 1067
Characters: 5448
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
HH cast crushing on the reader 2/3
Forgot to mention in the previous post alastor will be excluded for this prompt. "But admin you write for him-" I tend to approach his writing with queer platonic ideas and while I do think this prompt can still work with that, idk how to put it into words
Characters: Lucifer, Adam, Lute, Emily, Velvette, Rosie
Notes: reader is GN, mostly focuses on canon characters, if your character isnt here check the other parts unless I dont write for them
CWs: none
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On one hand he wants to be with you. But on the other I feel he is still a bit hung up on Lilith. It's wouldn't be fair to you to pursue someone else when there's already someone else in his heart. He flipflops between approaching you and shutting you off. It's going to take a lot and you might have to ask him if there's something going on or if you did something wrong. He's crushed that you think you did something wrong. Baby steps with him, give him some time and the two of you could possibly make something. He finds himself sitting at his workspace making art (ducks) based off of you.
Oh he is so open about it and it's kind of obnoxious. Well.. open isn't the right word. He's very up front with making sure you know that he thinks you're... desirable to put it lightly. But to actually be soft and vulnerable and say he wants to be with you for more than just wanting to bang you? It's going to be like pulling teeth to get an actual confession from him. He teases you a lot more, and makes comments about you and he leans into it if you're receptive. Just know that if you catch feelings first and he notices, he's going to hold it over your head and use it as ammo.
Similar to Vaggie in the previous part, she's going to get... closed off. Unlike Vaggie, she's going to totally close herself off from you and try to bury herself deeper into her heavenly duties. She's hardwired and trained to devote herself to Heaven and she believes she doesn't have time for you. She almost feels like it's a betrayal to have these feelings in the first place. She won't confess, at least not out of looking for a relationship. I can see her doing it as a way to release her feelings in hopes that saying it out loud will somehow get rid of them. It's a little sad when you sit and think about it, but I do think with enough time and patience you two might be able to build something.
Very giddy and very quick to telling you how she feels. She takes time out of her day to check in on you, as well as giving you something she knows you like or something that reminded her of you. Noticeably happier around you and perks up at the mere mention of your name. She always has time for you, she makes room in her schedule for you. She's a lot like Charlie in regard to her being a bit overbearing and clingy, but she really does mean well with her intentions! Just let her know if she needs to scale it back!
I can totally see Velvette being the type to hide her feelings and translate to something else. Bonus points if you're a rival of hers in the industry, all the more reason for her to try to twist her feelings. I guess in a way you can call her a tsundere. Even through the meaner things she says, there are some teasing words slipped in here and there in your interactions that admittedly leave you feeling a little conflicted and confused. If you shut it down and be firm you miiiight get her to cut the act, but it is not a guarantee because she's grown to like the game.
She doesn't throw herself at your feet, she has some dignity. She is polite and kind towards you, though... but just because you've got her attention doesn't mean she's going to date you just yet. Think of it as her giving you a chance to show yourself off to her. She sometimes does small favors for you in town, even giving you some special privileges thanks to her status as an overlord. Waits for you to confess, if you're showing your signals as well. There will be subtle hints, though, even if she's not outright flirting with you... most of the time... she can't resist sometimes, even with the above stated. Really it just depends on the circumstance and how you are as a person.
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
Hi I’m not sure if your requests are open at the moment. But if they are, I was wondering if you could do a Valentino x fem!Reader; where Charlie meets the Overlord - like when she goes to the studio to request more time off for Angel in the show - and she finds out he’s married - and she ends up meeting Reader and their kid?? - sorry if this doesn’t make a lot of sense.
I think this is what you were looking for? If not please feel free to request something different!
Please consider this an OTO short story and consider the characters within the context of that narrative! Enjoy!
<3 Mandy
Valentino didn’t let his family in his studio, and for good reason. 
Sure it was a dangerous place. After all, he employed criminals, scumbags, and general down on their luck losers. Not to mention the actual work itself wasn’t something he wanted his wife, let alone his daughter, anywhere near. 
But deeper than the obvious reasons, Valentino didn’t want them to see him in the role he played. He didn’t want them to see the cruelty he inflicted as he fulfilled the terms of each contract he signed. The day he married his wife, he swore he would keep her as far away from that part of him as he could. 
The day Charlie walked into his studio, he was already at his wits end. 
The baby had been up all night with bad dreams. His wife needed to work in the afternoon, which meant he needed to keep a tight schedule so he could keep an eye on his precious daughter. 
So when he heard that creak of the door opening and the blonde bitch walked into his studio, he wanted nothing more than for her to turn the fuck around and walk back out. 
From the corner of his eye, he watched Angel Dust rush up to her, and encourage her to leave. As with everything else in her life, Alastor’s bitch ignored his plea. Valentino could feel his anger growing as he stood up. Normally he would find this entire thing entertaining, but today it was interfering with his very tight timeline. 
As he strode over to encourage her to leave, he heard the elevator door open. From his back, wings sprang forth as he watched his wife step into his studio, his daughter in her arms. 
Fucking great. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He yelled across the studio. In the moment, he forgot about Charlie, forgot about Angel, forgot about the timeline. He strode across the floor and hurried her into his office. 
“Bebita,” he hissed. “Get yourself and her out of my studio. Now.” 
“Put those wings away,” Reader replied mildly. “You’re scaring her.” 
Valentino looked at his three year old daughter's face as she stared at him in a mix of fear and fascination. With a sigh, he took a deep breath and retracted his wings. 
“It’s just me, my ninita,” he said softly as he reached for her. “Come see Papi.”
He lifted her out of his wife’s arms and cradled her to his chest. Softly, he cooed to his little girl until she snuggled into him and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck.
“Papi!” She said excitedly. “Play game? Uncle Voxy’s Sharkies? Pony ride?”
Valentino gave his wife a hard look. “Mi amore, why are you here?”
“Because you need to watch her and I need to go meet with Uncle Lucy,” she replied as she set the diaper bag on the table. “Do paperwork, keep her in the playpen, hell, make one of your assistants watch her, I don’t care but I need to leave right now.”
Valentino felt his anger bubble up but swallowed it back. He knew it wasn’t her fault. Hell, he knew it wasn’t even technically Lucifer’s fault. Instead, he leaned over and kissed his wife softly. 
A creak of the door and Valentino jerked away. It wouldn’t do for anyone to see him act so soft. 
“Val? Do you have a moment?” Charlie’s voice interrupted. “I’d realllllly like to speak with you about Angel.”
“Oh for fucks sake,” Valentino growled. “What now?”
“Language! That’s two quarters in the swear jar!” Reader scolded him. 
As soon as Charlie pushed the door open and saw the scene within, Valentino could see his reputation going down the drain. He tried to hand his daughter back to his wife, to put on the mask he wore with everyone else. 
Unfortunately, his little girl had other plans. 
“Daddy! No!” She shrieked. “Papi, no no no no no no!” 
“Okay, okay ninita,” he muttered and snuggled her back to him. “Settle down.”
She stuck her fingers in her mouth and laid her head on Valentino’s shoulder. 
“Daughter? You have a kid?” Charlie asked, her voice dripping in disbelief as she looked at the three of them. “The overlord of lust and depravity?”
“Oh shut up,” Valentino snapped as he sat down on his desk.
Charlie looked to reader and waved brightly. “Hi! I’m Charlie! I’m…”
“I know who you are. You’re the one who opened the Hazbin Hotel,” reader replied. She gave Charlie a smile. “Please, ignore my husband. What’s going on with Angel?”
Charlie’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “Valentino is married?”
“That’s common fucking knowlege,” Valentino muttered. “I wear a wedding band for fucks sake.” 
Both of them chose to ignore him. 
“Hi Charlie, it’s nice to meet you,” Reader replied with a smile. “I’m reader, and this is our daughter. Sweetie, say hi.”
Instead of answering, the little girl buried her face into Valentino’s neck. 
Charlie’s eyes went wide again. “You’re Lucifer’s niece. Oh my god it is true. Valentino, you’re married to Lucifer’s niece?”
“Charlie, what is it you want?” Valentino asked with a sigh. “What will it take to get and keep you the fuck out of my studio?” 
Charlie turned to him, “I have come to- aggressively kindly- ask that you give Angel more time off to…”
Valentino closed his eyes. If he gave Angel the time off, could handle this bitch by himself. And get her out of his studio for good.
“Fine. Done. He’ll be off in five hours and I’ll shorten his hours, now get out,” Valentino growled. “And I swear, if we pick up even a hint of Alastor in this building I will…”
“Val…the baby,” reader warned. 
“Deal! Thank you thank you thank you!” Charlie gushed.
 In a single motion, she reached out as if to hug Valentino. He stepped back quickly.
“Not with the baby, she doesn’t like strangers,” he said sharply. “Goodbye, Charlie.” 
Valentino watched as she practically skipped out the door. Grateful for the privacy, he sank into his office chair and closed his eyes. Against him, his daughter snuggled deeper. He felt his wife prop herself on his knee and felt the weight of her head against him. Outstretching his arms, he held them both against him and closed his eyes. For a moment, all was right with the world. 
“I can’t have her in my studio,” he said aloud. “The baby, I mean. I hate to do it, but I need to call Vox, see if he can take her. I just, I don’t want her around all this. It isn’t okay, for so many reasons.”
“I know, and I’m sorry normally I…” reader began. 
Valentino cut her off with a kiss. “I know. Go, if you have to.”
Reader looked a bit disheartened but leaned over and kissed their daughter, and then him before making her way out of the office. A quick phone call to Vox later, his now sleeping daughter was safely in her Uncle’s arms and Valentino’s attention shifted back to his work. 
Five long hours later, he called cut, pulled Angel aside and informed him his day was ending early. To his dismay, he watched as Angel strutted to his changing room just as Charlie again walked through the door. 
“Valentino! Can we talk?” She asked.
Valentino shifted his weight and crossed his arms. “I gave Angel the time off because you promised to leave.”
“Yay! But this isn’t about you, this is about reader and you, and your softer sider- I think you might be a great candidate for the Hotel!” She gushed. “Think about it! Your daughter…”
Valentino had her by her throat up against the wall before she could finish her sentence. His wings sprang from his back and every part of him pulsed with power. 
“Do not presume to speak about my family,” he snarled. “This is your last chance. Get. Out.”
He released her and without another thought, he slammed open Angel’s dressing room. He could feel the rage building as he grabbed him and shoved him into the wall. 
“I don’t give a shit what you do with your time off, get that fucking cunt out of my studio,” he snarled. “The next time she comes in, both you fucking bitches will be dead.”
He dropped Angel and to his relief, Charlie was nowhere to be found. He stepped into the elevator and tried to swallow back the fear and anger in his chest. Alastor and his little twat had better keep themselves far away from his family. Valentino had no desire to start another fight, but if push came to shove, he would most certainly finish it.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
piano (dal)ma(tio)n
charles leclerc x f!reader - social media au
psa: no plot, just thoughts
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liked by screamingmeals, landonorris and 246,940 others
ynofficial: piano (dal)ma(tio)n
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ynofficial: it's my fucking piano????
landonorris: mum and dad are fighting again alex_albon
charles_leclerc: BUT!! IT'S!! VINTAGE!!
alex_albon: don't let it fool you lando_norris, he's giggling too, i can hear it across the paddock
lewishamilton: buzz looks like he's having fun! charles_leclerc he could be a musical genius
ynofficial: that's what i've been saying!!!!!!!!!! but SOMEONE won't hear me out 🙄🙄
charles_leclerc: i'll hear you out when he learns to play chopin
ynofficial: bitch
charles_leclerc: love you too😘😘😘😘😘😘
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 317,713 others
tagged: isahernaez
ynofficial: 'i'm a spontaneous person' - harry bright
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charles_leclerc: so spontaneous you forgot to tell me 😐
charles_leclerc: i was this close 🤏to calling the police
ynofficial: oh my god i knew i forgot something
charles_leclerc: DO I MEAN NOTHING????
ynofficial: open snapchat
charles_leclerc: merde nvm
lando_norris: ew keep it PG in here
georgerussell63: oh charlie boy
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liked by sophieturner, callum_ilott and 428,165 others
ynofficial: i pictured you with other girls in love and threw up on the street (true)
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lilymhe: i can vouch i was there ✋
charles_leclerc: darling, when was this?
lando_norris: last week?
ynofficial: i'm not gonna lie, literally three days after meeting you
charles_leclerc: #whipped
ynofficial: loud and proud about it
camilamorrone: charles_leclerc if you don't put a ring on her i will
charles_leclerc: noted
pierregasly: 😲
ynofficial: pierregasly you and me both brotha
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liked by pierregasly, barzal97 and 412,926 others
ynofficial: charles_leclerc don't know what YOU are talking about mr-hands-on-at-all-times
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ynofficial: you're what??? 22???
charles_leclerc: didn't have to do me like that 😐😐
ynofficial: i can do you however i want
charles_leclerc: oh? 😏
lando_norris: i have to deal with max sucking face in public and this when i look at my phone smh
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and 245,186 others
ynofficial: PASS THE MIC RIGHT OVER TO CHARLES...we forgot charles
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charles_leclerc: please come back
ynofficial: unbothered king 👑
danielricciardo: you know it
alex_albon: did you guys...forget charles?
charles_leclerc: yep
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liked by ynofficial, carlossainz55 and 628,196 others
charles_leclerc: if we run away together each time you leave me to walk a block before coming back to get me, i'll start hiding myself. love you always and a whole lot.
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arthur_leclerc: sap. marry her immediately.
charles_leclerc: working on it, promise!
ynofficial: i saw nothing, but yes
charles_leclerc: oh. nice to know 😊😊😊😊😊😊
ynofficial: please start hiding yourself, i want to stay here forever
charles_leclerc: say no more, i'll make sure to get a ticket for buzz next time
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pearl-blue-musings · 6 months
heaven let your light shine down
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!fem!reader
A/N: this was something that manifested from shower thoughts and my current obsession with hazbin hotel. There’s none of this yet but there will be themes of manipulation, heartbreak, heavy emotions, fun times, spoilers, show theories, good times
Word count: ~1.8K
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Taking a secret trip to hell from heaven wasn’t as smooth as you thought it would be. Sneakily arriving in the embassy through whatever portal Emily opened for you was less than ideal. You landed on the hard ground of heaven’s embassy with a thud and shook yourself off. When your eyes adjust to the dimness of the new world around you, you’re quick to cover your nose. You didn’t know much about Hell, but you were briefly aware of the smell it emitted.
You wrap your arms around yourself as you take in the sights around you. The embassy was strikingly see through and gave you a clear view of Pentagram City. You never understood why Heaven needed an embassy in Hell but right now you’re happy there is one. The weight on your back feels lighter as you realize your wings retracted. Oh right, you forgot that Emily helped you to retract and hide your wings as to not bring too much attention to yourself. However, being indiscreet was not an option. Above you a bright light where the portal is closing shines, alerting everyone within a 10 mile radius someone has entered the Heaven embassy.
The bag you brought with you lays haphazardly on the floor as you try to compose yourself. A growing buzzing sound gets closer and closer to the gates of the embassy. It’s been years since you’ve felt your heart race in a panic over your life, and you’re not sure what to hold onto. Of course they saw you, silly! You can’t just portal into Hell and not expect some kind of audience. Simple, you’ll just go over all the things you practiced and rehearsed saying before you snuck out of Heaven.
The doors bang and clang open, determined and angry faces with mounted weapons pointed at you greet you. You yelp as Charlie, you remember her from the meeting, bundles toward you. Her horns stand bright and red atop her head, eyes ablaze with indignation. Behind her and to the right is Vaggie, her hair blowing almost ethereally as her poke arm is pointed at you. The porn star known as Angel Dust has all of his guns cocked and loaded, ready to take aim at your heart. There’s some kind of cat like demon and someone with a cane with an evil and calculating yet far off look in the back. And reigning above all of that is the king of Hell himself.
You’ve only heard of him by name, never by face. Always being fed that he’s a deceiver, a true sinner, and disbeliever. He and his wife, ex-wife you correct to yourself, are the reason there are so many sinners in Hell in the first place. You gulp loudly and try to compose yourself. You clear your throat with a cough and start out your practiced speech. “Ah, hello! I’m-“
“What does Heaven want? Are they trying another extermination in a week? Well I’ve got news for you, we’re ready for whatever they’re gonna send us. We killed Adam and a bunch of other angels! We’re not afraid to make an example out of you!” Charlie’s commanding speech leaves your throat dry as you feel yourself shrink under their intense gazes. You see her and Lucifer approach you in a threatening manner. Your hands immediately go up and you fall to your knees.
With a wail, you cry out in pity. “Please don’t hurt me! I-I come in peace!” In the distance you hear a “hah” but keep going. “Heaven, uh heaven doesn’t know I’m here. Except for Emily, she knows I’m here; but that’s it!” Your truth appears to fall on disbelieving ears as they bundle closer to you. The point of Vaggie’s pole arm has gotten dangerously close to your nose and your voice gets stuck in your throat. You try to swallow the lump forming inside as you grab your bag. All eyes shift to your movement and you put up a hand in protest.
“W-wait! Please I’m here with good news! And evidence of said news.” You scramble in your bag for a couple pieces of paper and hand them to Charlie. “Charlie, please look at this with your own eyes. I swear I’m not making this up!” You notice her shoulders gradually lower and the horns retract in her head. The normal color of her eyes return to normal as she reads over the first page. Her eyes visibly soften as tears come to her eyes along with a smile. She blinks a couple times before looking at you. Her voice is soft and untrusting.
“Is this, is this true?” You nod as you pull out the second paper.
“I asked him to write his last memories down on paper. You know,” you begin to ramble, “when you enter Heaven you start to lose your memories of your former life and we’re not sure the stature of this regarding-“
Vaggie shushes you with a prick of her weapon as she slowly approaches Charlie. The Princess of Hell falls to her knees and reaches out a hand to you. With a soft chuckle she mutters, “It worked.”
You nod vigorously while taking her hand to stand up. “That’s why I’m here! I, I wanted to tell you as soon as I saw him.” The paper you handed Charlie gets shown to the rest of the group. They all lower their weapons and their guard as they start to smile. Lucifer slowly descends toward you to get a better view of the official Heavenly document. He walks up to you and eyes you carefully, noticing your halo but lack of wings. His eyes squint as he looks you over. You can sense he doesn’t entirely trust you and that’s understandable.
But does he have to be that close?
You cough and pick up the other paper, trying desperately to ignore the way your stomach feels and the nervousness that’s increasing. “I also asked him to write down his memories and he said “I was protecting the hotel and my dearest Cherri with my egg boys by my side. If you can please let them know I made it to heaven and I miss you all dearly! Okay bye!””
The whole group begins to laugh and cry at the words and news being shared. Hugs are happening all around and small chatter begins within the embassy. A warm smile grows on your face as you see new faith and hope restored in the demons in front of you. It makes you giddy with glee to see them look hopeful for the future, you start to dance a little bit to yourself. Momentarily, you forgot that a certain King of Hell has been watching you the whole time.
Lucifer clears his throat to get your attention. “What, what is this some happy dance? You’re not here to hurt Charlie are you?”
You shake your head, noticing the buzz of conversation happening around you. “Oh no! I want to help her. A-all of you!” You take a deep breath and wave your hands in the air to get everyone’s attention. “I was at the meeting. I saw Angel Dust do all the right things to get into Heaven! And it’s not fair that angels have all this power and don’t know what it means to get into Heaven! I wanted Sera to approve of the hotel because, because I believe in your mission! So please,” you extend a hand toward the crowd, “let me help you.”
With their guidance, the members of the Hazbin Hotel walk with you toward the almost redone building. Straggling behind you is Lucifer, unsure of just what another Angel is doing in his realm. Sure, he had figured out about Vaggie and was fine with that. But that’s different. You as an angel willingly came down to Hell to help, you must have some ulterior motive. However, he can’t help but have your words hit that soft spot inside him; it makes him want to know more about you. How did someone like you get on the counsel, and why would you risk your rank and heavenly status for demons? In his mind it didn’t make any logical sense.
You had heard the hotel was badly damaged in the fight and was surprised to see how much better it looks now. There’s still some renovations to be done inside in which you offered your angelic powers to help build and restore the hotel. Upon entering, you are greeted by someone who wasn’t at the embassy with you, someone you assumed was left to watch over the hotel in their absence. The aura he gives off makes a shiver run down your spine.
Alastor eyes you quickly, understanding immediately that you’re an Angel. His eyes squint and his smile gets more sinister if that’s possible. He trots over to you and sticks out his cane. You yelp in surprise and look up into his crimson gaze. “Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting another Angel so soon! There must be a reason why Charlie hasn’t killed you yet, allow me to do what she can’t.” Menacing antlers start to grow and multiply atop his head as he grows in size, his lifeless eyes never leaving your visage. You stumble backwards onto the floor and backup until you hit a pair of legs.
Lucifer puts a hand on your shoulder as Charlie stands in front of you waving her arms enthusiastically. “Um, Alastor,” she starts, “she’s here to help.” In that instant, the radio demon shrinks back down to normal size and wipes off his vest. He hums, glaring at you and Lucifer, the latter who had lifted you to your feet, before he retreats to his own quarters. You briefly hear him say “apologies dear Angel, you must know we’re still on edge from a few days ago. I shall see you again.” A sigh of relief escapes your lips and you lean back. You quickly scramble away upon realizing you fell back into Lucifer.
“You alright there?”
The two of you spoke at the same time, causing some minor embarrassment. Although he’s shorter than you thought, it’s clear his presence, power, and personality can fill up a room. You feel your cheeks heat up, a sensation you haven’t felt in who knows how long as the two of you strangely keep staring at each other. You take a step back, skipping toward Charlie while asking, “hey can you show me more of the hotel?”
Lucifer watches his daughter walk off with you joyfully to show you more of the rebuilt hotel. He places his left hand over his heart watching the two of you interact. It ignites something in him and he lets himself smile softly, resting his weight on his cane. As he drums his fingers across his chest, he’s starting to feel the weight of the gold band on his finger.
Strange, he’s never felt the weight of it before, just what could possibly be changing that now?
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terry-perry · 1 month
Minding One's Business
Pairing: Alastor x Carmine!Reader
Previous Part: HERE
Tags: @mysterypotatoink @martinys-world @lokis-imaginary-friend @lonelysimp18 @readergirlstuff @amyking300 @for-hearthand-home @wonderlandfandomkingdom @purple-umbrella-girl @saccharine-nectarine @monomas-girl @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog @junieshohoho @yourmom132 @thebreadisthetruevillian @diffidentphantom @4lastrolynii @yui-onnero
A/N: I finally created the next chapter of my AU! Hope you guys like it and that it was worth the wait! Keep sending requests and if you send something related to Alastor and Carmine!Reader, it might be part of the main storyline! Also, if you wish to be part of the tag list, let me know in the comments.
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The shadowy figure that moved with Alastor as he traveled around popped up by the hotel entrance, catching everyone off-guard since it appeared so abruptly to fly upstairs, without acknowledging anyone. Charlie came in seconds later, watching the figure scatter off with a sad and somewhat disappointed look.
"Oh, Alastor..." she sighed, keeping her forlorn look on while peering down to the floor.
"What's going on?" Vaggie approached her girlfriend, gently lifting her chin so they could look at each other. Charlie was so excited that day when Alastor came to her, asking for help on his radio show so he could perform a grand gesture to get Y/N back. Who better to have help with an act of love than Princess Morningstar herself? So to hear something more happened between Alastor and Y/N than what he let on must've really thrown her off. "Did Y/N seriously call the station?"
"Yeah," Charlie said, giving her attention to everyone there as she explained. "Apparently Alastor was using her to get inside her family's business. He used her as a link to their wealth and weapons. Not only that, but he also talked about it with Carmilla, so she had a part in all this."
"Ouch," Angel uttered, appearing empathetic momentarily before casually shrugging his shoulders. "Well, what do you expect from a guy like Alastor? He ain't exactly the lovey-dovey type."
One would think someone would argue against Angel's statement, but there seemed to be a mutual agreement among the group.
"Yeah," Vaggie said, an arm around Charlie. "I hate to say it since I like Y/N, but she should've known what she was getting into with a demon like him. No doubt he's only trying hard to win her back to keep his connection to the Carmines intact."
Charlie sighed heavily again. "I love Alastor, but I can't say I'm all that surprised," she put her head on Vaggie's shoulder, who softly smiled down at her and stroked her hair. "I did think they were cute together, but I should've known there was something more to it. Her mom though? I find that harder to believe."
"That's such bullshit!"
Everyone turned to the bar where Husk was at his usual spot cleaning glasses. Like always, he was the silent observer who kept his opinions to himself until their words seemed to call for his voice.
"Look, I'm probably the last guy who'd wanna defend that asshole, but I've known him longer than any of y'all," he carried on, losing his grumpy disposition as he observed the glass in his hand. "I know what a two-faced bastard he can be, but ain't no way he could fake whatever he had going on with her."
The group gaped at the bartender, not knowing what to make of his words. It was one thing for him to defend his boss -- the guy who owns his soul -- but for him to imply Alastor was capable of having pure emotions was just crazy.
"You really think so?" Vaggie was the one to voice this uncertainty. She'd most likely be the second to last person to want to jump to his defense.
Husk shrugged before he continued. "All I know, from seeing how he operates, is that I didn't see him pull any of his usual tricks on Y/N when he'd force me to serve them drinks."
He paused again to look down at a new glass he had and hum thoughtfully. Perhaps he was thinking about times he'd watch the pair who forgot about him the more drinks they shared and how it'd fuel the intimate conversations they'd have with each passing hour. As Husk would watch Alastor fidget in his seat when they would move their talks to the parlor and the Radio Demon would do his best to refrain from having a rush of emotions when Y/N would stroke his ears, or how Alastor's hand would take hold of Y/N's to lead her to the middle of the room for a private sway that would make Husk realize his services were no longer needed for that night, he realized this wasn't any other deal in the making.
"Maybe it did start out as him trying to make a deal with her or invest in another business," he stated. "I wouldn't put it past him if that were the case. But in the end, it was something else for sure."
Everyone was so taken aback by Husk's honesty. The usual man of few words spewing out this observation was definitely something to reflect on, especially when he ended it with something to chew on:
"And let me ask you this: when's the last time you've seen him try so hard to keep someone around?"
All of it was enough for someone else to investigate further the following day...
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"What is it?" Alastor asked Vaggie with a smile that leaned more on the snarling side. "You know I don't wish to be disturbed during meals."
Vaggie peered over his shoulder and attempted to hide her shock at the deer carcass on the ground. Alastor eating wildlife wasn't new, but he normally handled his food better - almost like a savory dish. As disgusting as his meal choices are, Alastor handles them, like everything else, with style and grace since he surprisingly values good manners. So to see the aftermath of what was clearly a vicious attack made Vaggie think maybe Husk had a point.
"Listen, I heard about everything that happened," she started. "Not just last night, but all that happened between you and Y/N."
Alastor tightened his jaw and twitched his eye. "Then you must know I'm in no mood to be mocked. Please leave." He turned his back to her, using a tentacle to shut the door as he returned to his doe. "Although I will say I respect you trying to kick me while I'm down. Never thought you'd be the sort."
"Look, that's not why I'm here," Vaggie claimed, stopping the door from closing with her hand and barging into his room. "Even though if it was the other way around you'd be throwing cruel, mocking jokes my way every five minutes."
Alastor had stopped in front of the doe and gave a small laugh. His back was still to Vaggie but he showed no signs of kicking her out so she continued. "I thought you might want someone to talk to. Maybe someone who knows what it's like to keep a big secret from the person they care about the most. Don't get me wrong, what you did was absolutely sleazy, but I shouldn't judge you completely when I've been in the same boat."
She wasn't sure how to feel about his remaining still as she went on, but she decided to take this as a sign he was invested in what she had to say while staying alert. "I'm basing what I'm about to say on my own experience and what I've seen these last several days. Your intentions might've started off as selfish, but after falling for Y/N the way you did, you probably thought it was better not to tell her the whole truth since it would ruin what you ended up having: someone you can't risk losing. Maybe you realized this and why you're desperate to get her back and letting out your frustrations in...certain ways."
She glanced back at the doe and scowled in disgust. "Because if you go full 'Radio Demon' on someone, it might ruin any chance you could still have."
He continued to stay quiet, which began to frustrate her. "Or maybe you were telling the truth the first time you told us about the breakup and you're bummed about losing a good distraction. In any case, you should seriously think about what you want with Y/N. As nice as the gifts and songs are, this isn't something you can gloss over."
One more pause ensued which Vaggie found rather awkward after she said all that and he still didn't move or say anything. She sighed and walked to the door, hoping her words did something.
"Thank you, my dear," Alastor muttered from his spot.
She hummed in acknowledgment, a ghost of a smile on her face when he finally spoke. She exited the room, leaving him to reflect again, with her words in mind and his eyes glued to the tree that caught his eyes earlier. It came back in sight when she went on about love and honesty. The carved heart surrounding his and Y/N's initials previously mocked him, but now illustrated what he was forced to come to terms with. It was the very thing he was in denial about but he couldn't find any other rational explanation for what was happening with him.
He was in love with Y/N.
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Neil helps his best friend's sister with Latin. The problem is - he has a crush on her, but knows they could never be together. After all, he couldn't date Charlie's family, it's against the rules. And secondly - Neil is sure Y/n wouldn't have ever talked to him if it wasn't for the tutoring.
Pairing: Neil Perry x dalton!fem!reader
Words count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Thank you for helping me, Neil." Y/n said as she closed the door of her room. She stopped for a moment and then added, "I didn't ask if you wanted something to drink. Shall I bring tea? Coffee? Juice?"
"Water would be perfect," Neil sent the girl a smile.
As Y/n walked to the kitchen for two glasses of water, Neil unpacked his bag. He had some notes that could be helpful for whatever Y/n could need help with. He was a year ahead, so the things she was learning now, he knew cold.
At least tutoring let him spend some time with Y/n. Charlie wouldn't have a problem with his best friend and his sister having a thing, but that wasn't the problem. The Daltons were rich and that was the problem. If it wasn't for the tutoring, Y/n probably wouldn't even have talked to Neil. Neil's family wasn't poor, they had enough money to send him to Welton, but his father worked hard for this.
"Okay, I'm back!" Y/n announced, setting the cups with water on her nightstand, far away from the books.
"Great, so, what do you have a problem with?" Neil asked, taking a seat by Y/n's desk.
The girl sat down on a chair next to him, smiling. "Oh, you know... Latin." She giggled awkwardly, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Oh, how beautiful she looked in that moment. A bit blushed, smiling awkwardly. Neil was mesmerized and almost forgot what he came here for.
"Yes, but what in particular?" He tried masking his infatuation. And he was good at it so far.
"You know what, the desk feels uncomfortable for two people, doesn't it?" Y/n grabbed the book and tossed it onto the bed. "Let's sit there, shall we?"
And so they did. In front of each other, with their legs crossed. Neil forgot about his glasses, but he quickly reached into his bag to search for them.
Now Y/n seemed to be a little mesmerized. She hadn't seen him wearing glasses before and that was a very flattering model for him. Neil looked so attractive.
"Glasses suit you," the girl complimented, "do you ever wear them, you know, outside of studying?"
"No," he chuckled, "I don't need to." Right after this he said it, he scolded himself, in his head of course, for saying it. To make it less awkward he added, "Although thank you."
"No problem." Was it Neil's brain playing tricks on him, or did Y/n sound disappointed by his reply? "Okay, so let's start."
"What shall we start with? Do you wanna start from the beginning, or...?"
"No, no, not from the beginnings. I understand the basics, but it's get pretty difficult later on..."
"Yeah, languages have that thing where they get harder the more advanced they get."
The joke made Y/n smile. She pushed Neil playfully and he theatrically pretended it hurt him.
"Maybe we should start with ACI?"
"Accusativus cum infinitivo," Neil smiled at the memory of Charlie laughing at the word 'cum' every time, but to Y/n it just seemed like a kind smile sent to her. "Alright, let's start."
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I don't get it, Neil, I just don't!" Y/n whined pathetically. She felt truly hopeless if even Neil couldn't help her.
"No, Y/n, calm down, please, and listen to me." He ordered in a lower, but still kind voice.
Y/n looked at him with worry in her eyes. Worry and fear, but she wasn't scared of him. She was scared of not passing the class, failing her whole education.
Her eyes are so beautiful, Neil thought, she looks like a lost, little doe.
"I know what your problem is," he continued, "you don't know the declensions."
"Well, have you seen how many of those are there?"
"Yes, there are five. But why can't you remember them? From what I've seen today, you don't have a problem with conjugations."
"There's only four of those. And they just make more sense, you know? They feel natural to me. Meanwhile how am I supposed to remember it's puella, puellae, another puellae, puellam, puella with the funny line above the a and vocativus is the same as nominativus?"
"Not to brag, but I must be a really good teacher because you've just recited the first declension in singularis."
"I did?" Y/n beamed at the realization. "Neil, you're amazing!" She threw herself onto Neil, closing him in a very tight hug.
They were laying down on the bed. Neil was on his back and Y/n was on top of him. This moment lasted a bit longer than it was appropriate.
Y/n raised herself up, she went back to sit in the spot she was. She realized how inappropriate it was. She thought Neil must've felt so awkward right now. So she began apologizing and explaining.
"I'm sorry." She said. "I made it awkward, didn't I? I don't know what got into me. I guess I just- I don't- okay, there's no explanation," she knew she might take the explaining too far, but she didn't know how to stop this stream of words. "There is an explanation, actually. I like you, yes you've heard it right, I like you. More than a friend, I've had a crush from you since I met you."
Neil sat back in the cross-legged position. He was astonished by this confession. Not because he didn't feel the same. The thing was he did feel the same, but had no idea Y/n would, so he never prepared himself for this moment. He didn't know what to say, because it seemed so impossible to him. It was never supposed to happen.
"Oh no," a whine came from Y/n's mouth, "I knew I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry, again. The way we looked at each other today, I thought the feelings were mutual."
"Y/n, calm down." Neil tried to keep his voice relaxed. He didn't want to make himself seem too excited, that could creep the girl out. "I do feel the same."
"You do?"
"I do, I just didn't know you would. That's why I've tried to keep it to myself."
His confession gave Y/n a bit of confidence. "You weren't so good at keeping this a secret today, the way you looked at me was... giving me signals, let's say."
When this problem was solved, there arised another. What were they going to do with it?
"So... what happens now?" Y/n asked.
"I'm asking myself the same question."
"Should we tell Charlie?" Tell him what though, Y/n? Y/n asked herself, This confession didn't change anything, you're not suddenly dating.
"No," Neil laughed, "I don't think he's ready. I don't think he's mature enough."
Y/n nodded with a smile on her face, but didn't say anything. So Neil continued.
"Would you like to start going on dates?"
"Sure, I would love that. What's your first date idea?" Y/n gave Neil a cheeky smile.
Neil's hand suddenly happened to be on Y/n's, intertwined by the fingers. "I will take you to my rehearsal. Afterwards, we can go eat something or have ice cream. What do you say?"
Without an answer, the girl scooted closer to him. Eventually, she gave Neil a reply. "I say, it is a nice idea. You must look so good on the stage, doing what you love to do."
In that moment, Neil blushed, but what made him blush even more, was Y/n's next action. She put her hand on his jawline and pulled him in for a kiss.
He didn't hesitate to kiss her back, but decided to let Y/n stay in control of the pace and everything else. It was a slow, very romantic kiss. It wasn't awkward, it felt as if they kissed so many times before, their lips co-worked just perfectly.
Soon, Neil's hands found their way to Y/n's waist to pull her closer. A moment later, the lovers were laying down on the bed again. But it wasn't going to go anywhere further than this kiss. Neither of them were ready, besides they've just confessed their feelings, it would be too quick.
After a while, Y/n pulled away, letting Neil and herself catch a breath. She laid down next to the boy, taking his hand in hers. She felt him rub her hand with his thumb. It felt so reassuring. Whatever happens later, we'll get through it.
If Charlie finds out, then he finds out and there's nothing he can do about it. If he doesn't like it, it's his problem, he should be mature enough to understand it.
If the parents find out, either Y/n's or Neil's (it didn't matter, because whoever found out, they would tell one another), then that would be a problem. But Neil was sure he would do something about it, he would make up a solution. It wouldn't be the first time he went against his parents' will.
In the worst case, Y/n and Neil would have to wait until they finish high school. After that, they would be adults, free to do whatever they wanted to. Whatever was going to happen, everything would work out in their favour.
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lousypotatoes · 4 months
Women Think I'm Tasty
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Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Reader has grey skin, and monarch butterfly wings, they can be any color that you want. This is reader's outfit and shoes. If you want something different, you're more than welcome to imagine something else!!
This chapter takes place during the pilot episode.
Song Recommendation:
Set Fire To The Rain - Adele
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"Charlie? Are you okay?"
Charlie turned around and saw her aunt walking towards her, a concerned look on her face.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Y/N," Charlie said. "The extermination just has me thinking that's all.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Y/N said gently, grabbing onto Charlie's shoulders. "Your idea is amazing and its gonna work, I'm sure of it."
Charlie smiled. "Thanks Y/N,"
"That's what I'm here for, kiddo," Y/N smiled back. "Now c'mon, let's go back inside. It smells gross out here."
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Y/N was sitting on the couch in the hotel, scrolling on her phone, reading about the latest extermination and the turf wars.
"This is all so fucking stupid," she muttered as she scrolled. "I hate the end of extermination day so fucking much."
"Y/N, are you coming?" said a voice.
Y/N looked up and saw her niece's girlfriend, Vaggie.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.
"We're going to the news station to try and get the hotel out there," Vaggie explained.
"Oh shit!" Y/N exclaimed, jumping off the couch. "I totally forgot that was today! Yeah, I'm coming, let me just get my shoes on."
"You don't have to come if you don't want to," Charlie said.
"No, I want to," Y/N said as she put her boots on. "You're gonna need all the support you can get. Besides, I want this to happen almost as much as you do."
"Thanks Y/N," Charlie said hugging her aunt. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"The feeling is mutual," Y/N laughed, hugging Charlie back. "Now c'mon we don't wanna be late do we?"
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"Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy,"
"And I'm Tom Trench,"
Y/N sat on the couch in the dressing room, watching the news play on the T.V., her leg bouncing up and down nervously.
"Chaos out of Pentagram City today as the turf war is raging on the west side," Tom Trench said on the T.V. "Between notable king pin Sir Pentious and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse, Cherri Bomb."
"That's right Tom," Katie Killjoy said. "After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs."
The T.V showed footage of the fight between Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb, the two of them throwing egg creatures and bombs at each other.
"Demons all over Hell are already duking it out to gain new territory," Katie said as the footage played.
"Those two seem to be really going at it, huh?" Tom said as the footage finished.
"It looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hot spot," Katie said, putting an actual tooth in her mouth and eating it.
'Gross,' Y/N thought, grimacing.
"And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot," Tom chuckled.
"You are a limp dick jackass, Tom. Or should I say..." Katie said, pouring hot coffee onto Tom's lap. "No dick."
Tom held his lap, trying to keep his sounds of pain down.
"Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of Hell's own head honcho," Katie said, ignoring Tom. "Who's here to discuss her brand-new passion project. All that and more after the break."
Y/N got up, walking over to Charlie and Vaggie.
"You remember what to say?" Vaggie asked as she finished fixing Charlie's bow tie.
Charlie took in a deep breath. "Yes! Let's do this!"
"Just look at me and I'll mouth it to you," Vaggie said, making Charlie frown.
"Come on Vaggie, I know what to say," Charlie groaned. "I just feel like we need to...I don't know, make things sound more exciting."
Charlie gasped. "Ohhhh what if I s-"
"Sing a song about it?" Y/N finished. "Charlie, sweetie, I love you and your ideas, but please for the love of Satan, please don't sing.
"Your aunt's right, this is serious." Vaggie said, grabbing onto Charlie's shoulders.
"Well you know, I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song," Charlie said, climbing on the table.
"I know and you're great at it but," Y/N struggled to find the right words. "Life isn't a musical hun."
"Fine. But I have these other ideas of what to say," Charlie said, jumping up and down. "The highlighted bits are the best parts!"
Vaggie took the paper and read it, Y/N skimmed through it over Vaggie's shoulder.
"It's all highlighted," Vaggie said.
"Is that a drawing?" Y/N asked.
"Yes! That's the happy ending scene!" Charlie exclaimed, grabbing Vaggie's and Y/N's shoulders. "Everyone's smiling and happy in Heaven!"
"I don't think it's that simple," Vaggie said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Just please follow the talking points that the three of us went over."
"And do NOT sing!" Y/N said.
"Okayyy fine," Charlie groaned as an alarm bell went off, signaling that the commercial break was over. "I'll just have to result to my impeccable improv skills." she said, walking away.
Y/N looked over at Vaggie, who had a worried look on her face.
"Hey," Y/N said, putting her arm around Vaggie's shoulders. "She'll be fine, I know it."
"I hope so," Vaggie sighed.
Suddenly, the T.V. screen turned on. The two of them watched intently.
"Welcome back," Katie said, her neck cracking in an unnatural way. "So, Charlotte,"
"It's Charlie," Charlie said awkwardly.
"Whatever," Katie dismissed. "Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about!"
"How many times did Charlie call the new station?" Y/N asked.
"37 times," Vaggie muttered.
"37!? What!?"
"Well," Charlie said, looking around. She made eye contact with Vaggie and Y/N, and they urged her to go on.
"As most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everything around me," she said, as Katie killed a bug, the bug's blood landing on Charlie's cheek. "Hell is my home and you are my people. We...we just went through another extermination. We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year and no one is even given a chance!" she banged her fist on the table.
"I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence," she said, getting up and walking around.
Vaggie and Y/N looked at each other in concern.
"Soo, I've been thinking," Charlie said. "Isn't there a more humane way to endure overpopulation here in Hell? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through...redemption? Well, I think yes! So that's what this project aims to achieve!"
"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, walking back over to the reporter's desk and sitting down. "I'm opening up a first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"
It was quiet, people stared at her in confusion and shock.
"You know, 'cause hotels are for people passing through, temporarily," Charlie laughed awkwardly.
Y/N slapped her forehead. "She's getting killed out there," she muttered.
"I figure it would serve a purpose," Charlie said looking down. "A place to work towards redemption...yay!"
"Hah! Stupid bitch," the cameraman beside Y/N laughed. In one swift move, Y/N punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.
"Serves you right asshole," she muttered.
"Look, every single one of you has something good deep down inside, I know you do." Charlie said sincerely. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she smirked. "Maybe I'm not getting through to you."
"Oh no," Vaggie and Y/N said at the same time.
~Happy Day In Hell song plays out (I'm too lazy to write out the whole thing)~
After Charlie was done singing her song, she was standing on the desk, breathing heavily.
"Wow," said a random demon. "That was shit."
Everybody started to laugh. Charlie's face started to fall.
Y/N looked around, wanting to punch everybody in there in the face for laughing.
"What in the nine circles makes you think a single citizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?" Katie laughed. "You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good? Just because?"
"Well," Charlie said. "We have a patron already, who believes in our cause, and he's shown incredible progress!"
The crowd oohed.
"Oh?" Katie said. "And who might that be?"
"Don't say his name, don't say his name," Y/N said.
"Oh, just someone named Angel Dust,"
"The porn star?" Tom asked.
"You fucking mutt, Tom," Katie said, scratching the desk "In any case, That's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you can get that hooker to do anything with enough sugar and lube."
"Oh, I beg to differ," Charlie leaned in closer to Katie. "He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now."
Suddenly, Katie pushed Charlie off the desk. "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war!" she said cheerfully. "Let's go to the live feed."
The footage showed Angel Dust stepping on the egg creatures and shooting guns
"Oh shit," Y/N muttered. "I swear, I'm gonna kick that spider's ass."
"It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than porn actor, Angel Dust!" Katie said. "What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now."
Katie and Tom started to laugh. "Ratings!" The two of them said, doing jazz hands.
"Don't look at this!" Charlie said, trying to block out the green screen footage.
"Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival." Katie said. "Tell us, how does it feel to be such a total failure?" Katie started laughing
"That's it," Y/N said, walking towards the front, pushing the crowd out of the way.
"Yeah, well, how does it feel that I got your pen huh? Bitch!"
Katie stopped laughing.
Charlie laughed awkwardly, already knowing that she was in some deep shit. "Oops," she said, putting the pen back down.
Tom immediately ran, and Katie jumped on Charlie.
"Hey, cock sucker!" Y/N yelled, jumping onto Katie's back. "Get the FUCK off my niece!"
Using all the strength she could muster she kicked Katie as hard as she could, making Katie pull on her wings.
Charlie and Katie fought for a little while longer, with Y/N trying to pull Katie off her. Somehow, Tom Trench caught on fire. The four of them started screaming.
"I said get the FUCK off of her!" Y/N screamed, pulling Katie off and grabbing onto Charlie's hand. "Vaggie! C'mon! Let's go!"
"I swear I'm gonna fucking kill Angel!"
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Y/N, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust sat in the limo.
Charlie was looking out the window, Angel was playing with window button, and Y/N and Vaggie were glaring at him.
"What?" Angel asked.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Y/N cried out. "What the fuck were you doing!?"
"I owed my girl buddy a solid," Angel said. "Isn't that a 'redeeming' quality? Helping friends with stuff."
"Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!" Vaggie yelled.
"You win some, you lose a few hundred," Angel laughed, putting his feet up on the seat. "It wasn't that bad anyway,"
He continued to play with the window button until Vaggie threw a knife at it, breaking it.
"Oh, come on! I had to!" he said. "My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of repuation would I have if people found out I was tryin' to go clean? It just throws out my entire persona."
"Your credibilty, are you serious?" Y/N asked. "What about the hotels? You made us look like a fucking joke!"
"No, no, no, babe," Angel said. "Jokes are funny. I made you look...uhh...sad. And pathetic! Like an orphan with no arms or legs...with progeria! Right, now I'm bummed thinkin' about it. This thing have any liquor?"
"Can you please just try to take this seriously?" Vaggie asked.
"Fine, I'll try, just don't get your taco in a twist, baby."
"Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?"
"Whatever pisses you off more," Angel said, looking for booze. "Is there seriously no liquor in here?"
"We should just kill him," Y/N said to Vaggie.
"Too late, toots," Angel said. "Wait, would that make me double dead? Where exactly do I go? To double hell?" Angel started laughing. "Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitches, get used to it."
Vaggie started muttering in Spanish.
"Listen, who cares is some jackoffs got hurt?" Angel said. "Most of them are ugly freaks. Look around, you got a bunch of Harley Quinn babies down here."
"You're one to talk," Y/N muttered, making sure Angel heard.
"Hey! This body is flawless. Everyone wants some of me, and I got the creepy fan letters to prove it."
"Ew, gross, put that fucking thing away," Y/N said, not wanting to look at the creepy fan letter any longer.
"That was really uncool, you know, Angel," Charlie said, finally speaking up.
"Uncool!?" Vaggie cried. "After that trainwreck there is no way anyone is gonna want to stay at the hotel! All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!"
"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?"
It was quiet for a moment. Y/N debated whether she should kill him right then and there.
"Hey, come on, we don't know if things are over yet," Charlie said. "Y/N, Vaggie, try to relax, it'll be okay!"
Vaggie smiled softly when Charlie put her hand on her shoulder. It made Y/N happy knowing that Charlie found someone who cared about her just as much as she and Lucifer did.
Finally, the limo reached the hotel, the four of them getting out and walking into the hotel.
Y/N flopped down on the couch, Vaggie sat down next to her.
"It's probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place," Angel said, sucking on a popsicle. "You know, to feed all the wayward souls you got in here." Angel laughed.
Sensing that Charlie wasn't in the mood, Angel stopped laughing and walked away.
Y/N was sore and tired, she didn't even pay attention to when Charlie walked away. Right as she was about to doze off, Charlie ran into the room.
"Vaggie! Y/N!"
"What now?" Y/N groaned.
"The Radio Demon is at the door,"
"What!?" Vaggie and Y/N said.
"Uhh who?" Angel asked.
"What should I do?" Charlie asked.
"Okay, well, um, whatever you do, don't let him in!" Y/N said, standing up.
Charlie walked to the front door and opened it up.
"What did I just say?"
Vaggie got up and grabbed her spear, Y/N not far behind her.
"Stop right there!" Vaggie yelled, holding her spear to his throat. "I know your game, and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here you pompous, cheesy, talk show, shit lord!"
"Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here," Alastor said, his mouth not moving. "I would have done so."
Y/N very slowly started to back up, not wanting to be close to the Radio Demon.
"Now, I'm here because I want to help!" Alastor said cheerfully.
"Umm excuse me?" Y/N asked, dumbfounded.
"Hello? Is this thing on?" Alastor asked, tapping his cane/microphone.
"No, no, I heard you loud and clear," Y/N said warily. "You want to help us?"
"Yes! I want to help with you with this ridiculous you're trying to do! This hotel!" Alastor said. "I want to help you run it."
"Uhhh why?" Charlie asked.
"Why does anyone do anything?" Alastor laughed. "Sheer, absolute boredom!"
Y/N suspiciously eyes him up and down.
"I've lacked inspiration for decades," Alastor said, pushing Vaggie. "My work became mundane, lacking focus, aimless! I've come to create a new form of entertainment!"
"Does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?" Charlie said awkwardly.
Alastor laughed. "It's the purest kind, my dear," he said. "Reality! Cruel passion! And after all, the world is a stage, and the stage, is a world of entertainment."
"So, does this mean you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?" Charlie asked hopefully but was cut off by Alastor laughing.
"Of course not!" he laughed. "That's wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No, no, no, no, I don't think there's anything left that can save such loathsome sinners," he said, looking over at Y/N, Vaggie, and Angel. "The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this! There is no undoing what is done."
"Then why are you here, if you don't believe in our cause?" Y/N asked, her eyebrow raised.
"Consider is an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!" Alastor said, spinning Charlie. "I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure,"
Y/N stared at him with uneasiness.
"Right," Charlie said, removing herself from Alastor's grasp.
"Yes indeedy!" Alastor said, leading Charlie away. "I see big things coming our way, and who better to help you then..."
Y/N, Vaggie, and Angel stared at him as he walked off with Charlie.
"So, uh, what's the deal with smiles over there?" Angel asked.
"You've never heard of Alastor before?" Y/N asked. "You've been down here longer than me and Vaggie."
Angel shrugged his shoulders.
"The Radio Demon? One of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen?" Y/N asked.
"Eh, not big on politics," Angel said, crossing his arms.
"Ugh, you explain, Vaggie," Y/N said. "I have a headache."
"Fine," Vaggie groaned, then cleared her throat. "Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcasted his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him the Radio Demon, as lazy as that is. Many have speculated what unimaginable forces enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing's for sure, he's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!" Vaggie finished.
"Are ya done?" Angel said. "He looks like a strawberry pimp!"
"Well, I don't trust him!" Vaggie said.
"To be fair," Angel said. "Do you trust any man?"
Y/N elbowed him in his ribcage, hard, as Vaggie got up and walked over to Charlie.
"Ow!" he said, rubbing his side. "That fucking hurt!"
"Yeah, well maybe you shouldn't act like a self asorbed asshole then!"
"Says you, you uptight, prissy bitch!"
"At least I don't have to fuck greasy truckers to make some cash!"
"At least greasy truckers want to actually fuck me!"
"How is that an insult? That's just sad!"
The two of them continued to argue until Charlie started to speaking to Alastor, catching Y/N's attention.
"Okay, so, Al," she said. "You're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke. But I don't. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove that they can be better, so I'm taking your offer to help, on the condition that there be no trickster, voodoo strings attached." she finished, a fake smile plastered on her face.
"So it's a deal then?" Alastor asked, holding out his hand.
Green light started to emit in the room, almost knocking Y/N, Vaggie and Angel over.
"Nope!" Charlie said. "No shaking, no deals, I....hmm...as princess of Hell and heir to the throne, I uh hearby order that you help out with this hotel, for as long as you desire.
It was quiet for a moment. Charlie looked over at Vaggie and Y/N, Vaggie looked to the side, a concerned look on her face. Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
"Sound fair?" Charlie asked.
"Hmm, fair enough,"
"Cool beans,"
Alastor hummed while he looked around, suddenly he grabbed Vaggie by the chin. "Smile my dear!" he said. "You know you're never fully dressed without one."
Alastor continued to walk around, humming.
"What's he doing?" Y/N whispered to Vaggie.
"No clue," she whispered back. "But whatever it is, I don't like it."
"So where is your hotel staff?" Alastor asked Charlie.
"Uhh well..." Charlie said, looking over at Vaggie and Y/N.
Alastor laughed. "You're going to need more than that,"
Behind Alastor's back, Y/N flipped him off.
"And what you can do my feminine fellow?" Alastor asked Angel.
"I can suck your dick!"
"Hah! No!"
"Your loss,"
"Well, this just won't do," Alastor said. "I supposed I can cash in a few favors to liven things up."
"Um, what do you mean by that?" Y/N asked, Alastor ignored her.
He snapped his fingers, and something appeared in the fireplace.
He walked over and picked it up. It was small and had soot all over it, whatever it was.
Suddenly, it's eye opened, staring at them all. Y/N backed up.
It moved and all the soot off of it was gone. It was a little demon, resembling a cockroach. She smiled at the four of them, her one eye looking around.
"This little darling is Niffty," Alastor said, dropping her.
"Hi! I'm Niffty!" she said, waving at them "It's been a while since I've made new friends! Why are you all women? Is there any men here!? I'm sorry, that's rude. Oh man, this place is filthy! This place really needs a lady's touch, which is weird because you're all ladies, no offense. Oh my gosh this is awful!" she said, running around, dusting.
The four of them stared at Niffty in confusion, and a little bit of fear.
Alastor snapped his fingers again and a grumpy looking cat hybrid appeared.
"What the fuck is this?" the cat asked.
"You!" he said, pointing at Alastor.
"Oh, Husker, my good friend, glad you could make it!" Alastor said.
'So that's his name,' Y/N thought. 'He's not that bad looking.'
"Don't you 'Husker' me you son of a bitch!" Husker said. "I was about to win the whole damn pot!"
"Good to see you too!"
"What the hell do you want with me this time?"
"My friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services, I hope that's okay!" Alastor said.
"Are you shittin' me?"
"Hmm, no I don't think so!" Alastor said cheerfully.
Husker pushed Alastor off of him. "You thought it would be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere!?" he said. "You think I'm some kind of fucking clown!?"
"I ain't doing no fucking charity job," Husker said.
"Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment." Alastor said, pointing at the hotel bar. "With your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was made for you. Don't worry my friend, I can make this more welcoming, if you wish," Alastor said, summoning a bottle of booze.
Husker stared at the bottle for a moment.
"What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze!?" Husker said, grabbing the bottle. "Well you can," he said downing the bottle.
'An alchoholic, even better.' Y/N thought.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Vaggie said. "No bar! No alchohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin, not some kind of brothel man cave!"
"Shut up!" Angel said, tackling Vaggie. "We are keeping this!" he said, pointing to Husker.
"Hey," he said, leaning on the bar.
"Go fuck yourself," Husk said
"Only if you watch me,"
Y/N pushed Angel out of the way. "Sorry about him, he's horny all the time, you get used to it after a while."
Husk looked her up and down, a small smile coming onto his face. Before he could say something, Charlie came and pushed herself in between them.
"Oh my gosh! Welcome to the Happy Hotel!" she exclaimed, stars in her eyes. "You are going to love it here!"
"I lost the ability to love years ago," he said, drinking more of the booze.
"So, what do you think?" Alastor asked.
"This is amazing!" Charlie said, a huge smile on her face.
"Not bad, I'll give you that," Y/N said, walking towards him.
"It's okay," Vaggie said.
Alastor laughed, pulling the three of them closer to him. "This is going to be very entertaining!"
Vaggie and Y/N removed themselves from his grasp, Y/N walked back to the bar.
~Alastor's song plays. I forgot the name of it~
Before Alastor could finish his song, there was an explosion outside, creating a hole in the wall. That piece of wall flew and hit Niffty.
Looking outside, Y/N saw the steampunk looking blimp that was on the news that day.
"Well, well, well, we meet yet again, Alasstor," Sir Pentious said.
"Do I know you?" Alastor asked.
Sir Pentious' face fell. "Oh yes you do, and this time I have the element of surprisse!"
A ray gun came out of the blimp, pointing at the seven of them.
"I'm so evil!" Sir Pentious laughed.
Suddenly, a portal opened up beneath the blimp, black tentacles came out of it, grabbing onto the blimp.
Y/N could hear Sir Pentious screaming.
Suddenly, the portal dissapered and the blimp exploded.
Everyone was looking at Alastor with a 'what the fuck' look on their faces.
"Well, I'm starved!" Alastor said. "Who wants some jambalaya! My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her!"
"I hate my life," Y/N heard Husker mutter.
"Don't we all?" Y/N said as they walked back into the hotel. "I'm Y/N by the way, do you mind if I call you Husk instead of Husker? It takes less time to say."
Husker looked at her, confusion on his face, then that small smile cmae back onto his face.
"No, I wouldn't mind one bit, Isabell,"
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sorry that there isn't more husk, he doesnt have a lot of screen time in the pilot 😭
i wanna try the mcrib from mcdonalds
this lovely banner was made by the lovely @al-of-the-stars
and also i wont be uploading the next chapter of singin in the rain fro a few days, cuz my amazon prime isnt working for some weird reason
also, y/n isn't charlie's bio aunt
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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angelyuji · 10 months
lost keys
william afton x afab!reader warnings: noncon sex, kidnapping, creepy boss, gross power dynamics, william afton is a murderer, ooc-willy, henry lost charlie, william lost evan, this story follows my own personal canon abt fnaf :) violence, williams a sick sick freak and i want him bad sawry, she/her pronouns for reader
william afton sucked. he was an asshole and a creep, but he was also your boss.
“god he’s so awful.” your coworker whispers as you both wipe down tables. the pizzeria was closing and you both watch as he stalks around, watching everyone. “i miss henry. i hate when ass-ton’s around.” she sighs and you agree. henry emily had taken the last couple weeks off, and rumors spread around that there was a death in the family. you stay silent, eager to finish your work and leave. both of you wince as you hear william shout out orders to one of your coworkers. william comes near you both to inspect your work. he places a hand on your lower back, leaning in to check. you feel a chill go down your back at his touch. you resist the urge to creep away, but as he rubs his thumb against your back, you immediately jump away.
“finish up quick.” he gives you a stare and walks away to the others. your coworker grabs your arm.
“ew, what the hell was that?” she looks at you panicked.
“god, i hate when he does shit like that.” you whisper to her. she whips her head to look at you.
“he’s done that before?” she whispers.
“yeah, like i forgot my hat once and he called me into his office and put the hat on me and like… called me his good girl.” you shudder as you recount the situation. you friend stares at you, jaw dropped.
“what the actual-” she raises her voice, but you cut her off.
“shit, let’s finish up and get out of here.” you panic as he looks back at you both at her voice. everyone finishes their work and chat as they head out. you stand at the front, fishing through your pockets for your car keys.
“what’s wrong?” your friend stops to look at you. you sigh, exhausted.
“i forgot my keys, man…” she laughs at you, before patting you on the shoulder. you turn to head back inside.
“you want me to wait for you?” she calls out as you open the door.
“nah, you can go. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
“you sure? i know ass-ton’s still here. i don’t want to leave you alone with that creep.” her eyebrows furrow as she remembers what happened earlier.
“don’t worry, i’ll be okay. he won’t even hear me come in.” you wave her off. she, hesitantly, waves goodbye and you head back inside. the pizzeria was creepier that usual as you stand alone in the front. you turn to wave to the animatronics, but they weren’t on stage. “he must be doing some repairs…” you mumble to yourself before calling out, “mr. afton? i just wanted to ask if you’ve seen my keys?” silence follows and you sigh, thankful. you head to the employee room to see if you left them there. you walk down the silent hall, your footsteps echoing. you feel the hair on the back of your neck raise as you walk down the dark hallway. you pass ass-ton’s office and you see the light on. you quietly pass by his office, not wanting to get interrogated by him. you turn the knob to the employee room and quietly go in, the door squeaks and you wince. you spot your keys on a table and grab them. you feel relief flood your veins, happy to go home.
“(y/n).” you jump, startled at the voice. william stood at the door, an edge to his tone.
“mr. afton! ha, i don’t know if you heard me, but i- uh- i forgot my keys.” you lightly slap your forehead, nervously laughing. he doesn’t move from the entrance. you don’t move either, feeling something wrong.
“if i had known that all it took were some keys to get you alone…” your boss chuckles darkly. he starts to walk closer to you and you back up, panic setting in. you notice something in his hand, glinting in the darkness.
“oh god…” you see the knife and put the pieces together. you realize that as he walked to you, he stopped blocking the door and you make a break for it. you try to sprint around him, but his hand lashes out and wraps around a chunk of your hair. you scream and he pulls you to the ground, your head throbs. he’s on top of your legs, holding you down. william cackles as you scream, he tries to bring the knife down into your stomach, but you hit him as hard as you can wherever you could reach. shocked, william stumbles off and you run down the hallway.
“THERE’S NO WHERE TO RUN, (Y/N)!” he screams after you. you hear his thundering footsteps follow and you run into the first open room, slamming the door shut. he bangs on the door for a couple seconds before stalking away. you breathe out a sigh in relief. you turn and hold back a scream as chica and bonnie stares back at you. the smell hits you suddenly, the stench of iron. you notice the blood dripping to the floor from the cracks in the robots.
“oh… oh god…” you cover your mouth with your hands, feeling tears drip down. you inch closer to the blood, but before you could inspect the scene, something smashs against the door. the doorknob falls off and you stare, unable to move. you watch as the door slowly creaks open. your boss stands in front, staring at you. he’s gripping a knife in one hand and you notice a hammer dropping to the floor with a thud. you try to move, but knowing you could step in blood stops you. swallowing, you choke out, “blood.”
william smiles, warmly, “a means to an end… though, i did enjoy hearing them scream.” you choke out a sob, paralyzed as he steps closer to you. he stands, looking down at you, inspecting your face. he takes a hand to brush strands of hair behind your ear. his hand was cold as it grazed your face. you flinch, feeling the tip of the knife poke your stomach, and his smile widens. “so pretty…” he whispers as he leans in, close to your ear. his hand grips the back of your neck and he pulls you close to lay his head in the crook of your neck. you stand stiffly against him. “i’ve had my eyes on you for so long. cute little face, so… innocent.” you can feel his breath on your skin and your skin crawls.
you hiccup and you feel him chuckle, “what- what do you want from me?”
“what do i want from you?” he pulls away, “(y/n), i want relief.” he brushes his hair back and puts a hand on your waist, affectionately. you don’t respond, looking for a way out, and he continues, “i’ve lost so much… i need something for myself for once. these kids…” he gestures to the suits, bleeding out onto the floor. you feel your stomach drop.
“k-kids?” you feel like throwing up as you see a tiny tuft of golden hair peeking out from chica’s suit. “you- you killed these kids?” you back up, but step into blood. “oh my god…” you feel yourself gag as you feel the squish of your shoes. he comes closer to you and you’re forced to back up into the desk. william grabs your arm, tightly squeezing. you look back at him.
“at first, it was just supposed to be one… a test. but, it was just so… fun!” you see a manic grin crawl up his face. his pupils were blown wide, “hearing their screams, how easy it was to make them shut up, how satisfying it was shoving them into the suits. that was a last-minute idea by the way.” horrified, you try to move, but his hand tightens. “i mean, when i killed henry’s brat, i had just left her out there in the rain. i didn’t think to hide her somewhere, which was my mistake.” he shrugs, “but these two?” he gestures to bonnie and chica, “i planned better.” william laughs. you break down. you were going to die, just like these poor kids, alone and afraid.
“are you going to kill me too?” you whimper out as you sob. william had taken a breath, so he could continue his speech, when he heard you.
he coos as he cups your face, “oh no, sweetheart. no, no. i couldn’t kill you. i mean, if you had just not ran earlier, we’d be at home, but… plans change.” his hands drift down to your waist before it travels under your shirt. you panic, realizing what was happening.
“no no no, please, i’d rather die.” you try to shove his hand away, sobbing harder. william rolls his eyes and waves the knife in your face.
“would you really rather die? cause i can make that happen for you and ill keep your corpse warm to fuck.” he shrugs.
your eyes widen, “you’re insane.” you sob and he puts the blade to your neck.
“if you really want to die, than go for it.” he presses the blade into your neck and you hold your breath. a moment of silence passes between the two of you as he waits for you to kill yourself, before he tilts his head, lowering the knife, “that’s what i thought.” his hand moves from under your shirt to your head and yanks your hair. you yelp, and william turns you to face his desk before shoves you down to lay flat on the table. you wheeze as you hit the table and william trails the knife down your leg. you lay, afraid to move, as william tugs your pants down to your ankles. his knife traces your skin, before cutting into your underwear, and you feel him press himself against your ass. “so beautiful… i knew you’d be perfect for me.” you can hear the smile in his voice and you feel a chill of disgust go down your body. you hear him unbuckle his belt.
“please, mr. afton, i’m begging you. i won’t tell anyone, you can just let me go.” you sob as you feel his fingers slide over your slit. he hums, disappointedly, seeing how dry you are. he tosses the knife to the side and you hear it skid across the floor, before hitting an animatronic.
he ignores you, “i wanted to make this feel good for you, wanted to feel you clench around my cock, but i’m not gonna waste anymore time.”  he pulls you back using your hair and taps a finger on your lips, “open.”
“fuck y-” he shoved two fingers into your mouth before you could finish. you gag as he pulls you back against his chest, shoving his fingers deeper. you choke around his fingers and he moans. he pulls out his fingers and see them slick with your saliva. you take advantage of the new position to try and elbow william but without missing a beat, he grabs your arm and twists it against your back. he pushes you back down. you scream, pain throbbing from your shoulder to your arm. he keeps his hand pressed against you, keeping your arm held back, as he drags his fingers down your slit. his rough fingers sent tingles down your spine and you grit your teeth to hold back any sounds. you feel his fingers push into you and you choke out a moan.
“all that running and screaming just for you to be clenching around my fingers.” william pulls his fingers out and you whimper.
“you’re psychotic.” you grit out, arching your back.
he laughs, “i know.” you hear his pants hit the ground and you press your cheek against the desk, sobbing. you feel the tip of his cock rub down your slit before he pushes in. you moan, unable to hold back, and william moans with you. “you feel so good, sweetheart.” you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body as he thrusts into you, pausing for a second. his other hand rests on your hip, squeezing.
“fuck.” you choke out as he fills you, his pelvis pressing against your ass. you feel him lean forward and pull your shirt back to expose your shoulder. his lips press against your shoulder, lovingly. without thinking, you lean back into the soft kiss and hear a soft hum in your ear, before teeth pierce your skin. you scream as william bites down into your shoulder, he lets go and pulls out till the tip of his cock is still in. his hand leaves your hip to rub his thumb on the mark he left.
“you’re so good to me, (y/n)… i should’ve done this the moment i saw you.” his hand goes back to your hip and he lets go of your arm, before snapping his hips back against you. you moan, unable to hold back as he pounds into your sweet spot. you feel your toes curl as the pain of the bite and the pleasure he’s giving you starts swirling. you grip the desk as it shakes, he fucks you with no care for your pleasure, but you feel something building up inside of you. “my good, good girl…” william moans as he feels you squeezing his cock.
“feel… feel so good…” you moan as you feel the pleasure numbing your head. you feel a wave of pleasure rush through your body and you let out a silent scream, vision blacking out. william feels you gush around his cock and he pushes in once more to the hilt, before filling you full. you lay there, exhausted, feeling his cum drip out onto your thighs. you shiver as william takes a finger to scoop it and push it back into you.
“cute.” you feel a jacket cover you up and you let yourself drift off. you feel him left you into his arms and murmur into your ear, “i’ll wake you when we get home, sweet girl.”
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Incorrect quote Redemption Motel AU
Y/N:I'm gonna go fuck your husband now.
Y/N:(Proceed to walk away with Lucifer)
(Two overlords sitting on the barstool while getting drunk and tipsy)
Lucifer:(sighs) I miss my wife,Charlie.
Lucifer:I miss her alot...I'll be back.
Vox & Velvet:(laughing)
Y/N:(looks at the picture of them that was actually posted by Valentino) OH NO...
Angel Dust:Wait I know you!I saw your dick on twitter!
Husk: Don't touch me harlot!(Pushes Angel Dust face away)
Y/N:(Having tusk teeths issue)Can you guys stop having relationships issues while I'm on my phone with my dentist?
Vox:(Announce news TV)Do you see this?This is the diamond I am going to give to my brand-new husband and/or wife. It'll be there for the rest of time with GameCube too!So if you want-(pauses)
Angel Dust:Woah he's bisexual,I didn't know that!
Vox:By the way I'm Bisexual I forgot,I forgot to announce that-How do you turn this shit off?Wait-
Alastor: Got beaten up by Adam
Y/N & Rosie:.... Something just happened.
Y/N: (Threatening sinners)
Vox:Y/N my long lost lover it's been a-
Y/N:Hey!I told you not to bring that up anymore I'm putting the past behind me!
Y/N:You guys wanna start a polyamorous marriage?
Angel Dust:Sure.
Y/N:Well I'll be yellow!
Husk:Is this how it works?
Angel Dust:Ok.
Husk:Angel Dust your the double bottom!
Angel Dust:And I'll be the twink!
Husk:Yeah this it what I just said.
Charlie:I pronounce you Husband, Husband and Husband!
Valentino:Oh no!Mx.Kidnapper please don't hurt me!
Y/N: Don't worry I'm not gonna touch you.
Valentino:...WHY NOT?!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 7 months
Imagine if one of the listeners got married in Vagas...but forgot to divorce the person they married-
Even better if the person was a friend they lost contact with and when trying to marry one of the others boys or sent a letter they go on a side quest to get divorced.
I think it would be hilarious with Boo, Casper, and Rook. Bc Boo hasn't talked about their exs but once that letter came they shout fuck. Al says how he's the mistress and Seth is just shocked.
Boo is rolling their eyes at Alphonse and explains that night in Vagas. The two only married bc there was a lot of deals for newly weds. And no alphonse your not the mistress stop. Seth then tells Al "Guess you were the homewrecker not Sugar-" Sugarboo is done with both of them as they talk shit to one another. All three get into the car to the persons place to settle the divorce.
Casper asks Charlie to open the door and see someone with papers. The person asks for Casper and they come seeing the friend like oh shit how you be- Are those divorce papers??? Charlie is freaking out and Casper has a headache. Since Casper is kinda rich the old 'friend' is trying to get shit in the divorce.
So it's a series of court hearings to settle it. Casper got a good Lawyer and told Charlie if the other person tried to tell him shit immediately contact their lawyer. Charlie does feel a bit weird about the whole thing but Casper explains both of them got married bc they got super drunk and decided why not.
The person tried to say Casper cheated on them but evidence showed that the other person wanted to steal money from Casper bc they got rich. It was a field day for Casper's lawyer, bc there was also evidence that the person split off with money after Casper married them. So it was a whole thing but they got the divorce cleanly.
With Rook I think it would be funny bc as their working one day, the person comes in and sees Auron. Auron who just got to work is wondering why this person is talking to him. The person then says "I'm here to see Rook. My partner." Bc of that Auron is imminently defensive for them, to prove the person is married to Rook they showed the papers. And it has Rooks signature, Auron knows it he looks over their papers all the time.
So while in a meeting Rook is talking to the legal team and hears loud foots steps and yelling. Turns out the person heard someone say is Rook in that meeting room on the 7th floor? And ran into an elevator, Auron wanting answers rushes after the person. So as Rook is explaining some numbers the person slams the door open "I WANT A DIVORCE!!" Everyone is thrown into chaos bc Rook started yelling at the person.
Rook did love this person at one point but they cheated on them but forgot they were married bc it was Vagas. Rook is trying to explain but everyone is trying to understand bc wtf do you mean your married??? Auron gets there and sees the chaos. To stop the arguing he yells, everyone freezes and Auron looks at the person then Rook "My office now."
Rook is panicking in their mind as they try to sum up the story of them marring someone. The person though trues to act all high and mighty (wrong thing to do with Auron-) so after explaining Auron simply says "Rook, is my partner and I don't like how you came here after all those years for a divorce. You want something don't you?" The person is fumbling over themseves and us trying to deflect but Rook pressures then to say how they lost money in a casino and need it to not be bankrupt anymore.
Rook then says that they will go to court for the divorce. But the person better not try and get greedy with what they want. Auron ofc gets a high end lawyer for Rook and the divorce goes smoothly. And bc i love drama this is how Rook's and Auron's relationship gets put to the public.
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Stress Relief
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Take a deep breath, before you yell at some poor face who just happens to have the misfortune to walking in to one of your days, where everything seems to be going south.
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This seemed to have taken one of the most bizarre turns you could have ever imagined, you had no idea why you had agreed to such a trivial, petty matter.
Oh! Now you remember it was Charlie, who had clasped your hand looked at you with the doe eyes which reminded you of some of the Korean shows you watched as a teen and young adult.
You would admire the eye makeup, the most because once your dad who had been a makeup artist had told his philosophy of makeup to look absolutely flawless, the eyes and lips should be standing out the most.
Totally irrelevant, you didn't understand the point of recalling this faint memory of your dad. You wished you could just go back to your suburban house, in the mountainside feel the spring flowers touch your skin again, you can't believe you once hated them.
Well, you always, miss what you once never cherished and lost.
"Coming this far, can't believe all the messed-up hotel mess is on Y/n." Angel dust once told Alastor, "The civil examinations study there and study even after your dead!"
"A what now?" Alastor questioned, "Oh! you didn't know? Not very bad now, are you?" Niffty asked, climbing on Alastor.
"What exams?" Alastor had asked once again, pushing Niffty from his shoulder,
"You always are the last person to know about anything are you? Don't you have like special powers or something which you can spy on anyone?"
Alastor looked at them like he was just about to lose his smiling grin, but of course smile is the best makeup.
"So, you know right Heaven is facing some economical crisis they spent so much time providing the 'perfect after life' guess the angels forgot money doesn't exactly grow on trees." Angel said sarcastically. But some hints of satisfaction could be made out.
"How exactly is this related to Y/n now?"
"You seriously don't know anything." Vaggie interjected, "When you had mysteriously run of in one of your 'expeditions' Adam the asshole came to the hotel, not for the execution apparently in the weekly magazine or something in heaven there was about a mysterious economist, or a business manager who was really good at managing expenses and could stabilize the afterlife."
"Well that turned out nicely did it not?"
"Ugh!" Vaggie hit her head, "No you egocentric, piece of shi--"
"Don't try that with me." Alastor warned,
"Yeah yeah she's really good." Angel finished, "It was tracked to Y/n, now heaven knows that Y/n is still choosing to be in hell, Now they want her there in heaven."
"To help them manage there life."
"Y/n has to write a civil exam the hardest one, or else they would attack the hotel."
"Well they don't know who they are messing with."
You sniffled, "Can't do this anymore." You murmured, "Want to die."
"Now my dear, is that a word you should use when you are literally saving the hotel?" Alastor appeared like the shadow, like always.
"Alastor?" You slowly poked your head from the blanket, "Why dear you're a mess!" Alastor said moving next to you on the bed,
"Can I put my head on your lap?" You asked, he nodded cheerfully.
"So why did you agree to this my dear?"
"I didn't want to fail everyone the extermination is already scheduled earlier than expected I didn't want to crush Charlie's dream."
"You're working really hard, without sleeping, isn't that concerning? It's concerning me."
"Thank god your here!" You said,
Alastor put a hand on your tear-stained cheeks.
"It's time for a little rest. Dear."
"I can't the exam is in three more days I think, I don't know how time works in hell."
"If That Adam guy keeps bothering you, I'll just remind him why I am here."
You laughed, "I'm sure you will."
You kissed his cheek, "Thank you."
"Never forget to smile my dear, and now take care."
He switched of the lights, and saw you instantly hold him close before cuddling up to him, he really knew how to make you loosen up a bit.
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prince-liest · 8 months
Omg, I just wanted to say I ADORE your characterization of Al and Vox! I don't even have the words to express how much I love reading your stuff, especially the Anon responses you post on here. The behind the scenes thoughts are literally my food, lifesource, its so good when people not only write characters IN CHARACTER, but also include stuff about their analysis/understanding of the character too.. I'm literally obsessed with breaking down characters and yk, cracking their chrome domes open to see how they work (which admittedly, I am not the best at <_< but I love reading them). Just wanted to say how much I love your writing. I had maybe 2 questions, please don't feel pressured to answer them :>
What in your mind (in reference to the 66.6 fics) would motivate Alastor to let Val get close to him in the first place? Or was that more you picking these two characters up by the scruff of their necks and plopping them into a hypothetical scenario to explore their character and write some fun intimate thingsTM?
What do you think of the dynamic of Vox and Al vs something like Lucifer and Al? Personally I've noticed that something Alastor craves, behind the mask of his static smiling persona, is attention. He's (at least how I saw it) usually peeved when people don't care about his absence, and seems especially bothered by the King of Hell refusing to really acknowledge him, so he goes out of his way to push Lucifers buttons (like calling himself a father figure to Charlie, IN FRONT OF HER ACTUAL FATHER LOL) whereas with Vox, Vox is literally CONSTANTLY thinking about Alastor. Man literally interrupted his regular TV program to do a segment about how much he totally didn't at ALL care about Alastors dissapearance or the fact that he returned (suree buddy). So Alastor can have more fun with him and annoy him by ignoring and messing with him on purpose.
ty if you do respond to this, sorry if it was hard to understand, sometimes I forget how to put the thoughts in my brain into coherent words!
Ahhhh, thank you very much, anon! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying my commentary on Tumblr, haha - I spent a while on Twitter because that's where all the fandom zines I was in were being hosted, but nothing beats Tumblr for giving me a nigh-unlimited word count and a captive audience for my rambling! >:D <3 I'm back to cocooning myself on the OG hell site.
Thank you for this ask, it really brightened my day! :D
As for your questions:
1. I'm assuming that was a typo and that you mean Vox (but in case you did mean Val: that was just a funny accident of him walking by the room! Alastor wasn't paying enough attention until it was too late), and to that I say:
I think Alastor allows Vox to take a go at him in canon because he finds Vox's obsession with him to be entertaining, but also because Alastor is kind of a narcissist and that same obsession massively feeds his ego, especially in a political climate that otherwise forgot about Alastor. Vox's whole "Who gives a shit about Alastor coming back?! Haha, now let me have a public meltdown and short out power to the whole city about it! Oh, fuck, why is he back, though?? Can we send a spy in to find out??" is exactly the reaction that Alastor wants every time he mentions his mysterious absence and gets brushed off.
At the same time, Alastor doesn't seem to register Vox as a sincere and genuine threat. He's a big enough fish in the Pride Ring pond that his obsession with Alastor is gratifying, but Alastor's self-absorption also doesn't really allow him to treat Vox as a threat tier above "annoying in a funny way, and also television is stupid." (Perhaps this will change in season 2... :eyes: (or perhaps Alastor will get Even Worse) (please god let him get even worse))
So those two things in combination make Vox the perfect candidate for Alastor to experiment with while maintaining his ego and not feeling particularly threatened. Despite Vox's Safeword 101 talk, Alastor would never put stock into that system with Vox unless he was certain that he himself would be able to back up a 'no' with overwhelming force. Him even considering safewords in the Live On Air! series is less for his own sake and more a politesse he offers on Vox's request to warn Vox to slow the fuck down before Alastor tries to put his insides on the outside.
2. And in direct contrast, we have Lucifer...
... Who Alastor obviously actually cares quite a bit about, because he's a whole nother power tier from both Vox and Alastor, and furthermore and possibly even more importantly, a credible threat to Alastor's relationships and standing in the hotel. I think a lot of discussion I see about Alastor prodding Lucifer seems to talk about how quickly he got annoyed about Lucifer's comments, but that misses the fact that he was pissed off before Lucifer even showed up. He got pissy the moment he saw the welcome sign, actually! And I wager that he was narratively absent for the scene where Charlie actually calls Lucifer because he would have done his best to manipulate her out of doing so had be been there.
And given that the two clearly haven't met before (though obviously Alastor knows of Lucifer - and hates that the inverse isn't true, hah), it's not 100% clear exactly why he's immediately so annoyed, but in my personal view of things and barring something like "he's projecting onto Lucifer because his contract is with Lilith," I think that what we know of Alastor's personality points most strongly to "he liked being the hotel's benefactor and sees it as His Project, and doesn't like the idea that Charlie called daddy for something that she thought mysterious, powerful Alastor couldn't handle." He distracts a lot with obviously-goading comments about practically being Charlie's dad in his duet with Lucifer, but underneath that he puts a lot of emphasis on the work he's done for the hotel and the fact that he's been supporting Charlie and the hotel from the start, so why the fuck is this deadbeat asshole suddenly turning up?!
Tl;dr: Charlie missed her insight roll on Alastor's personal investments and he's sooooo offended - and taking it out on Lucifer!
I think one of my favorite things about both Lucifer and Alastor is that they both sooo obviously belong in the Pride Ring, hahaha.
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starsfic · 7 months
The "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" reunion between Alex and Marty in Madagascar, but with DogDay and CatNap.
So, the names for the Smiling Critters' kid forms were inspired by @novalizinpeace, who has an amazing Smiling Critters ARG!
The human was trapped. Poppy's "Angel" was trapped, finally.
CatNap loomed, unable to vocalize the delighted meow that scrambled at his throat, instead replacing it with the feeling of Red Smoke crawling up, ready to put them to sleep. He had thought that they would die of fright in Home Sweet Home, he had hoped Miss Delight would bash in their brains, he had thought...DogDay would finish them off. They had all failed.
But he would bring them down, clip their wings, and add their corpse to his shrine-
Wait, why was their green hand sparking like that?
CatNap's answer came in a bright flash, a "HOLY SHIT!" and pain. Pain all over, like he was strapped down with wires connected to all of his skin. The Red Smoke came out and there was "CatNap, don't-" from the human. But it was too late.
The spark had been lit.
The next few minutes scrambled past in a blur of pain, of movement, of seeing the human frantically looking around as if an answer would descend on high. And then it did, his god offering a hand, wreathed in holy light. CatNap reared back at first, fear eating at him. But he was in so much pain-
"CatNap? CatNap, no, no, no, we can fix this-!"
The world went dark.
Ugh, he felt awful.
He opened his eyes.
Nothing but darkness met his eyes. He sat up, looking around. Yeah, nothing but darkness. He looked down. He saw hands...his? They had to be. They were attached to him, even as they glitched between small human hands and purple cat paws. He could feel his entire body glitch alongside his hands.
Was he dead?
He had to be.
He got up, looking around. The darkness stretched beyond his vision. Was he in Heaven? He didn't expect it to be so dark and lonely. He looked around. What now?
With no other idea, he stared to walk. It was hard, at first, with how his body twitched and slipped between human and cat, but soon he was moving easily. With the new ease, his ears picked up on something.
"...now that we're in him, we need to help them..."
"Yeah, but how...?"
"Oh, I have a few ideas!"
He...recognized those voices. Both the human and cat perked up. Yes, yes, they definitely recognized those voices! Elliot had kept his promise after all! This had to be Heaven!
Theo-CatNap turned a corner that was unseen and came to a stop.
There was six of them, gathered around the seventh, all of them glitching between human and animal. The one in the center spoke animatedly, even as he switched between messy dirty blonde curls and fluffy orange ears. "Nell-DogDay-?" he said, voice glitching.
All of them turned.
"Theo-CatNap?" Nell-DogDay's voice glitched between child and toy, but he didn't care. He was seeing them, all of them, especially him again. "Theo-CatNap?"
"Nell-DogDay!" Theo-CatNap sobbed, running towards the other boy. Nell-DogDay stepped in between the Critters and took off at a run. "Nell-DogDay!"
Huh, it seemed like he was frowning? "Nell-DogDay?"
Nope, he wasn't mistaken. And now there was an angry dog running straight at him. "OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!" CatNap let out a yowl and turned, sprinting away.
Charlie-Bubba blinked, watching as the dog chased the cat. "I think he forgot we were going to help the angel," he sighed. They were a part of the Prototype now. They could take him down from the inside.
"Nah, he didn't forget," Alba-CraftyCorn said, helping up Callem-Kickin. "Give him a second. Theo will want to be part of this."
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cartoon0bssesedb1tch · 7 months
My angel ♡︎
Lucifer x fem! Fallen angel! reader
Summery: Lucifer and reader have been friends since Lucifer was still in heaven but sadly separated when he fell. What happened when the two are reunited but reader has experienced something that concerns Lucifer.
!Warnings!: sexual assault , bullying, abuse, violence . Also Adam’s a dick. (If you like him I’m sorry it just felt right to the story)
A/n: hii! So this the first time I’m writing something here in a while so I hope you enjoy this! XDDD
That’s what she felt when she fell.
She felt free to speak her mind and not be judged, she felt free to agree with him…Lucifer.
Although, the two shared the same dream, (y/n) decided to stay quiet since she was scared of the seraphims and was scared to also be like him, fallen.
But it changed when Lucifer’s daughter came for a meeting in heaven.
*𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌*
“Oh my goodness! It’s you!”
Charlie heard behind her right before she entered the room for the meeting in heaven. She saw an angel, who looked oddly familiar to her.
“Wait? You know me?” She asked. “Well, of course, being the daughter of the king of hell gives you quite the impression up here” the angel said while smiling but stopped when she saw the worried look on Charlie’s face.
“Oh no! Not in a bad way! Well, at least not for me, I always knew that Lucifer’s daughter will more like him.”
The younger demon sighed in relief “ oh that’s good- wait you know my dad? Like personally?” She asked.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself, my name is (y/n).”
‘(Y/n)… that’s right! That was dad’s best friend when he was in heaven!’ Charlie thought. “Wait- so you don’t hate him?”
Hate him? She could never hate him.
“Heavens no! He was my best friend, my only friend actually…” (y/n) said. “How is he? I heard about the divorce, it must tough for him…”
“He’s fine? I honestly don’t know… when he’s around he seems all cheery but I notice that it’s not really… sincere, you know? As if he’s trying to mask his feelings just to make others feel better.” Charlie said sadly.
(Y/n) sighed “I wish I was there to help him…”. The two stood in comfortable silence as if a mother and a daughter would. “Oh golly! Look at the time! You don’t wanna be late for the meeting, now do you?” She said while slightly pushing Charlie to the doors of the room. “I hope the meeting goes well, Charlie. I’ll see you inside” (y/n) said right before Charlie goes in.
She stood there in silence, and disappointment not at Lucifer or Charlie.
But herself that she couldn’t even be by his side at his lowest.
He still is her best friend…
… And first love…
Almost tearing up she stood in front of the door to the meeting room until…
“Heya babe, whatchu doing here?!”
The one person she despises most.
“Are you fucking crying?! That’s hilarious! Well what are crying about hmm?” He asked with fake sympathy in his voice.
“It’s non of your business” she said.
“Yeah probably about that guy that literally fallen from heaven just to not to see your face” he said
Although she never took his words seriously, this one really hurt.
“Well you know I can satisfy you in ways that guy wouldn’t even think of” he said while putting his hand on her waist.
It got lower and lower…
“Please stop-“
“Adam” the voice of Sera the head seraphim was heard. And immediately his hand left her body. “The meeting is starting”
“Yeah right we were just going in” he said. He waited for the seraphim to go inside. When she did he didn’t hesitate but throw a punch right in the angel’s face.
“You fucking bitch! You really want sera to fucking think of me as the bad guy huh?! Well, next time it won’t be just your face you’ll have to cover” he said while going inside the room.
She sat there yet again in silence. She took out a pocket mirror that she had and some foundation.
Because it was not the first time …
* 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 *
When she fell felt even happy to out of there.
Until she hit the ground breaking her wings and most of the bones in her body.
She saw shades of red in the sky and was the last thing she saw before she fell unconscious
Lucifer’s pov:
I was in my office sorting some paperwork I don’t even know what it was, until I heard something crash.
Or rather someone…
I rushed outside since I can’t just leave the person alone to suffer.
The first I saw was wings. White, beautiful wings, although cover in blood since they were injured. The blood was gold that meant one thing.
It was an angel. A fallen angel.
I quickly went to check the angel’s other injuries so I turned them around only to find out…
It was (y/n)… my best friend from the beginning of time. My (y/n)… wait what was I thinking she probably met some tall hunk while I was out of heaven.
I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on helping (y/n). I took her to my room and carefully laid her on my bed.
Thankfully she was breathing and was starting to heal since angels can heal faster. (a/n: idk if it’s actually real but for the sake of the plot k go with it )
What did she do to fall? She was always so kind to everyone and was cautious not to talk too loudly about things that were forbidden by the seraphims.
What happened?
No one’s pov:
The first thing she felt when waking up was pain in her back specifically her wings.
When she opened her eyes she was confused and also scared because she didn’t recognize the room she was in. She groaned in pain while trying to get up.
“Oh no no no don’t do that, they’re still healing, you should rest” that voice.
The voice she loves oh so much. It was him.
“Lucifer?” She asked while her eyes are filling up with tears. Even though it hurt and she really shouldn’t do that, she didn’t care. She got up as fast as she could and wrapped her arms around him, crying in his chest.
Those were tears of happiness and relief that she finally got to see him again.
“Hey it’s okay, I’m here shh don’t cry” he told her in the softest tone ever as if she would break if he had spoken any louder.
“Im just- I’m so happy to see you” she said while looking up at him smiling through her tears.
“I’m really happy to see you too, sweetheart, but seriously you should rest. You still aren’t fully healed .” He said while picking her up and gently laying her down on the bed. “You know, I was really worried you wouldn’t wake up.”
“What? How long was I asleep?” She asked genuinely confused.
“It was only a couple of days, don’t worry. But my back did start to hurt because I was sleeping on the couch” wait what.
Then she realized, it was his room. And that was the way he saw her for the first time in eons, she probably looked terrible. That brought tears to her eyes yet again.
“I am so sorry, lucifer. I-I didn’t mean-“ she was cut of by her own sob while Lucifer quickly went to comfort her.
“Hey shh it’s okay. Really, I don’t care if i break my back, I just want you to feel better.” He said while holding her close to him.
Boy he really did miss this.
Eventually (y/n) calmed down and said “well I’m glad that you’re the one that found me and not some random weirdo on the street”
He laughed softly. “Yeah well I’m glad as well. Speaking of finding you, why exactly are you here?”
* 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 *
“Are you fucking kidding me?” (Y/n)’s voice was heard in the meeting room.
“(Y/n) use proper language-“ the head seraphim was cut off the angel’s enraged voice.
“I don’t give a flying FUCK about the language. But extermination of human souls just like us. What is wrong with you?!” She exclaimed.
“Ooh the nice little girl is getting feisty ” Adam said sarcastically.
“And YOU! You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself. If i were to decide, you would be in hell in no time” she said to him.
“Careful or else-“
“Or else what? You will throw me to hell? To me it seems much more nicer than here. If you gonna do it, knock yourself out. Go fuck yourselves, all of you.”
* 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 *
“You really did that?” Lucifer asked shocked. He never thought that (y/n) can even say curse words.
“Yeahh… well now I’m here.” She said smiling at him lovingly.
Lucifer’s pov:
I’ve missed her so much. Her voice, her eyes everything about her.
God I love her…
“Wait what”
Shit. I said that out loud.
Fuckfuckfuckfuckkkk Lucifer calm down breathe in ,breathe out. SHIT NO how can i mess up this badly already. I mean she just got here and you’re telling her that you’re so stupid why did you do tha-
“I love you too, Lucifer”
No one’s pov:
“I love you too, ever since you left heaven I realized that more and more everyday but I also knew I could never be with you. You were in hell and I was up there in heaven also you were with lillith-“ (y/n) was cut off by Lucifer after he calmed down from his internal panicking.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, because now you’re here with me and nobody is going to change that” he said while leaning, glancing at her lips until their lips touched.
It was something that both of them wanted for a long time and it’s finally happening.
His hand went to cup her cheek and the other one went to her waist.
But then she flinched way.
She wrapped her arms around herself, almost as if protecting herself from something.
Lucifer did know what caused this or why was this happening but he knew he had to help.
He went closer to her but not touching her to not trigger her even more. “(Y/n), my love, it’s me, it’s okay” he said trying calm her down.
She looked up at him. She was scared. But why?
When she saw it was him, she started to clam down “I’m sorry it’s just something that happened u-uhm it was-“
“Love, it’s okay you don’t need to explain if you don’t want to. I just want you to know that I will never do anything to hurt you. I love you and I mean it.” He said softly. “Darling, is it okay if I hug you?”
She nodded and was immediately wrapped in a warm hug.
She realized she was safe, with Lucifer, finally.
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