#forgive my yap
kendyroy · 2 days
logan and wade really are gonna spend the rest of their lives together huh? they’re really gonna outlive everyone and only have each other.
logan’s gonna spend another several hundred years living, but this time with someone else by his side. someone who loves him so so very much. someone who’ll constantly remind him how loved he is. someone who’ll be his partner till the end of time
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hinamie · 18 days
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 8 months
y'all need to get a grip. you blab all day about how much you hate bigots and hateful people and how evil it is to dehumanize anyone and then you turn around and say "kys" and "i think [x] should all just kill themselves" and other disgusting, violent and childish trash
so many people on here are just full of hatred and vitriol and turn into frenzied sharks anytime the target 'deserves it' and they think they can get away with it and not be called bad people. then they whine about how sad it is that we can't all just get along and if only all the evil people in the world would stop doing evil things wouldn't that be nicer
you're just as vicious, hypocritical and fanatically puritanical as the caricature you have made in your minds of the people you think you have nothing in common with. if you've ever told someone, ANYONE to kill themselves you're not advocates of justice, you're not artisans of peace, and you certainly don't have any moral high ground that would allow you to pass judgment on others
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fulgurbugs · 5 months
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Post-canon/ timeskip ideas/scribbles compilation
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kijeu · 3 months
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favourite bang chan fancams 2 / ∞ [ 210828 music core - thunderous ⋆ ]
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arson-09 · 6 months
tonights acotar thoughts are with the Illyrian women and how rhysand has utterly failed them despite his supposed efforts
Hes ‘allowed’ them to become warriors if they wish. But thats not even the bare minimum. from my memory he acknowledges that he doesnt enforce the wing clipping laws (smooth move) so that’s basically useless and as to be expected of a man, he misses the point of feminism and equality laws. WHERE are the laws and protections for women in marriages?? if the illyrian are so ‘brutal’ and ‘backwards’ the assumption can be made that divorce isn’t a thing unless the man requests it. No women requested divorces and probably no such thing as no fault divorces. As well as forced marriages (which also brings up the consent age) Adding on, what about abortions and other pre natal and natal laws and protections? again, assuming women arent allowed to have abortions or simply any bodily autonomy, where are those decrees rhysand? Im not even getting into the potential of LGBTQ+ illyrians and their rights (Logically there are LGBTQ+ illyrians but ofc sjm wouldn’t mention them)
He makes such a fuss about it being a womans choice (a hypocrite as we see in acosf) yet unless a woman is able too or wants to fight he doesnt seem to care. Which is also a major flaw of sjms writing, women only gain their independence if they can kick ass and fuck as they want. Which is of course valid but thats a very shallow way to view feminism and equality. The whole point is that a woman can choose, wether its to be a warrior or a stay at home mother, but theres nothing done for those women who want that lifestyle.
This has influenced me in my fic writing a lot to where a this topic has become a major focal point in my fic somewhat by accident. I think that logically there would be a rebellion from mostly illyrian women against rhysand, hes promised them so much yet has delivered so little.
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thelesbianluthor · 3 months
Getting into bridgerton late means finding out people's rancid takes on my beautiful woman Kate 2 years later and being left baffled and peeved. The way people miss the point of her character completely and dismiss everything she has done and sacrificed makes me want to scream.
And if that's not the unfortunate fate of many female characters.. the amount of people that cannot handle complexity and mistakes if done by women even when they mirror beloved male characters...
Mistakes are part of what makes a character interesting, their baggage that held them back and then their growth after finally learning to let it go. If you dislike Kathani viscountess Bridgerton than you better stay away from me because I will let Anthony Bridgerton's spirit posses me and I WILL fight you for her honor
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demapatto-art · 2 days
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dulan injection
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ashertickler · 25 days
The first time Asher realizes he had feelings for David is when he comforted him after he fell off the tree in his backyard. The first time he kissed David was a little after Gabe's death.
~ 🦇🦑
brain dump ramble about David x Asher below teehee 😸
Asher's softly sobbing after his arm got fixed and in a sling, and David isn't mad at him or grouchy... he looks worried? Concerned. David didn't comprehend the concept of death at that young age but in the moment where he saw Asher wailing and screaming on the ground with his arm looking... unnatural, scarily bent, blood pooling beneath it, he assumed the worst. And it hit him, what if that was death? And... if it happened to Asher? It mentally broke him, and in the aftermath David wouldn't leave Asher's side, always watching. Making sure Asher didn't slip away when he wasn't looking, making sure Asher was still with him.
Asher noticed the change in David instantly. He knows his best friend like the back of his hand. He knows all too well how easily he gets under David's skin, so to see his usually grouchy buddy so... soft? Always around Asher, holding his hand, helping him up and down stairs, even helping him eat anytime they had a meal together... Asher felt something more than friendship. His heart swelled... but he couldn't name this feeling. Oh, it's probably just super friendship! Yeah... like we're soul buddies! I don't want him to stop being this way around me...
After Gabe's post mortum, the Shaw Pack was inconsolable. Especially David, who'd now lost both parents and had the responsibility of being pack alpha imminently upon his shoulders. It broke everyone to hear about the passing of their beloved alpha, but for Asher... he couldn't stop worrying about David. How could he cope? How could he function? How lonely must he feel... and how sick with worry Asher felt at the thought. His thoughts were consumed my David, and it reached a point where he couldn't bare to spend time away from him. Asher swore he would always be by David's side, cos that's what soul buddies do, right? At night, he would hold David as he wept in only Asher's arms, then put a reassuring hand on David's shoulder during the day as David mustered up what little energy he had to tend to the pack and deal with the funeral arrangements. Asher could only watch with pained eyes as David struggled with all the duties he and Frank would soldier through, noting every laboured exhale his best friend shuddered out.
Asher noticed a lot of painful behaviours in David in the days after Gabe's death... but one struck him hard. Not out of worry, but instead with how his heart would swell. David became clingy. Which for David was incredibly difficult to decipher and point out. But Asher noticed. As he had always done, as he had always noticed whenever David's behaviour changed. Whenever it changed towards Ash.
Lingering touches. Hugs that lasted too long. Brushes of his hand against Asher's arm. Leaning into Asher's reassuring and grounding touch. Small nuzzles when crying into Asher's chest and shoulders when the pain of his father's death hit hardest, particularly in the lonely nights where he would have to sleep in his family's apartment alone. One night, David couldn't handle it. He needed Asher. One short call later, Asher had packed his bags and decided to move into the Shaw apartment for David. For his soul buddy. During the night, with Asher cradling David in his arms as he rambled about the funeral to come in the following days, David felt content. For the first time in the days that felt like years after Gabe's passing, being in Asher's arms felt like home. He finally felt warm again. Whole again. All it took was a sharp gulp and a yearning, tear-stained look at Asher for Ash to realise the feeling from his best friend in front of him. Asher cupped David's face and stroked his cheek, I'm always here for you David, and David choked up before breaking into a smile. A small one, but his first smile in... too long. He's smiling... I made him smile. Asher couldn't contain the surge of emotion any longer, it had remained dormant since he broke his arm. The unrequited yearning, the naive hoping, maybe this was the moment-
Thank you, Ash. For always being the one stable force in my life. David, smiling as a tear trails down his cheek, leans in to peck a kiss on Asher's cheek. And Asher freezes, his cheeks turning a soft pink. David stares, his heart skipping a beat, worried he'd been too bold, if this was stupid, if he fucked up, if he'd lose asher too-
Until Asher tilted his head and kissed David, closing his eyes and smiling into the kiss, cupping David's face as David brought his hand to Asher's head and held it before breaking apart. Foreheads touching, they stared into each other's eyes and smiled, before Asher broke into a giggle and David followed suit.
We'll be ok.
(tagging @dawnofiight lucid pookie for when you come back... my fellow dasher stan I hope you like this absolute word dump brain fart of a thingy about our sillies dasher... miss you dookie)
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eikichi-supremacy · 3 months
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and they were singin', bye-bye Miss American Pie // american oldie i think kuwabara unironically listens to
(low effort lyric edit im queueing here in May cos im probably gonna forget it exists otherwise)
#qeued post#for June cos hey pride#the idea of kuwa seeing his friends in a holy almost godly light namely yusuke#and having them all leave unexpectedly#cos before that night at Genkai's i feel like it was solidified in kuwa's brain DESPITE the sidekick complex#DESPITE the fact that he's human and the least powerful member they are still decidedly a team#A team he has a place on. But then all suddenly springing this... YUSUKE springing this departure on him. shatters that belief#yusuke says he'll be back and it seems to make things better but even so kuwabara's face still looks so solemn when he leaves#Likely cos he knows yusuke is just saying shit and doesn't even know if it's possible to come back#this wasn't supposed to be a kuwameshi post it's really not but there's always that undertone when i talk about them so#He just admires them all so much yusuke above all others only to be left behind and that's gotta fuckin hurt#The way we don't see the resolution to this feeling. The lack of belonging the abandonment#next time we see him he's just supposed to be over it but we don't really know if it actually happened#So I like to play with the idea of like . Did he really like healthily accept things or#did he just repress it and deal. Cos like eng dub he tells yusuke ''forget all that stuff I said'' immediately taking back#his harsh words bc it's either stay mad stay upset or quickly forgive and move on cos this could be the last time. or even the jdub#where he doesn't even allow the vulnerability to show enough to trail off he just spouts the normal shit bc it's what they DO he immediatel#tries to get back to the normal dynamic and push himself to being fine with it right now bc he doesn't have the luxury of being upset#when it doesn't matter cos yusuke's leaving. the last thing he hears from him shouldnt be reckless shit he was saying when he lashed out#aka i dont think kuwa's feelings get seriously addressed enough and this episode haunts me cos of that very fact#Im not making any sense. Nico as my witness I swear I was more eloquent yapping to him about it#kuwabara kazuma#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi
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philshotcocoa · 2 months
So I was rewatching the second pizza phukbang and the whole bit about how ii (Interactive Introverts) was suppose to be the end of Dan and Phil always gets me thinking.
It makes me think about how much Dnp’s comeback has set off a sort of butterfly effect in my life, and how many things I wouldn’t have realized/not done just within these past couple of months, had they not unhiatus-ed (if thats even a word).
So I was thinking this could be a sort of sharing moment :D! I want to know how the comeback of the gaming channel has affected you! (I’ll share a little down below), but pop into my inbox/or reblog/ and share as much or as little as you’d like!
A few examples can be:
-What are some new memories that you’ve made?
-Have you made new phannie friends (online/or IRL)??
-Have your non-phannie family members/friends had to endure long rants regarding Dnp? (Just when they thought they were in the clear for five years….) (I know one of my friends was a victim of my “lore rants” during the release of all the clues for the tour).
-Has the fan-person within you come back full force?
-Have some opportunities come up for you that wouldn’t have happened otherwise?
-If you’re a new post-hiatus fan, how have you interacted with the community? Have Dan and Phil become a new fixation that you wouldn’t have found without the comeback?
(And literally anything else you’d want to share, as long as its safe for me to respond to ^_^)
Feel free to reblog if you want to share this around and get people in your own inbox/asks🤍🤍!
For me, the gaming channel comeback has honesty allowed me to move past internalized homophobia/other things I was hiding from myself. Rediscovering Dan and Phils story and seeing them be so happy being their authentic selves made me rethink the way I was treating myself. Especially because I hadn’t realized how similar me and Dans journeys were regarding queerness. It made me not feel so alone! And now with my Tumblr I’ve found so many more people and it makes me sappy to think about it too hard 😭.
I’ve also genuinely reverted back to the interests and mindset that made me so happy back before the hiatus. In the last five years I was bullied heavily for being one of those “weird kids” and I eventually caved in and hid any and all of my interests. I tried desperately to run away from what made me happy in order to appease those around me. When I found Dan and Phil again, something in my mind set off. Letting go of that old mindset and reverting back to interacting with the content that actually made ME happy has been the biggest thing i’ve realized. Dan and Phil have reminded me that I need to embrace that nerd part of myself, otherwise its not really me.
(Yes, its all sort of cheesy, but its true)
So those two along with a lot more positivity thats come into my life solely from these last few months has been absolutely lovely. My life was honestly saved and to think of all the butterfly effects boggles my mind @_@ !
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
I’m sending good vibes 〰️ !
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Husband, Babygirl Pookie, Spartan daddy
Brasidas of sparta ladies and gentlemen
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johnslittlespoon · 6 months
seven sentence sunday!!
thank you for the tag @nicijones :^)
rule: post seven sentences of your current wip
John is among them, ever competitive and deadly serious about their makeshift baseball games, bruises and road rash a small price to pay for the adrenaline rush of winning. But that doesn’t mean he’s quiet about it as he and Gale walk back to their shared barracks. “That’s gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow,” John grumbles. Cloth drags over the scratched up skin below his elbow when he pulls his shirt back on, the chill of the night making itself known as sweat dries on his skin. Gale holds back a wince as faint streaks of red graze the side of his shirt, too late to warn him off before he could stain it, but he’s sure John wouldn’t care anyway. “It’d heal quicker if you cleaned it properly,” he says instead, stopping in front of their door, pulling it open and stepping aside to let John walk past. “You gonna patch it up for me, doc?”
tagging @bcolfanfic, @coldblooded-angel, @avonne-writes, @curtsbigspoon and anyone else who wants to but no pressure! <3
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sanasanakun · 6 months
Gortash acting as an enabler for The Dark Urge is so interesting imo. I can easily see redeemed DU feeling extremely betrayed and angry by it given that they now have a chance to contemplate their past self’s situation. They easily could accuse him like “you say you were my ‘nearest and dearest’ but you never saw how much I suffered? Or did you just not care because my misery advanced your (our) goals? You never wanted to help me? You could have stopped me.” At this point in the story, DU’s come to understand friendship in a way his past self never could have and Gortash’s previous inaction is a betrayal of those values. If he never helped them, then Gortash never truly saw the real them nor understood them.
In my personal headcanon (and somewhat supported by canon imo), I think Gortash tried to helped DU in his own “Gort” way. Aka promising that they’d one day rule as “Gods” which is essentially a promise to DU that they’ll rise above Bhaal or be free of his influence (as others have previously pointed out). However, I don’t believe Gortash has the emotional capacity to help DU in the way they needed. He doesn’t understand it or he might even be afraid to hit that particular nerve. He liked the routine they fell into, so why change it? It is also definitely pragmatic. The Dark Urge’s condition advances their plans. Gortash puts progress and the plan above all else even if it hurts loved ones. He rationalizes his inaction with cold logic, weighing the pros and cons of his intervention. Therefore, I don’t believe it’s necessarily malicious enabling. Gortash acts with the idea of pursuing whatever is more “comfortable” for him personally and their joint plan.
From my personal experience, this type of enabling is pretty common (at least in my irl situations). They don’t know how to act and are afraid to confront their loved one, so they do nothing. It’s “easier” to do nothing. Definitely would like to write something for it at some point because I feel like this would be a key tension point in their post-tadpole relationship (or lack of). Maybe even pre-tadpole where the Dark Urge just quietly endured but desperately hoped Enver would say or do something to save them, but he never did.
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bitingmypawsoff · 2 months
chat I'm tweaking. I need a Frosty to my Gricko.
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collegeboysam · 5 months
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Chapter 4 :
Nobody likes the special, so-called “family suppers”. Nobody. Luke is convinced of it. “You left so fast before finishing what you started…” Lucerys taunts, dangling a metaphorical trap between his fingers. The double meaning of his bait is not lost on Aemond. “Your performance as Master of Law left much to be desired that day, uncle Aemond.” “Did it?” Aemond raises the eyebrow split by the scar, tone tense. He looks at Lucerys like a rabid dog who wants to bite on a rabbit’s neck until it’s trashing and screeching for its life. “You actually seemed quite desperate for my opinion that day at Driftmark, nephew.” “Guess I just thought your opinion would be better.” Luke sighs, trying to sound like the most spoiled, disappointed prince the realm has ever seen. As if he’s the number one expert on grinding on cock and Aemond’s did not even make the cut. As if Lucerys has not been jerking himself to the memory ever since. “But, so far? I’m not that impressed.” He sees Aemond close his fist around the knife next to his plate and Luke smiles openly. Got you, asshole.
Update on AO3
Pairing: Aemod Targaryen/Lucerys Velaryon
Rating: Explicit
Chapter Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Canon Divergence, Aged-Up Characters, Mutual Pining, Mutual Lusting, Jealous Aemond, Possessive Aemond, Jealous Lucerys, Obsessive Thoughts, Fighting as Form of Flirting, Slow Burn.
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