#forgive my English
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nebulanightsky · 2 years ago
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Is it just me or arthur looks way more surperior than ds dream
Arthur von licht by onebizarrekai
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bg3daydream · 2 months ago
It's been a long time since I've done a poll!
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espressoristretto-patronum · 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag dear @heyitszev ❤️ even though I have only one little baby fic, Zev encourages me to do it anyway!
How many work do you have on AO3? Only one for now! To me, she is the sun
What's your total AO3 word count? 6314 words, I said it, it's still a baby!
What fandom do you write for? Hogwarts Legacy is my hyper fixation, so I think just for HL
Top five fics by kudos? So, first is To me, she is the sun with 17 kudos. Second is To me, she is the sun. Third is... Okay I'm done
Do you respond to comment? Yep! If you take the time to read my ff and leave a comment, you make me very happy, so I answer back to let you know how much I appreciate you!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Fortunately not my ff!
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? One day I will finish To me, she is the sun, and the answer to the question will be this ff! I just want Tori and Poppy to be happy!
Do you get hate on fics? I hope I'll never will!
Do you write smut? Ummm, I think the correct answer is not yet! Maybe one day if I feel brave enough?
Craziest crossover? None.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah, I don't think anyone will ever steal my ff lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but it would be so cool if someone is willing to translate my stories!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I will be so afraid to let my co-writer down, too much pressure 😭 Maybe one day when I'll get more confident about my writing and language skills
All time favourite ship? My beloved Tori x Poppy 💛🖤 Seriously my Roman Empire, they live in my head rent free
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? To me, she is the sun is the only WIP, so fortunately no unfinished projects!
What are you writing strenghts? Hahahahaha, none?! I have no idea!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I like it! But also only if it is accurate (do not use only Google Translate for a dialogue in a foreign language!). By the way, if you ever need help with Italian I'll be more than happy to help you!
First fandom you wrote in? Hogwarts legacy.
Favourite fic you've written?... You know the answer lol
No twentieth question, Zev said to take this as a clue to go drink water, so off you go and stay hydrated! Have a nice day/evening/night!
Many of you got already tagged so my tag is @superconductivebean @gothic-lottie (I didn't see you in other mutuals' tags!)
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lenaswritingandstuff · 1 year ago
While watching and fucking enjoying the 2012 Live Arena Tour, I noticed that in this version Judas and Simon don't particularly get along. So after 'the Last Supper' I can just imagine Simon going to Jesus like "between you and I, boss, never could have stand his ass."
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foreversagacious · 6 months ago
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forgot dirks stupid shades… sorry for the repost
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dormatheus · 1 year ago
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smthn smthn dying for the one you love isn't the same as being a sacrificial lamb, idk how to explain it
I have many thougts about the lamb and their relationship towards prophecies...
Someday I'll learn to be consistent on how I draw the lamb, but that day ain't today lmao
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neroushalvaus · 1 year ago
Okay I am going to use the Somerton situation to talk about something that is very important to me. Following the discussion I have seen former Somerton fans being disappointed in themselves and questioning how they can ever trust another video essayist again. I have also seen some people being smug because to them Somerton was obviously unreliable from the start. As a person who also saw the "red flags" in Somerton, I would like to skip the smugness and talk a bit about what the red flags were to me.
Someone else has probably posted something similar and Hbomberguy's & Todd in the Shadows's videos touched a few of these points, but they didn't focus on them or how to spot these things. I think it is a good thing: I think it would have reinforced the idea that Somerton's fans were to blame for being lied to, and these youtubers didn't want to pin any blame on the fans. Also, some of the things I'm going to talk about were not by any means proof of him being unreliable, they were common tropes I personally associate with people who are bullshitting on internet. Think of it as something like spotting terfs: If you consider following a tumblr user and find out they have at some point posted "males will always be a danger to females no matter what they say", it is very possible that they are not a terf. Maybe they were having a bad day and were just wording their post badly – But you should probably search "trans" from their blog before following them, just to be sure.
So, the tropes in James Somerton's content that I consider red flags:
Lack of sources. This one may seem obvious and Hbomb talked about this in his video, but the lack of sources in his videos was outrageous. Video essays are called essays for a reason, they are not supposed to be just a guy talking about whatever comes to his mind, they should be well researched essays. Obviously video essays should contain one's own thoughts and interpretations and those do not need citations. But James Somerton didn't come out of the womb knowing everything about LGBT history, Disney and film theory, if he actually knew something about all this stuff, he should have learnt it from somewhere. There should be sources he could point to. It is very common that even when a video essayist doesn't tell you where they got all their information, they open their video by saying stuff like "when I prepared for this video I read the book Also sprach Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche and this one thrilling blog post about lesbian cruising in 1960s Sweden". From what I've seen, James does not really do this. From watching his videos you could arrive to the conclusion that James Somerton does not read any books, he just knows everything. There are situations where people don't feel the need to add sources, like when the information is considered common knowledge or when the topic relates heavily to the essayist's actual academic field or profession. This is okay and very understandable, but can sometimes be dangerous, since if the video essayist markets himself as a marketing specialist, people are more likely to take his word for stuff that has to do with marketing, even without sources. It is understandable that in many situations an essayist may think "why should I cite a source? I know this thing!", but doing your research well is partly about checking if the information you are certain of is actually true. Also, as Hbomb pointed out, if you can cite a source, your audience can go learn more about the subject. It's not about anyone doubting you know your stuff, it's about learning. That's why well-respected video essayists usually cite their sources very clearly.
Lack of pictures and screenshots. This is about different kinds of sources again, many things on this list are kind of about sources. An example: When James Somerton made a video about JKR, he mentioned something about Rowling at one time saying that trans students in 30-50Feralhogs (or whatever the wizard school is called) could use magic to present as their gender. If this was any other video essayist, you'd expect a tweet to pop up, or something else confirming Rowling ever said this. Nothing pops up, obviously because Rowling didn't say this, but you can't see anything fishy in that because things rarely pop up in Somerton's videos. He doesn't show you court documents when speaking about a court case, he doesn't show you the comments apparently mad at him for implying the gay anime is gay when he is complaining about people being mad at him. There is a reason people show screenshots and tweets in video essays. When a good video essayist says JK Rowling has tweeted that all people who menstruate should be referred to as women, the video essayist shows the tweet so people know they are not making it up. If there were hoards of annoying bitc-- I mean, angry white women whining about gay sex in HuffPost articles or Somerton's youtube comments, he should have no trouble showing you those. Remember that you should not trust someone just because they show you pictures or screenshots. Pictures can be photoshopped, screenshots can be doctored. Many youtubers are aware that you listen to their videos while cleaning or while walking your dog and don't actually see the screen all the time, and some may take advantage of that by saying something like "and here she threatened to kill me" while showing a text message where someone said "die mad about it". A screenshot alone isn't much but you should demand to see the screenshot.
Passive voice. I am once again bitching about this. Somerton repeatedly says things like "it's been said that" or "it was common knowledge that" or "a legend says that" or "according to most interpretations". He doesn't say who says it, making it very hard to fact check and that seems to be his goal in some cases.
Relying heavily on anecdotes. Writing a dense, analytical video about film theory or history can be exhausting and you may want to pepper in little fun facts. However Somerton seemed to rely on these heavily; he can't just talk about how he has totally bought every lie told by The Pink Swastika, he also needs to tell a cute little anecdote about SS men forcing sexual favours out of men. He can't just tell a story about a court case, he needs to add in ridiculous stuff about the jury booing. This is what I mean by not all the things on this list being necessarily proof of someone being unreliable. Many people use anecdotes and little stories in their storytelling, it makes the videos flow better and it's hard to decide which anecdotes are valid and which are not. A source obviously makes an anecdote a bit more believable, but here are some things that instantly make me fact check an anecdote:
It's a bit too convenient, poetic or ironic. Sometimes real life is weirder than fiction but if an anecdote is "perfect" and has an amazing punchline and you could write twelve poems about it, there is a possibility it was invented by pop science books.
It assumes your political enemies are stupid. Dunking on conservatives, MRAs and transphobes is always fun and after you've seen a lot of this kind of content it's easy to believe anything about these people. You must resist the impulse to believe everything that may make your opponents look stupid.
The person telling the anecdote implies it is an example of a larger, systemic problem. You know what's worse than taking a random happenstance from human history or internet and basing an entire political theory on it? The said random happenstance being made up. You should in general be wary of people telling one story and explaining why it's an example of everything that's wrong in the world. We live in a huge world. You can always find a white woman who loves cute gays but hates the idea of Nick Heartstopper and Charlie Heartstopper getting nasty but that doesn't mean it's an indicator of a larger issue.
Simplifying complex issues. We all know that "only the boring gays survived the AIDS crisis, and that's why gays started to only care about marriage equality and military" is a horrible, insensitive thing to say, but you also have to think about it for like two seconds to realize that it can't be correct. It kind of reminds me of the "roe v wade caused the crime drop of 1990s" claim in Freakonomics. It sounds logical and simple, like a basic math calculation. Societal issues rarely are like that, though. You should never believe anyone who tells you about a huge societal shift and says it happened because of one thing and one thing only.
These were some of the things I noticed in Somerton's content that caused me to distrust him. I hope these were helpful to you and feel free to add your own "red flags" if you feel like it!
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justvea18 · 23 days ago
why are you so insistent on making Patrochilles so toxic...?????
This has been in my asks for a while
Disclaimer: I am NOT a psychology student nor am I an expert in this field. These are purely based on my observations (I am just a nerd yapping)😔😭
I see them as somewhat toxic (I'm using this term loosely) because they aren't as healthy as you perceive them to be if you take a look at their relationship in a psychological perspective which also explains their actions in the iliad.
Patroclus, as far as I know, has no relatives, children, or loved ones to live for aside from Achilles - his friend/companion/lover/etc. Of course he'd be devoted to him. They've slept with women and they had lovers of their own, but none of them seemed as significant or that important in their life - making it seem that the person they prioritize the most is each other.
Achilles was raised by his father and mother, but he was eventually sent off again and again from Phthia, to Pelion, to Scyros. Patroclus was believed to be with him from his time in Phthia until the Trojan war so it is no doubt he would treasure Patroclus like he did in the Iliad. He was the closest companion he had and was there for him from childhood to adulthood.
Now, the "toxic" part comes in their co-dependecy. Understandably, Achilles is devastated when he found out that Patroclus was dead. Undoubtedly, Pat would feel the same if Achilles had died first. The difference is that Achilles made Patroclus prepare for his passing (assigning him with his supposed funeral, taking Neo from Scyros to Phthia on his behalf, raising his son, etc.) while Achilles never even considered the thought of Pat dying in the war. This explains his immediate suicidal actions.
Achilles was prepared to leave (book 9) and take the other end of the bargain if his prophecy. If he hadn't seen Machaon on book 11, he wouldn't have sent out Patroclus and left Troy with him the next day.
Now, Patroclus is also co-dependent in that relationship because before his pleading with Achilles, he was also ignorant of the deaths of the Greeks (although it may or may not be under Achilles' orders, remember, Achilles is technically his prince), only acting when Nestor reminded him that he is older than Achilles and should help him in making the right choice (and seeing the battlefield/injured men up close).
They are not the "perfect" couple, but it's this complex relationship that they have that makes them so interesting.
Tldr: Achilles is super attached to Patroclus to the point he literally couldn't live without him; and Patroclus is utterly devoted to Achilles that he would go against his morals and try to ignore the deaths caused by the prince
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allebasimaianunes · 5 months ago
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you are a sinner, darling.
"you are a sinner, my darling?", his voice left his perfect apple-shaped mouth like honey. she keeps her eyes on the image of Jesus Christ in front of her, praying mentally, asking for mercy. mercy for the troubled and dark thoughts she will be having about him—the priest of the community. like a lamb, pure and so desperate for love, she falls in love with the young and kind man who became a priest.
swallowing heavily, she looks at him with fear and desire. Father Charlie Mayhew just stares at her with some sweetness in his dark eyes, which pierce her soul. Sinner.
"may I burn in Hell if I speak falsely," she thinks. her heart beats strongly in her chest, her breath heavy, her eyes confused. Biting her own lip, she lets the words slide from her mouth like bitter wine, looking at the handsome man:
"maybe I was a sinner just now, Father."
then Charlie smiles at her, his eyes burning. the feeling is mutual.
she felt it in her core.
oh God, have mercy, because I'll lay with him, for real.
it's the last thought she has before his lips kiss hers. the taste of wine and honey.
the taste of sin and forgiveness.
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notmoreflippingelves · 11 months ago
Actually going insane over the implications of Jason asking Dick to be the Robin to his Batman in Battle for the Cowl.
Like I initially took it at the purely surface-level of Jason wanting a partner in the general sense. Which made sense, it's a huge responsibility and a lonely one so an assistant/sidekick/partner seems a no-brainer if you can get one.
But then I really thought about it, because Jason is not asking Dick to be his partner in the general sense; he's not even asking Dick to be his Nightwing. He's asking Dick to be his Robin.
And they both know exactly what Jason means: "Be the light to my darkness. Be the smile to my scowl. Be the hope to my fear. "
He's saying "Be 'Robin'; be the embodiment of Love and Justice and Goodness. Be the exceptional person that you have always been. Be the slightly-less exceptional person that I was when I wore your colors. Be the person that I was in the process of becoming and might have been (or might still be), if only Joker hadn't clipped my wings."
He's saying "I am prepared to become vengeance, become the Night. And I will go further than Bruce ever dared to, because it is what is needed. I will be the necessary evil. But you don't have to be. If Batman is Gotham's curse, Robin has always been its blessing. I will be the brutal punishment to our world, and I am asking you to be its incandescent gift."
He's saying, "Be for me, what we were for Him. Be my anchor, my comfort, my hope. Remind me what it's all for, why it's all worth it. And remind yourself as well."
He's saying "Be 'Robin' again--for both of our sakes."
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lavender-phoenix-flames · 6 months ago
Wei wuxian: the protagonist of all time
One of the many things I love about wei wuxian is that how great of a protagonist he is (quite a long post) :
Wei wuxian is introduced as a villian that gets resurrected but as the story progresses we see that he is actually a naturally heroic person, who did his best to do the right thing and survive the unfair, unjust and classist system.
He is very self aware, confident, charming, charismatic, handsome and competent. He has a very healthy self esteem, high emotional intelligence and he is a renowned genius, a prodigy. He is also amazingly observant, perceptive, a logic driven person, a quick thinker. He is so calculated in everything he does and reasonable too. He isn't impulsive or reckless rather he thinks all his actions through, considers the consequences and then takes action. He isn't oblivious either (anyone who thinks otherwise go read the book again).
Above mentioned traits are something you don't usually find in protagonists that often and it's refreshing to see a character so greatly skilled and intelligent in all ways yet so humble, sweet, kind, free spirited, full of life and selfless (selfless not self sacrificing). Usually any other character with his level of greatness would have been arrogant about it, but wwx is different. He has not only attempted the impossible but successfully achieved it, not once but multiple times, yet he knew his limits and shortcomings well, even when he was the strongest he never thought himself invincible/omnipotent, he never thought anyone above or below him.
He is so misunderstood both by the world he lives in and the fandom. Being orphaned at a young age, surviving living on the streets, being raised in a abusive household, scapegoated, backed into the farthest corner, having being into worst of situations, where his beliefs, his own life and life of his loved ones are threatened, having limited options where it is either forsake yourself or other innocent ones, he chooses the former. It isn't self sacrificial if he didn't have any other option, cuz other option is just betrayal of his self and morals.
And at the end he is just as human as any of us if not more. He has his flaws, his trauma, his sufferings, his dark days and moments where he wasn't himself but he never let it hold him back, dictate his life. He seeked revenge on those who wronged him, even in his darkest days he knew the limits of violence he can commit. Never regretted any of his actions, if he did he moved on quickly.
At the end there really isn't anyone like him, he isn't perfect but he is ideal, he is someone who we should learn from and strive to be. For me this is how an ideal protagonists should be, not only is he lovable, admirable, and deserving of immense respect, he is someone we can all be, it isn't impossible.
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narcissarina · 11 months ago
So! Something more normal.
Leon’s s/o gets new lipstick. She’s not sure about it and asks Leon to see if it smears.
Leon might be alittle confused but he’s happy to help.
So his s/o just starts kissing him. All over his face and collar. They pepper his checks with lipstick marks. Afterwards, he’s absolutely dotted with them.
The lipstick didn’t smear though. And it might just be Leon’s new favorite.
Smooch Swatches💋
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The moment you come rushing to Leon to nag him to come with you so you could buy another pair of lipsticks because you had finish the old one.
You want to get a few lipstick in different colors for different aesthetics that you plan to wear, Leon came with you in the mall as you go in to the usual shop where you always buy your cosmetics.
Leon offered to pay for your expenses, “are you sure?” You asked Leon while looking at your own reflection to the small mirror and apply the sample nude color lipstick on your lips.
Leon nodded as he watch you apply the lipstick to your lips, “I’m sure…” he said, you pop your lips and look at the color, “does it smear?” you asked Leon while your eyes is on the mirror, confuse as he is—he tilts his head, “don’t lipstick smear?” he asked.
“come here, baby.” You called, Leon leans down to your level as he was caught off guard when you started kissing his left cheek and the side of his left eye. “This color doesn’t quite suit me…”
Leon chuckles and smiled at you, showing off his white teeth, “I think every color suits you best, sweetheart.” he said lovingly, he was falling hard and he’s so god damn lucky that he was the one who snatched you up.
You took out your tissue and wipe the lipstick off of your lips and apply the maroon one and start peppering Leon’s face with it, he could only take it and melt at the feeling of your lips.
How many lipstick had you tried on and swatch on to his face?
Around three or five, Leon’s face and neck is full of different color of the lipstick you have tried on, and Leon love every second of it.
The sales lady was amused at the sight, “oh my…” you and Leon swear you could hear the two ladies giggle and mutter to themselves, you were too busy spoiling him kisses with different colored lipstick and finding blank space to his face and neck.
You froze as you realized, “Oh my…” you blink your pretty lashes towards Leon, “hm? Why did you stop?” he asked as you point to the mirror, he looks at himself and chuckle, “I’m so sorry, I’ll remove them once we get home.”
Leon looked at himself in the mirror and brush off one lipstick on his face, “huh, it doesn’t smudge proof once it dried.” He remark and looked at you. You could only chuckle and pull him towards the register.
People were looking at you and Leon’s way, eyeing Leon from his face to his neck—covered with the lipsticks you tried on. The cashier raised a brow and flashes the two of you a smile, “oh my, you have such a loving girl. Aren’t you lucky, sir?” the cashier spoke to Leon, he agreed and handed his card.
This might be Leon favorite thing whenever you two go out shopping, he wish that your lipstick ran out quickly so that the two of you could get a new one and be your lipstick swatch again.
He still has few things to take care back at the D.S.O, if his co-workers saw him, they’d tease him about it. But he’d be proud to show it off and that his girl is spoiling him with kisses.💋
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This request is cute>:D i hope i delivered😭😭🙏 sorry it took a while, I went out to watch a movie lol.
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panravenc · 2 months ago
i am sick and miserable; it is therefore my duty to bring out the sick!codywan headcanons into the light:
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has never been sick before, what is this sorcery? clones do not get sick, you see; except for when they do, apparently
he tries to push through it, but as soon as he visits the medbay for some pain-relief, the medic orders him bed rest
he does rest, but he also barricades himself because he does not want the illness to spread more than it already is: it is risky enough to have him and the few of ghost company who also have contracted the virus down, he is not risking the rest of his men
he is miserable. he has never suffered like this before, a blaster bolt to the chest would be easier than the combination of the killer headache, the cold, the bone-deep pain and a sore throat that has rendered his voice useless
childishly, he wants obi-wan by his side. he would like his batchmates too, but the presence he longs for the most is his general. there are tears gathering in his eyes and it is humiliating, can this sickness kill him instead?
gets immensely relieved when the door to his quarters opens and it is, indeed, obi-wan carrying with him medicine and a bowl of ration-soup
contrary to his feelings, he scowls and tries to scold obi-wan for risking himself when the 212th could be left without command
sadly, his voice still does not work. that means cody has to settle for glaring at obi-wan; it is not very effective, considering the state he is in
as much as he grumbles, as obi-wan takes care of him, he starts to feel better. he does not want to admit it, but knowing obi-wan is by his side makes bearing the illness easier
he feels weak and hates it. he feels useless, seeing obi-wan take care of him, and hates it even more; hates that he cannot smooth the stress out of obi-wan's frown, that he cannot reach out and reassure his general, that he needs rest in the first place and therefore cannot share the burden weighting on obi-wan's shoulders
and he hates how despite it all, he wants obi-wan's careful, gentle hands on his forehead; how he wants to keep hearing his general's voice in that soft, reassuring tone; how warmth spreads all over from his heart to his veins and his body relaxes under obi-wan's care, because it is obi-wan and that means he is safe
he tears up a bit. he feels sleepy, cotton-like thoughts filtering through his head, a daze that does not alarm him for obi-wan is still with him
he feels loved and cared for and weak, and he hates it, but he loves it; and despite how unwell and miserable he is, he wishes the tenderness of the moment could last forever
and he cannot help his hand reaching out and grabbing obi-wan's with it as he curls up and presses both against his chest, too many sensations leaving him tired and spent
and he falls asleep, safeguarded by his general and a golden, bursting and blooming feeling taking over his heart
when he wakes up later, obi-wan is sitting by his bunk, and their hands are still linked together
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this man will never admit to being sick. he is in denial. he cannot get sick, he is a general and a jedi, he has work to do
unfortunately for him, he is, indeed, sick
and weaving it off to say it is just "a bit of a headache, really, dear, no need for theatrics" is not going to cut it when his fever is reaching dangerous temperatures
which cody discovers by accident by pulling obi-wan into a swift keldabe kiss before going their separate ways
obviously, that was before cody knew obi-wan was sick. no separate ways, no sir, they are going straight to the medbay
the worst patient award definitely should go to him
he is miserable. obi-wan has suffered through colds before, and this is a thousand times worse. he is cold, has bone-deep pain, is shivering in places he did not know could shiver, has a killer headache, and a sore throat that's made every word out of his mouth hurt. the force has forsaken him
his dramatics go up to a thousand
he is ordered bed rest by the medic. unlike cody, he decides that means to work from his bed instead of standing, and cody has to confiscate his datapads
and since he apparently needs a babysitter, it is cody the chosen one for such privilege. this leads to bickering to the most of obi-wan's current abilities; which, to be honest, are not exactly brag-worthy considering his predicament
it is rather humiliating that his commander is getting him to bed, but his legs have decided to give up on him, so there is not much choice there, really
spends the time insisting for his commander to go back to work. that he will be fine if left alone for five minutes
but cody refuses each time, and takes care of him even if rather clumsily, comming the medic back and forth for instructions, and really, this is not doing any favours to the crush he is harbouring for the man
cody does not leave. he does not move from his side, a hand on his forehead taking his temperature in regular intervals, awkwardly asking if there is anything else he can do to make obi-wan feel better, and oh
because obi-wan is sick, and miserable, and in pain, and probably also half-delirious from his fever, but love expands across his chest like it was always meant to, a golden place reserved for his hard-working, steady and beautiful commander
and obi-wan dislikes asking for help. not for others, or when he sees he may not be able to help out someone alone, but he does not like asking for himself. it leaves him feeling useless, and brings out vulnerabilities from years past he has always thought himself over of
yet, it is in that instance, that when cody asks once again, "is there anything more i could do to help, sir?" he reaches out, holds out for cody's hands, arm too weak to do much but tremble, and when his own is held between cody's, he asks: "stay?"
and cody stays. when obi-wan wakes up next, cody is there. and cody keeps being there, attending obi-wan's needs and supporting him, as he gets through the sickness and until he is healthy again
and for a moment, obi-wan wishes cody would forever stay there, by his side, no matter where the war takes them or the years of peace he longs for afterwards
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that is all folks! hope you enjoyed this. i tried my best but i truly could not get cody and obi-wan out of my head, and since i am bed-ridden with sickness and despair, i want the boys to at least get some comfort, too.
talking about comfort, i am tagging @codywancomfort :) i hope it qualifies? i feel like cuddling while being sick definitely falls into the category of comfort.
love y'all,
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espressoristretto-patronum · 5 months ago
helloo helloo 🤍
1, 29 , 51 , 76 , 80 and 99 for tori and poppy pleaaaase!
HELLO MY LOVELY MOOT! Thank you so much for the ask 😘
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
As I'm writing in my ff, Poppy fell first, Tori fell harder. Tori is in denial for a whileand then one day BOOM she realises she is in love. I really can't wait to get to the point where she is basically having a mental breakdown about it 😂
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Mhm, good question! They are great at communicating, trusting and reassuring each other, so they only insecurities I think it's just overthinking stuff (Tori) and thinking that they are a burden (Poppy).
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
Everyone. Really, everyone, even the professors. I can picture Weasley and Ronen starting a round of bet.
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
I don't think they believe in it? But at the same time if someone says that they are each other's soulmates they will answer "DUH" (don't know if it makes sense 😅)
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
The only ones I know are person a fell first, person b fell harder; idiots in love; friends to lovers.
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
Tori. She knows Poppy can defend herself but she is such a protective golden retriever and she feels good about it!
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isbergillustration · 3 months ago
Hey do you wanna watch me flip through the entire book thing I wrote and illustrated while listening to me awkwardly reading from it with only slightly incorrect captions because I forgot to fix them? Well. I have the video for you! Also bonus appearance by my cat.
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jellyntoast · 4 months ago
So silly
○ Fixes hair (like tucking it behind ear or just running hand through it) EVERYY single time
○ Takes longer to get ready than a woman would
○ Very docile with animals, sometimes even too much (probably almost adopted a squirrel)
○ Has the habit of being nosy BUT would never be the type of guy to look through you phone without your knowledge
(Sorry for any mistakes, not the best with english)
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꒰🤍꒱ Reblog so I can associate a mania / habit that I think your F/O would have based on their appearance !
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