#forget that hes bleeding profusely from his leg
kikker-oma · 11 months
Warning: Blood
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beenbaanbuun · 11 months
seventeen’s reaction to their youngest member getting injured
choi seungcheol
has already lost 10 years of his life just from worrying about you
loses 5 more when he has to accompany you to the hospital because of your broken leg
he tried to save the lecture until after he knows you’re okay, but he can’t help it when the leader in him comes out
the conversation *cough* reprimand *cough* lasts for the whole car journey and by the time you’ve got the the hospital, you’d already been blocking it out for 10 minutes
“you need to be more careful,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. he might be frustrated, but he still wanted to show you he cared. “it might be a broken leg this time but who knows what it’ll be next time!”
at the end of the day he just cares about you too much to see you hurt
yoon jeonghan
if it isn’t bad, he’ll just tease you about how clumsy you are
probably still teases you if it is bad, but when you start tearing up because of how much it hurts, will immediately stop
causes hell just to make sure you’re getting the best treatment possible because he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t make you were were as comfortable as possible
eventually calms down when you assure him you’re fine and you feel perfectly alright with what you’d been given
leaves 80% of the lecturing to seungcheol and just gives you a tiny one himself, mostly about how you’re not allowed to worry him
once he knows you’re feeling a little better, a switch will flip and he’ll go back to his regular annoying self just to try and get things back to normal
“well at least you didn’t fall down the stairs,” he laughed before cutting it short just a few seconds later, “oh, wait… never mind, you did!”
hong jisoo
was the only one around when you cut your finger open with the kitchen knife
doesn’t know what to do so he sends a text to seungcheol and shoves your hand under the cold tap for a while
tries to cheer you up but doesn’t really know how to when you’re bleeding profusely and crying just as much
eventually lands on his usual method of doing stupid shit just to get the tiniest smile out of you while you wait for anyone else to come and do the important part of patching you up
“keep your hand there,” he tells you as he lets go of your wrist and steps away from you, “get ready to feel better.”
100% does that silly little dance of his which has you cry laughing instead of just regular crying
you almost forget how much it hurts and shua considers his job done!
wen junhui
kind of clueless on what to do when you go to him with a bloody nose and tell him you got hit in the face playing foot volleyball
sits you down on the sofa whilst he frantically google’s how to stop nose bleeds
asks you to go and grab tissues before realising that you’re the one he’s supposed to be helping and goes to get them himself
winces a bit when he gets blood on his hands but remembers that he’s doing it for you and the grossness of it goes away pretty quickly
tries to talk you through the pain, letting you know about what he’s been doing with his day and what he’s planning to do later
“and then you came in to talk to me and i think that’s it,” he finished up recounting every second of his day as he switched the tissue for a clean one, “and then later i’m going to head to the practice rooms to-”
definitely forgets about your injury once the bleeding has stopped and boops you on the nose only to profusely apologise when you wince in pain
kwon soonyoung
if you could run away with a sprained ankle, you definitely should because hoshi will turn up his clinginess by about 80% the moment he hears that you have an injury
will not let you out of his sight until he knows you’re okay again
unfortunately for you that means you have a permanent body guard telling you what you can and can’t do which gets very old very fast
you cant even hide from him because god knows he will seek you out and yell at you for walking on your bad ankle too much
might be overbearing but in reality he just wants you to get better as quickly as possible because it makes him sad to see you in pain
“sit down and let me do it,” hoshi shouted as he noticed you trying to get a bowl of cereal for yourself, “and you wonder why i like to keep an eye on you…”
you eventually give into the clinginess in the hopes that he’ll get bored after a while… he doesn’t…
jeon wonwoo
freezes when he spots you crying and holding your wrist in front of the stove
literally does not know what to do in this situation because he usually palms it off onto one of his other members
but he’s the only one around and you’ve just been burnt and desperately need someone to help
so he walks over to you and drags you to the sink with your good wrist, all whilst muttering complaints about how you need to be more careful
strokes your hair when you’re running your wrist under the cold water to try and soothe you just a little
“you’re okay, y/n,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your hairline, “i know it hurts but the longer you hold it under the water, the less it’ll hurt in the long run.”
passes you along to the next member that comes along but will check up on you every few minutes just to make sure you’re okay
lee jihoon
his first response is always ‘go find seungcheol’ when you go to him with an injury, but sometimes he’s the only one around and you look so upset and fuck… he’ll have to deal with this
very methodical about it - asks you what’s wrong, finds out what he needs to do, does it
he’ll try and hide his smile as you tell him about what stupid thing you were doing that got you hurt this time, but tries to hide it because at the end of the day, you’re still injured
usually shuffles in close whilst he’s bandaging you up just so you can lean on him in it gets too painful at any point
he refuses to complain about you leaning on him when you’re hurt because how can he deny you physical affection when it’s obviously making you feel better
in reality he just has a soft spot for you and uses you being hurt as an excuse to let you hug him with no complaints
“there we go, kid,” he rubs your arm affectionately, “all patched up…”
lee seokmin
panics because oh god his kid is hurt and he doesn’t know what to do and WHERE IS SEUNGCHEOL
will sit down and hold you close while he rings around the members to try and find one to come and help
he claims the cuddling is to help soothe, but you both know it’s so he can calm himself down more than anything
eventually gets ahold of another member and begs them to come home and help
breathes a sigh of relief when they agree; now his only job is making sure you’re calm and comfortable and nothing hurts too much
cue seokmin literally becoming your butler for the next 20 minutes whilst you wait for someone else to get home because he needs to make sure that you have everything you need
“do you need more tea?” he asks as you take the final sip. not even a second passes before the mug is taken from you and more tea is poured. “i’ll get you some more, just so you have it if you want it, okay?”
kim mingyu
tries his hardest to help but he can’t help but gag when you tell him about how you trapped you fingers in the car door
doesn’t know what to do so he literally wraps up your whole hand in gauze and calls it a day - it’s someone else’s problem now
spends more time trying to cheer you up than he actually does helping with your injury because at least he knows how to make you smile
tells you bad jokes until you can’t breathe from laughter and you’re begging him to stop
he stops but only so you can get your breath back, and then he starts again because laughter is clearly a great pain killer
“if it’s more jokes you want then it’s more jokes i have, pipsqueek,” mingyu smiled at you as you frantically shook your head, “no more jokes? well that’s boring… how about this one? why did the old man-”
continues until someone more qualified to deal with your gross injury gets home
xu minghao
doesn’t lecture you in the same way seungcheol does, but definitely gives you a speech about how you shouldn’t be putting yourself in dangerous situations
rolls his eyes at you when you try and pass the blame onto another member who you claimed to be your ‘partner in crime’ because he knows it was definitely just your own clumsiness
still tries his hardest to help clean up the scratch on your face that you got from who knows what - minghao had zoned out part way through your convoluted story
lets you squeeze his hand if the antiseptic makes your scratch hurt too much
even let’s you pick out a cute bandaid to put over it just because he knows it’ll cheer you up
“if your stylist gets mad at you, don’t come crying to me,” he grumbles as he presses a kind kiss to the bandaid, “it’s your own fault, no one else’s.”
tells you to be careful before you go running off to cause more trouble
boo seungkwan
very much an ‘i told you this would happen’ kind of person, even if he had not ‘told you so’ like he says he did
will roll his eyes when you get brought back to the dorms with a cast on your wrist, but is the first to help you carry your stuff inside
yells at you if you even think about lifting a finger but complains about how you’re making him do everything for you
you always tell him if it’s that much trouble you’ll do it yourself, but he’ll just glare at you and tell you to stop talking nonsense
threatens to tell seungcheol whenever he catches you with your arm out of your sling
would actually go through with it if he thought you were doing any real damage to your arm
“the doctor wouldn’t like you doing that, you know,” he muttered as he watched you stretch out your aching limb, “neither would seungcheol…”
choi hansol
vernon knows that if you go to him with an injury, you have exhausted literally every other option you have
literally clueless about what to do when you walk up to him with a black eye because you ran into a glass door
google is his best friend as he frantically searches how to reduce bruising
has no qualms with sending you to retrieve your own ice pack from the freezer as he does some more googling…
won’t do much to try and cheer you up other than putting on a movie and grabbing snacks for the two of you to share
doesn’t complain about holding your ice pack in place when you fall asleep on his shoulder… after all, it just means more snacks for him
falls asleep himself before the film is over and your ice pack ends up on the floor… so much for trying to reduce the bruising
lee chan
probably his fault you were injured in the first place so he makes you promise that if he helps then you won’t tell any of the older members
you only agree to the deal when he offers to buy you a meal as well as helping you clean and bandage the cuts on your knees from where he tripped you
he honestly tries his hardest to help, partly because he feels bad and partly because he doesn’t want to face anyone’s wrath when they find out he’s the reason you’re injured
tries is the main word, though, as he ends up having to get help from someone else anyway
he chooses the least likely member to get him in trouble and together him and mingyu puzzle over what to do about your knees
you eventually end up guiding them through the process of cleaning them and then wiping them down with antiseptic before bandaging them
“do you think i did a good job?” he asks once the bandages were secured over the grazes. you glared at him. “fine, a good enough job for you to not tell on me…”
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lenny-thequeen1 · 1 year
The Virus within Leon X Fem!Reader.
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Leon stumbles upon your surviving group while he is on a mission inside of Raccoon City, you manage to catch his eye by the first glance.
blood, violence, fluff, romance. one shot 5.9K words
Author: I just wanted to say that anyone is welcome to give me feed back on ANYTHING! Or if you want to give me an idea! Im always open to taking ideas <3 enjoy!
It was just another day on the job for Leon Kennedy. He had been dispatched to investigate reports of strange activity in a small town on the outskirts of Raccoon City. As he arrived, he noticed the streets were eerily quiet, with no signs of life. Everything freshly abandoned as if people just ran away. Something was definitely not right.
As he made his way through the deserted town, he stumbled upon a small group of survivors holed up in a nearby building. They told him about the strange virus that had been unleashed on their town, turning their friends and family into mindless monsters. Leon knew that he had to act fast to contain the virus before it spread any further.
As he set out to explore the town further, he caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see a figure in the shadows, sitting and watching him. Leon reached for his gun, the cold metal brushing against his rough palm of his hand, ready for whatever was coming his way. But as he slowly walked a little closer he noticed you were sitting down trying to hold a dirty rag over your leg, Leon was surprised to see that the figure was a young woman, not much older than himself.
"Who are you?" Leon asked, his gun still at the ready.
"My name is (Y/N)," the you softly replied, her voice shaking slightly. "I've been hiding out here since the virus broke out." your eyes focused on how his stance is, noticing the gun that his hand was holding up.
As he approached you, he noticed that you had a large gash on your leg that had stretched down your thigh, which was bleeding profusely making it noticeable through your jeans.
"You're injured," Leon said keeping his voice calm, his training kicking in. "Let me help you."
You winced as Leon examined your wound. "I was trying to get away from one of those things," you explained. "I didn't see the broken glass on the ground. But I couldn't let it bother me with those zombies after me." your voice trails off as you let out a soft cry of pain when he puts a little bit of pressure on your leg making you forget the guttural noises they produced and the screams of your family.
Leon nodded, knowing that the wound needed to be treated immediately. He tore a strip of fabric from the bottom his shirt, a loud shredding noise filling your ears, and used it to bandage the wound as best he could. It was snug around your leg but your blood was already slowly soaking through it. You notice that he has a six pack causing you tot unknowingly stare, admiring them. Leon looks up at you noticing your eyes on him, but decides to not mention that he caught you staring. He thought it was cute in a way. He reaches his hand out to you to help you stand up, you gently take his hand and slowly stand up. Your leg shoots pain all down it again but you bite your lip and do your best to ignore it. The two of you decide to start walking. As you made their way through the deserted town, you encountered several of these infected creatures. They were fast and vicious, and the sound of their growls sent cold chills down your spine.
Leon expertly dispatched each creature with his weapons. His aim sharp, and you watched in amazement as he fought with ease. You had never seen anyone move and react so quickly. But despite his skill, you knew that they were still in grave danger.
As they rounded a corner, they came face-to-face with a horde of infected. There were too many of them for Leon to fight off alone.
"We need to find a place to hide," you said, your voice trembling with fear as memories flash through your mind.
Leon nodded, scanning the area for any potential safe havens. That's when he saw it - a large, abandoned building that looked like it had once been a hospital.
"That way," Leon said, pointing to the building. "Hurry!"
You ran as fast as they could, the infected creatures hot on the both of your heels. But you managed to make it inside the building and barricaded the doors behind you quick as possible.
You collapsed onto the ground, exhausted and scared. Leon rushed to your side as you catch your breath. Slowly calming the shakiness in each breath.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concern falling across on his face.
You nodded weakly the pain becoming unbearable, but Leon could see that. He carefully examined your leg and realized that the wound had reopened and was bleeding heavily again.
"We need to stop the bleeding," he said, ripping another strip of fabric from his shirt.
As he tended to your wound, You couldn't help but feel grateful for Leon's presence. You knew that you wouldn't have survived much longer without him. But you also knew that the journey was far from over, and that the virus was still out there, waiting for its next victim. You looked up at Leon, feeling a sense of safety in his capable hands. You couldn't help but wonder what else he had seen during his time fighting against the virus.
"Leon," you said, breaking the silence. "What happened here for you?"
Leon paused for a moment, his eyes distant as if lost in thought. "It was chaos," he finally answered. "People turning into monsters, the streets overrun with infected. It happened so fast, we were caught off guard."
You shuddered at the thought of it, remembering what all you seen. It was hard to imagine a world where the virus was the new norm, where the creatures were constantly lurking, ready to pounce on you as its never ending meal.
"We have to keep moving," Leon said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "We'll rest for a bit, but then we have to push on. There's a safe zone a few miles from here, we just need to make it there."
You nodded, understanding the urgency in his voice. You couldn't let yourself get complacent, not when danger was always around the corner.
As the two of you sat in silence, you felt a sense of comfort in Leon's presence. He was a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak world, and you were grateful to have him by your side. He was also ungodly good with a pistol and strong. He was even the type of man you always fell for with his looks. But you also knew that the journey ahead would be long and arduous, and that there would be many more challenges to face. You lay down in the old hospital bed pulling the thin blanket up over your shoulders as Leon stands guard near the door, pistol ready in hand.
As you drifted off to sleep, you couldn't help but wonder what else lay ahead in this new world, and what other horrors you would have to face to survive.
The morning sunlight leaks through the boarded up windows as you slowly wake up. Leon was sitting in the chair closest to the door asleep, he looked so peaceful as he rested. His chiseled jaw relaxed as he breathed shallow breaths in and out. You noticed his eyebrows are in a fully relaxed state also. He looked so...handsome. You slowly get out of bed, still wincing at the pain feeling like needles burning through your leg. Fuck I need to find something to numb the pain. You thought to yourself as you walked up to Leon. "Hey, Leon." you gently shook his shoulder "Its already morning."
Leon stirred and slowly opened his eyes, looking up at you with a small smile. "Good morning," he said, his voice still thick with sleep.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter inside your chest at the sight of him. He looked so handsome, even with his disheveled hair and sleepy eyes. How could someone look this good waking up?
"How's the leg?" he asked, concern etched across his face.
"It still hurts," you admitted, wincing as you shifted your weight onto your good leg. "I was thinking of looking for some painkillers or something to help with the pain."
Leon nodded, standing up from his chair. "I'll come with you," he said. "It's not safe to go alone."
You couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at his words. Being alone in this world was a scary thought, but with Leon by your side, you felt like you could face anything.
The two of you searched the abandoned hospital rooms, hoping to find something to alleviate the pain in your leg. You finally came across a small first aid kit tucked away in one of the drawers. It wasn't much, but it had a few painkillers that would hopefully do the trick.
You took one of the pills, feeling a wave of relief wash over you as the pain in your leg slowly subsided. You let out a small sigh of relief, feeling grateful for the temporary reprieve.
"Thanks for helping me," you said, looking up at Leon. "I don't think I would have made it this far without you."
Leon smiled, his hand reaching out to gently brush against yours. The sensation bringing chills up your spine. "I'm just doing my job," he said. "But I'm glad I can be here for you."
As you looked into his eyes, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth spread through your chest. You can't help to feel his eyes drawing you in like ocean waves crashing on the shore. Maybe, just maybe, there was still hope in this world after all.
Leon's hand remained on yours, his thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of your hand. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the touch, your heart beating faster in your chest.
"I don't know what I would do without you," you whispered, your eyes still locked on his.
Leon's gaze softened, his hand squeezing yours gently. "You don't have to worry about that," he said, his voice low and reassuring. "I'll always be here for you."
Your heart swelled with emotion, the warmth in your chest spreading throughout your body. You couldn't deny the growing attraction you felt towards him, the way he made you feel safe and protected in a world that was anything but.
As you stared into each other's eyes, a moment of silence stretched between you. It was as if time had slowed down, the rest of the world fading away into nothingness. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him, like two magnets being pulled together.
Just as you were about to say something, the sound of a loud crash interrupted the moment. It snapped you both back into the horror of reality. You both jumped up, the sudden movement causing a sharp pain to shoot up your leg.
"What was that?" you asked, fear creeping into your voice, but you try to hide it as if it was a secret.
Leon's hand went to his holster, faster than a blink of an eye, his face set in determination. "We need to check it out," he said, his tone serious.
You nodded, your heart beating faster in your chest in the fasted way that you've grown to hate, as you followed him towards the source of the noise. You knew that danger lurked around every corner, but with Leon by your side, you felt like you could face anything. With his free hand his hand moved up to your wrist gripping it enough to make sure you were hidden right behind him, his arm holding up his pistol but high enough to guard his beautifully carved face.
You could feel the tension in the air as you neared the source of the noise. Every fiber of your being was on high alert, ready for danger to strike at any moment. You knew that there was no room for error in this world, and that even the slightest misstep could mean the end of your life.
As you and Leon reached the end of the hallway, your heart skipped a beat as you saw a group of infected moving towards you. Their guttural moans filled the air, sending chills down your spine.
You could feel Leon's grip on your wrist tighten, his grasp making sure you stayed in reality, as he stepped in front of you, his pistol raised and at the ready. Your own hand trembled slightly as you clung to him, your eyes fixed on the approaching horde.
Leon's movements were like a well-choreographed dance, his skill and training evident in every step. He moved with a fluid grace, dispatching the infected one by one with deadly accuracy.
As the last of the infected fell to the ground, you let out a shaky breath, your body feeling drained from the intense adrenaline rush. You looked up at Leon, his eyes locking onto yours.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft with concern, that felt like a comforting shower of rain.
You nodded, your heart still racing in your chest. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as if any noise louder than that could draw in more unwanted attention that would be high risk of these moments were your last.
Leon gave you a small smile, his hand moving to brush a strand of hair out of your face. "We'll make it through this, together," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll be sure of that." Those words rung like a sweet song that you'd have replaying when you're old and frail reminiscing of your past to you're great grandchildren.
And with those words, you knew that you had nothing to fear as long as you had Leon by your side. He was slowly starting to feel like home to you.
You felt your cheeks flush as you realized how much you've come to rely on Leon. The way he made you feel safe and protected, the way his presence calmed you down in the midst of chaos, it was all so new to you. You've never felt this way about anyone before.
But you couldn't deny the growing feelings that you had for him. Every time he looked at you, every time he touched you, it sent shivers down your spine. And you couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way.
As you walked down the dimly lit hallway that looked like it was ripped out of those cheeseishly odd, yet comfort of 80's and 90's horror movies you enjoy to watch, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. It felt like no matter which area you could duck behind and hide it would still follow you, haunting you. You turned around to look behind you, but there was no one there. It was as if the shadows were playing tricks on your mind.
You took a deep breath and continued walking, with Leon right by your side. You knew that whatever lay ahead, you could face it with him as your hero. And as you emerged into the light, you saw that the danger was far from over.
The room you stepped into was cluttered and filled with debris. It seemed like there had been a struggle here, and it had been recent. You heard the sound of shuffling feet and muffled groans coming from behind a pile of overturned furniture. Leon signaled for you to stay put as he slowly made his way towards the noise, his gun at the ready.
You held your breath, waiting for the inevitable danger that you knew was coming. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as a figure lunged towards Leon, teeth bared and eyes wild with hunger. Leon was quick to react, dodging the attack and firing his gun at the creature. You watched in awe as he took down the zombie with ease, his movements fluid and precise.
But as soon as the first one was down, more began to emerge from the shadows. They were everywhere, their twisted faces snarling and their arms outstretched, ready to grab hold of their next victim. Leon turned to you, his eyes full of determination. "We can do this," he said, his voice unwavering. "Just stick close to me."
And with that, you both plunged into the fray, fighting off the undead with everything you had. It was a brutal and bloody battle, one that left you battered and bruised, with Leon as your companion, you felt an unwavering sense of courage and determination. No matter what obstacles lay ahead, you were confident that the two of you could overcome them together since you both had each other to bring you a much needed comfort. It was the only thing for you both needed that made the hell the world feel like a sane place. You wonder how your life could of been, not shaking away the visions of you left on the street, your leg becoming infected from all the old blood crusted around the never ending flow of blood, making you be a heavy useless weight to the group you once hand. It stung yourself of that deep thought digging deep into your skull that would always play through your mind. Leon unknowingly knew when to snap you back into the comfort of his presence, bringing a rush of feeling at home.
As you fought your way through the hordes of undead, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Leon. He was like a force of nature, his movements fluid and precise as he took down the infected with ease. You had never seen someone fight like him before, and it left you in awe.
But even more than his fighting skills, it was his unwavering loyalty and compassion that made you feel like you had found a true friend in this dark and twisted world. You knew you secretly itched to make him into your lover. As you fought side by side, you knew that he had your back no matter what. And in return, you would do everything in your power to protect him as well.
Together, the two of you emerged victorious, covered in blood and sweat but alive. As you took a moment to catch your breath, you looked over at Leon and smiled, a feeling of gratitude and love washing over you. In this world of darkness and death, he was your light and hope, the one person who made you feel like you had a chance to survive and maybe even thrive.
With that, you both continued on your journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With Leon by your side, you felt a newfound sense of strength and resilience wash over your body. The world may have been a terrifying place, but you were determined to face it head on, with him by your side. Nothing could stand in your way, no obstacle too great to overcome. The two of you were becoming an unstoppable force, united in your fight against the horrors of the world. And as you walked forward, hand in hand, you knew that whatever lay ahead, you would face it together, come what may. You knew you had fallen in love with him. You didn't feel ashamed though, he felt like the comforting past when your mom would be in the kitchen teaching you how to bake cookies after swimming in the pool the smell of cookies filling the air as the windows were cracked open perfectly enough on a perfect summer afternoon in late July. You wish you could always indulge in the feelings forever. It was becoming like a guilty pleasure for you.
As you journeyed through the desolate wasteland that the world had become, you couldn't help but marvel at the way Leon moved. He was like a dancer, his every step deliberate and precise, his movements graceful and fluid. You watched in awe as he dispatched zombies with ease, his weapon of choice a sleek silver katana that glinted in the sunlight.
It was moments like these that made you realize just how lucky you were to have him by your side. He was not only your companion in this harsh new world, but your protector, your confidant, and your friend. You had grown to rely on him in ways that you never thought it was humanly possible, and the thought of losing him was almost too much to bear.
But you knew that you couldn't let fear consume you. That could cost you your life if the wrong choice was made. There was too much at stake, too many lives depending on you and Leon to save them. You had a mission to complete, and you couldn't let anything stand in your way.
As the sun began to set, you found yourselves taking shelter in an abandoned building. Leon set up a makeshift camp, while you took watch, keeping an eye out for any danger that might approach. The silence of the evening was broken only by the sound of your breathing and the occasional shuffling of the undead outside.
You turned to look at Leon, who was sitting by the fire, lost in thought. His hair falling down into his concentrated face, his hands resting over his lips his elbows against his knees. You wondered what he was thinking about, what secrets he kept hidden deep within his heart that he could have possibly sworn to keep to himself even after the grave. You longed to know him on a deeper level, to share in his joys and his sorrows, to be a part of his life in every way possible. You yearned to be the only one who let him feel comfortable to tell anything in confidence. You've never grown this intrigued into someone, but he seemed like he was a literal gift from all the gods that was meant to be so perfect with everything.
But for now, you kept your feelings to yourself, content to bask in the warmth of his presence. You knew that eventually, the time would come for you to reveal your true feelings, but for now, you were content to simply be beside him, fighting the good fight and making the world a better place, one zombie at a time. The fire crackled and snapped, the birds singing along with the occasional chirp from crickets. It reminded you of how peaceful the world could actually be. The lucky yet nerve-racking thing was, Leon only had one sleeping bag. That meant in order to keep yourselves warm through out the night, you both had to huddle close together.
But for now, you kept your feelings to yourself, content to bask in the warmth of his presence. You knew that eventually, the time would come for you to reveal your true feelings, but for now, you were content to simply be by his side, fighting the good fight and making the world a better place, one zombie at a time. The fire snap and crackled in the peaceful chirp from crickets and the bird singing. it reminded you of life before this mess. The night went on the realization passed that Leon only had one sleeping bag, meaning in order to keep heat between you both; you had to cuddle together and stay awake to find a safer place to get some sleep in.
You couldn't help but study him, noticing the way his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. You traced the lines of his face with your eyes delinquently, taking in the curve of his jawline and the way his eyebrows furrowed when he was deep in thought. You admired his strength, both physically and emotionally, and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration whenever you were in his presence.
As you watched him, you felt a sense of longing wash over you. You wished that you could tell him how much he meant to you, how much you admired him, and how much you wanted to be a part of his life. But you couldn't find the courage to speak up, couldn't find the right words to express the depth of your feelings. It felt like an impossible task, and you were afraid of the consequences if you failed.
You were lost in your thoughts when Leon suddenly looked up, his gaze meeting yours. You felt your heart skip a beat, caught off guard by the intensity of his stare. For a moment, you both just looked at each other, neither of you saying a word. Lost in each others eyes. It felt like time had stopped, and in that moment, you felt a sense of connection that you couldn't explain in any possible words.
Then, Leon spoke, his voice breaking the spell. "What's on your mind?" he asked, his tone gentle and calming, but not calming enough for the rush of nervousness that hit you like a truckful of bricks.
You hesitated, unsure of how to answer. Millions of ways to phrase what you felt perfectly, drawing a blank each time. You wanted to tell him everything, to lay your heart bare and share your deepest secrets laid out for him in a perfect line. But you were afraid of what he might say, of how he might react.
But then, you saw the kindness in his eyes, the way they softened as he looked at you. You took a deep breath, gathering your courage, and spoke. "I…I just wanted to say…thank you. For everything. For being here with me. For being my friend. I don't know where I'd be without you."
Leon smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Making your heart skip a couple beats. "You don't have to thank me," he said. "I'm just happy to be here with you, fighting by your side."
You felt a rush of emotion go through you again, your heart swelling with love and affection smashing against your ribcage like a wild animal trying to escape the cage it got locked in. You knew that you had to tell him, that you couldn't keep your feelings bottled up inside any longer. Every second being a possible last.
"Leon, there's something I need to tell you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "Something that's been on my mind for a long time."
Leon looked at you, his expression curious. "What is it?"
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest even more. "I…I like you," you said, your voice trembling but putting enough emphasis for him to get what you meant. "I'm in love with you, Leon."
Leon's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opening slightly. For a moment, he didn't say anything, just looked at you with an expression of shock and disbelief.
Then, slowly, he smiled, a warm and genuine smile that lit up his face beautifully. Your heart swelled and fluttered with awe and nerves for his next line. The seconds passing between them felt like minutes. "I love you too," he said, his voice soft and tender. "I've been waiting for you to say that."
You felt tears spring to your eyes, overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions. You launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. His arms wrap around you, feeling like a shield that had a comfort blanket hugging you. It felt like a dream come true, like everything you had ever wanted was finally within your grasp.
As you pulled away, still breathless, you looked into Leon's eyes, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. It felt like a fever dream, ethereal actually. You knew that there would be many many challenges ahead, battles to fight and obstacles to overcome. But with Leon, you knew no harm would come your way, he'd protect you with all the fiber inside of his being. You knew you'd make it through, no matter what.
As you gathered your things and prepared to move on, you glanced at Leon, and a feeling of overwhelming gratitude washed over you. You were grateful for his unwavering support, his kind heart, and his unwavering loyalty. You knew that without him, you would have never made it this far, and that the future would be much darker without his light.
As you began to walk, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the quiet forest, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. The air was crisp and fresh, and the leaves rustled gently in the breeze. You breathed in deeply, savoring the clean scent of the forest and the feeling of being alive.
Leon walked beside you, his hand in yours, and you felt your heart swell with affection. You loved the way he made you feel, loved the way he looked at you, loved the way he made you feel safe and protected. You knew that you were in good hands, and that no matter what lay ahead, you would face it together.
As you walked, you talked about your hopes and dreams, your fears and insecurities. You shared your deepest thoughts and desires, your regrets and your triumphs. You laughed and cried together, and in those moments, you felt closer than ever before. You felt inseparable from each other.
Eventually, the forest thinned out as the days passed, and you found yourselves standing at the edge of a vast open plain. The sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the landscape. In the distance, you could see a great mountain range rising up, its peaks capped with snow.
As you stood there, taking in the beauty of the world that was crumbling around you, you knew that there would be many more hardships ahead. But with Leon by your side, you knew that you could face anything. You were a team, a force to be reckoned with, and nothing could ever tear you apart. And as you looked into Leon's eyes, you knew that nothing could ever tear you apart. Your love was stronger than anything the world could throw at you, and together, you would face the future, hand in hand, ready to conquer whatever challenges may come your way.
Eventually, you reached your destination: a hidden laboratory deep within the confines of the government, hidden away from the public eye. It was the final battle, the last stand against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume the world. But with Leon by your side, you felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.
You fought your way through the lab, dodging security cameras and taking out guards as you made your way deeper into the complex. At every turn, Leon was there, his gun firing expertly as he fought beside you. You were like two halves of the same whole, perfectly in sync, like you both were dancing an intricate dance that only you two could pull off perfectly, as you worked together to overcome every obstacle.
Finally, you reached the heart of the lab; a dark chamber where the forces of darkness had gathered to make their final stand. You could see the virus they had created, the deadly strain that did wipe out entire populations. You've LIVED through it, getting stronger from the terrible life the world has become. You knew you had to interrogate the enemy to find out more about the horrid virus and how to stop it.
The battle was fierce and intense, with bullets flying back and forth and explosions shaking the room violently. But in the end, it was your love that saved the day. With the last enemy defeated, you quickly grabbed one of the surviving scientists and interrogated him about the virus.
Thanks to your quick thinking and Leon's help, you were able to obtain crucial information about the virus and how to stop it. You knew that the fate of the world rested on your shoulders, you felt ready to face whatever challenges may come your way.
As you stood there, holding each other tightly, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. You had accomplished the impossible, defeating the forces of darkness and saving the world from destruction. Together, you vowed to keep fighting, to never let go of the love that had brought you this far. The future was uncertain, but with each other, you were ready to face it head-on. You felt yourself get pulled into Leon's muscular frame, his body fitting yours perfectly as his hands travel to your cheeks, cupping them ever so gently as his lips were on top of yours. The world stopped and it felt like you shot through all your lives as once, like you found that final piece that made you feel whole. His lips linger against yours before he pulls himself away from your face.
He looked deeply into your eyes, his own sparkling with a mix of emotions: love, relief, and joy. "We did it," he said softly, a smile spreading across his face. "We saved the world."
You nodded, still feeling the adrenaline pumping through your veins. "I can't believe it," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "We actually did it."
Leon chuckled, a beautiful sound inside of your ears you could never get enough of. His hand still resting against your cheek, his rough but soft thumb gently rubbing your cheek. Making you feel loved. "Yeah, we did," he said. "And I couldn't have done it without you."
You smiled, feeling your heart swelling with happiness. "I couldn't have done it without you either," you said, your voice filled with sincerity. " you did amazing."
As you stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, you both knew that the future was uncertain. But with each other by your side, you were ready to face whatever challenges may come your way. You vowed to never let go of the love that had brought you this far, to always be there for each other no matter what.
Finally, Leon pulled you back into a tight embrace that you would always accept, holding you close to his chest. You could feel the beating of his heart against your own, a comforting rhythm that made you feel safe and protected. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment and the feeling of being in his arms.
After a few moments, Leon pulled away slightly, still holding you close. "We have a lot to do," he said, his voice low and serious. "We need to make sure that the virus is destroyed and that it never threatens the world again."
You nodded, feeling a sense of determination fall over you. "We'll do whatever it takes," you said, your voice filled with conviction.
As you walked down the steps, you noticed the beauty of the world around you. The grass was green, the flowers were in full bloom, and the birds were singing. It was like you were seeing the world in a new light, and everything seemed brighter and more alive.
You took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air fill your lungs. It was a feeling of freedom, of liberation, that you had never experienced before. You looked over at Leon, his eyes meeting yours with a look of determination and full of love.
Together, you were unstoppable. You were a team, a force to be reckoned with. You knew that there would be more challenges ahead, more battles to fight, but always working together, you knew that you could face anything.
And so, you set out on your next mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. You didn't know what the future held, but you were confident that together, you could overcome any obstacle that came your way. With each other, you knew that you could face anything, and you were ready to take on the world, hand in hand.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi! I really love your work and it really shows how much effort you put into every post (:
I was wondering if I could request a law x crush gn!reader fic? The reader is a member of the heart pirates maybe as an engineer or weapons specialist, when the polar tang is hit by a sea king or something causing whatever the reader was working on to get severely hurt. If it can be really angsty that would be amazing!
Thank you so much and don’t forget to look after yourself (:
Awww, Thank you and don't worry, I will. So as a note, it's mentioned at some point that the reader is holding a 'tiny bundle', alluding to a child. If you are AMAB, just imagine that they adopted a child.
Warnings: depictions of gruesome injuries, ANGST, blood, death
Word Count: 1650
Since when did the Marines have submersible ships? When did they get torpedoes? When did they get and start deploying any of the weaponry they were currently using to try and kill him and his crew?! Sure, other pirates had subs and the marines had regular subs, but nobody had ever had anything like the Polar Tang. A ship capable of hundreds upon hundreds of depth of submersion, able to escape the fire of any marine ship. It could easily surface just as quickly as it submerged, making it hard for marine subs to follow while still firing. But this, this ship was like the Polar Tang, capable of both while also capable of devastating weapon’s fire. Law had his hands busy with ‘shambles’ing attacks away from the ship, much of the crew was running around patching breaks from fire that Law couldn’t stop, others were busy firing back or putting their all into escaping the marines. While it wasn’t his hardest fight, it certainly wasn’t his easiest. A sudden explosion rocked the ship and Law knew they’d been hit hard. Looking out the window, Law found what had hit them. Of course, on top of everything, a sea king had taken notice of the fight, deciding the Polar Tang would make the perfect lunch. Still, the sea king, despite its rather annoying entrance into the fight, was a blessing. Extending his room as far as it would go, he shambled the sea monster in front of the Polar Tang, redirecting its attention to the marines who quickly began fending off their new enemy as Law and the heart pirates limped away from the battle, the ship moving at a fraction of the speed as it began to surface. Still, something felt off, he wasn’t sure what, but something didn’t sit right in his gut, a feeling he’d learned to listen to. Activating his room once more, he ‘scanned’ the ship, finding a lot of damage, wounded crew mates. Law’s heart stopped, you were unconscious, you were unconscious and bleeding. He quickly ‘shambles’ed the both of you to the infirmary, using his devil fruit powers to get a full report of the damage to your body. Your head had taken a blow and was bleeding, likely why you were unconscious, your left arm had taken a hit of some sort, the limb looking rather mangled and bleeding profusely, the bone now visible. Large chunks of the ship's wooden hull pierced your abdomen and thighs, the wood coated in more blood, your left leg looked like it had been partially crushed under something, covered in yet more blood and bending at an unnatural angle, and your right shoulder was badly dislocated. And yet, none of that accounted for the internal damage. Prefuse internal bleeding from the shockwaves, several ruptured or torn blood vessels, your heart was beating weakly from the damage and blood loss, your brain had sustained some minor damage from whatever had knocked you out, your left leg was broken in multiple places, and your arm was missing entire ligaments. If he managed to save you, it would mean months of recovery, it’d probably be a miracle to ever use that arm again, and the number of scars you’d have would probably be horrifying. He knew he should worry about gloves, about sterilization, about hundreds of other things first, but your life was hanging by a thread and proper sterilization was time you didn’t have. Immediately, he began working on your mangled body, a blood covered hand grabbing the nearby den den mushi.
“Medical team to the surgery room! Now!” he shouted before tossing the microphone away, working quickly to stop the bleeding. He had to stop the bleeding first. The broken bones, the chunks of wood, the concussion and entire left arm, they could all wait until the bleeding stopped, they could wait until you weren’t bleeding out. His surgery team soon entered the room, appalled by the scene before them. You barely looked like you as Law tried desperately to save your life. Cauterizing wounds to seal them, pouring stypic powder like it was water, eyes wild and desperate. The medical team didn’t even need instructions as they grabbed sterilization items, Antifibrinolytic drugs, needles, medical thread, gauze, piles and piles of medical items as they began to work beside their captain. They’d normally leave it to him, but they could tell that he couldn’t do it on his own. Not this time. Time blurred around him as he worked, your heartbeat seeming to weaken with each passing minute, your bleeding slowing but not stopping. The medical team had already started the blood transfusions, trying almost as desperately as their captain to save you. The, rather small, crew was like a family, like many pirates were. They were close knit and would do anything for eachother, you included, but he was different. He’d cared about you as more than just a crew member for some time now. He hadn’t said anything yet, not quite ready to take that step, not quite ready to show his feelings for you yet, but he still desired to hold you.
Deep in the expanse of your mind, you smiled. You and Law sat in his office, chatting away, his arms wrapped around you as he held you in his lap, his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“You know I love you, right, Y/n?” Law asked softly, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, making you smile.
“Of course I do. We’re dating, you finally asked me out.” you said, your sunny smile seeming to make Law smile. Law rarely smiled, especially not such a big, happy smile. Almost like nothing bad had ever happened in his life.
“I was thinking, maybe, maybe you would marry me? I love you more than anything. My parents will be there, Cora-san too, you know that they all love you to death.” he said, his eyes looking at you with love and anxiety. Your smile widened as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Of course I will! I’d like nothing more! I’m so happy that everyone important to you will be there.” you said happily, leaning against him, kissing his cheek before snuggling up to him,
“I love you and I’ll always be here with you. I’ll never leave you.” you said softly, simply enjoying the moment.
Standing by your side, Law grew more and more frantic, your heartbeat was so weak now. He’d stopped the bleeding, the blood transfusions were still going, but your heartbeat was still getting weaker as he worked. Every now and then, he’d scan your body again, looking for any reason you were still getting weaker, each time finding nothing that he hadn’t already seen. He was full on panicking now, silently praying that you make it out of this. His parents, his sister, Cora-san, they were all dead, he couldn’t lose you too.
“Please, Y/n, please don’t leave me. You can’t leave me!” he said softly as he continued to work, sewing up your wounds, his steady hands patching up each and every wound with speed and efficiency. He thought his heart stopped when he noticed yours stop. It was just for a few seconds, managing a few weak beats, but it meant that you were still dying, that he was still failing to keep you alive. Another pause and it started back up again, stopping and starting, each time the time between stopping and starting growing longer and longer. He was afraid, so, so very afraid. Despite his best efforts, you were still slipping away.
In the deepest depths of your mind, you chatted with Law, holding a tiny bundle in your arms, a smile on your face as Law cooed happily at the bundle. Everything was perfect right now. Law was happy and everyone close to him was alive. The two of you were married and had a child, nothing bad could ever happen to you. You wanted this to continue on forever, wanted this to never end and this amazing, blissful life to never change, to only get better. Nobody was dead here, nobody was sad or upset here, nothing was bad here. You weren’t dying here. Law was the greatest pirate to ever sail the seas, his family was alive and loved you, Cora-san was his loving, doting godfather who happily visited often. Everything. Was. Perfect. Here.
How many minutes had it been since your heart had stopped once more? How long had he been trying to get you to stay alive? A hand on his shoulder drew him out of his thoughts, Penguin giving him a mournful look, shaking their head as they glanced at the clock. 5 minutes, your heart had stopped 5 minutes ago. You were gone. He knew you were gone.
“T-time of… time of d-death…” Law’s voice trembled, his hands still covered in blood as he shook, tears now running down his cheeks.
“Time of death, 1:24 PM.” Shachi said for him, writing the time down on a piece of paper. The words caused Law to fall, the polar bear mink catching him and holding him comfortingly. You were gone, he’d never had the chance to tell you how he felt and now he never would. He allowed himself to sob into the polar bear’s chest, gripping the bright orange outfit as he sobbed and screamed. After couple of minutes he pushed the mink away, hurrying to his room, both to wash away the blood and get away from the others. His parents, his sister, Cora-san, and now you. Too many people in his life had died, too many people he cared about. So now he’d make sure it never happened again, he’d close himself off because he couldn’t lose someone he cared about if he didn’t care about anyone.
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bihanarms · 1 year
Chapter 9 : A promise.
And here it is, the final chapter at last. Sorry for the wait... I hope you enjoyed this fiction. Personally, I loved writing it. Feel free to give me your feedback, and apologies for any possible errors.
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Luis and (Name) had been separated for a while, with her tasked to keep an eye on Ashley from a distance while he went after Leon in the depths of the castle's underground tunnels. She had just confronted Salazar, who had thrown her into the mines to "join her friend in death" as he had so eloquently put it. But before that, she had also learned that Ashley was going to be taken to the island where she and Luis had previously worked.
Despite the throbbing pain radiating through her injured leg from her fall down the throne room's well, (Name) kept running, exhausted but determined to find her comrades and save the president's daughter. She knew that every second counted and quickened her pace to go faster.
As she moved as swiftly as she could, hoping she was on the right path, she came across enemy corpses strewn on the ground, indicating that Luis and Leon had already been through there. Fierce battles must have taken place, and with each step, the number of bodies increased. (Name) prayed deep within that the two men had emerged unscathed. Especially Luis.
The pain became unbearable. She felt warm blood trickling down her leg, staining her pants and the floor. The young woman was forced to stop and examine her wound, which turned out to be rather severe. Removing her hand from the injury, she saw a gaping wound on her thigh, with blood flowing profusely. She gritted her teeth to suppress a cry of pain and quickly searched her bag for something to stop the bleeding. Finally, she found an old bandage and a knife, which she used to cut a piece of fabric to wrap around her wound.
(Name) took a few seconds to catch her breath and surveyed her surroundings. Despite the pain, she stood up and resumed her race. She knew she couldn't afford to waste time. She limped and left a trail of blood behind her, but she had to stay strong for Luis, for Leon, for Ashley, and for herself.
You better be alive, you idiot.
She had agreed to help Luis save his two friends. the military-girl understood how important it was to him, for his self-worth and self-esteem. She had tried to dissuade him at first, not because she didn't care about Ashley and Leon, but given the situation here, she was afraid Luis might lose his life. But now, she was determined to find both of them, no matter what.
As the pain in her leg grew more intense (Name) refused to falter. She had to be strong and keep running, despite everything. She had to be strong, for him.
After a few minutes, she suddenly heard a gunshot a few meters away. Her heart skipped a beat. They were close, she knew it. The adrenaline of knowing they were so near almost made her forget about her own pain as she hurried to run towards the source of the shot.
As (Name) reached the desired location, a suddenly eerie ambiance filled the surroundings, casting a deathly silence upon the atmosphere. She couldn't help but shiver with fear and unease that quickly spread throughout her body as she nervously scanned the surroundings, searching for her two companions.
"Damn it, where are the-
But her breath caught in her throat abruptly, her heart constricting with terror as she saw Luis lying on the ground, immersed in a pool of blood. Tears started flowing uncontrollably down the woman's face as she rushed towards Luis, knowing that his days were numbered.
"Luis, Luis, Luis..." she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion.
She collapsed to her knees beside him, her hands gripping his hand tightly, as if to hold him back from leaving.
"Mi amor, it's you... I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to see you before..." Luis coughed, spitting out blood, feeling his breath weaken slowly.
"Shhh, don't speak, please.." she pleaded, her eyes filled with tears, squeezing Luis' hand with all her might, even though she could barely feel the pressure of his fingers in return. She couldn't let him go, not now. She felt helpless, as if she had no control over the situation.
A myriad of conflicting emotions overwhelmed the lady, each more painful than the last. Anger, sadness, frustration, they all engulfed her. "I told you we should have left together..." she whispered, incredulous as she nestled against him, feeling his breath grow weaker, wishing that time could freeze so they could stay like this for eternity. But she knew it wasn't possible.
Luis managed a faint smile, running a hand through (Name)'s hair. He seemed to understand that his time was running out. She straightened up slightly, gazing into his eyes, trying to etch his gaze into her memory. She wanted to remember it forever.
"I gave them the key to my laboratory so they could treat themselves..." he managed to articulate with difficulty. "Please, make sure they get there safely and in one piece."
"No, come with me, I..." She was lying. She was lying to herself. Deep down, she knew it was the end for him. It was only a matter of seconds before he would leave her for eternity.
"I'm a good man, right? Just a good man who made bad choices..." Those were his final words. He struggled to force a semblance of a smile as he looked at (Name)'s devastated face, and then all signs of life faded from his eyes.
"You're a good man, Luis. I promise you." she murmured, her voice brimming with emotions.
She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat for the last time.
The hand she was holding slipped away completely.
All she could hear now were the beats of her own heart.
She was broken, powerless in the face of death.
"I will save them, it's a promise."
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arotechno · 2 years
O. basilicum, part viii
The body was already growing cold by the time Basil found it.
The figure was lean, with tawny brown hair that was growing a bit long in the back, and wearing a tattered cloak not unlike Basil’s own. They lay sprawled face-down in the brambles, sopping wet from the recent rain. A quiver of arrows hung at the figure’s waist, although they carried no bow that Basil could see. Trembling, Basil took a step closer, leaning on his cane. He bent down on his good knee and carefully turned the body over.
The figure before him—a young man Basil’s own age—bled profusely from a gash in his chest several inches wide, right through his ribcage where the heart should be. By now, the wound was already beginning to clot, although it still oozed heavily with the rotten smell of decay. Basil’s stomach twisted and lurched, terror clawing at his insides, but he steeled himself, leaning forward.
He knew that face. It had grown older, harder, more defined and less baby-faced, of course, than he remembered. But Basil had promised himself he’d never forget this face, and Basil was never one to break his promises.
The face looked back at him, and blinked.
Basil scrambled backward, rolled over onto his palms, and vomited into the blood-soaked dirt.
Quickly, he tried to compose himself, breathing heavily, trying to remember what Frida had taught him. But he’d never been good at tending to wounds beyond the shallowest of scrapes—he’d always been far too squeamish to handle it, and Frida had given up. Normally, that was knowledge he never needed, but now, in the face of his own powerlessness, Basil felt ashamed. Eight years of apprenticeship and this is what it had gotten him? He couldn’t even cut away fabric to help staunch the bleeding; Ann had given him a small knife to carry with him, just in case, but he always stubbornly, stupidly, left it in his bedside drawer at home.
Sitting back in the dirt, Basil—with great effort—looked back at the pale, ghastly face. The eyes were closed, now, as if they’d never opened. Perhaps it had been a trick of the light, or of Basil’s own frazzled mind.
He pushed himself to his feet, groaning, and hoisted the body onto his back. Basil retrieved his cane and set off the way he’d come, free arm hooked around one leg to keep the body in place. He wasn’t very strong, and putting this much weight on his leg was bound to be painful. He had been walking for quite some time before—it would take him hours to walk back. There was a chance he wouldn’t make it. There was a chance he was already too late, anyway. Ann’s constant insistence on the danger had always been warranted, but Basil couldn’t help but be drawn to it anyway. He’d always felt he’d lost something in these woods, eight long years ago. Now that he might have found it, he had no other choice but to do what Hank and Ann had done for him way back when.
He had to get him home.
Basil walked and walked, stumbling along through brambles and mud with his cane until his leg hurt so badly that the edges of his vision started to go black. Finally, Basil’s body gave out under the weight of a heavier person, and he collapsed to the ground, shaking and weeping at his pain and his uselessness.
Someone had tried to kill his best friend. They’d nearly succeeded, and if Basil didn’t find help soon, they very well might. That danger had started to feel far-off, like something from a distant life. But it had never been more than a stone’s throw away, always visible from the Ridge, far closer than any gleaming, better world that Basil had envisioned beyond the horizon that day. That pointed spire had been a threat from the start—and it wasn’t going away.
Whoever had done this had better be dead. It was the fate they deserved.
Basil shook himself, startled by the depth of his own anger.
“Basil!” a voice called in the distance. “Kid, where are you?”
“Ann!” Basil shouted.
“Basil? Is that you?”
Moments later, Ann crashed through the trees toward him, bow drawn.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Frida’s been worried sick—oh, god, that’s a lot of blood.”
Weakly, Basil gestured beside him. “He’s breathing.”
Ann’s face went pale. “Fucking hell. Hank!” She dropped her bow and knelt, one hand on Basil’s shoulder while she prodded at the body. Basil couldn’t bring himself to look, afraid of finding those eyes staring at him again, or worse—that it had been a different face entirely.
Desperate and pained, Basil forced himself to focus on the firm hand on his shoulder, tethering him to reality. If he let his mind drift only for a moment, the horror and the agony brought him back to that place eight years before, lying in the dirt like a cornered animal, watching Ace’s retreating back. Sticks and stones and child-sized boots colliding mercilessly with his ribs, with his very soul, the sensation of the bone in his leg cracking—
“Basil! Hey! Kid, what happened?” Hank’s voice pleaded. Basil blinked and saw the man squatting in front of him. He hadn’t noticed the time passing. When had he arrived? Basil shook his head, curling inward on himself.
“Take our new friend here back with you, and fast,” Ann said sharply. “Who knows how long he has left, with a wound like that.”
Basil sobbed, wrapping his arms around his torso. He thought he might throw up again.
“What about him?” Hank asked.
“I’ve got him,” Ann said, hand still gripping Basil’s shoulder. “We’ll be fine. Just go.”
There was some rustling, and then Hank’s heavy footsteps departed at a breakneck pace. Basil didn’t move, crying into his knees.
“Basil, hey. Woah, hey, you’re alright.”
“It’s all my fucking fault,” Basil blubbered. “He’s going to die.”
“You did what you could, alright? Frida will take it from here.”
“My parents were right.”
“No, they weren’t. You know they weren’t.”
“Look at me, Ann!” Basil lifted his head. Ann winced. “Everywhere I go, it chases me! It’s my fault this happened to him. And I’m too weak to do anything about it!”
Ann gripped both of his shoulders, squeezing. She peered into his eyes, searching. Her hair had come loose from its usual braid, a few grays framing her face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she admitted. “But you may very well have just saved that kid’s life. You’re one of the strongest people I have ever met. Walking all this way? Kid, how are you even conscious?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, just… Put all of that out of your mind for now, alright? We’ve gotta get you home. Are you okay?”
“I’m terrified.”
“I can tell. You’re with me, okay? I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Basil nodded. He sat there quietly in the dirt, shaking, steadying his breathing. Ann waited dutifully beside him, as if he were something truly precious. Eventually, with pain still pulsing in his knee, he looked at her questioningly. Ann smiled.
“Shit, you look terrible.”
Basil managed a weak chuckle, wiping at his tears. “This is so fucking unfair,” he croaked.
“I know. It’s the hand we’ve all been dealt, kid. You more than anyone. More than me.”
Feeling spent, Basil sighed. The terror was fading now, replaced with a gaping emptiness that echoed hollow in his ribcage. Now that the moment had passed, Basil had trouble convincing himself that he hadn’t imagined the familiar face he’d seen. Perhaps, in his panicked state, his mind had merely projected the image of what terrified him most. Perhaps it was just another unfortunate soul, left behind to die in the cold. God knows there certainly were enough of them.
Basil shivered.
“We’ve gotta get you home,” Ann repeated. “Frida will kill me where I stand if you get sick too. How’s the damage?”
With immense difficulty, Basil straightened his knee. He felt the swollen tendons stretch and pop into place, cursing under his breath at the sudden rush of pain.
Ann drew in a breath. “Well, I can’t carry you at your age. Think you can stand? It’s gonna hurt like a son of a bitch, I’m sorry, but you can lean on me and we’ll go nice and slow.”
Hesitantly, Basil nodded. With Ann’s help, he pulled himself to his feet. He really must have looked worse for wear; even his cane was streaked with blood and grime.
With Ann’s arm under his back, supporting him, Basil began the walk home.
“Can we keep this between us?” he asked.
“Of course.”
“Please don’t tell Frida I swore so much.”
Ann laughed. “Wouldn’t dream of it, kid.”
That night, Basil sat quietly at Frida’s kitchen table nursing a mug of hot tea, with Ann seated across from him, arms and legs crossed in a defensive posture. When they’d arrived, long after Hank, she’d made him change his soiled clothes before sitting him down and gently wiping the blood and dirt from his hands with a wet rag while he sat there, nearly catatonic. Now, she seemed almost embarrassed by the sudden burst of tenderness, though she was clearly trying not to show it.
Beneath the table, Basil’s leg throbbed with pain, though it was less now, thanks to the tea. Ann had clearly swiped something from Frida to put in it. He was grateful, although he did her the favor of not mentioning it.
They weren’t letting him into the room. Basil had a feeling they wouldn’t, not unless he could prove he could handle it.
“This was an attempted murder, Frida.”
As always, Frida and Hank argued in low voices just beyond the door. This time, they didn’t seem to care if Basil heard them or not.
“A nearly successful one, too,” Frida said. “He’s lucky you found Basil when you did.”
“But you think he’ll live.” It wasn’t a question.
“I certainly hope it’s the case. That’s all we can do.”
“All we can do? We should be doing more! Do you understand the kind of suffering that goes on beyond our borders?”
“Of course I do! Not one of us is a stranger to it! But Hank, please be reasonable! Do you understand the kind of violence we would potentially be inviting to our doorstep?”
“Eight damn years, Frida! How much longer are we going to let this go on?”
“We can’t fix it on our own! All we can do is help each other get by. Don’t you understand?”
Ann tapped the table. She gave Basil a look. Focus here, it said.
Basil nodded. He rested his head on his arms, staring at the lantern’s light flickering softly on the tabletop. Ann watched him out of the corner of her eye. The waiting was agony for Basil, but Ann didn’t seem to mind keeping her quiet vigil. She had insisted upon not leaving him alone.
There was a soft, strangled noise from the other room. Crying.
“I’m sorry,” Hank was saying, voice fragile. “I just can’t stand this feeling.”
“I know,” Frida said so softly that Basil had to strain to hear. “You saved both of their lives. Thank you.”
Ann caught Basil’s gaze from across the table, brows knitted together. She smiled sadly and reached over to ruffle his hair. Neither of them said anything; they didn’t have to. There was nothing left to say, anyway.
Beyond the clinic door, Hank continued to quietly weep. Basil watched the lantern’s shadow play across the kitchen wall, silent, until the exhaustion finally caught up with him, and he dozed off with his head pillowed on the table.
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isamajor · 1 year
Whumpblrful’s 100 Drabble Challenge - Whump Edition (prompt 16 to 20)
More of of @whumpblrful‘s 100 Drabble Challenge with Skyrim Custom-voiced Followers.
16 – Blood
The adrenaline of the fight was waning and Lucien discovered with a dazed air the grass of the reddened plain and the acrid smell of metal everywhere. Lucien had fought for his life, fear in his stomach. He looked down at his feet and the reddened, sticky leather of his shoes. His usually white, clean hands were dripping with blood. He felt the blood sticking to his face. He saw him staining his fine clothes. He couldn't tell if it was his own blood or that of the bandits who had attacked them. Lucien felt his head buzzing and his legs shaking. (103)
17 – Grief
Nebarra stood by the edge of the river, in front of a small wild rosebush. The sight of those flowers weighed on his heart. The memory of her bright smile and playful laughter haunted his thoughts. Her life cut short, an arrow to the head during the war. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white into his gauntelets, and let out a shaky breath. The pain of grief and the horrors of the war consumed him, leaving him feeling hollow and broken. He deserted, drowned his sorrows in alcohol, had known other girls to forget her face, in vain. (100)
18 – Cut
Xelzaz gritted his teeth and stifled a curse as the Falmer passed his guard and cut him deep in the thigh. The next moment, the creature was dead, sliced in half by Gore, but the damage was done: the Falmer's sword had created a deep cut, just above his chitin boots, which was bleeding profusely. Nebarra grabbed the Argonian before he collapsed, screaming for someone to help him urgently. Remiel came and swiftly tore a piece of cloth from her tunic to improvise a bandage, while Nebarra lifted Xelzaz into a sitting position, watching Remiel rummaging into Xelzaz pouches to find a healing potion. (105)
19 – Breathe
Taliesin had never known how to swim and when the wave took him, he could only struggle against the black and icy immensity of the sea. The cold water had been unforgiving, dragging him down. With the help of his traveling companions, he had managed to reach the shore, but blocking his breath made him pass out. They laid him on the ground, breathed air into his lungs. He coughed. Throws up. Then took a his first deep breath, hands clutching the pebbles, feeling the weight of his soaked robes pressing down on him. Never had breathing felt so delectable. (100)
20 – Apology
Remiel had called him a bad person. What he was doing was wrong. We had to respect the dead. But was Xelzaz a bad person? He had become her closest companion in adventures and now they walked side by side, in silence, with a heavy heart. She had hurt him terribly with her words. She had been disgusted by his necromancy. But they couldn't stay like that, it hurt too much. They had to talk to each other, understand his motives and finally put their feelings to rest. And she also wanted to apologize for her words. (98)
► You can find here all the whump drabbles I made so far for Skyrim's Custom-Voiced followers ◄
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lostheartfics · 1 year
Originally posted this on the cursed bird app, but I think it got buried under all that mess.
This snippet was going to be something for my NHS time travel au, but I dont think this will actually happen in that story. So treat this as a different AU - maybe Mingjue dies in captivity & Huaisang wields Baxia and deals the final blow on Wen Ruohan
tw // slightly graphic
“But you—you’re just a fucking headshaker.” Wen Ruohan said through his gritted teeth. His face was growing pale due to bleeding profusely from his severed arm. The missing limb in question had been discarded to the side, being torn apart by the living corpses of his own deceased Wen soldiers.
Nie Huaisang’s grip on Baxia tightened as he adjusted the saber against his shoulder. He laughed sardonically at the situation. Truly, this must have been a hilarious sight in the eyes of others.
Nie Huaisang, the goddamn Headshaker, about to deal punishment onto Wen Ruohan, the man who killed his father, ordered his brother’s execution, and birthed the scum who got his lover’s sect annihilated.
It was, indeed, a bout of poetic justice.
Wen Ruohan spat blood, eyes narrowed in his usual arrogant contempt. “You dare—”
His sentence was cut off by his own scream as Baxia was stabbed into the thigh of his leg, pinning him into the ground.
“I do dare.” Nie Huaisang retaliated defiantly.
He crouched down at Wen Ruohan’s level, stepping purposefully on the gaping wound and pulling out Baxia. A pained sound escaped the man’s lips as he scrabbled to lift Nie Huaisang’s ankle off his person.
He laughed at such a pathetic attempt.
“I am Nie Huaisang. Son of the late Nie Huojin and brother of Nie Mingjue. The pitiful, weak, and densely underestimated Headshaker. It’s amazing how a title like that will make people forget the one major thing about Nies.” He said, spinning his heel to effectively plunge deeper into the wound.
Nie Huaisang relished the choked sob bubbling in Wen Ruohan’s throat, even more so when he saw it bob against the tip of Baxia’s blade.
He wanted this man to understand the grave mistake he had made. He wanted this man in the last seconds of his life to remember this, to remember all of his terrible deeds that lead up to this very moment.
He wanted this man to regret, even after death.
Nie Huaisang smiled sharply, and the shudder that passed over Wen Ruohan’s face was what made this all worth it. He leaned down and whispered in Wen Ruohan’s ear, the final words the man will ever get to hear.
“We hail from a long line of ruthless butchers.”
With that, Baxia swung down, so fast that anyone who blinked would have missed the moment history had been made.
Wen Ruohan’s head continued to roll until it reached the feet of the Yiling Patriarch. The grandmaster leered at the decapitated head before kicking it over to the freshly resurrected corpses of Wen Ruohan’s own sons. There was no hesitation as they scrambled to reach it first. Nie Huaisang turned away just as their dirty fingernails dug into skin.
He lifted his head to the sky, wondering if his mother and father were watching. If his brother was proud.
Baxia quaked victoriously in his hands. He closed his eyes, letting the relief flow over him as cultivators rejoiced around him.
Peace at last.
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aforgottenmercenary · 7 months
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Fucking exhaustion.
This is what he gets fighting fifty men off in an absolute slaughter. Now his body is tired and he slumps up against a tree. Greatsword warn and bloody, Sword and Axe around the lot in some poor sucker's skull or what has it.
Sleep...he needs sleep...
"Boy! Get up!"
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Lifting his head up, the man looked around the familiar sight.
A hut, big enough for three to live in, surrounded by small clearings of trees, yet still have some remaining. Standing tall was an man in his late sixties but still built like a well-traveled fighter.
"Listen well boy, today will be training with real swords, so no winning when you get hurt."
Belmont blinked his eyes to ward off sleep before groaning, his voice higher in pitch as he stood a meager four foot four. Was this a memory replaying?
"Grandpa, im only five! Can't we do something more basic?"
Ignoring his words, Grandpa tossed a sheathed sword to him, letting it smack his body and face to make him grab and held tightly upon his person.
"Enough, we're starting now."
With a sigh, Belmont pulled out the sword, finding it too large for him to wield....but he'll try. Grandpa soon draws his weapon and begin to swipe at Belmont, forcing the child to block. He smirked, pulling away and started swinging from the left.
Swinging from the right!
Swinging right again but he fainted his blow, cutting Belmont across his brow hard enough to make his left side bleed profusely and left a scar.
Belmont let out a gasp before it turned into an anguished scream of pain, knocked to the grass floor clutching his head to stop the bleeding and rolling in the grass and dirt and anguish. Grandpa sneered, going to the boy and kicks him.
"Get up boy! You enemies would have killed you by now!"
Belmont grunted, feeling red hot in anger and pain as he got up, grabbing his sword on the way and swinging wildly like it was club than it's intended use.
Grandpa dodged and blocked his attacks, seeing him get more wild and more fierce in his strike. He scuffed seeing just going wild before stepping aside and smacking his back with the flat of his blade.
Belmont damn near was stumbling, fearing he might fall on his sword somehow and get himself killed. Nah, he can't, he want's to teach his old man a lesson no to mess with him. He steady his breathing as he heard his grandpa approached him.
With a bit of an old warcry that inhabited Grandpa, He was trying to aim down at his shoulder but the little bastard got cocky, with Belmont using the reach of his longer blade to duck and swipe at his leg, cutting into his calves to damage his approach.
The old war dog let out a yelp in pain and frustration, seeing this kid get the better of him. He feels that this boy will be a prodigy, but he shouldn't get cocky. In retaliation, he thrust his sword up against his right bicep, puncturing deep before cutting more of his flesh as a good reminder. It wasn't enough to cut his nerves but to scar him, making sure he never forgets.
Belmont cries and screams in pain, dropping his sword on the ground and backing up, tears that welled up when his forehead was cut soon streamed down, grasping tightly at his arm. He kneels to the ground, hunching over as he continues to cry out bloody murder, causing Grandpa to stop his mercenary act and go to his parent role.
From his belt pouch, he pulled out some healing ointment, blessed by some druidic or fey magic to heal a wound instantly. Grandpa knelt beside Belmont to take a load off his foot and rub some of the ointment on his forehead, forcefully lifting him so Belmont could face him.
"Settle down you little shit, you're not gonna die."
a tiny amount on his cut, it began to heal...enough. The rest he plans to do via stitching, thinking that would be the next session after this.
"I won't sugarcoat any of this for you, boy. I am training you to be a sellswords. I won't live for much longer but I want you to learn my skills to survive..."
When Belmont feels the healing ointment work through his body to message and mend his body, he sniffles as he glares at him in fear but shakily nods.
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Gasping out, his breathing became eradic, but his vision help with his circumstance,mostly of where he is.
The medic wing? How did he gi-
Huh? A hand? A hand on his? Who- oh...silly question.
Looking beside him, feeling his hand held on by his close partner: Iris. They must of found him and she revived him back to health.
How grateful he is to have her in his life.
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"Fuck you old man, i got a cherished companion."
0 notes
orcaofmyheart99 · 9 months
Pay With Your Heart/I'm Alive
Content warning: Alcohol, drinking, wanting to die, blood, semi-self harm
This is a darker short story. Inspired by I'm Alive from Next To Normal and Travereste by Maneskin.
Crowley lay wide awake. Sleep eluded him once more. Visions of Aziraphale were the cause of this. Over and over he relived the fleeting moments they had. When Aziraphale would brush against him, giving him a cheeky smile.
The touch of an angel
Crowley got up, stumbling slightly. Before he knew it, his legs were carrying him to the liquor cabinet. Before he knew it, he was taking a swig of whiskey. 
The taste of a drug
Beelzebub had visited Crowley. He had waved them away, insisting he was fine. The look on Beelizbub’s face was clear that they were not buying that. 
The look of a stranger who has seen too much
Crowley looked at himself in the mirror. His body was shivering and dark circles were under his usually bright yellow eyes. The brightness had faded however. He drained the whiskey bottle and closed his eyes. He brushed a hand against his lips. He was so close. They were so close. Aziraphale denied him. Denied everything they had. Everything they experienced. Crowley had time and again endangered himself to save Aziraphale. 
Nothing comes for free, but you can pay with your heart if you got one 
Crowley had unconsciously gripped the whiskey bottle so hard it had broken in his hand. Sharp slivers of glass pierced his palm, mortal blood slowly dripped down. Crowley stared at the blood almost in a trance, feeling nothing.
I swear to God that from tomorrow there will be no more pain
He looked back into the mirror a white glowing figure catching his eye. He dared not turn around, keeping his eyes on the angelic figure in the mirror 
"Aziraphale?" He whispered roughly. The figure flickered and disappeared. Crowley felt stupid for hoping, believing, wishing just for a second it was Aziraphale. That it was once more his Angel. Bitterly Crowley grabbed another whiskey bottle and threw himself into bed, not minding his still bleeding hand.
I will cancel your name from each one of my songs
Tortured sleep soon washed over Crowley. Aziraphale appeared in his dream, his usual soft expression hardened. The angel’s eyes had a darkness even ever so evil glint to them. Aziraphale whispered in a taunting voice
 I'm your wish, your dream come true
Crowley thrashed about trying to wake himself from this. 
The figure of Aziraphale mocked him 
“And I am your darkest nightmare too”
Crowley’s breathing ragged. He felt each breath catching in his chest. 
I've shown you
I own you
Aziraphale staring into Crowley’s eyes. He felt as though hands were wrapping around his neck. Thrashing, Crowley woke himself up, sweating profusely. He pushed himself out of bed and began to run down the stairs. He felt a presence behind him. Somehow it was still talking, in the same sinister mocking tone. 
I'm right behind you
Crowley reached the end of the stairs, running towards the front door.
You say forget, but I'll remind you
He collapsed as he threw himself outside, trying to slow his breath and take in the fresh air. A coldness enveloped him suddenly. 
You can try to hide but you know that I will find you
Crowley yelled out in anguish. He knew that this was just his mind torturing him. If he could let go, this pain would end. Yet he was unable to let go even as horrible this experience was.
I’m alive 
So alive
I’m alive 
I’m alive 
The figure that was Aziraphale chanted. Crowley felt the salty sting of tears washing down his face as he laid curled up on the dewey grass under a starlit sky. The moon slid out from behind a cloud, casting an angelic glow all around. Crowley closed his eyes tightly hearing the words repeating over and over. 
I’m alive
I’m alive
I’m alive
Only Crowley wished he wasn’t
0 notes
ghost-like-pale · 3 years
a flinch is enough
info: the past never forgets, and techno never forgives. 》 they/them 》 in canon + platonic 》 1.4k words
warnings: sexual assault, explicit descriptions of murder/blood, hurt/comfort, swearing
a/n: this was a request from my beautiful 🌹 anon, thank you for sending this in. i made the implications of sexual assault a a little more subtle but i still hope you like it.
this blog it meant as a way of coping with trauma/mental issues, please don't report it. if you don't want to see what i write, please just block me.
the moonlit sky was a beautiful dark blue as you stared at the light. you had been doing housework the entire day due to your counterpart being too busy with whatever he was brewing upstairs. the piglin hybrid usually helped you when he was home, it's his house after all. but today was different, you supposed.
you were so caught up in the moon's doings that you didn't notice the tall figure creeping down the stairs and right behind you. he assumed you were aware of him and went to tap on your shoulder.
as soon as he does you whip your head around, backing away from him as you hold one arm in front of your face and the other in front of your lower body. the shaking of your body became more prominent as time went on.
you couldn't look at him. you weren't strong enough.
"(y/n), please. look at me."
you lowered your arms hesitantly and looked him in the eyes still filled with fear.
"(y/n), i'm not going to hurt you. i promise."
you averted your gaze and drop both your arms. tears leaked out of your eyes and cupped your face with your hands, all the memories coming back and hitting you like a truck.
"i'm so sorry, techno."
you dropped to the floor, your knees buckling under you and techno barely being able to catch you. you felt a heavy, warm cape drape over your figure while a worried piglin grunt escaped techno's throat. he got on one knee and rested one of his hands on your shoulder.
"don't apologize."
two simple words managed to tug at your heartstrings so harshly you couldn't hold it in anymore. you sobbed loudly into your hands, completely losing any posture you tried to maintain. techno was startled, thinking he did something wrong. he quickly snapped out of it, however, and pulled your body by the shoulders into his chest. his firm grasp made you feel secure, stifling your cries a little.
"...are you alright?"
you knew he had no idea how to handle it from here, but you appreciated the concern and kindness he showed. you pulled back from his embrace and wiped your eyes gingerly.
"i'm.. a little better."
the voices wanted to know who did this - who made you this way. who the fuck hurt you? he tried to keep them quiet, but he wanted them dead as much as his mind.
"can you tell me what happened?"
everything was silent for a few seconds. the voices were quiet, nothing came out of techno's mouth. you sighed and shakily started explaining yourself. techno listened silently, trying to catch every detail and description of the man who scarred you. he had a basic image of him in his mind by the time you were done.
"thank you for telling me."
techno glanced outside the window, the soft glow of the moon telling him it's late. how long had he been brewing? he shuffled a bit and eventually stuck an arm under your legs and upper body. with a small yelp you were lifted a few feet in the air, the cape that you were siting under fell off your back and onto the floor in the proces.
"you need some rest."
you didn't bother trying to stop him. your mind was foggy and your body felt heavy.
"thank you, techno."
"shh, there's no need to thank me."
in comfortable silence you were carried up the stairs and into techno's room. you were confused, you had your own room after all. you didn't mind, though. he placed you on the mattress he slept on rarely. his bed was bigger, the blanket was heavier, the pillow was softer, everything felt better. you wrapped yourself in the plush blanket and felt your eyelids getting heavier already.
"sleep well, (y/n)."
just as he was about to stand up you grabbed a hold of his wrist. he looked at you quizzically, knitting his eyebrows together.
"where are you going?"
"don't worry, i won't be away for long. now sleep."
"fine. good night, techno."
"good night."
looking through his bag once more technoblade checked if he forgot to grab anything; he had food, arrows, ender pearls, potions and a small knife. on his hips hung his axe, crossbow and sword, yearning to be used. his bag was full and everything he needed was in his possession. before he opened the door techno noticed the red velvet fabric resting on the ground. with a few paces he arrived in the kitchen and picked up the cape. he swung it over his shoulders and adjusted it carefully. with a loud exhale he stepped out of his house and into the cold weather of the tundra. he whisteled a command and one of the wolves in the pack jumped out of the enclosure it sat in and rushed over to techno's side. he was going to find them.
you've shown him your previous residence multiple times, which is where he was going to look first. it was his best guess. while making his way over to your former abode the wolf that traveled with him was scouting out ahead, hoping it would find it faster than techno.
techno's eyes shoot in the animal's direction when it starts barking aggressively at a moving figure across the woods. the voices screamed at him to assist his pet, to shoot him, kill him immediately, to which he happily obliged. he sped over to his companion, hoping to catch a better glimpse of the person.
"stop him, now!"
techno ordered the animal. after a few seconds he heard a loud thud followed by a yell belonging to a man in immense pain. he made his way over to the barking wolf, it having a slightly stained mouth from its jaws going through the man's flesh and muscles. he found them.
"what's the rush?"
he towered over the other male pathetically writhing on the floor. his calf had a nasty teeth mark, bleeding profusely and covered in dirt and saliva.
"p-please... don't... hurt me!"
"why shouldn't i?"
technoblade hated these kind of men; not even willing to fight or run. just begging and whimpering for mercy. it made him sick. the wolf that followed him all the way here was still barking, ready to tear the man to shreds.
he takes his netherite axe off his hip and hoists it over his shoulder. techno looks the other man right in the eyes, fully aware it fills him with fear. he wanted to feel everything you were put through. he was going to feel your pain.
"i...i've never done anything to you..!"
technoblade froze at the sentence. nothing? he thinks he's done nothing? he's not completely wrong; he's never physically hurt him - he's never even met him before. his train of thought was interrupted by the voices yelling in his head. they were screaming at him to cut him, to strangle him, to burn him, anything. he needed to feel pain.
"does the name (y/n) mean anything to you?"
the horror on the man's face got worse by the second, him figuring out why techno is here. the piglin drops to one knee and gets about an inch away from his victim's face.
"am i going to get an answer?"
"y-yes! we were friends a few years ago."
techno let his axe fall off his shoulder and into the dirt, the blade only falling a few inches away from the other male's injured leg.
"do friends traumatize each other?"
the question filled the victim with dread, his monotone voice only adding to the fear.
"y-you don't know what we did!"
the sudden surge in confidence surprised techno, to be sure. there was nothing more pathetic than a man yelling at the brink of death in such a tone. he scoffed with an amused expression and retracted his axe back into the holder that rested on his hip.
"yeah! they were lying to you, i promise. that's the reason i stopped being friends in the first- GAH!"
his sentence was cut of by a dagger being plunged into his stomach and dragged up to his ribs, cutting open his body. he mewled and moaned in agonizing pain, unable to form any coherent words.
"you disgust me."
technoblade stood up, his ears twitching and voices pleased. the blood on his hand dripped on the dried leaves as he called the wolf he brought with him. as the animal sped over to technoblades' side the screams of the impaled man were completely gone. looking over his shoulder he sees the lifeless body of the man who has haunted you for a long time.
he'll never hurt you again.
thank you for reading, hope you liked it.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Can i please request a fluff with rengoku + 19, 27,29 🤧 (please let him survive in this one, i've been seeing lots of fics where d-word, i want him to be happy, grow old, train tanjiro, marry, and have as much kids as he want)
DELIVERY! (Rengoku has been in my head RENT FREE for WEEKS.)
Right Here: Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.2k
tw: fluff
“Lady Rengoku,” you hear at the door of your studio, and you turn back to face the attendant, mid-brushstroke.
“Yes?” you breathe, wondering what news she brings so early in the morning.
“Master Kyojuro has returned,” she replies, and you dunk your brush in the water pail.
“Is he well?” you wonder, wiping your fingers on your towel. When the woman doesn’t answer, you eye her carefully.
“Miss, he--” You march out of your studio quickly, dropping the towel and running as fast as you can. You dash past Inosuke, Tanjiro, the yellow-haired boy, and Nezuko, panting as you make it to the Butterfly Mansion’s infirmary.
“Tengen,” you wheeze as you stop. “Where is--”
“Inside.” He thumbs past the doors, and you walk inside, where you see Rengoku on a bed covered in blood.
“Kyo,” you whisper, squatting next to his bed. He groans, opening one eye slowly before looking over you. “Kyo, speak to me.”
“You’ve been painting,” he murmurs, trying to smile. He fails and grunts softly, bringing his hand up to his ribs.
“Don’t… don’t…” you whisper, tears rolling down your face.
“I’m okay,” he finally replies, wincing. “Young Kamado and his friends brought me here just in time.” He begins to cough, spitting up blood in his hand, and you rush to grab a towel to wipe his face. As you tenderly pat his skin, Kyojuro hums softly, closing his eyes. “You’re so sweet to me, my love.”
“Hey,” you begin. “You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer for me. Okay, Kyo?” Kyojuro nods in response, fluttering his golden eyes back open and reaching up to touch the hand resting on his face.
“I must be blessed beyond measure to have an angel like you attending to me.” You laugh in response, his words harkening back to the day you two first met. “We have to stop meeting like this…” He tries to laugh, but he groans instead, holding his ribs again. An attendant comes by with something for him to drink, and you prop more pillows under his head before holding the cup to his lips.
“It’s a little warm,” you warn, but he chugs it down anyway.
“Three broken ribs, a slightly punctured lung, a bruised collarbone, some internal bleeding, and various cuts all over,” the attendant informs you, and you nod, turning back to Kyojuro.
“Now what trouble did you get into this time?” you ask, tilting your head, but he just wheezes out a laugh, trying again for a smile. “We will talk once you get some rest,” you urge him, pulling the covers around his figure. You place a kiss on his lips and he kisses you back, reaching up a hand to stroke your hair.
“Will you remain here, yn/?” he asks as you pull away. You nod, resting a hand on his.
“I’ll be here until you’re well again.”
_____________________________________________________________ The coughing fits begin in the middle of the night.
In an instant, you’re up, holding a fresh towel beneath his mouth to catch the blood, stroking his back as he attempts to catch his breath, eyes wide with panic and something you haven’t seen in a long time: fear.
“Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great,” you whisper as he struggles, but when he falls asleep again, you sigh, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. You didn’t sleep again until the sun rose and an attendant could take over while you climbed into bed and got some rest.
And most days were like that: wake up, tend to Kyojuro until he fell asleep, fall asleep a little, help him with his breathing, keep watch, then rest again when the attendant comes. Sometimes Tanjiro and his friends would come by to see about him and lift his spirits, and other times, Tengen and various other Hashira would come by with stories about demons they encountered, much to your disapproval. You know he wants to get better so he can rejoin them, and after they leave, he lapses into silence, staring at his hands as if doing so would make him heal faster.
But when the day comes for him to finally be released, you ease him back to the estate, looping your arm around his.
“Your bed’s been waiting for you,” you tease, and Kyo laughs with joy.
“It’s been waiting for you, too.” When you ease him onto the bed, he sighs, looking around him at the familiar red and brown hues of the master bedroom.
“Lady Kocho said to take it easy for the next few days,” you remind him as he swings his legs onto the bed.
“Take it easy?” Kyojuro laughs, putting his hands under his fiery hair.
“Kyo,” you warn, and he holds his hands up in surrender, the devilish grin returning to his features.
“Okay, okay.”
“If you’re good, I’ll make sure to go get sweet potatoes for dinner nex--”
“I’ll be the best patient you’ve ever had, my love,” Kyojuro rushes out, and you turn to him, raising a brow.
“That means minimal physical activity.” The Flame Hashira’s mouth goes slack, and you turn back to the dresser, removing your skirt. “And no forgetting.” The groan elicited from his mouth sounds more painful than when he was actually injured, you notice.
Blood stains your hands and arms as you’re hovering over Kyojuro, his eyes staring at the sky as you press on his chest - one, two, three, four, five, six --
“Y/n, he’s gone,” Tengen whispers over your shoulder.
“No, no, he’s right here,” you cry, tears falling onto your hands as you pump his chest three more times and then blow air into his mouth. “Stay with me, Kyo, stay with me.”
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight--
“Stop!” Tengen hollers, pushing you off of your dead lover. Before he can scoop up his friend, you shield him with your body, weeping profusely.
“Stay away from him!” you scream, the sun beating down on your exposed neck. “Leave him alone, you--”
A deep inhale brings you back into consciousness, and you sit up abruptly, your heart still stuttering furiously. You don’t even realize you’ve been crying when Kyo grunts and sits up, turning on a light.
“You alright?” he asks before turning around and seeing your tears. “Oh, no…” Kyojuro’s eyes soften as you collapse in his arms, his lips pressing against your forehead tenderly. “Look at me, y/n.” Kyojuro’s fingers tilt your chin up, and he whispers, “Just look at me. Forget everything else; it was just a bad dream. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m always too late,” you hiccup. “I’m always one step behind.”
“You’re right here with me; right where you need to be at this moment.” His fingers wipe at your tears quickly. “You made me promise that I would train young Kamado, have at least four kids with you, grow old, and then you’d give me permission to die.” You laugh a little, remembering the look on his face when you demanded that he hold off on dying for at least sixty years. “I’m not going anywhere, my love. I’m right here.”
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luimagines · 3 years
You React to Him Getting Sick/Injured Part 2
Part 1
This one will included Wild, Legend and Warrior!
Content under the cut!
Wild came back to camp after hunting with questionable stains on his clothes. It was all over his wrists, all the way up to his elbows. It was all over his chest and it stained the entirety of his left leg. 
Out of curiosity, you poke him as he passes you and quickly retract your hand by how slimey it felt. He pauses at your touch and raises an eyebrow at your actions. “Yes?”
“What on this sweet Earth is that?” You wipe our finger off onto your shirt and try to get the last of the residue off.
Wild blinks and looks down to where you’ve poked. “Oh. I didn’t realize it was that bad. I ran into some chu chu’s. They explode when you kill them. It’s fine.”
“Ok.” You hide your grimace at the information and nod. “Well, you might want to get that cleaned. ...Before it actually stains your clothes and all that.”
“Will do.” He grins and continues through the camp.
You bite your tongue at how the stains look from behind and continue on with your little hand held project.
The hours pass and Wild does eventually change out of his clothes and into some cleaner ones. You don’t know if he actually got around to washing them but you have faith in him to take care of himself.
Wild however, seems to be a little off as the day progresses. It wasn’t that bad in the beginning and was very subtle, but by the time it was time to go to bed, he checked out early and quietly got out of everyone’s way.
You had the second watch for the night and it all seemed normal. No monsters, not threats and all was quiet. Wild kept tossing and turning all night compared how silently he normally slept but it could have easily been a nightmare.
With your heart bleeding for him, you make your way over to him and shake him by his shoulder. “Wild. Wild. Wake up.”
Wild doesn’t open his eyes, his face contorted in discomfort but he does whine at your call. “Is it my watch yet? I was supposed to go after Twilight.”
“Are you ok?”
“I don’t feel good.” He groans and turns away from you, curling up into a fetal position.
You frown and place the back of your hand against his forehead.
It’s burning hot.
“You’re sick. You’re burning up.” You gulp and pull his blanket higher over him. “Don’t worry about your shift. I’ve got it covered.”
“You’re gonna go twice?” Wild is starting to fall asleep again even if he’s trying to  keep a conversation with you.
“I’ll take an extra long watch.” You shrug. You go to move away to go get something to cool him down but you place your hand on his leg by accident.
It’s also burning up.
Now you’re even more concerned.
With Wild no longer being responsive, you move the blanket out of the way and check his leg. You realize he’s only changed out of his shirt and kept the stained pants from earlier. When you roll it up you see a long, shallow cut, right where the chu chu jelly was.
It’s obviously infected.
You bite back the scream of frustration that wants to build up within you and instead go to your pack. You try to find something to help fight the infection and also to help with his fever.
It’s a quiet endeavor as you tend to him. You take care of the leg first and wrap it up with your personal bandage roll. You go to place a wet towel on Wild’s forehead.
You also try to scrounger up a kettle or something similar to make him some tea to help. But at this point you’re a little louder than you’d like and you wake up Hyrule in the process.
Which is fine. Really.
His watch was up next anyway.
“What are you doing?” He rubs his eyes and sits next to you.
“Wild got himself sick because he let a cut get infected.” You sigh. “I’m making him some tea.”
“He’s sick?” Hyrule sits a little taller. “He’s hurt?”
“Not much we can do about it now. Just watch and wait it out.”
“Do you need help?”
You pause what you’re doing and look at him. Wild is actually being very mellow despite his condition, but he could also just be very exhausted from the day and his disease. You need someone to check up on the cut soon and someone to change the towel so he can keep cool. But you also need to keep an eye on the tea so that it doesn’t scorch and you’re pretty sure breakfast is going to fall on you since in the morning since the resident chef is out.
“Yes, I’d like that a lot actually. Thank you.”
There was nothing out of ordinary with the day but you couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding. Your stomach was up in knots and you had no idea why.
Something bad was going to happen.
You kept looking all around you, trying to spot anything in the distance that would be the cause for your discomfort. But you see nothing.
“Everything ok?” Legend tilts his head. “You’re spinning around like a concerned goffer.”
“I...Don’t feel good.” You admit.
“You can go vomit in the bush. I’ll watch over ya.”
“No, not like that.” You correct him, waving the idea away like a dog fart. “I feel like something bad is going to happen.”
“Why?” He glares at you momentarily. “Why would you tell me this? I was having a good day. Now I’m going to be paranoid with you.”
You snort. “Sorry man. That wasn’t my intention.”
“Well next time, think about it and we’ll have to- AUGGHHH!!” An arrow imbeds itself into Legend’s shoulder, knocking him onto the ground.
More fly after it, two more imbedding themselves into your friend before you’re able to lift up your shield and jump in front of him, blocking any more from injuring him. The shots rain down above you both and you’re forced to hunker down so the that the shield covers you as well.
You look down at Legend as he tries to get up his feet. There’s an arrow in his main shoulder, in his torso and in his thigh. You very quickly notice that he’s collecting a lot of blood on his clothes.
He’s in no condition to fight this.
He’s out before he can get in. 
You groan and try to reach for your weapon. The others are quick to come over and help out. Wild retaliates with his own shots and Twilight and Time are quick to give the two of you cover. 
“Get him out of here!” Time commands over his shoulder.
You nod and put your shield arm down, getting onto your knees and wrapping your arms around the Hero of Legend. 
“I can stand on my own!” Legend snaps at you but he’s too locked with his own pain to do much to fight you off.
You growl at his rapidly growing blood stains and bite the bullet. In one swift move, you’re quick to pick him up bridal style and run away from the chaos.
“Forget about me! The others are going to need your help!”
You put him down behind a large enough tree and kneel next to him. “The others can handle themselves. You’ve lost your dominant arm and are bleeding profusely from three separate locations. I’d argue that you need the help right now.”
“I blame you.” He hisses, leaning back against the tree as you take out your spare health potion. 
“Why?” You keep him talking, making quick work off the arrow in his leg and in his shoulder. “How is this any way my fault?”
“It’s- aaugghh - you’re fault because you- aaugghh-  told me about your stupid accurate gut feeling of doom.” Legend pants and places his good hand by his shoulder. It’s not much but you can tell that he already feel marginally better about not having a piece of flint and a sharp stick stuck inside of him.
You uncork the potion and give it to him. He takes it although his grip is weak and there’s still one more arrow you have to go through before he can drink it.
“I’m not done. Just hold that, ok?” You move aside the folds of his tunic and can feel Legend tense up from underneath your hand. 
“This is going to suck so bad.”
“It’ll be quick, then you drink the potion and you’ll be good as new again.” You take a breath and brace yourself against the arrow and his body, anchoring your weight onto the mossy ground. “On the count of three, ok?”
“I don’t trust you.”
“I don’t think you have a choice.”
Legend curses.
He takes a breath and you pull it you of him. Legend is quick to scream and fill the air with profanities even as you guide the potion to his lips. He drinks out of pure spite and rips himself away from you.
“What happened to three?!” He shouts, potion half gone and dribbling a little down his chin.
“I counted that in my head.” You shrug and begin to dig out a cloth and your water skin.
“I hate you. You suck. That was awful. I’m never speaking to you again.” Legend whines and keeps sipping the potion as you start to clean up the blood to the best of your ability.
“You don’t mean any of that. I know for a fact that you actually love me very much.” You try to grin and ignore how the sounds of battle are continuing on without you.
“I’ll never forgive you.”
“Let the potion do it’s job and then you can talk to me again.” You smirk and shift your weight to get onto your feet.
“Are you going to help the others finally?” He looks up at you, taking deep breath to calm his heart and blood pressure.
You bite your lip and think about it for a moment. “You’re not jumping into that fight.”
“Do you think I can?”
“After that potion, I don’t think I can trust to not do that. I’ll stay here. Someone has to make sure you don’t throw yourself head first into battle.” You take a step and move to sit by Legend’s side behind the tree. “I don’t know about you but Hyrule will have my head if we waste a potion on you, only for you to get hurt again.”
“He wouldn’t. He’s too nice.” 
“Time will though. And I don’t think I’ll survive their collective disappointment.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
“All Links need a babysitter.” You counterargue. “It’s like herding cats. I’m staying.”
A moment passes.
“...Thank you” Legend says it like you’re still fake arguing but you know he’s trying to be genuine.
You hold back a snort and only succeed by a hair thin margin. You copy the tone and grin to yourself. “You’re welcome.”
The others are fine.
Warrior was a little more jumpy than you would have given him credit for. You had always considered him calm and collected- if only a little full of himself. But your consolation was that he could put his money where his mouth was. Whatever he claimed he could do- he proved it soon after.
So you let it slide most of the time.
Except for this.
“What is happening right now/” You ask him, eyebrow raised and full of judgement.
“Don’t question it!” He screeches and runs by your side in the opposite direction.
“Charming.” You deadpan. “The Hero of Courage, ladies and gents.”
You sigh and knock your arrow, aiming at the skulltula in front of you. You kill it in a single shot and wait for Warrior to make his reappearance.
“You killed it right?”
“Yes. I did.”
“Ok. Good. Cool. Thank you.” He takes a breath and comes back to your side, dusting the none existent debris from his tunic and scarf. “That’s great. Where do we go from here?” 
“Are you actually afraid of spiders?” You frown and let him lead the way again. “Because this place is bound to be full of them. You shouldn’t be the one to take the lead this time.”
“Really?” He stops mid step to look at you. It’s the most panicked you think you’ve ever seen him.
“Yes.” You snort and move past him. “Just follow me Soldier Boy. It’s bound full of spooky scary scalies.”
“Don’t joke about that please...” Warrior grimaces and falls into step behind you. “Look I’m not afraid of spiders.”
“You’re terrified.”
“OK! No. I just... I just don’t like bugs... or things that can crawl on the wall.... Or just jump down on you with no reason or prior warning.”
“Spiders aren’t bugs actually.” You grin. “They’re arachnids. Only two body segments and eight legs negate anything they would have in the insect category.”
“Thank you for that unnecessary information.”
“It’s not that ba- LINK LOOK OUT!” You scream and are powerless to watch as a blue wizzrobe appears from the ground and fires directly at Warrior.
He’s quick to dodge out of the way but he’s misjudged the distance between him and the attack. While Warrior sends himself careening into the wall, head first, the magic shot goes straight to you and you’re quick to grab your weapon and parry it back in the direction it came from. 
The wizzrobe makes the unfortunate decision to reappear right as it’s sent backwards and is stunned in place with its own magic. You jump over Warrior, who’s now slumped against the wall with a hand on his head, and slice at the magic creature before it shakes off the magical effect.
Your attack unstuns it but it disappears instantly and you’re left alone for the time being.
You don’t have a lot of experience with wizzrobes but you doubt they go down that easily so you stash away your weapon and make a mad dash toward your friend, aiming to make a quick getaway towards the end of the dungeon corridor. “Are you ok?”
“No.” He answer immediately and pulls his hands away. His gauntlets and fingertips are coated in blood and it’s beginning to slowly trickle down his face.
“Why on earth did you do that?” You scold and gently take his hands away, placing your own on his cheek to turn his head ever so slightly to the side to get a better look at it.
“And what would you rather have me do? Get hit by the magic bullet?”
“You didn’t have to ram yourself face first into the wall.”
“I wasn’t trying to.”
You snort and pull your sleeve up, holding it gently in your fist. You brush away his hair and dab at the wound. It’s mostly superficial and you doubt it would scar. But head wounds are always worrisome.
“Well at least you’ll get to keep your pretty looks. Legend would never let you hear the end of it. Your reputation is on the line.” You smile and poke his nose. “It’s nothing serious. Are you ok to keep going?”
“I think so.” He mutters and pushes himself off the wall and back onto his feet.
The wizzrobe comes back in tandem with Warrior’s movements and fires again. Warrior growls and blocks it with his shield. You attack again as it’s stunned and watch as it dissipates into the cloud of purple smoke they all do what they die.
“That was anti-climactic.” You mutter and kick the remaining cloths that it left behind.
“Please don’t temp anything else.” Your companion whines.
“I hate this.”
“I know.”
“Let’s go.”
“Ok.” You shrug and lead the way with Warrior quick on your heels and close by. But you don’t want him to go flying into another brick wall for any other reason so you grab his hand and together you walk further into the darkened dungeon.
He’s surprising a bit calmer after that.
Part 3
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
Weekend Getaway
@feed-the-rats @saynotoshityouhate @feed-the-rats
Here is a small Alpha!Flip blurb! Please PLEASE read the warnings.
Alpha!Flip x Omega!Reader
TW: Blood play, Violence, mentions of alcohol, PIV, smut, semi-public sex, breeding kink
As always if I forget a tag or if you need me to tag something let me know!
Flip surprised you with a vacation, nothing major just 4 days away from Colorado Springs in some town near Denver. He wanted to get away, enjoy the nightlife that wasn’t limited to the town yall have made your home in. He loves this, treating you the way you deserve to. Seeing you in your element is nothing to worry about. Social and free. But with that comes the way what feels like to Flip every Alpha’s eyes follow you. They track you when you’re out shopping, he’s caught people stopping in their tracks to scent you and he hates it.
But you’ve got him in a bar, he’s sipping a beer and watching you dance not too far from him, putting on his own personal show. A man a ways down the bar is also watching you but he doesn’t pay him any mind as you shimmy up to Flip, running your hands up his chest and pulling him down by his collar for a kiss. You’ve worked up a sweat and it makes you smell that much better to him. He’s fighting a hard on while you order a drink and catch your breath. He’s listening to you talk about what you want to do for the rest of the night and that’s when he finally clocks the other guy. He’s got his hand thrown over your shoulder, not caring that Flip is right there. Not caring that your fuckin’ mate is right there with him. You freeze, scrunching your nose at the acrid scent of the stranger who’s too dumb to see you’re taken.
You can feel the aggression beat off of Flip, how the guy doesn’t realize how much trouble he’s in is beyond you. The whole bar is silent, watching as this Alpha fights for his mate. Watching on edge as Flip’s chest puffs and how he stands to his full height. The other guy finally sees what's going on and removes his arm. Apologizing profusely. Flip doesn’t wait, hits him square in the face. His nose starts to bleed and before he has the chance to back up. Flip grabs the back of his head and slams it on the edge of the bar. You can hear the sickening crunch of his cartilage breaking. Before you even have time to wince, Flip is picking you up, slinging you over his shoulder, adrenaline high and bellows out to the rest of the bar that is still stock still. "If any of you fucking brain-dead Alpha FUCKS even think about touching my mate again I won't hesitate to kill you."
He’s carrying you back out to the truck before you can protest, the whole display working you up, making you weak in the knees and making your cunt drip fast for him. Flip hauls you into the truck, cramming himself on top of you. The door isn't even shut the whole way before he’s undoing his belt with one hand and working your soaked panties off with the other.
“Fucking, inbreed. Idiots. Think they can touch you.” He’s furious as he shoves 2 thick fingers into you, realizing how easy, how slick your cunt is. He looks up at you, hair falling in his eyes, feral. “You got off on that didn’t ya ‘mega?” He’s stretching you out, getting you ready for his cock as he strokes himself, you’re mewling underneath him nodding and lust crazed. Needing his knot as soon as possible. He slips his fingers out of you and cleans them, you reach for his hand, the one he punched the guy with, he watches as you lick the blood off his knuckles. He moans as you do. You make a face once it hits your tongue and spit it out, right onto the floor of the truck. Flip tutts, unamused.
“Filthy fuckin’ omega. No manners, spit in my truck.” He’s tapping your clit with the leaking tip of his cock as he taunts you. You’re writhing underneath him, you’re nowhere near your heat but with the way he’s worked you up it feels just like it. You’re babbling begging for him to fuck you. He issues a command, deep from his chest ‘open’ and you do, drop your legs and relax for him as well as your mouth. As you relax for him he bottoms out, you moan nearly purring for him as he sets a rough pace. Before you can snap your mouth shut he spits right onto your tongue. He clamps his hand over your mouth, watching intently as you swallow and as he makes your tits bounce. His hand moves from your mouth down to your top, ripping it open so he can see, feel, smell more of you. He leans over you, needing to be close before he bites down on your gland. He groans as the taste of you fills his mouth, he ruts faster needing to knot you even more now. He sucks and sucks and sucks as your blood fills his mouth and your scent drowns out anything else that dares to linger. He pulls back, mouthful of your blood before he’s shoving his tongue into your mouth.
This feels like heaven. Flip is still fucking into you hard and fast, all the windows of the truck are fogged up and the cabin is rocking with the way he’s fucking you. You don’t even remember that the door isn't shut all the way. He breaks the kiss and goes to move back to your mark, your bond but you pull him back by his hair. You’re craning your neck up up up to meet where his shoulder and neck meet and sink your sharp little teeth into his gland, not nearly as deep as Flip did to you but still enough to draw blood.
“Fuckin hell. You want my pups don't ya? Want me to fuck you full and get you pregnant for everyone to see huh?” Flip can feel his knot pulse as you nod your head.
“Alpha, breed me breed me breed me please.” It’s a cry, torn from your throat as you cum around his cock. Slick gushing and vicing him in your silk walls. He cums right after you, pulling you closer to him and moaning, breathy and deep from his chest. You both pant, as you come back to your senses. You let out a little giggle, so stupidly in love with your Alpha you can’t help it. Flip pulls back and looks down at you, his lips stained red from you and he just presses a kiss to your temple.
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chironshorseass · 3 years
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.” PLS
This is based on my canon fic about Estelle being a daughter of Poseidon. Yeah it’s canon! 
writing prompts
“I’m too sober for this.”
“You don't even drink.”
“Maybe I should start.”
Annabeth gazed over at him, eyebrows raised. “Giving up already?”
“Paul having a thing for Chiron is one of the most traumatizing things I’ve ever heard. I have every right to start drinking.”
Annabeth snorted. “Is it okay if I tell you that some Hermes kids saw them yesterday? In the Big House? With Mr. D, might I add?”
He leaned back into his rocking chair, a heavy sigh leaving him at the prospect of this. Closing his eyes, he said, “You’re a horrible person, you know.”
“Hmm. And you’re too dramatic.”
His eyes opened, then. But they opened only to be greeted by her. Annabeth had always fit in with the summer, he’d come to think. It was just the natural order of life that she was the most beautiful in this season, to fit in like putting on a pair of shoes—her golden hair in a messy bun, grey eyes sharp as she kept watch over Estelle playing volleyball with the other kids.
“Anyway,” she said. “Love is love and all that.”
“Um, no. I never said it wasn’t. I’m strictly homophobic for only Paul and Chiron.”
“Go ask Stella. She thinks the same thing.”
“Stella copies everything you do. Cassie is no better.” Then, she muttered, “I can just imagine what will happen when she grows up.”
“You leave our daughter out of this. You might summon her, for all we know.”
“With Sally babysitting?” She crossed her leg over the other one. “I don’t think that’s possible.”
“Everything is possible with her.”
Suddenly, they heard a loud thud, then a grunt. Percy glanced at the volleyball court, only to find the ball bouncing away into the grass, some child of Mars he’d forgotten the name of lying face-down in the concrete, and Estelle apologizing profusely.
“Is everything good?” Annabeth called out.
Estelle jumped at the sound of her voice but composed herself quickly, throwing them a thumbs up. “All good! Just, um, hit too hard!” She walked over to the kid on the other side, who was already standing up. “Seriously, I’m so sorry! Oh my gods, are you bleeding?”
“She fits right in,” Percy found himself saying.
Annabeth made a breathless sound, something akin to a laugh. “Tell me about it. She’s worse than you.”
“And you.”
“Shut up.”
Their eyes met, and he realized something. Nothing had ever changed. Their smiles lingered in the warmth of July.
He tugged at her wrist. “Come here.”
And she did. Really, during the summer, Annabeth or Estelle weren’t the only ones that fit in. They’d always always fit, always clicked into place. Annabeth’s head rested in the crook of his neck as his arms wrapped around her torso. Pressing a kiss into her curls, he found himself forgetting about everything else. About Chiron and Mr. D and Paul and his unnaturally strong sister.
“So. Are you going to file a complaint against Paul?” Annabeth murmured into his shirt.
His fingers tangled into her hair, lightly treading on. “Someone else will do that. I’ve worked too hard to get involved with that horse again.”
“Hmm. Good.”
The wind picked up, another call of the summer. A reminder, that no matter how much he aged, Camp Half-Blood would stay as a magnet to him, forever pulling on.
“But maybe I should start drinking. I can’t be sober all the time. Not with this shit.”
“Keep talking.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“The last time you drank, it was at Connor’s college party,” Annabeth said. “So yes, this is a challenge. And you cried like a baby after. And threw up. And had the worst hangover I’ve ever seen.”
“You’ll see. I’ll ask Clarisse later tonight. She’ll agree because she fucking hates me.”
That sparked out a laugh from her, which then sparked him to smile fondly at the sky and at the fading sun. And the wind picked up again. And July kept its candid pace.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Sick Yoongi caretaker Seokjin
49. "Yeah, don't worry about me."
51.*knees collapse*
52. "No. I don't think my stomach's too happy with me."
I like where this is going =) I like how your brain thunk
Sickie: Yoongi
Caretaker: SeokJin
They were walking back to the car. They were on a hike. It was cut short when yoongi became dehydrated and began to complain about not feeling very well. They were walking along the path they had come from. Yoongi was sweating profusely. His shirt was completely and visibly wet. Jin knew that was a terrible sign.
It wasn't even that hot spring had just started and the sun wasn't out today. Every now and then the boys would feel a cool breeze that passed by. Jin and yoongi were initially been going to walk across the woods seeing all the views of mountain tops and so on.
Yoongi was lagging behind. Jin in front leading them back to the car.
Jin held out the map in front of them. He explained to yoongi which path they would take to get back to the car as soon as possible. He knew Yoongi was very tired. Yoongi huffed and puffed, seeming to be out of breath. Jin was still going on about the map when he heard a thud behind him. JIn quickly turned around. Yoongi's knees collapsed from under him. JIn dropped the heavy bags he carried and went straight to yoongi. "Are you ok? Jin asks pulling a water bottle out of his bag. "
Yoongi caught his breath and then spoke. "Yeah, don't worry about me. This was a lie he was differently dehydrated and was probably suffering from heat stroke. Yoongi's legs ached terribly Yoongi took a sip of the water. It sloshed awkwardly in his stomach. "Drink it all, I think you're dehydrated. "Jin says. Yoongi felt dizzy when he stood
The water agitated his stomach enough he didn't want to but he did it anyway knowing Jin was probably right. Yoongi felt a burning sensation on his knee. He looked down. It was bleeding he had Scratched it while falling. " Jin hyung" Yoongi calls out. got any band-aids?" Yoongi asked. " what happened JIn asked while he searched threw His bag. " scraped my knee when I fell. " yoongi answered.
Jin pulled out a bandaid and disinfectant from his first aid kit in his bag. He cleaned yoongi's knee and bandaged it. it was tinytan-themed. Yoongi thought it was cute. momentarily forgetting the pain in his legs. They got up and pressed on. Yoongi found it harder and harder to walk. Each step he took has harder than the next. His body felt heavy. He had a terrible head ache to go with it. His head was pulsating with the rhythm to which he walked.
it was geting harder and harder to keep up with Jin. The worse of it all The water in his stomach was giving him a hard time. It sloshed in his stomach. The longer he walked the more nauseated he became. The water had upset his stomach. His legs felt weak and wobbly as though they'd give out on him again.
"Only 6 more miles left yoonie," Jin says.
Some hear that only made yoongi feel worse. They still had a long way to go.
____ time skip _____ 2 Miles later __________
Yoongi could barely see in front of him his vision was hazy. He felt sick to his stomach. His head was pounding. Every so often he'd accidentally bump into Jin. It was the third time that yoongi had bumped into him that Jin decided it was best they had a break.
The water he had a few miles back sat heavy in his stomach. Jin sat their things down and plopped down on a fallen log. Yoongi joined him. Jin watched and yoongi slowly walked over. he didn't look so well Jin thought to himself. Jin wished Yoongi said something earlier about not feeling well and then they wouldn't have ended up so far out.
Yoongi sat on the log. He almost lost his balance, seokjin had to hold on to him a held him sit. Yoongi was breathing terribly loud. There wasn't an inch of his shirt that wasn't covered in sweat. He was completely soaked. JIn figured They'd sit here and rest a bit and when yoongi caught his breath and looked a little less pale they'd continue on back to their journey to the car. JIn noticed yoongi's face scrunched up as though he were in pain. " Is your knee hurting you? Jin Aksed fearing he might have bruised or broken it while falling.
"NO, it's not that... yoongi got quiet and so did Jin not wanting to pry.
They sat quietly listening to the wind blow and the sound of birds chirping back and forth to each other. That peacefulness was interrupted by a loud cough from yoongi followed by a gag.
As yoongi sat there he tried desperately to keep down his water. He was already tired, out of breath, achy, and in pain throwing up would only make it even harder to walk back. He couldn't stop his body. He gagged again into his hand dryly.
He could feel it coming up his throat. Yoongi covered his mouth. He swallowed it down hard. That only led to him gaging and bringing it right back up. This time passed his throat hitting his hands. The sick seemed through the cracks of his hands as he retched them. Jin rubbed the younger back. "Yoongi if your gonna be sick just let it happen," JIn says. Yoongi lurched forwards letting the sick fall from his hands as he retched toward what he hoped to be the ground.
He felt awful. His vision was still quite blurry and lurking forward only made him dizzier. His stomach clenched again and began to feel a choking sensation in his throat. He projects vomited on the ground. Not only was the water yoongi drank long gone out of his system but they were chunks of the fruit yoongi and Jin ate for breakfast in the mix.
Jin began to worry that Yoongi was throwing up a lot. Was it something he ate to make him so sick? Yoongi was shaking I Jins hold. JIn held on to yoongi because he began to feel unstable like the boy would tip over at any minute.
Yoongi burped and another torrent of sick came up. This one is much smaller than the last. Yoongi began to puke smaller and smaller rounds of puke. JIn kept a steady hand on his back the entire time.
Yoongi finally manages to gag. He had nothing more to bring up. " If I carry you on my back do you think you could make it back to the car ?" Jin asks Yoongi nods his head. Yoongi stands up. Jin squatted down trying to make it as easy as possible for yoongi to climb on. and hear Jin reach down to his bag that lay on the ground near the tree he sat on and pulled out another water bottle for yoongi to drink. " Hyunggg..." Yoongi protested. " It's only gonna come back up" Yoongi wined. " yoongi please I can't have you passing out your already dehydrated.
Yoongi really didn't think he could stomach anything at the moment but he did it so Jin wouldn't be upset. Yoongi took little sips every so often. Riding on Jin's back held him to gain more energy but the constant jostle stomach didn't feel too great. They had walked 3 miles straight before yoongi asked if they could have another break. Yoongi could feel the nausea building back up in his stomach. He didn't want to accidentally puke on Jin and plus he figured Jin needed a break. JIn cared yoongi on his back and a heavy bag on his front so he was bound to be tired.
Yoongi sat on the ground not feeling much like standing. Yoongi was scrunching up his face again. JIn forgetting he had just vomited a few miles back and asked if it was his knee. " Is your knee giving you any problems I know you said no earlier but I know how stubborn you are yoons" JIn says " No." yoongi answers "I don't think my stomach's too happy with me," Yoongi says wrapping his arms around his stomach feeling nauseous again.
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