#forget haunting the narrative the narrative is haunting THEM
aeligsido · 2 days
[WM — September 2024] Prompt 6 — Time-Turner.
Rating: G.
TW: none.
Characters: Remus Lupin, Seren Lupin (OC), Mary Macdonald, Sirius Black (in the haunting-the-narrative kind of way).
Additional Tags: actor Sirius Black; celebrity Sirius Black; trans Remus Lupin; past trans male pregnancy; Mary and Peter are great friends I just need to say it; modern au; actress Seren Lupin but she’s just starting; Seren as a wolfstar baby except Sirius doesn’t know she’s his (or Remus’s for that matter).
Summary: Seren Lupin gets the lead role for upcoming coming-of-age movie Time-Turner.
Words count: 975.
A/N: Heya! I dropped this au in @impishtubist askbox some time ago and since it refused to leave my brain I'm now forced to write about it idk. I’ll write Sirius and Remus’ first meeting (in twelve years) for a later microfic I think lmao. Hope you like it! 💕
read on ao3.
Remus is worrying himself sick, pacing alone in the kitchen, opening and closing the fridge to make sure the cake is still here, getting the glasses out, putting them back in, starting making tea, forgetting it halfway through the process. He should have joined them after work, but he was too stressed and too scared of somehow destroying Seren’s chances.
It’s her last audition today. Some sort of chemistry test? To see if she gets along with the other actors? It all made sense when she was excitedly telling him about it yesterday again, but it’s like his brain is mush now.
The door opens, cutting him down from his own spiral, and Remus perks up, more stressed out by the whole affair than his daughter ever was.
“Dad! Dad! I got it!”
Seren appears in the kitchen, grinning like the little gremlin she is, teeth out and her brown curls slipping free from the careful braid Mary pushed them into this morning. Her eyes, a circle of dark brown cascading into a warm grey, are shining with delight and joy, and Remus finds himself breathless with love — just like almost twelve years ago, when they put this small, red, squealing baby on his chest with a congratulation.
His daughter jumps into his arms and he laughs in tandem with her. “That’s amazing! I knew you could do it!” He lets her free, just enough to put his hands on her cheeks and look at her in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”
She beams with the force of a thousand suns.
“Thanks! It was so cool, and, oh, you’ll never guess who’s gonna play my dad in the film! And Mister Dumbledore said that we could get a TV show too!”
Albus Dumbledore, one of the most acclaimed film directors still alive, with so many successes behind him — yet so eccentric you could never guess what he will go for next. After a blockbuster about a young crowds of vigilantes saving their world from tyranny, a rather depressing story about a young orphan in the middle of WWII becoming the oppressor, and a passionate but tragic gay romance at the end of the 19th century, a coming-of-age children story is right on par for the course. Time-Turner, as it’s called, will follow a young girl — played by Seren, his own daughter! — discovering her time travel power, while dealing with her mother’s recent demise.
Which makes the father of the heroine the other lead of the film, and someone Seren will have to spend a lot of time with. Remus hopes he’s a good person. Someone nice, who wouldn’t be put-out by her unlimited energy and her never-ending supply of questions.
“So?” he asks as Seren stops talking to take a breath. “Who will play your dad?”
She grins, more excited even than before. She has always looked more like him, in general, with more elegance in her traits and grace in her body than he ever possessed. But like that — oh, like that, she looks just like…
“Sirius Black!” she yells, bouncing on her feet, and she can’t help but do a little, victorious dance.
“That’s great,” he says, croaks out more than anything, and smiles as wide as he can, drowning the drumming of his heart and fear as much as he can. “Why don’t you call your grandparents to tell them the news?” He checks the time. “And your uncle Peter? He should be out of work by now.”
Seren nods and babbles some more and disappears toward her room. Mary, who was standing silently near the door the whole time, finally comes around.
Remus starts busying himself with tea. It’s easier than thinking through his rising panic.
“So,” says Mary, because of course she cannot not say anything. For a brief second, Remus wishes Peter had been the one disponible today — he would have judged silently but not said anything, him. “You never told us Sirius Black is Seren’s father.”
He groans. His face hits the table and he considers staying here forever.
“No one knows,” he finally mumbles. “How did you even guess?”
“He was here today.” She ponders her words an instant. “They’re a lot alike.”
“But he doesn’t—” He stops himself, but Mary has known him since they were kids. She can read him too easily.
“I don't think he does.”
Remus sighs. It’s not ideal; it was already not great when Sirius Black was Seren’s idol, but it will be worse now that they’re in contact. Now that he will be in her life.
“Do I ask how it happened, since you didn’t tell me at the time, or are we doing that later when you can get drunk?”
“Second option,” Remus immediately answers. He can still remember, after all those years, how Sirius kissed him like he was important, the warmth of his hands on his body, the softness of his hair— But they had basically been strangers to each other, several hook-ups to escape boring parties resulting in Remus's panic at his sudden pregnancy and a total loss of contact. And now— Now he has so much to lose.
“I’ll call Peter,” Mary nods sagely. Then, after a beat of silence, “it will come out at some point, you know.”
“I doubt it,” he mutters, prays. “It’s not like he’ll remember me, anyway.”
How could an acclaimed actor, known all around the world, remember a random waiter he slept with twelve years ago? Remus didn’t impact his life the way Sirius impacted his. He’ll never regret it, of course — Seren is the most precious thing in his life, and all the moments preceding her existence were pretty great too — but it's not like Sirius would want to have anything to do with them, anyway.
Remus can at least try to speak it into existence.
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chaoswithcausation · 3 months
typical “character a visits b’s grave” of the “b’s ghost is listening” variety, but they are Not on the same wavelength
Character A: Things still aren’t the same without you. I feel like if I make one wrong move, everything will fall apart.
Character B, fully aware by now that nobody can hear them: wow that Sucks. have you tried eating a Snickers
Character A: Honestly, at this point… I kind of wish it would. That’s probably pretty selfish of me, wanting everything to go to hell just to be free of it.
Character B, who’s already heard this whole spiel before and is bored of it: penis blast delirious, penis blast mysterious, penis blast. uh. Hmm
Character A: I’m just so sick of feeling like the world’s on my shoulders all the time!
Character B: bi-curious! Penis blast bi-curious, penis blast… augh. I give up.
Character A: I don’t know how much more I can take of everyone unloading all their problems on me… heh, kind of like I’m doing to you, I guess.
Character B: Reese’s puffs Reese’s puffs, eat ‘em up eat ‘em up eat ‘em up eat ‘em up
Character A: I’ll leave you to your rest now. Sorry for disturbing you, and… thanks for listening, if you’re there.
Character B: (yelling after A) Make your next listener a therapist! Or at least somebody who has enough life in them to care!
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Link Click Season 2 "You viewers had your fun with the more high-stakes mystery plot and incredible actions sequences in the first two episodes so lets bring it back down to the way everyday life and individual tragedies are just as significant to the plot and universe and wreck you emotion and soul with a snapshot of how a single couple's life contains both beauty and tragedy and significance to their close ones and new friends" Episode 3
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neonjstr · 7 months
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mintmentos · 5 months
I’m so unbothered about love triangles these days but something about the Hawthorne boys is making me a bit insane
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Who is the Best Minor Character?
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Here is the bracket for Best Minor Character, Round 1 begins Monday, February 20, 3pm EST.
Further information regarding character sources, matches, and schedules, is in the read more.
ROUND 1 Left (1-8) / Monday, February 20, 3:30pm EST Match 1: Cabbage Merchant (ATLA) vs Hot Dog Vendor (Madness Combat) Match 2: Gorn Captain (Star Trek: TOS) vs Charlotte (JJBA) Match 3: Morshu (Zelda: CDI) vs Old Joe (BrBa) Match 4: Midori Ōmama (Nichijou) vs Shin Amon (Yakuza) Match 5: Franco (Professor Layton) vs Fred the Fish (Spongebob) Match 6: Steve (Owl House) vs Associate Crow Lord (Dragon Prince) Match 7: Araya Kagami (AI:TSF) vs Tangle (Splatoon) Match 8: Gashloog (Invader Zim) vs Addison(s) (Deltarune)
Right (9-16) / Tuesday, February 21, 3pm EST Match 9: Tad Strange (Gravity Falls) vs Supportive Shade (Hades) Match 10: Willow Hood (Star Wars) vs Padparadscha Sapphire (SU) Match 11: Stoop Kid (Hey Arnold!) vs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet) Match 12: Signal Lancer (Transformers) vs EnEn (Precure) Match 13: Natsuo Todoroki (BNHA) vs Noid (Disco Elysium) Match 14: Bucky the Chicken Devil (CSM) vs Makino (One Piece) Match 15: Barry the Chopper (FMA) vs String Theory (Worm) Match 16: Ron DeLite (Ace Attorney) vs Royal Guard 01 & 02 (Undertale) ...and again!
ROUND 2 + LOSERS R1 Left (1-4) / Wednesday, February 22, ~7pm EST Match 1: Cabbage Merchant (ATLA) vs Gorn Captain (Star Trek) Match 2: Morshu (Zelda) vs Midori Ōmama (Nichijou) Match 3: Fred the Fish (Spongebob) vs Steve (Owl House) Match 4: Tangle (Splatoon) vs Addison(s) (Deltarune) Left Losers (L1-L4) (I mislabeled them) Match 3: Hot Dog Vendor (MadCom) vs Charlotte (JJBA) Match 4: Old Joe (BrBa) vs Shin Amon (Yakuza) Match 1: Franco (Layton) vs Associate Crow Lord (Dragon Prince) Match 2: Araya Kagami (AITSF) vs Gashloog (Invader Zim)
Right (5-8) / Thursday, February 23, ~7pm EST Match 5: Tad Strange (Gravity Falls) vs Padparadscha Sapphire (SU) Match 6: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet) vs EnEn (Precure) Match 7: Noid (Disco Elysium) vs Bucky the Chicken Devil (CSM) Match 8: Barry the Chopper (FMA) vs Ron DeLite (Ace Attorney) vs Royal Guards 01 & 02
Right Losers (L5-L8) Match 7: Supportive Shade (Hades) vs Willrow Hood (Star Wars) Match 6: Stoop Kid (Hey Arnold!) vs Signal Lancer (Transformers) Match 5: Natsuo Todoroki (BNHA) vs Makino (One Piece) Match 8: String Theory (Worm) vs Northern Cardinal (Wingspan)
ROUND 3 + LOSERS R2 / Friday, February 24, ~8pm EST Left (1-2) Match 1: Cabbage Merchant (ATLA) vs Midori Ōmama (Nichijou) Match 2: Steve (Owl House) vs Tangle (Splatoon) Left Losers (1-2) Match 1: Charlotte (JJBA) vs Old Joe (Breaking Bad) Match 2: Franco (Professor Layton) vs Gashloog (Invader Zim)
Left (1-2) Match 3: Tad Strange (Gravity Falls) vs EnEn (Precure) Match 4: Noid (Disco Elysium) vs Ron DeLite (Ace Attorney) Right Losers (1-2) Match 4: Supportive Shade (Hades) vs Signal Lancer (Transformers) Match 3: Natsuo Todoroki (BNHA) vs Northern Cardinal (Wingspan)
ROUND 4 + LOSERS MERGE / Saturday, February 25, ~9pm EST Left (1-2) Match 1: Gashloog (Invader Zim) vs Cabbage Merchant (ATLA) Match 2: Steve (Owl House) vs Miss Charlotte (JJBA) Right (1-2) Match 3: Northern Cardinal (Wingspan) vs Tad Strange (Gravity Falls) Match 4: Noid (Disco Elysium) vs Supportive Shade (Hades)
ROUND 4 Results / Sunday, February 26, 9pm EST
SEMI-FINALS / Monday, February 27, 3pm EST R4M1 Winner vs R4M2 Winner R4M3 Winner vs R4M4 Winner
FINALS / Tuesday, February 28 ~7pm EST R5M1 Winner vs R5M2 Winner
RESULTS / Wednesday, March 1
Example of what final bracket should look like, I didn't include the losers bracket in the second image to not over-complicate.
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(First image, from left to right, top to bottom)
Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Hotdog Vendor (Madness Combat)
Franco (Professor Layton and the Curious Village)
Fred the Fish (Spongebob Squarepants)
Tad Strange (Gravity Falls)
Supportive Shade (Hades)
Natsuo Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia)
Noid (Disco Elysium)
Gorn Captain (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Charlotte (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 6: Stone Ocean)
Steve (The Owl House)
Associate Crow Lord, formerly Crow Master (Dragon Prince)
Willrow Hood (Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)
Padparadscha Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Bucky the Chicken Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Makino (One Piece)
Morshu (Zelda CDI/Link: The Faces of Evil)
Old Joe/Junkyard Joe (Breaking Bad)
Araya Kagami (AI: The Somnium Files)
Tangle (Splatoon)
Stoop Kid (Hey Arnold!)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet)
Barry the Chopper (Fullmetal Alchemist)
String Theory (Worm)
Midori Ōomama (Nichijou)
Shin Amon (Yakuza/Judgement)
Gashloog (Invader Zim)
Addisons (Deltarune)
Signal Lancer (Transformers: Cybertron)
EnEn (Pretty Cure All Stars)
Ron DeLite (Ace Attorney)
Royal Guard 01 & Royal Guard 02 (Undertale)
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fated-normal-767 · 11 months
HANNAH AND AION‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ they’re like symbolism to me.
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( @teamfortresstwo the… )
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timbourinedrake · 2 years
Drawing parallels between Bruce's grief over Jason and Heathcliff mourning Cathy. The destruction of self and everyone around them, the guilt of feeling responsible for their death and being haunted by it every waking moment.
The same comparison can be made with Cathy and Jason if you really dig in to it, the two being complex characters who are so full of life and passion that they can't help but leave a lasting mark on everyone who meets them. Despite the pain Gotham caused Jason, he still loves it and is drawn to it and is almost the very personification of the city, much like Catherine has the very spirit of Wuthering Heights within her.
'Why am I so changed? Why does my blood rush into a hell of tumult at a few words? I'm sure I should be myself were I amongst the heather on those hills' Jason's return to Gotham almost reflects the same sentiment as this, he's trying to return to the person he once was, return to a time where he was happier without the anger and trauma he carries now.
Both stories show how easily love and hate can get twisted, how love isn't always positive, that sometimes it can be a destructive, obsessive force. It would be better for them to let the love go and move on, but instead they'd rather watch the other burn, because love is misery and if they do not suffer- is that really love?
#Jason and Cathy my favourite 'doomed by the narrative' girlies <33#all this being said Jason and Bruce and fundamentally good people so they are not comparable to Cathy and Heathcliff in that way#But Bruce did kind of go mad in his grief and DID turn very violent towards criminals much like heathcliff to Isabella/Linton#Also all the shit Heathcliff did. to Catherine jr#tho you could argue that also reflects how Bruce pushed Tim away#(we are ignoring the Bruce slapping Dick ok)#Also obsessed with the concept of a character haunting the narrative#Are they a literally ghost haunting them? or are they simply a figment from a mind filled with grief?#at the end of the day it doesn't matter because they still have such a strong presence on the narrative and the characters#Jason and Cathy are just so similar to me#less in personality and more in their narrative#if that makes sense#because they both come from awful homes and are 'rescued' by being brought into a rich and loving environment#and it's all good but the grip from their home never loosens and they are eventually called back to their true home#Then there's also the comparison where both characters would rather see their love ones suffer and be miserable then be happy#after their death#the difference in that is that Jason feels that way because when he came back from being dead all he saw was Bruce having moved on#and in Jason's eyes that's a sign of him never having cared. and if Bruce was miserable then that would mean Jason actually mattered to him#whereas Cathy (being a highkey terrible person) predicted that Heathcliff would forget her and actively wished misery upon him before dying#All this being said: Jason would LOVE wuthering heights and he definitely would've ranted about it to whoever would listen#Jason Todd#under the red hood#wuthering heights#Red hood#Batman
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earwig5 · 5 months
it’s kind of crazy that both fallout new Vegas and fallout 4 have the same driving force for the first half of the narrative (find the guy who wronged you and make him pay) but Benny is so much more memorable and narratively interesting than Kellogg.
It’s a matter of a strong character foil versus a weak one, in my opinion.
Benny and the courier are very much alike. They are both ambitious people who are willing to do anything possible to stack the odds in their favour. Honestly, Benny and the courier are the same card, reversed.
The Sole Survivor and Kellogg are also intended to be character foils. The game tries to convince us of this with the scenes in Kellogg’s mind, where we see that he ‘isn’t so different’ from our protagonist after all. But we don’t know anything about Kellogg other than his backstory. How can he parallel the protagonist if we don’t know which traits he has? Which traits the two of them share?
(As a side note, I wish Fallout 4 had touched way more on the ‘Man/Woman Out of Time’ thing. The protagonist being frozen in the past + Kellogg being functionally immortal would’ve been really cool to explore! Especially in the context of grief!)
In the end, I think the reason Benny is a more powerful character foil is that he doesn’t disappear from the world when you kill him. The chairmen can mourn him, House will comment on it, and even NPCs across the Mojave will talk about Benny’s death!
In Kellogg’s case, the protagonist is basically the only person who knows he even existed! Once he’s dead HE’s DEAD! He disappears completely from the narrative! As soon as you leave fort Hagen, the game doesn’t bother looking back.
that’s why Benny is a more haunting force for new Vegas; particularly an independent courier. You are Benny’s legacy because you are what he leaves behind whether he likes it or not. People remember him as the couriers victim. Meanwhile, nobody remembers Kellogg at all. The memory of who Kellogg was dies with you, and you can choose to forget him.
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ihaveforgortoomany · 1 month
The American Dream explored through Schneider (spoilers mainly for Chapters One and Two)
Back again with Great Gatsby parallels with Reverse 1999, this analysis is inspired by the parallels seen in Chapter Six between characters like Isolda, Kakania and Marcus to the characters in Tosca; as well as how the nature of tragic plays are explored in said chapter.
Anyways here is a exploration of Schneider through the lens of the "American Dream" because while I love oranges I kinda wanna explore Schneider as a character more outside of the romantic angle (thats still here ofc but more on her motivations and development) .
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What is the American Dream?
(Im not American, just someone who/ studied the Great Gatsby)
In short this is the idea that in the "New World"/ America, anyone can do anything as long as you worked hard for it - Gatsby embodies this idealism.
This idealism is notably disillusioned by the end of the 1920s known as the Jazz Age - a period known for Hedonism, Prohibition and the belief that society had become less moral. The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night by Scot Fitzgerald is born from this pessimism of the 1920s.
So how does this relate to Schneider?
Putting aside her flirtatious manner and being a literal mafia boss, she is a character that was forced to grow up very fast and provide for her family at a very young age of 11. The male voice hammers home how Schneider had taken on the mantle of the breadwinner for the Greco family and how she will go to every length to help and care for them, such as turning to the Foundation and the Manus.
Now cue the oranges
The American Dream and the nature of it being a myth is expressed in the storybook scene between Vertin and Baby Schneider, specially when they share that final big orange. Im pretty sure this scene the game sets to auto as baby Schneider talks about the New World and how the "God loves the world there" intercut with Schneider suffering and pleading - just like Vertin's illusion that idealised is not real.
Baby Schneider talking about the New World with so much hope and joy being cut by the older Schneider, now jaded by the rejection of the Foundation and now the Manus reinforcing the pessimism of the 1920s that concludes with the 1929 Wall St Crash.
The American Dream is a myth, it has always been: Schneider was denied salvation on the basis that she was human, denied by the Foundation, denied by the Manus once they found out her lie and is finally taken by the Storm because she could not be on the Ark/ the suitcase would not protect her.
(I wonder when Schneider realised no matter the outcome she would be reversed alongside her family, maybe the moment she told her mother to starting moving once she realised Forget Me Not was not going to hold the end of his bargain.
I mean like everyone I would of liked a playable Schneider or even more on her as a character than the crumbs we got. But I think it is more fascinating how we Don't. Know. Schneider. At. All. Purposefully we are left wondering who she is as a person with only less than 24 hours of knowing her.
We don't even know her actual name but shes left enough of an impression to
One - Trigger Vertin's deep sated trauma of the Breakaway Incident/ giving false hope of salvation for to fail
Two - Create a fandom wide trauma for oranges and haunt the narrative that we actively call a depressing moment oranges
Less than 24 hours Schneider gave us enough to never forget her.
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thesobsister · 9 months
"The images speak to what the Turkish state wants people to remember, and what it wants them to forget."
"Questioning the dominant narratives can be dangerous, however. Historians, authors, human rights activists, and ordinary citizens in Turkey have been investigated, prosecuted, or arrested for “insulting the memory of Atatürk,” a crime under Turkish law; while journalists and TV directors have been threatened with legal action for purportedly mocking or misrepresenting the Ottoman sultans. Statements related to the Armenian genocide are among those that have been deemed objectionable."
As we witness the ongoing ethnic cleansing by the state of Israel of the Palestinian people, we can look at its template, the progress of eradication by Turks of Armenians, both their persons and their culture, in the 108 years since Turkey launched the first genocide.
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haine-kleine · 2 months
i thought the ending couldn't be more disappointing and then this japanese tweet proved me wrong
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because all of this is true. Ochako and Izuku will never forget Toga and Tenko and half of their epilogue was about this, however messily done. Ochako dedicated herself to creating better conditions for people like Toga, because she saw how badly Toga was suffering and despite failing to save her and give her a brighter future, she committed to building that future on her own, selflessly gifting it to others. Izuku had failed to save Tenko despite wanting to, and this weights on his conscience eight years later, and will continue to haunt him in the form of Shigaraki's ghost watching him, not letting him forget himself in the happy ending of joining his hero classmates and achieving his dream.
it's still messy and unfaithful as fuck, but at least these two endings still show that the consequences were there. the unfair deaths of the villains weren't simply swept under the rug and forgotten after a few sad talks about them.
and the thing these two cases share in common? Ochako and Izuku really didn't owe it to Toga and Shigaraki to save them. they didn't. they were hero kids thrown in the middle of the war these very villains waged on them. they both were younger than their respective villains, they both were hurt by these villains, they had no prior history with them, and having shared a few conversations was enough to make them emphasize with and humanize the villains. nothing that happened to Himiko and Tenko was inflicted on them by Ochako and Izuku, and yet just seeing that, hearing about that was enough to ignite sympathy in their hearts. because, you know, they are heroes. they are there to save people from suffering. and even when those people are the ones actively hurting them and their friends, they are mature enough to set that aside and attempt to save their human lives.
enter the star of the show, the only character in this story who despite having committed truly villainous acts, is allowed to go consequences free without a single care in the world. Enji. the person who had single-handedly fucked Touya up to the point his mental state was too messed up even for AFO to deal with. he had given life to this baby, and he was constantly made aware of how badly his attitude is affecting this child by Rei. and he couldn't be bothered to do anything for him, not even to look at him. the fire on Sekoto was 100% Enji's fault, not only because he couldn't be bothered to come visit his son on his day off when Touya had asked him to, but also because the number two hero on his day off was too slow to come to the forest near his house to save Touya from the fire or from All for One. this makes Touya being kept under AFO's care for the following 3 years Enji's responsibility, as he was the only one who could have saved Touya from AFO. even after Touya wakes up from his coma and immediately runs to his house as fast as he can, it's Enji's behaviour alone that makes him decide against making his presence known to the family for the following 7 years. this excuse of a father can't even mourn the death of a son he explicitly blames himself for in such way that won't make his entire existence feel meaningless to him.
and after Touya reveals himself to Enji personally as Dabi? he proves that he still hasn't changed at all and utterly fails to do anything about the situation while Shouto has to repeatedly remind him of it. not only was he procrastinating, the narrative was coddling him the entire time, with the support of other heroes and sidekicks, who despite being shown the truth about Enji, choose to ignore it. even the family he has been abusing for years, the family who was mourning Touya together, joins their efforts to support Enji.
Touya's only desires were to be seen and to be heard. both went unanswered, as after showing the world the unfiltered truth of the misery his father had caused to him, the world covered their earths and turned away. after showing himself to his family, they keep looking at Enji, not at him.
even at the very end, the end of the family's hell is more about Enji than about any other character. he is the only one allowed to talk about his feelings in depth, while the rest of them are reduced to barebone imitations of their previously established characters used as props for supporting Enji's character resolution (with the exception of Touya, who is physically unable to speak for longer than 5 minutes a day anymore. wow). even Natsuo cutting off Enji is less about the latter being a horrible excuse of a father and more about Enji's great stoicism accepting everything the family throws at him with a heroic face. Rei's character no longer makes sense because exactly a month ago her mental state and the trauma inflicted on her by this very man didn't allow her to face him at all. and now she is suddenly okay with becoming his caretaker? why is she taking her responsibility for Touya and not talking about Enji's responsibility at all? this was a man who had abused her so badly she had a psychotic episode. you don't just shrug off things like this. you don't sit in a psychiatric ward for ten years after that, waiting to be let out and jump on the first chance of making yourself useful for your abuser. you don't set aside the relationships with the children he had hurt and he had made you hurt to devote yourself fully to your damn abuser. someone take this poor woman out of this Stockholm syndrome relationship.
at this point Touya not being allowed to die is the worst offence, because the survival wasn't granted to him to heal. it was given to him for the singular purpose of making Endeavor look slightly less bad. Enji never even talks about failing to save Touya (and neither is Shouto allowed to). if you wanted to save him, then him being stuck immobile and isolated from the world with only months left to live is not 'the time Shouto gave us with him' it's a failure. he's not your damn pet, why is the narrative making him into one?
Touya had wanted to die. Shouto points this out, Touya himself talks about it. Enji was the one who didn't want him to die. he also didn't want to die himself. somehow, his desire is the only one that is fulfilled, while even Shouto's dream of eating soba with his older brother goes ignored.
and afterwards? Enji happily moves on from this with the new family he had found for himself, while Touya's childhood desire of his family looking at him is fulfilled in the most grotesque way possible. and the family's dream of having a home away from Endeavor? not a chance lmao
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two-white-butterflies · 4 months
the sun sets in the east | daemon targaryen
Description: Daemon Targaryen didn't die during the war - though there were many nights that he wished he did. A prequel and sequel of the sun rises in the west, in which Daemon tries to navigate his relationship with his only son and the new life he is bestowed.
Pairing: daemon targaryen/dayne!reader (you haunt the narrative)
Rating: General Audience (grief processing, daemon being a grey character.)
Author's Note: Daenerys-Drogo inspired.
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then you shall return to me."
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There was no milk of poppy that could subside the ache in his heart. He marched to the Stepstones with nothing to lose, he came home losing everything. "I offer my condolences, brother." Viserys places a hand on Daemon's shoulder.
Daemon watches his son from afar.
Maekar looked exactly like him, the same aquiline nose, the same purple eyes. He almost wishes that there were other children, perhaps a daughter with the same eyes as yours. He stares off to the vast horizon, the gardens in his periphery.
"When Aemma died, I was a shell of myself. Unable to rule or eat." Viserys conversed. There were no scrolls that explained how to cope the death of a wife that one loved very much.
"- and you found comfort with the Lady Alicent." Daemon interrupted, bitterness in his tone. "If you are suggesting that I find the same comforts in another one's arms. I decline." he gave his brother a tight-lipped smile.
He's spent his entire life looking for Viserys' love. He's long understood that he'll never find it, and that he'll never be his brother's first choice. Daemon waves at his son. Maekar runs towards him.
"We'll be going, your grace." he lifted his son off the ground. Disappearing from the Red-Keep. Gods know when he'll return.
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He met another woman after you. After the harsh pushing of his brother to take another wife, he decided to settle with Lady Laena. She was the same as you - the same fire flowed through her veins. She wanted to be a warrior and was skilled with a dagger. She knew her place. She knew how to obey, and behind those purple eyes of hers - he finds a glimpse of you.
Maekar, who was five, placed a tender hand on Lady Laena's belly. "It will a brother." he surmised with childish curiosity. Daemon watched coldly as his second wife took kindly to his son. He wanted to rip Maekar away from Lady Laena - wanted to tell him that the woman wasn't his mother - wanted to tell him to never forget you.
Alas, he couldn't.
He couldn't bring himself to even mention your name.
"How can you be so sure, my prince?" Daemon sat beside them on the bed, placing a kiss on Maekar's forehead. "I-I wish it is." the boy played with the edges of the blanket. "- then I'll have someone to play with - like muña promised." he stuttered.
Daemon's heart sinked to his chest.
Laena smiled.
"You'll have a lot of siblings, I promise." now it was Laena's turn to place a kiss on Maekar's forehead. Daemon clenched his fists.
It was his fault. He did not speak of you - how else was Maekar supposed to know? He'll have to make things right.
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"Where are we going, kepa?" Maekar inquired as his father led him to the heart of the Red Keep. "Laena is not your muña. You know that, right?" the man opened the conversation. His son replies with a hum.
Maekar wobbles in an attempt to catch up with his father. His eyes twinkling with adoration and love. "Uhuh my real muña died in the war." the son replied, and they both halted in front of a chamber. It was Daemon's old chamber.
A layer of dust gathered on the doorknob. He could not find himself to visit. "But you cannot remember muña. You were a babe when she died." he twisted the doorknob - opening the door wide. Maekar's eyes travelled along the walls, soaking in the interior of the room.
He remembers this room!
The bed was unmade - the hairbrush still had a strand of your hair. Is a piece of hair still a part of your head even when it has fallen on the floor? Are ghosts still a part of your family even when they're dead?
He reaches for his father's hand.
"Please tell me!" he beamed, and Daemon sat on the bed. Dust jumping around at the sudden shift of weight. Maekar coughs.
The older man points at the portrait on the wall. "I met your mother when I was much younger. She was seven and ten, a Dornishwoman. She made it very clear that she didn't want to lose her liberties by being married to me." he chuckled, the pain in his chest lifted by memories of you. "Liberties?" Maekar tilted his head.
"Freedom. She didn't want to lose herself. She wanted to remain a warrior, to train in the fields regardless of the court's opinion. The court had a lot to say, my son, but she did not care. She never cared about anything beyond us three." the smile never left his face.
"Remember what I told you about being a prince." he stared deep into Maekar's eyes and the little boy nodded. "When forced to choose between the kingdom and your family - always choose the kingdom, because your duty is to the people before yourself." the little boy recited, stuttering and messing up the end sentence.
"Your mother was as valiant as any prince. She wanted to choose you, my son - but we weren't the only ones suffering. Sons were marching off to war, and they never returned. She couldn't help but think about you - about our safety. The War in the Stepstones threatened the very peace of our Kingdom, and she protected that." the smile left his mouth, back to the bitter reality.
"Promise me that you'll always love your mother. Do not find fault in what she could not do." Daemon wrapped Maekar in his arms, placing him in a tender embrace.
"I always love her, kepa." he promised.
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Maekar was ten and six when Daemon married Princess Rhaenyra. By then, Laena was long dead - cold to the touch as you.
Princess Rhaenyra was different, mayhaps the only woman after you that Daemon truly loved. She was filled with fire and he worshipped her - they were built in the same fire. He was devoted to her, the same way that he felt devoted to Viserys.
It was a different type of love - devotion, but not love itself.
"Hold him, husband." Rhaenyra smiled, sweat gathering at her forehead. Daemon smiled in return, reaching for Aegon.
His second son, the namesake of his ruined brother. "- he looks like you." she added, licking her lips.
"I was scared, I thought that I'll lose you both." he confessed. Rhaenyra reached for his face. "You'll never lose me." she promised, just before their lips could be bridged together - a handmaiden opens the door.
"My prince, my princess. Lady Melara has given birth to a son." the handmaiden announced. Rhaenyra's face sunk to the floor.
Maekar has stolen her thunder, again.
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Daemon was surprised to see Baela and Rhaena patiently waiting outside Lady Melara's door. "Baela, Rhaena, don't you have lessons." he greeted the both of them with a hug. "I don't suppose that you'll have us attending boring lessons when our nephew has recently welcomed the world." Baela rolled her eyes.
"Are they letting visitors in?" he inquired and the sisters shrugged in unison. "Maekar promised to bring the babe out for all to see." Rhaena informed and Daemon shook his head.
On cue, Maekar opens the door with a screaming bundle of warmth in his arms. "The babe must stay inside the chambers." Daemon placed a foot inside of the door, blocking his son from exiting. "- there are diseases outside, and the babe must keep his strength." he asserted, Maekar returns to the chambers with a defeated sigh.
He looks at his younger sisters.
"You are free to enter the room, loves." Maekar smiled, all three of his visitors clamored to be the first to enter.
Maekar hands the babe to his father, the same adoration and love in his eyes as all those years ago. "I decided to name him Rhaegar. After princess Rhaenyra." his son announced. "My brother was born today too, wasn't he." he asked and Daemon nods.
Finally, a child that looked like you.
Rhaegar had the usual blonde hair and purple eyes, but the shape of his eyes, his nose, his face - it was you.
"I settled them both down, and left after they had fallen asleep." Daemon mumbled unconsciously. "Congratulations, my son."
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Rhaenyra leaned on the doorframe, watching as her husband played with the children. It seems like the gods enjoyed playing cruel games. Rhaegar was born the same day as Aegon. Maekar's Viserys was born on the same day as her Viserys.
"We'll need to find a safer place for them. Once the Hightowers have landed their first blow, Dragonstone won't be safe." Daemon informed, standing up and walking towards her.
"You'll protect us, right?" she asked, and he nods.
He wraps his arms around her. He always said that Rhaenyra needed to marry a great man in order to keep the realm safe. He played that role very well, and she believed him. She melts in his embrace, feeling safe caged in between his arms.
"Kingslanding will be ours." he promised.
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Before Daemon could land his first attack on the Hightowers, news of Maekar's sickness reached his ears. "It is the same fever that took your aunt, Daenerys." the Maester informed - and suddenly the room became very small, and his chest tightening with every second.
"He needs vigilant observation, there are cures for this sickness, but all of them are in Kingslanding. They were gathered by King Jaehaerys - and have remained in the castle since." the Maester added, for a second Daemon considered surrendering to the Greens.
If it was the only thing that could guarantee Maekar's safety.
"- but he can fight the sickness on his own." Daemon placed a finger to his lips, in deep thought. "If his dragon was here, my prince. But Gaelithox is kept in the Dragonpit - also in Kingslanding." the Maester's eyebrow merged into each other.
Whatever Maekar's fate now remained in his own hands.
"You are telling me that there is nothing that we can do?" Daemon attempted to keep his anger at bay. "I'm sorry, my prince." the man bowed. "- we could give him milk of poppy to ease the pain." the Maester suggested.
Milk of poppy. It brought him dark memories.
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"Kepa, in the afterlife - do you think that I'd recognize her?" Maekar opened his mouth, feeling the cold compress on his forehead. It's been decades since he last saw his mother. He couldn't remember her anymore, not the sound of her voice, her face or her scent. She was a mere memory, a portrait of the woman that loved them.
"What do you mean?" Daemon asked, refusing to entertain the idea of his son's death. "When I die and I see her. Will I recognize her?" Maekar repeated his question.
Daemon answers with his silence.
Opposite to the news that reached Kingslanding. His first wife did not die immediately after the war. She had a slow death - fighting an infection caused by a wound. He sees flashes of the past, he remembers taking care of you - easing your fever.
Perhaps, placing the same cold compress on your forehead.
He promises that this time will be different. He wouldn't lose Maekar in the same way that he lost you. "Kepa, I asked you a question." his son will not let the topic rest. "It's alright if you do not wish to answer." Maekar adds, his voice suddenly deeper than all the years before. Daemon is bitterly reminded that his son is no longer a child.
"You'll recognize her. I'm sure of it - when you see her. Wrap her in a warm embrace and tell her that you love her." Daemon breaths.
How long has it been since he last saw you? A lady who was ten and nine. Now he was thrice your age - already having lived multiple lives, and you were still there - the ten and nine year old lady who had a life in front of her. Taken by the sea.
"I've not been a good father or a good husband." Daemon admitted.
"- I've not been good to your Mama Laena or Rhaenyra. I often wonder if they hate me, because I hold onto the dead." he added, remembering the fight he had a few hours ago with Rhaenyra. 'How is it that you love her more? She is a dead girl, I am here. I am alive.'
"They do not blame you, I think. It is your right to mourn." Maekar comforted, despite the piercing headache that threatened to split his skull open. Maekar closes his eyes.
"Mother used to sing me a song. I remember." he stated, and Daemon knew exactly what he was hinting at.
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The House of the Dragon crumbled the same day that Maekar Targaryen took his last breath. Prince Daemon took to other places, choosing to go on a conquest with the dragonseed, Nettles. He learnt many things with the child. Questioned even his own beliefs.
If people of no Targaryen bearings could claim a dragon. Was he wrong his entire life? Were Targaryens not closer to the gods? Taken by grief and jealousy, Queen Rhaenyra ordered the head of Nettles and thus began Daemon's first defiance.
Daemon still had love for Rhaenyra.
Even in the middle of a cold war, he still fought for her claim. He defeated Prince Aemond in the Battle Above God's Eye, though the battle ended in both of their deaths. Princess Rhaenyra and her last son were burned by Aegon II.
All that remained were Rhaegar and Viserys. Children of the dance. And so, with the remaining forces of House Velaryon and House Tyrell. Prince Rhaegar was proclaimed King of the Iron Throne.
No dragon ever hatched from the mighty house of the Targaryen ever again.
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
I am horrified by how often I see people writing, "Well, we shouldn't take Holocaust into account when talking about Israel-Palestine war." Of course we SHOULD, and that's why:
"October 7 is getting rewritten and certain social media users are an active of the campaign to erase the atrocities.
I was barely awake on October 7th when news of the atrocities that were committed by Hamas began to trinkle in, horror by horror. With sleep still in my eyes, I had hoped it was a nightmare I could erase by burying my face in pillows and returning to slumber, but alas, reality was insistent. Hamas had butchered over 1,200 people, amongst them infants, pregnant women, the handicapped, and the elderly. Even dogs were not spared.
But Hamas didn’t just murder them in cold blood, they had tortured, raped, desecrated their bodies, and took hostages. Their depravity was limitless. And they were so proud of their crimes that they used GoPro cameras to record them, later releasing the sickening spectacles to the public as a form of psychological terror. Add to that the live streams, cell phone recordings, and CCTV camera footage, and you’ll probably have the most documented massacre in history—with a reported 60,000 video clips collected.
I’ve seen some of these videos, including those not circulating quite so widely in public. They will haunt me for the rest of my life—and that falls far short than the 47 minute “film” shown to select journalists and diplomats worldwide, a number of whom broke down and/or fell ill during the screening.
But as shocking as all of this deranged butchery was — which was entirely the intention — what stunned me in the aftermath is the world’s reaction.
Putting aside disputes of land and politics, it was jarring to hear such a blatant reframing of narrative. It started with calling Hamas the “resistance” and justifying the unjustifiable. A number of BLM chapters had put out “heroic” images of Hamas terrorists descending on parachutes. I half-expected them to release action figures of Hamas fighters too. Maybe they did?
And then came the "BUTs." Sure, some folks condemned Hamas, but it was always followed by a "BUT," justifying the unjustifiable. I've been asked, ad nauseam, "What would you do in their situation?" Well, my response remains steadfast: not commit random acts of murder, torture, and kidnapping. Call me old-fashioned. (For the record I’ve called many colorful words for my stance, but oddly that was never one of them).
It was a wake-up call for many, especially those of us in the global Jewish community. Overnight, the illusion of safety shattered, much like the dreams of anyone who's binge-watched a horror series alone at night. But now we were all collectively trapped in that nightmare, and couldn’t wake up no matter how hard with pitched.
The history of the Holocaust is taught in many schools around the world. “Never forget” and “never again” are sentiments that are echoed within that curriculum. Yet, while some might scoff at the persistent advocacy for Holocaust education, insisting that it’s hitting them over the head, a nationwide survey in 2020 reveals that the under-40 crowd seems to have missed the memo. Shockingly, one in ten respondents haven’t even heard of the word “Holocaust,” let alone being aware that as many as 6 million Jews perished in it.
Further, nearly a quarter of those questioned said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had been exaggerated or that they weren’t sure. Meanwhile in Canada, one in five young people (under 34) either hasn't heard of the Holocaust or isn't sure what it is. And in Britain, one in twenty adults flat-out deny that it ever took place. Ah, the privilege of blissful ignorance.
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Most who underestimate the number of Jews killed in Holocaust have neutral or warm feelings toward Jews.
But it's not just ignorance; there's an entire industry that has been propped up and dedicated to Holocaust denial, complete with books, “movies,” and groups. To make matters worse, alarmingly, fewer Holocaust survivors are around to share their firsthand accounts and counteract the flames of denialism.
Nearly half of the 1000 people surveyed had stated that they’ve seen Holocaust denial or distortion posts on social media or elsewhere online.
I’ve always thought that denials of genocide—such as the Holocaust —were something that happened over time, with history slipping away and being re-written.
However, I never expected to be observing this in real time.
While initially the so-called “resistance” was celebrated by a subset of society, this soon turned into full-fledged denials of Hamas’ actions on Oct 7. Despite overwhelming evidence in the form of videos captured and shared by Hamas themselves and shared on Telegram channels and elsewhere, I would read and hear people claiming that they had only targeted Israeli military. Absurd claims emerged using supposedly ‘leaked’ footage where an Israeli helicopter shoots at Nova music festival goers. That video was viewed over 30 million times on X alone. The video, which was actually originally shared by the IDF on Oct 9, was showing their attacks on specific Gazan targets—certainly NOT indiscriminate bombings of music festival attendees in Israel. (Here’s a great thread that details how this piece of disinformation spread and geolocation information that further confirms that the claim is fake).
I’ve heard countless denials of the rapes of women (and men), despite overwhelming evidence in the form of physical evidence, forensics, and a number of witness testimonies. Women’s rights groups, meanwhile, remained silent—thus offering a vacuum for denialists to fill. Proponents of “me too” also stayed silent. Worse, the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre’s director signed an open letter calling Hamas perpetrating “sexual violence” an “unverified accusation.” It took UN Women nearly two months to issue a lukewarm condemnation of the brutal attacks. “We are alarmed by the numerous accounts of gender-based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks,” they wrote, following a letter writing campaign urging them to speak up. Better late than never though, right?
The roughly 40 dead babies claim was debunked as a lie. At least that’s what people on social media now declare as fact, citing a Haaretz investigation.
“Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th just like I predicated (sic),” reads the post of one particularly large disinformation account.
These claims persisted despite Haaretz directly addressing that post and calling it “blatant lies” and insisting that it “absolutely no basis in Haaretz’s reporting.”
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The denials continued regardless of the fact that a group of 200 forensic pathologists from all over the world had confirmed that babies were indeed murdered and that some babies were found decapitated, though it was unclear whether this was done before or after death. First responders also corroborated that they witnessed beheaded infants. Regardless of decapitation, these were babies, murdered.
The forensic pathologists also confirmed that humans were executed, bound and burned alive. Israeli police have over 1,000 statements related to the attack.
When some of the hostages were released, Hamas supporters claimed that the hostages enjoyed being held by them, that they hardly wanted to leave. That this was like a pleasant vacation for them, that’s all. Like sipping piña coladas by the beach. In fact, they would state that they were more concerned about their safety in Israeli hands. They even concocted stories of love affairs between a hostage who was shot in the leg and a Hamas captor. A sick and twisted take on reality where up is down, cats are dogs, and denial is truth. They dismissed the reality that many of these hostages watched their loved ones get murdered in front of them, and still had relatives being held in captivity. The hostages were also administered Clonazepam by Hamas, a mood-enhancing tranquilizing drug, before handing them over to the Red Cross, so that they would appear “happy.”
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Meanwhile, the Yale Daily News published a correction of an opinion column stating that the “allegations had not been substantiated.”
The denials go on and on, and I can’t help but feel like I’m watching a version of Holocaust denial, except this time it’s happening in real time—not years after the fact. And this time, it has a Wi-Fi connection and a social media account.
The conditions for this were ripe. Moral relativism is why just several weeks ago, Gen Z embraced Bin Laden's 'Letter to America.' It has been building up for years across college campuses, a breeding ground for ideologies that support violent means to achieve political gains.
The perceived power dynamics play a role here too. In the eyes of many, the Israelis are seen as a superpower whereas the Palestinians, and by extension Hamas, are seen as underdogs. In their view, the underdog is always right because it is the victim, and the “power” is the oppressor. So how can the oppressor be a victim?
Israelis, despite the majority of the population being Mizrahi Jews, as well as 20% Arabs (who were also victims on Oct 7), have been framed as “white colonizers,” vs the Palestinians who are seen as “POC” in the context of this conflict. Never mind that Jews, including Ashkenazi Jews, can be traced back to the land through DNA, archaeological evidence, and historical documents.
An overall distrust for media is another factor, which has resulted in individuals taking the word of random influencer accounts as gospel over traditional media outlets. According to Gallup polls, Americans’ trust in media is near a record low. Only 34% of US adults have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence as of 2022. This is a major hindrance to our sensemaking abilities.
And then, of course, there’s cognitive dissonance. When a group identifies so closely with the perpetrator and they commit heinous acts, confronting that fact happens to be uncomfortable. So, in an attempt to reduce that discomfort, they rationalize or deny the evidence. This means that they accept only evidence that supports their existing beliefs, while placing unreasonable demands on the other side.
But none of these factors would have gained as much traction if it weren’t for something that didn’t exist during the Holocaust: social media. This is the engine that helps drives this real-time historical revisionism and denialism. According to 2021 data from Pew Research, over 70% of Americans get their news via social platforms. A Reuters Institute report from 2023 found that 30% of respondents use social media as the main way to get their news.
We have a society that consumes sound-bites of information, both truth and lies (as well as lies based on grains of truth).
Social media algorithms—combined with human nature—tend to amplify outrageous untruths, which spread widely. Corrections, never make it as far as the original lie. They are just a faint hum.
Throughout the Israeli-Gaza war, we’ve seen AI generated images and bots used to paint a specific narrative—for evocative, emotional effect. But technologically sophisticatication isn’t a prerequisite for painting false narratives. Many “influencers” have taken to using existing images or videos and attaching misleading headlines to them—including sharing content that captures events in Syria while presenting it as taking place in Gaza. These networks of influencers have large reach, and can turn even the most blatant lie into a revisionist truth.
Researchers for Freedom House, a non-profit human right advocacy group, found that generally at least 47 governments have used commentators to manipulate online discussions in their favor, either via humans or bots. They’ve also recruited influencers to help spread false and misleading content, and have created fake websites that mimic actual media publications. Then there’s always Russia’s propaganda arm RT, and various other publications like Al Jazeera and Quds who have direct ties to Hamas and/or other Islamic regimes.
All of this has contributed to narrative confusion, and the erasure of unspeakable acts of brutality, and the denial of the facts of October 7, right before our very eyes.
If we cannot even share a common reality, how can have any hope of resolving anything?
“Never again” is happening now."
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moon-buggg · 1 month
finally, my chance /clenches fist/
Can you tell us about the narrative behind the Haunted House? Like the spiel that the company gives the guests about why the circus is so decrepit, that kind of thing.
Also I'd love to know more about the different scaring styles of Moon vs Sun!
it's all very killer klowns from outer space! some aliens sent down some robots (or.. the aliens are the robots? it's unclear) to capture humans and experiment on them. it's also unclear if the whole circus themeing was an attempt to draw in victims or if the aliens just Are Clowns. Set design points to the former with more and more of the clown aesthetic disappearing the further you get into the lab section (though it never fully disappears).
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Moon is a stalker. His style is very eyes on the back of your neck, you can never escape him vibes. It's movement in the corner of your eye, turning a corner and he's just There. If you can't see him, then you can probably hear him. There's even a few simple animatronics around that look like his arm disappearing up into a vent to make it seem like he's closer than he actually is.
One gets the sense he is hunting you, which become all too real when he grabs YN by the ankle and drags them off into another room
Sun is much more, lets say dramatic (couldn't think of a good image to show this, sorry sun rip). He's the finisher.
He's loud, he's in your face, he's having fun at your misery and putting on a Performance. Where Moon's scares are a bit subtler and atmospheric, Sun is a sudden burst of a adrenaline. He's unhinged and laughing and very much a Scary Clown. You only see him once or twice in the whole haunt but you're probably glad for it and you certainly won't forget him
The best showcase of this is his grand finale with YN where he pulls fake organs out of them like its a magic show (details not finalized, I'm trying to think up something better. suggestions welcomed lol)
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starheirxero · 7 months
After revisiting your "came back wrong" comic, absolutely wonderful btw, I came to a rather haunting realization.
Because it became true. But instead of Bloodmoon, it's Eclipse. And that's both much worse(for the characters), and much better(for the narrative).
Because both him and Lunar went through the same, and in a way seem to parallel each other, though that's probably me overthinking.
Both of them died. Both of them were blown to smithereens. Both of them came back after several months. Both found themselves in a body not their own. We've seen what they look like in every other universe.
Both of them came back wrong.
Lunar came back numb, quieter than before, with all their energy being a play. He came back running from unknown danger. They died a normal animatronic, and came back being more.
Eclipse is the opposite. He came back louder, erratic, full of madness. Where Lunar is running from unknown danger, he is sprinting towards it, not realizing the consequences until it's to late. Not to forget the star. Eclipse died being somewhat of a god, and came back as nothing more than a plaything, a puppet on a string.
In a twist of fate, they can relate best to each other now, and that might be the worst part for both of them.
Because what is there to do? Even though they understand, even though, one day, they might glance at each other and wonder "Do you feel the same?", they will never be able to confide in each other. Their relationship is beyond repair, and for good reason. Eclipse hurt Lunar, used and ab*sed him, and then blew him up.
This also opens up so much emotional baggage. What will Lunar think? Will he wonder "Do you regret what you did now, knowing how it felt?" Will a part of him feel the smallest bit of satisfaction? Will they ever be able to look at him at all, or will they forever hide away?
What about Eclipse? Will he feel guilty? He seems aware of the damage he has caused the celestial twins, even telling Ruin that he deserves what's coming for him, but he still showed no remorse when he talked to them.
I'm sorry this got so long, I am incredibly emotional about this right now, and I can't even begin to describe, how this makes me feel-
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