#foreign work experience express entry
the-grey-hunt · 1 year
last year i talked somewhat about jonathan harker in the role of the gothic heroine, which seemed to go over well! this year i've decided to challenge myself to delve a little deeper and keep my literary analysis skills sharp (trying to keep away from anything revealed later than today's entry, for the new readers)
for context in the literary background i'm examining here, the female gothic (a term coined I believe in the 70s) is a lens of analysis for gothic literature which examines the role of women as expression of contemporary anxieties around women and their roles in society, particularly as mothers and wives. like many kinds of horror, political and social anxieties are deployed as supernatural forces with which to terrify the "ordinary" citizens.
jonathan, our ordinary man, is certainly faced with horrors—but in what way? sent by an older man, Peter Hawkins, jonathan enters a foreign landscape where he enters into the power of another older man, at a particularly vulnerable time where a loved one (Mina) is waiting at home but jonathan does not appear to be married. the horrors that jonathan faces are the same trials set up against gothic heroines: threatening older men with power over you, poised at a huge point of transition in your life, etc, etc.
the main argument against jonathan as a heroine is, I think, his job. His transition point right now isn't an impending marriage or that he needs one, but that he's just established himself as a solicitor and is meeting with Dracula for business purposes. however, I think how these are deployed as tools in the story, such as Hawkins almost transferring guardianship of his young employee/ward to Dracula (temporarily), still very much mirror the ways in which high-class social norms are deployed against gothic women. even the work jonathan does in the castle (talking to dracula about real estate) isn't in service of bolstering his manly prowess, but serves as a tool for dracula to distract him, and keep him from realizing that he is trapped and serving dracula's own will.
rather than being tried in a manly fashion by his strength or his wits being challenged, jonathan's gothic experience is of his environment and even his body being manipulated by the man meant to be a helping hand in a foreign land. when I say body people might think it's a little early for that, but it's happening—dracula keeps jonathan up late so he sleeps in, forcing him to acclimate to dracula's own nocturnal existence. when he gets a glimpse of blood, he attempts to take it from jonathan. even today, a few hundred years after dracula's social anxieties about women's bodies being trespassed upon by men other than the ones entitled to them, women may see echoes of their own anxieties about bodily autonomy.
Dracula also isolates jonathan socially. He makes jonathan mistrust his own ability to percieve reality (gaslighting, anyone, a story about a woman being manipulated by her husband?) by pretending that servants are in charge of the cooking and so on, when really it's just dracula keeping up a masquerade.
this comes to a head in the mirror scene, where jonathan's shaving mirror—an item he uses to attend to his appearance—ends up being a helpful tool which exposes the supernatural reality of what jonathan's up against. however, because dracula is still the one in power, he immediately gets rid of it, calling it "vanity". I recall the quote by John Berger:
You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting Vanity, thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.
the ways in which jonathan is treated by dracula, and the ways in which he attempts to bolster himself against the threat (spying to see what dracula's really doing, seeing the lack of reflection by chance) mirror the highly gendered dynamics of the Victorian era which this book was written in the tail end of. perhaps purposefully subverting jonathan's gender as a further expression of the horror of dracula, stoker's work takes jonathan as a man secure in his position at home in england to being a manipulated, isolated, and precariously positioned figure subject to the whims of an abusive man while friendless in a foreign country
(and the essay on how race, ethnicity, and foreign versus home plays into this is a whole other post! racism effects gender too! it's not a mistake that jonathan is securely male at home but his gender is subverted abroad!)
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #12: Right Under Their Noses
Prompt: dowdy || Master Post || On AO3
A pair of Crystal Braves in bright blue walked just behind her and it took all her years of experience plying the Ul’dahn courts not to tense or flatten her ears and give herself and her guard away. F’lhaminn continued to examine the hair combs on display, until Coultenet discretely tapped her elbow. All clear.
She didn’t immediately move away; that would draw attention. Instead, she picked out a pretty sterling comb with moonstones, handed over the gil to the merchant, and turned to meander towards the docks, Coultenet at her heels. As they walked, she idly swept short hair out of her face and into a bun, cinching it place with her new comb.
For all that the Braves had ambushed them on their way to the ferry to Limsa Lominsa, these ones seemed woefully inept at relocating their targets. A disgrace, honestly, that such flimsy disguises were working so well.
The Scions still had friends in Vesper Bay, and while the old Waking Sands building was being swarmed by the Braves—Urianger could handle himself, especially after making fools of the Garlean Frumentarii agents chasing him five years ago—F’lhaminn and her escorts had been waved into the back room of a tailor shop. “There’s a Hannish trader down at pier seven,” the tailor, Reuben, had muttered to them, “under Captain Mhasalkar, they’re due to leave in two bells.”
Hoary Boulder had stripped out of his armor and donned the loose tunic and trousers better befitting one of the Vesper dockworkers. He had slipped out to make contact with Captain Mhasalkar while F’lhaminn tried to raise anyone on the Scion linkshell. No luck, besides Tataru.
She tried not to worry. Minfilia, the Warriors of Light, and the Archons could take care of themselves.
Hoary Boulder thankfully had returned with success, and he took his and Coultenet’s bundled armor and robes and staff and headed back to the pier ahead of them. After waiting ten minutes, F’lhaminn and Coultenet—the latter dressed in the style of a Lominsan swashbuckler, Hoary Boulder’s sword at his hip—had followed, keeping their pace unhurried.
F’lhaminn had long known how fashion could shape perception. As the Songstress of Ul’dah, her clothing was meant to delight and tantalize, but not scandalize; in the years after the Calamity, no one looked twice at a bespectacled white-haired woman in a no-fuss dress and apron, assuming they walked by someone’s grandmother and not a lady who wasn’t even forty. She utilized similar now: her spectacles still in place, her cheek markings covered by a layer of foundation, and her practical pink dress replaced by purple and lilac robes. It was one of the fashions that Reuben had only just acquired from Captain Mhasalkar, not quite so alien a design that it would attract notice, but the cut different enough to lend credence to the mirage of a foreign lady exploring Vesper Bay and the cloth fine enough to hint at comfortable wealth.
Reuben had refused F’lhaminn’s payment before he saw her and Coultenet out the door. He was going to be furious when he found the coin purse she managed to slip into his pocket during their farewells.
Finally, pier seven and Captain Mhasalkar’s Pearl of the Bounty came into view. Hoary Boulder was discretely loitering at the base of the gangplank, fiddling with the rope on a stack of crates lashed together. His gaze flicked towards her and Coultenet briefly, but made no other movement as another pair of Crystal Braves stalked down the pier from the opposite direction.
F’lhaminn and Coultenet did not pause, instead continuing on their way towards their escape. She adopted a bored expression, and a quick glance told her that Coultenet was doing an outstanding job of prowling just a step behind like a real sellsword guard.
This set of Braves walked by them without a glance, too, and F’lhaminn’s ears flicked as she caught one say, “How do you lose a roegadyn and an elezen in a crowd, anyway?”
It took all of her willpower not to snort.
Captain Mhasalkar met them as F’lhaminn and Hoary Boulder and Coultenet ascended the gangplank. She was an older Raen, scales yellowing with age, but her eyes were clear as she shook hands with F’lhaminn. “My apologies that we could not meet under better circumstances, madam,” she said, her Hannish accent a balm after the tension of the last few bells. “We’ll be underway shortly, and once safely out of the reach of these knaves, we can discuss further details in seeing you settled in Radz-at-Han.”
“We are much appreciated, Captain,” F’lhaminn said, her smile genuine.
She only hoped the others had been as successful in their escape.
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niehaused · 1 year
So about that scene in WN where Beatrice is reading that journal entry to Ava...
I’ve only watched Warrior nun once this weekend, but I went back to rewatch this scene in particular and, there is just SO SO much to unpack from the suitcase this scene dropped on my lap 
1. Ava being like daamn she's translating straight from french that's hot (ava is someone who has effectively so far, missed on her entire life, missed on the most basic stuff walking, sensory tactile daily input, socialization outside of abuse. So she's truly getting to know and see and experience everything for the first time, she is hungry for living and knowing and finding out. So in this sense ofc it makes absolute sense that she'd be attracted to Beatrice who is pretty much a walking library, she's attracted to her on an instinctual level from moment one, she's just not rationalized yet that she is, but the magnetism is there) 
2. Ava repeating the word lesbich, because ofc her golden retriever brain would be like hey I know a whole new word and in a foreign language how cool is that?!! While also being painfully unaware that that word carries so much weight and pain for Beatrice and must be likely cringing internally to have the object of her affection just throwing the word around like it's nothing 
3. Ava's 'yeah she did!'. Once again reaching only an initial level of analysis and being excited because the nun in the story is a bada$s who just won't put up with abuse, cause in her eyes that must be literally so cool therefore violence and retribution is righteous. 
4. And then being crestfallen when she's notices Beatrice strong reaction to the whole story, then she's capable of grasping a deeper level of understanding of everything that's behind. It's not just retribution, it's hatred and fear and abject pain. She gets a glimpse of the other side of the coin, what the nun in the story/Beatrice deals with. A blinding rage, and overwhelming pain. It's not justice driving the sword, it's trauma. Her facial expression switched in seconds as does her approach to the rest of the story. 
5. Now she's able to see a connection between the warrior nun in this journal and Bea, she knows it is something primal but still can't put her finger exactly on what, yet she can feel that an immense pain is the thread that weaves both the story and Bea's visceral response to it.
6. Bea's realization that she's isn't the only one, she's not the only gay warrior sister. Up to this point I'm sure she must have felt isolated even inside her religious community, which became her family. They know who she is, but they don't know her completely. But there was someone just like her, through time, even at the distance she's not alone,  and she can also reach that feeling of being fully herself and at peace (I’ll forever wonder how Bea related to Shanon and Mary about this specific point). 
7. Bea being pissed at Ava's obliviousness. Ava being so close to the central theme of the story but still failing to connect they last final dots, which would save Bea an enormous amount of time working to an admission or confession of her love (which we actually didn't get, only after Ava was gone. Not even when Ava kissed her, not even when Ava took the leap and actually said I love you. Bea just wasn't going to be able to take those steps on time), if Ava could just realize by herself what Bea is feeling for her... But she doesn't and then Bea snaps because rly ava?! C'mon work with us here. 
8. Bea's gut wrenching admission that she became an academic overachiever to compensate for being gay. Now this is actually personal to me and I'm sure to most of the queer community, we've been there. Bea at some point literally felt she had no value as a person, only through discipline and excellence in everything she does :’(  she probably still feels that way, up until meeting Ava.
9. Bea dead a$s saying: 'What (who) you love, what (who) should make you happy only brings you pain'... while looking directly at ava.... Ava, sweaty, darling, honey baby, adoptive child of literal divine light, god’s chosen champion... my sister in Christ. Bea is pouring out her bleeding heart, looking straight into your eyes, admitting that even tho she loves you and you make her happy, you bring her pain. And in so many ways, as a christian believer/nun who's been told her whole life that being gay means your are doomed and automatically going to super hell, as a young queer woman who has gone to the almost ultimate stage of self denial of herself and her sexuality by becoming a nun, as a sister warrior entrusted with the safety of the halo bearer, as Ava’s very first and actual close friend, as a gay mess who’s trying so hard to keep her feelings on check because her relationship to Ava involves literally the world’s salvation and she has no idea if Ava is exclusively straight/or remotely queer. I cannot even with this specific exchange pls. This pained me on a molecular level because I was transported to my crush on a girl I met at bible camp when I was a prepubescent. (Yes I was at one point and against my will, an uncool christian nerd I’m no stranger to christianity and its multicomplex traumatic interseccion with queerness). And I still to this day wonder what became of Irene my Bible camp crush
10. Ava (despite not reaching the full understanding of the situation that Bea would like her to have) is emotionally smart, so whatever it is that's bothering Bea so much, she'll offer to listen to her, and if she isn't ready to do so, she can wait; but in the meantime she'll make damn sure to let Bea know that Beatrice isn't just 'barely acceptable', nor 'simply enough'. She is seen, she is full, whole and beautiful.
I did NOT need to have Beatrice thrusted upon me, introduced only to be taken away like this. I was living just fine without this knowledge, but yet here we are 
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yandere-genji · 2 years
yandere professor!gabe using his authority to intimidate and obsess over his student? (preferably female) also ty for coming back ive missed u :'D
ahhh tyty, hope this is to your liking. :,)
The rich scent of coffee fills your senses, sweet hints of mocha and cinnamon tempt you to buy another cup. But you weren’t sure if your pounding headache was due to the absurd amount of caffeine you had drank or the intense course material you were studying. And you weren’t about to find out. 
The words in your textbook and pages of notes were beginning to read like a foreign language. Various names of bones, ligaments, and tissues were impossible to remember. You had to try, though. Something had to get through to you soon or your grades would suffer. 
Your mid-term exam was a week away and you were nowhere close to understanding the material. Unfortunately, you had foolishly taken Professor Reyes’ Physiology course. It was only after you attended class did you learn his reputation as one of the most difficult professors. He must’ve been proud of that, too, because he was deliberately unhelpful when you consulted him during his office hours. You expressed your concerns about the difficult material and how you were at a loss when reading the textbook. His advice to you was to simply “study more” as he waved you out of his office, already focusing his attention away from you and onto whatever papers he was examining on his desk. As if most of your days weren’t spent glued to textbooks already. 
He must’ve taken some pity on you, however, because he had allowed you to tutor with him after class today. The prospect was equally optimistic as it was daunting. Professor Reyes was strict and spoke on only professional terms that mostly went over you head in the classroom. One on one, he might take you for the fool you always felt you were in his presence. But what choice did you have besides to omit sleep for studying if you were to pass? Whatever embarrassment you were bound to experience would be worth it. It had to be worth it. So, you rose from your seat, smoothing your pleaded skirt as you gathered your books and made your way to meet with the professor. 
The empty classroom was worlds away from the warm comforts that you left behind at the campus library. Colorless, scentless. The bright fluorescent lights and stark cold kept you alert and you straightened your posture. Professor Reyes was seated at his desk, a stack of papers keeping him busy. You let out a gentle “excuse me” to catch his attention. He raised an eyebrow and his sight met yours as he motioned for you to take a seat from whatever chair was available to you. You pulled a chair to sit across from him at his desk, stroking the collar of your shirt out of nervous habit. 
He pushed his papers to the side, extended a hand towards you. His hand seemed rough, almost calloused, and the same color you preferred your coffee. A peak of his arm from his reach revealed to be vascular and toned. It seemed the passion he had towards his studies was something he took to heart. A sigh came from his lips, “Alright, young lady, let’s see what work we have ahead of us today.”
You sighed and handed him your textbook, nervous to confess you still had much to learn, “I’m sorry, sir, I just feel so overwhelmed by the material. There’s so much to learn, I’m not sure how you do it.”
Professor Reyes opened the textbook to the chapter you were learning and scoffed at your comment, “While I’m certainly flattered, this material is entry level. I’ve had art majors pass this course with no issue.”
Your cheeks reddened and you felt your words struggle to leave your throat, you knew you would look like a fool in front of him but damn did he make it sting, “Perhaps I should consider changing my major.”
He managed to find the humor in your deflated tone and chuckled, “Well, don’t lose hope yet. Show me exactly what you’d like me to explain.”
You leaned your head into your hand as he went over in detail the exact elements you had struggled with. It seemed so easy when your professor was explaining it to you in simple terms and when he answered your question exactly, things were slowly starting to come together. He didn’t even look at the textbook once, only using it as a guide for you to show him what chapters you need explained. And as you were getting more confident with the material, your nervous shroud shed. Professor Reyes was strict, yes, but with that came the passion for his subject. He was an accomplished professor and that was what made him so renowned and equally feared by inexperienced students such as yourself. And you were witnessing his knowledge first hand, something many of your peers would kill for. 
The two of you went back and forth discussing the course content for almost two hours. There was still plenty of learning that had to be done on your part, but now that you were understanding the basics you hoped studying alone would become much easier. But it was getting late, the sun had set nearly a half hour ago and the parking lot outside the classroom window was emptying out. 
“There is much more going on beneath the surface than we realize,” Professor Reyes continued, “that’s a very important point of the midterm. You’ll describe the intent of certain parts of the body and how they work to keep everything in function.”
You nodded, not wanting to interrupt him in hopes he would spill some more information about the exam. 
“Do you have any questions?” he asked, and once you nodded your head in response, he closed the textbook, “It’s getting quite late, young lady. And I’m afraid I won’t have anymore time before the mid-term to offer you more private tutoring lessons.”
“Please, professor,” you begged him, hands clasped together, “just one more question. I promise I’ll make it quick.”
He sat back in his chair and crossed his legs as he contemplated entertaining your request, “What is it?”
“Just about the joints, I would really appreciate it if you could go over them for me. It makes much more sense when you explain it to me rather than the textbook,” it was a short chapter that he assigned the class to read independently, but the textbook had no sympathy to unfamiliar readers. 
“Do you expect me to dedicate myself to you?” he asked, his harsh tone was betrayed by the smile on his face, “No other student has had the benefit of me personally reviewing that chapter. Should I make a special exception for you?”
“Um,” your voice shook with nervousness and you brought a hand up to fiddle with the collar of your shirt, “I’m sorry, sir. I just find that you’re far better at teaching than I am at learning.”
His smile widened, exposing his teeth as he let out a hearty chuckle, “Well, you certainly need to be taught a lesson in manners, it seems. I hope you took good notes, you’re going to need it.”
He rose from his chair and walked over to you, gesturing with a nod for you to get out of your seat. You didn’t budge in protest, only stared up at him with pleading eyes, “Please, Professor Reyes. If I can understand this chapter I promise you I can pass this mid-term.”
There was a brief moment of silence as he considered your plea. He was standing just next to you, hand on the back of your chair. You felt uncomfortably close to him and too aware of the power he had over you now. Many things depended on his answer. If he agreed, it was very likely you would be able to at least pass the mid-term, if not ace it. If he disagreed, you would have to continue arduously studying the most difficult chapter to you by yourself with flimsy hopes that you might be able to pass. And this mid-term dictated a large part of your grade. You needed this, and you hoped Professor Reyes could sympathize with your determined will to pass his course. 
He hummed, giving you a light pat on the shoulder before returning to his desk, “Let’s make this quick. You should know how lucky you are.”
You exhaled a heavy breath that you didn’t realize you were holding, “Absolutely, sir. I’m extremely grateful.”
“I certainly hope so,” he began as he opened the textbook.
It wasn’t quick. Another hour was spent on that chapter alone as you wanted to ensure you understood everything in precise detail. At first you feared your professor would get annoyed with you. That perhaps he had somewhere he should or would rather be. But he wasn’t. Instead, he seemed even more invested in teaching you now than before, almost as if he had something to gain from it. Perhaps the satisfaction of having a struggling student understand material through his teachings was incentive enough. You really did appreciate the dedication he had towards teaching. 
When you felt confident in understanding the content of the chapter, and after having answered some of the professor’s own comprehensive questions in depth, you felt invigorated. Professor Reyes must’ve also felt some relief now that the session was coming to an end. Though you were tired from studying and lack of sleep, you were no longer anxious and that was somewhat refreshing. 
Professor Reyes leaned back in his seat and hummed in approval, “It seems like my work here is done. How are you feeling about the mid-term now?”
You nodded eagerly and your voice brightened when you spoke, “So much better, professor. I might even be able to get some sleep tonight.”
“Good,” he smiled, “Best you make your way out now before it’s too dark. Need me to walk you to your car?”
“Thank you, sir, but I should be fine,” there was something wholesome about the way he was concerned for you, “I should get going, though. Thank you so much for taking all this time just to help me. There’s not another professor I could think of as dedicated as you.”
He hummed in reply, hardly acknowledging your words, “Stay safe, I’ll see you on Tuesday.”
Your time spent with Professor Reyes was not in vein. Studying became less of a difficult process and more of a review of what you had already known. Finally, you could catch up on the sleep you so desperately needed to get through the day. All of you other mid-terms had gone smoothly, and when Tuesday had finally arrived, you felt more confident than ever. Professor Reyes greeted you as you entered the classroom and you felt a spark of joy at the bond you had formed with him. You hoped he felt the same, too, as having a good relationship with him might bode well in the future. He was well respected by his colleagues and students alike. 
The exam wasn’t simple. It was thorough and there were certainly some question you had to guess. But if you were to approach it was the mental state you had last week, there was no way you would survive. Some answers came to you in an instant, some not at all. Still, with your new spirits, you were among the first to finish in the class. Professor Reyes noticed when you handed him your exam papers. He didn’t say anything, but gave you an inquisitive look that was seemed like he was either impressed or appalled by your speed. Not wanting to ruin your spirits, you had assumed it was the former and practically skipped out of the classroom in delight. 
One good thing about taking exams was the early dismissal and the time you had to yourself on campus before your next class. There was no hurrying or running through the halls to try to get in on time. You could finally eat something during the afternoon instead of having to pray your stomach doesn’t rumble in the middle of a lecture. After the chaos of preparing for mid-terms, you could finally catch a break. 
The rest of your classes were easy, mostly just taking notes on new chapters. Not much work or actual thinking involved. It was the best time to be a student. Or so you felt until you opened up your email. To your shock, Professor Reyes had messaged you personally, something he had never done before even when you scheduled to visit him during office hours. Most of his messaging was automated, but this one wasn’t. The title read “Mid-term” and his message only said “See me.” It shook you to your core and swiftly eroded your relaxed state. Though you were about to leave campus as your last class had just ended, there was no way you could now. 
You almost ran through the long maze of corridors, all the way across campus towards the professor’s room. You stopped just short of the door to catch your breath and smooth the wrinkles of your outfit before knocking. That same suffocating anxiety caught at your throat. Subconsciously, your fingers crossed in hopes that whatever bad news was to come, karma might intervene and magically reverse it. The door opened and Professor Reyes stood in the doorframe. He was usually seated at his desk, and you had never stood at his side before. He was tall, must’ve been over 6’, and his shoulders so broad they almost touched the doorframe. 
“Professor,” you began, “I saw your email-“
“Come in,” before you could finish, he spoke, “There’s something we need to discuss.”
The tone of his voice had you immediately complying. It was authoritative but gentle, unlike his usually jovial tone. At this point, you could feel your heart rate rising and hands starting to perspire. The professor didn’t even sit behind his desk, rather he had pulled two chairs aside so you were sitting just next to each other. You kept your knees tight against each other and your arms almost hugging yourself in a desperate attempt to comfort your anxieties. He reached over at his desk to grab a small stack of papers, presumably your exam from earlier that day, and sat beside you. 
“You know,” he began, “I couldn’t believe how quickly you finished your test. In fact, I was so curious to see how well you did that I graded your paper not long after you left.”
You swallowed, biting your lip in anticipation at what was the come of this impromptu meeting. 
His eyes fixed onto yours before he spoke, “Do you want to know your grade?”
Of course he knew that you wanted to see your grade. It was like he was taunting you, hanging that carrot over your head with intent, “Yes, sir. I would love to.”
He chuckled lowly and readjusted his position, widening his knees, almost touching yours and occupying the space between the two of you, “I thought I taught you well,” he extended the papers in front of you, “But it looks like you’re in need of another lesson.”
You carefully took the papers from him, not wanting to tugged them from his hands in your nervousness. Immediately the red ink jumped at you with the mark of your grade. 62. There was no way. You were about to turn to the next page before your professor put his hand atop yours to stop you. 
“Hold on, now. Don’t get so antsy,” he was speaking in a tone you didn’t like and the atmosphere was swiftly changing, “We need to discuss how we’re going to proceed with grades like these.”
Everything was overwhelming your senses with shame. Your face was beet red and eyes were beginning to cloud, “Professor,” you said through bated breath, “I don’t know how this happened, I thought I did really well-“
He hushed you, putting a gentle hand around your shoulder. He seemed so much larger than you and you wanted to just shrink out of existence in that moment, “Now, now. No need to get upset. I’m sure there are other ways for you to bring your grades up.”
“Really?” you asked, holding back tears. 
“Yes, of course,” he said, the hand on your shoulder moving to hold your upper arm as he inched closer, “It’s a shame, to waste your potential. You’re such a good student, but I think you’re going to need more private sessions, don’t you?”
You raised your chin a bit to meet his eyes and just then you realized how close he really was. His knees brushed against yours and his arm wrapped around your body. When you meet his eyes, they were hardly a feet apart from your own and it felt wrong. He shouldn’t be this close.
“What do you mean?” you asked, turning your body away from his. 
His hand touched your waist, you yelled and tried to squirm out of his grasp but he moved in front of you and put his other hand on you to keep you in place. Your hands tried to pull at his forearms to release his grip but he stayed firm, “You’re going to need a lot more favors from me to pass this class. You better make it worth my while.”
“No,” you struggled against him as he began lifting your blouse, “Stop it, Professor, please. I promise I won’t tell if you just stop.”
“You already broke one promise to me,” he began as he  lifted you out of the chair and onto his desk, “I’m sure you’re just as capable to break another. But go ahead and tell, sweetheart. It won’t get you very far.”
He was too strong for you to fight, lifting you and moving you about with ease. His fingers almost ripped apart the buttons of your shirt as he undressed you, revealing a white bra with lace and ribbons. Without hesitation, he kissed across your exposed collar bone down until he was between your breasts, licking and sucking on their fullness. 
“Professor,” you gasped out, still squirming under him and feeling completely exposed as the cold air chilled your skin, “Please, don’t do this.”
Your cries feel on deaf ears as he unclasped your bra and your breasts bounced free, nipples hard and tender. 
“Fuck,” he tossed your bra aside onto the floor and admired you before him, “get on your knees. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You sat frozen atop his desk, hands covering your breasts as you began to cry. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and whines escaped your lips as you realized how helpless you were. A calloused hand grabbed your knee and threw you with incredible force onto the ground. You could hardly see from your soaked eyes the man towering above you, but you could tell he had unsheathed himself and was stroking his cock right above you. 
“We can do this the easy way, have a little fun. Or the hard way, which is just as much fun for me. Maybe not for you. If I were in your position, I suggest doing what I ask,” he spoke, reaching for your hair to tug you along to follow him. 
You didn’t know what to do. The last thing you wanted was to see through this man’s perverse desires. But you knew he was capable of hurting you, capable of doing whatever this was without consequence. Who would believe you? Professor Reyes was not only respected in his field, but women adored him, students and professors alike. Who would think he would have to coerce anyone to be with him? 
He tugged at your hair again, stinging your scalp and bringing you back to reality. Crying, you crawled over to him as he sat in the chair he had pulled you from. His cock was leaking with precum and presented to you. A hand on the back of your neck pulled you closer, you could see clearly the veins of his cock, see it pulsing and wet in front of you. You could hear his eager exhales and frustrated grunts. 
“Get it wet, girly,” he demanded, “down your fucking throat.”
You choked back tears and sniffled. Without thinking too much about it, you took his head in your mouth and he released a lustful sigh. You tried to inch your mouth further and further down to take him all in, but it seemed like his length kept growing and growing. He was huge in your mouth, length and girth practically choking you as your saliva and his precum struggled to lubricate the member. But he grew impatient and pushed you down until your nose was buried into his unruly pubic hair. 
Just as soon as he had you deepthroating his cock, he pulled you back up, saliva and precum drooling from your mouth onto your breasts as you gasped for air. He shifted closer to you, barely keeping himself seated on the chair and pulled you against him. His hand grabbed your tits and squeezed them around his cock, “Keep them there.”
You did, though it was much harder for you since your hands weren’t as big as his. He told you to stroke his cock with your tits, so you moved them up and down, hoping to satisfy him. It seemed to be what he wanted as he hummed in approval. His hand pulled at your hair again, pulling your lips down to the tip of his cock that poked out of your boobs and you obliged him by licking it while you stroked him. Your body was soaked in a mix of your own fluids and your professor’s and you felt like a filthy toy. Your blouse was stained with wet marks and you had no idea where your bra went. Just moments earlier, you thought your professor was trying to console you. Now, he was using you and speaking to you like you were nothing but a slut. And you felt like it, too. Never had you felt so dirty, knees on the hard, dusty floor, face and chest covered in spit as Professor Reyes continually pumped his cock around your boobs. 
He was getting close, you could tell by how hard he was fucking into you. His hands wandered around your body, pinching your nipples to hear you yelp and cry, squeezing your cheeks and rubbing your lips lewdly with his thumb. Hot streaks of white fell onto your face and chest, Professor Reyes letting out hoarse grunts while he finished all over you. His breath was heavy, he stood up and wiped himself clean with a few tissues from his desk. You stayed in place, shocked, hands covering your breast and silent tears falling down your face.
The professor walked over to you, kneeled next to your shaken form and displayed your exam papers before you. You looked at the papers, but didn’t say a word. Before you could realize what he’d done, he ripped the papers in half and throw them into the bin. 
“See me again this Thursday,” he said, “We’ll see if we can schedule a retake for that exam.” 
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biboocat · 8 months
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Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain
This is a frank and engaging memoir of the author’s life before the Great War, including her matriculation at Oxford, first love, and experiences as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse during wartime, and the early postwar years, a period spanning 1900-1925. Most of the book is taken up by her war experiences, and most of my comments will be limited to this period. The memoir isn’t for the faint of heart. Her nursing took her to London, Malta, France, and back to London. It is an indelible record of courage, resolve, and loss, yet it isn’t self laudatory or self-pitying; on the contrary, she is rather understated about her experiences and can be self-critical. Despite her youth and a traditional, sheltered upbringing, she was able to care for badly mutilated and dying young men and risked her own life in the process. I admired her realism. She expresses religious skepticism (deepened by the war) and stresses the importance of doing one’s duty to society in a finite lifetime. Like many she became disillusioned with the war and immediate postwar years and described her patriotism as having been “worn threadbare”. The story is all too relevant today.
After the war she completed her Oxford degree in History and pursued careers in writing and teaching and worked on behalf of various causes including women’s rights, pacifism, and socialism.
Memorable excerpts:
That night I prayed earnestly to God to make the dear King better and let him live. The fact that he actually did recover established in me a touching faith in the efficacy of prayer, which superstitiously survived until the Great War proved to me, once and for all, that there was nothing in it.
In fact, I passed my (pre-war) days in all those conventional pursuits with which the leisured young woman of every generation has endeavored to fill the time that she is not qualified to use.
Diary entry at the start of the Great War: it is impossible to find any satisfaction in the thought of 25,000 slaughtered Germans, left to mutilation and decay; the destruction of men as though beasts, whether they be English, French, German, or anything else, seems a crime to the whole march of civilization.
At St. John’s we had the inevitable sermon dwelling on the obvious incongruity of celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace while the world was at war.
As usual the Press had given no hint of that tragedy’s dimensions, and it was only through the long casualty lists, and the persistent demoralizing rumor that owing to a miscalculation in time thousands of our men had been shot down by our own guns, that the world was gradually coming to realize something of what the engagement had been.
I could not follow him there (St. James’s), being temperamentally too much of an agnostic to become a convert even in tribute to his memory. p248
The world was mad and we were all victims; that was the only way to look at it. These shattered, dying boys and I were paying alike for a situation that none of us have desired or done anything to bring about.
What was the use of hypocritically seeking out exalted consolations for death, when I knew so well that there were none?
I knew now the death was the end and that I was quite alone. There was no hereafter, no Easter morning, no meeting again; I walked in the darkness, a dumbness, silence, which no beloved voice would penetrate, no fond hope illumine. p446
There may not be - I believe that there is not – resurrection after death, but nothing could prove more conclusively than my own brief but eventful history the fact that resurrection is possible within our limited span of earthly time. p496
In those days we were still naïve enough to believe that suggestions need only be bright in order to be enthusiastically accepted, and had still to learn that in clubs and societies, as in foreign offices, the one thing that really terrifies officials is the prospect of any alteration in the status quo.
War, especially if one is the winner, is such bad form. There’s a strange lack of dignity in conquest; the dull, uncomplaining endurance of defeat appears more worthy of congratulation. Modern war is nothing but a temporary - though how disastrous! – forgetfulness by neighbors that they are gentlemen; its only result must be the long reaping in sorrow of that which was sewn in pride.
And then I remembered, with a startling sense of relief, that there was no resurrection to complicate the changing relationships forced upon men and women by the sheer passage of earthly time. There was only a brief interval between darkness and darkness in which to fulfill obligations, both individuals and society, which could not be postponed to the comfortable futurity of a compensating heaven. p650-1
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L to R: Edward Brittain, Roland Leighton, and Victor Richardson. In 1914 Roland gained a scholarship and exhibition to classical postmastership at Merton College, Oxford, Edward was to go up to New College Oxford, and Victor to Cambridge. The waste is obscene.
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VB in Malta
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Geoffrey Thurlow, Vera’s other close friend. He had also been accepted to Oxford before the war intervened.
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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program - A Complete Guide
Alberta is one of the provinces of Canada. Alberta operates its separate immigration pathway, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, previously known as the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is a collaboration between the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada & the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC). This program is designed to invite foreign skilled professionals. 
In this article, we will provide every detail about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program including its eligibility criteria, how to apply, and every related information. But, before moving further, let us give you an overview of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program - An Overview 
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is an immigration program that allows the government of Alberta to attract and invite international skilled professionals from around the world as per the economic requirements of Alberta. 
Streams Under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program 
The following are the streams under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
The Strategic Recruitment Stream 
The Employer Driver Stream 
The Self-Employed Farmer Stream 
Minimum Eligibility Criteria of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program 
The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Prior Work Experience 
Under this eligibility criteria, a candidate should have at least 2 years of continuous and full-time work experience in an occupation in demand in Alberta. 
Language Proficiency 
The eligibility criteria require candidates to demonstrate proficiency in English and French, ensuring fluency and ease of communication after immigration. 
Alberta PR Points 
Under this, the candidate must score at least 67 points in the points grid. These points are awarded to candidates as per their eligibility for the program. 
Minimum Educational Qualification 
The immigration authorities require the candidate to provide minimum educational qualification credentials. The candidate should hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Proof of funds 
Under this, the candidate should have minimum proof of funds to demonstrate their financial stability to the immigration authorities. It will ensure the authorities that the candidate is financially capable of managing their expenses during their stay in the country. 
Police Clearance Certificate 
Under this, the candidate must provide a police clearance certificate to the immigration authority, which will ensure the authorities that the candidate has a clean criminal background and can migrate to a new country. 
Steps to apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program
The following information illustrates the steps to apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Check your Eligibility 
To apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, candidates must carefully evaluate their eligibility and analyze all aspects to ensure they qualify for the AINP Program. 
Express Entry Profile 
Under this, the candidate must create an express entry profile by visiting the official website of the Canadian Immigration Authority which is IRCC(Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada). 
Submit Documents 
Under this, the candidate should gather and submit all the required documents including valid passport details, birth certificate, educational qualification credentials, professional qualification credentials, bank statement, proof of funds, and other necessary documents. 
Entry in the Pool 
Once you create an express entry profile and submit all necessary documents to immigration authorities, your profile will be added to the Express Entry Pool. 
Profile Review 
Once your profile is in the express entry pool, the immigration authorities will assess it for eligibility in the immigration program. If your profile meets the requirements, you will receive a Notification of Interest.
Submit a Complete Application 
Under this, after receiving the Notification of Interest, the candidate must submit a complete application form to the immigration authorities within a particular time limit. 
Receive the Notification 
Under this, the candidate will receive a notification about their application on the express entry pool. If you receive a positive notification from the authorities, you will receive a Provincial nomination from them, adding 600 points to your CRS Score.
Submit an Expression of Interest 
After receiving the Notification of Interest from the authorities, the candidate must submit an expression of interest to the immigration authorities. If your expression of interest gets selected you will receive the ITA from the authorities. Upon receiving an ITA, you can apply for the Canada PR Visa and fly to Canada. 
In this article, we have provided details about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is a Canadian immigration pathway for foreign-skilled professionals. It operates through three streams: Strategic Recruitment Stream, Employer Driver Stream, and Self-Employed Farmer Stream. Eligibility criteria include prior work experience, language proficiency, Alberta PR Points score, minimum educational qualification, proof of funds, and a police clearance certificate.
If you want more details about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, you can contact Province Immigration via [email protected] or +91 98961 96762.
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lebizcanada20 · 5 months
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a set of Canadian immigration programs operated by the Government of Canada in partnership with individual provinces, each of which having its own requirements and 'streams' (i.e., target groups). In a program stream, provinces and territories may, for example, target: business people, students, skilled workers, or semi-skilled workers.
While provincial governments manage PNPs according to their individual objectives, the federal government's immigration department, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, ultimately administers and decides on permanent residence applications.
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What is the process of Canada PNP in 2024?
Have a valid Express entry profile.
Choose a suitable PNP Program.
Check the eligibility & in-demand occupations
Create an account on the official PNP website
Get an invite to apply for the PNP
File an application by submitting docs
Get nomination from Provincial Govt.
Secure 600 CRS Points upon nomination
File ITA in Express Entry & Get a Permanent Resident Canada Visa
What Are The Available Canada PNP Pathways In 2024?
1 Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program 
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply.
2 British Columbia PNP Program
Job offer needed in the profile from TEER 0,1,2&3
3 Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply for Canada PR
4 Nova Scotia Nominee Program
No job offer required. Only need a letter of interest to apply
5 Manitoba PNP Program
Must have a family member and experience in the province.
6 Alberta Advantage Immigration Program
Have experience in an in-demand occupation and family connection in Alberta or a job offer from Alberta.
7 New Brunswick Canada PNP Program  
Have a job offer or a family connection in the province.
8 Prince Edward Island PNP Program
Have a job offer or work experience in the province.
BC Provincial Nominee Program
The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an immigration program for British Columbia that gives "high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs" the opportunity to become a permanent resident in BC.The BC PNP offers 2 pathways to obtain a permanent residence in BC, each containing different streams one can apply under, depending on their National Occupational Classification skill level, job, or international-student status:
Skills Immigration: This stream, primarily using a points-based invitation system, is for skilled and semi-skilled workers in high-demand occupations in BC. Candidates may not need prior work experience for some categories; however, Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled category applicants require B.C. work experience. Candidates may have work experience from abroad; and recent international graduates of a Canadian post-secondary institution may not need any work experience, depending on the job being offered.
BC PNP Tech: Those in specific tech occupations may qualify for invitation at a lower points threshold and receive priority assignment for processing..
Express Entry: International Student and Skilled Worker candidates can select either the Express Entry or Standard version of the BC PNP streams. Express Entry streams offer shorter timelines for federal permanent residence application processing.
Priority Occupations: Since 2022, the BC PNP has also provided occupation specific invitations to apply at lower point thresholds based on specific occupations in education, healthcare and veterinary care.
Health Authority and International Post-Graduate Streams - Qualifying candidates, such as those with a job offer from a public health authority or those who've graduated from selected programs at BC post-secondary institutions, can apply directly to the program without registering, obtaining a score and being invited to apply.
Entrepreneur Immigration: This stream, using a points-based invitation system, is for experienced entrepreneurs who wish to actively manage a business in BC. Applicants must create a minimum number of jobs, have the required personal net worth, and make a minimum level of eligible investment.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to start a new business in participating regional communities across BC.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Base: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to acquire or start a new business in the province.
Strategic Projects: an option for international companies seeking to expand into BC, and who require permanent residency for key employees. 
Are you tired of waiting in the Express Entry Pool? Do you want quick Alternate Solutions? You can immigrate to Canada with fast processing times via PNP pathways. Call our experts at +91- 8375012389 or mail us at [email protected]
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outlandexpert · 1 year
Navigating the Immigration Maze: Outland Expert Consultancy in Mohali
In a world that's increasingly interconnected, immigration has become a pivotal aspect of modern life. People from different corners of the globe seek opportunities and a better quality of life in foreign lands. For many, India's Punjab region, particularly Mohali, has emerged as a promising launchpad for their dreams of settling abroad. To facilitate this crucial journey, Outland Expert Consultancy, a prominent immigration consultant in Mohali, has been a guiding light for numerous individuals aiming to make their immigration dreams a reality.
Understanding Outland Expert Consultancy
Outland Expert Consultancy is not just a business; it's a service that transforms lives. Located in the heart of Mohali, Punjab, this consultancy firm has earned a stellar reputation for its professionalism, expertise, and unwavering commitment to its clients' aspirations.
The Role of an Immigration Consultant
Immigrating to a new country is a complex process fraught with numerous legalities, paperwork, and deadlines. This is where immigration consultants like Outland Expert Consultancy come into play. Their primary function is to simplify the immigration process for their clients by providing expert guidance, assistance with paperwork, and ensuring compliance with immigration laws and regulations.
Why Choose Outland Expert Consultancy?
Outland Expert Consultancy sets itself apart from the competition in several ways:
Expertise: The team at Outland comprises experienced immigration consultants and legal experts who are well-versed in the intricacies of immigration laws and procedures for various countries. Their expertise ensures that clients receive accurate and up-to-date advice.
Customized Solutions: One size does not fit all in the world of immigration. Outland Expert Consultancy recognizes this and offers tailored solutions that cater to each client's unique situation and goals.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultation to visa application, Outland offers a wide range of services that cover every aspect of immigration. Whether it's skilled worker immigration, family sponsorship, or student visas, they've got it covered.
Ethical Practices: Outland Expert Consultancy takes pride in its ethical business practices. They provide transparent and honest advice, ensuring that clients understand the process, costs, and potential outcomes.
Client-Centric Approach: The consultancy places its clients at the center of every decision. They strive to create a comfortable and supportive environment, making the immigration journey as stress-free as possible.
Services Offered
Outland Expert Consultancy specializes in a variety of immigration services:
Express Entry: Helping skilled workers immigrate to countries like Canada through the Express Entry system.
Family Sponsorship: Assisting with reuniting families by sponsoring relatives for immigration.
Study Abroad: Guiding students through the process of studying abroad, from choosing the right program to obtaining student visas.
Visitor Visas: Facilitating the process of obtaining visitor visas for leisure or business purposes.
Immigration Appeals: Providing legal support in immigration appeals and challenges.
Client Testimonials
The success stories of clients who have benefited from Outland Expert Consultancy's services speak volumes about their competence and dedication. Many individuals have achieved their dreams of living and working abroad, thanks to the firm's support.
One client, Rajiv Singh, shared his experience: "Outland Expert Consultancy made my Canadian dream come true. Their team's attention to detail and personalized approach made all the difference in my immigration journey."
Outland Expert Consultancy, based in Mohali, Punjab, is more than just an immigration consultancy; it's a partner in the dreams and aspirations of countless individuals. With a commitment to professionalism, ethical practices, and a client-centric approach, they have earned their reputation as a leading immigration consultant in the region.
If you're considering immigration to a foreign land and need expert guidance, Outland Expert Consultancy should be your first choice. With their expertise and dedication, they can help turn your immigration dreams into a reality.
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
I saw your post from forever ago
How's Canada? I'm thinking about moving for school
Canada is a wonderful place.
If you're looking to immigrate to up here, going to school would help a bunch. If you get accepted into a school you can apply for express entry; from what I've been told, there's a point system that assesses your skills, education, work experience, etc. and scoring high enough will lend you an easier time. Schools are pretty high up there on the point list, as well as applying to any jobs that fall under the Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which is stuff that Canada is in demand for and is willing to offer permits to foreign workers.
Anyway, to actually answer your question, I like Canada. One of the first things I've noticed when I first came here was "wow! There's a lot of trees!" I mean, it does have its fair share of politics and troubling economy and problems and stuff, it's not paradise. Inflation is a thing. Lots of stupid and selfish drivers who don't drive safely, so be careful. It's certainly better in my opinion that the shit show that is the US right now.
Winter lasts a bit longer in some areas so do pack and dress appropriately. Poutine is very yummy and there's so many different flavors??? Like Canada REALLY loves poutine, it is served at every McDonalds and other fast food places. And hockey. Hockey is such a big thing up here and you will slowly get converted into at the very least a light-core hockey fan. And of course everywhere you go there is a Tim Hortons and likely a Starbucks right across from it.
Oh also I think it's really neat that there's a lot of emphasis on recycling, reusing, and composting. You take trash to the curb one week, and then the next week it's recycle and compost, and they all get picked up by city workers and taken to their respective locations. I see a lot of people take in reusable shopping bags for stores, like, everywhere. As silly as it sounds, this is one of the things I had to get used to because from my time living in the US and moving around a lot there I haven't really seen anything to that scale of effort? Lol? Maybe that's just me though!
Also, ya gotta visit Canada's Wonderland. It's the law bro sorry I don't make the rules you just gotta go there. :P
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mdlearning · 1 year
Working in Canada
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Working in Canada as a foreign national involves understanding the country's immigration and employment regulations. Canada offers various pathways for individuals interested in working there. Here are some key steps and considerations:
1. **Determine Eligibility:** Before pursuing employment in Canada, determine if you are eligible to work there. Common pathways include:    - Temporary Work Permits: These allow you to work in Canada for a specific job and period. Common categories include the International Mobility Program and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.    - Express Entry: This system is used for certain skilled workers who want to become permanent residents. It includes the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian Experience Class.
2. **Job Search and Networking:** Research Canadian companies and industries that match your skills and qualifications. Networking can help you find job opportunities and make connections.
3. **Job Offer:** In many cases, you will need a valid job offer from a Canadian employer to apply for a work permit.
4. **Work Permit Application:** Once you have a job offer, you or your employer will need to apply for a work permit through the appropriate channels, such as the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.
5. **Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA):** Depending on the type of work permit and your circumstances, your employer may need to obtain an LMIA, which is a document that shows there is a need for a foreign worker.
6. **Express Entry Profile:** If you are considering permanent residency, create an Express Entry profile and receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence based on factors such as your age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.
7. **Documentation:** Prepare all required documentation, including forms, job offer letters, and supporting documents, for your work permit or permanent residency application.
8. **Biometrics and Medical Exams:** Depending on your situation, you may need to provide biometric data and undergo a medical examination.
9. **Arrival in Canada:** Once your work permit is approved, you can travel to Canada and start working.
10. **Permanent Residency:** If your goal is to become a permanent resident of Canada, you can explore options like the Provincial Nominee Program, Family Sponsorship, and other pathways available through Express Entry.
It's important to stay updated on Canadian immigration policies and procedures, as they may change over time. Consulting with an immigration consultant or an authorized representative, as well as using official government resources, is advisable to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.
Additionally, consider factors such as cost of living, lifestyle, and cultural adaptation when considering working in Canada.
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How to Apply for a Canada Permanent Residence Visa
If you’re a Canadian citizen, you already know the value of permanent residence in this country. But if you’re from another country, your journey to becoming a Canadian resident can be quite daunting. With so many forms and applications to sift through, it can be difficult to know where to begin.
But don’t worry! In this article, I’ll take you through the entire process of apply for a Canada PR visa. I’ll explain everything from eligibility criteria to required paperwork to application fees. This guide will help make your transition into life in Canada as smooth and stress-free as possible!
Determine Your Eligibility for a Canada PR Visa
An important part of your permanent residence visa application is to make sure you meet the criteria for approval. Generally, you must prove that you can become economically established in Canada. This means demonstrating that:
You have sufficient English or French language proficiency to live and work in Canada
You have relevant experience and education as determined by Canadian standards
You pass a medical exam, background check, and security clearance
You possess an employment offer from a Canadian company or be self-employed in Canada
All applicants must go through the same processes, regardless of country of origin. It is important to make sure that all the required documents are submitted with your application so that it can be processed in a timely manner. Applicants may be asked for additional documentation as part of their application process.
Choose a Canada Immigration Program
Once you decide that you want to make Canada your permanent home, the first step is to choose the right immigration program. Canada has a number of immigration programs that offer different pathways to permanent residence. You need to research each one and find the one that best fits your goals and qualifications.
Here are some of the most popular programs:
Express Entry: The Express Entry system allows skilled workers from around the world to immigrate to Canada with their families in as little as six months. This system is points-based and applicants are selected based on their skills, education, work experience, language proficiency and other factors.
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Each Canadian province and territory has its own PNP program. These allow provinces and territories to select skilled workers for immigration based on their own criteria.
Family Sponsorship: Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor family members who would like to live in Canada permanently.
Take some time to research each program and determine which one is right for you. Once you have chosen a program and assessed your eligibility, you can start the application process!
Gather the Required Documents to Apply for PR Visa
You'll need to have all the documents ready in order to proceed with your application for a Canada permanent residence visa. To make sure you have everything ready, here's a checklist of the documents you'll need:
Proof of Funds
Proof of funds could come in the form of a bank statement or investment portfolio that shows enough money to support yourself and family while living in Canada. Generally, you should have enough money to cover living expenses and your family’s travel costs for 6 months after arriving in Canada.
Language Ability
You need to prove language ability — either English or French — by providing an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test report or CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) test report, issued within two years of your application.
Education Credential Assessment
The Education Credential Assessment (ECA) is necessary if you’re applying under the Federal Skilled Worker Program or Canadian Experience Class programs. The assessment compares your foreign educational credentials to those earned in Canada and must be issued by one of three organizations approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Police Certificate
If you’re 18 years old or over, you need a police certificate from any country where you’ve lived for more than six months since turning 18 years old. You may also be asked to provide police certificates from other countries where you've lived since turning 18 years old even if it was for less than six months. These certificates show that you don't have a criminal record and must be up-to-date — issued within six months before submitting an application — and if not available, IRCC may accept older certificates as long as
Submit Your Application for Canada PR Visa
Getting ready to apply for your Canada PR Visa? You're in the right place! Applying for a Canada Permanent Residence Visa can seem like a daunting process, but it doesn't have to be.
Here's what you'll need to do to submit your application:
Complete the application form. This will include all of your personal information, as well as information about your family members and any other dependents who will be traveling with you.
Collect all required documents. This includes proof of identity and other documents verifying the information on your application form, such as proof of employment, education, and any other supporting papers that may be requested by the Canadian government (such as a police clearance certificate).
Send in your application package along with all supporting documents and the applicable fees. Fees can vary depending on the type of application you’re submitting and how many family members are traveling with you, so make sure you have enough funds ready to cover the cost of apply for a Canada PR visa.
Wait for an answer from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). You should receive an answer within six months after submitting your application - though sometimes it may take longer if CIC needs additional information or if there is any other issue that needs to be resolved before they can grant you permanent residence status in Canada.
Following these steps will ensure that you get approved for a Canada PR visa in less time!
Prepare for the Medical Examination
The next step of applying for a Canada Permanent Residence Visa is to get ready for the medical examination. This is an important part of the application process and must be taken seriously. 
Attend an Interview and Get the PR Visa Decision
The next step in the Canadian PR Visa application process is to attend an interview with a Canadian visa officer. At the interview, you'll need to provide evidence that you are eligible for a permanent residence visa and answer any questions the visa officer may have about your application.
At the end of the interview, the visa officer will make a decision on your PR Visa application. Your decision could be one of three outcomes:
Approved – if approved, you will get a letter in the mail that outlines when and how you should arrive in Canada as a Permanent Resident.
Refused – if refused, you will receive a letter in the mail that outlines why your application was denied and what steps you can take if you wish to appeal your decision.
Put on hold – if put on hold, it means that the visa officer needs more time to review your application before they make their final decision. In this case, they may request additional documents or further clarification before making their final decision.
No matter what outcome is reached at the end of your interview, it's important to remember that applying for a Canada Permanent Residence Visa can be a long process but with proper preparation and understanding of requirements it can be done successfully!
In conclusion, the Canadian permanent residence visa application process is complex, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. With the right guidance and resources, you can maximize your chances of success and make your Canadian visa journey easier.
By taking the time to research, consult experts, and prepare all the necessary documents, you can put yourself in the best position to obtain your Canadian PR visa. Though the process may be lengthy, the outcome could be life-changing and worth the effort.
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punk-pins · 1 year
had a really bizarre experience today. cw political conspiracy theories and the racism/antisemitism/islamophobia that entails + homophobia/transphobia. long post, kind of rambling, it’s almost 3am, might delete later.
long story short I was in a situation where I was in a gathering of 4 adult (40s-60s), white, moderately wealthy trump republicans. one of which was my father, a woman who is an acquaintance of my father, and the other two were a couple. my father is a trump republican from the economically conservative side– he’s not on twitter, he like watching the stock market ticker on fox news, he likes the idea of trump as a political outsider. (our relationship is strained for it, and we avoid discussing it.) the woman was a trump republican from the side of so-called culture war– she expresses her views online, she thinks the american youth are devolved from her generation, her husband is a retired police officer so she has a lot of opinions about racism in america.
so obviously this group got to talking politics. this was not a conversation I wanted to participate in, but they were adamant they wanted my participation in it, and I wasn’t in a place where I could leave or refuse without causing larger issues. I was calm, I was safe enough to disclose my views come from being a lesbian, and in general I tried to respond as neutrally as possible.
the woman in particular told me directly, multiple times, how I only hold my opinions because I’ve been indoctrinated. she said “indoctrinated” so many times, it was just absolutely bizarre to say that to someone’s face. she repeatedly interjected that she wanted me to feel safe to share my opinions with her, that she didn’t want me to feel ganged up on, while insisting I wasn’t at fault for anything I said because I was indoctrinated.
in this conversation, I was asked if I believed in the “lgbtqia,” because “there are gay people who don’t believe in it, you don’t have to join,” as if it’s an organization. someone offhandedly mentioned “the transsexual issue.” they discussed a conspiracy theory that obama could have destroyed all racism in america in 2008, but instead allowed an islamic brotherhood to come into the white house take over all foreign policy. that obama still controls the current biden administration as a puppet master. they held a firm belief that the younger generation dislikes capitalism from pure laziness and entitlement.
when I said a lot of younger people don’t see themselves settling into economically conservative views with age because they don’t see the opportunities to gain wealth afforded to previous generations, the couple proudly told me about how they earned everything they had by working through college and getting good jobs. in the same breath, they also told me their daughter (my age) had never worked a day because of her indoctrination, and will be graduating college with what’s basically a mortgage in debt. I said exactly, you were able to pay your way through college and enter the workforce, but that’s impossible for your daughter to do because of increased cost + stagnating wages, plus her degree is now a requirement for entry level corporate work, not a bonus, so she will have a harder time accumulating wealth. they laughed it off because they’re convinced the situation is a moral failing on their daughter’s part, and doesn’t reflect on american economics or their parenting at all.
when it came to gay indoctrination in schools, I said well a hundred years ago left handed students were beaten for not using their right hand, and so all students were right handed. a decrease in anti-gay violence allows more students to express and experiment with how they want to be. it’s not that there’s an explosion of gay people since you were in school, they just weren’t safe to come out before. that bit sort of got through a little, but they were insistent that are “new identities” being pushed onto kids, and how could anyone ever want to be anything but straight? I would’ve lost my shit if we really got into it on these ones, but thankfully the topics shifted.
it was just one bizarre “why would you ever say this to another person in real life?” moment after the next. like are you willfully stupid or do you actually think your generation solved all problems in the world when you decided to settle down, and now everything else is extraneous nonsense made to make you look bad? do you really think your sheltered opinions matter on intercommunity issues? do you not understand how insane and rude and entitled you sound? I never expected or desired to change any of these people’s minds on anything, I was just trying to get through the interaction walking the tightrope of asserting myself so I wouldn’t hate myself after and not devolving into argument that would be counterproductive to the bigger situation going on.
the interesting thing is though, my dad didn’t say a word throughout the entire discussion. I know he agreed with them on a lot of points, but he never spoke against them, or to defend me from pointed comments made towards me. and after, when he was apologizing that it got political, he said he didn’t say anything because he was hoping they would stop. he didn’t try to change the topic, he didn’t speak up for me, he just let it happen, and apologized that it “wasn’t a safe space” for me after. and I think that’s really telling about trump republicans in general. his disapproval was entirely silent because he was not willing to speak against the others on any particular point, even the insane shit, even when it was hurting someone he loved directly in front of him, because that would destroy his credibility in the eyes of the other trump republicans. it really is a fascist fucking movement.
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xicoindia · 21 hours
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IRCC issues 4,000 ITAs to Canadian Experience Class candidates in latest Express Entry draw
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gfhgfhbbv · 2 days
How Do I Know if I’m Eligible for an Immigration Visa?
Immigrating to a new country is an exciting but complex process. One of the first questions prospective immigrants often ask is, "How do I know if I’m eligible for an immigration visa?" Each country has its own visa requirements, and understanding whether you qualify depends on a variety of factors including your background, employment status, skills, family ties, and the specific immigration category you’re applying under. In this guide, we’ll break down the steps and criteria for determining if you're eligible for an immigration visa.
1. Understand the Different Types of Immigration Visas
Before diving into eligibility criteria, it’s important to understand that there are different types of immigration visas. The main categories often include:
Family-based visas: These are for individuals who have close family members (such as spouses, children, or parents) who are citizens or permanent residents of the country.
Employment-based visas: These visas are typically for individuals with job offers or highly skilled workers in fields that are in demand.
Student visas: Students who have been accepted into educational institutions may be eligible for student visas.
Investor and entrepreneur visas: If you plan to invest a significant amount of money into a country’s economy or start a business, you may qualify for a visa under this category.
Diversity visa lottery (DV lottery): Some countries, such as the United States, offer a lottery system where individuals from underrepresented countries can apply for permanent residency.
Understanding which category best fits your situation is the first step in determining your eligibility for an immigration visa.
2. Research Country-Specific Eligibility Requirements
Each country has its own immigration policies and visa eligibility criteria. For example:
United States: In the U.S., family-based visas require you to have a qualifying relationship with a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Employment-based visas often require sponsorship from a U.S. employer and proof that you possess specialized skills or experience. Investor visas, like the EB-5, require a substantial financial investment in a U.S. business.
Canada: Canada offers various immigration pathways, including Express Entry for skilled workers, family sponsorship programs, and provincial nomination programs (PNP). Each pathway has its own set of requirements, such as language proficiency, work experience, and educational qualifications.
Australia: In Australia, the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program allows skilled workers to move if they meet the points-based assessment criteria. Points are awarded based on age, English language ability, work experience, and education. Family sponsorships are also available for those with Australian relatives.
It’s important to thoroughly research the immigration policies of the country you’re interested in to ensure you meet the specific eligibility requirements.
3. Evaluate Your Education and Skills
If you’re applying for an employment-based or skilled worker visa, your education, work experience, and skills will be critical factors in determining your eligibility. Many countries prioritize immigrants who can fill labor shortages or contribute specialized skills to their workforce.
For example, Canada’s Express Entry system uses the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to score applicants based on their language proficiency, education, work experience, and other factors. Similarly, Australia’s points-based system evaluates your qualifications and assigns points that determine whether you meet the threshold for a visa.
To improve your chances, consider having your foreign qualifications assessed to ensure they meet the country’s standards. Some countries also require proficiency in the local language, such as English for Canada, Australia, and the U.S., or French for Quebec (Canada).
4. Check Your Family Sponsorship Options
Family-based immigration is a common pathway for many people. If you have close family members who are citizens or permanent residents of the country you want to move to, they may be able to sponsor you for an immigration visa.
For instance, in the U.S., immediate relatives such as spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens can apply for family-based immigration visas without waiting for visa availability, while other family categories might face waiting periods based on annual limits. In Canada, the family sponsorship program allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children.
To determine your eligibility, you’ll need to provide proof of your relationship, such as marriage certificates or birth certificates. You may also be required to demonstrate that the sponsoring family member meets specific financial requirements to support you.
5. Determine If You Meet Financial Requirements
Financial stability is another key factor in visa eligibility. Many immigration systems require applicants to demonstrate that they have the financial means to support themselves and their dependents while living in the new country. For example:
In the U.S., family sponsors must show that they meet certain income thresholds, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. If the sponsor’s income isn’t sufficient, a co-sponsor may be required.
Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) require proof of settlement funds to ensure that immigrants can support themselves during their initial stay in the country.
If you're applying for an investor visa, makeowntrips will be much higher. Countries like the U.S. (EB-5 visa) and Portugal (Golden Visa) require a minimum investment in specific types of businesses or real estate. Ensure that you meet the financial threshold before applying.
6. Pass Health and Background Checks
Most immigration processes require you to pass health and security checks to ensure that you’re not a threat to the public or national security. This typically includes:
Medical examination: Applicants must undergo a medical exam to confirm they don’t have any contagious diseases or conditions that would pose a public health risk or require extensive medical treatment.
Background check: Immigration authorities will check your criminal record to ensure you don’t have any convictions that would make you inadmissible. Some countries are more lenient about minor offenses, while others may deny visas for more serious crimes.
These checks are critical for visa eligibility and can result in visa denial if you fail to meet the health or character requirements.
7. Consult an Immigration Attorney or Specialist
The immigration process can be daunting, and each case is unique. Consulting with an immigration attorney or specialist is often a good idea, especially if you’re unsure about your eligibility or have a complicated case. Immigration professionals can provide personalized advice, help with paperwork, and guide you through the application process to improve your chances of success.
Immigrating to a new country is an exciting but complex process. One of the first questions prospective immigrants often ask is, "How do I know if I’m eligible for an immigration visa?" Each country has its own visa requirements, and understanding whether you qualify depends on a variety of factors including your background, employment status, skills, family ties, and the specific immigration category you’re applying under. In this guide, we’ll break down the steps and criteria for determining if you're eligible for an immigration visa.
1. Understand the Different Types of Immigration Visas
Before diving into eligibility criteria, it’s important to understand that there are different types of immigration visas. The main categories often include:
Family-based visas: These are for individuals who have close family members (such as spouses, children, or parents) who are citizens or permanent residents of the country.
Employment-based visas: These visas are typically for individuals with job offers or highly skilled workers in fields that are in demand.
Student visas: Students who have been accepted into educational institutions may be eligible for student visas.
Investor and entrepreneur visas: If you plan to invest a significant amount of money into a country’s economy or start a business, you may qualify for a visa under this category.
Diversity visa lottery (DV lottery): Some countries, such as the United States, offer a lottery system where individuals from underrepresented countries can apply for permanent residency.
Understanding which category best fits your situation is the first step in determining your eligibility for an immigration visa.
2. Research Country-Specific Eligibility Requirements
Each country has its own immigration policies and visa eligibility criteria. For example:
United States: In the U.S., family-based visas require you to have a qualifying relationship with a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Employment-based visas often require sponsorship from a U.S. employer and proof that you possess specialized skills or experience. Investor visas, like the EB-5, require a substantial financial investment in a U.S. business.
Canada: Canada offers various immigration pathways, including Express Entry for skilled workers, family sponsorship programs, and provincial nomination programs (PNP). Each pathway has its own set of requirements, such as language proficiency, work experience, and educational qualifications.
Australia: In Australia, the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program allows skilled workers to move if they meet the points-based assessment criteria. Points are awarded based on age, English language ability, work experience, and education. Family sponsorships are also available for those with Australian relatives.
It’s important to thoroughly research the immigration policies of the country you’re interested in to ensure you meet the specific eligibility requirements.
3. Evaluate Your Education and Skills
If you’re applying for an employment-based or skilled worker visa, your education, work experience, and skills will be critical factors in determining your eligibility. Many countries prioritize immigrants who can fill labor shortages or contribute specialized skills to their workforce.
For example, Canada’s Express Entry system uses the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to score applicants based on their language proficiency, education, work experience, and other factors. Similarly, Australia’s points-based system evaluates your qualifications and assigns points that determine whether you meet the threshold for a visa.
To improve your chances, consider having your foreign qualifications assessed to ensure they meet the country’s standards. Some countries also require proficiency in the local language, such as English for Canada, Australia, and the U.S., or French for Quebec (Canada).
4. Check Your Family Sponsorship Options
Family-based immigration is a common pathway for many people. If you have close family members who are citizens or permanent residents of the country you want to move to, they may be able to sponsor you for an immigration visa.
For instance, in the U.S., immediate relatives such as spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens can apply for family-based immigration visas without waiting for visa availability, while other family categories might face waiting periods based on annual limits. In Canada, the family sponsorship program allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children.
To determine your eligibility, you’ll need to provide proof of your relationship, such as marriage certificates or birth certificates. You may also be required to demonstrate that the sponsoring family member meets specific financial requirements to support you.
5. Determine If You Meet Financial Requirements
Financial stability is another key factor in visa eligibility. Many immigration systems require applicants to demonstrate that they have the financial means to support themselves and their dependents while living in the new country. For example:
In the U.S., family sponsors must show that they meet certain income thresholds, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. If the sponsor’s income isn’t sufficient, a co-sponsor may be required.
Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) require proof of settlement funds to ensure that immigrants can support themselves during their initial stay in the country.
If you're applying for an investor visa, makeowntrips will be much higher. Countries like the U.S. (EB-5 visa) and Portugal (Golden Visa) require a minimum investment in specific types of businesses or real estate. Ensure that you meet the financial threshold before applying.
6. Pass Health and Background Checks
Most immigration processes require you to pass health and security checks to ensure that you’re not a threat to the public or national security. This typically includes:
Medical examination: Applicants must undergo a medical exam to confirm they don’t have any contagious diseases or conditions that would pose a public health risk or require extensive medical treatment.
Background check: Immigration authorities will check your criminal record to ensure you don’t have any convictions that would make you inadmissible. Some countries are more lenient about minor offenses, while others may deny visas for more serious crimes.
These checks are critical for visa eligibility and can result in visa denial if you fail to meet the health or character requirements.
7. Consult an Immigration Attorney or Specialist
The immigration process can be daunting, and each case is unique. Consulting with an immigration attorney or specialist is often a good idea, especially if you’re unsure about your eligibility or have a complicated case. Immigration professionals can provide personalized advice, help with paperwork, and guide you through the application process to improve your chances of success.
Determining whether you’re eligible for an immigration visa involves understanding the type of visa you’re applying for, researching country-specific requirements, evaluating your qualifications, and ensuring that you meet financial and health criteria. By taking the time to review these factors and consulting with immigration professionals when needed, you can confidently navigate the process and increase your chances of obtaining an immigration visa.
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tcw-immigration · 4 days
Guide to Canada Work Permit with Expert Immigration Support
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A Canada Work Permit is an essential pathway for foreign nationals to gain valuable work experience in Canada, often leading to opportunities for Canada PR (Permanent Residency). Canada’s strong economy, diverse job market, and welcoming immigration policies make it a top destination for skilled workers worldwide.
Types of Work Permits for Canada Immigration
1. Employer-Specific Work Permit: This type of permit binds you to a specific employer. To qualify, you generally need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), proving that no Canadian worker is available for the job.
2. Open Work Permit: Unlike the employer-specific permit, an Open Work Permit allows you to work for almost any employer in Canada without requiring an LMIA. This is popular for international students, recent graduates under the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), or spouses of temporary foreign workers.
Benefits of a Canada Work Permit
- Gain Canadian Work Experience: Work experience in Canada significantly boosts your eligibility for Canada PR through immigration pathways like Express Entry and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).
- Pathway to Permanent Residency: Many individuals who enter Canada on a work permit transition to PR through programs like the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and Express Entry. 
Canada PR Through Work Experience
Gaining work experience on a Canada Work Permit can make you eligible for permanent residency via the Express Entry system. The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is particularly designed for workers who have at least one year of skilled work experience in Canada. This increases your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, boosting your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for PR.
Steps to Apply for a Canada Work Permit
1. Job Offer: Secure a valid job offer from a Canadian employer.
2. LMIA: In most cases, your employer must obtain an LMIA, demonstrating that no Canadian worker is available to fill the position.
3. Apply for Work Permit: Submit your application online or on paper to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
4. Supporting Documents: Prepare documents like the job offer, LMIA (if required), proof of qualifications, and work experience.
5. Processing Time: Varies by country but typically takes several weeks to months.
Why Consult the Best Immigration Consultants in India?
Navigating the complexities of Canada Immigration can be challenging. Consulting with the best immigration consultants in India ensures that your work permit or PR application is handled with the highest level of professionalism, transparency, and accuracy. Certified immigration consultants help with:
- Proper documentation and legal compliance.
- Guidance on choosing the best immigration pathway.
- Assistance with obtaining LMIA and PR applications.
Talent Connected Worldwide is one of the best immigration consultants in India, authorized by the CICC/ICCRC to provide legitimate and transparent immigration services. They specialize in securing work permits, Canada PR, student visas, and more, making your Canadian immigration journey smoother and faster.
By securing a work permit and gaining Canadian work experience, you’re setting the stage for a successful Canada PR application, unlocking new career and life opportunities.
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fastrepaircaree · 16 days
Why Canada is a Leading Destination for Job Seekers
Canada is a top destination for job seekers worldwide due to its thriving economy, quality of life, and diverse opportunities. Whether you're a local resident or an international applicant, finding jobs in Canada can open doors to a rewarding career. In this article, we will explore the job market, opportunities in various sectors, and tips to land your ideal job in Canada.
## Why Choose Canada for Employment?
Canada is known for its strong and stable economy, making it a prime location for professionals seeking job opportunities. The country offers a high standard of living, social benefits, and an inclusive environment that values diversity. These factors make jobs in Canada appealing to individuals from various backgrounds and skill levels.
## Popular Job Sectors in Canada
Canada’s job market is vast, with opportunities available across different sectors. Some of the most popular and in-demand sectors include:
### 1. Technology and IT
Canada’s tech industry is booming, with major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal emerging as tech hubs. Jobs in Canada’s technology sector range from software development to IT support, making it an attractive option for tech-savvy professionals.
### 2. Healthcare
The healthcare sector in Canada is another area with significant job growth. Due to the country’s aging population, there is a constant demand for healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and personal support workers. Jobs in Canada’s healthcare sector offer excellent salaries and benefits.
### 3. Construction and Trades
The construction industry in Canada is thriving due to ongoing infrastructure projects and housing developments. Skilled tradespeople such as electricians, carpenters, and plumbers are in high demand. Finding jobs in Canada’s construction sector can provide stable and long-term employment.
### 4. Finance and Business
The financial and business sectors offer various job opportunities, especially in large cities like Toronto and Calgary. Roles in banking, accounting, and business management are readily available, with many companies looking for experienced professionals.
### 5. Education
Teaching jobs in Canada are also highly sought after, particularly in areas such as early childhood education and special education. Schools and universities across the country regularly hire teachers, administrators, and academic professionals to meet the growing demand.
## How to Find Jobs in Canada
There are several ways to search for jobs in Canada, and utilizing the right resources can help streamline the process. Here are some steps to follow:
### 1. Use Job Search Websites
Online job search websites are a great place to start your hunt for jobs in Canada. Websites like **Indeed**, **LinkedIn**, and **Workopolis** offer listings for various job categories across the country. You can search by location, job type, and sector.
### 2. Networking
Networking is key to finding jobs in Canada, especially for international applicants. Attend career fairs, industry conferences, and professional events to connect with potential employers. Building relationships can often lead to job offers or referrals.
### 3. Consult Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment agencies in Canada specialize in matching job seekers with potential employers. They can assist you in finding jobs in Canada that align with your skills and experience. It’s a helpful resource for both locals and foreign workers.
### 4. Obtain the Necessary Work Permits
For international job seekers, securing the right work permit is essential for working in Canada. You may need to apply for a temporary work visa or go through programs like the **Express Entry** system for skilled workers. Research the requirements and start the process early to avoid delays.
## Tips for International Applicants
If you’re an international candidate seeking jobs in Canada, there are several factors to consider. First, ensure that your qualifications and work experience meet Canadian standards. It’s also a good idea to improve your English or French language skills, as these are essential for many jobs in Canada.
Additionally, understanding the Canadian workplace culture is crucial for success. The work environment is generally professional yet collaborative, so being adaptable and open-minded will help you fit in with local teams.
## Conclusion
The job market in Canada offers a wide range of opportunities for both local residents and international applicants. From technology and healthcare to construction and education, jobs in Canada are abundant across various sectors. By utilizing job search websites, networking, and obtaining the necessary work permits, you can land your dream job in Canada and enjoy a fulfilling career.
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