#ford: we are DEFINITELY not married
billford-dump · 1 year
For the "Bill Retires To Night Vale" AU:
"Listeners, I'm not sure what kind of relationship Bill and his scientist boyfriend have, but in my professional opinion they really need to communicate better. Avoidance isn't the answer. Carlos and I-"
The phone rings in the background.
"Oh, sorry listeners, I'm getting a call- It's from Bill! Let me just answer that... mhm... yep.... alright, got it. Correction listeners, Bill's scientist husband-"
The phone rings again.
"Oh, it's Carlos! Carlos, have you heard about- oh, it's not Carlos. Listeners, Bill's six-fingered scientist husband has called me using Carlos' phone! I- Oh..... Uh-huh.... My condolences."
"Listeners, I regret to inform you that Bill and the six-fingered man are divorced."
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abyssalzones · 27 days
Do you have any headcanons about Tate or Emma-May Dixon?
I have to admit I haven't thought about them as much as characters as I have in terms of their relation to fiddleford or ford's accidental homewrecking of the entire mcgucket-dixon family. I also keep changing my damn mind on things which doesn't help (so literally just ignore anything I've said before this point). but here's a couple:
emma-may was another student attending backupsmore, specifically a genetics major interested in medical research.
tate was a test tube baby
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mallleus · 29 days
I totally see Stan with a Hispanic wife/husband/spouse. It just fits ya know?
Constantly has red lipstick somewhere on him
He brings home a pumpkin for Halloween one day and spouse turns it into a soup
“ it’s so hot, doll face, what’s on the menu?” “ Caldo de Pollo” dies a little inside, Soos appreciates the homemade food
He thought he’d be funny when he swapped their plate with his unaware they gave him a mild serving of chorizos and he had to chug a gallon of milk because they went scorched earth on their with hot sauce
Likes the homemade fruit popsicles
Uses mythology/scary stories from their country as inspiration for attractions in mystery shack “ and here we have the illusive La YA-rona” ( he tries his best but he can’t pronounce most words)
He was in a Colombian prison he speaks Spanish to an extent but learns more living with his partner
Dipper and Mabel are not immune to eating caldo de pollo on 172738949272 Fahrenheit degree weather btw
You are their Tia/Tio (y/n)
The oven is extra storage to you and he doesn’t understand why you need all those pots and pans
He got sick once and you gave him ginger ale, Vic’s vapor rub, Tylenol, the tiger blanket, and sent him to bed. (Told him the next day he got sick cuz he went to bed with his hair wet)
When mad at him you scold him in FAST PACE NATIVE SPANISH and he’s like that’s hot but also slightly intimidated because it sounds so mean
Wendy asks to learn the cuss words
You did the egg thing on Stan and it immediately turned black and there was silence for a good 5 minutes while you both stared at just how black the yolk was
Family cookout! autism be damned, Ford can work the grill
Watching tele novelas with subtitles for Stan, despite not understanding what’s being said he still cries
If you HC as reader being with Stan BEFORE the portal incident then, reader definitely calls Ford Cabron in passing (Stan’s ride or die fr) (Fords got like 12 phds, he’s gotta know a couple languages, he knows what you’re saying just not why)
If you HC being with Stan AFTER then they’re like ok whatever but I am distrustful of you (also probably married to StanFORD so you’re gonna have to divorce him to marry StanLEY. Congrats on that)
Calling Stan, mi Amor
Calling Dipper pequeño and Mabel Chiquita
I wrote this for me but if you want more let me know
Part 2 Part 3
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dduane · 3 months
Do you have a favourite (or top favourite list) of Star Trek novels? Yours, or others? I’ve been really enjoying the Trek novels I picked up that you’ve written!
(Apologies if this is an incendiary question in any way)
Not incendiary at all.
I'm fond of just about everything of Peter David's. (We refer to him around here as "The Other Husband," because a lot of people who know I'm married to someone named Peter have, as my mother used to say, "jumped to concussions" and assumed the Peter in question must be Peter David. Fortunately Kathleen finds this as funny as we do.) :) ...Of all his Trek novels, I liked Q-In-Law best, though Imzadi comes in a close second.
I think no one will beat me up too much if I also point at @petermorwood's Rules of Engagement as definitely worth reading. Also: anything by Vonda McIntyre and Annie Crispin.
But tops in my books—and I think probably the most gifted of all Star Trek novelists—is John M. Ford. The Final Reflection and How Much For Just The Planet? are both fabulous (and not just because @neil-gaiman and Peter and I are in one of them). Mike was one of the very best of us, and we were lucky to have him working at the Trek end of things.
Anyway, hope this is of some help!
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r0se1111 · 10 days
Can't stop thinking about being Ford's assistant and you're there when Stan shows up and the portal mess happens... you just lost your best friend, and sure his brother might be a bit weird but dammit you are not leaving this weird little town until Ford is back! So you and Stan work together and live together trying to get him back... you eventually agree with his whole "Mystery Shack" business and fall into a sort of strange but comfortable domesticity.
You teach him about interdimensional physics and quantum engineering, and he teaches you how to be a better liar and how to mark up prices just enough that people don't complain. The two of you get greasy meals at midnight in grimy 24/7 diners after hours of trying to decipher Ford's journals... you take long car rides listening to the fuzzy radio... you watch shitty TV together and who really minds if his arm finds its way around your shoulder, or if his hand wanders a little too close to your thigh to be considered platonic. It's really not a big deal you tell yourself, if you find his over-the-top 'Mr. Mystery' act more endearing than annoying, and if the wall between your two rooms seems a bit too thick some nights.
And well, it's just natural that you two get married a few years down the line because "Mr. Mystery needs a Mrs. Mystery... just think of all the merchandise we could sell!" and if Stan blushes when he sees you in your thrifted white dress on the way to the local courthouse- well he's never seen me dressed up, that's all- and if the rings you exchange are definitely more than you two can really afford but no less meaningful, you don't blink an eye.
It's not until 30 years later and the twins have come into your life, between Mabel's puppies-and-rainbows attitude towards love, more specifically the love she swears to see between you and Stan, as well as watching the man bond in an almost fatherly way to Dipper (who reminds you so much of Ford it hurts sometimes) that you begin to reevaluate your guys' relationship. The little touches, the playful flirting, the hours spent in each other's company. What once was a marriage of convenience, a relationship which you could swear was just two good friends, now is subject to your critical review as you shakily realize. Shit. I'm in love.
Before you can figure out how to tell your husband of 30 years you're in love with him, ta-da Ford is back! He's shocked to find that his brash brother and quiet assistant are now married, and after watching your interactions for a few days assumes it is a marriage of love. It's not until you ramble to him in a panic that you "have feelings for Stan and probably have since you'd first met him but we only got married for practicality and he probably doesn't see me like that and we just flirt for fun and he's your brother what do I do??"that Ford sighs heavily and in true annoying brother fashion, forces the two of you to confront each other.
I bet you didn't see this coming reader, but ofc Stan returns your feelings with a sort of blinking awe. He's torn between a sort of excited "I've still got it" and a sheepish "It took us 30 years of MARRIAGE to realize we like-like each other Jesus Christ..." But your relationship had already been so couple-y that the two of you adjust easily.
ALSO also... since Stan faked his death and took Ford's identity technically you're married to Ford... he very graciously divorces you (sorry Ford girlies... it's just for this imagine </3) and you and Stan have an Actual Wedding where you two are Officially In Love. Same little courthouse, same too-expensive rings, but different because now you are surrounded by family and friends as you happily enter officially married life. Sigh... idiots in love <3
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sillyjpeg · 1 month
this contains MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE WEBSITE CHANGE. if you want to find shit urself, dont read this!!!
also this is part one of probably many bc i cant fit everything in here. curse you image limit
i wont be going over alot of the not as important stuff, but still go explore the website for it because i got alot of good laughs!
RIGHT OFF THE BAT. In the top right corner of the screen when the lightning flashes, there are words revealed carved in the wall. it reads: VALLIS CINERIS. when this is typed into the computer it gives this video:
haunting. really giving me analog horror vibes. wasnt sure what else to do with this though.
I also noticed that on the candle in the right side of the desk, there is a code
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this is decoded used the rune code, and translates into CURSED. when put into the computer, this is what is given back:
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One of the first things me and my friends did was go through the main characters names. the most interesting one of these for me is definitely Stanley, but i want to go over Pacifica first because Stanleys is LONG.
When you type in Pacifica you get this:
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I love her signature btw. BUT if you type in Platinum Paz, you get somethin very, very interesting.
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This may not be in the right order so forgive me, but at the end of that code, if you use a shift decoder (im so smart sue me)
pacificas character development has always been special to me, and this was honestly chilling. in the book of bill we see that she has nightmares about the lumberjack, and this shows how much guilt she carries. her finally finding her peace with what happened made me smile :)
but as nice and heartwarming as this is, were moving on to STANLEY PINES! and oh BOY are the stanley lovers having a field day. so first of all, if you type in Stanley, it will take you to a few different links. including gold chains, brass knuckles, an 8 ball cane, a fez, and a colonel neck tie. funny right? if you keep entering his name, this pops up:
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Below this is a bunch of things with the label of being shameful. one of them is very interesting but im gonna put some lighter stuff first for the sillies.
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i need alex to show us the photos from the hunky drifters catalogue alex can you hear me please i mean WHO SAID THATTTT WHO SAID THATTTTTT
ALSO NO ONE COMING TO HIS FAKE FUNERAL EXCEPT HIS MOM :( she loved her little free spirit stanley
ALSO- him stripping for flour in Tijuana, again, i need photographic evidence.
his ex wives list also made me giggle. he was MARRIED TO OLD GOLDIE????? also Marilyn being Eda made me giggle, i love the fact that they got married at some point. get them back together please. also stan having smaller hands than ford and being self-conscious about it stan i love you mwah mwah mwah
anyways now onto the section at the bottom of the Wheel of Shame page!
Its titled : HOW HE BEAT ME. im not adding a photo bc ur guy is running out of room :(
you have to click on this repeatedly to get anything good out of it, so i took the liberty of milking it for all it had!!! i didnt take screenshots of everything because some of it was redundant, but here are the interesting and or funny bits:
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just reiterating, this is not all thats in there, im just putting parts that stood out to me. please take the time to go through all this urself bc its a TREAT.
now into the crazier stuff
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hes obviously having some sort of breakdown, just like we see at the end of the book of bill. the last page i decoded myself, and i got this using all the different decoders:
for "LQS SFSE CN" i used the original bill cipher code, and im not sure why it gave me this. a smarter, better decoder probably has the answer.
i can theorize a few different things on what this could possibly mean even with it not being all decoded. the one that comes to mind is "I can still see through everyone ive ever met" maybe knowing too much? but without the middle part decoded i cant say much. if you have the solution for this please leave a comment as any help would be greatly appreciated. this all did drop a few hours ago so i doubt many people are working on decoding all this.
this makes alot more sense. bill can see through others eyes so it most likely is refering too how he possesses people and sees through their eyes. In the book of bill he shows how angry he is having to watch the Pines family be happy.
It says that when he closes his eye, he can still see through the eyes of everyone hes ever…possesed? probably. So can Bill still see through Ford, or maybe Dipper, and he cant turn it off. Whenever he closes his eyes he is haunted by the happy life he failed to destroy. To see through their eyes.
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This poem using gambling as a way to describe Stan's life choices really struck me. the more i thought on it the more it made sense. he gambled that Ford's project would probably still work, gambled with all of his sham products. His entire life has been a betting game. The most interesting thing about all this is the end of the poem. It reads
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this has been a theory for awhile in the gravity falls community that if stan got back all his memories, including ones about bill, wouldnt bill come back? for me this confirms the theory, and opens up a whole new can of worms which i will talk about later.
I have reached my image and video limit, but expect more posts!
stay weird yall :)
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Hey love ! Hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 🩷
Could you please do a Tommy X reader where the reader works for him ( it could be his maid or secretary) and someone says something mean to them and they feel so humiliated that they leave. At first Tommy doesn’t know what happened until someone tells him and he goes ballistic and ends up defending her then they end up together 🩷 it could be angst to fluff please :) thank you so much
Sorry for any mistake !! English is not my first language
Hey lovelie! Thank you so much for your ask, I can definitely do that for you!. Hope you guys enjoy.
This fic will be based around season three, this means that Tommy and grace do not get married, in this she had Charles then left Tommy. Also, in this Lizzie is a bitch but its only for the purpose in the fic x.
Summery: request above
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Word count: 2,321
When you were twenty, you had graduated from bed-ford college, which was very uncommon since not many people could read or write, but luckily your mother learnt you from a young age how to both which allowed you to complete your studies.
However, this meant that when people found out you were from London and had gone to one of the most prestigious colleges for young women, you were judged. Most people thought you were a privileged woman from a rich family. Unknownst to anyone but yourself, you aren't. You lived in a one bedroom apartment with your mother and two younger sisters. Your father had left your mother ,after your youngest sister was born, for a younger woman.
As you grew up, your mother had become ill, she had began to suffer from Melancholia, as her doctor described it. She never recovered from it and died when you had moved back home after graduating. When your mother died, your young sisters were left in your care and you decided you wanted to leave London and find somewhere else for your sisters to grow up. After nearly four years, you found your current home, Birmingham.
You loved your job, all you had to do was respond to letters for Tommy, make sure his schedule was up to date, make sure there weren’t any over laps and make meetings on his behalf. The only bad part of the job was sharing the room with tommys other secretary, Lizzie stark. At first, when she had started working two weeks after you started. She was nice, you spoke everyday, had lunch together whilst on break but once you started to get closer to Tommy she began to change.
At the beginning, you pretended not to notice, thinking maybe she was just having a bad day but every time you went into tommys office without knocking or every time Tommy comes in work, he stops to speak to you and asks you how your weekends been and how you sisters are, Lizzie would grumble under her breath and when you weren't looking would steal the paperwork Tommy gave you to sort out so she could do it and claim you weren't.
Today was one of the days that Lizzie was being extremely bitchy, it was a Friday afternoon which meant Tommy wasn't in the office most of the day. He was either at a meeting or in the betting shop. This left you and Lizzie alone.
You had just gone into tommys office to put the paperwork Tommy needed on his desk when Lizzie walks in as well.
“ Tommy has a lot of whores, one for each month, which one are you?”she sits down at the round oak table, getting out a cigarette then lights it.
You turn around to look at Lizzie and frowns, not understanding the purpose of this conversation “ what Mr Shelby does in his personal life is none of my business”
“don't act dumb, you know what i'm talking about Y/N” Lizzie spits, venom lacing her voice.
“ i don't think we should be having this conversation when Mr Shelby isn't here, its not appropriate” you asserted, picking up another pile of paperwork, being to walk back to the double doors that leads out to you desk and Lizzie.
The sound of scuffing catches your attention, making you stop walking and look towards Lizzie once again “ get off your high horse Y/N, this is Birmingham everyone is a whore, they don’t have money to act like they are better then everyone” Lizzie barked, pointing a finger at you.
Your heart begins to race, the blood running through your veins begin to rush to your face, causing your cheeks to begin to heat up, it was like someone had turned up your internal thermostat to the maximum and now your face is a shade of red that would make a tomato jealous.
“ i'm sorry if i offended you in some way, i did not intend too” you apologise, you knew you hadn't said anything offensive but you didn't like confrontation and you wanted to avoid yelling in any possible way.
Lizzie takes a drag of her cigarette “ you are so insufferable, i dont know how your family deals with you” she chuckles under her breath.
At the mention of your family, you take a shakey breath and turn away from lizzie “ i need to start this paperwork” . As soon as you sit back at your desk, you began to look through the paperwork but you couldn't concentrate. what Lizzie said to you runs laps in your head, making your chin begin to quiver as your eyes begin to fill with tears.
Unfortunately, at the same time polly walks through the main doors into the building, she walks over to you. Wiping under your eyes quickly,putting a smile on your face.
“ hello Polly, what can i do for you?” you ask softly, your voice breaking slightly as you try to hold in your emotions.
Polly raises an eyebrow and places her purse down on your desk, watching as Lizzie walks out of tommys office with a smirk on her face but as soon as she sees Polly, she quickly covers it with a smile.
“whats happened?” Polly asks, suspicion filling her words, looking between Lizzie and you.
“ nothing pol, just talking business” Lizzie puts on a smile and looks towards you, her eyes widening for a second to tell you not to say anything.
“yes, just business” you agree, nodding slightly.
Polly hums “ if you say so, anyway is Tommy free in the afternoon this week” she asks.
You grab his schedule from your draw and begins to look through this weeks page he's free Wednesday afternoon from two o'clock onwards” you grab your pen “would you like me to write you in for a meeting with him”
Polly smiles and grabs her purse again “ yes, thank you Y/N, your a doll” she kisses your cheek softly then leaves.
The visit from Polly, helped you distract yourself from the situation with Lizzie, you smile happily as you begin to write down the information bout polly's meeting in tommys schedule. As you begin to write in the book, the ink tub falls onto the page causing you to gasp.
You look up and see Lizzie standing in front of your desk, smirking. she lights another cigarette “opps, i guess you'll have to tell Tommy you ruined his book” she tuts, shaking her head.
Once again, your pulse begins to race, your heart starts to beat so incredibly loudly, louder then gunshots. Your hands shake as you begin to try and pat the ink with her handkerchief but it wasn't working.
“no,no,no” your eyes begin to well up with tears for the second time, in less them an hour. You look up at Lizzie, disbelief in your eyes.
“ why would you do that, this has all of Tommy's schedules” you ask astonished.
“ you don't belong here, I've known Tommy before you even were in Birmingham, i should be sat in your chair. Everyday i have to see you prim and proper, giggling at Tommy” Lizzie rants angrily.
Unknownst, to both of them. Polly was still behind the door listening to the conversation. she knew something was wrong so she wanted to listen in case they were hiding something.
Polly leaves the office, determined to find Tommy to tell him what she heard between his secretaries. however, she couldn't find him.
It had been a few hours since the incident, you were quiet s you write a letter to Tommy, you have decided to leave your position of head secretary, you couldn't cope with the daily taunting from Lizzie.
The sound of the door opening and close catches both of the women's attention, you stand up immediately when you see Tommy.
“ Mr Shelby, i need to speak with you if that's alright” you ask softly as you walk around your desk, to stand beside Tommy.
Tommy nods and lights the cigarette that was resting between his lips “ come through to my office miss Y/N” he gently places his hand on the small of your back as you begin to walk to his office with him.
As the door to his office closes, you didn't notice Lizzie watching you. Her eyes like daggers.
“please sit” Tommy nods to the chair by his desk as he sits in his own chair, slowly blowing out the smoke from his mouth. You gulp and nod, sitting down slowly on the cold brown leather seat. the coldness helping to cool down your skin.
“ I've been thinking for the past couple of weeks, and i didn't want to do this but its the best thing for me” you explain, nervously fiddling with the letter in your hands. Your hand shake as you give Tommy the letter “ i'm giving in my notice as Secretary, i will be leaving this company after we finish this conversation”
Tommy frowns, taking the letter gently “ may i ask why” he raises an eyebrow, looking towards your direction. you end up making eye contact for the first time during this conversation.
You smile slightly, your eyes showing that you were distressed “ no reason, i just feel ready to move on”
The next day
Tommy had organised a company/ family meeting, he had some business to talk about. Lizzie had to sit in the meeting since you use to but now you had left your position, no one else can do it.
Tommy had ordered two peaky blinders to watch your flat, wanting you to be protected since people knew you were associated with them.
The meeting had started nearly half an hour ago, however Polly just noticed Lizzie sitting at the table. She frowns “ Thomas, where is Y/N?”
Tommy sighs and leans against the wall, taking out his cigarette holder then opens it “Y/N has decided to move on with her career and no longer work for me” he announces.
Polly raises an eyebrow, glancing at Lizzie, seeing her smirk slightly “ have something to say Lizzie?” her voice full of bitter.
Lizzie shakes her head, no saying anything. Tommy nods and lights his cigarette “ Lizzie, by tomorrow afternoon i need an advert in the paper for a new head secretary” he explains.
Lizzie frowns “you're looking for someone else, i thought i would take that position” she admits.
Polly chuckles and shakes her head “ is that why you forced Y/N to leave? or is it because you want to fuck Thomas?” she quizzes.
Lizzie blushes slightly as Tommy raises an eyebrow and looks towards her.
“is that right Lizzie?” he asks, his eyes turning cold.
“ it wasn't fair Thomas, she came in and you gave her the job straight away without even knowing her” she snaps, putting down her pen. The room went quiet after lizzies confession.
“you were jealous of her so you made her feel bad about herself so much that she left her job? ey? are you fucking proud of yourself” his voice begins to rise as he speaks.
“it wasn't-” Lizzie begins to defend herself when Tommy interrupts her.
“ By the end of today, i want your desk cleared and you stuff gone, you're fired” he points to the door as he speaks, Polly smirking as she watches Lizzie stand up and rush out of the door. As soon as Lizzie left, a blinder rushes into the room.
“Tommy, shes leaving. we followed her to the train station. shes got bags and her sisters are with her as well” he states, catching his breath.
Tommy immediately grabs his coat and cap, rushing out of the betting shop.
At the train station
The sound of people yelling and rushing to and from trains fills your ears as you carry your bags, your sisters infront of her, walking towards the platform where your train back to London would arrive. The clunking and screeching of train engines makes you flinch slightly, you never get use to that sound.
Your train was due for another hour but you wanted to have enough time for your sisters to say goodbye to their friends before you went to the train station.
As you sat on the bench with your sisters, you didn’t hear Tommy calling your name since the platform was extremely loud. However, in the corner of your eye you see him walking over.
“ girls, stay here” you instruct, standing up.
You walk over to Tommy, looking up at him as you both stand infront of each other. However, you didn’t have time to say anything before Tommy kisses you. You didn’t know what to do at first but after a few seconds you felt your shoulders relax as you ease into the kiss.
Time slows, your lips felt like they were made to connect with each other. The feeling of Tommys hand on your cheek causes goosebumps to arrise on your skin. You had wanted his mouth on your for months, but now it’s happening, you want to savour the moment.
Your lips part softly, chasing tommys as he pulls away “ what was that for?” You whisper, biting your lip ever so softly.
“ I should have done it awhile ago” he whispers, stroking your cheek bone gently “ come back, I know what happened, lizzies gone” he explains, looking into his eyes. His pupils blown.
You smile, chuckling under your breath “ okay” you whisper, putting your hand over his.
Tommy brushes his pad of his thumb over your bottom lip. A silent harmony parts your lips as a soundless breath leaves your mouth. Your eye lids slide shut as Tommy leans in, brushing his lips across yours, feeling the coldness of his skin, like snowflakes trundling down from the sky. The soft pillow of your mouth gives Tommy the pressure that he longed for.
This is the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re so glad you survived.
A/N: hey guys, I don’t really like this one. It feels rushed and it’s unedited so there are a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Please do like and comment, I appreciate all of your support ❤️
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roosterforme · 1 year
Here's a fluffy blurb for the nonny with the new Bronco neighbor. May you enjoy every happiness in life.
Bradley looked at his wife laying next to him in bed. Her hand was resting on his chest, and her lip was a little bit puffy from being overworked by his mustache, but she was smiling softly, eyes closed and lashes brushing her cheeks. 
"I'm still shocked that you agreed to go out with me, let alone marry me," he muttered, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "I must have looked like an idiot that first day we met."
Your soft laughter left him grinning as you ran your fingers through his chest hair. "No, you didn't look like an idiot. You were sweet."
Another uhaul truck. The cute little rental house across the street from yours seemed to have a new tenant every other month. As soon as you took a freshly baked treat over to meet your new neighbor, it felt like they were moving out again. Maybe this one would stay longer?
"Sweet Lord," you muttered when you set eyes on him. He was tinkering around under the hood of his vintage Ford Bronco on the driveway next to the uhaul, and he looked up to smile at you as you parked in your own driveway. You wouldn't mind if this one stuck around longer.
When you climbed out of your car, his soft eyes were still looking your way, and you saw that he had a mustache too. Well, you didn't have any fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies for him, but you definitely wanted to get a closer look.
"Hi," he called out with a smile that just made him look even more handsome, and he waved the wrench in his right hand in greeting.
"Hi," you replied, walking toward the street, and he looked so happy that you were coming his way. You felt giddy inside, and somehow your feet got tangled up at the curb. 
"Oh, no," you gasped, falling as if in slow motion. Your palms hit the pavement first followed by your knees. And yeah, the scrapes hurt, but the sting of mortification washed over you just as fast. You wanted to disappear and reappear in your bed which you were never going to leave again after this. Because your hot new neighbor was rushing over to get to you as you scrambled to your feet.
"Are you okay?" he asked, skidding to a halt in the middle of the street. Why was he stopping in the middle of the street? You looked down at your hands as the small cuts started to bleed, and you just held your palms up for him to see like some sort of weirdo.
"I'm fine," you replied sheepishly. But he winced and started your way again as a car pulled down the street. 
He slipped his wrench into the pocket of his jeans and reached for your hands. His thumb stroked gently along your wrist, and then he glanced up at you. "Ouchie."
And you couldn't help but smile at his sweet expression of concern. "Yeah. Ouchie."
Then he blushed, probably realizing what he had said, but he didn't stop stroking your wrist. "If it makes you feel any better, I actually hit myself in the face with my wrench earlier while trying to change my oil."
You laughed at that. "You know... that does somehow make me feel a little bit better." 
"I'm Bradley," he said, giving your wrist a little squeeze.
You told him your name and then asked, "Do you like chocolate chip cookies?"
"I like all cookies," he replied easily.
"Perfect," you said softly. "I always make some for my new neighbors. Maybe after I get my hands cleaned up, I'll bake them for you."
Bradley nodded once, gently lacing his fingers with yours, but still careful not to bump your palm at all. "Want me to give you a hand?"
"No," Bradley disagreed. "I looked like an idiot. The first thing I said to you was 'Ouchie'. Who even says that?"
You laughed and rolled on top of him. "That wasn't the first thing you said. It was like the second or third. And you were so sweet, and I was already mesmerized by your mustache, so it didn't really even matter."
"And then I almost burned down your kitchen."
You pressed your lips together to try to stifle your laughter. "Okay, yes. That's true."
"And you still agreed to go out to dinner with me," he said, kissing the tip of your nose.
"I sure did. There's just something about you." You slid up a little further and kissed his lips as you whispered, "Ouchie."
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beauty-and-passion · 22 days
What can I say? I’ve always loved the canon ship in almost every fandom I was in.
Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the third part of my endless rambling about Bill Cipher, The Book of Bill and Gravity Falls in general. Now it’s time for the ship, so sit back and relax, because there is a lot to talk about here.
Yes, I was one of the people who shipped these two eight years ago. And I shipped them as soon as I finished watching the series, because… well, there was more than enough proof that something was going on between them.
Unfortunately, the mentality at the time was “Bill tries to kill Dipper as soon as he has the chance? True love. One trillion proofs that Ford and Bill have something going on? How dare you think that, you are a Bad Person™”.
And yes, I know I could’ve written one post years ago and tried to explain Billford back then but… it would’ve been so, so tiresome. Especially considering that pedophilia was a-okay, but Billford shippers were terrible people Because Yes.
But hey, times change, people change and TBOB gives us enough proofs even a blind person can see them. So. it’s finally time to extensively talk about this ship - this time, from Bill’s point of view.
(For the disclaimer and everything else, refer to the first post. And read the previous ones too, if you like! They will help you understand some things I take for granted here.)
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Billford has always been canon
The thing is: now as then, Billford has never been a ship about “and they ended up happily ever after”. There was never an intent to glorify abuse or to say that Bill and Ford had the healthiest relationship and everyone should have the same.
What was so captivating of this ship was the tragedy of it. The clearly evident infatuation. The obsession these two had for each other.
This is what pushed people (me included) to ship them: because it’s interesting. The dramatic possibilities, the angst, how deeply an obsession can go to the point you lose yourself to your partner… and yes, of course also the interesting images that can come up by imagining such different beings having something physical (if you’re not a coward and give Bill a human form). It’s not the typical fluff with a couple being lovey-dovey 24/7: it’s a lot more. There is a lot that can be explored. It’s wonderfully challenging, both on the writing plane and purely mentally.
… and yes, it's funny for crack and parodies. These two being cringe and pathetic or married and divorced at the same time is always funny.
Sure, at first we had just the show to support this ship. But oh boy, if there weren’t enough proofs already:
Ford’s house was filled to the brim with images, pictures and stuff of Bill. His goddamn windows are triangular-shaped. Not even the Vatican is filled with so many images of God - and I can assure you the windows are not Jesus-shaped.
Ford made a deal with Bill to be together “from now until the end of time”. Until the end of time. That’s basically a marriage, only even more extreme, because fuck death, we will be together until the last supernova evaporates. And before you ask: yes, it takes such a stupidly long amount of time, it’s bonkers. That’s real infatuation.
Ford consensually gave his body to Bill for possession. Just imagine the sheer trust you need to surrender your whole self to someone else. Not even a married couple can reach this level of trust. And definitely not “just friends”. Maybe BDSM couples can come a bit closer to what these two had.
As soon as Ford returned home after 30 years, Bill greeted him in a dream, called him “his old pal” and was all nice and friendly. No hard feelings, no reprimands, nothing but flattery and threats because, as we learned from TBOB, these two things go together in his head.
Bill asked Ford to join him 200 times more or less.
Bill gave Ford 200 nicknames more or less.
During Weirdmageddon, right after Ford tried to kill him with one of the things that could’ve destroyed him (the quantum destabilizer), Bill welcomed him with a smile, offered him a place among his freaks for the umpteenth time and, when Ford refused again, he turned him into his literal golden trophy wife and carried him around.
By comparison, when Preston Northwest offered his help, Bill shuffled the function of every hole in his face and ignored him completely right after.
Also: Ford tries to shoot me and fails by sheer luck? Please please please, be one of my freaks. Dipper tries to throw me a punch that will literally do nothing? Death. Bill doesn’t have double standards, nope nope.
To convince Ford to give him the equation, Bill’s first thought is to bring Ford into a private suite, serenade him and ask him to join him for… what? The 220th time?
When Ford refuses, Bill puts chains on him in the kinkiest possible way known to mankind, with an iconic image that screams of BDSM.
Somehow, all of this wasn’t enough. And so, we had Journal 3, in which:
Ford called Bill “his Muse”. Oh, my mistake: he called Bill “his blessed Muse”.
Literally lavishes Bill with compliments. So. Many. Compliments.
Says Bill will “seduce” you with never-ending flattery. Interesting verb choice here, Ford, are you sure there’s nothing else you want to tell us?
Ford named a constellation after his Muse.
Once he went through the portal, instead of hiding away forever and good luck finding him, Ford held a 30-years-old grudge and decided HE would’ve killed Bill, no one else. That’s not a simple obsession between friends.
But after all of this, something was still missing.
Until now, it was quite certain that Ford had a COLOSSAL obsession about Bill. The religious fervor, the sheer trust, the depth of his grudge all made it very clear that Bill carved a deeply rooted place in his heart and mind - a place he kept for most of Ford’s life.
But what about Bill? Did he even care about Ford?
We had no idea. Sure, he showed some kind of care: he gave Ford special treatment during Weirdmageddon and seemed to value him enough to offer him a place among his freaks multiple times.
But when did this care start? Was it just because he needed Ford? What about their pre-betrayal relationship? Did Bill even care before?
The most plausible explanation at the time was that pre-betrayal Bill was simply flattered by Ford’s lavish adoration. Maybe he liked the guy a bit (otherwise, why waste time with him?) and humored him in his fervor, but nothing more than that.
But then the betrayal happened and Ford switched from adoring him to opposing him. He actively ran away, found ways to keep Bill away from his mind and came back with the sole intention of killing him.
At the time, I thought this was the moment when Bill started to be truly interested in Ford. Before Ford was just an adoring pet. Now he was more. Now he was interesting. Now he was worthy.
And that opened the door to even more angst possibilities! If Billford was just a “one-sided relationship” before, now it could’ve been the story of two beings who loved/cared about each other, but at different moments in time: Ford in the past, when Bill didn’t love him yet. And Bill in the present, when Ford wasn’t in love with him anymore. The perfect tragedy, ton of angst, love that.
But now, with TBOB and thisisnotawebsitedotcom, the tragedy that is Billford gets a new, angst layer. A beautiful, angst layer.
Because it’s not that Bill never cared about Ford or cared at the wrong moment in time: Bill cared right from the start.
Deeply alone
One detail about TBOB that people aren’t talking too much about is the sense of solitude that permeates it. There are parts in which you can literally feel Bill’s loneliness.
One example? The Bill Tells All section. I know it’s supposed to be a funny parody, but it’s also a perfect image of how alone he is. He’s so alone, he has to be host, interviewee and audience at the same time, because no one else is willing to listen or talk to him.
And in light of the information we got about his past, I think this is an extremely important part of Bill’s character and personality.
Let’s come back to Euclydia: the anthem/poem on the website emphasizes how close people are (“LOVED ONES WILL BE EVER NEAR”), so it’s very possible Bill grew up surrounded by his loved ones.
And then, one single event and everyone disappeared. All the people who surrounded him one second ago, were gone the second after. “There was no one left but me, covered in blood, alone in the universe.”: if this line means solitude for us, just imagine how much, much stronger that same solitude would be for someone who, until that moment, has always been surrounded by others and knew no other reality than that.
That’s another level of solitude: it’s a black void of emptiness, something all-encompassing and all-consuming. It’s a hole carved inside you that nothing will fill ever again. And it was you, the one who carved it.
Of course Bill became insane. Of course he chose to find a justification for his action, by saying that he liberated his dimension and that his people were holding him back. I don’t know what he would’ve done, if he hadn’t. Probably, he wouldn’t have found a way to survive.
But he survived. He repressed his trauma, justified it and kept going towards the stars he was aiming for.
Still, that void was inside him - and we know he tried to fill it. He tried by dating a literal void, for god’s sake. And he tried by surrounding himself with people.
That’s probably why he became who he is: a flashy, flamboyant figure, someone who loves to be the center of attention, because that means having people around. It means people listening to him and being with him and surrounding him again. It means not being alone again.
I mean, just look at this book: every page has something new and interesting, every page is a different attempt to keep you involved, to keep you around and listen.
But an audience can always leave. An audience can stop being around. And that’s probably why Bill searched for someone closer, someone who wouldn’t leave him so soon.
He searched for new loved ones.
Love and hate
Bill’s love advice put a real smile on my face, because sure, they’re funny, but at their foundation, they all share the same goal: to show to your potential partner your qualities and how you would be able to carry/provide for them and your offspring.
Why is it so funny? Because that’s exactly what every single living being does to attract a potential mate: showing off your colorful feathers, singing louder than others, fighting other rivals, showing how clever you are, using pheromones and special smells. And, for humans, something like, idk, showing how wide your hips were as proof that you would carry healthy babies. Or showing off how wealthy you are, to prove you can take care of your partner and your offspring.
Bill himself follows this mentality, considering advices like “have two of everything to show your wealth” or “show how much calcium you have (aka how healthy you are)”. Heck, he even has a seduction hat which is basically one huge phallic shape!
And, again, this makes me smile, not just because it’s a clear parody of those men who keep showing off their huge, large vehicles. But also because he usually wears a tall top hat. And how funny it would be, if a tall top hat was indeed a way to win a partner in Euclydia? What if that’s how his father got his mother? Please, I want a fanfic or Mr. Cipher entering a place with a top hat big and wide enough to win Mrs. Cipher’s heart (while not accidentally piercing through another shape). I bet it would be hilarious.
Funny love advice aside, I would also point out these two things Bill says:
Love and fear are right next to each other in the brain and, like most humans, Bill also can’t tell the difference (he doesn’t even think there is a difference)
“love is the pupa stage for hate”
The fact Bill mixes love and fear explains why he is like that in general - and with Ford too. If love and fear are the same thing, then there is no difference between flattering someone and threatening them. There is no difference between partying with his friends and scaring the shit out of them. There’s no difference between helping Ford and hurting him. And there’s no difference between allowing him to see Fordtramarine and “joking” about someone coming to steal his eyes.
Also: if “love is the pupa stage for hate”, then Ford coming back after 30 years hating him was completely normal for Bill. It was just how things were supposed to go: first he loved him, now he hates him. Still, same thing. Still worth a place among his freaks. Still worth flirting. For Bill, nothing has changed - just evolved in a natural way.
And yes, this is uber duper fucked up and great material for toxic Billford. But it also makes me think: how did Bill get this mentality? How did he manage to mix love and fear so much? When did it happen?
Inevitably, I think about Euclydia. And inevitably, I think that “the incident” is when Bill mixed the two things.
When he still lived in Euclydia, Bill clearly experienced both love and hate: his mother at least seemed to love him, the other kids didn’t. Bill doesn’t like his optometrist either and we have no clue about his feelings towards his father. Later in his life, Bill recognizes his family and his world tried to blind him/”snuff out his potential” - so, again, something more similar to hate than love.
Then, Bill destroyed his place. He had to deal with a trauma so huge (i.e. experiencing solitude for the first time in his existence), it left a void inside him. A void he decided to suffocate with lies - lies that, in the end, are just half-truths. His place was bad and his family was holding him back! But that was also the place that showed him love for the first time. His people were flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams! But among them, there was also the one who loved him right from the start.
I believe this is when the two feelings got mixed in his brain. In his attempt to justify and cope with his mixed feelings regarding the universe he just destroyed, Bill ended up mixing love and fear together and believing that love is just one stage of hate. Unable to deal with the vastity of solitude, Bill put together justifications for his actions and messed up his own perception of feelings.
The result is someone who is deeply, deeply alone and who desperately keeps searching for love to fill that void… but is unable to do that, because he cannot distinguish between love and hate anymore.
That’s why he has a lot of exes. And that’s why they’re all exes.
But hey, at least there are friends, right? Right?
Bill’s friends are full of potential (especially one of them)
The perfect friend for Bill should be:
alone, outcasted, rejected by society, possibly an orphan looking for a purpose in life (so exactly like him)
completely devoted to him
Which you can see by yourself that this isn’t exactly how a friendship should work. The friend exactly like you can still work, but the friend completely devoted to you who should do everything you want… well, that’s not a friend. That’s not even a pet, because even pets do not follow you around with such lavish adoration.
But somehow, in the vastity of the Multiverse, Bill managed to find some friends. And oh boy, what friends:
Pyronica is a beauty queen AND she has a twin sister AND she dated Hectorgon. Cool, but not enough. I need details. But, like, a lot. Her entire story would suffice (maybe).
Amorphous Shape is invisible to most of the Henchmaniacs. How? Why? Who is she, really? Where is she from? Where is her backstory? Why isn’t it here? I need it here.
Hectorgon was a goddamn sheriff and Bill just throws it like that?! I want his backstory too! I want to know everything about him!
Keyhole hates Pyronica? Why? What happened? Where is all the juicy gossip, Bill? We need the gossip!
And most importantly: a certain someone was part of Bill’s gang. Someone with a photo that has been covered, but it’s still partially visible. And as soon as I saw it, I jumped up on my bed and asked: “Wait… is this Jheselbraum?!”
The answer is yes and thisisnotawebsite confirmed it: she was one of Bill’s Henchmaniacs. And now the right question is: how much do you want The Book of Jheselbraum, from 1 to 10?
I mean:
In the partially crossed-out part about her in TBOB, Bill says she figured something related to dimensions
In the shaman page (TBOB) there is a code: WHICH HENCHMANIAC RATTED ME OUT
In Journal 3, Ford has been saved by her, who sucked him out of the 2D world of Exwhylia
Jheselbraum told Ford that Bill’s “thirst for power caused him to destroy his home dimension - including his parents and everyone else he’d ever known” (Journal 3)
Still in Journal 3, Ford says she spoke of Bill “without anger, but with a calm, steely, clinical resolve to see his reign of terror end”.
In addition to that, let me add this part from thisisnotawebsitedotcom under the code TANTRUM:
I KNOW YOUR CRIMES, CIPHER. TAKING A NEW HOME WILL NOT MAKE UP FOR THE ONE YOU’VE LOST. WHAT YOU DID TO THE COUNTLESS SOULS OF EUCLYDIA- Cipher stopped in his tracks. YOU CHOOSE YOUR WORDS VERY. CAREFULLY. Ciphers henchmen murmured amongst each other, confused. They seemed to have heard conflicting stories about Bill’s past. “You said you liberated the people of your dimension-” LIBERATED THEM FROM THEIR BODIES! DONT LISTEN TO HIM! HE’S A BABY!
Can you see how HUGE the potential is?
What I believe for now is that:
Jheselbraum figured out what Bill really did to his home dimension (i.e. destroying everything and not “liberating” it, as he said to his Henchmaniacs)
She started to actively find ways to stop him from doing the same thing again
She “ratted him out” with Bill’s new potential puppets on Earth
Bill found out she didn’t just rat him out, but found out the truth about Euclydia too and that’s what led to her escaping
She settled closer to a 2D world - maybe to learn more about Bill, maybe because she knew Ford would’ve appeared there
And speaking of that, we have the message on thisisnotawebsitedotcom under the code SEVENEYES:
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This is something someone else wrote to her. Someone who told her to escape to a crossed-out Dimension (who guesses that the crossed-out thing was the number 52?). Someone who told her it was against the rules, but it was also the only way to escape him (aka Bill).
And from her code, you can find out the other criminals found new homes as well.
In other words, we have a hidden spy story, in which someone helped Jheselbraum escape from Bill and, in turn, she helped all others escape Bill.
If you don’t want a book about her, about her story as Bill’s henchmaniac and about this whole thing, you are a huge. Fucking. Liar.
And with that, let’s close part 1 of this umpteenth endless analysis. The next one will come soon and it will be all about Billford.
Yes, I know I already talked about Billford here, but we still haven’t talked about the details in TBOB and Bill’s perspective on it. Also, it’s always nice to talk about Billford.
See you soon~
-> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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56 notes · View notes
today's thoughts before passing out: the demon blood plot reading as a metaphoric fear of miscegenation, a result of classic Western tropes told through a Horror framework.
demon blood is a boundary crossing substance, invasive and transformative. Sam violated in the crib functions on one level as a rape metaphor, but its done so through demonic blood coming in to dilute his human blood. the violation then, comes in as a literal theft of identity. his body becomes the literal battleground between two forces - the domestic world of his family vs. the invading, monstrous outsider. Azazel snatches and preys on civilised children from the crib as a means of recruiting them to his tribe army, literally corrupting them on a bodily level, claiming them from their blood families as his own. and the more demon blood Sam drinks, the less 'human' he becomes (the less of his family's blood in him). Dean's anger over Ruby also ties into Sam's sexual relationship with her, of which the blood drinking is a component. the blood drinking is especially transgressive because it echoes deep-rooted settler colonial anxieties, expressed through the language of pop culture - fears over losing one's blood, family, and identity to a savage Other.
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what got me started on this line of thinking was a recent rewatch of John Ford's The Searchers (1956), a movie so ingrained in the modern American cultural mythos that nearly every first year cinema studies course makes it required viewing lmao. it's a subversive Western, concerned with exploring the porous boundary dividing white settler communities from Native American communities, the defining line between the 'civilised'/'uncivilised', the colonial subject and the savage. it was released during an era when America was grappling with undoing laws around racial segregation, and reflects those anxieties through classic American mythology.
so. Sam is a modern interpretation of Martin and Debbie from that movie, and Dean is a modern variant on its leading anti-hero, Ethan Edwards (rather John is our initial Ethan figure, but we spend most of the show with Dean, who takes on his mantle). just to emphasise the connection between the show and this movie - Star Wars heavily references it, and Kripke's always been explicit about this show's two leads as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. well, i'd argue this show definitely owes more to The Searchers than Star Wars does!
Martin is Ethan's adoptive nephew of partial Cherokee descent, made an outsider to his family, by his uncle, at the film's outset due to his blood. he joins his uncle on his revenge mission after a Comanche tribe destroys their home and steals his adoptive sister - Debbie. this mission becomes his coming-of-age journey into rugged frontier manhood, as much as it is his path towards integration into white, 'civilised' society.
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the protagonist of the film is Ethan, a soldier who gets consumed by his seven year long, bloody, vengeance-fuelled quest to recover his niece. when he finds Debbie, however, to his dismay he discovers she's no longer the 'pure' innocent he remembers. upon finding out that she's married to the tribe's chief - he literally disowns her as his blood kin, and at one point, even tries to kill her. Martin becomes the one to save her from his uncle's shot and the one to convince her to return home. he later convinces Ethan to recommit to rescuing her, and he ends up doing so.
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(15.17 - Sam over s4 functions as a Debbie figure, but Jack also takes up her role. Dean disowns him as Ethan disowns his niece)
over the movie, we see Ethan descend into ever increasing violence and 'wildness', grown closer to his enemy after years spent on the frontier, hunting them down. Martin gets to go home, his civilising mission completed as he marries into a white family. Ethan though, stands at the threshold in the iconic concluding shot below. he's been transformed by frontier violence to the point he no longer belongs to the domestic, civilised world. he wanders back out into the desert, alone.
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anyways. Supernatural owes so much of its dna to the classic Western, and to this movie in particular. what The Searchers was to collective white American anxieties over desegregation in the late 50s, this show was to collective white American anxieties over multiculturalism at the new millenium, in the wake of 9/11. Sam's demon blood is a critical defining line between him and his brother, as Martin's mixed race status is the defining line between him and his uncle. 'monstrosity' on this show metaphorically stands in for savagery; one brother gets thrown out onto the frontier, a journey towards 'taming' his own nature. and another brother drifts further and further away from civilised society the longer he spends fighting at the frontier, protecting civilisation from its monsters. 'blood don't end with family' comes to a screeching halt when it addresses the prospect of monstrosity. what is demon blood standing in for on this show? what does a monster represent, truly? who gets to step over the threshold into civilised society, and what is the price of that acceptance?
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gogandmagog · 6 months
✨Anne Blythe’s (Anne Shirley-Blythe’s namesake granddaughter) father is not Jem. It’s Shirley. It’s totally Shirley, you guys. It’s gotta be.✨
And like, Ieading right off by saying of course there’s no definitive answer to be had here, since Maud obviously isn’t available to confirm or refute any hypothesises, but I do big persist in suggesting that a very rational case can be presented for Shirley... one that at least outweighs what I now see as the generally baseless widely accepted assumption that Anne is Jem’s daughter. Keep in mind, I’m in no way trying to dog on this. The assumption is ready and easy to make, and I’d accepted fully this theory too, until about a week agooo.
ABOUT A WEEK AGO, I was poring over various Wikipedia entries for the Anne book series, and inevitably also ended up looking through the edit history of those pages. While sorting through the edit history (super extensive and interesting, by the way), the username ‘blefebvre’ popped into the archive, contributing a ton of information to the Anne pages overall, around 2008 and 2009 particularly. And literally, who else could this user be besides THE Benjamin Lefebvre? Brilliant Maud scholar and essayist, inexhaustible editor and publisher of ‘the Blythes are Quoted’? Welllll, one of these edits, a written family tree of Anne and Gilbert’s grandchildren, mentioned Anne Blythe... and pointedly noted that she was either the daughter of Jem or Shirley.
Reading that? Already a huge jump-scare surprise to me. This immediately challenged what I thought I knew about the third generation of Blythes. I sat straight up in bed, brain doing a nosedive, like wait wait wait wait wait… hold on, what? We don’t know for sure? We don’t know for sure? 
Guys. We don’t know for sure. 
Whichhhhh sent me on an immediate hunt to gather up what we do know for sure. The facts we do have. And it wasn’t a huge task, either… there’s really not a lot to collect.
But here it is:
In ‘the Blythes are Quoted’, Anne Blythe is mentioned in only one story, titled “The Road to Yesterday” (not to be confused with the TBAQ abridged predecessor book of the same title 😅).
All we really have of her is her name, and a couple of superficial second-hand anecdotes from a guy named Jerry (who is impersonating a fellow named Dick, but more on this a little later).
Her paternity is unconfirmed, but because her surname is Blythe (not Ford or Meredith), we can logically eliminate the possibility of her belonging to Nan, Di, or Rilla. Walter was, of course, lost in France. This leaves Jem and Shirley. 
Tiny details about Anne.
As a matter of housekeeping, let me try to get the jump on any potential counter-arguments, and clear the air.
The only reason I’ve seen Jem credited with Anne is because…
1. Jem was married.
That’s the entire basis.
And I’ll grant you that. This is more than we got for Shirley. But let’s remember that at the end of ‘Rilla of Ingleside’, we only had a canon engagement between Jem and Faith... it takes getting around to ‘the Blythes are Quoted’ to absolutely conclude that their marriage went through. With the added extra bonus of finding out that they have children.
But even allowing that, ‘the Blythes are Quoted’ as an epilogue isn’t all inclusive. It isn’t a complete picture. It’s half a picture at the very best. Maud, pressured greatly, basically dumped all her disorganised, non-chronological and unedited Anne relevant WIPS + short stories + poems on her publisher's desk two days before she died. This is not a book that Maud put together, as a tailpiece collection. It was an assortment of partial works and in-character conversations that she’d tinkered with over decades. Works she never intended to see being published. They were vague ideas she was forming, little seeds. (It took a lot of effort from Benjamin Lefebvre to put TBAQ together in a readable way that made sense.)
Maud was over Anne. Over Anne by twenty years, at this point. So much so that noticeable character details and world building started slipping in Ingleside and Rilla… for obvious instance, in the lack of continuity around Shirley’s birth year, and the way readers saw almost no closure/representation for Shirley and Di, with varying degrees of near erasure in the original books. 
But this doesn’t mean that Maud didn’t have plans for these two characters... their incomplete or unsatisfying stories certainly weren’t nefariously intended to be that way (there’s no secret meaning to the exclusion); Montgomery was just depleted and had been feeling ruinously dispassionate about the Blythes stories since ‘Anne of the Island’.  
In ‘Reading Rilla’ we see in Maud’s many pages of left-out notes, that an ultimately scrapped journal entry from Rilla indicates that Diana Blythe wrote to their mother of her engagement to a foreign overseas officer. It’s unclear if this officer is the same ‘Austin boy’ that an older Glen woman in ‘the Blythes are Quoted’ privately wonders about (if Di 'really is engaged to him or not'), but this contradictory bit is probably just erroneous gossip from an unreliable narrator.  
Anyway. All of this to say... that just because we don’t have a canon marriage for Shirley, it doesn’t disqualify him from having had a wife and kids in Maud’s post-war Four Winds. TBAQ stories were, to reiterate, half-pictures. Pictures that did/could drop a plot bomb in a single sentence. Looping back to Di, canonly we don’t have a marriage for her either... and yet, we do have two engagements that half-register. One engagement was definitive, reported by Di herself. The other a passing curiosity from someone not close enough to the Blythe family to know.
So... clearly, Maud had active intention, a plan, for Di and her own little happy epilogue. The same can be believed for Shirley. (I’m dying for the day the ‘Rainbow Valley’ and ‘Ingleside’ manuscripts get published, I’m convinced there’s more Shirley be found in the notes.)   Now, let’s dig in to Anne Blythe herself.  
‘The Road to Yesterday’ is a short story about a woman named Susette (a spinster at 28), who is on the brink of an engagement to a wealthy man named Harvey Brooks. She expects the next day to be proposed to. On a whim and feeling nostalgic, she drives to Glen St. Mary, where she lived in her girlhood, for the evening. While there, she runs into a fellow, whom she believes to be Dick, her childhood bully who she hated profoundly. Except now, they’re grown and capable acting chummy over their shared memories. The weather takes a bad turn, and they take shelter and a meal together. Susette spends most of the time, all their ‘do you remembers’, being irritated by Dick’s constant name-dropping of the Blythes. He claims to have been kind of secret friends with Anne Blythe, which is contrary to Susette’s memory that Anne hated Dick. (In the end, it turns out that Susette was right… this isn’t Dick she’s talking to. It’s Jerry Thornton, Dick’s cousin.)
For the official record every Blythe mentioned in ‘the Road to Yesterday’ is as follows: Doctor Blythe, Mrs. Doctor Blythe, Rilla Ford, Jem Blythe [Jr.], Di Meredith [Jerry and Nan’s], and Anne Blythe.
It’s mostly a bunch of school yard talk, but the big takeaway for this purpose is that the Blythe/Meredith cousins all hung out together as school children.
Here’s some direct examples:
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The cheap boiled-down version of this exchange, for those who haven’t ‘the Road to Yesterday’ is basically: Susette is having strange feelings during this interaction with ‘Dick’, she’s attracted to him, declaring to herself that she won’t fall in love with him, and is clearly irritated with the near constant Anne Blythe (especially)/Blythe references. Though she herself was very fond of Jem Blythe Jr. herself, during their childhood, ‘Dick’ mentioning Anne Blythe so fondly is increasingly Not Cute to Susette. Meanwhile, ‘Dick’ is enjoying this kind of teasing, and is lowkey successful at getting a rise out of Susette, not matter how determined she is to look unaffected.  
But here’s the kicker... when ‘Dick’ finally leaves off mentioning Anne Blythe, guess what topic he moves on to? 🥁
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The Royal Canadian Air Force.
And just who do we all know that was in the Royal Canadian Air Force?  
Only Shirley.  
First, it tracks that ‘Dick,’ soon enlisting (we’re on the brink of WWII timeline-wise), and thinking himself funny, would choose to move on from Anne Blythe to instead a subtler rib… what he, as a once good pal of Anne’s, would know was Anne’s dad’s war faction. It’s also in the realm of possibilities that thinking on Anne so much drew up this correlation. I also ALSO think it’s worth mentioning that the only other time that the Canadian Air Force is mentioned in TBAQ is a very passing drop for Rilla, thinking of her son Gilbert Ford enlisting with the CAF. That’s it. Just those two times.
Additionally important to note is the overall subtext tone in TBAQ, which is Maud’s very greatest collection of double-vision, double-speak and intertextual reference works. There’s a beautiful scholarly essay on this, in relation to TBAQ particularly HERE.
This doesn’t only apply to cultural references in TBAQ. It also adds layers to Maud’s own existing Anne series. It really could be considered a companion piece, with X-Ray vision, e.g. how we got a ton of ‘missing’ insight into Anne and her children’s lives and minds, during the Rainbow Valley era, in Part 1 of TBAQ.
Part 2 of TBAQ (where we find ‘the Road to Yesterday’) asks us to apply what we already know to the new text we’re given.
So, understanding this … if we’re going off what we already know from ‘Rilla of Ingleside’…
What’s the reason we have the Canadian Air Force mentioned in the same story that we learn of the existence of Anne Blythe? The connection?
It’s Shirley. 🥹
A weaker argument that I’ll only mention in mild passing, because it is very weak in terms of convincing evidence, is that the text unambiguously tells is that Anne Blythe has taught ‘Dick’ from Susan’s famous recipes. Susan is another Shirley tie. It’s there to be stated. BUT. I do admit that I think Susan would’ve taught every willing Blythe grandchild with the same zeal, maybe some partiality given to the Little Brown Boy’s kid(s).
BUT, for me?
I’m properly convinced here.
Shirley was a dad, ya’ll.
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dramionestills · 7 days
Dramione month day 8: marriage contract
Three sharp knocks on his office door made him lose concentration from the report he’d been trying, and failing, to complete before the end of the day.
“Come in.” He might as well see what this was about as it was evident the report would not be getting done today.
The door opened quickly and a rather nervous Hermione Granger entered. Curious.
“Hi. Hello. I.. umm… may i?” she gestured at the door, hoping for some privacy.
“Of course.”
She closed the door behind her and approached his desk. He nodded his head at her, inviting her to take a seat. This was clearly something important and he was becoming more intrigued by the second.
“How may I be of assistance?” his head cocked to the side, taking her in and attempting to suss out what brought the brain (and beauty, if we’re to be honest) of the Golden trio to his office.
“I have a proposal for you.” Color rose to her cheeks almost immediately upon saying this. “Of sorts.”
“Granger, if I didn’t know any better I might think you were asking me to marry you” he chuckled lightly at the absurdity of the notion, except…
“Well…” She was avoiding looking him in the eye
“You know what? This was a mistake, I’ll just see myself out” But as she was attempting to stand up Draco waved his wand, simultaneously locking the door and sending a gust of wind towards her which ford her to remain seated.
“Granger, now you have to tell me what this is about. Am I correct in understanding that you came up 7 floors from your department and sought me out specifically to ask me to marry you, regardless of the fact that we are barely acquaintances these days and we haven’t spoken more than three words to each other in the past month?”
Hermione, still blushing a delightful shade of pink, nodded her head. She closed her eyes and began to explain.
“Look, I understand that this is coming out of nowhere for you. I do. But it’ll make sense after I explain. I swear.”
“I’m listening.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk and intertwining his fingers together. His chin lays perfectly in the divot created between his forefingers and his thumbs. Hermione cannot help but think he looks imposing and large and were those horn-rimmed glasses he was wearing? Since when does he wear glasses?
“I started using them a few years ago, Granger. You are stalling.”
Apparently she had said that out loud, proving to be more anxious than she had originally anticipated.
“Right. Remember the Smithson case from a few weeks ago?”
“The one who went free due to an antiquated law even though his crimes definitely meritted at least life in Azkaban?”
“Exactly. It’s been brought to my attention that this is not the first time situations like these have happened, wherein a culprit is let go because the victims of their crimes happen to be unprotected by the laws that see them as undesirables or just… less than.”
“You mean Muggleborns.”
“Yes. For the most part.”
“I still don’t understand how this means marriage.”
“Well, I was venting about this during girls night a couple of weeks ago and Pansy mentioned that the only way to actually do something about this would be to change the laws currently in the books from within the Wizengamot.”
“Ah. So you are after the Malfoy Wizengamot seat, then.” His head begins spinning with the possibilities; who would have ever thought that he would be in possession of something that not only does he have absolutely no interest in (the Malfoy seat laying abandoned in most Wizengamot hearings, wasted) but also is of vital importance to a swot like Granger?
“Yes. I know you are not currently making use of it, I presume because you’ve no interest in the more tedious aspects of legalese. I could have of course just asked you to help me and do me the favor of enacting the changes yourself, but Pansy has mentioned how much you love your job as the Ministry’s Head Potioneer and though I don’t doubt your capabilities teaching you and telling you exactly which laws and how I wish to amend them would be, frankly a waste of time. So, I thought, perhaps we could agree to marry. A.. a contract of sorts. Wherein I get to use the Malfoy seat to change things as is needed and upon completion of my, well I guess you could call it a mission? Anyways upon making sure the laws are repealed and new ones are set into place that are more in keeping with our current societal mores we could get a divorce. I expect to be done in no more than 5 years, it would be in name only you wouldn’t even have to see me, I swear and I promise I will not seek any money in the divorce, or anything of the sort. This is strictly business for me.” She was panting after her soliloquy, her hair expanding with her nerves and her flush intensifying. A very fetching look, if anyone were to ask Draco.
The silence after she finished speaking seemed to stretch unbearably. She was itching to get up and leave Malfoy’s office but the door remained locked.
After what felt like an eternity Draco nodded.
“Sounds as if you’ve given this quite a fair bit of thought. I have to say, my neglect of the Malfoy seat has been on my mind lately. You are quite right in that politics and law are not my areas of expertise. I think your… proposal has merit. But there are certain things I feel must be reviewed before I can accede to this.”
“Of course, we can definitely negotiate this to make it better suited to your needs.”
“My needs. Exactly.” There was a sudden heat in his gaze, but surely Hermione was imagining things, right?
“We will be meeting this friday to properly discuss this. 8pm. La trattoria d’il vicolo.”
“Perfect! Thank you so much for not laughing in my face and actually taking the time to consider this Malfoy. I know we don’t necessarily get along too well but well, Pansy was right, you are definitely more amenable these days. See you on friday.”
He just tilted his head as we waved his wand to unlock the door..
Hemione got up understanding it as the dismissal it was.. As she was leaving his office, her mind reeling from the possibilities that her incredibly convoluted and a little crazy idea actually coming to fruition could bring she had a thought that stopped her in her tracks.
“Hey, isn’t La trattoria d’il vicolo known to be the most romantic restaurant in Diagon?”
Draco just smirked. “Yes. It is.”
The door shut as Hermione’s flush returned in full force. Just what had she gotten herself into?
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bnxxshthealien · 3 months
the doctor’s daughter ???
So we now know that the Doctor had grandchildren before having children.
This opens up the possibility for Jenny to be Susan’s mother.
Lemme say that again.
Ok maybe not but also maybe but also wait a damn second
and also take a look at the best glimpse of ruby’s mother’s face we get:
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ok that could be a lot of people. all we can tell is that she might be a white woman. so it’s not not georgia tennant you see where this is going?
Ruby Sunday is Susan. Ruby Sunday. Is. Susan.
Here’s what I think happened: (i have no solid reason for believing any of this and i am almost definitely wrong about all of it)
Jenny has a baby.
She’s in danger from a member of the pantheon of discord, so a time lord child won’t be safe with her
She decides to use a chameleon arch on the baby to make it appear human
She abandons the baby at a church in 2004, where, using her time lord psychic magic brain powers, she foresees the baby will be safe
The Doctor turns up at the church and she senses that he is a time lord.
She’s a time traveler too, and has just altered time by being there, and interacting with another time traveler would mess up timelines too much.
The goblins turn up and she just kind of stands there because interfering would rip apart time or something
The Doctor leaves and two different events happen because time got messed up: in one version, she points at him as she tries to figure out who he is. (she doesn’t recognise him but suspects he might be her father)
He leaves and she walks off
Ruby is raised by Carla and eventually meets the Doctor, you know the rest
The chameleon arch reverses and she becomes a 20-year-old time lord (which is very young for a time lord)
They stop Sutekh from ending the universe
Ruby dies and regenerates into Susan Foreman and loses her memory because of reasons
Because of devastation to time caused by her existence, a time well opens and sends Ruby to pre time war gallifrey
At the time lord equivalent of 16 years old, she meets the Doctor and senses that they are related
They steal a TARDIS to run away from Gallifrey and end up in 1963
Susan ends up in the 2160s married to some guy and lives there until 2224
She then goes back in time and helps the Doctor defeat Sutekh (just putting this here so Carole Ann Ford can play Susan)
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dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Hot Zone, Pt. 6
If the final conversation before Sheppard detonates the nuke is between him and McKay, it's also McKay's reaction that we get to first hearing Sheppard's voice after the explosion. Sure, these are all sandwiched between conversations or reaction shots of Weir so if you're not paying attention, it's easy to come to the conclusion that there's a special bond or understanding between them, that they care about each other more than co-workers.
But, and I emphasize, thus far on the show it has always been McKay's reaction we get to intense Sheppard moments. While Weir does the asking of whether Sheppard is alright, it is McKay's relief to his survival that we get to share.
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If it happened now and again, it might be co-incidence. But every time?
And again we are reminded that for Sheppard, Atlantis is home. His first words upon surviving the blast are: "This is Sheppard. I've cleared the blast -- I'm returning home." I'll remind you of McKay's words at the beginning of the episode: "I don't often get a chance to say this, so savour it: good work, boys and girls! Let's go home." It's been a long, hard day but both Sheppard and McKay have been on their way to the same place all along.
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McKay's face, here, when Ford hugs him tells us everything we need to know when it comes to how he feels about Atlantis and the people therein. The thing is, however much Rodney and Sheppard may care about one another, however often they may come to rescue one another in the future, they both care about everyone else there too. They are heroic in the truest sense of the word.
Then there's the rather interesting conversation Weir and Sheppard have at the end of the episode, the coda.
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We find Sheppard in Weir's office, lost in thought. In fact, he's waiting for her there, seeming kind of like a school boy at the principal's office. This is not a conversation he wants to have, things are tense between them. Sheppard tries to get out of it using his charm, stands up and tells her he's going to bed. She's not having it, wants them to talk it out right now.
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The discussion they have is very interesting.
Weir: We need to discuss what happened earlier. Sheppard: Now? Weir: That can never happen again. Sheppard: Look, I'm sorry about... Weir: I understand your expertise in military matters and I agree that I should defer to those expertise in such situations. Sheppard: Thank you! Weir: But you are not the one who decides what is and what is not a military situation. Now, both General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner warned me that you don't respect the proper chain of command.
Now, later on we learn that Sheppard was court-martialed for disobeying orders not to cross enemy lines to save a field medic serving under him. From the parallel universe of Vegas (S05E19), we learn that they had been involved. The gender of the field medic isn't really relevant here, because Weir is implying that she knows that he is willing to disobey orders to save people he cares about and since she's seen him bend the rules for Teyla, she has to think that he would do this regardless of gender. While a noble sentiment, that can become a problem if it comes at the cost of sacrificing other lives, or even the whole mission. And she's seen now that no matter how much she believes or has good faith in him, no matter how much she might consider him a friend, he is willing to do anything for the people he loves. To kill enemies, yes. Definitely, she's seen this with her own eyes. But even civilians. Even to jeopardize the lives of everyone in the city. To save one person.
General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner both knew the details of his court martial. We don't know whether he was not yet married, married, or divorced at the time but in high likelihood, both of them thought that Sheppard was a gay man regardless -- those kinds of documents aren't really made for nuance. O'Neill had some personal experience of combating inappropriate feelings toward someone serving directly under him, but he managed to conquer them -- for the most part. But the whole reason why DADT was a thing in the first place was that before it was in effect, gay men were considered a liability due to the inherent secrecy that was required for them to serve. This demand for secrecy compromised them, made them targets for extortion, manipulation, blackmail, being influenced by the enemy. This made them inherently suspicious. And even though DADT had originally been intended to make it easier for gay men to serve, it wasn't just an invitation for dishonesty, it was a requisite. And therefore if you were anything other than heterosexual in the military, you couldn't be trusted.
This is what O'Neill and Sumner had been trying to tell her. That no matter how noble his intentions, Sheppard's loyalties were suspect. That he couldn't be trusted, not in the way a fellow soldier should be able to trust another. He couldn't be counted on to make impartial calls. Whether or not he had thought he was doing the right thing, he had still demonstrated that he did not respect the proper chain of command, not when it went against his personal moral code.
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Sheppard seems to understand that she's referring to this. What else could she possibly be talking about? He's understandably defensive:
Sheppard: Well, sometimes I see a situation a little different than they do--
He sees things a little different than General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner. He sees things a little different than your average G.I. Joe. He's a little different. He has a different perspective. His outlook is different. He's a little... you know. He's "kinda... never mind", like General O'Neill would put it. You've got to excuse him because he is in something of a bind, here.
But Weir knew that already. That was never a problem for her. She's a civilian, she's seen all manner of things as a diplomat. But she assumed that since she was willing to turn a blind eye here and there, that Sheppard would repay this with loyalty. Clearly, Sheppard didn't trust her. Didn't trust her to keep his secret or to side with him if push ever came to shove against his superiors. Sheppard had been looking for Weir's protection from Colonel Sumner from the get-go but it seemed clear to her now that he was not willing to respect her by being truthful. And where did that leave them?
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Weir: No. Listen to me, John. Now, you endangered yourself and the lives of many others. Sheppard: Because I thought it was the best course of action to take -- and, by the way, I saved your ass. Weir: I know you did -- but you have to trust me. Sheppard: I do! Weir: Do you?
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Her problem was never that he cared about members of his team. She cared about them too. Her problem was not that he cared about Rodney McKay in a special way. She cared about Rodney too, although not in the same way. If they could find a modicum of happiness in each other, who was she to get in the way of that? But if she couldn't trust him to do the right thing, make the right choices, then how can they work together? That is what this conversation was about. She's not asking. He's obviously not telling. But she still needs to know. She needs to know that she can trust him.
She needs to know that he can trust them. Because she is starting to realize that together, they can talk her into anything.
They don't get to finish the discussion, as Rodney and Beckett barge into her office. They bring with them a new mystery, leaving this unresolved issue lingering between Sheppard and Weir.
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Finally, I want to draw attention to the fact that during their conversation, Sheppard had his whole body turned away from her. He was feeling obviously defensive and hence used his body to build a barrier (Rodney is also projecting defensiveness here with his crossed arms but it seems to have more to do with what they had just discovered about the potential new enemy). When McKay enters, Sheppard can't help but turn his entire body toward him. He pulls his hand to his thigh. He does not need or want there to be anything between them.
They exchange deep, meaningful glances that seem to communicate things beyond words. They have been getting so close that something has to give. If in the previous episode it was McKay who was reminded of why he was impossible to love, it is Sheppard''s turn here to be reminded that his love is lethal.
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I'm back to talk a bit more about Teddy! (I love that you call him that, lol. Also, thank you for answering my questions!) Since I haven't read UT yet, and there's isn't much about Theodred's character in LOTR books, would you happen to know (or maybe even share some of your own headcanons) what kind of person he was? Passionate and somewhat hotheaded like Eomer? A bit more levelheaded? Really tall, or a bit on a shorter side? I know he was a strong and skilled warrior, but apart from that, I know almost nothing and I'd very much like to 😀 Thank you so much!
UT is definitely the best source for everything we know about Théodred as a person, so let’s start there and work our way forward!
What’s straight-up stated in UT: Théodred was a “vigorous” man, “devoted to the king” and “high in his affections.” He “remained steadfast” in his loyalties to Théoden and Éomer despite Gríma’s best efforts to turn them against each other.
What we can infer from UT: He was an excellent leader – his men are “well trained” and execute maneuvers in “good order.” He was INCREDIBLY brave – even after realizing that Saruman’s forces at the Fords were coming for him personally, he stood his motherfucking ground and went down fighting. He was beloved – Grimbold and Elfhelm nearly died rather than allow Saruman’s forces to carry his body away. He was strong – he took a fatal wound (likely from an axe) but hung on long enough to give last words to his men at the end of the battle. And he had an amazing sense of duty and love for his family – those last words were a request to be left at the Fords long enough to see his cherished cousin Éomer arrive and take up the defense of Rohan in his place.
What I believe to be true of him (i.e., my HC):
–Growing up in a house without other kids and with a busy father, he spent a lot of his early years alone or with his Aunt Théodwyn. He gravitated to solitary activities as a result. He liked reading, for example (Rohan’s royal family was literate!), and he got a love of plants from his aunt. He thought using the sun, some water and his own hands to bring beautiful flowers to life was the closest thing to magic that he’d ever experience.
–His best friend was Boromir, who he met on visits to his grandmother’s family in Gondor. They bonded over the shared pressures of being an heir and the shared loss of a mom, and they remained friends their whole lives, which ended within 24 hours of each other 😭. (I love a good Borodred romance fic as well, though that’s not my personal HC!)
–He was unafraid to challenge tradition. He accepted duty that was for the good of Rohan, but resisted anything that only worked to control him as a person. That’s why he was still unmarried in his 40s. He wouldn’t marry for expediency or for an heir; he held out for love and was just as happy for the crown to pass to Éomer’s line after his own death. He also tried to advocate for others in the royal family (*cough* Éowyn) who felt constrained by tradition.
–He was much calmer and more measured than Éomer. Part of that is age (Éomer was 13 years younger), and part of it was in their natures. Théodred was born a little introspective and thoughtful, whereas Éomer has canonical hotheads (i.e. Éomund) in his genes.
–It’s v. important to me that Théodred had joy in his life since otherwise it’s pretty tragic. I gave him a fiancee, Eadlin, who loved him FIERCELY and made him very happy, and I also gave him a dog – the kind that looks huge and scary but is actually a big goofball – because dogs are the absolute best and all my faves have them.
Now I risk blabbering on at even further length, so I’ll stop there. But thank you for asking about him! ♥️♥️♥️ Teddy is one of my absolute FAVORITES, and I love to both talk and hear about him!
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thethirdromana · 9 months
Rewatching The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Is this the first moment when we get a glimpse of how long this series could go on for? The seed of the idea that the main cast could and would come and go? Obviously it's nowhere near as significant as the Tenth Planet, but it still feels like the start of something.
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Also, it's bloody good.
My thoughts:
DO NOT DUMP BODIES IN THE RIVER would be a lovely, sinister bit of environmental storytelling if they didn't focus on it quite so much. But probably that would have been a bit more subtle on a smaller, fuzzier TV screen.
"What do you do?" "I eat" is an amazing Susan moment that gives an insight into how great her characterisation could have been.
I'm struck by the practicality of "What I need is an acetylene torch". Ian knows how to deal with Daleks and metal girders alike.
Ian is, incidentally, very hot in this.
The whole storyline is staggeringly bleak. You can feel the shadow of WW2 and the Cold War hanging over it all. When they do this kind of thing to Earth in modern Doctor Who (see: the Last of the Time Lords) it gets magically reversed, but I guess they were made of sterner stuff in the 60s.
So much of the hope in this rests on Susan's excitement to rebuild the planet, and Carole Ann Ford sells it perfectly.
Barbara driving a van into a Dalek is fabulous. Her attempt to bamboozle the Daleks with a fake plot is great. And I appreciate the way her hair gets steadily more dishevelled as this story goes on. I think this might be all three companions at their best.
It's a Terry Nation story, and there's a countdown, down your drinks.
The incidental music in episode six is fab.
Susan is definitely too young to be getting married, and the ending is distressingly melancholy for what should, I think, be a moment of hope and excitement. It feels like the focus is the viewers' and the Doctor's feelings about leaving Susan behind, and not the joy at her getting to start a new life.
But she and David are genuinely cute together. Good luck, kids.
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