#foraging early july
montereybayaquarium · 6 months
Happy International Seal Day!
No better way to seal-ebrate than this wave of cuteness galumphing into your feed 🦭😍 Pupping season can begin as early as February and go until June or July. Remember to share the shore and give these babies space —moms sometimes stash their pup while they go off to forage or hunt and can get scared away if disturbed.
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I have THE biggest, BEST news EVER--
I am exceptionally pleased to announce that I have just signed a contract with Ten Speed Press (a division of Penguin Random House) to publish...
The Everyday Naturalist: How to Identify Animals, Plants, and Fungi Wherever You Go!
It is slated for publication in early Summer 2025, and will be written for anyone who wants to be able to identify the living beings around them regardless of educational level or experience. A HUGE thank you to my literary agent Jane Dystel of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC, and my editor at Ten Speed Press, Julie Bennett!
This isn't just another field guide--it's a how-to book on nature identification that helps you go from "I have no idea what this animal/plant/fungus is and I don't know where to start" to "Aha! I know how to figure out what species I'm looking at/hearing!" Those familiar with my nature ID classes know that I emphasize skills and tools accessible to everyday people. Whether you're birdwatching, foraging, or just enjoying the nature around you, my goal is to help you be more confident in figuring out what living beings you encounter wherever you go--and not just in the Pacific Northwest. 
The Everyday Naturalist will not only explain what traits you need to pay attention to like color, size, shape, location, etc. and how to use them to differentiate among similar species, but will also detail how and when to use tools like apps, field guides, and more. (And given the current kerfuffle about A I generated foraging books, I will of course include information on how to determine the veracity of a given book or other resource.) And my editor and I have already been discussing some great additions to the book that will make it even more user-friendly!
Are you excited about this? I certainly am! I wanted to wait until the pixels were dry on the contract before going public with this (though my newsletter subscribers got to hear about it last month, lucky them!) It still doesn't feel real, but I'm already working on the manuscript so it'll sink in soon enough.
I will, of course, keep you all apprised of my progress because this project is going to be a big part of my life over the next several months as I write and edit and write and edit and wash, rinse, repeat. So keep your eyes on this space for updates (and feel free to add yourself to my monthly email newsletter here, too!)
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birdstudies · 9 months
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December 17, 2023 - Bay-vented Cotinga (Doliornis sclateri) Found in the Andes in central Peru, these cotingas live in forests with very short trees near treeline. Due to the remoteness of their range, only three birds were found between the first observation of a pair in 1874 and the early 1970s. They feed mostly on fruits, along with some insects and forage alone or in pairs, though the details of their diet are not known. Almost nothing is known about their breeding behavior, though one of their nests may have been seen in April or May along with a young bird in July. They are classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN due to ongoing habitat loss and degradation in their small range.
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adragonsoulants · 4 months
So the myrmica nuptial flight!
This was a funny journey which was kicked off by finding a dead winged queen outside of a tetramorium nest! I was like is it a tetramorium queen? No it feels too small, she wasn't much bigger than the workers and she has two petiol just like tetramorium do, but something still isn't right... Anyways I had my eyes peeled for alates and when I was sitting outside eating dinner what did I see? A drone!
I was finding quite a few, some of them were being carried off by other ant species for their dinners. I found a couple more queens but they were all dead too, few of them getting carried off by ants again too.
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So obviously what ever nest these alates are coming from must be bustling, finding those could help me ID them. Since my though at first was Tetramorium, I go around to all the Tetramorium nests I know of. Sure they were busy but no alates in sight, plus it's still early for them, I think they're July fliers.
Was finding drones everywhere, some even landing on me.
So this was reenforcing my feelings that it's definitely not a tetramorium, but what could it be? I know it's not a solonopeis. And then the word hits me, what if it's myrmica. I was actually confusing myrmica for messor again but I was right! Myrmica they are! And around the same time I stumbled upon what I was pretty sure was a busy myrmica nest!
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Looks like they had just been fighting with some tetramorium workers as their bodies were laid about.
These guys are so tiny I had a hard time finding them when I was looking for them again even though I knew right where they were.
They're probably only slightly bigger than red velvet mites.
Now I never saw alates coming from this nest, so it's possible it was just a coincidence that these guys were active at the same time.
I ended up returning to where I was finding the drones hoping to at least spot some queens. It was starting to get dark and oh boy, let me tell you, looking for these ants was hard. From a distance such as standing normally the queens look just like a tetramorium workers. Get closer and you can see they're a bit longer with their double petiol being more pronounced and longer. They also move slower. But that's it, my only tellers were being slightly longer and slower.
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Despite that I did manage to find the queens pretty easily! That must mean there were a bunch around as I caught 4 total within probably about 5-10 mins of catching the first one. All within about a 6 ft radius
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These guys are likely polygynous, and also semi-claustrial. So they get a little foraging space but I may end up reducing them down to just the tube, we'll have to see on that one. I've never kept a semi-claustrial species before and I can't find a whole lot of specific information on keeping myrmica outside of Myrmica rubia which it's unlikely these ladies are M. rubia, as it doesn't appear that the invasive species has been recorded in my state.
The good news is, what information I have found, they say that this species is generally pretty easy to keep!
Anyways, thanks for reading this, I'll try and keep you all posted on what I end up doing with these ants!
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todropscience · 11 months
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Why the the southern right whale cross the Atlantic ocean? because the krill.
Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) typically migrate between summer, high-latitude offshore foraging grounds and winter calving grounds located in coastal, temperate waters. But now, the satellite tracker for a southern right whale from South Africa, named 221423, which had been silent for months, misteriously appeared in south Argentina. The satellite tracker revealed the first scientifically documented case of a southern right whale crossing the Atlantic.
Whale 221423, swam to coastal Argentina, traveling a total of 15,288 kilometers. This distance far exceeded the findings of a previous tagging study that found the longest distance to be around 7,000 kilometers. Another whale traveled an unexpected 9,000 kilometers to the South Sandwich Islands, a feeding area typically frequented by western right whales. 
Premodern and modern whaling operations nearly extirpated the southern right whale, declining in nearly 100,000 individuals in the early 1800s to a few hundred individuals around the 1920s. However, thanks to current protection of the species, they have been recovering steadily in parts of their historical range, particularly in the coastal wintering and calving areas of Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
Photo above: Left showing 221423 taken in Walker Bay, South Africa, on October 13, 2021, immediately after tagged. Right: Photograph of 221423 taken in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) on July 9, 2022.
Map indicating the movement patterns of four adult female tagged on the South African coast in October 2021.
Reference (Open Access): Vermeulen et al., 2023. Swimming across the pond: First documented transatlantic crossing of a southern right whale. Marine Mammal Science.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Three members of a Colorado family died while attempting to live "off the grid" in the Rocky Mountains, family members and investigators say.
The emaciated remains of sisters Christine and Rebecca Vance and the latter's 14-year old son, were found in a remote campsite this month.
On Tuesday a coroner ruled that they probably died from starvation or exposure during the cold winter.
It appears that the group began camping last summer and died over the winter.
Rebecca Vance's stepsister Trevala Jara, told the Washington Post on Wednesday: "She didn't like the way the world was going, and she thought it would be better if her and her son and Christine were alone, away from everybody."
The group - including the sisters who were in their 40s - had no outdoor survival experience and had watched online videos to learn about how to survive in Colorado's rugged backcountry, Mrs Jara told US media.
"You can't go on the internet and watch videos on how to live off the grid, and then actually do it, if you have no experience," Mrs Jara told the Colorado Springs Gazette.
"You just can't do that. They died of starvation because they weren't prepared."
All three came from Colorado Springs. Investigators say their cause of death has not yet been determined and will not be released until toxicology reports are complete.
On 9 July, a hiker stumbled upon their badly decomposed remains at the Gold Creek Campground in the Gunnison National Forest.
Gunnison County Coroner Michael Barnes said that two bodies were found in a tent, while another was found outside, at an elevation of around 9,500ft (2,900m).
The name of the teenage boy has not been released.
It appears they attempted to construct a shelter, but had given up as winter arrived and instead spent time inside their tent, he told AP News.
"I wonder if winter came on quickly and suddenly they were just in survival mode in the tent," Mr Barnes said.
"They had a lot of literature with them about outdoor survival and foraging and stuff like that. But it looked like they [bought supplies] at a grocery store."
In early August, the group came to their stepsister's home "to say goodbye".
"We tried to stop them," Mrs Jara told the Gazette. "But they wouldn't listen. Their minds were made up."
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1965. Spray helicopters. Burns Douglas-fir tussock moth control project. Oregon.
Credit: USDA Forest Service, Region 6, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection. Collection: Region 6, Forest Health Protection historical files located at the Mt. Hood National Forest in Sandy, Oregon.
Image provided by USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection: www.fs.usda.gov/main/r6/forest-grasslandhealth
Note: "During the period of June 10 to July 1 , 1965, a total of 65,945 acres were sprayed with DDT for control of early-instar larvae (Perkins and Dolph 1967). Application was by helicopter and at the rate of 0. 75 pound DDT in 1 gallon of fuel oil formulation per acre. Because of public concern at this time about side effects of DDT in the environment, impact of the spray on other resources, including fish, water, soil, forage, and cattle, was evaluated by scientists working independently of the project (Crouch and Perkins 1968, Tarrant et al. 1972). In addition, a small test was made of two other candidate insecticides, Dursban, an organic phosphate, and Zectran, a carbamate." From: Wickman, B.E.; R.R. Mason; and C.G. Thompson. 1973. Major Outbreaks of the Douglas-fir Tussock Moth in Oregon and California. GTR-PNW-5. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 18 p. www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr005.pdf
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ffloorageorge · 11 months
One quill served as a reservoir for ink inside the other quill. Poverty is concentrated in rural Honduras, a pattern that is reflected throughout Latin America. Lending has likewise been encouraged by the creation of a guarantee fund, which allows banks to issue loans to eligible small- and medium-sized businesses without first requiring a large deposit or other collateral. One of the survivors of the resulting massacre is Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers. These appear to have been either converted Soviet or early production models, or simply cloned from these rifles. Edo first appears in the Azuma Kagami chronicles, that name for the area being probably used since the second half of the Heian period. Sri Lanka once held the highest team score in all three formats of cricket. They will not eat grain, which could be carried on the journey. When they catch up to Desther, he surrenders after a short battle. Despite making enormous progress in reducing the countrywide poverty incidence from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 24. Street vendors in wheeled carts frequent residential areas or station on busy sidewalks near marketplaces or schools. A debt restructuring plan and the creation of a new currency in 1924 ushered in the Golden Twenties, an era of artistic innovation and liberal cultural life. After 2001, economic, political and geopolitical conditions improved greatly, and Bulgaria achieved high Human Development status in 2003. Romania was forced to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union on 26 June 1940, Northern Transylvania to Hungary on 30 August, and Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria in September. Prior to the coming of Oba Ewuare in the mid 15th century, the Ewu community was organized and governed by an ancient gerontocracy where a council of the oldest people called Edion administered the various communities that constituted Ewu, independently. According to figures communicated by the company in July 2018, the bikes are rented up to four times a day, representing 5,000 to 10,000 daily trips. However, the recovery from the plague led to a resurgence of cities, trade, and economy, which allowed the blossoming of Humanism and Renaissance that later spread to Europe. These enhancer regions can activate transcription of Ubx if the right combination of factors is present. In a brothel raid a year later there, a number of girls rescued from the 2003 raid were found to be involved again in sex work. The process, known as Pontypool japan, was first developed in the west by Thomas Allgood of nearby Pontypool and was taken on in Usk in 1763 by his grandsons Thomas and Edward Allgood. In 1974, the Haiti national football team were only the second Caribbean team to make the World Cup. As the existence of superheavy elements is very strongly dependent on stabilizing effects from closed shells, nuclear instability and fission will likely determine the end of the periodic table beyond these islands of stability. The main responsibility of the County Administrative Board is to co-ordinate the development of the county in line with goals set by the Riksdag and Government. Dafydd ap Gwilym is widely regarded as one of the greatest Welsh poets of all time, and amongst the leading European poets of the Middle Ages. The planned Long Thanh International Airport will have an annual service capacity of 100 million passengers once it becomes fully operational in 2025. The latest country Bhutan has established diplomatic relations with is Israel, on 12 December 2020. The latest forced disappearance involves three sisters from Abu Dhabi. These have led to widely applied advances in computer science, especially string searching algorithms, machine learning, and database theory.
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Dead Cells Animated Series Premieres Next Year
Dead Cells joins the growing list of video games getting animated series adaptations with a show based on the popular action roguelike slated to arrive next year.
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XDefiant Open Beta Launches June, Full Game Later This Summer
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After a series of closed beta periods, XDefiant is ready for public testing. Announced during today's Ubisoft Forward, the series-spanning mashup shooter will enter into a brief open beta period later this month, from June 21-23. The event will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
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Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector Announced
Today's PC Gaming Show presented an exciting update, and much sooner than expected: Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector is currently in development.
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Dead Island 2 roadmap details two story expansions
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The first expansion, Haus, will arrive in the fourth quarter of 2023, with the second, SOLA Festival, following in the second quarter of 2024.
Both expansions are included in the game’s $29.99 / £24.99 Expansion Pass.
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Overwatch 2's first story missions are coming August 10th, along with a new PvP mode and Support hero
Blizzard may have abandoned their plans for a fully-fledged Overwatch 2 PvE mode, but they do still want to tell us some stories. They've just announced Overwatch 2: Invasion, a big update that'll include three story missions, a new PVP game mode, a new Support hero and a handful of hero-specific training missions. It'll land on August 10th.
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Microsoft Reveals 1TB SSD Xbox Series S
For those in the market for an Xbox Series S with more storage, Microsoft has unveiled a 1-terabyte SSD model of the console that launches on September 1. This carbon black version of the slimmer Xbox boasts roughly double the storage of its original white counterpart. That also means it’s more expensive, retailing for a hundred bucks more at $349.
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora’s release date has been confirmed
Revealed during Ubisoft Forward, the game based on the James Cameron Avatar franchise will release on December 7.
A trailer shown off during Ubisoft Forward showed a Na’Vi using rifles and other human weaponry. It also gave a brief glimpse at the open world of Pandora. The game will see the player fighting against another invading human threat.
13 Game Pass Titles Announced At Xbox Extended Showcase 2023
The Bookwalker: Thief Of Tales (June 22, 2023)
Techtonica (July 18, 2023)
The Wandering Village (July 20, 2023)
Sea Of Stars (August 29, 2023)
The Lamplighters League (October 3, 2023)
Mineko's Night Market (October 26, 2023)
Galacticare (Late 2023)
Another Crab's Treasure (Early 2024)
Harold Halibut (Early 2024)
Lightyear Frontier (Early 2024)
Go Mecha Ball (2024)
Little Kitty Big City (2024)
Neon White (TBD)
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PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium June lineup
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As June rolls along, both tiers will gain access to the following titles:
Far Cry 6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge
Rogue Legacy 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Killing Floor 2
Lonely Mountains: Downhill
Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York
Hundred Days: Winemaking Simulator
A Hat in Time
Dodgeball Academia
The Wild at Heart
Redout 2
MX vs ATV Legends
PAW Patrol Mighty Pups: Save Adventure Bay!
My Friend Peppa Pig
DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition
Elex 2
While Premium tier subscribers also get the below:
Killzone: Liberation (PSP)
Worms (PS1)
Herc’s Adventures (PS1)
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Embracer announces "comprehensive restructuring program" to close studios, cut jobs
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Embracer has announced a "comprehensive restructuring program" which will result in studio closures, project cancellations and job losses.
The Swedish umbrella company has grown enormously through acquisitions over the past five years, and now owns a swathe of studios such as Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics, Borderlands maker Gearbox, rights to franchises such as The Lord of the Rings, and an array of other publishers such as Plaion, Saber and THQ Nordic.
But while amassing its empire, Embracer is yet to see a big return. Last year's big bet, its Saints Row reboot, was a critical and commercial failure. More recently, the company suffered a body blow when a major unannounced $2bn deal fell through, prompting its shares to plummet by an eye-watering 40 percent.
Today's reckoning seeks to make Embracer a "leaner, stronger and a more focused, self-sufficient company", the company's boss Lars Wingefors wrote in an open letter published this morning.
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stelladilemmen · 1 year
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Hello lavender!
In a sea of lavender, I would like to take strokes of wonder.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Lavender is currently one of the undisputed stars here in Stella di Lemmen. It is in full bloom and offers its best in every sense of the word - beautiful, colorful, fragrant. It appears to us everywhere gently and discreetly, dressed in its various hues and shades: from white to pink, from lilac to purple to deep blue.
Pollinating insects adore it: bees in the lead, visiting it already early in the morning, but also bumblebees, staying until late in the evening! Those who approach a bush are immersed in a vibrant, unison buzzing...which is not at all dangerous. The insects are busy exclusively foraging and, if disturbed, simply change flower.
Lavender is a Mediterranean scrub bush that usually remains around a meter in diameter or so. On bare mountain slopes it reaches up to 1,400 meters above sea level, with smaller specimens that develop even more vivid colors.
It has about 30 species, some of them native to Italy such as Spica, Vera, Latifolia, Dentata and Stoechas. The latter, an elegant variety with showy insect wing-like bracts at the head of the flower, is the most fragrant and re-blooming of all.
All these species and many others are present on our farm, scattered everywhere and actively participating in the biodiversity and beauty of the entire agricultural organism; they are a even more exceptional presence as the plants are at ease in poor and stony soils and, once started, do not need a single drop of water except that which is bestowed by the sky!
Wherever they are found, with their hues and intense fragrance they bring joy, awe and serenity...until harvest time comes, usually in late July. We are almost there! The most suitable varieties will be stripped of their spiky inflorescences, which we will distill to extract the precious essence.
Already the ancient Egyptians employed lavender essential oil because of its antiseptic properties, while the Romans added it to bath water to perfume, but also to purify themselves and "wash" themselves of diseases - hence its name.
At Stella di Lemmen it will accompany us and comfort us throughout the winter: as a room fragrance, for a temple massage in case of headaches, in herbal teas and in the preparation of delicious Christmas cookies. It will also serve to ward off insects and protect our clothing in the closets as well as, at all times, bestow its unmistakable aroma upon us.
By transforming the light, lavender elaborates its healing, calming and relaxing power, which brings benefits in anxious states or nervous disorders, soothes the soul and conciliates sleep. Even its color says so: a true gift from heaven!
Ciao lavanda!
“In un mare di lavanda vorrei fare bracciate di meraviglia.”
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
La lavanda al momento è una delle indiscusse protagoniste qui a Stella di Lemmen. È nel pieno della fioritura ed offre il meglio di sé in tutti sensi - bella, colorata, profumata. Ci appare in ogni dove con gentilezza e discrezione, vestita delle sue diverse tinte e sfumature: dal bianco al rosa, dal lilla al viola fino al blu intenso.
Piace, - ah come piace! - agli insetti impollinatori: le api in testa, che la visitano già di prima mattina, ma anche i bombi, che rimangono fino a tarda sera! Chi si avvicina ad un cespuglio si immerge in un vibrante, unisono ronzio…per nulla pericoloso. Gli insetti sono occupati esclusivamente a bottinare e, se vengono disturbati, si limitano a cambiare fiore.
La lavanda è un cespuglio della macchia mediterranea che solitamente rimane intorno al metro di diametro o poco più. Sugli scarni declivi montani si spinge fino ai 1.400 metri di altitudine, con esemplari più piccoli che sviluppano colori ancora più vivaci.
Conta una trentina circa di specie, alcune delle quali originarie dell'Italia come la Spica, la Vera, la Latifolia, la Dentata e la Stoechas. Quest'ultima, elegante varietà dalle vistose brattee simili ad ali di insetto in capo al fiore, è la più profumata e rifiorente in assoluto.
Tutte queste specie e molte altre sono presenti nella nostra azienda, sparse in ogni dove e attivamente partecipi alla biodiversità e alla bellezza dell'intero organismo agricolo; ancor più eccezionale presenza in quanto le piante sono a loro agio anche in terreni poveri e sassosi e, una volta avviate, non necessitano di una sola goccia d'acqua se non quella elargita dal cielo!
Ovunque si trovino, con le loro tinte ed il loro profumo intenso apportano gioia, stupore e serenità...fin quando giunge l'epoca della raccolta, solitamente a fine luglio. Ci siamo quasi! Le varietà più adatte verranno private delle loro infiorescenze a spiga, che distilleremo per ricavarne la preziosa essenza.
Già gli antichi Egizi impiegavano l'olio essenziale di lavanda per via delle sue proprietà antisettiche, mentre i Romani lo aggiungevano all'acqua del bagno per profumarsi, ma anche per purificarsi e "lavarsi" dalle malattie - da qui il suo nome.
A Stella di Lemmen ci accompagnerà e conforterà durante tutto l'inverno: come aroma d'ambiente, per un massaggio alle tempie in caso di mal di testa, nelle tisane e nella preparazione di deliziosi biscotti natalizi. Servirà inoltre ad allontanare gli insetti e a proteggere i nostri indumenti negli armadi oltre che, in ogni momento, ad elargire il suo inconfondibile aroma.
Trasformando la luce, la lavanda elabora il suo potere curativo, calmante e rilassante, che arreca benefici negli stati ansiosi o nei disturbi nervosi, rasserena l’animo e concilia il sonno. Lo dice anche il suo colore: un vero dono del cielo!
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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Therizinosaurus cheloniformis (Turtle scythe lizard) is an oddity among its kin. Despite being part of the same family of dinosaurs that include T. Rex, Velociraptor, and Carnotaurus, Therizinosaurus and its relatives have evolved to eat plants. Having a potbelly to digest plant matter, a long neck to reach into the trees, and huge claws used for both foraging and defense, this beast was evolved for a herbivorous diet. And also the occasional honey.
Also, just a quick heads-up; We’re almost finished with May-srichtian Madness. We only got 5 more pieces left to go after this particular one, so we’re in the home stretch!
Another couple things to bring up are some of my future PHP-related projects. The PHP2 reviews, starting with “Islands” is now in production, and will take a while to get done. I’m hoping to get the first episode finished sometime in June. Writing these things takes alot of time, especially when I’m planning to refine and iron out every single detail when it comes to things like explaining each segment, fun facts, jokes/pop culture references, etc. It’ll be a long while to get done, but it’ll also be all worth it once I get all 5 episodes reviewed.
The SECOND PHP thing that I wanna bring up is how all 5 episodes of Season 2 have finally been released on Apple TV +, I’m planning to make a very special piece that I’m hoping to get done sometime around June or early July. It’s gonna be very special, so I’m willing to take my time as possible for this.
All and all, even after May-srichtian Madness ends, my PHP Mania is still gonna be around for a while. You folks may wanna strap in for the ride.
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Common Eastern Bumblebee - Bombus impatiens
They have returned to the garden and the wild world with spring’s awakening! While mostly summer pictures here, Bumblebees can wake up and get to work earlier than other Bees since they can work up their bodies and warm their muscles. With the warmer days Toronto’s had recently and all the sun, the newest Bees can begin the next year of foraging and establishing new colonies in the ground or abandoned hollows. I see many Bumblebees in my yard when spring arrives since the our first flowers begin to bloom. The majority of the blooming comes from our white magnolia tree and is supplemented by errant tulips and smaller flowers, all of which can be Bumblebee sized. Picture 6 shows a Bumblebee enjoying a tulip and searching for delicious pollen and nectar. When they aren’t investigating the flowers, the Bees that I’ve found fly close to the ground, trailing along the vegetation. They’re probably searching for either a mate (in the case of males) or a suitable hole to begin a colony (in the case of young queens). It’s definitely the latter as fertilization happens before the new year and now the young queens emerge to explore the world. Though they explore our yard hasn’t yet been nested by these little fuzzies. Our yard not being a suitable nesting site may be a good thing, as for all the cuddliness and fluffiness we associate with Bumblebees, they can be quite bombastic and fierce when defending their home or if their nest is disturbed. 
As I’ve learned from The Sting of the Wild, it’s best not to probe, bother or kick around an area where Bumblebee activity is high for fear of disturbing the nest. Furthermore, unlike Honeybees which can only sting once, Bumblebees can sting multiple times since they lack backward-turned barbs on their stinger. While well-armed, they don’t just go around stinging things impatiently (despite what their species name suggests) since they don’t hunt for food. While they “hunt” for flowers, they are strictly vegetarians who don’t even need to consider bringing insect prey to feed their larvae. It’s an odd thing that this social branch of insects within Hymenoptera turned to vegetarianism while most of their relatives bring some form of prey to the colony to speed things along, and yet it’s perfectly normal to us. With the Bees, it’s all flowers and honey, and we can enjoy that (and so can they). Bumblebees like these can make honey to a degree, but the material collected isn’t refined (in the same way that Honeybees do) and what’s made isn’t enough for our own consumption. What they collect is just enough for their own hive! The collection process will begin here in late-May, early-June once the first batch of workers are ready thanks to the queen’s hard work. 
Pictures were taken on May 1; June 1, 23, and 26; July 14 and 16, 2021 with a Google Pixel 4.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
Creating and selling a brand! by u/Feisty_Energy_107
Creating and selling a brand! 1) Actually have a product available to buy. 2) Something that has a "story" or USP behind it. 3) Sell to the public and not PR 'friends'.500 jars of this honey were available as launched on the 2nd July and now they are all sold out. It has been described as having a "distinctive lime flavour". As the product description explains that the bees "forage on the avenues of limes" in late June to early July in Highgrove Gardens.https://ift.tt/M2dUK48 post link: https://ift.tt/LfUQsxi author: Feisty_Energy_107 submitted: July 05, 2024 at 08:42PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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ambanitravel · 3 months
Flora: A Floral Extravaganza
Flora: A Floral Extravaganza
The Valley of Flowers is famed for its diverse and colorful floral display, which reaches its peak during the monsoon season from July to early September. The valley transforms into a botanical wonderland, with over 500 species of flowering plants. Some of the most iconic flowers found here include:
Brahma Kamal (Saussurea obvallata): A rare and sacred flower in Hindu mythology, blooming at high altitudes.
Blue Poppy (Meconopsis aculeata): Known for its striking blue petals, this flower is a rare sight.
Cobra Lily (Arisaema): Named for its cobra-like appearance, this plant is unique to the region.
The valley's meadows are also adorned with a variety of other flowers, including marigolds, daisies, primulas, and anemones, creating a riot of colors that is truly mesmerizing.
Fauna: A Haven for Wildlife
The Valley of Flowers is not just about flora; it is also a sanctuary for several endangered and rare species of animals. The park provides a habitat for:
Asiatic Black Bear: Often spotted foraging in the forested areas.
Snow Leopard: An elusive and majestic predator.
Musk Deer: Known for its musk gland, highly valued in perfumery.
Red Fox: A common yet captivating sight in the park.
Blue Sheep (Bharal): Frequently seen on the higher slopes.
Bird enthusiasts can also delight in spotting species like the Himalayan monal pheasant, the state bird of Uttarakhand, and other avian fauna.
Trekking and Accessibility
Reaching the Valley of Flowers is an adventure in itself. The journey begins from Haridwar or Rishikesh, leading to the town of Govindghat. From here, a trek of about 14 kilometers brings visitors to Ghangaria, the base camp for the valley. The final leg of the trek from Ghangaria to the Valley of Flowers is approximately 3-4 kilometers. The trail is well-marked and offers stunning views of cascading waterfalls, dense forests, and snow-capped peaks.
The best time to visit is from mid-July to early September, when the flowers are in full bloom. During this period, the valley presents a kaleidoscope of colors, making it a photographer's paradise.
Cultural and Religious Significance
Close to the Valley of Flowers is Hemkund Sahib, a revered Sikh pilgrimage site. Situated at an altitude of about 4,633 meters, Hemkund Sahib is a high-altitude lake and a gurudwara (Sikh temple) that attracts thousands of pilgrims each year. The trek to Hemkund Sahib is a steep climb from Ghangaria but offers a spiritually uplifting experience and panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.
Conservation Efforts
The Valley of Flowers, along with Nanda Devi National Park, forms the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. This designation by UNESCO underscores its significance as a site of exceptional natural beauty and biodiversity. Conservation efforts focus on preserving the unique flora and fauna, maintaining the ecological balance, and promoting sustainable tourism.
Travel Tips
Permits: Visitors must obtain permits from the forest department, available at the entry point in Ghangaria.
Accommodation: Basic accommodations are available in Ghangaria, including guesthouses and lodges.
Guides: Hiring a local guide is recommended to enhance the experience and gain deeper insights into the valley's unique ecosystem.
Preparation: Given the high altitude and challenging terrain, visitors should be physically prepared and carry essentials such as proper trekking gear, warm clothing, and sufficient supplies.
The Valley of Flowers is more than just a destination; it is a journey into a realm of natural wonder, tranquility, and spiritual serenity. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a trekker, or someone seeking a peaceful retreat, the Valley of Flowers offers an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impression.
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foggynightdonut · 7 months
Early Homo sapiens arose 260 - 350 kya
Homo sapiens
Dispersal throughout Africa
Further information: Macro-haplogroup L (mtDNA) and Archaeogenetics of sub-Saharan Africa
Homo sapiens are believed to have emerged in Africa about 300,000 years ago, based in part on thermoluminescence dating of artifacts and remains from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, published in 2017.[note 4][22] The Florisbad Skull from Florisbad, South Africa, dated to about 259,000 years ago, has also been classified as early Homo sapiens.[23][24][25][26] Previously, the Omo remains, excavated between 1967 and 1974 in Omo National Park, Ethiopia, and dated to 200,000 years ago, were long held to be the oldest known fossils of Homo sapiens.[27]
In September 2019, scientists reported the computerized determination, based on 260 CT scans, of a virtual skull shape of the last common human ancestor to anatomically modern humans, representative of the earliest modern humans, and suggested that modern humans arose between 260,000 and 350,000 years ago through a merging of populations in East and South Africa.[28][29]
In July 2019, anthropologists reported the discovery of 210,000 year old remains of a H. sapiens and 170,000 year old remains of a H. neanderthalensis in Apidima Cave in southern Greece, more than 150,000 years older than previous H. sapiens finds in Europe.[30][31][32][33]
Early modern humans expanded to Western Eurasia and Central, Western and Southern Africa from the time of their emergence. While early expansions to Eurasia appear not to have persisted,[34][20] expansions to Southern and Central Africa resulted in the deepest temporal divergence in living human populations. Early modern human expansion in sub-Saharan Africa appears to have contributed to the end of late Acheulean (Fauresmith) industries at about 130,000 years ago, although very late coexistence of archaic and early modern humans, until as late as 12,000 years ago, has been argued for West Africa in particular.[35]
The ancestors of the modern Khoi-San expanded to Southern Africa before 150,000 years ago, possibly as early as before 260,000 years ago,[note 5] so that by the beginning of the MIS 5 "megadrought", 130,000 years ago, there were two ancestral population clusters in Africa, bearers of mt-DNA haplogroup L0 in southern Africa, ancestral to the Khoi-San, and bearers of haplogroup L1-6 in central/eastern Africa, ancestral to everyone else. There was a significant back-migration of bearers of L0 towards eastern Africa between 120 and 75 kya.[note 6]
Expansion to Central Africa by the ancestors of the Central African forager populations (African Pygmies) most likely took place before 130,000 years ago, and certainly before 60,000 years ago.[37][38][39][40][note 7]
The situation in West Africa is difficult to interpret due to a sparsity of fossil evidence. Homo sapiens seems to have reached the western Sahelian zone by 130,000 years ago, while tropical West African sites associated with H. sapiens are known only from after 130,000 years ago. Unlike elsewhere in Africa, archaic Middle Stone Age sites appear to persist until very late, down to the Holocene boundary (12,000 years ago), pointing to the possibility of late survival of archaic humans, and late hybridization with H. sapiens in West Africa.[35]
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myfeeds · 1 year
Glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees
“With global insect decline going on at alarming rates, we have to examine the contribution of agrochemicals more closely, going beyond mere assessment of mortality rates,” says Morgane Nouvian, biologist and fellow at the Zukunftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study for early career researchers) at the University of Konstanz. With Anja Weidenmüller and James J. Foster she investigated the impact of long-term exposure to glyphosate on locomotion, phototaxis — that is the movement in response to light — and learning abilities in bumblebees. For the researchers, non-lethal effects on fitness are equally important to insect conservation as lethal ones, as they can reduce an individual’s chances at reproduction and survival. A year ago, Weidenmüller had discovered that the collective thermal behaviour of bumblebee colonies that have been chronically exposed to glyphosate is affected when resources become scarce. Studying their ability to regulate the temperature of their brood, she found that these bumblebees cannot keep their brood warm for as long. And she warned that if they cannot maintain the necessary brood temperature, their brood will develop more slowly, or not at all. Absence of aversive learning In their current study, the biologists tested over 400 bumblebee workers. The Konstanz scientists demonstrate that bumblebees chronically exposed to glyphosate cannot associate a possible threat (aversive stimulus) with a visual cue during a differential learning task. “As far as we can see, they don’t learn at all anymore,” Nouvian sums up. In contrast, a control group of bumblebees that had not been exposed to glyphosate showed good aversive learning abilities. “The ability to associate a noxious stimulus with particular cues is a fundamental pre-requisite for survival,” says Nouvian and explains: “Through this adaptive behaviour, animals have a better chance of avoiding encounters with poisons, predators and parasites. This is why the learning impairment that we have demonstrated, caused by exposure to glyphosate, could substantially increase the mortality rate of foragers. Such depletion of the workforce would have an obvious impact on colony success, although this remains to be confirmed experimentally.” As for the experiments on locomotion and phototaxis, glyphosate exposure slightly reduced the bumblebees’ walking speed but only while they habituated to the training apparatus, and left the phototactic drive largely unaffected. However, it reduced attraction to ultraviolet light if compared to blue light. In their study, the biologists warn that even a slight shift in UV sensitivity could have broad implications for these pollinators, potentially affecting their navigation and their foraging efficiency. Risk assessment put to test Glyphosate is currently approved for use in the EU until 15 December 2023, when decision-making on the Glyphosate Renewal Group’s (GRG) application for renewal is to be finalised according to information from the European Community website. On 6 July 2023, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a press release concluding it “did not identify any critical areas of concern in its peer review of the risk assessment of the active substance glyphosate in relation to the risk it poses to humans and animals or the environment.” At the same time, EFSA reported “some data gaps […] as issues that could not be finalised or outstanding issues […].” Concluding their study, the scientists proposed their assay — the so-called yAPIS, a fully automated, high throughput apparatus — as a method to investigate the impact of agrochemicals on insects, especially pollinators, more systematically. In particular, this approach could complement the mortality rates assessments that are currently used to evaluate the toxicity of agrochemicals, by providing data about their potential non-lethal effects.
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